Awe Of PowerChapter 2 free porn video

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I'm not too sure, though, that I was ready for any further exploration on his part. He slowly and smoothly lowered his fingers, the proximity inciting my nipples until I thought that I could actually feel them stiffen.

With tentative fingers he began to lightly trace around the swell of my breast just above my bra, circling leisurely but with deliberate intent, ever closer to the sensitive center. Even as weary as I was of the situation, my body responded to his sensuous touch. It was if I could feel the blush of my rosy tipped buds deepen. They awoke and rose, swelling and becoming hard even before his touch.

Slowly he removed his hand, only to carefully lick his finger and place it back and just to the top of my bra. Carefully he slid his fingers downward, slowly and carefully sliding over the top of what had to be noticeably heaving breasts. Slowly, slowly and with infinite caution he took a swollen nub between his fingertips. Waiting, letting me get used to his presence there, he made no move.

I guess he was getting what he wanted from me. No response was a good response in this case. It was almost as if I were asleep and this was nothing but a dream like assault. As if he needed encouragement, a sigh escaped my lips and there was a definite if not subtle rising and lowering of my hips in response to the intrusion.

He felt my small surrender and moved deftly between the two engorged peaks, his hand sliding over the top then cupping my right breast beneath, kneading lovingly as he gave his full attention to first one then the other.

I froze in place. I guess that's about the only way I can explain it. It was if I was trapped and wasn't trying too hard to escape. I knew this was all very wrong and had to be stopped but there didn't seem to be much power in me to do that. I just couldn't imagine him doing anything sinister or wrong. Still, I had to make a move and finally decided I had to move his hand away.

He either read my thoughts or my body language. He slowed his caresses then removed his hand, lulling my mind to a point where I was almost relaxed again. Thank God it was over without confrontation. It had been as awkward as it was sensuous and there just wasn't an easy way out.

Thank goodness that was it. Neither of us spoke as he put two hands back on the wheel and we drove on. I looked out the side window with a pale face and trembling body, wondering how this had happened and what I had done to even suggest that I would be open to his advances. Most of all, though, I wondered why I had responded as I had. Face it, Shelly; you weren't exactly appalled by his attention.

He gave me just a few minutes to recuperate.

After that time I felt it. A touch, gentle and slow, ever so slightly on the leg. I was caught by surprise and moved my leg away, forcing my eyes out my window. It was sort of a surreal situation; the music playing softly above the hum of his engine, being in such a confined space with a man most would die for. And yet everything was wrong and confusing.

He didn't remove his fingertips from my leg and the touching became more brazen. At first it had been just light circles about my knee. After a while he finally put his hand fully on my leg just about the knee. I didn't know what to do. Would it be best if I just ignored it? Maybe it would go away.

But I was wrong. Maybe my lack of response made him think I was agreeable and it encouraged him because he slowly started an upward exploration of my left leg. It took forever before he even came in contact with my short skirt but when it did my dress slid upward as his hands slowly advanced, touching my leg both on the inside and outside, his bare hand making small circles on my skin.

When he touched my bare leg above the stocking top there was a very audible moan that came from him. In that foggy state of mind I couldn't help but wonder why. Surely after my little "show and tell" this afternoon he knew I was wearing thigh highs.

His advance was slow and deliberate, making it harder and harder to ignore. At times there was a hesitation and his hand left my leg. I realized he was stopping to unbutton my skirt as he went up. My breathing had increased and my heart was pounding.

I couldn't believe it! His advance up my leg took forever, small gentle circles invading my privacy. And my erogenous zone. Through my apprehension I couldn't ignore the touch, the perfect timing, the small sparks igniting and going straight up between my legs.

Finally, with my dress separated way up and his hand well under it, he touched me over my thong. That's when I reached down and grabbed his wrist. That opened the unspoken dialogue. We both knew I had not been asked to be a willing partner in this and we were to determine where this was going.

"Gary, please." I said it quietly and softly.

His response was not what I was hoping.

"Isn't this nice? Soft music and just the two of us." He didn't volunteer to remove his hand.

I didn't fight him so much but put steady pressure on his wrist, trying to force him away from me and let him know he was not to do it. He never got rough or pushy, but just continued the pressure, his fingertips slowly starting to caress me through the flimsy cloth. As they slid slowly up and down the cloth-covered channel I avoided eye contact, keeping my eyes to the right and out into the darkness.

The next ten minutes or so seemed like hours, with me trying to ward off his advancing, ever exploring hand. On occasion I turned my head to him and whispered "No, Gary. No." It fell on deaf ears and his erotic massage continued. It was if he had found his destination, his goal, and that was where he was going to stay. I decided he just wanted to play with me a little bit.

Finally, I started to relax my hand, both out of exhaustion and the realization that I was not in a position to fight this too much unless I wanted to walk. The thought crossed my mind but I quickly nixed it.

With that in mind, my body relaxed a little, my legs parting slightly. I still had his wrist in my hand when all of a sudden he made full contact with me, cupping me in his hand. After a few minutes of rubbing me with the palm of his hand, my thong had gathered to one side and his fingers made actual contact with my clit. Even though I somewhat anticipated it, his touch still came as a shock and I involuntarily jerked at the contact.

But not the way I would have anticipated. And should have.

For all my apprehension, it was very pleasing to my senses. With my feelings of guilt starting to give way to his masterful touch, I was really becoming aroused. He wasn't a dirty old man off the street; instead, he was a man I had total respect for and stood in awe. Yet it dawned on me that I obviously didn't know this guy at all.

My breathing continued to increase, my heartbeat was fast, and I started moving slightly with his teasing. His touch never got rough, but continued as slow, gentle movements as he had from the start. I unintentionally adjusted my body a little and became more accessible to him.

His fingers gained unabated access to my clitoris and he started rubbing it with vigor, making strong little circles then flipping it rapidly from side to side with one finger. After a few minutes of that I was a goner!! My hand no longer was pushing his wrist away from me but rather was squeezing it gently and pulling it toward me, silently encouraging him as if he needed any.

At that point I'm sure he was more than aware that I was his. Very softly he said, "Come for me." I really didn't need the encouragement, already writhing in my seat, trying to be under control, my mouth open and the air rushing out. He increased the speed and pressure on my clit dramatically and with that rapid vibration I lost it.

My mouth opened wide and I groaned like a cheap whore, releasing a long, gut-wrenching orgasm. My feet stamped down onto the floorboard and I lifted my hips off my seat as far as the seatbelt allowed, my head shoved back into the seat. He never stopped rubbing as I arched my body and rotated my hips in mid air.

Gary kept it up, never stopping to let me come down off my high. He would tease me up to where I was moaning and ready for an obvious orgasm, then he would bring me back down slowly only to tease me up again. Not yet ready to beg, I was certainly mentally cringing for rescue. There was no doubt that good or bad, right or wrong, I had definitely become a willing prisoner to his fingers.

At that point, I don't know whether to describe it as things going uphill or downhill. He took full control of me. He removed his hand and then gently pulled my face to him, kissing me very softly on the ears first, then brushing my lips as well as he could from an angle. I was more than concerned about his driving.

"Doesn't this feel good?" he whispered. I didn't answer but rather nodded slowly and moaned very quietly.

"Turn around and lean back against me."

"Huh" I was almost in a stupor and didn't really get what he meant.

He reached over and released my seat belt. Hooking a finger under my thong, he asked me to lift my hips. I did so slightly as if a robot receiving orders and he slid them off me.

"Turn sideways in your seat and lean back against me."

I was at a loss. The car was tiny and I could hardly sit in it, let alone turn sideways. But I did. I turned with my back to him. The only way I could do it was to have my legs spread wide apart with my knees almost to my chest.

As it turned out it was exactly what he was looking for. He slipped his arm around me and slid his hand down to my crotch. He slipped a finger deep in me and just as I responded with a deep moan and a quick thrust of my pelvis he pulled out again. I almost moaned again in disappointment.

It was a teaser, I guess. He went to the buttons at the top of my dress and unbuttoned them. Leaving my bra on, he shoved it up and out of the way before beginning a long and unmerciful teasing of those two globes with rock hard nipples attached. I moaned and squirmed under his touch.

Eventually he pulled me back snuggly against him and slipped his hand down my stomach again, pausing slightly to explore my heaving stomach before finding his target again. Then it started.

First one finger, then two. Sometimes fast and strong, almost out of control. At others, slow and methodical. My hips churned and danced at his touch as if I were a puppet. He extracted orgasms from me at will, sometimes as I begged and at other times teasing and punishing me unmercifully with his touch before allowing my release.

I was so lost in it I never realized we had arrived. He had to remove his hand in order to shift gears when we came off the freeway. I shuddered all of a sudden and started putting myself together. As we approached my house in the dark I realized it was much, much later then the nine o'clock he had projected. Not only had we left late but also he had obviously lowered his speed considerably in order to accommodate his activities.

I was looking for my panties and I guess he knew it. He reached down and picked them up off the floorboard.

"You can't have these. I promised them to Stephen."

"No-o-o-o," I let it out slowly. His brother knew this was going to happen? So much for it being spontaneity between two people in a wrong place, wrong time thing. Who else would know?

I was buttoned up and out of the car. It was time to go home, to be in my safe haven. Unfortunately, my legs were weak and wobbling and my body was sending a message to me.

And, as much as I regret admitting it, that message was definitely not "I've had enough." Instead there was still a burning, churning sensation totally enveloping my body and senses.

After all those orgasms in the past two hours or so it was if I had been deprived of final closure. It must have shown.

Gary acted as a gentleman. Thank goodness there was somebody there to be a responsible adult.

"I'll let you in." He held out his hand for my keys. I stumbled through a bumbling "thank you" and dug for them. Somehow it didn't seem at all threatening or out of place when he entered the house with me and walked about to check it out before he was to leave.

I should have known better. This was a game about which I knew nothing. I guess it showed, at best, I was exactly what and who I was at the time. A little country bumpkin way in over her head.

Through all the maneuvering and walking around to "Check it out before I leave," we had somehow ended up in the spare bedroom and I was standing at the edge of the bed. Without any fanfare, any subtle warning, two things happened.

First, he took me in his arms and pulled me to him, engaging me in a long, deep kiss that I was not in the frame of mind to pull away from. Second, and I have no idea when he did it or how long they had been there, I became aware of the hands under my dress softly massaging the globes of my ass. Worse than that, I sensed my hips slowly moving back and forth in response to his touch. How long had I been accommodating him?

In the erotic stupor I was in, I hesitated but made no effort to pull away or push his hands away. He knew I was aware of his hands and I was making no effort to remove them. I might as well have issued him a "take me" coupon.

He slid a hand around and in front, slipping a large finger into me in one quick, smooth movement. He didn't stop to rub my lips or tease my clit, but rather deftly slipped his entire finger up me without even so much as a hesitation.

I don't know what was the greatest sensation, the overall surprise of his sudden intrusion or the pure pleasure provided by the digits rapidly entering me. Either way, I moaned and bucked forward against his hand. My mouth became glued to his as I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.

We were long past any notion that I was anything but an easy target by then. Knowing I had surrendered, he began a steady, slow plunging action with the finger. Slowly he disconnected from me and turned me around. When I felt the hem of my dress go up, I glanced to one side and then the other to see where he was, but he was behind me and in complete control.

"Please, Gary, you need to go." I had enough wits about me to know that I was in a situation way beyond my abilities to resolve.

"Soon." I felt him pull the hem of my dress up over my back, fully exposing my "ass man's dream" to him with no cover, just those two mounds presenting themselves for his view. I had been outside tanning myself quite a bit and there was a strip of white against my dark skin where my thong had been.

"Nice tan. This didn't come from a tanning booth!" His lips touched my ass, moving slowly along the white lines left by the skimpy thong. Finally, he removed his finger from me. Thinking I was getting a reprieve, I let out a sigh and dropped my head on the bed. My ass lurched forward with the sudden departure and, even though I was relieved it was over, I admitted the finger had had been much more than just arousing.

He pulled me to my feet and with a red face and a hanging head, I started to smooth out my dress, thinking he was about to leave. Instead, he turned me around to face him and without a word pushed me back on the bed.

"No-o-o-o-o, Gary! Don't!" It certainly wasn't what I was expecting. As I hit the bed my skirt flew up high on my hips and my legs opened. He reached down and held my legs wide, anticipating my intention to clasp them shut. He dropped down immediately in between them so that when I did I was simply clasping his body between my open legs.

"You look wonderful!" Not needing his hands to keep my legs parted, he had shoved my dress up above my waist and was looking straight into my exposed crotch. I turned my head and cringed under his gaze.

I knew what he was seeing and admiring. He was looking at a deep, dark thatch against white skin. And in the middle of it all I knew that there was a wide open, red glistening pussy with a clit so swollen I'm sure it looked like a walnut.

I didn't answer. I knew he wasn't looking for one, nor did he need any further invitation. Looking up at me, he very, very slowly put his hands under my knees and lifted them up. When he had them positioned where he wanted them, I was spread wide open with my knees spread to each side of my body. Looking between my open legs into my eyes, he slowly lowered his head. I lurched at the initial touch of his tongue sliding between my lips.

"N-o-o-o-o, please don't, Gary." I vaguely remember the words coming out, but he didn't pay any more attention to them then what I meant. It was a feeble last minute attempt to save me from debauchery, and he knew it was no more than that.

In fact, I made no attempt to push him away and within minutes was holding the back of his head with both my hands, encouraging him on by my slow gyrations against his face and the constant low moans escaping from my mouth.

It occurred to me that, even if it was illicit, I was getting my fantasy fulfilled. All the girls at work had them about him and laughed about it. I was secretly one of them, too. Now here I was with his head between my legs, just as I had envisioned in my sordid little daydreams. He was a master at this and I knew it was not going to be a whirlwind, blow your mind real quick experience that I had become accustomed to with Don.

Instead, he teased me forever before he even let his tongue touch my clit. When he finally did and I started going into a small convulsion indicating an imminent orgasm, he backed off. I yelped and moaned at the delay, but was appeased to some extent when he started licking my pussy and ass to keep me on that delicious high.

"What do you like?" He had control and started the teasing. I had gone through this before in my past and didn't know whether to dread or look forward to the certain tantalizing teasing that was to come. I didn't answer his question.

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Awesome Ariel in Adam 4 Fierce Fingering

Awesome Ariel almost faints from fingering by Professor Peter P, under his sexy showerAriel is hot from her dirty dancing, horny from all looks she got, warm & wet from pants pee.Ariel is glad Professor Peter P undresses, and her as well, as soon as they arrive at his home.Ariel always wanted to take a lovely long sexy shower with a man, who knows what he can.Ariel feels that the water is warm. Has hot hopes of what happens to her under the shower.Ariel is allowed to squat down on all...

4 years ago
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Awesome With A Couple

Hi Guys, this is my first sex story hence I do not know how to start or proceed. Anyway this is a fantasy story which describes the cuckold feeling of a husband. I am not a cuck but know the feelings of cuck from my past experience through chats. Too much talking, lets continue with this story. I hope to get your valuable feedback on my mail id: . Let the husbands name be Vikram and his wife Sapna. We met on a chatting website and he messaged me saying a Hi seeing my username as youngmale21....

2 years ago
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Awesome Experience With Friend Of My Girlfriend

Hi, this is my second story at ISS. Link of my first real life story is I m raj 32,working as an electrical Engg, fun loving by nature, 66 kgs of weight and stands 5’8″ tall .I love traveling a lot and keep moving to almost all major cities of India. I have been a regular reader of sex adventures over here and at last thought to pen down my real experiences . My life has been very colorful and now I have decided to share my real life experiences with wonderful readers at this site. I am not a...

4 years ago
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Awesome Ariel in Adam 5 Lesbian Lessons

Awesome Ariel encounters erotic experiments at Professor Peter Poet & Princess Petra Awesome Ariel ends first Friday late, it is Saturday by now, and dawn when she falls asleep.Ariel is in spoons position between Professor Peter Poet and his dear dod Princess Petra.Ariel had nice new erotic experiences last evening and night, as Sex Student of Professor P.Ariel had her 'Intimate Interview', followed by a nice naughty night out, doing 'Dirty Dancing'.Awesome Ariel wakes up, when precious...

3 years ago
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Awesome Experience With My Girlfriend

Hi. This is viraaj again. This is the story of first sex with my girlfriend “Snehal”. Snehal & I went into relationship after the 12th board exams. We were really together from there along. We joined the crash course, went to yoga , most of the activities, we used to be together. We were literally inseparable. After getting good score in MHT-CET, Snehal got admission in one of the private autonomous institute & I got the admission in government college in Amravati. we were sad as we now had to...

2 years ago
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Awesome Sex Experience With My Friend

Hellu dosto, this is my first story on ISS. My name is Rishav Sharma, from a beautiful city Guwahati (Assam). My story is 100% genuine and true. It’s about one of my friend and me. My friend’s name is Naina. God has just awarded her with awesome assets. Like other guys I can’t say about the boobs size and hips size. For any feedback or for any enjoyment if needed to any1 just knock at Now coming to the story… This story is about just 6months before. Till date I have done lots of sex with lots...

2 years ago
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Awesome Alycia Sex Schools Verified Virgin Video

Alycia Abused AcquanintedActress Amazing Amateur Amusee As Astoundedas Attractive Awesome aa Boobies Bare Beautifulelted Best Bilingual Bisexual Blond Baby Beauty Bare Blows BDSM-submissiveCandid Careful Carelessly Central Climaxing & Clitorial Climaxin& -- Coming from Penile PenistrationDaring Dear 'Dirty Defloration Demonstration Destimnation Doll Doing Doneas 'Dyke's Dynami Dynamo Energizing from Eroticising Every Experience @ 'Experimental Erotics' Eventful Evenings Enorm Eyes Fine...

2 years ago
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Awesome Ariel in Adam 2 Intimate Interview

'Intimate Interview' is an Inspection, first of physical, next of psychological state of a Sex Student An 'Intimate Interview' starts with an 'Intimate Inspection' of bodily beauties, fully nude, legs spread.Intimate Inspection includes in any case 'Solo Sex', performed as first student test she has to pass.It might be followed by a test for her talent to suck succesfully the male member of her Professor. Intimite Inspection of her mind and soul is definitively the hardest part of all the...

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Awesome Experience With Married Woman

Dear friends, I am not mentioning names here(confidential). We respect each other a lot. I respect women & feelings.Hello i am shadowpndtMarried lady is from sainikpuri, secunderabad… gorgeous, lovely, she maintains structure well, 5.6 in height, 38 32 38 awesome boobs, with big ass anyone would love to die for her.. She has no k**s.The sex story starts here… we started with chatting at yahoo messenger for hours and started cam chat we use to see each other in cam, liked each other very...

1 year ago
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Awesome Erotic Fun With Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hello everyone , this is Rahul currently working in a mnc company in Chennai and thanks for the feedback for my previous indian sex story and after that I had two encounters with two readers , no no , not threesome , separate encounters :-) :-) and please do not ask any details about them, anyways I’m not gonna give a damn about them. Last time few people even scolded me for not sharing the girl’s picture, I’m not gonna give anything, just read and masturbate. Now, coming right into the...

2 years ago
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Awesome Sex With My Cousin Bhabhi

Hello All, Hope you all are having a wonderful day!! This story is all about how I ended up in a sensual relationship with my cousin bhabhi. I am a college student with normal physic. My bhabhi is so beautiful and awesome and she has got all the assets to satisfy a man in all the possible way. She has got those pink nipples and awesome pussy. Coming to the story, my bhabhi is newly married and friendly in nature. I don’t know if she had any affair before marriage but I was always in the search...

3 years ago
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Awesome Night With A Call Girl 8211 Second Experience

Hi readers, I’m new to ISS as an author but a great reader of stories for so many years. I’m Rahul Raj, 6ft and muscular body with a 6-inch cock.Here is the incident which happened some 6 months ago with a call girl named Lal(name shortened). Feel free to leave feedback at Girls and ladies, reach out to me for quick encounters or a secret relation, secrecy and privacy guaranteed. I’m a very friendly good with a lot of sense of humor.You will definitely enjoy my company. Reach me at for...

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Awesome Experience With Married Woman

Dear friends, I am not mentioning names here(confidential). We respect each other a lot. I respect women & feelings. Hello all, I am male 36, 5’11, fair, athletic physic, singe / never married…I stay alone at 2 BHK at gated community colony, Secunderabad, Telangana, I met a gorgeous married lady 31 yrs old at adult dating site in 2009… Married lady is from sainikpuri, secunderabad… gorgeous, lovely, she maintains structure well, 5.6 in height, 38 32 38 awesome boobs, with big ass anyone would...

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Awesome Sex With My School Friend After 8 Years

Hi readers, this is Prath i live in Navi Mumbai, I work as a doctor Anyone girls aunty looking for fun can mail me back. I promise to give u and amazingly awesome time.This story is about my school friend Rachita to whom I met through facebook after 8 years. So let me first tell u about out school life.. We belonged to a town in Raigad district we were in the same school she was one year younger to me in school.. Back then we both were typical shy and town school going kids. We never really...

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Awesome Threesome With Two Friends

Hi guys, this is Rohit. I’m an average looking & average build guy, working & living in Pune. Basically I’m from Delhi living all alone in an apartment in Pune. Today I am going to share my recent sexperience with my two friends Rupa & Saru(name changed). Now let me tell you something about Rupa & Saru. Rupa & Saru are cousin sister & we are family friends. We know each other from our childhood as his father & my father was working in same dept. But 8 years back his father got transferred to...

2 years ago
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Awesome Fucking Of Aunt Ekta

Here I am writing my experience of having terrific and lengthiest sex with my bhabhi Ekta. I was staying with my brother and Ekta. My brother had a business and I was that time into my studies. There was a huge age gap between Ekta and my brother. My brother was something round 38 and she was in her mid 20s. I was that time 19 years. There was actually a huge gap between me and my brother also. Now I will tell you about Ekta bhabhi. She was in her mid 20s, so there was some ten years gap...

4 years ago
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Awesome Ariel in Adam 3 Dirty Dancing

Ariel is rewarded for passing my test as Sex Student by a nice night out: 'Dirty Dancing'Awesome Ariel passes the tough test for admittance as Sex Student at our Institute easily.Ariel did do her best to have no holds, during the very interesting long intimate Interview.Ariel does deserve some reward, next to her awesome orgasm from masturbation for me.Ariel wonders whether she will wake up next to Him, perhaps in even Professor's arms?Ariel is interesting: in the cunning contrast between being...

4 years ago
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Awesome experience in Atlanta at first job trainin

I went to a training for my first job in Atlanta back in 1999 and had quite a good experience with a BBW there!I was only 22 at the time, and the name of the hotel I (and my co-rokers stayed at) was the Peachtree. (I think it was a Hyatt or Doubletree.) The BBW in question was actually one of the front desk receptionists. When I arrived, I just got the impression that the receptionist who checked me in, Brandy, was being extra nice to me. She was super cute with bobbed blonde hair, blue eyes...

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Awesome Episodes Of Pleasure With Diannarsquos A

I always remember the days when i had sex for the first time. I was in final year undergraduate student when i met Dianna in my college canteen. The second weekend since we met for the first time, she wanted to drink alcohol for the first time. I bought one small bottle of wine and two cans of beer. After the first bottle of wine, Dianna wanted one more and i got one more for her. We were in East Coast Park (ECP) beach. Suddenly she started smooching and started caressing my hair. That turned...

4 years ago
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Awesome Sex On Hills During Business Trip

Hi, this is Rajesh, with experience during my recent business visit to Uttarakhand with 34 years old married woman and her 19-year-old niece. Last month I went on a business trip to Uttarakhand. With the help of a friend, I booked a guest house as no good hotels were available. I drove from Delhi and reached around 4 pm and headed straight to the guest house. Weather was awesome slight drizzling and was cold by the time I reached. I was greeted by a family of five of the caretaker (Ramesh) with...

2 years ago
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Awesome Threesome 8211 Pt 2 My Girlfriend Fucked Wild By 2 Guys

Hi guys! I am back with the second part of my story. Apologies for the delayed upload. For those who haven’t read the first part, I suggest you read the same first before continuing reading this. Pramod had collapsed on Akansha. For the next 5 to 10 minutes, he laid motionless both of them breathing heavily. Finally, he pulled his semi-erect cock out and rolled over to one side. Akansha had her eyes still closed. I could clearly see her pussy dripping with Pramod’s cum. I got close to her and...

2 years ago
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Awesome Threesome Given By Sister And Her Friend

Hi Folks, Thanks for the valuable feedback on my first story sex with cousin slut. In Ahmedabad. I have got lots of email and thanks for Your response now not much boring u all again I am going to the story which followed during the sex with the same cousin. To rewind to the new readers. Myself pussy lover from Mumbai age 23years working in the MNC pharmaceutical company. The story continues after getting my cousin sister was happy enough and the summer vacation was going on high at my native...

3 years ago
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Awesome Sex In USA With Lady From Flight Journey And Cuckold Husband

Hello Readers, This is Soma, a professional Indian guy who is working in USA as Software Engineer. I am 27 years old, 5.8 and 65 kg decent looking guy.This is entirely true story as I am always busy, I don’t have any free time to write fictional stories. I am contributing to this site first time so forgive me for any grammatical errors. You can send me feedbacks on Without wasting time let’s move on to story. This happened 2 years back. This is how it all started , I was doing my Masters in...

1 year ago
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Awesome Sex Adventure With My Girlfriend

Hi my name Arun from south Delhi and this I am going to share my real and first daring experience with my Gf on Indian sex stories. Request you all to please ignore any mistake as it’s my first time. Me and my gf know each other for past 6 months and we work in different MNC in Guragon. She is more of an open minded girl at who wants to enjoy life to the fullest. She always tell me that she like adventure in life. Initially our sex life was awesome and we have done all kinds of possible fun on...

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Awesome Threesome With The Neighbor8217s Wife

This is a true incident, I had recently moved to Mumbai and was staying in a rented flat near Oshiwara. The re was a couple staying next door, I had seen the lady coming out many times, she had an awesome figure with a real sexy round ass. I would admit, I jerked off many times fantasizing her, even she gave me those looks whenever I saw her outside her flat or in the balcony, I had a feeling she was somewhere interested in me, her husband Karan was also a young stud and must be taking care of...

2 years ago
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Awesome Experience With My Sister8217s Daughter 8211 Part 2

Hey mango here with 2nd part of my recent post…First and foremost, i would like to thank you for your feedback.. Now i will continue my story ‘awesome experience with my sister’s daughter’ (several parts)… Those who have not read the first part of story, read the one first (link above) From part 1: Mehek mjhe key hole se dekh rahi thi aur mene ye baat notice kr li thi main ne anjaan ban us ka bra soogntey huey apni muth maari aur apna lun aesey keyhole pe focus kiya k usko dekhne mayn koi...

1 year ago
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Awesome Threesome In Pune 8211 Part 2

Hi to my all readers. This post is in continuation of my third real life encounter which was threesome. Now me, Rachna and Payal were enjoying our drinks again and all of us were completely nude except me who was still with my jockey on. We all were sweating like hell while room AC was running at 20 degree. Rachna moved to washroom for a quick shower and now me and Payal were alone on the table. We were sipping our respective drinks and talking freely. Payal has started saying everything about...

3 years ago
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Awesome Tuition Teacher

Hello everyone this is my first story in ISS. My name is Aston and I have long been a fan of this site and have read many stories. I masturbated too many stories and I am sure I am not the only one! So coming to my story it is a semi-fictional which I hope had come true. This happened when I was in school about 18 years of age. I just discovered the pleasures of gals and used always look at their boobs whenever I had chance. In those days I was sent to tuition so that I do not fall behind in...

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Awesome Night With Ramesh 8211 By Preethi

Hello Chennai! This is Preethi, working as a HR manager in Chennai. I am newly married, tall, and slim and I have a wheatish complexion. And because of this, I don’t get much attention as the fair women, thanks to all those stupid cosmetics commercials. Coming to the story – I was having a naughty chat with my junior colleague Janani, about her love life. She said she had a date that night with Ramesh, a friend of her. When I asked further, I was shocked to hear the full story. Janani and her...

1 year ago
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Awesome Episodes Of Pleasure With Dianna8217s Aunt

Dianna was my class mate & Aunt Rose was a divorcee, both had a great appetite for sex. I had the privilege of giving her the first experience of sex & cunnilingus to the niece and she wanted it more often. There is a lot more…. Enjoy the story, please do send me feedback at I always remember the days when i had sex for the first time. I was in final year undergraduate student when i met Dianna in my college canteen. The second weekend since we met for the first time, she wanted to drink...

2 years ago
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Awesome Management To Manage My Manager

Hi dear ISS readers.. First I would like to thank all those are involved in keeping ISS alive and superb. I’m Deepak. I’m a regular reader of ISS from Bangalore. Finally has got a turn in my life that made me write here. I am working in a software company in Bangalore. My life was no much different than a bachelor IT guy. Loads of dreams on all the hot chicks roaming around IT industry. I was too much interested in sex and female attraction. Had so many options to see the beauty but not even a...

1 year ago
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Awesome Day With My Girlfriend

Hi guys and girls. I am Nithesh Krishna, from Bangalore. I am working in a reputed IT company as a software developer. I am a fair and bold guy with 5’11” height and Average built. First of all, I would thank ISS for providing such a wonderful platform where we can share our awesome sex experiences. This is my first experience sharing in the website. I hope you all will enjoy this. This is not just a story, but my real experience that I am going to pen down here. Please send your comments and...

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Awesome Divya In Hot Chennai

Hi friends first of all I like to thank all the ISS guys for this wonderful gift. I’m Deepak want to share my first and real experience which happened in Chennai. Chennai is hot city and only this heat made me get my first experience. I work for an MNC and staying in a flat of 20 homes. There were very few hot ladies in our flat but still something is better than nothing. Let me introduce the female who showed me the real fun. She is Divya, our flat hot housewife. She was very attractive and...

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Awesome Lovemaking With Aunty

Hello readers. How are you all ? Hope you are enjoying here. So I m karan shah from Jamnagar[Gujarat] and my email id is Just I have completed my engineering. Here I m going to tell you one of I means my 1st experience. How I got a chance to use my tool and satisfied one mature lady. Now I don’t want to bore you. Coming straight to point, I just back to Jamnagar and joined swimming. While I m going there I show a lady who came in her car with her son. She might be in her early thirty. Her son...

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