Malan MothersChapter 15
- 4 years ago
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The US Army's Criminal Investigation Department was visited by a couple of sharp-suited gentlemen with official ID cards stating them as FBI agents. The Department staff, already prepared for any enquiries, let them in.
"What can we do for the FBI, gentleman?"
"We are looking for a Ruth Proctor. She appears to work for your department, though other records claim she was discharged from the army some time ago."
The front man knew his task well. "Who did you say? Ruth somebody?"
"Miss Ruth Proctor. Is she on your staff?"
"Doesn't ring a bell, sir. Let me check our records." He went to a computer and looked up a file headed "Personnel." After a couple of minutes, having checked and double-checked, he reported back to them, "Sorry, gentlemen, There is no Ruth Proctor listed."
The FBI men knew their jobs just as thoroughly.
"You say she is not listed. Does that mean that the woman is not on your staff, or is listed under another name, or is no longer on your staff, or simply removed from your listing?"
The other spread his hands. "Gentlemen, that is a whole series of questions. You cannot expect a definite answer to all of them at once. I only have access to our staff database. I can say no more."
"Listen, mister. That is not good enough. This is an official investigation, and we will get to the bottom of this. If we come back with a photo of her, will you be able to see if you can identify her then?"
"That would be the case, sir. We have image recognition software, so we should be able to match your photograph to any member of staff, should such a person be in our employ at this time. Can I ask why you are investigating this supposed employee of ours?"
"No, you can't. We cannot release such information to you or anyone else."
"Really? Your department has the power to NOT reveal information, has it? Perhaps other departments of government have a similar power available to them?"
"Are you admitting that you are hiding information from us?"
"Did I say any such thing? I think not. I merely posed a hypothetical response to your claim of certain powers."
"Are you going to answer our questions, or not?"
"Certainly we shall answer your questions, sir. What these answers will be is another matter entirely, probably not within my pay grade. They might all be in the negative, for all I know."
"Is there someone higher up the tree, who might be more forthcoming?"
"There is indeed someone "higher up the tree", as you put it, but whether you would get answers that were more satisfactory to you, is a moot point."
"Right. Let's try. Get me your superior officer, soldier."
"Of course, sir. Give me a moment." He pulled a phone from his pocket, and stabbed an icon. A moment later, he said into it: "Sorry to bother you sir. It is Tompkins here, at the front office. There are two gentlemen from the FBI here, asking about some lady named Ruth Proctor, who is not listed in our staff data file. They insist on speaking to an officer, though I explained that the chances of any more information was not strong. Will you come and speak with them, sir?"
A few minutes later, an immaculately-clad officer clattered down the stairs from another floor, turning a pen in his fingers, over and over; and marched over to the group of men. He halted and asked,
"Tomkins? Are these the FBI men?"
"Indeed, sir. Perhaps you can answer their questions?"
The first of the pair announced himself. "Special Agent Robert Atkins, sir. My colleague is Agent Gordon Brown. We are investigating the current whereabouts of Ruth Proctor, sir."
"Proctor. Proctor? The surname rings a bell. I am sure we had a woman named Proctor working for us for a while, in an undercover capacity. She may have changed her identity in the course of a mission, you realise?" He thought to himself for a moment more, then declared, "Ah, yes. As I recall, she was traumatised by her experiences and asked to leave. That will be why Tomkins has no record of her. She is no longer with us, and is probably living under her assumed identity; before you ask, I have no idea what that identity is. We never retain records of such undercover identities, to maintain security."
He tapped his front teeth with his no long twirling ball-point pen.
"Nope, that is the best I can do. I don't even recall her first name: we tend to stick to surnames, eh, Tompkins?"
The soldier mildly responded, "Yes, sir."
The FBI Agent refused to be put off. "Pay records, sir? Don't you have a record of her final payment, and an address?"
"Sorry, my dear fellow. Undercover agents have special dispensations; one of which is payment into a numbered bank account. We have no other records of her."
"That is pretty damn tight security? What justification do you have for that?"
"Our undercover agents are under threat from the crime bosses whose businesses or people we bust. Our men and women in dangerous positions get the maximum protection we can give them."
"Very well. Give us the bank account number."
"No, sir. We are unable to divulge that under any circumstances. It is the only protection we can still offer to staff who have put their lives on the line for their country. Anyway, knowing such undercover operatives, and their own concern for their skin, the account has probably been closed by now, so no records will exist."
The FBI lead man growled to himself, almost gnashing his teeth in frustration. He gestured to his colleague, did an about turn, and headed for the front door, his fellow Agent in tow.
The officer regarded the enlisted man with pride. "That was well done, Tompkins. An excellent job, indeed."
"Thank you, sir."
The officer returned to his office, where he sat for a while, thinking.
Finally, he came to an unavoidable conclusion, and consulted the department's phone records. Locating the one which had come from out of the blue, asking for Ruth to phone a number, he located the number that she had made a call to, and did the same himself, unsure of himself this time.
A voice answered the call.
"Hello? Can we be of assistance?"
"This is Ruth Proctor's boss. She phoned you before she left here. Is there any way to get a message to her? It is important."
"Ruth Proctor? Yes, of course. Please wait. This may take some time."
There was a long period of silence, then Ruth's voice could be heard. "Who is it?"
"Frederick, Frederick Grierson."
"Oh, it is you, sir. What has happened? I thought I had two months furlough."
"The FBI have come sniffing around, but we managed to put them off, with a tale of you having left the service some time ago, because of trauma. I said that you had dropped off our radar as you would be using a fake identity."
"That was good of you, sir."
"Unfortunately, that may not be the last we hear from them. The FBI are competent and persistent shit, my dear, so it would not be safe for you to return any time soon. They asked about bank accounts where you might have been paid your salary, and again I claimed that it would be unidentifiable, and probably closed by now.
I think the only solution is for you to remain permanently off the books. I am sorry about that, but I would fear for your life if you ever came back into any formal existence. They suggested bringing a photograph of you, you see."
"I understand, sir. Thank you for considering me that way. You know I love the job, but I cannot do anything to endanger the department. At least I have found my child, and that gives me considerable satisfaction, sir. I shall stay away and do my best to lie low."
"I can arrange a severance payment for you, my dear, but I have no idea how you could access it without giving yourself away."
A Personalia voice that he recognised from the start of the call interrupted. "We can arrange for that, Mr Grierson. Place the sum in an account in any large bank, and we shall arrange a transfer of the funds such that they get to the lady. We have noted her name has not been mentioned in the body of the call, and we shall maintain that state of affairs. We have already deleted your mention of her name at the start of the call, and replaced it with "Judy Punch". Is that satisfactory? All you need do is phone this number and state the bank account number plus the bank where it is held. We guarantee the rest."
"By God. You must be really well organised. You can guarantee that transfer in complete safety?"
"We can. We are experts in financial matters like that."
Ruth added, "Boss, you can depend on that. They mean what they say. I trust them."
"Fine. I will make that financial settlement for you. Just keep safe, Judy Punch!"
"I will, boss. Thanks for everything. You were great to work for. Bye."
The line went dead, and Frederick put his phone down. He began to realise that in The Personalia he was dealing with an organisation that had better security than he had access to, and that was saying something! He now felt that Ruth was indeed safe wherever she currently was hiding.
That afternoon, Ruth, Margo and Esme were talking about their future in the colony. Ruth explained her ideas for security-related work, if she could get it. Margo pointed out that with two young children, she was somewhat restricted in employment potential, while Esme said that as an amateur money-lender, she was not trained in anything useful. Moneylending was not an acceptable trade on Rehome.
As she said that, her dreams came true. Her phone sounded, and she answered it.
"Miz Esme Limbada?"
"This is the Bank of Rehome. We are told that you were an ethical moneylender on Earth. Does that description fit?"
"I suppose it does. I tried to provide poor folks with a better service than they were getting. It seemed to work."
"We like your ideas. Could you come for an interview for a possible position with the Bank?"
"An interview? Certainly. I am fairly free at the moment, with only a five-year-old Malan to worry about. What are you thinking about?"
"Please leave off such questions until we meet. Much will depend on your personality, presentation, and specific talents and abilities. I am the head of Personnel at the Bank, and I have been asked to speak to you. We are interested in your ideas, as well as your person, Esme.
"Could you manage to get to the Bank for 11 am tomorrow? You can? Fine. Ask for George Small, Personnel Manager."
The call concluded, Esme looked around in wonder. "What the fuck was that all about? Why are they speaking to me? I haven't sought a job yet!"
Ruth commented, "I was given suggestions for work, Esme. It was hinted to me that the Administration Department try to steer people with specific abilities to jobs that need to be filled by people with that experience. Possibly someone informed the Bank about your work record being of interest, and they took it from there. You ARE good with money, Esme, aren't you?"
"I was, in my capacity as a moneylender, but it is so different from banking, Ruth."
"Well, wait and see what they say, Esme. You can always say NO."
"There is that, I suppose. What about you, Ruth?"
"What about me?"
"Are you going to take up a job related to your expertise?"
"I am not sure. At first, I was here on a two-month leave of absence from my job, but I am now informed that my post has been terminated – for understandable reasons, of which I approve - and my residence here is likely to be to all intents permanent. I suppose I shall have to look for work, but like the rest of you ladies, I have a cash stash to see me through for a considerable time ahead."
Esme still seemed unsure. "Ruth, I never did get to hear what your job was? Care to tell us?"
"I suppose I can say now. I was an undercover agent for the US Army's criminal investigation department."
"Wow! Quite a high-powered job, then. Mind you, I shouldn't think they would have such an opening here on Rehome."
"I expect you are right, Esme."
Esme was at the bank in plenty of time for her interview. She asked for the Personnel Officer, and was taken to an interview room to wait. After a few minutes, A man entered and introduced himself as George Small.
"It is just a preliminary chat, Esme, to get to know what you are like. Let's sit down and we can talk over a cup of coffee. Someone will be along with that in a moment. I understand you were a moneylender par excellence?"
"More by accident than design, Mr Small."
"George, please, or my friends call me Dod."
"Well, Dod, after I left the Army, with a cash windfall, I decided I wanted to help families like the one I came from; a poor family, almost always in debt to moneylenders. I thought if I could offer them a way out of their debt, without seeming to offer charity, they might appreciate it."
"An admirable intention, Esme, but how did you go about that achieving that objective?"
"I set up my own moneylending business among these people, so they could see me and watch my doings. I let it be known that I would happily take over an existing loan at ten per cent less interest. You see, I had enough capital to be able to cover any losses that occurred.
"It worked well, and business soon built up as I developed a reputation for fairness. I was aware of my exposure to outside pressure, but I had my Army experience and training in unarmed combat to protect me. However, other moneylenders noticed their business dropping off, and identified me as the culprit. One day, two "heavies" appeared at my door to "suggest" that I give up the business. I took the bull by the horns and hired them instead, to be my bodyguards at an annual salary, and soon I was not bothered any more. I hired a local man to work my front office, and he fitted in, too.
"I discovered that unemployment was the main reason for non-payment, so I helped clients to get a job. Before long, I was in the business of finding jobs for more people, and businesses began to approach me for reliable staff. Most of my clients needed to hold down a job to pay off their loans, so of course they were reliable employees.
Tom grunted, "O.K., I can go with that idea, Enid. Jeannette, you have to collect your certificate of permanent residence if it is ready, and complete the setting up of your business today. Do you want a lift, or do you feel like a walk?" Jeannette checked her watch. "Give me five minutes, Tom, and I'll accept that lift. I will walk home, but I may come back via the shops, Enid. Anything you want me to get for you?" "Yeah. Look for a new bed for Usgar. He is swamped in an adult bed,...
"Esther Price, welcome to the planet and Colony of Rehome. I am Robert Kempe, Governor of this Colony, and you and your daughter – Jenny I think your name is, young lady?" and he smiled down at Jenny, "You and your daughter – and your friend - are the guests of the Colony. Before I take you up to meet some special people, this man has to ask Mummy and Charlie a few questions." He bent down to the level of Jenny and said softly, "Only grown-ups get asked these things, Jenny, and certainly...
"Esther? Diane Kempe. Thank you for your assistance with that little problem on Earth. The Personalia were pleased with your advice. It worked out very well." "Thank you, Mrs Kempe. I was glad to help. It was good to know that my past experience had some value in a positive sense. I hope my old unit can now work more effectively in future." "That, I am sure of, thanks to your advice and The Personalia's actions. It has proved to me that your presence within our organisation can be...
"Now, the mothers:" said Bob Kempe. "The first one was formerly in the RAF, and is now a resident here, preparing to go into business with a partner. The second one is a woman with two human children, and is here without her husband, deliberately so. The third lady we found running a moneylending business in an ethical manner, and she has turned her business over to an ex-army woman like herself, so she has relocated to Metropolis. The fourth lady is in limbo at present. She is here to...
She turned back to Enid. "Enid, allow me to present Esme Limbada, moneylender to the masses at Albany, Georgia. Esme, this is Enid Pfeiffer, wife of our Colony newspaper editor, Tom. Tom and Enid have been instrumental in this affair." "Come in, Esme. Come in and meet Jeannette and Margo. We are having a girls giggle session at the moment." She dragged Esme into the front room, where two more ladies had stood up to welcome her. "Girls, This is another of the same: Esme Limbada. Esme,...
"Freda, what is your husband doing with this girl? Is he intending to marry her?" "Eh? How would I know? I haven't spoken with him. I don't really want to know what he is up to with her." "Oh. I see. It was just that ... if he actually wanted to marry her, he would have to get your approval, wouldn't he?" "My approval? Don't be daft, Margo! Why would I consent to that? I haven't even divorced him yet." "Divorce? How do you mean, Freda?" "Well, I haven't got around to...
"I don't remember ever doing a stock check, Brenda. It has always been controlled by software, I am sure. Perhaps a physical stock check ought to be a priority for now?" Ruth gestured at her phone. "I have a list of all the items found in Metro Discounts which we suspect came from your business. In addition, I have a list of these same identifiers which we have traced to manufacturers on Earth. That data says they were all purchased by Lownie Stores, which is why we are so sure about...
Enid expounded, "No, you misunderstand. Mother Narech is a mechanoid, built by the Personalia to look and act as a Malan mother, to give the babies instruction in a nurturing environment as close to the Malan norm as possible. If you imagine a robot made to look like a person, that is Mother Narech. She is semi-autonomous; connected all the time to The Personalia, but able to act independently. She is a lovely person, I am told, so don't think "robot", think "person". "The children...
"Good grief, girl, no. You surely have heard about foreplay? Stand up and show yourself, still in bra and panties, and invite him to come and kiss you, to fondle you, to run his hands all over your body, and then let him take off your undies. Make it a pleasure for him; a few soft gasps of pleasure from you, real or simulated, would also help, my dear. Allow him to run his hands over your breasts, and your pussy – I assume you bathed this morning – and let him excite your clit with his...
Bob Kempe pondered for a moment, then said, "Our former UN diplomat, Ebenezer de la Torre, may have some advice on who we approach. Allow me to speak to him before I make any suggestion." "That is acceptable. Proceed." Bob quickly keyed his phone for the de la Tore number. The phone was answered by Euphemia. "Hello? De la Torre Enterprises. How may I assist you?" "This is Governor Kempe. Is Ebenezer available to talk?" "I will get him, Governor. He is pricing an order, but that...
Karl knew that there was no official record kept of this child and its disposition, so he sought out people who should know what was what, and began asking questions. The first contact told him the zygote had come from medical scientists in the USA, and had been implanted in a military volunteer. To take it from there, he would have to speak to a specific US General. Getting the contact details from his contact, Karl phoned the General. He explained the duty that had been laid on him by the...
"Margo Ruiz?", said the voice on her phone. "Margo Aquino ... no you are right. Margo Ruiz. I no longer regard myself as married to that man." Thank you for identifying yourself. This is The Personalia. We think it is advisable that you transfer any financial assets to Rehome. Do you have any such assets that we can help you with?" "I have around a million dollars in US Treasury Bonds, registered in my name. I bought them through a broker five years ago, and I haven't touched...
"You ran your own business? I had the impression you worked for a bank on Earth!" "Not quite. I saved most of my pay during enlistment, so I had a basis for starting a business operation. I set myself up as a money-lender at reasonable rates, to be a benefit to the community I came from. I undercut all the commercial competition and became the lender of choice for practically everyone in the area. Once I could afford to branch out, I helped people to set up their own local businesses, and...
"We are The Personalia. We are contacting the mothers of Malan children. You gave birth to one about five years ago. We are offering to bring you to meet your child, in Rehome colony. The child would be interested to meet you." "Malan?" "Yes. The alien child you carried and birthed, but never saw." "How do you know about that? I never knew anything about my child." "We have access to much information; more than you might expect. There are records naming you as one of the mothers....
"That is so, Governor. Oh, I should mention that I have discussed my forthcoming marriage with the London University Vice-Chancellor by phone, and he understands that I could not commute to my job from another planet. He has accepted my resignation, and has waived the mandatory period of notice. I have to admit that I failed to mention to him that I have a new job lined up in the Colony. I thought that would be to much of a shock." "That was thoughtful, of you, Pro ... I mean, Jane. I...
Jeannette replied, "It is a compliment, actually, to find that someone thinks of me as a desirable woman. It doesn't happen often." Enid added, "Anyway, dear, you have my permission to ogle her. I get plenty of ogling from you, so she deserves a little attention. She is a nice woman." Tom was gobsmacked. Permission to admire another woman? This was unheard of. He wondered. "Enid, are you pregnant again?" "Why, Tom, how nice of you to notice! Yes, I am. How did you know?" "When...
"That lady who escorted you here – Ruth I think you said her name was; can she sign an affidavit that there was no such intent?" "I expect so. There were a group of ladies involved in getting me and the girls together. They called themselves Malan mothers." Mrs Mboya's eyebrows lifted. "Ah. So that is who that lady is; one of the five Malan mothers? Derek – what is your surname, boy?" "Dearden, ma'am." "Mr Dearden, you have struck lucky. These ladies recently became famous in...
He returned to the kitchen to report to Enid. He hoped his red face had calmed down. He entered and she looked at him querulously. "Yes, she said she would come." "And?" "What do you mean, 'And?'" "Did you kiss her goodnight?" "Yes." He said no more, but Enid was insistent. "Properly?" "Jeannette insisted. I tried to just do a gentle goodnight kiss, but she grabbed my head. God! I didn't mean to ... I just ... Sorry, Enid. I am messed up." "Fine." "What? How do...
The professor wanted to see the fish market and meet some fishermen, so Tom got permission from his boss – his wife - to escort her there and make the introductions. The market was simply an area next to the harbour, with a few stalls erected to protect the catches from the sunshine – on the days when it was sunny. Otherwise it was to shelter the fish from the drying winds from onshore. Tom explained that you had to time your visit correctly. If you arrived just as the fisherman came...
Esme rounded on her. "Marjory, girl, you have just GOT to tell us what that was all about! It sounded so weird, what you were saying, that we must know what the other end was. It sounded like your fella was on his knees!" Marjory started to tell her sad tale, about falling for her Derek, and making love with him, in the expectation that he was the love of her life and they would get married eventually. She had had a series of shocks. It was a shock to discover how unyielding her parents...
They concluded the call, then Esther opened her door again. The airman was leaning against the opposite wall, waiting for the phone. She offered the handset to him, saying, "Lawyers! They always want to do things the most complicated way. I am now told Jenny and I have to sign forms. I have told her that it will have to wait until I can travel again. Thanks for the phone, son." "You are welcome, ma'am. Lawyers get special treatment. I will wipe any record of the call, ma'am." Thank...
He waited, then listened to a reply. "Right. Thank you. Please note that he is about to be arrested, so we don not want him leaving." He closed the call. "Thanks, Ruth, for reminding me. He will not be able to leave now. Now we just hav e to pick him up. Where will he be?" "This time of day? Probably heading out for his evening meal, either at home or in a restaurant. Do we know if he is married?" "The data we got for him does not mention any spouse, so presumably not," replied...
Fearn, if you would dispense the tea, and I pour the coffee, Nargo can assist with the milk jug. Right, girls?" Fearn and Nargo did a 'high five' and proceeded with their tasks, while the adults admired their dedication to these duties. As soon as the drinks were poured, Esme sent Nargo and Fearn to bring in the plates of scones, pancakes, and decorated cupcakes. Esme explained to her guests that while she had baked the scones last night, Fearn had done most of the pancakes and cupcakes...
"Good." Tom was emphatic about that. "We can talk with Enid before anything happens. She is my wife, and must have a full input into any such arrangement. Agreed?" She looked up with a small smile. "Agreed. I greatly admire Enid." They returned to Tom's office, where he had work to get dealt with. Jeannette thought she could work on her planning for the book publishing venture in his office. Tom's work would not distract her. Once she got absorbed in composing a document, she was...
"I expect you are correct. So that if the story appeared in your paper, that would be acceptable to the authorities here?" "Unfortunately, not so, lady. You would still be bound by the agreement you signed, as long as you remain within their boundaries." "Even though the events happened in the USA?" "I would expect that to be the case, Mrs Reagan. Anywhere on Earth, you are liable to be facing these restrictions. Most governments have reciprocal agreements over many similar matters....
He gave in to nature. "If you want, Jeannette." He moved his hands on to her body, moving them to her breasts above him, as she had lifted herself to facilitate her movement. She started grinding against him, putting pressure on her clitoris as she moved back and forth against him. Tom did his best to not seem too enthusiastic, but his body insisted in participating in the natural movement of a man and woman. He found himself grunting as he jerked up to speed up his plunging into...
"Indeed so, Margo. They are more reliable than any human I have met. They have a rigid sense of propriety, and stick to it. You may not realise it, but they are into big business on Earth, and are worth a fortune. For example, they run an audit service for most of the big companies, and are great at the job." Margo was suddenly interrupted by a store employee. "Pardon, ma'am, but you are causing a slight obstruction to other shoppers. Would you mind moving, please?" "Oh, sorry. I'll...
"Very well. You have a visitor visa for one month, renewable with a sponsor. Settler status merits permanent residence and a land grant." "Thank you." "You are welcome, ma'am." The man now turned to Tom with a smile of recognition. "Hi, Tom. Are you her escort?" "I am, Fred, for my sins. These two girls are her daughters: Anita is this one, and the baby is Carina." "Duly noted. Please escort them off the beach, Tom." "Come along, Margo. Hopefully someone is here to meet...
Margo looked up from encouraging Anita to feed herself. "Sure. Fine by me." Jeannette looked over from the sink, where she was washing breakfast dishes. "Visitors? Same ones as before?" "Yes. I think it could be interesting. You WILL stay for that, won't you, Jeannette?" Jeannette notice the tone, and replied. "Certainly. I shall be here. I can go to the bank afterwards." Margo looked up, keenness in her gaze. "The bank? Can I go with you, Jeannette? I have to arrange a change...
"I treat it as another small investment in the locale. That boy will probably turn into a businessman when he gets older. He knows where he can seek start-up capital, doesn't he?" "You mean he hangs around just to park your car for you?" "He has a cubbyhole in the foyer, and he sits and studies his school books, and does his homework there as well. That is part of the deal, so that he is educating himself. If he runs out of that material, he has a library card and can get something...
"Yes, I reckon I did say that." "You were quite correct in your analysis. The software did not have The Personalia identified as allies, so that the terms "alien" and "Personalia" set off the alarms. I have ordered a software upgrade, not just on this base, but everywhere that the same software is in use. Thank you again for your help with this, Colonel. Your restriction is of course immediately lifted." "Thank you, sir. I am most grateful for your quick attention to the...
He got back to Ian and told him what he had found. They decided that Dearden should be interviewed, smartish. They asked colleagues at Coventry to start with a preliminary interview, if he could be found at the university. He was located there, so the local police went and pulled him out of his class, and invited him, with some pressure, to the station for a recorded interview. He looked more puzzled than worried, at the start, but they refused to speak to him about possible accusations...
"I see. Then you should try Trevor Defreitas, CEO of Rehome Deliveries. He has recently become chairman of the Circle, so should know what's what, and where the bodies are buried." Taking that on board, Esme phoned Rehome Deliveries and asked for him, as Chair of Metropolis Business Circle. He was soon on the line. "What can we of the Business Circle do for you, Ma'am?" She said carefully, "We of the Bank of Rehome are considering a loan request from Mr Thomas Carson, a local...
"Miss Proctor, may I call you Ruth? I was under the apprehension that your talent lay in undercover situations. Your attire does not give that impression to me. Have you any explanation?" Ruth looked surprised. "Sorry, Madam. I was given to believe that this was a business meeting, to discuss a new task. I dressed accordingly. When it comes to my work, I will dress appropriately for that environment." "Ah. That is all right, then. I unfortunately assumed that this was your normal mode...
"Please explain what you mean by that, Esther." "If you can cause problems for his family members – brothers, cousins, parents, children, that will certainly impact on his effectiveness with his criminal activities. For example, if his children were being accused of unacceptable activities at school, they might be threatened with expulsion. He would be under pressure then. If a brother or sister was accused of stealing from their church funds, that would be effective. If any of his family...
"You may be right about us humans, but The Personalia have blossomed too. They have become more involved with Earth as time has gone on. They have adapted to capitalism with a vengeance. They own a number of business on Earth, and have almost entirely monopolised the audit sector of business: numbers are their forte, you see, and they have established a reputation for probity. I have heard rumours of them pursuing criminals and removing their stolen assets: much more effective than jailing...
Diane Kempe was looking through her staff lists, to see who was already engaged in important tasks. She hoped she could pull a few off less urgent duties, to help cover the coastline for sightings of the supposed reptile. Then her phone rang. Answering it, she was soon aware that the reptile was no longer ‘supposed’. It had been spotted. The sergeant conveyed the report. “Boss, Richard’s team have found it on the beach in a small bay fifteen miles from Metropolis. The beach is not much of a...
Life resumed its normality for a few days, then one morning Esme looked at the list of appointments for today, and saw the name "Thomas Craven" among them. She hastened to speak with her supervisor, anxious to not put her foot in it if there was any conflict of interest. She explained her concern. "Sir, this Thomas Craven may be a gentleman whom I have met socially. It is the name of my babysitter's father. If you can establish whether he was in hospital recently with a stroke, that...
I was a young teen, only sixteen, and I was forced to attend a party thrown by one of my mother’s dearest friends. It was a dull party, celebrating her tenth marriage to yet another man of wealth. The party was being held at the home of the poor bastard that had married her. It was getting late at night, people were getting drunk, passing out, or slipping off for some ‘adult time.’ I was not entertained by the events going on at the party. I decided to go and explore the big house. After all,...
Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] The New Secretary By Amy Brett Chapter 1 THE RUMORS HAD been flying for weeks and everybody was walking on eggshells around the office. I'd always done my job as a high paid clerk in the payroll and records department to the...
Many years ago my roommates sister was going to a small college about 3 hours drive from the house. My roommates sister Cindy had been seeing a mutual friend of ours, Peter and my roommate had been seeing his sisters roommate, Megan. One day my Roommate Matt told me that he and Peter had been talking to the girls and were planning a late fall camping trip at a state park near the town where the college was located. Matt also told me the girls had another roommate, Jess that wanted to come along...
This is a follow up to HEY PAPPY, when that story ended I was widowed by my second wife. My first wife had left me and returned after I had remarried. Both wives became the other’s best friend. I was seriously dating another woman and my first had found a man who interested her too. I will try to make this stand alone, but if you have not read Hey Pappy it will help you understand some items I might leave out. Thank you for the nice comments on Hey Pappy. My first wife, Sophie, left with...
This is a true story from when I was 30. My name is Sam. I'm 6'1", 165, and uncut. I love watching and cruising around bathrooms. Watching guys take a piss, jerk off, and check other guys out has always turned me on. I loved to stop at rest stops/rest areas when I traveled. This day was no exception. As I was traveling through several states on my way to New York, I stopped at several rest areas. This stop had my favorite setup. The urinals were all on one wall and there were no dividers...
My wife Neha was very conservative in nature. She always preferred to wear Saree or salwar suit. I insisted several times to wear Top with jeans or some other modern dresses, but she always refused to. It took me two years to convince to wear occasionally top with skirt or jeans. But whenever she used to wear modern clothes I can see that, she is not very comfortable. Her uneasiness can easily be readable on her face. But my wife when ever wears such dresses she really looks gorgeous. With her...
PrefaceI am an owned Pig/Piglet in a Dom/sub relationship with Bear/Master/Sir, (the terms are interchangeable). In this little fantasy of ours we live together with a plaything, something that I would like very much for Master, in order to fulfil all of his needs and desires. This is being written very late at night, so please do excuse any silly grammatical errors. Thanks and happy reading! ---It was her first night in our house. Of course, me a Bear have lived here for a few months now, and...
Hi everybody mey ISS ki bari fan hoon iski pahele bhi mey iss pe ek khani likha. ajj ki kahani meri sadi ki pahele ek ghotna pe hey. agar app logo ko meri story pasand aya to muje jarur mail korna iss id pe. Mey ek middle class family se hoon. Mey 25 saal ki sadisuda aurat hoon. Dekhne mey mey kafi sundoor hoon iss liye choti umor sei mardo ka najor meri upor aa jata tha. Meri fig 34c/28/32 hey rong bhi ghora hey. Mey kisi bhi dress pe kafi sexy najor ati hoon khas kor ke short skirt tops &...
My Aunt was surely and steadily turning me into a sissy. I had been home- schooled by Mom before she passed-away so I already had my high school diploma at age 17. I was only 5'5" tall and at 110 pounds I was not the masculine type. I always new that I was something of a sissy. I still had not begun shaving and I had predominately feminine features. I had large, pretty eyes and long lashes. A cute little nose and full, pouty lips. I had not had my blonde hair cut in nearly 2 years now. I...
A Very Sissy Love Story by: Missy Satinpanties I guess I've always been bisexual, if not completely gay. I mean, in high school, I lusted after the right girls, and wanted to get into their panties like every other boy, but when I looked at the porno mags we had, I always gravitated towards the girls who looked kind of innocent, and were wearing soft, lacy lingerie. And yeah, I did wonder how all that soft, slippery lingerie felt. A naked girl really didn't grab my attention, at all....
by Graeme McGregor (c) Widow Irene Daniels’ two children lived in other countries. She appeared happy but would awake most nights and weep. No one knew of her deep loneliness and she was determined to keep it that way. Now she was crying in despair, thinking she’d done the wrong thing earlier in the day with a problem better suited for a male to deal with. Irene had suspected the two lazy and disrespectful guys from Ford Construction engaged in converting the front porch of her house into a...
*****For HHDresden as a response to his words***** ***** I know he is going to be home soon and I must be ready, I never know what sensual sexual desire he will act on. I draw myself a nice warm bath and drop a few hints of grapefruit oil into the tub, part of my secret as to how I always smell of slight citrus tones. Dropping my white, silken robe to the floor I ease myself into the steam and allow my body to be engulfed with the water. Sighing, I let my silver hair cascade into the water,...
When I was growing up my pops had a auto repair shop out in the country right off the crossroad of two main highways we were never going to be rich but we were very comfortable When I graduated high school he gave me half of the business,so I could take over when he retiredThat first summer is one that has shaped my life all due to a Texas gal named amie Belle. When you are young and full of energy and wanting more out of life sometimes you can go a little overboard.Many mornings we would get...
COVID Transition - 2 I am filled with a flood of emotions and thoughts as I end the call with my wife, Ann. She is right, our conversation about love making had left me with wet panties. (That darn Cowpers gland.) I started closing my teaching apps on my computer, checking to make sure my camera was off, and the cap is over the lens. I do not need to broadcast to my class, much less the rest of the world, that I was wearing an above knee length white pencil skirt, (Ann calls it my...
Leia walked out of the hotel, holding my arm as I pushed the stroller. I could only thank my lucky stars, because I felt deeply tied to my daughter. We had been through a lot and now everything was coming up roses. We asked the concierge about a nice place to walk to for lunch and he directed us to a little café’ several blocks away from the Dorchester. We sat and ate a small lunch, feeding the boys bits of apple and oranges. We were talking about different things and it seemed to me, we...
Jayne was having one off those days she had been completing her cause work at collage and she was sick of it. She didn't have a moment to her self but she new it would be worth it in the end and besides she was going to get to see john tonight. John was the same age as Jayne around 18, he also was having a hard time at collage and was looking forward to the night alone with Jayne. Jayne's parents had gone away for the week end and Jayne invited John round to have some fun and forget about...
FetishTime passed. A Lot of Time Passed. After endless times of almost zero awareness, the world began to intrude. The sounds coming to me varied in tone, volume, and duration. Eventually, I could distinguish between day sounds and night sounds. Then I created an entire catalog of day sounds and a corresponding record of night sounds. Voices were another story. For days after I recognized that I was hearing voices, I couldn't begin to tell one from the other or even male from female. I spent my...
“You’ve been screwing both of us?!” Lyla spoke first. My eyes widened in terror, and my mouth opened as if I had a response that didn’t exist yet. “Well?” My eyes shifted between the two of them, Lyla was clearly mad, but Shelby looked hurt. “Yes.” Was all I could utter. They both stared at me, expecting me to elaborate. “That’s all you have to say?” Lyla said. “How did this even start? You had me so you figured that you’d fuck my mom too!” Shelby finally spoke up. “No!... It...
Paul had a small convertible sports car and because the weather was so nice, he put the top down for the short ride to his place. The wind and road noise tended to discourage much conversation, so Nancy took some time to review the events of the last day in her mind to try and make sense of everything that happened. She felt surprised at herself for having sex with a man she barely knew and equally surprised at how much she enjoyed his attentions. After so many years of little or no sexual...
Today was another typical day at school. Sam told me at lunch that her Mom loved the idea of Montana Mike's for a Friday evening meal date. She convinced Jack that they had to take turns chaperoning us. Jack had written a note for Sam to take to Miss Cornet to put them both on the chaperone list for the dance. Things were working out nicely. Mr. Harrison had Jim and me tutoring more of the poor students, and Wednesday Jim and I would be getting our instructions for our last time. We would...