- 4 years ago
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Breakfast Monday morning was big, loud, and rowdy. Twice the cafeteria folks told us to settle down. Our entire group was happy to be back together.
Adrian walked with me to our first classes then separated to go to our own buildings. I had forgotten that I had my first class with Delta. She came up to me and put a sizzling lip lock on me.
“How’s my Spring break stud doing?” she asked. Delta is such a stand out good-looking babe; all the guys going into the room were eyeing me enviously.
After class Delta walked with me toward my next class until we met Trish. Trish gave me a very nice kiss with a bone-crunching hug. “Great to see you Chuck.” Again, guys observing me getting the attention of another great looking babe, were drooling. The girls said they would try to eat supper at the training table dining hall that evening if it would be okay with my girl friends. I told them that it should be fine.
We had a scrimmage for practice. I played shortstop with the second team and even got two decent hits out of four at bats. Probably should be better because the pitchers weren’t up to speed yet. We needed to get ready for a home game Thursday and an away game Saturday.
Supper was fun. I was bookended by Misty and Cherry on one side and Delta and Trish on the other. Frank and Susie were across the table from us and made numerous obnoxious remarks about our spring vacation trip. Guys have a hard time not staring at the four girls I was with. One alone is a major disturbance. The four together were a riot.
After supper the usual group left for the library. Delta and Trish looked at each other and said, “You know, we’re going with you guys. We need to get our grades up, too. Do you mind?”
Everyone said almost at once, “The more the merrier.”
After the library we went for Cokes. The jukebox was playing dreamy stuff, so I danced with Misty, and then Delta insisted on a dance. I turned to go to the dance floor area and saw Cherry and Trish dancing close together. I wonder about Cherry.
We all went back to the dorms. Delta and Trish lived in a dorm next to the one where Misty and Cherry lived. We said goodnight to them as they went inside at their dorm. After saying goodnight to everyone in Misty’s dorm, Misty stayed with me in the parlor for a few minutes.
“Do you think we are going to be a pair?” Misty asked.
“We already are, aren’t we?” I asked.
“Sort of,” Misty answered. “But I was thinking that just you and me and not all the other girls you seem to have coming on to you.”
“Serious huh?” I asked.
Misty looked down then up into my eyes, “I don’t know. Sometimes when we’re together I want us to be alone, you know, exclusive, together forever. Sometimes I love it when Cherry and I make love to you. Spring break was fun and I loved watching you play with those two girls, but back here now, and with Sarah wanting to get back with you, I’m feeling jealous. Even though you and me are together, I can’t help feeling you’re not mine alone. Like I said Chuck, I don’t know. I want you, and most of the time I don’t feel threatened by other girls, but right now I do. Can you understand that?”
“I guess so. You’ve never asked me to be exclusive. I haven’t asked you either, as it wasn’t my place to ask that. I’m probably too young to be thinking of anything permanent yet, but I do enjoy being with you, and I do really enjoy how we feel about each other. From now on when you feel threatened or when jealousy pops up, give my hand a couple of squeezes so I know when to give you more attention.”
Misty gave me a watery-eyed loving hug and kisses, “Night Chuck, I really do like you a lot.” She gave me another tender kiss then, “Night baby.” She got up and rushed through the alcove.
Tuesday and Wednesday were about the same without any new jealousy outbreaks from Misty. I did try to pay a little more attention to her though.
Thursday was busy. The baseball team was going to travel all day Friday. That meant I had to gather assignments and make arrangements for someone else to turn in my work for Friday, or delay it until Monday. Profs just love sports guys,,,,, not. They hate to have to make constant exceptions to their class rules. My only advantage was my good grades.
At practice I found out the Saturday game turned out to be a tournament that we thought we were only playing Saturday morning, and I figured if we lost Saturday afternoon, we would come home, driving all day Sunday instead of playing in the semi-finals and finals. When I heard the coach’s projections, I was disappointed in their attitude toward the players. We were not bad. We needed more practice, but I know baseball and decent baseball teams. Our defense had a ways to go, but at bat we were probably as good as any other team.
I told the infield coach how I felt about what I had heard. He defended his position by saying that college ball was faster and tougher than the high school baseball I was used to. I reminded him that I came from a school that constantly had major league scouts at our practices and games and that I had played two seasons of American Legion ball that is supposed to be as good as single-A pro ball.
He said, “Tell you what Chuck. All three of you guys who are trying to make starter at short are about equal. I’ll play each of you three innings. Show your stuff and I’ll start you in the tournament. You’ll get at least one at bat, maybe two. Get a hit; show the coach and me what you can do. Then we’ll win and stay in Wichita for the entire weekend.”
He was walking away when he turned around, “Now I’ll have to go write notes to all your Profs that Monday will be a travel day so you guys can be excused. You’re right though, we should expect to win instead of expecting to lose.”
Before the game, the head coach or manager or whatever you want to call him had a few words to say about today and us getting ready for the tournament in Wichita. He told us that several starting positions were open for grabs, so we should play our best. I played the fourth, fifth and sixth inning. Defensively the fourth was a no brainer. First out was a pop fly to the third baseman. The right fielder and I almost collided getting in position to back up the play though. Then there was a pretty hot flat grounder that I scooped up and tossed to the second baseman that relayed the ball to first for a double play. The play didn’t show off anyone’s ability even though the ball was hit pretty hard. Since it stayed flat on the ground not hopping around, it was an easy catch.
I was second up at bat in the bottom of the fourth. The first batter walked. The third base coach held me on the first pitch. It was a ball, low and inside. I figured he would have me bunt the guy to second but he gave me a swing sign, surprise, surprise. The pitcher threw a very slow change up right down the middle. It seemed like I had to wait an eternity to swing. It’s hard to hold up your swing when you are expecting an 80 to 85 mph fastball or curve, and you get one at 50 mph that wants to die in front of the plate. Because I had been holding up, I didn’t get a full swing at the ball but made good contact. I pulled it over the third baseman’s head sending the ball into the corner of the chain link fence. Balls don’t bounce off chain link. The guy on first had been given a run sign, so he made it all the way home while I was held at second standing. I went to third on a long fly to right field then scored on a single up the middle. We ended up scoring five runs that inning, looking much better than our coaches were forecasting us to be.
The fifth inning was routine defensively with my only participation covering second for an attempted steal then covering second again on a slow grounder to third for a force out. Yawn.
The sixth inning was cool. Our pitcher must have been getting tired. Two long singles had runners on first and second. I was signaled to play my position deep and let the runners be. I was playing just to the right of the pitcher when he hung a curve for a good hitter. The ball came off the bat like a rocket, right for my face. My glove protected my face; I pitched the ball to the second baseman, who relayed it to first in time for a triple play. I know that play looked good even though all I was doing was defending myself.
I got back up as first at bat for the bottom of sixth. They had a new pitcher that sprayed nothing but really fast rocket fastballs. I said sprayed as they went everywhere. He threw three straight balls, and then it looked like he changed his position on the rubber. This one came straight down the middle. My swing was about a week late. I could have used the post office. I watched the pitcher set up exactly the same and was ready. I started my swing and actually pulled the ball again as it flew down the line going foul over the fence. I’m not a long ball hitter but that one went a mile. Full count. The pitcher went back to standing on the rubber like he had done in the beginning so I was wary that he couldn’t throw a strike from that position. I needed this hit but I also didn’t want to swing at a ball over my head on in the dirt. I was ready but thought that if it was close, I would try to at least foul it. The ball was outside. So far outside it almost went into our dugout. If nothing else, that was a good walk even if it didn’t count as a hit. I watched the guy’s feet while leading off on first and saw he was in his control stance. Three straight strikes that the batter didn’t even come close to. Between batters I told the first base coach what I saw about the differences in how the pitcher would stand on the rubber. He told me to go down on a knee and to hold my ankle. While the trainer was looking at my ankle the first base coach waved the manager and third base coach over to the new batter. The manager sent in my next inning replacement to run for me and I walked back to the dugout to look for splinters.
Our batter, who was usually a good hitter, took a first pitch fast ball down the middle. Then you could see him get ready, the pitcher went to his control position and let fly. Home run. The big bat hit the fastball hard and it flew out of the park. The next batter got up and saw the pitcher go into his control stance. He brought one down the middle at top speed. Then he changed his stance. You could see the third base coach holding the batter. Ball. The next two pitches were the same then the pitcher changed back to his control stance. The batter was able to foul off that pitch and the next two. The pitcher changed his stance again and the third base coach gave a hold sign to the surprised batter. Ball four and a walk. The manager/head coach came to me and said, “That was damn observant of you to pick up on that guys stance. That’s good baseball.”
The third short stop got two at bats in the seventh and eighth inning, getting two nice hits, but he didn’t have much activity defensively. I kind of thought we were all pretty even, so in my mind I could be sent back to the second team without feeling bad.
After the game the manager gave praise for having cleaned the other teams clock. He said we had beaten them offensively and defensively. He even made mention of my noticing how the rocket pitcher stood on the mound and had sense enough to tell someone. Point for me.
I was told that I would be traveling to the tournament. That made me happy, as I might get in a game anyway.
At supper I made arrangements for Delta, Cherry, and Misty to turn in my class work and to advise the Profs I would probably not be back until Tuesday because of travel. We all went to the library and worked hard getting papers completed. I was able to do Thursday’s assignments as well as Friday’s. I wish I knew what was going to be assigned for over the weekend. The only class I was concerned with was a stupid history class because the grad staff Prof. liked to assign papers to be turned in on Monday. Trish said she knew the Prof. and went up to the library office and called him. I listened to her explaining what she needed to know and why. Trish was sweet-talking the guy about how mean he was to assign so much for the weekends. She finally hung up with a smile. “Not only is there no paper for Monday, but no assignment at all. How’s that for working a guy?”
“My heroine,” I said giving her hug while walking back to our group.
Friday morning I ate with the hordes, gave a hug and kisses to Misty, Cherry, Delta, and finally Trish. I was standing at the dining hall door shaking my head in wonder but smiling when Adrian came up.
“Should I ask for a kiss, too?” he said while punching me on the arm. “You have so many babes hanging on you that you’ll never have time for my Sis when she comes back.”
I grinned at Adrian and just said, “I’ll make time.”
He left, and I went to the dorm for my travel bag, and then went to the baseball offices to get on the bus.
Eleven long hours later, we pulled into the campus at Wichita. The folks led us into the dining hall and fed us a late supper before herding us into a wing of a dorm with a couple dozen rooms ready for visiting teams. The next morning we had an early breakfast before dressing to warm up for the first game at ten. The infield coach came to me and asked if I would be upset if I didn’t start. I told him that was a silly question as I was a freshman and would willingly ride the pine until it was my chance. He slapped me on the back and said, “Stay ready, now go get some batting practice.”
The water, crisp, the scent of the lake stirring in the wind. Waiting for that special some one, the sun high in the sky clouds rolling in. It was supposed to be like any other day. A day by the waters edge, love growing stronger. A simple kiss to put ones emotions aflutter. A silent greeting, a hug hello, skin on skin. The embrace of lovers. Sitting down by the waters edge, staring into the eyes of the one you couldn’t live with out. Never saying a word but always knowing what the other would...
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“How did you get into doing porn?”I kind of shrug, feeling puzzled. To tell the absolute truth, I hadn’t a clue. I turned over to my boyfriend, and asked if he knew how we started. Another shrug. Although we were incredibly open with each other sexually, and we’d only started letting the world into our bedroom a mere week earlier, neither could say how it happened. It just sort of did. Our biggest kink was knowing people were watching us fuck. We squealed as our video views hit 10,000, then...
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Hi I am yash currently working in banglore I am at 26 and my tool size is 5.5 having good structure .. Girls love to have me on bed. You can reach me on Let me tell you one of my recent incident got happen in banglore. One fine sunday I was logged into face book and viewing all my friends recent activity and seeing some beautiful l girls profiles .. Suddenly I got a message from one my childhood friend yashika(name changed) we both studied 8th 10th standard together after she move to some...
Not every hottie knows how to properly tug on our tool, and sometimes that is all we want to see. Right? Well, the best place to find proper handjob vides is probably on premium websites. But, I am well aware that some of you cheap fucks prefer free content, which is why I am here to talk about the Handjob category on you ever heard about xHamster? I mean, there is no way that you have not stumbled upon this site at least once during your dirty browsing time… is a...
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As Alex lay awake in the darkness, he thought about his life. He thought about the paradoxical nature of his world, how it seemed so complicated and at the same time so simple.He lay in the darkness on the living room sofa, his bed for the past four years, while twenty-five feet to the east, his ex-wife occupied the former marital bed. She could spread out her arms and roll over in her sleep, but Alex was limited to barely stretching out his full height and keeping his arms tight to his body on...
MasturbationAs soon as I reached Philadelphia the next morning I exchanged my ticket from coach to a small compartment. Many men were annoying me and one even grabbed my ankle as I slept. He ended up with a black eye as I kicked him in the face due to him being so aggressive toward me. One other man even asked me to accompany him to Chicago and be his whore. I was so angry that if I had Papa's revolver I would have shot him right then and there. At least one woman overheard the offer and she gave him...
IntroductionThis story follows on directly from , which I urge you to read first to make any sense of this perversion. Iqra wishes to deny she has approved any use of her name in this or the previous episode, but I am hoping that Mistress Susanna and Mistress Nuri give their approval before publication..At SchoolThe headmistress announced that this week's Muslim Sex Ed Class was going to be a rather different affair for Iqra,...
Hi friends mai Viraj apni dusri story leke apke samne hajir hun ye story hai ki kaise maine anju aur hamari naukrani ko choda ye mai aapko batane jar ha hun. Toh dosto meri pehli story didi ki kamuk jethani ko choda se achi feedback mili toh ye dusri pesh kr rha hun toh dosto anju ko toh aap jante hi hai meri lund ki diwani ban gyi hai jb bhi mauka mile hath se chutne nhi deti Toh baat un dino ki hai jb hamri chodne ki dastan suru hui thi and mai ghar pe hi tha toh hua yun hamari ghar mai jo...
Errol pulled his Volvo into a small roadside park on the outskirts of Skylar, Montana. He'd been in the saddle for over five hundred miles and he just couldn't manage another one. Twice in the last half hour, he'd snapped awake when his tires drifted off the road and onto the shoulder, making a god-awful racket as loose gravel peppered the undercarriage and fender wells. He knew if he didn't stop soon, he'd likely wind up a highway statistic. There were no other cars, but there was a...
Chapter 1 We had been flirting on and off online for days. I asked if she wanted to come over and play. She told me she would have to check. When I got back online, there was a note saying she could. I sent her directions. It didn't take her long to get to the house. Her hair was still damp from her shower that she took before she left her house. After a short tour of the house, we headed into one of the spare bedrooms. I pulled her close and kissed her deep. Our lips met, tongues touching....
Hi, this is between me and my loving sister who is now my wife. We are from India. Many might think this story not only as i****t but also something very sick. But let me tell you that this is my real life story and I am not only living with it, rather enjoying every bit of it.Currently I am 28 and she is 26. We have been having sex since 4 years now. It was very difficult to achieve this. It took me years to make her fall in love with me. Today I am recounting all this, because we got married...
27 A night out 24 Jan 2015 Thursday, message while at work telling me to be in a certain pub at 8.30 on Saturday night, and to tell hubby I would be out with my master.I replied ‘yes sir’ and noted that there was no request for special clothing, sometimes there is, and no answer or acknowledgement, so on returns home I told Andy my hubby and he just accepted it would happen ...again.Saturday afternoon came and after tea Andy came to the bathroom, as I showered, washing my back, having...
I left the western country dancing place after Ana and her group. At the parking lot I heard Charlie saying they could go to his place.They climbed onto the cars. Ana sat down close to the Latin man…I saw them leaving and then I went back home. I took a warm shower as I jerked my hard cock under the running water. Soon I passed out on the couch, as I was trying to watch some TV…Two hours later I was awaken, as I heard a car was parking at the front. I opened the door and found a nice surprise:...
Hi readers, I have been reading all the stories in this since long time. Today I thought to share my real life experience that took place in my life. Well I am Vicky from Bangalore residing here since 5year. Working in MNC. I stay in one of the prestigious apartment. I am 26 old and single looks pretty good looking guy. Coming to the story, I stay in 4th floor in the apartment next to my house recently a new family shifted. They are totally 3 people in the house, Mr Rakesh, his wife and a son,...
"Gate, please ask the delivery man to pull into the garage," Dani said to the gate ground. "Acknowledged, House 1-actual. Gate out." "House 1 actual out." Dani was thankful that Mike had told the gate guard and her what the new van looked like when that very special cargo arrived. Dani then made a beeline for the garage. In the five hours that Dani had been waiting, she spent most of it setting up the two rooms in need. Three beds had been ordered, delivered and set up. Two gender...
I guess i always fantasized about sharing my wife with other fitter and bigger guys but never had the courage to ask my wife to tryMe (Tom) and my wife Lisa had been married for 24 good years and as Lisa was coming up to 50 i wanted to treat her to something special a party or holiday somewhere near and hot and relaxing, so I decided to ring my daughter who was at uni, so I rang my daughter Kelly she 22 often speaks to her mother she would know what she would want, as Kelly answered all I could...
On a cold February day, I went to visit a friend. I went with a letter in my hand, words I wanted her to read. What follows is that letter. The words in italics are the words I spoke to her as she read. I read my copy of the letter at the same time. I am a dreamer. And a writer. This combination can either work, or it can be incredibly volatile. Why am I telling you this? I need to clear my mind of thoughts, and I need to do this in order to move on. Again you are asking why I am writing to...
Wife LoversThe next morning, I wake up to a morning blowjob from Dahlia. Thankfully, she is content to keep it to just morning head. It is the first morning where we go on a longer bike ride to school and shower before class. During the morning break, I track down Elsa. I find her wandering the halls wasting time. Trying to catch up to her, I shout out her name, and she turns to face me, greeting, “Hey Trent, I still haven’t decided if I want to accept your help yet.” “That isn’t why I wanted to talk...
Mom was in the kitchen in a very revealing suit - a mini skirt that opened up a great view of her cute slender legs and a short blouse with an extensive cleavage. "Hi, mom!" "Hey, son!" I came up behind her and gave her a little hug. She immediately responded to my caresses, rising on tiptoe and leaning her hands on the sturdy kitchen table. With impatient hands, I reached under her skirt, found a funny little pair of panties, and pulled them down. Mom slowly moved her hips, letting her...
Chapter 6: A week had passed since the last event. It was a Saturday. That evening, Amy, Trudy, and Anissa went outside. They told the guys that they had some things to do. They all returned after 2 hours. When they were home, they immediately got naked and stood in front of Ryan and Alex. Both were surprised and were staring at their abdomens. Amy, Trudy, and Anissa had inked their abdomen, just above their pussy. Amy had tattooed ‘AR’s Slut’, Trudy had tattooed ‘AR’s Cunt’, and Anissa had...
IncestCynthia was mostly described by her friends and her teachers as "The best little girl you ever did see!" She was probably the brightest 16 year old student the New Delhi Girl's Academy ever had under their tutorledge. Her Father was a recently retired Colonel in the employ of the Golden Star Trading Company headquartered in Calcutta and Istanbul. Her Mother was unfortunately a victim of the typhoid epidemic that swept the coastal regions of India almost a decade prior. In less than a year,...
The bracketing commercials shown at the beginning of a show and that book case the interior 'skits and mini shows' has as it's start a commercial showing someone moving boxes out in the garage and getting stuff down from the high shelves and one of the things that comes down is a guitar case covered with dust. A brief flashback to the night before with his two buddies, both in their early forties, seeing a commercial on TV for 'you got what it takes to be a One Hit Wonder?' and a pitch for...
Written in first person. I have a secret. I’ve had it since I was a teenager. Around a couple times a month I’d wake up all excited from it. Wet, usually with my hand in my pussy. I would just stare at the ceiling as I cooled down. It was always the same, a large faceless man with an enormous cock was taking me for breeding. I still have this secret, thought I have started to live it. . About me, early thirties, c***d free, married to my soul mate Ted for close to 5 years now. Almost 5’10”,...
The next day Alan came to finish off the wardrobes. I was pleased with them; they were as I wanted them. I gave Alan his money, which was next to nothing considering the lovely job he'd done. But then I'd done a lovely job on him, so we were even. We had a shag before he went, but before he could take me up the arse, his phone rang calling him to another job. After cleaning up and dressing, we went down stairs, but before I opened the door for that last time, I felt a pang of guilt that he...
Discovering Erica by TGTrinity based on story idea by dgenerateaaron CHAPTER 1: "The Curse" "Aaron, why are you so cold? You should loosen up or something. We're here to have a fucking good time, bro." The question fell on indifferent ears. "It's seven, what fun can there be? This place is full of sad lonely people right now," Aaron replied to his brother. It was the same bar he and his brother had visited sine before they were even legally allowed to drink. Exposed brick...
I and my brother are twins, aged 18. Our dad left for gulf about four years back and we now stay with our mom, who is 40 years. Dad returns only once in a year for a period of one month. We have many times observed that our mom feels lonely after dad had moved to gulf and one of us always try to keep her company for last four years.One afternoon, after we returned from college, mom insisted that both of us go out for a movie, have dinner outside and enjoy. She said that since we have been bound...
IncestRonald: “Damn man! It’s only 9:30 in the morning and you drinking again?” Herbie: “Fuck you man!” Ronald was the biggest man in their crew. He stood 6’7” and weighed 297 lbs. and had the muscular frame of a football player. He was never any good at any sports though so his size was kind of wasted. Herbie: “Where the fuck you mother fuckers been anyway?” Ronald: “Shit mother-fucker! Everyone was probably sleeping just like your fat monkey ass probably was!” Ronald and Herbie...
Brad's cock stirred in Pavlovian response to the sound of gravel crunching in the driveway. His mother was home from her early-morning aerobic workout, same thing, every day. He heard the key in the door, heard her drop her things, felt her stop at the hallway mirror and adjust her shoulder length blonde hair and look at her sweaty self, a 50-year-old body that a 30-year-old would be proud to have, a pretty face, winning smile, big brown eyes, high, perky tits firm and proud, a rather tight...
Our plane touched down at LaGuardia. We were finally taking that long weekend away that we had been promising ourselves. We found our driver and he began putting our luggage in the trunk. “ The Plaza, Mr. Hall?” the driver asked. “Yes,” I answered. It was a beautiful late summer day in New York and the relatively short drive to the hotel was smooth. Our driver pulled up to The Plaza and the staff responsively retrieved our luggage and went inside. I tipped the driver, and then Kelly and I...
After high school I got a job at an older hotel in downtown Rochester. Built in 1920, it had once been a pretty posh place with a penthouse, restaurant and lavish lobby furnished in reds and golds and warm oak trim. By the ‘70s it was mostly patients for the Mayo Clinic. As such, working third shift was pretty easy. At 11:00 p.m. the bellhop left and pretty much everyone was in bed so I had the place to myself ‘til morning. Of course, that also meant that anything anyone needed was my job too....
November had arrived once again. The long days of summer were now firmly in the past. I contemplated such situation as I walked home from work. I changed my route recently to walk passed a ballet studio. There was a vision of beauty training on her own in that studio. Long legs, supple body and blonde hair tied up in a bun showing her sensuous neck. I loved to walk by the window and take a quick look as she practised. There was never anyone else there and the curtain was always open. I always...
Ely is excited! The school is finished and Ely is leaving for the travel of her life: the whole summer around Europe. What about me? I met Ely during my trip around Europe. I spent some days with Ely and she told my her story. Before telling you the story of this trip let me introduce Ely. Ely has just turn 18 and she is an Italian girl with long blond hairs. She is not a model but she is cute, very cute. Ely is average tall and her body is athletic with many curves on the right places. She...
David looked at his wife Diane and said, “After this morning do you really think walking around naked is really that big of a deal?”“Yes, I do! Look, I never told you about Anne and I. When I wasn’t even a teen and was just figuring out that there was more down below than a pee hole, I used her. And yes, I do mean I used her. She became my sex slave in a lot of ways. I made her finger me and suck on my clit. I did all kinds of things to her, including giving her orgasms in the back of the car...