GreeniesChapter 6C free porn video

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The MPs guarding the main gate had the advantage of knowing exactly where their enemy was, in what numbers they were in, and what their plan most likely was. They knew that two squads and at least one battalion would push towards them from three directions, undoubtedly all at once. For many groups of trained soldiers this might have been enough despite the numerical and weapon superiority of the enemy. But the MPs were not trained as soldiers, they were trained primarily as a security force for the base, and while General Sega had issued orders on where they were to deploy in general, it was up to the on-scene officers to decide where at that spot to put the men. They thought that they had decided well by positioning the troops in groups behind planters, MP carts, and other obstacles facing all of the known egress points of the enemy. This seemed like it would keep the men safe from deadly crossfires. On the surface the defensive plan looked good; underneath, it was a deadly mistake.

On a given signal the two steel doors adjacent to the main gate were breached by primacord charges and came crashing to the steel floor. The MPs opened fire into the holes trying to drive the invaders back in, trying to pin them down as they'd pinned down the main battalion. The MPG troops inside held their rifle fire, returning fire only with short bursts from their SAWs while the men armed with grenade launchers on their M-20s crept forward as far as was safe on their bellies. They marked the position of the flashes and aimed targeting lasers towards the obstacles.

Horishito, one of the grenadiers under Lon's command was among the first to fire. Bullets pinged all around him and tracers from the friendly SAW behind him streaked less than two feet over his head as he concentrated on the MP cart in the main foyer area where the flashes were emanating from. His body was flooded with adrenaline and he was seriously wondering if he would live through the next two minutes but he went forward nonetheless. He pointed the targeting laser on his M-24 at the cart and sent it out. The reading flashed before his eyes, seeming to float in the air courtesy of his combat goggles. 93 meters.

He flipped the selector switch on his weapon to the grenade setting. A red targeting recticle appeared in his goggles. He centered it in the air about a meter above the cart.

"Ninety-three meter air burst," he said into his throat microphone, which was set to computer command mode. When his instruction was logged, he spoke a single word and switched it back to communications mode.

"Hoary, taking a shot," he told Lon.

"Weapons are free," Lon replied. "Get the fuckers."

He pushed the fire button on his weapon and it kicked harshly against his right shoulder as the 50mm high explosive fragmentation grenade was shot out of the stubby barrel below the M-24s main barrel. The grenade exploded precisely over the top of the cart and the weapons firing behind it went instantly silent. He inched forward some more, focusing on a planter where another group of flashes was emanating from. He pushed the target laser and began setting up the next shot.

From all three locations where MPG troops were facing the MPs from tunnels or corridor entrances, grenades came flying out, exploding with deadly precision over the top of groups of defenders. The steel shrapnel sliced easily through the armor and helmets of the MPs, killing many outright, horribly wounding others. The sounds of the explosions echoed loudly off of the steel walls, reverterbrating back and forth with jarring concussions. In between explosions the air was filled with the chattering of machine guns and the screams of wounded men.

When the firing positions in front of them were knocked out or forced into silence, the MPG troops were at last able to rush out of their hiding holes. The reinforcement squads came first, all at once. They ran into the main foyer area and spread out, diving to the ground and searching for targets. The remaining MPs reacted quickly, shooting at the choke points and hitting a few of the Martians as they exited.

Lon, positioned in the middle of his squad, his own weapon gripped tightly in his hands, saw rounds from the MPs' weapons go flashing within inches of his head, some of them close enough that he could feel the wind of their passage. On his right Jim Gantry, one of his senior men, suddenly gasped as two high velocity bullets slammed into the top of his head, drilling through his helmet and sending a spray of blood into the air. He slumped forward lifelessly, his weapon dropping from his hands, a puddle of blood forming beneath him. A part of Lon wanted to cry out at the loss of one of his men, one of his friends, but his training kept him from reacting. Instead he simply continued to crawl forward, placing his targeting recticle on the head of an MP and squeezing off a burst. Around him, the rest of his men were doing the same, including his newest member, Matza, who was spraying the MP positions with pinpoint bursts from his SAW, providing covering fire for the advance.

At the entrance of the pedestrian station the two companies that had been pinned in place for nearly forty minutes now finally were able to attempt a break out. With the defenders of the entrance occupied by the flanking squads, they began to pour out of the tunnel using the same entrance maneuvers that the rest of the teams had. One by one, from each side of the entrance, they hurled themselves outward, diving to the ground and then rolling clear for the next man, firing as they went. They drew some fire from the MPs of course, some of it quite heavy, and several of their numbers were struck by bullets, but within thirty seconds enough of them were out to lay down a vicious blanket of gunfire on the MPs.

Hit from three directions at once, and unable to find anywhere on the entrance platform where they could be safe, even for a second, from bullets smashing into them, the MPs gave up the field very quickly. Those who had not been killed or wounded retreated in disarray towards the main corridor of the base, desperate to get to a place of relative safety. Many were shot down since Evers had given the order to keep the pressure on them. Targeting recticles were placed on their backs and rounds reached out, cutting them to the ground. But the MPG could not get them all and more than twenty made it through the wide door at the far end of the platform before the steel door was shut and locked. Battered and terrified, they were ordered to the control building to help with the last line of defense.

The foyer area, for the first time since the doors had been blown, was now silent of gunshots and explosions. Men were screaming in pain and despair and the air smelled thickly of gunpowder and burned explosives. Expended shell casings were everywhere, marking every point that someone had fired from. The MPG soldiers, weapons trained before them, fanned out through the platform to secure it. For the first time they saw the results of the battle they'd been engaged in. They saw it in graphic detail as they came across dead MPs with their heads torn open and brain matter leaking out, armor ripped apart by steel fragments with intestines, kidneys, livers protruding through the holes. They saw heads blasted apart by high velocity bullets and higher velocity, larger caliber SAW bullets. They saw wounded MPs screaming in pain and fear and they kicked their forgotten weapons away from them. They saw their own comrades dead on the steel deck or wounded by the same weapons they carried. They looked at each other with haunted eyes, the gravity of what they were a part of coming home to them in a big way. Thoughts of shouting "Free Mars" at the MSG base a few hours ago entered some minds. They were hard pressed to believe the ease with which they'd shouted that incantation.

Medics went to work on the wounded, treating the MPG first before they even headed for the worst of the MPs. Captain Evers, himself somewhat shaken by the mayhem that had taken place, did his best to put it aside and immediately issued orders for the attack to continue towards the base control room. Within three minutes of securing the platform, primacord was being placed on the door that the surviving MPs had escaped through.

Admiral Rosewood had watched the entire battle on the security cameras. He was numb with disbelief and fear. He could not believe how quickly his MPs had been overwhelmed and soundly slaughtered by the MPG troops once the break out had occurred. The entire thing had taken less than eight minutes. Only twenty of the ninety-three MPs that had been deployed at the main gate had made it through the corridor at the end of the battle. They were now rushing to join the defense of the control building. He had forty-five MPs already in position there. 115 more, including the elite TIRT team, were moving in from other parts of the base but their deployment was pitifully slow, hampered by the very security procedures that had been initiated by the Martian attack.

He checked his computer, looking at the time display. The marine reinforcements would arrive in less than an hour now. Would they make it to the control room in time to prevent the MPG from gaining entry?

As if in answer his Internet screen came to life, showing the face of General Sega. Sega did not look happy at all, in fact, he looked downright miserable. This did little to allay Rosewood's own fear.

"General," Rosewood enquired, "did you see the results of the main gate battle on your display? Those MPG troops killed..."

"I saw it, Admiral," Sega said with a nod, his voice strained. "I'd hoped your MPs would have held longer, but I suppose it doesn't matter now."

"Doesn't matter?" Rosewood exclaimed. "Are you mad? We have to hold until your reinforcements..."

"There will be no reinforcements," Sega said simply.

Rosewood stared in disbelief. "No reinforcements?" he demanded. "What the hell are you talking about, man? Didn't you tell me that they launched and were on the way? Where the hell are they?"

"They were shot down by MPG air defense batteries," Sega told him. "340 of my marines went crashing to the ground from seventeen thousand meters in the sky. That's 340 E-mails to 340 families that I have to write. General Jackson contacted me right after that and informed me that any other ships launched from my base will also be shot down."

"They can't do that!" Rosewood yelled, outraged.

Sega blinked. His patience was obviously at a minimum. "John, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that statement. If you mean that it is morally and legally wrong to shoot down WestHem armed forces ships and kill WestHem marines, I agree with you, but as for the Martians abiding by that code, I'm afraid that they've already proved that they don't. If you are referring to the physical possibilities of the greenies doing this, well, I'm afraid they've got the upper hand there too. My barracks is located directly adjacent to Eden and the city is virtually ringed with anti-aircraft lasers of varying caliber. There is no way for me to launch a vehicle of any size without their noticing it and engaging it. In addition, they have my pedestrian access tunnels blocked in by armed troops and armored vehicles, making it impossible to exit into the city to retake it. I intended to move my men overland through the airlocks to seize the base from that direction, but Jackson has assured me that that avenue of escape is covered with infantry, tanks, and artillery. While I have not actually checked out this statement, I find myself inclined to believe Mr. Jackson in this instance. In short, my men are stuck here on this base, as useless to what is going on as a cock on a cow."

Rosewood sat silently for a moment, letting the information he'd just been given sink in. Faintly, even through the steel walls of his building, he could hear gunfire erupting from the street level below as the battle for the control building began.

"What do I do now?" he finally asked. "I have the MPG right outside my building now."

Sega stared levelly at him. "Surrender your forces," he told his naval counterpart.

At first Rosewood was not sure he'd heard him correctly. "Did you say surrender?"

"I did," he repeated. "You have a grand total of about two hundred poorly armed and poorly trained MPs, many of whom are not even in position yet. Pitting this against a battalion of trained infantry soldiers with machine guns and grenade launchers is like sending a Boy Scout troop to defend South Korea during I-day. Without hope of reinforcements all you can accomplish is the needless deaths of your MPs. Surrender your men right now, before any more of them are killed."

"And just turn the base over to the... the greenies? I will not!"

"You will!" Sega commanded. "I am the highest ranking WestHem military officer on the Planet Mars. As of now I'm assuming command of all WestHem forces stationed here and that includes your naval base. I'm giving you a direct order to surrender the base peacefully to the MPG."

"Sega, do you know what you're saying?" Rosewood was outraged and terrified. "A third of the WestHem navy is in dock here right now. You would turn that over to the greenies? You'll be imprisoned for ordering such a thing!"

"We can't win this battle, John," he said, seemingly near tears. "All we can do is get a shitload of our forces killed and give the greenies valuable combat experience in the bargain."

"But what about..."

"John, sit there and think for a minute. What are the greenies going to do with all of those ships? They don't have the personnel or the know-how to man them. Are they going to use them against us? Please. And did you think that WestHem is simply going to relinquish the planet to them because their guard force managed to overwhelm the pitiful number of troops that are stationed here." He shook his head firmly. "Mars has enough armor and trained men to hold back a few divisions of EastHem troops for a week or so. Our intelligence estimates have always been that it was doubtful that they could even do that. Do you really think they can stand up against the full fury of the WestHem armed forces when they come to re-occupy this planet? WestHem will send five times the number of men the MPG has and will equip them with five times the armor. Sure, we'll be taken prisoner for about five months or so, the amount of time it will take for WestHem to send over a task force, but believe me Rosewood, there will be a reckoning for this and the greenies are gonna pay a stiff price for fucking with us this way. That cunt Whiting and that nigger motherfucker Jackson are going to have their heads on spikes on top of the capital building in New Pittsburgh. The MPG will be disbanded and its officers will be imprisoned for life, some of them even executed. As the old saying goes, they may have won this battle, but they don't stand a fart's chance in a windstorm in the war."

There was silence as Rosewood considered these points. He found that Sega's words made sense, as much as he was loath to surrender his beloved base to those green traitors. He had to admit that there seemed no other option. Already he was envisioning his testimony before the justice subcommittee that would inevitably follow this heinous act.

"Okay," he said to Sega. "I'll reluctantly surrender."

Sega nodded. "Good. Do it immediately so that not a single soldier is unnecessarily killed or wounded. Send a report off to Earth before the greenies take control of the base and for God's sake, be sure to disarm and scramble all of the nuclear weapons on your ships." He smiled. "Perhaps we'll see each other in whatever POW camp they send us to."

"Perhaps we will." Rosewood nodded miserably.

General Sega got General Jackson on the computer and told him his intention to surrender the forces on the planet and above it, effective immediately.

"Very wise decision, General," Jackson said amicably. "I must say that I'm relieved. Our intention is to make this transfer of power as bloodless as possible."

"The marines are going to come take this planet back from you," Sega told him. "If you truly want it to be bloodless, then you'll surrender to me immediately before they deploy."

"Why don't you let me worry about the marines?" Jackson said. "In the meantime, we have some shooting to stop, don't we? Things are quiet at the base right now. I'll instruct my troops guarding it to take defensive measures only for the time being. You need to instruct your troops to disable their weapons and put them back in storage. Nobody is to leave. When things stabilize around here, we'll be entering the barracks to take control of it."

"I want my men to be treated as POWs," Sega said. "With all the rights and privileges that come with it. I don't want any of them beaten or killed by your thugs."

"They'll be treated under the Geneva Accords, you have my word on that," Jackson assured him. "In fact, they'll be held right where they're at. EMB will make an excellent POW camp once we get all of the computers and weapons taken out. Now, shall we discuss the situation on Triad? We still have heavy fighting taking place outside the control room. The navy personnel and my men are being needlessly killed as we speak. I'll order my men to hold in place and take defensive measures only. You get Admiral Rosewood to have his men cease fire immediately and disable their weapons."

"It'll be done," Sega said.

He signed off a moment later and then began composing a hasty email video that would be sent to Earth.

No further shots were fired at the Eden Marine Barracks. The MPG troops holding the perimeter continued to build up at each stronghold, just in case Sega's surrender offer was nothing more than a deception, but they kept their weapons down and their lasers uncharged.

Up at Triad Naval Base, things went just a little differently. Thanks to communications difficulties between Rosewood's command center and the MPs that were deployed throughout the base, it took nearly twenty minutes before all of them got the word that the brief war was over. Several skirmishes occurred in the corridors near the housing area and the ship docks resulting in more than fifteen deaths - all of them MPs, and more than thirty wounded - twenty-five of them MPs. At the control room itself, the MPs here were among the last to hear about the cease-fire. Finally, however, after more than twenty of them were shot down, the proper radio frequency was located and the order was given. The word was quickly passed and their guns fell silent one by one. More relieved than anything else, they dropped their weapons and allowed themselves to be taken into custody. They were handcuffed with plastic ties and stripped of their radio gear. The MPG troops then moved to the control room itself.

They did not have to blow open this door with their primacord. Admiral Rosewood opened it for them voluntarily. A platoon from Charlie Company entered the building, their guns ready for action. They didn't need them. Everyone inside was unarmed and sitting peacefully in their chairs, some of them weeping softly in fear or anger, most stoic. Admiral Rosewood was one of the stoic ones.

"You will all be executed for this you know," he told the troops as they searched everyone, one by one.

"We all have to die sometime, don't we, Admiral," a voice replied. "I'm Captain Evers, the commander of the group that hit this part of the base. You put up a much better defense than we gave you credit for in the planning stages. You should be proud of yourself. You cost me a lot of good men."

Rosewood said nothing. He simply glared at the captain.

Evers was unoffended. He had seen too much in the last hour to be offended by much. He tuned his radio to the command frequency and keyed it up. "Evers here," he said to Colonel Bright, who was still back at the Triad Control Center. "We have the TNB control room secured. We'll start working on gaining control of the security functions."

"Copy," said Bright. "We've restored light and power to the main tunnels. We're offloading all of the passengers on the trains that were trapped at this end and then we'll be sending them back empty to start transferring the wounded. I've got the dip-hoes moving to the platform to help our medics and start transporting them. How many are we talking about from your section?"

"I've got nineteen dead and thirty-three wounded," Evers told him. "We're still getting a count of the MPs but it looks like upwards of seventy dead and almost a hundred wounded."

"Could've been worse I suppose," Bright said with a sigh.

"Yeah," Evers agreed. "We could've lost and had them die for nothing."

Brett Ingram and his group of Martians that were unloading supplies from the Mermaid were as surprised as anyone when the security alarms had activated in response to the condition Red Zebra. Still, they had followed the protocol that was established for such an event, which stated that any ship personnel in the immediate vicinity of their vessel at the time of the alarm would return to their vessel and assist in its individual security. They hadn't done much to assist in the security but those of them that had been in the supply room at the time had come back just seconds before the base computer system automatically closed and locked the docking door, sealing them inside for the duration of the crisis. And so, as the MPG special forces troops were forcing their way through the access tunnels and engaging in battle with the MPs, Brett was sitting on a small chair in the supply room.

Trapped in the ship with he and his offload crew were two security personnel — who's presence were required at all times due to the nuclear warheads on board — and Lieutenant Commander Braxton, the executive officer, who had been overseeing the details of extended docking. They too had been quite confused at first, with the security personnel grumbling about ill-timed drills and Braxton complaining about missing a lunch date with his wife. That confusion came to an end when they scanned through the radio frequencies and happened across the MP force's tactical channel. Upon discovering that Martian troops were invading the base, their grumbling had turned to rage that had quickly been turned upon the six members of the off-load crew. Guns had been pulled and Brett and his people had been ordered into the crew quarters.

"Sit the fuck down there!" Ordered Braxton, pointing at the floor next to the folded-up sleeping racks. "If any one of you green motherfuckers so much as twitches I'm gonna kill you!"

Braxton kept the two security men with him, putting the three of them between the Martians and the hatch. Their guns remained in their hands while they monitored the developing situation on their com-links. Brett was able to overhear enough information to gather that the MPG had attacked the base in force and were overwhelming the base security teams.

What the hell was the meaning of it? he wondered silently, trying to figure things out. Obviously the attack was related to the events going on in the capital but what was the purpose of attacking TNB? Whatever it was he was very fearful as he watched the faces of his captors. They were scared stiff and they were holding guns on them. As reports of company strength incursions moving towards the docks surfaced, they became even more nervous.

Finally came the order for all WestHem forces to surrender.

"Surrender?" Braxton yelled in disbelief. "What the fuck are they talking about? Surrender the base to greenies?"

"What's gonna happen to us now?" one of the security men enquired. "Are the greenies gonna kill us all?"

"What about the ship?" asked the other one. "What about the torpedoes on board?"

Braxton ignored their questions, fixing his eyes on Brett and the others sitting next to him. His gaze was murderous as he raised his pistol and pointed it at them. He began to walk forward.

"Your fuckin' people did this," he said, his finger firmly on the trigger of the gun. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill every fuckin' one of you green bastards!"

To Brett the 3mm hole at the end of the pistol looked as big as the tunnels the MPG had used to infiltrate the base. He swallowed nervously, staring back into the furious madness of Braxton's face.

Same as Greenies
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Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Free City of Hargone The next morning, the Sahib’s cousin showed up. I was eager for the meeting with the outfitter. We needed lots of supplies to...

4 years ago
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Stephanies Halloween Party

Carl and Stephanie were invited to her friend Brenda's annual Halloween party. They were both trying to decide what costumes to wear that would be both fun and sexy at the same time, costumes that allowed easy access to each other, but kept them anonymous. Carl is not much for costume parties and has always chosen to stay home, but this year he was going to go until a last minute phone call from a buyer changed his plans. Stephanie always wears a sexy costume and Carl has fun teasing her about...

Wife Lovers
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GhostChapter 4

Janine opened the door to her Husband’s secret play room, she had played with his toy in here once or twice and knew where she would find him this evening. Closing the door behind her Janine walked over and nudged her husband’s head with the toe of her boot. “Good evening Roger, you don’t look so well. Must be something to do with the Viagra you took earlier. Congratulations Roger, your death puts you in good company, it’s said that Socrates as also a victim of Conline poisoning. A little...

3 years ago
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Legendary Shy CH 4

Chapter 4 On the car ride back I noticed a couple of bikes following me, I picked up my phone and called home to see if anyone was there, after a few rings I heard Mrs. Higgins on the other end, before she could ask what I was going on I said in a calm voice, “Sarah I need you to do me a favor, call Angela, Penny, Raven, and Courtney and tell them to stay away from the house or a while, and you need to get out also, when you get away call the police and tell them to go too the house,...

4 years ago
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My Life As A Genie

Being a genie has its perks, my breasts are perpetually firm and they never sag. My immortality lets me keep my youth. While being blessed with the vitality of a young woman is fantastic, to be honest, sometimes the wait to be found can be most annoying. It may not feel as long as it actually is, but sitting in my bottle for decades on end sure can be lonely. I’ve come across some of the most interesting people with this life. Not many people know how we become genies and most don’t care, they...

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A Birthday Full Of Firsts Part 1

I rubbed my sweaty palms along my thighs, wiping them off on my jeans. I was so nervous, and I couldn’t believe that everyone had railroaded me into playing spin the bottle. It was my birthday; it should have been my choice.Playing spin the bottle wouldn’t have been too bad if it was regular spin the bottle, but it wasn’t. My best friend, Melissa made sure of that. When the bottle landed on you, you had to kiss that person, but if someone you have already kissed spins, and it lands on you...

1 year ago
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A real love story

"Come on Tonya",Mickie shouted from outside her apartment door,"we have to get a move on". Tonya grabbed her large overnight duffle bag and headed down the stairs and out the door where Mickie was waiting in her black Pathfinder. As she put in her bag she could see the tent and coolers set up in the back of the truck. They were going to the annual Womyn's festival being held about 600 miles away from where they lived. "Hi Mickie",said Tonya as she climbed into the truck. "Hey girl,what's...

4 years ago
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Educating the TwinsChapter 5

Our 16th birthday was in May. I had very erotic dreams the night before, and Liz confessed to them, too. We weren't going to do it today, but on Saturday night there would be a party, and we had made up our minds that was when it would happen. Getting our parents to agree was the problem. Finally, with Jodie safely over the hurdle of Sweet Sixteen, and thus legal in our state, she had the bright idea of getting both our families together to let them know our plans. "We want to take part...

3 years ago
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Cross Dress in College

This is a fantasy story: This happened in my college days. I was sharing my room with Rahul. He was the average Indian guy with a good body. I was of small built (5ft 4inches tall and 50 Kgs) and and had a petite body. Rahul used to ask me to grow my hair long (he used to tell me it is the fashion) and until later I did not realise why he wanted me to do that. We were quite good friends (just like all hostel room mates are) and used to be very comfortable changing arnd each other. One day, I...

Gay Male
5 years ago
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Melanies Discipline Regime Unforeseen Benefits

The routine was well established. Claire operated the ‘Zero-tolerance-no-second-chance’ discipline regime, which Melanie readily accepted.Melanie was eighteen years old and had tricked her step-mum into changing grounding and time-out to an instant over-her-knee bare-bottom spanking with scolding before, during and afterwards. Melanie preferred the immediate, albeit painful, discipline to the arduous grounding which was normally up to seven days with the occasional longer period, and even a...

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The Escort and the

My heart was pounding in a symphonic surge as I lingered in front of the hotel room door. I checked and rechecked the metal plate bolted to the rich, dark oak. Number 2412. Yes, this was definitely the right room. The hallway corridor was empty. The dimly lit sconces glowed invitingly along the richly textured walls. They had led the way from the elevator of the lushly swank boutique hotel, The Hazelton, just like beacon lights leading me towards the precipice of a decision I still wasn’t sure...

3 years ago
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SnatchedChapter 19

Leaving them to it was fine with me. The gloves were mostly for them anyway, now at least, and I'd never been much at sewing. I went to find Denac and his charges. The girl's idea about poles for my hut wasn't a bad one, but there was something else I wanted first. I'd brought my Boy Scout compass and entrenching tool; Denac, Chalti, the prisoners, and I were about to start searching for iron. "Do you think they will be more cooperative this morning Denac?" I asked, when I reached...

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The Heat

As she was drying her hair, she sighed. ‘This is crazy,’ she thought. ‘Why do I always feel a need to see him, to… to touch him? You can’t do that to him. You know how much you care about his wife, his family…you are a good person, you’re not a marriage shatterer like the one who ruined yours.’ She shuddered, remembering the feeling of being on the other end of that. It’s hard for her to get him out of her head. Now, after all this time, it had to hit harder. ‘You have a boyfriend,’ she told...

3 years ago
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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 59

The day was Saturday. We had planned on leaving for Ashlee's parent's house, but the weather had other ideas. It was snowing, GREAT BIG FLAKES and we were not leaving the house. The family didn't bother getting dressed. We stayed in our jammies for breakfast and just laid around watching TV. I flipped around to a football game and only got little bit of resistance to watching it. Dad must have gotten bored because less than half way through the game, he got up and left the room. A...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 69

It was three thirty when Jenny stopped by with Major Ashley. Patti, Vicky and I were expecting them. Jenny waited in my office while the rest of us gave out statements. At four thirty we were headed home with our new house guest. We had cleaned the room since its last use so all that we had to do was clear out some nick knacks. I boxed up the knacks while the girls helped bring Patti's things to the room. While the girls helped Patti fold and put away her things Jenny and I went to our...

2 years ago
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Dont I Know You

I walked up to the receptionist and introduced myself."Hello," I said. "I'm Victor Jones. I have a four-thirty meeting with Denise Mitchell."She smiled back."Just a moment, sir."She dialled and extension on her phone and announced my presence to Denise on the other end. She hung up."Ms. Mitchell will be right with you.""Thank you very much," I replied. I went and sat down in a chair and waited.A few moments later, a young blonde woman walked towards me. She looked very familiar, but I couldn't...

Straight Sex
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Helen was a little surprised when the doorbell rang at precisely nine a.m., exactly when the contractor had told her that the workers would arrive to build her new deck. She was even more surprised when she opened the door and saw two young men who couldn't be more than twenty years old. "Helen Flint?" One of the sandy-haired young men asked. "Yes," she answered, doing her best not to stare at the muscular workmen. "Just making sure we're at the right place. I'm Mike, and this is...

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A Shameful Sentence

I was still in shock from what the judge had said, 6 years under my stepmothers care. I couldn't believe it but there was know way I could pay for the property damage and my stepmother was the only one who could. My stepmother and I never got along, in fact we hated each other. When I found out my stepmother would pay for the damages I knew it was a bad deal but it was better then prison. Now as the police cruiser pulled up to my old house the reality of my situation started to sink in. The...

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MyPervyFamily Gia Vendetti I8217m Not Done With You Part 2

I can not believe my Dad almost caught me fucking his golden sugar baby in his bedroom and right before I was about to cum. I couldn’t rest all night thinking about my Step-Mom’s tight pussy, I need more. I hear here come in from being out with her friends, I go downstairs to see if she feels the same way. I tell her I am not done with her and I need more! Gia is not sure at first but I quickly convince her to fuck me right there in the kitchen, she takes all of my cock till I cum...

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works do

I recently went on a night out with work. Nothing unusual just a few drinks. The few drinks turned into a lot of drinks. There was a girl out that I always flirted with but nothing ever happened. We ended up in a club and had a few more drinks and a bit of a dance. I could tell by the way she was rubbing me on the dance floor that tonight something could happen! My thoughts soon became reality when I went to the toilet and she followed me to a cubicle. She started kissing me and I got an...

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Kill My Husband Please

Irma Franks, a hard-nosed former factory processor, fell onto good times when her boyfriend lost her in a poker game and she went to live with a wealthy guy Ben Franks, who won all rights to her. After getting used to her appalling accent, Ben married Irma after his estranged wife was killed by a sexually short-changed Russian who ran amok in the brothel called a club that she managed. On this Wednesday afternoon, Ben’s golf afternoon, Irma sat on the meaty thighs of Ben’s sales manager...

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Donna and the Fish and Donnas Insecurity

Donna and the Fish ‘It’s all a matter of juxtaposition.’ Donna looked exquisite. It was another exhibition at her gallery and she was wearing a beautiful pair of black, high cut trousers supported by red braces over a white shirt beneath which was a white, silk camisole. When earlier I had commented how beautiful she looked, she said, ‘I have to conceal my nipples, College. If exposed they would cause a public nuisance, people might fall off bicycles. These are proper nipples, not like yours....

3 years ago
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The Deception of Choice Episode Eight

The Deception of Choice. Episode Eight, comprising Chapters 21& 22. Preamble David's struggle against the insidious encroachment of femininity becomes ever more crucial. Perhaps not helped by the sweet reasonableness of Dr. Tabatha. Certainly not helped by the more physical aspects introduced into his study of Female Sexuality. And then there is the added complication of the arrival of the latest recruit and David's role in helping her to feel at home. Chapter...

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Acts of Infidelity Knowing Nancy

To understand the extraordinary events of this true story, you need to understand what life was like in California in the late nineteen seventies and early eighties.Society was changing across the USA. Cultural traditions had been breaking down since the sixties but America is a big county with a strong, traditional, conservative religious heritage so the new norms of life were taking a long time to work their way into the population as a whole.The result was that, even in California, it was...

2 years ago
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Andys Training Chapter 7

Andy's Training Chapter 7 ? by: Cissykay It had now been almost four months since that fateful day when Mistress Betty had sprung her surprise on me. I had experienced almost every kind of bondage and torment known to man. I now wore permanent makeup, and I was sure that some sort of hormone was slipped into my food, because my nipples had been quite tender and sore recently. This could also be attributed to the nipple rings that Mistress Nancy had attached to my nipples a month...

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SRU So Long For Now

SRU: So Long For Now by Ellie Dauber Copyright 1999 -- May be posted to FREE sites The Wizard was in the back of the shop when the bell over the door rang. "Good," he said. "I wasn't sure if I'd be able to reach him." He turned to an attractive young woman who was looking through some bills of lading. "Danni, you keep working on the inventory. I'll be out front." By the time the Wizard had come through the curtain that separated the front and back of the shop, his customer...

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Neighbor Suzy part 2

“I know about you. I know you’ve been doing to her,” she said. “What are you talking about?” I asked. The website came up. It featured pictures of children between three and sixteen, boys and girls; all of them were naked. “I can sniff out people like you. You might it’s a talent. I also run a little side business,” she said. I looked the website. “That why when the police called me I let you keep her.” “It doesn’t seem like you care about the children,” I said. “I care very deeply about...

3 years ago
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Sex With Facebook Friend

Hi friends, this is my first story on Indian sex stories , agar koi mistake ho to just ignore, me iss ka bahut bada fan hun aur dt ke stories pichle 2 saal se lagatar padhraha hun , aur mujhe b man hua ke kyun na me apni story apke sath share karun, me apke feedback ka wait karunga taki me apni agli story apke liye likh sakhun pls mail me your feedback @ To sidha apko bore na karte hue story par ate hai ,mera naam aryan ( name change ) me secunderabad ka rehna wala hun. Waise to isse pehle...

3 years ago
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How to Dom Your Mom

Stephen and his parents sat down to eat dinner. His dad, Frank, grey haired and tired-looking, asked his wife, "Get the ketchup, eh?"Stephen's mom, Gail, a petite brunette with a trim figure and a usually-ready smile, said peevishly, "I just sat down Frank. Why didn't you ask before I sat down?"This was a game that Stephen had watched his parents play for a few years now. He didn't think it was a fun game, though, and he'd had enough.Stephen didn't like the way his dad treated his mom. It...

1 year ago
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Upside Down

Note : This story is completely fictional! Rachel bit her lower lip and whimpered meekly as she neared a frantic orgasm; her nimble fingers nothing but a blur as they deftly manipulated her burning clit. The beautiful blonde then moaned out and grabbed her sheets with her free hand as her hips began to thrash. Her whole body shook violently as a flood of sensation flashed through every part of her being, before slowly retreating to its epicenter between her trembling legs. She panted...

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BlitzChapter 5

That winter the war took a turn for the better. A bitter winter in Russia stopped the Nazi war machine. The Germans had reached the outskirts of Moscow and were preparing to implement Hitler's rules for surrender. Most of the Soviet government had upped and moved toward the other side of the Ural Mountains. Only Stalin and a few of his aides stayed behind to show the population he was still in charge. He held a parade of the Siberian divisions then sent them right into action hoping to hit...

2 years ago
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Who’s up for some perverted comics about naughty schoolgirls getting into trouble? How about some dirty manga about chicks with cat ears getting fucked really hard? Would you like to see a French maid giving a blowjob, a warrior bitch getting fondled by tentacles, or a parody of Sailor Moon where Sailor Venus gets fucked by a monster? Well, you might be in the mood for nHentai.Some of you manga perverts are probably already thinking, “ I jerk off to that all the time!” This is...

Hentai Manga Sites
4 years ago
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Natalie demore

Nicolette is studying and working on an essay due for her nursing diploma but Jade is such a distraction that Nicolette reminds her about their rental agreement that in place of rent, Nicolette can tie up Jade where ever and when ever she wants. So she takes her into the bedroom and begins tying her up. Jade tries to trick her into sex but Nicolette won't have it. Jade is tied up with a strict crotchrope, and gagged. Jade still interrupts her again, so Nicolette has no choice but to give her an...

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The Reprimand

When you wake up 30 minutes late, your car won't start, and you show up to work soaked, you know it is going to be a bad day. I am totally irritated with this day! To make matters worse, I have to work with my uptight, boring, by the rules boss, Malcolm. I mean he is so uptight, that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, you would have a diamond in about 2 days. I trudge into the office, glaring at any and every body that dared to look sideways at me. Even my best friend, Valerie, stayed...

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The Dramatic Saga of Peter Q KleeshayChapter 15

"Gosh Pete, when you say it, well, it just makes total sense," explained Eric, a large football player and Chad's right hand man. "You are such a great guy and doing such noble work that we'd all be more than happy to help keep you safe. But when Chad suggested it, I don't know, it just sounded ... stupid ... I can't remember why." His face was clouded by a puzzled look. "I suppose Chad just doesn't have a way with words ... you know ... like I ... have way ... I guess." "Yeah,...

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Im Sorry Lindsay

Disclaimer: This is my second story here, but for some reason, the first has never appeared... All photos belong to Lindsay Lohan or their rightful owners. And so we begin...She wasn't like that you know.She wasn't so... for lack of a better word, wild.When I first saw her, I thought, this chick looks so innocent.Am I to be blamed? That's a question I would think to myself now at times.Do I regret it? No. She was of a legal age when we first got together, and she was a willing party. In fact, I...

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Swingin with Mike Julie part 2

Just to recap, we met Mike & Julie on our first visit to the club we go to fairly regularly now. They were almost exactly the same age as us and also of similar builds too - I am a large ex-rugby playing guy and so is Mike, and my partner is petite with some very nice curves a great tits - and so is Julie. We all seemed to get on together and certainly had 'fun' the first time we met them.Although we hadn't been able to join them at the club again in the few weeks after, we had kept in...

3 years ago
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My Aunt 8211 2 Kamini

Hi, this is umaresh again. I fnger fucked my aunt to reduce her hunger. After the finger fuck, aunt was resting in the bed naked. My cock was still errect. I know pretty well that it will take some more time for my aunt to get ready for the second encounter. I went for bath to cool off myself. When I came out of the bathroom, I could not see my aunt in the bedroom. She was in the kitchen preparing lunch in full attire. She was wearing a saree tightly and the falls in between her boobs. The...

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My Bizarre New Life

MY BIZARRE NEW LIFE by Throne In a sense, everything I'm going to tell you about is my own fault. My life never would have changed the way it did, if I hadn't set everything in motion. With my wealth and plenty of leisure time, I had developed increasingly kinky tastes. My wife Alana wasn't as keen as I was about any of it. She didn't relish wearing leather and rubber, wasn't eager to have me take pictures and videos while she played with sex toys, and definitely resisted when I...

1 year ago
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Im Still Average Right

100% fiction! Many years in the past me and my sister were always in what we called "love". Kissing each other on the lips as a goodbye, playing doctor still at the age of 19, saying I love you was a regular thing between me and my sister, but now... Saying I love you randomly is all a distant memory ever since she moved away to live with Dad in England. Well now I'm 27 and mom died leaving the house and its many bills in my inheritance. I took up a couple part-time jobs after finishing...


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