RetirementChapter 6 free porn video

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"Daddy, David would have to leave!"

"I'll... I'll go."

"David, sit down now! On the sofa. Daffy, he has to stay here in case I need him to squash ants. Now remove your shorts."

She shut her eyes and sighed. She began to reach up and remove the hat, but Grant stopped her. "No, leave the hat on, and the sandles too. They look sexy. Just take off the shorts like I told you."

Daphne swallowed and unbuttoned the waist, then unzipped the zipper. Slowly, shaking slightly, she slid them down to the floor and stepped out of them.

Grant admired his daughter, standing there in her sandles, panties and hat. She was a beautiful creature.

"Daffy!" Grant said in a whisper, but more than loud enough for David to hear. "Why are your panties so wet?!"

David jerked his head, startled. He couldn't see since he was sitting behind her, but that just couldn't be true. His mother must have just been sweating, that's all.

"Daddy... I... you... oh, Daddy... let me just... I don't want to... Daddy, my son is here!"

"Daffy, we're just checking for ants. Now take off the panties."

David saw the back of his mother's chest rise and fall as she took a deep breath and sighed. Then she bent over and slowly eased the underwear over her ass and down her legs. David couldn't help himself, he found his eyes drawn toward his mother's behind. It was a *very* pretty ass! But he shouldn't be looking at her, admiring her that way! She was his mother, for goodness sakes!

Grant began running his hands over her hips and around her buttocks. "Davy, want to check her butt for me?"

"N-no, Grandpa."

"Okay, more work for me, though."

Daphne felt her father's hands roam around her lower body. She knew her son was sitting behind her, staring at her. She refused to look that way. This was so humiliating! She steeled herself for when her father ran his hands over her clitoris. She needed to hold herself perfectly still, not to react at all. Her own son was watching, and she had to hold on to some dignity.

When Grant did it, she sucked in air, gasping anyway. Despite steeling herself, the sensations were just too strong. She knew he heard her, her own son, as she... as she... Oh, how humiliating.

"Well, you seem to be clear to me, Daffy." She immediately bent over to retrieve her underwear, but Grant stopped her. "Daffy, there aren't any ants, but, honey, you're stiff as a board. You are *so* tense."

"Daddy!" She rolled her eyes. "Daddy, just let me get dressed."

Grant held her up by her upper arm. "Is it David? Does it make you nervous that he's in the same room with you when you're in your birthday suit?"

"Daddy! He's my son! And we shouldn't have done this in the first place. There were never any ants on me!"

"Daffy, if it makes you so uncomfortable to be nude in front of your son -- well, that's a problem. And we should fix it."

"Daddy... ," she whined.

Grant took her shoulders and forced her around to face her son.

"Daddy!" she squealed.

Grant held her by her shoulders. "David, stay. You just sit there, boy. We need you to help your mother work through this problem she has. You *do* want to help, don't you? You don't want your mother to become any more emotionally sick, do you?"

"I -- I --"

"Stay there. Now, Daffy, are you trying to tell me that in all these years, your son has never accidentally walked into the bathroom when you were in there? Or into the bedroom when you were changing? Never?"


"Come on, tell me."

"Yes, Daddy," she said, shrugging. "Of course there have been accidents."

"Oh!" he laughed. "Is that what you call them? 'Accidents'?"

"Daddy, can I get dressed now?" she asked, fidgetting.

"In a minute, honey. I want you to get over this hangup. It's not good for you to have emotional blocks.

"Now look at him. Look him in the eye."

Daphne swallowed and slowly looked up at David, meeting his gaze.

"Now look at him. He's your son. Ages ago, before anyone had any clothes, this would be the only way he would *ever* see you."

"You -- you're right," she whispered.

"And you used to see him nude, when he was a baby."

"Yes -- yes, I guess you're right, Daddy."

"Now, tell me. The walls aren't crashing down, are they? Disaster isn't *really* striking is it? Is this really *so* awful?"

"No... no, it's not really *so* awful."

"Good, good. In fact it feels sort of good to be without the hindrance of clothing, doesn't it."

"No, Daddy," she said, smiling, "I don't think I'd go that far. You're right, there's nothing wrong with something... happening every now and then. The sky won't fall in if he accidentally catches a glimpse of me. But, no, I definitely feel more comfortable in clothes."

"Perhaps we need to work on that just a little more, then."

"Later, Daddy. Later."

"No, no," he said, stopping her as she bent over to pick up her clothes. "First I want you to prove to yourself that you are really over this. Wait just a couple minutes before you get dressed again. And pay some respect to your son. He just aced his final! Go get us both a beer, Daffy!"

Daphne smiled at David. "We *are* proud of you. Three beers coming up!" She walked off into the kitchen, wearing only her sandles and hat.

David swallowed hard when she left.

"Thanks for your help, son. She'll be better for this."

"Grandpa!" David said, shaking his head, his eyes wide, "Grandpa, she may be rambling or something, but there have never been any 'accidents' as she calls them. Grandpa, she has always been frightfully careful never to even let me see her in bra and panties."

"Really? That uptight?"

"And now! Grandpa, what did you do to get her to do that?! I mean, she just stripped right down, right here. I --"

"Easy, easy, don't get hysterical. Do you remember what I said last night, about a lot of women just needing a man to give her directions?"

David, eyes still wide, nodded.

"David, your mother is like that."

"No... no... ," he said, shaking his head. "You don't know her. She'd never..."

"She just did, boy. She just did. She is hungering for some direction that her husband isn't showing her."

"But --"

"Three cold beers!" she announced, walking in with three glasses, seemingly unconcerned about her nakedness. She handed each man a glass, then sat down, crossed her legs and took a long drink of hers.

"About the celebration tonight," Grant said after he took a drink of his, "I would actually recommend we order in tonight. There is a steak house that fixes excellent sirloins, and I know the manager. I'm sure he would be happy to have one of his boys run an order over here."

David couldn't take his eyes off his mother. She had always been so careful, never to let anything accidentally show. And now here she was! Naked, drinking a beer with him and his grandfather! What had come over her?! Was Grandpa... could Grandpa actually be right about women?!

Daphne finished taking another drink of her beer. "David," she said, not looking at him, "Quite staring at me. I'm trying to work through this hangup I have. I don't need you making it harder on me."

David quickly snatched his gaze back from her body, casting his eyes down. "I'm," he swallowed, "I'm sorry, Mom. I just... you're just acting so..."

She looked over at him and he glanced up to meet her eyes until she stared so hard that he looked back down. "David, I'm your mother. That definitely doesn't mean I'm a virgin. Do you follow the logic here?" She waited for him to look up and nod. "Now, maybe you have a few hangups of your own that *you* need to work through, young man."

"I'm... I'm sorry, Mom."

"Weeellll," Grant interrupted, "That conversation sure took a strange turn. If I can pull you two back to my original topic, shall we order in tonight?"

"Sounds fine to me," Daphne said, taking another drink of beer.

David just grunted.

"In that case, Daphne, you go get dressed in you very best outfit. We have to celebrate a fine piece of work that this young man has done. And I'll place the order. Sirloins and potatoes all around?"

"Mmmmm," Daphne said, standing up and taking one last drink of beer before setting the glass down on the coffee table, "That sounds excellent. Let me go fix myself up for our man of honor tonight." She tousled David's hair as she walked by, drawing a surprised look from him -- he had thought she was angry with him.

Grant still sat, leaning back in the sofa, and took another drink from his beer. "Don't worry about it, Davy. Do you remember what I said about some fillies having a little more spirit, trying to play the game and go through the motions of bucking you off."


"Your mom's just trying to show a little spirit. That's not bad at all, actually. It makes it even more enjoyable when they finally submit."

David turned to look at his grandfather. "Submit? I don't know, Grandpa. I don't think I know anything anymore."

"Don't worry, lad. It'll come to you. It'll all come in its own time."

"If you say so."

"And now," he took a final drink of beer, "I need to go call that order in."

When his grandfather left the room, David reached into his pants and tried to reposition his cock back down. He had gotten so hard when his mother began to strip that he had been afraid he'd cum. He sure didn't want her to see him all erect and hard. No telling how angry she'd get!

A few minutes later, Grant came back in, sat down and took his beer glass back. "It's on its way -- should be here in about forty-five minutes."

David nodded at him, still distracted, trying to puzzle together everything that was happening.

"You know your mom is really proud of you."

"Yeah... I know..."

"Did you notice how nice she fixed up for you?"

David's eyes focussed, and he looked over at Grant. "Hungh?"

"Didn't you notice she had already put on her makeup? She doesn't usually do that when she works in the garden does she?"

"No -- no she doesn't. She did, didn't she. I was so excited over the final that I didn't even notice."

"Yes, she did. It's only natural, though. You're an important man in her life, so she naturally wants to look her prettiest for you."

"Prettiest? For me?"

"You're a fine looking young man, David."

"Grandpa! That's... that's weird!"

Grant grinned and took another drink. "I'll bet she comes down those stairs dressed up as fine as you've ever seen her. Just for you, David."

David was shaking his head. "Grandpa, this is all just bizarre."

"David, David, David. I keep telling you. Most women put on a spirited front, pretend to be all rational and reserved, but they just want to be ridden. They want a man strong enough to bend them to his will and ride them for all they're worth. Keep your eyes open. You'll see. And I'll point out the ones that are really like that, okay? You ask me about a lady before you try to tame her, and I'll tell you if she's a likely prospect." He took another drink of beer and chuckled. "From what I've seen of your Mom this afternoon, she craves being ridden so hard right now that she's willing to do things she would never have thought herself doing."

David took a drink of beer. "You can say that again."

A few minutes later, Daphne came downstairs, her hair done up, her makeup fixed even more beautifully than before. She was wearing the powder blue nightie that Amy had given her, no panties, and high heel shoes. David choked on his beer before she even reached the bottom of the steps and spun around to model. "Well, what do you two men think?"

"Mom! You're still... Mom, I can see you nipples! And your... where are your panties?!"

"Oh, Davy, you noticed! Do you like?!"


"David, we were just talking about hangups, and Daddy is right. I shouldn't be so uptight. There will be no horsing around or touching, now! But I really should be a little more relaxed with my attitudes. So, did Daddy call the dinner in?"

"Yes, honey, I did. Should be here in about a half hour." He looked over to see David staring at his mother. "Daffy, I think the beer is hitting our man of honor here a little hard. Why don't you go fix him a glass of milk?"


She left for the kitchen, and Grant walked over to a cabinet and opened the drawer. "You're just going to have to get used to it, Davy. Once a woman that's been this hungry for so long finds what she's after, she stays with it. I think you'll be seeing a lot of new attitudes in your mother from now on."

David was just shaking his head.

Grant pulled a tape out of the cabinet, put it in the VCR and turned on the television.

"What are we going to watch?"

"A movie that's perfect for tonight's celebration. But we'll wait for your mother to get back." He moved his glass of beer to the nightstand beside the chair and ottoman, then sat.

"Here you go, sweetie," Daphne said, coming back into the den. "Here's your milk."

"Thanks, mom."

She stood, watching him while he took a long drink. Grandpa was right, maybe this beer *was* hitting him hard.

"I warmed it up between my breasts, honey."


She grabbed her breasts from underneath and held them up. "I held the milk between my breasts until it got warm for you, dear."

"Momma! What is *with* you?!"

"What do you mean?" She smiled vacantly a moment, then looked down at herself and cocked her head to the side. Why was she cupping her breasts up? At her son?! This was not like her! "I..." She had put on that transparent nightie! Where were her panties?! She remembered choosing not to wear any. But why?! What was she doing?!

She spun around towards Grant. "Daddy! What have you done to me?!"

"Why, what do you mean, Daffy-Bear?"

"Daddy! This is not like me! I would *never* do these things!!! What have you done to me?!"

"It's okay, Daffy-Bear. I just made you a little more pliable. That's all." He turned to look at a gape-mouthed David. "She always was such a stuck up tart. But years with her husband have changed that. She's much more open to new things now."

"Daddy!!!" she cried out. "I don't *want* to be more pliable!!!"

"Honey, hush. Sit on the sofa. We're going to watch a tape."

"Daddy!! Whatever you've done to me, stop it!! I don't want to be like this! I don't *want* to run around naked!!"

"Daffy, sit. We'll discuss it later, after the tape."

"But --"


Daphne walked around and sat on the couch.

"David, shut your mouth, you look retarded like that. Go sit on the couch too, beside your mother, and we'll start that tape."

David, distracted stood, walked over to the couch and sat on the opposite side as Daphne.

"Here we go," Grant said, pressing PLAY, "One big happy family."

There was a flash of a scene on the tape, in which David could have sworn he saw Patricia Sill, the cheerleader, rolling around on a bed, naked. Then the scene changed to his mother, sitting on her bed, talking to someone.

"Ohgod, no!" Daphne gasped.

"Daphne, hush."

She leaned back in the bed, still talking to someone. A female voice

answered from the bathroom. A few moments later, Amy Keith walked out

of the bathroom wearing a nightie similar to the one Daphne had on

now, only with panties.


"Quiet, Daphne."

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I Am Hers

I am Hers By Webslut I am Hers. There is nothing else. As I enter the living room of my Mistress with a serving tray, I struggle to walk correctly on my six-inch heels. Being a good maid, I am dressed in my short skirted black uniform with lacy petticoats showing underneath barely covering my pantied bottom. The outfit is complete with lace apron and serving cap, and, of coruse, black garter belt and seamed stockings. My little worm is tucked and closely taped down, effectively...

2 years ago
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Soul lust

Introduction Major Characters Chrono 'Hei' Yaiba: Age 18, average build. Half grim reaper, half incubus, he is the hero of our story. He has 'soul lust', a symptom like that of blood lust, except that it is sexual in nature. Activates when he succumbs to anything. In soul lust mode, he is known as 'Hei', and is nearly invincible, and is able to 'soul steal' anyone, which is the submitting of the creature completely to Chrono's will mostly through sexual means. However, 'Hei' turns back to...

1 year ago
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BFFs Demi Sutra Megan Winters Bambi Black Movie Night

Demi Sutra, Megan Winters, and Bambi Black were super excited for their sleepover movie night. They all got matching pajamas and were ready to just relax and be girls! Stepbrother tried to ruin things though. First he started to spy on the girls and act like a perv. They kicked him out, but that did not mean he was done yet. Just as the girls started watching their movie he walked in with his raging stiffy and had each of the girls take turns letting him fuck. The girls got a little extra...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 494

Thank olddave195 for this one: Busty Mary Ann was stopped on her way into church by the self-appointed old biddies. They complained her overly developed chest was distracting the preacher. “I’m sorry but it is what nature has given me. What do you suggest I do?” “Well”, replied biddy #1, “perhaps you could rub alum on them when you dress next Sunday.” So Mary Ann did and the following Sunday presented herself for inspection. Biddy #2 approved. However as the preacher stood to announce...

2 years ago
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A husband hires an escort for his wife in Bangkok

Kim and I had been married for five years now. Kim is a very beautiful brunette (Bust 34C Waist 24 Hips 34 5ft5″). She had received a strong catholic upbringing. Sex had never been her strong point for her or a central part of our marriage and as time went by she seemed to lose interest in it. At first I did nothing, then I started to buy her naughty underwear and hire porno films to watch together to spice up our relationship. This seemed to work better than I expected. Seeing other...

4 years ago
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My White boyvisit to the South

I was your average city girl. Never been to the south a day of my life nevertheless did I want to go. But I promised my Great aunt I’d come to visit her since I hadn’t seen her in more than 10 years since I was 9. I was the typical 19 year old. In college, studying, lots of tests and more studying. Definitely no time for niggaz. Hadn’t had a date since I was 17 as a matter of fact. I guess the benefit of visiting down South would be the peace and quiet time I would get to relax and get some...

1 year ago
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Mom opened up 8211 II Gang banged at a Dhaba

I am Kamal again. You have read so far… Mother signaled me and asked me to send Debu in after some time. I was dumbfounded. How to tell him to fuck mother. I thought to be straight. I asked him whether he has fucked any one. He felt embarrassed. Then I told him to go inside make mother nude and fuck her hard. He was shocked to here this. He could not speak a word. I told him that she loves him a lot so he must satisfy. Finally I forced him into the room and bolted it from outside. I wanted to...

3 years ago
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accidental cuckold

hi my name is mark and this is a brief account of my first long awaited cuckold experience. it all started with a chance meeting in town with an old friend from college namely Simon. i knew Simon from about 4 years ago when we both attended the same college and had a shared interest in football and this is where the story begins to unfold. Simon was 6'1 built for athletics and black as coal and had returned back to London from university. he was looking for a local team to get a game with on a...

2 years ago
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Lost in Thought

Staring out the window, lost in thought as the rain streaks down the pane, she sips the cup of coffee half forgotten in her hands. On a clear day the picture window looks out over the trees, down the hill to the mountain lake below, now hidden behind the haze of falling rain and cool fog. Her thoughts are far away, the rain barely registering except as a quiet drumming in the background, she’s thinking too much about him. How did they come this far… how did she find someone like him – how...

3 years ago
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Horny For Rams And HorsesChapter 5

If Marion had only known it, she could have asked Maisy Dawson about the elasticity of a cunt. Maisy was the woman who owned the dude ranch and Maisy knew all about animals, and about the amazing dimensions to which a horny girl's pussy could be stretched. The dude ranch had been a proper, working ranch when Maisy had inherited it from her daddy, who had died from over-exertion in a Mexican whorehouse. Maisy had been young and foolish at the time. The ranch nearest to her property was...

4 years ago
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Bought and Paid For Anya

Anya knocked on the door to her new Master's study. She hadn't even seen him yet, this man who paid ten times her official worth to buy her. The man who had convinced Lady Eve to sell. Anya knew only that she was delivered to the largest house that she had ever seen and had been instructed to report to the study immediately for assessment. "Come in." His voice was low but managed to carry. She took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and let herself inside. A man sat behind the desk. He...

Straight Sex
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Lonely Wives Find Love

January 2014: The holidays had taken their toll on Brenda. Kids visiting, one back from college, and the house seemed insane. Although she dearly loved her kids, it was a relief when they all returned to their respective places. It had been a long week and Brenda felt so alone. Her husband Tony wasn’t home most of the time, since his business had him traveling constantly. She had no help for the holidays, no moral support, and no one at home to vent to. They had been married twenty-two years,...

1 year ago
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My daughters best friend adria

100% fiction! There was something about my daughters friend, adria that really turned me on. My daughter, amber & her have been friends since elementary and adria had developed very well over the past few years. she was now 21, & i was ready to explore that hot body of hers. Adria had spent the night with my daughter since they had gotten home late from the football game. ( Amber & Adria were senior college cheerleaders. ) That morning Adria came into the kitchen with a low cut shirt on;...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Girlfriend II

Rebecca pulled her dress off over her head and stood with a slightly apprehensive look on her pretty face. She had small, perky breasts with nipples shockingly red against the surrounding white flesh. I approached her slowly, savoring her nervousness. I stopped when I was so close that my cock nearly touched her stomach. “What are you going to do to me?” she asked. I leaned forward and whispered. “Whatever I want.” I reached up and touched her breast with my fingertips. She moaned and I...

2 years ago
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Songs of the Heart

Grant was sitting whenever Betty brought him in a special delivery. He set aside he was making notes on his business lunch. Then he realized he was smelling a beautiful scent. He knew that fragrance but it slipped his mind. Following his nose he saw the special delivery. Picking it up he noticed the high quality vellum paper. Running his fingers over the embossed seal he slid his finger under the lip. He shivered he flashed back to Mariah and her lingerie, at the park. As the envelope opened...

3 years ago
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On Forgetting Ch 02

I have been writing stories for as long as I can remember, but I’m totally new to public forum publication. Any and all feedback is welcome. I apologise in advance, life is about to get a little hectic and it may take me longer than I wanted to get these chapters up, but please be patient. I promise, I have the story planned, and it will be finished… eventually. In the mean time, this is a bit of a long chapter. This is more of a slow burner story, so it just starts to heat up. More to come...

3 years ago
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Tim and Abbie 02 Saturday

The next day can’t pass quickly enough for Tim. He goes through his closet, trying to decide on what to wear. In the end, he puts on khakis and a light blue button-down shirt. He leaves a couple open at the neck. He grabs a navy-blue blazer to finish the look.Abbie spends a good deal of time preparing for their date also. Deciding on a nice flower print sleeveless dress, low-neck like all the dresses Abbie wears. Cinching at the waist with a flowing bottom half.Abbie spends time spreading...

1 year ago
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The Perversion of Lady Jane GreyChapter 7

As was his habit, Holmes was thinking, planning his next step. He slipped the letter Ollie had given him out of his breast pocket, unfolded it, and refamiliarised himself with the contents. "Dear Alphonso, I do apologise for not being in contact for some period of time, and I hope your excellent research progresses well. I recall you mentioning a need for sponsorship of a new project you were undertaking. The bearer of this letter Mr Ned Holmes is a personal friend of mine, and a valued...

1 year ago
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A chance at a new sex life Part 7

I went straight to bed last night when I got home from work. Just saying a quick hello to mom. Stacey wasn’t around. The drive to college the next morning, is the same as the last two days. I feel there’s a growing tension between us. I want to talk about it, to talk to her but I don’t have the balls. I should but I just can’t bring myself to do it.Laura again asks for me to stay behind after class but this time makes it a lot more inconspicuous. Once everyone else has left she closes the...

1 year ago
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A Night Worth Waiting For

Brian had told Connie that she was beautiful. That she was the only girl in the world for him. That he thought he loved her. Everything Connie had heard before. None of this was new, she knew what sorts of things guys would say to get her into bed with them, or at least try to, but this time it was different. She knew they were lines, but she didn't care. Connie actually knew she could do better than Brian, but she didn't care about that either. Though she was far past puberty at age 19, she...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Alliance Ch 01

The teen sat on his bed finally winding down from a fun packed day of nothingness. A teens dream. The eighteen year old slowly plugged in his laptop as if he were sore although it was just exhaustion from the twenty hour days he had been pulling all spring break. He sat back up and thought for a moment as he stared out the window seeing nothing in turn from its blackness. The drizzle outside was a static rhythm and was pleasing to his ears. The teen had a deep psychological love for the rain...

4 years ago
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Case of the Paper Trail Ch 03

The chronological order of my stories is at the end of the story. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any...

1 year ago
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Fallen Kingdom 3

Phaeka watched as the two men circled warily, each clenching their knife. The gladiator named Wulfkar and the unnamed Xokothi slave were locked in a deadly dance. The wife and mother only hoped that the two men could provide a distraction long enough for her to free her husband, find her daughter, and get her family far away from here. The town of Bheketha had fallen, and everywhere the sounds of raping, pillaging, and the ransacking of once dignified family villas echoed in the distance. She...

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Halala of My Virgin Cousin 2

She said “She lay down with me and said- Aamir… I have never had so much fun and pleasure in life… as I had with you today. Thank you very much .. Please Fuck Me now and take my virginity . “ Now further: I said – surely this will be done shortly it is all a matter of luck and fate , you got married… yet you remained a virgin and I have been entrusted the job of taking your virginity in our marriage of one night with you. I am having a lot of fun with you. Maybe our fate and...

3 years ago
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My Wife Experiences a Nocturnal Orgasm

There had been a number of studies on women having nocturnal orgasms or dreams. A few studies have suggested that nearly forty percent of the woman out there have experienced some kind of nocturnal experience in their lifetime. Even though most men experience wet dreams in their teenage years, it isn’t uncommon for an older mature women to experience some form of a nocturnal dream during her later years of life. They can be intense and feel extremely real to the point of actually believing that...

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Labor Day

The grill was hot and sending enticing aromas floating throughout the neighborhood. Everywhere there was laughter and conversation as the family caught up at the last blast of summer - the annual Labor Day cookout. Zach stole a glance at the cooler as his uncle fished out a beer. Daydreaming about how good an ice-cold beer would go down, he sighed. There was no way he was going to risk trying to snatch up a couple with the whole family in the back yard. Twenty-one was the drinking age, and his...

2 years ago
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And the Beat Goes On

As usual, I had a headache. The fucking thing just wouldn't leave me. My doctor says it's stress. He says that maybe at my age I should consider slowing down and riding a desk. He says that I'd probably live longer if I did that. I think that I'd just be trading my normal eventual death for a slower more meaningless one. We're all going to die of something anyway aren't we? What I do may not be the most important thing in the world, but it is necessary and God damn it, I'm good at it....

3 years ago
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First time meeting

You and I have planned for months, we have talked and teased and typed our way into each others hearts and lives. The thought of you arouses my desires, the dreams i have of you further fuel the flames of passion burning in my soul and loins. I sit here in my truck, the dark parking lot of the hotel thoughts of you racing through my mind as i wait. My pulse quickens and i feel my body tense with every car that passes by wondering if it's you, disappointed when it isn't, then...

3 years ago
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Son finds a way to finally mom

For his long as I can remember, the thought of my mother laying naked on her bed has turned me on. It has been decades of fantasies that has caused gallons of hot cum to spew in her name Not to mention on her panties in her stockings and bedsheets and all over her pillows. But a year ago i moved back to moms house when my father passed and the fantasies of moms naked body have been replaced Visions of my mother's naked body has been entertaining me for decades but it wasn't until I moved back...

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crossdresser violation

My house is a small two-bedroom cottage with a study, lounge and combined kitchen-dining room. My bedroom has an ensuite. It is located in a quiet cul-de-sac in a quiet neighbourhood where everyone keeps to themselves. It is perfect for me. Perfect because I am single (due to a messy divorce where she got everything except the debts), perfect because I work odd hours, and prefect because I like my privacy; oh, and also perfect because I am a closet transvestite. Like most...

1 year ago
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Fucked A Lady In Train

Hi, all this is PK again a Barodian guy with a new story. First, if all thank you all for the likes of my 1st story “RAIN HELPED ME DREAM COME TRUE”. I am here again with my new story about the milf I fucked in the train while returning from Mumbai to Vadodara. For the new readers, I m PK 35 years from Vadodara. You can give comments on my email: Here I am going to narrate the story took place 2 years back while I was returning from Mumbai to Vadodara in Vadodara Express. Without wasting time...

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