TandraChapter 73 free porn video

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Admiral Soduk felt good now. His flotilla was finally on the move. There were now four battleships though one of them had recurring propulsion problems. Thirteen empty troop carriers for slaves or food animals were protected by six heavy destroyers and two of the lighter variety. His flagship, eight other heavy cruisers and a few dozen smaller ships accompanied him. The idea was to go from one system then to another dropping off a garrisons and sending some of the troop carriers home to market their cargo if there was enough.

The main worry was that other Samutz would try to either take the systems first or possibly try to take the worlds after their defences had been compromised. Soduk smiled, for he himself had done this a few times and it seemed to feel so right when he could wrest control of a system from a mauled victor. In fact, that was where he had gotten the ship he now rode. The battle had been very one sided but it kept the race strong to be fighting a worthy enemy even if it had to be other Samutz.

Eleven days into his flight the crew had started to harass the techs again as they did on all voyages. Soduk's exec went on the screens to all ships and gave the standard warning that the admiral insisted on. A Samutz that found himself too bored and had to play games with techs would be tortured to death with the entire complement watching. It had worked in the past and only a few deaths had occurred on each trip.

The admiral was anxious to be getting to his room. A food animal was now running around trying to hide as they usually do. The quick movements of the animal on the large screen brought out the instinctual urges to hunt and kill.

He was about to leave when the quark flux officer reported a ship coming from a few points off his bow. Their closing speed was great and he just remained seated till they were within hailing distance. The officers manned the defences just in case and soon after the communications officer gave his grunt the admiral spoke.

A data packet came back instead and in a few seconds the small approaching ship started to decelerate. It would have to completely stop before trying to catch up again.

The comm officer sent the message directly to the admiral and it came up on the screen for his eyes only. When this operation was first contemplated he had sent out small stealthy probes to each of the target systems. This was the scout ship that was to collect the data and bring it back to him for assessment.

The news was disturbing in a way because he could not see the reason for what had happened. A small group of ships had gone into one of the systems without the defences being actuated. Some communications had taken place and the ships left again. Two other systems remained unchanged but getting to the last system he was now shocked.

A group of Samutz must have conquered one of his targets for it held two major ships and two more had arrived with a few escorts just previous to the scout ship's data retrieval.

The urge to hunt now took on a much different meaning. The system only had three battleships a carrier and a half dozen or so escorts. The system would be unprepared for his arrival and he could get more ships to add to his personal fleet. Presently he had four battleships a carrier and fifteen escorts. His ships had crack troops, both Kronik and Dofer were professionals and had instilled a lot of discipline in their own crews.

The comm officer connected to both of the other major players in this combined fleet. The data was shared and Soduk gave his interpretation and desires. The faces of Kronik and Dofer showed similar intent and they began to make preliminary plans.

Captain Shingle tried to make some sense out of how the academy was allotting the recruits. The governments were up to their usual games and all the misleading publicity was keeping new recruits away. Instead of a million new faces there was hardly a hundred thousand the same as last time.

The food that was asked for had gone up in price and there was very little that could be done about it. Mom had detected a lot of pressure from first world countries on all the rest to keep them in line. If Mom hadn't kept up her barrage of facts there would be nobody that would join. There were always a fair number to choose from but the recruiters had only chosen from the ones that could drop their old prejudices for a new life.

The food was only a way of easing the transition because the ships could easily feed everybody simple rations but the ability to produce appealing meals relied either on the natural grown food or enough excess capacity for the machines to make a substitute. As the population grew, the workload grew as well and the ability to produce a wide variety of food was termed a frivolous waste of computing power.

Paul Santo was studying the new ships. The cruisers and destroyer were crewed by men and women that had come through their tutelage. Hisako and Jõao had both ended up with a heavy cruiser each. Their new families seemed to fit right in. Others that had not scored as high in the competition had gotten similar prizes and they all seemed to be happy at the fortuitous event. These ships had gotten only a few raw recruits and the battleships were being run with their AIs alone so far. All the ships had needed a lot of repair because the Samutz did not really care for the needless frivolities like a fully functional air purification system or even one that had the occasional breakdown. The techs were just as happy to not have to help the Samutz out any more that was needed.

The two battleships did not have names or crews yet but repair crews were working hard to bring them up to a minimum ability to fight. Looking through a close up view of the ship he could see thousands of people working in various machines. Some wire in small ships with manipulating arms while others were in suits to get portions of plate installed and fused into place. The plate and sensors had to be stripped and replaced in large areas. Their weapons' stations were slated next for alterations. The galvanized missiles had to have much smaller launchers and then all the missiles had to have maintenance performed on them before the galvanized sheath was installed.

Duc was just leaving the academy. He had been trying to assist the tutors with the new crop of students. Until recently they had been senior citizens down to the minimum age of fourteen. A few slightly younger people had been allowed in because of their more mature disposition. In most cases these had been girls. His own children came to mind and he could readily see their shining faces as he would approach them. They were all getting the idea of what a father should be and he loved the idea that they were looking to him with that kind of trust.

Kitten was sitting with her three children as she talked to Doris and Lam. The two Humans had children suckling from their breasts while others nearby waited for their turn.

Lam was saying, "I don't know why you want to have one of those big ugly ships. Mom tells me that they are death traps. Besides in a fight they would be targeted first."

Kitten replied, "The ships when they are finished in another six months will be much safer than here in this base. The ship can evade shots fired at it and can shoot back just as well as we can here. There is a serious shortage of trained people and I just want to do my share."

"Your share! What do you think you were doing since all this started? Didn't you get elected to govern the Earth bases anyway? Your children need you and you need to stay and protect them first."

Doris added, "I agree. I think your place is here with your children. Let the others fight. That is what they are training for."

Kitten said, "Doris that is what I have been training for too. It started when I was just a girl and lasted many years. I just went to sleep in between. Granted I wasn't trained for bridge crew yet but I may have. All of the Tandra were given a broad range of courses and we can fit in most places with a fair understanding of what we are doing. To say that my children needing protection is true. I can do that better by directing a ship that will fight the enemy before it can get anywhere near enough to hurting them."

Mom was having problems too. The Humans were using a new type of device and had found many of the old bases on Earth. They were all safe because she had got their shields strengthened. Bases with failed shields had their technology destroyed to keep it out of Human hands. Now she saw coming from North Bay a similar crew with the same device. Rather than have the base pinpointed she used a newly installed shield that could keep most low tech peoples or animals out. It extended all the way to Cobalt in the north and formed a circle sixty kilometres in diameter but centred ten kilometres north west of the base's position.

The shield formed a pink haze and would get denser the further into it a person tried to go. She watched as a large truck plough into the field and slowly come to a stop as its engine stalled. In ten minutes there was a long line up of cars and trucks on every road that the shield cut. The driver of the truck was arguing with other. Drivers behind him came to find out about the cause of the mysterious fog. All they wanted was to continue to their destinations. Soon the military trucks came by and it wasn't long till the device was brought out and used. Mom's probes studied the machine and found it the same as the others she had found. It was just a type of signal generator that worked a bit like a sonar unit. If the signal bounced back a certain way then the probability of a shield was there. A drilling rig at the end of the convoy was used to get closer to any likely spot.

Some aircraft carried the same type of device. They had flown over most of northern Ontario mapping out various spots. The truck in a matter of weeks would find the base then Henry's house would be further defiled by more soldiers as they tried to find a way in. She was sure of one thing; when Henry came back he would be seriously angry at the way his house was robbed and vandalized.

Clarice sat at the tutor as she digested five dimensional math. Beside her sat her cousins. Uncle Henry and Aunt Susan had a lot of children. They all were so nice, even if they were all a little older than her except for Moesha and Kimberly. Her sister Michelle sat at another tutor but was still working, for she had her eyes closed and her mind was furiously active. She looked to find a way to reconstruct a damaged dimensional tap before it blew up and destroyed the ship and everybody in it.

Clarice watched as the clock was ticking down and soon Michelle was thrown from her studies. "Oh, I was killed again." She looked to her side and saw Clarice. "I failed again. How did you do it?"

Clarice thought how she had done it yesterday and went through the steps very methodically. "Oh, you ran to the storage rack and used a tool to sync with the temporal field as well as the other dimensions. No wonder I couldn't do it with my flux generator. Thanks Clair."

She went back into the same problem but now found the storage rack destroyed and had to find another location that would have the needed devices. This time she made the necessary repairs in time but was fatally irradiated because she was not quick enough. Her fellow crew members put her in a tank to be completely restored. She came out of the simulation and said, "I did it. Did you get killed too?" She was happy to see that Clarice had died as well that time.

Admiral Soduk stopped his small fleet far outside the now occupied system while the scouts and probes continued. His scouts were the cream of his troops for they thought before they did something and this made them invaluable in this instance. Some had even been accused of cowardice because they did not immediately try to kill their fellow Samutz when provoked.

Now was the time to just wait. To allow his crews to relax he sent some of the food animals through the ship with simple weapons and then sent the ones in his crew that performed better after them. In ten minutes all were dead and one Samutz was scratched by a spear. He would have to fight his teammates now for they would not allow him to live the fact down.

Five very frustrating days later the scouts came back. Very small probes had been able to travel almost three light years into the system and brought back pictures of the opposition. Two battleships were orbiting a moon while they were being repaired. Hull plates were seen to be missing on both craft. The other battleship was close to the carrier while ships went back and forth between them. Before the probe left it showed the two ships separating to probably patrol the system. This was very odd because Samutz did not do this sort of thing usually and these must be crack troops too.

The probes that could see the planet though told of untold riches. Giant cities with millions of people that used simple machines to swarm all over the place. The rest of the planet was the same because it was so densely populated. There was either enough food animals here or even techs to make all of the crew fantastically rich.

Soduk had to stop his revery because those around him were seeing the same thing and were working themselves into a frenzy. The thought of unlimited hunting was almost too good to be true. Dofer and Kronik were on a private channel and talked to Soduk about how rich the system was. Kronik said, "That has to be why the ships patrol the system so well. It is a fantastic find. I think we should take these ships if we can and just protect this system. Nothing we have found in hundreds of years has come close to this." Dofer readily agreed and so did Soduk.

Soduk said, "The governor will want this planet for himself. I think we should only take this system and split it up. If necessary we can hire more people to help keep this place safe for us. But I do not know who I could possibly trust with this information. Even our king would want a large portion of this find."

For the next half day they made plans for the conquest of the single planet. Dofer the youngest would take the troop transports and two cruisers for both protection and to clear the mine field. They knew that any sane Samutz would take the battleship and carrier and attack right away. The carrier could do nothing and the only opposition would be the battleship. The decoys would leed the defenders out of position. The battleships and some cruisers would proceed at their best possible speed through the cleared section of the minefield and attack the enemy on their flank.

At the other end of the system, the carrier, the heavy cruisers and destroyers would break through the field. They would attack and try to capture the two battleships that were being repaired. All the troops were told to leave the planet alone unless it was actively protected by the Samutz garrison there. This was a forlorn hope because when it was seen how rich it was some would have to go down to hunt even if they knew they would be killed after for disobeying rules.

The ships separated into groups and headed for their assigned positions.

Captain Meech was having a meal with Toosm in his wardroom when the alarm went off. Both interfaced with the computer and saw that this was not a test. All the bridge staff along with all the mechanical intelligences on the ships came together and saw the incursion. The outer surface of the Oort cloud was over twelve square light years in area and there was very little in the way of ships in that area. It would take hundreds of years of constant work to replace all the mines. This section happened to have very little attention paid to it.

Video came in and it was deduced to be two heavy cruisers a light destroyer and six troop transports. This was more than enough to take a battleship if crewed by Tandra. By Samutz it would be a toss-up till more information came their way.

Escort ships started toward the enemy soon. The crews had settled into place in the Nautilus and it too headed to the coming battle.

Terra's Pride was heading the opposite way when the warning came in. With no other enemy in sight the ship stopped and reversed course. This took over an hour and allowed fighters stationed on the ship to return. The carrier could go many times faster than they could and the fighters relied on the mother ship to take them to the battle.

The two unnamed battleships were in the middle of a one hour refit schedule. The remaining time was needed to fasten down what was loose and to prepare for battle. The people of many species hurried to complete their duties so the ships could start. One crew were working on an engine and the ship would have to go into battle with only seven functional.

Mom went on all television and radio stations and told the Humans of the invading ships. These had to be Samutz for they were destroying the defences as they worked their way through the minefield. The fact that they didn't come openly to the system further attested to this fact.

Fighters throughout the system looked for further incursions as they worried about their one and only planet. If this one were to be destroyed it was evident that the Human race would die.

The lunar base had people running all over. Kitten made her plea to command one of the ships and was given the authority by Mom. Her children were entrusted to Lam and Doris as she organized what she could. The AIs had already placed what people that could help from those available. They all boarded shuttles to take them to their stations.

Duc got all of his children into protective suits and sealed them with his command. They were all sent to his apartment to be with Lam and Doris. He went about and found others and handed out personal shields in case of sudden decompression. When they all met back at the apartment Doris excused herself and found her combat suit ready for her. She left it where it was but wanted to just check on it if it was needed.

Most of the simple things the AI performed were now simply not done as more pressing matters were handled. Marcus like all the other AIs went through their records to see what might happen next.

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t was a lovely spring morning and I was feeling really good, after 3 months intensive yoga that had toned my body back into a sexy little hottie (even if a I say so myself) and now only one year after having my lovely baby girl Holly I am now back to looking great. My regular shopping trip took me to the butchers and I loved to chat with the gang in the shop. The four lads were fun and I must admit very fit (if a little bit dirty from the humping of raw meat). This time a gorgeous blond girl...

2 years ago
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The Night My Brother Had a Sleepover

"Hey Tom" a chorus of voice said from outside the door. "Hey guys, sorry it took so long apparently Katie couldn't be bothered getting the door for you, she's been moping about for weeks since she broke up with Adam." my brother replied, I loved him but sometimes he could be a real jackass. "Fuck off Tom, I spilled this shit over the carpet" "What you can't even be bothered to get up to shit now?" he was showing off to his friends "Fuck you!" he realized he may...

1 year ago
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AssParade Yum Thee Boss Yummy Booty

After exercising by the pool, Yum Thee Boss decided she would just cool off naked. However, she didn’t take into account that her neighbor would be sneaking into her backyard to take a look at her pool. Once he saw her naked, he quickly got caught. Yum was grilling him down for a bit until she realized that he had a huge cock hanging from his shorts. This intrigued her, so she took him inside to take a close look at his huge dick. While at the same time he got a chance to admire her perfectly...

1 year ago
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Last Term at Bardell Academy

Candace Berkford held the red miniskirt against her waist. "It's awfully short." This was something an 8 year-old girl would wear, she thought, not a girl of 16. It was even shorter than the cheerleader skirt she'd worn at her last school. The heavy-set older woman shrugged. "They're all short. It's what the school regulations call for." "I guess I don't have any choice," Candace said, folding it up. "How much?" "$10. You'll want the second one, too." "Second one?" The...

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Homelands Pt 1 Ch 14

I saw at the hotel bar, staring at my watch. By 8:20, I was starting to worry that maybe Iva wasn't coming. The waiter came by to check on me and I was about to ask for the check instead of a second beer when I saw Iva from across the room. She wore a black skirt that hung past her knees, a white blouse, and black silk vest. Sheer black stockings and black pumps rounded out the ensemble. In a certain sense, it was a modest, professional outfit. On a woman with a different body, that would have...

1 year ago
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Wet Pussy Desires

See to everyone who knows me...I am just your average 40 year old mother of 5, full-time nurse, and wife. But to my husband I am a sex driven fiend. After my kids are fed, bathed and… See to everyone who knows me...I am just your average 40 year old mother of 5, full-time nurse, and wife. But to my husband I am a sex driven fiend. After my kids are fed, bathed and homework is done.....I have my own extracurricular activities. I meet up with different men to satisfy my need to have a...

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Life Goes On Only a Mother Could Love

I should have seen it coming when my daughters started to complain about Corky. Corky, that's my son. He's a husky teenager, friendly, happy, a really good kid. But he has Down syndrome, so even though he's 18 -- an adult in the world's terms -- he's like a younger boy. In some ways, like a much younger boy, mentally, trapped in a man's body. Sure, it was hard on us at first, when we found out, but life goes on, and so does Corky. Like a man, he has urges. Like a boy, he has curiosity....

4 years ago
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Aunty Kuthiyil Mundru Murai Vinthu

En pakathu veetil puthithaaga oru sexyaana aunty kudi vanthu irukiraargal, avargalin kanavanuku vayathaagi irunthathu. Aunty varum pozhuthu avalin paiyan hostelil padithu vanthaan athanaal aval veetil eppozhuthum thaniyaaga thaan irupaal. Aanal aval muthal naale engal veetil vanthu ammavudan pesi kondu irunthaal. Naan appozhuthu avalin mulaiyai paarthen athu perithaaga pazhuthu irunthathu, pinbu ival paaka keralathu pen pola irunthaal. Ival thol niral velaiyaaga sexyaaga irunthathu aanal naan...

2 years ago
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A mother had three daughters and, on their wedding, she tells eachone to write back about their married life.To avoid possible embarrassment to their new husbands by openly discussing their love lives, the mother and daughters agree tousing newspaper advertisements as a "code" to let the mother know howtheir love lives are going.The first one gets married and the second day the letter arriveswith a single message, simply: "MAXWELL COFFEE HOUSE".Mother got the newspaper and checked the...

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Alan smiled as he went with his parents to visit the Morgan's. The fact that he was already bored out of his skull was hidden under that well practiced smile. The only bright spot he had to look forward to was that his pious parents and the holier-than-thou Morgan's would fob him off into Clare's care.He liked Clare. She was smart, even if a little naïve. OK. Even if she was hellishly naïve. Her parents fault, of course. They controlled every aspect of her life, never giving her the slightest...

2 years ago
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I love going to the bathhouse

After finding out I had an unexpected day off I rushed to get ready to go out to scratch an itch I've had for awhile. I showered and shaved my whole body, layed out the slutiest outfit I had. Next I applied my makeup. Gold silver and pink eyeshadow highlighted by a black pencil. Rosy pink cheeks and bright glossy red lip gloss Lastly a dusting of perfume. Getting dressed is always a huge turn on for me so I slid on a condom to stop the leaking. Sliding my stockings up my sexy clean shaved...

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Bi Incest Cuckold

Hello friends today this is a story about an encounter with me my sister and another guy.I am 40 and my sister is 39 since was 18 me and my sister have been having fun together but we never fucked till she got married all these years we were having oral sex and her husband did not like orals and she was addicted to it so we continued our fun and my wife though she is good but I have continued my secret sexual fun with my sister. Whenever we get time we go to the outskirts of the city and book...

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F45130 The High Desert Inn

"The High Desert Inn, Air-conditioned" proclaimed the neon sign. The motel was in the old style that was new in the 50's and 60's, but now looked like a relic of a past age. An L shaped row of one story motel rooms is flanked by an office on one end of the L by the street. Inside the L was a parking lot and a fenced area with a swimming pool and a slide. A smaller sign below the big one said "Rooms from $35, HBO, ESPN". Luckily the motel was clean and well kept. Amy's family didn't have...

3 years ago
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Deadly Sex Games CH 4

Her next episode with Deathmaster was as spooky as the others. It occurred at an abandoned industrial complex far from anywhere. The buildings opened into tall structural steel frames that rose hundreds of feet into the air. She was forced to climb, naked, up rusted steel ladders and follow narrow walkways until she reached the appointed place of her "event." There Sally was introduced to a strange man who looked tormented. Deathmaster explained that this man, like Sally, wanted the thrill...

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Thanksgiving Sex At The Cottage Part Three

Thanksgiving SundayI awakened mid-morning from a deep, refreshing sleep to find myself still wrapped in soft, warm, feminine flesh. I could feel Sue's breasts resting on my back and her left arm was around my waist. Melanie was still spooned into me and her lovely ass was tucked firmly into my groin. As soon as all these sensations permeated my drowsy consciousness the inevitable happened; my libido took over and my penis started to rise. I then made my oft-repeated mistake of attempting early...

Group Sex
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Himura BattousaiChapter 31 Extra StoryYahikos Fight Beginning

Kaoru (shaking the dojo with her voice): Yahiko! Yahiko!! Yahiko--!!! He's gone again! It's time for practice, where the hell could he-- (she notices spiky hair sticking out above the bushes) Got you! (seizing a handful of hair) Thought you could hide from me!! (The hair belongs to Sanosuke, who is innocently grilling fish. They are instantly at each other's throats.) Kaoru: You and your misleading hairstyle!! Sanosuke: Are you making fun of my hair? Kenshin (with a basket of laundry):...

2 years ago
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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 3

As Archie drove Veronica home in his jalopy, she was festering at the thought that all of her classmates were fucking except for her. She still couldn't get over the fact that Betty had settled for Jughead of all people. She had known about Midge and Moose for months, and she even suspected that Chuck and Nancy had been active just as long. And then there was Reggie, who for some unknown reason had hooked up with young Cricket. Cricket, who was two years younger than she was, was getting...

4 years ago
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The Bimbo Fever

Just Yesterday every thing was normal in town. Last night at about midnight a lab working on a fertility drug for women had an unexpected explosion. This released the now altered fertility drug into the air. The drug was based on a virus that could replicate in order to make the drug quicker to manufacture. The explosion change the drug and virus so that any woman who inhales it will loss her intelligence and become a sex starved bimbo. This takes between 5 to 7 hours after first exposure to...

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rich boys love 17

when me and harvey faced the front of the class we listened for about 20 minutes then harvey tapped on his desk to get my attention. i looked over at him and he was rubbing him self though his jeans i reached over with my head and wispered "need some help with that?" harvey smiled and said "i cant help it you make me hot" anyway at the end off the lesson me and harvey walked out of class holding hands like we always do now. we went to the toilet and i pulled harvey jeans down and his...

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The Circus Is In Town

This is a collaboration between Caleb Jones and myself, using an original idea of Caleb's. Recently, another author utilized Caleb's idea over on another website. I think this turned out much better. This is our first collaboration together, so be kind to us. Tell us what you think. Should we collaborate again? This story involves strong scenes of a very graphic sexual nature. If you don't like that sort of thing, you shouldn't read this. If you do . . . enjoy! I thought that it...

2 years ago
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Distracted Driving

Here I go again. I think I’m obsessed. I’ve been thinking about you all day again. Now I am driving home. It’s been a busy day but going home a little early. This road is fast but fairly straight for the mountains. My mind is sort of on autopilot. I want to close my eyes and imagine you being here but, for obvious reasons, not a good idea. A song comes on the radio that makes me think of you. My thoughts are very powerful. As I think of you I find myself getting very erect. It is...

1 year ago
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Camping with Mom

100% fiction! My name is Jim and me and three of my buddies were planning a weekend camping trip. My mom was going to drop us off at a lake in the mountains near our hometown where my friends dad had a small cabin. It was me, my best friend Ted and my friend Marcus who was bringing another black kid named James. We were running late as we loaded our gear in my moms car and Marcus's friend James kept talking about how fine my mom was. He was checking her out every time he saw her. Moms 45, short...

1 year ago
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Breakfast Club 1

It was boys against girls in canasta and the prize was the losers had to cook. Carl and I lived in officers housing, then, and were good friends with Lydia and Frank. We went to baseball games with them, played cards, went to church and generally had a good, honorable time with them. Both couples had been married for a little over a year and hadn't taken advantage of the Army's free babies (military hospitals only charged $1.75 per day). On that Saturday night we played canasta and, of course,...

Group Sex
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I just got home when I heard the shower running. I opened the door and undressed and got in with mom. I told her "I bet you need me to get that pussy all clean. Spread your legs and let me clean you." As mom spread her legs I soaped my finger with a lot of suds. I then began to rub all over her pussy spreading the lips and getting every crease of her sexy pus. She began to moan when I gave her clit a very good cleaning. Then I soaped up again and shoved fingers in her love hole. She moaned and...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Katie Morgan Demi Hawks New Family Rule

A pair of stepsiblings, Eddie (Jay Romero) and Sara (Demi Hawks), arrive home from school. It seems like just another regular day, but they are shocked when their stepfather and stepmother, Gordon (Tommy Pistol) and Alice (Katie Morgan), greet them completely nude. Alice and Gordon explain that they’ve decided to become nudists, and invite Eddie and Sara to join them. Eddie and Sara are horrified, and insist they would NEVER become nudists. Alice and Gordon say that’s fine, but THEY...

4 years ago
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The Apartment ManagerChapter 11

When we went back to where the others were getting the information on the new models who are filling out applications, I looked the small crowd over good. Damn, there’s lots of pretty girls who live in this apartment complex and go to college here. I saw one girl who kept looking at me when I looked around the room. She was sitting next to Colleen, and I saw them looking over the application. Both of them waved to me and smiled when I looked their way again. The girl waved her hand really...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Thirty six

Judy and I met when she was thirty six ( You might say the perfect thirty six). The apartment where I lived, there were two neighborhood bars where everybody knew everyone in the bar. One Friday night I walked into one of the bars. Leaning over the pool table was a true knockout, yes, it was lust at first sight! She took my breath away. I sat down at the bar and my friend Jake, the bartender, told me she was new to the area and her name was Judy. She had just moved into the same apartment...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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How I became a cocksucker in 90 seconds

This is 100% fiction.I'm an electrician and I fix and flip houses. I'm 45, married to a beautiful woman, and until this happened, I never thought I would suck a cock.A home I'm flipping needed an inspection from the city inspector. I've know George for years, seeing him at different inspections. George is a few years older than me, tall, rugged looks, good at his job, but a pretty casual attitude.George showed up at 10am on a Friday to do the inspection for me. I met him at the house and we...

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He came

My life was pretty good, not real great but bordering on it. Ilived with my mother in a medium-sized town, my father having died in atrain derailment on his way home from a business conference. Sad, yes, butI was just little. And while I have memories of him, they seem to befading now. I do have some pictures. Him by himself or with my mother orthe three of us on a day out to the beach. I don't really remember that,but I'm sure it was nice. My name is Ronnie. Well, actually it is Ronald,...

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Marce turns Shari onto Lez sex

Well, where should I start with this one??? Hmmmmm well let's see, this time I am joined by a horny girlfriend who also is a slut just like me. We both love to suck cunts and cocks. Are you interested now? Knew you would be ...... I am a tall woman with a body to match, and my girlfriend is similar. We are BBW and love to suck and fuck and be used hard. I think you should also know that I am a natural red head and YES I am horny. My girlfriend ... oh my name is Marce and her name is Shari .......

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