Answering an Online Ad
- 2 years ago
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Jim ran his hand over his curving stomach and probed the strange folds of his vagina, how in the name of God was a baby supposed to fit through that? Well you might get to find out, said a corner of his mind. He thrust that away, the chances of him getting pregnant were small, he decided. I've only had sex as a girl once and you are always hearing of couples who can't get pregnant, he thought.
In a corner of his mind a voice was saying, but what if you are? He ignored it and got dressed. He ignored the dress and wore a loose green jumper and a pair of Anne's jeans. He noticed he was still wearing Julie's crucifix, it looked quite nice to Jim nestled between his breasts. After he had got home the previous night, Julie had been very apologetic and comforted Jim as the full enormity of what he had done had struck him. Jim secretly forgave her, he was actually starting to like her personality, it was impossible to stay angry with her.
Downstairs Julie was cooking breakfast for Anne who was just about to return to the lab. Julie looked nervously at Jim, obviously afraid that he would tell Anne how she set him up. Jim had no intention of telling Anne that her lab assistant who, up to a few days before, had been a tall, strong male, had gone to bed with her boyfriend.
"How is it going Anne," He asked nervously.
"Slowly," she replied wearily. "I'm on to something, but it'll be weeks before it's ready. And I have a more serious problem." She took a small box out of her handbag and opened it. "This is the last sample of your original DNA. Without this I can't turn you back into your old self. But I need more of your original DNA to be absolutely sure it works."
Julie looked over at Anne, "Isn't there a way to replicate DNA in the lab."
"There is, but it produces instabilities in the DNA. Only DNA produced in the body can be successfully changed. Of course the other problem is eventually you will be missed. The solution for both problems is for someone to take this DNA virus based on Jim's DNA and take his place. I feel responsible so I'll take it."
Jim gasped, she was offering to give up her body in the uncertain hope that she could reverse the process. "It wasn't your fault, Anne." he said. He saw a small stab of anguish cross her face, she was talking like she had done it to him, instead of him falling on the vial. "Anyway, we end up with the same problem. The police would start to investigate your disappearance and then you wouldn't be able to get into the lab."
"I know, but I can't think of what else to do. Well hopefully we will have a few days before I have to decide."
Soon Anne was gone back to the lab. Julie was sitting at the kitchen table with a strange look on her face.
"What are you thinking, Julie?"
"I just realised that one person could change into you and not be missed, me."
"I can't let you do that, I remember yesterday when you told me you'd hate being a man." He was surprised, but touched by the offer.
"Perhaps, but I'm responsible for last night and I want to make it up to you. And Anne will be ruined if any of this gets out."
Jim moved over to her to comfort him. "It's alright, I'm okay. It was a bit traumatic, but it's over and done with know." He remembered the previous night, the strange sense of fullness as Paul thrust powerfully into him. It didn't seem so bad now, looking back on it and he had enjoyed it at the time.
"Well it might not be over and done with," she said glancing meaningfully at his stomach.
"I'm not pregnant, the chances of a normal woman being after just one time is small and my... equipment is probably not functioning properly yet. I just can't understand why I did it, I didn't have that much to drink."
Julie decided not to press the point, if he was pregnant they still had plenty of time to do something about it. "Well you're like a novice driver behind a wheel of a racing car, with a whole new set of hormones running around inside you. With hindsight you were bound to have a few crashes as you learnt to drive."
Jim didn't replay and while she was still thinking about what to say next the phone burst into the silence. Julie went into the hall to answer it. She barely had time to say "Hello," before a shrill voice screamed down the line at her.
"What have you done to me, you bitch!" Julie was stunned, but the voice was familiar, suddenly it clicked. It was Paul, but he sounded different, very different.
"What do you mean?"
"My face, it's changing! What did you do?"
"Oh Christ, okay Paul, relax. I have an idea what's happened stay put and I'll get Anne to come over and help."
"Anne! She mustn't find out what happened between us!" The voice virtually screamed down the line.
"If I'm right, she is the only one who can help. Stay where you are. We'll be over in half an hour." She hung up, well, so much for keeping it quiet, she thought. Now the shit will really hit the fan. She quickly dialled Anne's mobile phone number.
Jim entered the hall as she got through to Anne, he was about to ask her what was going on when she got through. "Anne, you got to get back here quickly!... No... it's not Jim. But it's related to that." Julie put down the phone and leaned against the wall, breathing a weary sigh.
"Julie, what is going on?"
She looked at him, "I'm going to have to tell Anne what we got up to last night."
"Why! She'll go ballistic!"
"That was Paul on the phone, he may not have given you a little present last night, but you may have given him one. I think he caught your DNA virus."
Jim winced, he looked forlornly out the window. Just in time to see Anne screeching to a halt outside the house. She ran inside and met the two nervous looking twins. "What's happening!" She demanded.
For once Julie seemed lost for words.
Anne stared at the two worried looking girls, one of them said to her, "Come on, I'll drive." Julie guided her back to her car and climbed in. Despite the fact that Jim and Julie were now physically identical, they were very easy to tell apart. Julie was very self-assured while Jim was very demure and quiet. He also looked very embarrassed as he clambered into the back seat of Anne's car.
She went round to the far side and got in next to Julie, "What's going on." She demanded again.
"Okay, Anne, is the virus in Jim's body still active?"
"Well, yes. That's why I can't change Jim back, his virus fights off any attempt by another DNA virus."
Julie gazed out the window, avoiding contact with Anne's eyes. "Is it possible for Jim to infect other people with the virus."
Anne thought about it, "Theoretically, yes. But it would be difficult to transmit without really intimate contact." Suddenly it all clicked in her head. She stared open mouth at Jim and Julie who both avoided her stare. "ARE YOU TELLING ME JIM HAS HAD SEX WITH SOMEONE!"
"Stop shouting. Yes, it was my fault, I set him up with as a joke." She said quietly.
"A JOKE!! I brought you in to hide Jim, not to get him a date! What was her name?"
"Umm... his name actually."
"You set him up with a MAN! Are you mad." She redirected her attention at Jim. "Why on Earth did you go along with this."
Jim was deeply embarrassed and was blushing deeply. "It seemed like harmless fun, but this body can't hold it's drink like my old one."
"One of your friends, I suppose, Julie?"
Here we go, thought Julie. "No... It was Paul." She closed her eyes and waited for Anne to tear her head off. But nothing happened, she risked a glance at Anne. She was frozen with her mouth open and the first signs of tears in her eyes.
Slowly Anne pulled herself together, "You're right I can't drive like this. I'll give you directions, unless Jim remembers the way." She added acidly. She regretted that last remark when she heard sobbing coming from the back seat. She turned around to see tears running down Jim's face. He even looks good when he's crying she thought.
Between sobs he said, "I couldn't help it. My body seemed to want it. I couldn't stop it."
"It's not your fault Jim." She said quietly and said little nothing else apart from directions the rest of the short drive to Paul's house.
When they arrived there was no indication, of what strange events might be happening inside. Anne marched up to the door closely followed by the two girls and hammered on it. There was no reply, the house seemed empty, but Paul's car was still in the drive. She pulled her keyring out of her pocket and used the key for Paul's house.
Inside it became obvious that something was going on. A hall mirror lay smashed on the floor and the phone was off the hook. Julie was about to say something when Anne shushed her. Julie strained her ears and could hear someone crying upstairs. Anne motioned them to stay where they were while she headed upstairs.
She had been in this house many times over the years and was as familiar with it as her own home. But now it felt different, she realised she was afraid of what she would find at the top of the stairs. The door to the main bedroom was ajar and Anne could see Paul's muscular body lying on it, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. She pushed open the door.
"Don't look at me." Paul cried and leapt down behind the far side of the bed. Anne was totally shocked, the body was still recognisably Paul's but the voice, if she hadn't known better she would have sworn it was Julie's!
"It's alright, darling. I think I know what's happening to you. I can help." She looked over the side of the bed and looked down at the back of Paul's head. His black hair had been replaced by long, silky blonde hair. He turned around and looked at her, his face covered with fear. But it was no longer his face, it was Julie's.
"What's happening to me?" He said in a strangled whisper. The virus had obviously got down to his throat, because he spoke in Julie's high register.
Anne thought fast, the amount of the virus he had picked up from Jim must have been very small. That was why the change had taken till this morning to become apparent to Paul. But the virus would be multiplying exponentially, and the changes would get faster and faster. She realised that to have affect him from the head first, it must have come from some juices he had licked off Jim. She knew how much he enjoyed oral sex. If she was to save his masculinity at all she had to act now. She yelled downstairs, "Julie, get the sample case out of the trunk of my car. Hurry!"
As Julie ran out to the car Anne explained to Paul what she was going to do, she told him how far her research had gone and that he had picked up the transforming virus. He seemed to pick up the basics, but how much he really understood in his distressed state she didn't know. "Most of your body is still untransformed, now if I had your DNA mixed in with my virus I could inject it into you and protect the rest of your body. But by the time I had that ready you'd be 100% female."
"NO!" Paul shrieked.
"It's okay, calm down. The virus you picked up is only one of several I developed. I took several samples from other researchers at the institute, one of them is a thirty year old male, a bit on the small side, but quite fit. At least this way, you'll stay male."
"But, I've got a girl's face."
"I'm working on a cure, but it might take a while. Worse comes to the worse, there is always plastic surgery." Privately she doubted anyone could make a male face out of the one Paul now had.
Julie burst into the room and almost dropped the large bag she was holding in shock. She had never seen Jim before his change and still found it hard to believe he had ever been a man. But here was a man in middle of transforming, with a large well developed male body, but with her face!
"Give me the bag." demanded Anne. Julie did so, never taking her eyes off Paul. Anne rummaged through her bag, finding her small sample box. In it was four samples, she checked them off in her mind to make sure she got the right one. There was Julie's sample, next to it was the last sample of Jim's DNA. The next sample was from Dr Peterson from the floor below Anne's lab. But he was black and Anne didn't think Paul would like having a white head on a black body. That left Alan Lewis who worked with Dr Peterson, he was barely five feet tall, but she had no other choice than to use his sample.
She began prepping a syringe. She worked as quickly as possible, when she heard Julie gasp in surprise. She looked up to see what had alarmed her, it quickly became obvious Paul was growing breasts.
Paul looked down at his bare chest as it transformed, the small amount of hair vanished and his chest started to swell. They watched in awe as two magnificent breasts grew. He felt the two heavy weights on his chest, his nipples expanded into large sensitive female nipples. He reached up with his still masculine hand and caressed one of his nipples. They were very familiar tits, he had sucked on them the previous night. He had just never expected to see them from this angle.
Anne moved quickly and injected the virus into his leg. Paul fell back to the floor as the two viruses raced through his body trans- forming his body. He felt himself shrinking, the second virus raced through his groin and down his legs. Halfway to the torso it was met by Julie's virus coming the other way and just as Anne had hoped neither virus could affect a cell already transformed.
Paul struggled on to his feet, ignoring Anne and Julie, his shorts, now too large for him, fell to his ankles.He looked in the mirror and saw a stranger there. The face was horribly familiar, but his mind refused to accept that it was now his. Gone was his rugged face, to be replaced by a more rounded, far softer one. He ran one hand over his smooth cheek, he realised he would never have to shave his face again and he felt a profound loss. He pulled his hand away from his new face and examined it.
Like his face it had changed totally, instead of the wide strong hands he was use to he now had petite, slim hands with long refined fingers. Obviously as feminine as his new face. He looked in the mirror at the breasts hanging off his chest. They had finished growing and seemed far bigger than had been on the girl he had had sex with the previous night.
They seemed totally alien to him, the way they bobbed and jiggled. He held them in his feminine hands and felt their soft weight. He found the feeling of his breasts being held turning himself on, even though he was the one holding them. He felt his highly sensitive nipples spring erect. He felt an even bigger erection between his thighs.
He looked in the mirror at his groin and legs. The legs were far less muscular than the ones he was use to and far shorter, but they were still male legs, he was relieved to have a penis but he realised as he looked at it, that it wasn't his. He noticed that it was slightly bigger than his original penis, but he got no comfort from that.
He felt a much larger pang of loss. No part of his new body was familiar, he felt lost in an alien body.
He heard the door shut and turned to see Anne standing there, "I sent Julie out while I explain what happened to you." She explained.
He sat on the bed with a buzzing noise in his head as Anne explained how he had been infected by someone transformed into her niece. "If she wasn't Julie, who was she?" He asked
"She was my lab assistant, Jim." she explained
"SHE'S A MAN?" He exclaimed
"Well he was, he wasn't as lucky as you. You're still male where it counts. I am going to do everything I can to sort out this mess, but when I do, we are finished, you understand?"
"I'm sorry," Anne he pleaded in his new girlish voice. "It won't happen again."
"Damn right, it won't. I don't think I can ever trust you again."
She pulled out a shirt from his wardrobe and a pair of running shorts. The shirt seemed to have grown into a tent since he had last worn it, he realised just how small he was now. The running shorts were also ridiculously large, but at least they would stay up with the draw string pulled as tight as possible.
He looked in the mirror, She is quite a desirable woman, he thought. But you could tell something was not right, the hips were too thin to be a woman's. And the legs which were only slightly hairy as a man, were far too hairy for a woman.
"Come on you'll have to stay at my place."
Paul realised he couldn't stay here, no one would recognise him. And Paul would be missed.
Downstairs Julie was telling Jim what had happened, "So now there are two and a half of me." She saw a small grin slip across Jim's pretty face.
"Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy."
Julie grinned openly, Jim was finally coming to terms with his body and Julie was starting to like him. The bedroom door opened and Anne and Paul appeared at the top of the stairs.
Jim had changed just as much as Paul had just done, but even he could not believe how different Paul was. He seemed much smaller than the infinitely strong man who had possessed him the night before. Jim noticed the male hips an legs Paul had, and was secretly glad that he had beautifully smooth legs and full hips.
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Hey everyone, I am Salvatio, email me at I am from Nigeria, this sex story is a fiction, and the characters contained in it are imagined; now to the story, I am salvatio, 24 year old doctor, I finished MBBS 2 years ago & am currently working in a private hospital. When I first arrived at the hospital last year, I met this nurse, jane, her ass was the bomb, it was oversized for her tight short gown, her boobs looked like two planets squeezed in one dress. I stood looking at her when someone...
My name is Jim. I just turned 35 a couple of months ago. I married my wife Sherry nine years ago. We have two children, a son eight years old and a little girl three years old. We have a good life but there have been some rough spots. My story is about the end of one of those rough times. About two years ago Sherry and I had a big fight. She was spending much of her time with the kids and seemed less interested in spending time with me. She got involved in the PTA when our boy started first...
I woke abruptly at 6:30 AM with the images of a dream about the previous night still stuck in my head and the most serious case of morning wood I'd had in years stuck firmly between my wife's thighs from behind as I spooned her. I briefly considered my options but decided since I was already here... I began slowly rubbing my cock between Amanda's legs, letting the head brush against her clit until I began to feel moisture. I didn't know if it was coming from her or if I was just making...
HEY, PEACHES by Throne "Hey, Peanut!" How I dreaded to hear my wife's boyfriend, Frank, call me. He's big and rough and loves to see me feminized and cuckolded. My wife Tyra takes care of the former and he's always grabbing and pawing her, which leads to lots of the latter. In the year since they met my life has changed drastically and it doesn't look like anything can reverse that. When he hollers I'm quick to respond. I set aside his work boots, which I had been cleaning,...
I saw that his cock was still hard and asked him if he wanted to fuck me some more. He said “Hell Yes”. I roll on to my side with my rump near the edge of the bed. The professor stands up and begins to teasing my ass hole with the head of his cock and then the professor slid his cum covered cock up my cum filled ass. He thrusts for several minutes. He pulls out and we move to the center of the bed. I am still on my side. The professor lies on his side behind me. He lifts my top leg up...
Introduction: A few extra inches gets introduced into her pussy so she decides I deserve a fresh new pussy in a form of her good friend I am married with a few kids, and Im not going to beat around the bush my sex life fucking sucks, and I cant blame my wife fully cause I have alot to do with it. I have a below average dick and last no more a few minutes at most so its no wonder I get her pussy like twice a month if im lucky. Anyway I started looking into ways to improve my status and came...
Margo took delight in using the cock-ring on her boy. For that's how she regarded Guy now. He was hers. And Guy was content with that. He had long yearned for sex with "Margo" and now he was getting it! That it was on her terms and conditions seemed a small price to pay. Her condition now was for him to wear the cruel adjustable cock-ring when he was performing his duties. She said it was good etiquette if the boy was to learn correct behaviour when fucking. Even if he was simply...
Hi friends, this is a 100% true incident happens in dehradun in year 2006, i and my girlfriend ankita is in dehradun for a summer training. She is 20 years, a very gorgeous girl with nice assets 32-24-34. We met in our college party, and on from that day she is in love with me. Icame to know to me when a common friend told me that ankita is in love with me….i got shocked after hearing this from her, because i also like her a lot. Same day she proposed me on phone and we both started a new...
Adorable brunette Miriam More comes into the bedroom and grabs her boyfriend’s morning wood while he is still resting, because she decides to start the day with a good fuck. He is surprised but very pleased when she puts his cock in her mouth and sucks it like she has never sucked before. Then she gives him even more pleasure allowing to fuck her in his favorite position from behind until he cums all over her round ass. The boyfriend definitely loves how Miriam chose to wake him up this morning!
xmoviesforyouA bloody and very upset Suzan and Anita made their way back to the palace just as the Sun was cresting over the horizon. They had already made the stop by Tabitha's mother's house the night before to inform her of what happened. Needless to say it wasn't something they wanted to do, but knew that they had to and it was something they owed the only real victim to pay the ultimate price. Even though Suzan felt she should tell her, Anita insisted that because her death was her fault she...
Cori's relatives and my coworkers were milling around the funeral home, munching on celery sticks and green bean casserole, and occasionally coming up to me to murmur something soothing and useless. I was still somewhat in shock and denial since the car accident, and I have no idea to this day what they said to me, nor whether my replies made any sense.I do remember when Kenneth from Accounting came over; Ken's hobby was accounts receivable, but his real job as far as he was concerned was the...
MatureI slept the entire way home. Ronnie finally showed up to get me around 10 that night and he had to carry me outside. They tried to tell him that I'd left and wasn't there but thankfully he came in to see for himself. I remember it was around 10 because Jason was just getting off and was waiting on his replacement. When he found out that Ronnie was there to take me home, he had the nerve to ask for one last free fuck before I left. The men waiting for me were pissed and it took all five...
So a short time later i put on my Guy Fawkes mask, which wasn't really anywhere near being original but had to do for now. I set up my cam to show my masked face and upper body. I wasn't one of those guys which showed them self jerking right in the beginning. In my experience most hot girls just clicked that away and those who stayed watching were easy ones - no fun without challenge. I started the recording of my chat and began connecting to random partners. The first one was a bored...
The party at Trevor’s had been a new experience in so many ways, including the money he gave me afterward. I would have done that and more for nothing just for the opportunity to have that much sex, that many times, in so many ways. Of course, the envelope full of cash didn’t hurt my feelings either! Trevor was on chat the very next day. His genuine concern for me was something totally new and I liked it. We chatted and talked everyday that next week. One evening he asked if I was interested...
Mitranno hi goshta baryach varshapuvichi aahe. Mi tevha khupach lahaan hoto. Maaza kutumba mhanje mi, aai ani baba. Maaze baba army madhe jawaan hote ani aai shalet shikshika hoti. Punyaat aamcha ek chota bungla hota. Baba sainyaat aslyaane tyaanche ushira lagna zaale. Maza janma zaala tevha aai ani baba doghehi javalpass 36-37 varshache asavet. Baba sainyaat aslyaane ekdum shishtiche hote. Tyanche sharirahi pildaar hote. Unchi changli 6 foot 2 incha hoti. Pan te disayla ekdum dagdasarkhe obad...
Cogito ergo sum. I think; therefore, I am. A well known latin phrase. But can we apply the concept in reverse- that is: I don't think, therefore I am not. That is, if a person doesn't think, do they exist at all? If a person doesn't exist, does the responsibility for their actions reasonably rest on their shoulder. Logically, if something doesn't exist, it can't be held responsible for actions occurring while it doesn't exist. So if a person doesn't think, and thus does not exist, does...
Emma rode her bike back into the city. She pulled into a narrow, shabby street lined with tall buildings that managed to block any direct sunlight. The bike swerved down into an underground garage and Emma braked to a stop next to a freight elevator. She went through the routine of pulling off her helmet and shaking out her hair, then she took her dark glasses from a small compartment in the bike and popped them on top of her head. She entered the dusty elevator and punched a button, not for...
I get an inquiry through alt that someone is interested in finding out if I am a real sub/slave. I respond that I desperately want to be. They tell me that if we meet, and things progress to a certain point, there will be no return and no limits. I am a bit scared, but know that this is what I really want. I agree to meet. I find out that this is a club of women, whose husbands are nothing but cuckolds whose only purpose is financial and a few other slave duties. But they have many other...
I remember the first time I saw you tonight. You were dressed in a most handsome navy blue suit with a sheen on the fabric and it was tailor made for just you. It is quite beautiful work. The stitching was well hidden, the lines sharp and crisp. I could tell it was made by a master tailor. Your shirt was a crisp white with a sheen also. Your black shoes had the same sheen and you commanded your space, respect, and all without a power tie. You are one of few men I’ve seen in my adult life that...
I turned and headed for the door. I knew that it was inevitable. At some point between here and my house someone was going to see me like this. I can’t really say why. But I was determined to leave those streamers of cum on my face. Those were my orders. I was half way to the gate when the door opened behind me. I turned to see Stan hurrying to catch up to me. I stopped to see what he wanted. He stopped when he reached me. He looked over his shoulder to make sure Mr. Todd wasn’t watching or...
Saving the best for last – haha OK, just kidding. But this is the last casting we’re doing in this office. For the first time ever, we voluntarily leave this one and try a different location.Better lighting and whatnot. But first, today we have a girl whose dad clearly wanted a boy. Owen? Really? She is a 22 year old photographer who is already earning some money taking pics at weddings so she’s got stuff going for her. But money is still very tight. She knows the allure her...
xmoviesforyouIt was 6pm and the sun was setting while Jim sat sipping rum on the deck of the vacation house he’d rented for the week. It had been several years since they took a proper shore trip where the family could unwind and relax for a long enough time. The kids were older now and easily took care of themselves, finding things to do and friends to hang out with. In fact, Lily and Ben were at the beach several blocks away from where they were staying. They’d promised to be home for dinner. Molly,...
You stared at the wall, tears falling from your face as the words that your father had said to you rung painfully in your mind. He had told you that if you did not find a good, rich and handsome suitor within two weeks, he would marry you off to either your brothers, your cousins, some fat old loaf from another Kingdom, or... himself. After your mother had died, he had created a Harem of beautiful women that fucked and served him like no woman ever had done before. You swallowed, hoping to the...
The next morning I quietly got out of bed, dressed and left the van. I have been trying to work out a theory that the time warp hole only opened around about six in the morning, which is my usual rising time anyway. This time of the morning is one of the quietest times on the road that we had been travelling down, and if the warp had opened at any other time, there would have been a lot more vehicles in the clearing. When I got up I took the long pole, which I call my Calendar Stick, I cut a...
Princess Henuttawy visited her mother, Nefertari, at Luxor Palace the day after the start of the Festival of Opet. The Princess was relieved that her mother was out of the public eye because she was in the late stages of pregnancy. The two women caught up on each other’s lives for the last year before Kopi steered the conversation toward palace intrigue. “Why did Father let Inumut wed Bintanath? I thought she was promised to my brother Mentu.” She asked. “The Vizier convinced your father...
"Okay, I'm going." I grabbed my stuff and moved from my seat to the front of the class. "How long do I have to stay there?" I asked. "As long as I want you to." That could be days I thought. It was the worst seat in the entire class. The seat was uneven and wobbly, the table was worse. It was dreaded by those who got on the teacher's bad side. It was even more dreaded by those who hadn't done any wrong. Like me. After I reluctantly moved myself to the front. She...
“Broadsword, this is Cutlass responding to your call. “Cutlass, this is Broadsword. What is your location and status?” “We’re offshore from what will be Virginia Beach. It looks like the entire area is in flames. I count eleven warships and fourteen troop carriers. From the flames I wouldn’t be surprised if everything between here and Richmond is burning.” Grant responded on the radio, “Cutlass, this is Grant. Take out all British ships. I say again, Take out all British ships. Then head...