Laura's Story: An Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 258 free porn video

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I'd sigh for you, I'd cry for you,
I'd tear the stars down from the sky for you,
If that isn't love, it'll have to do,
Until the real thing comes along...

Laura hummed to herself, gathering some papers together from her desk, putting them in an orange manila file folder and labeling the folder carefully. She was a little troubled about love, having in sequence slept with Dawn and Deshona, both of whom she 'loved' to the ends of the earth. She melted with love at the thought of either one, and her pussy began to melt inside too.

I'll always love you, darling,
Come what may,
My heart is yours,
What more can I say...

True, she felt a little rueful, as always, about them returning home to these men, Robert and Charles, who would be tasting their sweet bodies repeatedly before Laura ever got to see them again, but she was also a little proud of herself. Those guys can't do for them what I can do, she thought. They know it, and I know it. They'll be back.

I'd tear the stars down from the sky for you...

she hummed again as she walked down the corridor with the folder toward Rhonda's office. It was late on a Saturday afternoon, and though Laura did not often work on the weekend, sometimes it was unavoidable. This was a task that had to be done, and fortunately she had been able all morning to focus on it with energy and determination, glowing and humming all the while in a mood of wonderful contentment. Her mouth was feeling better, and just letting her inner gaze drift back over her time with either woman made her tingle happily.

She and Rhonda had agreed on Friday that when Laura was finished, she would leave the papers in Rhonda's office. The building was half-darkened and nearly vacant since few people who were also working on the weekend had stayed this late-it was a little after four o'clock-and Laura was happy to be finished as he approached Rhonda's secretary's desk. If I just leave it here, will she get it okay? I know Patty will give it to her first thing Monday morning.

But then, she thought again. The papers were very sensitive and proprietary. It wouldn't do to have them just lying about. Anyone could peak into an orange folder on a desk right out there in the open. She picked it back up and walked the short distance to Rhonda's office door. I'll just leave them right on her chair. That way she'll be sure not to miss them, and they'll be safer too.

She opened the door and went inside, still half-preoccupied by the warm, happy glow of contentment that had dominated her attitude all day. Rhonda's office was not exactly dark but certainly dim since no lights were on either inside or outside. Laura went behind Rhonda's large, bare, gleaming mahogany desk-why do the executives, who don't need them, get these really huge desks? she wondered, and not for the first time-pulling out Rhonda's chair and placing the orange folder on it.

Only at that moment did she sense something odd. Her head whipped around toward the sofa against the wall, and there, in the dimness, she saw two half-naked women stretched out, as if frozen in place, looking over at her. Both were black. One, the one on top, was April.

"Oh!" Laura exclaimed softly, in shock.

The most startling thing, other than the fact that they were nearly naked and had clearly been fucking, was the way they both stared at her. Suddenly, she felt like she was part of a freeze frame in a movie, also as if she were the one who had been caught in flagrante delicto, not they. Both April and the other girl stared at Laura without blinking, their eyes big dark brown saucers, their faces expressionless. But they did not look like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights. They did not look innocent, or embarrassed. To Laura it only looked as if they were pausing, waiting for her to leave so they could resume.

Laura's eyes were also quick, adjusting speedily to the dimness, and though she already knew what April looked like naked, she took in the girl's thick but delicious body with a fast glance before letting her eyes gulp down what she could see of the other girl, who was on the bottom. Both were only half-clothed, and even though her voracious glimpse took fewer than six or eight seconds, Laura could feel her blood thumping as she noticed April's jeans on one leg but not the other, her shirt pushed down around her waist, her bra cups only shoved down below her naked breasts.

The other girl was equally disheveled, though Laura could see less of her since she was lying under April. She was more slender, longer, with skin of a lighter hue than April's and long black hair, her body lithe and supple, her long, slim legs completely naked and wrapped around April's hips, her shirt and bra scrunched up under her chin. She also had limpid, languid, curious dark eyes that did not betray the slightest shame or distress as she stared at Laura.

Laura swallowed. "April... you should be a little more careful," she said in a strangely awkward, hoarse voice, turning her face away so she would not appear to be giving them the prurient stare she felt was so obvious.

Slowly, April nodded. The other's girl's eyes never left Laura's face, and though Laura did not meet them with her own, she could feel them on her, unmoving, unapologetic. The situation was so embarrassing, for Laura at least, and so sexually arousing at the same time that all she could do was turn and leave the office immediately. But even on the way out, she caught a whiff of the thick, musky fuck-odors that filled the air. Two excited pussies in there, she thought, half-amused as she shut the door behind her. How could I have missed that smell?

She lingered momentarily, as if it were very hard to give up this moment. Will they just start in again, now that I'm gone? she wondered. Or were they more worried than they seemed? After all, I could get them-at least April; I don't know the other one-in big trouble, if I wanted to. But of course she knows I wouldn't.

On her way back to her office to collect her things, Laura could not help recalling how she and Yvette had been similarly caught a couple of times. And also, she and Randi. By Deshona, of all people. Reckless, she thought. And stupid. They could have gone somewhere. It's Saturday, for heaven's sake. They didn't even have to stay here. Of course, they didn't think anybody would walk in on them either, since it's Saturday.

She could still see April's solemn, unsmiling but unashamed face, looking at her blankly. And she couldn't keep her mind's eye from returning to their half-naked bodies, pressed together. Half of her wished she was unscrupulous enough to go back outside Rhonda's office and listen, or hide behind a nearby cubicle wall to see their demeanor when they emerged together, after their little intimate moment.

But she knew she would hate anyone who did that to her. Hurriedly, she grabbed her essentials and left the building. Honor among thieves, at least. And sexual miscreants. April had a right to her little... affairs, Laura thought. God knows I'm in no position to criticize. Gosh, that other girl was kind of pretty. She stared back at me so hard. It was as if she were saying, 'Maybe you'd like a little of this too?'

Laura shook it off, though it was hard to forget for the rest of the weekend. Fortunately, on Saturday night she and Shavon had a mini-orgy in Shavon's condo, which cleared out Laura's head and body completely.

On Tuesday she returned to the dentist to have her stitches removed, and to her great surprise and joy she did wind up having dinner that evening with Sara Paige. They went to a Chinese restaurant in the Embarcadero Center, and Laura spent an almost obscene amount of time gazing at Sara's incredible mouth, wanting desperately to kiss it, and trying at the same time to conceal her impetuous desire.

Dinner with Sara reminded her acutely of all the times she had sat at lunch across from Rina, or Cecilia, or Jonelle, or Shavon, to name only a few, desperately longing to touch them, yearning to brush her lips against their cheeks, feeling not only sexual desire but a need to embrace and murmur to them and pour herself into them that was so intense she almost fainted from the effort to hide it. Her more recent intrigues had not involved much of this simple tête-à-tête, dinner and flirting, lunch and bantering, a warm, congenial, relaxing time with a very attractive woman, which made excited shivers run up and down Laura's arms.

There was also the novelty of Sara's glasses, which Laura had not seen her wearing before now. They were small, square, gold, wire-rimmed, and for some reason made her face even more attractive. Maybe the contrast of the square little lenses with her oval face, Laura speculated. Also, because of the glasses, Sara's small eyes did not seem so small after all, and the glasses gave her an aura of no-nonsense studiousness that Laura found really appealing when contrasted with her easy smile and sense of humor.

The glasses kept sliding down her nose, and Sara would patiently push them up again with the tip of her forefinger.

"I don't have a bridge to my nose," she said, making a funny face. "Black folks weren't meant to wear glasses. Not the ones who have my big flat nose, anyway."

"I think they're very attractive on you," Laura said. "I didn't know you wore glasses."

"Giving my contacts a rest. I actually don't think I was made for contacts. After a while they start to hurt. I have to take them out a few days just to recover." She made a coquettish tilt of her head, and yet another funny face, of which she had a very extensive repertoire. "Got to wear 'em to catch a fella, though. If you wear glasses, they think you're too smart for them."

Laura smiled. "You probably are."

Sara raised one eyebrow. "I'm smarter than some, that's for sure. I was married once to a guy who was a refuse collection engineer." This phrase cracked her up, and she nearly choked briefly on a mouthful of Moo Goo Gai Pan. "Get it? Garbage man. He called himself a Refuse Collection Engineer. He was a real nice guy, too. But I had graduated college, and he could never get over it. If I read a book, he started getting all nasty and critical about it, like I didn't have a right to just be interested in things. Oh well. Life goes on. I also had a 'friendship' with a doctor, and he was a doofus too. Did you know that the first course they're required to take in medical school is Pompous Ass 101?"

Gosh, how could either of them ever have given you up, Sara, Laura thought, gazing happily at her, feeling warm all over.

"Any kids?" she asked.

Sara shook her head, chewing, waving her chopsticks at Laura. "Came close a couple of times. But I couldn't go through with it. You gotta like a guy a lot to have kids with him, you know?"

Laura nodded. She answered a few questions about her own life, not intentionally concealing anything but also not going into revealing details. She enjoyed Sara's naturalness and simplicity immensely, and enjoyed looking at her more than ever. As she had the first time Laura had seen her, Sara wore a crisp white blouse with a stiff collar, though this time there was a small heart-shaped pendant on a thin gold chain around her neck, which drew Laura's eyes to her throat, so smooth and dark brown.

Also, you could again see the white straps of her bra through the fabric, contrasted with her black skin. It was a sight that never failed to arouse Laura sexually, and she was grateful that the restaurant lights were dim enough to prevent her from focusing on it, since she had trouble already not looking too long or hungrily at Sara's thick lips, wanting to mash and maul them with her own passionately as she had the first day, in the dentist's office.

The weather had actually become rather chilly, so both wore their coats as they walked through Embarcadero Center, looking in the windows of the shops, after dinner. Laura was relieved not to have to keep her eyes consciously from straying to Sara's bra straps. Reflected in the windows, the two of them were comically tall and short, and Sara could not resist making jokes about it.

"How's it feel, going to dinner with a midget?" she elbowed Laura in the ribs. "How's the weather up there, anyway? At least you'll be able to tell me if it starts to rain. Then I can run for cover."

Laura laughed with her. "I have a girl friend who is really tall," she said, thinking momentarily of Shontay. "Like, she is six feet two, I'll bet. She makes both of us look like midgets."

Sara shrugged. "I've got used to it. 'Shorty' is now a term of endearment with the guys, you know. They like it. I can't complain."

It came time to part. Laura did not want to. She didn't even care about sex. All she wanted was to sit and talk to Sara and see her making her funny faces and gaze at her mouth for another ten hours or so. Sara seemed reluctant for the short evening to be over too, but Laura wondered if she was projecting that onto her. And of course they both had to go back to work in the morning.

"Where do you live? I can drop you off."

Sara shook her head. "Muni for me. I live out in Ocean View. I can take the M car and be home in half an hour. You wouldn't want to be driving way out there."

I'd give anything to spend another hour with you, Laura wanted to say. She didn't dare. But again, she had the strangest notion that Sara felt the same way. Something about her softly shining eyes behind her glasses led Laura to believe that she too was reluctant for it to be over.

"You know," Laura said, as they reached Market Street, and the Muni Metro entrance, "I don't have to come back for three months."

"I know," Sara grinned. "I made the appointment for you, remember?"

"I like you. I hate to think we won't see each other again until then."

Sara became suddenly very serious and put her hand on Laura's arm. "We will. Promise."

She turned and started down the escalator.

"Let me give you my phone number!" Laura shouted in quick desperation.

Sara looked back over her shoulder, still descending on the moving escalator, making yet another goofy, enchanting face. "Got it, remember? I know everything about you," she winked.

She gave Laura a graceful little wave, head-cocked, as if to say, I know more than you think I do. Or was it, I feel the same way, Laura darling. Let's see what happens? Or was it, God, I'm glad that evening is over-what a crushing bore that Laura is!

Laura stood forlornly at the top of the escalator, watching Sara descend until her form disappeared into the dark maw of the transit station. She hated herself for feeling this way. I want to do more than kiss her, don't I, she realized. And here I am in love with Dawn and Deshona.

I'd tear the stars down from the skies for you...

she hummed to herself as she turned and walked away from the Muni Metro station, taking care not to let any passersby overhear her and think she was crazy.

Over the next few days she began to think more seriously about moving, which required a hundred decisions. When she occasionally ran into either of the Gibsons in the lobby or outside on the sidewalk, she now began to give them a bright, strong smile, all teeth and brass, as if to say, Yes, if you only knew how hotly we fuck down there in my apartment, me and the girls, even that darling daughter of yours. You would be flabbergasted, my dears. Did you know I fucked her in your own bed? And in Daddy's easy chair? Did you know I made her pant? I made her scream... and claw my back? Your daughter? Oh, she loves to fuck, that girl! She loves to rub her pussy against my mouth until it just swells up and bursts with happiness. What do you think of that, eh?

Then, as the moment passed, she would feel a little guilty-not about the fucking, or screaming, but about being the kind of person who could secretly gloat and sneer at others this way, and get some kind of kick out of silently rubbing it in their faces. Also she realized that she was more frightened than ever of Shontay somehow finding out.

They did not run into one another often at work, but on the few occasions when they did meet, Shontay seemed as warm and pliant as she usually was, now that they had been fucking regularly, about twice a week. Of course, given her position, and Laura's too, she was very reserved and formal, but Laura could see in her magical pale brown eyes the deep, responsive throbbing that connected with Laura's own heartbeat, forming a kind of instant circuit that made them both so uncomfortably hot and hungry that they had to look away.

So, for the present at least, her fears were pushed to the background, and she and Shontay actually spent a couple of hours groaning in one another's arms at Shontay's apartment on the Tuesday evening after her weekend discovery of April in Rhonda's office. It was the following day, three days after the event, that April finally came to see Laura.

"Can we have lunch?" she asked, sheepishly, diffidently peaking around the corner of Laura's open office door.

Laura looked up from her desk. She smiled. Was it the fact that she and April had not screwed for a few months that made the girl seem so attractive? Or maybe even the fact that Laura had seen her wantonly screwing some strange (and wildly, exotically lovely, in Laura's recollection) girl in Rhonda's office? Whatever it was, April, as she inched her way around the door jamb and into Laura's office, looked delicious.

As usual, it wasn't what she was wearing since April was a 'sensible' dresser. She wore a boxy brown skirt and a nondescript green blouse. Laura decided very quickly that it was her demure manner, her quiet, soft presence, contrasted with the truth Laura actually knew about her, that she could be smoldering and relentless in bed, that behind her soft, innocent eyes was a stark willingness to go for the money, and to fuck you as hard and hungrily as the moment required. She had been so resistant when Laura had first tried to seduce her, and now look at her: dragging some lovely young creature into Rhonda's darkened office for a Saturday afternoon of hot, half-clothed fucking on the sofa.

At least Laura assumed it had been hot, and she realized, watching April slink ashamedly into her office, that her assumption was based as much as anything on the look she remembered seeing in the other girl's eyes, when she had surprised them. It had been an astonishingly salacious expression. This girl could lie there and let you fuck her, let April fuck her, that is, and then end up swallowing you whole, Laura reflected, looking back over the incident in a flash in her mind's eye. She looked like you might be getting more than you bargained for if you slept with her, and Laura looked all the harder into April's eyes to see if she could detect anywhere there a hint that April had indeed been inundated, or at least surprised, by the sexual force of this girl.

But of course there was nothing. April was very skilled at dissimulation, which of course she had to be since she worked at a company where she was periodically screwing both a vice president and a director. As well as whatever delicious young lovelies she can corral on the side, Laura smiled, amused.

"Hi, April," she said, smiling brightly. "Come on in and sit down."

Don't let her think you're judging her over the other day, Laura cautioned herself. It's not your business what she does.

April visibly softened, her anxiety diminishing as she realized that Laura was not going to lecture her. This sweet, quiet softness was, of course, a principal part of her appeal, and Laura found herself happily remembering the last time they had spent a whole night together in April's bed, with Laura trying to get her lips completely around those huge, soft black nipples. Her body was remembering it too, she realized, as she felt a minor but noticeable wetness suddenly in her crotch.

"I have a meeting from eleven to one," she told April, frowning with disappointment. "They're catering lunch in... so we won't be able to leave." She reached across her desk-not nearly as large as Rhonda's, so it was no problem-and touched April's hand briefly, enough to remind her of their intimacy, but not enough to call attention to them if anyone were passing by outside the door. "I wish I could have lunch with you, though."

April saw the lust in Laura's eyes. You could only conceal so much, Laura thought. The image of April's and the other girl's half-clothed bodies lying entangled on Rhonda's office sofa came flooding back into her mind.

But April was clearly pleased to be desired by Laura. It gave her somehow the upper hand.

"Wanted to apologize about Saturday," she said under her breath, twisting her fingers. "Hope you won't tell her."

"I would never tell her," Laura said, looking directly into her eyes. "We're friends. We're more than friends... I hope. I would never tell her."

"Guess I was kind of careless."

Laura nodded. She now felt the need to enfold the girl in her arms, to kiss and comfort her. "She's very pretty," Laura said, in a conspiratorial whisper. "I can see why you might be a little reckless."

"You're going to make me blush, Laura."

"How about tonight? I'll give you a ride home after work."

April shook her head, her eyes wide and deep and unmoved by Laura's invitation. "I... you know, got a date."

Unaccountably, Laura felt herself bristling with jealousy. Oh god, this new girl of hers! I'm so jealous.

"Oh... I see," she said, trying to conceal her sudden irrational feelings.

"You know," April said, as if suddenly remembering it, "she thinks you're kinda cute too, she said."

Even though she herself had initiated it, Laura began to feel very uncomfortable about having this conversation right there in her office, with the door open. She knew no one could hear them, but the sexual tension, she thought, must be visibly radiating out the door into the surrounding area.

"Really," she said, softly, making a show of shuffling papers on her desk, as if she were working, should any one care to notice.

April continued, still in a lower-than-normal voice, but speaking in a continuous stream, as if it could not be held in. "She lives down in Fremont with her folks, and they went out of town for a few days, so we're staying down there and got the whole house to ourselves."

"How nice for you both," Laura said, curtly.

Now there was a painful silence. April did not know how to continue, and Laura was uncomfortable with the subject. Maybe I should just stand up, Laura thought, and give her the hint to leave.

"I was thinking..." April stammered awkwardly. "Since Yolanda likes you and all... maybe you'd like to come down and stay there too."

"Yolanda? That's her name? The pretty one with the long hair?"

April nodded.

"She work here?"

"Why do you want to know that?"

"Oh..." Laura shook it off. "I just... never saw her before, that's all."

"Well? You want to?"

Laura broke into a smile. She leaned across her desk and whispered.

"You guys aren't going to hold me down and have your way with me, are you?"

April grinned back. "You never know. Why, you afraid?"

Laura shook her head slowly. She pushed a pad of blank yellow paper across her desk to April. "Write down the directions."

After work, before driving across the bridge and down to Fremont, she dropped by her apartment to freshen up and change. One, she wanted to give them both time to get there first. Two, she didn't want to seem like Rhonda, the lecherous office lesbian who was in danger of wetting her pants in gleeful anticipation of an evening with two delicious young girls. These two were several years younger than Laura and did not have management positions like she did. She wanted to change into something casual in order to level the field somewhat, so that they wouldn't be tempted to look up to her.

Plus, she had discovered them while they were fucking. Who could say what initial effect that might have, especially on the new girl, Yolanda. Even though she appeared to have some kind of mysterious, soft, hypnotic femininity that threatened to suck you down into the maelstrom, she still might have a girlish, frightened side too. I guess I'll find out, Laura thought.

She considered bringing along a few toys but again rejected the thought. Baby oil only. Nothing else. Just the three of us, and fingers, and lips, and tongues. That ought to do it.

She tried not to think about what was in store as she drove to Yolanda's parents' house, getting lost and being forced to stop at two gas stations on the way for directions. By the time she got there, it was nearly seven o'clock.

Yolanda herself, of course, answered the door, but April was standing about three feet behind her. Laura peeked at her over Yolanda's shoulder, but only briefly, as if to avoid Yolanda's hypnotic dark brown eyes, which she felt in danger of falling into. Yolanda smiled at Laura.

"Hi. We were wondering where you were. C'mon in."

She was wearing shorts. Very short shorts. She had long, lovely dark brown legs, and Laura tried not to stare. Yolanda, however, clearly knew she had gorgeous legs and was used to people staring at them.

"I... got lost," Laura shook her head.

"You ain't lost any more," April giggled, stepping around Yolanda and taking Laura's hand, pulling her into the house, taking a kind of proprietary interest in her, as if to signal Yolanda that she and Laura were thick, and that Yolanda, gorgeous legs or not, was going to have to break into their circle.

It was a challenge. Laura also wondered if April were a little jealous that, as she had told Laura, Yolanda thought Laura was 'kinda cute.' The three of them went into the living room. It was a standard suburban house, comfortably and conventionally furnished. Laura noticed that April had shorts on too. They were not as high on the thigh as Yolanda's, but April's legs were not spectacular either, being fairly short and chunky, though gleaming sleekly black in a way that always made Laura want to caress and kiss them. They were plenty good enough.

"You eat yet?" April asked her. "We still got pizza over there in the dining room."

Laura could see a large cardboard take-out pizza box on the dining room table. She had not eaten, but on the other hand, she was too excited to eat. A hot, insistent, little throbbing pulse deep in her pussy that was so familiar drew all her attention, and was much more demanding than the hunger of her stomach.

She shook her head. "I'm not hungry."

April grinned. "Yeah, right."

"We have other things beside pizza," Yolanda said in a soft voice. "TV dinners. Yuck! My dad buys them for quick meals. I think we also have eggs. We could scramble eggs for you."

She was so sweet. Laura was enchanted. Yolanda had long black hair, like Yvette's, falling all the way to her shoulders, soft, not stiff. She had a long face too with thin, overarching eyebrows, the kind some women actually drew on after plucking out part of the original hair, though Yolanda's were real, only plucked thin. Her face was not conventionally pretty, not even cute like Sara's, but mesmerizing nonetheless, with a deep Native American-mixed-with-African kind of beauty that some black women had, probably the result of some gene drift down the ages. Many blacks had Indian blood, and in Yolanda it showed, and was almost magnetic. Also, her mouth was surprisingly like Sara's, a thick juicy feast of sensual lips.

I didn't get to kiss Sara, Laura thought. But I'm going to kiss these lips. God, I can feel my heart flutter. I'm going to kiss them soon.

She realized she was staring a little too boldly at Yolanda's captivating mouth. And she realized, too, that April was watching her.

April, who was standing close, took Laura's hand again. "Let's go in her bedroom and get busy," she said.

Both Laura and Yolanda looked at her, then at each other, and laughed, half-nervously, half-expectantly.

"You're sure blunt about it," Laura teased her gently.

She squeezed April's hand affectionately at the same time so that April wouldn't get the wrong idea. April smiled back.

"I been thinking about it all day. Couldn't wait to get the two of you together, if you want to know the truth."

Yolanda now smiled bashfully at Laura. "I had a hard time not thinking about it myself," she confessed softly, with charming shyness.

"Well... I guess that makes three of us," Laura said. "Why do you think I got lost twice on the way here? I couldn't keep my mind on anything else."

Now April became even more aggressive, encircling Laura's waist with one arm and tugging her to follow. "C'mon, now. This way."

Yolanda followed them down the hall. Of course, April knew where Yolanda's bedroom was, and when they entered Laura was surprised to find it filled with brightly colored and fluffy stuffed animals. They were everywhere: huge ones and tiny ones, on the bed, the bureau, the book shelves, peeking down at her from perches on the curtain rods, extra ones piled in boxes, two or three sticking out from under the skirt of the bedspread and the closet. It was altogether amazing.

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 228

The night with Tamara was exhausting and memorable for Laura, but having the girl fall in love with her caused some troublesome problems at work Together they had worn out Tamara's small twin bed in a night of enthusiastic fucking that came close to some of the most fatiguing sexual experiences Laura had survived in the past. Being in love made Tamara a hot partner, and of course Laura would never turn her back on an opportunity to enjoy the young girl to the fullest extent possible. But at...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 294

With Makeeda in Japan, enjoying the intoxicating, exciting new ascendance of her career, Laura was curiously restless. She had enjoyed her Sunday afternoon of fucking with Sara and Sheena, and had ever since been accommodating her feelings to the fresh tilt her relationship with Sara had suddenly taken. In the background, though, there was still the deep longing for the girl who was singing her heart out in Tokyo, pouring out the emotion Laura craved over those nodding, smiling Japanese jazz...

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Literotica Interracial Sex Stories

Do you want to masturbate to something different than the same old tube site pornography? If you want content that feels more intimate and will get you off in a different way, don't knock erotic fiction until you've tried it.What, you mean reading takes too much time and effort? You lazy mother fucker! You don't have a choice now: head over to and check out their insane library of interracial content.You will find all kinds of sexy fucking fiction to read here. Who...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 4

And in the morning, when they awoke, they fucked twice more before even leaving the bed. Then once more together in the shower. By the time they left for work, they had each come twenty-one times since they had entered Laura's apartment the night before. Neither could believe it. "Did we actually do that?" Karen whispered to Laura as they drove to work. Laura nodded. "I think we must have set a record." "I know it was a record for me." "Once I came three times, twice in the...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 5

And she turned out to be right about him. After about twenty minutes, he was all over her again, his massive cock alive and thundering with hard, jumping lust. This time he forced her down onto her stomach and fucked her from behind, screwing her with brutal completeness. She wondered if it was because she had told him about her affair with Karen, and how many times she had come. Was he jealous? Angry? He crouched over her ass and stabbed his huge prick deep into her splayed pussy, reaching...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 27

Again, after her night with Rob, she had trouble walking, her ass and pussy hurt so much. And again, Yvette Farmer noticed, and made a comment at work. "You sprain your ankle again?" she said, disbelieving it. Laura instantly knew, somehow, that Yvette knew the cause of her gingerly walking. Is it that obvious? she wondered. Well, if it is, then at least they won't think I'm a lesbian around here. But she didn't know how to answer Yvette. And then she didn't have to, because Yvette...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 13

As it turned out, Rina really was exhausted. Laura was too, but she hungered so passionately for the girl's luscious body that she was willing to drive herself past exhaustion in search of yet another orgasmic seizure. But she too finally yielded to fatigue, and reluctantly watched as Rina covered up her sleek, naked flesh with her clothing and departed. It's tomorrow, when she wakes up and realizes what she's done, that I have to worry about, Laura thought. I know, because I did it...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 16

Laura could barely walk for two days. Going to the bathroom was an ordeal. She called in sick at work and spent most of the time in bed, reliving the experience in her mind and trying to ignore the after effects on her body. Well, I guess I know what a gangbang is like now, anyway, she thought. It couldn't be much worse with five or six guys. Those two are like a small battalion. But at least no one can accuse me of being a lesbian. I came both times. Then I let them come all over me, in my...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 17

Laura was so emotionally drained by the experience that she felt like a sleepwalker for days afterward. It would have been better if Rina had never reappeared, she finally realized. She had made love to Laura so wonderfully that now Laura's sense of loss was more acute than ever. Standing there naked in her livingroom as Rina closed the door and left had been the worst experience of her life. Two overpowering orgasms hadn't made it any better. She had collapsed into tears on the sofa and...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 83

Laura wanted to avoid sex with anybody else for about a week after her wild night with Rob and Camille. For one thing, she was exhausted. She knew they must be too. They had fucked like crazed, rutting animals, over and over again, taking each other to the limit, their bodies flailed and scalded by fierce spasm after spasm of sexual rapture. Only a few times, mainly with Karen, had Laura ever exceeded the limits this way. It almost scared her, though the memory of it made her throb excitedly...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 128

Secretly, Laura was glad to have the excuse to go, even though the thought of Randi being exuberantly fucked by some horny man all night made her stomach roil. But she herself had promised to spend Saturday night with Trina. Even though it was hard to forget the delicious Randi, Trina succeeded in making Laura do it. For some reason, she was wildly passionate and made love to Laura more aggressively than ever before. Laura, inspired as always by Trina's incredible body, returned the favor,...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 137

The emotional aftermath of her evening with Shavon was very troubling for Laura. How can you be in love with at least three different women at the same time? she wondered. Trina, Jonelle, and Shavon? And if you are, then what are your feelings for Karen, for Yvette, for Randi? Not to mention Sholandra, or Cecilia? Of course, her deep feelings for Jonelle were only allowed to surface periodically, whenever they saw one another, rarely more than once a year. But she slept with Trina at least...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 149

When Lorrie Barnes called again, a few days later, Laura was so flummoxed by guilt that she could barely even speak. She had not seen Lorrie for six months. During that time, she had broken with Trina, and in addition to her other friends had slept with Bernice, Randi, Shavon, Vondi, and now Vanessa. But the mere thought of Lorrie struck a hot arrow deep into her. Lorrie had called right before Vondi, when Laura's breasts had still be so mutilated from her bout with Karen that she did not...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 171

It didn't take long for Kendra to make her feelings known. On Saturday morning Laura was returning from the supermarket, her arms overloaded with grocery bags, when Kendra met her in the building foyer. "Well, if it isn't the lesbian sex addict who lives on the eighth floor," she said, voice dripping sarcasm. "Molester of teenage girls. Did you know I could file charges against you? Felony child molestation. Statutory rape? I could, you know. You seduced a teenager. Two teenagers, if...

1 year ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 202

The next day was a Friday, and Randi, acting as if nothing had happened, dropped by Laura's office about 3 in the afternoon. She was bewitching as ever in her gorgeous new sexy braids, and she knew it, knew Laura well enough to gauge their effect on her. "Plans for this weekend?" she asked, provocatively. Actually, Laura and Deshona, after their torrid 'lunch' wherein they nearly ate one another alive in Laura's apartment, had planned to spend the weekend together, probably doing a...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 230

Tamara did not show up at work again for three days. Laura stewed and fumed, knowing the girl was being aggressively and exhaustively screwed by the linebacker. Stewart. Is she lying there on her back thinking of me? she wondered. She said she loved me. On the other hand, she isn't very deep. Maybe for her: out of sight, out of mind. She's letting Stewart plough her pretty little love chute, and I'm the last thing on her mind. Laura tried not to think about it. Instead, she went over her...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 234

Laura's body ached for a while after her evening with Eric and Mavis, but that went away before long. What lingered was her sadness at not being able to have the emotional and sexual intimacy with Mavis that she had planned in her fantasies. Even worse were the myriad anxieties caused by her memory of Eric's clear lust for Mavis, and Mavis's flirtatious response. At work, Rhonda dropped a malicious bomb on her by casually remarking, as they passed one another entering and leaving the...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 246

After the guilty pleasures of fucking secretively with Charise in the back seat of Laura's car, while Charise's younger brothers were inside the house playing Nintendo, Laura found herself wondering how she could be such a disgusting crud and female lecher. Child molester, she told herself. The girl is sixteen. And pregnant. Sure she's enchanting, and wildly sexy. And has a delicious body. You're an adult, and you're supposed to have self-control. Since this was unanswerable, but since...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 282

"I'm leaving Saturday," Dee Dee said, her voice soft and a little plaintive. "For Ann Arbor. I won't be back for... who knows when. Six months, maybe. I know you're sort of... involved with Sara. But I like you, Laura. I'd like to see you one more time before I go. I promise I wouldn't let her know." Over the phone her voice sounded almost pained to Laura, as if she were going to suffer if she didn't see her, just the thing to tug Laura's heart. Dee Dee was a very complicated...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 233

Her weekend with Ada left Laura with mixed feelings. Ada was not like Deshona, who turned, seemingly in a flash, from an iceberg into a red-hot sexual flame and fuck-slut extraordinaire. Ada was a warm, deliberate, methodical person who went with Laura through some kind of slow sexual awakening, thrilled to discover such intense pleasures existed at all, and wildly grateful to Laura for having introduced her to them. For her part, Laura felt an onrush of sexual rapacity that she had to try...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 238

A phone call from Karen, of all people, woke Laura out of a sound sleep at one-thirty a.m. on Sunday night. "Kick that black whore out of your bed," Karen said sharply. "I'm on my way over." Laura stretched lazily and yawned, half-purring into the phone. "There's no one here but me. I've been keeping the bed warm for you." "A likely story. Change the sheets, Laura, I'm on my way." She hung up. Smiling dreamily, Laura did in fact sniff the sheets to make sure they weren't too...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 239

A preceding night of little or no sleep made Monday morning rough on Laura. She was dragging all the way, and a look in the mirror revealed alarming grayish bags beneath her eyes, a sour frown on her lips, a glassy, abstracted, unfocused stare. Fortunately, her pussy didn't burn as much as she recalled it having burned on other days following a night of sick and masochistic depravity with Karen. But it did ache, and her nipples too. What must hers feel like? she wondered, remembering the...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 279

Laura wore her silver bracelet every day, taking it off only on Friday when she was going to meet Sara since she didn't want any questions. She thought often of Amber, and of Dawn, of the scorching but entirely different sex she had shared with each of them, but it did not leech away any of her love for Sara, and the weekend, now that there was no period to interfere, was another sweet and exhausting marathon of love-fucking. Both of them marveled at how they were unable to wear it out....

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Interracial Sissy Story

Interracial Sissy Story(Some prior notes about me, this story and my writings: If MALE bisexuality, crossdressing or interracial sex bother you, don't even bother reading this further, much less commenting. Many have had secret fantasies about what it would be like to be the opposite sex, during sex. Some of my influences for writing this story were things like those fantasies, straight interracial gangbang porn flicks, a strong fetish for female cigarette smoking, strip clubs, hard rap/rock...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 21

After they all recovered from this firestorm of orgasms, they went to Karen's bedroom, tore the bedspread off her kingsized bed, and spent the rest of the night fucking. Rina and Laura fucked Karen, then Laura and Karen fucked Rina, then the two black girls fucked Laura again. Finally, they ended up in a circle, each girl with her mouth on another's pussy, closing a circuit of ecstacy that left them shattered and completely drained from repeated, wrenching climaxes. Laura was surprised,...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 207

The following day, Kendra called Laura at work. "Girlfriend, we've got to have a talk." "You didn't have to call me at work," Laura said, defensive. Oh god, either she found out about me and Jane again, or she was home last night when Sholandra and Danny and I were fucking and making all that noise! "Look," Kendra lowered her voice conspiratorially. "You know I'm your friend, Laura... except when you be messing around with my teenage daughter." Oh god, Laura thought. What's...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 223

Laura's boss called her into his office and reluctantly said she was going to have to spend a week in Dallas to troubleshoot some things that were going wrong at a branch there. In fact, Laura had done similar work there in the past and was the right person for the job. Trying not to wet herself with glee, Laura could only think: Dallas... Jonelle, Dallas... Jonelle! It had been seven months since Laura had last seen her. Jonelle had accompanied her new husband to a convention in Oakland,...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 286

Amber Grant rolled over and nuzzled Laura's naked back with her nose, encircling Laura's body with both long arms at the same time and cupping each of Laura's breasts in her hands. Laura could feel Amber's own soft, puffy nipples and small, perfect breasts pushing into the skin of her back, a sensation that immediately aroused her all over again. "Come with me into the living room," Amber murmured, "and we'll sit naked in front of the big windows and watch the city down below and...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 298

Makeeda returned from Los Angeles in triumph. She was glowing; she seemed to smile constantly with a kind of uncontainable joy that made Laura well up inside in happy empathy with her. Audiences had flocked to hear her, and she had received heaps of praise from reviewers in the local papers. "God, Laura, they loved me," she said to Laura, appearing not to believe it. "I've spent all this time, years really, trying to reach this moment, and now... I find it very hard to believe it's...

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PornPics Interracial

If you think that there is no place for porn pictures in this day and age, well, I want to call you a fucking idiot, but I cannot really blame you for thinking that. With so many on-demand streaming services and a wealth of free tube sites that offer so much pornography that it’s fucking impossible for one person to see everything, I can see why so many people may think that porn pictures are dead. But let me tell you something, you basic son of a bitch: they’re not!It’s just as satisfying to...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Scrolller Interracial

Do you pine for the days when you could beat off to XXX Tumblr feeds? Porn may be banned on the platform, effectively killing it in the process. That may be sad and all, but there is a site that has actually taken its fucking place. You are going to want to bookmark this shit on your favorite browser, too. Especially if you want to see some hot interracial action.What the fuck am I talking about? None other than This is where you will find all kinds of hot, amazing...

Interracial Porn Sites
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My True Story about Interracial Sex

I Went Black and Loved It!By Missy12 My name is Missy, I’m a 30 year old bi sexual woman and have been having sex with black men since I was 19. I’m writing a true story about my first encounter in the world of interracial sex. I find men write a lot of stories and most are fictional; of course I enjoy these works, but I find the women always too big boobed innocent blondes. I am a big boobed blonde but anything but innocent. Just a little bit about me. Pussy, cunt, cock, dick, and even twat...

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XVideos Interracial

I’m going to tell something that a bunch of you horny fuckers may not like to here, but I don’t really give a fuck. All white bitches masturbate to the thought of getting their snatches pounded by huge black cock, whether they admit it or not. Yeah, they may tell you that they think of nothing but your tiny little penis all day long, but they’re fucking lying to you. When the lights are down and their fingers knuckle deep inside their loose and wide pussy, their minds are on dicks that make...

Interracial Porn Sites
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RARBG Interracial

Are you done with these random porn sites that don’t seem to lead to anything? Are you tired of ads and not being able to stream the videos properly? Do these video players load slowly and buffer slower than a snail? I know the feeling. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how fast your internet is. If the server the porn site is running on is shit, then there is nothing that you can do about it. For me, in that case, the best course of action would be to find a good porn torrent site that would allow...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Sybil A Story About Interracial Slavery Chapter Two

Chapter Two Sybil's next few days at college were a whirlwind of new things, people surroundings and college life. In her black African history class one of the first things that the female professor required was for her to write a believable story as to how it felt to be a shackled young slave girl in the 1850s. The fact that she was the only white female attending this college and a young, and very naive one at that , only added to her most interesting problems as the days...

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PornGo Interracial

Don’t you just love interracial porn? I know I do. In fact, whenever there’s a chance for me to get some interracial porn into my wanking routine, I make sure to go all the way with it. Now, you can say what you want about interracial porn, but if you ask me, it’s some of the best shit out there. Whenever I want to see a hot white girl getting her pussy destroyed by a BBC, all I have to do is go to a porn tube website and enjoy some of that interracial content that they have going on there. But...

Interracial Porn Sites
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iWank Interracial

Interracial porn has always had its upsides and downsides. However, today we’re looking at its huge sides instead. We’re taking a look at just how big an interracial porn category can be on a porn site while it still makes sense. How many interracial pornos can you fit into one genre and still get away with it? The only way we will truly figure this out is with a porn aggregator site since those emphasize a lot on size more than anything else. The site that will spot all these videos is...

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PornTrex Interracial

If you’re a fan of interracial porn, you’re going to love what I have in store for you today. We’re taking a trip back to, which I reviewed as a site on its own, and we’re diving into just one category on this website so that you can fully experience what it has to offer. That category is interracial, as you might have already guessed since you clicked on this review. And I’ve gotta say, has a lot to offer when it comes to interracial porn, and you’re definitely going...

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ImageFap Interracial

Are you the kind of guy who wants to enjoy interracial porn pictures for free without a worry in the world? Well, there are a fair few porn sites that offer that kind of functionality as a side thing. But, if you’re looking for a fully-fledged porn picture experience where the pics are taken seriously and not just as a lame side project of the website, then is the answer you’re looking for. So, does this place have what it takes to step up to the plate of other porn sites when it...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 9

The two girls were so adept at arousing each other, and pressing each other's magic button, that in spite of Karen's horrific ass-rape by Rick, they had each other gasping and whinnying through a string of fresh orgasms in three or four minutes. They did their pussy-kissing fuck, kissing and fondling one another's breasts at the same time, coming so fiercely that Rick was aroused enough in ten minutes to enter the fray again. But instead of turning to Laura, he focused on Karen. He pulled...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 10

Laura was desolated. She knew she had set herself up for this rejection, but losing both Karen and Rina wrenched her with pain. And she hadn't even lost Rina, of course. She had never had the girl, which was if anything worse. The desire she felt for Rina was almost unbearable. After being expelled from the girl's apartment, she went home and couldn't get the image of Rina's perfect naked body out of her mind. Did I ever want Karen this much? she wondered. She looked at her hand, the one...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 11

After her exhilarating and devastating afternoon of fucking with Rick, Laura somehow felt worse than ever. The problems she had hoped to solve or forget festered even more. It wasn't as simple as Rick had thought. She did like fucking with him. God, it drove her crazy with lust and she had phenomenal climaxes. Her body ached for days after he finished with her. But it didn't make her want Karen--or Rina--any less. She dreamed of them both, every night one or the other. And even worse, she...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 26

Laura didn't have sex with anybody for six months. Except for the same evening, after Karen left, when she had almost injured herself with the same, still-wet cucumber and banana she had used on Karen, trying to get rid of the sexual tension she had built up while fucking the girl, bringing herself to a brutal, painful, shockingly intense orgasm, she had not even masturbated. Getting over Rina's murder was even harder than she had thought it would be. She had dreams about the girl all the...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 37

After she and and Yvette had eaten each other for lunch, Laura had no sex for almost a week. Somehow, her own exhaustion and the preoccupations of her potential lovers prevented it. And who were they, anyway, she thought. Yvette's opportunities were limited by her marriage, and her small child. Karen had her own agenda, and would show up when least expected. And, Laura realized, her sex with Karen was always so dangerous and extreme that both of them approached it warily. Sandra and Shawn...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 50

For about six months things went beautifully for Laura and Jonelle. Even the return of her little boy, though it made their times together briefer, and farther apart, had none of the effect Laura had feared. Jonelle showed no sign whatsoever of drawing away. In fact, since they could grab only a few hours a week together, their sex became phenomenally intense, as intense as any Laura had ever had outside the perverse sadomasochism of her affair with Karen. She and Jonelle shared seizures of...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 51

One day in a supermarket Laura saw Brandi's picture on the cover of Flex magazine. She stopped in her tracks, feeling the blood pound in her veins and a hot prickling inside her cunt. Brandi was gorgeous, as usual, wearing an abbreviated red bikini through the bra of which you could see the thick bumps of her nipples outlined. Her rippling stomach and her perfect shoulders were bare, and she was holding two shiny silver barbells that looked like they weighed about a hundred pounds...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 64

Laura was mortified. She had a pretty good position in her company, and had gone to some lengths to make sure her sexual proclivities were not known. She didn't date men from within the company, but that was not unusual for a career woman, who might see the dangers of mixing her love life with her job. In actual fact, she had four torrid affairs going on with four different girls, Karen, Yvette, Barbara, and now Cecilia, but she had taken care not to let anyone know. Now, unless this Pete...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 67

This time the pain lasted for days. Was it really worth it? Laura wondered, as she examined her raw, aching nipples in the mirror, or gently applied soothing lotion to her inflamed, swollen pussy. She knew, from a brief phone conversation, that Karen was experiencing the same thing, and asking the same questions. And yet, she knew the answer. The orgasms were brief, compared with the lingering pain, and yet even touching her body where Karen had kissed it with the whip made Laura's blood...

1 year ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 70

After Brandi's departure, Laura fell into her usual depression. Of all her lovers, both Brandi and Jonelle pierced her heart most deeply, and separating from either always caused her great pain. For three or four days she was unbearably glum and abstracted, and then on the fifth day something happened to make it even worse. She was cruising the aisles of her local Safeway, listlessly picking up a few things, when she noticed a new assistant manager handling the cash drawers, money orders,...

4 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 71

Laura had calculated well, and two days after her incendiary tryst with Yvette she got her period. She tried not to think about Tracy, but even during this minor malaise she couldn't keep her mind off the lovely young girl. How young? she wondered. Old enough to have kids. And not just one 'kid' either. 'Kids.' That's what she said. As usual, Laura hated herself for thinking about this. She hated the abnormality of it, and hated facing her true nature, the fact that she was clearly a...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 72

Even though it had been easier than Laura had feared to get Tracy into bed, and though Tracy loved to fuck as much as Cecilia or Yvette or the other delicious girls Laura spent her time with, she was very busy with her job and her kids. Laura did not get to see her often. And, for various reasons, Cecilia and Yvette weren't monopolizing her time either. In the case of Yvette, Laura even grew jealous, thinking of the Rhonda Reardon episode, wondering how eager Yvette was to hurt her by...

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