SamChapter 9C free porn video

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After Jolene pedaled off unsteadily on her bike, Bud and I walked home. I felt confident that Jolene would not be getting in any trouble with something to look forward to. Looking down at the bulge in Bud's pants, he was looking forward to it too. I was even looking forward to it myself. Jolene's problem only manifested itself in situations where she was alone with a boy. In every other way she seemed to be as adventurous and as willing as anyone could want. She had been willing to do anything Janice or I could think of when the three of us were together. When we had to sneak through the locker room, she had been right there with the rest of us. When we lined up against the wall of the gym and offered ourselves to Steve, she hadn't hesitated to surrender her virginity right then and there. I thought that under controlled circumstances she could easily go all the way. I just felt that she was trying to ride the biggest bull at the rodeo on her first time out of the chute.

I was walking along and admiring the bull's bulge when Bud said, "How do you do that?"


"You always know what to tell someone to make them crazy. It's like the trick with the blue monkey. You know, where you tell someone not to think of a blue monkey and then that's all they can think about?"

"I just try to put myself in their place. I try to think of something they would like to do, but wouldn't do on their own. Then I tell them that it's going to happen. Now they've got something exciting to look forward to. It's like I've given them permission to live out their fantasy. They keep thinking about it and how exciting it is and pretty soon there is no stopping them from doing it."

"But you seem to know what their fantasy is. I guess that's how you get people to go along with whatever you want to do. They put themselves in your hands and then you make their fantasies come true. That must be a great feeling, to be able to make people's dreams come true."

I stopped right there on the sidewalk to think about that. It had never occurred to me that that's what I was doing. I had sometimes felt guilty about manipulating people. I justified it by telling myself that I wasn't really making people do things that they didn't want to do anyway. I never thought of it as making dreams come true.

"Is that really how you feel about it?" I asked.

"Sure," he said. "Like I know you are going to do everything you can to get me and Jolene together. I guess that's our dream. I don't see how that does anything for you, though."

I had to think about that. Getting Jolene and Bud in bed together had become one of my pet projects. I couldn't explain why it was important to me in any selfish terms. They had both asked for my help and I was determined not to let them down. They were my friends and their happiness was important to me. I was just as passionate about making them happy as I would have been about protecting them from danger. That thought resonated somewhere, but I couldn't put my finger on why. I gave Bud the only explanation that I understood well enough to put into words.

"Do you like being around people who are unhappy? Do you like hanging with guys who are moaning and bitching all the time?" I asked.

"No way. Some guys think it's cool to act like they're pissed all the time, but it's just depressing."

"I feel the same way. So I do the best I can to make the people around me; my friends, and my family as happy as I can. If I can do that in a way that makes me happy too, then that's just perfect!"

"But how do you know what will make people happy?"

"Sometimes it's obvious. Sometimes they tell me. The best way to know is to ask. Like now. What would make you happy night now, Bud?"

He smiled as me, then the smile turned into a smirk. Then he got a serious look.

"Don't think too hard," I said. "Go back and tell me what you thought of first. That's usually the best answer."

"Well, the first thing I thought of was that I'd sure like to have a blow job. My dick is twitching and my balls ache." He went back to smiling as he said it.

"OK," I said. "Right here on the sidewalk? Or would you like to go behind that hedge?" I stepped close and lightly touched the outline of his cock through his shorts.

"You mean it? You'd do that right now? Even right here where everyone can see us?"

"Yes. If it would make you happy." I stroked his cock through the shorts and I felt it throb as it got harder.

Bud got that serious look again. He was thinking about something, which was good, but too much thinking can make you take life too seriously. I had learned that lesson the hard way. Thinking is good, but sometimes you just need to be happy and not overanalyze why.

"Stop that!" I said. "What was the second thing you thought of?"

He gulped and looked away, like he was embarrassed to say. It's funny how people who have been as intimate with you as it is possible to get can still find it hard to talk to you. I wondered if the reason a lot of marriages didn't work out because the couple could fuck but not talk.

"Well," he said. "We heard you telling Steve how you'd walk home with his cum running down your legs. I thought about how it would turn me on more to see you walk home with my cum all over your breasts."

"Wow!" I said.

"Yeah, I know, it's gross..."

"No. I mean 'Wow' what a really hot idea!"

"You mean, you'd do it?"

"Damn right, I'll do it. Top on or bare-breasted?"

"Oh, shit! You would, wouldn't you? No. Top on, please. Oh, damn! C'mere."

The yard we ducked into had a For Sale sign in it and the house had no curtains in the windows, so we knew it was safe as long as we could get out of sight from the street. It must have been empty for some time because there was a hedge along the edge of the sidewalk that should have been only waist-high, but had grown up to almost six feet tall.

Once we were off the street, I took off my halter top and stuffed it into my bag. Bud pulled his shorts and his jock down to his knees. His cock sprang up away from his crotch and bounced invitingly. I licked my lips and got down on my knees in front of him.

I ran my hand along it and his beautiful cock became hard as stone in record time. I could see the veins pop out and the skin become taut as it came to attention for me. I kissed the head gently and it bobbed as it twitched. Making out with Jolene had Bud so worked up that he couldn't last very long.

"Let me know when you are about to cum, OK?" I reminded him.

He nodded and put his hands on his hips. I reached under his big cock and cupped his balls in my hand as I slipped my mouth over his shiny cockhead. As I sucked on his cock, I stroked the shaft with one hand and caressed his balls with the other.

"Damn!" He said. "This won't take long. I need to cum real bad."

I forced my mouth further onto his thick cock until the head was almost plugging my throat. I worked my tongue all over the tender underside and soon had his cock jumping and twitching in my mouth. Bud moaned and rotated his hips, twisting his cock around.

I sealed my lips on the shaft and started a rhythmic sucking. This put Bud over the top and he rose up on his toes and tensed up his stomach.

"I'm gonna cum! Oh, I'm gonna cum." He moaned.

I pulled back off his cock and gave the head a quick lick before pointing it at my collarbone. I held it steady as Bud pushed his hips forward. His big cock began to pour cum out onto my chest. One hot stream after another spewed out, spattering me with sticky white stuff. Cum ran down over and between my breasts, covering them and dripped from my nipples. The feeling was fantastic. The sight was amazing.

When Bud ran dry, I wrung the last few drops out of his cock before I stood up. His eyes were big as he admired the job he'd done on me.

"Wow!" He said. "That is so hot!" He looked at my cum-covered breasts and pumped his fist around his still-hard cock.

If he could stay hard right after cumming so much, then this was something I wanted to see. I posed for him so he could better indulge his fantasy of seeing me covered in his cum. When he continued to work his erection, I decided to help. I used my finger to scoop a big drop of cum off my nipple and let him watch me lick it off.

"Mmmmm! Tasty!" I smacked my lips. Then I said in my sexiest voice, "Can you give me some more? Can you cum for me again? Please, Bud, cum for me again."

Bud got a wild look in his eyes and pumped his cock even faster than before. I watched in amazement as he abused it. He was being so rough that I thought he must surely be hurting himself. His cock got red from the friction and the head turned almost entirely purple from the pressure.

Bud eased off and slowed his strokes until he was just lightly stroking the biggest erection I had ever seen. Even for him, it was monumental. His cock was swollen so big and hard and the skin was stretched so taut that it looked like it had been carved out of red marble. The sight of it made me so hot that I quivered with desire. My clit was trying to match the steely hardness of his cock and my nipples were so hard they felt like they were about to break off.

I tore my gaze away from his cock to see him looking at me with an expression that made his need as clear as crystal. I stripped out of my shorts in one quick motion and stepped over to the edge of the porch of the empty house. I knew I was about to be fucked hard, so I hopped up on the edge of the porch and braced my back against one of the square wooden posts holding up the roof.

Bud stepped out of his shorts and his jock and advanced on me holding his massive cock like a fleshy sword. The look in his eyes said I was in for the fucking of my life.

I pulled my legs up and grabbed hold of my ankles. I spread open as far as I could to expose my eager pussy, now dripping with juice. When he put the head of his cock between my engorged labia and pressed it into my opening, I nearly fainted from the anticipation alone.

He pressed into me harder and harder. The look on his face was one of determination and lust.

I squealed and whimpered as he forced his monstrous cock into me. I could feel it spreading and stretching me inside as he pushed it deeper. My tummy started to tremble and my pussy started to twitch as he ravished me. His powerful lust was infectious. It radiated from him like heat and started a blaze in me that grew hotter with every inch of cock that he forced into my pussy.

With only a few inches left to go, Bud put his hands on my hips and took a firm grip. I saw all the muscles of his chest and abdomen tense as he pushed forward and pulled back on my hips, shoving the rest of his big cock into me with one brutal lunge.

As he ground his pelvis into mine, I saw his lips skin back from his teeth in a feral snarl. I expected him to howl to announce his conquest of me, but he only rumbled deep in his throat. After giving me only a few seconds to get used to his cock, he started to fuck me with short, hard strokes. Each time he thrust forward, he pounded into me hard enough to make my breasts bounce. He became like a machine, shoving into as deeply as he could over and over again. I realized that with such economy of motion, he could keep this pace up for a long time.

His battering attack quickly brought me to the verge of orgasm. I hung there, nearly delirious with arousal, while he continued to fuck me with those short pulsing strokes. With glacial slowness I got closer and closer to climax. It was almost agonizing to feel myself getting microscopically hotter with each thrust, but still not to cum.

I completely lost track of time. It could have been hours for all I knew. Bud fucked on and on without pause and without variation. I became aware that the climax I had been reaching for had arrived, but my arousal had reached such a white-hot intensity that there was hardly any difference. The transition was so gradual and so subtle that I couldn't say just when it happened. One moment in a sea of no-time and I was aware that I was climaxing. In the next moment, awareness seemed to slip away and only the climax remained. It was the same 'one perfect, clear note' feeling that I had had before when my body and my brain had reached a state of such intense stimulation that no other sensation could intrude. It was nirvana and I reveled in it. For me, the world simply went away, leaving me alone, immersed in an ocean of pure ecstasy.

Somewhere on the far side of eternity, I became aware that Bud had stopped and was pressing into me as hard as he could. The end of his cock was mated with my cervix and I knew that any second he would be pouring his jizz directly into my womb. I waited patiently, eagerly anticipating his gift. I visualized my womb opening up to him, my already well-dilated cervix spreading even wider.

With a deep grunt, Bud tensed. His cock twitched once and then began to throb and pulse as he came. I felt only a couple of spurts, but the contractions went on for over a minute as he climaxed. When they finally stopped, he remained perfectly still, as though any movement at all would start him up again. We stayed locked together like this for a long time, as his climax wound down and his cock slowly went limp inside me.

My own orgasm looked like it would last for a long time. As gradually as it had begun, it was just as gradually fading. Even when Bud backed off and his cock fell free of my gaping hole, it remained a powerful force within me, making me glow with pleasure and joy.

"Wow!" He said huskily. "That was intense!" He stood with his feet apart, his cock swinging free between his legs. I saw a single drop of cum gather and fall from the tip.

I let go of my ankles and slowly lowered my feet to the ground. My legs must have screamed in agony at having been in one awkward position for so long, but I was so saturated with pleasure that I didn't notice. I did find that I had to hold onto Bud's arm while I bent down to retrieve my clothes, otherwise I would have collapsed in a heap on the ground.

As I dressed, I said, "Bud, that was the best ever. I have to tell you, that was awesome. But you need to be careful — I'm sure you would have killed any other girl and severely injured most farm animals with that thing!"

He laughed a short, snorting laugh. "Yah. I know. That's why it's so great with you. I know you can take it. I know I can relax and let go with you. God, you're fantastic."

"Thank you, sir. The rougher you are, the better I like it."

"Yeah. Jim told me about some of the stuff you two get up to. It's hard to imagine that you are that tough. I mean you look so... girly."

"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you. Damn! You know I'm still cumming. I'm going to be cumming for hours!"

"Really? Jeez, girls have it good. Guys only get a few seconds and it's over."

"We better get home. It's really late. Mom will be wondering where the heck we are." I pulled my halter over my head and tied it on. It tried to stick to the nearly-dry coating of cum on my breasts. I loosened both ties so it would hang loose in front of me instead of getting glued to my skin.

Bud looked at the large amount of cum-covered flesh on display and said, "Damn! That is just so hot, Sis!"

"Oh, no!" I laughed. "Don't start that again!"

When we had both got decent again, we resumed our walk home. There were only a couple of blocks to go, so we would be there soon.

"You know," Bud said in a conspiratorial tone, "I almost wish someone else could see that."

"Don't worry. Someone will."

"What? Who?"


"NO! You're not going to show Mom!" He seemed genuinely panicked at the suggestion.

"Sure. She's going to notice, you doof. If she didn't, I'd still show her."

"But WHY?"

"Because she's the one person who will appreciate it most. She will think it's just as hot as you do. And she will be very proud of you for doing it."

Bud seemed stunned. The idea that his mother would be impressed by his sexual prowess was truly alien to him.

"I'm not saying you're wrong," he said, choosing his words carefully, "but I don't see why Mom would be interested."

"Silly. Your mother is interested in every aspect of your life. Keenly interested, I should say. You don't talk to her nearly enough. You'll be amazed. Why do you think she's been spoiling you rotten all your life?"

"Ah, she loves us?"

"Damn right! She wants you to be happy and she wants you to be well-adjusted. She went overboard trying to make you happy. Now it's my job to try to make you well-adjusted."


"'What?' what?"

"Then you don't really care about me. You're just doing this for my mother?"

I stopped in my tracks. Something had gone seriously wrong with this conversation and it needed to be addressed right away.

"Bud, it's time to be serious. We had a discussion earlier that I thought you understood. I know Jim understood it, but apparently you missed the point, so let me go over a few things. Do you remember last Saturday night?"

"Hunh? Heck, yes! I'll never forget it."

"Bud, what do you think I was prepared to do to keep those men from hurting my family and my friends?"

That got his attention. He got real serious as he thought back over how scared he was and what he saw go down in his own family room.

"At first, I thought we were all dead, or worse. Then I thought you were going to sacrifice yourself to save us. Then I thought you were going to kill those two men. I guess you were prepared to kill or be killed to protect us. That's serious heavy."

"That's what I do, Bud. I fight bad guys to protect people. You could say it's my calling. I'm going to do it the best I can. But when it comes to family and friends, that's only half of it. The other half is doing everything I can to make you, all of you, happy. I am equally dedicated to both halves. Do you know why, Bud?"

"Because you care about us?"

"You got it. You know what I'm prepared to do to protect and defend you. I'm equally committed to your happiness and emotional well-being. Don't ever doubt that. Ever."

"Jeez. I'm sorry, Sis. I didn't think. I really need an attitude adjus... oh hell." He got a funny look on his face, like a lightbulb had just gone in his head. He smiled and said, "I get it. It took a while, but I get it. You're doing it to Steve, too. I saw it, but I didn't understand. You probably do it to everyone. I just haven't been paying close enough attention. Heck, you even sat Jim and me down and told us flat out that you were going to change our attitudes about some things, and that we should pay attention. You even told us why.

"You not only want to protect people from each other, you want to protect them from themselves. You want to change people's attitudes about things that you know will make them unhappy. You've been trying to change our attitudes about Mom. You... oh, of course! After Dad died, Mom wouldn't talk about him. If we mentioned him, she got real sad and very quiet. But lately, whenever she thinks of him, she's happy. It's almost like he's not really dead, he's just away on a trip and he'll be back anytime now. You did that. You totally changed her attitude about him so she would be happier.

"Damn. Saying you didn't care about me was like the worst thing I could have said. You do care. You care one great big huge... oh, duh. Oh, hell. I'm an idiot. There is a word that we haven't been saying. I bet you've been waiting to hear it from me. Well, you deserve it. I love you, Sam."

As much as we rationalize our behavior to ourselves, it takes having it explained to you by someone else to make you really understand it.

"Thanks, Bud. I love you, too. Now we better get home before Mom wears out that curtain in the front window."

Bud squinted down the street at our house at the end of the next block.

"You're guessing, right? Can you see that far?"

"Sure, can't you? She's been peeking out that window every few seconds. Maybe you need your eyes checked."

"My eyes are fine. 20/20. Maybe we should check yours."

"What next?" I thought. We hurried on and managed to get home before Bambi called out the National Guard to search for us.

I hadn't touched the doorhandle when she pulled it open.

Same as Sam
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The Awards Banquet was a blast; we brought some nice clothes to wear to it. When our award was announced, we went up to the podium, took the award and waved to the crowd as many cameras went off. Christine grinned like a movie star, and gave me a kiss on the cheek, just before we left back to the table we'd been sitting at. Many people came up to us, thanking us for the wonderful human-interest story we had written. We stayed for the rest of the evening, which had started with a sit-down...

2 years ago
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Tara 4 AntsChapter 35

The coronation ball promised to be a glitzy affair. Until Jenifer had attended the university, many people were very frightened as to what would happen when the true nature of the items was revealed. It wasn’t a very well-kept secret that the old Queen’s items were broken. However, many people now knew that she did wear a strong magical item that worked. They were willing to let her don the broken items and pretend they also worked simply to keep the government stable and to put her in...

1 year ago
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Playing Hostess

Matt Samuels was a highly successful CPA, with a lovely wife named Judith, and they both appeared to be the epitome of bourgeois respectability. They had 2 kids, named Donald and Warren, both of them after millionaires. Samuels was a lucky man in at least one way- he was born with a large cock, about 8 inches long, and rather thick at that, and this, unknown to him, led his wife to fantasize that he was a stud, fucking anything that moved. He had similar fantasies about being such, but he was...

3 years ago
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Chace McCartson Part IV

It's a long time since I published the previous part of this story. I really hope I still have readers for these because, if I do, there are a lot of other parts to come. This part is huge and I know that. Next parts will be smaller... I think. Here goes some considerations: - Even if there are some good conventional sex scenes and possibly a good dose of romance to come, this story tends to get darker as it goes, involving - more - torture, extreme sex, bestiality and some other...

1 year ago
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FourWay BrideChapter 6

It was a dream, Millie thought after awakening in the morning. I dreamed the whole thing! But the vividness of the memory made such a conclusion difficult to accept. Slowly, trembling with dread over what she would find, Millie reached underneath the sheet that covered her and glided her hand down her body, across the ruffled hem of her nightgown and up into the hairy cleft between her thighs. Her pussy remained slightly puffed, the passage easy to enter. Slipping two slender fingers...

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The Manor

Stewart Black was in his final year of college when he finally did it. It took him almost all of his free time at the cost of any semblance of a social life, but it was a risk he was willing to take. At the age of 23, Stewart had stumbled onto some blueprints on the internet; blueprints of a powerful machine. This machine, supposedly, had the ability to alter reality. It could change people's minds and bodies, to varying degrees of subtlety. At first, Stewart had dismissed the blueprints as...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Bedside Luxury

Sammy rolled over in bed, and snuggled down deeper under the covers.  "Just a few more minutes of sleep," she thought to herself as she felt her feet scoot into a cool section of the sheets.  Her eyes opened briefly as she tucked everything tigher under her chin before closing again.Seconds later, Sammy sat bolt upright.  This wasn't her bed, and this wasn't her room.  She had no clue where she was, and had no idea how she'd gotten here.  Another surprise was that she was sitting in this weird...

3 years ago
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The Curse

1. ‘Why don’t you simply confess, you wretched creature of darkness. End this now, and your soul may yet receive the grace of forgiveness when you will be purified by fire.’ She mustered all her strength to lift her head and look him in the eye. Her body was but a sea of pain, she had been ravished, branded, stretched, cut, speared and strangled. Even if her body was broken, her spirit was still victorious. The inquisitor was aghast when he noticed that she even smiled at him, a calm,...

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 20 Birthdays and other catastrophes

I botched an experiment Friday morning--I had gotten distracted, and lost count of... let's just say that I added too much of something in the first few steps of an experiment, and it ruined the entire thing. Unfortunately, I realized this at around two in the afternoon, when a preliminary test turned up the wacky results. Feeling rather disgusted with myself, I set up a few culture tubes to grow over the weekend, and spent the afternoon going over drafts of a paper I was writing. The...

4 years ago
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Hard PromiseChapter 9

Late that night, I was up in my room reading when I heard the telephone ring. My mom called up the stairs to me. "Ray! Telephone!" "Okay, Mom, I'll get it up here!" I picked up the phone and said hello, but there was only the phantom clicks and hums of an open telephone line traveling a long way. I was just about to hang up when I heard Missy's voice. "Why, Ray?" "What? Is that you, Missy?" "Why, Ray? And why with her?" My heart sank. Someone, probably Lindsey, had called...

2 years ago
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My aunts bra

This story takes place towards the end of my high school. I was over eighteen and ripe with energy that I didn’t know where it came from; energy that kept me restless and got me into trouble more than once. There were five members in our household: my uncle, his wife, my grandmother, my younger aunt, and myself. My younger aunt was the smallest of my mother’s siblings and was still waiting to be married. But this story is not about her; it is about my uncle’s wife. My uncle’s wife didn’t really...

1 year ago
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JUAN pronouced JON

My name is Juan, I’m 32 single. I have been sex mad since I discovered one of my mother’s boyfriends fucking our neighbor’s son. It all happened one day when school finished early, some friends and I decided to go back to my place to play on my play station. I went ahead while they brought supplies. Our back door is left unlocked so I ducked down the side of the house quietly went in the back door noticing clothes strewn on the floor so decided to follow the trail. I stopped in my tracks...

4 years ago
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Cholee ke peechey

Hi ISS readers mera naam raj hain meri age 20 saal hai. Mujhe stories padhna aacha lagta hai to maine bhi socha ki mai bhi aap loge se apni ek story share karu.baat un dino ki hai jub maine 12 ka exam complete ker ke summer vacation ke liye apne nanihaal gaya tha.mai aap ko bata do ki waha per kewal meri mami jinka naam radha hain rahti hain muger summer vacation chal rahi thi is liye meri mausi bhi aayi hui thi.ub mai aap ko apni mami jinka naam radha hain unke baare mein batata hoon .wo 28...

3 years ago
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Hollywood DreamsChapter 24

I woke up alone to the ringing phone. My clock said 6:45. Who could be calling me at this hour on Saturday morning? "Hello". "Jamie, it's Linda, sorry to wake you but I've got an emergency. Jerry's in the hospital and I have several big deliveries to make today, including two weddings. I hate to call you like this but could you help me today?" Linda was my father's mother and she ran a large and successful florist shop. Jerry was her most experienced driver and assistant. "Linda, not...

3 years ago
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Lions Pride

"Mayday! Mayday! This is Flight Alpha One Niner. Calling for help. Repeat! This is Flight Alpha One Niner. We are about to crash!" The pilot slammed his fist into the dash of the diving airplane in frustration. Nothing! The whole bucket of bolts was going down, and not even the hiss of static escaped from the radio. Nothing that could at least bring the solace that he had been heard. Instead, like the rest of the electronic systems, it was out. Shorted. Compounded with a burst engine on the...

2 years ago
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Mistrusting a MemoryChapter 3

There was an uncomfortable silence in the booth, as they waited for the waitress to come and take their drink order. Once she was gone, Lacey looked at him, obviously waiting for him to speak. "It's like this," said Bob, starting in on a speech he'd given countless times, to countless women like this one. Well ... not quite like this one. This one was a lady. She had class. He rarely dealt with women of her class. But all he had was the speech, and some facts and figures, and that...

3 years ago
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A Friend Of My Sons

My name is Elizabeth, Liz for short. I’m thirty eight years old, five feet, six inches tall, have 36c cup tits, a slim waist and a firm arse that I work hard to keep in shape. I swim four times a week and got to the gym three times, so my body is firm and toned. I couple of months ago I started having an affair with one of my son’s friends, Dean, who is eighteen years old. He’s a typical boy of his age, young, dumb, and full of cum, as they say, but he’s not so full of cum now. He’s full of...

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Marie pt1

I'd had always liked dressing in women's undies from an early age. It was usually my older sister's panties and skirts whenever possible. When I finally left home at eighteen and moved into an apartment in the town center, it really took off. I had had a few encounters with a few guys, mainly glory hole fun in the local cottages. On a few occasions I found the odd pair of stockings behind a cistern also which I would take and wash and then wear myself while wanking off.Eventually I got the...

3 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 10

Where Onslow has several surprises for me — not all pleasant. The conference table shone in designer spotlights. So did the regiment of spotless designer glasses and all the pretty bottles of designer water. There were designer coffee containers and designer cups. There was also hot water for the pretty teabags in the precious wooden box. Earl Grey, I read. Ceylon and Oolong and China Blossom, names that took me away to exotic places. I was early. I knew I would be. I always liked to just...

1 year ago
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Dance in the DarknessChapter 2

The touch of Jeff's wet pointed tongue to her sensitive neck sent chills racing through her. Sliding her hands across the firm muscles of his back, Kassidi grabbed his shirt and pulled it from him. She threw the shirt aside, grabbed his face and claimed his lips with her own, giving him a deep sensuous kiss. His trembling hands slid along her toned stomach in a gentle caress that grazed the undersides of her full heavy breasts. Moaning, Kassidi broke the kiss and peeled her shirt off,...

2 years ago
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New Year Party Fucking

Hi girls and boys, this is Arun again. Thanks to all the readers who gave comments to my previous story ‘ fucking my friend dharshu’. Who wants to know about me read my first story, This story is all about me and my close friends. This is not a fictional story its really happen on 31 Dec 2015. Any girls aunties and widows who wants sex can contact me through this Tell me come to the story. Its all started in the Christmas, when me and my friends started chatting. Let me tell about my friends...

1 year ago
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The Game

The Game By Kyrie Hobson Notes: This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including...

1 year ago
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X Hentai! Don’t get me wrong. Real women are extraordinary. I love seeing them naked, getting railed out by giant cocks. But, women have a built-in fault – their flesh is weak. The bones can only hold up so much weight before they crumble under mechanical stress. This puts a hard limit on how big a set of tits or ass cheeks can be before the owner can’t go on living. I want to see a humongous pair of jiggly tits as much as the next guy, but not if they are hanging off some paralyzed bitch.On...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Sheela anar khortuto bon

Kakar bari gechhi higher secondery r por, 3 mass chhuti sei khanei thakboo.sei khane giye khub bhalo lagloo tara sabai khub ador korloo.kakar boyos 50/51, kakima amar kakar tulanai besh chhoto unar boys 33/34 habe. Oder meye shilar boyosh 15/16 amar takhan 18 te chhuyechhe. Kakar flate ektai sobar ghor tabe besh boro. Ek konai ekta double bed aar mathar dike arekta single bed lagano boro khat tai kakima aar oder meye shila ghumato aar single khate kaka eka. Ratre sobar byobastha holo kakimar...

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Bangkok fucking pleasure

I would like to share my sex enjoyment in Bangkok. I was traveling to Bangkok for Technical meeting. I arrived at 9apm and went from airport to my hotel. It was about 11pm. I was tired and was looking forward to rest as soon as room was given. The receptionist was charming, sexy with very good figure. She smiled and welcomes me. The room was given and I started to move to my room. She requested me to wait as someone will accompany me to my room with my luggage. As there was no bell boy around...

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A hot summer with 2

I played ball with my buddies for about 4 hours, I had a hard time concentrating on what I was doing as visions of my mom and aunt being naked and me fucking them kept running through my mind. At about 2 pm we all decided that we'd had enough ball playing and so went our separate ways. I headed straight home, looking forward to hopefully more intimate sessions with my mom and maybe my aunt if she was still there. As I turned the corner near our house, my cock tingled as I saw my aunt's car...

2 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 46

November 11, 1978 This year things were very different for Benny. In the past, he would have worked at the office building every evening from 5:00 until 7:30. It was as regular as clockwork, and brought the four of them together every workday. The four would often eat dinner together after work, but without exception Benny ate dinner with Tim. Since they had sold the business, Benny didn’t have that hanging over his head. Sandra and Cathy were still working there, but were now answering to...

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Dawn PatrolChapter 10

I got a new airplane and a promotion. I was now Captain John Edwards, and I was happy to see that small increase in pay. What I didn't like was that I was now made a flight leader of my own flight. That meant that I had to sort of part with my old friends and develop a relationship with three new pilots. It just dawned on me: was I promoted and given the new flight because I was the one with a car, Connie's old one, so that I could provide transportation into town? I asked Col. Handly, and...

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Through the Looking GlassChapter 5

Kaito Kobayashi was the only son of a poor family. He had lived his entire life in a small town south of Okinawa City before earning a full scholarship to university. Hard work and excellent grades allowed him to continue his education until he graduated from medical school. He had hoped to earn his father's respect after graduating in the top of his class, but that was not that case. Several years working at one of the local hospitals allowed him to further his career and become a...

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Costume Party

I left Jennifer and Jerry’s house after a great breakfast and several cups of coffee. I had a lot to do that day before even getting ready for the evening’s events. The day had turned out just as the weatherman had predicted the night before, a balmy warm day in the low seventies and the evening wouldn’t dip too far into the high fifties and the same weather pattern would last about three days. It was looking like a nice weekend and the possibility of riding the bike to the party that evening...

Group Sex
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Gone Fishing Who Betrayed Who Part 1 of 4

Kyle had a full and exciting sex life as a young man, but every time he got serious about a girl, she would cheat on him, making him very jaded about love. Never finding a woman he could trust. Never allowing himself to become genuinely emotionally involved.From the first time he met Lori, he was infatuated. She was walking with some of his old friends from when he was working his way through university, so he went over to say hello, hoping they would introduce her to him. He thought he was...

2 years ago
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Salvation in the Sargasso Sea

In loving memory of Sharon * ~ A Flaming Rose ~ He heard it hit the floor, the tiny set screw that slipped from his fingers. It ricocheted off his shirt and jeans on its bumpy course, but gave no hint as to its final resting place. Jon cursed to himself, slowly backing away from his workbench, hoping against all odds the screw would be right at his feet. It was not his lucky day. A timely buzz from his cell phone postponed the mandatory search and rescue mission. ‘Hey Andy. What’s up?’ A...

4 years ago
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Bride Submission A Big Surprise

Introduction: Feminist lawyer learns of familys secret sex society life. BRIDE SUBMISSION: A Big Surprise Summary: Feminist lawyer learns of familys secret sex society life. Note 1: Thanks to MAB7991, Robert, and goamz86 for editing this story. Note 2: This is the first part of a year-long plus multi-part story of the brides extensive submission from powerful lawyer to obedient incestuous submissive slut during her wedding week. BRIDE SUBMISSION: A Big Surprise I just need to warn you my...

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Craigs List Cross Dresser Part 2

I turn you upside down so you back is on the chair with your legs over the back. I take off my pants and underwear. My dick is only half hard but I rub it into the cum on your face and feed it to you with the head of my dick. Then I rub my balls all over your face before leaving them for you to tongue and suck them into your mouth.I am getting harder now. I pull my scrotum up so you can tongue the sensitive area between my sack and my anus. As you lick this area, I reach forward and rub your...

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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 1

Scarsdale, NY: Friday 2nd November 2018Pete gives the background to Sue and his four-year journey of sexual discoveryAsk any addict and they’ll tell you that it only takes one second to slip. And that once you’ve slipped, you’re in freefall with no earthly idea of where and when that freefall will end. And whether you’ll still be in one piece.I’m Pete, or Peter if you prefer. A ‘happily’ married forty-nine-year-old guy, married to the woman who’s blessed my life these last twenty-six years....

Wife Lovers
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A Short Love Tale

By : Rohan01 Hello Guys I am a regular reader of ISS and it is completely fascinating to share our sex endeavors with others rather I would say love making. A little bit about me. My name is Rohan and I am software professional in Bangalore with constant trips to Delhi. I am basically a UP lad. I did my grad from Delhi. As you all know Delhi is full of fascinating girls. But because one particular fascinating amazing girl, her name Trisha (name changed for privacy issue) was my classmate and I...

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Bengali Aunty Choda Delhi Bulaker

Hello friend jaise ki aap sab jante hai ki mai kitna hot hu batana to nhi padega or mere ko v aap pahchante hi honge sab aab tak mai 4 stories likh chuka hu ager aap nhi padhe ho to padhna jarur mai maza or enjoy karoge chalo aab jyada time n lete hue suru kerta hu kahani. Mai facebook per hamesha active rahta hu mera I’d hai sanu alam “Mai daily ki tarah facebook use ker rha tha to ek friends request aaye fir mai usi time accept ker li then hello ka massage aaya maine v hello bola fir bola mai...

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