Sheriff PorterChapter 84
- 3 years ago
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Nadac thought and said, "Assisting your compatriots to communicate is the easiest to grant. The communicator could be given visible memory crystals but Rontem will read the data stored on them. They would have to come here to get the portions of the skull crystallised to store data we do not want Rontem to find. This would be a traumatic time for them."
"What if they were unconscious? I can ship them here one at a time and you can process them. I would prefer having a two or more place vehicle made so that I can assist you. You can force them to do as you wish then remove the memory but I want them unconscious all the time. To do this you need my assistance."
"I have the ability to do everything required without waking them. You have to provide the processed crystals."
"Then do what you can to guide me in getting the flux lines packed more densely."
I had been working on two part crystals and now I went back to one. Some crystals had a great density of lines. Nadac was not really a tech but he had the memory modules of the previous tech. We worked together for hours with no success in the experiment. I went to exercises like I had before and then went back to the crystal.
I had seen pictures once that looked odd and repetitious. When they were looked at by some people, an image could appear to jump out. This was the same way but much more difficult. I was not viewing in three dimensions or a mathematical graphs in five. Straightening out a crystal's field and making it resemble a graph was easy compared to what I was trying to do.
The pattern had to be seen first before it could be manipulate. Nadac brought over the 88 computer and I looked within it. It was difficult to see because of the many fields. There were thousands of fields and then harmonics between the crystals.
Nadac got the 88 to do a task repeatedly as I watched. It took only a few minutes until I saw a pattern then it blossomed and I could see a much larger pattern.
"That's amazing Nadac."
"Look into your crystal."
It took less than a minute until I saw a similar pattern though much smaller within the unit. Adjusting the molecules were no more different than before. The pattern in my head required me to start in one place in the crystal. It was like playing Lego as I broke down a crude structure and built a much neater five dimensional shape with it.
When I finished, I looked at the crystal and found it only a fraction of its original size.
Nadac said, "You have completed this task satisfactorily. You have dispersed the majority of the crystal into all five dimensions."
"Could I move all of it into the other dimensions?"
There as a long pause and I knew I had something when Nadac said, "That is a very difficult task to accomplish. The maximum done so far has been to have 82% of the mass of a crystal moved into the combinations of other dimensions. The crystal was moved into two of the common dimensions and one of the other. This is enough to remove mass."
"I made the main processor for an 80. Could I make another but shift more of its bulk into the other dimensions. It would then appear to be a lesser unit."
"Your idea is sound but you cannot hide the number of flux lines even if it is smaller."
I thought a moment then said, "You showed me a crystal made of many different molecules. It had a great many lines of force coming from it because it did everything a computer must do. Could I condense a similar crystal so that it performs all the functions of an 80 and appear to be an inferior unit?"
Nadac was quiet a long time now. "My memory as a Cyberneticist tells me that this was attempted and was partially successful. The memories I was able to take with me just list this happening with few details. The majority of my memories were placed in crystals in my skull when I was in a biological form. These and my memories in the main computer were not copied when I was transferred to where I am now."
I said, "You're the researcher. I need the data you did manage to bring with you and additional storage... can memory storage units be pushed into the other dimensions. A crystal that appears small to Rontem may be large if we can partition it. The portion he can access will correspond to the size of the crystal that is viewable."
"That is a good idea. That is already done in some military units. I did not suggest it to you because you have not gathered the skill to do this until now. Let's see what you can actually make. Perhaps we can add material to your existing memory hidden in the bone of your skull."
I worked much harder making memory crystals. A partition was put in that looked like the normal one that incorporated the entire crystal. The crystal was then shrunk in size. The capacity was compared to its size. It didn't match close enough and it was destroyed. It was much easier to start with virgin material.
It was the seventh unit that matched but I tried to do even better with a non-partitioned unit. I was making mistakes and had to sleep.
When I awoke, I exercised. After eating I began on another crystal. Nadac had been talking to me as soon as I awoke. He appeared eager to see what I could do. There were six possible triplets of dimensions. The triplet we were familiar with just got less of the material. It occurred to me that I could make a computer in five of the triplets and ignore the one we used. This was cut off abruptly. Nadac could read minds and he was an Aristis, not a human. He had a back door into my thinking and I had never found a way to keep him out.
I finally reached the 82% level and continued. Nadac didn't say it was impossible to do more and he was as interested as I was. When my latest crystal hit 86%, I thought he would dance around.
"How come I can do more than what your records indicate?"
"I have been working on just that problem. It takes many units of time before a master could displace even half of a crystal."
"I am part Tomma. They altered my race you said. Perhaps I am partially what they wanted."
"I have been looking through your race's DNA with this in mind. Humans vary a great deal. Your race is full of genetic defects that get bred back into the general population. A high proportion of your race seems to almost have the ability you have before we met. I do not know if this is the result of deliberate manipulation or chance.
I said, "Let's go with intent. Can you see how I am different than the Aristis and from my fellow humans?"
"Your brain was studied intently but I see nothing odd. It is not the same as a Tomma or the Aristis but the differences are understandable and minor."
Nadac had no idea then. I also assumed he was going to work on it when he could steal the time without being caught at it. "Nadac, I think I can get more. If I work on the 88 at my home I can hide this activity from Rotem."
"We were going to use that unit to supplement my work."
"How about I build standard memory units. They go into my skull and Rotem can monitor their contents. It would be just what a tech would know. I can experiment at home and build another computer more on my own. When I have mine, you can have yours back. While working inside the computer I am safe from detection."
"I cannot help you that way."
"I have to come back here more often for training without arousing suspicion unless we can use another portion of the ultrawave band that Rontem is not monitoring."
"He monitors it all."
"Why use that? It's slow."
"We are close. We can use a cell phone."
"That may be possible. Rontem demands uploads of data often and at irregular time. I have built within myself a complete personality that Rontem monitors while I am free most of the time to use my real personality."
"Can I do this?"
"You are not a cybernetic device."
"Too bad. What about borrowing the 88?"
"I would allow it but the king will find out at the next upload and then he could deny you the use of the machine."
"If I do not try then I cannot succeed. I also need some buds, a ceramic case, and all the other necessary parts."
"I will have to deliver this later."
I worked on other crystals to do the work Rontem expected. One of the crystals would do much more than the six ultrawave units in my skull. Again I worked with Nadac's eager help but we were both afraid of showing too much of Nadac's real knowledge. A tech was not a Cyberneticist.
I did not get an upgrade as I hoped but my existing Ultrawave was removed and the tiny crystal replaced with a slightly larger unit. This was partitioned to coincide with its size. It was my best effort to date and hid 93% of its mass. I had much of Nadac's knowledge but only that relating to computers.
I did not have the units to implant and I didn't have a med unit. I had something better. I had the knowledge to build them. This was placed in my public memory for Rontem to find.
Many phone calls had come to me but Nadac answered them with my voice and mannerisms. I did not like this but it worked better when I had to learn. I had stayed to the last minute and emerged out of the ship just down the street from my home on the morning I had to go to school. Betts, Erica and the rest met me in the school yard where I was immediately mugged.
The guys wanted to know what I had learned and asked. The girls were the same but were quiet.
"I learned of a neat device that stimulates a cell to heal. It is secret so far but will come out eventually. I learned how to control a small vehicle like the Americans use in the battlefield. Mine didn't have a bomb or a gun but only an eye."
Chuck said, "I could use that in the summer when I check sunbathers." Wendy elbowed him but he still smiled.
"There's a small implant that has to go in first. Like the kind you read about that lets an invalid move a mouse pointer or select keyboard characters."
Sam said, "Neat. I could use that."
"I am trying to get it. It is hooked up to our glasses. That's how I talk to you."
Everybody was interested now but I could not say too much because the munchkins and Paul were not fully into our group yet.
Jerry said, "We could cheat at tests."
"Yes you could but then you don't learn. There was one guy that was using two feet to stomp information into me. It was brutal. If I had taken the easy way all the time I could not have passed the tests to be accepted to the academy.
Paul said, "What academy?"
"It is an online school. I'd sign you up but you do not know enough math yet.
Wendy said, "What about us. I talked to that guy Chuck talks to. He sounds ok. Can he teach us stuff too?"
"I'll see after we get home from karate. We can get the course but I don't know if they have enough tutors to help all of us. We learn what an infantryman has to know then go on to learn... more complicated stuff."
Paul said, "Can you see if they'll take me?"
"Why would you want to learn? They will make you learn what an astronaut knows. They might put you in a rocket someday and shoot you at Alpha Ursae Majoris."
"I'd meet the Tomma women." He had three girls beating him now and he fled for his life.
People were dressed better after Christmas. I looked for those that looked depressed and didn't see any. After recess I would get Betts to look too. When I did ask Erica said, "Steph didn't look that happy."
"Find out if there is anything we can do." I quizzed Nadac and found that there were a lot of suicides during and after Christmas.
When we were let out at the end of the day Miss Lime said, "I wanted to thank you again for that lovely drawing. That would have cost a lot of money to get done. I wish I had your talent."
"You're welcome. I suddenly found the ability. Perhaps yours needs to be stimulated. Sheridan is a great college for the visual arts. The students get a chance to paint nudes. You might find your inspiration there."
"Wally, I don't know what to do with you."
"I doubt if you are a prude Miss Lime. Copy pictures. Your ability will increase the more you try. A night course may be just what you need."
When we got outside there were two more people with us. Steph was one. She was held by Erica and Wendy. Betts was talking to a thin boy from the other class. Betts got him to board the bus with us and Steph came too.
Betts said, "This is Jeff. He wanted to try out karate with us."
Though it was not done by kids our age I put out my hand. Jeff shook it and I said, "Glad to meet you Jeff. The guys here are outnumbered and we need all the reinforcements we can get." He was too shy to answer but he did smile.
We had to sit on the floor because there were so many of us. Buses didn't have to have seatbelts and most of us didn't have seats either.
Betts and Erica made sure Jeff and Steph were well introduced and they even sat side by side. Matchmaking at its finest I guess.
Karate was as strenuous as I wanted it to be. I had two new moves I wanted to try on Sensei Kazuyoshi but he had other plans. The two newcomers worked with us but they didn't put much effort into what they did.
When the class finished, Chuck said, "What are we doing now?"
"You guys go to the university pool again or have some free time. I need to make our communicators."
"I thought they were high-tech?"
"You will see how high-tech. They won't be cans and string. Only a very few have this type and you guys will have them."
"What do they do?"
"For the moment, voice only. Later visual information can be transmitted. No more one way communications. This unit can communicate with your computer directly. Nobody hears what you hear and nobody can hear what you say. I have an ultra miniaturised unit over my house now. I can see threats if they are obvious. You guys get your own units. They are not like satellite but you get better uploads."
Patricia said, "What are you guys talking about?"
"New equipment I learned how to make."
"What's it do?"
"Neat stuff like spying."
"Can we do it too?"
"You guys don't know enough mathematics."
"You said that before."
"It's still true."
"Will you teach us?"
"I will but you will get bored."
Chuck wanted to know more and I said, "Talk to your tutor. He may have the authority to release the information."
Chuck's face lit up and he saluted. I saluted back with a similar smile. In the meantime I talked to Nadac to find out how much info should be transferred and what slant we wanted on it. Equipment from a secret military lab was ok as long as it was of terrestrial origin.
Betts and Erica asked me too. Erica had to check out Betts' computer to find out more.
The computers were busy in the house and I loaned mine out. I hid in my room with a crystal in my mouth as I worked on it. I was not experimenting now because I would be monitored. I worked on what a good tech might conceivably know. Nadac had requested data from Fonduush to supplement his own. This made my work much more probable.
My project now was the med unit. It could be as complicated as a large computer because it was a computer and also had tools to manipulate. This unit had to be in a small size too. A hospital or an aid station would have large powerful units but those used in the field had to be small and light. One was built into the armoured battle suits. It was a different design to do its work within confined places.
I made the parts for my bulky unit and waited for Nadac to send the rest of the equipment. I would need a bud for each system. If and when the 88 came, I could possibly get it to produce buds too.
At our meal there was little talk about my trip. The guard ate with us usually. We treated them all like part of a conventional family but not the way we were to each other. The paperwork had gone in for Paul's adoption and this was the current topic of discussion. The boy had changed a lot now that he met the munchkins.
The guys had gone home and so had most of the girls. Erica lived with Gail but the two of them were always over here instead. All of us liked it that way.
Betts' tutor gave Erica work to do as I got my computer back and I 'inquired' if there were any openings for more enrolment in the academy. Nadac had lots of capacity when compared to an earth machine but he had lots of duties. The guys tended to use his capacity all at once. None was used when they were asleep or in school. I was told that we could have audio only and get everybody. The youngsters would learn math but it was their age that I was really concerned with. Nadac would not give me any USB keys but would give me the blanks and the raw crystals. This loaded me down a lot more.
I continued on the med unit after telling Erica and Paul that they were enrolled but only for sound and of course typing and the graphical display a computer could usually generate. Making a real time display of a person talking and moving was very costly in processing power.
The family ignored me as best they could. I guess I was like a teenager though it would be a few months before I became a teen. I stayed in the room but went out that night at ten and picked up a delivery from Nadac. I hurried to my room and showed Betts and Erica a box forty centimetres square and thirty deep. This was large enough for an 80 but it had to be open so that my head would fit in to check on the function and the growth of the device. I was going to get the 88 tomorrow night and I had a chance to show a stripped down unit in its infancy. The parts for the USB keys were there and this alone would help.
The buds were in a ceramic cylinder with enough stored power and nutrients to keep them alive for a few weeks.
Erica said, "What is all this stuff for?"
I said, "This may look like a toy but it will be a computer some day. This one is not started yet."
"How does it work?"
"I have to tell you a secret. Only Betts knew this up until now. It's just as important as... what we did before. You have to never talk about this."
"I am serious. This can get me more into trouble than last time."
"I won't tell anybody Wally."
"I didn't think you would but I just want to make you aware or how important it is"
Erica said, "Ok," much more solemnly now.
"One of the reasons I came to the attention of the academy was because I can see a field around certain crystals." Betts didn't know that the academy tied in this way. "There are very few people that can see the lines of force coming out. It is just the way my mind sees two extra dimensions."
"What do you mean? There are only three dimensions."
"You're wrong Erica. Very close to an atom there are up to twenty one dimensions depending on the size of the nucleus. You can research the net and they will tell you that there are up to fourteen. There are some researchers that know that there are more. Two of those dimensions extend much further from the nucleus of an atom. The new dimensions mean that they found new types of force and energy.
"The academy wanted me because I could move a molecule with my mind. It is a form of psychokinesis and too small to be noticed. Actually a lot of people have it but moving a molecule or two would never get noticed. Since I can see the lines of force, I can see the effect of my work."
"Can you show me?"
"Actually I can. I have got stronger since then." I got my flashlight and said, "Help me move the bed but take small steps. I am after some vicious animals."
The girls looked at me with worry. I said, "I want a dust bunny and a small one that doesn't have big teeth."
The girls looked a bit sheepish and moved the bed with me. I got them to lay down and I turned off the light. The flashlight was laid on its side aimed at a small bit of dust. "Don't breathe on it. Put your hand over your nose and mouth and I will make it move."
The dust bunny moved away from me then back. It then formed a 'T'. Next it did a square and finally a circle within it.
Erica did some thinking when the lights went back on. Betts did the same thing but didn't look as worried. Erica said, "Can you do anything more?"
"I can move a crumb if it is not too big."
She seemed to relax and said, "What is so important about that? I heard of people bending spoons and making things fly for a long time."
I could say that they were charlatans but it was good cover for me. "This is not another person but me. I don't want some business or government lab getting me and locking me up. The government lab I am with is nursing me along at a pace I can handle. The other ones would lock me up and I would not get out."
"They wouldn't do that."
I held Erica's hands and said, "When somebody wants something very badly then laws will not stop them. Governments make laws but then assassinate people. Businesses break the laws all the time if they figure they can get away with it. Believe me when I say that I would be taken away."
"If you say so but what does moving a bit of dust around have to do with this?"
"Some molecules generate odd fields that go into all five common dimensions. I can straighten them out and make the field useful. A steel bar is made of iron atoms. They are all in random arrangements. I never tried but I could line up the iron molecules so they worked together. I would then have a magnet."
"I can see that."
"Well I can take a crystal and turn it into a ram chip."
"That sounds neat."
"If you go on the net, you will find that a computer is made up of small chips that could work together to make a computer. The CPU is just like ram and other transistors and capacitors. We once had a computer made of tubes like an old radio. You put all the tubes together and you can make logic circuits. I can make those kind of things. Modern computers are not made of tubes any more. Everything is packed on a tiny chip. I can make that tiny chip too but it's hard and takes a long time."
"So you are going to make crystals and put them in this box to get a computer?"
"Yep. I change the crystals and put them together in the box. This one is simple in a way. It's like a kit I have to put together."
"That doesn't sound hard."
"It's hard for me. It was one of those tiny chips that allowed me to find Wendy and the guys last time. We are at the cutting edge of technology here. They find out things and I try them too. I'm not much good yet but by the time I grow up I may find something new."
"So they are going to put you in the army or something."
"Well I am in a way and so are you guys. I need people to train with. You guys make me work harder in karate. It's like being in sports. We push each other to do our best. A mind or a body does not develop very well from a chair. It is by doing something that we learn the best.
I added, "I have something else I want to tell you and this is even more top secret."
"What?" came from both girls.
"They have found that gravity is a type of energy from the five dimensions we know about. They are working on antigravity. It works now in small crystals. We figure we can make a platform that floats and then a small ship. Wouldn't it be neat to be the first kids in our class to orbit the earth?"
Betts said, "Never mind our class. Kids never get to do that."
"I know some kids that are going to try. It might take a few years."
Erica said, "Don't we need a rocket to get us there?"
"We float up or we use small rockets. It depends on how strong we can make the anti in antigravity."
"How do we get down?"
"Make the antigravity weaker."
"Let's try it."
"I am the only one that can change the crystals. I have to make a computer as an assignment for school. I have to make a bigger crystal that goes into you like the other one and allows you to talk to us and for you to hear. Your man is going to be busy for a long time making other things. One of them is the USB keys the guys' computers communicate with."
I took one key apart and showed the girls the interior. The crystal took the power from the port and converted it into a usable form then this was used to send and receive data. I concentrated on the crystals and altered them quickly then went over it once more to fine tune it.
I handed the completed key to Erica and said, "Put this into Patricia's computer for today. We will get you a laptop tomorrow so you can study alone."
"Ohhh can I get one like yours."
"Mine is better than most and just has a titanium case. Yours should look ordinary if you show other people."
She didn't like the idea much but she was young. Betts looked put out and I added, "You get a new computer too. Maybe I can buy in bulk and everybody gets one."
I got a kiss from each and that seemed to be that. I could just move a crumb with my mind and see lines of force. The mysterious government agency wanted to train me and gave me assistance in many forms. My girls were naive but I loved them for it. I would have to explain shooting through walls and opening safes with ease otherwise.
The two left with the key while I went to work on the other keys. They were important. I could use them as before and after experiments to show that I had done something to the crystals. Letting the rest know of my ability was not a good idea just yet. Perhaps later, when we had something else to think about, I would let them know about my crystals. They were quick to make and I put them aside.
More work was done on the med unit before the girls figured it was play-time. Half the time the girls still passed out and it relaxed me too so I could sleep better. A warm body on each side of me made it better yet.
I processed crystals in school. During the recesses and lunch I socialised. Between crystals, Nadac gave me updates on our business ventures. Caputo was working on a counter offer that would give me all of Cosner but this was from our spies that monitored him and his lawyers. My own spy needed little attention. It hovered in place and sent back images to Nadac for processing but its threat recognition needed a lot of work. A newspaper sheet blowing in the wind activated it.
During lunch I asked for quotes on two dozen laptops. My voice did not help so Nadac took over this task. I didn't need state of the art but I didn't want old units either. Cash was the preferred exchange. Too many companies got ripped off otherwise. Nadac continued with the process and said, "Twenty four units will be on hand tomorrow. You may pick them up after your martial arts training."
I didn't want to say thanks because of my quest for three of the more prestigious castes but I did say, "You did very well Nadac." I received no reply.
A better drone was within my capacity. I could make it small but Rontem could compare its size to its capabilities and know I had training I should not have had. The extra tech training installed on my larger memory chip could be an excuse. I could claim this as the reason for an inspiration but I could not do it more than once.
I wanted to process the image in the computer in my mind. It would then be easily seen on my internal screen without having to be managed through Nadac. He could lie to me about what is seen as he was doing to Rontem. Nadac seemed to be holding himself in control but on a few instances it looked like he could be violent and he was very powerful.
Jeff and Steph came with us again. Betts talked to them about working harder and fraternising after. Chuck hit Jeff below the belt by saying that Steph would like a guy that could protect himself and her. Steph worked harder because Jeff was.
Before we got home I saw that Betts gave Jeff and Steph some money to go out and have a good time. She had lots of money so it was no hardship on her.
When I got home, I went to the lowest level room and opened the door to the back yard to ostensibly look out. An invisible delivery service had the 88 and a lot of spare parts I needed. Some very small assemblies were here to complete the med unit.
My med unit was the very basic model. There was no scalpel or tractor. All mine did was heal. The wound had to be closed and possibly sutured. The unit worked on accelerating the action of the DNA and RNA. This would help a virus so a simple sterilizer was added. An accumulator held a charge that did the work. This unit was both mind operated and had three buttons. One button and a control button to begin the repair. The control and another would supply a crude form of sterilisation that we had used when the crystals were injected into us.
The 88 was twenty centimetres cubed. It was still the most powerful computer on earth other than Nadac and perhaps some of his units. The load we would put on it was not much. I looked through walls and floors until I was able to get this shipment to my room. The computer relied on beamed power. A small black box took the power from the outlet and broadcast it. Only equipment phased to collect this power would get it. It was also just as efficient as house wiring. Large units were better than high-voltage power lines used on earth.
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First Timeby Edweird Lytwer-Bulton (Sometimes knows as Russell Hoisington) Copyright© 2004 -- All rights reserved BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! It was a bright and shiny day; my wood-frame house shook like a stressed-out crack junkie in the pangs of withdrawal as I stumbled from between the rumpled sheets of my comfortably lukewarm waterbed, grabbed freshly laundered jockey shorts from the clean-laundry basket, and, staggering with drowsiness, got them properly oriented the second time I pulled...
We'd been there long enough for Frank to fix us all a drink when I saw that Shelly had ushered Cindy off into a corner somewhere. Like a sister, she seemed to always know when something was bothering Cindy, and she would always seem to draw Cindy off to one side and ferret out from her whatever it was that was going on. I knew neither of them kept secrets from one another, though I doubted Shelly had nearly as many to share with Cindy as my wife did with her."How's business going for you Tom?"...
Your friend’s hot mom is driving you crazy and you’re thinking of her hot, wet pussy, you’ve got to use every chance to stuff it with your cock…This happened few years ago, when I and my friend were 20 years old and his hot mom was 36. Is it hard to believe or not, but she got pregnant with my friend while in high school. My uncle almost got in trouble, since she was a minor, but anyway they got married and their marriage worked out. Janette’s parents were rich. She is a very beautiful blonde...
Hi everyone. My name is Amith(name changed). I am a professional tattooist.This incident happened few days back. I have my own tattoo Studio in Bangalore. I’m good at tattooing. As every professional tattooists do not tattoo in the customers place I was also following the same. Because it spoils our reputation. But this incident totally changed my character. Without wasting time I will come to story.Once when I was in my tattoo studio a boy came to me and asked me about the charges and other...
This is a true story that happened to me many years ago. I was 20 years old and in college, home on break the week after Christmas, and working in a grocery store. A former high school teacher (Tim) came into the store. He taught my favorite class and I felt I knew him pretty well. We chatted for a while about our lives then he left. The next day he called me and said he was going skiing up north and his wife was unable to make it – and did I want to come along (he already had the condo...
So we are talking to hot latina Nicole Rey and come to find out that she has never experienced a big black cock. Well, she’s come to right place. After getting her to show us some of her hot little body, she decides it may a good idea to get herself ready for the big one. She plays with her pussy and gets it all nice and wet. In walks in Macana Man and she is amazed when she finally gets a look at his monster cock. She sucks him off real good as it barely fits in her mouth. He then fucks her...
xmoviesforyouI usually make a rule of never getting involved with co workers. It's just too dangerous with potential sexual harassment suits and what not, but I made the exception one time.I was working for a poorly-run advertising firm in Southern California. There was a high turn over and they were always hiring new people. One day, I was coming back from lunch when I spied a hot-looking dark-skinned sister in the lobby. I must admit that I gave her more than the once over. She was tall with flowing hair,...
Sandra goes to church then spends her first date with Brian at the movies. Janice Brian's mom has a chat with Sandra's Dad David. A Prayer Answered Chapter Five By Sara D. Sandra woke early on Sunday morning, showered, shaved her legs and did her makeup and then dressed in her new white satin dress for church. She joined her dad who was also dressed in his best, a grey suit and tie. Knowing...
I was sat in my car at the gas station when I saw her going into the bathroom.She was wearing a grey track suit and running shoes. Pretty face with long dark hair tied up. Hot curvy body with a nice full ass. I watched as she closed the door behind her.Time went by and she didn't come out. 10 minutes. 20 minutes.I thought I'd better go check if she was OK.I got out of my car and went over to the bathroom.I knocked on the door. "Um.... hi, are you OK in there?""Yeah I'm fine" she said. Sounding...
I rang the door bell and I heard Lissa excitedly call to her mom "It's uncle Jason." She opened the door, and I beheld my gorgeous, exotic, spritelike 14 year old niece. She leaped out and hugged me, and although it was cozy, it was tentative and completely chaste. Then my sister came out and gave me a warmer hug, and I knew right then that at least she hadn't been making everything up, as I could plainly see the shape of the cones and peaks of her nipples through her lovely emerald...
Next day being Saturday, Susan convened a coffee morning of the ‘support Carol’ club. Jessica, Kathy, Cloë, Karen and Freya all made time to attend. Carol was not invited. “Ladies, yesterday I had dinner with Tom and Ann Forshaw. Let me summarise the situation. After all Carol’s hard work to get John back, Liam destroyed it all at the midsummer party. “John now thinks Carol has found someone else, a previous lover. I learned that John was only here for a week before being sent abroad again...
The naked exposed prisoners were forced into groups. Each had his hands tied securely behind his back. Each man then had his testicles shackled and manacled to every man in the group. The chains led between each mans legs which led to the balls of the man behind him. The chains were heavy and pulled every captives aching suffering balls downward. They were to be paraded naked in the hot sun shackled by the testicles and occasionally whipped by guards through the main street of the...
There's something really sexy about being tied up, blindfolded and made to do things, even if it's just lying there while men do things to you. I was a normal late teenager girl until, with a group of my girlfriends one night, we watched 'The Story of O' you know the one with that Bond girl playing the lead. I couldn't believe how wet it made me just watching it. The other girls all laughed and, of course, I joined in but I couldn't take my eyes off the tv screen. A few days later I found...
I had help getting out of my dress and in removing the makeup that had been so judiciously applied. I had a final wash and scrub and then I was off to my room. The minute the door closed behind me I let the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions back from where I had managed to banish them. Sid McKesson had almost kissed me at the door, and I was waiting for him to do it! Sid McKesson had a skystone like mine, and we had felt each other through them in some way since we were young. Sid...
I’ve always wondered what my wife Madhu would have been like in bed before we were married. I know at one time she had a lot of boyfriends, but she’s always been vague when I ask about her past. It was a mystery I always enjoyed and my obsession with it became a factor when we decided to have an open marriage on a temporary basis while I was worked Mumbai for six months. I gave her permission to have sex with another man on the condition that she had to tell me every detail. She almost backed...
Belinda was a wonderful person, great personality, bubbly; jocular and always full of fun; she’d a list of friends as long as your arm. However, she had one large problem and she herself would be the first to admit it; she was built like a brick shithouse. At 275lbs, she had to be huge, but her friends, girlfriends that is, loved her to bits. She was no problem to take out with them, if fact they jumped at the chance, knowing full well that any male’s attention would be attracted to them. Sex,...
Hi friends, i am from bengaluru, my name is simpleman(name changed), my cock size is 6 inch, i am working now, this is about how i fuck my friend sister, any girls, antis, elder woman need heaven please contact my mail id , if any mistakolde in this story, forgive me, Let me come to the point, my friend name is ashok(name changed), he is working with me now, and his sister name sukanya(name changed) her size is 32-34-32, she is studying, on the october, office file was with ashok, he is not in...
Flossie was the only one to get off the train at the rail-side platform that was marked only by a number. There hadn’t been any sign of human existence for many, many miles. She’d hoped, staring out the coach window as the scruffy land rolled by, that she’d made a good decision. Her last big one hadn’t been great but it kept her alive. A widow at twenty-five, her gold-hunting husband off searching for his fortune for two years before falling in a mineshaft, her income had stopped suddenly. No...
*********************** Note to readers, this story was written from a completely different perspective, one for which I have no real knowledge save my imagination. So if I offend which is not my intention I apologies. But please remember it is only fiction! *********************** Friday afternoon tea and Barbara was watched her girlfriends as they laughed and gossiped wondering how she was going to broach the subject of her latest project. She had known them all their lives, from...
This story makes use of West Asian clothing and terms. If you prefer this to be more western, please adjust the vocabulary in the right panel. Example outfit: Disclaimer: All characters are over 18. This story involves racial degradation and strong non-consensual themes. This is fantasy and should not be repeated in the real world, unless as part of a role-play between consenting adults. Please enjoy, and leave feedback even if you don't! My day was off to a bad start. I knew it was a mistake...
Tiff on the other hand, was a neglected MILF. She told me, she liked it doggy style, she wiggled her butt, and squeezing the cock.Tiff was a flirty, statuesue woman, who's most dominant features were her eyes, hair, and always wore a good support bra for those yummy boobs. She liked to drink, a lot.One evening, the girls were out at the farm, tending the horses, when Tiff called the house. She sounded a big off, slurring her words. Also sounded pissed off.She wanted some company, her hubby...
True story. —- In my defense, I can argue that his computer was so much better than mine. Well, sort of. Anyway, Id use any excuse I could find to justify my curiosity. Dad used to spend so much time at night in his computer… sometimes I woke up very late at night to drink water or use the bathroom, and Id notice the light in his bedroom. His computer light. Oh, there should be something really, really good happening over there, and I had to know what it was. But first, let me say something...
“All right, what’s so important that you’re taking me away from my other priorities? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m still mopping up operations. I’m talking to hundreds of curious creatures, fending off the media until I have a better grasp of where we stand, and I’m nervous about leaving that little weasel, Desttr, alone for too long.” “That’s not a very ‘accepting’ statement,” Sweizzr reminded him. “No, but I’m being honest. I still don’t trust the bugger.” Ignoring the distraction,...
t was our first time at a new club in town. There were people everywhere. The lights were dim and flashing a rainbow of colors from the stage. The music was upbeat and playing just loud enough to be heard over the crowd. The sounds of pleasure and pain were all around us coming from near and far as the others began to make their way to the playrooms. You order us each a drink to ease into the scene as we made our way around, touring the space to see what was where.A wooden stage took the center...
Hi, this Akshay here with another incident. I and Rohan were best friends from college. We are roommates now. Rohan had his fair share of girlfriends over the past few years. Since we were from the same college, most of his girlfriends were my friends too and I always used to be the third wheel. Everyone liked my company in general. So, Rohan was going through a dry phase for almost an year. One day he was telling me about a new hottie in his office and how he badly wanted to get on with her....
Chapter 2 I expected Tory would come but was surprised how quickly he had shown up. I had just begun to train his sixteen year old daughter, r, as a sexual slave. He had sent her to me last night, and I was just dozing off at five in the morning when the knock came. I opened the door. There he stood, where only twelve hours earlier his daughter had stood, a supplicant, the necessary handcuffs around her tiny wrists, the key to those restraints in her mouth. She had been naked, but for...
Please read the previous chapters to pursue the story. Many months have passed. Sree Lakshmi became mother of a cute baby girl who is fathered by George but nobody doubted about the child’s paternity only Sree Lakshmi knew who the real father was even George did not have any idea about it. She had intercourse only with Aamil and Aalim during the period of her pregnancy. She could not trash the twin’s insistence. Also, there was immense pressure from Susan but the boys were very caring when they...
I am a forty year old office worker married to same women for 14 years. In the last few years to spruce things up with my orgasm's I would ask my wife to tell me a story of her having sex with X boy friends while giving me a hand job. Her story and the thought of my wife having sex got me so horny I would cum in seconds and the orgasm would be so powerful I'd scream.One night I thought to my self that this type of sex was getting too be doll. After sex, I had asked my wife if I could watch...
This is my first time at submitting and not sure what you think. Its a bit short but some advice would be nice. We were alone in her house. We were watching TV together on the couch. Nothing of interest was on so we decided to play cards. We played Rummy. We did silly things for the winning hand i.e. looser had to make a drink. A few hands later we did some funny things like put your hand down the back of the other person or nibble the persons ear. One time as I was having my ears...
Hi to all Incest Sex Stories readers. I have been reading this stories for the past 7 years. I am Harikrishnan(name changed) currently working in Bangalore. I go to my village every week to fuck my aunt. I feel now is the time to share my experience with my aunt Gayathri(name changed)(equal to sister, uncle’s wife) which happened 6 years ago. I am 23 years old. At that time I was 18 years old and she was 24 years old with great assets 30,36,32. She looks like an angel. She has two children’s...
IncestBathroom Sex I have always loved “Bathroom Sex.” It all started with my little sister when she was thirteen and I was fifteen. The age difference wasn’t really all that much. We were only fourteen months apart. I had been fifteen for about a month and Angeline would turn fourteen in another month. Anyway we shared a bathroom that was between our bedrooms. We each had a door but dad had never seen the need to install any locks. Angeline would almost always come in when I was peeing...
My name is Mike and I am 36 years old, 6’2”, and brown hair with green eyes. I am a school in a small town. I have a couple of classroom aids that help out from time to time. One of the ladies is a mother of three kids. Her name is Becky and she has long black hair she stands 5’9” tall with brown eyes. She is very unassuming in her looks and is married to a man that does not appreciate her. She wears glasses and is a little over weight. Becky has large breast and a pleasant personality. One day...
EroticI had forgotten just how attractive Judith was. At forty-five, the same as me, size 12-14, honey blond hair, slightly taller than average and bordering on voluptuous, she still had what it takes to turn heads, be it male or female. She took great delight in reminding me of some of the male lovers we had shared at the same time a few years ago. A common thread with all of the men we shared, ‘fucked at the same time,’ to use Judith’s words, was they were all five to ten years younger than us,...
A loop of rope dropped around a pale neck. The screaming head attached to it didn’t seem to notice. The makeshift noose went taught. A pale, rag-clad body was yanked thrashing into the air. Lace Webber swung down like a boom, counterbalancing the weight of the creature she’d just lassoed against her own. She crashed into another grindylow with both feet, feeling a satisfying crack and sending the clumsy creature sprawling across the deck. Another crewman quickly took advantage of the opening,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMy man and I had finished our shower and he is sitting in the dining area reading the paper with just a towel around his waist. His friend Tony is visiting and is sitting across from him. I come up behind him and run my hands over his back and into his hair. He leans back into my hands enjoying the attention as I lean over his shoulder with my long dark hair brushing his back and body. While my lips and tongue enjoy the taste and feel of his skin, Tony is getting a full view and is looking...
VoyeurKim has always slept naked with her mom and dad. She loves to suck her mom's big full tits. Some nights she would suck one as dad sucked the other. Dad would also finger mom's pussy as he sucked on a tit. He would also turn mom on her side so Kim could suck on a nipple as he fucked mom from behind. Then he would turn the mom back to her back and suck on a nipple beside Kim. In her teen years Kim started to develop tits and her mom would rub them and tell her that some day she would have a...
Copyright© 2009 by David Paul Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Please note that the story is based in Australia and is written in Queen’s English therefore my American audience will notice subtle differences in wording or phrases. * The engagement party was a pretty big event. I had finally finished with my therapy, was only on a low dose of medication and the future was looking bright. Paul and Denise made it down from Iron Plain along with the rest of the Richards and Williams...
He noticed the friend request on the online fetish site that he had joined a few years prior. It stuck out since the request was from a woman who was pretty much half his age. He was leery since, in his experience, this kind of thing was typically a scam or someone posing as a hot young woman (which, in reality, is a scam in its own right!). He accepted the request and sent a short, polite note thanking her and asking her for more detail about herself.After some time had passed, he had put the...
TrueRebecca swayed lithely from side to side as she danced in the firelight. Here in the darkness of the trees at the bottom end of the three-acre garden little light penetrated. She swayed and sashayed around the fire, enjoying the heat from the flickering flames. The orange and yellow flames enhanced the natural sheen of her body as she danced. It seemed so natural to dance naked in the warmth of the African night. The fire was hardly necessary to add warmth, but its glow, and the flickering...
Sajitha: No need! Me: Then? Will you remove your clothes by yourself? Sajitha: No! It is not right. My body isn’t attractive as you think. Me: Really? That’s for me to decide. Okay? Saying so, I caught hold of my aunt’s waist and pulled her closer. I knew it was a green signal from her. Then I pulled her tank top and raised it over her arms. She raised her arms and while I was removing her tank top from her body, she was covering her bra coyly. I moved her arm from her body. She was blushing...
IncestIntroduction: I continue to explore my new-found freedom This is the sequel to New Rules 1 & 2. It will make more sense if you read them first. Once we were all in Peters room I quickly stripped off my few clothes then, naked, I stepped to my boss and started undressing him. I was really excited about what we were about to do and hoped that my excitement was infectious. Certainly my boss made no objection to my undressing him, raising his arms above his head to help me get his shirt off, and...
How to train a good sub How to train a good subPlease refer to [email protected] Like every working day, also this one starts as usual, by taking the RER at Gare du Nord by its entrance through the Faubourg Saint Denis. ?Metro Boulot Dodo? the Parisian saying means ?Tramway, Work, Sleep?. The only things, people working in Paris ever do... or nearly. Myself I like my work, as well as I like to sleep but I do definitely not like to take trips in the RER (one part of the local...
"Get off me baby girl." Wheezing as I try and catch the breath she knocked out of me. She smiles and shakes her head. "nuh uh. not until you get your birthday kisses." she then peppers my face with kisses, one for every year I've been alive. finally she stops and huffs out of breath. "your getting so old its hard to give you so many kisses!" I sigh and look up at her angelic face framed by twin pig tails. my eyes drift downwards and i feel my cock swell a bit as i take in her small a...
A Fair Wager: Part 2 Two shadows embraced in the dark. The air around them was warm and musky, and whatever pitch-black surface the shadows laid on was velvety soft. Too much so, almost inviting one to rest upon it, to envelope them in it comfort. The dark obscured the shadowed figures features, though one seemed taller, more masculine. Whist the other was tiny, frail, fair, and wrapped around its counterpart. Only intangible whispers could be heard, losing clarity as they echoed out...
Kelly Here I am a single father trying to raise to Girls and a son after my wife left, No excuse illness was the cause having the youngest in a bout of post natal depression she just walked out and never spoke to us in 3 yes 3 years don’t blame her, She couldn't help herself and I was no use to her. Yet for me and the kids it was the best thing she could have done for us at the time. When the Kids were of an age where the eldest could be left in charge I started going out at night...
Hey guys I am writing this story after a long time because it's not just a story it's actually an incident which happened with me last month which I want to share with you all.I hope you will react after reading it ....Last month I have a official meeting so I left the house in the evening so that I can reach the same day till night and attend the meeting next day.I was almost 30 miles away from my city when I saw a beautiful girl waving hands towards me to stop.Being a man I stopped in front...
The galaxy is in ruins. A catastrophic collapse of order, in the wake of devastating war, has left scattered governments and cabals vying for sovereignty over what remains. Nearest the border of the galactic core rules the proud HAPES CONSORTIUM, whose Queen Mother Her Majesty Kesra Lo Mhie has ordered a furious search for her missing daughter, Pelira Vel. Intercepted in deep space, a small trading vessel is brought into royal custody, under suspicion of involvement in the lost princess'...
Introduction: Sarah experiences two men. Charlie spoke, startling Sarah slightly she had almost forgotten anyone else was in the room, That was very, very nice to watch, and I do believe I am going to cum in your mouth before the night is over, too. But right now, I have something else in mind. Sarah, still sitting on the floor between Larrys legs, turned to face Charlie. She watched his cock bounce as he walked toward her. She tensed a little at the aggressiveness of his approach, What do you...
Chenosh entered the grounds, moving quicker than the eye could follow. Leaping over the brick wall, he crossed the lawn in front of the mansion in a matter of seconds. The guards patrolling the grounds never saw him. By the time one of them headed around the corner of the building, heading towards the back Chenosh was standing behind one of them. The man was lighting his cigarette with a cheap lighter when two hands reached out, and snapped his neck. Chenosh let them man drop, his senses...