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The command echoed in my ears. It would for the rest of my life. As a safety mechanism, I allowed my mind to detach from my body when the animal's massive body enveloped mine. I become a spectator to the depravity that was about to visit my body. I felt his crushing weight as he climbed onto my back. I felt his forepaws wrap around my waist exerting his control of his new breeding bitch. Then his hard bony dog cock began to poke at my labia trying to find the entrance to my wet pussy. Finally the beast's cock split me cunt lips and slid into my body. Deep into my body until it crashed painfully against my cervix.

Odd what you remember about a sexual assault. I recall a roaring in my ears, which I have since associated with the cheering of those watching, encouraging the beast to fuck me even harder. Also, the incredible warmth of the animal's cock as it surged deep into my wet hole. I didn't know that a dog's cock was so damn warm. As his hard cock slipped deeper into my vaginal cavity it surprised me that it could so big. The beast was easily as large as David's cock. David, when was it that I fucked David? Was it recently or a lifetime ago?

The young woman whose cunt was mashed against my face was suddenly gone. When did she leave? Didn't she like my tongue? Have I displeased her somehow? I want to come back I want to please her pussy. Oh damn, the animal was hammering my cunt so hard and so fast. The roar in my ears is deafening now. The beast continued to brutally hammer my cunt. I do not remember ever being fucked like that. His cock is so long that the pointy tip of the its cock continued to batter my cervix. The beast was trying to gain entrance into my womb. The pain I remembered as his assault began was now changing. There was the familiar tingle of ecstasy as it began to well up deep inside of my body. This could not be happening! Could this dog actually fuck me to orgasm? Was my body so depraved as to allow all control to slip away? This truly cannot be happening to me.

Oh damn! What the fuck was the beast up to now? His rhythm changed and he was trying to push something into me. What could be mashing my pussy lips? What the hell is that animal trying to do to me. In my minds eye I pictured a large lump of the dog's flesh being pushed at my vaginal entrance. The animal is trying to push this mass of hard cock flesh into me but I cannot understand why. He worked strenuously to push this... this... knot into me. My vaginal opening began to stretch open to receive the invading knot of hot dog flesh. I was in agony as it was forced into my body. Once inside though, the pain was washed away and incredible pleasure replaced it.

The creature once again began to fuck my cunt with deep hard thrust but a new urgency was in his actions. He began to pull on my hips violently and simultaneously hopped forward driving his cock and the knot deeper into my cunt. The pointy tip of his cock finally pried open the entrance to my womb. Now my sex was filled as never before. As my orgasm slowly built, I became aware of all the ridges and veins along the animal's cock. The walls of my vagina clung to the beast as he continued to take his pleasure. That knot felt like a tennis ball inside of me and it was rubbing my "G-spot" as he pulled and pushed his hard meat into me. The animal's cock was tearing at the tender tissues of my womb. His cock felt like a hot poker as it drove into my womb. But damn it, even as I recall the searing pain it was mixed with tremendous pleasure. It was maddening!

Suddenly his rhythm became frantic. His forepaws were tightly wrapped around my hips and he was pulling me back onto his cock with such animalistic force that his actions were knocking the breath from me. Inside my body every nerve sensor was firing. No more pain now just fucking pure pleasure. I could to feel the rush of energy just before cumming. I love that moment. You give yourself over to something primal and allow it to consume you. Nothing else matters during those next few moments. Moments that feel like an eternity of time could pass. A voice rose over the roaring in my ears and it was so familiar. I was startled to discover it is my voice. Startled even more to realize that it was me, howling like a deprave slut begging for her cum. Words of filth poured from my lips. The words resonate still; "Fuck my cunt"... "Fuck it harder"... "Make me cum you cunt fucking dog". I could not believe those words tumbled from my lips. Not from me! How could I possible enjoy this savage fucking? What was happening to my mind?

Then nothing mattered in my world. My orgasm overwhelmed my senses and my body shook, lunged and twisted against the restraints. I tried with all my being to drive the animals cock deeper into my womb. My delicate womb that was now on fire as the foreign appendage scrapped my tender womb into a mass of raw tissue. I was insane with lust, consumed now with the bestial act of sex. I wanted more! More of the canine's cock to be driven deeper into my body. I never wanted this to end! I prayed for it to never end! I screamed for it to never end! My orgasm continued to climb within me and my body was raked by violent tremors. I was cumming hard constantly now. I could no longer control my body's response to this bestial assault and my mind simply blinked off. I no longer knew if I was going to survive this. I had let go of all morals and body and soul were committed to this bestial fucking. I became a dog-fucking slut!

The animal continued to ravage me poor body. The orgasms did not subside. In fact they achieved new levels. My muscles in my vagina, my stomach and my legs were painfully knotted. Yet I continue to trash against the restraints as the dog rutted his new bitch. Insanity and fear crept along the edges of my mind. Was my climax ever going to end? I feared now that what I had asked for was coming true. This fucking would never stop and I would die cumming. Was that possible? Just as I was about to scream and beg for mercy, I felt the beast's cock begin to swell inside of me. He jammed his body forward violently one last time burying himself deep within me. The depth of his penetration drove the breath from my lungs; my mouth hung agape and my eyes, although open, saw only swirling colors and surreal images dancing before me. Then a most wondrous thing happened. The animal released his seed into me. Molten jets of fluid were ejaculated into my womb. His cock began to vibrate inside of me as his cum shot into my body. The fluid quickly filled my womb and it expanded painfully to accept more of his seed. But there is far too much. It began to release into and fill my vaginal cavity as well. Little leaked from my twat because his swollen knot sealed the hot dog cum inside of me. In the moments that followed my breathing and heart rate began to slow, although was not anywhere near to normal. I continued to experience post-orgasmic tremors that raked my body. But it allowed time for my naive mind to ponder the issue of interspecies insemination. Can a dog get a woman pregnant? I hadn't ever heard of it happening but it was a question that I wanted answered!

As I contemplated this matter, something new happened! The beast tired from his orgasmic journey decided to abruptly dismount me. He pushed himself up and stood with his forepaws on my naked buttocks and then stepped off to my right. This put tremendous pressure on my vaginal opening because his knot was still locked inside of me. He swung his hind leg over my back and the animal's cock flipped around inside of my cunt. I have to tell you that this was an unexpected thrill. His hard flesh twirled around inside my cum filled cunt and it sent me over the edge into yet another orgasm. My cunt clenched at the beast's cock and I moaned with pleasure. He settled in behind me and we remained tied butt to butt. It must have been such a depraved sight. The huge animal and his human bitch attached together by their genitals. Then without warning my canine lover attempted to dislodge himself from my body. Blinding lights exploded in my head as very real pain streaked through my body. My mouth opened to scream but nothing came out. I feared the creature was going to tear my cunt from my body. I knew I was going to die! His Highness growled his displeasure at being locked together and he again tried to pull his swollen member free of my body. Thankfully my vocal chords worked this time. I scream bloody murder this time shaking the revelers into action.

One of his handlers grabbed his collar as the other spoke to calm him. Two females attended to me as well. They pulled my sodden hair from my face and rubbed my body with warm scented towels. It was as if the two beasts had performed well and now they were to be pampered. It was still several minutes before the dog's knot began to deflate enough to allow his cock to slip from my hole. It was a disgusting sound! I liken that sound to that of a plumber's helper as it is pulled free from unclogging a toilet. The trapped mixture of our coupling bubbled and belched from my gaping hole. I was completely humiliated and sickened. Now all the suppressed emotions flooded into my mind. How could I have allowed this to happen? How could I have actually enjoyed this? Tears filled my eyes and shame filled my soul.

The roar of the onlookers quieted to a murmur and was replaced with heavy breathing and the sound of sex filled the room. The sickening odor of sex filled my nostrils and my eyes slowly opened again only to focus on a scene of total debauchery. Men and women were naked and writhing on the floor and furniture. They were doing foul thing to one another and gender did not seem to matter. Cocks were being shoved into any available orifice. Men with men with women, it was a decedent and filthy scene. Then my precious Mandi crawled into my view and she knelt before me, kissing my dry lips. She whispered in my ear, "David and I are so very proud of you." I was filled with unexplainable pride at hearing her words. Whispering to me again, "Excuse me love but I have certain duties to perform." She stood and walked behind me to join our hostess.

Brandi, standing off to my rear announced, "Who has brought us this bitch for pleasuring this night?"

"I did Mistress Brandi," responded Mandi.

"His Highness is sated and he is through with this one. Clean her and take the bitch away!"

"Yes, Mistress." Responded Mandi as she knelt between my legs. I felt the softness of her cheeks as she pressed her lovely face into my abused cunt and with her tongue she slowly and lovingly swabbed the animal jiz from my hole. I did not want to cum again but it only took a few moments and Mandi had me shaking once again in orgasm. I was then released from my restraints and two men assisted me to my feet. Actually they held me up since there was anyway I could have made my muscles work. My dress was slipped over my head and I was taken to my limo where I collapsed into the backseat. An inky blackness washed over me and I do not remember the ride home.

Jason, the limo driver, helped me from the back of the limo and when my legs would not hold me he swept me up and carried me into my townhouse. My pussy hadn't closed yet and dog cum seeped from deep within me. The foul odor of stale sex permeated every pore of my skin. My dress was sopping wet from the sticky mixture leaking from me. When Jason shifted my body weight to carry me upstairs the awful sound of cum belching from my hole broke the silence, I was totally humiliated. My embarrassment was so great that it triggered the emotions that lay just below the surface. I clung to this gentle giant of a man and began to cry. Jason laid me gently on my bed, then drew a steaming hot bubble bath. Jason helped me from the bed and as I stood there being stripped naked by this stranger, the foul fluid from tonight's bestial fucking belched forth from my gaping hole again. I could only buried my face in my hands and was unable to control my emotion. No one should have to be this humiliated. But Jason simply smiled a warm and understanding smile and continued to remove my soiled dress. I stood naked before him and again he swept my aching body into his arms and carried me to the bath. There he gently bathed my abused body. He even washed the oozing cum from my gaping hole with his long wonderful fingers. Even as sore and traumatized as I was my body reacted to his fingers. I moved my pelvis wantonly as he stroked my cunt. I was embarrassed by my actions but I could not control them. Jason kissed my forehead and continued using his fingers gently cleaning and pleasuring my pussy.

"There you go princess. Now lets get you dried off and into a warm bed. As he dried my body I broke down again. He wrapped me in his strong arms and held my convulsing body in his arms. This time I cried as if there were to be no end to the tears. Jason simply held me and soothed me. An eternity passed before I had cried myself out. "It will be okay, Jill. Let it all out. It will be okay." The man picked me up once more and laid me on my bed. He lay next to me fully clothed and held me close to his strong chest.

Finally composing myself I told him, "I'm okay now. I'll be alright." I said the words but I did not believe them. We lay together on my bed holding one another for the longest time. I was almost angry when Jason finally broke the silence. "Do you want me to leave?"

"No, please stay and hold me. You make me feel so safe now. Please stay!"


Once more there was a long silence. I listened to Jason breathing. I began to believe that it would really be okay. I knew that I needed to talk and this man seemed willing to listen.

"Jason, do you know what they did to me."

"Only if you need to tell me Jill. Do you want to tell me?"

"I have to tell someone. It was so foul that I can not believe they made me do it. Please don't hate me for what I have done Jason. Oh, Jason it was so awful," I said looking into his blue eyes. I had not noticed how blue his eyes were. They held my gaze as I continued. "I cannot believe how wonderful it was!" I said the last in almost a whisper. Once again I was overcome by my emotions. Clutching to Jason I allowed the last of my tears to be released. Calmed again I continued with my confession. This time I could not look into those eyes. I bowed my head against his chest and whispered hoping he would not really hear me. "They let a dog fuck me."

"What are you upset about Jill? Are you upset that they forced you to have sex with the animal or that you enjoyed it?"

I looked back into those eyes again searching for the disdain I knew would be there but I only found soft blue caring eyes staring back at me.

"Jason, I am not sure I can answer that yet. I was terrified when I willingly allowed them strapped me down. I knew that Mandi and David would not allow me to harmed but still I was scared. When the beast was brought in I thought that I would lose my sanity. How could this be happening to me? How could these people be so depraved as to unleash a dog on a helpless woman?" My words tumbled from my mouth as I unburdened my soul. "Oh you have no idea how terrifying it was when the dog mounted me. I knew I would lode my mind when his cock pushed itself into my body. Strangely though, my mind and body seemed to separate at that very moment. I became a spectator and not the victim. I think that was the only thing that save my sanity Jason. It was as if I viewed the bestial act as it unfolded from a safe distance. Oh Jason, I am so ashamed of what I did. A dog was fucking me and people were watching and cheering. Worse of all, I was enjoying the sex. Jason, I do not understand but once the animal was fucking me, my body opened to receive him. Please don't hate me but I did like it. Damn me but I loved it. How could I let myself do such a vile act? I am so humiliated how can you sit there and listen to me. You must think me a sick and degenerate whore."

"No, Jill," he said softly. "You are a sexually alive and vibrant woman. A very sexy woman I might add. I know few women that would admit to the joy of bestial sex."

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2014 Changed Everything

After having worked several months down in the San Antonio, Texas area, a woman whom had been stalking me on a frequent basis at a social media site finally convinced me that at least with a stalker, things would rarely ever be boring. Let me tell you folks, she wasn't k**ding! Going on almost six years later, we are still together, and are still turning each other on when I come in off the road. Now if we could just find a few play-pals to keep her amused while I'm away at work for weeks on...

3 years ago
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VOLITION 47 year old Jennifer glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall. Her new andyounger (39) husband Paul was due home shortly, and as she twisted her handsin anxiety she new what that would entail. Paul was a union electrician bytrade but he had become obsessed with weightlifting and lately anabolic steroids.Paul was only 5'9" but his body was absolutely ripped and bulked. Furthermore,the HGH had made Paul increasingly irritable, aggressive and mean. Jennifer'sfirst husband had died in a...

3 years ago
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The Ah KungChapter 20

Roger pulled up in front of the cabin just before dark. He had been worrying about finding the cabin and had spotted a couple of motels on the main highway. He had decided that he would have stayed in a motel if he hadn't found the cabin before dark. The gravel road leading to the cabin was about a mile and a half long. It was a county road and the owner of the cabin had assured Roger that the county would plow the road if it snowed but it might be a few days before they got to it. There...

2 years ago
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Remote Viewing

I can remote view my neighbor as her husband fucks her!I learned to remote view while in the Army. They’ve had a remote viewing program since the 1940s and was used by personnel to see what German forces were doing. It helped America win World War II.I was taught to remote view during the Iraq war, so I’ve been doing it for more than twenty-five years. I've seen the backside of the Moon and several moons of Jupiter and Saturn. But now that I'm retired, I use it just for my entertainment…and to...

3 years ago
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My hubby and I had a barbecue at a friends house recently. We were sitting up on a slighlty raised deck and I was wearing a short little see through skirt with my new high platoform heels. I noticed my husbands friend couldnt stop staring at my feet. The sun started going down and my husbands friend went down the stairs to clean the grid. I stood next to my hubby against the railing with my one foot slightly over the edge. I felt something bump my foot and out the corner of my eye I noticed my...

2 years ago
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Fantastic Train Journey

Hi, this is 22nd story written under the pen name of Sultana Sinha. My real name is Aloke a 36 yrs old, married Male from Patna Bihar. Many readers mail me thinking I am female. If you like the story, please say so via mail This story is 11 yrs old. I was going to Mumbai to join College of Arts to learn painting after graduation. I boarded Guwahati Dadar Exp at Bhagalpur and took my seat in two AC. A very beautiful newly married woman along with a boy, who seems to be her brother were seating...

3 years ago
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Changing Channels The DVR

It was a sheriff's sale that I'd wandered upon. A couple had disappeared a few months ago; it had been in the local papers. They'd vanished without a trace and investigators were baffled. While foul play had never been ruled out, they'd left no trail whatsoever; no credit card receipts, no phone calls, no....nothing. They'd left unpaid bills, but nothing out of the ordinary. I guessed the sale was to wrap up their debts. A florid, overweight man chomping a cigar was just inside...

1 year ago
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Playing in the Woods

Hannah Walsh and Natalie Mulheron were two twenty seven year olds who had taken a bit of a camping trip in the woods, North of England. They'd been best friends for years and recently started dating. One day, in the middle of July, when it was really hot, Hannah and Natalie were walking through the woods listening to the birds singing to each other in the tree tops. "Ouch," complained Natalie, tripping over a small rock. "I nearly fell to the ground. Why did I let you convince me to come? You...

2 years ago
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Taking a ride

We liked to go for long rides in the countryside and frequently found some quiet places for some action. My wife said that the feel of her tight lycra cycling shorts on her pussy made her very wet and in need of a good fucking. One particular day in the summer we went out for a cycle ride with intention of finding a secluded spot for some fun. Before we went out my wife slipped her favourite duo balls into her pussy and then pulled on her cycling shorts. I could feel my dick getting hard and...

1 year ago
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I really thought Noodle Dude was going to be a sprawling directory of all the best pasta websites on the internet, each with a longform review full of useful info slathered with hilarious jokes, all delivered by a noodle-snorting mascot with a huge head. I was all ready to read writeups of the local ramen shops and Italian joints, thinking maybe this Noodle Dude would turn me on to some good shit I can show off to the Tinder ladies. I’m not sure if you know this, but a good bowl of high-end...

ASMR Porn Sites
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How I Became My Wifes Executive Assistant

How I Became My Wife's Executive Assistant "No way am I wearing that!" Bill shouted. His wife raised a single eyebrow and calmly replied, "Want to bet?" She was in no mood to negotiate. "Come on Bill. We've been over this issue a dozen times. You agreed to go to our company's costume party dressed as my sexy secretary, while I go as your male boss. You look adorable, that outfit suits you," she reassured him. "It'll be a real giggle. Now stop dragging your feet and put on...

2 years ago
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Daddys Dilemma

Thunder crashed. The thirteen-year-old jumped. She didn't like storms. Her daddy had always told her he'd take care of her. She went to wake him and see if he'd let her sleep with him. She climbed out of bed and tiptoed down the hall to her daddy's room. She crept in and shook her daddy's shoulder. "Daddy," she whispered urgently. He rolled over and blinked at her. "What is it, India?" "The storm is scary, Daddy. Can I sleep with you?" He smiled. "Sure, princess." He lifted...

2 years ago
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The Army is still screwing me even after six years. They tell you one thing then change it just to piss you off. I joined the Army to get College benefits but was now ready to get home and start school. I was supposed to get out on Monday. But here is was Friday morning and I just found out I could get my papers now and be gone in an hour. I had called my mother and told her I would be in later Monday evening. But now it looked like I would be home late tonight. I was flat busted so I did not...

1 year ago
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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 3 Secobd come back

I stood in front of her ready, my cock standing rigid. She took the vibrator in her mouth, lubricated it, then slid it into her pussy. I moved closer to her mouth, she took the cock in her hand, pulled down the foreskin and sucked it greedily, drooling heavily, and in a moment she took it out of her mouth and said: now shake it off, while I watch. -What are you doing? -The communicator sounded -I’m in bed- -Show me your dick, I’m horny A quick photo of the dick, sent -It’s...

1 year ago
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Blood Lust

The crack of the disinfectant sponge applicator being opened, the anticipation of the cool burning fire fluid being applied to her spread outer lips, was like a dinner bell.  Her dark pink sex, on full display due to her hips being lifted by two thick down and foam fill pillows and a pile of innocent--for now--white hotel linens, started to leak with the drooling desire of what was to come at that particular sound.Or rather, at what that particular sound heralded.She was blindfolded, doubly so,...

2 years ago
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Pregnant Sex at the Movies

by Dunchad© *Number three of four in the series, hope you like this one.* Cassy had been feeling depressed the last few weeks. She kept talking about how she wasn't sexy and attractive anymore, and no matter how many times I told her I thought differently, it didn't seem to help any. So I started to pound my brain to find a solution that would make her feel better and be fun to boot. After all, what's life if not fun right? Finally, it hit me. Cassy had been talking about...

3 years ago
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Mid Summer NightChapter 2

Thanksgiving Break - Hannah returns home A few months had past since my romp with Ricky. Things were still stale with my husband and I and work was the same. Thanksgiving break was coming up and Hannah was coming home and wanted us to meet her boyfriend. Chris didn’t like it that much but I reminded him that she is an adult now and we had to let go. We picked her up from the airport and we’re driving home. “when do we get to meet him?” I asked “I was thinking tomorrow at dinner” Hannah...

4 years ago
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Giving Something Back

Alex Scott sat in her chair next to the net and re-laced then tied her tennis shoe. She was 32 years old, worn out and this was to be her final tennis tournament of a less than illustrious professional career. Breathing hard she stood up and twirled her racket grabbed two balls and headed back out onto the court. She thought about what her father had told her last night, 'Alex', he said 'you have to give something back to the game, all the great ones give something back to the game'. She...

3 years ago
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34 yr old Step DaughterPart Six

after our last meeting a couple days ago I couldn’t get her body off my mind and I had to see her after my other latest adventure. I texted her asking if I could stop over even if anyone was there and she said her husband and one of his friends were over. I went in and after sitting and talking with everyone and having a beer she suddenly said how about I go get some pizza for you guys and the k**s? They all agreed and she looked right at me and said do you have time to come get them with me???...

4 years ago
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A Different World

Year: 2026 CE (Common Era) The white-coat laboratory technician barely spoke a word as she strapped you down into a pod shaped sleeping unit, apparently designed to hold your body in perfect stasis for up to one full year. At least, that's what the techs told you. You almost don't care, when the military came to you and offered you a way off the streets you didn't hesitate - you and your daughter have lived off the scraps of the big corporations and petty elite for far too long. Anise... She's...

2 years ago
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Mia Six Months Later

I would not see Mia for another 6 months.  However, during that time she wrote me 3 letters (this was before texting) and called me on the phone a month before I would see her again.  In the letters she told me how much she enjoyed being with me during her last visit.  Even though, Mia and Tia were identical twins, I was soon finding out how much different they were sexual.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed having sex with Tia, but she was not raunchy or nasty.  Even in her letters, Mia would...

Group Sex
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All American Gal

Some say I am out of control and others say I am addicted to sex but I say I am just a women having fun. Life is so short to argue with narrow minded people who find the name calling powerful. My psychiatrist and I spent many a session talking about sex addiction and he came to the conclusion I was not one of those people. I am just a person that enjoys a good time like the next person does. If I like someone I just meet for the first time then I may decide to have sex with the guy, normal...

3 years ago
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SLUT Wife Was The Out Of Town New Years Party

We are getting near to the hotel. I like the Hilton with the bigger windows. We checked in and J did it with no bra on this whole time, a little wiggle/jiggle through the lobby please. Thank You Honey! We had to work our way to the check in desk with all the people around. Anyway she was ready to get ready, we went to the room. It was as they promised. A suite with a bedroom and a sitting area and work, lounge area. I love the lay out and the room, I better for the price! The couch and chair...

2 years ago
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My new love

So I'm still in high school even though on my page it says college but anyway, there's this guy in my theater class that i really like and by the grace of god we got partnered up to do some scripts together. . .so we're practicing right then out of no where i let it slip that i like him,i look at him and he has this look on his face like what the fuck...I'm so embarrassed that i run into the theater join and hide some how he found me i asked him how did he know i was hiding here he said this is...

2 years ago
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In Poverty Lies Happiness of son and mom

My name is kiran. I belong to the interior part of tamil nadu. My dad died at when i was 3 years and my s*s was 1 year. We had sugarcane farms and we became poor because of drought and my mom was looking after them. I was sent to Coimbatore for my education to my uncle’s house. After completing my Xth class i decided to look after the fields and give rest to my mom. I came back to my village and there my house is on the outskirts of the village and our farms are covered by fence on all sides,...

3 years ago
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Lactation room

CRASH!!! "What the hell was that," Andy Ozinski said to himself, as he walked passed the closed office door on his way to the copy machine room! The long corridor was empty, as most of the staff were out to lunch, and Andy wondered who could possibly using the vacant office at this hour. Well who ever it was, they sure as hell were making quite a racket in there, so Andy put his ear to the door, listened for a few moments, and then slowly turned the handle and pushed into the supposedly empty...

1 year ago
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Nina 8211 who took me first

We were having our lunch, Vishal came in, again Deepa went to him expecting him to pick her up, “Beti papa is very tired please beta let me take some rest. Paras please excuse me this new student is paying me good amount I had to be at their place by evening again, I had to prepare them for this exam.” But my experienced eyes was sensing something wrong, could not pin point it. Lunch I slept in the hall,Deepa remained with me, Nina was trying to remain calm and dossed off. After about 3 hours...

1 year ago
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The Hotel

Well, she had made it to the hotel room, unpacked, took a short nap, and then got up so she could take a long shower before the evening began. She had been looking forward to this for weeks, even though she had been promiscuous in her 20's, she had never done anything quite like this. She had started up a conversation with a man on the internet, that first night they had chatted for hours online and it ended with a heavy breathing session on the phone. She didn't know how but she had cum twice...

Straight Sex

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