TandraChapter 58 free porn video

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Back at camp they turned in their report to coincide with the AI's. Their next stop was the hanger. It was debatable whether they wanted to see the new ship or the cub more.

The Donai cub ran to them, even before seeing them, she jumped on the first person through the large entrance way and it happened to be Jim. She scrambled up and licked his face and in her excitement pissed all over his coveralls. Jim knew what had happened but was not too concerned, considering the laundry service here. "Down Rosie, down, Come here Tom, you take her."

He handed the animal to his mate and paused long enough to pet her soft hair on her head.

"Is her name Rosie now?"

"I guess it is. It was a spur of the moment thing. I had a dog once that pissed on me when she was excited." Turning to the techs he thanked each by name for watching Rosie. They seemed to be happy with the arrangement and hated to see the animal go. She had killed some of the smaller vermin that plagued large areas like this.

Looking at the main floor Jim saw that more of the ship had been assembled but still none of the hull was in place. "Will you come and eat with us? I found some better recipes that had not been completely programmed in before."

They were thanked, but the Tandra women declined saying how much more had to be done and that they would gladly eat with them some other day.

In the cafeteria many more people came up to them asking about the availability of more cubs. Jim was not sure why the term cub was more appropriate than pups but it was. Rosie came into the room as if she were raised here and after a moment got a much larger plate of synthetic meat.

Jim worked on one particular recipe he wanted and tasted the results. There were only a few diners wanting to eat and he let them pass so he could continue his research. Eventually one recipe came the way he wanted it and asked to have the formula saved. The first recipe he had been working on a gumbo recipe that he remembered from his childhood. The gumbo was made by a neighbour that had taken care of him at times. She had been the one to give the pup, Rosie, to him. Jim was finding pleasure in the simple act of programming foods into the computer. The next recipe would be much more appreciated.

The Humans present had saved some of their better portions and wanted to give them to Rosie, but didn't want to upset her feeding. Jim could feel this in the room and said to all, "Rosie is thin at the moment but will get fat if she is given too much. I am also trying to give her only a few things at a time to find out if any will make her sick." If the Humans had money, Jim felt he could make another fortune here. Wait till they saw his new ship.

Before leaving the cafeteria they picked up some food for the mother Donai. Jim decided he needed to try the mother on synthetic meat as the main diet food. He may not be able to supply fresh meat all the time. It was time that she was awoken. The storm last night had blown over and the ground was now suitable for camping. A light rain was predicted but nothing to really worry about.

Tom set up their camp outside the main camp and made sure to bring combat suits. A collapsible tent was set up. It had enough room for six. Their fighter and weapons were set because they did not want the same thing happening as a few nights ago. They placed their tent close to the fighter and placed some blankets under the machine to make a comfortable area for the Donai.

Rosie stayed with one or another of her protectors as the camp was set up. The last to come, was the mother on a gravsled. Jim had ordered her sedated so that she would be able to react but not attack.

Rosie ran over to the sled and tried to get on. When she couldn't she just ran beside it till it stopped outside the camp in some tall weeds. Jim lowered the sled and slid the mother off with a small bump.

The mother took the attention of her child for a moment and then placed her long arm on the cub, to keep her away. Her gaze fell on the Human and the Tandra but did not seem too concerned. Both Jim and Tom were monitoring her mood to see if they were in danger.

Jim was sending her calming thoughts and pictures of her child playing and eating well. Tom, as per the plan, showed him protecting the little one.

Her nose twitched and followed the scent to the food. She got up, staggered a bit, and walked to it. Rosie was not interested so the mother ate her fill which happened to be all of it. She pissed and returned to the weeds. Again she felt the others but strangely did not feel threatened.

Jim and Tom separated and threw the rag ball back and forth. The mother just followed the flight without any worry. Rosie crouched down like a cat and watched the flight intently. As Tom threw the projectile lower the anticipation was too much. Rosie dashed out of the weeds and jumped into the air grabbing the rag in her mouth. Crouching, she started to worry the rag with her teeth and front feet. Jim ran to Rosie as they usually did. She saw his approach and ran in a circle so as not to get too far away.

The mother was now frightened and watched Jim chase her child. When Rosie was caught she emitted a fierce growl as the youngster fought for possession of the rag. The mother used her mind and saw that it was only a game but wanted to protect her child regardless. She got up and staggered before starting her very slow run to the conflict. As she got close the rag went flying to the other person and then back. She stopped and watched her child vainly trying to intercept it.

Jim tried his best to hide his mind from the mother. He pulled the rag from Rosie's mouth and threw it to Tom. He was very glad to see the Donai run after the rag and not appear to have a problem with someone after her prey. It was not easy to pretend to be unconcerned when a hundred kilos of teeth and muscles were pounding down on you. He saw the mother pause and consider the situation better and then decide to stop and watch for more danger.

When the cub was breathless from its running Jim tied the rag to a long stick. After a drink the cub chased the rag as it rose and fell in its travels around the Human. The mother could feel no anger, hunger or anticipation to attack toward her or her cub and relaxed a little more.

The sedative that was administered to the mother was designed to wear off gradually in six hours. Jim and Tom had used some of this up and wanted to proceed to the next stage. Taking their weapons, they walked away from the camp and the city to hunt for a very common animal that served the same purpose as a rabbit on Earth. The coona was the size of a small antelope and weighted in at 12 to 20 kilos. The entire area had many of the family- oriented animals. A typical group would number about two dozen and could leap like the Springbok of southern Africa.

A group was about three klicks away, and both men stretched their muscles to run to them and keep down wind. Later, they spread out and herded the springbok like animals to their camp and a mother that would enjoy and fresh desert after her synthetic meal. They made only slow progress because the coona could become very frightened and run and leap at an amazing speed.

As the animals neared camp Jim started to run, for the animals would soon scent the Donai and change direction. The group took off and ran through camp. The animals moved even faster when one was brought down by the mother. Jim and Tom raised their rifles and picked off two more of the antelope for after.

Rushing into camp they saw the mother with the antelope she caught in her mouth. Her eyes almost glowed as she dared the males to take the food from her. They gave her a wide berth and continued to their own game. Tom pointed out how one was already claimed and Rosie had dug her feet into the ground and tenaciously ripping at the hide of one of the beasts.

Jim dragged the carcass back to camp with Rosie doing her best to wrest the beast from his grip.

By the time Tom brought his own back, Jim had started to clean the one he had. A short rope held the animal from a tree and the hide and entrails were removed. The mother watched them being placed before her child and the little glutton tried her best to eat it all.

Jim made a fire after clearing a wide area of flammable material. The smoke did not travel towards the tents or the mother in the tall weeds. Jim took some green branches and stripped them with his knife. He pushed portions of meat onto them. Wooden forks pushed into the ground supported the meat off the fire. Tom had got some dead branches and had wondered why at the time.

"Are we supposed to eat that stuff? Just a moment ago it was running across this land."

"I predict that after one bite you will want more. If it didn't taste good why do you think Rosie's sides are so pushed out? Momma is making a lot of complementary noises about her meal. I know you will, too."

Opening a cooler he brought out two bags of beer and gave one to Tom. The only brand copied was Molson's Export and hoped the brewery did not want to be paid for each counterfeit litre drank here.

Jim sat down and fed the fire better to make a bed of hot coals. The wind was negligible and attested to the smoke drifting lazily upward. More wood was added as they talked about the day's events. Jim's thoughts came back more and more to the land and what could be done with it. The different areas could support different crops and present problems with the warm weather.

Tom was cautious with his thoughts; he knew that the synthesizers would make any farm obsolete. Their own history told of this happening. Raw material could be scooped up and sent through a separator where each of the molecules were split up to atoms and rejoined on command to form any food desired. For millions of years this was the accepted way of doing things.

Jim talked about various fruits, vegetables and meats, paying attention to a way of preparing a sample of each. His stomach growled thinking of the imaginary feast.

Tom tried bringing the conversation back to Jim's life on Earth and found that the man had not been very happy with his lot there. He had a failed marriage where the wife kept the children and he was only given access on certain occasions. Jim had sold all of his property to pay the wife off but it did not help his longing for his children.

The wife worked in Edmonton for a large advertising agency. She made it difficult for him to see the children and used her position with the company to provide excuses why this was so. Jim loved his kids and had a real problem with the way his ex used them to punish him.

His own parents had loved the life of the north and still lived on a small farm that could barely meet their own needs. They had been adequate parents but did not work very hard to raise their children the way they should.

When the flames died down Jim put the meat over the coals and looked around. Rosie was sprawled out in front of the rest of her food after getting around a major portion of it. Jim dusted his hands and got up. A few steps brought him to the cub and momma's head came up to see what was happening. Jim walked to the patch of high weeds and heard a small growl as he placed the sleeping cub at her mother's front feet.

After backing up a few metres he saw a large pink tongue clean the cub. Rosie endured the attention in her sleep and just moved to a more comfortable position.

Returning to the fire he got another beer for each of them. Ten minutes later, the meat was turned and Jim got out some crystalline plates and the ever-present spoonknife. When the meat was done he pushed it off the skewer and onto Tom's dish and then one onto his own. More meat was placed on the sticks and they started to heat over the coals.

Tom held the dish in two hands and just looked at the dark mass before him. Jim could feel revulsion, sorrow and a helplessness to react to the situation, as he wanted. He looked at Jim as he placed the first piece into his mouth. Tom felt Jim's happiness at the taste and knew that he considered the food good. Tom remembered the time he ate and drank, then got so sick his stomach that actually heaved up its contents. Coming to a reluctant decision he cut off a small blackened piece and brought it to his mouth.

Prepared for the worst he tasted the food and had to actually chew it. The consistency was very un-Tandra like. The feel of the rough edges with the soft sections was very uncommon but the taste was not really that unpalatable. He chewed some more and swallowed. The next piece was larger and he saw the pink centre and thought of the blood that flowed from the meat before cooking. This piece went into his mouth and with his stomach growling the food was found to taste a little better.

The next piece was better yet and he used his finger like Jim did to deposit some of the fat from his lips to his mouth. Before long the food was gone and his stomach clamoured for more.

"Would you like another piece Tom? There are lots of pieces."

Tom could not hide his feelings and wouldn't this time if he could. "The meat was good. I had a lot of difficulty at first, but after it seemed to affect me differently than any of the Tandra food would. Do you think it is an atavistic tendency of mine?"

"Perhaps it is. Humans enjoy going back to nature. My parents like it and even live that lifestyle as best they can. Hunters and fishermen find a lot of enjoyment out of taking down their prey, the same as a farmer has with growing a very tasty crop."

The second, and a small third portion, went down as easy as the first, especially with more beer. It was a shame; Jim thought that the beer, even with alcohol, did not make him feel the same way it did before his enhancements.

It was starting to get dark and the alarms were set, the combat suits informed of their duties and told to protect the two Donai too. The carcass of the butchered coona was placed in the cooler and the other left as it was to provide breakfast for their guests. It was just placed under the fighter to keep it out of the rain when it came. Perhaps the Donai would even go there to keep dry. Last of all, the fire was extinguished and both men went off to relieve themselves.

It was getting chilly for the usual warm weather signifying the approaching rain. They went over to the Donai and said their good nights, but used pictures to the best of their abilities. The mother was almost over her sedation but did not growl or show any fear this time.

Inside the tent, Tom put the helmet on and tried to work on his education as Jim waited. Jim thought of the person in his arms and wondered how he would function if they immigrated here after their stint in the military.

Later Jim finished his own studies and decided to turn in. A cool wind blew from the east and the light patter of rain was heard on the synthetic material of the tent. Before long the rain got heavier and Jim pulled Tom closer to him as they thought of their future together.

When the rain got heavier, a small hairy wet body crawled into bed with them and cuddled between the two to keep warm. Jim shuddered with the cold and turned over to get his coveralls to wrap the furry bundle in to keep the cold and wet away from their skin. Rosie smelt a little like a dog and acted a lot like a cat. She just walked in and claimed her place. Jim pulled the blanket over all of them and went back to sleep.

Towards morning, he had to take off the blanket because he was too hot and went back to sleep. An hour later they were awoken by Frieda for their next mission. Turning over Jim found his arm around the mother and she just opened one eye to see what he would do.

"Good morning momma. I hope you slept well."

Tom was holding Rosie to him and both were keeping each other warm. When Tom woke up he asked, "How come I always wake up with my nose by her open mouth? I can smell all the things she ate yesterday as they are working through her digestive tract."

"Well my bed partner was even warmer than yours and she did not breathe in my face."

Tom got up on his elbow and saw the Donai peaking at him with one of her big eyes open. "Looking at her teeth, and this ones breath, I think, I would trade you, next time."

The men got out of the tent, and prepared to break camp but the Donai seemed to like the tent. Tom asked, "What are you going to do now?"

"If you only knew the joke about the big gorilla, you would know. Let's get our stuff and put it on the gravsled and take it back to our room. We will just leave the tent here with some blankets and the meat. If they are here tonight, then they may want to stay, if not then that is the way they want it."

They went into the base and got their shower and breakfast. Both were back to the fighter on time. Before they left they said goodbye to the Donai and invited them to stay if they wanted.

Today they worked with the sensors again trying to find out what the Samutz were up to. If singletons were found they were to take them out but if it looked like a coordinated movement then the satellite was to take over and see where they went.

The northern section of the Gordon Plateau was covered next and their tracking would go near the section of their crash site and the family they found. Thinking of the fish Jim contacted Frieda and got the drones to scan the water to pick up concentrations of fish.

When the adjustments were made on the fly Jim said, "Now this is about the best fish finder I have ever seen."

"What is that?"

"On Earth we would use a device to look down into the water to try to detect fish. It was very crude and not always correct but it did give some information. We would just lower our hooks and gave them a chance to bite. It was better than nothing at all except if you knew where the fish would congregate."

The infrequent but large forests had a lot of wild life within their boundaries. Larger antelope and even a small primate contested with a multitude of other animals and reminded Jim of a rich jungle on Earth.

The hours passed till they eventually came to the Umal Mountains and made their first of many passes. The area around the destroyed Tandra base was searched with extra care but nothing was found. They came to a deep valley with a very large waterfall. It was almost completely filled with water about twenty klicks away. The lake was almost five square kilometres in area. The possibility of Samutz was nil, but fish was a different matter.

"Tom, I am going to turn around and go over that lake. Get the drones down there and see what the fishing would be like."

The fighter stayed high and all the drones descended into the deep valley. They worked much slower because of the difficulty of seeing into the deep water. Tom got very excited and pulled the drones away and said, "Get out of here."

Jim did as he was told and flew east and within a second at the most the lake disappeared behind the high walls.

"What happened?" Jim asked for Tom's mind was a furious jumble of thoughts.

"We found them," he said with triumph.

Jim wandered what he was talking about. Fishing was not that important to Tom, or at least he didn't think so.

The thoughts were still unclear so Jim looked at his own display instead of checking on threats around him. When he rolled the history, he found an underwater city. The clip was very short but there were many openings, in the side of the mountain and all underwater. Samutz could be seen swimming, and in one case a piece of machinery was being transported with some buoyant device. Jim rewound the clip and viewed it many times.

"General Shingle, are you there?"

"Yes Jim. What do you want? You sound excited."

"I am sir. Tom found an underwater city about twenty klicks behind us. There are many Samutz swimming around and many more openings for habitation."

The computer was checked and the location was sent along with the video clip. There was a lot of activity now in Souts. Jim and Tom were not excluded from it, but could get only the fringe.

The General came back and said, "Continue with your mission Jim. We don't want to warn them that we know their location. Check other locations that have deep water." Then to Tom he said, "Tom I want to thank you for this. We have been looking for this base since finding that other base you two ran across a few days ago. We have gotten two good breaks from you boys and I just wanted to say thanks again."

Both said thanks in their own way and the mission continued. Frieda uploaded more locations of watery habitats and plotted a course that would allow them to search about 40% of them.

"Well Tom I think we could get a job commanding one of those cruisers sooner than I thought, but in a way I have taken a liking to this planet. I don't seem to know what I want anymore as long as you are with me."

Tom felt very good when he was complemented like that from two very important people in his life. "This discovery is mostly your doing. If it wasn't for you wanting to checkout fishing areas we would never have found them."

Same as Tandra
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Part 16 Malini Becomes A Pimp

Reena Joy was a Malayali Christian lady, who lived on the first floor of our apartment. When I took her to bed, she was 37 and I was 35. She was a surprise partner. She was extremely good looking, very fair and stood at 5’3”. She had extremely large breasts for her frame and stood out. She had the right amount of flesh at the right places. She and Lois were married for the about 17 years and they had a 15 year old school going daughter Rhea. Unlike other women of the apartment, she was very...

1 year ago
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The Dirty Picture

Hi guys, this is your chubby from Hyderabad again with another experience to share with all you horny bottoms and my lovable tops scratching their cocks right now! I was doing well at work and also got promoted recently, my professional and personal life has been good off late. However, I met an old friend (Srikanth) from my neighborhood; he was a 6 feet handsome guy with a decently built body very fair and with all the features that a girl will die for. I’m being a gay bottom wanted him badly....

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Katrinas a Bitch

Author's Note: I began working on this story, in my imagination, long before Hurricane Katrina was even a tropical depression. Over the weeks and months, Katrina became a virtual person to me. The choice of the name owes nothing to the catastrophic storm, if anything there's a stronger connection to the 1980's one hit wonder band "Katrina and the Waves." I mean no disrespect to those who've suffered and died as a result of the storm. I tried to change the name, but it just wasn't...

1 year ago
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Corona Virus and Chill pt 2

Day 8 (Continued)Like I said, a lot happened today. What I witnessed last night has been forefront in my thoughts all day though.This morning I decided enough was enough. If she wants to stay home and masturbate all day, fine. All I want is to not have to do everything when I get home from a long and tedious day at work. I left her a note next to the sink before I left today (a sink that I had to empty of dishes I might add). I just wrote; "Melanie, haven't had much time to talk this week....

2 years ago
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Danny and Rose

Another time, another place. Another world identical to our own... Except for one crucial difference. DANNY AND ROSE "You ready yet?" Danny Radcliffe looked over towards the doorway, vaguely annoyed at the intrusion. At barely eight years old, he'd recently grown to resent his sister's constant policing of his behaviour. Worse still, she had absolutely no respect for his privacy, particularly when he was getting dressed. He'd complained to his mother about it just last week,...

3 years ago
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Awesome Gay Threesome 8211 Part IV

My phone started ringing and it was Alex. It was 1am on Saturday morning. I saw Steve sleeping entangling whole body with mine. I received the call. Alex was asking if he could come to my apartment now. I said I was with my date. In the mean time, Steve woke up asked with whom I was talking to. I told him about Alex. Steve smiled and told, “Ask him to come; I don’t have any problems “so I gave directions to my place to Alex. He said he would be there in 20 min. After the phone call, me and...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Cowboy Detective

Private Detective Adam Rogers nicknamed the Cowboy detective because he is a retired rodeo bull rider. Is eating his breakfast when there is a knock on his door. So Adam gets up from his kitchen table and walks to his door. Adam opens the door and to his surprise the Chief of the Austin Police department is standing on his porch, Adam invites him and after some coffee and polite conversation the police chief states him business. "Adam I have some bad news for you a notorious motor cycle gang...

1 year ago
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Grandpa Jackie 1

My story starts a few years back my wife’s cousin and her husband had stopped by for the holidays with their daughter Jackie. To say she was an oops is an understatement. While her mom and dad are almost our age I was introduced as Grandpa Bob. Jackie certainly seemed to have no problem with it though. Ellen and her husband appeared to be getting "frazzled" with keeping up with their younger girl and talked at great length about the problems they had with raising what appeared to be a good...

3 years ago
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27 Minutes

July 2014In all my travels, the Paris Metro is one of my favourite transport systems. Whether whizzing across to breathtaking views of La Tour Eiffel or hopping up to Anvers to marvel at the gleaming Sacré Cœur and bustling artists of Place du Tertre, it's an essential piece of kit to explore what is arguably the most romantic European city.To plan a Metro journey -- just like most other underground systems -- the rule of thumb is to allow roughly three minutes per stop. While transit time...

2 years ago
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Obidient girl that likes throating

There was this girl once, lets call her Jana, who liked to get fucked hard :) Throat fucking is my dream, and all tough she could not take it whole, except in very short intervals, she is trying.Close to 60, old? She looks 50 max, and she wants to take it, therefore she will get fucked hard.And when she starts banging her throat on the dick, with youthful vigor, and a little sad look in her eyes, maybe because she knew it will hurt, when he suggested to tie her up and use as he sees fit.No...

2 years ago
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Prom Night

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. PROM NIGHT By Wyrdey Jack pouted and pulled at his frilly bustier. His reflection in the bathroom mirror looked cute enough - no, more than cute, he was genuinely pretty - but he wasn't satisfied. His face was expertly dolled up, his dark hair gorgeously draped across his shoulders, and every boy in the world dreams of owning a prom dress like his. He had planned the design for...

3 years ago
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Primal Interest Part 2

That last statement made her gasp, her eyes pop open wide and she leaned back and slapped me hard across the face with her open hand. Funny, but that only made me harder for her!"Shall I follow you in my car" I calmly asked "or ride with you in yours?" She just stared into my eyes for an awkwardly long time. I could see her pupils dilating as she obviously was processing all of this. She then responded."You follow me. I have the baby-seat in mine so my parents will be unable to leave without my...

4 years ago
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Looking a Little KnockedUp

My one disappointment in life was/is not being able to get pregnant, especially with a few of my black lovers.As I said in another story and, shared with a few in chat, is that my mother told me (later in life) that she was glad I wasn’t born a girl, ‘You would have been pregnant by the time you were 11 or 12.’ She was right…We both remembered, when I was eleven years old, me asking her if I could get pregnant. I didn’t ask specifically about ‘me’ but if a guy could get pregnant. I asked her...

4 years ago
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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 2

December 24, 1741 A small group of Moravians settled on the banks of the Lehigh River, in Pennsylvania, near the Monocacy Creek. They represented the oldest organized Protestant denomination in the world, the Unitas Fratrum, or Unity of the Brethren, founded in 1457 by followers of John Hus, a Roman Catholic priest who had tried to reform the Roman Catholic Church. Hus was burned at the stake for his beliefs. His followers called themselves Moravians because many of the original founders...

2 years ago
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OMG Im a Bimbo Slut Part 3

For those who have read and reviewed part 1 and 2. Thank you sooo much! It has really pushed me to develop this more and more. It started as a solo short which I'm now making up as I go. Apologies if there's a story hold or my style isn't good. This is my first series and I'm eager to continue it. Again please review if you like, this goes for anyone's stories not just mine, it means so much to the writers! :) No pic this time but I will try and fit one into the next part. I'm...

1 year ago
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My first male to male massage

Jason didn't need any more convincing. He picked up the pace and slammed his cock deep and hard in me, I was getting light headed. He fucked me for what it felt like hours but it was only about twenty minutes. I knew he was getting close to cum, he got thicker and I felt him begin to jerk inside of me and then, he asked me if I wanted him to cum inside of me. This happened about fifteen years ago, I talked my wife into having a threesome with a friend of mine. My wife had never had sex in a...

2 years ago
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Begging For It

It was a deep and dark night out in a remote cabin in the mountains of Georgia, it was just you and I there alone in the backwoods atop of a mountain. We sat listening to the sound of darkness and the solitude of the mountains. We sat there sipping on our beers thinking of our next move for the night. I reach across the small table that was between us to hold your hand. Once my hand touched yours I asked are you ready to go inside. You said nothing but stood up still holding my hand and pulling...

4 years ago
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A husband who is bisexual and enjoys watching her fucking

I rolled into the Bay area about four in the afternoon. Traffic was horrid, it was a hot day in California to say the least, and my patients had about run thin. Following the directions on my GPS system, within an hour I pulled in behind the mall to the delivery area. I found the Office Depot where I needed to deliver in the morning and leaving the truck run for the air conditioner to work, I went into the sleeper. Flopping down on my bunk, I planned to take a nap before supper. After a couple...

2 years ago
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Welcome Home Daddy

Daddy works away from home so I don't get to see him as often as I would like, if I had it my way I'd have him come home every night to me waiting on my knees wherever he commands. But when he does come home I always like to do something special for him, to help him unwind after such a stressful week and show him just how much I love and worship him. A good kitten should know how to worship their daddy, for the handsome king that he is.I thought id give you an idea of what ill do for when he...

3 years ago
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Our lunch out

One Sunday my wife and I decided to drive up to Tillamook for lunch. We headed out and as always before we got out of town we were both buzzing with our vibrators. Her was a semi flexible 5”pink cock and mine was a plain hard vibrator. Today Kay wearing a long button up dress and nothing else. She liked that because she knew I liked to see your tits and smooth, bald pussy exposed as much as possible. Today was no different. I was only wearing jeans and a shirt because she liked that. Kay told...

1 year ago
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Chris turned to look up at the elevator lights, carefully avoiding looking at me.I didn't care. I stared at her openly, admiringly. She was wearing a pair of jogging shorts and a tank top cut off above her belly button. Her long brown hair was hanging around her face and down her back, the bangs kept out of her face by a headband. She noticed me staring, and nervously flicked her eyes from the lights to me then back. I continued to stare. Chris had nice long legs, and a good set of...

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The mom life

The mom lifeInterest in my mom started when I was 5 years old while sleeping over at my uncle's house. Mom and I slept in the same bed that night, when I woke up early in the morning I noticed that her breast was sticking out so I stared at it for awhile and took a little lick. She rolled over and I went back to bed very excited about the whole incident. Later on that day she was taking a shower and I decided to investigate. I spied through the door and saw her come out of the shower completely...

2 years ago
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Running naked in front of Jerry

Jerry and I used to meet at a local park in Sacramento late at night. Jerry loved to see me naked. Many times he would walk over to my car and demand that I strip and walk over to his car totally naked. I would comply ... removing all my clothes except my running shoes. I have a runner's body ... having run several marathons. And I keep running now.If other cars were in the park, obviously other guys, Jerry would invite them to park behind him car to watch a "naked guy" walk through the...

3 years ago
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The Keyhole

-------------------------------- A loud noise woke her up, a noise that Ayla couldn't identify. Initially she tried to go back to sleep, but eventually curiosity got the better of her and she slipped into the nightshirt she was supposed to be wearing to bed. Creeping out into the hall, she could hear some muffled sounds coming from her parent's room. The door was closed, but it had one of those big old keyholes from the century in which the house was made. Ayla knew if she could get close...

4 years ago
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Slutty Superstar Part 1

Maya was a beautiful nineteen-year-old-small-town girl. She was about a hundred and sixty-five centimetres tall. As Maya was a model, she liked to maintain to her 32B size breasts and a small but round ass.This year was going to be different. Maya was not aware that amongst the judging panel, there was a huge movie producer. As soon as Maya walked the ramp, the producer had an eye fixed on her. As the pageant continued, multiple rounds unfolded. Unfortunately for Maya, she flopped a few.It was...

First Time
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Half the ManChapter 5 It Is Always Darkest Before The Dawn Of A New Day

Dark gray clouds swirled ominously in the west, as the soft green lawns once full of people rapidly emptied. The dazzling jet blue sky above mutated to a premature menacing dusk as vendors hastily made their final sales. The many species of ducks huddled on the pond's banks and together waited for the appearance of the life giving moisture. Suddenly a deafening bellow followed by the heaven's stormy rage pierced the gathering darkness, and scattered the shore's multitude. A lone drop of...

1 year ago
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Glory Hole Hypnosis

I was horny. I wanted to cum. I was in New Orleans with a twenty-four hour plane layover. The airline put me up in a hotel. But, now what?I had been giving head to guys for years. But it was always in the context of some degree of relationship—never with a stranger. But, that day, I had no one with me. I was in a city I'd never been in. I knew no one and no one knew me. At eighteen, although I was sexually experienced, I had little in the way of real street-smarts. I couldn't see myself going...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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The Club

After engaging in erotic sex with her sister in law, Emma takes Lucy's offer of a night out at a local club that has a back to school theme night, but who will she go back home with, Lucy or Trisha her newest best friend? She lay spread-eagled across the bed, her legs apart and an arm flopped out over the pillow where Emma’s head had been just half an hour ago. Emma swallowed hard and sank down into the seat by the window. Outside the sun was shining but she felt no great desire to go outside,...

1 year ago
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Paint it Summer

Her name was Lucy and she took a shine to me right away, which was kind of nice. By the second day I figured out that she was into girls because of the way she kept checking out my ass. I mean several times a day if I was bending over a paint tray there was Lucy checking out my tight teen ass. So by the second week I decided to push the issue, I started wearing shorter and tighter shorts, and made a no underwear pact which meant that when Lucy checked me out she might have just as well have...

4 years ago
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Friendly Concern

‘I talked with Betty today.’ I told my wife Veronica as she brought me a glass of Jack. ‘How is she, we haven’t met in over two week. Can’t believe I can go this long without gossiping with her. Did you guys talk about anything interesting?’ She asked as she sat down with her G&T. ‘You might say it is interesting. Who am I kidding, it is most interesting and at the same time most painful.’ I spoke as I took the first sip and savoured the taste, ‘She suspects that John is playing around on...

3 years ago
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Another world

You are a sexy woman at the age of 22. You were exploring the jungle when you stumbled across an ancient forgotten temple. The first room is a large and empty space with a stair case leading down at the opposite end you entered. Down there, there is a hallway leading to a room with a portal. The portal is a large white circle with a rainbow ring around it. You debate on whether or not you should jump through

2 years ago
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Humiliated Sissy Slut

Humiliated Sissy Slut   By Alice Started 11/04/13 How I became a cock sucking sissy slut.I have been dressing as a woman at home in private for many years.  No one has ever seen me dressed as a sissy slut before but I do it to feel sexy.  I know I would never pass as a woman for I am 6 feet tall, 170 lbs and at the age of 45 not a real trim body. My girlfriend Rachel who lives with me is must younger at the age of 35 with a young trim body that has all the assets in the right places.  Rachel...

3 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 49

Tullius leaped to his feet, slamming his hand to the table. “I’ve heard enough. You’re not the Empress just because you say so.” I remained calm, although I knew there would be bloodshed here tonight at some point. “General, please be seated. You and Legate Rikke were invited here at my directions. You are a military officer, not a politician. There are a few facts you are missing. Do not make a tactical move that will be a strategic blunder.” He snorted. “How dare you tell me what to...

2 years ago
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All the way down

This is a sequel to my story “Sex, Service, Submission, Spunk”, and you may find it useful to read that first.You could still taste the salty flavour of his cum in your mouth; your tongue slurped around your teeth and gums, searching for a few more drops of his semen to swallow. He looked down at you, smirking.“Strip” he said. You realised you were still wearing your polo shirt and jeans. He had pulled off his tee shirt while you were serving his cock, and now he stepped out of his jeans and...

3 years ago
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George Isolde etc Chapter XVII

Chapter XVII As he began to remove the sheets, George suddenly realized that it would be silly to take his standard sheets into Isolde’s bed, when it was a king-sized mattress. So he stopped pulling at the sheets, and simply picked up his pillow, and went back across the hallway to Isolde’s bedroom. He didn’t know exactly what he expected when he walked into the doorway, but what he hadn’t counted on was the musky smell of recent sex that permeated the room. He had a momentary pang of...

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