Ebony EyesChapter 4 free porn video

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Rosie Devlin was a transfer from one of those swamp states - Mississippi, Louisiana, someplace. Her father got sick of big city life and I guess wanted to live off the land or some kind of macho bullshit like that. SO they moved up here and bought a few acres and he was trying to make a go of it as some kind of gentleman farmer. Why he picked this region, way the hell up here I didn't know, nor did I ever find out.

Rosie breezed into the school during the second semester of the 1960-61 school year, acting like she owned it and instantly got the attention of all the junior high boys. She was what they call black Irish. Big blue eyes, freckles, long limbs and oceans of black hair just spilling all over her shoulders. And for some reason, she set her sights on me.

I was sitting in the cafeteria with Tabby, a couple of weeks after school started again, when she came over to my table and just sat down without bothering to ask if she could.

"Hi. Bobby, isn't it?" she chirped, opening up her lunch bag and completely ignoring Tabby, who started to simmer on a slow burn. Her voice made me think of mint juleps and lazy days on the porch while the magnolias waved in the breeze, but I somehow got the feeling that there would probably be a poison worm in the bottom of the julep glass and the magnolias were rotten.

I felt caught in the middle, but I didn't want to be rude, so I said, "Bobby Torrence, yes."

She smiled a big, sharklike smile that showed a lot of incredibly white teeth. I guess it was supposed to be a fetching smile, but all it reminded me of was a picture of this fucking plant called a Venus Flytrap that I saw in the science book. She didn't want a fucking introduction; she wanted to gobble me up and spit me out.

"Hi, Rosie Devlin," she continued to chirp in that molasses and magnolia voice, leaning forward and grabbing my hand and giving it a shake. "I'm new here."

"Uh, welcome to Salmon Lake," I said, carefully keeping an eye on Tabby, whose face was starting to get red.

"Oh hi," Rosie said, pretending to just notice her. "And who might you be?"

"Tabbitha Langston. And don't call me Tabby," she hissed.

Ooh, she was really pissed. Rosie, however, pretended not to notice.

"I think it's just nice of Bobby here," she said, still with that flytrap smile. "I mean, you being a black girl and all, and he's hanging out with you and -"

One of the things that hadn't been mentioned yet was the issue of Tabby's race. I knew she and her family were black - actually, one of only a few in the area, but I didn't care. And since they ran the local dairy, nobody daresd complain; who knew what they might put in the milk. Ha ha. Race riots had never really been a problem up here in rural southwest Washington, and I never gave a second thought to the fact that my best friend in the whole world was black. Her race was never an issue. It might've been had we lived in Seattle or Portland, where they had segregated neighborhoods, but out in our little one-horse town, nobody cared.

Now, here was this crazy girl from one of those alligator states trying to insinuate that I was doing Tabby a big ass favor by even bothering to breathe the same fucking air as her. Her family probably threw on robes and masks and burned crosses in yards back in Louisiana or wherever they were from. If I hadn't learned never to strike a woman, I probably would've laid her right out on the lunchroom floor amidst the candy wrappers and empty sandwich bags. But I was beaten to it.

I never saw the punch coming, but all of a sudden, perfect Rosie Devlin was sitting on her ass amidst a pile of her lunch things. Tabby was standing over her looking so insanely angry I was suddenly very very glad I wasn't Rosie. Then, before I could get off my ass and move, Tabby stormed off, knocking her chair over and leaving the cafeteria.

If it weren't for the seriousness of the situation, I would've laughed. Rosie was sitting there on her well-groomed ass in the middle of a spill of sandwich bags, on the dirty floor of our cafeteria. I heard a flurry of laughter from a few girls (Rosie had already apparently tried to steal their boyfriends) but before I could think about that, I suddenly found myself with a serious problem.

There was a hard hand on my shoulder and the voice of Mr. Henderson, the principal, was saying: "Someone is in a great deal of trouble Mr. Torrence. Come along now." And before I could really wrap my head around things, I was sitting in his office. As we left, I saw Mrs. Kearns, the school nurse, rush over to Rosie, after shooting me a disgusted glance.

"Want to tell me how Ms. Devlin ended up on the floor with a black eye, Mr. Torrence? Or do I need to make an educated guess?" he inquired, with a faint hint of sarcasm. I was sitting in front of his desk and he was leaning on it, looming over me. If I had really been the one in the wrong, I would probably be scared, but I hadn't been.

As it was, there were a thousand thoughts racing through my mind just then. First, there was no way in hell I was going to tell the principal that it was Tabby who had knocked Rosie on her ass, no way in hell. If that meant I'd have to take a suspension from school, I'd do it for Tabby. I didn't blame her at all for doing it either; there was not an ounce of I "wish she hadn't done that" in my thinking.

Second, if Rosie decided to lodge a complaint, she would probably finger Tabby as the one who hit her. She had revealed to me that she hated black people by her oh so patronizing statement in the lunchroom. Poor Tabby had walked right into a possible situation that would make Rosie feel vindicated that her hatred of the niggers was justified, and if Rosie's father was as rich as it seemed, based on her manner of dress and the fact that he had just scooped up quite a few acres of land with nary a thought, real trouble could be landing on the head of the Langston family. With the benefit of adult hindsight, I sometimes wonder if Rosie deliberately provoked that punch, although she was still only twelve like Tabby and I, and I don't like to think your average twelve-year-old is that cold bloodedly calculating.

So I was trapped between two opposing hammers. If I said I hit Rosie I would be suspended, no matter the reason. If I said Tabby did it, I would lose respect for myself, because I didn't take the fall for her. But Rosie would undoubtedly say that Tabby did it anyway, just because she didn't like niggers, even though, since she was only twelve fucking years old like the rest of us, she probably didn't have a clue and was only regurgitating what her family had fed her. I honestly didn't have a clue what to do.

All of this went through my mind in about two seconds, and I had just about decided to man up and take the fall for Tabby, when the door flew open and, speak of the devil, in she ran.

"I hit her, Mr. Henderson," she panted, raindrops glistening in her curls and her face flushed. "She insinuated that Bobby here was doing me a big favor because he was hanging around a black girl and I just lost my temper and hit her."

Mr. Henderson looked extremely skeptical. "That sounds a bit far-fetched," he said, pinning both of us with a laser-like gaze. "Why would Ms. Devlin say something like that?"

We both shrugged. We had all heard horror stories about some of the weird racial bullshit going on down south and that was where Rosie was from, bringing all that up here with her, but we weren't going to say any of that to Mr. Henderson. He was an adult and when you're twelve you don't tell adults anymore than they need to know. I think he snatched me up because I was a boy and boys hit people and it probably didn't cross his mind to think that a girl would resort to punching somebody. It was that kind of era.

Henderson sighed and went to sit behind his desk. He rubbed his face tiredly and looked back up at us. Tabby was standing protectively behind me with one hand on my shoulder. It was the same hand that had smacked Rosie a good one, I idly noticed.

"I'd better call your parents, Ms. Langston. Until this is resolved one way or another I think you should both go home."

This was pretty fucking unfair, but I decided to just keep my mouth shut, and so did Tabby.

Twenty minutes later, Mr. Langston was there and, after exchanging a few words with the principal, led us to the truck.

"Where's Mom?" Tabby wanted to know.

"She's dealing with some suppliers back home. Urgent meeting, couldn't get out of it."

We climbed in the truck and Mr. Langston put the keys in the ignition, but didn't start it.

"Okay, kids, tell me what happened," he said, looking at us severely.

I decided to narrate.

"There's this transfer kid from down south somewhere. Name's Rosie Devlin. She came up and said something about how I was doing Tabby a big favor by hanging around her because she's black and Tabby, um, decided to show her how she felt about that."

"How did you get involved, Bobby?"

"I was sitting there when it happened and I guess Mr. Henderson probably thought I did it."

He turned to Tabby, who was sitting next to me in the back seat, looking half defiant, half scared. "Why didn't you tell the principal that you did it?"

"I did! I was outside trying to cool my temper and I heard that Henderson had dragged him into the office. I ran all the way in there and told him that I did it."

I was watching Mr. Langston's face in the rear view mirror and noticed, with a little fear, that his face was as serious as I'd ever seen it.

"Well, Tabby, I understand why you did what you did. We haven't had to put up with a lot of the racial problems way up here that your friend Rosie and her family lived with. If you were both white girls it would probably pass quickly, but because you're black and she's white and because she's from the south where stuff like that matters more, things are going to get complicated. I hope they won't but I have been down there and I know something is going to happen."

"I'm sorry, Daddy," Tabby said in a small voice. "She just made me mad ... I didn't want to cause us trouble." She was sniffling now, on the verge of tears. I did something I hadn't done before and took her hand, which earned me a slight widening of the eyes and a smile. She squeezed my hand gratefully and got herself under control.

"I know, child. I understand why you did what you did, but we have to do damage control now. I'm not all that upset with you, although we are going to have to have a talk about violence not being the answer to every problem. You've just never much had to deal with the race thing, but we do now in this case."

"What're we going to do?" I wondered.

"We're going to drive to Mr. Devlin's place and tell him exactly what happened. Actually Bobby is."

Tabby went a little pale, and her hand tightened, but she nodded bravely. "Will that work?"

Mr. Langston shrugged and started the truck's motor. "Maybe, maybe not. At the least we can try to head off any wild story his daughter might tell him."

I got it. I was going to be the one telling the story because I was white. Since Mr. Devlin was new here, he probably didn't know that I lived with the Langstons and would thus - hopefully - view me as an independent witness.

Not a word was said on the drive to the Devlin place. I was feeling bad for Tabby, who was looking worried, and nervous for myself, because I didn't know how this meeting would go. Mr. Langston was looking very grim as he piloted the truck through the gently falling drizzle. The only sound was the hum of the motor and the sound of the occasional rock hitting the undercarriage as we drove down the country roads.

At last we pulled up in front of a slightly battered farmhouse that was in the process of being renovated. Several workmen were bustling around and a scaffolding was erected against one side of the building, and a crew was up there either removing or adding windows to the upper story. There was the sound of saws and hammers and drills, even through the closed windows of the truck.

I spotted who I guessed was Mr. Devlin standing under a lean-to, going over big rolls of plans with somebody who I supposed was the job foreman. Devlin was a tall lean guy with black hair in a crew cut. He was wearing brand new over alls and shiny black boots, looking every inch the gentleman farmer.

"I guess that's him," I said, breaking the silence and pointing to the wanabe farmer.

Mr. Langston shut the truck down and turned to me. He was going to say something, but before he could, another car pulled up and out stumbled Rosie, with a big shiner on her right eye.

"Oh shit," Tabby said quietly. "This can't be good."

"Given the circumstances, I'll overlook your language, young lady," Mr. Langston said. "But I agree, this can't be good."

We all got out of the truck and I reluctantly moved away from Tabby, trying to make it look like I didn't really know her that well and was only along for the ride. Mrs. Kearns, who had driven Rosie out here, got back in her car and drove away, after saying something to Mr. Devlin, who was looking decidedly upset. His face was red and his fists were clenched; he looked as though he wanted to take a big, juicy bite out of somebody. Even before he spoke, my impression was that he was a grade A, prime asshole.

"So tell me why I shouldn't drag your nigger asses to the sheriff, Langston," he sneered, striding through the wet grass of the front yard to get into Mr. Langston's face, and completely ignoring me. Rosie was standing next to a pine tree by the driveway, smirking at the proceedings. I hated her.

"Well," Mr. Langston said, not backing down, "for one thing, Royce, the sheriff isn't likely to get involved with this. This isn't Alabama, or wherever it is you're from. Secondly, while I don't approve of my daughter's actions, I brought her out here to apologize in person to both you and your own daughter so this doesn't go any further than it has to."

I wondered why he had changed the plan, but then I saw that it wasn't likely to work, because the guy was still steaming mad and wasn't likely to listen to me anyway. That crack about Alabama went over about as well as a turd in a punch bowl too.

"Tabby, come over here," Mr. Langston said, before Mr. Devlin could speak. Tabby was sort of hiding behind me, looking a bit scared.

"I don't want to hear nothin' from your brat," Mr. Devlin blustered. "She hit my daughter, she's a menace and should be expelled. She don't belong in schools with decent folk."

By this time I was seeing red myself and it was all I could do to stay silent. Tabby looked like she wanted to punch him out too, but thankfully restrained herself.

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Purge, purge, purge, hotter, hotter, hotter, how it is, true story, more forthcoming. Over the years, I have gone out walking very early mornings, to prance and strut, usually wearing shorts or short-shorts, with tennis shoes or flip flops, sometimes bringing dresses and high heels along if the environment right. It was mostly for my own experiences to test how I truly felt and later became for my own pleasures, although simultaneously sorta expecting and/or looking for another hard dick to...

2 years ago
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Ebony MILF experience

I found this milf on Tinder. She is 42 and seemed really nice to talk to but I wasnt sure if she was DTF right away.This is the story of how I seduced her and my bet paid off.She is tall, light skinned, wide hips and i could figure she had big boobs. I met her was close to her work. I parked my car and then we went to grab drinks.After about 1.5 hours of chatting , we finally got to car and made out. I asked her to get in the back seat for more action. She refused and said she is afraid the...

2 years ago
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Ebony black girl abused by white guy

After many hours at work I had finally finished and it was time for home it was late. I put on my coat left the building and got in my car it was 3am and the roads were quite. Driving through the quite city streets I notice a young black girl walking down the centre of the road I slow down and drive slowly along side her. I wind down the window and ask if she is ok to which she replies yes I'm just a lil drunk can u give me a lift home. The girl is hot with a skinny body and very young looking...

3 years ago
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ebony teens love white boy cunt

''hold him down , hold him , oh yes this cute ass is going to open , it must be cute like a cunt''''stop moving , stop moving white boy , you gonna stay in these all movie as you suck our pussies''the 2 cutes black teen iam going to see a movie with at the cineparc, are crazy i should have known they were up to something when my cute school friend said i could learn to eat her pussy at the cineparc tonightmy tiny ass about to be plug by the weird red lycra panty with a bult-in black cock head...

5 years ago
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Ebony sucker

The phone rang at the security desk. Bill put down his newspaper and looked at the clock. It was 8:10; everyone should have been gone by now. He picked up a pencil to log the call, then answered the phone. “Security desk, Bill speaking.” “Hi Bill.” The woman’s voice was soft and smooth. “It’s Jayde. I’m hoping that you can help me.” “I’ll do what I can, ma’am. What seems to be the trouble?” “Ah, well, no...

3 years ago
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Ebony EyesChapter 2

I almost surely would've died if it hadn't been for Tabby. She saved me, again. It was a boiling hot day in southwest Washington. I think the thermometer topped off at 105 degrees, and it was dry as a barbecue pit in hell. All of us were pretty much loafing in the house with the windows open and fans blowing as hard as they could. The cows were huddled miserably in the barns and under trees. All we wanted to do was sleep. "Let's go to the lake," Tabby said suddenly. She was curled up...

3 years ago
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Ebony EyesChapter 3

Christmas at the Langstons' was always a big, hectic event. The previous six years that I'd stayed there, we would always go to visit various relatives around the Pacific Northwest and have Thanksgiving and Christmas with one of them. I was introduced as part of the family, and I always felt welcome and not like a stray puppy they picked up on the side of the road, even though that's kind of what I was. This year, though, we were staying at the farmhouse and the relatives would be coming...

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Ebony EyesChapter 5

Kisses on the cheek and other small affectionate gestures became quite commonplace the rest of that year. Then, in August, Tabby once again escalated things. On Labor Day weekend, we went out to Vancouver Lake again, Tabby wearing a billowy sarong thing that floated around her in the hot summer breeze. It wasn't nearly as hot as it had been last year when I almost drowned out here - I figured it was probably about eighty, but it was hot enough to do some swimming. There weren't a whole lot...

3 years ago
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Ebony EyesEpilogue

I was dead, but I was still thinking. I hung suspended over my corpse for a moment, watching it gasp its last. No blood had spilled out of the bucket, but the pale, dead looking hands flopped off the rim into the corpses lap, spilling a few last drops on the newspaper. Nice and neat. And then suddenly my incorporeal essence was yanked upward through the roof, as though it were on a string and somebody who was really, really pissed was yanking on it. I flew up through the cloudy sky and...

1 year ago
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Ebony Fantasies Are Fulfilled Ch 1

My relationship with a black sexy legs. The more I stared at her the more my I lusted after her. Looking up from her menu she noticed me staring and asked, "What the fuck are you looking at?" I replied, "I'm looking at you of course." “You are perhaps the most beautiful woman, black or white I’ve ever seen.” She then snapped at me with, "You got a problem white boy?" She then looked at me with wide eyes of shock. She walked over to my table and sat down across from me. Introducing herself as...

1 year ago
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Ebony Fantasies Are Fulfilled Ch 2

In chapter one I was laying in a hotel room with my naked body laid across the bed, waiting on my lover to come out of the shower. As the lights were dim and smell of incense burned in the air my lover walked out of the bathroom into the dim room. All I could make out was a dark figure standing in the darkness. When she walked out of the darkness into the light my mouth drooped and my face turned red as the sun. It was Diana's mother Gloria standing in a long black silky robe smiling. Gloria...

2 years ago
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Is there still somebody who has not heard about My Ebony GF? I mean, this site is literally everywhere, and it often shows up as an ad when you are browsing other types of black pornography (aka not amateur). However, since it does look like an ad, and you cannot view their content until you become a member, I decided to create an account and tell you all about it.One thing I really dislike about My Ebony GF is the fact that they do not let you see anything before you create an account, and you...

Premium Black Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Ebony Galore, aka ebony clipss! If you love watching black women get nasty for the camera as much as I do, then you are probably always looking for the next great resource for black porn. Yes, I suppose you could continue looking at top tube sites forever and hoping that you see something new. By all accounts, you’re never going to run out of black porn if you stick with PornHub and the other top tube sites that everyone and their mother knows about.But if you are looking to branch out and want...

Black Porn Sites
3 years ago
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A Fun Night With My Mom

The time was around 5:30pm and I got home and wanted to jack off. While jacking off, I was looking at porn and dreaming of doing it with my “hot” mom. This was in my bedroom. After I cummed, I went into the bathroom to clean myself up. My bathroom door was open, and while cleaning myself, my dick was fully erect. I heard a “what are you doing?” and I turned around and it was my mom! I told her that I was going to take a shower, and she said “can I join you?”...

4 years ago
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First Swing a true story

First Swing (c) Fred Lake 2013 This is an expanded version of the story of our first swinging experience, what Fred told you earlier. This happened over 30 years ago, in the mid-70s.We had been married a couple of years. Wife-swapping (as it was then called) was new and naughty. You saw it mentioned on TV and in magazines but nobody knew anybody who had actually done it. And nobody wanted to ask around and find out. But with birth control, why the hell not swap around and have some fun? I...

3 years ago
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He Was Just a Nice Guy

And Now He Is Mr. Mom The blond with the double D tits pulled the red head slut into her open pussy and enjoyed her oral ministrations. Soon the three men in the room joined in. The red head was soon impaled by a huge cock, and it had to be ten inches long. One of the men took the blond, and put a cock into her mouth, and was rewarded by her sucking like a calf at a tit. The blond was soon rolled over onto her stomach, still sucking mind you, and as the red head, now under her, was still glued...

5 years ago
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The Night I Shared my Wife Ch 2

I broke away from my beautiful wife and asked him, “Alec, would you like to dance with the lady?” That was probably one of the hardest things I had ever done, as badly as I wanted her right then! Alec looked at me with shock on his face. He had no idea that Michelle and I wanted him to be her leading man for some hot lovemaking. But, he eagerly got off the couch. I gave Michelle one last lingering kiss and passed her off to him. Alec looked a little shy at first, not sure what he should do,...

3 years ago
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FAMILY VOW.“Father is father, he granted to fuck all of them and son is son he have to fuck mammy only!”Morning Mike! Yes morning, Jessy. How are you doing? I am doing well, Mike.“What are doing in my bed room?” I asked. “Mike you know our dad is in work trip for two week” she replied.So far,: my name is Mike, I live with my family of few members. Just me, my sister called Jessy, my daddy who is engineer and my mom, she is a house wife. We live in one of beautiful mansion away from the city but...

2 years ago
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Date One Get The Other Free 8211 Part 2

Continued from part one … please read part one as this leads to a very exciting story ahead … . Avi and Pooja are in the car with me … .and we drive towards my apartment. All this time, my mind was ticking at the conversation in the restaurant, and waited for a signal from them to take it further. Avi broke the silence … said … what are you thinking of … ? Pooja said … I think hes nervous and wants to bail out … I said no way … I can handle you both … Are you sure?? Yes I said to Avi. Then...

2 years ago
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The Librarian

He held her head in is hands, cupping her ears to steady her while she stood, statuesque. Her feet planted slightly apart, arms hanging down by her sides. Apart from her eyes and heaving chest, noting else moved. John looked into her eyes with a steady stare, questioning and trying to gain reassurance that he had read her signals correctly. Letting go of her head, he undid the buttons of her heavy cardigan, pushing the bone shaped fastenings through the buttonholes, starting at the button...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 10

12.06 A.M.. Elaine’s teeth were brushed, skin moisturised, ready for sleep. Kneeling tall on her bed in the dark, she’d opened the sliding window widely. With her elbows resting on the windowsill, she smelled the fresh air. A warm breeze caressed her face, billowing the gauzy curtains. Street lamps and house lights dotted the hills that rolled into the distance and Elaine stared. Her room was on the opposite side to the quadrangle and looked away from the city. Until then Elaine had wished...

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Weve Got TonightChapter 3

They ended up on the seventh floor, of course. Harry paced in front of the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, not really thinking of anything in particular except Anne's wonderful lips, but the room caught on and a door appeared with a faint pop. Harry had to bite back a laugh when they walked in. Taking up one side of the well-appointed room was a gigantic four-poster bed with red and yellow hangings. Off to another side was a table with a bench seat, and in another corner was a Jacuzzi. On a...

3 years ago
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Sibling Seduction Ch 11

Their parents were off work the next day, so they stayed up later than usual. Their horny children were tortured enough, let alone having to wait. Jeff spent the evening fighting a hard on, Amy grew wetter and wetter with each passing minute. She mischievously changed into her ‘sleepwear’, which consisted of – loose blue hospital pants, and a white T-shirt that showed off her belly. Her panties accidentally were revealed above the pants, and ‘oops’ – they were pink with dark pink hearts. Then...

4 years ago
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I do not often frequent "lesbian bars" unless I am in the mood for a girl... which is often.Last Friday night, I dropped into one and immediately noticed a beautiful raven-haired, blue-eyed beauty (my weakness, truth be told) standing alone at the bar sipping something out of a large glass.I approached her and asked if she would like to dance. She agreed, and since it was a slow song, we were able to hold each other tightly, and I liked the way her body felt against mine.Then I took a big...

Quickie Sex
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The Verdict

"You may enter!" I hear a male voice emanating from a loudspeaker. The door in front of me opens and I move toward the individual standing in the middle of the room. "You've been prancing around," he tells me in his Cajun accent. "Pleaser. My favorite. All-American. Do you remember when you first saw the list of heels?" "Yes," I nod slightly. "Tell me," the man asserts. "It was a conversion table," I continue. "In inches, centimeters and millimeters. The table also said how...

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What’s so mad about Mad Glory Holes? I have a hard time believing anybody could be angry at a glory hole with all the holes open for business, so maybe they’re saying these glory holes are just fucking crazy as hell. They could also be referring to the sheer volume of glory holes because I just glanced at the tour page, and I can tell this isn’t some hole in the wall—it’s actually a bunch of holes in the wall. To be honest, it sounds like exactly my kind of place.You’ve probably already guessed...

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