Brothers slave 2 The training
- 2 years ago
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Charlie and Daniel turned back to normal, and tried to wake Harry up.
"Give him some time," Antonella said, the van driving away quickly. "He's had quite the shock. We'll need him conscious though for the journey."
"What journey?" Daniel asked.
"Right now that guy is almost certainly phoning his superiors, meaning he's about to realise he's been fooled. He knows who Harry is, meaning he could find his house, and from there, find yours, Charlie. You can't go home."
"Of course we can!" Charlie said.
"I'm sorry, but it's not a good idea. I've put protection on the buildings and your families, but we can't risk you going back there."
"So where are we going?" Daniel asked.
"You're coming with me to New York. It's where I live. There are a few dozen Masters all living there with their genies. It's where everyone can all live in harmony, as well as plan retaliation against those who believe magic should be destroyed."
Before the two of them could respond, they heard Harry begin to stir. He opened his eyes slowly, and saw Charlie.
"Oh God, I'm in Hell," he said.
"No such luck I'm afraid," Charlie said, and Harry turned to see Dan.
"What happened?" Harry asked.
"We managed to rescue you before you died," Daniel replied. "We're going to New York."
"Ideally we'd just teleport there, but as Harry's still bonded with Sarosa, our magic can't affect him."
"Sarosa..." Harry said. "Where is she!? Is she alright!?"
"We couldn't get her," Daniel said. "We could barely get you."
"Well we have to go and get her!" Harry shouted.
"No Harry, we can't," Antonella said. "Genie lamps are indestructible, and the only way to draw her out would be by you rubbing it. She's quite safe."
"Harry, we'll get her back one day. But for now, what's important is that you're alive. Focus on that."
Sarosa bashed against the walls of her lamp. That stupid, stupid boy! She loved Harry, but he could really be a moron sometimes. Who knows what they were doing do him right now? And she was powerless to stop them, her magic not stretching beyond the confines of her lamp. Sarosa sat down on her large, dark-blue bed, and tried to compose herself. Look at it this way, Sarosa. You can still feel your bond to him, meaning he's still alive. But that doesn't necessarily mean he's okay. They could be torturing him! Her stomach churned at the thoughts of her Master suffering.
On the other hand, maybe she was wrong. Maybe Harry was having the time of his life with these people, doing whatever it was they did. She didn't find it likely though. Despite their feigning ignorance, she was convinced they were a part of the Brookmans' organisation. She wondered who was in charge now, since she very much doubted Richard Brookman was still alive. Sarosa had met the man and his old, frail father in 1898, when they'd recruited her Master, Michele, into their organisation. She remembered that meeting well; dinner on the Eiffel tower, where she and the Brookmans' genie, Apriya, had been expected to sit in silent obedience while their Masters discussed matters. She'd not approved of the things they were discussing, but she'd known to keep quiet. Her Master, while generally kind to her, did not take kindly to being questioned. When her Master had died in 1912, she had returned to her lamp, and not emerged until 103 years later, when Harry had freed her. She could only assume she'd been locked away in the Society's vaults for that time, although Harry had told her she'd been found buried in the mud. She didn't know how she'd ended up there.
Tuesday the 12th February 1924. Archaeologist Howard Carter and his team were doing what they'd dreamed of for years. After months of excavating and plundering his tomb, they were finally opening the sarcophagus of the 18th dynasty Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen. Inside the first sarcophagus they found a second, and in the second they found a third, which took a great deal of effort to remove. Then, finally, they opened the third sarcophagus.
They all looked on in amazement at what they saw. The mummy, damaged, but still present. But it was not the mummy that amazed them. It was the fact that, on top of the mummy, lay a golden lamp, which surprised them considerably. It was decorated with what appeared to be rubies.
"What is it?" Asked Lord Carnarvon.
"Well it's obviously an oil lamp," said Howard.
"Yes, I can see that Carter. But it's medieval at the earliest. It couldn't have been around in the King's time."
"It must have been. The tomb hasn't been touched since it was sealed. Medieval grave robbers wouldn't have bothered cleaning up when they left."
"Well what else then? Time travel?"
"I don't know. Maybe the ancient Egyptians had things like this that have simply never turned up before."
As Howard Carter stared at the lamp, he was almost mesmerised by it. He reached out his hands, and picked it up.
"What are you doing, Carter!?" Shouted Lord Carnarvon. "It could crumble in your hands!"
"It's fine..." Howard said. "It's solid enough. Quite dirty though."
"Well that's fine, now put it down. Carefully."
Howard ignored Lord Carnarvon's advice, and instead began rubbing the lamp to remove the dirt. In his hands he felt it begin to grow warm, and the group watched as clouds of crimson-coloured smoke poured out.
"The Pharaoh's curse!" Shouted one of them, and the group ran off, leaving only Lord Carnarvon to stare at what was happening. The two of them watched on in amazement as the clouds of smoke clumped together, and formed into a very naked and very handsome man, who was knelt before them.
"Oh my God," said Howard.
"That's impossible," said Lord Carnarvon.
The genie listened to the two humans speaking, and quickly determined that, though he seemed to be in his former Master's tomb, they were not speaking a language he was familiar with. Identifying which of the humans was his Master, he looked at the other one, and with a thought, extracted the knowledge of this language from his mind. He then turned back to his Master.
"My most warm salutations to you, Master," the genie said. "I am Afericus, and shall be my purest pleasure to fulfil your every desire."
"What's he blabbering about?" Asked Lord Carnarvon, but Afericus just ignored him.
"Desire?" Howard asked.
"Indeed Master," said Afericus. "With a few exceptions, it is my sworn duty to grant your every wish. Anything you desire shall be yours in an instant, you need only say the word."
"Genie ... Djinn ... Carter, get back from him and get out of the tomb," said Lord Carnarvon. "Djinn seek only to cause suffering to humans. You ask him for anything and you'll regret it for the rest of your life, and possibly beyond."
"Master, please, do not listen to this man," Afericus said. "My only desire is to bring you joy and pleasure mere mortals may only dream of. With my powers, you may experience happiness unlimited for the rest of your days. Simply speak, and I shall obey."
"Come on Carter, let's get out of here," Lord Carnarvon said.
"Hang on..." said Howard. "Djinn ... you say you'll give me anything you desire?"
"Within the rules, yes."
"Can you bring my wife back to life?"
"Alas, Master, I cannot."
"Carter, we have to get out of here! NOW!"
"Can you shut him up?" Asked Howard.
"Certainly Master. Do you wish it?"
"Yes, I do."
"Then your wish is my command."
"Carter, please, get away from-" Lord Carnarvon began, but the instant Afericus snapped his fingers, his voice became silent. No matter how hard he tried, he could not make any noise. His entire body became completely silent.
"Oh my God, you really do have powers," said Howard.
"Indeed I do, Master."
"Well then, this is an interesting development, isn't it?"
"Wow, you served Tutankhamen and Howard Carter?" Antonella asked. "That's pretty incredible."
"Yes Miss Antonella," Afericus said. "Both were fine Masters."
"I've met quite a few genies who served famous historical figures," said Antonella. "Where we're going there's the genie who performed Jesus' "miracles" for him. Nice guy."
The two of them were sat together on a Heathrow to JFK flight, for which 5 tickets had magically become available. Sitting a few rows in front of them were Harry and Daniel, with Charlie in the middle of them. Daniel was playing hangman on the screen, Harry was just sat thinking about recent events, while Charlie was sat bored.
"I'm soooo boooored!" She said. "Are we there yet?"
"7 more hours," Daniel said.
"I wanna get there noooow!"
"I'm inclined to agree," Harry said. "I'd forgotten what it was like to not get things the instant I want them. Where are we going anyway?"
"Somewhere in New York," Charlie replied. "Antonella says we need to hide out because they'll be looking for us."
"The people who caught me?" Harry asked, and Charlie and Daniel nodded. "God, I feel so stupid. How could I have let them get me like that?"
"Don't blame yourself Harry," Daniel said. "How could you have known? And you quite rightly felt invincible with Sarosa."
"I should have listened to her," Harry said. "She thought I was in danger, and I sent her into her lamp."
"That does sound pretty stupid," Charlie said.
"Yeah ... look you two, I'm really sorry for how I acted."
"It's fine," Daniel said.
"No, it's not," Harry said. "Charlie, I shouldn't have made you fuck me."
"No, you shouldn't have," Charlie agreed.
"And suck me for 12 hours straight."
"And pose for nudes with me that I posted on 4chan."
" ... I did what?"
"And bum me with a penis I made Sarosa give you."
"And lactate on my cereal so I could use your milk instead of cow's milk."
"And eat your cereal with my jizz instead of milk."
"Okay, I think we get it!" Charlie shouted.
"And Dan, I'm sorry for being so selfish," Harry continued.
"Harry, really, it's fine," Daniel said.
"Dan, please, let me apologise," Harry said. "Like I was saying, I was so selfish. I spent months wishing up endless pleasures for myself, while ignoring my little brother. Your dick deserved pleasure too. And I promise, when all of this is over, when I get Sarosa back, I'll tell her to grant your wishes as well as mine."
"Well this is all rather touching," Charlie said. "But we've got 7 hours to kill, so let's do something fun. Pull your pants down."
"Come on you two, trousers and pants down," Charlie said. She then stood up and shouted. "Afericus! I wish no matter what the three of us do here, everyone will think it's perfectly normal!"
"Your wish is my command," Afericus shouted back, no-one taking any notice of the two of them.
"Good," Charlie smiled. "Now take your trousers off you too. We've got 7 hours to kill and I'm in a handjob sort of mood. Now do it."
"Sure, I could do with something to distract me," Harry said, pulling his down.
"Charlie, we're on a crowded plane!"
"Yeah, and no-one's gonna notice thanks to my wish," Charlie said.
"Come on Dan, you were complaining about not getting enough sex, and now a hot girl is asking to jerk you off."
"Fine, I'll do it."
The boys both took all their clothes off, which Harry then shoved into the overhead locker.
"Ready to join the Mile High Club?" Charlie asked.
"Well ... technically we're about 5 miles too high for that to be accurate," Daniel said. "It should be something like the 6-Mile High Club."
"Plus I joined the 6-Mile High Club with Sarosa in my first week of having her," Harry added. "But we did it without a plane. We flew through the air fucking, then cuddled and napped on a cloud. We also joined the 6-Mile Deep Club when we fucked at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. And the 250,000 Mile High Club when we fucked on the Moon."
"Alright then you two, ready to be wanked off on a plane?"
"Yeah, sure," Harry smiled.
Charlie grabbed hold of both boys' dicks, and started stroking them.
"I must say Dan, that dick of yours is looking pretty mighty," Harry said. "Charlie give it you."
"Uh ... yeah..." Dan said, not quite as used to talking casually while being pleasured as Harry was.
"Changing my body was one of the first things I wished for," Harry said, groaning a little as Charlie rubbed the head of his penis. "Sarosa had lots of fun moulding me as she saw fit, until I had the body of a God."
"Are there many 16-year-old Gods?" Charlie asked.
"Depends how many 16-year-olds have genies, I suppose," Harry moaned.
"Wow, you two are bloody talkative, aren't you?" Charlie said, amazed at how chatty two guys could be while getting handjobs. "I wonder which of you's gonna cum first."
"Probably me," Harry said, grabbing hold of his seat arms. "In fact, here I go ... Uhhhhh!"
Harry leaned his head back and thrust his hips up as he unleashed an enormous load, splattering large quantities of semen on the seat in front of him.
"Oooo yeah ... that's good..." Harry moaned as his climax came to an end.
"Really?" Charlie said, still stroking Daniel. "I'd have thought with all the sex you have you'd have much better staying power."
"I wished my staying power away," Harry told her.
"Why would I want staying power? No staying power plus no refractory periods equals lots and lots of orgasms. Why settle for one load when I can blow a hundred an hour?"
"I guess that makes sense, eh Dan?" Daniel just nodded, enjoying his handjob. "You feeling about ready to blow?" Daniel nodded again, moaning as Charlie rubbed the head, and caressed his balls.
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Alright sounds good, Rich said I laid there pounding my cock unknowing of what went on in the next room. it was early morning and i woke up hard as a rock. I always sleep nude so when there was precum on the sheets i knew i needed to blow a load. I moved my sheet below my balls and started jerking off. Slowly it felt so good that soon i was so into it i fell into a world of pleasure. I didn't realize when the door opened. Rich said, " Oh Shit sorry man" " Dude what the fuck" "i'm...
Try to, as best you can, imagine the utter humiliation of having to dress yourself in your little sister's bedclothes each night. Imagine pulling a pair of purple fluffy shorts from the drawer or of feeling them slide up around your legs until they reach your waist, where they sit snugly over your, terribly hidden, male underwear. Imagine too, pulling the little strappy pyjama top over your torso, and of feeling the row of lace on the neck and on the straps against your arm. Then, imagine...
One nonevent full day in the hot as hell heartland of Kansas we put in the original copy of Taboo with Kay Parker and watched it from start to finish. He looked at me.. "I'm as hard as a rock...its not gay if you do it with your brother is it?" And with that bro and I were naked in bed exploring each others body's! I'm the older one of the two of the time i was 15 and he was 13. he was hitting puberty and I was taking every chance to rub a load out i could! We...
Uncle Jim was pretty special. He knew we did not want to be separated after our parents were killed and he welcomed us into his home even though he was not married and, I am sure, had no great desire to have three brats under foot. The first day we were there we all sat around the table in his kitchen. Jim began the discussion, “There is not much I can do to take away the pain of what you have lost, I lost a lot too. The only thing I can do is help by providing you a safe place to live and...
There he was.It had been almost two months since I had seen my brother. He had startedcollege a few months ago and being 18, 6 foot even, and with the build of aswimmer, he hadn't had much reason to come home. I had seen picture afterpicture on facebook of him with different girls every night of the week,them sitting on his lap or kissing his cheek.He would never know this but I was jealous of every one of them.My name was Ryland and no one in my family knew, but I was gay. I had a...
It was hard to decide just what I thought of "working" at the playgroup, and to say I was "working" at all would have been a stretch of the boldest proportions. A worker, to me, was a factory worker, or a teacher, or a doctor, or a binman. I seemed to spend nearly all my time "playing," not at all voluntarily of course, with Sophia and her little band of girlfriends. More explanation is needed. Since it had been decided I'd work with Rachael in the outside playground, while Carly...
The phone rang. Aerosmith’s “Cryin” faded to the background. It was my brother Butch. I hit the button on my dash that connected the call. “They just left,” he told me, “The bitches hardly said a word...” “Just stick to the plan brother, we got this,” I replied. “Why would she do this man?” he asked me, “I mean, I thought we had a good thing going.” “Who knows? All I know is that I am going to focus on Blake and you are going to focus on Sara and the rest of them can go to hell,” I...
My girlfriend was supposed to have gotten a friend of hers as Don's date that evening, but something had gone wrong, and the girl had backed out of the date at the last moment. Ginny, my girlfriend, was upset and apologetic, but insisted that she didn't know anyone else she'd be comfortable doubling with, not on such short notice. Ginny and I had been dating, on and off, for the past eighteen months. It wasn't a romance that was destined to go anywhere, and we both were aware of that. We...
It had been a week since that incident out at the drive in had occurred. Ginny and I had gotten things patched up to a certain degree. She had called me back, but it was a full five days after hanging up on me that time I'd asked her for Stacy's phone number. She not only gave me the other girl's phone number, she promised to set me up with a date with her. Her attitude seemed changed from what it had been before. She was going out of her way to be nicer to me. It surprised me that she...
“You feel so good,” Silas whispered. But he reluctantly pulled out, letting his bobbing member hang, itching for more attention. “What now?” Ian asked, his voice hoarse. “You’re getting better at your breathing control, but that’s not the only thing I wanted to let you practice today.” Ian’s eyes dropped to the floor, regretting that he’d asked. “But while I think it’s hot to see you tied up like this, if that’s the only way you can keep from pushing me away while you suck me off it’s...
(Warning this story is about incest and is about other dirty fetishes like piss and scat, but that makes this more fun ^_~) "Rose, wake up Rose" a voice calls out to you as you sleep happily in your bed. You groan abit and open your cute purple eyes to see your older brother shaking you abit to wake you. "Come on Rose were gonna be late you damn fool" he growls abit. You always could tell he loved how cute and girly you looked for a boy, and he always snuck a look at you whenever you wore girl...
IncestAt work the following day Shari couldn't get her mind off how wonderful it had been fucking with her brother. Her body filled all over again with throbbing sexual warmth as she remembered it. It had been all she could do to get him out of her bed. He wanted to stay and fuck her again, and she had no doubt that he could have done it, too. He seemed to have no trouble getting his cock stiff again. And Shari wanted more, too. But she also felt guilty, as if she had seduced him, and it was her...
Shari discovered that Dusty was very creative about girl-girl fucking, and had done a lot of it. Together, using the double dildo, they brought one another to new heights of almost unbearable pleasure. At first Shari was reluctant to try it out. "I've never stuck anything like that inside me before," she said to Dusty. "Well then, you're in for a real treat," Dusty murmured. They sat facing each other, kissing and fondling each other's tits. Then Dusty slid one end of the dildo deep...
For days afterward Shari's tiny asshole throbbed and tingled with the memory of the reaming Brad had given it. She was full of mixed feelings that she couldn't sort out. Part of her recalled the pain and shock of having his hard cock fucking in and out of her asshole. The other part of her remembered the killing, wrenching orgasm it had given her. But she couldn't forget it. At night she had wild dreams. In them she was being fucked by armies of men. They were fucking her not only in her...
This is Dan’s story…. I had gone into town this morning to pick up a couple parts that I needed for my truck. I also had stopped in the local restaurant and had a big breakfast. I was pretty content and figured I would have an easy day working on the truck. I pulled it into the shop and decided I would let it cool off a bit and walked over to the house. I entered the kitchen through the back door and it appeared that there was nobody home but me. I was headed back to my room to get an old...
“I see you’re awake!” Eric grinned at me. His hairy chest was still wet from his shower and the towel around his waist didn’t do a great job at covering him up, as I could still see a pretty clear outline of his cock. “I pulled one out before my shower too, so you’re not alone” He continued. I laughed, “Yeah, that's why the room reeked of cum” teasing him. He took off his towel and threw it at me in an attempt to shut me up. I used his towel to wipe up my cum and cover myself up....
My big brother has always been my hero. When we were younger he always took up for me; because I was so much smaller than the other boys I was often picked on but Jeff would never let them get away with it. He was also my younger sister’s hero, he always made sure no one picked on her either. When this story begins Jeff was 13, I (Jack) was 11 and Shelia was 10. Our father had a good job with IBM and my mother, once a teacher, was something of a June Cleaver. We lived pretty well and...
Last year my older brother passed away un-expectantly at 50. It was only he, my mother and I as my sister lives away and our father had passed on. He was a free spirit, divorced living in a modest apartment complex. He and I weren’t real close however, it’s still tough to face this. In the weeks following I was left to resolve all his issues. He had everything under the sun on that apartment. I began the task of sorting, dividing up and cleaning the apartment. I came to his bedroom and in...
I did what I was told The hair on Bobby's legs was so soft I in turn took both hands and rubbed his legs, running my hands up into his inner thighs brushing against his heavy balls. I was entranced with the contrast and softness of his coal black hair against his pale white skin. I looked at Bill,as he sucked and played with Bobby's manly nipples and watching his hand lightly massaging his chest and stomach with his finger tips. Bobby had settled down Moaning as if he was enjoying his...
I dreamed heavily that night, an occurrence usually saved for the evenings in which I've had cheese, or more especially Pizza, which really gets my serotonin levels buzzing (if serotonin is the thing to bring about heavy dreams, I'm not really sure), but in this instance the sheer extremes of the day was enough in itself to produce deep, fairly nonsensical dreams, the kind you remember in the morning. The dream, as they so often are, had been a hotchpotch of events crushed together...