Dulcie and DeliaChapter 3
- 4 years ago
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It was clearly a good idea for Emma Pearson and Dennis Perkins to work closely together. Of course, Dennis was usually only in the church office for an hour or so each day, but most days they managed to at least 'touch base'. In doing so, they didn't realise that they were becoming close in other ways too. Dennis had changed considerably in himself and was considering talking to Dulcie about Confirmation, to become a full member of the church, rather than just a part-time employee. He was already attending services regularly.
One day, a week or so before Christmas, they had been looking for some detail in the church records that had been misplaced and it had got rather late; well after six o'clock. Dennis was the first to notice as he straightened up from the box file he was examining.
"Heavens! Look at the time! Shouldn't you be going home?"
Emma glanced up at the clock and yawned. "No panic. We had a cooked lunch. Liina will have got herself sandwiches for tea even if Dulcie wasn't there; they won't have waited for me."
"Well, I'm hungry, and I don't want to go home and cook. Will you come with me to Bombay Nights? I'd like some company as I eat."
Emma thought, frowned, shrugged and her expression cleared. "Okay ... that sounds like fun, actually."
It wasn't the first time they'd had a meal, or at least a snack, together. It was far from the first time they'd told each other things about themselves, but on that occasion, Emma found herself expanding on the superficial account she had given of how she'd come to be at the Rectory; how she'd run away from an abusive fostering, been picked up by members of a group who had intended to rape her and several other young girls in a purportedly Satanist ritual – the fear she'd felt, escalating to terror with the appearance of the demon – Dulcie's interruption, armed only with a bottle of Holy water. Remembering, she shivered, but then giggled. "She'd blessed a plastic bottle of spring water – the sort with a nozzle to drink from – and squirted it at the Thing. Would you believe it?"
"Once, no, I wouldn't. Now, knowing Dulcie ... and knowing you to be truthful ... yes, I believe it."
"I don't know why I told you that – I don't usually talk about it."
"I'm glad you did. Emma ... I've been wondering ... I mean ... this isn't a date ... is it?"
She cocked her head, watching him, neutrally. "What are you getting at, Dennis?"
"It's difficult. We're friends, right?"
"Of course."
"What if ... I wanted to maybe be ... more than ... friends?"
"Knowing what I've just told you?"
"That? That has nothing to do with you being a very special person. In fact, it makes me think you're even more special."
She looked down at her plate, then back up, reached out and took his hand where it was resting on the table.
"Thank you, Dennis. You make me feel special. I..." she frowned, "I don't know what I think about ... what? You'd like to be my boyfriend?"
"I suppose, yes. Seems a bit odd at my age to be talking about being boyfriend and girlfriend, but yes."
"I don't know, Dennis. I'm not saying no, just that I need to think about it. Is that alright?"
"Of course. You know I wouldn't push you, don't you?"
"Yes, or I wouldn't even be thinking about it."
"Then let us finish eating, and we'll go our separate ways while you think about it... ?"
"That's a plan..." she chuckled. "Thank you, Dennis. You're a friend. I will think about it, I promise."
On returning to the Rectory, Emma found Dulcie in her study. "Might I have a word?"
"Always, any time, Emma."
"I've just had dinner with Dennis ... we were late looking for that invoice for the roof repairs and he took me to Bombay Nights for a curry..."
"Sounds nice," Dulcie smiled.
"It was..." Emma paused, looking at Dulcie carefully. "You don't mind?"
"Why would I mind?"
"I thought, maybe, you might ... um ... be interested in him yourself... ?"
Dulcie's eyebrows rose and her mouth opened; she took a deep breath and released it with a sigh. She frowned, apparently thinking; took a breath as if to speak, but let it out and chuckled. "What to say..." She shook her head slightly. "Emma, I have no romantic interest in Dennis Perkins. I think he's a good man, who is feeling his way towards meaning for his life, and I'm happy to be his friend. But that is all."
"He wants to ... to ... date me. What do I do, Dulcie?"
"Ah ... that I can't tell you. Only you can know that."
"I'm scared, Dulcie..."
"Come here, darling..." Emma shuffled across the room and Dulcie drew her into her arms. She held Emma close until she felt her relax. "Are you afraid of Dennis?"
"I don't think so ... It's just..."
"You've spent quite a lot of time with him..."
"And he's never worried you, done anything to make you think he can't be trusted?"
"No, of course not!"
"Do you enjoy spending time with him? Find things to talk about that interest both of you?"
"Oh, yes..."
"Then the question you need to answer is, 'do you want to get closer to him?'"
Emma thought about that, then, "Will you pray for me, Dulcie?"
Dulcie continued to hold her as she prayed aloud. Emma was quite used to the 'foreign' sounds from Dulcie's lips and was only slightly surprised when her own voice joined in.
By the time Emma got to bed she was wiped out emotionally, her eyes shut, and she was asleep seconds after her head hit the pillow.
Dulcie worried only a little. She knew Emma to be sensible, but hoped her history would not affect any relationship she entered into. Two years after Emma's friend Rosie had fallen, hard, for a young man, Mannie Wagner, and headed off to University with him, Emma had shown no interest in any man beyond courtesy.
Harry and Lydia arrived the weekend before Christmas and were warmly welcomed.
Emma informed Dennis when they next met that she would enjoy spending more time with him, but suggested waiting 'til after the Christmas holiday was over. "But you're welcome to visit the Rectory if you're at a loose end."
"I'd like that. The office is closed until the New Year. Maybe we could take a walk or something?"
She giggled. "Taking a walk is not a date?"
He smiled and shrugged. "Well, we won't be making a formal arrangement." Turning serious, he added, "I know you'll want to be around in case Dulcie goes into labour."
Dulcie's pregnancy had not stopped her from carrying out her pastoral duties. For the most part, her parishioners understood and came to her, rather than expecting a visit. A few, however, were just not able. Among them was Edith Spurgeon, still in hospital after her stroke. Not too long previously she'd been a sour, bitter, old maid. Delia Westwood, (then Delia Cooper) had somehow pierced the hard shell and forged a friendship with her ... to the extent that Delia had worn Edith's heirloom veil as she married Gerry Westwood. When Edith had suffered her stroke, Delia had visited her almost daily, each week taking consecrated bread and wine for her to receive Communion.
Edith gradually gained better control of her voice, and shortly before Christmas asked Delia if she could ask Dulcie to visit. It being uncomfortable for Dulcie to drive, she rode with Delia to the hospital in Chelmsford.
"Rev-er-end Han-son," she slurred, lifting a hand as she saw Dulcie in her room. "Tha-nk you ... for ... com-ing. De-li-a, please?"
"Dulcie..." Delia's Liverpool accent was somewhat blurred by several years' living in Essex. "I've been talking to Edith and she's asked me to explain some things ... She's asked me..." she stopped and swallowed, clearly distressed, "she thinks she's going to die..."
"Ev-er-y-one dies ... De-li-a ... and I ... am ... quite ... old."
"She ... wants me to conduct her funeral and doesn't want you to be offended," Delia said. "I said ... I wasn't sure if I could..."
"There's no legal problem," Dulcie said, "and I'm not offended. I know how close you are."
"Oh, it's not that. I'm just not sure if I can do it. I don't want to break down in the middle..."
"Dear..." Edith released Dulcie's hand and reached for Delia's. "If ... you ... can... 't, I ... don't re-a-lly mi-nd."
"I'm sure we can arrange things to support you, Delia," Dulcie reassured her. "Edith, I'd like to pray for you and anoint you, if I may?"
"Ye ... s p ... lease..."
Delia held the old lady's hand as Dulcie prayed and wiped a little olive oil on Edith's forehead. Her face smoothed out as Dulcie did so and her eyes closed. For a moment, Dulcie wondered if Edith was going to die, remembering an old lady in Sheffield who had seemed to wait for Dulcie to visit. But Edith's breathing was slow and steady – she was just sleeping.
"I think it would be best I got you home," Delia told her friend. "I don't know how long Edith will sleep, and it wouldn't be fair to keep you here."
Paul was there in good time. Dulcie arrived alone. "Peter was called in the small hours to attend a parishioner in hospital. We're on our own, I'm afraid." They weren't quite alone, several older ladies arrived in time to join the little service. Afterwards, they wanted to talk. Paul contained his hunger and impatience, she listened politely, but after a few minutes she excused herself from the women; "I've not had breakfast yet and I've promised to visit Farleigh this morning....
It might be thought strange, but it was Friday before Delia went to see Bert in Hospital in Chelmsford. She got reports from Dulcie, of course, but there might have been several reasons; she could not have given a simple explanation. Part of it was that she had got very much into cleaning the house. Part of it was the feeling that he was, in some way, there with her as she worked. Partly, perhaps, she didn't want to see that remarkable, proud and strong-willed man reduced to total...
The atmosphere in church Sunday morning was odd. No doubt rumours had circulated. The death of a prominent member of the congregation in circumstances that were, to say the least, unclear; flurries of activity, Peter and Dulcie not at the morning and evening prayer. Then, on arrival, members of the congregation couldn't fail to notice Dulcie sitting in the congregation with two teenage girls, rather than in robes up front. They couldn't miss that Jeanne Stevenson was accompanied by her son,...
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Dulcie and Peter's work with their visitors extended over nearly two weeks. Dulcie's sessions were almost certainly the hardest and by the time Lydia was satisfied, Dulcie was wrung out and drained, but, paradoxically, deeply happy. She woke up in Peter's arms the day after her last session with Lydia and just snuggled. It was Friday; the weekend with all the demands that placed on ministers was a day away. Peter opened his eyes and looked at her, his gaze full of love but also respect; he...
Monday morning; Peter looked at his wife over his mug of coffee as Rosie and Emma chattered about school as they ate cereal and sipped fruit-juice. The world outside was dark; the combination of the early hour and a heavy overcast suggested a gloomy day ahead. "I asked Andy to take the service this morning," he said, "and Delia promised to either walk with Bert or to unlock the church herself. I can't imagine Bert parting with the keys easily, though he and Delia seem to have been good...
One day in late June, I was in the kitchen with Sara, we'd just finished the washing up. "Dulcie," she said, "do you love Peter?" "Of course," I said, "how could I not?" "Yes," she said, "he is lovable, and the best thing is he doesn't, or won't, realise it. But that is not precisely what I meant. Let me put it this way. Are you in love with my husband?" I blushed, hotly, and quite apart from that, I strongly suspect that 'deer in the headlights' would sum up my...
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"I asked her to marry me," Mannie said, sitting in Peter's office after supper, "she ... got me to admit how I felt for her." "And?" "And she said, 'of course'. Then she added, 'when I'm eighteen'." "Sensible. She'd not get parental permission, and we can't give it. Has she spoken about her family?" "Only that they didn't want her and that's why she's living with you." "Well, it's for her to tell you about them, not that I know very much anyway. Mannie, it's...
Rosie made her decision. Actually, she'd really made it before, but she wanted to make sure Dulcie approved ... or, at least, didn't disapprove. She was nervous, half wondering if she would be angry or disappointed. But when she tentatively stammered out her desire, Dulcie merely smiled reminiscently, saying, "Just remember, the ceremony is just that. I'm fairly sure you're already married in your heart and mind ... aren't you?" Rosie blushed and nodded. "And if you still want to be...
Peter and Dulcie missed Paul at morning prayer; he'd been a feature, always in the same pew, for the previous fortnight. After the service, they walked down the little hill to the quay. Aglaia – and Paul – were gone. "I wish I could say I was surprised," Peter said, "but I'd hoped he might be a fixture." Dulcie slipped her hand into her husband's. "Don't write him off yet," she replied. "It's been an emotional roller-coaster for him. You can't expect him to be reasonable. I...
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Time passed; in church, the green of the ordinary season gave way to the purple of Lent. The raw, east-coast wind continued to bite, but the days were getting longer, as they do, and the first signs of spring were appearing. Gerry Westwood appeared at random intervals for a day or two before returning to his unit; he'd consult with his solicitor and an accountant, chat to Delia and share a meal with her, but no more. Delia tried to dismiss the fluttery feelings in her middle when he came...
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The funeral over, it was two weeks to Christmas. Delia hadn't given the festival a thought since before Hallowe'en – too much had been happening. Dulcie and Peter had, of necessity, but the four weeks leading up to Christmas are a 'penitential season' in the church – like Lent – with purple the colour of the season. (No need to get into fine details like, some churches use 'rose' on the third in Advent). It's a time of preparation for the coming of the Saviour at Christmas. Anyway,...
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AnalIt was almost 5:00 p.m. when Candice and Melissa / Katrina finally met Constance Taylor at the Cheers Bar in the main concourse of Boston’s Logan International Airport. On a signal from Candice, Katrina loudly proclaimed she needed to go potty, and Constance offered to take her. Candice thanked her, replying she’d finish her drink and meet them at the gate. As a result no one seemed to notice when Candice left the bar she went to one gate while Constance and Katrina went to another. Within...
I had some spare time in the big city after concluding my business and had usually gone to strip shows to conclude such trips. This time I wanted to see what it was like to hire a prostitute. The idea of a woman who would sell her body was intriguing to me. I knew that many of them did it not only for the money but also for the pleasure.I saw the ad in the weekly paper. "I am Josephine and I love men. You will enjoy yourself as will I. Call this number." I called the number and asked if...
Well, today am already done with my warm-up and can’t still see him. Where the fuck is he? Kept looking for him but….suddenly I get grabbed from behind and dragged off the jogging track and I can’t see where I’m going to, rather being taken. I try screaming but there is a hand on my mouth so I can’t scream, I try to kick but to no avail. Suddenly, I get pushed against the trunk of the tree and the person is in front of me. It’s my hunk whom I ogle at ever day. My eyes widen for a few seconds,...
I awoke with no memory of what might have appeared in my dreams, and I was thankful for that. The mixture of the journal contents, as well as somehow reliving Brant’s dreams, was starting to weigh on me. I knew I had to find out what each was leading me to, but I worried what I would be like when I reached the end. I stretched my sore muscles - I would need to get more padding for my bed roll. For now, I would go check my snares for any animals they might have caught, and then collect the...
Jill drove from Arkansas to Florida to meet 3 of her sorority sisters from college for a ‘weekend getaway’, free from husbands, kids and fiancés. Her old roommate and best friend, Anne, stopped by her room before the others arrive, and the two of them had a sexy reunion, using tongues and lips on nipples and clits….reminiscent of their days rooming together at college. Afterwards, the other women arrived, and they all caught up over dinner. Anne spent the night with Jill in her room….the two...
Italian Star Valentina Nappi is learning to speak English in her bedroom and her stepsister Stella Rae helps her to understand a little bit. They talk about boys and find out both are attracted to girls, so they decide to try and do lesbian sex for the first time, so they kiss and lick each other bodies and tits to tease and warm-up this lesbian experience. Then Valentina eats Stella hairy pussy and uses a dildo to rub her clitoris and make her cum, to then Stella uses the same sex toy to...
xmoviesforyouI headed for my office in a hurry. It was a Friday evening and I needed my laptop for the weekend. The time was about 7 o'clock and I was on my way back from the latest trendy wine bar, where a few colleagues and myself had retired to, come the end of our usual hectic day. As the bar was only a few hundred yards from the office, I'd decided to leave my car in the office car park and my laptop in the security of my locked desk. Once inside our glass fronted building I was walking past a...
A Trip to the Mall - Chapter 2 By Loner Karen's voice continued to call out from the bustling mall outside, concern continuing to grow in her voice, her worry evident. I hated that, but I was terrified of calling out to her at the same time, since she'd doubtlessly insist on seeing me, and that was out of the question unless I came up with some brilliant idea on how to hide my pregnancy from her. I was fresh out of epiphanies though; I didn't know what to do at this point, and my...
For Friends and Family Part 17 - Truth and Love We got back to the hotel and deposited our shopping, Amy asked if I was alright because as she put it, "You seem very preoccupied," giving her a hug I told her that I was just a bit tired, lack of sleep the previous night, I said I was going to take a nap. I got to my room, and when I opened the door I let out a scream, Brett was sitting there, I dropped my shopping, kicked the door shut and ran over to him flinging my arms around his...
Unwelcome Philip Johnson Prologue Good and bad things often come into our lives without warning, and that’s how it was with Ben Whitehead. A simple impulsive notion to alter his homeward travels just so he could spend a short time dwelling on a place and time from his childhood. All so innocent and understandable. Something that many might consider doing, especially on an impulse. Who would ever think that something so innocuous could ever lead to a whole string of life altering events?...