LeefsticChapter 19 free porn video

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When we got inside it was cool not like the present March heat wave that was in this area. Sandra let Andreaea look around for a moment then said, "Go into the bathroom and take off your clothes." Andreaea was about to object when Sandra continued, "We have to measure you and you have to get rid of some hair Hurry up girl. This is the chance you have been waiting for. You get a dress that people will kill for and in an hour you get to sing in it."

Andreaea was not sure but Sandra took her elbow and put her in the bathroom and closed the door.

I said, "Why are you taking this girl under your wing? Even your mom has been telling her much too much about us."

"I don't know. I just feel that we can trust her. Doesn't she seem that way to you too?"

This took a little consideration. Andreaea did seem trustworthy but how was she giving us this feeling? I examined her mind with my new power and found her a bit different. The med unit would give a better indication. I knew there was something else I was not looking at correctly.

Her aura was close to what all of us were looking for but not enough to really mention. One part of it had a flaming yellow tinge that I had not seen before. I brought Sandra and the entire family's attention to this trying to find out what it portended.

Before we were done we heard a weak, "I am ready. What do you want?"

Sandra said, "I am going to take off my clothes so I am the same as you. We will take some measurements first. I am coming in now if that is alright with you?"

Another long pause and we heard a reluctant, "Ok."

Sandra took off her clothes and slipped into the bath and closed the door behind her. Andreaea almost stood with her hands protecting her breasts and mons.

Sandra opened the other door leading to the back bedroom and pulled Andreaea along after her. Sandra said, "Do you want to loose your pubic hair permanently or just temporary. This means the coarse hair on your legs, between your legs and all over your body beneath your neck?"

"You can do that?"

"Sure can Honey and that means everywhere. No pain and no hair ever. Do you want it?"

"I would love it Sandra."

"Call me Sandy. Only strangers and my husband call me that. Now stand straight. This tingles a bit but doesn't hurt." When Andreaea did as she was bid, Sandra ran the med unit over the back of the girl's body but kept hold of it.

"Turn around and raise your arms Andreaea." The unit tickled a bit but the coarse hair roots were now dead leaving only the fine fuzz all over. The area just above each hair follicle was now weakened so they could be pulled out without pain.

"On the bed now and on your back."

Andreaea did what she was told and Sandy tried to pick up a leg but Andreaea held it firmly in place. Sandra just looked at her and in a second she could raise one of her legs. The med unit tickled this area too and the clit responded to the stimulation. The leg was put down and the other raised in its place.

"Hold your knees to your chest and curl your back. I need to get all the hair Andreaea." The girl reluctantly did as she was told and felt her back opening now get stimulated.

"Now give me your hand Honey." Andreaea was induced to stand and then turn around. The process on the back was now done and Sandra ran her hands over Andreaea's back, butt and legs wiping off hair and depositing it on a towel. The front was done too and the under arms made the girl giggle and both smiled.

Sandra rubbed the mons and large sections of hair came off. Andreaea subconsciously moved her legs apart. When Sandra wiped her, Andreaea had to hold Sandra's shoulders to steady herself as a pleasant shiver went through her body. She liked the feeling of the hands and she never realised before that a woman could make her feel this way.

When they were just about done Sandra bent Andreaea over and moved her feet apart and used the towel to wipe this last area clean of hair.

Sandra said, "Mmmmmm this makes me horny. Do you mind if Leif comes in and relieves some of my stress? It will just be a few minutes."

"Ahhh... ok, I guess."

"Leif, will you come in here please. I need you and that beautiful piece of meat you have."

I opened the door pretending to not know what this was about. "Yes, my sweet?"

"Take off your clothes. I need you." She got onto the bed moved to the middle. She picked up her knees and felt her own mons and opening. "Juicy."

There was little time wasted and I was climbing onto the bed. Before moving as Sandra wanted, I stopped and licked and sucked her moist opening. She begged me to stop and do it right but I continued until she had her first of three orgasms that got progressively stronger and louder.

Just as she was recovering from the last I moved up. Andreaea looked at me and what I was going to put into my wife with amazement. I had even kept the size down to not shock her. In five minutes Sandra had her next orgasm. She bounced all over the bed and then just fainted from the severity of it.

My position didn't change and soon Sandra came back. I said, "Take our guest to the shower. Hurry up I need to make the fitting and have a shower of my own."

"Yes, oh master of my heart."

I moved to one side and Andreaea again got a good look at my penis and she was shocked to see that it was still erect. Sandra hurried off the bed and pulled Andreaea back into the bathroom. In a moment warm water was running and I heard two girls giggling.

The cleanser took care of the lose hair and my own body. The towel went into the converter with the hair in it. I went to the fabricator and made a dress that Sandra pictured in her mind for Andreaea. The construction was a bit odd but I did as I was asked.

When Sandra got out, I dried her with the fluffy towel but didn't let Andreaea see any others. When she was done I swatted her bum and produced another for Andreaea. She came to me after a pause and I dried her off just as well as I had my wife.

"Sit in the chair Andreaea. I have to get your hair done." She did sit and I began to dry and set her hair. She was a bit worried because I was still naked. When she was dry and her hair in place I helped her get into her new dress before she got a good chance to see it.

Sandra moved portions of this Seffra material with no regard to where they may be on Andreaea's body. "There," Sandra said, "You look great. Now let us get dressed and we will go back to the theatre."

Andreaea wiggled at the sensuous feel of the dress as it went on her naked body. She had not done this before but it certainly felt erotic to her now. She giggled quietly thinking how her panty line would really be invisible.

We got dressed but Sandra made a matching purse for all of the women including Andreaea. Now I could see that she wanted to go out to eat and wear these dresses a bit more.

Andreaea left her clothes and empty purse in the motorhome and we hurried back. She was still in shock. A few people had seen her before the cab came and had stopped to stare at her. She didn't have much time to recover in the taxi before we got to the theatre. Again she was stared at when she got out and entered the building.

Along the way I was going over the information gleaned from the med unit. Andreaea had a minor power that allowed her to project calming thoughts if she needed them. She knew that she was successful at this and had contemplated a job as psychologist or a social worker. Music though drew her much more.

Sandra could have gone to the washroom but changed in the lobby like her sister and mother. There was something special about watching an uninhibited female removing all her clothes in preparation to getting dressed. This time Andreaea stood guard to block unwanted eyes.

A young man called out numbers that represented the contestants. When the number before Andreaea's came we were almost ready. Four minutes later Andreaea was called and we all went in with her. Tom explained that we were her live musicians. He was going to cause some problems and both Sandra and Megan dazzled him into acceptance.

There was one act ready to go on when we got into position. It appeared to be a simple arrangement. Three judges listened in a languid way and gave a short statement whether the person had talent or not. A numerical system was given where the contestant knew where he or she stood with the rest.

The next performer came on. He had presented his tape to one of two technicians. When the tape was forwarded, the technician would find the start of the song and rewind it a bit to be ready when the time came. The other was playing a song for the one currently on stage.

The man that called Andreaea just shook his head, indicating that there was no tape or even a CD.

We came out onto the stage. Tom had a chair to sit on while playing his favourite instrument. The case was put on the floor and then opened. His nimble fingers had the instrument tuned in seconds.

Tommy took out his instrument and played the scale on it and nodded his head at me. I folded out three legs that were so thin they were almost invisible. My mind turned the volume down low and I played some notes then aimed the projectors to various hard surfaces that would bounce the harmonic of the sounds I was producing. When we were all ready I gestured to Andreaea.

Andreaea was being eyed by not only the judges and stagehands but the audience. She was very nervous at not only being on stage but also that everybody could see her body with just a very thin piece of material over it. We played a few bars after telling her what we were doing. She started on cue and sang quite well. We played so that her voice could readily be heard and didn't try to overpower her.

Tom played much better. I think it was that he now had a larger audience. No Human could have duplicated how he manipulated his instrument and provided some of the higher frequency and percussive beats as well.

Tommy played his instrument very well but was limited by its very nature. He did move a bit and this got Andreaea to do likewise. It showed that she loved the music she was singing.

My hands were hidden and I had to play very fast. I was playing for four different instruments at once with the keyboard putting the notes out when it should.

Andreaea had only a few thoughts about our playing. She found it very good. When her song ended the audience clapped harder than I had heard them doing before. Andreaea had a wide grin on her face and she knew she had made a good showing.

The judges had sat up to hear us and were much more enthusiastic about this performance. Andreaea was even asked to come back tomorrow when the contest would enter the second phase and weed out some of the selected contestants.

Instead of leaving she went back the way she came. Margaret came out this time. She sang a song she composed a cycle ago. It had been improved on but it was already very good. She sang it the way she sang to us on the moon. I put the subsonics to use and the drums were loud in counterpoint to her singing.

This song was in English and talked of a woman waiting endlessly for her soldier boyfriend to come home.

Margaret had great range and control and the audience ate the performance up. It may have been the drums for they moved with the beat and sympathised with the lyrics. She looked and acted like a young woman in the prime of her life. Margaret too was asked to return the next day and she just thanked the judges.

Sandra and Megan came out next and they sang their own composition about loving one young man. It was sung as each girl was trying to convince the other that she was in more need of the man's attention. They looked at me part of the time and this inspired me to play even better. The low frequency drum sounds now were very strong and reflected their growing desperation. I saw dust fall for we were really shaking the very building.

The audience clapped even more and again they got the same offer as the previous two.

Consti came on and said in the way of explanation, "I came to these shores a while ago but I wish to sing in my native tongue. This song like the previous two are written by each of us and no other." She knew that the Seffra voice was very melodious.

Consti's song told of her people going from planet to planet trying to learn as they went along. The people they met and how they worked with the Seffra one way or another was stressed. The song was long and was sung mostly low until it gradually built to a crescendo. I had no problem with the thoughts because nobody beyond us could understand the words.

When Consti finished she bowed as if beaten with the weight she had to bear all this time. The audience was stunned but when the clapping started it got very loud. Consti had sung on ship many times and her natural talent came out strongly. The judges too clapped their appreciation.

When the noise diminished they wanted to talk right away about a recording contract and not wait for tomorrow. We folded up our instruments and everybody was amazed that the keyboard was rolled up and had no external power. All of the girls including Andreaea walked to the judges.

Consti said, "I thank you for any offers you might make but I have no need of a performing career. I am a wife and soon a mother but always an explorer. You may ask the others if you wish."

Margaret, Sandra and Megan gave much the same response and let Andreaea talk if she wished. She was happy for our family but shocked that we were stepping aside. She would not let this chance go by. She was going to grab it with two hands and hold on tightly.

Andreaea would go to the competition tomorrow. We all celebrated and went out to eat with Andreaea as our guest. Tom and I took the suitcase with the other clothing in it as well as the instruments back to the motorhome. We drove back to the theatre and picked up the family.

It was a little early to eat so we cruised around Jacksonville Beach. Andreaea was a tourist herself but had been working hard to get noticed at competitions like we were just at. She was from Greenville South Carolina and was here with some members of her school. None had the time though to be with her on this day. They had not got the freedom of the school break out of their minds yet.

Andreaea would ask questions but when they got too personal one or more of us would change the conversation just enough to not quite answer it without telling a lie.

Our own questions showed that she just turned eighteen a week ago. Presently she was completing her last year of highschool and thinking of studying for a career in music. She had an older sister and a divorced mother. The father visited often and supported more than what the law stipulated. She had a small group of friends but they were not that close. This was easily seen by us with the amount of encouragement they gave.

We had driven quite a way up the highway until we found another popular dining spot. It was part of a popular golf course and its cuisine was supposed to be out of this world. We knew what out of this world food was like and it was not as salty as what they had on Earth.

The place had a maître d' but he was temporarily busy. We were rushed by two waiters to get to us first. We were put in the centre of the room so we could be looked at. There were a lot of wealthy people here. Most were older while the younger were the children of members or escorts of both genders. The maître d' came in and frowned that he had missed us.

We ordered a very nice meal and Tom decided that he should get some champaign to toast Andreaea success in getting an appointment. It was a feeble attempt to make her feel a bit better. He had not had very expensive champagne before and wanted to try it.

We talked of music in general and what people really wanted to hear. This was a cultural thing but was also instinctual in many ways. Andreaea gave her opinion. Margaret sided with her and the two fought the rest of us with a good hearted debate.

A very well dressed man came in the back door and talked to the maître d'. I could read his mind especially after he had a good look at the women at our table. He walked up and looked over the girls and then at the males to see who he should talk too. Margaret smiled and said, "Is there something wrong young man?"

The man smiled and replied, "Hello, I'm called 'young man' on many occasions but usually the person addressing me is older than you."

Margaret said after reading the man and his lecherous thoughts, "You look to be forty one or two, am I right?"

"You certainly are, young lady. I am forty one."

Margaret said, "I like being called young lady but the fact is that I am two years older than you. It is fun to show my identification. My students used to complain about this all the time. Would you like to see Tom's too? He is a retired university professor like me."

"I would certainly like to see that. We have had young people trying to prove they are just over the drinking age but you are claiming many extra years."

Margaret opened her purse and took out her billfold and gave her fake driver's licence and at the same time showing many of her thousand dollar bills. The man looked at it very carefully and at Margaret's features. The man saw Margaret's skin and here he knew that the woman before him was older than she looked. Before he was finished Tom slid his papers across as well as his engineering papers too. They were all factitious but they reinforced each other.

The man said finally, "You are without a doubt the youngest looking couple I have ever seen. I have a daughter that looks older than you and she is only nineteen."

Tom said, "Thanks for the compliments. We work hard to stay young looking and young thinking. Do you happen to be the local bouncer? You seem a bit better dressed than some."

The man now turned red. "I'm the club president. I just happened to come by. We need to do checks like this or we will be in trouble with the authorities."

Tom added, "If you have a moment take a seat. You could tell us about your club and about this area of Florida. It has been many years since I have tried to kill any worms."

The man signalled and a waiter brought over another chair. We shifted our positions to make room for him at our large table. "Thank you for the invitation. It is not often that I get to meet such interesting people."

Tom smiled, "It helps if my wife and daughters are as beautiful as they are."

The man blushed again but didn't need to reply. "Are you visiting or just passing through?"

Margaret this time replied. "We are on vacation. Mister..."


"We are on vacation Mr Kennedy. Leif is escorting two of my daughters Sandra and Megan while my son Tom is escorting his girlfriend Consti. The other young lady here is Andreaea. She too is just visiting and enjoying the sights. She was recently in a talent contest and will be offered a contract we believe. If this doesn't happen then the people running the contest are fools."

"That is very interesting. We have our own talent shows on occasion and the winners are offered a contract here or at one of our affiliated courses."

I spoke for the first time. "Perhaps you could give Andreaea a chance soon. She has to go back and complete her education but she will be looking for a good job."

"I like that idea but we don't have any musicians. We have the musical instruments though."

"Mr Kennedy, I have never in my life even held a golf club in my hands. I am very well coordinated and much stronger than I look. If you have some very strong clubs for us to use we will supply the musicians for Andreaea's singing. You may get four more beautiful ladies to perform, though I doubt if they will take any job."

"That is an interesting proposition. Your clothing though is unsuitable for the links."

"Do you have a pro shop open? We will purchase the shoes and clothing but the clubs I fear will be too shoddy."

"Young man," he said angrily, "our goods are far from shoddy."

"I fear I have offended you. I meant that they will not stand up to the abuse most of us would put them to."

"I will take your offer young man. Your food will not be ready for fifteen minutes. Would you care to find the musicians you mentioned?"

We all got up and Andreaea had to be coaxed. A back room was unlocked and we found the instruments. Tom and Tommy worked on some reeds for their woodwinds then tuned some string instruments.

We came out with the girls assisting us. Some quick selections were made and we sang songs suited for the people now pausing in their meals to hear us.

We played two Barbara Streisand songs that Andreaea knew and one by the Chiffons which all the girls sang together.

Tom avoided the microphone and said, "I see our food is coming and being basically poor folk we were taught to eat the food while it was warm." The audience laughed because we certainly didn't look poor. The women though looked to be wearing very expensive dresses.

Mr Kennedy had sent word out and had a small meal with us. We complimented the cooking staff. This was done with the champagne that only Andreaea, Tom, Margaret and Mr Kennedy drank. We ate quickly and Mr Kennedy hustled us out to the pro shop. He said, "I will get someone to put the instruments away for you."

The girls dove into the clothes and made Andreaea get dressed our way too. This time they used the change rooms. In half an hour we were all dressed thanks to three very tired people on the sales staff. The bill came to forty five hundred dollars and Margaret paid with five similar bills.

She said, "Take the change and pay for our meal and split the change up with the restaurant and here."

Mr Kennedy was happy to see people that didn't mind spending and got three of the pros out to help with our practice. All of us went to the driving range that was very near. Tom put some balls down on some tees and flexed the club that he was loaned. The proper place to hit was found.

His swing was very fast and the sound of its passage came almost at the same time the sound of the club hitting the ball.

One of the pros said, "Oh my god. That is over three hundred yards."

Tom said, "I will see what I can really do now. That was practice." Four balls were struck one after another and none were less that three hundred and twenty five yards.

Margaret said, "You're a showoff Tom. Let a little woman like me have a few swings. Twenty years ago I had a three handicap."

The pros fought to set her up and her balls were driven just a bit shorter. She commented, "It is only because I'm so small. If I had your size I would hit them three fifty at least."

A pro said, "Nobody hits them that far."

"You have a hundred dollars Sonny?"

"Yes ma'am."

"You want to risk it? Leif is strong, smart and agile. He never hit a golf ball before in his life. Give him six practice shots then the one for the money."

"You're on ma'am."

"Leif, your family is dependant on you. If you can't hit the ball a measly three hundred and fifty yards we will go hungry tonight."

"We already ate and I am still full."

"Hit the ball and make me happy."

The ball was placed on a tee and I stepped back to feel the club. Reading the pros' minds I knew that this was a good club but there were a lot of good clubs and all of them were different. There were quite a few things to consider in a swing especially when the shaft and club flexed so much.

I swung at imaginary balls until I felt that I could make at least a fair showing. Stepping up to the ball I tried to see the remainder of the mechanics then began my swing. The club head flexed just a bit more because I was swinging harder. The club head twisted just a bit just before it hit the ball. The noise was satisfying as well as the shock that travelled up the club shaft.

Looking at the flight of the ball I saw that I would be short and the ball veered off its planned course to the left. The club was too long for me but I wanted the length anyway. The next ball went just a bit further and went to the right.

Mr Kennedy said, "Those are amazing shots. They were both over three hundred yards."

Three more balls were struck but I was about at the club's limit. Any more and I would damage the delicate instrument. This time I used my PK on the club alone and the ball went much further but went to the left. I didn't consider this cheating because I still only used the club to strike the ball. I did nothing to the ball after it left the tee.

With the last ball ready I said, "The grass has a white line at the very back. Do we all agree that this is at least at the three hundred and fifty yard mark?"

The pros all nodded as did Mr Kennedy. I swung again. I used more of my strength and some of my PK too. The ball leapt into the air at a forty five degree angle and we watched it intently as it landed a good four yards past the line I mentioned and continued to roll.

The pro came forward shaking his head. "I don't know how you did it. You swing wrong and the club is the wrong size. I know you have either never held a club in your hands or only a few times. You have certainly won the bet. If you want you can stick around and I can teach you to swing better. You can clean up at golf if you can putt." He shook my hand and handed the money to Margaret.

Margaret said, "Thank you." Then to the rest she added, "Anybody want to bet that my two daughters, Consti and Tommy cannot hit the ball at least three hundred and twenty five yards?" There were no takers.

After the practice, we played as a group and the family did very well. Andreaea had never golfed before and there were three pros trying to assist her.

On the third hole Tom got a hole in one on a long dog leg. He was able to hit the distance to the green and over a large water hazzard and two sand traps.

Mr Kennedy was speechless for a moment then excitedly said, "That is amazing. I have only personally seen one other hole-in-one before."

Margaret said simply, "Showoff," and hit her own ball. It landed within a metre of the cup. Megan, Tommy, Sandra and I did just about the same.

Consti concentrated hard then hit her ball. It flew directly to the hole and went inside without rolling and ended up on top of Tom's. "This game isn't hard. Maybe we should do it blindfolded."

Tommy hugged his wife and said, "I think there is another showoff in the family."

The pros and the president of the club could not understand it. By the forth hole we had a large following around us and it was getting larger. We continued our scanning of auras and worked on the game.

The golf balls had to be changed. We were pushing the clubs dangerously close to their breaking point and the balls could not take the shock. Margaret was trying for a hole in one on a four hundred and thirty yard hole when her premium club broke at the flex point. Ball and club went far down the fairway.

Tom said in condolence, "You don't get any extra points for putting the club in too."

Mr Kennedy took the broken portion that Margaret still had and examined it. "I can't understand this happening. You hit nothing but the ball. I will have to talk to the manufacturer."

By the time we finished nine holes it looked like a good portion of Florida was there to see us. Margaret broke a replacement club and apologised. The family got five aces total and most putts were only for a few metres.

Newspapers photographers came by but we refused to be photographed. It was easy to do when we knew when the photographer was going to shoot. A hand or one of our expensive hats just happened to be in the way.

Mr Kennedy took us back to the restaurant and bought us another meal. We would be entitled to quite a bit of money because of a club reward for aces. We had not paid in cash but we had paid in services. Tom took the president aside and made him a deal.

"Mr Kennedy we have no need for the money your club would pay us but that does not mean that it is not rightfully ours." The man started to get jumpy and wanted to cut in. "I propose that in lieu of this money you hire Andreaea for six months at a very fair rate of pay. You offer her accommodations and move her around to the other courses. This costs you a bit more than a regular entertainer but not near what your club would have to pay us. We require a contract though either with Andreaea or with us to stipulate what we will accept. We will also get our pictures taken as long as they do not reach the media."

Mr Kennedy did some rapid mathematics. Andreaea sang very well and this deal would only cost the club three to four thousand dollars more than a regular singer. He stuck out his hand and said, "We have a deal but you have to have her sing another song or two, so others on the executive committee can hear her. I will have no problems getting this passed then."

Tom shook the hand. "We can do that. You want to go out for another nine holes? I can see how much your club can afford to pay me."

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Codey Steele is putting off doing his driver’s test because there’s no real incentive for him to move forward with his life. After all, his stepmom Shay Sights has been basically acting as his personal chauffeur. Shay is tired of being at her stepson’s beck and call, so she has decreed that Codey is going to learn to drive, no matter what. Shay decides to help Codey study, but her big bazongas and hard nipples are a constant distraction to him. Once Shay figures out that the...

2 years ago
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Fixing Her Pipe Part 2

Lillian sat back satisfied on her calves with her feet behind her. She gave me a minute or so to recover, never taking her eyes off of me. I stood up on the first step of the ladder and bent down to pull up my pants. I only buttoned them as I didn’t intend for them to stay on for very long. I held out a hand to her and she took it. I pulled her to her feet and into my arms. I gave her a long, soft kiss. She was a great kisser and I could tell she was going to be a great lover.

2 years ago
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Something with my Sister Deb

It was an afternoon in July, I was about three months short of my seventeenth birthday. I was practicing one on one basket¬ball with my sister Debbie, who would be sixteen in September. Debbie is going into grade ten, while I am going into grade eleven at our school. Debbie is on the basketball team, and I was show¬ing her a couple of moves. This one was to dribble up to the opponent, then pivot, while lowering a shoulder, and then dribble around them, using the shoulder to block them away...

1 year ago
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Fools ErrandChapter 8

Saturday morning Mason and Lyndsey were able to set out early. Although about four inches of snow had fallen on top of the two inches that fell on Wednesday night, it had first started to melt on Friday, then froze solid as the night came and the temperature fell. The SUV made light work of leaving the untreated housing estate road and down to the main road. The baby seat was already installed and Mason had transferred all the usual baby paraphernalia from his old car. He also bought a pack...

3 years ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 50

SUNDAY, June 12, 2016 Sunday Bobby came down to his breakfast wearing his hockey helmet. Was he still charged up over 'the best birthday ever'? More than a little. After his French toast, Rachael made him wash up before getting into his church clothes (which, to his dismay could not include either hockey helmet or cowboy hat). The family kissed Grandpa and then headed off to the little church. It was a beautiful spring day, and as they got near they saw that the Hobo Army was out in full...

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Two for One Deal

For a long time now, I've loved the idea of eating my wife's pussy right after I cum inside her. I fantasize about it practically every time we have sex, but unfortunately, as soon as I cum I lose interest completely. In fact, after I cum the idea repels me. I've mentioned this fantasy to Pam, and much to my surprise it turned her on at least as much as it does me. She even tried to force the issue, sitting on my face and trying to make me lick her clean. I went into a sort of panic, almost bit...

2 years ago
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show me off and let them use me

Before we even got married I knew Brad loved it when I wore sexy or see through things when we went out, but after we got married he wanted me to go to the next level. Even on our honeymoon he had me pretend to be sl**ping and call room service up and order something just to get it delivered to our room. It started with me nude with a sheet covering everything except casually exposing my lower body, like a leg and part of my naked ass. Brad really got a trill watching the young guys...

1 year ago
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The Teacher

My name is Amy Cotter and this is what happened on my last day at school.I took a deep breath and looked at myself the mirror. On any other school day I'd be wearing a very different set of clothes. The school code of conduct stated that all pupils should wear a uniform consisting of a white shirt or blouse and either black or grey trousers or a knee length black or grey pleated skirt. It was ok to wear a plain black sweater as well. Normally I'd have my black school trousers on with a pair of...

3 years ago
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Partially Enjoyed A Traditional Girl In Bus Thrice

Hi guys and girls this is Rohan 21 from Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh. I am 6ft tall and good looking guy with average body. I am presently staying in Hyderabad for job searching. I am very much interested in girls and married ladies but I never get any opportunity to have anyone. Girls and married ladies who are interested to have a sensual relationship can drop a mail at Heroine of this story is Neelima (name changed). She looks good and medium height with average figure. I am studying in...

1 year ago
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Mrs Banks my bosss slut wife

Written from the perspective of when it happened.I can't believe, I am fucking my boss’s wife! She is so fucking hot man. She can’t seem to get enough of me either. Technically she is not old enough to be my mom, but she is old enough to be my older sister. Becky is in her late thirties and is married to my boss. His name is Pat and is somewhere in his fifties. Becky is his third wife and treats him like crap. It’s pretty obvious to me that Pat must be her sugar daddy. Becky for one thing...

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Codeword Red

Gemma didn’t mind the fact that her small suburban garden was heavily overlooked by the apartment blocks surrounding her. In fact, as she lay sunbathing in her lounger on the decking in her tiny string bikini, she loved the fact she was being overlooked. She looked from window to window, behind her dark shades, to see which curtains were twitching. There were many, where men young and old looked out over her. They wanked furiously, each one creating their own fantasy about what they would do...

1 year ago
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Rough Night With Mollie Chapter 1

“Hey, love!”  “Hey, babe!” Mollie replied, her eyes not moving from the TV. “Whatcha watching?” I said, hanging up my jacket.  “Shhhh,” she replied quickly, her eyes still glued to the TV. I sighed, knowing she was already too far into the show to be distracted. “Two to one she is watching Island of Love,” I thought to myself, although Love in the Tropics was the other contender. Either way I think she would throw me out the window if I changed the channel. I took off my shoes and sat down on...

2 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 35

Randi slipped into the bedroom very early in the morning. She smiled at what she saw before her. Her lovers were locked together. Meredith had her leg thrown across Brock's waist and her hand resting on his shoulder. She could see the moisture of Brock's spend glistening between Meredith's thighs. Brock had one hand resting on Merie's hip and the other holding her breast. Randi knew that on any other night the hand that rested on Meredith's tit would have been resting on Randi's hip as...

4 years ago
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Jamaica Blacken PT4

FridayI woke early, thinking of Samuel's Black hands on my wife and her obvious enjoyment. Was it just the dancing? I had always thought of myself as a Dominant, but here I was imagining scenarios of me watching as other men fucked my wife. How far would she go? How far would I go? What would happen to our relationship?I reached over and started to stroke her body. She came awake instantly and rolled into my arms with a dreamy look."Thinking about yesterday?" "Mmmm.""What part of it? Beach or...

3 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XVI

Authors Note: Been a while since I've had a chance to pen another adventure of a character I love. Hope you enjoy... Thanks for reading and all the feedback given in the past. Didn't have a chance to work with an editor, so errors - all on me. Sorry it took so long to get this out there. Rachel M. Moore (All right reserved) December 2, 9:05 AM Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz... It was the second time I'd hit the snooze alarm and I could feel the dread of the day weighing on me already. ...

3 years ago
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Bills StoryChapter 11

Bill woke in the morning to the pleasant feeling of a hand wrapped around his erection. He didn't know whose hand it was as his eyes were still closed; feigning sleep he kept them closed and waited to see if what he expected to happen would eventuate. It did. "Hey mum," said Sandy, "do you suppose Uncle Willy will be able to sleep through me fucking him?" "I don't know," said her mother, "why don't you hop on and find out while I hold it up for you." A split second later his...

4 years ago
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Aunt Janice Comes to Visit Pt 3

I woke up early the next morning with a raging hard on. I could not get the image of my hot and sexy aunt out of my mind. Everything that had happened the night before was coming back to me like a very erotic dream. I knew my hot ass aunt was asleep in the next room and my cock throbbed with the anticipation of being inside her again. I wrapped my hand around the thick shaft and started to slowly stroke it. I thought about how hot and wet her pussy was and the look on her face as I slid my cock...

3 years ago
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The Transformation of Gwri

The Transformation of Gwri by Arcie Emm Bealtaine --------- Fires heralded the end of the season of dark, welcoming the season of light. Fires lit by Con the Druid, using logs from the nine sacred trees carried by the nine chosen men of the farming village of Begagha. Fires between which the cattle had been driven to their summer pastures, and through which the people, old or young, weak or hale, had walked or been carried. Fires which provided spark to hearth and...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 21 Do You Feel Like We Do

Mike’s House, Bryanston 9:39am, Sunday, February 20, 1979 I groggily opened my eyes and took a hazy peek at the alarm clock/radio sitting beside my bunk bed. Being tired and somewhat disoriented at the moment, I didn’t immediately recognize the time, or that it was a Sunday morning. I rolled back onto my back and prayed to drop back to sleep once more. As usual, once I stirred from my slumber I rarely returned to that restful state. As my mind cleared up, I suddenly remembered where I was...

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EvilAngel Adriana Chechik Penny Pax Ultimate Slut

Stunning superstar Adriana Chechik and redheaded minx Penny Pax practice their oral skills on an enormous dildo. The all-natural girls stretch their assholes with giant toys and squirt girl cum, all in preparation for their interracial threesome with Rob Piper. Rob porks their white asses, greased with copious lube and spit. The girls worship his big black cock with deepthroat, ass-to-mouth blowjobs. He ravages their holes with dick/dildo DP, nearly wrecking Adriana’s rectum via...

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Her Piss Training Part 2

Part 2i was aware of the fact that peeing now seemed connected to arousal in me, as, also, it was connected to the sexual humiliation.Each time i was allowed to pee by you my body responded quickly. i had become accustomed to the taste of urine now and, though i didn’t enjoy the taste, i was alright with it. Being covered in it was also something i was accepting as i was allowed to cum with it dripping down my body and hair. After i had been told to cum for you, you let me softly play with...

1 year ago
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GirlsUnderArrest Katya Rodriguez Shut That Brat Up

Veteran officer Carvelli (Zac Wild), and his partner, rookie officer Parker (Derek Davis) drive to a call of a girl shoplifting at a local mall. When they drive up to Katya Rodriguez, a girl walking down the street who matches the description they were given, there is a brief struggle and they arrest her. As they drive her to the station, Katya whines incessantly, loudly complaining that she is 18 years old, she KNOWS her rights and they CAN’T do this to her! When Officer Carvelli gruffly...

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Pelle the CollierChapter 12 How Pelle Finds Help

Once they were on the high road, Pelle related Ingeburg's greetings and suggested he take Tjark to Birkenhain more often for him to have some fun in his life. That was when Tjark cleared his throat. "Pelle, I have question. Do you think I may help you more often with your charring?" "Why?" "I've been thinking lately. You seem to lead a good life in the forest. You have the right to hunt, you have clean spring water to drink, a sturdy cabin, and now even a wife. They pay you good...

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My Naughty Aunt May0

I was a typically hormonal, testosterone-overdosed teenager, I suppose. Well, typical in the sense that I could sometimes get a hard-on from the vibration of riding a bus, but maybe not entirely typical when it came to chatting-up girls. I was incredibly shy and couldn’t speak to a girl I fancied even if my life depended on it. Which made life desperately unfair because, of course, I wanted to shag anything with a hole in it when I was in my teens, just like every other lad. I just...

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Chav Teen Becky Fucks Old Man

I’m Becky and I’m eighteen years old, I live on a council estate in the north of England and I’m a little bit naughty when it comes to my sexual experiences. I thought I would share some of them with you. This is my first attempt so be nice. I get super horny sometimes and just have to fulfill the urge or it won’t go away. This particular day I woke up aching for sex. I had been a week on my period, so I didn’t get any then, another week had passed by and still I had not had a fix. That...

2 years ago
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Surprise sex with my maid

This story is about my maid, whose name is Kaveri. She in real life is ready for a fuck with me but I am avoiding her as she works in my home and I dint want any trouble at home. Anyhow the story goes like this. I am Rajesh, live in Bangalore along with parents, my wife and kid. My wife is from Delhi. We have a big house in Bangalore and to maintain that we require maid as my wife and mother alone cannot take care of it. So for washing clothes, sweeping and washing kettles we engaged a maid by...

4 years ago
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Rock Climbing1

It all started on a cold mid winter morning, my best friend cat dragged me out of my warm house and told me we had to do something out of our comfort zones, I had no idea what but cat had a plain and I trusted her, so we piled in her car and went. We arrived at our destination a short time latter, it was a climbing wall, I instantly started to protest “I cant do this you know I’m scared of heights!” “I know” she replied tartly “but it is time for you to get over it and out of your comfort...

2 years ago
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Nasty Girl Massage

After the first girl-girl massage, Jeannie has been hot. She has stated in the bedroom, while super horny, she would love to repeat that, with a different woman. She said that one was pretty and sexy, but not her type. And, she would love to have another guy there, and have both guys watch and jerk off on her.So, aiming to please, I looked at the other two masseuses and one might fit the bill. She was blonde and looked quite sexy. I texted her and asked for a nude pic for Jeannie. She sent...

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Valley View Country Club

I joined Valley View Country Club as it was more affordable than the Galion Country Club. I was addicted to golf since my days as a caddy at Columbus Country Club.I not only got addicted to golf as a caddy, but developed a deep thirst to someday make the kind of money that would allow me to join a country club.As a youth, I was greatly impressed by the wealth and trappings that were on display at Columbus Country Club. Some of the obvious trophy wives were of the trappings that definitely...

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Building UtopiaChapter 10

While they finished preparation for the upcoming winter Roger and his various teams of what passed for experts began working on technological improvements. They began the crude smelting of zinc, copper, tin, and iron using the materials on hand. The high quality steel available from the vehicles was a godsend. Roger saved the electronics, engines and other peripheral equipment to use later or to use as an example when they tried to manufacture a similar item. The items in those vehicles were...

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Giving a virgin her first orgasm

My sophomore year in college I dated an honest-to-gosh virgin for a few months. I’d fucked a couple of girls before hooking up with this babe, and was ready for some more, but this babe was adamant about “saving herself” for her future husband. I stayed with her because, well, there were other things about her that I liked. Not the least of which was the fact she would actually give me some decent head at times. Swallowing my cum wasn’t even ever on the table as an option, but she would bring...

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Adventures of Sarah Chapter 6

Sarah went into the bathroom and pulled off her shirt and skirt. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her breasts were so small compared to Kaylie’s, but I guess they were ok, Hank seemed to like them. She grabbed one and squeezed, it filled up her hand easily. What did they say, more than a handful is a waste? She also noticed that her nipples were still hard. They had been hard all afternoon. She flicked one of them and felt a little surge of excitement flow through her body. What...

4 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 16

Carol was eating lunch in the cafeteria with friends when her cell phone buzzed. She saw immediately that it was Sabrina. "Hi, Sabrina." "I need to ask you something about tonight." "Sure." "Do you want to sleep with me?" "Yes, I do." "You know that's a proposition. Don't feel pressured." "I don't feel that way and I want to do that." "I'm glad. Mike wanted me to come over. Since I have so little time with you before we go, I'd rather spend it together." "So...

2 years ago
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Family GroupingsChapter 28

Easter week-end was clear, and balmy. The church was alive with Daffodils, Dogwood and Roses. The Bride's maids were in pastel, Toni in Sea Green, Julie in Lavender, and Becky in Lemon Yellow, to contrast with her Jet hair. Daniel, and David were twin Best Men, each with a ring, in his waistcoat pocket. Mike Swanson stood facing up the aisle, waiting for Maggie to enter, on Sean's arm. Just as Mike felt he could wait no longer, his bride and her son entered, and started down the aisle. He...

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Winters BladeChapter 9 Fire

R.Jairam squatted down in front of the magazine racks, putting back Us Weekly and pulling out Maxim. He'd been through this month's Maxim twice already, but then he'd been through everything on the rack at least once, and besides, Lacey Chabert was the covergirl. He flipped to her photos as he worked his way back behind the counter. The wind outside made the windows bulge; Jairam hoped the power wasn't going to go out again. Customers didn't always understand that gas pumps needed...

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Altered Fates Glck und Glas Teil 2

Altered Fates: Glueck und Glas, Teil 2 by T:M in 2006 Achtung: In dieser Geschichte gibt es Szenen mit expliziten sexuellen Handlungen. Ausserdem wird geflucht, und das nicht selten! Und noch ein kleiner Hinweis: Die ersten zwei Abschnitte sind bei allen Teilen der "Gl?ck und Glas" Geschichten identisch, da die Geschichten das Geschehen aus verschieden Perspektiven beschreiben und nicht aufeinander aufbauen. So kann jeder Leser, ganz gleich mit welcher Geschichte er auch...

1 year ago
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Cant I just have 2 minutes to myself

Note : This story is completely fictional! My brother has been a major stud. Ever since he hit puberty I wanted him. It's perverted I know it. I know he wants me. I was just getting out of the shower when I noticed the door open about an inch. It was him, peeking at me. I thought I'd give him something to arouse him. I dried off my legs and made sure to bend over. I dried my 36D tits with a hand towel. I dried of my pussy(which was wet because I could hear him saying oh my god I fuckin love...

3 years ago
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How Did I Get Here Part 2

Kat and I had been friends and lovers for about a year when she dropped by on that July day in 2013. She was dressed in her favorite shade of baby-blue lace lingerie; bra, panties, garter belt, elbow-length gloves, the whole works. She had never looked hotter. And that day, she was sexually on fire. She let me eat her through three very powerful orgasms. She kissed my balls all over, for a very long time. Then she took a long, slow, upward lick along the shaft, finally swirling her tongue...

Group Sex
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MotherInLaw Gave Me Lots Of Love

I am happily married to Priya and get the love of both my wife and her mother Raji. People say if your Dad is poor then it is fate but if your Father in law is poor then you are stupid. I will say if your mom is not a MILF then it is fate but you should really choose your MIL intelligently. First of all young girls look attractive mostly but you do not know how they will will as they get older. Just look at their mothers and yu will get an idea of how they will be when they get older. After my...

1 year ago
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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 8a

Intemperance and their manager, Pauline Kingsley, now knew why National Records management had been so lackadaisical about the submission date for new songs for the next album. It hadn't been out of any concern for the health and well-being of the band or its members, nor had it been because they thought the band would produce better if they had a nice vacation prior to the composition process. No, National had kept nicely in character when they'd pushed the submission deadline back to...

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The Village 2 The Examination

The first part: http://xhamster.com/user/catherine-belmont/posts/448244.htmlChapter 2-The ExaminationBella cringed as she took her place in line to be displayed for the Master that claimed her. She nodded at Raisa trying to reassure her that she was going to be okay. The piercing emerald eyes of the Master shot through her as Bella looked at him. He had a wicked grin on his face."You know, little tiger, that I can request to see all of you right here in front of all these other men. I am going...

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Are you looking for scat and other kinds of extreme porn that mainstream tube sites just do not have? If so, you know what a drag it can be to find this kind of content. You cannot find it just anywhere. And when you want to watch performers that know how to push that fucking envelope and deliver the degrading porn videos you crave, it can feel like your options are limited.That’s not the case when you visit Copro. This one-of-a-kind porn site delivers all the disgustingly amazing scat content...

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Fucking White Pussy Blacken

Garrett Jacobs knew he was going to be a success in life by his freshman year in college. At 6 feet 2 inches tall and 200 pounds, he was a natural outside linebacker, capable of sealing the corners to stop the run, dropping back into pass coverage, or blitzing the quarterback. His defensive coach took Garrett's athletic ability in stride. As a scholar-athlete, it was a given that Garrett could play the position for which he'd been recruited. But his coach also saw how quickly his young player...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 63 Warren Explodes

Sophia had just gotten to Mary's office on Monday, and had settled in a chair. "I wonder where Warren is?" she asked, just as her cell phone rang. "Hiya, Sophie, it's Warren..." "Where are you?" "That's why I'm calling. I'm going to be a few minutes late." "WHAT? Why? Warren, we're sitting here waiting for you! I only have an hour per session, and I expected you to be here! This is important! What is so damn important that you would be late? I can't...

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PrettyDirty Shane Blair Cheating With The Nanny

Lucas Frost has instructions from his wife to pay the new nanny Shane Blair when he gets home. His wife describes the teen as adorable, but smoking hot is more befitting. Shane has a similar impression when she sets eyes on Lucas. He gives the nanny a tour of the house, and they wind up in a room that’s kept off limits for his wife’s late mother’s furniture. The nanny is fascinated by the stuff she shouldn’t be touching in here, including Lucas. When she leans in to kiss...

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My Sister Elsie and her Friend Sara

When I was fourteen years old, going on fifteen., I had zits on my face, but not too many. My body had grown hair, not just at my groin, but also, appallingly, under my arms and on my lower legs. I felt awful about myself, because I was no longer the sleek limbed, care free kid I once had been, but I was still not yet grown. I was in a limbo. I jacked off two and three times a day, sometimes until my cock got sore. No girl would have me, because I was not very attractive and I was not a jock,...

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Expected Deviance

The Time Mafia Makes a Bimbo Inspired by stories by Anostus and KhakiAchilles. Dr. Peter Zimmerman looked around in wonder. He had seen the primitive 2D movies, and read the history books but seeing the early 21st century in person was completely different. The sights, the smells, the sounds -- everything was better than he had imagined. He walked down the street and was pleased to find that nobody seemed to pay him any mind. His careful research into period appropriate clothing and...

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Punishment for a Sissy II

Punishment for a Sissy By PJD The sissy lay on the bedroom floor crying in pain, his panty covered balls aching from the savage treatment they had received from Wanda and her mother Mrs. June Cartwright. Unable to use his hands to ease the pain he rolled over and over the floor in a vain attempt to ease the agony, his petticoat riding up his nylon stockings and over his hips exposing the pink nylon panties. Tears pouring down his face, nylon covered legs kicking into the...

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The WolvesChapter 9

Earth Spectre Base, Canadian Rockies August 12, 2019 00:02 PDT (21:02 EDT) “Umm ... hi there.” “She can’t speak aloud, Jonathan. She says to hold out your hand,” Alexandra said. I did as she asked and Abi landed on my hand. As soon as she contacted my skin, it was like a door opened in my mind. [Hello, Jonathan!] said a melodious voice in my head. “Hi...” I started. [Try speaking with your mind, ] she said, interrupting me. [Focus on me and attempt to send your thoughts.] She didn’t...

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