DominionChapter 25: Grudge free porn video

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Three days earlier:

A pulse of air shook the room, caused by Sirius swinging his hand with inhuman speed. It happened almost every morning when he woke up. All of his dreams involved violence, so waking up often pulled the fight into the real world. He had been trained this way, to be ready to kill his opponent no matter what the situation was, to keep his guard raised even when he slept. It was why his room was mostly empty, with his bed isolated and all furniture out of reach. Too many possessions had been destroyed in the past due to punches and kicks thrown while half-asleep.

It was just before sunrise, the same time that all members of the Sect of Silver woke up, though he was only a disciple. The predawn light streaming through his window was his alarm clock. His eyes had been trained to see in the dark, so this dim illumination was all he needed, not that there was much else. There was no electricity here. The walls, floor, and ceiling were solid stone, just one room of many carved into the mountains of the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. There was little furniture, just a bedside table kept slightly out of reach, and a bureau with a washbasin and a picture of his mother.

Sirius sat up and rubbed the tiredness from his eyes with a groan. He was only nineteen, yet taller and more muscular than almost anyone else in the Sect of Silver. Despite being born in Brazil, he was actually half-American and half-Japanese, but one wouldn’t think it by looking at him. All of his father’s genes had been completely dominant, from his white skin to his wild black hair.

After washing his face in the basin, he got dressed in his training uniform. He was barefoot, as part of his training. It was time for predawn chores. All the other initiates were also starting their day, though they slept in barracks in a different area of the temple. Sirius left his room and moved through the corridors, navigating the temple that was his home. Since he lived away from the other students, he normally only crossed paths with masters of the Sect. He’d always give a courteous bow and bid them a good morning. They never responded, not that he ever expected them to.

Sirius reached his destination, the temple bathhouse. The baths, like the temple itself, were all carved out of the stone of the mountain, in a cavernous chamber with several branching rooms. The baths varied in size and temperature, with a divider between male and female. However, at the moment, they were all empty. It was the job of Sirius and his fellow disciples to collect water each morning for the baths. Others did the same for laundry and cooking.

Numerous other disciples of varying ages had already gathered, each collecting ceramic barrels to carry the water. The barrels themselves were immensely heavy, but all the disciples had awakened souls, meaning that they could use spiritual energy to strengthen their muscles. This was part of training. They all wore necklaces and charms made of arquerite. The Divine Rune algorithms shielded them from spiritual sight. They were never taken off, even when bathing or sleeping, for if one of the spawn happened to be flying overhead, it would be able to detect their soul. The mountain also had a high concentration of silver that kept the forces of Dominion from being able to clearly see anything inside, as well as absorbing any spirit energy released during combat or training that would otherwise leak into the outside world and draw attention.

No one spoke to Sirius, no one even looked at him. Despite being the tallest and strongest of the group, several of the more aggressive boys would intentionally step on his feet or bump into him. “Devil’s son”, they’d mutter, just loud enough for him to hear, but soft enough that if called on it, they could feign ignorance and claim they were saying something else or talking to themselves. One of them, an angsty boy of eighteen, even elbowed him in the gut, though it didn’t actually hurt him. Clay, he had hated Sirius since the day they met. Sirius didn’t respond to it. It was what he was used to.

The line moved quickly, as speed was also a part of training. Extra chores awaited those who fell behind. As soon as Sirius received his barrel, he put it on his back and took off. He rocketed through the corridors with superhuman speed to the nearest exit and burst outside. There was a river two miles away, down in the valley below. It was where all the disciples went to collect the water, and around him, he could sense others moving through the rainforest. However, despite everyone running at their top speed, very few feet actually touched the ground, and while this was a chore done several times a day for thousands of years, there were no paths.

They’d sprint through the rainforest with the challenge being that they couldn’t break any twigs or crush any plants and that they couldn’t leave a single recognizable footprint. They had to continuously generate a field of spirit energy under their bare feet that would act as a cushion between them and whatever they stepped on. If the field was too powerful, it would be no different from simply running with regular footwear and crushing everything underfoot. If the field was too weak, it wouldn’t keep them off the ground, and they’d end up leaving footprints.

While they ran, they had to avoid touching any ferns or vines. Not even a single leaf could be allowed to touch their uniforms, and the density of the rainforest had to remain unbroken. This could only be done by harnessing their spirit energy and using it to enhance their strength and reflexes, allowing them to go far beyond human limitations.

Since its conception, the Sect of Silver had mastered the art of concealment, so that the world would never know of its existence. In the age of Dominion, when his forces constantly combed the planet in search of humans not yet enslaved, their efforts had to be doubled. To anyone walking through the area, this would appear to be a regular mountain, untouched by man. With these skills, they had avoided detection for thousands of years, moving through every nation of the world in every era without ever even being photographed. They were the shinobi of the western world.

Sirius raced through the rain forest like he was flying. Unlike all of the other disciples, he was incapable of producing an aura or releasing spirit energy, despite having an awakened soul. He could only use it to enhance his body. So, that meant that he couldn’t run on the ground, and had to instead move from tree to tree, without damaging the bark or the moss and vines that grew on their trunks. Every surface he touched, he did so with the smallest amount of contact possible. His senses were on full alert, sorting through the vast array of smells, scanning for safe places to land and jump from, and measuring air density and humidity as factors that may slow him down. He was putting in minimal physical effort, yet he was still outracing every other disciple. His natural strength gave him a key advantage, and despite the size of his body, he knew how to move through the brush and foliage without causing a disturbance.

He reached the river first, as usual, and began filling up his barrel. As soon as he started, he pulled back, avoiding a stick that was fired out of the rain forest like a bullet. It was thrown with lethal force, but its aim was the barrel, not Sirius himself. Disciples were forbidden from attacking each other, but a disciple who damaged their barrel would receive a failing mark for the day and be strictly punished. It was likely Clay or one of his friends, yet again trying to make his life difficult.

Once Sirius finished filling up the barrel, he made the return trip. Yet as he ran, he sensed the presence of other disciples hidden in the canopy above. Rocks were thrown from all angles, propelled by spirit energy like the stick. A normal spirit user would just release their aura to create a protective field, but they were well aware that he lacked the ability, despite his strength.

In midair, he pulled the barrel off his back, held it against his chest, and wrapped his limbs around it. Most of the stones hit his body, and any that would have hit the barrel were deflected by swings of his hand. They were thrown with incredible strength, but his body was tough enough not to bruise from something like this. He touched down on a small rock sticking out of the ground and launched himself back into the air, getting out of range before they could throw more rocks.

He returned to the temple, not even out of breath, and made his way to the bathhouse and emptied his barrel into one of the stone tubs. More than a dozen trips had to be made for each disciple. He took off once more, and over the course of the early morning, countless attempts were made to hinder his progress. His fellow disciples were certainly energetic.

Once the sun had risen, it was time for breakfast, and everyone in the temple went to the dining hall. It was a vast chamber, part of the cave system that the original temple was built in. Long tables and benches stretched through the chamber, with seating depending on one’s rank in the temple. The room was illuminated by great glass windows on the back wall. From outside, someone looking at the mountain wouldn’t even see them. They were made to resemble the stone around them perfectly, but they let in a great amount of light.

On the ceiling of the hall was a grand mosaic, depicting the four Old Gods that the Sect of Silver prayed to. They had created the world and the human race, with their children, the Guardians, stationed to watch over mankind. Through training and prayer, monks of the Sect of Silver could learn to wield the true power of their souls to fight demons—evil spirits that sought to destroy mankind and cursed the Old Gods—and wraiths—human entities that had fallen into madness for not living a faithful life. However, the Guardians were no more. Dominion killed the first three and the fourth died thousands of years ago, overpowered by an army of demons. Now the Sect of Silver was mankind’s last hope against Dominion.

The cooks arrived, carrying steaming pots of food. Hot porridge and rice, fruits and vegetables from the rain forest, and assorted salted meats and fish. Everyone in the temple, master and apprentice, lined up and received their meal on wooden bowls, then took their seats.

“You have some dirt on your cheek.”

Entering the dead space of empty seats around where Sirius sat, a young woman appeared. Eva, she was a year younger than Sirius, a true Brazilian beauty with long braided hair, a symmetrical face, and kind eyes. She had been Sirius’s friend since she came to the temple at eight years old, an escaped slave from one of the concentrations camps. Her brand had even been removed, leaving a patch of discolored skin on the cheek of a face that always seemed to smile when she was with him.

“Oh, I was hit by a rock,” he said as he wiped it away.

“They threw rocks at you this time? Why don’t you tell any of the masters about it? They should know what their students are doing.”

“I can handle it.”

“You’ve said that for years and yet you’ve never done anything to stop them. You handle a problem by fixing it, not by letting it continue.” Sirius simply shrugged. “You should at least tell Eric or your grandfather. They might be able to do something to help.”

“I don’t need any help. Everything is fine.”

Eva leaned over the table. “How do you expect to fight Dominion when you can’t even fight your own battles?”

Sirius dropped his spoon. “Enough! Just ... let it go.”

“Eva, I get the sense that you are poking at a wound rather than healing it.”

Sirius looked over his shoulder to see Shahti standing behind him. She had aged well since Dominion took over the world, her lifespan and vitality extended by her practice of the spiritual arts. She was one of the few people who actually cared for him, something she had in common with her apprentice.

“My apologies, Master,” Eva replied with a bow of her head.

Shahti then looked down at Sirius. “But her poking at a wound is hardly better than you ignoring it. Is there something to wish to say?”

“No, ma’am. Everything is fine.”

She didn’t press further, as much as she wished to. She knew he was hiding his mistreatment by the hands of his fellow disciples, but she had just chastised Eva for her nosiness and couldn’t contradict herself. Besides, she and the other masters were ordered not to intervene, to give Sirius the opportunity to stand up for himself. Pacifism had its place and was quite valuable to those who wielded immense power, but passiveness was only a hindrance.

“Both of you, eat quickly. It’s almost time for lessons.”

Sirius, along with several other disciples, gathered atop a cliff overlooking the rainforest. At the edge sat a man sat with his back to them. He had a shaved head and wore the robe of a master monk like Shahti. Without moving a muscle, he rose up into the air as if he was riding a magic carpet, and rotated to see his students. His eyes were yellow with slits for irises, like a snake, a sight that all three were well used to. By now, it would look stranger if he had normal human eyes.

He was the Grandmaster, and despite his appearance, he was the original founder of the Sect of Silver, a truly ancient being. Sirius, and those gathered before him, were the most powerful and gifted students, handpicked at different ages to be taught directly under him. Unfortunately, Clay was among them, and none of the other disciples were fond of Sirius.

Standing by the Grandmaster’s side was the man with a collaborator’s ID stamp on his cheek. He had arrived soon before Dominion took over the world, and was nothing like the nervous beansprout he was when he lived in Augusta. Two decades of training like a madman had given him a physique that could normally only be reached with steroid use. Add that to his big red beard and he looked more like a burly lumberjack than a monk. To Sirius, he was also the closest thing he had to an older brother.

“Grandmaster,” the disciples all said while bowing their heads.

He raised his hand and bowed in response. “My students, today is a day for celebration. Your upperclassmen, Eric, has been promoted to the rank of Master.”

Eric was no ordinary monk. Like Sirius and the others, he had been personally trained by the Grandmaster, and was almost always present during lessons, acting as an assistant teacher. All of the disciples clapped in praise, though some were less enthusiastic than others. Usually, in order to be trained by the Grandmaster, one had to show exemplary talents as soon as they first started learning the spiritual arts. Eric was the only exception in both cases. He began training under the Grandmaster when he arrived at age sixteen, despite being nothing more than an average artist. True, he had fought tooth and nail to reach his current level of strength, but no one knew why he had been given such a high honor in the first place, and it left many who were deprived of the opportunity bitter.

Others couldn’t trust him because he still bore the mark of a collaborator. All those who had managed to escape Dominion’s nearly cried in joy when they had their brands removed, but Eric refused to do it. A known collaborator working so close to the Grandmaster, the foundation of the Sect of Silver, was just asking for trouble. Then there were those like Clay, who simply despised him because he was so closely related to Sirius. Both of them were suspicious figures, even all these years later.

“Tonight, Eric will be undergoing the initiation ritual to receive his glyphs, so we shall spend the day with you competing against him. I wish for you all to see the power and skill one requires to be eligible to become a master. Tomorrow, we will repeat the process, so you may come to know the metamorphosis that one goes through during their initiation.

Now we shall commence with our morning routine.”

The Grandmaster stepped down onto the ground and stretched his arms with a deep breath. Eric and the six disciples mirrored the act. A shimmer of light moved through the group, everyone releasing their spiritual auras. Only Sirius and the Grandmaster abstained, the former because he lacked the ability, and the latter because it was unnecessary.

The Grandmaster began altering his posture and appearance through various stretches, with his breath loud and intentionally paced. Eric and the students followed him as he set the pace. This was a form of yoga that the Sect of Silver created around the same time that its Indian counterpart was born, with many believing that one spurred the arrival of the other, but with no one sure which was which. Like Indian yoga, its practice focused on pinpointing specific areas of the body, to either fully utilize their benefits, or to strengthen their weaknesses, from massaging of the kidneys to enhance the immune system, to controlled breathing to regulate one’s body temperature.

The main aim of the sect’s yoga was to improve spiritual abilities. The stretches and breathing were a means of channeling focused spiritual energy through different parts of the body. All spiritual abilities were based on the foundation of using one’s body as a transmitter. Power had to be properly sent through the body like electricity through wires so it could be fully utilized, and the more precise one’s control, the better the results could be. One could improve their physical strength by flooding their muscles with spirit energy, but if they could direct the energy through specific muscle cords in perfect sequencing, then they’d get the best results.

It also taught them how to extend their stamina. Muscle strain and fatigue could be warded off or even prevented completely, depending on how much spirit energy was used to propel movement, compared to biological energy. The more power one could directly infuse with their muscles, the longer they’d last without tiring.

It would take a full day to go through every single technique to their intended potential, but masters used it as a way to warm up their students before lessons, with the time spent depending on their level. Under the Grandmaster, these early morning exercises lasted three hours and were intense enough to make anyone sweat and tremble from fatigue. Everyone except Sirius, though he was sweating from the humidity.

Since the goal of the day was to compete with Eric, everyone had to hide their exhaustion. Perhaps, if they did a good enough job today, the Grandmaster might deem them talented enough to earn a promotion, prompting fantasies of their name in the records as the youngest masters in the sect’s history.

Once they were all finished, the Grandmaster gave them a moment to drink from wooden canteens, but that was all. There was no time to recover their physical strength, for if they were tired, that simply meant they weren’t properly utilizing their spirit energy.

“Good, now that you have all limbered up, you will spend the rest of the morning sparing again Eric. When I name a style, you shall adopt it. It will go on until one of you falls to the ground. Alicia, you will go first.”

All the disciples stepped back, minus a scrawny young woman with her hair tied into a bun. She stepped forward and she and Eric bowed to each other, then assumed a fighting stance. Her arms were raised to protect her head, while he widened his stance to guard his center of gravity. They waited for the Grandmaster to give the signal.

Facing Eric was something all the students were familiar with, but this was different. Normally, the Grandmaster would teach them a move for fighting and they would practice it with Eric. They’d test out the move and he’d block it, or he’d attack them and they’d attempt a new way of defending, but these exchanges normally only lasted for a single moment, just repeatedly practicing techniques until the students got them right. This, however, was an actual fight, meaning that they had to use their own judgment to decide what move to use and their goal was to win.

“Taka!” the Grandmaster announced.

Alicia shrouded her hands in her aura, making it look like they were burning with white flames. “Ha!” She threw a punch, ejecting a burst of spirit energy at Eric, like a fireball.

He activated his own aura, but it was much more tempered, just a shimmer, and deflected the bolt with the back of his hand. He lunged forward and swung his leg for a kick aimed at her head. She backflipped out of his reach while continuing to launch rapid-fire bolts at Eric. ‘Taka’, it was the use of spirit energy for medium and long-range attacks, however, they weren’t having much effect. Eric’s aura, despite his subtleness, was strong, and her blasts were just splashing off him. He charged towards her like a bull and she was forced to retreat out of his range.

“Don’t be afraid to increase the power. You do not have to worry about fatigue,” said the Grandmaster.

After reaching a safe distance, Alicia put her hands together and began charging a powerful storm of spirit energy. She gave a cry of determination and launched a bright, linear blast, shooting towards him like a jet of water. Eric dodged to the side and rocketed over to her with a leap. She swung her arms, trying to catch him, but he narrowly avoided every time. Getting in close, he fired an explosion from his palm, and Alicia, focusing all of her power on offense, couldn’t do anything to stop it. She was thrown through the air, landing on the stone ground with a thud.

Eric walked over and helped her up. “You shouldn’t assume your hands are your only means of attack. Every square inch of skin is a potential release point of energy.”

“Alicia is eliminated,” said the Grandmaster. “Next, Denshi.” A young man stepped forward and Eric returned to the original ring. They both assumed their preferred stances. “Argata!”

Denshi pounced and threw a punch forward with the second knuckles of his index and little finger slightly extended, a move known as ‘the bull’. Eric swung his hand to deflect the attack, to which Denshi attempted to jab into his forearm with the extended fingers of his other hand, ‘the crane’. Eric pulled back and used the momentum of the move to deliver a wide kick. Denshi ducked under the kick and tried to attack when Eric had his back turned. Eric, anticipating this movement, fired a blast back at him, forcing Denshi to cancel the attack.

“If your enemy won’t let you get close, then you must interrupt his movements. Even if it means taking a risk, you must stop his counters if you are to have any chance of delivering your own attack.”

Denshi took the Grandmaster’s words and charged towards Eric. Once again, he unleashed a storm of frenzied attacks. Eric, rather than blocking, would direct the attacks away from himself, like he was avoiding a swinging knife. The Argata style involved precise strikes to pressure points and weak spots while injecting one’s own spirit energy, providing electrocution-like damage, similar to jabbing them with a cattle prod. Because they were such precise, penetrating strikes, they were difficult to defend against. Even if the receiver flooded the target area with energy to block, their opponent’s energy, even just a small portion, would still infiltrate the flesh.

Eric was deflecting Denshi’s moves away from his body, but it was the pressure points in his arms that he was actually aiming for. From the outside, it looked like Denshi was incapable of harming the apparently invincible Eric, but the man’s face was tightening from the growing discomfort in his arms. Even if Denshi was failing to reach his pressure points, he was still injecting his spirit energy every time they made contact, and it was causing his arms to feel like they had fallen asleep, but the pain was sharper.

Before he could lose any more control, Eric grabbed both of Denshi’s wrists and delivered a jarring headbutt. It wasn’t strong enough to cause a concussion, but it still was powerful enough to make Denshi’s legs buckle. Eric had strengthened his skull and gray matter with spirit energy, so he was unharmed.

“You did well, but you held too much back. You should have increased your output in those jabs. Even if you weren’t hitting my pressure points, you should have been able to completely incapacitate my arms.”

“Denshi is eliminated. Eric, would you like a moment to recover?”

“Yes, thank you, Grandmaster.” Eric clapped his hands together and his arms glowed like fluorescent lights. He was saturating his flesh with spirit energy, purging the tissue of Denshi’s influence and healing the damage. It only took a few seconds for his arms to return to normal.

“Clay, you are next.”

Clay, just by his appearance, had a chip on his shoulder that anyone could see from a mile away. He was stocky with a crewcut and a standing expression of a lifelong attitude problem. He and Eric readied themselves.


Once more, Eric let his opponent make the first move. Clay lunged and began hurling thunderous punches and kicks with his body fully infused with spirit energy. ‘Boro’ was the full utilization of physical enhancement for pure destructive attacks. This was a style for breaking bones and smashing through barriers, for situations when raw power was the best answer. Eric was dodging all of Clay’s attacks, and what he couldn’t avoid, he blocked with his own enhanced body.

“Damn it, get back here!” Clay barked.

They were moving across the top of the cliff, Clay chasing Eric, who showed no fear to the prospect of falling off the edge. As Clay made a wide swing, his footing was disturbed and the attack was hindered. With that brief opening, Eric aimed his palm at the young man and unleashed the same explosion he had used on Alicia. Clay blocked the attack with his raised arms, shielding his eyes and maintaining his guard against the kick that immediately followed. The blow from Eric knocked him through the air, but he managed to stick the landing and charge back again.

“Don’t let your emotions get the better of you! Clay, you’re being too rash!” the Grandmaster boomed.

Clay wasn’t listening and continued his feral onslaught of attacks. Eric blocked them all with their combined force pushing him back and leaving two trenches in the earth from his feet, but none of the attacks were doing any damage to Eric, not with his body fully enhanced. Once again, a slight disturbance in Clay’s balance created an opening. Eric lashed out, grabbing Clay by the throat, then lifted him above his head and threw him to the ground with furious power.

“Listen to the Grandmaster! You were so focused on landing blows that you paid no attention to your footing! Calm yourself! There is no fight in which you don’t have enough time to plan your steps, only a mind that hasn’t practiced enough to make the time.”

“Clay is eliminated.”

The next two disciples had their turns. The boy after Clay, Yamb, used Taka, and the girl after him, Brunilda, had Argata. So, when it came to Sirius, it was obvious what he’d be assigned. He stepped into the ring and faced Eric. However, unlike when he faced the other disciples, Eric summoned his full aura. He was wrapped in a white torrent, staring down Sirius. He and Eric sparred every single day, often for hours, but not as part of the group lessons. This would be the first time the other disciples would see them fight.

“Don’t expect me to go easy on you, because I don’t expect you to go easy on me,” said Eric.

Sirius just faced him with stoic eyes and assumed a stance.

“Boro!” the Grandmaster announced.

This time, Eric made the first move. He lunged towards Sirius, his fist pulled back with enough power to kill a normal man. The punch was never delivered, for as soon as Eric entered Sirius’s range, a hurricane of blows erupted between them. They were throwing punches and kicks at superhuman speed, with the remaining disciples becoming more unnerved with each passing second. This level of combat was beyond any of them, both the force and the speed. It was like two titans duking it out. They could feel the air shake with an audible thunderclap whenever a blow connected or was blocked and the moves were blurring beyond discernibility.

What was so frightening was that Eric was going at it with his full power, but not even a shimmer could be seen from Sirius. The fact that he couldn’t emit spirit energy had always been a point of ridicule, but even after all these years, the fact that he was this physically powerful and combat proficient was disturbing.

Seconds turned into minutes, with neither side backing down. Their moves never slowed or weakened, and their accuracy and precision remained razor sharp. The entire cliff was shaking with dirt and stones even beginning to levitate. Finally, the Grandmaster raised his hand.

“That’s enough!”

The two disengaged. Sirius was calm, but everyone saw the scowl on Eric’s face with his chest heaving. He had become physically fatigued, despite using so much spirit energy. Something ruined his focus. Why was he so angry?

“Let us move on to waterfall training. The six of you, go on without us. I shall be with you shortly. I must discuss Eric’s initiation with him.” The disciples all bowed and departed, leaving the Grandmaster with Eric. “You lost your composure towards the end.”

Same as Dominion
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Chapter One.Maggie walked up the driveway of her house, struggling with the bags of groceries that she had just unloaded from her car. It was only eleven o'clock on a Saturday morning and the sun shone cheerfully across the lawn as she fumbled with her keys, peering at the keyhole over the top of a loaf of bread. Her arm began to ache with the load, and she could feel a trickle of cold water soaking into her T-shirt from the rapidly melting frozen pizza. Finally, the key found its way into the...

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MommysGirl Aria Lee Crystal Rush A More Dominant Daughter

Crystal Rush is relaxing in her bedroom when her stepdaughter Aria Lee shuffles in. Crystal starts to cheerfully greet Aria until she sees that Aria is upset. She frowns and asks what’s the matter while inviting Aria to sit on the bed with her. Aria resists a bit but pouts and joins Crystal, though is a little hesitant to say anything. Crystal is worried, asking her if something’s wrong at college? Aria says, no — she’s loving college, even if she’s glad for this...

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Fucking Stepmom sequel

The thing that woke me was my phone ringing.I checked who was calling an found that it was my Mom,I did backtrack and remembered i was to go see her today.Standing there nude with my semi erect dick watching my naked step mom sleeping like a baby in the bed, who had been fucked 9 times or so in the last 18 hrs or so by me. I picked up my moms call greeting her,she was a bit mad because this was not the first call she made to me, other thing she made clear for me was it was 2 in the noon and...

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Just a cuckold fantasy Part 2

The Husband - Antony The squash matches between Stephen and I were usually tight affairs that went a full five games, but occasionally when one or other of us were not up to our usual standard then they could be over quite quickly – as was the case this week. Which is why, as we had time, I went back to Stephen’s house after the match for a quick cold beer – much needed to cool me down as the sweat dribbled down my flushed face and neck. We sat in his lounge on the sofa in sports shirt and...

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Your Guardian AngelChapter 6 Days Grow Longer And Nights Grow Shorter

Phoenix wanted to wait until the weekend to celebrate because Mr. Marie's parents were taking the kids to give Mommy and Daddy some alone time. Needless to say, neither Devon nor I were agreeable. Phoenix planted me on her side by saying something about the two women being my slave girls from Friday night to Monday morning. Devon's head turned when Phoenix negotiated to blow-jobs being acceptable and going on a shopping trip with Devon for slave girl paraphernalia. The Slave Girl Weekend...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 442

Seniors and Computers... Some Silver Surfers know, sometimes they have trouble with computers. Yesterday, I had a problem, so I called Georgie, the 11-year-old next door, whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over. Georgie clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away, I called after him, ‘So, what was wrong?’ He replied, ‘It was an ID ten T error.’ I didn’t want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, ‘An, ID ten T error? What’s...

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My name is Kim, my husband Brad had to go on a business trip & he would be out of town for three to four weeks, but was concerned about leaving me alone. So he asked his Dad (Doug) if he would mind visiting to help me with anything around the house that I couldn’t handle. His Dad is such a sweet person and it was good to have company, especially helping out with our sons. One night about a week after Brad had left I had an extremely horny dream, understand that Brad is a very passionate man...

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Morning LightChapter 11

The following day Jennifer had to work late. It was a grueling day where everything she touched went wrong. Maybe it was her fault since her mind was still on other things... things closer to her heart. She called Jimmy from work to tell him she loved him and asked if she could bring something home for dinner. He told her not to worry about it and that he would fix dinner for both of them again. For the thousandth time in the last two days she felt like crying because she had been such a fool...

1 year ago
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unexpected fun

After a long day at work I often enjoy going to a local bar and having a few drinks. It's a quiet and dimly lit bar that is a little off the beaten track. I can almost always find an isolated booth in a corner and just relax. This night, however, was an exception. The bar wasn't packed, but all the booths were occupied by at least one other person, and there were no empty stools at the bar. A waitress approached me and told me that she could seat me at a booth with only one other person if that...

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Ovids Other Metamorphoses part 2

Ovid's Other Metamorphoses Permissible Intrigue "Far away from here, you badges of modesty, The thin headband, the ankle-covering dress." --Tristia 4.10 I woke the following day slightly before lunch, draped in an uncomfortable reclining position on a lectus beside the dining table. The light of Apollo through the window was blinding, my headache was unbearable, and the previous night seemed like a dream. But I was myself. "It is good to see you awake," said my wife...

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The Preacher ManChapter 12 War with the Bears

Time: November 26, 8235 7:10 AM My wife and I crested the ridge a few minutes before sunrise, and saw a scene of utter mayhem before us. We both paused for a moment trying to understand the carnage. We were on the western ridge of a small ravine about 120 meters wide, running north- south roughly parallel with the lakeshore. At the bottom of the ravine were the remains of what used to be a campsite very similar to our own. It had been successfully attacked by a large pack of bears. From my...

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The maids knickers part six

It took me about three weeks to realise that Carolina wasn't such a naive girl after all. That it was me who had perhaps been naive. The sex was great, and she let me do things to her that Chi-chi had never allowed - or rather had never shown any interest in. Whenever I took Carolina to the motel on the coastal road, she would ask me to tie her wrists to the bedpost with her stockings and let me lick at her, and she'd put her legs up over my shoulders. Or she'd ask me to help her in the laundry...

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Drop of Lightpart 2

Her knees gave way, "don't fucking move" I hissed into her ear. She straightened her legs but kept bent over. her legs were still slightly parted. "Good girl" "Please......" she whispered. I laughed, "this is not about you, this is about Me" Again, I plunged my fingers deep within her. Two, three, four fingers inside her. I curled my fingers and twisted my palm upwards. I closed my hand, feeling the walls of her cunt stretch and become tight. Her eyes were wide open, unfocused. she gasped in...

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PornWorld Lia Lin Tempting Tigress Lia Lin Bends Over For Doggystyle Pounding During Modelling Shoot

Stunning babe Lia Lin is bodypainted as a tiger for her latest modelling gig and when teamed with Vince Karter who poses as a hunter, Lia can’t resist his charms and asks him to play with her. This tasty tiger touches her juicy pussy and Vince soon takes over, offering a helping hand! He pulls out his massive cock and Lia sucks on his shaft, getting her head pushes down on his dick! She bends over and takes a pussy slamming from behind with Vince spanking her ass at the same time. Lia...

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Campers Delight chapter 2

by TW, A.K.A. RatFink Chapter 2 This is a work of fiction describing oral and anal sex between men and sexual encounters between women too. If any of this is not your “cup of tea”, I recommend you read no farther. If your not old enough to be reading stuff like this then don't. Marsha was watching the 10:00 news, with George snoring away in his recliner, when the phone rang. It was Henry from Colon’s Camp calling to let Marsha know the Halisburgs had just called. They wanted to know if...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 18 Sarah Works Her Magic

The week after the ACC Championship was filled with celebrations but Dave quickly settled back into his studies. He had fallen slightly behind in his coursework with all the golf and trying to deal with Alec's problems of the previous month; but he knew one good week would get him caught up again. He was studying in his room after lunch on Tuesday when his cell phone rang; caller ID indicated it was an international call but no name appeared. He answered simply, "Hello?" An authoritative...

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Incest Fantasy

 I was running late again. I was supposed to pick up my daughter Missy and her best friend Jan from the East Hampton train station twenty minutes ago. The weather was terrible, it had been raining all day. I haven’t seen my daughter for about two months. My job forces me to travel a lot and I was really looking forward to the following week and spending some time with her. My wife and I divorced about four years ago and we share custody of Missy. Missy is sixteen and her best friend Jan is...

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Masturbation In Broad Daylight

I woke up early in the afternoon, my parent was still at work, so I decided to take a shower to refresh myself. I moved back home after graduating from college. Now I try to write my first novel. I usually stay up to 4 am and sleep during the day. I went to the bathroom, took off my nightgown, and started cleaning myself. I shaved my pussy, because I hate when it's hairy, I like it to be soft, silky, and bare. I have not planned to masturbate that afternoon, but I was naked, wet in every sense...

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Lola pulled her fur coat closed, tight across her chest, tucking her hands under her arms to keep warm as she stood waiting. Waiting patiently for someone. She paced back and forth on the street in her thigh high black leather boots and full length coat. Her long ginger hair blew across her face as the car turned the corner illuminating her on the dark street. The car pulled up beside her and rolled the window down. "Hey Sugar, looking for a good time?" she enquired as she tucked...

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Danis New Life Chap 7

Dani's New Life Ch. 07 by Lauries Husband © (If you haven't already, please read Dani's New Life -- Parts 1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b, 5, and 6. This will make much more sense if you do...)The beautiful, blonde lawyer was floating somewhere above her used and abused body. It was a useful trick that she had begun perfecting several nights before during the cocktail party for her father's highly secretive "lawyers only" fraternity. That first time, she'd realized afterward, it was a combination of her highly...

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Hall Pass Pt 2 A Conclusion

She didn't see Mr. 106 when they finally got up and went down to relax around the pool and, to her disappointment, she didn't see him at all for the next couple of days in or around the hotel. She felt deflated she hadn't seen him. She wanted to be able to look at his face and know he had enjoyed her body and it puzzled her if his facial expressions would give anything away. She knew he was due to go home soon - perhaps he had already left. Busily her mind engineered thoughts about where her...

Wife Lovers
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Wife Jerks Husband in His Own Mouth CEI

She caught him. She got home early from the gym and heard a voice in the bedroom, so she walked up to see what it was. What she saw shocked her, though she couldn’t exactly say why. She walked into the room and her husband was completely naked on the bed, with his legs flipped over his head, jerking off with his cock pointed straight at his open mouth. She knew exactly why. On the computer, a female voice was instructing him to do it, to build up a load and cum in his mouth. “I really want a...

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My Descent Into Subliminals ndash Chapter 7

My Descent Into Subliminals – Chapter 7 – Tricia’s ImpregnationThe girls smiled at me and Beth said, “Are you ready to impregnate your niece?”“What’s that?” I said.Tricia ran up and hugged me.“Aunt Beth has agreed to let you father my c***d on one condition.” Said Tricia“Since you got to take my vaginal virginity, Aunt Beth is to receive my anal virginity” she stated.I said, “See Trish. I told you good things cum to those who wait. ““You and Beth go in the guest bedroom, I’ll make sure your...

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Pleasure for two part one

Pleasure for two (part one) She lay in her bed covered with sheets completely naked, her long, fiery and curly red hair covered her pillow, and she stood at 5’8 at 120 pounds. Her summer blue eyes are tightly closed, her hands moved down her body, her right stopping at her 38C tits tweaking her swollen red ½ nipples with large half dollar areolas. Her left hand streaked down her flat stomach to her Brazilian waxed pussy. This girl was truly a virgin goddess lusted by all men. Just next door, a...

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EvilAngel Katrina Colt Next Big Anal Thing

Katrina Colt is a tall, leggy brunette beauty that identifies as a total slut. The young sex freak loves teasing and showing off her fit body, doing so brazenly in a fishnet dress and stripper heels. Director/stud Ramon Nomar eggs her on through a sexy intro in which Katrina preps both of her holes with a pink dildo. When Ramon whips out his big cock, the nasty babe gives a drooling blowjob. Katrina fondles her wet gash through raunchy throat fucking and then hops onto his lap for fervent pussy...

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AssParade Julianna Vega Fucking a Huge Ass for New Year

Juliana is hosting a new years eve dinner party, she has been flirting with Diego, bending over and showing off her huge ass. Peter is watching the entire thing unfold and is stunned, he cannot believe what he saw, what a huge ass, at midnight, Peter makes his move and bumps Diego outta the way before he kisses Juliana so he can kiss her, Juliana is startled at first but she really loved kissing Peter, so she drags Peter away to celebrate in her own unique way, as soon as they get to the...

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Eric will Make a B MovieChapter 4

I tried to leave it alone. Really. I had stuff to finish, stuff that would make me money, instead of something guaranteed to make me lose money. But Eric was right, I was hooked. I'd finally given up, and dedicated one day a week to it. I didn't tell Eric until I was done with it. He'd dropped by, on his way to another date. Somehow word got out that we weren't drug dealers, but movie makers. Poor little rich girls, poor girls, and just regular girls were suddenly interested in playing...

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Physical Exam Gone South Part 2

As I sat in the waiting room, I began to think of what was about to happen. Would she have a change of heart? Would I get in there and she tell me that we can't do that again...she got caught up in the moment last time? Or, would I get in there and she take charge and fuck my brains out? The latter thought took presidence, and my cock began to grow in my pants. About 10 minutes after I sat down, a nurse came and called me back. As I approached her to follow her back, she seemed to also...

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Naked in an Anime

Wake up. Eat breakfast. Work. Lunch. Work. Come home. Watch anime all evening. Sleep. A pretty average day for an otaku like yourself, but it took a grueling duration of waiting in order to finally reach the evening! Now that you're home after a long day of work, you can't help but plop down at your desk with a relaxed sigh. Your favorite anime streaming site stares into your soul from your computer screen, begging you to click a title and hit play. (Credit to Username000 and his story "Naked...

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accidentally licked girlfriends sister

So I had been dating this pretty blonde girl for a while. She was 5'1" and maybe 100 pounds. She was very petite but very pretty. She had a younger sister that was about her size but was even prettier. She was a gymnast so her body was really tight. We would go see her perform and I'd always fantasize about her tight, firm body in that tight uniform. It was Christmas time her entire family was staying at her house for a few nights. I was there with them. We had to sleep all the guys in one room...

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Child MagusChapter 11

Milena had to go back to the office to finish filing our paperwork. Once she was gone, I got dressed and brought up my concerns with Jordan. I didn't want to scare Danielle, so I waited until she left with her clothes to take over to their new apartment. "Jordan, I have to ask you something," I said. She looked up and smiled. "Are you trying to get out of work to go help Milena with the filing?" I shook my head. "No, but what I need to know involves her, as well as the rest of...

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The Magicians BirthdayChapter 6

The tingle started as the little blonde's eager tongue licked the base of his testicles, took them into her mouth for a moment, and then released them as she started to work her way up his rigid shaft. In a moment of lucidity he realised that Pandora had again managed to avoid answering any of his questions. He was just a little ashamed by how little he cared, and then the rough texture of her tongue reached the tender tip of his cock, and slithered delightfully over the end of it before...

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Lineage Chapter 1

Quickly looking down his body, he realized that the mirror had shown the truth. His shoulders seemed broader than they had when he went to sleep; the muscles in his arms, while not bulging, definitely showed definition; and his stomach, which had never had a gut but was definitely not considered attractive, now formed a very strong six pack. "What the fuck", he wondered aloud as he touched his new muscles, assuring himself that they were very real. Just at that moment, his door opened and...

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My Cousin8217s Soft Pussy

It was a Sunday morning and I usually get up late on Sundays but that day, my uncle and aunty were leaving for their native place. So, they woke me up before leaving. Aunty told me to look after the house for that day. Pinky, her daughter my cousin)would be there as she was not going with uncle and aunty. Aunty had already instructed Pinky what to cook for lunch with sleepy eyes and I bid them bye and went to sleep again. I was about to sleep, Pinky entered my room and said bhaiya, uthiye naa....

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Bill and Amber The Reunion

I hope you will enjoy the story, and as always, your feedback is welcome. Thank you. Now, the fourth and final chapter. Bill and Amber The reunion It was so warm and peaceful. A bright light shown through the clouds and seemed to bathe his whole body with a quiet calm. He had never felt so safe, so relaxed. He could hear a voice coming from far off in the distance, it seemed to be calling to him. He could see the image of a man approaching, but it was so far away it was hard to...

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Violentus Gothica SexoHardcore BDSM

Violentus Gothica SexoA Very Dark and Taboo Erotic Psalm of Hard Bondage John, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist“Viking Gladiator”www.eroticpsalms.comI am the Viking Gladiator, the warrior poet, the erotic palmist,And I convey this message to you indeed without delay:We all think about it with extreme pleasure.We all contemplate on it with utter delight.Nobody is exempt from dreaming of hard bondage,Nor excused from the desires of erotic goth sex.I call her an exquisite bitch...

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Faith Hope and DestinyChapter 14

Throughout the night, every time Amelia moved or rolled over, I woke up and drew her back into my arms. I couldn’t get enough of her. She calmed me with her aroma, sleepiness muting her orange blossom scent. She was warm and soft and so deliciously cuddly. Like an opiate to an addict, I needed more. The intimacy we’d shared changed our relationship. It was evident as soon as Amelia woke up in my arms. She looked at me with intensity, and said, “I forgot to tell you I love you last night,”...

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My plan for my gangbang

Hi dear friends of ISS. I had gone thru several stories on this site. I had enjoyed a lot. I was not getting courage to share my experience here. At last my friend Jeet told me to do so. Thanks to him. I am married marwari woman having two kids. My hubby is having own workshop and with god grace he is earning good sum. He is an engineer and I am also an engineering graduate. Both of us shared the responsibilities of business. I am doing marketing and sales and he is looking after purchase and...

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JulesJordan Giselle Palmer Provides You A POV Tour Of Her Anal Cavity

Lusty long-legged Giselle Palmer has ASS-tastic fun with Manuel Ferrara. Giselle’s a cute Texas native that broke onto the scene earlier this year and is climbing the porn ranks and fucking any cock she can get! She’s looking sexy as ever in her black lace lingerie with matching black garter belt and stockings. It doesn’t take long for Manuel to get her out of those restrictive clothes to show off her curves for him, with her tight ass, perky tits, and legs for days it’s...

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Adams AppleChapter 5

Christine smiled as her brother and niece hugged, putting the past behind them. "Thank you, Daddy," Lynne said after releasing Ron from her embrace. "Thank you for forgiving me. I was being pig-headed." "It's okay." Ron smiled at his daughter and said, "As long as I'm in town, I thought I might look up a couple of old friends." He then turned to Christine and added, "If you don't mind me staying another night?" "No, of course not," Christine answered. "Is that fine with...

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Last summer I had nice time on island Brac (Croatian Island). One day I took walk around island and after some time I realized that I am not sure about way I should take to go home. I decided to go further and soon I ran into nude beach. Since I had bikini on my self all people were looking at me and I was feeling really unpleasant. I decided to walk faster as I could and after 10 minutes I left nude beach.Day was hot and after long walk I toook some rest on small beach surrounded by small...

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How Ill eat your pussy

I start by kissing your pubic area while your legs are closed. Then slowly, with my hands, I open your legs, like I’m unwrapping a gift and I want the moment of discovery to last as long as possible. I kiss your inner thighs and slowly make my way to your cunt. Then with my tongue I open your pussy, working my tongue between first the outer lips and then the inner lips. With my mouth planted firmly on your delicious pussy I suck while running my tongue up and down the length of your wet cunt,...

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Caleb and Cheval JauneEpilogue

‘My name is T’Kleesual and also Jubal. I am a Tuull AI and a member of the human clan known to the Tuull as Clan T’Blssut. The Tuull ruling council requested my presence for an unspecified meeting. With me is the avatar of J’Tocost – Caleb, my godson. Also present are my clan head, S’Rndult T’Blssut – Inkie – and her partner AI, T’Krandit – Helva, and the speaker for humans, F’Lpper Lisa Marie.’ R’Stbkt’s capsule stood with Fannie before the...

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Shopping AroundChapter 4

Wayne had Debra on a booth table, coming at her from a standing position -- and having some difficulty with penetration. "You're pretty dry," he commented, "you aren't menopausal, are you?" "Not according to the mess I make like clockwork for four or five days every month," Debra replied. "I'm just nervous, I guess. Rub it a little; things will happen -- they already are!" She was right; Wayne could tell immediately that she was moistening. She was tight, too, gripping his...

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Another Halloween in Pomona, CA. I live in an area that's mostly Mexican. There are a few blacks and some white folks like me thrown in the mix. I'd had my two bags of candy for a few weeks. For the kids, a big bag assortment of Reeses, Almond Joy, Twix, Whoppers malted milk balls and even a couple of real Hershey bars. I poured them into a five quart ice cream container and they just made it without falling out. I had my Hershey's miniatures in another container. Hershey's, Mr Goodbar,...

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seduced Black Next Door Neighbor

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereI live next door to this really nice black couple; they have a teenage age son that is very, very cute. He is 18 years old and has a slender build, but I find myself fantasizing about him every time I saw him. I can't stop the thoughts from invading my head whenever I see him outside. My husband travels a lot so I have plenty of time alone at night...

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Shoe GirlChapter 4

I put my hand on Mel’s back and directed her into the shower which, at my insistence, had been designed large enough to hold a small family all at the same time. There were two adjustable shower-heads and I chose the closest. I turned on the water and adjusted the shower-head to produce a fine, almost mist-like spray, thinking that would be the most pleasant for someone who didn’t like showers. “Here’s how you adjust the temperature,” I said to Mel, showing her the control. “Right for hotter,...

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first time eating a creampie MMF

My wife and I had gotten into hot-wife behavior only shortly before this story took place. We had had 3 other ventures and all were enjoyable but each was more enjoyable than the last. I had enjoyed watching only once and was about to enjoy my 2nd watching and join in to a small degree. We had met a young friend of a friend of her younger brother at a party and he and my wife hit it off together wonderfully. she shared a joint with him at the party and they smoked it to the nub. She was high...

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