GreeniesChapter 6B free porn video

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Like before, most of the action took place at the main entrance. The primacord was detonated and a large hole was blown in the door. The MPG troops were deployed well back from the entrance, backs against the tunnel wall, bodies against the floor. The minute that the door was breached, automatic weapons fire began pouring in from the MPs stationed outside. Most of the shots simply ricocheted harmlessly off of the walls but some of them found their marks in the crowded tunnel. It was inevitable. Cries of "Medic!" began echoing over the tactical net.

The MPG machine gunners opened up, pouring fire through the hole as did the troops who's M-24s were equipped with grenade launchers. Their fire was marginal at best since they couldn't really see their targets too well, but some of the bullets found their marks and some of the grenades caused injury or death by exploding luckily near a deployed MP. Still the MPGs knew the same thing that the WestHem marines down in Eden had found out the hard way. They were vulnerable in the tunnel since they were pinned into a narrow corridor. Here the difference that kept them from being routed out and pushed back to the loading platform was the fact that the doors were not completely missing. There was still solid steel to either side of the hole that had been blasted, allowing cover and a firing position for a limited amount of soldiers. Using this small place of safety to best advantage, men were stationed there to keep the approaches clear of MPs. But still, it quickly became clear that an easy break out was simply not in the cards. There were too many MPs out there and, though they didn't have combat goggles or combat computer support, they were able to lay down a field of fire that was accurate and concentrated enough to make a casualty out of anyone who tried to push out. The invasion of the base would not take place as planned right here.

At the south freight tunnel things were going easier. Once the door was breached the fire was sporadic and light from the opposition on the other side. They had not had a chance to deploy in any significant numbers. The special forces platoons that made up bravo company pushed forward to the entrance and poured machine gun fire and grenades out into the deployed MPs with much greater accuracy and effect. Squads began to pour through the hole into the freight storage and unloading platform beyond it. Here the training that they had been engaging in on the inside of the MPG base — training that they had not understood while they were undertaking it — began to make sense and show its effectiveness in the fight. Like a well-oiled machine, man after man passed through the doorway and rolled either to the left or the right, their eyes searching to acquire targets, their hands and arms adjusting their rifles and than firing at muzzle-flashes and moving figures. There were some casualties taken of course but the sheer speed with which they exited the tunnel kept them to a minimum.

Lon and his men were part of the second group through the door. They spit up into two elements, half moving to the left, half to the right. Lon and the four men with him concentrated their fire on a group of three MPs that were hiding behind an electric forklift and sniping at the men emerging from the tunnel. Lon sent three of his men further right to flank them as he and private Matza on the SAW provided covering fire. The flanking maneuver worked admirably and soon the three MPs were gunned efficiently down with a combination of grenades and automatic weapons fire. From that point on the tunnel exit was clear and Lon's squad moved off to the right flank to help silence the rest of the opposition. The remaining MPs that they encountered began to throw down their weapons and surrender. Each of them were handcuffed with the plastic ties and put down on the ground.

In all, it took less than ten minutes before the loading platform was secure and a beachhead of sorts was established. Medics were brought forward to care for the wounded Martians and, when the time was found, the wounded MPs as well. Major Shaw, who had been lingering in the rear of the column during the firefight, came forward and surveyed the first section of the Triad Naval Base to come under MPG occupation.

"Good job," he told the men. "Now let's push onward. You know your objectives so let's go secure them before they have a chance to gear up to a real defensive posture."

They spit into two elements and headed for the two large corridors at the far end of the platform, corridors that led further into the bowels of the base. The doors guarding them had slammed shut and locked in response to the red zebra condition. Teams went to work putting primacord on them.

Before they had a chance to blow the doors however, Shaw got a vital update on the other elements of the battle. The north freight tunnel, which alpha company was assigned to, had been breached and its entrance station captured with only three killed and four wounded. At Shaw's direction they too began preparing to move further into the base towards their own objective: the docking complexes and the ships that were at anchor there.

But Charlie and Delta companies, in charge of breaching the main gate in the center, had a different story to tell.

"We're pinned down in the tunnel," Captain Evers, the commander in charge of this force told Shaw over the radio net. In the background he could hear the chatter of weapons fire and the hollow booms of explosions. "We won't be able to break out without taking heavy casualties. And every minute we wait, more MPs show up."

"How bad are casualties so far?" Shaw asked him.

"Twelve wounded, six dead."

"Hang tight for a few," Shaw ordered. "I'm gonna send you some help. Wait for my order and then initiate the breakout."

"Copy," Evers replied.

Though the situation Evers found himself in was bad, it was not something that had been unanticipated. "Armand!" Shaw barked into the air, not bothering to use the radio since the object of his yell was standing less then ten meters away.

"Sir?" responded Armand, the commander of Bravo company, as he trotted over.

"Break loose a squad with a hundred meters of primacord and one SAW. We need to flank the MPs on the main entrance before Charlie and Delta can break out. Have them go weapons free by the quickest route and stand by. I'm gonna send a squad from Alpha over to hit the north flank too. Who would be squad leader you're sending?"

Armand thought for a moment. "I'll send the third squad from second platoon," he said. "Sergeant Fargo."

"Good," Shaw said, nodding in approval. He knew Lon personally and was impressed with him. "Get them moving. Fargo will probably be the senior NCO so he'll be in charge of this makeshift platoon under the direct orders of Captain Evers."

"Yes sir," Armand replied.

"Send the rest of your company to their objective but leave another squad here with two SAWs for beachhead security. If this base isn't secured in the next hour, it's never going to be."

"Yes sir," Armand said, switching his radio frequency.

Lon and his squad were called over and given their new orders. He absorbed the information quickly and then consulted his map of the base to find out the best means of getting to the main pedestrian platform. It took him only a minute or so of study to lock in on a course of action. "Let's go people," he told his men. "The sooner we get there, the less Earthlings we'll have to fight."

They made their way across the loading platform to the north side of it, where a small access corridor — its door sealed shut of course — led along the perimeter of the base. Horishito, one of the two men carrying the large coils of primacord, placed a length of it on this door and then set a detonator in it.

"Third squad, breaching side door now," he announced over the command net. There were quite possibly MPs waiting on the other side of the door and his men pointed their weapons in preparation. Part of the security squad that had already been in position trained theirs too.

"Go ahead, Hoary," Lon told him once everyone was in position.

Horishito blew the door, sending it crashing to the floor. No fire came through hole that had been made and his men advanced slowly and carefully to the sides. They took quick glances through the hole finding no MPs but about ten civilian personnel already lying peacefully on the floor, their hands behind their heads, begging the men that they assumed to be heartless terrorists not to shoot them. Lon and the others dashed into the room and secured it, ordering the civilians through the hole and into the main loading area where they joined those already taken prisoner. They then began to move towards the main tunnel entrance nearly a kilometer away.

Admiral Rosewood had moved to the command post in the main TNB control room. This room was a much larger version of the main control room for Triad since it also was responsible for controlling docking, power, gravitation, and traffic control of the naval vessels in port. Sixty-four controllers worked at computer terminals and monitored security camera displays. They watched in disbelief at the events unfolding around them. Rosewood understood.

He now had a better idea of what he was up against and, as such, he feared for his safety and the security of his base now. Thanks to digital camera images that had been taken before the cameras had been shot out, he knew that he had enemy troops in company strength fanning out from two directions, from two different tunnels into vital parts of the base. The blast doors were presenting no problems for them; they were simply blasting them open with primacord. A third company — at least he assumed it was a company — he had yet to get an image of it — was still pinned down in the main tunnel by the MPs. That wouldn't last long he feared. He could see squad strength concentrations moving in on the main gate through other tunnels, obviously to reinforce and flank. He had no MPs to spare to try and stop them, he couldn't even offer more than token resistance to the companies that were moving deeper into the base by the minute. One of them was heading, as he'd initially suspected, directly toward the space docks where access to the 43 docked ships could be had. The TIRT team as well as about twenty regular MPs, were in position there but, even with the heavy weapons, they would not be able to stand up to a company for very long. His attempt to get the crews to their ships to scramble them had been inspired but useless. It had taken too long and their access was now cut off by the advancing MPG.

He had never felt so out of his element in his life. He was a naval admiral, not a ground combat soldier and he was ill equipped to deal with this situation. He had sent off a report to Earth but the length of communications meant that he could expect no reply for nearly three hours. By then the base and all of its ships, all of its highly trained naval personnel, could very well be in Martian hands. And the pre-positioned container ships with the marine division's equipment on board! If they got their hands on those ships, it would nearly double the MPG's inventory of tanks, artillery, and other heavy weaponry! That simply could not be allowed!

It was the thought of these container ships and the marines they were meant for that gave him a glimmer of hope. There were twelve thousand marines down on the surface of Mars! Twelve thousand marines with M-24s, SAWs, and hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition. And there were lifter craft capable of bringing those marines directly to the naval base in a short amount of time.

He turned to the terminal that he was using for communications. "Get me General Sega down at EMB," he said. "Highest priority!"

A few seconds went by and the computer told him, "General Sega is not taking calls at the moment. Would you like his mail server or would you like to..."

"I'd like you to get him on line," Rosewood interrupted. "Go through whoever you have to and tell them that this is a matter of federal security that supercedes whatever he is dealing with down there."

"Attempting to recontact," the computer dutifully told him.

Another minute went by before Sega's face came on the screen, impatience clearly showing. "John," he said, "I hope this is important because we've just been hit by the MPG. I've got a bunch of dead marines over here and a bunch of greenie ass that I'm getting ready to kick. And I'm not gonna take any fuckin names either."

"It's important," Rosewood assured him, dismissing the startling news about the marine base for the moment in light of his own problems. "I'm having some greenie trouble of my own up here. My base is under attack."

This put a sobering expression on Sega's face. "What do you mean?" he asked slowly.

"They hit the access tunnels about fifteen minutes ago," he explained. "Uniformed and armed MPG soldiers, complete with M-24s, squad automatic weapons, combat goggles and combat computers. It looks like they're in battalion strength."

"Jesus fucking Christ," Sega said, paling as he heard this. "How are you holding?"

"Not too well," Rosewood admitted with a certain amount of shame. "They've breached all three of the tunnels on the base side and two of their elements are now moving through the base. We have another element pinned down in the main tunnel but the greenies have reinforcements enroute to flank my men. I need some help up here. My MPs and my TIRT team are not going to be able to hold for very long."

"Our equipment ships are up there," Sega said. "If the greenies get their hands on those..."

"I have forty-eight front-line naval vessels up here as well," Rosewood interjected. "As well as the crews that operate them. That's nearly a third of the WestHem navy. I would say that this problem is one that requires immediate attention. How soon can you get me some marines up here?"

Sega considered for a moment. "I can load a battalion into two C-12s and get them launched in about twenty minutes if I put a rush on the pilots," he said. "Once in flight, it'll take them about ninety minutes to dock with you. Can you hold that long?"

Rosewood looked at his display doubtfully. "I don't know," he said. "We're outnumbered and outgunned by the greenies. I don't even know where the hell they came from or how they got up to Triad without anyone noticing, but there a shitload of them up here."

Sega now looked a little embarrassed. "Well," he said slowly, "there were reports last night of a large number of MPG troops transporting up to Triad in C-10s."

"What?" Rosewood said, a glare developing on his face. "And nobody thought to mention this to me?"

"It was assumed that it was just one of those bizarre training missions that the greenies are always doing," Sega said. "How the hell were we supposed to know they were going to attack TNB?"

"Jesus," Rosewood said, shaking his head. "What a clusterfuck." He didn't dwell on the how of the problem and the assignment of blame for the time being. "Norm," he said, "I'll try to keep those greenies contained but I really don't know if I'm going to be able to hold until your marines get here. If that company we have pinned in the main tunnel manages to break out, they'll head directly for this command post. If they take it, I won't be able to initiate docking for your transports."

Sega paused, seeming to think for a second. Finally, gingerly, he said, "John, with all due respect, would you mind downloading me a situation schematic? I know that you're above reproach as a naval officer but what you're dealing with now is more along the lines of my profession. Maybe I can..."

"Norm, the download is on the way. I'll do more than take advice from you, I'll put the defense of this base directly under your control."

"I think that's a good idea. I'm assuming control of TNB defense as of now." He paused again while Rosewood instructed his computer to send a copy of his schematics across. Once it arrived he spent a few minutes staring at it intently. "John," he said when he came to a decision, "I need you to pull your men out of the dock area and move them to guarding your command post."

"But the ships..." Rosewood started.

"The ships can't leave or do anything without commands from where you sit. The MPG won't be able to do anything with them until they have the command post secured. Trust me. You must keep them from taking that command post at all costs until my marines can dock. That means you put every available man with a weapon in front of and inside of the building. I'll upload a deployment schematic for you as soon as I have it."

"Okay, it'll be done."

Sega's office looked out over the troop assembly area adjacent to the airlock complexes. From his desk he was able to see the huge, cavernous room that contained the flight area, where his C-12s were sitting idle, and the outside assembly staging. There were ten outdated tanks down there that had nothing but training ammunition to fire as well as twenty-five outdated APCs with the same problem. The vehicles were being ignored as the brigade he had tasked to take the MPG base - those that were left of it anyway - came out of the locker room one by one in their bulky biosuits. They assembled in their pre-determined positions, exactly one arm length apart, their weapons slung over their right shoulders. Soon they would exit through the airlocks and move overland to the main city, where they would breach a hole in the wall, causing the loss of pressure in that particular section. The blast doors surrounding the section would slam down and the marines would enter. They would then seal the hole that they had entered through, thus retaining the integrity of the section, and re-flood it with air by drilling holes through into the undamaged portions of the city. Once the pressure was equalized, they would blast through another wall and start heading for the base. This was the textbook manner of assaulting a pressurized city or structure, something that had been practiced many times but that had never actually been attempted in real combat positions, neither by WestHem or EastHem.

Satisfied that the Martian portion of his plans was going forth as scheduled, Sega instructed his computer to get Colonel Summers, commander of his third brigade, on the screen. Summers and his men were currently gearing up in the locker rooms so that they could move out through the interior gates once they were liberated from the greenies.

"Summers here, General," he said once he came on line.

"Summers," Sega said, "there's a bit of a situation going on up at the naval base. I'll need you to break loose one of your battalions to deal with it."

"A situation, sir?"

"Greenies are attacking TNB," Sega said. He then explained the details as quickly as he could.

"Those motherfuckers," Summers said, outraged. "We'll kill them. We'll absolutely murder them, General!"

"I'll be satisfied if you just prevent them from gaining control of the base," Sega told him. "Scrounge up two of our flight crews and start loading your best battalion into those lifters. I want you launching within thirty minutes."

"Yes sir," Summers said, signing off.

Sega gave a quick call to Rosewood to tell him that help would be leaving shortly. Nothing had changed up there - the greenies that had already broken out were still moving through the base, the ones that were pinned down were still stationary, and the ones who were attempting to flank the gate were moving into position.

"Thanks, John," Rosewood told him gratefully. "The shifting of troops from the docks to the control room is underway now. If we can keep those greenies contained in the tunnel for a few more minutes, we might be able to keep them in there indefinitely."

"Yes," Sega said sourly, thinking of the hundreds of casualties he had just suffered under such circumstances. "It's not that hard to do."

He had no sooner signed off from this transmission than two flight crews for the C-12s came rushing out of their ready shack to begin firing up their spacecraft. Ground crewmen followed them out and immediately started the process of hooking starter carts up so that the pre-flight checks could begin. Sega watched in satisfaction as they went about their work. The sooner his marines got up to Triad, the better chance they would have of safeguarding the pre-positioned equipment. And if they were able to do that, he thought, maybe it would become necessary to bring a few tanks and APCs down for his marines to use in retaking the planet. After all, the MPG were using such things in their defense of Eden. It would probably be prudent to fight fire with fire as it were.

Optimism flooding through him, Sega's state of mind shifted almost without his realizing it. Instead of worrying if he was going to be able to safeguard his equipment, he began speculating just what to do with it when it was secured. Surely he wouldn't need an entire division worth of tanks and APCs would he? Probably a brigade's worth would be sufficient. That way he could divide them up into four company-sized units and send one to each of the MPG occupied cities. And as for artillery, well, he wouldn't be needing any of that at all. This would strictly be an indoor conflict, wouldn't it?

As the 640 armed troops slated to head to Mars came marching out of the locker room, their weapons ready, their ammunition and supply backs upon their backs, Sega called up some planning software on his computer and began to formulate just how he was going to retake Eden and the other three cities. As the marines marched up the ramp and crowded into the two surface to orbit craft for the ninety minute trip to Triad, he had the bare beginnings of his plan already formulated.

"General Sega," came Summer's voice over the terminal a few minutes later. "We're loaded up and ready to launch."

Sega glanced at him, giving a little smile. "Very good," he said. "I'm looking at Rosewood's tactical display. The greenies are still moving through the base towards the docks and the housing areas but the main force of them are still pinned in the tunnel. I've ordered all defenders to cover the base control building. There's a good chance the main force of greenies will have broken out of the tunnel by the time you get there, but Rosewood's MPs should hopefully be able to hold them from actually taking control of the place. In any case, it is absolutely vital that you secure that building as quickly as possible. The entire base, not to mention all of the ships at anchor, are controlled from there."

"Understood, General," Summer said. "Can you keep updated schematics of the situation at TNB flowing to me and my men? That would be very useful in letting us know exactly where to land and in what direction to move once we clear the C-12s."

"I'll see to it," he promised. "Now have your pilots get moving. Time's wasting."

"Yes sir," Summer told him, offering a salute before signing off.

While the main assault brigade preparing to march out across the wastelands was still assembling, the first of the giant C-12 lifters released it's brakes and powered up its maneuvering thrusters, filling the flight deck with the roar of a hydrogen rocket motor. The brakes were released and the 350 passenger craft began to creep across the floor towards the airlock complex on the far side of the room. The first set of steel doors was standing invitingly open. The C-12 made its way inside and the doors slowly slid shut behind it, sealing it from the rest of the room. The airlock then began its cycle, expelling the majority of the air out into the atmosphere.

Two kilometers away, a ten-man squad of Major Chin's infantry soldiers were huddled inside of a forward defensive trench. The trench was fifty meters long, a meter and a half deep, and had the entire top lined with heavy sandbags filled with dense industrial shavings. The trench had been built more than ten years before as part of the basic line of defense against EastHem invasion. It was but one of more than a thousand such positions in the Eden vicinity alone. The squad had been in their position since being deployed the night before, their mission to help pin the marines inside of their base. They had been staring at the same view all night long and through much of the morning. All were tired but remained alert, especially since the word of what was happening at the main gate of the base inside the city had reached them.

It was one of the privates of this squad, a twenty-one year old junior member of the MPG, that first spotted something different in their area of responsibility. One of the massive airlock doors that led from the interior of the base to the paved flight tarmac was slowly sliding open along its track. "Movement at the airlocks," he reported, gripping his M-24 tighter against him. "Number three lock is opening."

Around him the other soldiers of his squad stiffened up, peering through the gaps in the sandbags that they were nearest to, readying their own weapons. The SAW gunner racked a round into his chamber and gripped the handles of his weapon. The squad sergeant, a twenty-six year old delivery truck driver for an Agricorp subsidiary company, took a quick look himself just to confirm that what his private had reported was true, and then pointed his own weapon outward.

"Okay, guys," he said, his voice betraying no nervousness. "Looks like the Earthlings are making their move. Get ready to light them up when I give the word. I'll get on the link to command."

As the airlock slowly ground along its track, the sergeant talked to his lieutenant, who was in a trench six hundred meters to the southwest. The lieutenant then talked to his captain, who was in an APC a half a kilometer further west of that. The captain then told the rest of his command and then switched to the artillery channel, telling the three batteries of mobile guns that they had available for their operation to stand by for a mission.

"You know the drill, guys," the captain announced to everyone over the tactical net. "As soon as they start to emerge from the airlock, start putting some fire on them. If they continued to advance, we'll plaster them with arty. If that doesn't drive them back inside, the tanks and the APCs will move up and tear into them."

The Eden MPG forces, for security reasons, had no idea what was going on up on Triad. Therefore they had no reason to think that the airlock was going to be used as it was intended: to launch a spacecraft. Everyone was braced for the rush of marines to come pouring out of the large doorway, probably in at least battalion strength, possibly in regimental strength.

It was the squad sergeant that was first to identify the true nature of their enemy. Instead of the forms of hundreds of biosuited marines, he saw the sleek shape of a modern C-12 surface to orbit lifter when the door finally opened enough to allow a visual. "That's a fuckin C-12," he yelled in bewilderment. "Hold your fire." He keyed up the command net. "There are no troops in that airlock," he reported. "It's a C-12 lifter. I repeat, a charlie-one-two surface to orbit lifter is the only thing in that airlock!"

His report was quickly passed up the chain of command and the order to hold fire was quickly passed back down. This took less than thirty seconds to accomplish, during which time the C-12 utilized its rear maneuvering thrusters and began to edge out of the lock towards the launching area a kilometer away.

Major Chin, who was in the base command post, instinctively wanted his tank crews to move in and blow the living crap out of. But then he had second thoughts. The C-12 was undoubtedly full of hydrogen and liquid oxygen, enough to blast it free of the Martian atmosphere and elevate it up to geosynchronous orbit. If the tank rounds or the lasers were to ignite this mixture in just the right way, the resulting explosion would wipe out a good portion of the airlock complex that the craft had emerged from. MPG doctrine was not to cause needless casualties to the enemy, especially not when the base that they occupied might be useful to your own forces after you took it. He quickly contacted General Jackson for instructions.

"A C-12?" Jackson said, frowning a little. He did not, however, seem particularly surprised by this. "Just one?"

"Yes sir," Chin said, looking at his tactical display. "I have no idea what they're hoping to accomplish by launching spacecraft."

"There's a special forces operation taking place on Triad," Jackson said, figuring it was safe enough to let that particular cat out of the bag since it was well underway now. "They're probably trying to get some marines up to reinforce the navy forces up there. We can't allow them to dock."

Major Chin smiled at the information he had just been given. Special forces up on Triad? Naval forces engaged? That could only mean that the MPG was trying to take the naval base and the ships at anchor there. He silently wished them luck and then returned to business. "My tank crews have a bead on it," he told Jackson. "Should we try to take it out without hitting the fuel tanks? We could probably put a few rounds low and take out the gear."

Same as Greenies
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Anna came down looking formal and sexy in a knee length pink skirt and a black nearly see-through blouse and ballet pumps. I looked hard and I could see the half-cup bra, her nipples half-visible. I’d dressed in chinos and a button-up shirt, with basketball boots. Underneath I’d put on a nice lacey men’s thong, balls and dick nicely held in place and I was conscious of the band up the crack of my arse.The k**s were on a sleepover at her mother’s. Every time we get a night alone we try to fuck...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Cuckold

Charlotte is a short, flame-haired, firecracker of a woman, with petite breasts and large hips. I'm at my happiest when I'm serving her with my head between her legs. I'm 5'9" and rail thin, in a way that hides lean muscle. I keep myself in excellent shape, biking hundreds of kilometers each week. My wife loves to run her hands over my six pack, admiring my muscles and teasing me with a touch that's tantalizingly close to my cock at the same time. Last year, Charlotte realized...

3 years ago
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Operation Violation Chapter Two

Introduction: After Ray had his way with Ashleigh, its now the other threes turn. Ray dressed himself back into the clothes hed discarded around the house and made his way outside, intending to check on the two girls hed locked in the shed. He approached the small building and unlocked the door, swinging it open. On the cot inside, Kasey and Karah were both cuddled close, looking very terrified. He smiled at them. You girls are probably scared right now, he said casually, but I wont hurt you....

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Daddys Little GirlChapter 15

Later that evening, after Jim had left, Bill and I made love; slow, passionate love. Afterwards, as we lay in bed, holding each other in a lovers embrace, Bill whispered into my ear. "Gail, I love you so much. It's not just the sex - which is fantastic - it's everything about you; your strength, your personality, the way you care for me, the way you handle tough situations. I'm totally and hopelessly in love with you." The tears began to run down my cheeks, as I hugged him tightly to...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 73

I stopped in the lane as the lad on the bicycle pedalled towards me. If this was indeed Liam, then from what I could see, Amanda hadn't done justice to this fine example of manhood. I judged him to be about twenty or so and quite well built and fairly tall. He had bleached blond hair cut close to his head. He had a fairly handsome face, though I noticed on closer examination, a front tooth was chipped, and he had a slight squint in one of his deep blue eyes. But, all in all, young Liam was a...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 102 Ava Has a Tough Morning

Saturday, April 23, 2005 I woke up at 4am as expected, and felt fine. It didn't look like Ava had moved all night, so she was conveniently still on her back. I reached over to turn on one of the bedside lamps, put a rubber on, then pushed the covers down, spread Ava's legs, and moved so I was between them. I went down on her, to get her as aroused as I could, and even to get her off if it went that long. Her being asleep didn't change most of her body's reactions, which I knew well by...

4 years ago
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Sexy nisha

Hi there , I am ARMAN again , and I really enjoy reading this site . In fact I learnt a lot about about sexual mood of the girls after reading so many of your stories . Now i would like to share my experience with all of you . I enjoy good hot relationships ,with a lot of experimentation in sex . My girls friends are also very horny . A few months back i went on a tour to Udaipur where i stayed with my cousins friends . As I finished my work early I thought of staying at home with my cousins...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 16

“Good morning, sleepy head,” I heard as I opened my eyes and found Sienna and Jeanette standing over my bed. Their smiles worked wonders on my state of mind and I am sure my smile was just as wide. “What ... What happened?” The best thing to do, in my current opinion, was to gather some facts before I make any decisions about what I think happened to me. “Ross, what’s the last thing you remember?” Sienna was looking at me with such devotion. I wanted one of her hugs so badly. “We were in...

2 years ago
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Naked She Died

‘Justice is incidental to law and order.’ ~ J. Edgar Hoover 1 Mike McKay liked the sound of the morning rain on the roof of his Mustang 2001 Bullit GT. He had the window slightly down, listening to the faint, echoing rumble of thunder in the west over the lake. His sleek, Dark Highland Green was parked in front of Dooley’s Diner where he had just had a breakfast of scrabbled eggs, hash browns and toast. Sipping on his take-out he scrolled the window back up and shifted the Mustang into...

2 years ago
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BrownBunnies Nia Nacci Fucks in Miami

Nia Nacci has come to South Florida and we are lucky to have her. This girl is the whole package. Her body is ridiculous with a sweet round ass and the best fucking tits in the business. Only the best for this honey, so we rented a mansion Miami style. So, she shows off her bikini body as she poses, dances and bounces around the property and pool. Then she realizes she hasn’t gotten the latin dick she was promised. Queue lucky Peter Green who comes in to the scene and immediately starts playing...

3 years ago
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My Own Slow Ride

For awhile now, I've been thinking about sharing one of my favorite sexual memories. It might not be the most erotic thing I've ever done, but it was one in which everything just seemed to unfold perfectly, creating an experience that still leaves me feeling a little wet every time I think about it.  It started out being a typical Thursday, and my mind roamed over the mundane concerns of everyday life. Truthfully, had I an inkling of what was to come, I could scarcely have been able to think of...

Straight Sex
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"Wendy..." "Ummm?" "Wendy," Josh whispered. "Hey. Wake up. I want to show you something." "What?" I blinked at him. "Get out of my room!" "Shhhh..." "You jerk!" I realized my blanket had been pulled down. He knew I liked to sleep naked. "Quiet," he said, grinning down at me. "You're gonna wake up Mom and Dad." "Good!" I yanked the blanket up to my chin. "Get out of here, you perv!" "I want to show you something." He held up his camera, a Sony Cybershot I'd...

4 years ago
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Scary Stories Cursed Items

Mia was so glad she was able to find a job at the mall. She loved the mall, but she had no cash to shop there. All her money was tied up in student loans. Law Enforcement Degree my ass... They hire people straight out of high school because they are men with huge muscles and ignore us women who actually have a degree. Either way, she was actually happy where she was. The older man and woman who ran the little shop were extremely nice to her. The store was decked out like one of those goth/gag...

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Vics Education

Jill regretted letting Beth talk her into going for a drink with her after work. Now, she was stuck in a basement wine bar of a nearby hotel pouring her heart out. Feeling very drunk, Jill was on her fourth glass of wine as her secretary, Beth, continued to grill her, "What is wrong with you? You have been so distracted today.""Last night, I woke up in a cold sweat worrying about my son. Earlier in he evening, his father had called to belittle me because of how poorly I had raised Vic. After 18...

5 years ago
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The Thert

I got very busy at work for about two and a half weeks, and had little time off. Needless to say, my love life suffered, but I was too busy and tired to worry about it. One Friday night as I arrived home, Gloria the next door neighbour called me to say she was invited to a friend's homee for dinner, and asked if would go with her. I told her I needed a relaxing night out, so I agreed. "Wear something nice's kind of a dress-up event." I told her I'd be over in an hour.One hour and...

3 years ago
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Virgins Love A Good Licking

Hi friends This is Pradeep V back with a story of my Pune days, when we friends were naughty as hell, and would leave no woman alone. My friend Ajit was getting married and we were at his flat enjoying a beer and jokes etc, when he casually mentioned that there were some good looking women in the building next to his flat. As usual we were all interested and asked him for details. He jokingly said go and find out yourself, I have no time for you guys now, as am getting married next week to my...

3 years ago
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Lately i've been going to this one adult video arcade in Oakland, and it is full of action. The reason I began going there was because it is located on the upper floor of a strip club. To get in you have to go through the lobby of the club, and up the stairs. The Strip club is on the ground floor, and it is raunchy, to say the least! It is definitely a no frills place! I mean, they hire anyone - so long as she's female - who walks in the door and applies. The girls are of every race and looks;...

2 years ago
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24 hours from Tulse Hill

Abby had always been a good girl. She’d been Head Girl at school, studied hard, got the grades she needed and was accepted into a very good university. She was pretty too, long straight blonde hair, ice-blue eyes and a cute petite figure. Now, at university, some people thought her a bit boring and uptight but little did they know.Another message had come through whilst she was in a lecture. The crudeness made her blush and her knickers dampen at the same time. She looked at it again. “You are...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Sweet aunty pussy fuck

Hi all Iss Readers.this is my very first story on any of the websites. I was not knowing anything about writing such stories till i came to know from my best friend since he was using it quiet frequently. I am 25 years old, tall, slim boy still unmarried and was very hungry for pretty girls. I never thought that my dream will come true on one day.i am staying in Nasik, Maharashtra. Once i was sitting lonely in my house thinking of sex and sexy girls. I dial a random telephone number from nasik...

1 year ago
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The Inn of the Perpetual HardOn

I couldn’t believe I won the drawing! I am one of those people who can honestly say that I never win anything. Well, I can’t say that anymore because last month I won an all expense paid weekend to a spa, that’s all I can tell you right now because I don’t want to spoil the story for you. Let me just tell you this, I had never been to a “spa” before and, well, if all spas are like this one, let me go every weekend! The best thing was that this place was way out of town, in fact it was a two and...

2 years ago
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Vidhi bhabhi ki chudai jungle mein

To doston ye kafi pehle ki baat hei, tab mein College mein 1st year mein tha to January ke mahine mein apne cousin ke wahan gaya tha. Wah log village mein rehte hein to mujhe village ke life style ke are mein janne ka mauka mila. Shayad un dino college mein election ka time tha aur mein College polytics se door rehta tha. Mere Cousin log 4-5 brother hein aur wah sab combine family mein rehte hein. Uss samay mere 3 cousin ki marriage ho chuki thi aur 2 kunware the, iss tarah se karib 12-14...

3 years ago
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He wakes up to his roommate having sex

The thump, thump, thump against the wall woke me out of a dead sleep. I groaned as I rolled over and tried to focus my eyes at the clock on the bedside table.The bright red digital numbers told me it was 2:30am.From the 'Oh Yes's' and the 'Fuck me harder baby's' that where echoing through the house, I'd say my roommate and his girlfriend were at it again, and from the noises they were making, I could clearly tell they were having the time of their lives. I bunched my pillow around my head,...

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------------- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert Stas - Explosives expert Pibald group ------------ Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter Trina (red head) - Tall muscular, armed combat, Chris's lover Betty (Dark...

1 year ago
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MOO COW THREE Shirly gets help

Shirly Cheznick was losing her mind. She walked around the house calling pigs to come and fuck her. Her huge fat lactating breasts dripped milk all the time. Her kids could not empty them, nor her husband or father. As soon as they thought they had her sucked dry her tits were full again.Shirly often ate her food off the floor rooting around and making grunting noises like a pig. Karl and Bill were beside themselves with worry. They loved this so much they would do anything for her. Her father...

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Dr Yadav8217s Conquests 5

The next morning, Dr. Yadav arrived at his office around 9:30 a.m., a good hour late. He’d forgotten to wake Ali out of her trance sleep and she had not woken him as she usually did. Luckily he had only an 11 o’clock appointment on that Friday morning. Even the emotionally distraught and the certifiably insane liked to take long weekends.Pooja looked like she’d been to a beauty parlor before coming to work. Her long fine auburn hair looked like she’d given it a thousand strokes. Her eyeliner...

4 years ago
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My Evil Twin Chapter 8

We rode in silence, until we got almost home. I had been thinking of how I could get past mom and dad without them smelling pussy, cocks and dog cum on me. I couldn’t let them get close to me because they would ask so many questions. I needed a shower. “Mandy, I need a shower as soon as I get home. If I get close to mom and dad, they will smell me and ask a lot of questions. I need sneak past them without them wondering why. Please help me.” I begged. “No problem slut. I have it all figured...

2 years ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Kenzi 01032019

At first glance, 21 year old Kenzi comes across as a sweet girl with a bubly personality and a gorgeous smile. But when you look closer at her tattoos and pierced nipples (if you’re lucky!), you’ll see that this petite vixen is actually a real sex dynamo! Yes, Kenzi loves sex and we love girls who love sex, so it’s a match made in heaven. She got an early start at 14 losing her virginity and it only took a few more years before she was on a pole at a strip club. Kenzi is a bit...

4 years ago
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Reluctant to Hot Wife

My wife has a hot little chinese pussy that needs a bull for first time hot wife date . She likes to suck dick and have her sweet little pussy eaten . She is shy and needs a lot of encouragement . The thought of her getting ready for a date makes my dick hard . I love Asían , Ebony and Latina women . Looking for first time swinger of hot wife date night . I will pick out her snow white lingerie which gives only a hit of her sweet little pussy . Her tits are fairly big and 100 natural . You men...

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The Academy

Shit got real. I'm not a bad guy, but I have to admit, I've caused a little bit of trouble in my first 21 years of life. Some of it probably would have landed me in jail...if I had let myself be caught by the police, but so far I haven't. I've proven myself to be pretty good at escaping from just about every situation. It was a skill I was going to need. I was out for a walk. Okay, I was out looking go score. My usual dealer, Scotty, had gotten busted, so I'd gone down near the park where I...

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Private Stefany Kyler Lana Roy Stefany Kyler Shares Her Boyfriend with Lana Roy

Stefany Kyler has invited Lana Roy over to play in Private Specials, Two Chicks For Me, and such is the beauty of these two incredible babes… the sexual tension is off the charts! It doesn’t take long for these two lesbians to start having fun with each-other, but it turns out that they’re not alone, and soon enough, Stefany’s boyfriend, Marc Crow, finds them and joins in for a stunning threesome that see’s Lana’s perfect ass and big tits in action alongside Stephanie’s gorgeous...

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BigTitCreamPie Keely Rose Wet As Dress

Keely Rose is looking for Jay Bangher everywhere. Jay is doing yard work and can’t hear Keely calling his name. He turns around and sprays her down with the water hose. She is upset and takes off her wet dress. She needs to dry it immediately. Jay is shaken to see her naked. But it gets him so horny He sneaks a peak but he gets caught. Kelly is flattered and starts sucking his cock. She loves his hard dick she wants it inside her. They take to the bedroom where they passionately fuck...

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First Korean Pussy

Chapter 1 Phil had been in Korea for nearly four months and he'd been totally sexless that entire time. He had a steady girlfriend back home in the States and he'd determined to remain faithful to her for the year he was away. At first it was no problem. He could just satisfy himself with sexual fantasies of his girlfriend Jane and his hand on those cold wintry nights in his room. But as the months began to pass and he steadily found himself growing hornier and hornier, Phil could also feel...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 207 A Dark Change a Death

Enishi: Though I bear you no ill-will, for the sake of my Earthly Justice I must take you victim here. (Kaoru assumes a fighting stance.) Enishi: You can try to string this out, but Battousai isn't coming. When he tried to fight, the outcome was clear. If you come quietly this will all be over soon. Kaoru: I know I can't beat you, but I'm not going to just roll over and die. Kenshin told me that no matter how hard, he'd fight to the end to protect the present. So he'll be here as soon...

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Solo Fun

She pulled her panties up over her legs, exposing her pussy to the still air of her bedroom. If anyone had come into her room in that moment they would have gotten quite the show. She slid one finger back and forth over the opening of her tight hole, feeling the moisture gathering there as her excitement continued to mount. She slipped a finger into her mouth and savored the taste of her excitement, a ritual that one of her exes had gotten her started on. She had found it disgusting at first...

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Little Sister Wants A Gangbang Chapter 1

My little sister came up the driveway just as I pulled into the garage. I had just gotten off work and was coming home to what I thought was going to be a quiet uneventful night of TV and delivered pizza.I was closing the garage door when I heard, "Hey big brother, just getting home from work?""Hey Val, yeah we had a busy day – lots of cars needing fixing," I said."Well, better to be busy than bored, I guess," she said.She was right there, an auto shop is not a very exciting place when work is...

3 years ago
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LORNA and GRACE. PART 6It was in the semi-darkness of the town library that the two closeted lesbians came together in a bearhug and a long and wet French kiss which had their saliva dripping on their chest. Both women knew there was no going back, no changing your mind, and that, after this kiss, the next step was sex. The women had a lot to say, either about the recent conversations, their attempts at getting together, their shyness, and mainly their lust for each other. But that was neither...

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NubileFilms Alex More Ravage Me

Alex More can’t wait to get her boyfriend Kyle Mason into bed! She meets him at the door decked out in a lingerie bra and crotchless panties. By the time Kyle knows what’s happening, Alex has pressed her lips to his so he can lead her backwards into the bedroom. Happy to play along, Kyle lets his hands roam all over Alex’s tight body before they settle to cup her trimmed twat. Pressing the heel of his palm to Alex’s clit, Kyle rubs her as she shimmies her hips. Then he...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 5 Thursday Daytime

Jared I woke up the next morning, threw on some clothes, and went downstairs, still rather delirious. "Hey, little brother." Tina greeted me. Mom and Dad were there, too. "Hiya, Jared," Mom said, "want some breakfast?" "Love some." I sat down and Mom started spooning out some bacon and eggs. "So, how are you today?" Dad asked me. "Just fine." "I'll just bet," Tina butted in. "So, how long are you going to tease me about this?" I asked her. "As long as I can get away...

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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 5

"Is that the end of the story, Velda? Didn't the horse mount you too? I rather think so." "How perceptive of you, darling. Why, of course, the horse did indeed fuck me. With the aid of the men." Felton was anxious to hear the Madame's exploit in bestiality. But he also liked the fine tight tract. While the Madame had relayed her tale, Felton had rearranged his fucking position. The girl was now on hands and knees and he fucked her from the rear. Her face was buried in the thick...

2 years ago
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Rachels many orgasms

I was going to put this in my blog but it was too long really so I'm posting it as a story. This happened yesterday....It sucks to be working on a sunday, luckily I had the day off but Rachel didn't. I'd spent a horny day on the computer waiting for her to come home because normally sunday is our big sex play day. What with her working and having a bit of an upset tummy there was a good chance of no sex at all let alone lots of lovely kinky play. Rach got home about 6pm and I made her a nice...

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TeacherFucksTeens Ashley Lane Our Last Session

Ashley Lane has been tutoring Tony in math since the beginning of the school year, and now that he’s about to take his final their time together is over. Ashley confesses that Tony is her favorite student and that she got him a going away gift. She’s nervous to give it to him, but she goes into the other room to grab it. When she returns, she’s sans clothes except for her bright red bra and panties. Ashley has seen the way Tony has looked at her during their sessions and...

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Bikini Barista 2 Big Black Cock

​ “Ugh Jesus, Jesus!!!!!” Katrina felt the tense of Mr. Johnson behind her. Well, really on top of her. Mr. Johnson loved the surfboard position, Katrina laying on her tummy on the bed, legs together, him on top, just pounding away. Katrina actually felt kind of bad for him, he had told her he had taken Viagra the last two times, and numbing cream every visit since the first one in an attempt to make it last longer. None of it really helped, he was too attracted to the dynamo...

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Nagma Meri Jaan 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers! Main Harish ! Aapne meri pehli story NagmaMeri Jaan Part -1 mein padha ki kaise nagma ne mujhe apna “Unglibaaz” banaya aur mujhe apna jism samarpit kar diya. Tab maine apni jaan nagma ki jamkar gaand mari. Ab agey, Tab main aur nagma ek dusre ki bahon mein khoey hue thay. Thodi der baad Nagma uthi aur kuch khana banane lagi . Maine nagma se kaha ki jaanam please mere liye Aalo ke paranthe banao. Phir karib 30 minute baad hum dono dinning table par Khana khane lage. Ek Tukda main...

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Desi Couple Ke Sath Threesome Sex

Hello frnds, Kaise ho sab. Me Rohan Saxena, Ahmedabad se. Ye meri pehli story hai ISS pe. So galati ho jaye to maaf karna. Ye ek sacchi ghatna hai jo last week mere saath hui.Me ek shaadishuda mard hu. I love my wife. Aur mujhe married female bhi pasand hai. Me Ahmedabad me ek posh area me apni family ke sath rehta hu. Hum log family me 4 log hai. Mere parents, me aur meri wife. (My dick Size is 6 ) Hamare hi flat me ek middle aged couple rehta hai. Uncle ki age 45 aur aunty ki age 42 hai. Par...

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Hard Times in the Land of PlentyChapter 3

We decided to leave before breakfast so we could use the lighted path to the city and were just getting on the big boat when Herb showed up with another load of anchors. Buddy yelled for us to go on, he would get Rae and her girls to help. The lane was still lit when we started but the lights were going out by the time we reached the gap at Hicks Caye a distance of about 10 miles. If not for a large sandbar with mangroves it would be a straight shot from Hicks to the city. It got a bit...

2 years ago
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Leaving IndependenceChapter 2

Eddy Johnson gathered up the horses and stripped the weapons and other useful items from the Jayhawkers. On the six men, he found a total $3.12! "Humph! Jayhawkning can't be very profitable! No wonder they wanted $10 a wagon. That'd probably be the most money they seen all year!" he thought as he took the loot to Andrew Jones, the guard chief. Meanwhile, Seth Lawson, the scout, swung an arc back and forth about a mile in front of the train and Silas Wimple, a guard, did the same at the...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 46

At the end of this set, I announced that we were going to take a thirty minute break, but we’d be back to give away more door prizes, and play until 1:00 in the morning. I saw Mandy Gardner, with three more of her friends heading for the far side of the stage. Sherry leaned close and told me, “Here they come. Let’s go get some pussy.” We were waiting for them when they pushed their way through the heavy drapes into the small lounge area behind the stage. “Sherry, I want you and Jerry to...

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