GreeniesChapter 5A free porn video

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Don Mitchell, son-in-law of Director Clinton, had of course been given the honor of leading the takedown team that would take Laura Whiting into custody. He and his team gathered at the main FLEB office at 0700 that Thursday morning. There were forty of them, including himself, and he divided them up into teams of ten, each of which was assigned a leader. He then briefed them on their mission, an act that did not carry the dramatic punch he had hoped for since every last one of the men had already heard through the grapevine what they were going to be doing that day. Still, those that weren't in the official loop pretended to be surprised when they heard the news so some of it was saved.

He distributed diagrams of the Martian capital building to each of the team leaders, assigning them positions to take up when the time came. "Team B," he said. "You will be guarding the rear of the building in case she tries to flee. Team C, you'll be covering the front. Team D, you will split into two elements and cover the side entrances of the building in case she tries to come out that way. Team A, which I will be personally leading, will enter the building itself for the takedown. You outside teams, in addition to sealing the building from her premature exit, you will also be keeping the streets clear of greenies. I don't expect any resistance from the MPG troops that guard Whiting since we have a federal warrant, but I would expect resistance from any greenies that happen to see us leading her away. So keep a sharp eye out for that."

"How sure are you that the MPG troops won't resist?" one of the men asked at that point.

"The MPG are technically part of the WestHem armed services," Mitchell responded. "They won't be happy that we've come for her, but I seriously doubt that they would disregard a federal warrant for her arrest. If any of them does resist in any way, he or she is to be immediately placed under arrest for obstructing a federal officer."

Everyone seemed satisfied with this and the subject was dropped. The briefing went on for another twenty minutes and then the men were dismissed to go suit up. They retired to the locker room and donned their raid gear. Heavy Kevlar armor vests were put over their torsos and black helmets with FLEB stenciled in white were put upon their heads. They strapped on their weapons belts, which contained their 4mm pistols as well as extra rifle ammunition and handcuffs. Steel-toed combat boots were put on their feet. The picture was completed by the addition of M-24 assault rifles loaded with sixty round magazines. Because it had never been thought necessary in the environment within which they operated, they had no combat goggles. Aiming would have to be by the old-fashioned method if a battle occurred and tactical displays and mapping software would have to be looked at on their PCs.

Once suited up they walked out to the building's parking area and boarded four of the black panel vans. The vans all had multiple dents and scratches from rocks and bottles thrown by angry Martians over the past several months. There were places where the paint had been scraped off and reapplied to cover anti-fed and anti-Earthling graffiti. And of course, since the incident of the Molotov cocktail a few weeks before, all of them now had metal bars across the windshields to keep a repeat of that incident from happening.

With Mitchell and his team in the lead van, they pulled out of the parking area and onto the busy street that was teeming with Martians on their way to work. They turned right and started heading for the capital building thirty blocks away. The Martians, as always, were deliberately slow getting out of their way and many of them raised their middle fingers or grabbed their crotches in contempt. Spit flew whenever the van passed close enough for someone to hit it and several times there were thumps as cans or bottles slammed into the sides.

Most of the people on the street had no idea where the federal vans were going or what they were doing. But a few people did and they were on their PCs to other people before the vans were even out of sight of the office.

General Jackson was waiting in Laura's office with her when his PC buzzed, indicating a high priority message. He unclipped it from his belt and flipped the screen up, seeing the face of Major Sprinkle, head of intelligence. "Talk to me, Tim," he said.

"Four vans just left the FLEB office five minutes ago," he said. "They're heading your way. We didn't get a good look but it's probably safe to assume that they're coming in platoon strength."

"Any chance that they're just heading out for their normal raids?" Jackson asked.

"There's always that chance," Sprinkle replied. "But they don't typically head out to normal raids with that many troops. Even the biggest takedowns they do usually only require half that much. Also, this deployment fits with the information we received yesterday. My guess is that this is it."

"That's my guess as well," Jackson said, feeling his heartbeat pick up a few notches. "Keep your assets in place until we know for sure. If it is them, things are gonna get real busy in a hurry on this planet. If it's not, we'll just have to wait some more."

"Right," he said. "Continuing to observe. Keep me updated."

"You'll be one of the first to know," Jackson promised. He signed off and put his PC on the desk.

"They're on their way?" asked Laura, who was looking a little haggard this morning due to the fact that she was living on less than an hour's worth of sleep.

"It looks like it," he told her, picking up a combat computer and fitting the microphone and earpiece into place. "And we're ready for them. They won't get anywhere near you."

She nodded, chewing her lip a little nervously. She had always known that Martian resentment towards their corporate masters was something that would not need much fuel to whip into a frenzy. That frenzy had been achieved. But now, in order for them to support an open revolt against those masters, they needed a single, outrageous act to rally behind. The various massacres and mass arrests that had been taking place all over the planet were outrageous of course but, strangely enough, they could not provide quite enough impetus to compel them to act. Something else was needed, something that would unite everyone behind the cause and the corporate Earthlings, in their glorious predictability, were now providing that something. They were attempting to forcibly remove her from office with trumped-up charges, charges that most of the Martian people, with their cultural intelligence and common sense, would recognize for what they were. The moment was now at hand. Everything, her entire career, her entire life, had all come down to this day. It was time for the most dangerous game to begin.

Jackson realized what the stakes were as well. The plan for the next twenty-four hours was something he had come up with years before in its base form and had been modified and re-modified dozens of times since. It was now time to see if it was going to work. He instructed the combat computer to patch him in with Lieutenant Warren Whiting's security detail. The computer complied, taking less than a second to do so.

"Warren here, General," he said, his voice calm and professional.

"It looks like they're on their way, Mike," Jackson told him. "Intelligence reports four vans moving in, probable platoon strength. More than likely they will not all come inside."

"Both the inside and the outside teams are in place and ready," Warren said. "We should be able to handle them easily."

"Remember," Jackson warned, "get a look at the warrant and the indictment before you do anything. If they don't have it with them, don't let them in."

"Understood," he said.

Laura listened to all this with interest, part of her knowing the her security platoon was one of the best in the business, but part of her worrying that the FLEB agents might get in anyway. "How many men do we have around the building?" She asked Jackson once he signed off the transmission.

"One hundred and twenty," he told her. "Warren and his regular platoon are covering the lobby and they'll take the agents that come inside. We also have two platoons of the regular infantry that we quietly called up last night along with the special forces guys. They were briefed in on what was happening early this morning and they've been placed under Warren's command for the duration of this operation. They're hidden in the adjacent planetary office buildings. They'll take the FLEB guys that deploy to guard the exits."

"Did any of them have a problem with their orders?" she wanted to know.

"Not a single one," he said. "In fact, they all seemed rather enthusiastic about them. You're in good hands. This is what I've been training these guys for all these years." He turned Laura's computer terminal towards him. "May I?" he asked her.

"By all means," she said.

"Computer," he said to it, "get me building operations."

"Building operations coming on line," it said.

The screen cleared and a moment later a scruffy, unshaven face appeared. A look of annoyance at being interrupted was upon this face until he got a good look at the person calling. "General Jackson," he said, surprised. "What can I do for you?"

"You can shut down the blast doors on all floors except the lobby level," Jackson told him. "Do it immediately and shut down the elevators as well. Let anyone who is on them get off at the next floor — as long as that floor is not the lobby — and then don't let them go anywhere else."

The maintenance supervisor looked a little taken aback with this request. That was understandable since it was a very unusual one. "Sir?" he asked. "Are you sure that you..."

"I'm positive," Jackson cut in. "Do it now. I want all the workers in this building to stay right where they are. No one is to leave their floors or their immediate area until further notice."

He swallowed a little, trying to process this information. "May I ask why, sir?" he finally blurted. A legitimate question.

"A security threat against the governor," Jackson told him. "There may be some action down in the lobby and I don't want any bystanders blundering into it. I don't have time to explain any further. Now get it done, man before its too late."

"Right away, General," he said, signing off.

Less than a minute later the blast door warning alarm sounded from out in the hallway and the solid steel doors, which were spaced every twenty meters on every floor and were designed to hold in air pressure and everything else, came clanging down. The 6400 planetary government employees, including the legislature and the lieutenant governor, were now trapped in their offices.

The four black FLEB vans pulled up in front of the main entrance to the capital building three minutes later, parking in a neat line. Their doors slid open and the armed agents jumped out, their weapons in their hands. Quickly they spread out. One of the teams took up position directly across the street, pushing their way through the throng of curious Martians that had stopped along their way to see what was going on. Three of the pedestrians were shoved with gun butts before the rest decided that this was not a particularly healthy place to be at the moment. They moved off down the street, most shouting angry and profane words at the FLEB agents as they went. Two of the other teams moved off in different directions. One began trotting around the block to take up position in the rear, the other split up and headed for the side entrances. All forty of them were in contact with tactical radio sets.

"Remember," said Mitchell to everyone on the radio frequency, "she gets taken alive and unharmed at all costs."

No one answered him but all heard him.

Once everyone was deployed that left only Mitchell and his nine team members standing before the entrance to the building. They pulled together into a tight bunch and, following behind their leader, headed for the doorway.

The main entrance to the capital building featured two heavy duty sliding doors that were capable of withstanding a direct hit from a heavy machinegun bullet or a close explosion of significant magnitude. An MPG guard dressed in full armor and with an M-24 slung over his shoulder was manning the security booth right between the two doors. He was protected by a layer of the same glass from both the lobby side and the street side and was able to talk to people only through a series of tiny holes in this glass at face level.

Mitchell walked towards him. He noted that the guard was a lieutenant — a rather higher rank than you would expect to see manning the booth — but he dismissed this as an irrelevancy, figuring that the MPG guard detail was probably short staffed. After all, what kind of moron would want to guard that greenie bitch in the first place? He also noted that he was dressed in full battle gear, something that he never recalled seeing in his past visits to this place. Usually they were dressed in shorts and a T-shirt with nothing more than a sidearm strapped to their sides. Was there any meaning to this? He thought about it for about a tenth of a second and finally concluded that there wasn't. The greenie — whose name stencil on his armor identified him as WARREN — probably didn't get to wear his armor very often and was taking his stint on booth duty as an excuse to do so.

Warren looked at him expressionlessly as Mitchell stopped in front of the voice holes. "Can I help you?" he asked politely, as if he were a normal citizen asking about tours of the building or an appointment with a legislature representative and not a fully armed FLEB agent holding an assault rifle and leading a team of nine others.

This, at the very least, should have put Mitchell on edge. It didn't. "FLEB," he said simply, with a certain amount of arrogance in his voice. He flipped open a leather case that displayed his federal credentials. "We need immediate access to Governor Whiting's office."

"Oh?" said Warren, raising his eyebrows a tad, only glancing at the shiny badge being shown to him. "I'm afraid that's not possible at the moment."

"Make it possible," Mitchell told him, removing the indictment and the arrest warrant. They were printed in large script on the finest hemp paper available. "I have a federal indictment and an arrest warrant ordering me to take her into custody."

"An indictment and an arrest warrant huh?" Warren asked, still with no hint of surprise or alarm in his voice. "This sounds rather serious. May I take a look at them?"

Mitchell considered threatening him with obstruction for a moment but finally decided it would be easier to just do as he was asked. Besides, that way the greenie would get to see the official proof of the downfall of his governor. Maybe that would put the expression of fear that he craved upon his face. He slid them through the small slot at the bottom of the glass.

Lieutenant Warren picked them up and looked at them, reading through each document carefully, word for word. Neither Mitchell nor any of his men saw him keying the transmission button on his radio pack three times, sending out a pre-arranged, encrypted signal to the other members of the platoon and General Jackson upstairs. It took him more than two minutes to get through everything. Once he was finished he looked up, his expression still carefully polite and neutral. "Well Agent uh..."

"Mitchell," he provided, more than a little testily.

"Agent Mitchell. Things do seem to be in order here. This is an official indictment and an official arrest warrant for Governor Whiting."

"I'm glad you agree," he said. "Now are you going to buzz us into the building or are we going to have to force our way in?"

"No need for threats," Warren told him. He placed his hands upon a panel on his computer screen and the glass doors slid open. "Come on in. I'll call for the elevator for you."

Mitchell had the vague thought that things were going just a little too easily. It was a thought that he should have listened to. Instead, excited at the thought of getting this over quickly, he dismissed it. He took a quick glance behind him, seeing that the media vans from the big three, responding to the tip that had been given to them less than an hour ago, were pulling up and positioning themselves across the street. That was good. Soon they would film him leading that troublemaking bitch out in handcuffs. He waved his men forward and into the lobby of the capital building, moving past Warren's security booth and onto the simple Martian red carpet that covered the lobby floor.

The lobby was a huge area, stretching from one end of the building to the other. It was decorated as one might expect a seat of government's lobby to be. Ornate sculptures were located in many places along the walls. Decorative planters and even a working wishing well with benches around it were in the center. It was actually quite a nice place and one that workers in the building and tourists enjoyed lounging about in to eat their lunch or rest their feet. At the moment however, the entire area was completely deserted except for Lieutenant Warren. Or at least that was how it seemed to the FLEB agents as they trooped inside.

Mitchell had never been a soldier before and he wasn't even really a cop with a cop's instincts. He noted the lack of people in the lobby and it did strike him as a bit odd for the beginning of a workday but this failed to trigger any danger signals within him. He never considered for a moment that all of the planters and sculptures, all of the benches and information booths, were ideal places to hide security troops that did not wish to be seen.

The glass doors slid shut behind them, latching with a clank of steel mechanisms coming together.

Mitchell turned to Warren. "Keep those doors open," he told him. He wanted his men outside to be able to enter the building in a hurry if it became necessary. He didn't know that it was already necessary.

"I'm afraid not, Agent Mitchell," Warren said, smiling now. "You are now sealed into the lobby. Your men outside will be shortly taken into custody. You and all of your men will put your rifles down on the floor and then throw your sidearms down there with them."

"What?" Mitchell said, his face scrunching into an expression of annoyance. "Listen to me, greenie. I don't know what you think you're trying to pull here, but I'll advise you that attempting to interfere with a federal arrest is a crime punishable..."

"I'm not attempting to interfere," Warren told him. "I have interfered. You will not be taking Governor Whiting anywhere. You are surrounded on all sides by my security forces, all of whom are veterans of the special forces division. You will put your weapons on the ground and prepare to be taken into custody or you will be fired upon."

Mitchell took a moment to digest these words and then keyed up his radio. "All teams," he said into his microphone. "We need some assistance in here! We're getting resistance from..."

"Your radios are being jammed," Warren said matter-of-factly. "We have dampers set up all around the edges of the lobby and set to your frequency."

Mitchell wanted to disbelieve his words but the lack of response on the channel kept him from doing so. He looked around, seeing the stunned, nervous faces of his men. He didn't know what to do. He had never been faced with a situation such as this before. He was a federal agent! People feared him. They didn't attempt to take him hostage. The very idea was absurd!

"There is no need for this to come to violence," Warren told him. "Drop your weapons and surrender. You will be held here in the capital for the duration of this little crisis and you will be treated well. If you don't, however, my men will be forced to take you down by force. Go the easy way, Mitchell. Let's keep this thing civilized."

It might have ended peacefully. Mitchell was just about to order his men to do as they were told, knowing that the guard would probably not be bluffing about what he was saying. After all, he had looked into Whiting's security force himself when he'd been examining the possibilities of arranging an assassination. But special agent Brackford, the youngest member of the team, had other thoughts on the matter. At only twenty-eight years of age and an appointee to the FLEB by virtue of family connections instead of ability, Brackford was known for his short temper and impulsive actions. These were traits which had earned him reprimands in the past and that would now cost him much more than a black mark on his file. Outraged that the greenies would actually threaten federal agents carrying out their duties, he took matters into his own hands.

"Fuck you, greenie!" he yelled arrogantly. Before Mitchell could stop him he raised his M-24 and pointed it at the guard booth. It is doubtful that the shots would have penetrated the glass, but they never got a chance to find out.

Flashes appeared from four different directions followed by the harsh popping of M-24s. Brackford's head rocked back and forth as two of the rounds slammed into his helmet, drilling through into his skull. The other two slammed into his chest, penetrating with ease through the Kevlar of his armor vest. He dropped to the carpeted lobby without even firing a shot.

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Chapter 1 I had met Robert when I was 10 years old, he was already 12 but we were in the same grade. He had been kept back because he had gotten rheumatic fever and was out of school a year and had to repeat. We had been become close friends, playing cowboys and indians, army and building forts in the woods behind his house. I would regularly walk by his house at around 8:00 to pick him up on my way to school. His house was always in chaos at this time. His dad and mom both worked which...

3 years ago
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Shelby and Johnny Ch 01

This story is based in fact mixed with fantasy. You can decide which is which. No names were changed to protect anyone,(JK). I know it’s a little long, but the payoff is good and I won’t have to set the scene again for the continuation,(if I get good feedback). Enjoy! Shelby and Johnny, PT 1, The Beginning. Originally titled: It All Happened Innocently Enough, Part 1 It was a dark and stormy night. Oh hell! That beginnings been used. I’ll just start. It DID all start innocently...

3 years ago
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Big plans

Girlfriends aren’t worth the trouble: they’re always upset about something and they consume gobs of money and my time. I’m not into hookers, but I’m sure it would be way cheaper in the long run. I just can’t imagine the sex being the same though. I get off on seeing a woman get excited, and the odds are a pro would always be faking it. Cheating wives are by far the best. They aren’t looking for commitment, they don’t want to be seen in public with me (no expensive restaurants or time consuming...

2 years ago
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My wife Sarah and I had seemed to get more risqué with our sex life as we moved into our early 50’s. Sarah had hit the menopause a couple of years earlier and had put on a little weight, although on a plus note her magnificent breasts had swollen from a 38C to a 38D, but standing at 5 feet 8 inches and having a broad swimmers body she carried it well and with her long blonde hair and dazzling smile she still looked terrific.Sarah is rather a chatty girl, often interpreted as being flirtatious,...

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The Hiker

After skinny dipping the lone camper steps out of the shallow stream at her campsite. The midday sun is hot and, being so far from civilization here deep in the woods, she sees no harm in lying naked upon her open sleeping bag and letting the warms rays of the sun dry her off. She lies there staring up at the swaying branches of the towering trees above her and listens to the sounds of nature. The soft fluttering of the leaves, the gentle chirping of unseen birds, the steady hiss of a nearby...

4 years ago
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Naruto Hypnosis Harem

Edit: I rewrote 90% of the chapter because i wasn't pleased at all with it. I hope you like the new style of it. Naruto is as excited as he never was in his life until now, and that means something because he (as we all know) gets excited very quickly. He met Jiraya yesterday and he gave taught him a new, special, jutsu. A jutsu which puts the subject in a hypnotic trance-like state in which the subject obeys to every word of the user of the jutsu. He has big plans with his new jutsu. After all...

Mind Control
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Cock crazy Cumpee whore

My live in girlfriend lisa is one of the horniest sluts you are everlikely to meet. she actually looks quite prim and proper, a real next door type. But once behind closed doors she turns into a kinky cock crazy cum swallowing whore. Take the other day. I came home from work to find a note on the kitchen table telling me to take my clothes off and go upto the bedroom. I did as i was told and when i opened the door to find Lisa lying on the bed with her skirt up her red panties pulled aside and...

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He Fucked Me To Fuck My Daughter Part 8211 3

Those who have not read the previous parts please read it in the above link and then continue here. Comments welcome at As said in the previous part, my sex with Kumar started happening on a regular basis, many times at my home itself. My husband became too depressed and after a while, he started watching us having sex. We didn’t care much about it and we made love a lot of times. My hubby became like a cuck by this time and he was obeying whatever I was saying. This part will be in the views...

2 years ago
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Frost Heaves

… Chapter One: Signs As the houses and barns became more and more spread out along the countryside, the road beneath me got rougher. I began to relax as I distanced myself from the debacle that was this last weekend, and let my foot lean on the accelerator a little harder. Road narrows. That sign was accurate, as the shoulders of the two lane highway gradually disappeared, and made me back off of the gas pedal a little. Bump. That one always made me smile, as I wondered why they just didn’t...

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Meri Cousin K Sath Bitaya Hua Samay

Hi all…Its aman aur me aapko mere life ka ek sabse jabardast kissa batane ja raha hu ke mene meri dur ki behen ko seduce kia aur uskii virginity break kiya. Mera email id hai pr mail karen aur bataien.. Baat tab ki hai jab me mere mama k yaha shadi pe gaya tha aur mere dur k mama ka v pariyaar v waha aaya hua tha. Mujhe pata nai tha k unki ek cute si beti v hai uski age 18 thi shyad jab maine use pehli baar dekha 2 me use dekhta hi reh gaya.. Wo ekdam pataka lag rahi thi. Use dekte hi mere...

2 years ago
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ModernDaySins Rachael Cavalli Laney Grey Come Dance For Me

Rachael Cavalli walks up the front steps of the house next door, holding a casserole. Her neighbors went on vacation, leaving their teen, Laney Grey all alone at home. Given this, Rachael agreed to keep an eye on Laney and bring her some food from time to time. But when Rachael knocks at the front door, she gets no answer. She decides to go around the back and is floored when she looks through a window and spots Laney dancing erotically, wearing nothing but a tank top and a thong. Rachael...

4 years ago
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The TreatmentChapter 8 Dinner Party

After a time, the contractor had completed most of the key remodeling and additions to my house. I had ten suites of rooms, five upstairs and five down, each of which contained two bedrooms and shared a bath. Each bedroom had a large walk-in closet, a king-sized air-bed, a sitting area, and a porch or balcony. All in all, I think these suites were both comfortable and luxurious. Each of my girls continued their school or employment and contributed the costs they had been paying for housing...

4 years ago
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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 3 Father Daughter Virginity Test

Dean Michaels I arrived at the Wholesome Food, the grocery store my wife liked to shop at, eager to pick up the milk she wanted. I wasn’t excited to pick up the milk but to have the chance to do another test of my mind control device. The works of the last six months had its first test in a park two hours away. An amazing test. It had worked with flying colors. It had done everything I wanted. I learned a few things, tested out some of the features, and had myself a good time. There was...

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Poor Petra 1

I’ve just turned nineteen and am excited about going to university. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to for ages. Okay, I’ve had to give the kiss off to my hometown boyfriend Mark, but that wasn’t so tough. I’ve been cheating on him like a slut anyway. I am sex mad. On the first day, the freshers are paired for accommodation and I get roomed up with a girl called Petra. She’s a bit older than me, but she seems alright, and we draw a nice bedsit with kitchenette and bathroom. There’s...

Group Sex
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Good neighbours

On a sunny day, Arie Neuteboom is going to work in his garden.Arie Neuteboom is a 74 year old man. He livestogether with his wife Karen Neuteboom, she is 72 year old, in a big house in a wealthy neighbourhood. Since last winter they have new neighbours. They haven't see them since they moved into the house. Today is the hottest day of the year. " Arie, i you go outside, do not forget to wear a hat." says Karen."I am already wearing it hun, do not worry." Arie goes outside and starts pruning the...

2 years ago
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MomsTeachSex Edyn Blair Athena Rayne Moms Master Plan

Edyn Blair just wants to pee in peace, but her pervy stepson Sam Shock won’t let her. Sam also likes watching his stepsister Tina Rayne whenever he can. Mom and daughter are sick of Sam’s perverted tendencies, so they decide to get back at him. They have their chance when Sam “accidentally” spills a cup of chocolate milk on Tina right in front of Sam, then puts her hands all over her daughter’s boobs to try to clean it up. Edyn scolds him and demands that he wash...

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The Sergeants Affair Chapter 2

A continuation of their day in the park. She picked her head up from his chest, a secret smile on her lips as she licked them, imagining how his cum would taste. She looked up at him, as he lay there staring up at the dark rain clouds that were moving in overhead. She wondered what he was thinking about and if it was anything like her little fantasy. He glanced at her momentarily and smiled that sexy smile of his and she felt herself falling for him quickly. Everything about him...

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Manipulating the NeighborsChapter 4

After they left, I adjusted Darla's memory so that she knew Matt was her rapist. But her 'memory' recalled that although she was initially very angry, she eventually enjoyed fucking him and looked forward to the next time. I made sure the 'memory' included him taking plenty of pictures and video while they were fucking. She 'remembered' getting off five times, even passing out on the last one. Her 'memory' even included her bargaining for the last orgasm—her mother being the bargain....

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My Hot Neighbour Aunty

I’m doing my final btech and always busy with my projects. Well about me I’m 21 with 6 feet height fair looking and a friendly person.i had sex with my neighbour jyothi aunty. Wowww I never ever imagined that I would have sex with such a beautiful lady.During those days jyothi aunty family came to our apartment from delhi to our city. She was married lady, and had 2 c***dren. Her Husband was a contractor and was such a shit. She was in her 30s and looked very beautiful, with big boobs, shaky...

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Submissived Mazzy Grace A Submissive Star Is Born

Mazzy Grace knows exactly what she is interviewing for today. She wants to be the next girl to be featured on Submissive Teens. But before she gets the chance to fuck on cam, she has to answer a few questions. Like, why should she be chosen over all the other girls who want this amazing opportunity? Mazzy responds that she is very submissive. She loves her titties being slapped and craves nothing more than to be choked by a domineering dick slinger. Moving past the verbal test, Mazzy...

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Secret Lives Chapter 20

After having some lunch we went in search of an adult theatre. We found one that didn’t look too grotty however the place was empty so we decided to come back later in the evening. We spent the remainder of the afternoon just roaming around the city while Sarah gave little shows to random strangers. Most just glimpsed and kept walking. Everyone is in such a hurry in the city. I will never understand what is so important that I couldn’t stop for five or ten minutes to watch someone who...

5 years ago
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My Hitch Hiking Adventure

The fantasy that gets me off the most lately is about hitch hiking. It’s late at night. My car breaks down on a lonely road way out in the middle of nowhere. And wouldn’t you know it, there is no cell phone service. Nothing to do now but try to get a ride.I stand by the car wearing my best helpless look. There isn’t very much traffic at this hour. I don’t feel very optimistic about my chances. Then along comes a car, way out here in the middle of the night.Guess what? It stops! I gratefully hop...

4 years ago
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A CoWorkers Distraction Part Two

Lisa kicked her legs off the side of the bed, they were beautifully toned and athletic. I was almost shocked at how incredible her body was. She pulled me off the bed quickly, to stand on the side, just to give her room to pull my boxers down.I had boxer briefs on and she could already see the effect she was having on me. Lisa looked down at my cock, still constrained by my boxers, and up at me, as if to double check if that was her doing. She knew it was.She gently ran the backside of her...

Office Sex
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My experience with my maid

First introduce myself..this is nani from hyd having 5’8 inchs cock with average body….aunties and ladiesss for safe sex mail me on We have a maid called janiki of age 50 years for last 2 years.but due to her healt problem he was replaced with her coluege named meenakshi of age 32 she got married and have a daughter. Her husdand was expired at the age of 9 of her daughter. Let me describe her. She is fair wight with big boobs. She is of 32-28-33.from starting on wards i had a keen observation...

4 years ago
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Speechless Ch 02

Well here is the second installment, a bit longer then the last one. Hope you like it and PLEASE comment or vote to let me know if you do or don’t. Well here is the second installment, a bit longer then the last one. Hope you like it and PLEASE comment or vote to let me know if you do or don’t. * I was shell shocked by the sudden slyness she showed before drying herself and going inside. She wasn’t like this before, were is that sweet shy girl he met yesterday. By the time I reached the...

2 years ago
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Humans being turned

A vampire with crimson eyes sat in his Manson and he was bored since the last human he met shot him in the chest and left him to bleed to death after that his family forbid him from touching another Human girl for two hundred years. The time limit ended and it was time to have some fun! He walked through bars and took a bar chair and waited for a sheep without a Heard after while he was getting he made two sluts flirt with the least attractive men in the bar and then he saw it awkward, hoddie,...

Mind Control
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Taking Virginity Of My Cousin Sister

Hello everyone. I am Yash from Jaipur, bringing you one of my experiences. I am a regular engineering student blessed with some humor and shyness, almost a typical introvert. This is a story of me and my cousin sister Vishakha. She is currently married and is a successful businesswoman. This happened when I was in the first year. She was still a bachelor in her mid-twenties and working in Pune. She came for vacations to Jaipur during October and I was unaware of it. Let me tell you about our...

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Closer Than Six Degrees

March 2007. New York, NY. Shiri Appleby stirred the ice in her glass with an elegant finger, picked out a cube and looked at it, then dropped it back. "They're late," she sighed, looking at the other two women sitting with her in the hotel suite and shaking her head. "They'll be here," Erika Christensen said, running a hand through her dyed hair. "And if not, we can always have fun without them." The buxom redhead looked at the willowy brunettes to either side of her and licked her...

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She Was MargaretHes Now Kevin

Hi.I'm Margaret.Or that's my former name when I was a girl before the SURGERY.Now my name is Kevin. I remember lying in that hospital bed right after the operation, looking up at the ceiling and just thinking. Feeling as though a crocodile had just gone down on me, I was too nervous even to shift my position for fear of intense agony. Dr. Max had been in only once since I had woken up, to explain a few things to me with the help of his beautiful Thai assistant. I might have been shaken,...

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Jennifer Cum slut

After Jennifers' and my gang **** at the Nude Beach, she turned into a cum slut. She couldn't get enough cum despite my best efforts and I wanted to have some of my cum to cause i was almost as bad.She was also whipped quite severely that day and now wanted to be whipped daily. I picked her up at her house one day at 10AM for a sex/BDSM filled day and her sister was there with her. She was going to come with us and join in. I had no problem with it and found out that she(Lynn) had been gang...

2 years ago
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One day when you were doing laundry the coldwater hose broke on the washer during the fill cycle.  Water began spraying everywhere.  As you and your roommate try to shut it off a guy friend just happens to show up at your door.  Hearing your screams he takes the liberty of opening the front door and yells: “HEY, IS EVERYTHING OK?”  You and your roommate are overjoyed to have a man there to fix the machine.  He is overjoyed to see that you are drenched to the skin and can clearly see your tiny...

First Time
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Playing Dare with Sis Part 2

I was almost too excited to sleep that night. I had just cum deep in my sister’s pussy for the second time in a matter of hours. She was now crunched up between me and Vlad. Vlad was sleeping like a baby. I groped my sister’s big tits from behind, I loved how soft they felt. I moved one had down her toned stomach before reaching her juicy ass cheek and giving it a squeeze. I couldn’t believe how Kayleigh had such amazing curves and such a thin waist. She had the body that every man would dream...

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City Library

My internet provider has announced their maintenance work with an email. However, the job they had to do on the cable could take the entire day. I don't like it. I have to email a few articles per se. That's why I go to the city-library. It has been a while since I was in the library. The computers used to be on the second floor. In the meantime, renovations have been made. In the spacious hall on the groundfloor there is a café. Around it, in square, the computers are located. Interior modern...

4 years ago
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Reunited With My Brother

Hey all! Karishma again. I hope you missed me. I am back to narrate another sexperience of mine. This one took place in the first few weeks of my job in the USA. I joined my job in the USA and everyone there loved my cooking. I felt good when everyone appreciated me. One day while I was in my break, I received a text message on my number saying, “I know you are a good cook, but are you still good in the bed or have you lost the energy? Waiting for you in Room No. 1102”. I didn’t know who this...


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