The Biology Experiment
- 2 years ago
- 33
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I slept late the next afternoon. I would have slept later, but Lisa woke me with hot coffee about 1:30. She was sitting across the room. She looked serious. Serious and sad.
"You going to pull me from the contest?" I asked sullenly.
She gave me a look I couldn't read. "I've thought about it. What do you think? Do you want to quit?"
I rolled over and sat up in bed. "I've thought about it, too." I reached out and took a sip of the coffee she had brought. "If it means anything, I don't like what I did last night. It wasn't very nice." I didn't elaborate.
"I would hope not." She held up her hands, stopping my response. "No, no one said anything about what went on. In fact, I was half way expecting their house to file a complaint against you. Instead, well, they sent you a "Thank You" card." She held out a large Hallmark covered with signatures.
"Apparently the twin terrors have been babbling and incoherent since their return last night. They had never lost a match in three years. It wasn't just what you did to them. They were devastated that they had lost. To a man. And a non-Greek, to boot. Some of their sisters took the opportunity to stage a coup and voted them out of office and then kicked them out of the house. For, and I quote "conduct unbecoming a sister." The news spread like wildfire through the other houses this morning." Lisa paused, looking down at her hands. "Several houses got together and took up a collection and gave it to me to give to you."
I waited.
"I sent it back," she said quietly. She looked up at me, meeting my eyes.
I nodded that she had done the right thing.
"Mind you, John, I don't like what I'm seeing happen to you. I worry I may have misjudged you. Sure, those two were real bitches and probably got what they deserved, but I didn't expect you to be the one to give it to them."
She got up and came over to sit on the side of the bed. She wasn't being sexy. "What's the matter, John? What's changed?"
What I couldn't say before Thanksgiving suddenly came pouring out in a torrent of frustration and tears.
"Lisa, do you know how hard it is? All these great girls, they're so nice to me, and it's not just that they go to bed with me. They act like they like me, and not just because of, well, you know...
"And then it's over and they go home with Steve or Mike or Allen. I see them on campus and they wave as they jog by or they'll run up and hug me, anxious to introduce me to Steve or Mike or Allen."
"That's what's wrong, Lisa. Everyone - every single one of them has someone. Someone to go home to, to think about, to care about, to make them feel special. Someone to make plans with, to love. Everyone but me." OK, I was feeling a little sorry for myself. OK, a lot sorry. It didn't make the pain or the loneliness I felt any less painful or lonely.
She nodded. "Rita warned me about this happening. She said you were special, and she wasn't referring to your condition." She leaned forward. "Isn't there anyone in your classes that interests you?"
I shook my head. "No. Besides," I grinned at her wryly, "when you've had the best, the rest just don't measure up."
"John!..." Her voice broke a little, choked up.
"I know, Lisa, I know. I was just kidding. Sorry. I talked with Rita, too. I know it wouldn't work between us, but I miss that friendship or whatever it was we had. I really thought you cared about me, and not just because I -- of my condition."
"I did — I do, John!" she blurted. Then, "I miss it, too," she admitted quietly. I almost didn't hear her.
We sat in silence, our first really awkward time since that first day by the pool. I got my books together and she walked me to the library. The clean up crew was due soon.
I hadn't progressed very far with Poetry in the library so I went home. I had the stereo playing on a Blues station. I hadn't listened to it much before, but suddenly it seemed to express the way I felt right then. It wasn't loud, but it was intense and I almost didn't hear the knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone. It was Sunday and I didn't get visitors except for Friday and Saturday.
I opened the door and got a firm push back into my room. I almost didn't recognize her but it was Claire from next door. Fresh from the shower, her hair was slicked back and she had wrapped a light robe around her. She looked strange.
"What the fuck are you?" Another push. Well, more like a good nudge, both hands bouncing off my chest. She was batting at me more than pushing, but I retreated just the same.
"Every fucking weekend..." Another nudge and she kicked the door shut behind her.
"... Sometimes two at a time." You got it. Another nudge.
"Last night was the last straw." Another nudge. I sat down on the bed.
"Oh. I'm really sorry about that. You said you were going to be gone this weekend. Abby, too. Otherwise... ," I tapered off.
"Well I was here, God damn it!" She was standing over me, glaring. "At first we thought you were a gigolo, but then we saw all the boyfriends hanging around outside. We found some of them crying in the hallway, by the way. I'd avoid any dark alleys over on Frat Row, if I were you.
"Anyway, week after week I'd hear your fucking bed pounding on the wall. Over and over, all fucking night long. And just when I'd get to sleep... What? What is it?"
I was waving my hand at her. She had a pretty good head of steam up and I didn't want to interrupt her but, well...
"Um, uh, Claire, uh, your, uh, robe, um, it's, uh, well, uh, it came open, kind of."
There was no 'kind of' about it. Claire was stark naked under her robe. Of course, that didn't strike me as odd until later. Much later.
Claire looked down and, to her credit, tried to blush. She knew, as I now did, that she had nothing to be ashamed of, unless, of course, she was a prude.
She wasn't and the robe puddled around her feet when she shrugged her shoulders. She put one knee on one side of me, then pulled up her other knee on the other side, straddling me. If I stayed sitting up like I was, I was going to get a face-full of pussy.
I expected her to push me down on the bed, but instead she grabbed the back of my head and jammed my nose into her crotch. She smelled wet. Musky. Aroused. Suddenly I understood that look in her eye. I was going to say something about it, but at the moment, my list of options included sucking or licking. Speaking would have to wait.
I licked. Then I sucked. I licked some more, then sucked.
By this time I had figured out what she wanted and had worked my shorts off and down to my ankles. Claire sank down slowly, giving me a reverse tour of the journey I usually made. When her pussy met the tip of my cock she groaned. She didn't stop sinking.
Claire was the first woman to take me whole in one sitting. She said it was because of the childbirth of Sam. It had been difficult. But after that, she didn't want to talk. She just needed to be fucked.
Apparently all the nocturnal weekend activity had been driving her and Abby crazy. At first they were mad, then they got the giggles. Then, last night during that noisy session with the twins, something had snapped with Claire and she found herself incredibly horny. For me. Nothing else would satisfy her, and according to her, she had tried most everything else, including two of the guys down the hall, a vegetable and six sets of batteries for a personal appliance she had.
She still had an itch. So we scratched it and scratched it until it went away. And so did she. She had a son. She didn't need the complications of a boyfriend.
Monday Abby showed up. She missed her soldier, so she used me for an evening. It wasn't really using. I let them. I wanted them to. I just didn't want to be alone anymore.
Tuesday was Julie from the fifth floor. Wednesday Nicole from first. Thursday Shayla stood timidly in the hall when I opened to her knock. I happened to catch Claire looking out her door at us and she shooed us in. I suspected then that Claire had set up a schedule for me for the nights when Lisa didn't need me. I was right.
I didn't spend another night alone. We were all needy in the night, and they came to my room for any number of unspoken reasons, but when they left my room, I was still alone. It passed the time, but it didn't help the ache inside.
"Hi! Lisa sent me."
I stood staring at this young girl in front of me. I had answered the door and there she was. Yet another girl at my door, though there seemed to be something a bit different about her. The winter wind had whipped her long blonde hair into a disorderly mess that she didn't seem to notice. Her horn-rimmed glasses, taped together across the nose-piece, sat crookedly on her face, which was devoid of any makeup. Her long insulated coat was buttoned wrong, having one extra button at the top and an extra hole at the bottom. Her mittens, clutching a thick stack of books to her chest, didn't match. One end of the woolen scarf was tucked in her coat, the other end had been caught by the wind and was now hanging down her back.
I checked the clock. It was 8:00 Friday, but 8:00 in the morning. I invited the girl in and stumbled to the bathroom. And Lisa had told me I had this weekend off, too. Some big deal Greek function or something. Even classes were suspended for a long week-end. I had been hoping to spend the time studying and memorizing to be able to at least get enough of a grasp of the now-hated Poetry class to pass. It was going to be a challenge.
I looked at myself in the mirror and groaned. I had horns in my hair where I had slept wrong, two day's growth on my face and, looking down I saw that I had worn boxers to bed. I didn't own a robe. I was wide open. At least she hadn't screamed. College girls were like that, I was finding out.
I cleaned up as best I could, shaved, showered and wrapped a thick towel around my waist. I dashed into the room, retrieved my pants, went back and finished dressing.
When I came out, the girl was sitting at my desk, reading and scribbling notes furiously in a dog-eared notebook. The bed was made, my clothes picked up off the floor and the curtains were open. It was a beautiful winter day. She had been busy, not that she was responsible for the sunshine.
I went over and sat beside her at the desk. I watched her reading.
"I'm John," I finally said.
She looked over at me, tipping her head to look over her glasses at me. "I know."
She went back to reading. When she finished the chapter, she closed the book. I sat there, baffled. What the Hell was going on?
"Coffee? Lisa said you take yours black." She fished a thermos out of a bag I hadn't noticed and poured me a cup of the life-giving fluid. Our fingers touched as she handed me the cup and she blushed, turning her head away from me as if burying her face in her far shoulder.
It was good coffee. "Thanks."
She just nodded and refilled the cup.
We sat in silence while I finished the second cup. She didn't join me. I declined any more.
"Do you have a name?"
She nodded.
Thank God! I was beginning to think maybe her parents had forgotten something.
"Are you going to tell me what it is, or should I just snap my fingers when I want your attention?"
I had never seen a person blush, hide behind their hands, smile sheepishly, laugh and cry all at the same time. It took the young girl a while to get a grip.
"Hi, Emily. I'm John." I held out my hand.
She stared at it, like it was a snake or something. I was beginning to wonder what Lisa had told her about me. Then slowly, as if hypnotized, she extended her own delicate hand and placed it in mine. She made it seem like an act of total surrender, a maiden giving up her virtue but somehow I got the impression it wasn't all that unwillingly. She actually shuddered as I squeezed her hand slightly. If I wasn't mistaken,... No, she couldn't have...
"Why did Lisa send you, Emily?" I didn't think she was a contestant in the contest. If she was, she was too dumb to tell time. That didn't seem likely.
"P-Poetry. Help."
The poor girl was frightened to death about something.
"It's a nice day. Do you want to take the books and go for a walk? We'll come back when we get cold. OK?"
She was already putting her coat on before I finished asking. I grabbed my Poetry textbook and followed her out the door.
We walked and talked for most of the day. Once out of my room, she loosened up considerably. We would sit and I would read her a passage. Then she would take me through it line by line and get me to see what the poet was trying to say. I'm not entirely stupid, and I eventually began to understand. Still, why couldn't they just say what they mean?
I began to see why when she read me some passages. The words flowed off her tongue and danced among the leaves blowing in the icy wind around us. I could feel the rhythms of the horse' hoofs, the pounding of the lovers' hearts and the heavy sorrow of death. She showed me that I had been reading with my head, not my heart.
When Emily was talking about poetry, she was a different person. There was a spark, an exuberance that lit up her face. Her green eyes began to seek out mine and eventually they didn't turn away when we met. She had that sweet smile of an innocent child.
We had lunched in a small cafe, lingering until they closed to get ready for the dinner crowd. The sun was still bright and it was a bit warmer so we wandered from one end of campus to the other, strolling along, shyly getting used to each other's presence.
On our way back through the Quad a Golden Retriever pulled away from its owner and went romping across the sodden grass, barking gleefully, chasing leaves, birds and other pleasures normally forbidden in these hallowed halls of education. In its random rush to avoid capture by the pursuing owner, it bounded toward the tree Emily and I were standing under. As it ran past, I grabbed the trailing leash.
The dog kept running, but as it was now tethered at one end by the leash in my hand, managed only to tangle Emily and I together, running around us two or three times. We were forced together. It was our first contact.
I remember we were laughing at the happy dog, wrapped up facing each other, and then we weren't laughing. I got lost in her eyes. They were the color of emeralds and they captivated me as they searched my own. I felt her grab my elbows for support, the poetry books crushed between us. My breath caught in my chest. I couldn't breathe. I could feel my heart pounding, racing, and I remember thinking that I hoped she couldn't hear it.
I don't remember giving the leash back to the owner, but I must have. Pets aren't allowed in the dorm.
When dinner time came around she was shivering, so I steered us to a small tavern I knew. It just seemed natural, and she went in without protest. After my last major hangover the day after Dad left I had kept my imbibing to a minimum. The dinners in this place were superb, however, and I could get a student discount. It was one of the few places I frequented outside of the University.
Emily started to tense up again when I ordered wine with dinner. Two glasses, one for me, one for her. She toyed with her glass for a long time, then, seeming to come to some kind of decision, began sipping it steadily along with her meal. I didn't notice any change in her behavior and we only had one glass apiece.
We had coffees after dinner. It almost felt like a real date. Emily started touching on things other than poetry. She was a freshman, had lived here in town with her Mom and two sisters for the last five years. We found we had several things in common, growing up without a Dad being one neither one of us mentioned. She had a fascination with the Internet and was thinking about making that her major. Poetry was her true love, but you couldn't eat it for dinner, she said.
I found myself closing my eyes and listening to the sound of her voice. When she wasn't stuttering from fear and torn with tension, she had a low melodious voice. I could see tall trees swaying in the soft breeze in my mind's eye as she talked. Cool, tall, strong, firmly grounded.
Emily took my hand as we left the tavern. It was pretty late. "We can go back now," she said.
Something had changed between us when we got back to the dorm. Emily was shy again, but not terrified like she had been earlier. She took off her glasses and placed them on the desk. Without them she was quite pretty, and I began to understand they were a part of her defenses. Which were falling.
I don't know what she expected me to do. I think I was supposed to jump on her and violate her or something, but that wasn't my way.
She had just put her glasses on the desk.
"Well, it's late. I'd better be getting you home. I don't have a car, but I'll walk you."
"Oh! No!..." She stopped herself. Then, resolved, "I want to stay. A-All n-night."
Brazen hussy! If it weren't for the delicious blush creeping up her neck to the tips of her tiny ears, I just might have thought she meant it or that she wanted to, you know, test the mattress or something despicable like that.
She turned away from me, but didn't flinch when I touched her shoulders. She was trembling.
"I'll take you home," I said quietly.
She shook her head, determined. "No. I have to stay."
Real romantic. Not 'I need you, ' or 'I love you.' I sensed there was something else going on here.
"Even if nothing happens?"
That got her attention. She looked up at me, horrified.
"Don't I... ? Don't you want... ? Aren't I pretty enough?"
God save me from insecure women. I turned her to me and she buried her face in my chest. It felt nice.
"You want to tell me what's going on?"
She shook her head. I could smell her hair. My temperature went up a couple of degrees. My defenses, never strong, melted slowly.
"You really want to stay?"
She nodded. I could smell her hair again. I was weakening fast.
"OK, but on my terms, agreed? You do what I tell you. Everything, or I take you home. OK?"
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Sie konnte nicht länger. Claudia hatte eine Geschichte bei Chyoo gelesen und saß jetzt mit offenem Mund und steinhart gewordenen Nippeln unter ihrer Bluse vor dem Rechner. Ihre linke Hand lag in ihrem Schritt, sie drückte sie fest gegen ihre Fotze, aber so ging das nicht, sie musste... sie musste sich Erleichterung verschaffen. Sie stand auf und sagte der Praktikantin, die sie vor zwei Wochen eingestellt hatte: "Ich bin mal eben auf der Toilette." Süß war sie schon, die Kleine, asiatischer...
Marta had walked in the room and immediately became the center of it. Everyone knew who she was and she knew it, but despite her reputation, she wasn't shunned. She was graced. Her skin was fair, and her hair was just the opposite, but both exuded and otherworldly glow that demanded attention. Her make up was striking in the same way that a siren's voice was. Deep red lips curled into a smile as a man offered to light her cigarette. Her looks combated Cyd Charisse and won.Everyone knew how...
LesbianThis is for Cindy who left us way too early. I met Cindy when we were young.I was messing around with her older sister, just messing around. She liked to be fingered and her huge titties sucked.After awhile I noticed Cindy was watching us a lot. One day I asked her if she liked what she saw? She said yes, but was jealous it wasn't her. The next time I saw her I asked her to go for a walk with me.Cindy was 5'2" and about 110 lbs. She had a nice ass and hand full sized titties.She wasn't pretty...
September 12, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “Hi, Jos,” I said when her roommate called her to the phone. “Hi. How are things?” ‘Shitty!’ I wanted to say, and not in Russian. I also wanted to tell her I missed her and wanted to see her, but saying that might only make things worse. At this point, though, I wondered what ‘worse’ might be. “OK. How are you doing?” “I’m getting used to the routine and how different things are here from West Monroe.” Her answer was flat, and she sounded...
This story iswritten for Ash, a lovely young lady living in India and soon to come to England. Her desire is to be spanked and this story describes one way that might happen. 22 year Ash had fantasised for some years about having her bare bottom spanked and whilst in her native India bare bottom spanking was not common she thought that once she came to England she would find someone to satisfy her fantasy. So when she finally arrived at her sister’s house and unpacked her things she was...
Let me share with you one such true experience, sometime ago, in the US of A. She had advertised for a housekeeping job. When I contacted her, she mentioned that she needs to see the house and then quote her rates. She came over on a Saturday morning and I was pleasantly pleased to see a young good looking girl instead of a dowdy old maid. I asked her she was ok to work here and she said yes, but quoted me a figure which was above market. I reasoned with her that this was far too expensive and...
Jock Tales---Senior Year---Final Game—and The Price of SuccessOK—so the last two chapters of the Jock Tales series won't have much porn to them—just a couple of mentions of stuff. If you have been following the series story line, as much as the porn parts, then these last two chapters simply tie up the series, and bring it to it's conclusion. Thank you to all the fans, and comments, and if you wish to continue, then join me for the next series—The Skatepark Adventures. The next four games after...
Hello Everyone!! This is Tulsi sharing here my first incest experience. First about myself. I am 22 year old girl from Gujarat. My figure is 34 27 36. I am not virgin. I lost it when I was 18. Story about that some other time. This story is about I had sex with my younger brother. His name is Mahesh.. This is my first story. So bear with all writing and grammatical error. Please give your feedback on This happened when I was 21. I had sex many times in past. Once I met with accident and had...
IncestKarlee Grey, a lesbian, is on her way to a treatment center because she slipped up and was recently with… a man! Karlee feels terrible for this moment of weakness, but her roommate Jillian Janson assures her that sometimes relapses happen, and the treatment will help her get back on the gay and narrow. A month later, Jillian welcomes Karlee back from treatment. Karlee seems happy and very lustful towards Jillian, saying that the treatment has cured her and she no longer has any straight...
xmoviesforyouAmazing MILF Britney Amber loves showing off her round tits, especially during football season! Today, she lays out on the gridiron and runs her hands over her voluptuous curves seductively. She wants to get into the thick of competition, and as she trains for her next game, her coach gets her pussy soaking wet and ready for penetration. The voracious MILF can only hold out so long before she finally gets into position and gobbles his giant first yard marker. Her horny coach blitzes Britneys...
xmoviesforyouYou were a normal guy, but when the particular accelerator exploded you found you could copy the powers and abilities of women you get physically intimate with. Now after years of intensive training you’re ready to kidnap these lovely ladies. And currently you have a list of Cities/locations where superheroines reside, where’s your first target? -Star City -Central City
If there was one thing I did not appreciate in life, it was people who ignored me and who were disappointed in me. It started off as a school gal. Teachers not happy with my scores, friends not happy with me, I couldn’t care less but as yrs passed by I learnt the art of making things right even if they were done the wrong way. The tenant staying in the opposite house had a visitor over their place all the time. There were kids who would play with this visitor in that house. I would walk past...
IncestIt was three weeks before they met again, and then only for a couple of hours. Charlie took a room, and they just cuddled, fully dressed. They kissed and spoke of dreams of passion yet to be, and gazed at one another and whispered about "next time." A few weeks more, and "next time" came. He slowly stripped her, kissing her mouth, her secret spot, her perfect breasts and belly, caressing her and stroking her pale, smooth body as he bared it; and by the time she lifted her hips so he...
Well it was a normal Saturday for me I was off to get my nails done and to lay in sunbed. Well I have a very good friend which she is a bbw just like me and one thing about my husband he loves bbw. Well I get my nails done and decided I really didn't want to go deal with sunbed and wait awhile for my turn so I decided I just go home and surprise my husband with a good handjob. He loves me to do my nails and come home and ask him what you think of this color. Well his answer is always the same...
The morning after Martin Left, I drove my cruiser to Ed's old office first thing. It was mildly cold, but even so I rolled Gunny's bike into the parking lot. There I gassed up the bike and gave it a few tugs. I was happy to see that it started easily. Lucas arrived while the bike warmed up. "You going for a ride?" he asked surprised. "I'm thinking I will ride it over to the motel. That is if I can get you to drive my cruiser over." I suggested. "If you don't feel you need me to...
After repeated surveillance a shoplifting team of Husband and Wife have been detained by the mall security team. The wife Syren is very mouthy when first brought in and denies she was guilty of anything. Once presented with the evidence right from her own purse she claims they planted it on her. Will, the head of security then shows her that they already have her look out husband in custody caged and handcuffed in a hood. Given the choice of both of them going down to the real booty jail or...
xmoviesforyouThe four of them went to church at Netherbourne. The vicar noticed Simon and Joanna sitting with Jerry and Emma and wondered if there was any significance but said nothing as they shook hands with her after the service. All the same, she sensed the closeness of Joanna and Simon and surmised that there might be another wedding in the offing. Jerry and Emma took the dogs for an hour's walk during which time Simon rang his sister. It turned out that she was at home that weekend and planned to...
New Student=s First Day Part 1 By Victor Lavay ‘Welcome to Hardonis Academy.’ The distinguished looking Principal said from behind his desk as Sandra walked into his office. ‘Have a seat.’ He pointed the young girl to a big comfortable chair in the centre of the room. She quickly took her place as ordered. Her parents had told her that the school could be a lot of fun, but it would be strict on discipline. They assured her, the punishments were not something she would ever forget. So Sandra...
And I really am a Bad Girl at the office now. I can do whatever I like so I totally indulge myself. I wear exactly what I feel like wearing is one thing, and what I always feel like wearing is something very very sexy. I drove the guys crazy before, of course, but now I REALLY do. Giggle. I stuck with the skirt blouse combo for a while but my skirts got very short and my blouses extremely revealing. Then I started to mix it up, wearing dresses sometimes – short, figure hugging ones – or...
"Excitement at Carl's Leather Club."#English translation- A sequel to: Or start at the beginning: Erik-Jan and I ate a simple dinner with his family around 5 o'clock at their home. They spoke about the beautiful and wise words I had used to the angry neighbor that morning. And received compliments about how enormously mature that had came across to them. They were...
Brock wakes up the next morning a few minutes before his alarm is set to go off with Missy curled up at the foot of his bed. He quietly slips off the bed and dresses before heading downstairs. Both his parents are in the kitchen drinking coffee and carrying on a mild discussion. When he joins them they pull him in on it. During this time Brock grabs a quick bite to eat, noticing that it is getting close to time for him to catch the bus to school. Both his parents realize at the same time that...
Amy Jo stepped into the empty elevator, pushed the button for the s*******nth floor, and waited for the car to begin its ascent. Just as the doors were beginning to close a hand shot between the doors and a thirtyish blonde slipped on board, pressed the button for her floor and turned to face Amy Jo, giving the twenty three year old a quick once over. The blonde was dressed in a dark blue woman's business suit, accompanied by tasteful black pumps and a white silk blouse. She would have been...
Say thanks to jantrevor for this one. The elderly man decided to move to Mexico to save money, living was cheaper there. He settled into a routine as is common with retired people. Eating out at the same places, sitting on the bench watching the sea and the people playing in the sand. Live was good. Over time his money was getting low and he had to economize. He noticed that each Monday the restaurant had a special of what looked like dumplings. He asked the owner, who was the cook/waiter...
We both enjoyed the last six or seven hours of the trip: from Tarcoola, where passengers from and to the Ghan de/embarked, through Port Augusta to Adelaide. There was changing scenery and a sort of bustle of new folks and getting ready to get off. Rachel must have checked our stuff half a dozen times. We got a cab to the Stamford Plaza hotel and registered. Check-in time was 1400, but I'd told them we were arriving on the train when I placed our reservation. "Are you as tired as I...
I entered my bedroom and rushed to the bathroom. Quickly, I undressed by removing my kurta and bra. I started the shower and stood underneath, letting the shower's cold water pour over my heated body. I could feel my father-in-law's cum rinsing off my thighs with the water. I realized that my body was still trembling. In a matter of minutes, my whole world had changed. I had been raped by my husband's father. I didn't know how I would face Adeel tonight. What would I tell him? Could I...
I used to hide my phone inside the bathroom and record Jane showering. I had countless videos of her. I used to watch them and jerk off every night. Everything was going great until one day, i was hanging out with my dealer. His name was Dom, i had been his customer for about a year. We mostly smoked together. We were at his house and he had some of his friends over too. We smoked alot and i was stoned. Dom found my phone and went to through it. He found all the videos of Jane and transferred...
“Oh, fuck, this is terrific!” Chloe yelled out as Becky plowed her ass with the strap-on dildo and I sodomized my sister in another train. Becky’s ass felt incredible, of course, just as Chloe’s had in a way, her fine, sweaty, ebony buns glistening in the dim light as I probed her tight, hot booty. Pulling her hair also seemed to turn her on, just as it proved to excite Chloe for her part. I just knew that she pushed back at me with the same power and energy that I showed her, much to my...
Doug and Paige worked in the same industry, for two different companies, not really competitors, for the first was a small business, and the second was one of the largest companies in the field. They met at what Doug anticipated to be a mundane briefing. Little did he know that Paige had already scouted him out, and before the first chart had graced the screen she ambushed him with an introduction by a mutual friend serving as her partner in crime that afternoon. A beaming smile, a curvy figure...
SeductionAfter a few minutes I headed into the en suite to shower. I soaped my lovely boobs and gave both nipples a few playing nips before having a play and a wash down below. Thankfully I had kept the enema attachment for the shower and gave myself a good clean out. Before snuggling into bed I used a nicely lubricated butt plug to be ready for any anal action my boys might care to offer when they awoke. I fell asleep straight away and have memories of dreaming about sex, more sex and even more...