GreeniesChapter 3C free porn video

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"Incoming multiple agency response call," the dispatch computer said in it's calm, cool, collected voice. A second later, rows of text appeared on the screen.

"What is it?" asked Lisa, who was behind the wheel of the cart on this day. It had been another slow shift and she was ready for a little action to break up the monotony. A multiple agency response meant that something big was going down.

"34th Street and 7th Avenue," Brian told her, reading from the screen. "Heavy smoke in the streets. Multiple calls from citizens and the fire suppression systems have been activated at that intersection. Some of the call-ins seem to think a vehicle of some sort is burning."

"A vehicle huh?" Lisa said, turning the cart around and flipping on the emergency lights. "That could be nasty if it's a delivery truck carrying chemicals or something."

"Yep," Brian agreed, reaching under his seat and pulling out his gas mask.

In the enclosed environment of the Martian cities, fire was treated with considerably more respect than it was on Earth. On Mars, there was no outside to go to when things started to burn and the smoke had no natural way to escape from the area. Visibility would quickly be obliterated as smoke built up under the glass roof and people blocks away could easily be choked to death on noxious fumes if they were trapped in the vicinity. Though automatic fire suppression sprinklers were every twenty meters on the streets and every five meters in every building, they were good only for extinguishing minor blazes in the earliest stages of development. Major blazes, as this one seemed to be based on the dispatch information, required the use of high-pressure water hoses and lots of manpower. For this reason all public safety employees, the police included, were trained in firefighting and dispatched in large numbers whenever such an incident occurred.

"Holy shit," Brian said as they approached the area. "I guess something's burning all right." Though they were still six blocks away a haze of black smoke was quickly accumulating up along the ceiling. It grew into a thick fog further down the street. Hundreds of people, many of them coughing and with soot on their faces, were rushing out of the area, making it difficult for Lisa to navigate the cart through them. "Computer," he asked, "are any units on scene yet?"

"Negative," the computer replied. "I'm showing you as the closest so far. The next-in unit should be DPHS unit Delta-7. They are currently at 53rd Street and 7th Avenue."

"Copy, thanks," Brian said. He turned to Lisa. "We'd better get our masks and goggles on. This shit is gonna get thick in a minute."

"Right," she agreed, reaching down and picking up her own mask.

They covered their faces with the gas masks, which were capable of filtering out all but oxygen and nitrogen from the environment. They then pulled their combat goggles down over their eyes, setting them for infrared enhancement, which would allow them to see through the smoke. It was fortunate that they did this because within seconds the smoke became so thick that visibility would have been impossible. The streets however, were now mostly empty of citizens. Martians knew their fire drills well, having been taught since birth that it was imperative to get into a nearby building in the even of a blaze on the street. Buildings in the vicinity were automatically sealed off and imparted with air pressure greater than the street level to keep the smoke out.

A block away from the incident the actual flames became visible as a roaring red pyre in the infrared spectrum. Brian and Lisa could vaguely make out the source as a vehicle of some sort, possibly a panel truck. Their computer informed them that the heat was building up and that it was safe to go no further without protection. Lisa stopped the cart and they got out, going around to the back of it to remove their suppression suits, which were essentially coveralls made of bright yellow, synthetic, fire-proof material that did not conduct heat very well. As they put them on, Brian contacted the dispatch computer again. "Who's in command of this incident?" he asked.

"Battalion Chief 9 of DPHS," the computer told him. "She is still several kilometers away."

"Copy," Brian said, sliding his arms into the sleeves. "Battalion 9, this is EPD four-delta-five-nine."

"Go ahead, delta-five-nine," said the husky voice of the chief.

"We're on scene about a block out," he updated her. "It looks like a fully involved vehicle of some sort. Heavy smoke for four blocks in every direction and high heat in the vicinity. All of the citizens are off the streets as far as I can see. I recommend that when you get enough units close enough to fight it, we shut down the blast doors for a five block radius and start ventilating."

"Copy that, delta-five-nine," she said. "Will do."

"We're suiting up now," he told her next. "We'll move in and try to get some water on it."

They finished donning their suits, zipping them completely over their helmets and faces, leaving only enough room for their masks and goggles to peak out. "You ready?" Lisa asked Brian.

"I'm ready," he replied. "Let's do it."

They began to trot in the direction of the blaze, their combat goggles allowing them to see through the choking smoke, their suits protecting them from the heat. The blaze grew brighter and brighter as they approached and the shape of the object burning grew increasingly distinct.

"That looks like a fuckin FLEB van," Lisa observed.

"Sure does," Brian agreed, noting that it actually seemed to be melting from the intense heat. "And somehow I don't think that fire is accidental."

They split up when they reached the intersection, each of them heading for one of the four "fire stations" that were located at every intersection of streets. The fire stations were locked cabinets in which one hundred meters of six centimeter fire hose was stored, hooked up to a high capacity hydrant. Dip-hoe carts all carried extra hose in case the one hundred meters was not enough to reach a particular incident. In this case however, the burning van was less than thirty meters away from two of the stations.

Brian reached his station first. He looked at the number printed on it and then talked to the dispatch computer. "Computer," he told it. "Unlock fire station 34-7-2."

The computer quickly analyzed his voice pattern and concluded that he had authorization to order such a thing. A second later there was a click and the mechanism slid open. Inside of the compartment the hemp hose was wrapped around a large reel, a large nozzle resting on top of it. Brian grabbed the nozzle and put it over his shoulder. He began to walk towards the fire, the hose unreeling behind him as he pulled. Across the street, Lisa had reached her station and was doing the same.

When he got within ten meters of the blaze, his patrol computer warned him that the heat was becoming too intense for safety. He stopped. "Computer," he said. "Charge up my hose."

The computer complied, opening the main valve on his station and allowing water to rush forth into the hemp. The flat hose on the street suddenly ballooned up as it was filled, the various twists and turns jumping up and down and then resettling. When the water reached the nozzle, the weight of the hose against his shoulder suddenly quadrupled. Brian brought the nozzle down against his chest and then opened it, allowing a powerful stream of water to blast out towards the burning van. The sheer force of it tried to knock him off his feet but he braced himself tightly, just as he always had in the training classes, and kept the stream on the flames. Slowly, he began to move in.

His stream of water was joined by Lisa's less than a minute later. Although there was no negligible effect at first, their streams were soon joined by others as the first dip-hoe team arrived and activated the other two stations at the intersection. The smoke billowed even thicker for a few moments as the battalion chief ordered the blast doors shut around them to contain it. But a few moments later it began to dramatically thin as exhaust ports in the roof were opened up, allowing it to escape into the Martian atmosphere. Ventilation engines in the enclosed areas then kicked into overdrive, blasting fresh air into the area as fast as it was being sucked out by the pressure difference.

Once four water streams were concentrated upon it, the blaze was knocked down in less than five minutes, revealing that the vehicle was indeed a FLEB van, although now a partially melted and grotesquely distorted one. It was when Brian, Lisa, and the other cops and dip-hoes moved in to inspect the interior of the van that they made the shocking discovery that it was still occupied. Ten bodies were inside, all of them little more than grinning, blackened skeletons with melted helmets on their heads and charred body armor over their ribs. Their weapons, which were mostly plastic with steel barrels, were melted lumps in their laps or on the floor.

"Christ," Brian said, glad that he still had his mask on. He could imagine what the smell would be like in there. "What do you think did this?"

"A Molotov cocktail," replied one of the dip-hoes, an old, crusty one that looked like he had at least twenty years on the job. "I've seen them used before during the riots of '28. A little pressurized hydrogen in a Fruity bottle, a simple igniter designed to fire on impact, and you have yourself a hell of a fire."

"Where the hell do they get pressurized hydrogen?" Lisa asked, unable to take her eyes off of the charred bodies.

"Contacts in the agricultural industry," the dip-hoe replied. "The same place they get the chemicals for making dust."

This theory was strengthened by the finding of a large chunk of concrete, blackened but still intact, resting between the front seats of the van.

"Look at that," the old dip-hoe said, pointing it out. "I bet they threw that concrete through first, shattering the window, and then followed it up a second or two later with the Molotov." He smiled a little, seemingly impressed by this. "Pretty smart," he said. "Two simple ballistic throws and you've got ten feds charbroiled. Guess they won't be taking down any pamphlet makers anymore, will they?"

"Or gunning down any protesters in front of their office," one of the other dip-hoes put in.

Brian and Lisa both stared at the blackened corpses for a moment, both knowing that they should feel outraged at the murder of fellow law enforcement officers, both feeling guilt that they didn't. After all, these feds had undoubtedly been on their way to yet another illegal raid upon Martian civilians when the attack occurred. When you came right down to it, shouldn't they expect this sort of thing considering the way they had been operating lately?

"Ten less Earthlings we have to worry about now," Brian said, stepping back away from the van.

"You got that right," Lisa agreed.

Once the smoke was evacuated from the area, the blast doors on the perimeter were opened back up and an all-clear signal was given to the surrounding buildings. From every lobby curious Martians and a few scattered Earthlings came pouring out to resume their business. Human nature being what it always had been, most of them maneuvered themselves so they could pass as closely as possible to the burned out van. A few were even able to catch bare glimpses of the charred corpses inside. The Martians that witnessed this all went away grinning.

Lieutenant Duran and the DPH Battalion Chief showed up at the same time. While the BC went about the task of arranging a fire investigation, Duran rounded up all of the cops on scene. "All right people," she told them with a sigh. "It looks like we got ourselves a multiple homicide investigation to handle here."

"Question, lieutenant?" said Sam Stanislaus, a five-year police officer.

"What is it Sam?" she asked.

"Is it really considered a homicide if the victims are a bunch of fed fucks?" he asked with a smile. "I mean, shouldn't we think of it as more of a public assistance?"

"Or defense of life," another cop put in. "They were probably on their way to jack some poor slobs printing pamphlets."

Everyone had a laugh over this, Duran included. When it died down she said: "While I'm inclined to agree with you, we still have to go through the motions here. So, Haggarty, Wong, Stanislaus, and Ventner, start picking through this crowd and see if you can find any witnesses."

"Oh right, lieutenant," Brian said. "I'm sure that our fellow Martians here will be glad to provide statements about who killed these poor feds. How many statements should we get? Is twenty enough or should we go for thirty?"

This produced another round of laughter. "Just go through the motions, will you?" Duran asked them. "Even shithead feds deserve the same sort of jerk-off treatment that we give to welfare class homicides, don't they?"

Everyone was forced to agree that this might be true. Brian, Lisa, and the other two fanned out through the crowd, asking if anyone had seen anything and each recording "I didn't see nothing" more than a hundred times for the report.

Just as the forensics unit showed up to begin combing the van and its contents for evidence, three more FLEB vans arrived on the scene. They parked less than ten meters away from the crime scene and fully armed and armored agents poured out of their doors, all of them rushing over to the burned van and looking inside, their expressions horror at what they saw. The cops, dip-hoes, and civilians all watched this spectacle as it occurred, more than a few of them making snide remarks. The man in charge of the team, a high-ranking agent by the name of Don Mitchell, found Lieutenant Duran soon after having his worst fears confirmed.

"Any arrests made?" he asked her, glaring at the jeering crowd of Martians.

"Nope," she said. "Nobody saw anything. At least that's their story."

"Somebody saw it happen," he said, taking an angry step towards her. "Some piece of shit greenie can't throw a goddamn chunk of concrete and an incendiary device through the window of one of my vans in broad daylight without someone seeing it. I want some witnesses and I want them now!"

Duran stared at him levelly. "I'll thank you to take a step back from me and lower your tone," she told him sternly. "I don't give a shit who you are, I will not be addressed in that manner."

"Ten of my men are dead!" he yelled, not stepping back. "How dare you..."

Four of the Eden police officers stepped forward, their hands resting on their tanners. "The lieutenant said to step back," one of them told Mitchell menacingly.

"I'd advise you to do as they say," Duran said lightly. "As you've noted, tempers are a little short among us greenies lately, especially when feds are involved."

"Are you threatening me?" he asked her, his face turning red beneath his helmet.

"Take it for what you will," she told him. "But step back and lower your voice when you address me and we'll get along a lot better."

He took a step backwards, to the delight of the crowd watching. He did not, however, lower his voice much. "My men are taking over this investigation," he said. "We're assuming federal authority under the WestHem code."

Duran smiled. "Static," she said. "It's all yours." She keyed her radio up. "All units on the 34th street incident, turn your reports over to me and resume patrol. Our federal friends are going to handle this investigation by themselves."

Mitchell was somewhat taken aback by how easily she gave it up. "What is this?" he asked her.

"You think we want to stand around here smelling dead fed if we don't have to?" Duran asked him. "Have fun with the investigation. I know you folks have lots of experience with this sort of thing, don't you?"

The sarcasm in her voice was quite evident. Mitchell knew, as well as Duran and all of the other cops, that the federal officers were real good at tracking down copyright violators and computer hackers but despite the Internet shows lauding them, were a little short on actual crime experience. "Well," he said slowly, backpedaling a bit, "we will need to use your forensics unit of course."

"Put your request in through Chief Daniel's office," Duran told him. "But until he tells me otherwise, the forensic unit pulls out as well. And I have a pretty good idea what the chief is going to say."

"Now wait a minute," Mitchell said. "Maybe we're getting off on the wrong foot here..."

"We'll turn over everything we've gathered to this point to you," she said. "Have fun. Hope you find your man."

Five minutes later all of the information was downloaded to the FLEB investigation computers and the Eden police officers, every last one of them, cleared the scene and went about their routine duties. When Chief Daniels was asked to dispatch a forensics team to assist in the investigation thirty minutes later, the request was denied without explanation.

Three hours later, in Denver, FLEB director Stanley Clinton was briefing executive council member Loretta Williams on the firebomb attack on Mars. Word had reached Earth via the big three Internet news stations long before it arrived through official channels. TRAGEDY ON MARS, it was being called, a name which was certainly not the catchiest the media had ever come up with, but which did convey the emotion that the Earthlings were feeling about the loss of ten FLEB agents quite well. The briefing was not a face-to-face one, as it were. Instead, they were accomplishing their meeting via secure Internet transmission from his office to hers.

"We have nothing," he told her, shaking his head angrily. "The Eden police chief has refused to allow our agents the use of their forensics unit or their manpower and the greenies... well, I don't think I have to tell you how much cooperation we're getting out of them. Hayes told me that three of the agents trying to question the crowd outside of that building were physically attacked."

Same as Greenies
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The Comeback           I woke up from my nap to the faint sound of several inebriated women engaged in the most explicit conversation. I confirmed my suspicion by the continued slurring of words like dick and pussy and cum and facials, followed by bouts of hysterical laughter and the occasional sigh. Upon investigation of the ruckus I discovered a group consisting of a total of seven well dressed women, all looking to be in their early thirties. Most of them extremely beautiful, but at...

Wife Lovers
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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 15 First Ball

After dinner, the party made their way to the ballroom. It was already packed with the guests who hadn’t been invited to dinner. The gossips wanted to know just who had been privileged enough to be invited. Ty escorted Willow into the ballroom. She clutched his arm, “Oh my, please don’t leave me alone in that sea. I’ll get drowned.” Ty had to laugh. He pressed his hand over hers and gripped it. He smiled as he led her into the throng. He introduced her around to people he thought she...

2 years ago
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Nisha Ki Chudai

Hello guys this is Arjun from new delhi , is back with a real incident.I would like to explain this incident in Hindi, agar aapko pasand aaye to mujhe mails jarur kare [] or agar koi mistake ho to maaf kare . ye story kafi lambi hai . aasha hai ki aapko pasand ayegi…. Ye kahani kuch is tarah se hai. ek bar meri family ka vaishno devi jane ka program bana .waha jane ke liye maine train ki tickets book ki ac sleaper ki. train me hum sahi tym pe pahuch gaye or train ka wait karne lage. station pe...

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Mean Girls

Have you ever wondered how it feels to be a beautiful girl? I bet you have unless you are one, which I assume the vast majority of you are not. Allow me to describe the experience since I am extremely well qualified. It’s a strange deal. You get completely boxed in and defined by it. I am relentlessly stereotyped and pigeon-holed as if my visual appeal is all there is to me. I may be clever, kind, brave, funny, all of that good stuff, or of course I may not, and it matters hardly a jot. My...

2 years ago
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Perfect Butt in Designer Jeans

My live-in girlfriend, Evie, moved out about 5 weeks ago and ever since my divorced little sister, Sugar (a name we called her when she was a baby, she hates Cecelia, her given name) has been keeping tabs on me so I won't get depressed. In truth, I haven't missed Evie. She spent the last 6 months throwing hints about a ring and marriage while finishing each subtlety with, "not that I'm unhappy the way we are." I didn't need marriage, we were happy, we paid all the bills, had a lot of...

1 year ago
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To Be The Best Part 1

To Be The Best By The Scotsman PART 1 Chapter 1, Strength Chapter 2, Fortitude Chapter 3, Adaptability Chapter 1, Strength Dwell not upon thy weariness, thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire Alex surveyed the barren winter landscape spread out bellow the ridge line. His years of training kept him flat on his stomach as he peered over the rise in the shadow of some tall vegetation. Although he could see no sign of movement in the farm...

1 year ago
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Good Things Come In Small Packages Chapter 8

Mandy did call Christine and explained that I couldn’t make it to the nightclub next Saturday, but that I was more than fine with Mandy joining her. Naturally, this new little twist gave me plenty to think about, and on more than one occasion I would begin daydreaming about what Mandy could get up to at the nightclub.Mandy naturally understood this, and she found fresh ways to tease me. For example one evening she modelled a range of short dresses and skirts that she was considering wearing...

3 years ago
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Lilly was only sixteen when she met her father for the first time .She had never known him till then. Her first trip out alone with him was to go shopping for a prom dress. On the way home, he stopped at a bar and picked up some beer. Lilly was surprised when he told her she could drink some. She had been raised in a strict upbringing. When he went into another store, she finished off two eight packs off Miller ponies. Needless to say, she was bombed. When he dropped her off, she was forbidden...

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Caught Chapter 14

Caught By Pandorablackheart © 2011 This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to anyone anywhere is purely coincidental. The story has strong sexual themes in places. If you do not like this kind of story, or have any reservations then don't read it. In order to fully appreciate the story it is advisable to read the preceding chapters first. Chapter 14 Debbie was explaining to Gerry and Jim that Marilyn was now dressing full time and living as a girl. "Any emotional...

3 years ago
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A Mexican Holiday Part 1

Dan hated to travel alone and even more he hated to go on vacation alone, but here he was winging his way to sunny Mexico on a seven days, all expenses paid holiday… alone. They told him that he could just take anyone he wanted at no extra cost but there was no one, male or female that that was available so here he was 52 years old and going on a vacation all by himself. Maybe, he thought, there will be a lonely woman on vacation by herself and they would meet and spend their time together....

3 years ago
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The experience of Yvette who is trained to become a bitch for her Master8217s dog

Warning : This sex story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. I met Erno at a Christmas party given by a friend. He had seemed nice, the quiet and unassuming type. We had talked about the party, the movies we had seen recently and about chatting online, which we both seemed to enjoy. He told me he has this really close friend in Spain that he chatted with twice a week, they had been doing this for 3 years. That was a long time for...

1 year ago
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Chocolate Kisses 2 Pearl Ch 04

Chocolate Kisses 2: Pearl Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Chapter 4 – Early December 4th, 1941 It was one week after Thanksgiving that Bethany strolled leisurely into the kitchen and dreamingly ran her fingers along the counter, a sleepy smile on her still somnolent face. She stopped for a moment and fed a macadamia nut to their parrot, Jolly Roger, brought home after the dog died. Eliza brought over two cups of coffee, sat down and poured milk into hers. ‘Bethany Rose…...

1 year ago
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Indian Volleyballers Part II

The four of them then walked down the beach in search of a flat area to set up the volleyball net. Ritu held Jay's hand as they led the way. After walking about ten yards, Rick tentatively reached for Naina's hand. She smiled at Rick and firmly grasped his offered hand. About one hundred yards down the beach from the boat, they found a perfect spot for a volleyball game. The guys had the net up in about ten minutes and the girls began practicing. The way they were warming up, one would have...

2 years ago
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the guardians pet

She wouldn't need her weapons for this summoning because she was summoning a Yochlol demon to do her bidding this evening. As a High Priestess with the Goddess' blessing the demons would not dare disobey her command. She slowly pushed open the door stepping lightly into the black stone room and lit a single candle giving the only light her sensitive eyes would need. Once inside the room she closed the door behind her barring it against interruption she let her deep crimson eyes scan the...

3 years ago
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An unplanned overnight stay

An overnight stayChapter 1“I just don’t believe it,” said Lorraine as she looked in the mini-bar of the hotel room.“Not a thing to drink, this certainly is a cut-price doss house.”“We’ve had such a fab time so far, it seems a shame to spoil it now,” I commented.“So what do you want to do then,” asked Carl. “We could always go and get something to drink, if you want us to,” added Andy as he stood by the door of what was laughingly called the en-suite bathroom.I checked my watch, only 10:30pm,...

2 years ago
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Her Possession

My eyes are radiant with your spirit, my nostrils fill with your fragrance. My ears delight in your music, and my face is covered with your dew —–Songs of Solomon I was sitting on my patio early this morning, the air was crisp with the impending approach of winter. I watched as the sun stretched its colorful array of arms across a sleepy sky. In one fleeting moment a memory was triggered. Its funny how a sound, a smell, a taste, the slightest brush of a breeze can feel like a long ago...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 50

“I have to pee,” she heard Phil whisper. Hailey sat up slightly. Her body felt slightly stiff, like she’d run a mile earlier in the day. She knew that part of her stiffness came from swimming the day before. The other came from the energetic sex she’d partaken in. She felt Phil’s cock still inside her and she opened her eyes. The brightness of the room caught her completely off guard and she sat up fully. Phil groaned as she pushed down on his bladder. “It’s morning!” Hailey said...

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The Dark Damsel Ch 11

Continuing the search… I ended the night five thousand dollars richer, with a few more miles of street cred, and the respect of two of Gotham’s top bad asses. I got out alive, on top of it all. However, I didn’t have Batgirl and that was all that I could think of as I took a cab to the nearest House of Pancakes. The driver of my cab was one of Ivy’s goons. He looked too fresh to be a real driver on graveyard shift. When I asked what Ivy planned to do with Batgirl, he looked at me in the rear...

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Bonnie Teaches Older Womens Tricks

She was an older woman in her mid forties, divorced, alone as her c***dren was grown and moved away. She worked in the city, but lived in the suburbs and spent her time off at home by herself. She hated her job, she hated being alone and she hated her life. Why couldn’t she have someone?She spent her time at home doing crossword puzzles and being on her computer most of the time. Sometimes she would gaze out the window, seeing the neighbor boy with his friends, wishing he were with her making...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Nicole Aria OMG I Fucked My Bratty Student

Teacher Mike Mancini is in class alone when his student Nicole Aria marches in, saying that she needs to talk to him about her grade. She isn’t happy that she got a D on the last test. She complains that she’s never gotten a grade like that in her life and demands that Mike fix it. But Nicole’s bratty ways aren’t working with Mike, and he finally decides to show her who’s boss. He bends her over the desk and spanks Nicole’s juicy ass. This is one D that...

2 years ago
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Making a Weakness her Strength Part 1

Week 1 I had finished the first assignment the temp agency had given me. It was only one day a week, 8.00 ’til 2.00, filling in while someone was on a course for a month, but at least I was going onto another job straight away. While standing at the stop waiting for a bus that would take me to it my mobile rang. It was Heather, my flat mate, asking how I had got on, which was real sweet of her. The traffic was noisy so I walked away from the road to shelter at the side of a building. I...

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New Neighbors

I had gotten so lucky. I had landed my dream job in an amazing city. I had gotten a beautiful apartment and the money I was bringing home every month was more than I had ever made before in my previous jobs. The only thing missing was a partner, but I wasn't too worried about that, things were going so well that I was sure I'd find someone soon.The building I lived in was really nice. New, in a good area, and the few neighbors I had met so far seemed nice. There was one neighbor I seemed to run...

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Story my boyfriend told me

It was the summer before college. I had made plans to go to my aunts house to borrow some of my cousins DVDs. I always arranged to go over during the day, because I knew my cousin would be at work. Today was no exception. My aunt greeted me at the door wearing nothing but a see through nightgown. I had never really thought of my aunt as a sexual being before now-seeing her here like this. Her rock hard nipples threatened to pierce through the soft cloth of the night gown, and her voluptuous...

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One for the BooksThe Hard Earned Bonus

Well, almost two months had gone by since I started my new job at the bookstore, but I was getting no closer to my Camaro, between gas, and dating I just wasnt being able to save money.I was quickly learning, getting what you want is a mixture of who you know, what you know, opportunity.......and leverage.Maybe its time I got in the game...instead of watching it, hey, they say luck favors the bold.I entered work the next day, on a mission, I informed my boss as confidently as I could pretend to...

1 year ago
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Its Just Business

Steve and Karen were sales reps for an industrial equipment manufacturer. This weekend they were going out of town to make a sales presentation, and late Friday afternoon Steve received a phone call from the hotel where they had booked rooms. Apparently the hotel had overbooked and now instead of having two rooms available for Karen and himself, there was only one room available, but it did have two beds. Steve put the hotel employee on hold and called Karen. She didn’t have any problem sharing...

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Anita in a wild anal gangbang

Anita in a wild anal gangbangThat Saturday afternoon, Ana asked me to go with her on shopping downtown. She said she needed a new summer dress.We went to the mall and my loving wife told me I could wait for her at the fast food place, while she would go to look for her new dress.I saw my sexy wife walking by, moving her round hips inside her tight jeans.One hour later I spotted her coming back; this time she was wearing a nice summer dress.Ana asked me if I liked it. I answered that there was...

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The CureChapter 4

Randall really didn't know what to do with this new knowledge. On the one hand, it made him feel kind of special that they would trust him with it but on the other, it felt all wrong, like he was peeking in a window and seeing things he shouldn't be seeing. He felt so bad for his aunt and uncle but he had no idea how to fix their problem. Mostly, all he could do was just be there and act as a passive deterrent to his Aunt Rita's sexual fluctuations. He wasn't even sure he'd be able to do...

4 years ago
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Georgia Part 15

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 15 It was late morning when I woke-up and as I lay on top of my bed with the fingers of my right hand waking-up my pussy. I swore to myself that I really would have a lazy day. The problem was that there is just so much fun to have out there. Anyway, I swore that I wouldn’t go any further than the café that...

2 years ago
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American PaganChapter 12 Investigation

The day after her announcement, Melissa walked into Livia’s office. She was still in Gloria’s old house. One of the bedrooms had been converted for her use. The living room, kitchen and rec room were now classrooms. The senior high priestess knew she was coming. She embraced her former apprentice. “It has been too long. What has it been, six months?” “More like seven,” Melissa said with a smile. “I have brought a surprise.” Through the doorway walked Eric, the high priest. Livia let out...

1 year ago
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Watching My Wife With 2 Black Guys

Hi Im Paul My Wife Is Called Suzanne ,She is 46 years old , she about 5 ft9 , short light red hair , 38 c , hairy/trimmedMe And Suzanne have been married for about 15 years now , and we are still happily married ,But The past few years have been quite bad in the bedroom , i have got an 8 inch cock but i am a premature ejaculater , the most i can last is about a minute if i really try and it upsets me knowing im not pleasuring my wife ,she is quite needy in the bedroom she likes anal and quite...

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The Protoss ran with such speed that the trees and foliage were nothing but green flashes around her. Imnok weaved through the dense forest with the fabled grace of her people while still maintaining a pace that outran any who dared chase her. She ducked under low branches and hopped over gnarled roots that sprung up without stalling. Pausing in her chase, she sprung up 3 meters and landed smoothly on an overhanging branch. With a short turn of the head she scanned her surroundings in seconds,...

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