DreamWeaverChapter 21 free porn video

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The next morning, we were surprisingly organized, owing to the work Mel had done to make sure everything was ready the day before. We dressed warmer than was really comfortable for Georgia, but we’d probably be frozen when we got to DC.

We had breakfast and checked out smoothly, drove to the airport and I loaded our luggage onto a cart while Mel turned in our rental. We got in the priority line at the airline to weigh-in our bags and get our boarding passes. We were in first class, which was a new experience for me. Our bags were tagged and we each took our carry-on with us. She had repacked to make sure her shawl was in hers and my recipe box was in mine. Neither of us wanted to have them in our luggage if it got lost.

We had plenty of time to get through security, so we stopped along the way and had lunch while we killed a little time. I hadn’t seen any delays or cancellations in the notices, so that was a good sign. We finished our lunch, got in line and were processed through security. I took Mel’s hand and we strolled through the throng of holiday travelers who were late, desperate or lost. We had almost an hour before our flight was called. I stopped at one of the shops and bought a cheap battery booster for my phone and iPod. I’d get a better one when we got to DC, but this was good enough for now.

Mel was a bundle of nerves as we waited. I joked with her that if she kept fidgeting, she was going to make security suspicious, but she couldn’t help it. This was her first time seeing her family since Stan’s death. Finally, we were called to board and, being in first class, we were among the first to board. I started plugging in right away. I started with the new battery charger, letting it pick up a charge first. That pulled Mel out of her funk and she smirked at me.

“Making sure you capture every moment?” she asked knowingly.

I shrugged. “I want to make sure that she doesn’t have a chance to have a private word with me.”

She nodded, and that seemed to make her feel better. We chatted a little about how well Christmas had gone and about when we might like to return to visit.

“Easter is May’s next big traditional dinner,” I said. “I can’t see any reason not to go down if they’re in the mood to host. For that matter, we should have them up at some point. I’d like to have May take some time and relax for a while. She cooks and cleans all the time. We can get Eliza an assistant for a week and have them up to see the house.”

That definitely got her attention and she started making plans almost right away, thinking about when she could arrange it and what to set up for everyone to do.

“Sweetie,” I said softly. “Roger likes to play pool, Glen golfs, May will love the idea of relaxing for the week and Beth will drool over the chance to lay out by the pool. She may or may not be bold enough to try to get an all-over tan if she’s out of sight of her father when she lies down.”

“Your ex-wife, sunbathing nude in our backyard,” she said dryly. “That won’t be awkward.”

I shrugged. “The point is that there’s something for just about everyone,” I pointed out. “May can have peace and quiet and freedom from cooking for a week, Beth can relax and bond with her new little sister, Roger can kick my ass at pool and get his ass kicked in the gym and Glen’s going to fall in love with the driving range and putting green. Roger and Glen will probably both lose their mind over the car collection too.”

She nodded in agreement and started chatting about ideas and activities and that kept her distracted right up until our safety briefing. I’d never been in first class, so I paid rapt attention, treating it as my responsibility to see to Mel’s safety if we had an emergency, so I made sure I knew where the emergency exit was, gave an eye to all the safety gear and listened to the flight attendant as she went through her speech. Most of the other passengers were bored, so I assumed I was the only virgin in first class. When we were done, we had to wait about a half-hour for our turn on the runway and then we were airborne. Mel was still planning, thinking about Fourth of July and talking about a big barbecue - with our own fireworks display and music and all our friends.

“Can we have a pony-ride too, Mommy?” I asked her teasingly.

She stuck her tongue out at me.

“Be serious,” she scolded me.

“Bella may cry if you don’t have ponies. She said Mary’s never been on one.”

“Wrong kind of pony,” she giggled and swatted me. “Stop joking. I want to do this.”

“Okay,” I agreed, and we started talking about planning the Fourth of July party for our friends and family.

Mel’s family might not get invited, but that was entirely up to what happened in the next week. We kept the topic up for most of the flight. We agreed that it was far too big a job for Eliza, so we’d hire a catering service for the event. I swapped out the charger for my phone and then finally my iPod while we chatted about the party. I had no doubt that she could have planned it with one call, but we were in the air and this was mostly a way to keep her distracted and relaxed.

By the time we landed, we had menu, entertainment, decorations and fireworks planned. We were also talking about who would stay with us and who we’d have to arrange for drives for at the end of what promised to be a fairly drunken celebration. We deplaned and collected our luggage and started wandering in the direction of the rental desk to get our car.

“So, do they know when we’re coming, or are we getting checked-in and settled before we call them?” I asked her, pushing the cart filled with our bags.

“I had to tell them the dates,” Mel admitted. “They were expecting me for Christmas. Then again, they were expecting me for Thanksgiving.”

“You didn’t go home for that?” I asked, surprised. It was the first time we’d talked about it.

“It was too late to get a flight from LA,” she explained. “Besides, I didn’t feel like seeing them at that point.”

“Okay,” I said lightly. “Did they know what flight we were going to be on, or just that you were arriving today?”

“Just the day,” she said. “Why?”

“Well, there’s an older guy over there, scowling at us like we ran over his dog,” I commented. “I just wondered if it was your father or someone I pissed off at some point in the past.”

“Where?” she asked, scanning the crowd, not seeing where he was.

“Off to our left a little,” I said softly, nodding a little in the direction. “He’s wearing a long brown coat and has dark hair, going gray.”

She looked in the direction I’d indicated and blanched.

“Oh, boy!” she moaned in dismay at seeing him.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, starting the recording app and figuring that our interrogation started now.

“Do we pretend we don’t see him or go over and say hello?” I asked comfortingly.

“Too late,” she said with a sigh. “He’s on his way over here.”

I looked up and he was approaching, looking less and less enthused.

“Hi, Dad,” Mel said with less enthusiasm than she’d greeted Stan with the last night we saw him. “I’m surprised to see you here. Are you meeting a business partner?”

“I came to pick up my daughter,” he said and then looked at me, “and her valet, apparently. I’m sure we’ll be able to find him a spot out of the way.”

I liked him immediately ... No, not really. I wanted to use my fist to pave his superior sneer flat. He was dismissive and presumptuous and arrogant. I knew right away that he was a lost cause and that Allison was likely a complete sociopath growing up in his care. My skin crawled with the effort not to hit him.

“He’s not a servant, Dad,” Mel said, getting annoyed. “This is Rand, he’s my fiancé.”

“Your husband’s dead a month and you’re already engaged to someone else?” he rolled his eyes. “He’s after the money, Melody. Even you can’t be this blind.”

He turned to me without waiting for an answer.

“Alright, Rand,” he started, sneering his way around my name. “What’s it going to take to get rid of you? I can write you a check with all kinds of zeros on it, but there’s no way my daughter is going to marry you.”

I looked at Mel, and she looked at me and I laughed.

“He thinks he can buy us!” I exclaimed in between peals of laughter.

Mel looked angry and she was starting to turn red, so I put a hand on her arm to get her attention. I gave her a comforting look and she bit her tongue. I looked at her father.

“Mr. Carmichael, you don’t have the financial resources to convince me to abandon Melody. You can get out your checkbook and write a fat pay-off, but your offer is going to be pathetic.”

“We can do this the easy way,” her father said, his voice taking on an edge, “or we can do it the hard way. Your choice.”

“Are you threatening me, Mr. Carmichael?” I asked him evenly.

“That depends on whether you’re smart enough to take what I’m offering or not,” he said coldly.

I turned to Mel.

“I think he’s threatening me,” I said to her. “What do you think?”

“I think that he should stop interfering in my life,” she said tightly.

“I’m looking out for you, Melody, since you seem to be incapable of doing it yourself,” he spat.

“If you were looking out for her when she met Stan Weaver, you’re either the shittiest parent in history or you were complicit in selling your daughter as a sex slave,” I told him bluntly. “Did you even have a lawyer look at the prenup that she signed with Stan? Or, were you just so thrilled to have her off your hands and have leverage against him; that you were too busy clapping with glee to notice that the document was a noose around her neck and a license for him to do whatever his sick mind wanted?” I snapped back.

“How dare you!” he thundered. “What would you know about any of this?!!?”

He was turning red himself now.

“I read that document,” I told him with a sneer of my own. “It stated that if there was a divorce for infidelity that Mel would walk away with nothing! It didn’t specify that it was if SHE cheated. At any point, Stan could have filed for divorce for his own infidelity and enforced that agreement to turn her out into the streets penniless. A second-year law student would have rejected that clause. You, you fucking idiot, you forced the marriage down his throat, and he forced her into virtual slavery. If you were any kind of father, you would have read it over and had a lawyer do the same. So, tell me, how much did Stan pay you for your daughter? Did you make a lot of money, selling your 18-year-old daughter to a 50-year-old sexual predator?! Was it worth it?!!?”

He stood there, a muscle in his cheek twitching as he turned more and more red.

“You son of a bitch!” he yelled. “You’re never going to get your hands on our money! I’ll see you in hell first!”

“I don’t know what money you think I’m after, but I’m marrying Mel because I want Mel, not because I have some elaborate scheme to steal the money you made by trading her to Stan,” I told him. “I have my own money and enough pride to get a job if that runs out.”

“You know she stands to inherit millions from Stan Weaver’s estate!” he bellowed.

“That’s not your money or your family’s money. Whatever Stan leaves to Melody is hers. Not yours, not mine. For that matter, what makes you think there’s all that much left. He had to sell off a lot of his investments. Cancer isn’t cheap in America.”

“There’s no way he spent that kind of money on cancer treatment in six months. He owned dozens of prime properties.”

“All gone. Stan had some rather unfortunate legal problems just before the cancer was diagnosed.”

“What do you mean?!!?” he demanded, aghast. “He had millions in real estate.”

Mel spoke up and took delight in this part of the story.

“Stan liked to fuck women he wasn’t supposed to,” she said, turning mean. “You should know that, Dad. I remember how pissed you were when he fucked me. One of the women he liked to fuck was married. She was also one of his employees. One of the other women he liked to fuck had the Clap, so Stan spread it to me and to all his other women. When her husband got diagnosed, it all came out and he sued Stan for assault and alienation of affection and causing his divorce, and then sued the business because he fucked her on company time and on company property. The two of them stayed married just long enough for both of them to sue Stan separately and then they divorced, and the husband got all her settlement too,” she told her father in a too-sweet voice. “It’s good to know that you consider all that money communal family property though.”

“He let them sue him like that?!!?” he sneered in disgust.

“Rand has the best legal team in Charlotte,” she said proudly.


His eyes bugged out at me.

“I don’t know if non-disclosure agreements survive the death of the principle party, so I’d rather not discuss the details, but I can confirm that my grievances against Stan Weaver and Weaver Savings and Loan were settled in a mutually agreeable fashion. So, you see, a lot of the money that you were counting on, or whatever had you bouncing on your toes, It’s now our money,”

I told him, putting my arm around Mel’s shoulders to leave no doubt who I included in my proclamation. He just sneered at me and shook his head.

“You son of a bitch!” he seethed. “You stay the fuck away from my daughter.”

“Look, you’ve been insulting, threatening and dismissive to me, and snide, condescending and controlling to Melody. You can insult me all day long. It doesn’t bother me, but you leave Mel alone. I don’t like the way you’ve talked to her so far, and I don’t like the way you treat her like an idiot. I certainly don’t like your casual assumption that because she came to visit, you’re in charge of her life. You don’t give a shit about her. If you did, you’d have come to Charlotte when she found out Stan was cheating ;so that you could be with her when she was hurting; you would have come down when Stan died, leaving her with no family to rely on. Stan’s housekeeper has been better to her than you have, and from the sounds of it, you always treated her like shit. Now that she’s got money, you want to be family? Convenient!”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about!” he sneered. “Melody is highly impressionable. She needs protection from the likes of you.”

“She needed protection from the likes of Stan, but you sold her to him to seal a big deal, right? You used your first-born daughter as a sex slave to grease the wheels on your big deal with Stan and now you’re counting on the contents of his estate to keep those wheels spinning, by the look of it. You disgust me. Are you sure you’re her father, because I see nothing of you in her.”

Well, gentle reader, I need to confess that I have no idea what I was thinking to blurt that out, but it set him off on a rant that had airport police taking a keen interest in our exchange.

“Don’t do it,” I told him. “I know what you’re thinking, and if you do it, you end up in the hospital or jail,” I told him. “If you hit me, it’s assault and I’ll press charges. I’ll also defend myself and my fiancée. I probably won’t be gentle about it either.”

He growled at me, but he restrained himself by a hairs-breadth.

“You’re fucking lucky we’re in public,” he declared.

“That’s pathetic,” I said flatly. “All three of us know that if you and I decided to mutually hurt each other, I would pick you up and snap parts off of you at will. There’s nothing you could do about it other than piss yourself and beg for mercy. I think we’re done. Run along, stuffed shirt. Your wife is invited to dine with us tonight. You are not. After this outburst, I think it would be best if you immersed yourself in work until we return home.”

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GirlsDoPorn 19 Years Old E464

This stunning 19 year old college girl is going to school to be a surgical tech so you know she’s got a good head on her shoulders, and she’s gotta make ends meet to get those student loans taken care of so she’s here to make her very first adult video…and of course besides the cash she just wants to get a good hard pussy pounding lol! She stays active with rock climbing and skateboarding and stuff which is how she’s all fit and trim…and man those legs and...

4 years ago
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My first time truly sucking and being fucked

I had left work and went to a restaurant close by to get dinner. As I was sitting at the counter waiting to give my order and man sat on the stool next to me. "Hi," he said, "my name is John" and he reached out to shake my hand. At first I thought it odd that a person could just sit down and introduce them self just as he did. But I was taken by how pretty he was. He was about 5' 5", thin, had brown hair that shined, and had the greenest eyes imaginable. His lips were full, and he had...

2 years ago
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My Bosss Daughter Prt 1

My name is Cheryl. I am a 28 year old Black woman from Dallas who's usedto having the best of things. I work for a well respected lawyer inDallas and from time to time I tutor his 16 year old daughter, Sarah.Sarah was a sophomore at St. Penelope's Catholic School for girls andwell developed for her age. She could easily pass for 20 if she wantedbut stuck to her ponytails, pleated skirts and knee high socks.One afternoon, while sitting at my desk outside of Mr. Duncan's office,Sarah called up to...

4 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 9

Bobby stood nervously at the school bus stop, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. There were a few other kids there as well, none of whom he knew. They regarded him with the typical silent teenage disapproval and distrust given to strangers from outside their known world. The day had arrived for him to start classes at his new middle school. He'd spent the prior weekend going through a pile of school textbooks. Using Bobby's new class schedule, his mom had arranged for the...

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House of Shadows Chapter 1

Maureen Haley paused when halfway down the long upstairs corridor in her Aunt Sylvia’s rambling old Maine house. A strange squelching sound came from inside the library.She eased up to the big oaken door and pressed her ear against it. The sound was wet and sucking, like a rubber boot being pulled out of spongy, clutching mud. A puzzled frown creased Maureen’s brow.She quietly tried the doorknob: it was locked, but the handle clicked when turned. The sound within suddenly ceased with a groan.At...

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MiriPart 1 - 3A Femina Island's TaleRay Archer watched Miri Spencer walk away. Her long blond hair pulled back into a pony-tail that hung down to the small of her back. As she opened the door of her beachouse she briefly turned to him & smiling with those green eyes told him to behave & be ready to give her a nice long back rub when she returned.Miri wiggled her shapely tushy at him before leaving. Ray heard the door close & waited to hear the sound of her pulling away in her...

3 years ago
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The Maze

Each year the Lush City Council holds their annual Maze Race. The objective is to get through the maze the fastest to win the prize that year. This also comes with a catch – the maze changes each year and there are little traps and surprises that may pop up every now and then. If you can successfully avoid as many of these distractions as possible, you’ll be just fine. Once you exit the maze, all information about the maze and it’s contents are banned from leaving your mouth until everyone who...

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A story about one families bid to conquer Boston’s EliteA Fantasy created by Ted Guy based on an idea by Julie Van.(Please read previous chapters to get maximum enjoyment).Chapter 4 - Taking control.At 1045AM the morning after her son Aaron had spent the night fucking Stella Harris Michelle Jackson stood in front of the mirror in her dressing room. She had chosen to wear thin zip up tennis dress for her little trip over to see Stella Harris. Stella’s passion was tennis, the white fabric looked...

4 years ago
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Masturbating With My Classmates One Last Time

Once a week for most of the school year, the boys had been squeezing into our changing rooms for what they called Wank Wednesday.It was exactly what it sounds like. After games class, we'd been watching each other masturbate. It was originally a female-only group, but the boys were allowed in at the suggestion of my friend Tiff, and it turned me on a lot.Fortunately, the teachers always kept their distance so we had some privacy. Unfortunately, we'd reached our very last Wank Wednesday before...

1 year ago
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Picking Up Chicks

Paula and I leaned against the wall right next to each other. Our eyes were locked onto Stanley, whose cock was busy fucking Victoria doggy style, that is, from behind her. The only sounds were those coming from Stanley, heavy gasps from the exertion of his thrusts into her, and from Victoria's quiet mewing as she squirmed, awaiting his throbbing orgasm as his sperm spurted inside her ... I knew that Vicky and Stan always fucked that way and both of them certainly seemed to enjoy it, not...

4 years ago
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Socialite Wife

The limousine drove slowly up Times Square until it merged with Broadway then it pulled to the curb at 1535 which was the Marriott Marquis Hotel in downtown New York City. The front door opened and a handsome chauffeur got out and walked around to the curbside and opened the rear door and the gaggle of paparazzi, cameras flashing, moved closer to see who was inside. Inside the rear of the vehicle sat Mrs. J. Burdock Williamson, or CeCe, as she was known to all of her friends, who slowly slid...

3 years ago
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Naukrani ki beti

Hi, Iss readers this is Zain from Karachi, I am an engineer and working in a private company. Mai aap sab ko mera new sex experience ke bare main batana chahta hun. Now main aapko apni real story sunata hoon agar aapko pasand aayey to aap mujhey mail karien. Mai un dino engineering ke padhai kar raha tha. Mujhe hostel mai kuch problem ho raha tha to maine ek flat kirye pe le lia aur hostel chhod dia. Main ne khana pakane ke lie ek bangali naukrani rakh li jiski age lagbag 40 saal ka thi dekhne...

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Home Alone With Sis

Our parents were on a one-week cruise Mom earned at work. It was for two people only so they decided to make a second honeymoon out of it. The k**s had to stay home. I was the youngest, having just turned eighteen that spring. It was my last summer in high school. Mom and Dad wanted me to enjoy it. My brother joined the Marines when he graduated two years ago. My sister, Susan, was going to start her senior year in college. She offered to stay home and be sure that I stayed out of trouble. Just...

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Sweet Maddie Grandpas Dream Girl

I saw their car pull into the driveway and I stepped out to greet them. My youngest daughter Anna and her husband Jeff stepped out of the car and I gave her a long hug and shook his hand. I hadn’t seen them in years. They had been living overseas. They had moved to France for his job. Now they were back. I looked eagerly for my granddaughter to get out of the car. She stepped out and I gasped. She was beautiful. Madelyn was tall. She had her father’s golden skin and her mom’s blonde hair. It...

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The Engagement Ch 11

Toys and Such to Fuck With The words ‘Goodnight Daddy’ reverberated in his mind as he returned to the bedroom. He found himself with such an incredible erection from the encounter with the nubile teenager that he slipped into bed and immediately sought sexual solace from whichever woman he found closest. That turned out to be Molly, whose ass snuggled up to him as he lay between the two women. His arm draped over her supple form, located her breast and began caressing it, first allowing his...

4 years ago
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Cheaters Never Win part 2

Cheaters Never Win - part 2 Commission for "Cartoon Masker" James yawned blearily. It was not the first time that morning he was tempted to regret staying up as late has he had playing with Anna's skinsuit, but the euphoric memory of the sensations overpowered his despondence just like it had every other time so far. His parents were out hitting up the wholesale grocers for the coming week's groceries and had talked of hitting up the movies for a matinee of some new sci fi movie...

3 years ago
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The Spirit of the West the Devil on the MarchChapter 2

"Never forget how sharp the sword is. You can cut yourselves or your friends as easily as you can cut anything else. I can help you if you accidentally cut off a finger, or even a leg, during practice, but I can't do anything for you if you are killed, so I'll remind you, again, BE CAREFUL! "You will be issued the special sword and shield to start with, so that you don't develop any bad habits from practice swords. There is only one correct way to use this special sword: stab into the...

4 years ago
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The Tough Get ComingChapter 8

In the car on the way home - packages in back containing the two nightgowns, the tears carefully hidden when purchased - Gwen was overcome with curiosity to find out how her mother had been first turned-on to lesbian lovemaking. "It wasn't that long ago, Gwen," her mother grinned, dropping one hand from the wheel to momentarily run it over her daughter's exposed thigh. "Who was it who... well, who turned you on?" Gwen asked, her eyes open wide. "Eileen Linke," Carol said with a...

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The Spinner Series The Boat

It was another beach weekend coming up for Jennifer and me, but this time we invited my best friend Ted and his girlfriend, Tina. Ted called me Thursday to say that Tina had a family funeral that came up at the last minute so she couldn’t come down.  I asked Ted if he was going to the funeral and he said, “No, it’s out of state so she’s going with family so they won’t be back until Monday and I have to work. ““Why don’t you come to the beach with Jenn and me?” I offered.“I don’t want to be in...

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Ansleighs Descent

Ansleigh’s DescentSteve Oak glanced up at the clock on his large oak desk, noting that it was already 6:00.  He’d been at the office almost 12 hours trying to get ahead of things so he could take some much needed time off.  He’d switched with one his subordinates and was off to Virginia Beach to conduct a couple of focus groups.  He hadn’t done one in years.  That was what his staff was for.  But the opportunity to spend a long weekend at the beach, especially with the company paying for part...

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My Neighbors Daughter

From where I sit in the entertainment section of my large second story bedroom I can see the beautiful Sunday morning sky—it’s a kite-flying sky, clear, even a bit crisp, painfully blue. The French doors are splayed open with a resplendent view of the neatly trimmed, well tended municipal park, with its puffy green clouds of honeysuckle, and formidable walls of hedges that box in several winding, weaving bone colored walking trails, all soldiered by large, heavy topped oaks. A dog barks, three...

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Summer of Love Week 8

It’s a typical Monday afternoon. Jo Anne is down on her knees in her kitchen, with Aaron’s erect penis lodged in her throat. The MILF is dressed in a cheerful, summery looking white floral print dress with a matching pair of white stiletto heels. Nobody’ll notice my cum all over that dress, Aaron smirks to himself as he looks forward to blasting his nut sludge directly in the MILF’s face. Jo Anne pauses for a moment, takes the stud’s dick out of her mouth and looks up at him. “Do you want to...

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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 15 Invitations

In late October the plans were well in hand for the Thanksgiving Party at the U.S. Embassy in Kobek city. "With respect, it's very simple, Ambassador. We have a list of all the invitations you have received in the last twelve months and we simply invite all of the Ambassadors who sent them." "But I haven't been here for twelve months yet," Sharon objected. "Not you personally, the U.S. Ambassador receives invitations, even when there is nobody in post," the Head of Protocol...

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Story 2

You stammer as I walk in your residence. You are asking something about "What are you doing here?" when I cut you off with my index finger on your full lips."Hush. This is going to be an afternoon to enjoy. And to cum," I say.You've read my stories, seen my pictures ... but we've never met. And you weren't planning on meeting anyone today."Show me your place," I command. You raise an eyebrow, and turn around... my hand falls from your face and to your elbow until it laces with your right hand....

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ADULT BOOKSTORE FACIAL AND CUM WALKI stopped in the adult bookstore on Rt. 322 near Duncannon on a Friday late afternoon on my way home. I usually keep some silky shorts and a button down shirt in the car to slip into when I go in so they are easy to slip off when I am in there. One I get in a booth I undress and hand my clits of a book and begin to slowly stroke my smooth shaved little penis (see my pics and you will know what I mean).So the place is pretty busy and I am watching some porn and...

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ShesNew Winter Jade Submissive To Dick

Winter Jade is one of those girls who you would not expect to fuck on film because she just looks so sweet and innocent. Thankfully, she joins us today to show off her cute ass and sweet tits in one of her first scenes. She tells us that the first time she ever had sex it hurt, but after a few times it started feeling so good that she decided to make a career out of it! Well, Winter, you are absolutely in the right place. She hops on our studs cock after masturbating and bringing herself to a...

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First Day Back

She woke from a dream, remembering in an instant what it had entailed and then suddenly finding herself unable to do so. She recalled that she had enjoyed the dream, whatever it had been, and that it hadn’t been the purest dream an eighteen-year old girl could have, but the face of the person in it was blurred in her memory… Amy sighed, checked her phone for the time and sat up, regretting it. Lying down again, she groaned and also tried to remember what had happened the night before....

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Dear Penthouse

I feel as though this letter should start out Dear Penthouse and anyone reading this will think its just another fictional story made up by someones sexual driven imagination… but not today. First off, let me tell you a little about my wife. Before we dated I was the only one she ever had sex with, not even her fiancé, before me, so shes never been very sexually active. A typical sexual experience with my wife is in the missionary position with NO BOOBS and speaking of boobs, she has a...

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The Other Side Of MeChapter 12 Part one

A little boy with newly cropped dark hair and wide, attentive hazel eyes looked across the table at the other six-year-old, who happened to be his mirror image. Only, the hair was a little messier, the eyes somewhat absent, and the biggest difference noticed by the little boy--the bowl of strawberry ice cream his doppleganger was eagerly lapping down. He felt particularly jealous over that last thing, but still, when the messy-haired boy suddenly looked up and smiled at him, he was inclined...

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A Bitch Gets Revenge

     This story is written for the enjoyment of adults only.  It is a work of fiction from the twisted folds of my brain.  Please send any comments to [email protected].  I love hearing from you.  A Bitch Gets RevengeWritten by 4Play     My wife Pat and I had been active swingers for almost 5 years and both enjoyed sex with other partners very much as well as sex with each other.  She is a good looking woman in the prime of life and men find her attractive.  We were married very young and were...

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