Alone with Stepsister s
- 3 years ago
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Wallace Wentworth Worthy; father of four, grandfather of seven, upstanding citizen of the community, was a bit of a scumbag. He was also "that other thing" that Lizzy had mentioned me needing to take care of. We hadn't gotten into any details but I had let her know what Jamie had said and that steps needed to be taken to make sure Amber was safe. She whole-heartedly agreed with that part.
In his twenty seven years at the College 'WWW' had been a professor of English Literature, Department Chair, Student Affairs Counselor, advisor to several fraternities, Faculty Affairs Director, enjoyed several other postings of gradually increasing prestige, and was now Dean for the whole damn place. His favorite jobs had been anything with the word 'affairs' in the title. He was fifty-eight years old and had a real thing for hot young women. As far as he was concerned, his present position was as close to heaven as it was possible to get this side of the grave. He had access to detailed information on every student that came through the grand entrance, including personal, academic and financial information, all of which afforded him tremendous power and leverage which he could exert to his benefit. His preferred benefit being a wide assortment of college girls servicing his various sexual needs. Faced with telling mommy and daddy that she was flunking out of the school they had ponied up twenty-five grand per year to send her to there wasn't much most of them wouldn't do. And that was only one of his angles. For students in special circumstances, specifically those that really needed a job to afford school, he liked to put them in security, as he had suggested with Amber, where they were forced to watchdog their fellow students. This ostracized them from most of their peers and left them with few options for someone to turn to because the dirty old goat wanted them to bend over the desk. Especially since he was always careful to wait until he could catch them in some dereliction of their security duties; covering up for some other girl's being naughty for example, then he could threaten them with the loss of their job, that sort of thing.
In truth, scumbag may be a little strong; he wasn't really being horrible about any of it. He didn't video tape or take pictures, he didn't do physical damage any more severe than a spanking, and that he did by hand so he could enjoy the feel of their flesh heating up under his touch. He didn't even share. But rape is rape, whether you're beating them down or blackmailing them. Things like, "Swallow that or else" and "Grab your ankles or start packing." are still non-consensual in my book.
I was considering just making it very clear that Amber would be the last person on the planet he would ever want to even consider messing with. Just scaring him enough to leave her alone, but poking around in his little nocturnal fantasy world showed that, in his dreams at least, he was already getting a little too friendly with his oldest granddaughter and had designs on the other two. Clearly the corrupting influence of power was taking its toll. For his own good, it was time to take grandpa down a peg or two and redraw the lines in his life. Jamie and I put our heads together and came up with a simple series of recurring dreams, very similar to what she had done with Ray Parry. It would start simple and each time it repeated the path would get a little longer and darker. He would start out by trying to extort money from me to guarantee Amber's secret didn't get out, he would then get caught with a student, once that news broke others would start to come forward, the list would quickly grow to include alumni, and then the lawsuits would begin filing. The girl he got caught with would turn out to have a case of vaginal warts which he would then pass on to his granddaughter, which would lead to an examination by her doctor, who would then inquire who or what may have touched her there to infect her. Amidst much sobbing she would then tell mommy all about the new games that grandpa liked to play. They wouldn't press charges but he would quickly find himself shunned by all of his relatives. It would just be a dream, he wasn't actually having sex with the girl yet, but the result would be the same; unemployed, ostracized by his family ... well, you get the picture, and we were pretty sure he would too. If he didn't I would be very disappointed and the dreams would escalate, getting worse with each replay. If that didn't work then I would start taking steps to make sure that reality quickly started resembling the dream. I couldn't do anything with the warts but I could certainly arrange to have him caught with a student. One way or the other I didn't expect it to be long before he changed his ways. The one thing I did right away was to strengthen his resolve about how wrong it was to play doctor with his granddaughter. A little poking around showed that she was a little hell cat and grandpa wasn't her only physician, but that didn't make it right and it would be better for all involved if she stuck to playing naughty nurse with someone her own age, or at least legal.
A quick visit to Mrs. Forester's dream confirmed that she knew of the Dean's activities, with the students that is, but since he had actually caught her in a long term affair with a female student -- and he actually did have pictures for this one, she couldn't say anything or he would expose her. In her case the girl had actually approached her and both had been quite happy during the girl's last two years attending, they even still kept in touch, but Colleen Forester was very married and her husband was a deacon at their church. That was all the leverage Worthy needed to insure that Forester kept quiet, and that was all he was concerned with. He didn't need money; his wife had died some years before and between her life insurance and being single on a Dean's salary he was very well off. Add to this the near endless supply of hard young college bodies to choose from and Colleen Forester had nothing he was interested in beyond her silence. Of course after I put an end to his little private harem that may change so I figured at some point I should arrange for those pictures to go away as well.
I dropped in on my mom as I said I would to assure her that I was safe and everything was okay. I told her I was out of state arranging some things for Angela and she thought that was very sweet of me. As a precaution I put in a hypnotic block that would prevent her from consciously, or even accidentally mentioning anything about Angela still being alive.
While I was with her I got a curious call from Bob.
"Everything okay?" he asked. "Considering, I mean."
"Yeah," I answered. "About as well as can be expected considering the circumstances, why?"
"Just something Susan brought up today when I told her and Mel about your situation with the drug dealers and going into hiding. Seems Roxy woke her up in the middle of the night again. She was desperate that Susan pray with her for your safety. That was right about the time you were rescuing Britney."
"Well that was certainly sweet of her," I said.
"Yes, but what I was getting at..."
"Is that I seem to have yet another person that I'm connected enough to that she's getting ... I don't know, feedback."
"Exactly. Nothing wrong with it, but I was surprised that it went that deep. You haven't really spent that much time with her and as far as I know, never in dreams."
"No, never here," I confirmed, "but Roxy is different. She has a very strong faith; she was the one who saw the angel take Shannon away after all. She sees me as a gift from God sent to save her and avenge her dead family. She's not showy about it, but she prays for me every day. And I was in danger, after all. It's nice to know I have someone like her in my corner."
Then I went to spend some time with Amber and explain what would be happening in a few days. That she would be leaving to go to school and that I was arranging for someone to care for her there. If she was apprehensive at all about my giving her into the long term care of another, she was careful not to let it show in any way. It made me think that much more of the responsibility I had taken on with her. That she would trust me enough to fly across the country and be at the whim of a total stranger simply because I told her to ... Was there anybody in my life I would trust like that? I doubted it. If Rebecca told me I could trust someone in another state I would be inclined to do so, but that would just be a professional setting, perhaps even working to keep me alive. That was nothing compared to what Amber was accepting. She would be trusting a total stranger as if they were me. If they walked her into a crowded dorm room and told her to strip, she would do it, trusting that person to protect her as I would; trusting them to not put her in that situation if they in fact could not guarantee her safety. It was a heady feeling to know someone trusted you that much, and daunting to think about what it would mean if I ever let her down in that way. Just thinking about it I knew that I could never live with myself if I failed her, so I swore once again that I would never let that happen.
Then it was time to drop in on Boris.
According to Rod, Yuri Khvlek, hadn't said two words since he had woken up in the cell. When informed that someone from the Romanian Embassy would be arriving to pick him up he had smiled but that was all. He sat quietly on his bunk and read the newspaper, twice. Oh, correction, he said thank you when they brought him his meals. Eventually he had made himself as comfortable as possible and drifted off to sleep, secure in the knowledge that he would be leaving in the morning. His dreams tended toward martial scenarios from both training and past life experiences. I didn't bother pushing for memories, I simply took over the current dream and very quickly the little scenario he had been commanding went to hell.
He had been leading a small band invading a seafront town to capture or kill the head of a local drug ring that hadn't wanted to play ball. They had been winning of course, after all it was his dream and being the master tactician that he was, no one could stand against them. Until one of his men had opened the wrong door. All Boris heard was the man screaming before the connection went dead. He sent the closest person available to investigate and make sure no alarms were being raised but that individual never made it to the scene. A full two blocks away he too was attacked. This time there was swearing before the screaming, and something else. A growling sound came over the mic just ahead of what sounded like a large knife cutting through cloth and flesh. It was the growl that got Yuri's attention. It was nothing he could pin down, but for some reason it sounded familiar, and he immediately put out a wide band alert to his remaining troops to drop back. The first two reported in with no incident but the third screamed as he was attempting to give his acknowledgment. This time the growl was unmistakable and you could hear what sounded like teeth tearing flesh. Suddenly the air was split by howling in the distance. The sound came from the direction of the suddenly silent man's last known location.
Suddenly people were on the radio wanting to know what the hell was going on. Then came the sound of machine gun fire and more swearing as another of his men ran into something he wasn't ready for. Apparently this one put up more of a fight; Yuri could hear him struggling with his attacker, hear the sound of large jaws snapping shut, the man screamed as one hand was crushed by the massive jaw, suddenly the screaming faded to a burbling moan and Yuri could almost picture the large teeth sinking into the man's throat. Fear gripped him as the vague memories stirred closer to the surface. Grabbing a heavy machine gun and an extra clip he fled from his impromptu command post and quickly started making his way through the twisting streets and dark alleyways, back to where they have left their vehicles.
Even as he ran he heard gunfire break out in another location. In his earpiece the radio again broadcast the sound of a man dying and suddenly he was the last of his team left alive. The radio was useless weight now so he tore it free, cast it away, and sprinted toward the rendezvous point. With one more street to go he heard the howling behind him. Glancing back he saw a huge shadowy shape bounding through the alleyway toward him at incredible speed.
The car was equipped with a remote start system proximity keyed to the transmitter in his pocket, at fifty feet the engine started, at twenty the door unlocked. Yuri was slamming the transmission into drive before he even considered reaching to close the door. Momentum did the job for him as the car roared away from the curb in a cloud of burned rubber. In the mirror all he saw was thick blue-gray smoke and then finally, about a hundred feet behind him a dark shape exploded into view, charging hard toward the fleeing vehicle. It was black as night, stood four feet at the shoulders and, mother of god! It was gaining on him! A quick glance at the speedometer told him he must be wrong, no dog, or wolf, could run 70 kph. As his eyes returned to the mirror the beast leaped, sailing through the air straight at the rear window. Reflexes took over and he swerved the car into the oncoming lane, which was thankfully empty this time of morning, and the dark shape landed hard on the suddenly clear pavement. Apparently the beast had not been prepared for his landing spot to move and the change of venue caused it to stumble and roll across the pavement. In seconds it was up and charging again but it was too late, the car was now over 120 kph and it simply could not be caught. Yuri smiled as the beast stopped and stared at the receding bumper. His mood quickly changed as the thing seemed to hunch down, sniffing for a scent and then started trotting at a more leisurely pace in the direction the car had fled.
Ten year old Yuri Khvlek started awake in the darkness, looking quickly around to confirm where he was and that there was nothing lurking in the dark corners of his bedroom. It had been the same nightmare again. He was used to it, but it still scared him. It was his grandmother's fault. The old tales she told of the darkness. Vampires were scary, but it was the stories of werewolves that truly terrified him. Perhaps because there were wolves in the surrounding hills and he heard them often growing up. His father and grandfather had taught him the meaning of the different howls that they would hear while sitting around the night fires. He knew when one of the pack found prey; the sound that gathered the pack, transforming it from individual hunters to a single-minded killing machine.
Then it came again, the sound that chilled his blood in his darkest dreams; the howling that was not a pack wolf, but something else. But he was awake, and it couldn't possibly be real, could it? Again he tried to relax and take the deep breaths that would calm his racing heart.
The attempt failed as something crashed through the door downstairs and the house shook. He wasn't sure how he knew it was the front door, but somehow he did. Sound erupted as throughout the house others were torn from sleep. He could hear his father swear, his sisters screaming in fear, the sound of his father's bedroom door crashing open, and the sliding crash of his shotgun locking a round into the chamber.
A shot rang out, the sound of pellets impacting the walls, a lamp breaking; more swearing followed by more shots and a roaring sound somewhere between a howl, a scream, and a growl. There was pain mixed into the scream. Then came a sound that could only be his father screaming in pain; pain and fear. He had never known fear in his father, but he had heard it in himself enough to know the sound when he heard it. With a sickening thud the sound cut off, only to be replaced by the sound of his mother screaming his father's name. Then that scream changed and this time he could almost taste the fear. This time the scream didn't so much end as die. He could almost see the massive jaws clutching at his mother's throat, tearing and rending the tender flesh, allowing the air a way out that didn't vibrate the vocal cords to make that screaming sound. The suddenly in-rushing blood foaming as it was forced out the new holes to drip and spit its way to freedom.
He could barely hear the sound of his sisters crying in their room over the sound of his pounding heart. Now the monster was at his door, massive paws clawing furrows in the wood. Then it happened, the door exploded inward and...
"Hello, Boris," I said, striding into the cell. "We need to talk."
On the bunk, Boris, Yuri, whatever you wanted to call him looked frantically around, verifying his surroundings. In his mind he still held the image of a door exploding and a dark shape bursting into his bedroom. I didn't bother to wait for him to get his bearings.
"Who are you working for?"
"What?" he asked, obviously confused.
I snapped my fingers, "Boris! You need to focus here, I asked you a question and I'm not in the mood to play games. Who sent you after me? Who are you working for?"
Suddenly he was focused and in the moment, remembering again who and where he was.
"I tell you nothing."
I shook my head, "Wrong answer, Boris. Whether or not you are going to tell me is not in question. You are going to tell me. It's just a question of what's going to happen before and after you tell me. I don't like you Boris. The fact that you were watching me, that made me mad. But going after Britney? That really pissed me off. Do you even know why you were watching me?"
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Watching my I was 17 at the time and was dating a lovely girl name Cassi. My stepsister was 19 just out of school and was dating a guy name Marc. Our parents went away for the weekend on a with two of their friends leaving the thursday afternoon, leaving my sister and I alone at home till the Sunday. The Thursday evening my sister and I while having dinner discussed what our plans where for the weekend. She was going to be out with her boyfriend as well as at home and I told her that I would...
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Hi, i'm mark . A normal teen boy with the usual teen interests. I'm about 1,8m tall, weigh about 75kg, blue eyes, dark brown hair. I'm no superman, but keep myself in decent shape.I have a stepsister, Lisa who is 18. She is tall, slim, with long light brown hair, and beautiful C cup breasts and a nice round butt. I always sneak a peek at her whenever i can get a look at her body. But never actually thought about having sex with her, until tonight that is.We were very close, and had quickly...
I want to fuck my stepsister. I know some people will be turned on by that statement, while others will be mortified. Even though there is no shared DNA or blood relation, many people will still consider me a sick fuck for wanting to do my stepsister. To each their own. But I didn’t always want to have sex with her. When my dad and her mom got married two years ago, I didn't pay much attention to her, let alone notice how attractive she was. Our interaction with each other was tepid at best....
TabooThe vulnerability of my stepmother aroused me first, a primitive biological urge harkening back to the plains of the Great Rift Valley when our ancestors slept in trees and sowed their seed whenever and with whomever they could in the survival of the fittest or, in my case, the most voyeuristically surreptitious. Add the sibling rivalry of a brother with his stepsister and color it with the twisted desire of i****t, one of the biggest taboos of our culture, a taboo so tempting that it is...
Aaron Sanders was shocked when he heard that his father had remarried. His mother had died when he was young, and it had always just been him and his dad. When he was going to college at Pitt, his father told him during his senior year that he was dating a woman, but getting married only three months into their relationship was a huge shock. Heather was a woman who had been divorced a long time and he guessed they just fell into a mindset of hurrying up because they were both in their forties....
Not my story - found elsewhereMy stepsisters! Long before I met Amy, I became addicted to watching and being watched. When I was younger, still living at home with my parents, I slept in a room that was directly next to both of my sisters, a common door connected our rooms, but it remained closed most of the time. Every once in a while, when I could not sleep, I would knock on the door and talk with them. There was nothing going on, I would simply sit on the floor between their beds and talk...
I got up and showered to ready myself for another day of relaxation. As I got out of the shower and toweled myself dry, I glanced out the bathroom window overlooking the back deck and saw that I was not alone. My stepsister, Christine, was walking through the back yard, onto the deck. She was staying with us for a couple of weeks until she could move into her new apartment. She was wearing running shorts, a white t-shirt, sunglasses, and a baseball-style cap. Seemed she was coming back from a...
Mom walks through the front door to a house that is more like a small cottage like she has lived here forever. We are greeted by a girl, she looks like she is the same age as me but that is where the similarities end, she has long wavy naturally blonde hair, bright blue eyes, tanned skin that looks natural and not like it has been sprayed on and a body that any girl would kill for, she is tall and skinny with long legs, a flat stomach, a cute round face with a large smile and what look like D...
Chapter 1: Intro When my Mother passed away 6 years ago after a prolonged struggle with cancer, my Dad was crushed by the loss. I didn't think he would ever get over it. Eventually however, he did, and he ended up marrying a wonderful lady who lived in his condo in Miami Beach. My Dad was 62 at the time, and Eloise was 60. I credit her with saving his life. In addition to a new step-mother, I also gained two step-sisters and their families, who I met for the first time at the wedding. The...
Dreams. There were always dreams. He had just awakened to find Rebecca draped across him, having not stirred from where they ended their lovemaking the night before. His dream had been so real and so familiar in the afterglow. He was married. His wife and, in her womb, their daughter were the world to him and he would guard and protect them for eternity. But the dream had revealed something. Eternity might be a very long time. He looks out at his dream world through watery eyes. An empty...
My name, by the way, is Kimberly and I am the reporter for this story. This story is based what was told to me by the son and his stepmother. There is another story about when I come into the picture and that is when the stepson, Randy later on wants to marry me. Then I have do decide whether I am willing to marry someone who wants to retain his sexual relationship with his stepmother. Of course, I was shocked when Randy told me about his unnatural relationship with his stepmother. ...
My stepson Richard was a very nice quiet boy. Very shy. He was 18 years old but looked much younger. His mother was a bit of a slut and I loved her for that. However, she never really liked Richard and he came to me for love and attention.She told me that he was a fucking looser, never be a real man and was in summer school so he could finally graduate from high school. He would come home from summer school and give me a big hug and kiss. I loved his kisses. I guess I should mention that I...
This is my second marraige and my husband and I always fantasized about somebody watching us fool around. I had never really thought about showing my body off in the past years but my husband prompted me to do something one night recently that really got me started and already i find myself wearing sexier clothes to work and shopping. My husband was married before and has a 22 year stepson from his first wife. Things weren't going well for him since the company he worked for closed down and...
ExhibitionismAnyways I live with my mum and stepdad.My stepdad has a son, Liam who is 17, but this story is'nt about them.. its about the 17 yr old boy that lives next door to me, Jacob, he is tall he has longish brown hair and has a hot,fit body and face.. I sometimes stare at him from my bedroom window at his 6 pack when he's around his pool,and play myself over him because he just gets me all hot and bothered and I use my vibrater so I orgasm. Luckily he is my stepbrothers friend. So lets get on...
Anyone who regularly visits will probably know by now of my desire for Mrs.L to truly enjoy herself by exploring her sexuality and fantasies.So,when we moved to a new house and discovered that our neighbour would be a thirty-something bloke living on his own,it was only a matter of time before I gradually introduced him into our bedroom talk. Initially,any interest was denied but I couldn’t fail to notice that when C’s(the man in question) name was dropped into our pillow talk as I was gently...
‘What the fuck, Kevin?’ I said as I walked into my bedroom catching a friend of mine sitting on my couch completely naked masturbating to Mila Kumis going down on Natalie Portman in ‘Black Swan’. Making no effort to get up or stop what he was doing Kevin said, ‘How can you have this movie and not get horny man? This is almost a good as porn!’ ‘You can do whatever you want when you are in your own bedroom, but I don’t want your naked ass all over my futon! Can’t you go 1 night without jacking...
It was a beautiful summer morning following a night of violent thunder storms. I had closed the sliding glass door last night because of noise from the thunder and closed the drapes because of the lightening. It keeps me awake. So when I got out of bed I opened the drapes and sliding door so I could feel the morning air on my completely naked body. As I looked out into my back yard I could see that the wind had blown a few leaves around. Then I saw that one of the branches in one of my trees...
From my last story, you might imagine I had some explaining to do to my husband. After more than 20 years together I had betrayed our vows by giving a blowjob to a total stranger. I had to tell my husband and I did. I loosened him up with some wine and porn and told him my story... similar to what I ended up writing. My husband was upset but also intrigued. He wanted details and I gave them to him. We had great sex that night and he called me a slut. He's never done that but inside I really...
For 10 years now I've been living nextdoor to a older Scottish women miss Trainer. She isthe most sexy beautiful super hot mature women I ever saw. She lives together with her husband an older Dutch man, mr Mulder. I can remember the first day I've met them and they invited me in for a beer.Miss Trainer was wearing (as always) an black tighties and a white shirt without bra. When I sat on their couch and she brought me my beer she bend over and showed me her awsome hot sexy saggy old Scottish...
Anyone who regularly visits will probably know by now of my desire for Mrs.L to truly enjoy herself by exploring her sexuality and fantasies.So,when we moved to a new house and discovered that our neighbour would be a thirty-something bloke living on his own,it was only a matter of time before I gradually introduced him into our bedroom talk. Initially,any interest was denied but I couldn't fail to notice that when C's(the man in question) name was dropped into our pillow talk as I was gently...
"What the fuck, Kevin?" I said as I walked into my bedroom catching a friend of mine sitting on my couch completely naked masturbating to Mila Kumis going down on Natalie Portman in "Black Swan".Making no effort to get up or stop what he was doing Kevin said, "How can you have this movie and not get horny man? This is almost a good as porn!""You can do whatever you want when you are in your own bedroom, but I don't want your naked ass all over my futon! Can't you go 1 night without jacking...
The Boy NextDoorMy name is Jack Duncan. I am 45 and a professional photographer. My wife Debbie is 32 with wavy, natural blonde hair atop a 5'6" body weighing 123 pounds. Blessed with a beautiful face and stark green eyes, Debbie has shapely hips carried on long, lovely legs. With supple breasts filling a B-cup, she is an attractive woman. My appetite for eroticism to some is strange. I am a voyeur and having a vivid imagination and pretty wife I am highly aroused watching her flirt with other...
All persons and events of this story are all just figments of my imagination and are not intended to represent any persons living or dead in any way, shape or form. Enjoy.Beep. Beep. Beep. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock: 8:22 am... on a Saturday. I listened for a minute trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. Trash day? No, that was Wednesday. Car alarm? No, not quite right for that... Back up alarm? Yep, that was the noise. What the? I got up, threw on a pair of...
It was early september and a new college year had just started james was moving into a new aparment ith a college friends and was looking forward to it.. he was 5'11 and with dark curly hair and broad shoulders.They had moved in a week when james spotted her early one morning about 35 slim c sized tits and an amzing ass heading out for a jog.. her skin tight running legging really shoed off how amazing her ass and legs were while her unzipped jacket gave a slight glimpse of her bouncing...
The hot little minx next door has a penchant for much younger men. I have personally witnessed her fucking the pool boy, the pizza delivery guy, the cable man and just last weekend the lawn boy. She is a redheaded vixen about 5 ft 5 with DD breasts. Her nipples are teardrop in shape and dark brown, contrasting her pink flesh. To say that they are magnificent would be an understatement. She might weigh in at 130lbs. In her thirties she is married to a man much older than her. Older than me in...
It was a beautiful summer morning following a night of violent thunder storms. I had closed the sliding glass door last night because of noise from the thunder and closed the drapes because of the lightening. It keeps me awake. So when I got out of bed I opened the drapes and sliding door so I could feel the morning air on my completely naked body. As I looked out into my back yard I could see that the wind had blown a few leaves around. Then I saw that one of the branches in one of my trees...
Straight SexThis story can also educate you for getting maximum pleasure in sex especially for women so read it carefully till end Hi friends its me again Amit from New Delhi this is my another story about a lady who is the second lady in my life.. B,coz of my computer works and computer related projects I live in Delhi and working in Gurgaon as u know I am un married,so I live alone in Delhi my parents live in a Panipat Haryana.. I recently changed my residence to another apartments in Delhi. The place...
IncestHi guys this is Amit from Kolkata. This my experience when i was doing my degree.Now i am 27 years working in kolkata. We are staying in a building where 7 other families in the same building campus. My college is from 1PM to 5PM so i will be free and at home till 12:30PM and go by then. Very rarely i study.. Remaining times i used to go to neighbors house or take rest in home. There is a family next our door. Only husband and wife will be in that house, they dont have any children. Uncle is a...
Its happening today , its been 2 week since the neighbor ear me hump in the shower , wall pounding sound mixed with my moaning , Mike bbc got up listening ear on the wall not sure what he was listening too, it was incredibly exciting , as he stroke his bbc the wife asleep realising the young white boy next door like getting ass fuckedthe continuous pounding , the moaning getting more constant and loud, Mike listen to his neighbor fucking on his toy in the showeryMike cum a huge load down the...
That little girl living next door was driving me crazy! She wasn’t even all that pretty. She was a little too skinny. She was short. Her tangled-blonde hair was a mess and she was young. She was too young. Hell, she was way too young! Besides, she was my sister’s kid, she was my niece! As a 40-year-old man I had no damn business looking at a sixteen-year-old girl with lust in my eyes! Surely, only ‘dirty-old-men’ behave like that. If only I hadn’t seen her naked! If only I hadn’t touched...
Are you ready for the Next JAV? That’s more of a rhetorical question, because I can tell from the Vaseline and box of tissues that you’re all warmed up and ready to go. I guess the real question is how soon you’d like to jerk off to those Asian schoolgirls, office ladies and cosplay princesses. NextJAV is a torrent site specializing in full-length Japanese Adult Video, so fire up the torrent client and fire up a doobie, because there’s some waiting has been around since...
Porn Torrent SitesI’m constantly scouring the internet for the next most fap-worthy content. Of course, lots of shit flops, but every once in a while, I’ll find some dope new content to jerk my dick to that I’ve never seen before. That’s exactly what I was going for this time around. And, well, I wouldn’t be writing this shit if I didn’t find something that piqued my interest. I came across a site full of hot premium 3D and SFM content. Fuck, you cucks know I love big tittied 3D whores just as much as the next...
Premium Hentai SitesDo you remember your first male-on-male encounter? This was a question someone asked me recently. I certainly do: I remember it in detail! Not only was it fantastic, but it set me on the sexual road I’ve travelled all my life since. I’d just had my 16th birthday, and Dad’s work demanded that he went to Europe for a twelve month spell. Mum wanted to go with him, but I didn’t want to go because that would have interfered with my schooling which had just reached a crucial point. The solution was...
GayNote : this story is complete fictional! Catherine toyed with her bald pussy. I could feel my dick getting hard just watching her from my window. It was pushing through my pants, begging to escape, so I let my nine inches free. I wrapped my hand around my dick, stroking it slowly as I watched her. I loved the way her body moved. I wanted to be one of her fingers as I watched her move them in and out of her faster and faster. She rubbed her little clit, moaning louder and louder. I couldn’t hear...
IncestSteps By Cassandra Morgan It started with an unmade bed. It was that simple. Just a mass on rumpled covers, cast aside. A top- sheet. A comforter. Scattered pillows. It was messy and unkempt, as if Russian wrestlers have slept underneath. My wife Cynthia got up earlier than I did. She rose at 6 a.m., and she dressed in the dark so I could sleep. She was a psychiatrist, and she tried to get to her office by 9, and it was all the way downtown. I didn't have to be to work until...
It had been six months since Jim discovered the Master PC disk in his hotel room. There had been a lot of temptation to use the program to fix a multitude of problems. Jim was basically a kind person who liked doing things for people. It was an odd flaw in his character that he was a multiple adulterer. He loved his wife very much – he’d just gotten to the point where he didn’t want to have sex only with her. Their marriage had started off hotter than a firecracker – sex four and five times...
A few months back I needed to do my history paper so I borrowed her laptop. Half way through writing my paper I checked my e-mail. A friend of mine sent me his paper to compare notes. Not sure where on her laptop the paper got downloaded I started looking around. That's when I found it. A hidden folder of her pics. Her nude pics. My stepsister had taken several pictures of herself in very compromising positions. There were pics of her in her underwear, topless, bottomless, full nude,...
Cheryl I am a longtime admirer of Xhamster and have toughly enjoyed everyone’s pic,vids and of the great stories. I figured it’s about time I start submitting a few of mine form my early years to the present. This 1st story is from when I was in my 20s and was living w my then girlfriend at her dads and stepmoms place. I had been dating my girlfriend for about 4 months when we decide to move in at her dads and stepmoms home. My girlfriend was a about 135 w 38D tits and a sweet ass that...
It took three days for Kaisha to return. The nurses tended to him in the meantime, and he did his leg exercises, passing the time by sleeping or watching the insipid station entertainment channel. They wouldn’t show anything too violent or stimulating. Apparently, television did not exist on Borealis, and action movies made the aliens too excited. One of the more talkative nurses had explained that after an incident where a pack of recruits had destroyed the Pinwheel’s movie theater,...