Strange RelationshipsChapter 30: Let's Do Lunch... free porn video

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At school, Wednesday started quietly. The composite group had shaken out; everyone knew where everyone else was coming from and had global acceptance -- including Teddy. Darla Jean's mother picked her up at ten for her gynecology appointment. At gym class, Toby chided Randall, "So, how's Peggy?"

"She's surprising -- but we agreed that I'm not her type," Randall replied, unaffected. "Maybe you ought to stop talking trash and find out yourself?"

"Huh! Like I can't do any better?" Toby responded scathingly.

"Jimmy! You keeping Toby's black book?"

"Yeah!" Jimmy grinned, from the mats. He'd seen this one before...

"Any pages in it?" Randall pressed.


Everybody laughed and Toby went red. Randall turned to him and said, "YOU'RE the one who said it was better than some, and that missed pussy is irreplaceable. Of course, you'd have to be nice to her..." He eyed Toby sidelong.

"Yeah, right. Heads up!" A runaway basketball flew past.

Tenisha cornered Mary and Nora at lunch, "All right -- you gonna tell me?"

"Here?" Mary glanced around.

"On the patio, then?"

"Okay." The girls shifted outside, plopping at a picnic table that had seen better days. Tenisha flashed 'the look' and Mary got started, "Okay. Actually, YOU had something to do with it, too..."


"All will become clear... Nora and I arrived at the Prom with Teddy, which was convenient for everyone, since Teddy was scared I'd put a leash on him. But Teddy discovered a glory hole in the Men's Room, and staked it out. Pretty soon, along comes Stick, mildly lit, and apparently he finds the other side. So Teddy blew him, and then got out of there -- I guess Stick made some comment about dressing him in a skirt and keeping him for a girlfriend, even though they still hadn't really seen each other; you know how Stick can talk..."

"Ooookay..." Tenisha gestured for Mary to keep it coming.

"Teddy came back to me, for protective coloration, but was hinting that we ought to leave when Stick ambled out of the Men's Room and starts quizzing me about recent exits. When I pointed out that Stick had cum on his shoe, both of them freaked, and I put two and two together and got six. About that time, you monopolized Draper, taking Stick's ride away from him, and Nora collected Nate -- which left me alone with Teddy. So I blackmailed Teddy into giving Stick a ride, threatening to out him to Stick and reminding him that he REALLY didn't want to be alone with me..."

Mary grinned ferally, and continued, "Once I got them home to my man trap, Teddy started sprouting serious chicken feathers, so I stuck a beer in his hand and he scooted off to the bathroom."

"Man trap?"

"I have a whole mother-in-law apartment over the garage for my bedroom. Big, private, and my folks USED to look the other way if I dragged some poor boy up there."

"She keeps beer and porn flicks," Nora interjected, "just the thing..."

"Wow!" Tenisha was impressed.

"Well, I don't get much male attention that I don't work for directly..." Mary waved disparagingly at herself. "Anyway, I told Stick that I knew too much, but if he really wanted to know who the masked blowjob artist was, I could tell him -- for a price. Stick agreed, so I outed Teddy -- but I made it clear that if Stick abused him, I'd hang HIM out to dry, too! Then I threw a bi-sex flick into the video player and we dragged Teddy out of the bathroom."

"So what was the price?"

"I told 'em they could do whatever came to mind in privacy at my place -- but they had to have sex with me, too," Mary replied. "I figured one of them would eventually roll over, and I'd get a boyfriend out of the deal; one night stands hadn't netted me anything, so I was hoping that I was an acquired taste..."

"How did that go over?" Tenisha asked.

"Well, Teddy was lit on one beer, and the video player was showing a bunch of stuff he was interested in doing. It turned out that neither of them had actually had pussy, which helped; Stick was all in favor, and Teddy was interested, even though he'd almost convinced himself he was gay. THAT was the REAL issue; the guys AREN'T gay, but they're both horny little motherfuckers, and they weren't getting pussy, so why not settle for something else? That pretty much describes Stick's attitude at the time; Teddy's was a little more complicated, since -- well, YOU know Teddy -- is a Mama's boy like that gonna get a break?"

"So what happened?"

Mary shrugged. "Without giving you a blow-by-blow, everybody got a little piece of everybody else and we had a helluva good time! After that, we kind of figured that after a couple more outings, I'd pick one of them -- or vice-versa -- and the odd man -- or woman -- out would go looking elsewhere. I've dated both of them solo, and we've all been together a couple of times since then, but the expected thing hasn't happened. Instead, we're kind of stable the way we are..."

"So, Stick fucks Teddy, and Stick fucks you, and Teddy fucks you... Does Teddy... ?"

"No -- for a couple of reasons. First Teddy isn't psychologically set up to be on top, if you know what I mean. And second, Teddy has a really interesting cock..."


Mary grinned. "Well it probably isn't any longer than you'd expect -- but it's almost all head and it's like, this big around..." Mary displayed its considerable girth by pretending to wrap both hands around it. "No way Stick is gonna hold still for THAT! I can take it, properly lubed -- Stick generally lubes me by going first -- and MAYBE one day I'll try it in the poop chute, but Stick? No way. He wouldn't be into it mentally, anyway."

"What about head?"

"What about it? You know Teddy blows Stick..." Tenisha just looked at her, waiting Mary out. "Look, does it matter?"

"You're protecting him."

"You're damned right! I think I'm in love with the skinny bastard!" Mary rocked back and sat there, shocked at herself. "Look, if either of them could do without the gay sex thing, it's Stick. He could walk away, no problem. But he hasn't, largely because I think he's a little fond of Teddy. Okay, yeah, he's done it, but only after I razzed him about how he wasn't giving Teddy anything and that wasn't a proper relationship. So I'm at fault for that..."

"Okay. Didn't mean to put you on the spot."

"Yeah, you did." Mary eyed Tenisha dubiously. "But either I can trust you, or I can't. I don't know what Draper will say..."

Tenisha giggled. "Draper told me last night that he wasn't surprised at all. I guess the subject had come up before, and Stick had told Nate what he wanted to hear, instead of raising Hell 'bout how awful it was..."

Nora nodded. "Nate had an absolute fit! It took a lot of effort to get his head turned around..."

Mary nodded. "Nate's reaction threw Stick for a loop; he figured Draper would be just as bad..." The bell rang. "Oh, shit! I have to hit my locker!"

"Okay, later!" Tenisha waved, Nora waved back, and the three of them headed in what were essentially three different directions, each in a hurry.

Across town, at Andrea's Restaurant, another lunch meeting was getting under way. Rodday arrived punctually, with two lieutenants, to find Armand Wilson already seated. Armand nodded at another table as he rose to greet Rodday; Rodday dispatched them to it with his eyes, wondering how many of the adjacent diners were Armand's people. Frankly, he'd have found the number scary -- it was two to one inside, with a support team in the parking lot that had Rodday's people outgunned, there, too. Flood would have arranged for more coverage, but Flood was missing... "Mr. Wilson. How nice to meet you."

"Mr. Pinkham."

"What can I do for you?" Rodday attempted to get right to the point.

Armand, unperturbed, rolled over it. "Why don't we order first? The clams casino is excellent..." Armand kept the conversation off-topic effortlessly throughout the ordering process and into the appetizers, before reining things in, "So how is business?"

"Good -- picking up, actually..."

"I suppose the video is bringing you tons of new employees?" Armand's grin was malicious.

"Uh, yeah. A piece of luck, that was, having that fall into my hands..." Rodday replied, but 'Oh, SHIT!' was the thought burning in his brain.

"Funny that the perpetrator picked Tabitha Adams," Armand observed. "How do you suppose that happened?"

'He's toying with me... ' "Yeah. Odd, that."

"Tabitha tells me that you had a conversation with her only days before about her lack of protection..."

'Aw, FUCK!' "Indeed. Well, I was making the rounds, generally -- can't say I actually remember."

"I blame myself for not being more visible -- but she needed so little... I'm REALLY PLEASED that she wasn't killed; when my people catch the person who ordered this, he or she may even survive..."

"Well, obviously, this guy was some kind of lone crazy..." Rodday was visibly sweating.

"The man enjoys his work, but the video made it clear that he was a pro, operating under instructions. No, while it might be fun to drag him in, the responsibility lies elsewhere. I was hoping you might tell me where YOU got the video? Obviously, whoever gave it to you expected you to profit from it, so I can understand that you might be reluctant, but..." Armand's eyes told Rodday all he needed to know; this was smoke. Armand KNEW.

Rodday could take the coward's way out and lie, or he could face the music -- he decided to do the latter: "I ordered it."

"Did you investigate her claims at all? It wouldn't have taken much in the way of digging to discover a relationship between us..."

"Would YOU? I told one of my people to have a look, but nobody expected anything..." Rodday shook his head.

"I'm sure you'll have a talk with that particular employee on your return to your offices..."

"Yeah." 'IF he ever shows up... ' Rodday added to himself.

At the club, Scott was grinning from ear to ear as he and Davis laid out Flood in Rodday's office next to his companions. They'd wake up in a couple of hours, but they'd remember this little incident for a LOOOONG time, thanks to Jason's suggestions involving their delivery. The fact that Flood carried keys to the club made things that much easier...

Back at the restaurant, Armand continued, "You know, you'll catch more whores with honey than you will wielding a big stick. If you were doing for them what you CLAIM to be doing for them, you'd have more voluntary employees. As it is, I can't stand behind the idea of your monopolizing prostitution in this town."

"Whores aren't as profitable as drugs; there are liabilities."

"True. And trash collection isn't as profitable as diamond mining, either," Armand observed, "but you can still turn a tidy profit. Prostitution is sales, and you're cutting your own people's profit margins and incentives by being grabby. Hookers have overhead, too; they have to eat, they have to buy wardrobe, they need medical support for their STDs..." Armand leaned back as the server arrived with his and Rodday's lunches. "It'd help if you were really protecting them, too. Volume ought to allow you to keep the vice squad in pocket money..."

Rodday shook his head, "The way they're chasing me over drugs?"

Armand shrugged. "You decided to carry that product line... Why bother with hookers?"

"Ego, I guess." Rodday was almost relaxed.

"Well, your lack of vigilance probably extends to other things. I wouldn't expect to remain a free man indefinitely." Armand leaned forward, toying with a clam with his fork. "Still, I have to tell you that I admire the finesse... The Tabitha thing was very well executed."

"Thank you." Rodday was still smarting from Armand's observations regarding his operation's efficiency, but he needed to pander to the man's goodwill, apparently.

"Drugs are also a problem because they promote the existence of an extremely violent distribution system. And, frankly, addicting your whores adds to the turnover; better if they're clean -- they have longer shelf-life and are more profitable if they aren't wasted husks," Armand observed.

"Yeah, well, you get the same thing from gambling and loan sharking," Rodday replied, "and I need a hold on my girls."

"Loyalty in your employees would be a big improvement over fear and chemical dependence," Armand returned blithely. "As it is, you're diverting part of your other product line to this support -- and you have to subsidize it because you've already robbed your staff of the ability to pay full price. I understand the company store concept, but the whole thing is inefficient. The girls have no incentive to work, doped up and too broke to make ends meet. You suffer from absenteeism, employee turnover is unacceptable, and the occasional untimely death..." Armand shook his head. "I know a fellow a couple of towns over who manages to handle the 'company store' angle solely from a rent money perspective. AND he owns real estate, AND he owns all of the strip clubs, AND he lures in new staff regularly to supplement a thoroughly loyal core..." Armand grinned. "And he owns the police department, lock, stock, and barrel, too..."


"Of course, he eschews the drug trade, because that draws Federal scrutiny..." Armand leaned forward. "You need to clean up your act. In the meantime, you will leave Tabitha Adams strictly ALONE -- or I will see to it that the consequences fall upon YOU directly. If, at some point in the future, the situation changes to the point that there is a benefit to her in being associated with your organization, we can revisit this conversation -- but I don't see that as a high-probability option."

Armand leaned back and put down his fork. "In the meantime, I now have to subsidize her protection -- which may translate into the creation of more serious competition for your business, as she can't possibly repay me on her own. I haven't decided exactly how to handle that, yet. Last, but not least," Armand glared, "the current incident is not over. I have been ignored and treated with contempt. While I now believe it was accidental, that very fact reveals a dangerous weakness in your organization that I reserve the right to remind you of at some point in the future." He glanced at his watch. "I believe we're done, here. Enjoy your meal." He got up and stalked out, flanked by a couple of people that apparently appeared out of the woodwork.

"Shit." Rodday grunted. "Now what the fuck..."

"You okay, Boss?" Junior came over from the table he'd been pigeonholed into.

"Yeah, for now," Rodday sighed, "Any word on Flood?"


"Boy has serious explaining to do." Rodday discovered that he had no appetite. "Let's go." He waved for the waiter. "Check, please."

"Mr. Wilson has paid," was the reply.

"Well, at least he's got class." Rodday led his people out -- and two more of Armand's people followed at a discreet distance.

"What the fuck?" Flood heard the voice and wondered vaguely what it was talking about. Slowly he swam up to consciousness -- why did his ass feel so... stuffed?

"Flood, you wanna tell me what the fuck you're doing layin' buck naked on my floor with a -- what is that? -- CUCUMBER up your ass?" Rodday asked, dumbfounded.

Flood looked around groggily. On either side of him, Jaime and Stretch were similarly undressed -- and similarly stuffed! "Ah, Jeezus this hurts! Fuck!"

"Well, get it out..."

"I... don't think I can!"

"Well, I ain't doin' it!" Rodday laughed, "You three go to work on each other!" There ensued about a minute and a half of strained grunts -- and at least one scream -- before the three victims managed to extract their vegetable butt plugs. "Awright, now, where the fuck have you been?"

"We staked out Tabitha's place, lookin' fer her boy, like you told us to," Flood replied. "What the fuck day is this?"


"Awright, so it was last night, then. So the kid, Nate, shows up wit' some white bitch, an' we corner him in the apartment -- but THEN musta been half-dozen motherfuckers unloaded on us... I woke up some fuckin' where, tied to a goddamn chair. They alternated bustin' me in the chops and pokin' me with a fuckin' needle..."

Rodday grew grave. "Shit! Well, do YOU know who did this?"


"Well, I do! Armand Wilson! Turns out the Adams bitch DID have a protector! Now MY shit is in the wind 'cause YOU didn't check her ass out properly! I just had a pretty fuckin' unpleasant lunch with him, listenin' to him tell me how I SHOULD be runnin' whores!"

"Wilson? Fuck..."

"Yeah, Wilson. The good news is we didn't ice the bitch -- Wilson apparently kinda admires the job the guy did -- otherwise, I don't know what the fuck he woulda done..." Rodday shook his head. "He's still rumblin' -- and I DON'T know WHY! What the FUCK could HE have in common with Tabitha Adams?"

"I sure as shit don't fuckin' know..."

"Busy?" Matheson stuck his head in the door of Tabitha's hospital room.

"I'm fuckin' bored to fuckin' tears!" Tabitha whined. "Lemme guess -- you found that crazy muthafuckah!"

"Uhhh, no. Sorry! The guy is a pro -- he's not going to be run down any too quickly. What we DID do was confirm that Rodday called him in. Rodday sent three of his boys around to collect Nate -- but, well, there were six of us..." Matheson whipped out a photograph.

There it was, in living color: Three of Rodday's boys, buck naked, with... "What the fuck did yo' put in they ass?"


"Oh, holy fuckin' shit!" Tabitha cracked up. "Jeeezus! Ha ha ha ha..." She wrapped her arms around her chest, "Aw, shit, that hurts -- but it's SOOO fuckin' funny!"

"We laid 'em out like that in Rodday's office about an hour ago -- while Mr. Wilson was busy giving Rodday a good talking to," Matheson laughed. "I don't think he's done, either. If you feel like riding Rodday's ass with a strap-on, all you probably have to do is ask..."

"Shit, what a picture! But that'd just piss Rodday off an' he'd try ta kill me..."

"Well..." Matheson shook his head. "I'm pretty sure that Mr. Wilson has convinced Rodday that messing with you is bad for his health."

"Huh! I'll believe THAT when I see it! Some folk too dumb to live..." Tabitha shook her head. "You tell Mr. Wilson that this'll do it. I gotta live wit' the fuck."

"Trust me, Mr. Wilson will make his point. You're gonna remain an independent contractor. Oh, by the way, you might have to move -- Nate beat the shit out of your landlord for giving Rodday's boy access to your apartment..."

"Shit! I done missed THAT, too? Fuck me..." She chuckled, then eyed Matheson sidelong, "Speakin' o' fuckin' -- I wasn't shittin' you; yo' gotta unlimited account at Tabitha's..."

Matheson laughed. "Don't tempt me. Besides, I'm just one of about six or eight guys in on this..."

"Yo' point 'em out, Honey, an' I'll give 'em a dip -- but yo' kinda cute..." Tabitha batted her eyes.

"I'm only human," Matheson chuckled. "You make offers like that, I might be tempted to collect..."

"Y'all do that..."

"So how are you feeling, really?"

"Tits still hurt. Ass is better. Pussy is, too. Hospital food is godawful, but at least I don' hafta cook it. Fuckin' painkillers are keepin' me fum missin' the shit too much..."

"Shit's bad for you."

"People been tellin' me that for fuckin' evah, an' I'm still here..." Tabitha grunted.

"You'd look better and feel better if you'd listen to 'em."

"Look," she murmured, holding his eyes, "I got what they call an 'addictive personality'. I like ta feel good ever once in a while. Generally, I got good sense about it. But I cain't give it up."

Matheson merely smiled. The 'painkillers' had other functions, too; Tabitha wasn't hurting that badly for a reason. Well, time would tell... "Can I get you anything?"

"You done pretty good, Honey. I'm fine, fo' now. Don' hang it out for Rodday to chop off, now..."

"I'll save it for you." Matheson grinned and walked out, leaving Tabitha chuckling over the picture.

"Miz Sharon?"

"Mmmm?" Sharon roused to the diffident voice. "Yes?"

"You wanted to be awakened before now, actually..." Leticia began, "but Charles called Mr. Wilson and he told me to push things off a bit."

"Oh." Damn Armand -- always messing in things... Sharon was butt to butt with Felicia in the bed -- and in contact. Well, it hadn't hurt anything... "Felicia! Get up, Honey, and start me a bath..."

"Mmmm?" The redhead rose up, rubbed her nose with the back of her hand, a move unconsciously childish. " 'Kay." She got up and wobbled toward the bath.

Sharon glanced up, "Thanks, Leticia. Anything going on I should know about?"

"No, Ma'am. Things are on track."

"Fine. Oh, is this Velma's shopping day?"

"Ummm. Might be. Wednesday? Yeah."

"Have her stop by before she leaves, will you?"

"Certainly, Ma'am." Leticia turned to leave, but wasn't too far gone to hear the next exchange.

"Mistress? Want bubbles?"

"Something. I smell like -- well YOU know what I smell like!" An answering cackle came from the bath.

"Robbie? Could I speak to you for a moment?" Millicent Graham's voice drifted in from the room that she styled 'the parlor'.

"Yes, Mother?" Rob rolled his eyes and turned into the room. He didn't really have time for this; he'd come home over lunch to pick up his forgotten Civics homework.

"I received a most distressing telephone call today from Claudette," Millicent murmured before glancing back down at her knitting. "Yes, most distressing."

Mother's gift for melodrama was legendary; she styled herself a southern belle -- and she was deep into it, at this point... "Really?" Rob replied.

"She tells me that you've stopped seeing her and taken up with some slut..."

"Oh?" Rob returned blithely. "That's interesting. Until last week, the girl she described to you as a slut was one of her inner circle..."

"When did this all happen?" Millicent asked.

"It happened at the Prom, Mother."

"You all made such a fine-looking couple..."

"That was the problem, Mother. It was all looks."

"Oh?" Millicent looked up. "I don't understand. I figured that you two would be a couple right through college..."

"Mother, Claudette wasn't going to stay with me through college. The only reason Claudette wanted to be around me was because I'm popular. Here, I'm a big fish in a small pond; in college, though, I won't be the top dog. Claudette would have hit the road as soon as she found a higher-class ticket on the gravy train."

"Oh, come on, now, Son. She was all over you!"

"Only in public, Mother. In private, she wasn't interested."

"You're your father's son; surely, you could woo her..." Mother eyed him sidelong, her eyes revealing that she KNEW he kept those tools honed.

Robbie sighed. The fact was, Mother resembled Claudette all too closely. How Dad had managed to get Mother pregnant with him was a mystery. Certainly, they hadn't had sex in a decade... "Nope. All Claudette wanted was for us to look like the perfect couple. She had no interest in a REAL relationship..."

"Real?" Millicent taunted. "Like those other girls you've been seeing? That kind of real?"

Rob sighed. "In its own way, that stuff wasn't any more substantive."

"Hmmph. Let your father know, will you?" Millicent sighed. Donald Graham had a steady flow of women in and out of his bedroom, and it was a source of continuous embarrassment to her. On the other hand, they kept her from having to sully herself... "Besides, you miss the point, Robbie. Is this new girl just another slut?"

Rob rolled his eyes. "No, Mother -- she's just unwelcome competition for Claudette, who I'd already split with, by the way, when we got together. I'm sure that once you see her, you'll approve of her."

"Whom, Dear." Millicent continued to hold her son's eyes. "Must I drag it out of you? Are you or are you not sleeping with this girl?"

"Mother! Please!"

"You are, then."

"That doesn't make Claudette right! Most of the girls I've... been with... have been willing to provide sex up front to be Rob Graham's girlfriend -- which, frankly, is more than Claudette ever did. Her basic idea was that I benefited just from being seen with her -- like THAT was huge, or something..." Rob shook his head, angrily. "Mary and I moved relatively slowly to this point, having been together a lot. I like being with her, with or without sex. And if Claudette weren't making noises about it, the fact that we're dating wouldn't even be public knowledge!"

"So then you're ashamed of her?" Millicent probed.

"Not at all!" Rob countered. "We're just not in it for the publicity, like a pair of movie stars just before their latest movie gets released. Mary is a very popular girl, in her own right -- but we're focused on US, not other people. I've seen the results of THAT!"

"ROBBIE!" Millicent shrieked, stung. "I won't tolerate such accusations! I'm your mother!"

Rob sneered. "Then be careful what you say about my girlfriend! At least she wants ALL of me, not just my face, or my money!" He stalked out, fuming. Mother probably got pregnant with him just to consolidate her hold on Dad, now that he thought about it; the realization had been hanging there, at the edge of his consciousness, forever, but this surfaced it -- and all of the little digs about following in Dad's sexual footsteps made sense... Well, he knew what he wanted, now. If things didn't work out with Mary, at least he was pointed in the right direction. But things WERE working out, for now -- and he was determined that time-wasting showoffs like Claudette and his mother would not interfere...

Darla Jean got back to school right after lunch; she could have stayed home, but making Dwayne fumble basketballs was fun. Besides, there was something empowering about having a pack of birth control pills in one's purse, even if they hadn't really taken effect yet... In the hallway outside his sixth period class, Darla Jean decided to see if she could make Dwayne drop books, too. Checking to see that her new pink midriff top was doing its job, she sidled up behind Dwayne, "Hi, Dwayne."

Almost. He jumped, visibly, and fumbled a bit. "Hi, Darla Jean. What's up?" His eyes took in the top, and what it exposed. There was a bra there, and nothing really huge underneath, but it was more visible than usual, by a good bit. And there was that strip of bare flesh below...

"Oh, nothing. Just thought I'd say hi..." She wasn't REALLY very good at this... What kind of come-on SHOULD she have used?

It was good enough, though. "Say, do you think we could maybe get together some time?" Dwayne blurted.

"Oh, I don't know. You're awful busy, what with basketball and all..."

"Maybe after practice? You've been coming, after all..."

"We'll see. I have to check on my homework. I'll know by then."

"Okay..." Wow! That'd been pretty easy. Maybe Ted was right -- maybe Darla Jean was just ready...

"So, Peggy. Randall?" Louise Bryant asked the question, but there were eight other girls in earshot.

Peggy raised her hands. "Yes. And no."


Peggy shook her head. "He's... too much. Here," she pointed to her temple, "and, weirdly, here..." She rubbed the crotch of her gym outfit. "I'm gonna be bowlegged for a week. It's great, but..." She shook her head; stunned chuckles erupted here and there. Most of the other girls just couldn't believe it...

Darla Jean hung back, soaking it in. It looked like a quiet conversation with Peggy was in the cards... It took a few minutes, but she managed to get Peggy basically alone, "So what happened?"

"Ummm, the short version is he didn't fit. I guess maybe I'd have stretched, but he's also got a lot of stamina... It was just too much."

"That's pretty wild," Darla Jean mused. "So, how would you classify him, in general?"

"He's great! I still want him to tutor me, and I want to be friends -- but I think we'll leave sex out of it."

"What did he think of that? I can't see a boy just..."

"No, he was okay with it." Peggy blushed, "I guess I wasn't the best ride he'd ever had..." She shook her head. "If he goes without for a while, I imagine he might come back for a rematch -- I would if I was him. Depending on how things are going, I might offer him something -- but long term, we don't have a future. In the meantime, maybe I'll get a little word of mouth advertising from the deal..." Gazing at Darla Jean, she added, "He's a seriously undervalued property -- but then you know that, don't you?" Darla Jean said nothing, merely shrugging; that's what she was trying to figure out...

Basketball practice found her in the bleachers, doing homework. Dwayne, having been seriously badgered by Coach Ellis for having his head up his ass, was working hard at not being distracted by her presence -- a process aided a bit by the fact that he now KNEW she was there for him and they had more to go on than just staring at one another. Ted tried to haze him anyway, "Hey, your girlfriend is in the bleachers!"

Same as Strange Relationships
Chapter 30: Let's Do Lunch... Videos

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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 6

The following characters appear in the rest of the story: Captain Paribetra Thai Army Ranger, Suenee's cousin from Amulets II and III, 5'-10" tall, 145 pounds, 28 years old, black hair, brown eyes, he has been promoted in the intervening years Lergong Pengdith Captain, Thai Army Rangers, 5'-8" tall, 135 pounds, 35 years old, black hair, brown eyes Captain Tamusarit, Thai Special Forces, returns from Amulets II, 5'-9" tall, 138 pounds, 32 years old, black hair, brown eyes, He too...

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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 26

Friday morning, it was late before we got up and took Lesia to breakfast. Tweed, Phesila, and Dang were having breakfast when we arrived at the small restaurant near the hotel. We didn’t see anything of the Starlings until that afternoon. This morning there had been a notice on the bulletin board that there would be a formation at 1400 for both A-Teams. We didn’t have any shopping or touring to do, and just stayed in our rooms. Our daughters played together some and after lunch both took a...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 14

“Uncle!” Suenee said very quietly. The Thai Colonel instantly turned to see who had uttered the word and appeared to be shocked when he saw Suenee standing there. “Suenee! Little Suenee!” he asked in amazement. We were all surprised at this, also. The Colonel then turned back to us. “Suenee isn’t really my niece. Her father has been my friend and adviser since I was a young man. I met him through my father who was his friend and adviser for many years. “I often visited him and his family...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 4

"Must you wear the guns here in town?" Chanthra asked looking at me with a frown on her face. That stopped me dead in my tracks. I had never considered not wearing them. Having a weapon at hand had become a way of life for me over the last nineteen plus years that I had been in the Army. It had been reinforced significantly in Korea during the war, and became a way of life when I joined Special Forces a short time after leaving Korea. "Is it necessary, my Champion Mike?" she asked again...

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Violets Anal Training

Author: Powerone Title: Violets Anal Training Summary: Violet is subjected to anal and sphincter training so she will beprepared for anal sex. Keywords: M/F, anal, humil, reluc, mdom, span Copyright 2003 by Powerone.  The author may be contacted at [email protected] Violets Anal Training     Michael sat in the chair as she entered.  Poweronehad described her perfectly, long black hair, green eyes, pale skin, very smallhands and fingers, DD breasts and small hips .  She had a gothic...

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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 8

"Sergeant Baker, you and Sergeant Tweed see me immediately after we all check in!" the Major said in a strained voice when he had recovered from the sight of Suenee and Phesila standing outside the hotel with our children. Captain Tamusarit had already walked over to Suenee and greeted her and Phesila with a traditional Thai greeting. "Sawat Dee krup," he said with a smile, as he waied. "Sawat Dee ka," both women replied with a wai and a smile. "It is good to see you again, Suenee...

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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 12

At home that evening, I gave Tweed a general outline of what went on during our meeting with Colonel Page. I didn't disclose what was in the letter or who it was from, as the Major had asked me not to. "So what did you do all day besides wait for us to get back?" I asked, as I finished my explanation. "Oh, I spent some very informative time with Sergeant Daniels. I originally went to see him to find out what he might have of local interest. I got more than I bargained for," Tweed told...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 17

The following new character appears in this chapter: Prince Krom Luang Wongsa Dhiraj Snid Thai Physician and Diplomat, 49th son of King Rama II, 5’-7’’ tall, 165 pounds, 47 years old in 1855, a receding hair line going gray and brown eyes As we neared the camp headquarters building, we could see a very impressive looking coach parked outside of it along with a number of horses that were larger than the normal Thai horses. We also saw that their tack appeared to be of very expensive...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 18

The following new characters appears in this the last chapter: Sisuda Captain Prawit's future wife, 5'-2'' tall, about 100 pounds, 32B-21-30, 20 years old, long black hair, brown eyes Master Sergeant Sunsarn Master Sergeant 1st Class, Custodian of the Ranger Museum, 5'-7'' tall, 140 pounds, 48 years old, black hair going gray, brown eyes Ratana Sunsarn's wife, a descedant of the original Ratana, 5'-2'' tall, 112 pounds, 34C-24-34, 42 years old, long black hair, brown...

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The Amulets of Power II the Kennedy WarsChapter 7

There was no mortar attack that night either, and I made the regular 2100 hrs. report on the new radio. Lt Sykes was there to ask about the chopper. It turned out that all of the aviation assets were busy up north in the Louang Phrabang area, and we would have to wait. Again I went to bed early, as no one had assigned me anything else to do. In the morning at breakfast, Sawyer announced that Sgt Morris would lead a patrol out to one of the nearby villages with Doc Walls along for a medical...

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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 16

Things remained quiet for the next week and a-half. The 25th was Christmas, and while it felt a lot more like Christmas up here in the mountains, there was no big celebration. The cooks had received extra food on this week's shipment, and prepared a very nice meal for us on Christmas, but there was no real celebration, no trees or gifts. Of course the Thais don't really celebrate Christmas, but they were happy to join in eating the extra food provided. Payday, the 31st, was on a Wednesday...

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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 24

Starling had left Operations when I returned, but was soon back with the pieces of his Army Green Class A uniform. Suenee took them and placed them on the chair that she had been sitting on. "I will have these ready when you come on payday for your wedding," she told him. As quietly as she had spoken, the Major had picked up on it, and turned to look at both of them. "What wedding?" he asked. "Sergeant Starling and my student, Noon, will be married on payday when he returns to Chiang...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 10

New characters appearing in chapter 10 and after: Phil Del Vecchio Captain, Bill met him in Bangkok, 5’-7”tall, 185 pounds, 36 years old, black hair, hazel eyes, very muscular Tweed SSG, Engineer, Bill’s friend from Cambodia, 5’-9” tall, 155 pounds, 32 years old, blond hair, blue eyes Carson SSG, Infantry, 5’-11” tall, 170 pounds, 32 years old, black hair, gray eyes Williams SSG, Infantry, 5’-9” tall, 150 pounds, 30 years old, Brown hair, hazel eyes Colby SSG, Artillery, 6’-0” tall,...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 9

The following new named character appears in this and other chapters: Sergeant Chuang The Sergeant from Sonsri's guard detail, 5'-6'' tall, 125 pounds, 30 years old, brown eyes, black hair I led the horses back to the open shed-like structure where the water buffalo had previously been kept. One glance inside convinced me that it was not ready for the horses to occupy it. I unsaddled them and took the saddles to the area under the house where they would be dry and reasonable cool...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 10

The following new characters appears in this and other chapters: Kampon Sukondhapatipak Senior Colonel, Royal Siam Army, 5'-8'' tall, 175 pounds, 48 years old, black hair with a touch of gray, brown eyes Werachon Adireksombat Major, Royal Siam Army, 5'-9'' tall, 165 pounds, 34 years old, black hair, brown eyes "What have you done NOW?" the Governor roared rising from his seat upon seeing us in the doorway, again without so much as a Sawat Dee or a wai. "Several of the...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 12

The following character appears in this chapter and the remainder of the story: Chatchai Sarikalya Lieutenant, a tall thin young Officer, 23 years of age, one of the Platoon Leaders The roosters were very vocal again this morning, and we were up early. On arriving at our area on the camp, I found far fewer men there today than yesterday. Still there were a number of them there and the Sergeants already had them in groups of ten, but hadn't started any processing yet since I had all of...

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The Amulets of Power II the Kennedy WarsChapter 11

It was nearly sundown when I heard the commotion coming from the front gate and went out to see what it was. The three Chiefs had returned with the holy man. He was an older man dressed as a Buddhist monk, but his rob was very faded and worn, and he seemed very agitated about something, as they came through the front gate. “What’s up?” I asked Tweed, as I walked up to him. “Don’t know yet. The old guy seems really upset,” Tweed said, as one of the interpreters came toward us. “What’s...

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A Lunchbreak

(Mark rushes home to her bedroom for lunch)Mark called home, his meeting had been canceled and he decided to come home for lunch. Of course, with an hour's drive to get home, he hoped it would actually be lunch and a whole lot more. The k**s were at school and it had been a while since him and his wife had done anything, so Mark was hopeful.Allison knew exactly how to serve lunch, and it had very little to with cooking or food. Fully aware of the opportunity, she changed out of her everyday...

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My name is Hillary Jackson and I've been working for the Harrison Group investment firm for about eight years as one of the company's first female executives ever to set their little pinkie toes on Wall Street. And of course,I was so good at my job that nothing has been able to phase me and I've thought that my life would remain the way it was and I had to live with that. But that was before the Thirteenth day of September,when one of my co-workers--a real raven-haired beauty named Heather...

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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 7

On returning home on Saturday afternoon after the briefing and the meeting in the backroom of the club, Suenee announced that she, Phesila, and the children would be leaving on Tuesday, the 14th, for Chiang Rai by train. "By train!?" I asked, shocked. "Yes, there is a train to Chiang Mai that we can take from here in the afternoon. We will go as far as Lampang on it. It will be morning when we arrive there. There is a local train that goes from Lampang to Chiang Rai on Monday, Wednesday...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 12

After breakfast at the PX cafeteria in the morning, I went over to finance. They went over my records, while Suenee went back to the room to wait for me. "Damn Sarge, you've been all over the place," the SP/5 clerk said before he got to the Command Sponsorship paper work. He went over that very carefully, and it took some time. "It looks like you have a bunch of money coming," he finally said. "This Command Sponsorship is effective from the date you got married, which was in...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 16

Wednesday the first of March 1967 dawned the same as every other day had. I spent the early morning hours after breakfast straightening up the radio room. It was something I had been putting off since the Teams had left on Friday, but I had decided to get it done this morning. About 1000 hrs 'the Radio' came to life all on its own for no apparent reason. "Any station, any station, this is Cowboy Tango 1 Alpha, over," I heard immediately. In my hurry to get to the radio, I tripped on a...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 3

We continued until about noon. The cart only made three or four miles an hour where the road was in good condition, which wasn't always the case. There were a few places where it was so bad that we had to get out, and push the cart from the back while Ute encouraged the buffalo from the front. Thankfully those places were few, but less bad spots than that were frequent. Around noon, Ute pulled the cart off the road, and under the shade provided by some tall trees and stopped. "We stop...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 6

We left the hotel following that for a restaurant which turned out to be the largest and most expensive one in Pak Chong. It was certainly more impressive than the places where we had eaten previously. The building was masonry with a wooden second story. There were many types of meat on display such as roast chicken and duck, there was red barbecued pork cooking over coals still. Just the smells were delicious. There was also the smell of freshly cooked rice and the other items being...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 11

The following new characters appears in this and other chapters: Ronnaring Corporal, Clerk, Ranger Trainee, 5'-4'' tall, 120 pounds, 24 years old, black hair, brown eyes Kwaikai Lance Corporal, Clerk, Ranger Trainee, 5'-3'' tall, 117 pounds, 22 years old, black hair, brown eyes Jatuporn Sergeant, Ranger Trainee, 5'-6'' tall, 130 pounds, 31 years old, black hair, brown eyes Prawit Wongsuwan Captain, Ranger Trainee, 5'-4'' tall, 140 pounds, 32 years old, black hair, brown...

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The Amulets of Power II the Kennedy WarsChapter 4

I went up to the room and checked my AK-47 and its magazines. Mike was there checking his weapon also. "You ever been in a firefight?" he asked, nervously. "No, have you?" I asked. "Me, neither," he answered, and sounded scared. "I wish that I had been able to sight this thing in," I told him. "They told me not to worry about that," he said. "Spray and pray is what they told me. You can't see shit at night." "I could see pretty well last night after the moon came up," I...

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The Amulets of Power II the Kennedy WarsChapter 12

The unauthorized patrol returned just before sundown. They had two wounded with them and three extra weapons. "Doc" Walls was ecstatic. He finally had some real wounds to treat and not just the usual run of boils, bites, fevers, sprains and malaria that he saw here. Neither wound was life threatening, but in this heat and humidity, they needed to be treated promptly before they became infected. The CO took Lieutenant Tamusarit, the Platoon Leader and an interpreter into his office. They...

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Luncheon by Vickie Tern Maureen and Claudia were already there when Nicole and I arrived, utterly absorbed in their own conversation, making small gestures to each other with bejeweled, beautifully manicured hands. I saw that they were as carefully dressed and made up as we were, in brocade and silk with subtle eye-shadowing, and I felt glad I'd taken Nicole's advice and worn an outfit I'd originally thought way too dressy for a noon luncheon. This...

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Training Triplets

Training TripletsChapter 1 IntroductionIt was a mild Monday morning in November when Racheal and her slave/assistant Jasmine went to visit Mr. & Mrs. Schwartz at their hotel in downtown Miami to discuss the training of the triplets they had found to become proper slaves. The Schwartz’s were recommended by her lawyer, who was in the scene.  They were a very private couple who had amassed a large fortune by buying companies and selling them for huge profits.  They were in the lifestyle and she...

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Womens Lunch

The first few weeks after I lost my job were really tough emotionally. Luckily, my wife Ellen was able to go from part time to full time at her job and I lined up a few document review jobs I could do from home on a contract basis. The toughest thing was accepting the switch in our relationship - she now was the main wage earner and I was the stay at home. Although it was never discussed, she certainly implied and expected that I would now do the majority of the house work, laundry, etc....

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A Box Lunch

I guess the premise of finding love over a box lunch is pretty far-fetched, especially if you consider our difference in ages. Certainly, the thought of a love between a sixty year old man and a nineteen year old woman, would be difficult to believe, but considering it all developed from a shared box lunch has to stagger the imagination. Of course, as all love must do, our affair ended tragically, but in spite of it all, we had our moments, Kieko and I had our moments.It began over lunch, or...

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Sweet VioletsVerse 2 The girl told the farmer

Sweet violets, sweeter than the roses, Running all over from head to toe, Covered all over with sweet violets. Arms were surrounding her again -- his arms. They made Michelle feel safe and warm. And, combined with the orgasms she had just had, she felt better than she could remember ever feeling before. The strangeness of laying uncovered on a lawn in the afternoon shade and letting a man touch her so intimately was kept masked by the wonderful feelings. But when he released her, she felt...

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Naked Lunch

Dani felt anxious as she pulled up to the hotel. This would be her sixth time pulling this little stunt, but even then it always made her anxious before the excitement set in. She stepped out of the car and took the ticket from the confused valet. Danielle probably seemed a contradiction to him–hot blonde driving the cobalt blue Mustang convertible yet wearing sweat pants, a sweatshirt, and flip-flops on this warm summer day. Her lips curled in a playful smile as she headed into the...

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Ladies Lunch

"Ladies Lunch" "D...don't m...make me go downstairs aunt M...Madge!? I...I d...don't want lunch." Timmy pulled away as Madge pulled him to the hotel room door as he whimpered nervously then pulled away as he stood upstairs in her good friend Agnes' hotel room. "We're going to leave this room, walk down to the elevator then walk over to the dining room and take a table at the back that's out of the way, or, would you rather sit out in front where it's busy? You're going to do just...

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Sunday Lunch

“He’s asleep, come with me,” whispered Jackie in Dave’s ear. Dave stood carefully, looked at the slumbering George and tip-toed out of the conservatory. Jackie eased the door shut, being careful not to let the latch click. They moved more quickly into the hallway where Jackie turned, put her arms around Dave’s neck and kisses him greedily.“Don’t worry he’ll sleep for hours.” She led him upstairs.About a year before, Dave had been sitting at the bar of ‘The Winner’ just coming up to eleven...

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Even celebrity starlets fuck in mens toilets

Her looks and stature are adored by the millions of her fans, her idolization elevating her into orbit, and playing havoc with her sex life.'With her what?' I hear you say, surly a beautiful and talented female has a non-stop life of sex, coupled with all the other vices associated, with the rich and famous, who actually use their fans for more than 'Cash Cows', she in particular, uses them to get off on in a highly charged sexual merry-go-round.She walked into the bands dressing room to catch...

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Hour Lunch

‘Hey babe, I couldn’t get you, so I just wanted to let you know that I will be home late tonight. My boss just invited me out to dinner. Just wanted to give you a heads up and to let you know that you didn’t have to cook tonight… I love you and I’ll see you when I get in tonight.’ I don’t know how many messages like this Janet had received over the last five or so years from me. I became the lead QA field operations guy for the south east region for Five Star Communications. I was constantly...

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Bring Me Lunch

Sometimes I fantasize about you. How you are at work and I secretly show up at your office to surprise you. The day would start off in the morning with me preparing myself. I would take a shower, taking care to use some vanilla scented soap, wanting to smell yummy for you. Stepping out of the shower and, wrapping the towel gently around my cleansed body, I fix my hair. I smile at the mirror, pinning my hair loosely behind, then drying with the hairdryer to curl it a bit, knowing that you like...

Quickie Sex
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 208 Duckling Lunch

Thursday, May 12, 2005 Ava was sound asleep when I woke, so I used a dim light blob positioned where Ava couldn't see the blob itself if she woke. I climbed out over top of Julia, then positioned the blob in front of my chest while I grabbed a robe and went to have my first breakfast. Study was another nicely productive session, until three naked girls walked in. Productivity took a bit of a nosedive then. After all the girls had their turn on my lap, with appropriate greetings in each...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 120 First Mass Lunch

Monday, April 25, 2005 I woke after the usual four and a bit hours. I didn't have to turn on any of the room lights to get out of bed, as a dim yellow blob did the job perfectly. I climbed over Carol and went to do some studying via the kitchen. The hallway's main lights were off now. Instead there were those small lights that plug into an outlet to provide a little illumination at floor level. That was useful, as I didn't want to use light blobs walking around the house. The risk...

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The Breeding of the Triplets

The Breeding of the Triplets                                                Chapter 1This is a tale that occurs sometime in the future, eight unfortunate females, from the same family, two pair of triplets, and their mothers who just happened to be twins were captured on one of the daughters wedding day, they were transported by ship to my island, unfortunately for them it was a slow ship allowing plenty of time for modifications to be made to their bodies, the modifications were designed to...

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Nancy For Lunch

In a little less than an hour’s time, I had concluded an advertising pitch in downtown Chicago, just a couple blocks off Michigan Avenue. The client interrupted me early on in my presentation and asked me five or six rapid fire questions. It may have been the strong coffee I drank that morning, or the adrenaline of my first big meeting at my new job, but I handled each question he asked me and then shut up, just as my boss had instructed. After his last question the client said “I’m good with...

Straight Sex
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Dear Diary Topping for Lunch

HI all thanks for reading my post. A short overview of who and what I am. i am a transgender who was taken first by my 6th grade teacher. I became his sub being pimped out to others as he wished and when. This is a short story of my lunch topping that he gave me enjoy.The lunch bell rang. As I was walking out of my 6th grade class I turned to the teacher giving him a wink as I did everyday. he called me to his desk. i walked to him stood by his chair. He waited till the classroom was empty...

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I was over at Zana's for lunch for the first time in six months. Her mother had come to stay with her and it made it harder to see her. So Zana's mother had left the weekend before, and the following Tuesday I got a text in the morning from Zana inviting me for lunch.Zana only lives a few minutes away from my work so it is quick and easy to get there. I arrived a few minutes after 12. I knocked on the door and Zana opened up the door with a big smile on her face. She hugged me and told me it...

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Two Birds a BlokeSunday Lunch

Phil had moved to London because of his job. He had worked in the company's Leeds office, serving the North of England, but he had been the brainchild behind such a successful campaign for double glazing, that the firm had insisted he move to the National office in London. He had been reluctant at first, he really didn't want to leave his family and friends, but the new salary was just too good to turn down. He now lived in an expensive apartment, with a brand new sports car and a host of...

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Roses Lunch

What follows is a transcript of an e-mail I wrote to a very special friend. A friend who opened my eyes to the world of erotic writing. The e-mail was a response to him after he instructed me to read passages from one of his many masterful works of erotica and wonder what was going through his mind as he wrote it. I became very lost in the story, as you will see. This man knew just how to seduce me through words. Though there is no sex in this story – it is nevertheless erotic in every sense of...

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The Forbidden Tablets

In ancient Arabia, intrigue and betrayal in a tribe ruled by women leads to a severe, but very erotic, punishment.Author’s note: The Thamud were a real tribe in Ancient Arabia. No one knows why they disappeared around the time of the rise of Islam. Some say it was because they were Matriarchal in an ever more Patriarchal society. Oral tradition says they were wiped out by the lava flow and dust from a volcano. No one knows. And this story of ancient tablets which tell their story is fiction......

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The Forbidden Tablets

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...

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It All Began With a Just a Naughty Leer Over Lunch

No woman ever tied me down, but I always did well with the fair sex, enjoying being a bachelor especially after I saw a lot of my best friends end up in divorce and having themselves financially and emotionally ruined. I was never consumed with the urge to procreate and overall I'm very satisfied with my life. I work for a realty company that finances and builds condo developments. We have 15 developments, mostly on the East Coast, plus one in Montana, one near Dallas, Texas. I coordinate the...

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I Dream of Demie 13 Lunch

--- I Dream of Demie 13 - Lunch (MF, cons, oral) by Krosis of the Collective --- Once Kate had recovered from her anal orgasm she went right back to trying to get me to fuck her vaginally, thinking that she was actually in love with me due to her backfired love potion. I told her that I was totally cummed out, which was true. She wanted to stay and cuddle but I told her I had to go grocery shopping, not to mention grab some more weed. I showered and went to Monday's place. "Hey hey,...

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Ladies Afternoon Lunch

Sandy had known Judy since the first year of college. They were not close friends but often ran into each other at sorority and fraternity parties. They had grown up not far from each other and had similar interests, age and body shape. They would from time to time get together for dinner with their husbands. Her husband did purchasing, and Judy's husband was in sales. Over time, they had grown to know each other better and become closer friends.Judy has heard that Sandy and her husband have...

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Girls Lunch

They had both retired early, although Alice was well into her sixty’s she was still beautiful and had a hot body her natural 40D’s did not sag at all, and she has an ass to die for. She had gone thru the change and came out on the other side safe to ride bare back, and constantly wet, actually dripping when played. Greg her husband on the other hand, after years of beating up his body in various endeavors, working and an inherited illness had left him with a shrunken cock that could not hold an...

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Artemis Club Day 1 Lunch

Elaine lay on the bed, her body tingled from the delicious welcome she'd had from Petra. Her head floated away in the afterglow, and she felt amazing. She heard a tap-tap sound; someone had tapped on her door."Come in please," Elaine spoke in a dreamy tone, her buzz coursed through her.The door opened and a striking looking woman entered her room. She was about five and a half feet tall, including her three-inch heels, with chocolate coloured skin, intelligent brown eyes, and full lips. Her...

Oral Sex
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BecChapter 30 Saturday Lunch

Drawing... Drawing... I sat back and looked at my picture. I’d drawn Faith and Danielle sitting together on the bleachers before the football game. I’d tried to capture the moment after they’d kissed each other. It had been a fairly quick kiss, but after that they’d cuddled against each with contented little smiles on their faces. They weren’t looking at each other, they’d been looking at Pearl and me, but their entire bodies seemed to be reaching out and holding the other person. It was...

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