A Pastor's WifeChapter 5 free porn video

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Janice White at fifty-six, was the sole owner of a small but lucrative accounting firm. She employed one other CPA, two bookkeepers and a receptionist. On her drive home from the board meeting, she decided that she would call Janet, knowing she had an accounting background, and offer her an accounting position that had opened just that week. Janice knew that they needed financial assistance and she was in a position to help.

Being the church treasurer, she knew how much the Pastor was getting paid and although it was adequate for their needs it did not make them rich. A few months ago when Doug had approached the board with his desire to pursue his master's degree in counseling, they encouraged him to do so. They also provided funds to help him, but it did not cover the full tuition.

The Pastor was very big on teaching about financial accountability. One of the well-known national ministries offered small group study courses to help families get control of their checkbooks. He bought the materials and taught several of these small groups. One of the main points that the author made was to have three to six months living expenses saved. Doug admitted one night that this was the toughest thing for him and Janet to do, but they had managed to save the three months and nothing more.

Janice thoughts shifted as she approached her house. She thought back to the conversation she had with Tom Garner that afternoon after the Pastor had called his impromptu board meeting. Carefully phrased questions got her the information she was seeking, maybe not all the details, but enough to understand why he felt the need to leave. Janice's mind drifted back to a little over a year ago and her disastrous affair. It started out as an office thing and quickly got out of control. Now she was a divorced woman with a grown son, married with two teenagers. "If I had only known what was about to happen, I would have never hired that person," she thought to herself as she pulled into her driveway and shut the car's engine off.

Opening the side door of her house, Janice stepped inside, turned the kitchen light on, closed and locked the door. She had thrown the days mail on the counter earlier but did not have time to go through it. She glanced through it now and decided there was nothing there that needed her attention. The next step in her routine was to check her answering machine. Not seeing a blinking red light, she knew that there was no point in walking in that direction. It had been a long day. She had a cantankerous client in her office all afternoon that she would really like to get rid of but his was a large account and he paid his bill on time. At the board meeting Mrs. Green made her want to slap her, who cared if the Pastor was doing his wife in his office? Charlie Hammond's response to Mrs. Green was classic on his part. She knew no other person other than Pastor Berg who knew his Bible better than Charlie Hammond. Hearing him put Mrs. Green in her place, tactfully, almost made up for her afternoon.

She walked into her bedroom and got undressed and hung her skirt and blouse in the walk-in closet before examining her body in the full-length mirror. She cupped her breasts, lifting up, pretending to be doing self-examination for lumps. But she knew she was only lying to herself, she was playing with her tits. She let go of them and said out loud, "fuck you, gravity, I still look good."

She left the closet and entered her master bathroom. Adjusting the water temperature in the shower, she stepped inside letting the warm water flow over her tried body. She closed her eyes as she leaned her head back and felt the water run through her hair.

Remembering when she was twelve or thirteen, she had spent the night at a friend's house but came home earlier than her parents expected her too. Being the polite daughter, she opened her parent's bedroom door to tell them she was home but what she saw shocked her. Her father was on top of her mother and his hard penis was sliding in and out of her mother's vagina. There were loud moans of deep passion coming from both of them. Janice knew that she should close the door and leave but she was frozen in place. She did manage to close the door so that if they looked that way, she could simply walk away. Her mother's legs were spread wide and in the air. Her father had his hands on either side of her mother and had raised his body off of hers. Janice watched her mother's breasts as they swayed with each thrust of her father's hips.

"Yes, Steve, fuck me. Fuck me just like that, baby," she could still hear her mother say. "Harder baby, fuck me harder."

Janice stood silently and could not tear her eyes from the sight of two people making love. It didn't matter that the two people were her parents. All that mattered was that she was seeing how it was done.

"Yessssssssss!" her mother had screamed when her father gave a strong thrust, this time not pulling back.

Janice still could not move as her father finally rolled off her mother and lay beside her. She could see her mother's hairy pussy plainly now. The pubic hair was matted down and the lips were still open. Janice's young eyes were amazed when she realized that the white stuff leaking from her mother was her father's cum.

Movement caught her eye and she saw her mother staring at her. A moment later her mother gave her a wink and rolled to her side to give her husband a kiss. The spell holding Janice in place was broken and she closed the door and ran to the safety of her bedroom, where she stayed for the whole morning.

She got hungry around noon and was thinking of sneaking into the kitchen to get something to eat when she heard a knock on her door.

"May I come in?" her mother asked and without waiting for a response entered the room and closed the door behind her. "We didn't expect you home so early."

"Sorry, Mom," Janice gushed. "I didn't mean to spy on you."

"It's okay," her mother said, "did you enjoy watching?"

Janice met her mother's glaze for a second and then looked to the floor in embarrassment. She just nodded her head in acknowledgement.

"Daddy doesn't know. If you are quiet, and don't say anything, I'll let you know the next time we do it."

She was never allowed to participate but her mother always told her when they planned to make love and Janice always hid in the closet. As far as she knew her father never found out about her voyeurism. To this day, she still loves to watch two people make deep passionate love.

She stayed in the shower for a very long time soaping her body up and rinsing off the lather several times. It wasn't that she felt dirty she just liked the way she felt with the hot water running over her. Reluctantly, she turned the water off and reached for an oversized towel, drying her hair first then the rest of her body. She deposited the towel in the hamper and walked back to the kitchen and fixed herself a sandwich, poured a glass of milk and took them back to her bedroom. She got under the covers and picked up the book she been trying to read for the past several nights.

"This has to be the most boring book in history," she said as she put the book down and finished her sandwich and milk.

Janice arrived at her office promptly at 8:00 o'clock the next morning. Her receptionist was always there fifteen minutes early to unlock the front door and make a pot of coffee for the office.

"Good morning, Inez." Janice said as she walked to her office. She always turned her computer on and looked at her agenda to see what accounts were due and which ones were coming in. She had them all memorized but still she always checked.

Janice then walked to the coffee pot and poured her first cup of the day. Seeing Inez, she asked, "Is there life without caffeine?"

"Yes, but it's not worth living." Inez quipped back.

Janice and Inez chatted a little about the current news items and the warm weather they were having and then settled behind their respective desks and began their day.

"Hello?" Janet said into the telephone receiver.

"Janet, this is Janice White."

A flood of thoughts rushed through Janet's mind when she heard the woman's voice. "Why is she calling me now, I don't have time for her," she thought to herself. "Hi. What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you would be available to talk with me this afternoon," Janice said. "I have a job opportunity that you might be interested in."

"Yes, I would be," Janet heard herself respond. "What time should I be there?"

"I have a lot on my plate this morning but are you available at one this afternoon?"

Janet had a few errands to run before the meeting but arrived at the firm of White and Associates promptly at one o'clock. Janice met her in the foyer and escorted her to her office. She motioned for Janet to sit as she closed the door and walked behind her desk and took her own seat.

"Janet, are you ok?" she asked after taking a moment to gather her thoughts.

When Doug first told her of his plans to resign, Janet was scared. Scared because in her mind, if she had been stronger he would not have to give up the very thing he loved doing. There were other fears as well. Financial fears, mostly. Although they lived comfortably in the modest home, the church did not pay them overly well. Their savings amounted to three months living expenses and maybe a little extra but not much. She looked at Janice and studied her face before responding.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"I mean are you and Doug okay." Janice clarified.

Janet looked at the other woman for a few moments trying to figure out what she wanted to hear.

"Doug and I are dealing with our issues," she said.

"You are very calm for a wife whose husband admitted to his church board that he was having an affair." Janice probed.

Janet wanted to either slap the woman or walk out of her office. The only reason she did neither was she needed this job. "Like I said, we are working through our issues."

"Did Tom Garner tell you I called him before the board meeting?"

Janet looked across the desk and glared at Janice. "Yes. He said something about you having an office thing that soured."

Janice grinned as she looked down at her desk and then into the eyes of Janet. "He didn't give me too many details about Doug's thing either."

Janet got to her feet and was about to walk to the door. "Janice, I really don't want to discuss my marriage with you. I thought I came here for a job interview not to be pumped for information."

"Janet," Janice said softly, "please sit down. The job is yours if you want it."

"I do need it but I'm not sure that it would be a good idea. You know too much about my personal life."

"The office thing I referred to had been with another woman." Janice said not taking her eyes off of Janet's.

Janet froze in place. She didn't know how to respond to this new information.

"It soured when she became pregnant," Janice continued. "Now we both know a little too much about each other."

"Why did you feel the need to share that with me?" Janet asked as she sat down. "Pregnant?"

"Ever since I first met you, what nine years ago? I admired you and respected you as the Pastor's wife. There was always something in your eyes that told me you had a secret. A deep dark secret." She said ignoring Janet's question.

"What do you really want, Janice?" Janet asked.

"Whose panties did Sharon Green find in your husband's office?"

"They weren't mine." Janet said with a slight grin.

"I wouldn't think so. Let me say a name. If I am wrong, tell me. If I am right, you don't have to say anything." Janice said as she leaned back in her chair and played with the collar of her blouse.

Janet watched Janice's face until her eyes traveled down to her hand. She watched as her new boss pulled on it, revealing more of her cleavage.

"Cindy Garner." Janice said breaking the silence that filled the room.

Janet's eyes quickly shot up to Janice's. "How did she know?" she thought. She almost denied it but then decided against it.

"I thought so," Janice replied when Janet remained silent. "Tell me, did you know or did you catch them?"

Janet lowered her eyes to the floor and thought for a few moments on how to respond to this question. Did she tell her the truth or just let her think it was an affair between Cindy and her husband. She slowly raised her eyes to meet those of Janice's and said, "Neither."

A quizzical look crossed Janice's face. She did not expect an answer like that and she wasn't sure what was meant by it. "You're going have to explain that to me."

"I doubt that too many people know about your office thing?" Janet asked.

"We all have our secrets, Janet. Yours are safe with me."

"The Garner's made an appointment with Doug and me. We didn't think too much about it at the time, but they had in mind to seduce us." Janet paused to gain her nerve and then continued, "My deep dark secret is that I'm bi-sexual. It was Cindy and I, not Cindy and Doug."

"Oh." Janice said as she unbuttoned her top button.

"We totally forgot all about the panties. Tom and Doug had to leave for the staff meeting and Cindy and I left to continue it at her house."

"I see." Janice said and another button came undone.

"She has very small breasts but very sensitive nipples." Janet told her friend as she watched the third button open revealing the top of her bra-encased boobs.

"Where were her children?" Janice asked in a husky voice.

"Christine wasn't home, but Jason was."

Janice's cupped and lifted her breasts. "Go on."

"Have you had a sixteen-year-old boy?" Janet asked as she raised her skirt and spread her legs.

"Yes I have." Janice replied as she closed her eyes.


"And his fifteen-year-old sister," Janice sighed.

"Oh god." Janet moaned.

"That doesn't bother you, does it?" Janice inquired.

"No, not at all."

"Let me guess. I think that you not only have had a certain sixteen-year-old boy but his sister and maybe a certain thirteen-year-old girl as well?"

"Two out of three is not bad."

Janice had unbuttoned her blouse completely and was playing with her nipples through the material of her lacy bra. "Which two?"

Janet got to her feet and walked to the door to make sure it was locked. She slowly turned around and walked behind Janice's desk. She spun the chair to the side so she was facing Janice. "You know one was Jason, now the question is; have I had Christine or Ali." Janet lowered her face until she lightly kissed Janice's lips. "Who did I have?"

Janice's hands came up and cupped Janet's breasts. She loved the way Janet's perfume smelled on her. She loved feeling her breath on her cheeks. She loved having her breasts in her hands. "Please, tell me."

"Ali has the sweetest pussy. Lightly adorned with soft brown hair and when she cums, it's a mouth full." Janet whispered as her lips made contact with those of Janice.

The ringing of the telephone interrupted them. Janet straightened up as Janice composed herself before answering. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt your appointment, but a client insists on seeing you."

"Okay. Tell him we'll be through in five minutes." Janice responded as she watched Janet straighten her skirt.

"We'll have to continue this at another time." Janice said as she started buttoning her blouse and arranging her attire.

"Does your husband know about you and your... ?" Janet asked.

"Yes. It was Bill that got her pregnant." Janice said. "Shortly afterwards they ran off together."

Janet had wondered about Janice's sudden divorce when it happened and made herself available if Janice wanted or needed to talk. Janice never came to her and Janet didn't want to intrude where she wasn't wanted.

"By the way," Janice said, "can you start at 8 o'clock Monday?"

"I'll be here." Together they walked out of the office.

Janet got in her car and sat there for a long time. She had known Janice White almost as long as they pastored this church and never would have imagined that she liked women. For ten years, she thought that she and Donna were the only "perverts" in the church. Then Ali got in the game, then the Garners and now Janice White! "My God, do we have a congregation full of swingers?"

Janet pulled into her driveway a half hour later. Doug was home and Janet found him in his study. The Master's program he was in allowed him to step up his pace so that he could fit eighteen months of classes into a twelve-month period. It would require a lot of hard work but he was confident he could do it.

"How did the interview go?" he asked as he looked up from the book he was reading.

"I start Monday morning." She looked at him and smiled, "You would not believe what happened."

Doug leaned back in his chair and raised his eyebrows as to say "tell me."

Janet sat in the only vacant chair in his office and sighed deeply. "Tom didn't tell us everything Janice told him."

"Like?" Doug really wanted to get back to his book.

"Like the fact that her office thing was with a woman." Janet said smiling at her husband.


"I don't know if Tom knows this part but the other woman got pregnant."

Doug paused for a second, "Immaculate conception?"

"Funny. No it was the normal way. Want to know who the proud daddy is?"

"Tell me" Doug was now hooked.

"Bill" she told her husband. "The reason for their divorce was that he ran off with her."

Doug's mouth dropped open. He tried to speak but words just would not form on his tongue.

"I invited Janice over tonight," Janet told her husband.

"Just her or everyone?" he asked as he regained the use of his voice.

"Would you mind finding something else to do tonight?" Janet asked.

Doug looked at his wife and thought about the request for a moment. "I was thinking of paying the Garners a visit."

Doug left after dinner and Janice pulled into the driveway ten minutes later. After Janet left her office she had to deal with a demanding client. When he was satisfied she closed the door of her office and could not think of anything else but Janet Berg. For years she had imagined what it would be like to be with her and this afternoon was so tantalizingly close. She tried to do some work but the moisture between her legs was a constant reminder just how close she had come to realizing her desire.

Janet met her at the front door and led her to the living room.

"May I get you anything?" she asked.

"No thank you, I'm fine." Janice answered her.

Janet smiled at her guest as Janice took a seat on the sofa. Boldly, Janet stepped up to her and leaned forward, cupping Janice's face with her hands. "Where were we?" she asked as she kissed the older woman.

Janice brought her hands up and cupped Janet's breasts. She realized that she was not wearing a bra when her nipples bore into her palms.

Janice leaned back against the sofa. "Where is the Pastor?" she said in a breathy voice.

"He went on a visitation." Janet replied kissing Janice's neck.

"Pity. I really enjoy watching."

Janet straightened up and looked down at Janice. A slow smile came across her face as she said, "You just want to watch?"

"At first, yes. It gets me excited."

Janet turned and walked over to the telephone. She faced her guest as she pushed the speed dial for Donna. "Do you need some excitement in your life tonight ... It's a surprise ... no you'll have to come over and find out ... okay, see in a bit."

Janet put the phone down and looked over to where Janice was sitting, watching her every move. "We'll have company in a couple of minutes."

"Who did you call?" Janice asked feeling the excitement build within her.

"Does it matter?" Janet answered as she sat next to her friend. Janet could see the excitement in her eyes, could hear it in her voice. "Just knowing that you get to watch turns you on, doesn't it?" she asked as she let her fingertips roam lightly up and down Janice's thigh.

If Janice was excited in her office, she was doubly so now. "I have always liked to watch."

They heard the backdoor open and footsteps coming their way. Donna walked into the living room and froze when she saw Janice sitting there before a smile of understanding came to her face.

Janet got up and put her arms around her lover's neck and kissed her deeply. "Our friend here says she gets excited by watching."

"Then maybe we should give her something to watch," Donna said as she returned Janet's kiss.

Janet accepted her lover's kiss pushed her breasts tightly against he, feeling both of their nipples harden. Janet looked sideways towards Janice and noticed that she still had on the clothes she worn to her office. She also noticed that Janice had pulled her skirt up and spread her legs wide. Surprisingly, Janice was not wearing and panties. As Janet massaged Donna's breasts, she watched as Janice ran a finger up her slit and started rubbing her clit.

Over the past several weeks she had been watched and had watched her friends in many different sexual encounters. Tonight was different. She would love to walk over to the woman and push her face into the obviously very wet pussy but knew that would spoil it for Janice. She slowly dropped to her knees and slid her hands down Donna's body and looked up into her smiling face. Without hesitation, she opened the front of Donna's blue jeans and pulled them down her long legs. She didn't need to look at Janice to know if she enjoyed the sight. Her low slow moan confirmed it for all of them.

Janet got to her feet and stepped behind Donna who was smiling at the woman of the sofa. Janice had inserted two fingers deep inside her watering canal and was busy stroking them in and out. As Janet started unbuttoning Donna's blouse, Donna said, "She seems to get excited quickly."

Janet pulled Donna's blouse off her shoulder and let it fall to the floor. She always loved undressing her and watching her charms come into view. She could not decide if she wanted to watch Donna's bra come off her tits or continue to watch Janice watch them. Leaning down, Janet kissed the side of Donna's neck as she slid her hands between her and her lover to open her bra. Donna's hands came up and pulled it the rest of the way off.

Janice was lost in the moment. She came here hoping to watch Doug and Janet. She had wanted to see them together for as long as she knew them. Yes, she wanted to lick Janet's pussy and have her lick hers but there was still the thrill of watching a husband fuck his wife knowing they were being watched.

She had her eyes glued to Janet as she kissed Donna when she entered the room. For a long time she suspected that there was more to their relationship but couldn't quite put a finger on it. This afternoon when Janet confirmed that she was bi she knew that Donna and her were lovers.

As Janet dropped to her knees, Janice absent-mindedly brought her hand to her pussy. It was so wet and hot that she just had to rub it. As her new employee slid her lover's pants down her legs, she could not help but slip two fingers inside her pussy and let a moan of pure pleasure escape her mouth. While one hand was busy twiddling her clit, her other hand cupped and played with her tit. "God, this is so fucking awesome," Janice thought as Janet stepped behind Donna.

Janice was very glad that Janet chose to let her watch as she started unbuttoning Donna's blouse. Her fingers picked up speed as she watched the garment fall to the floor. She knew they were saying something about her but the bliss of seeing them together made it impossible to comprehend. "I am so close. So close, let me see her tits," she moaned to herself.

Her fingers were buried deep inside her, her fantasy was coming true in front of her eyes and then as Donna's bra fall to the floor, she could not hold back any longer.

"Yesssssss," she moaned as her orgasm washed through her body.

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John was at a party comprising pastors, deans cardinals and all sorts of other religious men and their wives. There was a lot of chatting with pompous men and very prim wives.Janice was different. Janice was dressed in a scarlet dress that finished just below her pussy. (I bet she caused a lot of gossip amongst the other wives) Janice was a free spirit. John could not figure how she became the wife of such a boring, pompous dean of the cathederal (John's boss).Janice's dress was low cut in a...

4 years ago
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Pastor Love Part 2

Standing over the prone teenager, I smiled and said, "Did that satisfy your 'needs', Janie?"Rearranging her clothes she smiled up at me and replied, "And then some, Rev.! I don't think I've ever cum that hard before! You were amazing."I wiped her juices from my beard, but the scent lingered making me uncomfortably hard. Coming to my senses, realizing the depth of depravity I'd just visited on this impressionable young girl, I stammered, "I..I don't know what came over me. I should never have...

2 years ago
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Pastor family 19

The next morning, I wake up to Luke shaking me and telling me wewere running late. I had forgot to set my alarm. Luke had already showeredand was standing beside the bed wrapped in a towel. I so wanted to suck hisdick but I know he hates to be late. I took a fast shower and dressed.Breakfast was a banana that I grabbed on there way out the door. We raceoff in the car. We get close to my school and all I see are fire trucks everywhere.Luke gets as close as we can and the fire and smoke seem to...

2 years ago
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Pastorrsquos family 13

13We get to the bathroom and Luke starts the shower. He waits until I get inand he follows. He kneels behind me and says grab your ankles. I reach downand grab my ankles. This spreads my ass as he starts feeling my hole. Goddamn Mattie, you are still gaping open. Your little hole is bright red. Ifeel his fingers as he pushes around my hole. He stands up and grabs thesoap. He starts lathering my ass and cleaning me up. He reaches between mylegs and soaps my dick and my nuts and then does my...

3 years ago
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Pastor family 11

..Saturday morning I wake up and go pee. I peeking my bedroom and Luke's isstill sleeping. He is shirtless and my sheet is covering from his waistdown. I close the door and go back to Luke's bedroom. I open the door tothe hall and John's coming out of his bedroom. He has a huge duffle bagpacked and says good morning. He tells me to come on down and letstalk. We get downstairs and John throws his duffle on the floor near theback door. We sit at the kitchen table and John says we need to talk...

4 years ago
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USAChapter 42

After we finished up with the awards ... didn't I tell you? No? I got my second Order of the White Rose of Finland Suomen Valkoisen Ruusun ritarikunta, and the Medal of French Gratitude "Médaille de la Reconnaissance française" ... not that I could wear the French medal ... but I could go to my grave secure in the knowledge that France appreciated my actions by providing the information about the girls in South America. Then the territorial police put the certificate in a file, stamped it...

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The incest video interviews chapter 10A

A month later, Ted and I were at our three month mark, and we were really getting serious with each other. I mean, we went out on dates, which included double dates, and really became connected too. Also, the sex never stopped either. I told him that the next interview I did, I'd do with him. Somehow, I managed to find another brother/sister couple, named Gary, and Paula. It was perfect for us, and he would finally get a feel for what it's like to do an interview. They had a very interesting...

2 years ago
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Jess and matt 3

They haven't seen each other in days but Jessica could still taste him on her lips. She missed everything about him from the dorky conversations to the way their bodies fit perfectly together. Waiting in line at the store was not the ideal place to let her thoughts wander but she couldn't help it, he was on her mind as usual. She thought about his warm body against hers, kissing her neck... She was shaken from her daydream by the cashier calling her over.... and just like that her thoughts...

3 years ago
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Your Big Break

I am John Doe. I am a new actor on the Hollywood scene. Unlike a lot of other actors who had to wait years for their first role, I got one in a matter of months. Part of that comes from me having model good looks. And the confidence that stems from having an 11 inch penis doesn’t hurt either. I am walking to my car after finishing the first of two days of shooting on a movie. Not a cloud in the sky, yet I am “lucky” enough to get struck by a random bolt of lightning. I wake up five minutes...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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How A Innocent Girl Turned Into A Cock Hungry Slut

Hi I’m sanjay with a tool which can make any gal carve for it which is 9 inch long and 2.5 inch wide. height is 6.1″ fair guy and its all me sanjay. I want to share my personal experience and want to provide satisfaction to various people near Hyderabad Andrapradesh. I want to narrate the story in telugu my mother tongue to give the real essence of the sex to my people. Nenu collage lo chadive tappudu maa college lo chala mandhi figures vunnapatiki Jyothi is special ante kevalam dengataniki....

4 years ago
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Little Amanda part 1

One day in last year spring I happened to read newspaper’s story about poor family, where father lost his job because of poor eyesight and they had a big trouble to survive, because they had 8 children – five daughters aged 17, 15, 13, 10 and 6, three boys aged 12, 7 and 4. Suddenly I saw an opportunity – I will give helping hand to the family and in return maybe I can fulfill my sexual dream to walk naked with teengirls. Maybe even I have a possibility to see, how they can handle a public...

3 years ago
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A Sad Ending

This story is written from the son’s point of view.I was 18 when my life changed forever. My dad ran off with his young secretary and my mom was devastated. I had the invite to move to Las Vegas with him, but I saw how low my mom was and decided to stay (this could have possibly been the worst decision of my life). Things seemed to get better for the both of us; my mom was dating again and having fun. I had a new girlfriend that I could have fun with whenever I pleased. Life seemed to be...

4 years ago
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Wife Hires Baby Sitter

My wife and I had been going through a long dry spell while she was pregnant to a few months after she had the baby. We would have sex occasionally during her pregnancy, but toward the end she said it was getting uncomfortable. The doctor had ordered no sex for at least six weeks after the baby was born. We tried having sex once after the six weeks was up, but again she said it was still a little painful. So the only action I was getting was watching porn late at night, and masturbating. I was...

2 years ago
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Judys First Beauty Salon Experience

Judy's First Beauty Salon Visit by Janis Elizabeth One of the joys being a teen-ager in the sixties and seventies is, that with the British music invasion of the Beatles, Dave Clark Five, etc., people had come to accept longer hair styles on men and boys. It was in that environment, that I was able to let my hair grow longer without getting a lot of grief from my parents. It was also one of those overt things that I could to be to be more like a woman. Yes, in secret, I was one of...

3 years ago
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Impregnated in Jamaica

I am a normal, everyday housewife, with a husband who loves me and a beautiful daughter. My name is Megan, and I still look very good at thirty-two years old, being five feet and five inches tall and weighing one hundred and twenty-five pounds, with shoulder-length, natural blond hair and sparkling green eyes. My husband, Ed, is thirty-five years old and works as an editor for a book publishing house in New York City, and he always tells me how pretty and sexy I am.I am trim and fit from...

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HotMovies Facials

If you guys are regular readers, then you know how much I love HotMovies. The pay-by-the-minute model is perfect for my readers who want access to premium paid porn but don't want to pay monthly subscription rates.Pay to Play with YourselfI understand why some people wouldn't. When you pay a monthly subscription, you're investing in a whole lot of porn you won't watch. I don't think there is a single porn site where I want to watch every title. If there was, I would have found it by now.In this...

Premium Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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"Come with me, Kiki," and be quick about it." "Yes, ma'am," the shy eighteen year old japanese girl replied softly. Melinda Clanton opened the door of her chauffeur driven Lincoln and waited impatiently for the young Asian to climb inside. Once on their way Melinda scolded, "You seem to be preoccupied, dear, let's not make it a habit." "I'm sorry, ma'am," Kiki replied, "I guess I'm just a little nervous, that's all." "Howard, stop the car!!!" she snapped to her driver. Once stopped Melinda...

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We were in bed asleep when I felt his arm slide around me. I could feel his warm breath on my ear and cheek as he said "honey get up." I grumbled, snuggled closer to him and fell back to sleep. He laughed rolled me onto my back, kissed me and said "come on honey."I he got out of bed, took my hand and helped me out of bed. We walked through the house and out onto. the back porch. It was a warm night with a thunderstorm moving in. He wrapped his arms around me and looked deep into my eyes. His...

2 years ago
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Long Hard Bike Ride

I have always loved being nude and exploring different ways of pleasing myself by putting objects up my ass. One night I was out on this old country road riding my bike nude and noticed the seat was loose, so I worked it off to see if I could fix it. I started looking at the post and it looked like it might be fun to ride with it shoved up my ass. Relising that it could hurt me I place a large shop towel that I folded several time over post and sat down on it. The towel was to thick to enter my...

3 years ago
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A Lodi ChristmasChapter 5

They’re writing songs of love, but not for me. A lucky star’s above, but not for me. With love to lead the way I’ve found more clouds of gray than any Russian play could guarantee. - George and Ira Gershwin Coffee. Yum. Coffee? Cindy was face down on her bed snuggled under her blankets when she smelled the aroma of coffee. Initially puzzled, she then remembered she had company. La Banda Sage had performed in Sacramento the night before, and Sofía and her personal assistant Amalia had...

4 years ago
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Sandras Awakening Ch 07

Sandra was telling Lisa about the weekend as Lisa got madder and madder. “Glad to hear the kids are doing great” said Lisa, “But Sam’s a son of a bitch, Sandra.” “That’s funny, that’s what I was thinking”, laughed Sandra. They both laugh as they got into Lisa’s car to go to dinner. “I’ve been thinking about doing aerobics”, said Sandra, “Do you know of anyone that’s teaching them?” “I wouldn’t know from experience,” laughed Lisa, “ but I’ve heard of one that comes to your house like a...

4 years ago
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Someone Was There 8

I wake to the smell of fresh coffee and the faint sounds of movement. I take a moment to orientate myself. I am in Rose's bed. Her fragrance surrounds me on the pillow. I stretch. I yawn.I begin thinking about last night, remembering how she teased the fuck out of me while she was locked in the car.The door opens and Rose walks into the bedroom. In the half-light of the blinds, I can see that she is gloriously naked. She stands by the bed, looking to see if I am asleep. I reach out and run my...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Filmed With DogsChapter 7

George got down on the floor with his naked wife. He still marveled at the fantastic transformation that had taken place in just one week. He grabbed her, pulling her into his strong arms. "I still can't get over the change in you, Lotty." Charlotte melted into his heavenly embrace. Khan still sniffed his cold nose at her ass. She rubbed her body against her husband. Her body raged with a fiery passion that only his cock could quench. She wriggled out of his arms. "What are you......

2 years ago
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A Naughty Nurse

 After I finished my schooling, I had an opportunity to take a gap year, so I backpacked around the world. During my journeys, I met many people and experienced life in many ways. It was a most rewarding experience.When I returned home, I settled down and decided to pursue my ambition to become a nurse. I studied and graduated and found work in a large hospital close to my home.I worked in the Emergency Department (ED) for almost a year before requesting a move to the wards. Initially, I loved...

2 years ago
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Being Safe

An original story by Starrynight Enjoy: The moment the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, the girls hurriedly left the classroom, giggling amongst themselves. The four girls had been best friends for a while and as they made their way through the school, many eyes lingered on them. First, was Amber. She was a short skinny redhead with full red lips and green eyes. She had a slim waist, a small firm ass and a pair of perky C cups that looked amazing on her slim frame. Walking...

2 years ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 20

It had been about three days of planning and furious activity for Dale's household. After talking about it for quite sometime, Rob and Georgette decided to postpone their formal move from their house until after the new buildings were completed; however in the meantime their was plenty of room in the sleeping chambers off of the throne room. The slave women slept in their quarters unless directed to do otherwise, so even though the house was full, it wasn't overflowing. Everyone was...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi ke sath wo pal

Hello dosto hy girls.. Ye story 1000percent real h.. Apne bare m btadu abhi meri umar 21sal aur ghaziabad m rehta hu.. Smart hu good looking hu lund ki tareef sunane k lie yha kuch nhi likhunga aap mujhse is Id pe mail krke mere bare jaan skte to bhabi aunty ya koi bhi girl mujhse is Id p contact kr skti h aur ha feed back zrur dena so seedha apni story p jo ek dum real h.. Ye bat abse 2sal phle ki h jbb m 19sal ka tha mere 12th k exams just khatam hi hue to to m apni vacations ke lie apni bua...

1 year ago
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How I Became the Volleyball Teams Slut Part 9

“It’s Game day. Winner takes all.” Oh, Fridays are an incredible day. I breathed a sigh of relief as I rolled out of bed, noticing the vacancy of Samantha’s messy bed. Good. I don’t think I could take more abuse from her. The memories of the last few days crashed over me, bringing waves of satisfaction and embarrassment. I sat on the edge of my bed, my shaved pussy breathing the fresh air from the open window. The sounds of a busy campus wafted in, mixing shouts and cars with sounds of a...

4 years ago
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My Iraq Deployment Fantasy

I have always enjoyed looking at pornographic photos, and watching pornographic videos. The reason I have always enjoyed this is because every women is different and you can never find any that looks the same. I am married to a beautiful woman with a great body and who has the perfect natural and perky 36 C tits. It always turned me on when she would lay with me at night and rub my cock while looking at porn on the internet. During these great times we would always talk about our fantasies and...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Valentines Night Out

Was thinking how lovely it would have been if we were going out to central London town to this highly lovely wine bar at the basement. Very secluded and with romantic settings. Wooden floor with low wooden ceiling, dim lights with small wooden round tables with small petite chairs round the able. A fire place with real fire on one of the walls not far from the table we choose to sit down at. The place has a very chilled romantic atmosphere to it, relaxing and yet so cosy. We sit at the table...

4 years ago
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Mita Aunty Ki Chudai Kolkata Main

Hi dosto yeh mera pehla story ha iss ke liye. Main 21yrs ka hooin Kolkata main rehta hooin. Main college main partha hooin final year main. Mere height 5″8 hai aur lund 5. 5 inch ka hai. Main bachpan se he bara sexual atmosphere main bara hooa hooin. Bachpan paise kam hone k karan hume ek room mummy aur papppa k sath rehna parta tha. Aur mummy papa kko chodte hoe raat ko bari bar deikha hooin. Aur ek din ek ladki ko chode k diwana banae ka maan bana liya tha. Yeh kahi suru 1 saal pehle hooi....

4 years ago
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10 Book2Chapter 14

We changed course. Many people would be coming out to see what happened. I had to assume that Nicolas was able to access Colins' computer and get through to the destruct instructions. People were out in their pajamas looking down the street. A fire was burning in the rubble. There were too many people thinking worried thoughts for me to home in on the house. We could only get a block away because so many people were blocking the road. One car was nearly filled with mercenaries. They had no...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 6

Cockatoo Part 6 I live for feedback [email protected] We stayed wrapped together until we began to fall asleep. Alex eventually turned over and I spooned up to her back, she pushed back into me, turned her head around and we kissed good night. As I drifted off to sleep I heard her say softly, "Chan rak kun, James, I love you." The day dawned as most do in Koh Samui with bright sunshine. Alex was up very early making a lot of noise as she got ready for our day ahead. We had...

1 year ago
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Easter Sunday

Pretty much we stayed in bed all Sunday afternoon, kissing, talking and listening to music. The morning was so beautifully intense. It was raining outside and cold outside my comforter. He was warm and gentle. I remember him gently kiss my stomach and how it was driving me insane. He would slowly rub his hands across my nipples above my shirt and gently squeeze them. I remember us laying side by side and how I took his hand and put it underneath my shirt so he could caress my breast. He did and...

4 years ago
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Two close girlfriends have a day of escalating exhibition

They had been planning this for a long time. Of course it was Ginger’s idea. All the fun ideas were Ginger’s. She may not be quite as outspoken as Kathy is, but on the inside she hides a naughty side that few people know about. “Let’s leave them behind!” she said. “Let’s just go to the beach without them. If they can’t take time off of their precious jobs, then screw them. We need some time off and I need little umbrella drinks served to me by...

2 years ago
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The door bell rang and she moved swiftly as she was trained to open it. It was only the UPS driver dropping off a package for master. Master had said before he left for the day that a package was coming and she was not to open it. In passing he said that she would find out soon enough what was in the package. This had made her curious looking at the package now. All she remembered was that she was to put it in the chamber. Oh the chamber the place of pain and pleasure. She moves swiftly down...

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Long lost cuz part 21

So there we were out to dinner with 3 of our friends growing up. We were all sitting around the table chatting and waiting for food. Suddenly Becky drops her phone under the table."Scott, can you get my phone please i dropped it under the table and it bounced over by you? " not thinking anything of it I tried to reach it but was unable to. So i excused myself and slid under the table. I grabbed the phone and looked up and there right in front of me was my cousin's beautiful pussy! She had her...

2 years ago
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The Levingstons Punishment

Introduction: The babysitter is caught sneaking a boy over and gets more than she bargained for The Levingstons Punishment This story is pure fiction and fantasy. Take it as such. Stacy!!! the voice blares through the earpiece on the young girls phone. You were supposed to be here FIFTEEN minutes ago. You KNOW the wife and I are celebrating our anniversary tonight and you need to be here on time! the strong male voice demands. Yes sir, Im on my way, I got caught up with homework she...

3 years ago
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The big hips nurse

This is the story of a young man by which we will refer to him as "Mr. Fernando," well, Mr. Fernando, a 25-year-old was in a hospital, had suffered a car accident, but mild, recuperating in hospital , Mr. fernando met a very special nurse, she referred to as "Heloiza" Heloiza was particularly special, as it was a very dedicated and loving with Mr. fernando nurse, was a woman much older than the young fernando, but what lamaba the young of this nurse's attention was her big hips, which so...

1 year ago
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Sin with cousin

Hi friends I m Raj a 24 year male from Mumbai staying with one of my cousin since last 6 months. I have gone thought many stories and felt that I should write the incident I had s tht u guys out there can cool yourself down and enjoy what I did. The story is about me and my cousin brother wife Neha. She is 31 years old and married for last 12 years. She is around 5.7 in height and has athletic body on which I had my eyes since years. She has a beautiful body structure of 38-26-38 and wears...

2 years ago
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Ill Fated Life

Ill Fated Life By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction written in the first person. All standard disclaimers apply. No use other than for private download is authorized unless approved by the author. This is a "voluntary" forced feminization story centered in the "real world" Universe. A young man is given a free choice but his decisions are not in his own best interests. Comments are welcome but remember this is not for the faint or delicate of...

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