Scarborough pub pull another drink later
- 2 years ago
- 47
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My veteran buddy drove me to work again. His wife said hello as I got into the front passenger seat. I gave my buddy a questioning look; he shrugged. The wife was chatty without any expectation of a response. It fit my needs since I wanted to think about Charlene. I'd conked out by the time Elizabeth came back with Bobby. The couple left without waking me up, which suited me fine. I didn't know how to react--maybe thinking Bobby was the father would be best for everyone, if there was a child at all.
"There will be," Elaine said when I stepped out of the mini-van.
"What?" I asked.
"A baby," Elaine replied.
"She might not have been ... whatever that word is for women when they're ready to have babies."
"Ovulating," Elaine said, walking beside me into the building. "The Event changed most things for the worst, but a few of the changes may save us. The presence of sperm can make a woman ovulate days earlier in her cycle. As a Positive, your sperm will survive longer in a woman than a normal man's seed. Those two new biological facts are probably connected somehow. A fertilized egg also has a much higher chance to survive to full term."
I stared at Elaine for a couple of seconds.
"Be happy. If it weren't for that, we would have much worse odds against saving our species," she said. "In-Vitro doesn't work! We've spent billions trying to figure out why. The best we've done is a catchy motto--no sex, no babies!"
"Bobby is going to be the father whether it's your sperm or his that stuck," Elaine told me. "Respect his choice, Michael!"
"It's not that easy," I replied.
"I know," she said. "That's why it had to be now rather than later."
I froze.
"Charlene was my doing, Michael," she said without me asking the question.
"But why would you do that to me?" I asked. "I'm ready to accept being a Positive but a baby..."
"You didn't have a bad case of PTSD." She turned to face me. "You knew the things you did were right, righteous, absolutely necessary, or the best choice from a set of bad options."
"I crucified three men!"
"You slit the throat of a priest too!" she retorted.
I didn't say anything.
"They deserved it; he didn't," Elaine said. "He was in the way. In our way! But he was a good man."
"He was going for an alarm." My words didn't remove the stain of blood from my hands. "It would have endangered my people and the kids."
"I know," she said with a tear in her eye. "Believe me, I know a lot about finding a kernel of corn in a mountain of dung when you're starving."
"That's disgusting!" I said.
"You needed time, Michael. You got it," she said looking at me directly. "There's work to do."
I turned to watch the mini-van; it was rocking.
No other manager wanted their teams to take over my responsibilities. I had another team member, Francis, but he wouldn't be right for the new project so it wasn't like they would be starting from scratch! It took an emergency meeting with too many VPs to count to get things moving in the right direction. Not that I got to watch the action! Elizabeth met me at the door of the conference room and politely explained I had been invited by mistake. For the first time ever, I wanted to attend a meeting.
"Are you into anal sex?" Elizabeth asked in a whisper.
"Uh? Am I..."
"I've done it a few times, but the girls at your house and Kameron haven't," she said. "We should probably arrange a demonstration so they aren't scared or anything."
"That's totally unfair!" I said after she took advantage of my shock to close the door in my face.
The billion in front end of the Institute's project meant folks who usually filled my queue were trying to find other avenues to solve their problems. A little surprisingly to me, Francis was stepping up. He probably smelled the raise envelopes in the air.
I watched a VP's assistant walk by me. Lisa! Very nice ass! Natural flirty strut! Lisa tossed honey colored hair over her left shoulder as she turned to smile at me. Lisa's ass swayed more as she kept walking.
"It's not a bad place to start," Angela said from beside me.
I jumped!
Angela smiled and gestured to Lisa. "She's got a great ass and knows how to work it."
"Nobody knows how to work it anymore," I reminded her.
"You're Positive," Angela said. "You add the shake and the bake."
"Really, that's the best you can come up with?"
"You want my best?" she asked archly.
I folded my arms over my chest, raised an eyebrow, and nodded.
"Lisa!" Angela shouted. She grabbed my arm and walked me towards a small conference room. Lisa turned around and walked back to us. Angela pushed us into the room.
Before I could say a word, Angela had my pants down and my dick in her mouth. Lisa's jeans and panties were on the ground; her hands were flat on the table in the room and her ass was aimed at me. Okay--I could have gotten a word in, but why would I want to?
Angela's best consisted of getting me off in her mouth so I wouldn't be primed to blow as soon as I grabbed Lisa's hips and fucked into her. Angela maneuvered herself under Lisa on the table. Angela's legs wrapped around Lisa, keeping her in place for my thrusts.
"I'm sure HR is going to have something to say about this," I said as Lisa's pussy squeezed me.
"Yeah, like why weren't they invited," Angela said. "Their receptionist is hot!"
I pounded Lisa with more force for a couple of thrusts. She whimpered sexily! I pulled myself from the brink--I should enjoy the feast in front of me to the fullest. Lisa's pussy was making sweet, sweet fuck to my dick; it was unfair to be thinking about another woman.
Except Angela since she was in the room with us!
"You didn't find your buddy using you to make baby number two for them weird, but a flock of single women having lunch with the only eligible bachelor for miles has you freaking out!" Elizabeth said with a wide smile.
"He's a soldier; he knows how to get the job done." I looked down the table. Elizabeth, Kameron, Angela, and ten of the hottest females in the company ambushed me at lunch. They'd been smart enough to place Ana on the other side of the table so I couldn't ignore them by talking about work. They found it cute that the only one of the ten I knew by name was Lisa.
"There's things guys don't have to talk about," I continued, watching a brunette halfway down the table undo another two buttons on her blouse. Her breasts were trying to break free of their enclosure to share their beauty with me.
"He took the day off you know!" Elizabeth said. "Michael, we're trying to arrange things to your benefit. You could let us give you a ride to work!"
"You're trying to arrange my life," I replied.
"It's not like that," Kameron said. I was at the head of the table, with Kameron and Elizabeth on either side of me. The other women pointedly turned away from us to ask Ana some questions about what it was like to work with me.
"Shit!" I said. "I haven't talked to Ana about being Positive."
"Please, Michael," Kameron said. "One thing at a time. Plus everyone in the company already knows!"
I nodded. At least, Ana had not been avoiding me, then again no one was avoiding me as evidenced by my supersized lunch table.
"We're not trying to arrange your life," Kameron said. "We're trying to..."
"Arrange ourselves in your life," Elizabeth finished with a deep sigh.
"You fucked Lisa," Kameron's brow furrowed. "You know it gets easier with each girl. Are you doing something to me?"
"I don't think so," I said carefully. "I need to read up on what I can do."
"You'll have time for that later," Elizabeth said.
"But if I'm doing stuff to people..." I opened my arms with my hands facing up to the ceiling.
"You have been! Lisa took quite well to being bent over Angela with your dick deep in her pussy," Elisabeth replied.
"I dosed Lisa even before I knew I was a Positive," I said, snapping my fingers. "Like Angela!"
"You have been, you are, and you will do stuff to people," Elizabeth said. "Human Resources will put out a memo to tell everyone--if they don't like it, the severance packages are generous."
I couldn't stop myself from looking down the table.
"Not one of them is leaving, especially now that they have a seat at the table," Kameron said. I could hear a little annoyance in her voice. "HR is also going to pass out the Department of Fuck social guidelines for interacting with a Positive."
"Huh?" I looked from Kameron to Elizabeth.
"The Institute wants the guidelines made law," Elizabeth said. "But for now, any company taking their money has to follow them."
"I don't get it," I said.
Elizabeth smiled widely. "Basically, the guidelines say that if you want to fuck every woman at the table on the table, we should form a line."
I finished my salad while I thought about her words.
"It's not like we could help it anyway," Elizabeth said. "You're strong enough to make us form the line. In the nude. Us being the naked ones. I supposed you'd be naked to if you were fucking us!"
"I wouldn't," I said.
"You're going to, Michael," Kameron said. "If you want us, you're going to do what you do."
I swallowed hard. "Maybe I should be the one that leaves."
"Most of them would get up and follow," Elizabeth said. "Walking behind you in a single file line ... naked."
"Because I made them," I said.
"No, honey," Elizabeth said. "You can make us feel whole again! I was serious, not another damn vacation unless it's to be your collared bitch for a couple of weeks in Hawaii or your bedroom if you don't feel like travelling."
Kameron pushed her tray to the middle of the table. "I used to know how a girlfriend fit. Now ... I can drive you to work and drive you home. Sixty minutes a day. There's another girlfriend in the car, but that's okay because we're alone. You and your girlfriends."
"It doesn't sound equitable," I told her.
Kameron looked at me with a tiny smile. "I can close my eyes and it's like waves of you are washing over me. You cum tastes like a rainbow. A sunrise. Like fire and ice in my mouth!"
I stared at her.
"I fired Melissa," Kameron told me.
"What?" I pushed my chair back.
"She got a good package, a great recommendation, and a direct contact with the best head hunter in the state," Kameron said.
"Are you serious?" I asked. "You fired her!"
Kameron stood up and leaned over the table towards me. Her eyes captured me. "I'll want more later but for now, that's it--sixty minutes a day in the car with you and not having to deal with your ex."
I watched her walk away from the table before turning to Elizabeth.
"Gone!" she confirmed. "I would have fired her, but Kam needed the victory more than I did."
"You could make it easier for Kam by figuring out what you want," Elizabeth told me.
"And make her do it?" Frustration laced my voice.
"It's a lot to swallow, Michael; you could make it go down easier for her."
Elizabeth put an envelope on the table and pushed it in my direction. I put my hand on it.
"It's for Ana," she told me. "I got her two and half times what she makes now."
"I said three, Elizabeth!"
"The last half up to three will be added if the project comes in on time," she said. "With full back pay to when the company signed the contract."
Elizabeth raised a hand before I could speak. "Buy Kam a new car."
"Excuse me?"
"It would be another victory," she said. "A nice, expensive, useful luxury gift."
"So I got a raise too?" I asked. "I thought HR needed to talk to me."
"You get an Institute stipend plus generous baby bonuses if you go over a quota that, frankly, you could pop with only working weekends," Elizabeth said.
"So I'm not going to be paid by the company?" I asked.
She snorted in her throat. "Oh hell no! They are for damn sure coughing it up! The Institute pays you for using your talents to give babies to the good citizens of wherever you happen to be standing. It's also a good idea to just make people fuck a lot--it's good for them."
I scratched a spot behind my ear.
"You're going to have to bring Ana into..."
"Come on!" I exclaimed. The women turned towards me. I waved at them to continue their conversations before leaning towards Elizabeth. "That's crazy! Ana is a friend. A good friend!"
She leaned forward until our noses almost touched. "She's too close, Michael! It's not fair to let her watch and not provide relief."
"That's bullshit!"
Elizabeth turned her head and kissed me. "You're such a guy!"
"Be serious! I can't have sex with Ana."
"She's cute. What's the problem?" Elizabeth said.
"Ana's married," I said.
"To a shithead," Elizabeth pointed out. "And no matter what size the raise, she's not going to get a divorce without a better reason than being able to afford it."
"No," I said.
"You need Ana," Elizabeth's voice took on the same deadly tone I heard from Elaine. "Her marriage doesn't work so you can't play that card! Take her into a room, give her the news about the raise, and TOP her. Make sure there's no doubt in Ana's mind that you're her boss: at work, at home, in her bed, in the bathroom, at your desk, on her desk, and she gets on the line with the rest of us if you want pussy for lunch!"
The women slid down to fill the seats that Elizabeth and Kameron emptied. The other women were studying Angela and Lisa, who had moved to sit next to me.
"Sex, bitches!" Lisa said with a snap of her fingers and a slap to her ass.
"You're not going to figure it out," Elaine said, sitting down at the table after the women left. "I can read minds and I couldn't make heads or tails of them."
"I hate mind readers!" I told her.
"Everybody does," she replied. "A little."
"So what am I not going to figure out?" I asked.
"Women. People. Their reaction to you. To the Event. To the acceptance that the Event is real. The why is beyond you and not because you changed more than they did and in a different direction."
I nodded at her. "Do you make extra money as a therapist?"
"It's easy to figure out why people do things with a Telepathic. We command them to do what we want them to do," she told me. "It's not the same with you, Michael. Did you know ninety percent of Pheromonics are male?"
"I thought Positives were evenly numbered between men and women," I replied.
"The totals balance out," Elaine told me. "More Symbolic and Empathic females than males. Fifty-fifty with Telepathics. Strangely enough or maybe not, Pheromonics shared certain traits. I haven't found any commonality in the other classes. Sometimes, I amuse myself by introducing new Telepathics to Simon. He gives them the hives!"
I sat back and waited.
"Sorry! Like most Pheromonics, you have a very active subconscious," she said with a smile. "You like to think you're logical and methodical, but you're intuitive and do a whole lot of extra work to make it seem like you followed a 'manlier' thought process than 'this is what I feel'."
Sighing, I ignored her snicker.
"You've dosed these people for three years! Let's see--your girlfriend dumped you two months before you were ready to come out of your shell. Coincidence? Your future girlfriend, Kameron, believes she's won a great moral victory by firing your ex-girlfriend, a woman you don't want to deal with because you told her you loved her and it's going to obligate you to give it another chance while Kameron isn't going to blink if you push Angela against a wall here and fuck her big, juicy ass. Your mental description, not mine! Between Kameron and Melissa, I know which one I would choose."
"Wouldn't it make more sense to have Melisa not blink when I shove my cock up Angela's behind."
"Big, juicy ass," she corrected. "Positives can't be shy about sex!"
"When I fuck Angela's big, juicy ass with my long, thick cock."
"Wouldn't it be funny if she were standing right behind you?"
I refused to check!
"Michael, you want what you want. They follow your lead! You don't have to command them like I do," she told me. "There's going to be less bumps on this road for you and others if you're honest because your subconscious isn't going to lie. You're a powerful and subtle Pheromonic Positive. I could bore holes into your co-workers' minds with my power and not figure out whether it's their decision, you influencing their decision, you guiding their decision, or you deciding for them. I wouldn't bother trying to figure that shit out with Angela and it's pretty clear exactly what you want from her! I'd do more harm than good to Kameron AND you trying to separate her motivations from your feelings."
We stared at each other for a few seconds.
"I don't care which one it is, Michael," she said finally. "This company took our money so anybody who works here is going to play by the Institute's rules. The Director wants you to bring this project in on time and fill lots of wombs with babies. If you can keep a majority of the people you come into contact with sane by making them fuck like rabbits, we'd really appreciate it! Elizabeth is more organized than you could ever be and Ana is actually logical and methodical. You can show up and play video games until it's time for the lunch time orgy."
"I think I can add a little more than that."
"Of course you can, dear," she said brightly. "Elizabeth will need someone to translate tech-talk to English. Ana needs someone to make the leaps around logic that makes her work life easier and frustrates her because she doesn't know how you get from A to K without touching any letter in between. And the truth is, this is an Institute project and you are a Positive. Your voice is going to be loud when you whisper. When you shout, it's going to be ugly! People will understand that the women who regularly bring your balls down from full shouldn't be annoyed, angered, or given a reason to pout. You look like the type that only appreciates pouty lips during a blowjob!"
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All persons depicted in this story are eighteen or older. This was all wrong! I could just barely see through the slits that had become my eyes. My chest ached, I was sure my arms were broken. I couldn’t move my legs. Damn! What the hell had happened? I heard the tinkling voice of a female talking in Hmong. As an Air Asia pilot I had considered it prudent to learn that language as well as Vietnamese. The girl said, ‘He is in bad shape. We cannot move him. We were lucky he didn’t die in the...
This is a story which occurred a while after my hubby and I got married.Two months before we started talking about have a c***d of our own, I was 29 and he was 31. We both agreed the timing was right and I stopped taking the pill. In the two months leading up to this day, we had sex many times in many different positions and hadn't fallen pregnant yet. Then this specific thursday night arrived. He got home from work and found me in the kitchen. I was wearing an oldish casual dress. He greeted...
Your phone rings, you answer it and see its my number you answer in the usual way "Hey? Hows your day been?"I say to you "Ok, i'll be home at 5pm. Have to go see you when i get home."You could tell by the way i spoke that I've had a rough day and knew you where going to be punished for it. Driving home all i could think about was fucking your tight asshole until i filled it with cum, but tonight was different i was going to push it a step further i was going to take my frustrations out on you.I...
Hi friends. Thanks for the overwhelming response to my story. If you haven’t read my first part, please read it. So I am continuing with the story of day 2. I woke up late in the morning and saw Shruti was not there. I went to the kitchen to find her. There she was, my angel, looking as bright as sunshine. She was wearing a pink one-piece which barely covered her thighs. Her beautiful long hairs were hanging loose and came up to her waist. I was in my boxers, I went close to her nimble-footed...
The son of my elder brother, let’s call him Rahul, must have been very young since he started being a real brat. Me and my brother’s family would meet over dinner and after dinner, we usually went for a short walk. He would walk behind me and touch my ass. When we were going to a party or some place, he would try and sit with me on the back seat of the car and sneak up his hands on my thighs. I was of course turned on by his doings but also felt the social stigma that would entail if someone...
”Step out of the car please, ma'am.”Nicole was in deep shit.Moments earlier, her now ex-boyfriend dropped ship.Note to self, never date jobless pot-smoking losers ever again, even if they’re fun and exciting at the time.Slowly, nervously, she wound down the window. “Is there a problem, officer?”Even though it was dark, she could make out the heavy muscled contours of his body, straining tightly against his shirt.Her question was met with silence and a steely gaze. Without much choice, she...
ReluctanceHello ISS readers, my name is Jay and this is a story about how I fucked my slutty ex-girlfriend. She is now married but still thinks about fucking me all the time, we are still in touch and her husband doesn’t know. So, getting to the story. This was when we were 21. It had been about a year since we broke up and we had not spoken the whole time. One day, I got a message and it was from Natasha (my ex-girlfriend). Natasha: Hey. I was shocked because we hadn’t spoken in a year and she texted...
THIS HAPPENED IN 1995Donna and her friend had gone out shopping for the day and I was sat in the garden reading. It was a warm summer’s day and I was minding my own business when out of the blue stood Judith, Barry’s wife. You remember Barry if not you haven’t read all my stories have you? She was stood talking to me but I couldn’t hear properly so I invited her in.She came and sat in the garden we were talking and she said Barry had gone to a collectors fayre with their daughter and she was...
ROUGH Kimiko walked silently into the living room, wearing just a loose, short tank top and panties, and found her husband sitting in his favorite chair. Eric, who had come home from work about an hour earlier, was clad only in his navy blue terrycloth bath robe, the belt untied. His habit was to take a quick shower when he came home, and now he was relaxing with a drink, his eyes closed, listening to music on his headphones. Without warning, Kimi dropped to her knees between his spread...
I drove to the station to meet her, and did not recognise her at first, Carol had always what I privately thought as a power dresser, but Mark unkindly referred to her style as “Redneck”; today though she was in a flowing print dress complete with a stylish floppy hat, she was even wearing heels, although if there is one woman in Britain who did not need heels it was lanky Carol. “Get you!” I greeted as we hugged, I was a bit breathless, she was really putting some muscle into the hug, I felt...
I simply love skimpy panties and thongs; they make me feel extremely sexy but somewhat uncomfortable which increases my excitement to levels beyond my belief. I enjoy going out to buy them then model my purchases for my girlfriend/domme, then she would make me wear them while cleaning and working around the house. When I finish I feel completely soaked with my juices and incredibly horny, she toys with me for hours through my work but eventually eases my horniness with her love and...
When in the early stages of marriage I tried my damndest to talk my new bride into going camping. Of course it was much too damned cold on the first Air Base she lived nearvwith me in the cold North Dakota, but the evergreen forests, mountains, lakes and streams of western Washington was a sportsman’s paradise and still is so it,s usually fun to do so. In those heady days Sarah did lots of things to please me even though she disliked doing them, fishing being one and she eventually agreed to go...
Rough Cut – A Moe Gafferson Mystery Written by Desdmona Edited by Poison Ivan Chapter 15 Moe was a light sleeper and had been ever since he was old enough to climb out of his crib. Most nights he could be roused by a cat tiptoeing on the roof. So he was surprised to wake up from his cramped position on the divan to find already Mona in the kitchen, all sharped up in her starched whites, fixing breakfast. He watched her from behind unnoticed until he drank his fill of her curvy silhouette. He...
Gilbert Avenue was always quiet in the early evening – it was more of a late night neighborhood. It was too close to downtown Cincy for young families with kids, and too run down for anyone else except the stubborn residents who refused to be pushed out and those who couldn’t afford any better. Like Moe. So it wasn’t the lack of noise that prickled the back of Moe’s neck when he slammed the door of his Buick and strode to the front door of his home and office. It wasn’t the smashed...
Rough Cut: A Moe Gafferson Mystery Edited By Poison Ivan Chapter 1 Moe Gafferson tried to sit up, but a fiery stab sliced through his ribs, he slumped back down against the starched white sheets. ‘Fuck,’ he said to an empty room. Moe had never been laid this low. Sure, he’d had a few scuffles over the years, like when he was ten years old and Mickey Bolls held him down while Larry Beason rearranged his nose, or that sucker punch from the jealous boyfriend, or even a couple of broken ribs...
Rough Cut – A Moe Gafferson Mystery Written by Desdmona. Edited by Poison Ivan Chapter 18 It was 10:48 PM. The chances of Detective Jansen still being at work were slim to none. Those odds didn’t keep Moe from driving straight to Station House Number One after leaving Boch’s den of perversion. The street lamps on Central Parkway lit up the front of the Romanesque police house like it was opening night at the Albee Theater. The forty-eight-starred red, white and blue flapping on its pole in...
That cheeky smile of yours is contagious, though I’m not sure I can master it with the same sparkle that you have. How can I stay cross with you when I was never really cross to begin with I think to myself as you offer me your hand and pull me back onto the bed, a few moments ago I fell on the floor, well I didn’t exactly fall, we were play fighting and you pushed me with your feet. “Okay a truce” You say as once again I begin tickling and wrestling with you. You haven’t realised yet...
Introduction: What starts as play gets serious, and quickly! Authors Note: This is obviously not a true story, but I WILL share several tales which are in fact, 100% true, but these are just a few things that come out my mind from time to time, and I have fun writing them in between being Mommy or wife! Enjoy! Saturday evening was delightful, the club was jumping, and there lots and lots of pretty people around to enjoy. A tall brunette was giving me the eye, and the way she was looking at me...
Rough Video Booth Sex – Part 1 I was horny as hell, and I wasn’t sure why. I should have been exhausted. It was almost 2:00AM, and I was driving home after delivering furniture 100 miles away. It was a part time job I got for the summer, between college semesters. Meandering down a country road, I was surprised to see a sign lit up, advertising Adult Books, Video Booths, Toys, Movies, and More. I pulled in, figuring I’d check out a couple videos. The place was empty, except for the worker...
Rough Video Booth Sex – Part 2 I got the keys from the dashboard, and unlocked the back door to the moving van. I jumped in first, and switched on the low floor lights inside, giving us just enough light to see each other. The two men entered the truck, and shut and locked the door behind them. “Well, well, well,” John exclaimed, “lookie what we got here!” He held a rolled up length of rope in his hands. Meanwhile, Mack was sliding an empty crate to the middle of the truck bed. “Strip down and...
So a few years ago I decided I wanted to write a very intense and well description of a TG sex story. So here it is. Just to let everyone know it is very much a rough draft and not much of editing. I just never got around to finish it but the creativity is still here. Chapter One“Seduction”“Happy Birthday John” everyone says as I walk into work today. Yes it was my birthday and hoped I could get thru work without any embarrassment today. Hah, if I only knew what was in store. My boss Diane...
Corey was from Detroit and had a complex about blacks from the south. The only times he would inter act with any one from the south was when he wanted something. As I was returning from the common shower, one evening, Corey exited his room and stood directly in front of me. No matter which way I tried to go Corey blocked my path, not in the mood to put up with his foolishness I raised my hand and pushed him aside...wrong move. Corey, was a lot stronger than I thought, he slapped my hand away...
"YAAAAS!" shouted Jessica, "We won!!". And she and her friend stayed to leave stadium. They walked along the hall of brand new stadium. Then Amy complained "It's hot here. I am so thirsty." "Okay, Amy" said Jessica, "Meet me at the exit". "I will".Amy walked to find a drink. Quite a long time. And she wondered what Jessica think where she is. She thought "If I can't find somewhat where I could drink there are still toilets (there must be) where I will drink there tap water". On a way she asked...
“Bend over.” He said. I stayed quiet, not really sure if he was serious or what. “Get on your fucking hands and knees.”James is rough, but not brutal. He had never hurt me, and I’m pretty sure he never will. And even thought I’m scared as hell, this other side of James was turning me on real badly. So I did what he told me to. I bent over. Shaking from head to toe, but I did.“Are you scared, Carlitos?” He asked, and when I said nothing, he smiled – I wasn’t looking at him, but I could recognize...
Rough Video Booth Sex - Part 1I was horny as hell, and I wasn’t sure why. I should have been exhausted. It was almost 2:00AM, and I was driving home after delivering furniture 100 miles away. It was a part time job I got for the summer, between college semesters. Meandering down a country road, I was surprised to see a sign lit up, advertising Adult Books, Video Booths, Toys, Movies, and More. I pulled in, figuring I’d check out a couple videos.The place was empty, except for the worker...
Rough Video Booth Sex – Part 2I got the keys from the dashboard, and unlocked the back door to the moving van. I jumped in first, and switched on the low floor lights inside, giving us just enough light to see each other. The two men entered the truck, and shut and locked the door behind them. “Well, well, well,” John exclaimed, “lookie what we got here!” He held a rolled up length of rope in his hands. Meanwhile, Mack was sliding an empty crate to the middle of the truck bed. “Strip down...
Hi ISS readers, I am following this page from 5years. I am very attracted to this page to read sex stories. Now I am here to post my one of such story which happened with my cousin. Here you read my hot sex story. I am Swapna 26years old with height 5’6″. I am looking for a Raja rani Tamil film heroine nazriya type with body measurement 34-30-36 little bit chubby… but I am very proud of my body shape. This is my sex story with my cousin who is 2year elder than me his name is Madan with height...
IncestA wife's breakthrough to act out her fantasyYou are sitting on the bed, blindfolded, naked except for the soft, velvet collar at your throat and sheer hold-ups with your high-heeled shoes, in nervous anticipation of what is to follow.Your senses are acute to any changes around you and you hear the door open, with quiet murmurings of several voices. Your heart beats faster and the warmth in your body seems to concentrate in your cunt – sensitive, wet and throbbing in anticipation.You are...
Once Reggie found my puckering anal opening, Reggie deliberately pushed his huge cock head into my butt hole. He was bigger than I thought, my bung hole was straining to keep him from entering. But Reggie was determine to get his cock into my butt, with a growling grunt, Reggie lunged and his enormously huge cock head plopped through into my tender anal cavity, I cried out in agonizing pain. My tender bung hole had been sexed for nearly six hours by a stranger I met in a bar. Even though Reggie...
Prologue ‘Shit. Feels so fuckin’ good.’ ‘Please, please, please. Harder,’ the little redhead begged. We started pounding harder. ‘Oh, God. Yes,’ she squealed. ‘Fuck, man. I can feel you,’ I gasped. ‘Yeah. Jesus. Fucking close,’ Raine gritted out. I looked at his enraptured face and my balls tightened painfully. Shit. His dark eyes were hooded, his teeth sunk into his bottom lip, and head rolled back slightly. He was sexy. He was gorgeous. He was also very, very straight. ‘Holy fucking...