Camping With DaddyChapter 4 free porn video

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The girl stopped a few feet from the fire, suddenly overcome by an instinctive wariness, took several steps backward and then stopped again. They were all trapped for the night. The water had reached the shallow stream to the left of her now, leaving a small dry island encompassing the camper site and the trees beyond. And if the tide claimed any more ground, that too would be cut off! And where was her father and the swamp girl?

The events of the past hour and her present fear intermingled and she opened her mouth to scream, hoping other campers somewhere out there might hear her and come and help.

"What's the matter, honey?" leered Pete. "Looks like you just came out of a hole in the ground." Swallowing dryly, Sally reached and touched her matted hair, wet and stringy from the swamp water.

"Damn well looks good enough to fuck to me," guffawed Sam taking another gulp of the moonshine. Noticing her eyes on him, Sam offered the bottle. "Got tired of waitin' so we decided to go on a little treasure hunt of our own. Seems your daddy got a little furry treasure too," he chuckled lewdly.

"Yeah, with that slut friend of yours," blurted out the distraught girl.

"Hey, now wait a minute," sneered Pete. "You think yer snotty pussy's any better?" With that, Pete rose from the stump and grabbed Sally from behind, his hands cupping her tits. She strained and twisted but couldn't wrench him off and when she tried to scream he just mockingly laughed at her. What had she done to deserve this she wondered, her huge tits throbbing in fear.

Her instincts at their height now, Sally knew they would strip her naked and something awful would happen to her. The obscene glinting look in Sam's eyes assured her of that and she wrenched her shoulders and kicked at Pete's ankles, but nothing loosened the hold.

"Real snappy little cunt we got here, Sam ... whatcha say ya give me a hand." Pete gestured with a nod of his head. Another long pull on the moonshine and the older man was on his feet, leaping greedily for her ankles and lifting them. They had her now from both sides and though she fought them with all her remaining strength, they were carrying heir over to a stack of blankets outside the camper-truck where they dumped her onto them and leered at her, rape obvious in their eyes.

"Don't it seem to you, Sam, that since her old man got little Sissy's pussy that we get a little of this one's hot little twat?"

Sam's grin answered for him.

As Sally cowered on the blankets, their lewd glances increased as they seemed to grow more restless. She could still not believe that she was trapped here alone out in this forsaken swamp with two men who'd proved themselves to be no better than a couple of pussy-hungry animals. It seemed like a practical joke ... a mystery novel. It had been her father's fucking of that no-good swamp girl. The shock of seeing him actually fucking that foul-mouthed female had swept away all illusions that she might have had about her father's protective attitude toward her.

"Why are you doing this to me?" stammered Sally. "I haven't done anything to you. Please ... please," she sobbed.

Pete unclasped his arms and turned smiling to Sam. "Give the little lady a drink, Sam," he said, gazing back at her long gently tapering legs.

"I ... I don't want anything to drink," she said and shuddered with cold. "Just let me go to sleep."

With a tenderness she couldn't understand, Sam reached down and handed her the bottle. "Look, you gonna catch one hell of a cold if you don't warm up them insides." She didn't notice him winking at Pete who couldn't seem to unlock his gaze from Sally's fearfully shivering tits.

Not caring what had caused this sudden change of heart, Sally gratefully accepted the bottle, raising it to her lips and wincing at the acrid taste as it burned a trail down her throat. Her eyes lifting from the rim of the bottle, she tensed as she saw Pete studying her as though she were a whore already stripped naked, evaluating her pussy for its worth.

His eyes moved from the smooth curve of her calves to her tiny waist, then burned a slow path upwards to her hotly swelling tits pressed inside her sweat shirt. He'd felt those huge tits before and planned to feel them, stripped naked this time, again.

An intuitive flash of survival swept through her chilled body again. "W-What do you want from me? Why are you standing over me?" her voice faltered with each word.

"Hear that?" mocked Pete. "She thinks we're a couple of fuckers..."

"Look ... we're not a couple of raping brutes," voiced Sam with a hint of smile in his voice. "We ain't gonna do anything to your pussy that won't feel good."

At this, Pete threw back his head and let the moonshine gurgle in his throat.

"Then go away ... just go away and leave me alone," Sally sobbed, tears of fear welling up in her eyes.

"Hey," Pete nudged Sam. "What ya say we flip a coin and find out who gets to fuck her hot little cunt first."

Sally wished she hadn't heard that. Clenching her eyes tight, hearing only the lapping of the swamp water, she tried to shut out all sensation, desperately hoping that her father would come back and save her from their hungry cocks. God, why wasn't he ever there when she needed him? These men would fuck her crazy.

But then it had been that way her whole life! Nobody was ever there when she had to have someone close to share her miseries. With a pang of dread she remembered him leaving her with these thugs to go off and let that awful woman suck his cock and then liking it! With a chest heaving sob, she wished he was dead. Then opening her eyes at the sudden feel of someone touching her, she wished she could escape.

"Do you like it when I move my hand up and down your arm and across your big tits like this?" Pete said softly and slid his lightly coursing fingers up to the soft tanned skin of her neck.

Sobbing, she turned her face toward the water. "Of course not," she hissed.

"Okay, got a coin brother?" chortled Sam, delving into his dirty and frayed pocket. "Penny do?"

"I take heads," snickered the stubble-bearded man.

The coin flipped through the air, a whir of copper as it landed on Sam's wrist.

"Looks as if the little lady is mine to fuck, pal," snorted Sam, surreptitiously eyeing the coin then holding it out for the dim-witted man to see.

"Guess I gotta, take sloppy seconds," grunted the loser. "Don't cum too much and git it too mushy!"

The blatant lewdness of the remark about fucking her and cumming in her sent an electric shiver of fear down the length of Sally's already stiffened spine. Unconsciously, she looked out over the dark, reflective expanse of the night swamp. It seemed incredible that she was going to get the cherry fucked away in one of the most beautiful places she'd ever been in her life. A prisoner in beauty.

Sally lay back on the blanket and let the words cut through her like a metallic edge. Pulling her matted blonde hair away from her face, she took another long gulp of the moonshine. Sam was closer, his hand resting on her jean-covered knee, his finger playing gently with the bottom of her sweat shirt. She thrust her knees against the blanket, but his hands thrust her more firmly with a slight digging pressure on her skin. Then his other hand slipped under her damp sweat shirt. She could feel his fingers on her naked flesh and then sensed his soft caress on the sensitive skin of her stomach.

"You are one of the damnedest lookin' kids I seen in this swamp for a long time, honey," he said, the leering tone in his voice giving weight to his words. "Nice big tits."

"I-I-oh, please," she cried out. "Don't touch me! Let go of me!"

"It's all going to feel so damned good fuckin' into your pussy, doll. Bet you're a cherry. Can tell those things. You never felt a good hard cock fucking up between them legs?"

She tried to stand up but his arm jackknifed around her waist, pulling her struggling tits toward his chest as he kneeled down beside her. The smell of moonshine was heavy in the air.

She felt his hand slipping between the tightly fitting material of her bra, cupping the smoothly resilient nakedness of her tits between his fingers and she wrenched her body to the side, setting him off balance for a moment.

The sight of the rough, seventy year old stranger sent a shudder of revulsion through Sally's tight little cunt. How could she possibly have gotten into this situation where she wits going to get fucked by him. Looking at it objectively, it was completely absurd, but cool detachment was something her pussy didn't possess right now. The older man's hand increased his grip around her shoulder, while his other hand moved again to her stomach, worming its way again up to the deeply plunging cleavage between her tits, touching the smoothly uplifting area just above the cloth, then probing his fingers beneath her exposed bra to pinch her naked nipple.

"God," she cried out, and tried desperately to squirm away. "You can't touch my titties like that! When my father comes back he'll..."

"Honey, your daddy ain't comin' back from nowhere."

"What-what do you mean?" she cried out.

"See that stream over there? Ain't nobody gonna be able to get back to this part of the swamp until mornin'." He angled himself up on the heaped up blanket opposite her and crossed his feet comfortably on a nearby log. Studying her, she thought. What was so interesting about her that he liked to toy with her titties in this way? Yes, she reasoned, he was playing a game, teasing her and obtaining his perverse satisfaction by watching her squirm with each of his lewd advances.

"You know what I think?" he smiled widely and toyed with a handful of moss. "I think a good cunt-fuck will get your mind off that father of yours."

Sally swallowed hard, fighting with all her strength to keep from showing the inner outrage and humiliation she felt at being assaulted by his obscene fuck words. Well, she thought, he would see how much she could take. She would remain silent even if it meant she had to choke on her own tears of anguish.

"A pretty tilted girl like you," he continued, looking down with a peculiar glint in his eyes. "You've got so much to fuck a guy's cock with, but look at you. Pissed because some older guy dared to touch your hot tits. Now most women in these parts would take that as a compliment and want me to diddle their pussy too."

Sally started to her feet, but a swift hard glance from both of the men told her she would be better off sitting exactly where she was. The torrent of obscenities continued pouring from Sam's mouth as he drank more and more of the moonshine. He described terrible things he wanted to do to her naked cunt and tits, piling up description upon description of lewd ways of fucking. She had never imagined them possible, much less heard of before.

With each image his depraved mind managed to conjure up, she felt her show of strength weakened, until she knew at last the battle was lost. God, they were animals, both of them! But there was nothing she could do but thrust her hands over her ears and pray that they would stop and just go ahead and fuck her.

When she released her hands, the first words she heard were, "And now we're gonna fuck."

As a last sacrament to her virginity, Sam handed the girl a bottle of moonshine and smiled as he watched her gulp down the mind numbing alcohol.

Sally felt this thick muscular arm circle around her, and this time she put all of her strength into her attempt to bolt from the blanket. But she could not move! "Come on, honey, fucking ain't all that bad. Just takes a little gettin' used to is all."

Sally could feel Sam's excitedly tense breathing as he pressed her lithe body closer to him, his hand on her waist toying with the buttons of her jeans. God, this was impossible! Tears of frustration filled her eyes as suddenly the obscene picture of her father's rigid pulsing cock fucking into that swamp girl's openly devouring cunt crossed her mind. She sobbed helplessly at the grim realization that her pussy might soon be tilled with a deeply fucking shaft of male cock flesh.

She kicked upward with her knee toward his groin, but this only sent the older man into a greater frenzy of desire to fuck her. He pivoted her body back onto the blanket, pressing his hands on her shoulders and angling her back against the ground. Then he slid down beside her, removing his hands from her tits and listing them over her tiny wrists.

He pressed her down tighter onto the blanket, thrusting the lush curve of her ass-cheeks roughly into the moss beneath. One of his hands released his grip on her wrist, and she slammed her small fist into his chest. He laughed, but didn't even wince.

"Hey, Pete," he growled to the man gaping above them. "Think I'm gonna need a little help with this one. Bring a fresh bottle of moonshine to sweeten her little pussy-hole up a bit."

"P-please," she sobbed, kicking her legs feebly against the blanket. "Oh-Oh, God, let me go!"

He grabbed the bottle from Pete's hand and lifted her head up from the blanket by the nape of her neck, more gently this time, and put the mouth of the bottle to her lips. The hotly burning liquid sizzled down her throat and she coughed to keep from choking, but with each cough there was a further pressure on the bottle forcing more down the narrow confines of her throat.

"That's good ... good. Feel better now, Miss Snooty-Cunt?"

The moonshine taking its effect, Sally tried to rise again, but this time she felt a pair of hands clasping her feet. She looked down to where Pete had moved squatting on the ground, his arms reaching to her slim ankles. Then her arms were back in the grip of Sam's paralyzing fingers.

"Oooooooh noo!" she moaned, suddenly realizing what was about to happen to her in fantasy had turned into reality. They were actually going to fuck her!

Her eyes shot up to the older man who had risen from the ground.

"Pull open her legs," he hissed with a coarse, impatient tone in his voice. "I'd like to see that sweet pussy of hers before my cock crawls up inside it and starts spittin!"

The beauty worked as hard as possible to struggle to escape what was about to happen. She felt someone unzip her jeans and yank at first one leg and then the other. She arched her ass-cheeks, wriggling her smooth flat belly from side to side, but she knew it was useless. The moonshine had pushed her into a half drunken, numbed state and she sensed her will slowly surrendering to them as she slipped into a dazed acceptance of whatever they might do to her next.

Her sweat shirt came off next, exposing the two huge melons of her round full tits still half covered by her bra. But his hands did not stop there. He tore at her thin nylon panties, leaving them in rags to hang by the waistband about her curvaceous hips.

"Well look at this," murmured Sam, glancing up at Pete with a grin. He stared at her fire-lit body of voluptuously spread cunt, following the gently undulating arc of her hips up to the flared in waist that again blossomed into the melon firmness of her naked tits. A long golden strand of hair fell carelessly across her shoulder, down over the full firm mounds.

"Alright," Sam said in a choked up voice. "Big Daddy's gonna crawl home. I wanna see if that hot li'l pussy feels as tight as it looks to fuck."

Sally jerked when she felt, the coolness of his fingers press against her hotly heaving tits. She raised her head for a moment, then lowered her face helplessly to the blanket. Gone now were any dreams of freeing herself from this depraved couple of swamp men, and she clenched her teeth awaiting whatever he might do next.

The word rape had sunk into her alcohol-dulled mind with a leaden certainty. Yet her body still rebelled against it, her now naked ass-cheeks quivering convulsively from the terrifying thought of how he was going to fuck her in a few short minutes. There was nothing in the world that could save her virginity now.

Dear God, if only things hadn't happened this way. If only she hadn't come with her father, if only they'd parked up in the park where, any number of people would have responded to her cries for help. A thousand ifs ran though her mind in disconnected strands until her thoughts were jolted back to reality by the touch of the old man's hands running up the sides of her almost naked body. He rounded them over the voluptuous flare of her hips for a moment and then slid them slowly to the slimness of her waist above her ripped panties. Her skin was most sensitive there and twitched involuntarily under his touch. Sally trembled as she sensed his heavy breathing stop for an instant as he leaned over her. She felt as though his eyes were boring right through her quivering tits as the heat of his hand traced a tingling path just before their leering gaze.

"Damn it, man, why don't you just go ahead and get on her and fuck her?" she heard Pete wheeze. "I can't stand watching her much longer."

"Just about ready..." With that, Sam's hands slipped to the cotton clad firmness of her gently uplifting tits. He wasted no time in wedging his hands behind her back and, with a neat snap of his fingers, undoing the tight clasp of her bra. The smooth resilient mounds seemed to sway out of their own accord, their tiny brown nipples coming to instant erection as the cool night air rushed over them.

Sally squirmed for a helpless moment, letting out a deep tortured sigh when the swamp man's lips came into warm contact with one of the smoothly rounded spheres and he kissed it lightly, tracing a hot moist path to its tip that stiffened again in spite of her revulsion. She clenched her teeth and gnashed them. A man touching her like this couldn't make her tits feel good. It couldn't!

"Oh ... ooohhh, pleeeease, no!" she pleaded in abject supplication, but her protests seemed to incite the man rather than to stop the insane play of his lips and kneading fingers over her hotly quivering naked titties.

Sam knelt down to the side of the blanket and again Sally was filled with the vain hope that he had decided to stop. She could feel his breath graze warmly against her flesh in a steady rhythmic pulse that kept time with the sharp pounding of her nipples and she could sense the slight change in his position as he reached up towards her leg. God, it was as though her vulnerable position had given her a second sight into the man's depraved mind and she was capable of foretelling his obscene intentions of fucking her before he had even touched her cunt. His hands ran the full length of her naked slim legs for a few indecisive moments before they came to rest on the remnant rags of her tattered panties, his fingers lingering there, fondling at the smooth, taut skin of her upper thigh just below her cunt lips.

Hot, stinging tears spilled in the helpless girl's eyes as the huge, burly swamp man slowly slipped his hands down to the sparse blonde frizz of her pussy hairs, stroking them lightly then teasing his finger gently downward to the soft virginal slit of her nakedly exposed pussy lips. Her stomach buckled up at the unaccustomed hot little sensation up between her legs. But he was caught up in his lewd task of exploring her cunt and didn't seem td notice.

Sally, cowering back now in complete terror, her eyes closed, heard the harsh metallic sound of a zipper being opened in haste in front of her. She felt the big rough man lift himself up beside her, and then she felt the warm smooth pressure of his cum-foaming cock head being pressed against her naked thighs. She could feel its, stickiness where the wet hot seminal fluid seeped from its large inflated cock head. He arched up on his knees directly over her. With his hands beneath her hips, he pressured her ass-cheeks off the blanket toward him, and in one swift ripping sound, tore the tattered remains of her panties from the full white half moons of her now stripped naked ass.

"Oh, God," she moaned in fear and humiliation, feeling the silky material catch between her knees. She jerked back frightened when his hands reached down and ripped them from her legs, pawing only seconds for him to admire her tits and pussy.

"She sure has a sweet little cunt, Pete. Look at that tight little fuck hole!"

His meaty hand reached her and with a sudden jerk, he pulled her up against him and thrust his mouth over hers, his tongue snaking down past her lips into the depths of her throat. She lay next to him limply, despair filling her mind as she felt the hardness of his cum-slickened cock throbbing into the tender softness of her belly.

There was no escaping getting her cherry fucked away now, and she realized it clearly as she sensed his hands roaming over her huge vulnerably defenseless tits. Then the lewdly grinning swamp man began working his way down the length of her naked trembling figure, licking his tongue down between the twin peaks of her mountainous breasts until he reached the flat tantalizing plane of her stomach. His tongue darted into her belly button tormenting her and she groaned slightly and seized his hair to pull him away. But with a low growl, he pushed even further down, aiming for the split of her thighs and reaching underneath her ass with his hands to raise her naked cunt up to meet his face.

"No, nooohhhh, please, not that! Don't lick my pussy..." she screamed in an agony of embarrassment and fear. But he had squirmed upside down on the blanket and thrown his leg over her body in such fashion that his knees were on either side of her head, holding her pinned tightly down, while his long cum-glistening cock swung heavily down over her face. His head was burrowing hotly between her legs like a hungry rodent and his tongue-fucking slippery in and out of the moist flowering slit of her nakedly entrapped cunt.

The girl's cunt jerked involuntarily upward as she felt the electrifying contact between his lewd, wetly slavering tongue and the tiny pink tit of her clitty. As she raised her head to look down in shock, her lips accidentally brushed the bulbously throbbing tip of his massively swinging cock. She turned her head away instantly hearing a lewd grunt of satisfaction coming from the hot cunt-lapping mouth down between her widespread legs.

The old man took advantage of her movement to improve his position, pushing her legs even further apart and clamping his sweating palms against the naked inner flesh of her thighs. She struggled to pull her legs and cunt lips together again, but it was a hopeless battle against his vastly superior strength. She raised her head slightly trying to avoid his hard cock and could see down between her huge tits as he poised over her like a beast of prey.

Trapped in moist flesh of her naked pussy was offered up to him in helpless sacrifice and she could see the saliva and her own juices glistening around his panting mouth as he tongue-fucked hotly at the helplessly spread lips of her cunt.

Slowly, this thumbs moved from the half moons of her ass-cheeks up into the soft, fuzz-fringed split between her thighs and reached the tender pink lips covering her tight little cunthole. Then, with a slow torturing movement of his fingers, he drew the sparse hairs of her cunt apart, exposing the smooth wet inner walls to his lustful eyes. For a moment, he seemed content merely to gloat over her nakedness as she lay helplessly trapped upside down beneath him in this desolate swamp, with only the lap of the water to drown the roar in her head.

Then, he snarled like a starving animal and ground his face abruptly back down into the thin fuzzy patch between her legs. His snake-like tongue lapped teasingly at the thin vertical opening and began fucking hotly up into the sensitive throbbing walls of her thumb-split cunt-hole.

Her body jerked involuntarily as a desperate moan hissed from her lips and her nakedly spilt ass-cheeks began to grind recklessly down into the blanket, as she futilely attempted to escape this obscene animalistic tongue-lapping of her cunt.

"Please, oooohhh! Don't tongue fuck it!" she cried and then quickly snapped her mouth shut as he pushed his cock lower in an attempt to fuck the heaving pulsating hardness into her open mouth. She could not believe that this humiliation was actually happening to her. She searched her past in one fleeting second, desperately trying to reason what she had ever done to deserve such humiliating debasing. Oh God, it was a horrible, unbelievable nightmare! She was being fucked in her nakedly split pussy hole by a seventy year old swamp man, it was far from a nightmare.

He listened to the girl's groans with keen pleasure, feeling the soft blonde hair of her head brush against his inner thighs as she flailed her head helplessly back and forth between them. Again and again, his persistent tongue speared in and out, flicking in and out of the involuntarily dilating walls of her helpless cunt. This was not the first time in his life that the man had rape-fucked an innocent girl caught alone in the swamp. He was getting to be something of a master at teaching them doggie tricks.

The old swamper knew that a woman's body can be forced to act independently of instructions from her brain. No woman an alive, not even the Mother Superior in a convent full of nuns could withstand the hot slippery licking of her pussy without reacting in some way. Some things were beyond the control of the mind, Sam knew. And already he could feel that the walls of her hot little cunt hole were beginning to give off the warmly tasting juices of slickness which preceded the act of fucking.

There was not the slightest doubt in his mind that against her will, her pussy was becoming aroused and wanting to get fucked. And, in spite of the insecure, uptightness she obviously felt about a cock fucking into her, Sam rightly knew there was nothing the snooty little bitch could do about it! A woman's cunt was king when a tongue was in it!

Sally sobbed as she felt the tiny trickle of hot cunt juice beginning to gather deep inside her unwilling pussy, and slowly radiate out in all directions, into her legs and up as far as her heaving chest. Her huge naked tits jiggled back and forth as he fucked his hotly licking tongue up into her with increasing speed. She could feel the tiny pointed nipples becoming rock-hard and erect, despite the horror in her mind.

The seventy year old man's mouth and tongue lapped mercilessly up between her open thighs and he knew that her cunt's surrender was just around the corner and had to come soon. Already she had stopped smuggling and was moaning passively and submissively beneath him while he devoured her nakedly spread pussy below. She had to give in! No human female could take this kind of treatment forever without sooner or later screaming to be fucked!

"Ooooh, God! Don't! Please don't lick my pussy," she droned on helplessly even as she recognized that now there was nothing more that she could do. She lay in helpless, almost masochistic submission as great team of shame and humiliation welled up in her eyes. This is the end, her mind dazedly thought. After this, I can never hold my head up again.

Who would even have thought that she would ever be lowered to the point where she would lay whimpering and moaning while a seventy year old wild man slavered like an animal with his tongue fucking far up inside her hot defenseless cunt! She had never before realized that a lewd, obscene pussy-licking defilement like this was even possible and now, God, it was happening to her! He was reaming her cunt out like crazy!

Oh, God, where was her father? Why wasn't he here to help her? Her mind reeled again with the remembrance of the lewd scene back there in the swamp where she watched him fuck the girl. How could he moan in pleasure the way he did when he fucked that girl, knowing his own daughter was all alone with the other two wild men?

The old man felt her heavily running tears wash over his inner thighs as she thrashed her head back and forth between them and he smiled with grim satisfaction. This would teach the snotty stuck up little bitch not to go running around like she was better than everybody else. Putting down Sissy when she was no better than a slut herself! He'd teach her a thing or two and the fuck lessons were going to go on all night. And after that he'd take her back to the alligator skinnin' camp and keep her for his fuck and suck slave for as long as he damned well pleased.

Before the night was over he'd have her squirming her haughty little ass around like a heated bitch and begging for it. Maybe he would make her suck off Pete while he fucked his cock into her from behind. That would be one hell of a lesson. There was nothing he liked better than taking an innocent girl who thought she was hot shit and turning her into a wild-cunt swamp woman.

Giving her an extra deep fuck of his lashing tongue, Sam's eyes fell upon the tiny elastic circle of her asshole, nestled fearfully down between the smoothly curved moons of her ass-cheeks.

This should blow her uptight little skull, he told himself and withdrawing his tongue from her now visibly pulsating cunt, he sent it snaking viciously into the tight puckered little hole of her ass.

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Camping with Mom

Camping with MomHi to all.I was reading Iss from last so many year,N finally i wrote something.Please any gals or aunties from anywhere in gujarat for any kind a relation do contact me on my id [email protected]. It was January 2008 and I was your normal almost 19 year old… always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and...

2 years ago
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Camping with my aunt and her friends

while visiting my aunt for the 1st time in years she invited me on a camping trip she was having with a couple of her girl friends that next weekend. I love camping and had nothing better to do so I agreed. My aunt is in her 40s, divorced, no k**s, and a heavier set woman. Like 5-6 and a solid 280lbs big boobs and a giant ass. She started telling me about all of her friends that are going. They were megan and tayna both divorced older woman as well with grown up k**s. So now I start realizing...

4 years ago
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Camping With Mom by robertlean

True Story, Boy, Cheating, Cuckold, Erotica, i****t, Male / Older Female, Male/Female, Masturbation, Mature, Wife, YoungIntroduction:Boy and His Mother Go CampingNote: I am not the Author of this story. I recently read this much of the story on this website (XNXX) with less grammar etc. I searched the web for the rest of the story and will be uploading them part by part at some point during this week. The reason for the delay in uploads is that I am editing Grammar, Paragraphs, and re-typing...

2 years ago
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(A family camping trip takes a turn for the better)Al was looking forward to leaving on their camping trip as he packed the RV. He and Erin hadn't been on a decent vacation in years. And they had always dreamed of driving around the west and seeing the mountains and all of the wonders of the desert. Even though their daughter Sue was coming along as well as her cousin Robert, Al was determined to have as much fun with Erin as if they were by themselves. Lately they had just been falling into a...

2 years ago
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Camping with my girlfriend

Quick background info for those who haven't read any of my other stories.I'm a bi-bottom guy, and I'm submissive by nature. My submissive side was always a secret until I started to experiment with my girlfriend of 3 years which led to her becoming the dominant person in our day to day lives and led her to cuckolding me and also watching me being fucked.Now that the background info is out of the way we can start with the story.This story is about a cuckold experience I had with my girlfriend...

1 year ago
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Camping Out

It's a super hot and sticky day. Late Friday afternoon in fact. Humidity hangs like a blanket in the air but the sun is finally sinking to the horizon. There is not a breath of wind anywhere or a cloud in the sky, so even just sitting down doing nothing makes the sweat trickle off us both. I'm sitting on a log surveying our surroundings and waiting for the sun to disappear, when hopefully there will be at least a little relief from the stifling heat. You are opposite me, also sitting on a log....

Straight Sex
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Camping out to spice up an affair

It's a super hot sticky day...late Friday afternoon in fact. Humidity hangs like a blanket in the air but the sun is finally sinking to the horizon. There’s not a breath of wind anywhere, nor a cloud in the sky,and so even just sitting down doing nothing, makes the sweat trickle off us both. I’m sitting on a log surveying our surroundings and waiting for the sun to go down. Hopefully there will be at least a little relief from the stifling heat.You are opposite me, also on a log. Between us is...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Camping tied to a tree

Camping tied to a treeLast week I went camping with my husband and two other couples. We loaded the car with our supplies and headed off to the great outdoors. It was an hour and one half drive, and we made it to the campsite in good time. We were the first couple to make it to the camping area and were able to set up our campsite next to the lake. By the time we were done setting up our tent and other gear the other two couples had arrived and were setting up their stuff. The other...

3 years ago
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Camping in France

Heloo my lesbo friends!i am nazoo khan 28 years old.i am lesbian or bisexual girl.i have whiteash healthy sexy figure size is 38 28 38.i have a boyfriend loved me very much. He’s very cute and sexy as hell and has the dick of death. I love sucking on his awesome rod of power. After sucking his lund, i love fitting it in my wet pussy and tight asshole.i traveled many will be happend when i was in france. I’ve known clare for about three months. We both work in the...

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Camping with stepdaughter

Camping with stepdaughterpublished as 27 parts in 2011 by harry45I married a woman that had three daughters. The oldest Lesly is the one that this story is about.Her senior year in high school she had turned 18. She now had become very hot. She had long curly red hair and green eyes. She was 5’6” tall, 120 lbs and her breasts had filled out to a 34cc. Her body and legs were toned from 3 years of dance and mountain biking. I was going to go for a week camping trip during the summer to get away...

1 year ago
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Camping With Mom Part 1

Introduction: Boy and His Mother Go Camping Note: I am not the Author of this story. I recently read this much of the story on this website (XNXX) with less grammar etc. I searched the web for the rest of the story and will be uploading them part by part at some point during this week. The reason for the delay in uploads is that I am editing Grammar, Paragraphs, and re-typing sections of it. So consider this story Camping With Mom: Remastered. It was January 1985 and I was your normal 15 year...

1 year ago
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Al was looking forward to leaving on their camping trip as he packed the RV. He and Erin hadn't been on a decent vacation in years. And they had always dreamed of driving around the west and seeing the mountains and all of the wonders of the desert. Even though their daughter Sue was coming along as well as her cousin Robert, Al was determined to have as much fun with Erin as if they were by themselves. Lately they had just been falling into a routine and Al was determined that the romance and...

1 year ago
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Camping with my little Brother and Sister

sister should be getting we have been playing with each other and fucking each other almost every day before and after school even after everyone in the house is asleep we would sneak into each other’s bedroom and sleep together and wake up with a pussy and ass full of cum and pee, Ned never really had to use the toilet I was his personal toilet and cum bucket and his little slut and I loved every moment of it. My mum sister brother and i were all sitting to have dinner i could see Ned...

2 years ago
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camping with mom

visit on to see full series of these story It was the middle of the school summer holidays and I was bored, I even went through my mothers underwear drawer last week finding her sexy knickers and bras. I went as far as trying on a pair of her knickers, getting so turned on thinking that my balls were where her pussy rubbed that I came in them.My mother had three days off from work and she suggested we go camping for a couple of nights, just the two of us. My father is a truck...

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Camping with the family

It all started on partly sunny Friday right after getting out of school for summer break at the end of my junior year. My parents had decided to take the family and go on a nice family camping trip into the woods upstate as a way to help bond the family together because, well to be honest, the kids in the family did not get along very often as siblings often don’t. Speaking of siblings, I guess I forgot to mention how I am a 19 year-old male from a little town in southern New York and I have...

3 years ago
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Camping North

I had never been camping before like this, normally I would just camp in my back yard and when it rained go inside. Was never a nature lover. Anyway last summer I decided to start exploring Scotland and decided to go camping to Skye. I’ve never been this far North, to be honest I think the furthest North vie been is Edinburgh (and that not even north tbh more west to me) I started my day by getting everything loaded into the car. Everything managed to fit into my little Peugeot 206 although the...

3 years ago
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Camping North

I had never been camping before like this, normally I would just camp in my back yard and when it rained go inside. Was never a nature lover. Anyway last summer I decided to start exploring Scotland and decided to go camping to Skye. I’ve never been this far North, to be honest I think the furthest North vie been is Edinburgh (and that not even north tbh more west to me) I started my day by getting everything loaded into the car. Everything managed to fit into my little Peugeot 206 although the...

1 year ago
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Camping with the family

It was any other July in California, hot and dry. Our family was thinking about what to do this year for our family vacation. Every year the whole family gets together and we spend a week doing something fun. Last year we all went to Disney world. My wife and I have for beautiful children. It was the second Friday night of the month and we were barbequing in the back yard of my house. The kids were all there and having a good time. We have a pool and my daughter Patricia was running around with...

3 years ago
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Camping With My Cousins Part IIChapter 4

In order to refresh your memory, the females involved in this part of the story include Mrs. O’Brian, and her five daughters – Sally(16), Betty(17), Rose(18), Mary (19) and Veronica(20). When we decided to venture out into the New Jersey forest to check out our camping skills, only the five daughters and I decided to participate in the actual camping portion of the outdoors exercise. It is important to note that I had at one time or another actually humped all five sisters, my second cousins...

4 years ago
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Camping with Chris

Me and a couple of friends were cruising around, trying to find someone to get us high for free. Kevin suggested this gay guy that had lots of money and liked to buy large quantities of cocaine in exchange for company. Both me and Chris instantly said no. Kevin pointed out that we had nowhere else to go and plus there was three of us and only one of him. If we watched each others back there was no way anything could happen. We agreed and next thing we knew a average height slightly overweight...

1 year ago
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Camping Girl

Camping Girl Chapter 1 - Camping Ashley sat in the passenger seat of her boyfriend's 2006 Ford Ranger. It was a little bit of a beater and had a bunch of rust on it, but it still ran well enough. It was her boyfriend's first vehicle and he refused to get rid of it for nostalgia purposes. Sitting with the window down, she could feel the warm humid air blowing on her face and tussling her sandy brown hair. Her boyfriend, Mark, was taking her away for a weekend of camping. At 20,...

2 years ago
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Camping with the Boys

Camping with the boysOn one of our summer camping trips, Rebecca and I set up camp in a remote spot in Black Range State park. The camp ground was empty except for one other campsite.As we went about our business throughout the day we noticed that there were three young guys camped in the other occupied site. We had a chat with them and they told us that they were there for the week, just escaping the rat race like we were.They were nice fellas all in their early 20's, fit and good looking...

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Camping With Kelly

It was June of 1978. Patrick and I had grown up in families that went camping. We were as comfortable in a forest, on a lake, or at a campground as at home. He and I wanted to take our girlfriends, Kelly and Yvonne, camping. Kelly and I had recently been hiking at a park that was kind of out of the way and it had a small campground that was quite secluded. We had planned to go early in the week toward the end of the month.If you’ve not read of our previous adventures, here’s a super short catch...

Group Sex
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Camping with Chip

Camping With ChipPart 1I broke up with my boyfriend Marc two months ago. Since then I haven’t been very social. I have mostly kept to myself and avoided most outings. But Brad and Becky (aren’t they cute) were having their annual summer soiree’ and ‘No’ just wasn’t an option. That’s the night I met Chip. We both were assigned our half hour of ‘bar’ duty at the same time. We immediately hit it off. There was a sense that I had known him for many lifetimes. We talked about so many things...

2 years ago
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Camping Trip

Five summers ago, I went camping with my cousin Ron and his friend James. We had a three bed camper, it was nice, it had a mini fridge and they brought a little propane grill. There was a T.V. as well, what more could you ask for. If we had to take a shower or use the bathroom, we had to walk to an area that had that. The camp was in the national park. We were going to stay a week or two. So this is how it went with the beds. There were three beds, one on each end of the camper and the 3rd one...

2 years ago
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Camping with Tristen

Tristen and John lived in Colorado, not too far outside of Denver. They were good friends that had known each other for 4-5 years through high school and afterward. John was originally friends with Tristen’s sister, and got to know Tristen when he hung out with her sister. John was 3 years older that Tristen who was just a few weeks older than 18. John and Tristen would play volleyball together at the park with some other friends occasionally and they would also play video games some. ...

3 years ago
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camping with mom

visit on to see more top rated stories like these It was January 1985 and I was your normal almost 16 year old... always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips up into the mountains to hunt & fish. We'd spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake.... most times without seeing...

1 year ago
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Camping With Mom

I forget where I copied this story from and who actually wrote it but I saw that it had potential so here ‘tis. I could have spent more time on it but it’s a whole lot more readable than it was. SSBIt was January 1985 and I was your normal almost 16 year old... always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips...

2 years ago
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Camping with Mom

Hi to all.I was reading Iss from last so many year,N finally i wrote something.Please any gals or aunties from anywhere in gujarat for any kind a relation do contact me on my id It was January 2008 and I was your normal almost 19 year old… always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips up into the mountains...

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Camping with Chris

Camping with ChrisBy NancyCamping is so not my favorite activity but my friends were so excited and I can never say no when they get that way. So off we go four girls, the four amigos, the four musketeers, well you get the picture…Amy, the stuck up bitchy one, Brenda, the aggie hippie, Diana the mother figure, and me, Nancy, the reformed virgin. How we got to be friends is anyone’s guess as different as night and day, but our group meshed and fast friends we became.Destination Savannah, the...

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Camping With Mom

Originally By Mark... (Below this is the intro that went with the 2008 posting of my re-write of the story ... The original author, Mark, read it, contacted me, complimented my version and gave me its background, telling me that it was a true story but it only happened once. (( I forget where I originally copied this story from and who actually wrote it but I saw that it had potential, rewrote it and posted it on this site. )) I re-wrote and posted the story in 2008, on the same site that...

3 years ago
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Camping With Mom

(This is a story that I took off another website. You will see different variations on different websites.) It was January 1985 and I was your normal 15 year old ... always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips up into the mountains to hunt & fish. We’d spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite...

4 years ago
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Camping with My Boyfriend and His Friends

Camping with my Boyfriend and his friendsMy boyfriend Ronnie was over my house and asked me if I was interested in going camping with him and 3 of his friends. I have met all of them and didn’t see any problem with going with them. I told him that I would enjoy getting away for a couple days. He said that would be great and that he would pick me up on Friday. I told him I would be ready. After he left, I got my gear all packed up and ready to go. It was about 2 on Friday afternoon when Ronnie...

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Camping with the soninlaw

CampingWe were going camping with the daughter & son-in- law as usual we were running late so Sam said he would meet us there. Wendy finally was ready to leave two hours later, she was dressed in short denim skirt & sheer white singlet top way to big for her as it showed a lot of side boob. I said bit sexy for camping don't you think & she replied no! Because I want to go to that waterfall when we setup camp for a swim. We finally got to our campsite next to Arielle & Sam they...

2 years ago
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Camping trip

Camping trip. An adventure with a hotwife and 2 teen boys while hubby watched. We’d planned our camping trip for quite a while and were excited to finally get away. Of course as the day neared, the forecast got worse and worse for the area we were heading to. We had to decide whether to go or not and decided to go because we’d at least get a break from the day to day.The day to leave arrived and the weather wasn’t bad at our end so we headed out but as predicted, when we arrived we were greeted...

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Camping weird and exciting

Cindi, my wife and I have take up camping lately. She’s 24 years old, 5;6” 110 lbs, short blond and small firm tits. Muscular butt. I’m 6;2” 210 and lean. I rented a motor home and proceeded to a remote campground one of my buddies shared with me. We were the only ones there and here was also a small pond/lake. In late July and August it’s warm enough to skinny dip and we sped many hours doing just that.One weekend I spent some money at the climbing store before we headed to the mountains. Once...

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When my two best friends and I decided to make an annual tradition of taking a week-long camping in Oconee National Forest together with our wives, we had no idea how much fun it would end up being. We were as different as three white guys from the suburbs can be, but having been friends since kindergarten, we were as close as brothers. Nick was tall, blond and athletic; his wife Nina was a busty Italian girl, with a heart-shaped ass and pouty lips that were equally likely to sweet-talk you or...

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Camping with Parents Friends

As I said, I baby sat for them fairly often. When I was 15 or so, I got dropped off at their house. Jan was still getting cleaned up while she waited for Steve to get home. Her kids were asking her tons of questions in her bedroom and her door was open. I stood in the kitchen drinking juice and for some reason,15 year old curiosity I suppose, I slowly started inching to my right. As i did this, I was able to see more and more of Jan's room through the door. Inch by inch I crept, not...

1 year ago
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Camping with my wife

This a story is true and happened only a couple of weeks ago. I am 55 years old and have been married for 30 years, during that time I have been an active bi-sexually every since I was 14. My wife and I desired to go to the country camping to get away from the heat wave in the city. We made reservation at a nearby mountain site not far from home. When we got there the camp grounds were almost empty except for a handful of people. We went to our site we reserved and not 15 yards away was a guy...

1 year ago
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Camping with Daddy

Jared had planned this weekend months ago. He needed to try something. His daughter Molly had been sad for almost her entire high school career so far, and he was… Jared had planned this weekend months ago. He needed to try something. His daughter Molly had been sad for almost her entire high school career so far, and he was desperate to cheer her up. He was taking her camping, just the two of them, and he hoped he could get her to feel better about herself. Molly had just turned 18, and...

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It was going to be a wonderful weekend! The wife and I were headed for the shore and some camping and fishing. We enjoyed sleeping in a tent on our new air mattress's and waking up to a campfire breakfast. The small lake we were going to was also perfect for our small boat for fishing The lake was not a popular one because it did not have big sandy beaches. But it did have a beach in “our” spot. It took about an hour to get there. We stopped to let the owner of the property know that we would...

4 years ago
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camping trip

Disclaimer: All of my stories are true.please enjoy.This happen about three weeks ago while i was camping in the Sequoias. I was on a ten day camping trip and was on my sixth day there while going back to my camp I looked around an saw two older guys setting up their site. I smiled and kept walking. Later I was chopping some wood to get my fire ready when I heard a voice say looking good chopping that wood, as I looked up it was the to older guys whose names were Jim and Mike they were both...

2 years ago
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Camping at Lake Ford

Summer and almost gone when mom planned a camping trip, Now it was Early august and actually a tolerable 80 degrees. Great weather for lake side camping. Dad was in he loved camping he packed the truck after work, and we head out early the next morning. He woke me up at 3am, groggy and tired I made my way to the bathroom as I pushed the door open my mother was at the sink in a nightie. She had no bra on. I should explain my mothers figure 5'8" Curvy with huge breasts and over weight like any...

3 years ago
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Camping trip

It has been such a long few months for me. I have been working all winter and spring long that I don't remember the last time I took some time for myself. It was almost summer time. Means school would be out. I don't have kids of my own but my neighbors have some kids. While they are nice and good kids. Some days they can get alittle loud for my comfort. So with summer coming up I knew they would be outside alot being kids. I don't want to be that mean grumpy neighbor so I had to take time...

1 year ago
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Camping A Gay Teen Fantasy

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. Thanks, and Enjoy. This is FICTION, folks, and while it has its basis in reality, is not a true report of underage sex, or of underage persons watching other persons having sex. ...

2 years ago
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My school district lets out earlier than most and after graduating in early May and having just turned 18 I decided to go on a camping trip by myself for the first time in my life. I was a bit worried about being alone so much but the campground I picked was in a national park and I knew there'd be plenty of trails to keep me busy. So after loading my car with gear I headed out for my adventure.When I arrived at the campground it was about half full so I had no trouble finding a nice site that...

1 year ago
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Camping In Style pt 1

NOTE : this story is completely fictional! Never try this in real live!!! Last summer my 15-year-old daughter Linda wanted to go camping one last time before school started back up. I figured why not after all summer was just about over and it would be nice for the two of us go camping one last time. Then she asked if it would be okay if a friend came along. "Sure why not" I answered. I decided to take Friday off so we could leave Thursday and get up in the mountains to find a secluded spot....

3 years ago
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Camping with my daughter Katrina Day1

Is that the last one sweetheart? I asked my daughter Katrina when she handed me her last bag. She nodded her head and I closed the trunk. We both decided to go camping this year but since my wife had some bad experience with camping, its just me and my daughter. Have fun! Megan, my wife said and I gave her a quick kiss on her lips and squeezed her ass tightly. Its going to be hard living a week without sex but I promised my daughter so I got in the truck and waited for my daughter. Lets go...

3 years ago
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Camping with My Best Friends Mom

Darcy is my best friend's mom, she is 16 years my elder and all of these stories happened when I was 18 and a senior in high school, well actually they are the summer before my senior year.Darcy teased me into, teasing her to have sex with me, and eventually our short lived romance took off like a wild fire. These stories with Darcy are true, for the most part. They (the stories) are also branded in my mind's eye for life. We have not had sex since that summer, but every now and then when I see...

3 years ago
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Camping With Friends

Your name is Alex, and you are sitting in the back seat of a car. Of all of the strange and unlikely circumstances that could lead to you hanging out in the back seat of a vehicle, this one isn't so bad. You and three of your closest female friends have planned a camping trip for the summer, and unlike most of your plans, this one has actually worked out quite nicely. The four of you are headed out into the wilderness for a weekend that you can only hope will be filled with fun, adventure,...

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