SamChapter 15E free porn video

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As he approached, he seemed to notice that I was a) naked, b) gorgeous, and c) hot as a fourth of July sparkler. He looked me up and down and then he sniffed — no doubt to get a whiff of the pheromones that I was pouring into the air. I put my hands behind me and took a grip on the tree, since that seemed to be the position he liked - helpless.

He dashed the last few feet that separated us and pressed his belly against mine, trapping his cock between us and grinding it against me. If was so long and I'm so short that it rode up between my breasts, spreading his precum and her pussy-juice into my cleavage. He pushed up with his hips so that the head was right under my chin. I had a real close look down his pee-hole as it oozed more slimy liquid that ran down over his cock, lubing it up for its journey into my pussy. The stink of it was rank and overpoweringly male. It was strong enough to make my head swim and came close to covering up his terrible BO. While I watched the fluid coat his cock he grabbed one breast roughly in his left hand and pressed the knife in his right against my throat, threatening me with decapitation if I didn't yield to him.

Yielding was what I was there for. I splayed my legs on either side of the tree trunk and tried to climb up high enough to put my pussy even with his incredibly large and hairy balls. I pushed my hips out and jerked them sharply, waving my desperately horny pussy at him.

"Come on, dammit! Fuck me!" I moaned through grit teeth. It was a tie whether I wanted him to get on with it so we could save the teens or whether I was just desperate to feel that monster cock driving deep into me.

He finally took the hint and, without using his hands, he pushed his big spade-shaped cock-head against my opening and shoved. There was a second of incredible stretching, then it popped inside and I had my first climax.

I knew I was hot, but to cum as soon as he got it in me was really quick. I remembered that it had been a very long time since I had had a cock. Long for me, anyway. Hours, at least. I must have been celibate for as long as his other girl victim had been getting screwed, the lucky so-and-so.

I had just recovered from having my gong rung when he shoved that big fucker even deeper into me, forcing the head up behind my navel and slamming it into my cervix. That was when I had my second climax.

"Damn!" I thought. "Two for two strokes. Either I'm horny as hell or he's a great fuck. Oh, well. Mr. Cock is knocking on the door, I guess I have to open up and let him in." I tilted my hips and ground my rapidly dilating cervix onto his cock-knob. He got the idea and gave a big shove, working it deep inside my womb, where the business end of all big cocks belong. Again I popped my cork. This was making me delirious with pleasure. I felt another wave of jealously that the girl had been getting this all day long.

"Oh, shit! That's a big one you have there! I bet you could make a mare cum with that. Now show me what you're made of! Fuck me!"

I didn't think he understood me, but he understood what I wanted and he proceeded to give it to me. He jammed his cock deeper and deeper inside me, until I felt it simultaneously bottom out at the top of my uterus and his heavy balls slam into my butt. That was climax number four and no end in sight.

He pressed tightly against me for a few seconds, no doubt surprised that he had been able to go balls-deep in my pussy. Then he pulled out about six inches and started a leisurely fucking rhythm.

His idea of a good time coincided with mine exactly. I pulled my legs up and wrapped them around his narrow waist until my heels rested on his ass-cheeks. I ignored the tree-bark grinding into my back. I could heal that anytime. At the moment, all I wanted was to have that giant cock sliding up into me as deep as it would go, over and over again in that slow, measured beat that would bring me off with almost every fourth stroke. I quickly reached a state where my orgasms stopped being individual events, instead merging into one continuous, rolling cum that broke over me like waves lapping endlessly on the seashore.

It was in this state of nirvana that I rolled my head to one side and opened my eyes to a slit to see how Neeka was doing. Even though I hadn't given her a signal, she understood that I had things in hand, or something, and she had the boy free and was almost carrying, almost dragging, him through the trees and down the bank.

When I looked at the girl, she wasn't watching her friend get rescued; she was watching me getting righteously plowed. She was leaning against the tree with her hips thrust out, slowly rolling them around. Her expression was one of intense lust, frustration, and anger. I wanted to stick my tongue out at her, to tell her that she'd had enough and it was my turn now, but my ability to hold a thought longer than a few seconds was seriously compromised by the righteous screwing I was getting.

The man-beast rolled on like a machine, his head thrown back and his back arched as he surrendered himself completely to the experience. He had even dropped the knife at some point, and was using both hands to knead my breasts and play with my rings. As deeply as I was into it, I envied him for being able to give himself so completely to the moment like that. As much as I wanted to do the same, I had to retain a small amount of situational-awareness so I would be ready to act if he noticed something funny going on.

The next time I dared to sneak a peek at the girl, Neeka was pulling her by the hand around to the other side of her tree. Still, she watched me and her former stud as long as she could until she and Neeka vanished through the trees.

As soon as they were out of sight, I was off the clock. I could have ended it at any time after he dropped the knife, actually. I mean, if I had noticed. But I was too busy having a nice relaxing continuous orgasm. It was one of those things that, like a dream on the cusp of morning, you know you can stop at any time, but you are just enjoying way too much to bother. So I let it go on and on, thinking that I would stop just any time now, but somehow never getting around to it. After all, how often to you get fucked by a satyr? His stamina was nothing short of amazing. He didn't seem to even be trying to cum, he just was so lost in the act he kept going and going, like that rabbit in the battery commercials.

"Hey, any left for me!"

My eyes snapped open and my reverie was rudely interrupted at the sound of Neeka's voice, coming from the tree where the girl had been tied. My satyr snapped to attention, too. We both looked at the vision of a gorgeous nude redhead, lounging seductively against the tree a few feet away.

"Are you nuts?" I thought at her. She was supposed to be helping the victims get away, not becoming one herself.

"They are down the bank and in the bushes where you said to hide them," she answered, wiggling her hips sexily. "I even had time to take them their clothes and pick up the knife. You got him to drop it, you remember? So he's disarmed, except for the weapon that nature gave him. And I'm tired of you getting all the perks in this job."

"OK, but remember, you asked for it. This one is a real animal. You get him off me and he's yours for as long as you can stand it."


She sashayed up to the shaggy man-beast and rubbed herself against his stinky hide. She wrinkled her nose, but kept smiling sweetly as she tugged at her nipples to make them stand up for him.

He looked dumbfounded to have two girls who both wanted him at the same time. Like the proverbial donkey between two piles of hay, he swung his head back and forth, back and forth, trying to make up his mind. All the while his hips kept moving under mine and his enormous cock stayed rock-hard.

Finally, the new girl won him over and he stopped fucking me and pulled his great pole out into the evening air. The sun was almost touching the horizon and the light made his cock gleam orange with the sheen of my juice.

Neeka quickly took matters in hand, stroking his cock and edging the head of it in her direction.

He watched, fascinated, as she practically climbed up his torso to plant her pussy on his pole. As she lowered herself onto it, I held it in place for her, and caressed his balls for him, too.

The guy never twigged to the fact that the tables had been turned and now he was the one being raped. He just obligingly switched pussies and proceeded to give Neeka the same thorough fucking he had given me. She loved it every bit as much as I had, even if she couldn't equal my performance by taking his big cock all the way to his hairy balls.

I helped for a bit, and watched for a bit more after it was clear that my help was more distraction than assistance. He got right back into it, and she looked to be having just a good a time as I had.

She didn't have my endurance, though. After several big orgasms, which I co-enjoyed as my rightful reward for standing watch while she fucked the perp, she looked to be running out of steam, just as the satyr looked to be reaching his peak.

Neeka's eyes rolled like loose marbles in her head as he pounded faster and faster into her pussy. She screamed like a train whistle as he increased his speed to an inhuman tempo. Just when I thought I was going to have to step in and stop things before she got hurt, he froze with his balls pulled up tight against his groin.

Neeka had her biggest climax of the night at the instant when he flooded her with his cum. It almost knocked me down, it was so strong, and I had to brace against the tree to stay on my feet. Fortunately, it seemed to take as much out of the satyr as it did out of us. He slumped and slowly dropped to his knees, his cock dragging Neeka to the ground with him.

I gave them both a minute, to let Neeka recover and to give his big cock time to shrink enough to come out without any trouble. By the time it fell free, Neeka was able to stand.

The beast wasn't as perky as we were. After fucking one girl all day, then two more horny bitches after that, he was pretty wrung out. He stayed on his knees, his mouth open, drooling happily.

"I think we won that one," I said. "Now what do we do with him?"

Neeka went and got the tent-ropes that he had used to tie the campers. She had just looped one around one of his wrists when he decided he wasn't going to cooperate and grabbed her arm roughly.

Without thinking, I swung an open-palm strike at his jaw. The crack and snap was painful to hear. He collapsed to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut. Neeka leaned down to check his pulse, and I had a moment of suspense in which I wondered if I had hit him too hard.

Luckily for him, he was a sturdy satyr. Even before Neeka confirmed it, I could see the grass moving in front of his lips, showing that he was still among the living.

I dragged his limp and smelly body over to a tree and propped him up against it while Neeka tied him up the same way he had tied his two victims. When we were sure he wasn't going anywhere, we headed back down the way Neeka had come, threading our way through the trees in the dim horizontal light.

We had just reached the spot where Neeka had left both our clothes when she suddenly said, "Uh, oh!" and took a few hopping steps over next to a bush. She dropped quickly into a wide squat and pressed both hands into her tummy below her navel. I watched a huge blob of cum pour out of her and make a puddle on the ground.

"I still can't hold it in like you can," she complained.

"Must be that 'unique physiology' Dr. Bonner was talking about," I said smugly. "But if it's any consolation, you did real good back there."

"Well, thanks! I was just glad to be holding up my end for a change. It bothered me a lot to have to just sit out there by the park for hours, wondering if you were going to live through the ordeal."

"What's this?" I spotted something shiny poking out of a nearby tree trunk. It was the knife Neeka had retrieved while goat-man and I were occupied. I flipped it over in my hand and, just for fun, threw it at a thick tree about ten feet away in a long overhand motion. I put more into it than I had intended, because it left my hand with a bright flash of polished steel and flew like a bullet to bury itself in the target tree with a loud smack.

Neeka pulled up her pants and hopped over to check out the result while she yanked her zipper up. I didn't need to walk over to see that I had timed the rotation right and the blade had gone in point-first. I also could see that the blade was buried clear up to the handle. Neeka tried to pull the knife out, but it wasn't going to budge.

"Leave it," I said.

"Oh, OK. Let them wonder about it, hunh?"

"Yeah. Add a little mystery to it. 'Sword in the Stone', remember?" I got my pants on and my socks and shoes. I threw the big shirt over my shoulders and put my arms into the sleeves. I didn't bother with the buttons. I just tied the tails together loosely, letting the heavy shirt hang open down my front. It was much cooler this way, and I figured the 'incognito' business was over for the night.

When we got back to where Neeka had left the victims, they were resting on the ground behind the bushes. They had dressed themselves in whatever Neeka had found of their clothes that hadn't been totally torn up. Aside from the ragged clothes, they just looked like they had had a hard day hiking and needed to get home. They were passing a canteen back and forth; sipping at it like you are supposed to after you haven't had water for a long time. I figured the goat-man probably hadn't been nice enough to give them water — or feed them, either. I dug into my pack for a couple of the energy bars and passed them over.

"Thanks," they both said, ripping into the wrappers with their teeth. I thanked Neeka for having the foresight to pack the snacks, even if she hadn't had this in mind.

"Hi," I said, cheerfully. I wanted to find out how bad off they were. It was still something of a long walk back and if I needed to carry one of them, I wanted to know it before we got started. "I'm Sam. This is Neeka."

"Jeff," the boy said around a mouthful of granola and peanuts. "This is Beverly," he added, since his girlfriend remembered her etiquette and didn't talk with her mouth full.

I didn't recognize Jeff. He looked to be older than me, but not by much. Once I had heard her name, I recognized Beverly Pearce. She went to my school. I'd heard that she was dating a guy from Parkhurst and Jeff was probably that guy.

"Hi Beverly," I said with some concern. Jeff hadn't been raped for hours on end, only scared half to death. Beverly looked OK, but she might be so out of it that she might walk into a tree or twist an ankle while walking back. I didn't want to rescue someone only to have their worst injury happen while they were in my care.

"Hi, Sam," she said when she had swallowed. "I know you. You're a Cheerleader."

"Was — I'm afraid. I had to quit. More important things came along."

"More important than Cheerleading? Gee, I would've done anything to make the squad."

I chuckled. A few weeks ago, I might have said the same thing. Now, I knew better. If she had time to think about it, Beverly might agree. I said, "How are you feeling? Are you up to the walk back?"

"I guess. I sure don't want to stay out here another night. It isn't safe."

We all laughed a bit at her understatement; although I doubted there could have been more than one satyr running around in these woods.

"Ah, did he hurt you? Are you having any pain?" I tried to be tactful about asking her this. She'd know what 'having pain' meant.

"I'm OK. I think. I'm sure I'm not hemorrhaging, and I don't think anything's actually busted. It's just..." She stopped and scrunched her face up. She looked like she might tear up and bawl any second. Even though my reaction to her predicament might have been different, I had a great deal of empathy for her. I waited for her to spit out what was bothering her. She needed to start thinking about how she wanted to tell the story and what spin she wanted to put on it

"It's just that... I'm so ashamed!" The tears started and we gave her some time to work it out. After a few sobs, she went on, "We slept late and then we fooled around some, chasing each other around the trees, playing Adam and Eve. We started getting hungry a little after noon and we were packing up to head back when he caught us. He dragged us over to the trees and tied us up right away. I thought it was a prank at first. Some of the kids in the group knew we planned to go off by ourselves and we thought they might try to sneak up on us in the dark, you know? That's why we came so far away from the campsite.

"Anyway, when we realized it wasn't a gag, it was too late to fight back. He had the knife and he tied us to the trees with some rope he got from Jeff's pack. Then he... started touching me. Jeff and I had just... you know, and I was still wet. He smelled me down there. Put his nose right up to me. Then his cock got big and he... he put it in me."

Beverly stopped at that point. Her emotions were in turmoil about what she had experienced. Guilt, fear, anger, and humiliation can mess up your head. She took a gulp of water and went on.

"He was really rough! It hurt worse than anything I've ever felt! I started to scream, then he pulled it out. I thought it was over, then he started again. It was awful. That first time, it was awful."

"But it got better," I said in an understanding tone. "Didn't it?"

She looked at me with a strange look in her eyes. She remembered how I had saved her, what I had done to get the goat-man away from her. It shook her up to think that someone would just walk up and join in the party like that. She must have been deep into rationalizing her behavior as 'I was forced'.

"Yes," she said, a catch in her throat sounded close to a chuckle. "It did. Not the second time. It was terrible the second time, too. But it didn't hurt as much, then. The third time, though. The third time I found myself... helping. That's the embarrassing part. I didn't want to. I just couldn't stop myself. I got turned on. That damn big cock is three times the size of Jeff's. It just filled me up totally. I never felt anything like that before and it made me cum so hard I had to scream. Sorry, Jeff."

Same as Sam
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Funtime With Friend8217s Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, hope you are having a wonderful time with your mate. This is Vishwak from Bangalore, aged about 29 and married recently. I’m having great fun with my wife, nowadays since got married recently. Experiencing crazy sex with my wife in different positions. But still want to explore a few crazy moments with my wife and if luck permits, with other mates too. :) Let me jump into the sex story. This happened in the year 2014. I have a good and thick friend, named anil. We two become friends...

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Athai Mulaiyai Sappinen

En peyar Varun, ippozhuthu thaan kalluriku sendru muthal aandu padithu varugiren. Angu sendrathum enaku puthiya nanbargal kidaithaargal, enaku kama kathaiyai padika vaithaargal. Kama padam naan paarthu irukiren, aanal kama kathai ippozhuthu thaan muthal muthalil padika aarambithu irukiren. Ithu naal varai enaku entha pennaiyum ooka vendrum endra aarvam vanthathu kidaiyaathu, aanal kama kathai paditha naal muthal enaku pengalai ooka vendrum endra aasai vara aarambithathu. Naan padipathu aangal...

3 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 10

After Sharon left, Carol cleaned up the kitchen, and since Dave had left much earlier, decided to go over and visit Misti. She knew that Michael would have long since left for work, so it would be just the two of them. She also decided to walk over still naked. She would, just in case, carry a bath towel with her.She walked out of her back yard, into the alley, and went in the back gate to Michael and Misti's back yard. Two of the neighbors were in the alley putting out trash, and, she spoke to...

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Craig HillChapter 73

Mark quickly settled in again and Roger, wishing him the best of luck, left for Tripoli. Robert Johnson to his credit said nothing derogatory about him. Sergeant-Major Winstanley was loyal to his Company Commander but Mark noticed that he did not speak enthusiastically about him and he did let one or two criticisms escape him. What did strike Mark was that the platoon commanders and the soldiers were bored which was a bad thing. He discovered that the former were not encouraged to take their...

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I Want To Fuck My Daddy

Hi, the name’s Charlotte. My friends and family called me Lottie.As far as regular nineteen-year-olds go, I was pretty regular, except for one tiny little thing.I was into incest porn.No, I didn’t intend to fuck anyone in my family, that’s wrong. I liked the taboo nature of incest, okay? Something about doing it with someone in your family, how it’s so wrong, flipped switches inside me. My hobby was to have a really good time with Mr Bunny, my trusty vibrator and some hot incest vids I found...

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An Adventure the WildernessChapter 2

They weren't in love, neither was foolish enough to think that, but what they did repeatedly throughout the night was much more than just sex. Perhaps there is a syndrome about victim and rescuer; whatever the classification, they both knew it was much more than just sex. When they finally awoke in the morning, the birds were singing, the sky was bright blue and the sun was shining. He found a clean wash cloth so that she could wipe off her cum encrusted thighs, and then later try to wipe...

5 years ago
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True LoveChapter 2

Olga, Stanley. "Yes, okay," she said. "I understand." She grabbed her dress, half-heartedly pulling it open at the chest. There was a silly stab of regret as she felt the soft silky fabric tear. The dress was from Paris — she remembered the expensive little designer shop in the Marais where John had bought it for her. She thought back to how she had turned left and right in the reflection of the mirror. She had blushed when he said it was a present. The dark man scowled — the streetlamp...

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Woman Crush Wednesday

“She's so cool.”“You mentioned that. Once a day for the past seven days.”“We clicked and soul-bonded.”“Then this should be a terrific dining experience.”“I’m nervous. What if I am remembering her inaccurately?” I posited, as Kevin and I walked through the doors of the casual dining establishment. “What if Amber isn’t engaging or amusing at all? Or, what if her husband is a toad?”My husband held my hand as we stood in line for the host. “Then we’ll eat our meals, save most of the chicken and...

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BlacksOnBlondes Sadie Holmes 04022019

Just take a look at Sadie Holmes. What a cheater! Literally five minutes ago she was in the produce aisle of her grocery store, where she spent over half an hour flirting with the handsome hunk of a man who’s now in her marital bed!! It started with, “look how big this cucumber is!” to “yes, that’s the bed I sleep with my husband in!” Now, for the very first time in her slutty MILF life, she’s fucking a black man! He’s got a huge dick on him, too!...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 21 Canberra II

I looked at my notes. They were neither orderly nor compact. But they were terse and they represented, in some way, my thoughts. return to work find a place to live (do P&R want the house?) make friend[s?]? retire in eighteen months do something else (entomology; school; write;?) other? It didn’t look like much. Six points. The first and fourth were straightforward. The second was tough. Or was it? Did I want to relocate for two years or five or... ? If I were to retire, what sense...

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We Were At The Hotel Near The Airport

We were at the hotel near the Airport By Donna Sash - [email protected] We were at the hotel near the Airport. Every weeknight and weekend there was dancing in the lounge. My wife liked to go there. A lot of executives went there in the evenings to end their day before leaving in the morning for home or another lay over. As my wife said, the pickings were very good. She liked to dance. She liked to be with men too. I even think she liked to have me along. Of course maybe I should...

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How I Became A Slut 8211 Pt 3 Banged By Cunning Cleaning Boy

When we got back to the office, it was 9 pm. My husband and a few workers were still there. I and Victor went to his room. He sat on his chair. “Come on dear, suck my dick”, he said. “What? My husband is outside. They will hear us”, I said. “Oh yeah, I forgot. Go out and tell them they can leave.” “What about my husband?” “Fuck him. Tell him I own you tonight.” “Come on, be serious.” “Tell him you will be with me tonight. Tell him I got work to do. Hurry up, I am horny as fuck”. I went out...

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Going Too Far 1

Eventually I found a woman, Liz, that I was really into, and she was recently divorced with 3 kids. We hit it off immediately, and over the course of our first year together we managed to navigate the balance of dealing with her ex husband, and her kids, which ended up being somewhat stressful for us because her ex husband used to use the kids as a means to keep her and I apart. We both grew to hate her ex husband, who would constantly attempt to touch her and push her into sex when I...

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Masturbation Show

Last week I took a quick peek on Craigslist just for fun. I found a post by a young guy who just moved to Kamloops to attend TRU looking for a masturbation friend. He stated he was looking for either a male or female to masturbate with and that he was open to a little more if things were right.I had never responded to anything like this before, but I was horny and really curious. My sex life has been great and am almost entirely with women at this point; I have a regular little hottie that i...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 768

One morning a man comes into church on crutches. He stops In front of the Holy water and splashes some of it on both of his legs, then throws away his crutches. An altar boy witnessed the episode and runs into the rectory to tell the priest what he’d just seen. Without batting an eye, the priest says, ‘Son, you’ve just witnessed a miracle. Tell me, where is this man? ‘Flat on his arse, Father, over by the holy water.’ Wayne: “Your new secretary is very sexy...” Gary: “Thanks! She’s...

4 years ago
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Just The Beginning

hope you enjoy :) You know that fairy tale? The one where the annoying little fucker Rumpel Stiltskin tries to get that girl with the long hair to guess his name or he will knock her out and make her snooze for 100 years? Well that really gets on my tits. I bet the pervy little bastard wanted to fuck her. Either that or he was a n*********ac. I hate guessing games. I would have punched the little twat in the balls.Life isn’t a fucking fairy tale and I aint no princess. But somehow the pervy...

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I confronted Janice after she got off the phone with her grandmother. "Why did you fill her in on all the stuff going on around here? Your grandmother is really prim and proper. I don't want any trouble from her or your grandfather"Janice's grandfather had his own energy firm once. He was constantly on the road, mostly overseas. We seldom saw him, even for holidays and I can count on one hand the number of birthdays he's attended. Our interaction with him was primarily thru her grandmother,...

2 years ago
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Foreplay Turning To Sex Part 1

Meri chachi ek dum sexy hai unka fig toh mujhe pata nahi par colour fair aur boobs bade aur gaand medium size ki hai unki chut ke lips bhuat hi tight thai kyu ki chachaji unko zyada nahi chodte thai toh ek din mein apne chachi ke ghar par gaya sab baith kar flim dekhrahe thai kuch samay baad flim mein intense ar sexy scene aaya jiski wajah se room mein sab shaant hogaya aur sab tv dekhraye the aur kuch samay baad chacha ne chachi ko ishara kiya ke room mein chalo chachi ne ishara kiya ki mein...

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She Reacts! One of my favorite moments during sex is when I first pull out my man meat. I love seeing the reaction on a bitches face as my monster hog seems to exit my pants endlessly. It’s like the first scene in Spaceballs, where the ship takes a minute and a half to pass by the screen.My CockzillaI would describe the facial expression as a mixture of shock, aww, excitement, and fear. Bitches already know by my alpha energy that I have a serious piece on me, but they don’t expect it to be...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Princess NoraChapter 5 WAR

King Menon took a year in planning to attack Morathia. His initial design was to invade Baytar, subdue them then bring his army of 2500 men down to Morathia from the south through the dense forest that Princess Nora traveled for the peace treaty with King Felix. It offered stealth and less chance of discovery until it was too late. Baytar would certainly send a messenger to King William and that would give him for time to prepare for his invasion of Morathia. He thought it over declining that...

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Sex With Teacher In Her House

Hi all to my ISS readers this is Kiran again back with a real story. I hope u enjoyed my last story “sex with my neighbor aunty” . That story was my first experience and I was waiting for a nice and sexy lady with whom I want to spend whole one night and want to fuck her whole night. This happened when I was shopping in mall suddenly I saw my teacher her name is’Priya’ she was married and had one child. First let me tell u about her she is about 5.3 inch tall and her total assets make all the...

4 years ago
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Quarantining with Cheryl

“Oh, don’t worry. She isn’t that bad, and it’ll be good for her to have someone else in the house. Even agoraphobs need company every now and then.” Rob wasn’t thrilled with the idea of being his Aunt’s therapy dog, but for what was essentially free room and bored he couldn’t say no. Growing up he had only seen Cheryl a couple of times. Since he moved to the same state as her, he only saw her twice at the holidays. He’d always thought she was a little weird but she was nice enough. When...

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19 year old Zack pounds both the wife and husband

Trish and Mark were your everyday couple. Trish was a gorgeous brunet who had just turned 41 years old while Mark was a 45 year old fitness trainer who kept his body in immaculate shape. Over the last year they had talked about expanding their sex life outside their marriage. They checked out several different options including swinging, but ultimately decided on that they looked for a lover for Trish. It took some time, but Mark thought he had found the perfect guy. Zack was a very cocky young...

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Death By Fucking Ch 22

© 2004 by Andrew Wiggin Chapter 22: The Quick Years The Year 13 Deirdre’s Story: I had to go into town to pick up something at the drugstore, so I grabbed Emma to go along for the ride. We have a rule in our house: no parent goes anywhere without being accompanied by an eKid. There have been rumblings over the years about us. We’ve heard them. We’ve read about them. We aren’t necessarily the most popular people in eastern Georgia. It’s strange to take a teenager along as one’s personal...

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My older sisterChapter 11

We were on our way to Olive Dell Ranch within the hour. This drive was only going to take us an hour, so Kami fell asleep on my shoulder. Mom had required us to stop by on our way out of town. She fed us and quietly slipped me a couple hundred-dollar bills telling me to take good care of my sister. I promised that I would. I strongly think that she suspects that Kami and me, are ‘up to no-good.’ Yeah, going to a couple of Nudist Resorts satisfies the definition of ‘no-good, ‘ when a brother...

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Planning Revenge

This is a continuation of the story Pleasure and Pain, to fully understand this story it is recommended that you read the previous story. The morning after their sordid little affair. The girls awaken entwined in each others arms and legs naked and still covered in cum from the prior nights fantastic escapades. Meg opens her eyes and finds herself still in the arms of Alana. 24 hours ago she was seriously thinking about killing or at least severely hurting this woman for ignoring 20 years of...

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Revenge Gone Bad

Revenge Gone BadI walked into the club hoping maybe that tonight might be a little different, after all it was my 37th birthday. I did not put much stock in the mid life crisis thing, I was an average male, married for several years with c***dren, I had fantasized about other women but had never been unfaithful to my wife. The guys at work had decided to throw me a 37th birthday bash at the club, it was a strip club and tonight was amateur night, amateur night brought out mostly want-to-be...

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BattlesphereChapter 7

Emperor Richard Newcastle was addressing the Assembly and the House of Commons. When the emperor had set up his government, he realized the need for balance, and representation across the board. While he had ennobled a lot of people, that did not necessarily equate to common sense or political knowledge. Originally he just had a House of Lords. But that proved unsatisfactory. The House of Lords tried to make laws beneficial for the lords, and was not really beneficial to the whole. He...

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Twelve Lays of Xmas Ch 03

Part Three of 12 Lays of Xmas, the full novella version. Chapter Nine is up and running. Be warned, the whole thing is almost 30,000? words long this far. Any similarity to any persons living, loving or otherwise – well – you know who you are. Three French Hens I overslept. It was almost 9am before I was really awake, and the apartment was dark and quiet. Yawning, I showered, had breakfast, made a few calls, answered a few emails… well, truth is, I pretty much wasted the morning away before...

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Boobify sums up their service in a few words out on their front page: "Our boobs, your text." There are only so many ways those two things can be combined, so your head doesn't have too many directions to spin in as you wonder what it is they're really selling. Words and breasts have always been a fine combination, as any poet or writer of literary erotica would be quick to tell you in the most flowery of terms. Honestly, it's a wonder nobody thought to build this website sooner.

Premium OnlyFans Sites
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Grave Robber

-Edgar Allan Poe, "The Premature Burial" *** Wallace dreaded nothing more than being alone in the dark, here of all places. Clarence had the lantern, and although he was an old man he was faster, so Wallace had to run to keep up, shivering each time he stepped over a grave. "Which one are we digging up?" he said, horrified even as the words left his mouth. His answer came with a snort. "We're not digging. Do you see a shovel anywhere? You've not a brain in your head, boy.”...

1 year ago
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Sexualising my students mother

joey is my student from a top girls school in singapore. her mum becomes good friend with me and we had met regularly for drinks. one day she invited to her house after dinner (her hubbie was overseas and joey was in a camp). as i entered, she greeted me at the door, dressed in a provocative white dress (something like a nite gown). her body contours were conspicuously visible and her shapely breasts were jus stunningly attractive. it was obvious that she did not wear any bra as the nipples...

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Chapter 2 My mouth went dry at the sound of her voice. I swallowed hard, and then turned around. Laura was leaning against a table wearing a black silky bathrobe and black high-heeled shoes. The bathrobe did little to hide her curves, and I could see her nipples through the smooth fabric. My cock hardened instantly, and I smiled. One of the best things about being bi-sexual is that my dick gets plenty of attention. And I couldn’t wait for Laura to get her lips on it. “You took your...

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Domination Sam was just sitting outside of the cafeteria at school with her backpack on, listening to music, waiting for the last bell to ring for school to get out."Hey, Sam.""Missy," Sam said, taking one headphone off her ear. "To what do I owe the pleasure?""You know what this is about. That night at the dance.""And…?""The fact that you totally flaked on our fight that was supposed to happen.""I didn't flake. Carly drank too much of the spiked punch, so I had to take her home. I'd much...

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