TandraChapter 40 free porn video

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"Before too long you will need to do this as well." She said privately to me. "Think long and hard about how this is accomplished. Do you believe the Tandra on Masis will fall all over themselves in gratitude at saving them from the Samutz? It is more likely the males will want to kill you because of all the problems you will bring them."

Duc did react the same as any Human or Tandra, and fell all over himself at the visiting royalty. She explained to him what Lam was learning and why. She sat in a vacant chair, and picked up a cup of tea, which I was sure, wasn't there a second before, and sipped, as she listened to Duc. Since she was the equivalent of a hologram, I knew the tea and cup, had to be the same. Her image though was perfect, in every way.

I could see Mom talking in many ways. Her body language and inflection blended perfectly with her voice. Her mannerisms and voice complemented the thoughts she was directing to Duc's mind. I began to see, that she was giving him the same course that Lam was now undergoing.

Lam awoke when her course ended, and was greeted by Mom. Lam held Faith protectively at first meeting Mom, but relaxed as she became accustomed to her new visitor. As Mom began to work with Faith's unconscious efforts to bond to Lam. I saw Lam relax even more. After ten minutes of talk Mom asked, "Tomorrow, Henry is travelling to the moon. Perhaps you would enjoy ride with him, and the soldiers he is transporting?"

Lam and Duc were very conservative, and would never even consider such a request. Because it was suggested by Mom, it seemed more than all right.

Lam said quickly, "We would be happy to make the trip." Mom spoke for a while longer, and then excused herself. She statied pressing matters that had to be taken care of. She walked downstairs and disappeared with the probes. She had not lied but she had not said that she did not have a real body.

I was quite sure after Mom left, that she could convince even Doris, to keep quiet about the Tandra, and what we were doing.

That night we talked as the children slept. We sat around the darkened house, and watched the fire, as we idly chit chatted about inconsequential things. Lam had completed her course in Tandra history, the same as Duc had. I could still see the remnants of their old superstitions, trying to work into their new education. Perhaps, living in Canada, and their love for their daughter, would help them over this hurdle. I knew how difficult it was to break out of your mould, to embrace something new.

Susan and I found that Lam was still a little homesick after thirty years in Canada, and Duc was concerned about a sick brother, that he could not get to come to visit. There were many relatives that they had never even seen, and many more that had died.

Duc and Lam slept with Bobby, in their room, and Faith stayed with us for feeding. I knew they were starting to become much attached to the children, just as we were.

Susan and I made languid love, like we did long before meeting the Tandra. Her need for more orgasms did not diminish, and she had to have all of them herself, instead of through the link with the others.

Partway through the night, Kitten came into our room, bringing Roger who was hungry, and in need of both feeding, and bonding. This would not only help him, but relieve the fullness in Susan's breasts. He left enough for Faith who awoke an hour later.

At four in the morning, I had enough sleep and found Roger holding tightly to my arm. I visualized the link to him and saw as Mom had said; it was very solid, and as strong as the link to Susan. I started my day with the gym, and then began breakfast.

Susan came out with a sleepy Roger in her arms. He was hungry for solid food, even after helping Susan. He had never had a mother, and it felt good to see him so close to Susan. Susan seemed to glow as always, when around children, and I think the ones that she nursed, would heighten the effect.

Opening the door into the other bedroom, we saw Duc. He had his arm over his wife protecting her, and the child in their sleep. Susan was very careful, and tried to get a slightly soggy Bobby free. Lam awoke immediately, and clutched at the child, till she saw that it was her daughter. The bonding had gone a long way, and I could see the love in her eyes.

I had to do some more explaining about the extra child in our house. Duc was concerned that Roger was something of a slave, or an animal, till I explained things better. This was proven mute, as Roger scampered into Duc's lap, and a silent conversation took place. Now with the understanding, that Roger was in a loving environment, Duc relaxed and enjoyed his company. It was nice to see Roger being so outgoing now, especially remembering what he was like, when I first brought him home.

After breakfast we walked downstairs to the transporter. Lam carried Faith while Duc still held Roger. Susan described what was about to happen, as she held Bobby. Her startled parents found themselves beside Carlton, and jumped at the quick change.

Within moments the men walked up in small groups, and started to form ranks. Their new suits covered their bodies very well. I had never seen such a sight, as what was before me. The occasion called for an inspection, and the suits had turned black at the unvoiced command. I walked up and down the rows, looking for anything not one hundred percent right. For the first time in recorded history, I think, there was nothing wrong, or even close. The men must have groomed one another, and the suits could never be wrong. At the end of one line, Star, Nema, and Sandy stood for inspection.

Carl came over and shook Susan's parent's hands, giving them some solidity to the many strange things they saw.

Private Meech who formerly held lieutenants bars, told the men that were going to the moon to fall out, and board the ship. Charlie and Paul walked in the centre of the group, and ignored us as they were supposed to do.

Behind the men, some of the women rushed by. Their schedules required them to get many things accomplished, before the trip back to Epsilon Eridani. My other wives remained quiet, till we found how Duc and Lam would react to their existence.

"Duc, Lam, will you board with us now?"

"We have children here. Surely you are not going to take them to the moon with us. It is very dangerous," Duc said.

"Why is that? Roger comes from the lunar base. Bobby comes from Epsilon Eridani. Even Faith and her sisters have been there many times." He did not know what to think, and decided to just follow our lead, till he was more educated in what was happening.

We boarded, and Carlton took off at my silent command. All aboard could see the large view screen of the area ahead of us. Almost everybody was speechless at the sight of our lunar satellite growing larger. Duc, Lam and Susan sat in the chairs, with their living burdens, watching the progression. Before they knew it, the door opened. I adjusted my clothing, and walked out with Carl. We saluted the recently refurbished image on the wall. The new symbol was the old one of the Tandra Empire, combined with a new one of Earth. All around the wall the cadets stood at attention.

The mercs came down the ramp, and turned to parallel the ship. As one they did a left or right face and saluted as well. They had done the manoeuvre faultlessly, even in the one sixth gravity.

Susan came last with her family. Roger and Bobby wanted down, and scampered off. Bobby being very young had a difficult time keeping up. Duc and Lam found the lessened gravity unsettling, to say the least.

Carl called for his sons and the three girls. They came forward and saluted in the Tandra tradition that was mimicked by the Romans millions of years after the fact. Their right hand formed a fist, and it went out and around to strike the ribcage over the heart, and pause for a moment before dropping to their side. They were informed along with all the rest, that they would form the liaison committee, to integrate the Earth troops with those of this base. All simple problems were to go through them, before going higher up.

Carl made his first speech thanking the lunar personnel for their cooperation. I made a short speech as well, saying almost the same things.

When all were dismissed, I gave Susan and her parents a tour of the hanger, and the ships that would participate in transporting the troops and furthering their training.

Lam said incredulously, "The ships: They talked to you."

"Yes, most of them have a personality that lives in the computer; much like ours lives within our brains. Without their assistance, the cadets and the troops would never be able to fight in time."

"I just find this too much to understand."

"As you learn more, the understanding comes easier."

Carl's boys, and the girls, went off with their counterparts. The lunar males were fascinated by the girls. I could see instinct starting to rear its head. Charlie and Paul had been warned, along with the girls about the possible danger, but it was necessary to get females back into lunar society.

The other side of the coin might be that the males would work even harder, to do the tasks assigned to them. It would only take a while to find out if their studies suffered.

Carl and the civilians walked with us, as we continued our tour. I had plans to have them checked over by the autodoc, and get anything taken care of that need to be.

We met at least a hundred males, in our travels. They bowed in respect to both me and my guests. Life had changed for the better, now that Tandra law had been restored. They could enjoy their life, without currying to the whims of a despotic leader.

One chair in the medical section was in use by an old Tandra male. He slept quietly, as he was treated for his problems. Beside him five others remained vacant.

"Lam, will you sit in one chair, and Duc will you take the other?"

Duc asked, "Are we to learn more?"

"No, this is just a medical checkup to keep you healthy."

Duc got in first, and I helped Lam in. She still held Faith possessively.

The sensor balls came out and scanned each. I saw bad teeth, and bad lungs from smoking, Duc had a broken bone that had healed fairly well, but not perfectly. Lam had entered menopause, and could not bear any other children. Her bones were starting to weaken through a loss of calcium. Both suffered various stages of arthritis. Duc had a bad disk, in his spine. They both suffered from poor eyesight, necessitating glasses. In fact, they had needed glasses since coming to Canada.

Being a doctor now, meant a little bit of confidentiality.

I mindspoke to only Susan's parents. "Lam, you have entered menopause, a few years ago, and you now have a mild case of osteoporosis. This will cause you to start losing some of your bone mass, and give you other problems later. This facility has the ability of bringing back your periods, and your fertility. Your eyesight and lungs can easily be fixed, or at least the process started. All of this can be done, if you want. The only question I have is; do you want the ability to bear children along with the other things?"

Turning to Duc, I said, "Duc, I can fix your back, lungs and the old break in your left arm. The only problem I see for both of you, is that you both could use new teeth, but this means that both you will have to spend a day in the care of one of the autodocs, and undergo the discomfort of growing new teeth. This can happen at any time, and nothing is critical."

They sat up and conversed in Vietnamese. I could see that I had put a lot of responsibility on Lam's shoulders. She had not been able to have any other children after Susan. She felt old now, and didn't want the burden I was placing on her, in her twilight years.

I said only to her, "Lam nobody else can hear me. Let's skip the menopause adjustment, and just treat the symptoms. Later when you have time to think about it, you can change your mind, if you want. You will feel much younger later and be able to take on any challenge."

"Yes, I like that way," she said much happier.

The repair spheres came out and they sat back and relaxed. Fifteen minutes later they got up and stretched like they did thirty years ago. They were not fully healed, for it took time for the body to get rid of all the toxins and dead cells from their bodies, and start the rebuilding. The major problems still had to be addressed in the tank.

"Mr. Buchanan, I feel young again." Duc stated.

"This is only the start. Later, as the old cells leave your body, you will feel even better."

"Thank you. I think I will take your offer, and get my teeth fixed if that is all right with you."

"Then we will do it on Earth. You should sell the store first, so that it is easy to take the time off."

They got up much healthier than before, and we continued the tour. I went into one of the many areas, I had never been in before, but knew it to be part of the medical section. Lining the walls, and twelve high, were tanks of various sizes. The vast majority were dark and empty. Seven were not.

One held an old man regenerating an arm. The new appendage was almost the size of a child's, but would grow in a week or less, to the correct dimensions. The other six contained babies, much larger than the one Lam now held, almost the size of Bobby. These obviously stayed in much longer, to allow them to be more self-sufficient, when they eventually came out.

Lam excitedly asked, "Why are they in there?"

"There are no women here, and the population is only increased when the Tandra feel that they need more people born. I don't think anything is wrong, except the children are born to a group of people that will not love the children, the way a Tandra female or a Human mother would."

"This is wrong. All children should be cherished."

"I agree, the males love the children, but not as much as a female would. There are no women or even parents here. I know that they could grow girl babies, as easily as male ones, but somebody made the decision, to only have boys here. It was done over a million years ago, I think."

"I want these babies."

Duc asked incredulously, "What are you saying Lam? They are not our race, or even our own species. Didn't you hear when Mr Buchanan said, we could have our own children?"

"Yes, I heard, and I know that these babies need a mother, the same way your daughter has taken others." This seemed to give Duc something to think about.

At this time Roger and Bobby came around the corner, followed by four others of Rogers age, and probably acquaintance. Roger was quicker, and got to Susan first, and wanted up to be fed, or at least picked up. Bobby seeing the place taken, looked around and chose Duc to pick him up.

He waddled over, and raised his small arms in supplication. Duc looked down and felt his heart strings being pulled. Bobby was about the same size as the children in the tanks. If he picked the boy up, he knew he would be lost. He tried to look away, but could see the large eyes and happy, expectant expression on the child's face in his mind. He wanted more children for a long time, and especially a son, to carry on his family's name. As he and his wife grew older, they knew that the quest became impossible. If Lam took these children, she would never want to bear him another, even if the fabulous medical science of the Tandra, would allow it.

He stepped back, and turned around, and saw the other boys of Roger's age. They had no parents, and he knew that they needed them to grow properly. Cords he felt forming from the boys, and wrapping around his soul. He could see the children in the tanks, in the corner of his eye. He could feel those too holding onto him, with all of their meagre strength. In his mind he heard Bobby sob behind him, at being rejected.

All this was too much; he turned quickly, and plucked the child from the floor before he knew what he was doing. He held Bobby close, and kissed his forehead, and said quietly, "I won't leave you Bobby," in Vietnamese, as silent tears trickled down his weathered cheek.

Lam came close, after hearing in her mind, her husband's exclamation. Her free arm went around her husband of almost thirty years, and pulled him tight. He reached out with one arm and pulled all of them closer. All four pulled together by a common bond of love. Susan hugged me tight thinking of all the love her parents could give.

I saw the four other youngsters moving forward but trying to stay out of the big people's way. They heard what Roger had to say before, and couldn't really believe it. Now they saw and wanted it for themselves. Until this moment, they did not even know what they lacked. Their eyes were large and their mouth agape, at the show of love.

Lam could feel their concern, and pulled her head back a saw the youngsters shifting from side to side wanting love, but afraid to come close to the strange people, that didn't quite look right.

She whispered in her husband's ear, and he turned to see the children. She carefully handed Faith to her husband, and squatted with her hands wide. The children did not know the gesture, but they knew the thoughts behind it. They ran to her, and held tight as if their very lives depended on it.

Susan turned to me and said, "Did you know this would happen?"

"I knew the children were in the vats, and your mother was interested in a new challenge. Roger's friends, I knew nothing about. They usually stayed hidden, at least till law was re-established."

Later Susan took Faith and fed her, and the two boys, while the others watched and reacted to the way Roger felt. Susan could almost feel the thoughts bombarding her as the boys reacted to her soothing touch and light caresses. As we continued to walk the boys stayed with us. Actually they had to, for Lam held a hand in each of hers as Duc did the same.

After a few hours of inspecting the capabilities of the lunar base, we returned home, carrying four small extra passengers with us. I had convinced Lam to leave the babies in the tank till she had nothing else to occupy her time.

Carl and I carried the older children to the medical section, and Mom placed them in tanks to develop their muscles and hearts to the rigours of Earth living. The boys were a little nervous, but had willingly gone into the tanks to become stronger. We had to pry Lam away. We promised that she could come back the next day and take them from the tank or stay here and go into a tank herself to get her remaining problems fixed.

She wanted the tank right away, in that case, and Duc watched his wife enter the liquid next to where the youngsters were. Lam's face grew calm and peaceful as I had never seen it. I knew she was trying to fully embrace the future of both races.

"Well Duc, I think you better get rid of your store soon. I have a feeling that you are going to be a full time father. Do you regret the decision?"

"No, I don't. The store can be taken over by a second cousin of Lam's. He is currently working with his wife in a Montréal restaurant, and has talked about moving here, if he can get a job. I think I will sell him the property at a very reasonable price."

"I don't think you will miss the store much. Your friends in the Bay may wonder when one day you show them your beautiful, but slightly strange looking sons."

"Who said they were my sons?" He said defensively.

"You did. I looked into your mind, and saw the love you already have for them, and they just entered your life. Before the day is out, I predict that you will have names for each and every one of them."

He hung his head, because he knew he was caught, and had already thought of a few. He planned on having the last laugh, and pick Vietnamese names after his relatives.

Our full complement had not been reached. Ads were run in Europe, Africa, the old Soviet block and even China. Within a few days the Earth base was again full of new warriors. There was much more friction that came with the greater cultural disparity. Other than the fifty or so Europeans, the rest were seriously undereducated. What they did know, was how to kill one another, and even here, they were not all educated to the same degree.

Disease was very common from malaria to Aids. When told of their cure most denied even having the disease. Some of the old hands came back from the moon, and had to use their superior strength and speed to knock some sense into them. It was comical when some bigot decided to take on Jamal Brown.

Jamal for his part played the stupid black as he thought of ways to teach the bigot the error of his ways without killing him outright. When one or two were not able to take on Jamal, more came, till he was forced to break a few bones, and send them into the tank.

The Europeans were somewhat snobbish, and this only changed when they found out how little they really knew, even if their countries had a long history of warfare.

After all the men were up to the minimum standards, they were fitted with the same device I had between my shoulder blades. They were told of its recording abilities and how the information would be uploaded after each battle. This along with the mind reading would keep the shirkers from hiding or for convenient accidents to just happen to the people they didn't like.

I was quite concerned about these men getting out into the general Earth population. Mom had foreseen this, and would allow their abilities and knowledge to fade within a few months of discharge. If they stayed, then they would be given more information and abilities, but also a greater chance to embrace the Tandra ideal. I tried to think of these men after a few hundred years in our military. They would retire to a sedate life, and live for the balance of a few centuries or so, living off the accumulated wealth that they were sure to get.

Like all governments before, they would be offered land on a distant planet, to give it stability. It would also provide a forward defence, if we managed to stay alive that long. The Romans had many good ideas mixed up with their baser Human ideals.

Fights were common for the first few days, till cliques and clans were broken up, and new teams were made up of different peoples. Here any failure could only be attributed to the individuals in the group, and their leadership.

Same as Tandra
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I never thought I would take a job like this one. I was shy by nature, especially around girls. But, as a freshman in college, I was dirt poor. And, because of my workload at school, I needed a job where I could work few hours and get the most money. One of my new friends in my dorm was a girl named Nancy. I told her about my predicament one night and she said she knew the owners of a club just outside the city which featured male dancers. I was not a very good dancer, but I had been on the...

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Tom Boy 3

Tom Boy By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 3 "Wake up honey," said his mother shaking him and kissing his cheek. "Mandy is waiting for you honey. Remember you have no school today but 8am film study sweetie." "I know," said a groggy Tommy. "I have another charity event today but at least this is for the football team." "Oh don't worry about that now just go down and don't keep Mandy waiting," said Trisha. "Good morning Tommy," Greeted Mandy. "So listen all I want you...

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The Wards of Harwell TuskerChapter 21 Wedding Breakfast

I am not normally a great one for social occasions. Although much of my work is dedicated to creating the perfect hostess, I choose most often the pleasure of my own company rather than that of others. Harwell Tusker and his wife did, however, know how to arrange a splendid event. The joint marriage of the twin Tusker daughters provided the occasion for my return to Benfield Abbas. It was the first time I had ventured there since the eventful river journey that had thwarted the carnal...

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Jenny balanced on the bare toes of one foot; the other foot waved back and forth though the air as she stretched to paint above the window. Just below the rear hem of her short jean skirt were the smooth bare curves of her bottom. The more she stretched, the clearer it became she wore no panties, and the more dark skin on the back of her mound was exposed."Don't knock the paint over," her mother called from the other side of the room as she knelt to paint below an outlet. Sue's eyes lingered as...

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The GiftChapter 11

The new school year started off well enough, but then got bad. I got my dorm room set up, and once again I had a single room. I discovered that a college was as money grubbing as the government was. However, unlike the federal government; if you paid a college extra, you received better service. While my father had bought an education policy for me when I was a baby, it only entitled me to a dorm room, not a single dorm room. A few hundred dollars extra during the yearly registration, saw to...

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Humiliated in Alburquerque

Warning!! Do not read if under twenty-one, or easily offended by adult sexual material.  This material is only intended for adults.  All minors should read no further!!The author claims a copyright.Humiliated in Albuquerque      by slave shoelicker    [email protected] few years back I began a new job that required I relocate to the southwest for a couple of months to the company training center located there.  While I was there I met a young girl just out of college who was going through...

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Learning TogetherChapter 8

The tickets for the Pink Floyd concert were going to be on sale early on Wednesday morning. Sian and I went over to the Students Union to buy them, as Julie and Vee had a revision tutorial to attend first thing. I got a very bad feeling when we met the end of the ticket queue only just inside the Union doors. We tagged on to the back of the queue, and very soon there were many more people behind us, and the end of the queue was outside the doors. "Lucky we came straight here and didn't...

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A Backdoor Afternoon

Well, here I sit in a large college lecture hall that holds perhaps 400 students. This hour there are but about 75 s**ttered about in the semi-circle elevated rows. A TA drones on and on in review for next week's test. I know the material well and am only here to observe an older female student that is somewhat attractive. I usually wait to sit in the row she chooses and plop down about a dozen seat away. The curved rows let me see when she moves to the edge of her seat and her skirt stays,...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 28

We had been chatting for some time. Wolfgang and Carl had told us about their Clans and Factions, when there was a knock on the apartment door. Sheena went to see who it was, and returned a minute later with four older men dressed as Wizards. "The Grand Master has supplied a coach to return us to our camp," the oldest told both Clan Leaders. "These are the Senior Wizards of our Clans," Carl told us, and introduced his two Senior Wizards. Wolfgang also introduced his Clan's Senior...

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Butterscotch Part 3

Friday 6:30 pm   Drinks with the lads was great; a weekly rite of relaxation and male bonding. But all good things should come to an end. Not that the employees of   the respected law firm of Marmaduke, Daintree and Partners ever let their Friday drinking get out of hand, but the time inevitably came to call it a day and to say good night.   After the lads had bid me goodbye, I stepped out into the street and headed home. The evening was calm and mild by London standards and I dropped into...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Jasmine Wilde 04092021

“Damn girl, that walk up and those titties bouncing with your panties showing and that dress hiked up so high. Em, Em, Em,” is right says Jake Adams of today’s exploit who is just so excited to be here. We’re excited for you Jasmine Wilde and I don’t think we’ve ever had such an enthusiast girl who just can’t wait to take her clothes off and suck someone’s, anyone’s dick more than this girl. I’m surprised she didn’t get molested walking thru the pool area of the hotel on her way to the front...

3 years ago
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Passionate Bondage 8211 Part 2 The Worship

Hey sexy guys and girls. This is Raj, a 28-year-old software engineer. I am currently living in the Bay Area, USA. Sexual Interests: Passionate bondage, Wild BDSM Sex. Without wasting any time, let me get to the story. We were on the 5th floor of my balcony. Dark. The only light was the nighttime city lights. Dr. Geetika, my neighbor, was almost naked with just her black panty on her body. I was kneeling before her, making love to the beauty. Top to bottom. Inch by inch. I was kissing her...

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Being Nice Can Have Surprises

Note - Here is the story I wrote, before I wrote about Justine, which was my original attempt at writing a non-magic, non-scifi, non-unknown chemicals, transgendered story about transformation, based on a request posted on TG Comics, where he/she just wanted a simple straight forward dress up story. Liking challenges, here was my first take on that request. No magic, no drugs, no science fiction, no s-m, just a very simple, and possibly believable, adult dress up story with a...

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My name is Terri Muldoon but all my friends and patrons call me “Tits” its just a name that stuck from back in my c***dhood see I developed very young and was a big hit with the little boys they all wanted to see my tits so I showed them to them I didn't think it was a big deal and they got a real big kick out of it I even let a few of them feel them up I liked having my nipples played with it felt good and made me feel funny between my legs! My tits continued to grow rapidly and by the time I...

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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 14 17

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Chapters 14 - 17 Chapter 14 "I knew it had to be soon," Janice replied early that morning when Mark went into her bedroom to explain that "his" period had just started. Mark had gone in early to tell her, only because his mother had specifically asked him to do it. "Have you told Kelly yet?" "Not yet. Want me to break the bad news?" "No," Janice said with a sigh as she forced herself out of bed. "I better do it...

2 years ago
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Sister Secret GirlfriendChapter 4

K laid there breathless as I finished sucking her tits. She had bucked her ass on my finger and I had sucked her fat tits as she came over and over. Outwardly I was cool and calm but I thought to myself I had made her cum over and over again as I suck her fine tits and fingered her ass. I walked into my bathroom and washed my aroma of her butt off my finger. I told her "Karen, I am fished with you for now, come back tonight" she looked at me so differently now. I was taking her as I wanted...

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The Country Cop

Before ‘Anonymous’ tells us that this is all bullshit, the following is loosely based on a true story. The incidents involving the policeman, the drunk and his wife actually did happen, of course some changes have been made to make the story more credible. The road into town passes a sign that reads ‘Morton. Population: 250’. But the sign can no longer be believed because no-one has bothered to change it for twenty years. On one side of the main street is the railway station that once thrived...

2 years ago
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If She Acts Like a Cougar

Carol comes over for coffee at least three times a week. She's a neighbor and actually an old school friend too. I guess she thinks that I need the company. I suppose she's right, but it's not like I'm a recluse or anything. Peter died about two years ago and he left me pretty well off. I have all the money I need and the house is paid for. The only thing that he didn't leave me, that I wish I had, is a child of his. Except for those poor women that lost their husbands in war, I guess a...

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ProeliatorChapter 19

I stepped back into the room quickly and Patricia said, "What's wrong?" "I was not as smart as I hoped." I turned to the three men and said, is there another way out of here?" I got a quick nod from one but I figured that it would be guarded too. It would be also another way for the opposition to gaining access to this area. I could not be in two places at once and I doubted if I could protect even one doorway for long. I didn't get much thinking in before we all heard a loud...

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Bhumika ne mujhe jigolo banaya

hi friends, i m vishal, 23 years of age. main nagpur ka rehne wala hoon and this is my 1st story on iss and also of my life. So lets take off now towards story. Baat kuch 1 saal purani hai. Maine gym join kiya aur har subah jaya karta tha. Waha ek bohut hi khubsurat, sexy, gorgeous lady bhi aya karti thi jiski age 26 years rahi hogi aur 34-26-36 ka figure hoga. Pata nahi kyun wo mujhe bohut attract karti thi, iska reason shayad yeh tha ki wo bhi mujhe dekhte raha karti thi. khubsurat ladkiya to...

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Boston Solutions IncorporatedChapter 31

The woman entered the room on crutches; her right foot in a cast. She struggled for a moment to juggle crutches and purse while taking a seat. She had raccoon eyes that bore witness to a recent beating. With an expression of desperation on her face, she looked across the desk at Titus hoping he could help her. "Before we begin, there is the matter of payment. The first solution is ten dollars and a favor. We add a zero to the price for each subsequent solution," Titus said. The woman...

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Horny Sex

This is an extract from an email J sent to Alan after a hot horny session...We thought we would share................Enjoy xx we undressed......... and you started to play with my pussy making me squirt......... catching my juice in your fingers and smearing it over both of us............... and then tasting me...............i knew i was squirting into your mouth xxxxxxxx that is such a turn on ,,,,,,,,,,, but then............ you came up to kiss me........... and as ours lips met I felt a jet...

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Ambers Weekly Reckoning

"Cocoa sir. Nodding off a bit?" "Ah what, oh yes my cocoa. Nodding off you say? Well I suppose it's getting on to bed time." "Its Thursday evening sir, here let's have a sip now." "I can hold the cup my self you know; oh very well carry on then. Ah, that is good cocoa, Amber. Thursday evening you say and nearly time for bed." "No sir, it's only eight o'clock and sir knows I like holding the cup, another sip?" "Oh, alright... I supposed then maybe some reading. Did you see my book, what was it...

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Back home after December hols

Back home after December hols. After a wonder December holiday at the coast, enjoying plenty of sexual experiences I found myself back home and a bit bore after all the fun. My girlfriend Amanda was due back in a few days time, just after new years and I couldnt wait to see her. Thankfully the days went by rather quickly and before I knew it it was new years eve. My mate Mike was gonna sleep over as well as my sister's friend Carry, and our we were more just gonna chill with my parents and...

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Amelia the Pirate Queen Ch 03

The next morning it was clear with the bright yellow sun rising behind the ship as she made her way west. The wind had not changed during the night and when the log was thrown she was making nine knots. The captain called for divisions after eight bells. When all the men assembled on deck, Amelia with her new shorter hair and dressed in her new ship’s boy togs stood next to the captain on the quarterdeck, the captain called out the first lieutenant. ‘Mr. Jeffries, is the ship’s company...

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Sex Studio Secrets 1 Alessandra chastity test

Alessandra looks like a teen with her tiny tits and slim figure with a boyish tight bottomAlessandra is in practise a lesbian but no-one believes her here as she is fan of ChastityAlessandra loves to look at that ugly sex slut as she is being banged by big brown bananasAlessandra is afraid of anal sex but loves to come watching Chastity's back-door big bangsAlessandra will be on our cameras all weekend while I abuse her with pretty Petra, my great granddodAlessandra will be our willing victim...

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The Teachers Submission

// credit for this story is due to the original author, apparently TOD. The Teacher's Submission by TOD Chapter 1 Let me take a brief moment to introduce myself..... and tell you of my shame. My name is Mrs. Barbara Jones. I am 35 years old; married to a rather submissive man named Jim and teach Jr. High math. I also serve as the department head. I do not have what is considered a knock out body but I can turn a man's head when I dress to please. I weigh 119 pounds; my...

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Fun at Work part 4

(To find out more about how this story came about, be sure to check out parts 1 to 3.)Saturday. It's moving out day. Woke up pretty early to do some last-minute checking, a good run and a healthy breakfast. Jumped into the shower after my one-hour run. I was so excited because I'm moving into a new place.And Peter, my colleague-turned-friend, is helping me. He's meeting me at my new place and helping with the organising. I imagined having a long day with him at my new apartment, ordering in and...

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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 23

"How's your head?" asked Matika. Thule reached up and touched the sore spot tenderly, "Still sore. John really cracked me." "You just startled him," said Matika, "He's not a violent person at all." "I've really got to start asking people to hit me on the other side of the head for a while," said Thule, "I'm going to start looking asymmetrical if I get any more lumps on this one." Matika nodded, "I noticed an old cut and bruise behind your ear. What was that from?" "It...

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Tried it and Liked it Gay

My wife Carol wanted to move into a townhouse. I didn't want to do it but she complained until I gave in. It didn't take long until I met one of my neighbors. His name was Kyle and he was an eighteen year old student. He was this tall, slim, good looking guy. After talking a few minutes I said he should drop by some afternoon. I normally got home around 3:30 and Carol wasn't home for another two hours. Kyle took me up on my offer. The doorbell rang and there stood Kyle. I don't usually eye up...

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Camp Karma

Now I can only assume you are wondering who I am and what I am going on about, Well, Let's just say i've been told I have to tell you people how I came about living at this camp, Yes I do live at a camp, Used to live in a nice three story house but not anymore, Thats old news, Been living at this camp for what seems to feel like a millenium even though I guess at this exact time it will be six months, Maybe give or take a few days Alice:- *Will you get on with the story* Ahh that there...

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Oh So Friendly Part 1

Introduction: Just like the Clintons Oh So Friendly My initiation into the world of sex began one evening when I saw my parents naked while they watched a porn movie. It ended the next day with my younger sister. She was four and I was almost six. The evening it all started my folks had a fuck and suck movie on the DVD player. I woke up and came in and sat beside my dad while he and Mom watched it. He did not notice me, his eyes were glued the big screen TV across the room from the couch....

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Beastly Isekai Tales of the CrossBreeding SlutPrincess 3

The aftermath of her daily activities had indeed made Livia into an utterly erotic oral Goddess: she was currently making a show of her pulpy lips and luscious tongue on an innocent lollipop the Guildmistress had provided her, albeit without any sexual ulterior motive, but Rhea couldn't help but face-palm at how it turned out. Livia seemed amused at the situation as she sucked on the candy in an explicit manner while staring at Rhea with a sultry look. This rookie sure didn't know what was...

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The Searchers Chapter 4

Once again, Kelly, Jack and Chance loaded up in the RV and headed down the road."Where to next, Kelly?" asked Chance. "We are headed to a bed and breakfast near Charlotte," said Kelly. "This time, we're going to meet up with the operator of the inn. She responded to my post and said she was open to and had tried almost everything. She likes to fuck in front of others and prefers one on one while doing it, so hopefully you are good with taking turns."They spent most of the day driving and stayed...

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The landlady of the Bed Breakfast

I ran through the woods enjoying the rain filtering through the trees, keeping a steady pace. I rounded the edge of the woods, crossedover the bridle path and on to the final road down to the Bed& Breakfast (small hotel for the American readers). We were staying there for a few days as my wife and children visited the grandparents (their place was too small for us). I had the day off from all that and was making the most of it. I crossed the road and slowed to a stop and open the door to the...

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Begging for a Bukkake

I'd been bombarding my fellow students inbox for days, we were at war...It all started when my best friend found out I was a total sissy whore...Raj is like me a typical Indian, he loves to fuck. However a couple years back I made the switch I moved out of the city and found a rural institution. A place out in the country where I went to study and learn about the world around me. In time I was feminised and became a total sissy whore.Raj meanwhile had never left the city, he tried to pass...

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My niece Kaley Its only rape if she remembers it

I have had a very interesting relationship with my niece since she was about seven years old. I was about seven years old when Kaley was born. We were very close during childhood and we were more like brother and sister than uncle and niece. I started to notice that Kaley had an awesome butt at about the time she turned seven. I loved when she would come over and my parents would babysit, this always meant that I would have some time to “play” with my favorite niece. My favorite thing to do...

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