Exhibitionist WifeChapter 7 free porn video

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The next day as Fred Holden had worked on the books for The Camera's Eye with Linda Sloan, he had queried her concerning Susan.

"She's all set-up for you... just like I promised..." Miss Sloan told him.

"And... she knows what she's in for... ?"

"Yes... damn it! She's a big girl!"

"How did you do it... ?"

"I just threatened to show her husband some damaging pictures..."

"Let me see them!" Fred ordered.

"That's not part of our bargain!"

"It is now! Let me see them!"

Reluctantly, Linda got the envelopes from her safe and gave it to him. "They're pictures of Susan and me... together."

"Great!" Fred removed the photos from the brown envelope and shuffled through them. "Yeah! These are great! I'll just use these myself!"

"No, you don't!" Linda flared. "How do I know you won't use them... against me!"

"Don't worry about that... as long as I get what I want!"

"Okay... you can have half of them!"

"All right!" Fred agreed. "... And just in case she balks... I'll use these to jog her memory!"

Fred gloated, "I've got it all worked out, Evelyn... and it's sure-fire to get me into the sack with that little blonde, Susan Merril--that's her name - and I've got her address... out near the University.

His wife looked at the photographs he showed her. "And you say that she's married... ?"

"Yeah, that's right, darling," Fred affirmed. "Her husband's a graduate student..."

Evelyn looked up at him with a new appreciation for his resourcefulness, glad that he was doing something that would perhaps lead him into her swinging world.

"There's only one point you've overlooked, Fred..." she suggested.

"Yeah... ? What's that... ?"

"Well... since she's married, you forgot to include me in a piece of the action... with her husband."

"You're still trying to get me into that group sex thing... aren't you... ?"

"You haven't tried it, yet..."

"And, I'm not going to!" Fred told his wife firmly.

"You're missing the time of your life..."

"Maybe... But, I'm going to make it with that sexy little blonde, all by myself!"

"Yes... she is sexy!" Evelyn agreed, looking through the photographs, again. "She must be really turned on!"

"I hope so!"

"When are you going to try to lay her, darling... ?"

"Tonight... !" Fred said with a grin. "While her husband's studying at the library."

"What's his name... ?"

"Ron, I think..."

"That's a nice name. Is he nice... too?"

"I wouldn't know, damn it!" Fred growled. "And, don't go thinking you can get next to him, either. I understand he's not taking care of his wife very well... in bed..."

"How do you know that... ?"

"Linda told me!"

"That's very interesting..."

"I told you to stop thinking about getting anything going with her husband!"

"I wouldn't think of it, darling..." Evelyn told him.

... But, she did do some thinking about it; as a matter of fact, after she had thought about it, she took some direct action. Evelyn had never gone through her husband's things before, but the situation called for a little gentle larceny. All she wanted was one of the most revealing of those photos in the envelope... along with the address for Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Merril. She found the address in his notebook, while her husband was busily shaving and showering. Getting the picture was easy, too... and she took her time in choosing exactly the right one.

Susan Merril was absolutely miserable. Gamely, she hid it from Ron, but she knew there was nothing she could do to avoid the situation. She was going to be forced into an adulteress' role, in order to save her marriage, for she was convinced that if Ron ever saw those pictures of her in lesbian embrace with her employer, Linda Sloan, he'd abandon her. Somehow, in her own mind, it was more damning than if she were being blackmailed for having made it with another man. At least Ron might be able to understand that... but for him to think that I'd become... that I'd be like Miss Sloan, too... God! I don't know what he'd think... but I know he wouldn't want to have anything to do with me... again!

In spite of her determination not to go back to The Camera's Eye, she felt she had to... until she found another job. All morning long, she spent in following up employment leads from the newspaper ads, but there were no jobs for which she could qualify... or which she felt she could perform.

So, feeling trapped, she reported for work as usual.

Miss Sloan checked her in for her regular afternoon schedule, asking laconically, "I thought you wouldn't be back... ?"

"I wish I didn't have to come back!" Susan told her coldly.

There was a great deal more Susan would have liked to tell her employer, but the cold fury in her wouldn't allow her to stay in the woman's presence any longer than she had to. "And, as soon as I find something else... I won't be back except to collect those negatives!"

"Now, what is it that's so important, Mrs. Holden... ?" Ron smiled. He was feeling both flattered and annoyed; flattered because such a lovely woman had come looking for him at the University library and annoyed because of having to waste the time to talk to her.

"Just call me Evelyn, and I'll call you Ron... okay?"

"Okay, now tell me whatever it is you've got in mind..."

"How about ordering a beer for me... ?"

"Okay... ?"

He called the waitress over and ordered two bottles of beer. They were in a little place very near the University, frequented mostly by students.

"Why don't you tell me about yourself... ?" she queried for a beginning.

"There's not much to tell. I'm just grinding away at the books, hoping to get a Doctorate one of these days..."

Their beer arrived. Ron drank healthily while Evelyn sipped at hers.

"... And, what about your wife, Susan... ?"

"Do you know her... ?" Ron questioned, taking another opportunity to let his eyes roam over her, liking her black- haired, hazel-eyed beauty and judging that she was perhaps only a year or two older than himself. Nice! Yes! He decided; she was definitely quite a woman... But, what in hell does she want... ?

"No... I don't know her, really... but I do know that she works as a Rent-a-model at The Camera's Eye Studio," Evelyn told him. "... And, I've seen some pictures of her... that were taken there..." Then, with a tiny, lewd smile, she lowered her voice and added, "Some very revealing... and obscene pictures... I should add!"

For a moment, Ron had the idea that she was a little kinky, so he asked, "Who took them... ?"

"My husband did!"

That's a relief! He grinned back at her, now, thinking he could put an end to their conversation and get back to his books. "If it bothers you... that your husband took some crotch-shots of my wife... you can stop worrying! I know all about the kind of pictures she's asked to pose for... and I'm damned grateful to her for working in a place like that, because she's helping me to get my degree!" He picked up his glass of beer and took a long, sucking drink of it. Setting the glass down he added, "I hope that puts your mind at rest. Any other problems are yours... and your husband's!" He started to get up. "Goodnight, Evelyn. I've got to get back to the library!"

"Before you leave, Ron... maybe you should hear the rest of what I have to tell you... and show you!" Evelyn suggested coolly, refusing to be dismissed.

Ron, only half out of his seat, sat down again, looked inquiringly at her and queried, "You've got something to show me... ?"

"Yes! Something I'm sure you'll be interested in!"

"What is it?"

"A photo!"

"Let me see it, then!"

"After I tell you what's happening, okay?"

"Okay! What's happening?"

"All right! Here goes! My husband, Fred, is mixed up, somehow, with that woman who runs The Camera's Eye. I don't understand what it's all about... but he has some kind of hold over her..."

"So what's that got to do with Susan?"

"Everything! He's gotten your address... and he's probably at your apartment, right now... laying your wife!"

"Do you really expect me to believe that?" Ron growled. "Anyway... the models are supposed to be protected from things like that!... So, how in hell could he get our address in in the first place... ?"

"I told you! Fred's blackmailing her boss, Linda Sloan!"

"... So, even if he does have our address... and assuming he does go there, I know that Susan wouldn't have anything to do with another man!"

"Oh, but she will! When Fred gets here... she's going to let him lay her... because she's being blackmailed into it by Miss Sloan!" Evelyn repeated herself.

"That's impossible!" Ran flared, jumping to his feet. "... But, just in case there's anything to this, I'm going to go home and check out your story!"

"It's not impossible, Ron! Here! Take a look at this!" Evelyn dug the photograph from her handbag and handed it to him. "There's the reason, she'll let Fred do it... because she doesn't want you to know what's really been happening at The Camera's Eye!"

Ron's eyes filled with instant rage as he saw his wife's likeness, her face distorted with ecstatic passion, eyes closed, as her tongue licked upward cuttingly along the short, hardened length of another woman's clitoris. His anger was directed at himself almost as much as against Susan, for he realized that if he were taking care of her sexual needs properly there would be no need for such things to happen... But, he was angry and hurt, hurt because she had stooped to getting her satisfaction from another woman. It was a monstrous blow to his manhood.

"I'll be God damned!" Ron spat. "Where'd you get this?"

"Out of my husband's pocket!"

"... And, he's using pictures like this... to force her into letting him... ?" He stopped, unable to express himself except in vulgar terms.

"Fuck her!" Evelyn hissed in a tight, little whisper barely audible to him.

Tucking the picture hastily into his jacket pocket, he turned to leave the beer bar. "Goodnight, Mrs. Holden! I'm grateful... and much obliged to you, for letting me know!"

"Wait, Ron!" Evelyn was on her feet, also, as he turned to face her, annoyed that he was being delayed again.

"Well... ?"

"Aren't you forgetting something... ?" she asked. "Aren't you forgetting that it's my husband... who's involved... with your wife?"

"I suppose I did, for a moment!... So?" he growled.

"So, let's go together!" Evelyn Holden suggested. "We can go in my car... and get there faster than you could walking!"

Ron hesitated a moment before answering, "Okay! I guess it'd be better if we both were there..."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world!" she murmured. "I've wanted to catch him... at something like this, for a long time!"

"Then, let's go!" Ron was impatient. God damn! I've got to find out... for sure!

Susan Merril was almost a nervous wreck. All afternoon, she had had the apprehensive feeling that any one of the men who had posed her for pictures could have been the unknown man, who would be making love to her, forcing her into adultery... because of her one indiscretion... And, the worst of it is... that it's because of my being with a woman... instead of a man! In a way she almost wished it had been because of another man. At least... it wouldn't seem so... kinky!

Finally, her working stint dragged to a close. It had seemed to her as though eons of time had elapsed since she had reluctantly reported for work. Then, she had been irritable with Ron, snapping at him for the slightest reason, while all the time her heart ached to tell him of the mess she was in, wanting to creep into the protection of his arms and tell the outside world to go away and leave them in peace, but that was impossible, of course. How could I tell him... explain it so he'd understand... ? God... there isn't anything I can do! It would just have to happen! She resigned herself to it.

At about eight fifteen the telephone rang.

"H-Hello... ?" Susan said tentatively into the mouthpiece, her dread leaden in her.

"Susan... ? Susan Merril... ?" A voice she almost recognized murmured in her ear.

"Yes... ?"

"You should be expecting me. Linda Sloan is a mutual friend of ours..."

"It's you... the man, who..."

"Yes! I'll be at your place in five minutes. Is your husband gone?"

"Y-Yes... He's at the library... studying..."

"Good! You might as well get ready for me!" Fred Holden told her. "I want you to be wearing just a dressing gown... so we won't have to waste any time!"

"God... Mr... whatever your name is... isn't there any other way... I can..."

"No way, Baby!... And, you can call me Fred... okay?"

"All right..." She was glad, somehow, she could now attach a name to this unknown man.

"I'll be there in five minutes!"

The phone went dead and she replaced it in its cradle numbly, staring at the instrument as if it were a deadly snake. Oh, My God! It's really going to happen! Going into her bedroom, then, she took off all of her clothing and slipped into her wispy, see- through nightgown, pulling a frilly peignoir over it. As she caught sight of her lovely body in the mirror she was revulsed by its very beauty; its curvaceous lines and full-breasted lusciousness were the curse that had brought about all her present troubles, and she wished fervently at that moment that some good fairy would turn her into an old hag, so very ugly that the man, who would arrive momentarily, wouldn't want to touch her... But, of course, Susan wasn't living a fairy-tale. This was reality, and the reality was frightening.

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Exhibitionist Sister Wine Night with Friends

Believe it or not, Jordan (who is my best friend) and I had spent the first part of the evening drinking with Madison. One thing led to another, and Madison may have sucked our cocks, received a good face-fucking or two, and eventually let us fuck her in the ass several times. If that sounds like a lot, well, it was. I’m still kind of in shock that I spent the past few hours fucking my girlfriend’s little sister in the ass. If you’re interested in hearing about that -- or all the stuff that...

1 year ago
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Exhibitionist Needs Relief

This is my first day trying it out. I’m wearing long underwear, they’re kinda like booty shorts. Just in case. I’m getting a few odd stares, but most don’t tend to notice. I think they assume I’m wearing shorts underneath. A lot of girls do that. I think. This t-shirt is even smaller, I can’t use my booty shorts anymore, just regular panties for now. Hmm, it does just look like a t-shirt. At the park now, found a swing open. My shirt isn’t long enough for me to sit on. I have to be careful....

3 years ago
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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 2

It was five minutes to midnight when Fred Holden heard his wife come through the front door of their apartment. He was lying in bed waiting for her, the sheet pulled up over his nude body. Down between his legs, his cock was still hard and ready for action. He had done everything he could to make sure that it was in an excited state. After the scene in the Holloway's apartment had ended, he had dug out some pornographic magazines from the closet, perusing them closely and keeping his mind...

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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 3

"Now, Susan... if you'll sort of slide down to the edge of the stool, then lean back on your elbows... That's it! Just fine, now. Hold it!" The man speaking was squatting on the floor, focusing his camera on her naked loins, and Susan Merril following his directions to the letter, obediently did his bidding. "Now... just spread your legs, nice and wide. I want to get a couple of shots from this angle!" Slowly, she allowed her thighs to part, exposing the whole of her genital area to...

4 years ago
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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 4

Ron Merril left the Graduate Dean's office feeling a sharp disappointment. The portly Dean, his hands folded serenely over his ample paunch, had steadfastly refused to allow Ron to drop even one of his grueling courses. "After all, Mr. Merril, the requirements have been laid down, and any deviation from your planned work may delay you for an entire academic year." "... But, it's important to me," Ron argued. "I just don't have enough time for myself." "Ah, yes, but I suppose...

3 years ago
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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 5

Gloatingly, Fred Holden looked through the sheaf of pictures, again, examining each one carefully and studying all of the sexy curies of the naked, blonde-haired woman, whose likeness he had snapped that afternoon. He had rented one of the Polaroid color cameras, and he told himself: Damn! Taking these was one hell of a lot of fun. I'll have to get a good camera of my own, and go back there to take some slides! He went back to a shot, looking right up the lovely, tapering thighs of the...

2 years ago
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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 6

It hadn't been entirely by accident that Fred Holden made a spot-check on The Camera's Eye account being handled by his company. He had seen the name in the long list of small business accounts, and since he had visited the place, taking those beautiful color shots of that luscious blonde, he had a natural curiosity about its finances. Twenty dollars for an half-hour session, plus the camera rental and the cost of the film, was a pretty good tab. Hell! The woman who runs the place must be...

4 years ago
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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 8

"Can we look in your bedroom... to make sure, first?" Evelyn countered Ron's statement about wanting to burst in and catch his wife in the act. "I don't know. The windows are kind of high in the bedroom... !" he told her. "But maybe I could get something to stand on..." Walking softly, they stole up to the window, Ron carrying a folding aluminum chais lounge chair, which he placed on the ground and gingerly stood up on to test its stability. The added height brought his eyes up...

2 years ago
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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 9

"Okay, Baby... you're hot enough to fuck now!" Fred gloated, heaving himself up above her and wedging his hips down between her quivering, white thighs. Looking down he saw that the blood- bloated head of his cock nestled into the moist, flowered-open mouth of her vagina, where only seconds before his mouth and tongue were tantalizing her to this point of total surrender on her part. He grinned lewdly down into her face and said, "Now, let's see just how badly you want to be...

4 years ago
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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 10

Just as soon as the front door of the Merril's apartment closed behind the departing Holdens, Ron gritted out, "You little bitch! How many other sons-of-bitches have fucked you... since you've been working at The Camera's Eye... or before that... for all I know?" "Not anybody!" she answered dully. "He was the first... the first time I-I've ever been... un-unfaithful to you, darling." "How can I ever believe that!" He pulled her up to stand before him and ripped the cover-up robe...

1 year ago
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Exhibitionists Paradise

A year ago, on a whim, you went on the internet and searched for place where you could legally be in various states of undress. You're an exhibitionist and you enjoy showing off. Most people seem to enjoy seeing you too. But, so far, you've been limited to quick flashes, streaks and staged accidents. You've always enjoyed showing off what you've got, but you've always been worried afterwards that the cops will knock on your door and arrest you for your hobby that you can't help but see as just...

3 years ago
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Blane closed his eyes, letting the warm sun bathe his face. He kept his eyes closed for a moment, a bit longer than a standard blink. Sighing, he opened his eyes and made his way back to the classroom. It was five minutes to 8 and the students had yet to arrive. He sat down at desk, opened up his bag, and pulled out the tests for the morning. Just then, the students started filling in. ‘Hi Mr. Stone.’ Blane looked up from his desk. Smiled his hellos, causing causing more than one of the girls...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Darla

Let's see, numbers where the babysitter can reach us if necessary; birthday present for Barb and the card; bottle of white wine for Darla in case all they have is hard liquor. What else? Oh yeah, condoms, just in case what happened at the last party happens again. I handed the rubbers to Darla and she looked at me sheepishly, but she took them and put them in her purse. As she tucked them away I wondered if what happened last time was going to happen again tonight. It had been three weeks ago...

2 years ago
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fucking her mom with aunty

visit on www.papasex.org or www.papahaxx.com to read more top rated stories like theseMy story begins during that one fateful trip my aunt made to visit my mom and I. I was 19 at the time and my mom and I lived alone in our condo overlooking the water. Our house was nice, a big pool and a hot tub downstairs (my mom had a great job and that left us very well off). I also had a problem. After many years of masturbation I could not make myself reach an orgasm. I thought I came close a couple of...

2 years ago
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Carnival EroticaChapter 7

The tent was filled to capacity as the word had obviously spread that Victoria now had two performers in her stable and expectations were high for a very entertaining evening. Victoria stepped into the light of the ring to polite applause. She smiled warmly as she spoke to the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight a special treat. Not one, but two young women to capture your fancy!" Laughs and smiles. "Our first performer is a lovely young woman who is learning to give pleasure to...

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Love In The Orient

Jack had never been good with women before. But that was before he came to the orient. After he came to the orient he felt his luck with women starting to change. The orient and all the opportunities it afforded him had surprised him. Now at the disco he was about to score with a hot girl in a leather mini skirt. She was about twenty years old, and very petite. Her body was tight and her dark skin was smooth and soft. Her long black hair hung half way down her back, and she was as perky and...

3 years ago
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Sails Sand and Sex

My name is Pam, I am seventeen. On my school holidays I wanted to learn how to sail, so joined a sailing club. Being a female with no experience in sailing did not endear me to most of the guys who were keen sailors. It was considered a sport for guys only. A very few girls did sail but were normally girlfriends of the skippers. I was breaking new ground as girls were only considered good for one thing and I was probably more experienced in that than any of the guys were in sailing. As I had...

1 year ago
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MylfBlows Alana Cruise She Sucks So Good

Raven haired MILF Alana Cruise is all about sucking cock. She dreams about it at night and fantasizes about it all day. So, when she shows up to gobble dick on camera, she cannot wait to get started. She whips out our studs big dick and jumps right in to her favorite sexual activity. She whispers sweet nothings as she wraps her fingers around his girthy shaft, stroking sensually while she works her tongue across the tip of his boner. Then, she slides his meaty dong down her hungry throat,...

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His Everyday Object The Beginning

Jon was a typical teenage boy, always horny. He was less average in other ways. His sexuality wasn't something he was ready to be open about. Not with friends or family. He wasn't sure what to call himself. Straight with bi tendencies maybe? He liked anal play. No, he loved it but it didn't have to be with a guy. He didn't even need a toy. Just an every day household object. Sometimes even a long, thick cucumber would do. He wasn't a leading man as far as looks go but he had boyish charm. A...

4 years ago
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Losing my virginity at last

Maybe she was turned on by taking a virgin, maybe she never guessed I was virgin - I'll never know.  Either way, we both had our fun and I had a great introduction to sex.Having left public school, I joined Uni not having done anything other than a bit of a snog.  Hormones were raging and mild acne had held back my confidence I had.  So it wasn't until the end of my fresher year that I finally lost my L plates.  J was your 7 out of 10 girl.  Not a knock out but good looking, slim, lovely hair...

First Time
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Doing The Nine Sisters 2 Delta Gamma

Part Two – Delta Gamma It was a Friday afternoon and classes were over for the day, which meant it was Letters Night at The Pub. All the brothers, even us pledges, gathered at the local Greek hangout dressed in clothing that reflected our affiliation. It was a typical meat market and an excuse to hookup with a bed partner and drink lots of beer. Oh the greatness of college life! I sat with my pledge brothers over three pitchers of Budweiser when I saw her walk in. She was average pretty...

2 years ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 07

It was a sunny and beautiful Saturday morning when I arrived at the airport with my beautiful girlfriend, Becca. Normally, it was difficult to find parking near the airport. However, luck was on our side today. There was an available parking spot that was relatively close to the airport doors. “We're here,” I told Becca, as I parked the van that I recently rented. “Thanks again for the ride, dear,” Becca said, as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “You're quite welcome,” I told her. Becca was heading...

Group Sex
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PatienceChapter 5

We finished out the night with a quick shower before going to bed. My sleeping arrangements had already been taken care of by my two lovely ladies. Their solution involved a number of pillows. I had a body pillow placed behind me to act as a barrier to keep me from rolling over on my back. I had a body pillow in front of me to prop me up. I had a pillow for my head, and another pillow that was supposed to fit between my knees, though I ended up kicking it off of the bed, and all of these...

1 year ago
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Market ForcesChapter 29 Lost in Translation

I rolled over in bed. Tricia smiled. "I'm sorry you're going off to Kushtia. Why couldn't they send that unpleasant shit, Brian?" "Brian?" I said, "What's with him? I know he hasn't been happy with what I've been up to but he could make it easier on himself if he just saw which way the wind was blowing. His sales numbers have been hopelessly optimistic for months according to Freddie. Even normally discreet Elly has been getting impatient with him." "Oh, this wasn't...

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Juvenile Sexuality by Jim Stanley Chs 19

Juvenile SexualitybyJim StanleyChapter 1Its Beginnings"He's a love c***d." These words of my mother to our next-door neighborwere my first introduction to sexuality. I was nine at the time, justcoming into sexual awareness and I wondered what those words meant. I hadan inkling, but I wasn't sure. I sought out my older next-door neighborand asked him the meaning of these words. Red was quick with hisanswer. "It means," he said, "that your mother and father had sex at a latedate in their life and...

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