Becoming Daddy's Good GirlChapter 6: Good Girl’s Naughty Bath free porn video

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I trembled as I faced my mother. She stood in the entrance to the house, her arms folded beneath her breasts, her long hair gathered in a braid that was a twin for mine. She wore her typical, conservative dress, looking like a fifty’s housewife.

I was naked. My fourteen-year-old body was covered in the silvery streaks of dried cum. Daddy stood behind me. We had just returned from the private dungeon owned by one of Daddy’s friends. There—before a dozen other Master’s and their slave girls of various ages, including a few my age—I had been flogged, canned, and spanked before every man there fucked me and came on me.

It was all to prove I was Daddy’s good girl. In the two weeks since Mom had left to take care of her aging parents, I had fulfilled all her roles in the house. I cooked all the meals, kept the house clean, and performed her wifely duties.

I fucked Daddy and I loved it.

I was his sex slave now. I proved it today. I was good and finally had earned the right to wear a choker, my slave collar. I was supposed to get it when we returned home. But all my joy had evaporated when I saw Mom.

She was home a week early.

She knew Daddy was my lover.

She would be furious. I was underage. It was incest. It was cheating. She would be furious with Daddy. She would call the police and file for divorce and everything would be ruined. Why couldn’t she just stay with Grandma and Grandpa and my stupid sister Alice. Why did she have to come back?

Tears beaded my eyes. I trembled. I should say something, anything, but what could I say?

“Well, that’s it?” Mom asked, arching an eyebrow. “That’s how you greet your mother after not seeing her for two weeks?”

I blinked then my jaw dropped.

“I thought I raised you better than that,” she said.

“So did I,” rumbled Daddy.

I glanced back at him. He wore a pair of blue jeans and a leather vest that left his bare chest half-exposed. He was muscular and covered in barbwire tattoos. Fiery tattoos covered his arms like sleeves, and a naked woman, kneeling, a collar about her throat adorned his arm. He was so sexy and handsome. I loved him so much.

And there was disappointment in his eyes.

I swallowed. “I-it’s nice to see you, Mom.”

“No hug? No kiss on the cheek?” My mom shook her head. “I’m sorry, Sir, for not raising her better.”

“You’ve done a fine job,” Daddy answered. Then he gave my ass a smack.

I yelped. My ass was a mass of bruises from being spanked and caned. My entire back hurt from the flogging. I took a step forward, trembling, then swallowed and approached my mom. I glanced at her, biting my lip, afraid she would turn into a monster, that this apparent acceptance was all a ruse to trick me.

I hugged her, stood on my toes, and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek. Her arms went around me, resting on my lower back. When I tried to break away, she wouldn’t let go. I squirmed, swallowing, wondering what she would do to me.

“I think you can give me a better kiss than that, all things considered.” She had a wicked smile on her lips that definitely was at odds with her fifty’s housewife look. “I mean, you’ve sucked your daddy’s cock after all.”

“Mom,” I gasped and blushed. Hearing her say it was so embarrassing. I squirmed in her arms.

“I heard you and Sun enjoying his cock last weekend.” She gave a wicked giggle. “Mmm, it was so hot fingering my cunt while hearing you suck and bob on his dick. And it was such naughty sounds the two of you made.”

That was last Saturday. Sun, my best friend and now lover, had spent the night. Daddy showed us his dungeon Friday night then on Saturday, he took us to the mall were he teased us with vibrators and fucked me in the ass in public. But before we went shopping, we sucked his cock while he had phone sex with Mom.

“I can’t believe you heard us,” I groaned, even more embarrassed.

“Oh, you blush prettily. Now give your mom a proper kiss.”

Before I could move, her lips bent down and seized mine. I stiffened. Her lips were so soft yet hungry. Her hands tightened on my burning back, pulling my naked, cum-stained body close to hers. She moaned, her tongue brushing my lips. I squirmed more, so aware that Daddy watched us.

My pussy boiled with excitement. My arms tightened about my mom and I kissed her back. Our tongues met. My eyes closed. I became so aware of the swell of her large breasts through her blouse. I sighed, my pussy growing hotter and hotter, my hips undulating, pressing against her.

And then she broke the kiss. “Ooh, that’s more like it.” She pressed her forehead against mine, the tips of our noses brushing. “I missed you. I’m so glad you took care of your daddy while I was gone. I’m so proud of you, Melody.”

“You are?”

“She needs a bath, slave,” Daddy said, walking up beside us. Mom broke away and then threw her arms around Daddy’s neck and kissed him.

My eyes widened at the passion of it. Mom melted against Daddy. She clung to him like I did, with all the desperate desire of a schoolgirl. And Daddy responded. He kissed her hard. His hands seized her ass, squeezing it like it was his property.

It was. Mom was his slave. She wore a choker around her neck, a heart-shaped pendant dangling from it. She had worn it every day that I could remember. Sometimes I wondered if she took it off to sleep. It was the symbol of her submission.

And soon I would get my own.

Disappointment soured through me. I hoped I would be Daddy’s new slave, replacing Mom, but it was clear that he loved her so much. I blinked away tears as they kept kissing and kissing and kissing, Mom grinding on him like a wanton whore in heat.

Finally, the broke the kiss. Mom panted. “Two weeks. I missed you so much, Sir. So much.”

“I know.” He stroked her braid—Daddy liked braids, he used mine as a leash. “I missed you, slave.”

“Even with Melody here?” Mom had a mischievous smile on her lips.

“Even with Melody.” He glanced at me. “Though she was such a sweet distraction.”

That was it? Just a distraction? I squirmed, fighting tears.

“Oh, don’t say it like that,” Mom said. “Look at her, you’re breaking her heart. You loved every second of her submission, didn’t you, Sir?”

“Careful,” Daddy said, his voice stern.

“Sir,” she said, her voice tight. “Show your daughter how much you love her and how much her submission has meant to you.”

“Are you giving me an order, slave?”

She flashed a sweet smile. “Never, Sir, just wifely advice. But if you felt I went too far, I will go fetch the belt or cane or paddle and you can discipline me right now.”

Daddy groaned then broke away. He walked over to me and lifted my chin, staring into my eyes. “I love your mother.”

I nodded my head, tears built in the corners of my eyes, crested, then fell down my cheeks.

“But that doesn’t me I don’t love you as much.” His strong thumb brushed away my tear. “Watching you obey, watching you transform into my good girl has been wonderful. I cherished every second of it. So don’t cry. And don’t think it ends. You and your mother will both serve me from now on.”

“Together,” Mom said, her voice as excited as a teenager’s. “I’ve been dreaming of this since I delivered you and Alice.”

“Alice, too?” I gasped. “But she’s so...”

“Bad?” Daddy grinned. “We’ll straighten her out.”

Then he kissed me. And it was as wonderful as the kiss he shared with mom. I could tell. Just as much passion. I trembled in his arms. He held me. So strong. His lips were rough, the opposite of Mom’s. I closed my eyes and let myself get lost to his love.

Daddy still loved me. I was still his good girl.

Daddy broke the kiss, a hint of a smile on his lips. “June, I believe I commanded you to bathe my new slave.”

“You did, Sir. And it was horrible of me to delay.” Mom took my hand. “Come on, sweetie. You are covered in cum. Lucky slut.”

I blushed again. It was so weird. I let Mom lead me away from Daddy. I threw a look over my shoulder at him. He watched us both, his cock straining his jeans. He wanted this. Mother and daughter sharing incestuous passion and serving him.

What a wicked Daddy.

My pussy grew hotter, juices trickling down my thighs, as Mom led me by the hand upstairs to the Master Bathroom. I had come to think of it as mine, just like the Master Bedroom. She nodded in approval when she saw how clean it was.

“Boy, Daddy really spanked you hard,” she said in the bathroom. She admired my ass. “What a delicious shade. Purple and red. I bet it hurts.”

“So much.”

“And you love it, right?”

I nodded my head. “It reminds me that I was his good girl and submitted.”

“And you’re a masochist just like your mom.” She smiled. “Two weeks and not spanked once. It’s been torture. And your sister...”

“Where is Alice?”

“At Donna’s. She’s spending the night. Out of our hair.” My mom paused. “We’ll need your help to break her in. I know she wants it, no girl gets in that much trouble when she knows her daddy will spank her if she doesn’t get off on it.”

I blushed, understanding.

“But that’s for later,” she said. She let out a purr. “Mmm, but you have a tight, little body. And these breasts.” I gasped as Mom cupped my round, naked tits. She squeezed them then her thumbs brushed my hard nipples. I shivered at the sensations. “Teenage firm. I bet your daddy loved them.”

“He did ... does, Mom.” I squirmed. “It’s so weird to hear you say this stuff.”

“Because you thought I’m your stuffy mom.” She winked at me. “Just because I dressed like this? I know, it’s so conservative. I look like the type of woman that wouldn’t know what to do with a cock.” I giggled.

“Which is why your Daddy make me dress like this. It makes him so hard because he knows I’m wearing the sluttiest underwear on beneath. Because I am his whore. I’ll do anything for him. I’ve fucked so many men while he watched, pleasing them to make him happy. He’s even prostituted me.”

“Men paid Daddy to have sex with you?”

“And I came so hard as he sold me.” She shivered and squeezed my tits. “Ooh, let’s get you bathed and we’ll talk. No more secrets.”

Mom turned on the faucet, kneeling by the bath like she had when I was a child, sticking her hand underneath it, making sure the water was just the right temperature before she put in the stopper. The water filled and she grabbed the bottle of pink bubbles.

It should have been in the other upstairs bath. The one I normally used.

“You were expecting to bathe me?” I blinked.

“Sweetie, your Daddy and I worked this out before I left. Right down to me catching you coming back from the dungeon. He thought it would be funny if it was a surprise. I wanted to tell you right after he seduced you, but he likes his little jokes.”

“He does?” I had trouble believing that. Daddy was always so ... remote. Strong. Authoritative. He sometimes didn’t seem like a real person but a force of nature. A sexy, dominating presence demanding my submission and giving me such ecstasy.

“Yes.” she swirled her hand through the water as it filled, the pink bubbles spreading, the bubblegum flavor brushing my nose. “Now hop in, and I’m going to wash every inch of your body.”

The way she said it sent an excited flutter through me. There was no denying the sexual nature of her words. “Yes ... Mommy.”

She smiled. “Mommy. You haven’t called me that in years. I love it. Now get your cute keister in the bath. Daddy wants you scrubbed clean.”

I did. I groaned as I sank in. The warm water rose up my thighs and then engulfed my sore ass. I it was heavenly. I knelt in the water then leaned back. She shut it off, the water only filling up to just above my waist, leaving my stomach and breasts dry. I sighed again, my bruised ass drinking in the warmth.

While Mommy stripped.

I watched her, suddenly eager to see what she looked like. I had caught glimpses of her naked body before. I even once saw Daddy spank her in their bedroom, the door cracked open. She had such a beautiful ass. But this was different.

She was stripping for me. She worked down the buttons of her blouse. It was so frumpy and boring. And then I smiled as her bra came into view, bright red and covered in frilly lace. The fabric was mesh, her nipples poking through hard. It was a whore’s bra.

A slave’s bra.

She smiled as she unzipped her skirt. “You like Mommy’s bra?”

I nodded my head. “It’s so wicked.”

“I love wearing it around people. They have no idea.” Her skirt fell off. She wore a thong, the waistband matching lace to the bra, the cloth diving down the front of her shaved pussy also mesh, her clit and engorged pussy lips pressing against it.

“You’re wet.”

“Well, I have a sexy daughter to bathe,” she smiled then unfastened her bra. It clasped in the front. Her large breasts spilled out, nipples hard. I groaned and squirmed, pressing my thighs together as I admired them. I had sucked on Sun’s small tits. Now I wanted Mom’s.

She knelt beside the tub, only in her thong, and grabbed the loofah. She squirted body wash into the pink sponge and worked it into a froth. Then she reached into the bath and pulled out my right leg, lifting it up.

I shuddered as she ran the sponge up and down my calf, washing away the remaining traces of cum. I groaned, shivers running up my leg to my pussy as she washed me. Her eyes burned as she stared at me.

“So you always knew you wanted me and Alice to be Daddy’s sex slaves?”

She nodded. “Just like I was your Grandpa’s sex slave.”

My eyes widened. “What?”

Mom smiled, the sponge washing farther down my leg to my thigh. “Yes, your Grandfather, my Daddy, was such a handsome man when I was younger. It’s such a shame his health is failing. He took my cherry while Grandma held my legs apart. Ooh, that was amazing. You know that feeling.”

My pussy clenched as I remembered Daddy taking my cherry in the changing room. “Yes.”

“I was his sex slave. He took me to dungeons. It’s where I met your Daddy. He was just getting into the lifestyle and, well, we had a lot of fun playing together.”

The sponge washed farther down my thigh. My pussy tingled, my toes curling. I wanted her to wash my dirty cunt.

“So you stopped being your Daddy’s good girl?” I asked, shocked.

“I did. Because I fell in love with Mark. Your Daddy.” Her smile was radiant. “So Grandpa sold me to Daddy as part of our wedding ceremony. When he gave away the bride, it was quite literal. That’s where your Daddy gave me this choker.” She touched the heart-shaped locket about her neck.

“How could you?” I asked. It ... offended me that she would stop being her Daddy’s good girl. “I would never stop being Daddy’s girl.”

Mommy laughed. “Oh, we’ll see. When you meet that special Dom that makes your heart flutter, you might change your mind.”

“Never,” I said, shaking my head.

She just gave me a smile. Then she slid the sponge up my leg, away from my pussy. I moaned in disappointment then gasped as her tongue licked at the sole of my foot to my toes. I groaned, shuddering as her tongue swirled around my toes then she sucked on them, her cheeks hollowing.

Funny sensations washed down my thighs to my pussy. I gasped, my cunt clenching. It was ... so different. Almost ticklish, but so exciting. I leaned back, letting Mommy worship my toes, sucking them clean while she stroked my calf with her fingernails, lightly scratching.

“Mommy, yes,” I sighed.

She popped her mouth off my big toe. “Like that, slut.”

“Yes, Mommy.”

“Good. I’m so glad you’re as much a slut as your mother.”

As she sucked my toe back into her mouth, I moaned, “Me, too, Mommy. Daddy’s slut.” Always. I would never give him up. I would be his good girl forever.

The sucking on my toe made my head swim. I groaned, my eyes fluttering. I squirmed as she worked her way from toe to toe, each one making me more and more excited. The water splashed and the bubbles washed against my stomach as I squirmed.

Then she switched foots, stroking and cleaning with the sponge while her tongue swirled and her lips nibbled. My breasts heaved as my excitement grew. The sponge crept down my thigh, washing in circles, nearing my pussy.

“Please,” I moaned as she neared my pussy, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked my toe. “Please, wash my dirty cunt.”

Her mouth popped off. “Such a dirty cunt. How many dicks fuck you?”

“I don’t remember. A lot. A Black Master fucked me up the ass. His cock was huge.”

“That would be Master Rex. And did he have Tiffany, his White slave, with him?”

I nodded my head. “She lubed his cock.”

“Mmm, you are making Mommy’s cunt so wet picturing that big, Black dick reaming your tiny, White ass.” Her hand slid the sponge up my thigh to my stomach. She leaned over, her tits resting on the lip of the bathtub. “And did you cum?”

“So hard, Mommy,” I moaned. “Like when Daddy fucks me. I kept cumming and cumming.”

The sponge washed circles across my stomach, cleaning off the dried cum staining my flesh. I groaned and squirmed, my poor pussy begging for attention. Everywhere the sponge touched me sent rippling tingles across my skin, ending at my clit and making it ache more and more.

Mom purred as she washed the sponge higher. “They drenched your tits. They really liked cumming on them.”

“And my ass,” I moaned as the sponge grazed the bottom swell of my breasts.

“I can’t blame them. You have your mother’s ass.”

I giggled with her. The jealousy I felt earlier was gone. I was glad we were both able to talk to free, to share our kinky desires. There were no barriers between us. We could talk about anything. How many other mothers and daughters could say that? How many mothers were afraid to admit all the naughty things they’ve done in their bedroom, ashamed of what they did? How many daughters were terrified that their mothers would judge them for the new desires raging through their maturing bodies?

“I love you, Mommy,” I said.

She paused then a huge smile crossed her lips. “Love you, too, sweetie.”

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Daddys little bitch part 1

Introduction: comment and let me know what you think To tell you abit about myself and my life, it is just me and my dad that live together as my bitch of a mother left us to start a new life with my dads brother, my uncle. I am a 12 years old boy, but im not like most young boys from as early as the age of 5 i have always wondered what it would be like to be a girl. So from when i was around 10 i would try on my mothers clothes and after a while of doing this i decided to take a pair of...

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True Life Sissy Daddys Mad and Im in troub

Hello. I'm Tiffany. That's me in the picture, hiding in a bathroom stall, heart pounding, after being abandoned in a porn theater parking lot in just those crotchless panties. I an evolved Sissy. It was younger days I had forced feminization fantasies or got arousal telling others to call me a sissy. Now there is no forcing and I proudly call myself a a pink panty wearing sissy, because it is exactly who I am. My entire life had always been devoted to femininity to the excess. I have learned to...

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Daddys Boy part 3

Introduction: Father finds not just his son is a slut DADDYS BOY PART 3 By Depraved Fucker It was a miserable drive back to the city although Justin was back to his usual perky self as if my fat ugly brother had filled him with joie de vivre instead of puddles of incest cum. I suppose I should explain at this point. Sure, Im a pervert who loves fucking cunt and female ass, the younger the better, and had been known on occasion to fuck boycunt if there was none of the real thing around, but it...

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Daddys Boy Part 2

Introduction: Uncle fucks his nephew DADDYS BOY PART 2 By Depraved Pervert DADDYS BOY PART 2 For the next week I convinced myself my son was the innocent victim of a mob of gym perverts. I mulled over ways of getting even with my mate Laurie and his gym buddies whod betrayed me, all the while jerking off to the memory of my sons gang fuck at their hands. I wondered how long it had been going on. I had no choice but to allow Justin to keep going to the gym in the afternoon until I could find...

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Daddys heimliche Geliebte

Daddys heimliche Geliebte Meine Mutter vermutete seit Jahren, dass mein Vater sie mit einem, wie sie es nannte, billigen Flittchen betrog. Sie meckerte ständig darüber, dass er es im Bett nicht mehr brachte. Mangelnde Aufmerksamkeit, darüber konnte ich (19 J) mich wirklich nicht beklagen. Während sie ihren Schwestern brühwarm erzählte, dass es der alte Bock nicht mehr brachte, fickte er mich im Fahrradschuppen hinter dem Haus. Ich bekam jede Menge Aufmerksamkeit, selbst wenn ich nicht willig...

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Leelus Family HistoryDaddys Story

Leelu lay in her bed for hours after her mother told her about her punishment. Soon she fell asleep and started having her special dreams, as she called them. They always started the same way. She is in the bathtub and her mommy and daddy are washing her. Every Friday night is bath night at her house. Her parents have her get in the tub and they fill it with bubbles. They kneel there and soap her up, wash her hair and rub her everywhere. They make sure to clean her butt and pussy really well....

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Daddys time alone

She loved to sit on her daddys lap and now that she was older it was a turn on for her daddy. Today she wore a tank top with no bra and short shorts. Her dad was reading the paper and she came in a sat on his lap. She put her arms around him and kissed his cheek. He in turn kissed her cheek. He noticed her big tits in the tight tank top and it made him so horny. He had a very sexy daughter and as he looked at her his cock got hard. She could feel his cock and wiggled knowing it would make daddy...

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Daddys reawakening Chap 13

Introduction: Wow its been a while. Work got the best of me, and I havent really had time to write. I promise there will be more to come, but they will be infrequent. —– This story is pure fiction. All characters depicted are 18+.. Chapter 13 – Aunt Jackies friend My weekend with Shannon had been amazing. We engaged in all sorts of exciting sexual exploits, but after she was called in to a late night meeting Sunday, I decided to head home. I wasnt expected back until after work Monday, I had...

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Im my Daddys Sex Slave

   I felt so sorry for my dad, He just turned 40 and he was all alone since my mom died almost 12 years ago.  I was his only daughter and I just turned 19 and I looked just like her which must have tormented him.  I didn't mind taking care of him, after all he was my dad.  He did most of the cleaning and cooking, laundry and housework, so it wasn't like he couldn't take care of himself.   It was a more....personal lonliness that was eating him up.   I knew him and mom had a sort of kinky...

3 years ago
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Daddys Little Girl Part 5

Introduction: Father and Daughter Romance Chapter Ten Joseph slammed his car door as he got out. Lindsey was on his exs porch, crying as Brian held her. David was sitting in the back of police squad car. Instead of rushing to his little girl, he went for the car. An officer jumped in his way, but Joseph wanted to get to that stupid son of a bitch. You sorry prick! Get out here and face me! If you ever touch my baby girl again, I will rip your limp ass dick straight off and shove it down your...

1 year ago
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Daddys Little Minx Maria

First story — remember, this is FANTASY. ——————————————————– Marias fingers reluctantly hitched under her panties and she slowly pulled them off. I could barely restrain myself from grabbing her right there and fucking her tight pussy. But I tried to relax and told myself, get a grip, old boy. Easier said than done considering I had a raging erection that wanted, no needed, to be inside Marias wet slit. She looked at me innocently and spread her legs. Her finger flicked her little clit and I...

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Daddys baby girl

Introduction: DO NOT COMMENT IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING POSITIVE OR SUGGESTIVE TO SAY (as in any suggestions to help improve) My name is Kate, I am 16 years of age, 5 foot 3, slightly tanned skin and full 34D cup breasts with small nipples. I have straight, slightly waved blonde hair that falls just past my shoulders, my eyes are a pale blue with a hint of green flecks that are visible in the sun and full pink lips. My body is curved and my butt is round and makes my hips look a little wider, I...

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xdresser foxxiroxxi fucked by daddys poker buddies

Well its all my daddys fault he made me dress up like a slut everytime he had a poker night to serve drinks and give massages the cheap bastard would not pay a girl to do it so he made me do it. I cant really complain but as after the first couple of times the awkwedness went away and I started to enjoy it when I got compliments and started getting better tips . My daddy was getting a bit annoyed and tried to stop me doing it but the players insisted that I was to be there waiter. This is...

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Once upon a Daddys Pregnant Daughter Part 1

Introduction: A work in progress. Please Comment! The nights I lay here waiting for her to come are becoming harder and harder to bear. The softness of her skin and the warmth of her touch are as addicting as a narcotic drug. I have been subdued by her many times but for many reasons, I can never get enough. *************************************************** I am a simple man, carpenter by trade. I specialize in making furniture and especially beds. I never thought that the day I delivered a...

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Daddys Rules Daddys Consequences

I’m lying on my back in the cage. My legs are cuffed up and open, and Daddy is stroking his magnificent cock on the other side of the mesh. His face is a mixture of concentration and amusement. My eyes pinball from his eyes to Bestie, my pet name for Daddy’s dick, who is now leaking precum. My heart is racing, aroused at the sight of Daddy’s engorgement, but also from anxiety. My “number one” job is to clean Daddy’s dick when he leaks, and in my current state, I cannot perform my task. Daddy...

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daddys dream

add me on msn at [email protected] Im a 23 year-old single woman, an only child. I wish I could tell your readers how I look like Pamela Anderson but that would be a lie. Im tall and thin and have smallish boobs and narrow hips. My long brown hair is straight and dull. Im not ugly but Ive been described as plain. Ive had several boyfriends but never anything too serious. Im not a virgin by any means but Ive been discovering I enjoy women more then men of late but thats neither here or there. ...

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Daddys whore

I had always been fascinated by the feel of womens clothes against my skin, and today was no different. Mom was away on a business trip to Canada, and dad was away at work for the next couple of hours.I had always had an effeminate look to me, with me being 6’1” and thin as a twig at 19, I was scrawny. I had bought a black wig to go with the outfit that I had picked out. It was black 6” heels, black pantyhose, a black garter belt and panties, with a short black skirt and a little black tube...

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Becoming Daddys Good Girl 8 Good Girls Naughty Task

Chapter Eight: Good Girl's Naughty Task By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I wanted to scream and shout and moan as loud as I could as Daddy rammed his huge cock into my eightteen-year-old cunt. He had me pinned against the shower wall, the spray crashing into his back, a steamy mist wafting over me as I humped and wiggled and enjoyed every second of his dick slamming into my barely legal depths. My daddy fucked me. I was his good girl. His sex slave. My choker lay on the bathroom counter....

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Incestuous Tales of the Quarantine 3 Daddy Girls Naughty Quarantine Research

Story Three: Daddy Girl's Naughty Quarantine Research By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! It was a good thing our family had a big home, or we'd go insane in quarantine. There were Mom and Dad, Nancy and Clancy (they were twins), Renee, and then me. I was the youngest at eighteen. If we didn't have this big house, I'd think it would have started getting bad during quarantine. We all had to find things to do. Things that let us stay out of...

4 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 126 Goodnight Miho

"Itz ah shin I tellz ya!" Mihoshi continued to blubber. Directing her comments towards Kiyone's hind quarters, as her partner began hiking up the stairs. "Tooz womenz uh wan manz! Id juz wong! Unateral!" "Yes and you'd form a nice quartet in two shakes wouldn't you?" Key responded dryly. Shifting her 'fireman's carry enough to open the door to their room. "Dey needs da guidance!" Miho slurred. Straitening enough over key's shoulder to emphatically gesture. "Avz a...

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Naughty sunbathing

Michelle dropped her son off to play sports. He was proud of his Mum, but street cred issues meant not always hanging onto her with his mates around. Some his mates and several others at the club thought they would like to hang around with her however. As former cabin crew, she had poise, looks, and was definitely in the Milf category. Her daughter was playing nurse to Dad. She was off to a little place she had gone the previous Sunday with her husband, where they had sunbathed naked. Only...

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Becoming Daddys Good GirlChapter 8 Good Girlrsquos Naughty Task

I wanted to scream and shout and moan as loud as I could as Daddy rammed his huge cock into my fourteen-year-old cunt. He had me pinned against the shower wall, the spray crashing into his back, a steamy mist wafting over me as I humped and wiggled and enjoyed every second of his dick slamming into my underage depths. My daddy fucked me. I was his good girl. His sex slave. My choker lay on the bathroom counter. The only time I could take it off was in the shower. He gave it to me Saturday...

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The Mind Control Device Short Daddy Daughter Play Naughty Truth or Dare

Daddy & Daughter Play Naughty Truth or Dare By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Rosa and Natalie, eighteen-year-old virgins, are shopping with Rosa's father Hector when the mind-control device is activated. Wholesome Foods is about to be despoiled as Dean Michaels makes his second test of his creation. The two virgins are bout to lose their cherries. Neither will remember the moment when Hector rams his cock into his daughter Rosa and Dean...

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The Goode Lifebymrwizard67©PrologueI leaned back in my big comfortable easy chair, and looked down at the beautiful redhead who knelt between my legs. She gazed lovingly up at me with her big, emerald green eyes as her full ruby red lips encircled my throbbing erection. I sighed deeply as Missy took the entire length of my cock into her talented mouth."Oh god baby," I told the pretty eighteen-year-old, "you're a natural born cocksucker. I've known older women who can't suck cock half as well as...

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The Goode LIfe

Prologue I leaned back in my big comfortable easy chair, and looked down at the beautiful redhead who knelt between my legs. She gazed lovingly up at me with her big, emerald green eyes as her full ruby red lips encircled my throbbing erection. I sighed deeply as Missy took the entire length of my cock into her talented mouth. "Oh god baby," I told the pretty 18 year old, "you're a natural born cocksucker. I've known grown women who can't suck cock half as well as you." "Thank you Daddy, you...

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Dr FeelGood Peters and the Art

As a hypnotherapist my practice was doing pretty good. People would come in for all kinds of problems like smoking addictions, food addictions, ritual abuse, compulsive behaviors, and just about everything else. I had seen them all, and I knew how to cure them all. My power as a healer was a godsend. People would pay me eighty to a hundred bucks an hour to put them under hypnosis and help them. I would give them some auto suggestions while in a trance and upon waking their minds would do the...

2 years ago
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Change Can be Good1

“Why would anyone want to go in a cruise where it's as cold year-round as it gets in the winter here?” Violet pondered aloud. Kathleen turned and headed back towards the front door, “I think Jack London went there once or something. You know how dad is about old authors.” Violet rolled her eyes and followed her sister. Their father had a sizeable library at the back of the house, his ‘inspiration' as he liked to call it, since he was a writer for the city newspaper, and was...

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The Dogooder MILF 5 She is mine

The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 The Do-gooder MILF -3 MILF Meat The Do-gooder MILF -4 BASTARDS Joans head twisted, she could not see when the next blow was coming. He body flinched, quivered AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Another hit with the belt. Every part of her body hurt the way she was tied. Totally exposed to all the men. Pain. Fear, Despair. AHHH. Her head shook. Her head had been slapped. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Another hit with the belt. The hands on her ass. A cock...

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The Dogooder MILF 4 BASTARDS

The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 The Do-gooder MILF -3 MILF Meat All fucking smiles for the boys. Barry was next. The bitch was shivering, quivering. She realized she was not only being raped, she was going to be gangraped. Fucked one at a time. Slowly. Hard. Brutally. The cunt hung wide open ready for the next cock. Barry had a gruesome mask. A Vampire mask. The face of death. He had a little surprise. A tittie surprise. He grabbed her left breast and tied a...

4 years ago
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The Dogooder MILF 3 MILF Meat

The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 Her legs were untied. Now what? They left her there a little while. Then hands grabbed her ankles and her legs were lifted up They were spread wide and lifted up and tied next to her wrists with ropes to the top bar. Joan was bent like a pretzl, trussed up. She was wide open. In full panic Joan screamed, begged threatened. You pigs, stop, you will pay for this. What is wrong with you. You can’t do this. She could see the bright lights...

3 years ago
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The Dogooder MILF 2

The Do-gooder MILF Quickly my hand went between her legs. She pulled away but I kept at her. I signaled the boys. Time for them to get in on the action. I stepped back to watch. They were all around her. Three pairs of hands all over. Stroking, petting, grabbing, pinching. The Do-gooder bitch was crying, begging pleading. One was to the front of her, the other to the back. They were rubbing up against her DRY HUMPING the Bitch. They never said a word. I was so hard I had...

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The Dogooder MILF

Do-gooder. She has a hand in everything, teaching the kids, help seniors, fund raising, donuts and coffee and anything else. I am not sure when I started to be interested in her and certainly not sure why. She had that used to be hot look but was really forty and frumpy. But there was that smile and she was hands on. I remember the first time she put her hand on my shoulder, I got that feeling, tingling. Her hair is shoulder length but doesn’t do anything, it either needs to be washed...

3 years ago
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Janice Goodall mind controlled day 3

"The next stage of your education “ said Brian as a man led two border collie dogs in to the stall. “Kneel on all fours with your knees about 12 inches apart” he said “time for you to learn how to have dog. You have a choice if you stay as you are they will enter your arse bend your head down to the floor your bottom goes in the air and they will enter your fanny“ he knelt beside me and put his hand between my legs “you are going to enjoy this” he gloated. I looked back at the dogs and knew...

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Janice Goodall mind controlled day 2

·         I left the house eager to see Brian I naked except for my knickers. ·        I knocked on the door and Brian opened it. ·        As he stepped back to let me in I pushed him back against the hall wall and kissed him I needed sex that was the only thought in my mind. ·        I carried on with the kiss and without breaking the kiss I put my hands down between us and pulled at his belt then as soon as that was unfastened I unzipped and unbuttoned his trousers. ·        I...

2 years ago
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Janice Goodall mind controlled day 1

·        I received the message as soon as David had left the house Brian was coming. ·         I wore a. Fleece, bra, white knickers and jeans I was barefoot as that was what the message ordered. ·         I watched out of the window for him feeling eager I was looking forward to seeing the man I used to hate and hoping he could make me pregnant. ·         He walked down the street carrying a bag. ·        I opened the door stepped out of the house and kissed him. ·        Do...

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Janice Goodall mind controlled part 1

The car took me to the Holiday Inn hotel. My body left the car and walked into reception. Ginger was waiting for me by the reception desk. There was no love lost between the two of us. He indicated with his finger that I should follow him. I did, we entered a room, no ordinary hotel room, it was bigger than normal at one end there was a television with several chairs arranged around it and a small bar fridge, at the other end was a double bed with wrought iron headboard and foot board. Both...

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