- 4 years ago
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They were her enemies. Vestra knew this. The priests, reading from old, religious texts, had pounded home that point in every reading and every sermon. The people of Vylun were the enemies of the Dagowyn. The lesser creatures of Vylun had banded together hundreds of millennia – perhaps even eons – ago and hunted her people to extinction. It was only through the grace of god they’d escaped, exiled to a similar world but a world lacking in life or mercy. D’arwyn, the “world of death”.
She didn’t want to like them. She wanted to hate them. She needed to hate them.
But she didn’t.
After killing the two who had attacked her, after burning and melting her two fellow Dagowyn, she had felt her heart grow cold and tendrils of ice had crept up her spine. She couldn’t stop herself from shivering, a tremble that started in her torso but quickly spread everywhere. Flight became impossible as she couldn’t control the wings that had sprouted from her back. Her forepaws had trembled uncontrollably and her legs – if the form she was in even had such things – felt incredibly weak and completely useless.
She had plummeted towards the lapping waves below her, waiting for the cold, cruel water to accept her and enclose her as it had her brethren. In a strange way, she yearned toward death and waited only for its all-encompassing embrace. She had killed and death was her only reward.
Some hitherto unknown survival instinct must have kicked in because just as she was closing her eyes, welcoming the sweet clasp of death the splashing waves would bring, her wings spread wide, and her plummet curved once more into a glide. She re-opened her eyes to find herself quickly zipping mere feet above the impossibly vast body of water. Even as she had marveled at her flight, her keen eyesight had picked out so many different kinds of fish, both large and small, from the murky blue-green depths.
She had turned her head to take in one of her wings. Moments before, she would have sworn they were too weak to support her increased weight, but there it was – there they were, she confirmed, as she had turned her head to her other wing – spread wide and steady, and rising ever so slightly from a sudden current of warmer air reflecting off the chilled water below.
Her heart had pounded within her chest, each beat driving yet another shiver throughout her body. She had killed yet the death promised in the holy books of her god was evidently to be denied her. At least for now.
She had considered driving herself up, up into the clouds. She had considered using her wings to swim as high into the air as she could and then to wrap them around her and plummet purposefully down into the sea. The wondrous sight of land – land beyond the Gate’s island to which she had been previously exiled since coming through the Gate from D’arwyn to Vylun – had pushed thoughts of suicide from her mind. It was far away but her eyesight had grown so keen in this form, she could almost pick out every grain of sand on the beach even in the near darkness of the night’s sky. She had been thankful for two large, bright orbs up in that sky. They were as large as the sun but apparently not as bright. They were certainly not as warm.
Her eyesight in her new form was spectacular and unbelievably complex. She could see as she had always seen, as she had seen since birth in her bipedal form, though unimaginably clearer, further and more focused. Yet there was another sight as well, overlaid on the first. A sight filled with the reds, oranges and yellows of warm air and the deepening blues and purples of cooler air and the vast colors of blues, purples and black of the cold water below. It made flight easy, her body gently and instinctually turning in micro-motions to push her into the warm air currents that provided lift. In the reds and oranges of warmer air she could glide whereas in the blues and purples of the colder breezes, she had to scull her wings for every inch of forward motion.
Her heat vision had also revealed moving game, running and hiding within the trees and brush set back from the approaching sandy shore. This was how the two she had killed – she had killed! – had tracked her. This was how her heat, even when she was unseen, had betrayed her.
She had driven herself to the shore, her wings swimming near effortlessly in the rapidly cooling air coming off the water below. She had sought to land on that yellow, sandy shore. Her newly enhanced eyesight had picked out a spot of clean, flat sand, free of the driftwood, brush and dying plant life swept in from the lapping, seemingly constantly moving water.
Her legs, though, had betrayed her. They had still felt alien and weak, and her body had still trembled from the cold tendrils of self-loathing clawing at her spine. She had bounced rather than landed, her scales protecting her at least partially from the vicious grit of the sand. A giant, majestic plume of sand had erupted around her but her forward motion had caused her to somersault and rebound in an arc. She had bounced and rolled again, the resulting plume somewhat smaller. Her next arc took her to the tree line. She had had the strangest sense of déjà vu as she hit, her magically repaired back slamming painfully into the trunks of trees. There had been no give in her back that time, though, and it had been the trunks which had given way against her newly acquired bulk.
When she had finally came to a stop, she couldn’t tell how many trees she had knocked over with her disastrous landing. Five? Ten? Twenty? She had found herself lying on trunks, branches, leaves and bushes perhaps 40 yards from the sandy beach. Debris had been strewn all around her. Somewhere in that failed landing, her wings had folded against her back, but off to the sides. She unconsciously opened them slightly, just enough to move them. There had been no pain, so she had considered it a win.
Her heart had still pounded insanely hard within her chest. Icy claws had still scratched and gouged down her spine, sending a lonely feeling of utter cold throughout her body. A feeling of malaise and weakness had consumed her, and it was more than she could do just to rise up from the bed of debris beneath her, even though it had poked and prodded her under her scales.
Then, she had cried, loudly and pitiably. She had killed. She, a woman, had killed two men. The holy texts of her god decried such action. A man killing another would be punished but could eventually be forgiven, depending on why he had killed. The holy texts described a series of motive-based penance for men who had taken the life of another man. Once the penance was complete, the man was brought back into the gentle grace of god. A woman killing another woman was likewise afforded penance.
A man killing a woman did not even have to suffer penance, so long as the death was justified. Such a killing was just a general right for all men.
A woman killing a man, though, was completely proscribed. There was no penance. There was only one punishment for a woman who had taken the life of a man – slow, painful, torturous death. The qal’dasare – the ‘long wicked death’.
As such a woman, she could look forward to death by rape. Men and beasts would have her over and over again. Sticks and rods would defile her. The priests would tend her wounds but only to the point of keeping her alive, so that she could be raped more. Years later, broken and bleeding, when she was nothing more than a mindless thing, she would finally be put to death by a burning hot poker thrust inside her. Even then, death could take weeks or months to claim her, and the ensuing time was not pleasant.
Even worse, her eternal spirit would be scorned for all time. Her future held nothing but an eternity of pain and suffering, first by men and later by her god. She would never be free of what she had done.
Her tears had been relentless and her trembling uncontrollable. She had sobbed, her breath coming in gasps and there were moments when she couldn’t even find her breath, her sobs interfering with her ability to breathe. For hours she had cried, late into that night, until finally she had fallen into a troubled sleep.
The gentle light of the sun rising into the open sky above the gouge she had made in the forest woke her. For a moment, she had been at piece. In that instant between sleep and wakefulness, she had no memory of her terrible deed. She had awoken alone and wondering at the lumpy, painful bed in which she had slept. The gentle heat of the sun had warmed her and the earthen smell of moss and foliage, intermixed with the sweet scent of unknown flowers and plants, had swept over her. A light breeze had played about her, covering her skin in gentle bumps. For that brief moment, everything had been right with her.
Then, the tears had come again as she remembered the unholy evil she had wrought.
She had found herself back in her bipedal form, her body completely nude. She had covered her wickedness as best as she could for a time, but it had proven impossible to climb over and down the mound of broken trees upon which she had slept and still maintain her virtue. Finally, in angst, she had willed herself unseen. She would still be nude but at least no one could see her shame.
She had still felt weak but the clutching, icy touch along her spine had relented. For a moment, she longed for the heat of D’arwyn’s red sun instead of Vylun’s cooler brightness. For a moment more, she wished she had stayed on D’arwyn itself.
Then, her thoughts broke at what she would have had to have put up with if she had stayed. How was it different, putting up with the base, disgusting desires of Marcin tuk’Cura or the lusts of men and beasts which was to be her punishment for her heinous crimes? Either would break her. Either would lessen her. Either would crush her spirit.
Submitting to Marcin would not jeopardize her spirit, however. What she had done had destroyed her both in this life and the next. It destroyed her for all eternity.
She had tried to change into her other form, wanting to fly far away. She had thought maybe she could fly far enough to forget her crime, at least for a little while. No matter how she tried, however, she couldn’t call forth the huge creature she had been. She had felt for the heat within her and grasped it but still the form would not come. She had tried to force herself to feel what she’d felt before – the panic, the fear – but still she did not transform.
Then, she knew. She had killed. The other form was a gift from god, but she had committed an unforgiveable act against the teachings of god. God had taken away the other form as partial punishment.
She had wandered for a few days, ever upward since the terrain seemed to climb in every landward direction from the huge expanse of water, lost in her misery. Occasional streams provided her water, but she did not eat. She wasn’t even sure why she had bothered with drinking water. It would be better to die, slowly and painfully, and start her eternity of pain. At least she would not have to suffer the defilement of her body.
It was perhaps the third or fourth day after crashing on the shore when she’d come across the people. After the first day of her wandering, she hadn’t even bothered becoming unseen. If animals attacked and killed her, it was what she deserved, after all. She had still hidden at night, sleeping in caves, under fallen tree trunks or partially covered alcoves. She was weak. She didn’t want to experience the torture of qal’dasare, so she hid from her kind.
So, the people had seen her, and she was too weak and too uncaring to run. She simply closed her eyes and let them come. This would be a good death for one such as her. Surely, these people would make her death painful but quick and she could begin on the tortured journey of an eternity of agony.
They had not killed her. They had certainly not acted like she had expected them to act. They had spoken to her soothingly, but she could not understand them.
The ones who had approached her were women and they brought clothing. They clothed her and offered her cold, clean water to drink. They’d succeeded in feeding her despite her efforts to push them away and the food was warm and filling and good. She cried a lot, but they comforted her even though she didn’t want comfort.
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Sleeping With The Enemy I live for feedback [email protected] The present day... The wedding party was in full swing now and I anxiously scanned the guests to see if everybody was enjoying themselves. The noise levels had risen in line with the amount of drink being consumed, so I guess that was a good enough proxy for enjoyment. I was holding a glass of champagne in my perfectly manicured fingers and as I took a sip I caught the eye of my new husband who had been buttonholed...
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He stroked her bare behind, a touch so gentle, as if cradling a baby’s head. Her soft downy hair hardly registered on his calloused hands in the sweep over her pink flesh. She sighed in contentment and comfort of their shared love. Her head lay on her folded forearms, breath warming the space between her mouth and the sheet of the bed. Her eyes were closed so that she could concentrate on the pleasure of his touch.Brian, lent forward, taking in the smell of her, savouring the faint aroma from...
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My name is Jeanne, I’m twenty-eight, and I’m a blonde. For three years, I was a single realtor, trying to sell houses. I had done alright by my own standards. Although, I always seemed to have the same problem when a sale didn’t go through. The buyer would be stolen by another realtor named, Richard Flarn. They’d tell me that he could get them more, for less. He supposedly always gave them the ‘Rich touch’. I frequently got really irritated by this thirty-three-year-old brunette jackass. One...
Not all cosmic powerful beings like to toy with heroes or challenge them to competitions or fights. Some genuine like and admire them. They watch them go through great pain and suffering and rise above it all. They become something even they respect for mere mortals to overcome great adversity. And it frustrates them to no end that these heroes never seemed to get a break. Because some force though many suspects one of them is being a sore loser because only that would explain their...
My name is Jeanne, I'm twenty-eight, and I'm a blonde. For three years, I was a single realtor, trying to sell houses. I had done alright by my own standards. Although, I always seemed to have the same problem when a sale didn't go through. The buyer would be stolen by another realtor named, Richard Flarn. They'd tell me that he could get them more, for less. He supposedly always gave them the 'Rich touch'. I frequently got really irritated by this thirty-three-year-old brunette jackass. One...
Straight SexMy name is Anu and I live with my husband. His name is Rahul. He is a very loving person and satisfies me with all means. Our relationship was not like that from the very start. It was difficult to make him mine as the situation was very crucial when I came to know that I love him. Let me tell you that I am gay. I realized this thing only when Rahul and I came closer to each other. My original name is Anurag. I was born into a good family. My mom and dad both were in jobs at high posts with a...
Gay MaleThis is a story of how a friendship turned to anger to hatred and finished of with a threesome that I hope you enjoy reading. It follows on from my previous sex story “Rediscovering Sex With My Wife” () To recap, me and my wife had a fall out over her “relationship” with her boss and our sex life went from full on to zilish and back to full on. Her boss’s name is Rick. As you would have gathered, our relationship improved and once again our sex life hit the roof. And on each occasion I asked...
Hi everyone. After having a great response for my previous two stories, I am here to present my third story to you all. I would like to thank you all for sending so many responses and friend requests after reading my stories. A special thanks for all the lovely girls. Continue sending your responses and friend requests to me through gmail at Coming to the story. In those days I had recently shifted to Bangalore and was staying at a friend’s place before I could find accommodation for myself. I...
Brandon shut the door to his office and leaned back against it. He closed his eyes and pressed a palm against his aching erection. If Alessandra hadn't of stopped him, he would have slid his hand up her thigh. He would have pulled off her panties and had sex her right there, against the door. He would like to think he'd have had the presence of mind to lock the door first, but he wouldn't bet on it. He dropped his hand and circled his desk. Her red sweater was thrown on the floor and he picked...
Straight SexCH. 1 - A LITTLE ABOUT USI had decided enough was enough and it was time to give Bennett a piece of my mind.It'd been almost two months since my son had returned home from college a week early for winter break. Richard tried to keep from me that he'd been sent home for academic suspension for his drastic grade point average drop. The college was not allowing Richard to return for Spring semester and would have to start over again next Fall.The boys who dropped my son off in our driveway -...
TrueHans strode through the streets, empty even in mid-afternoon, contemplating the beautiful city that was his for the taking. Even in July, when the air was so humid that his uniform stuck to his skin and the sun beat down on his head, Paris was like nothing he had ever seen. It was muted now, desolate, under the heel of the invaders, but the decadence that it was so famous for still shone through. He was walking through the Quartier Latin, the muddy Sienne to his left, on his way to a certain...
It’s a fact ... Guy society stratifies somewhere in the fifth grade. And nothing changes for the next seventy years. You see it at any social gathering. There are jocks, lady’s men, nerds and the nameless, faceless herd all milling around in little clumps. But, you never see the guys from one group mixing with the other. Sure, some of the jocks are lady’s men. And some of the nerds are faceless. But in general they all hang in the stratum that they occupied when they were nine years old. I...
He stroked her bare behind, a touch so gentle, as if cradling a baby's head. Her soft downy hair hardly registered on his calloused hands in the sweep over her pink flesh. She sighed in contentment and comfort of their shared love. Her head lay on her folded forearms, breath warming the space between her mouth and the sheet of the bed. Her eyes were closed so that she could concentrate on the pleasure of his touch. Brian, lent forward, taking in the smell of her, savouring the faint aroma...
I thought I had Chapter 9 pasted already, but it didn't show up - So here it is again and of course Chapter 10, the final. Hope you like it. "Take the message back to us yourself." I turned my head and saw a stranger standing in the door. "I should have known those brainless fools would screw things up. He moved toward my bed like a dangerous predator. As I looked into his eyes all I could think of was a great snow leopard. He seemed to glide across the floor. He punched Saul in the...
Vikki looked troubled. "My Mother ordered me to tell you everything. Those three aren't going anywhere in a hurry so let's just sit out here and I'll begin as soon as your mother comes back outside." Vikki sat on one end of the porch swing and patted the empty place next to her, indicating she wanted Greg to sit close beside her. Greg sat in silence. He realized this was not a time for his usual smart remarks. His mind was on overload. Linda came out just then. "I heard what you said....
Rachel felt numb inside as she looked out the front window and watched the ambulance roll down the street. "Oh god, what can I do?" she whispered to herself. She felt drained of all emotion. It seemed so much had happened and kept happening. Claire tried to give Rachel some emotional support and draw a measure of comfort for herself. "Right now, all we can do is hope. Jiggs and his crowd have played us all like so many puppets. Please, don't fall apart on us." Claire begged Rachel with...
The Captain was much happier knowing that he wasn’t going to have to board a hostile ship from a small boat, and he had his force ready in seconds. As always, he reminded the Guardsmen that they were there to hold attackers off. The archers would do all the killing that needed to be done. As always, the approach seemed to take hours. We didn’t want to go fast, though, as there was no good way to slow down and a hard collision would damage both ships. When we got closer, I yelled “Ahoy the...
I WILL GO TO HELL FOR THIS. If I’m lucky, I’ll be dead first. Angel told me, back in November when I was trying to get a feel for what her business was all about, the objective was never to sell sex to an old fart. It was to sell the idea that sex wasn’t beyond the realm possibility. And to make him pay for the dream rather than a reality. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Selling the dream I met Mr. Reinholdt in the hotel lobby and he introduced himself as Jon Rentz. Not very imaginative...
The next day Tristan woke early. The sun streaming in through the partly closed curtains left bright patches on the opposite wall. He lay still, the faint whispering in his mind when Aesia was near, had stopped. So she must be working on her ship. He checked the wound in his side and it had almost completely healed. He swung his legs round and stood up; the expected nausea did not happen. He rubbed the side of his forehead, noting that he hadn't suffered any pain or headaches since she had...
Tsanja awoke as the sun streamed through her window. At first, she thought it was a normal day, and she was ready to steel herself, to go to the Church, to perform her useless duties, to find out more about Lilith. Perhaps Poe would come to visit. Tsanja was not sure about Poe, about whether to trust her or not. Her stories of the Felthings were outlandish, but Tsanja knew that terrible things were abroad in the land. Her new pet, the night-wing, was wrapped around her midriff. It was...