TurbulenceChapter 3 free porn video

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I was nervous when I checked in. The registrar was snippy because he had to wait for me to show up. “I don’t know why you couldn’t have been here earlier,” he said. My roommate, an upper-class student by the name of Ryan Chitworth came down to take me back to the room. He was nice enough (it was part of his job to guide this precollege student gently along).

When we got off the elevator on the 3rd floor it opened to a large lounge area with the doors of three separated rooms surrounding it. There were two bathrooms with showers on either side of the lounge and area kitchen area. Walking into the room there was a bunkbed set up with an upper and a lower. “You’re in the upper bunk,” Chitworth said. “Your clothes go in the wardrobe over there.”

I was a young kid in a strange town far away from home but was quickly developing a different outlook on life. I had just gotten out of the cab where I had been necking with the woman who had captured me on the airplane then took me to her flat. What started as kissing in the cab and morphed to being given “head” (Colette’s term for giving me a blowjob). Total enjoyment of her transportational fellatio was impeded by the cab driver’s eyes who seemed to spend more time in the mirror than on the road. I was too young to understand that such goings on in a cab were perks for the drivers. Just a day or so ago only two girls had played with my cock in any way during the sum total of my life. I had never gotten laid but on the plane from Boston to London a British Airways stewardess by the name of Colette Bentley gave me a hand job under my blanket which gave me the opinion that I was becoming a man of the world. I still could not get over it and didn’t know if I would ever tell anybody about it. They never would have believed me.

Ryan Chitworth was cool though. He laughed when I told him about the registrar. He said, “We Brits tend to be a bit perfunctory here.” On the elevator he was looking at me a bit strangely and I caught him glancing down at my hand that was at my side. During the cab ride I developed nasal fatigue and could only smell the scent of Colette’s pussy on my hand if I put it to my face. Embarrassed at the thought that Ryan might be noticing her scent on my hand I quickly put it in my pocket. I had this strange compulsion to blurt out to him what had gone on with my magical stewardess since she had sat next to me on the plane at Logan Airport.

“So,” Ryan said, “If the registrar had left would you have had to stay in a hotel tonight? Was your plane late?” I had washed my hands for good sanitary hygiene but more importantly to erase the smell of Colette’s pussy, hoping to erase any thoughts Ryan might have had about any misbehavior in the taxi. Maybe he was just making conversation when he said. “Surely you must have called ahead to make arrangements with the registrar, what?”

It was interesting the way Ryan ended his statement with “what” rather than “huh” which would have been the more conversational way to say it back home. I’ll have to get used to this way of speaking. But I was concerned that my new roommate and mentor was digging to find something juicy about the reason I arrived at the housing center so late. To my surprise and relief, he changed the subject.

When we got settled, he took me to the food hall where we both picked up trays and made selections along the cafeteria line. I showed the cashier my temporary card which was good for a week until I got my permanent one. After eating, during which we got to know each other a little better he said, “Shall we go over to Spike’s for pint?”

I rarely drank at home. Besides, in the U.S. I would not even be able to be served alcohol for another three and a half years. “I heard that the drinking age here is 18,” I said. “I’m only 17 so I won’t be able to drink beer for a few more months.”

“Ale,” he said. “But don’t worry about that, I can just get two pints and bring it over to the table.” Looking at my worried face he went on. “Spike won’t ask; he and I are mates. Spike and my uncle have been mates for years but it’s pretty much the same. He will look the other way as long as I keep you in line, we’ll be ok. It will be only one pint.” Still, I felt like a major criminal walking into the bar.

When four guys (I would learn to call them blokes) yelled, “RYAN” I had mixed feelings about being a high schooler with bona fide university students. I doubted that I would actually be accepted by a group of college men and was quite uncomfortable. Ryan made a level wave of his hand and headed toward the group. When we reached the table he said, “Say hello to Arthur Chadwick, he’s a Yank. They all looked at each other and said nothing. “Introduce yourselves to this pathetic American teenager while I bring back a couple of pints.”

My friends and I talked that way to each other at home. But being a virtual stranger in a far-off land I was intimidated by it. At the same time, I knew I had to accept it as a geographical normality, or I would definitely be excluded from the group. I was miffed that Ryan seemed to use “American” as a pejorative term. But one of the guys grabbed my hand, shook it vigorously and said, “Not to worry Preemie, he’s just jerking your chain. I’m Giles. Say hello to Nigel, Mycroft and Willie.” The way Giles and the others seemed to be accepting me took the chill off what I was thinking. “Preemie” was what they called all high school students who studied in the kind of program I was enrolled in. I would find that they would be nice to me the first night but over the next couple of weeks I would be dragged over the coals in a progressive hazing process.

Prior to this I had little alcohol. The ale made me a bit woozy. Ryan noticed it and before he lost his resolve to make it only one pint, took me out of Spike’s and back to the residence. By the time we got back to our quarters I was bushed, the time difference had something to do with it as did the redeye flight, not to mention the way Colette had worked me over so completely all day. I went to bed as soon as I got back and conked out right away.

Some dreams are more realistic than others; this one was so vivid that there was no question it was actually happening. I was just getting on the British Airways airplane heading back to the United States. My friends: Ryan, Nigel, Giles, Mycroft, and Willie were there to see me off. For some reason they were able to accompany me to the gate, something airlines had stopped allowing after 9/11. But anything can happen in a dream. I just didn’t expect something like that to happen.

I went to sleep thinking about Colette, wondering if she was as bushed as I was. I knew she would be flying in the morning, going back to the United States, spending the night then turning around the next evening. She told me that because of her seniority she got the best routes and turnarounds. While thinking of her before I conked out, I got a hard-on and started fondling myself. But I had so much activity with my dick that day the moment I wrapped my fist around it the stinging was too uncomfortable, so I stopped. Just before I got out of the cab, she had said to me that she and I were going to have a good time together while I was in London, but she did not want to interfere with my schooling. She told me that we would put the relationship on hold ‘til the weekend after next when she wanted to take me out to the Cotswold’s, telling me how quaint and romantic the area was. I didn’t care as much about the quaintness or even romance it as I did about my getting back into bed with her. Anyway, there was no way I was going to beat my meat on my first night in town; I was both too tired to do it and too chafed down there to get anything but pain out of it.

In my dream while my mates and I walked through Heathrow we were all laughing. Giles said, “Did you know that your mother was working this flight back to the States? That make no sense to me. But when we got to the gate, I saw an attractive older woman standing next to the gate agent, stunned when I realized she was my mother. She was dressed in British Airways blue and looked stunning. With a smile that was like a posed advertisement she said, “Let me show you where you are sitting Arthur.” I followed her down the jet way then on board the airplane. From habit I turned right. “No Arthur,” she said, “Your seat’s this way.” She directed me to the left then stood just beyond the middle seat in business class. “This will be so much nicer dear.”

Just then another stewardess walked from the cockpit to just behind my mother. It was Colette Bentley. They smiled and hugged. Colette said, “He’s a great passenger, you’re going to enjoy this youngster.” Casting a glance my way Colette smiled and winked.

The scene fast forwarded to the flight. We had been airborne for about an hour half. The seats on either side of me had been empty when we took off but were now occupied. My mother was in the seat to my left. Colette was in the seat to my right. I did not hear what my mother said to Colette, but Colette responded by saying, “It’s easy enough to do Caroline but I think we’d better put a blanket over him.” She fetched a blanket and arranged it over my body. Sitting back beside me she reached under the blanket unzipped my fly and said to my mother, “Lift the blanket Caroline so you can see how magnificent your son’s cock is. Take a good look.”

Mom lifted the blanket and dipped her head so she could see. “My GOODNESS,” she said, “I can’t believe how LARGE my little boy has GOTTEN.”

“I can’t believe you haven’t seen him before Caroline,” Colette said. “it’s AMAZING how good he feels in my hand. I had some fun with this substantial chap on the way over and I must tell you, it was a thrill to play with your boy. Have you ever tried it?”

I could feel the hand from the left—Mom’s hand—moving across my left thigh. Her fingers tentatively touched the surface of my hardening penis then quickly pulled away like she had touched a hot pan. Then after a timid, nervous chuckle her fingers tentatively wrapped my shaft. In a gasping whisper that was muffled by the blanket over her head she said, “Oh Colette I’ve been wishing I could do this for years.”

To me she said, “I hope you don’t think your mom is a complete pervert Arthur but ... Oh MY this is WONDERFUL.” After a curious tactile exploration of my prominence she began slowly stroking my cock. Goodness, Goodness, GOODNESS,” she went on, her voice squeaking in high pitched tightness, though still quite enough not to be distinctly heard throughout the cabin above the whine of the engines.

“I told you Caroline what a marvelous lover your lad has become, Colette said, “I don’t understand why you got so angry with me.”

“Yes, I know Colette and I’m sorry,” Mom replied, “I couldn’t believe that you could be doing that with MY son. I was jealous. But THIS,” she squeezed my cock like she was holding it in a death grip, “It’s more than I could have ever imagined, my little boy with a sex organ such as THIS ... and SO PRETTY.”

It was like my mother was trying to get more of herself under the blanket. I felt her shoulders next to me then her head on my stomach. I felt the warmth of her cheek as she brushed my glans against it in what seemed like adoration. I felt Colette moving the blanket on the other side of me and lifting it slightly, “His penis next to your face is an incredible sight Caroline,” she said. “I would certainly like to see it inside your mouth.”

That was all the coaxing my mother needed. I felt the heat of her breath, the closing of her lips around my circumcision scar just behind the rim of my head and the warm wetness of the inside of her mouth. It was like three balls had just lined up on the slot machine and coins of pleasure were dropping into the till. Her excitement was obvious but controlled as she emitted her muted moan with each thrust of her mouth, the bulge of her shoulders and head rising and falling under the blanket. My excitement was less controlled as I forgot to clamp the cheeks of my ass tightly, the way Colette had taught me in her flat the day after we first landed in London.

Colette had just placed her hand on Mom’s head as she watched my mother fellating me. From my reaction and the stiffening of my body when I shot my first, second and third loads into my mother’s mouth Colette said, “I should have warned you Caroline what short fuses young lads’ have when they are having sex with somebody new.” But my mother seemed to be oblivious of everything except what was going on in her mouth. As I relaxed from the triple ejection of my sperm, I could tell by the movement of Mom’s tongue that she was cleaning and savoring every drop of my ejaculate. I remembered thinking I would never have considered that My Mother would take ANY male’s penis in her mouth.

As she fondled my shrinking penis with her tongue and tenderly massaged my balls it seemed clear from her amazingly satisfied murmurings that she was completely familiar with the concept of fellatio. Her sighs seemed like a prayer of thanksgiving which seemed to be assessing the worth of my gift like it was in the same realm as gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

“WAKE UP FOR CHRIST’S SAKE,” Ryan said as he shook my body violently. “Is there something wrong with your mother?’

Through stubborn slits my eyes saw my roommate standing over me with a stunned look on his face. “Wha...” I said, not able to form the word ‘what.’ “Why are you shaking me?” How can I be in this unfamiliar dorm room when I was just on the plane with Colette and my mother? Could it REALLY have been a dream? It was so REAL ... so real that I sensed the feeling of something wet and warm on my bare chest—I could even smell the musky aroma of my jizz.

“Your moaning woke me up mate,” Ryan said. “When you started yelling, NO, NO MOM, I’M GONNA...” He stopped and shook his head. “I don’t even want to repeat the last word you said, you’ll probably take a swing at me.

I knew what the word was, “cum,” but I didn’t remember being so verbal in my dream. My brain raced fast enough that my explanation was immediate. “Um, um, I was dreaming about my mother. She was in the living room at Christmas when a piece of wood in the fireplace exploded and started the Christmas tree on fire ... a dream that happens too often. I’m sorry Ryan.” It was something that actually happened. I was 7 years old ... in the kitchen when it started. My mom yelled that the tree was on fire and she urged me to bring water which I did. Actually, the nightmare happened frequently until I was thirteen and had started masturbating ... when I started thinking sexually about my mother.

“Oh, okay mate,” he said, rolling his eyes and letting out a derisive laugh, “I thought it carried a different bit of meaning, sorry mate. It was strange to be woken up like that though. Anyway, are you going to be okay?”

I told him I was alright but tended to have these nightmares. “I’ve never slept in a room with somebody else, I’m sorry.”

“No, no its okay, was just a little bit of a shocker is all, if you get my meaning. Sorry mate.”

I had trouble getting back to sleep. In the morning, when I woke up, I was groggy. I also had trouble relating to Ryan ... was unable to look him squarely in the eyes. To say the dream was shocking was a major understatement. It really shook me up. In the dream I loved what my mother was doing but why was she dressed like a British Airways stewardess? Not rocket science; I knew that my experience with Colette had gotten into my mind in a big way. When we’d talked during sex she’d asked if I ever thought of my mother in that way. Bothered by the question I reluctantly admitted that I did, “but only on rare occasions.” The fact was though that I thought of her in that way too many times, usually masturbating during my thoughts of being inside her. From the beginning of my puberty, I had unexplainable occurrences of wet dreams which went on longer than with most pubescent males. Then I just started masturbating because I was getting multiple erections. Soon I began noticing Mom’s breasts, her behind and the form of her mound in her tighter dresses. Sometimes she was wearing slacks or jeans and I noticed the outlines of her vaginal lips and the indentation of her crack. Whenever friends talked with me about fucking nebulous sexual thoughts about my mother always brought imaginings of fucking her.

I was not sure whether Ryan’s perception of me might have changed since he had awakened me from that dream. But in my mind, he was able to see inside and knew for a fact that I told him a monstrous lie. I didn’t think he bought the Christmas tree dream though that could have just been my assumption. But when he told me how I said, NO, NO MOM, I’M GONNA...” purposely leaving off the word “CUM,” I related the Christmas tree story where I would have said “I’m coming Mom,” not “I’m gonna cum.” He could not see that under my covers I had in fact ejaculated on my belly and chest. But from my perspective I thought he might have known that I actually did.

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Hi friends, So far I missed this wonderful website.Recently I came to know regarding this website where my friend used to post his experiences. So I though of publishing mine as well. Not making u bored with bla bla.. I am Roshan,28 male living in Karnataka. As the story is happening live,.. I am not mentioning the real place name and all. I am basically from kerala deputed in Karnataka for some assignments. So I got posting in a remote , very remote place in Karnataka. I frequently used to...

2 years ago
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Meri Muumy Ki Chudai

Hello dost Me mehul gujarat se aaj me apko ek real story batane jaa raha hu or vo ekdam true hay mere ghar me hi hui hay, Mere parivar me me mehul or mere papa, mom or grandfather hay, papa abroad me hay job karte hay, yaha ghar me me or mom or grandfather rahte hay, mere ghar me do bedroom hay ek bedroom me me sota hu or dusre bedroom me mummy soti hay, grandfather main hall me so jate hay, last 14 april ko meri tabiyat thodi think nahi thi, to mera dyan rakhne keliye mene mummy ko kaha ke me...

3 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 31

Drew could feel the hot afternoon sun burning the back of his neck as he climbed the steps up to the veranda of the old sandstone farm house. He reached the top step and turned and watched the truck and trailer driven by the builder negotiate the pot hole ridden drive way down to the main road. The construction of the gazebo containing the new hot tub was complete. The builder had done a great job and today had been his last day. Drew had paid the final payment to him moments ago and shaken his...

2 years ago
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Todds Tinder Emi

Todd slammed down the cell phone onto the desk, and dove into his bed. Wanting to scream into the pillow, but failing to find any noise in his throat. He didn’t remain immobile for long before getting off of the bed and grabbing his phone and falling back onto the bed, unlocking his phone and opening up the messenger app and scrolling up in his most recent conversation. He quickly closed out of the app and switched to the app store. With almost no hesitation he downloaded and opened up the...

2 years ago
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Those Three Little Words Part Seven

Three days had past since I had last seen my Master and I missed him like I was without an arm. He was constantly in my thoughts, and each time Mistress Gina used me the gap where he should be became more and more prominent to me. Each time I heard footsteps to the basement I felt hopeful.“Slut. We’re going out” said my Mistress, descending the stairs of the basement and opening the door to my cage. I was excited to be let out of the basement- I had only ever ventured out when Mistress had...

3 years ago
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The Tale of RolandChapter 14

"Tell me all about it!" "Steph, you aren't going to believe it. I don't believe it. I now have a gold mine, and I'm a baron." "Shut up!" "No really. I have a castle." After Rolly got done telling his story, Stephanie said the words he dreaded to hear. "Take me with you one of these times. Pleeeese! I read in your rulebook something about companions." "Steph, if you got killed I don't know what I would do. What if we both got killed? Think of Mom and Paula." "Rolly, I...

1 year ago
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A new wife makes husband watch her being fucked by another man

My wife is gorgeous. 5’7″ with long legs, firm asscheeks, 37C breasts… and always horny. We have been married for 5 years and have no kids. Our sex life wasn’t the greatest but I thought it was okay… until last week and I discovered her with Randy. He’s a truck driver that she me when she was getting gas at the local truck stop. She chatted with him and would up in his sleeper cab getting the fuck of her life. He had a big dick and knew how to use it. She...

2 years ago
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For The Love Of LynnChapter 4

Lynn sat and watched Jamie as he read the Sunday paper while eating breakfast, feeling a little sad that this would be their last full day together before his return to school. She wished that he could have moved in yesterday, but she knew that it would have to wait until his parents returned and he could give them the news in person. They had discussed the night before about when would be a good time, and they both agreed that it would be the following weekend- the sooner the better. Jamie...

2 years ago
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Boardroom Stalemate

Melissa was a winner. Leaving the boardroom without a deal was not an option and two of her three adversaries were leading her down a path that would have ended in a stalemate.It was not her style.Brian, the younger of the two businessmen and Amy, the technical guru were the most awkward and kept stalling on every technical point that Melissa had a resolution for. The older gent, Mathew Davies, the one with the salt and pepper hair and moustache was more or less on her side all the way through,...

Office Sex
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High School Sweethearts

I wasn’t looking for him when I went into the cafeteria that day; I was looking for someone else. But there he was, tall, dark, and handsome, better than any cliché.And just my luck, he was surrounded by people from my own extended friend group. How is it possible that I had never met this guy before? I hovered close by, hoping to be noticed.Then he turned and smiled at me. I thought I might melt then and there! He exuded charm and friendliness, and he was sexy as hell! Then, he made things...

Straight Sex
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Rex the Reincarnated Rapist RetrieverChapter 4

The pretty young girl that Rex had saved from the pair of rapist dogs was none the worse for wear with only her pussy slit still bruised from the intense pounding she had received still wearing her backpack on her back. I knew that the girl had accepted my licking tongue because she knew I was only trying to calm down her raped flesh from the trauma she had recently received under the paws of the two dirty dogs that had used her teenaged body for their enjoyment. Now I was a welcome guest...

3 years ago
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Sex Chat With Gorgeous Friend

Hi Everyone, I am Rohan from Bangalore, big fan and regular reader of ISS. I have been reading stories from almost 7 to 8 years. I always wanted to share my many stories here but scared somewhat. Now I am going to share my real chat with the girl I met on social network. I am well fit as I go for regular gym with 6” and 2” thick dick, anyone can love my dick and turn them on anytime thinking of physic. This is happened when I met a girl on one of the social network. I met this girl and started...

3 years ago
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Every Mans Dream A Redhead

To make a long story short, eventually I ended up working as a cook for a nice hotel, and then she got a job as a waitress soon after that. One day we were all working our asses off. There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and she kept bringing in a steady stream of orders. At the end of the day we were stressed out beyond our normal limits. We started having a conversation and I just had to ask her out, but it had to be normal-sounding. I am not the best with girls. “Hey it was...

4 years ago
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Past experiences First love 2

Two days day passed since I had talked to either Tanya or Sarah. My anger turned into sadness as I wept thinking of the event at the jazz bar. Tanya was ignoring my phone calls and I was ignoring Sarah’s. My phone rang once more and as I picked it up to switch it off thinking it was Sarah, the screen said Tanya, “hello?” I answered very anxiously. “I’ve been thinking about what happened, I don’t blame you for anything” “…really?” I was still very nervous. “Yeah we cant help how we feel about...

2 years ago
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La Chatte Heureuse The Happy Pussy Ch 8

Chapter 8: Party Night.“I'm sorry, Lady Nicole, but Mistress Faye has summoned me to clean up her suite,” says Brooke. “There’s nobody else here at the moment to cover the office while I’m gone.”“Okay, I’ll keep an eye on things. Is there anything which needs doing while you’re gone?” I reply, noting that this is an example of what Monique and I were talking about less than ten minutes ago. It goes without saying that had Faye not ordered her own slave, Lillian, to be locked in the dungeon,...

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A New PastChapter 52 Offices

I was glad to see no mention of myself or Cameron on the DigiNews feed following the gala. The mainstream press, on the other hand, had descended into tabloid journalism at its worst. From a photo of us leaving the gala they had leaped to her being romantically involved with me less than a year after Jeryl’s death. That had taken on a life of its own with mud digging trying to paint me as stepping out with Princess Caroline as well. Somehow, they missed having a picture of me with Imogene in...

3 years ago
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HoustonChapter 2 John Tapes His Sexual History Part 2

The someone else was Vinnie; a kind of pudgy guy with feisty eyes and crooked teeth. He was a year older than me at fourteen but also fairly immature -- at that age you don't like to admit that you still collect comics and soldiers, but Vinnie did. I really don't remember how he and I got started having sex. I think that the first time was in the shower together at the local pool. Only one shower had hot water so we shared it. As we bathed, we both began getting massive erections. Vinnie...

2 years ago
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CadeChapter 27 The Fourth

The children never quite understood what happened between Cade and Callie. All they knew was that after the night their dad dropped them off at the Jameson's, Callie no longer went to work at the diner. For the next several days, Callie was docile and clung to Cade whenever he was around. Cade soothed and comforted her, and more importantly, he forgave her. She never went back to the diner after that night, not even to pick up her paycheck, and it eventually arrived by mail. Although Callie...

3 years ago
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Creature Crush

The world is a strange place, full of wonders the likes of which we don’t even know of yet. This is a tale about some of those hidden wonders, locked away from the senses of society at large. This is a world where creatures like vampires, genies, demons, ghosts, and many more roam the Earth in secret, right under our noses. This could be a scary place to live, you might never know what horrors are lurking around every corner just waiting to take an unsuspecting nibble. But this isn’t a scary...

4 years ago
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Watch Me Go All the Way Back MommyChapter 2

Danny was doing her push-ups on the white fluffy carpet and trying her best to keep the fluff from her nostrils. She liked it when Jack would put his foot on her back and make her go all the way down but he was not living with her mom anymore and she could only visit him at his new pad over by the railway tracks when her mom was at work. Her routine still called for a five kilometer run early in the morning and she always followed that up with her exercise routines. She no longer did them at...

3 years ago
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University Life First Ch 16

Exams had started and Kainene was half-crazed with exam stress. She had done two of her modules and she thought they had gone reasonably okay. However, her last two papers were on the same day which was the next day. She had never had two papers on the same day so she was understandably going mental. At the moment, she was pulling an all-nighter in the basement of the French building on Woodland Road. She had not been there for the past two days as she had spent those days in the 24 hour...

1 year ago
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PervMom Alina Lopez Jennifer White Quality Family Cooch Time

Jennifer White is a MILF who is always looking to learn. Today, she finds out about twerking, and asks her stepdaughter Alina Lopez to teach her a thing or two. But when Jennifers horny stepson stumbles in on the lesson, his cock gets rock hard. Only one way to solve that problem! Later, Jennifer notices that her stepson has a massive boner while she is walking around the house in nothing but a towel. She gets down on her knees and sucks his cock until her stepdaughter walks in on them and...

1 year ago
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Bus Trip Blowjob

I'm sitting on the bus from New York to Boston, trying to sleep but not being allowed to by the uncomfortable seat and the stuffy air of the Greyhound. I picked the seat in the back right next to the bathroom, on the bench that has three seats. This is usually my go to seat so I can lie down and sleep the trip away. Unfortunately for me though, today the bus is packed and I'm sharing the bench with some other guy; one seat between us. The guy is probably about 25-30 years old, a little older...

3 years ago
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More to Love

I was nervous. Almost eighteen months had passed since I’d seen my husband, and a lot had happened since then. As I stood at the airport, waiting for his flight to arrive, I remembered the last time I'd stood there, when I was waving him goodbye. “Damn it! I wish I could be here with you when the baby comes,” John said. ”So do I, baby,” I said. ”But we can't change the war, can we?” I couldn’t help it. I started to cry. "I'll miss you,” he said, looking deeply into my eyes. "Me, too. Be...

Straight Sex
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In den Hnden der Geheimpolizei german

Dienstagsfolter In den H?nden der Geheimpolizei Vorwort Ich bin von zwei inzwischen guten Freunden aufgefordert worden, ihre Erlebnisse einer breiteren ?ffentlichkeit mitzuteilen, und komme dem hiermit gerne nach. Es handelt sich um zwei Mitglieder der Geheimpolizei, die aus Sicherheitsgr?nden dazu verpflichtet wurden, ?ber ihren Berufsalltag strengstes Stillschweigen zu bewahren. Sagen wir also einfach: Die Geschichten spielen in irgendeiner fiktiven Diktatur, in der Schergen der St...

3 years ago
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ProeliatorChapter 1

I went back to hide in my old existence. I worked to repair the damage to my body as the rest of my mind dealt with the automatic functions. I thought of MehrAk most of all. She was part of my family even if it was because KhAvar brought her in. I ventured out when I completed each stage of the healing. My hearing was still poor. I could not see out of one healing eye and the other was not much better. Thankfully I was now able to mumble to the girls that I was healing. The girls and...

2 years ago
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A Fizz Tail

Running through the streets that shine like glass after a spring shower. Lights glitter along the downtown buildings. Raising tall above the street below, almost ominous in gesture. The noise is a low roar as cars, busses and trucks move along with places to go. We decided to go to the city for uplift in life. No real objective in mind besides the usual club hopping and nightlife for the moment anyway. The future is unwritten, we have a desire for the unknown. To roam into a city that is in...

3 years ago
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An Encounter

Author's Note: This is my first story, please offer any feedback so I know how/whether to continue.She stood nervously looking at the floor. A cool breeze past through the open window crossing the room and fluttered the edge of her tartan skirt. He noticed, from what he could see, that small goose bumps had raised on her legs and ran from her delicate ankles up over her soft, well toned calves continuing until they disappeared half way up her young thighs into the shadow of her skirt. From...

Straight Sex
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The curtains fluttered in the soft breeze. The air smelt of rain and wet grass. Jonathan shifted in his sleep and turned over onto his stomach. One arms groped and found cool sheets, something that puzzled his sleeping mind and drew it back to consciousness. After his eyes drifted open, he lay still for a moment trying to figure out what had woken him. Kat. He sat up, his eyes adjusting to the darkness as he searched the room for her. The curtains ruffled in a particularly strong surge of wind...

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Dick growth

Aaron came home from work at 11 pm. He worked as a lawyer and was home due to files being a handful. Aaron undressed down to his underwear and socks and felt his bulge. Almost bursting through the fabric, plump with cum. Aaron sat on his couch and pulled down his underwear. His cock sprang up as his balls bounced. He slowly started to rub his cock.

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Two Boys and Their Sister

mmf teen’s incest first-time unsafe Two brothers have a go with their sister in the rear of their dad’s station wagon on the way to vacation. There are not a lot of words here seeing as the details happened so quickly, in matter of only forty-five minutes somewhere on RT16 between Portsmouth and North Conway my twin brothers fucked me. My dad had planned this vacation for months, his yearly trip into the north woods for peace and quiet; basically we all looked forward to it, Mom, me,...

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