Time PushChapter 2 free porn video

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Leon snapped awake to a pounding on the front door, and screaming from somewhere in his bedroom. "Leon, it's Mike! It's almost 3PM. Are you planning to sleep the whole day away?"

He raced to the door and let in his research assistant. "I just closed my eyes for a second!" he shouted as he let Michael.

"Ruined!" Babs screamed from the bathroom. "I'm ruined!"

Mike's eyes opened wide. "Fuckin' shit, Leon! You must have scared the hell out of our problem child with that one eyed monster!"

At last Leon remembered his nudity. Worse, he was sporting a classic case of 'morning wood'! "You woke me up! I didn't go near her!" At least not today! He grabbed his robe from the floor and threw it on. "Maybe it's all just sinking in for her." Maybe it really was. Leon shuddered just thinking about the massive load he shot into that lovely naïve young woman last night.

The sounds of sobbing were plainly heard as the men converged on the closed bedroom door.

Mike tried the knob. "Locked!" he said quietly while trying to hide a grin.

Leon tried it. "Babs, let me in!"

"No! I don't want to see you now!" she sobbed again. "I never want to see you like this!"

"Babs, did this asshole make you cry?"

A click sounded from the door. "Michael, you may enter, if you leave the dirty talk outside!" She giggled softly as the door opened a crack. "Leon, stay away! You are not allowed to step one foot into this room!"

"Hey! This is my apartment!"

Mike actually managed to shove the unresisting Leon back into the living room. "Here I come Babs. Alone!"

An embarrassed towel wrapped Babs smiled weakly at her visitor. "My hair is ruined!" she said sadly while running her fingers through the damp and tangled locks. "I fell asleep with it wet and now I can't do anything with it! I took another bath but the problem is still the same. Doctor Edwards doesn't have anything for proper hair grooming!"

Mike grinned. "Why would he need anything else? He's been shaving his dome for as long as I've know him. Just between you and me, I suspect he found some gray and panicked."

"Gray?" Babs snickered, her embarrassment forgotten. "Leon's not old!"

"No girlfriend. Leon's not old. He's twenty-eight, but he puts himself under enormous pressure." Mike smiled. "That's what I like about him. Working with Leon makes me work that much harder to keep up."

The beautiful girl's face grew worm. "He needs a wife to help him, that's what I think."

Mike smiled. "You just may be right, girlfriend. Remember one thing sweetie. I'll be cheering you on all the way!"

"Oh thank you Michael!" The towel dropped as she opened her arms wide and tightly hugged her new confidante. "Oh no!" Releasing him just as quickly, she scrambled to hide her body. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Babs, it's okay." He gave the blushing girl a wink. "While you're not my type, I happen to know you're just exactly right for our sulking Leon out there. Now just wait here. I have a few surprises for you!"

Leon sat on the sofa and held his head in his hands. Thank god at least his erection went down! "What the hell was all that about?" He asked when a grinning Mike returned.

"You are really in some trouble, Leon!" he laughed loudly.

"It's not funny, Michael Fuji!" Babs shouted from her bathroom sanctuary.

"Just tell me what was I supposed to have done, uh, this morning??"

"Relax Leon! It seems young Babs fell asleep with her wet hair wrapped in a towel. It fell off sometime in the night. Now the poor thing discovered that a man with no hair wouldn't have a comb or brush anywhere in his bathroom! Her style is unusual, to say the least!"

"I look like the Wicked Witch of the west!" they heard a soft laugh. "I don't even have any clean clothes to wear! My dress is all smelly from the desert heat!"

"Oh! Forgot about that!" Leon looked around and spotted his packages from last night. He left the food, but grabbed at the clothing.

Mike snatched the bag from his hands. "Let's see." He looked inside. "I knew it! A tee-shirt and shorts?" He pulled out the shirt. "A little small for our proud and bountiful beauty, don't you think? The poor stacked thing would never get this to stretch over her assets!" He grabbed the tiny pair of shorts next." Good Lord man! Are you trying to land her a job at Hooters? It's just a good thing I have better taste then you do!" He went out in the hall and grabbed his own package and a small leather case. "I have some things she'll just adore! Trust me on this, big guy!" He threw the leather case on the coffee table and headed to the aid of his knew friend.

As Mike passed through the bedroom again, he paused on the way and stared at the bed. He looked at Leon then once again at the bloodstains on the sheet before finally shaking his head in disbelief. "Here you go, girlfriend." He said cheerfully as the door once again opened. "I think these will suit you nicely!"

A bare arm reached gingerly out from the bathroom and took the offered bag. "Oh Michael! You are an angel! You saved my life!"

Babs quickly closed the door and locked it, just in case Leon tried to peek. She couldn't keep a smile off of her face. No matter what happened, getting a present was still something thrilling. "Oh, this is just darling!" she exclaimed as she carefully unwrapped the tissue paper from the light fabric bundle. A handkerchief cotton dress was just the thing for this hot weather! Was the weather still hot in Nevada? It must be. Leon did say it was June.

She held the dress up to her naked body and admired herself in the mirror. The red-orange and white block print was nice. It had just the right touch of paisley without being too busy. She approved of the simple white collar and modest neckline. The five pearl-white front buttons and matching belt were just right to finish the look. The fabric was a bit sheer though. It would have a nice drape, but she blushed at the thought of how it would show off her curves. She carefully hung the dress over the towel bar.

"I wonder what else is in here?" she asked hopefully before once more peeking into the bag. "Oh my! Foundation garments!" Michael had actually bought her under-things too. She marveled at the brassiere. How was it put together? "There aren't any seams! It's so lightweight too!" Babs liked how the color was so near her own skin tone. It wouldn't show if the dress were even sheerer then it already was!

She almost dropped the under panties. They were so small and light as to be almost not there! They matched the brassiere so perfectly though. She just had to try them on! "Snug." She said as her face almost glowed red. "I look like that girl on the cover of Leon's sports periodical." That decided her. On they would stay! Leon obviously liked things like this. Perhaps she would let him have just a tiny itty-bitty peek later on. "Perhaps not!" she giggled.

She was thrilled with the brassiere though! "It's so comfortable!" The only trouble was how high it lifted her bosoms. They looked bigger and fuller then ever before. Rounder too. "Uh oh!" she gasped. Her silly nipples had grown firm because she was so happy. The padded almost conical cups of her custom made brassieres did a nice job of disguising this embarrassing little fact of life. This one seemed to go out of its way to accentuate the problem!

She looked back in the bag, then turned it over and shook it. "Empty! No garter. No stockings! No slip!" she glanced at her own dress. It was heavier weight rayon with a nice lining. "I should have worn something lighter yesterday!" Thinking for a moment helped Babs settle her nerves. "Leon won't be able to resist me! I bet he asks me to marry him tonight if I'm dressed like this!"

The happy young woman slipped into the dress and looked in the mirror again. She was right! How on Earth did Michael manage to guess so closely at her sizes? The bodice was just the tiniest bit snug over her bosoms. The new brassiere made it appear as if there was noting but her underneath! The skirt flared nicely over the curve of her hips. Would people think there was nothing under there too? "I better be on my guard tonight! Leon won't be able to stop from turning into a wolf if he catches me alone dressed like this! Thank goodness I was safe for the first time! I don't dare let him come back for seconds before he proposes! After all, why would he buy the cow if the milk is for free?"

Mike and Leon sat next to each other on the sofa for nearly a half hour before the larger man broke the silence "I can explain about stains on the sheets!" Leon blurted out through gritted teeth. "We, uh, it was, um, it wasn't non-consensual! Not really! Not after she got used to the idea! I swear to you that she enjoyed it completely!"

"Relax, big guy! I never thought you raped the child!" He winked up at his friend. "At least I know you have enough sense to take precautions."

Leon let out a breath in one explosive gasp. "There's a problem. I didn't have any condoms on hand."

"Oh fuck! Can't heteros keep it covered for just one night?" he sighed. "Odds are she's just fine. I'm sure she would have said something to me if she were in the wrong part of her cycle."

"To you? Anyway, I asked her and she is. Regular as clockwork she says, and right on what is probably her most fertile day!" Leon shook his head. "She actually told me everyone knows you can't get pregnant the first time! Didn't they teach kids anything back then? Her knowledge of human sexuality and reproduction is sketchy at the very best. I'm surprised she actually knew where I was going to put my" Leon nearly choked when he realized what he was saying. He grinned ruefully and continued. "She wants a sanitary belt and some pads in two weeks. What the hell is a sanitary belt, anyway?"

'Poor Leon!" Babs giggled as she joined the two men in time for only the last sentence. "He asked me about girl's things last night and he's still embarrassed." She looked over at Mike. "You don't look embarrassed Michael."

"I grew up with four sisters. I learned a lot from them."

She smiled broadly. "You surely did! This dress is lovely!" Babs spun to flair out the skirt. "I would have picked this one out myself if I had gone shopping!" she leaned over the sofa and gave Mike a sisterly peck on the cheek. "Thank you ever so much for the foundation garments too." She blushed. "This is the very best most comfortable brassiere I have ever worn! How did you ever manage to get it run up so fast? Just exactly in my size too! It usually takes them a week to make me a new one!"

"Vintage shops for the dress, and Victoria's Secret for the rest. Girlfriend, you are certainly a pleasure to shop for!"

She sighed. "Now can you pretty please help me with my hair?"

Leon couldn't help grinning as he looked at the beautifully dressed woman with the wild mop of damp hair. "I have some experience in that area." He ran a hand over his bare scalp. "Could I help?"

Babs squealed. "No thank you Mr. Man! Michael proved he could be trusted with the important things in life!"

"Men!" Mike laughed. "Girlfriend, you just sit tight. I brought everything we need to make you beautiful!" he turned to Leon and lightly shook the huge man's arm. "Leon! Kindly go put on some clothing before you catch cold!"

Babs glanced down at Leon and then very primly looked away. "Doctor Edwards! How could you be so vulgar?"

The good doctor nearly tripped over his own feet as he bolted from the room. Damn! She did look stunning in that old fashioned dress. He hadn't noticed that the erection he was fiercely ignoring had crept out from underneath his robe! "This is insane!" he muttered as he struggled to get dressed. "She wasn't that bashful last night!" Then it dawned on him. "1941! Oh course! A good girl wouldn't admit to any sort of sexual activity, let alone admit that she liked what she saw when she looked at my cock!"

After Leon left the room, Babs clapped both hands over her mouth to try and muffle her giggles. "It got big again!" she whispered softly to Mike. "Michael, could I ask you a private question?"

He suspected what she would ask, and grinned to encourage her. "Certainly girlfriend. You're a stranger here. I expect you have lots of things you want to know."

"Is Leon, um, malformed?" Her face grew quite red. "I mean, is it supposed to be that big?"

He chose his words carefully. There was no way he wanted to heap another racial stereotype on a girl who was already crammed full of them, even if that stereotype seemed to be accurate. "Leon is a nearly perfect physical specimen. His, shall we say, length and girth, are within human norm." The Asian laughed. "How do you feel today, Babs?"

"I'm a tiny bit sore, but it only bled a little." She gasped. "I mean I'm feeling just fine and dandy, thank you kindly!"

He held up a hand. "It's okay girlfriend! You can talk to me and I'll never tell a soul. Remember, I'm on your side!"

The blushing woman took a deep breath. "I am a little sore down there." She smiled sweetly. "It scared me a little too last night. Leon is so strong! Just for one little second I was afraid he would hurt me."

"I think I'm right in assuming you ended up enjoying yourself though, didn't you, girlfriend?"

"Oh yes! I was only scared at the beginning, but then it was wonderful!" Her eyes flashed. "When we get married I want to do it again and again! I do so hope he asks soon, because we can't risk doing THAT again until after the wedding or I'll be in BIG trouble!"

Mike hid his emotions well. The child really did believe the old wives tale about a girl's first time! "I'm sure Leon can wait. He wouldn't want you to worry or come to harm." He could say much more to put her at ease, but it was too risky. He still wasn't sure exactly what was going on "Now lets get to your beauty treatment, girlfriend! I haven't worked on such a lovely head of hair since my youngest sister went off to medical school."

Leon found them in the kitchen. Mike was happily working away on their young friend's hair. "Mike, how on Earth did you know you would be needing your barber tools today?"

"Please Leon. Stylist, not barber!" Mike complained while silver scissors flashed. He grinned. "I guess you could call it female intuition."

Babs giggled under the attentions of obviously talented hands. "Michael, you're terrible!" she thought for a moment. "Maybe it was some kind intuition after all! I still have no idea how you guessed my sizes or what kind of dress I prefer! Michael, I think you're a magician!" Her eyes followed a golden lock as it drifted to the floor. "Don't cut too much! I want it to stay long!"

"Not to worry! I would consider it a crime to take away too much. You just need a trim to keep this lovely hair healthy." He paused to pick up a few stray hairs. "Didn't your time know anything about split ends? No matter. Think Veronica Lake without the hair covering one eye. Your golden glory is such a lovely accent to that angelic innocent little big girl face of yours."

"Michael, I am nineteen years old!" She blushed with pleasure, proving her scolding to be a fib. "I am not a little girl!"

"No, you certainly aren't." He glanced quickly at Leon before giving her a knowing wink. "When I'm done you will be positively gorgeous, girlfriend!"

"She already is." Leon said softly as his friend worked.

"What was that, Leon dear?" Babs caught Michael's eye and the conspirators shared a smile.

"Nothing at all." The nervous man answered sharply. "Mike, when will we have some idea of what's going on?"

"I brought Bryan in to work on trying to salvage the navigational computer's hard drive."

"Shit! How much did you tell him?"

"Leon!" Babs scolded. "That is not a nice word to use in conversation!"

Leon closed his eyes and clapped a hand against his forehead. It was still hard to reconcile the Babs that hated profanity with the Babs that so freely called him a nigger! He counted to ten, slowly, in French, before speaking. "You're right Babs. I apologize. Mike, how much did you tell Bryan?"

"Have you ever fallen in love with a science fiction fanatic?" Mike laughed gleefully. "My Bryan figured it out for himself! He saw the mint condition of the car, and the antique style of the license plate and put two and two together. Last night he kept calling me Doctor Who!"

"Doctor Who?" Babs asked, clearly puzzled.


"Exactly who is this doctor?"

Mike choked back a laugh. Exactly. Doctor Who!"

"Leon groaned. "Who is on first?"

Babs suddenly shouted out. "Well what are you askin' me for?" she nearly fell out of her chair giggling. "You two were just teasing me! I adore Abbott and Costello! I used to listen to them on the radio, and I saw both of their pictures!"

"Both?" Mike smiled. "Girlfriend, they made about thirty films together!"

"Mike! The hard drive!"

"It's in good hands Leon." Mike paused in his work and was suddenly all business. "Bryan purchased two identical units. Right now he's removing the platters from one of the new drives in a glove box clean room environment I helped him whip together. That will give him some experience before taking apart the failed unit. Basically, he's performing a platter transfer. Once it's up and running, he'll back up the data onto the second new unit before reinstalling that one into the guidance computer. By this time tomorrow we should know exactly what went wrong."

Leon thought for a moment. "The generator is no real problem. I think I can swing a replacement in time to run some tests after Bryan finishes." The huge man grinned in relief. "Isn't that good news, Babs? We may be able to send you home as early as tomorrow night!"

The blond looked stricken. "Are, are we finished, Michael?" she asked softly.

"Yes girlfriend. You look fantastic!"

"Thank you very much!" Babs burst into tears and ran from the room.

"Leon, just how stupid can one man be?" Mike put away his scissors. "I'll go check on Bryan. We wouldn't want to delay one second longer then necessary before sending that sweet child home, would we?" He glared at his friend. "Don't forget what she may be facing back then because of you!"

"I know!" Leon shouted. "I also know she has to go back!"

"Maybe so!" Mike visibly cooled "Did you have to slap her in the face with the news? The poor thing thinks you want to get rid of her now, and after last night!"

"I don't know what to think any more!" He scrubbed a hand over his face. "I'm not saying last night was an accident, but things would be so much simpler if I hadn't acted like some damn-fool horny high school jock!"

Mike swept up the hair from the floor. "I'll have a word with her before I go. Just for heaven's sake don't act so glad to see her go!"

Once again Babs sat in the bathroom crying. Could she have been so wrong? Leon said he loved her. Was that a lie just so he could do things with her? No! That wasn't the answer! She had felt the sparks when he touched her hand. She started when a tapping sounded from the door. "Go away Doctor Edwards!" It came out in such a sad and tiny voice, not the scream she had intended.

"Girlfriend, it's me. Let me in for a moment."

She didn't move for a few seconds, but finally unlocked the door. "I'm sorry I was so cross with you, Michael. You are always such a perfect gentleman, too!"

"It's going to be alright, sweetie. I promise you that!"

"How can you!" she sniffed back tears. "Leon doesn't want to marry me! I was so sure he did, especially after the things we did last night!"

Mike smiled kindly. "It's like I told you girlfriend. All men are assholes!"

She smiled ruefully. "Not you!" her voice dropped to a whisper. "Leon Edwards is an arse-hole!"

"I bet you feel better now, don't you?"

Her smile brightened a bit. "Why, I do feel a little better. Thank you again, Michael!"

He took her hand. "Do you trust me, Babs?"

"Of course I do!" She tossed her hair about her head. "I wouldn't have let you work your magic on my hair if I didn't!"

"Magic, that's a good word." He couldn't say too much, but he had to give her some little bit of comfort. "You said I was a magician before. It may not be too far from the truth. If you trust me, then you must believe what I'm telling you. If you really don't want to go back, you won't. Remember that girlfriend! Remember also that I think Leon would be a fool to let someone like you out of his life. Doctor Leon Edwards is nobody's fool! Just trust me. These things always have a way of working out."

Hope made the girl's lovely eyes glow. "I do trust you! I do believe you!" she hugged her friend tightly. "Thank you so much Michael! I'll be brave and things will be fine!"

"Why the, um, heck does everyone suddenly hold meetings in my bathroom?" Leon announced rather sheepishly. "Babs, uh, would, would you like to go out to dinner?" He cleared his throat. "I mean, dinner as in going on a date with me?"

She released Michael and threw open the door. "That would be lovely, Leon! Thank you so much for asking me."

Mike grinned. "See? He's not the solid rock of an island he thinks he is. Remember what I said and everything will be fine!"

Leon looked puzzled while Babs planted another sisterly little peck on Mike's cheek. "You run along home now and give Bryan a great big kiss for me to thank him for all his help. I'm feeling much better now thanks to you!"

"What did you guys talk about?" Leon had dreaded facing Babs after his blunder, but everything looked back on track now.

"Just girl talk, Leon!" Mike patted the bemused man on the arm. "Nothing a guy would find interesting. Now I'm off." He grinned wickedly. "The lady ordered me to deliver a kiss. That is one delivery I'm looking forward too!"

Leon scratched his head as Mike happily headed for home. "I think sometimes I'm going crazy."

"Nonsense, Leon dear." She had a dreamy look on her face. "I think it's very sweet that Michael is so much in love!"

He couldn't help smiling. "I guess you're right. Bryan has been very good for Mike. So Babs, shall we go?"

"Well, is there such a thing as a nice steakhouse in the future?" She smiled hopefully. "I would really enjoy a nice thick juicy steak!"

"The lady wants a steak, so that's what the lady will have!" He offered his arm, like he was in a classic movie. He had to admit it felt great when she put her arm through his and hugged it to her. "I know just the place. Shall we go?"

The blond stood still. "Leon, um, will they let me in the 'black's only' dining room? I wouldn't want to cause you any trouble being seen on a date with a white woman."

Blood roared in Leon's ears. It was quite an inner battle before he decided that Babs was actually concerned for his well being, and not once again throwing ignorant racist filth at him. He took a deep breath. "Babs sweetheart, there aren't any more places like that. I can dine in any restaurant I like, with the company I chose to keep."

Babs sighed. "You're mad at me again. I can tell." She dropped her eyes as if studying the hard wood floor. "I would understand if you didn't chose to keep company with me."

What a poor mixed up kid. Leon couldn't help feeling sorry for her now. She wasn't a stupid woman. She didn't even seem to actually be racist. The lovely girl was just horribly ignorant on certain subjects and parroting things she learned from her own society. "Like I said, I keep the company I chose!" He started towards the door, but she still held back.

"I promise I'll be good!" she whispered softly. "I, um, there's one more problem though."

"What is it?" he asked with a sinking feeling.

"This dress! It's just darling, and I'm so glad Michael bought it for me." She looked up in exasperation, "It's only a day dress! I don't have any eveningwear!"

Leon heard a roaring again. This time it was the roar of his laughter! Thinking fast, he tried to answer her in a convincing manner. "Babs, you look like a million bucks! I'm pretty sure you'll be one of the best dressed women there!"

Her cheeks colored prettily. "Why thank you, Doctor Edwards!" She eyed his cream colored linen slacks and the matching linen short sleeved shirt. The coloring was such a nice contrast to his ebony skin. Her heart fluttered when she remembered how he looked while undressed. "You look nice too!"

"Well that's settled. We both look great, and we're both starving." He grinned. "We never had dinner last night, then we slept the day through."

Babs blushed. "I usually get up at dawn!" she batted her eyes in a rather coy manner. "For some reason I was quite tired last night! I think it must take some getting used to. I mean, doing THAT kind of thing right before bedtime!"

Leon felt a stab of guilt and tried to will his cock to remain flaccid. "I supposed so." He grabbed a white snap-brimmed cap and put in on at a rather jaunty angle. "People get used to it, I hear."

She tossed her golden tresses. "Well, that's one thing I won't have to worry about once you send me home."

That was a low blow. Leon felt an almost physical pain in his heart, but refused to waver. Babs would be better off in her own time! His thoughts turned to the child most likely growing within her sexy body. No! She couldn't stay here! "Let's go Babs!" he said gruffly. "I don't want to miss dinner again!"

Babs smiled. She felt Leon's reaction to her simple teasing. Michael was right! It wasn't too late! "Yes, Leon dear. I'm ready now."

Leon's mood improved when they reached the elevator. The kid was nearly jumping up and down with excitement. "Yes Babs, you can press the buttons!"

"Thank you!" Babs pressed the glowing button and stepped back as the door opened. A huge black cat sauntered out. "Well hello kitty!" Knowing the ways of cats, Babs leaned down and offered her hand without attempting to touch him. He casually sniffed before daintily licking the tip of her index finger. "What a sweetheart! Leon, who belongs to this fine fellow?"

"Don't you have that inverted?" Leon grinned. "I think he believes this entire building belongs to him. You never know when or where he'll turn up."

The cat seemed to nod in agreement before heading down the hallway. Babs giggled. "I think you're right! Do you pay rent in fish heads? "

The stairwell door burst open. "Louie, I don't have time for this!" a petite redhead in astonishingly high heels she curiously managed to run in shouted. "Doctor Edwards, did you see Louie come out of the elevator?"

Leon pointed. "That way, Miss Barr."

"He figured out how to work the stupid buttons! I don't know how the big lug manages to jump so high!" The redhead paused and looked Babs up and down. Then back up, being that Babs had the height advantage. "1940? No later then 1941. Am I right?"

Babs gasped. "How, how did you know?" Was this Miss Barr as much of a magician as Michael? "1941, um, is right."

The slight woman pointed at her own curiously colorful frock. "1967. I can always read the vintage of a good dress! That one is a beauty! I know I've seen it somewhere while on a thrift shop prowl. I would have snatched it up myself if it weren't so ridiculously long. Oh, no offence."

Babs smiled tentatively. "None taken. I'd like to wear yours if it weren't so ridiculously tiny."

Miss Barr glared at her, before relaxing into a grin. "Guess I had that coming!" She thrust out a hand. "Temple Barr, nice to meet you!"

The taller woman smiled and accepted the offered hand. "Barbara-Anne Barrister. You can call me Babs."

"Okay, Babs. First chance we get we need to join forces and shop 'til we drop!" The tiny powerhouse took off again. "Glad to see you take a break from work, Doctor E! Everyone thought you moved out on us!" She gave him a saucy wink. "You seem more relaxed already!"

Leon shook his head as the redhead scooted off. "This building seems to attract some odd tenants!"

Babs smiled. "She seems very nice, even if the hem of her dress is so obscenely short!"

Leon raised an eyebrow. "Obscene? I didn't think so."

"Doctor Leon Brown!" The flash of jealous anger in her eyes startled him. "You were looking at that woman's thighs!"

"True." He said softly. "I was only noticing how yours are lovelier, that's all." A strong hand descended and caressed the blonde's leg through the thin cotton of her dress. "Lovelier by far."

The young woman blushed, but her eyes sparkled. "Leon, don't talk like that!" she continued with just a tiny note of pride in her voice. "Temple is far too little for you anyway."

"Right you are, Babs." He winked. "Too little to be able to take what you did last night."

"That is not what I mean!" Babs squealed as her blush deepened. She abruptly pulled away from him. "You are a terrible man! A nice man wouldn't say such things!" She glanced at his trousers and felt a bolt of warmth race through her body. It looked like Leon had a length of salami tucked down the inseam of his right leg! The salami was nearly touching his kneecap! She nearly swooned.

Same as Time Push
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Wartime Passion

A few years ago, my wife was having a midlife crisis while I was away serving in Iraq. She was both lonely and horny. She had been without me for nearly 8 months and I still had four more months to go on my tour of duty. Char is an attractive 40 year old woman, 5'8" tall with blonde hair and green eyes. She keeps herself in great shape and still has a body to prove it, 36-30-36. Our sex life is absolutely wonderful when I am there, and I would not change a thing. She is a Hottie and we are...

4 years ago
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Summertime Fun0

Summertime Fun After my divorce I got my daughter every other weekend and for the entire summer. Now that she was fourteen and developing quite nicely I was enjoying her even more. I also indulged her desire for sexy revealing clothing, since her mother wouldn’t. Holly was pleased that I had purchased a summer home alone the beach. We used to go to the ocean when we were still a family. Another thing that I did to piss my wife off after the divorce. It was a very nice place and I...

2 years ago
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Summertime Chapter One

Summertime: Chapter 1 By Tommie Summertime, and the living was easy. I had just graduated college and I was home for the summer. My parents were on vacation and I had the house to myself. I had settled into a relaxed routine. Up late, lazy breakfast, a little bit of work on the computer to keep my hand in for the programmer's job I was starting in the fall. Then, as often as not, a lazy afternoon reading in the back yard before soccer training in the evening. Soccer had paid my...

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TimeLine chapter 1

Like Billy Pilgrim, John and Amy have become unstuck in time. Unlike Billy Pilgrim, theirs is a fate more akin to eternal recurrence. Fate, for sure, had intended more for them. The timeline was diverted and the two were paying the price: Amy for her stubborn obstinance; John for his arrogance. For her stubborn behavior, Amy was dealt a hand similar to that of Sisyphus. She was placed upon life's treadmill: forever struggling to make ends meet; forever struggling to find her way...

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TimeLine chapter 2

When did the first, unfortunate fork in the timeline take place? Each attempt to divert the timeline back onto its true, fateful path has resulted in failure. Time is growing short, and an altered fate nearer. Each manipulation has resulted in this fate's end time grower slightly nearer or farther, but no significant change has occurred. Given that recursion is the problem, perhaps it is also the solution. Perhaps. The two share a weakness -- each knows on some level what needs to...

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Facetime Accident With Mother In Law

Facetime Accident With Mother In LawIt was the usual time me and my girlfriend would facetiming but I felt a little risky this time so I was already naked. I gave her number a ring and had the camera straight at my junk trying to throw a little surprise there for her. I was swaying it back and forth and I still didn't get a reply. All I heard was.. “Uhm... Hello...” Next thing I noticed it was my girlfriends mom. I said oh shit and struggled trying to hang up while she said “No no... don't hang...

2 years ago
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Timeless Beauty 2

TIMELESS BEAUTY 2 BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Alex walked from the shower trying to dry his long shoulder length hair. In only a bath robe, he entered his college dorm room and turned on the television. The channel 5 weather man was giving a major warning for its forecast. As a transsexual he was happy to of gotten a single room. "This just in," said the weatherman. "This looks like it will be the worst hurricane season for Florida since the 1960s. The major threats are the hurricanes that...

4 years ago
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Sentiments of a Submissive

Sentiments of a Submissive By:? Miss Georgia Peach As told to:? JEP  Introduction:? Miss Peach is the most unique submissive I have ever encountered.? In addition to being incredibly beautiful, she has the mind of a true intellect.? She has a unique ability to put words together to create a vivid word picture that is truly a work of eroticism.? The following are her words to express her sentiments and a few of her experiences.???????????????? JEP  I do love the concept of being pierced...

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Springtime Summit

I smile as I step out of the car, my boots crunching against the gravel beneath my feet. It’s one of those perfect spring days – the sun shining brightly through the crisp, cool air, a bit of breeze carrying that intoxicating earthy, damp smell of the season. My smile broadens as I remember that quote from Miss Congeniality: the “perfect date” was April 25th, because “it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.” I guess I am a cliché, but I can’t help it. I love Spring. New...

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Springtime is for Lovers

When we first met it was entirely by accident. Even now I remember it clearly, although almost four decades have passed by since then. It was one of those lovely bright sunny days that are so typical of Paris in the springtime.I was strolling along the Boulevard Haussmann, just outside the Magasin au Printemps where the pretty girls were selling their bunches of lily of the valley as they traditionally used to do on the first day of May.  I wasn't looking where I was going, daydreaming as...

Love Stories
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Springtime In Pennsylvania

I remember vividly, one Saturday last year. It started out as a regular, routine springtime Saturday, filled with plans of getting the trimming done up and then mowing the yard. The sky was a deep, rich shade of blue and not a cloud to be seen. A few short weeks from now, a day like this would turn into a scorcher, but today, being early in the summer, it held the promise of being almost perfect weather for me to get everything done. There was a full case of beer waiting for me in the...

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Springtime for Summers

Springtime for Summers (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Anne Summers had always thought that Christmas would be the worst time. The death of her husband Patrick the preceding September had been such a devastating shock, she had barely gone through the motions that first December, in an effort to create a semblance of joy for her three year old daughter Lindy. In her fragile state, she had succumbed to the smooth advances of her investment advisor, Andrew Nash, a...

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Springtime In Pennsylvania

I remember vividly, one Saturday last year. It started out as a regular, routine springtime Saturday, filled with plans of getting the trimming done up and then mowing the yard. The sky was a deep, rich shade of blue and not a cloud to be seen. A few short weeks from now, a day like this would turn into a scorcher, but today, being early in the summer, it held the promise of being almost perfect weather for me to get everything done.There was a full case of beer waiting for me in the...

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Springtime on the Farm

It’s been 29 years since this happened but I remember it as if it was yesterday. I changed her name but the incidents are true. I knew what the ‘bird’ was, we used it at school to taunt and tease our friends, a greeting. We knew it had a sexual connotation but that wasn’t why we flipped each other off. I could stiff finger my friends and they would laugh and reply in kind, it was part of how we communicated. Once in a while though I would give my younger sister the finger because she irritated...

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SPELLS r' US: Showtime By Raven Jeff was a drama student at the university. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be an actor. Jeff grew up watching all of the old greats: Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and all of the swashbuckling heros. In truth, that is how he pictured him- self. The modern movies just couldn't capture the "daring-do" of the old black and whites! Jeff was convinced that when he became a star, he would be able to bring...

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Showtime Part 3

e amaze each other, Jennifer, but I'm going to amaze you the most. I have a passion to live within easy reach of Shaftsbury Avenue and the rest of theatreland. Footlights and greasepaint are part of me and I constantly need to feel the pulse of the West End. That being the case I'm going to make Horace Pratt an offer for this house." "You're going to buy number nineteen?" Jennifer asked incredulously, "But how? You're always so short of money. You never have two brass pennies to rub...

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Showtime Part 1

SHOWTIME Part 1 The train raced south though a late spring morning. Clickerty-clack, clickerty-clack, wheels making music of their ride over hard steel rails. Jennifer Hancock wedged herself tight into the corner of her seat by the window to gaze with growing boredom at the green fields and tops of houses that had been the scenery for most of the time since her journey from York had begun. On the surface there seemed little chance for sexual intrigue on such a trip. The passenger...

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Showtime Part 5

SHOWTIME Part 5 Daylight cutting in between ill-fitting curtains awoke Jennifer Hancock early, but it took several moments for dormant cogs of concupiscence to crank into motion. Eventually she wiped the back of a hand over her eyes to brush away a wisp of hair before rolling from her bed and lurching across to the window. Rain was falling; fat wet drops bouncing on the sills outside as she gazed out on the closely packed roofs and chimney-pots opposite, all standing on top of...

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Showtime "Gentlemen and lady. We have a new delight for you for one night only. Fresh from the streets of downtown Bangkok I give you an English whore originally known as Thomas but as you can see from her tattoos now known as Felicity." Collared I was led out onto the stage wearing just a black bra filled with large breast forms and black nylon bikini panties. I had been abducted and now I was to be the star of a seedy sex show. I was forced onto my hands and knees. Whilst most Thai...

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Showtime 2

Showtime 2 "Lady and gentlemen. Tonight we have for your pleasure a bridegroom on his honeymoon here in Bangkok. His nineteen year old bride is on her way to our breeding farm where she will be continuously bred until she becomes infertile in probably 20 to 25 years time. Then she will have a brief career as an actress starring in her one and only film. "Contrary to convention James here has taken his wife's name of Veronica and as you can see she is wearing her wedding lingerie. I...

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“We are both naked sitting on high stools facing each other. We are both going to watch each other receive oral sex from people we have never met before. “A male we have never met before is standing behind me teasing my nipples with his fingertips. His lady is watching as she prepares to tongue fuck me. “Or perhaps a female we have never met before is is standing behind me teasing my nipples with her fingertips. Her man is watching as he prepares to tongue fuck me. “And the same for you. A...

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Summertime Love

The darkness enveloped them both, lit only by a small pink-shaded lamp on her side of the bed. They’d been married for years, until chance and the fortune of summertime alone, free of children for a short time, led them to discover their lovemaking anew, slow and sensual, a contrast to the hurried, giggling, sneaking around after the kids were abed. She would slip into their bedroom, right before he was due to come home, stripping off her clothes and lying in the semidarkness. No toys or...

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Summertime Threesome

Michael Hawkins was your typical student in school. He made sure that all of his studies were done before anything else had happened in his life. A lot of times, he wished he had more freedom to do what he had wanted but his parents were afraid that he may stray down a path of drugs and crime. Michael’s brother David was doing a life bid for murder and he had been locked up for 5 years of a life sentence with no chance of parole so his parents made sure tht they did everything they could to...

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Summertime Incest Story Collection

Welcome to the Summertime Incest Story Collection, an anthology of short incest stories sharing the hottest season’s setting or vibe. As it is summer, Father’s Day in June will feature in a few stories but they may reflect themes of hot summer lust, occur during a summer vacation, or simply take place in the season. And, while we are currently talking about summer in the northern half of the planet as it happens right now this could be summer in the Southern Hemisphere or a hot week in the...

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Summertime Saga Memories

A.N. I would like to thank Dark Cookie for giving me permission to write a story about his game Summertime Saga. Feel free to check out Dark Cookies Patreon to support him and his game. Summer was nearly over. Peter's wild adventure had run its course. Now Peter was sleeping in his new house by the beach. When Peter woke up in his large bedroom in his beach house, he found himself feeling lethargic, and he struggled to get out of bed. When he finally got the energy to push the covers off of it...

4 years ago
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Summertime Threesome

Michael Hawkins was your typical student in school. He made sure that all of his studies were done before anything else had happened in his life. A lot of times, he wished he had more freedom to do what he had wanted but his parents were afraid that he may stray down a path of drugs and crime. Michael's brother David was doing a life bid for murder and he had been locked up for 5 years of a life sentence with no chance of parole so his parents made sure tht they did everything they could to...

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Summertime Mary

It was 1974 and the summer before my senior year of high school. At 17, I stood about 5'10" and had a lean, firm body kept that way by playing racquetball and jogging. I had my own car, a used '69 Chevelle SS, that I paid for by working at a local grocery store. Dad had made a five hundred dollar down payment for me and co-signed the note, but I was making the payments and paying for my own gas and any maintenance the car needed. Dad paid for my insurance. I had started at the store as soon...

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Mary looked over the card she received from the handsome man at the door to the porno shop in Central City. The well-dressed, black guy. The fellow who had driven her to tears of pleasure. The fellow she had John suck off with her as the last ditch effort to retain her sanity from the yard o’ beef they’d encountered in this gloryhole. The card read, ANSON BLAINE, CONSULTANT. That was all. She lay in bed that night, remembering his huge black cock…tasting it…fucking it…nursing on the...

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John attended a business meeting in San Antonio, and so Kelly and Mary shared a Thursday dinner in his absence to discuss the proposed Saturday night get-together. Their former “slave” of the week before requested another meeting with them. “John won’t be here this weekend, darlin’,” said Mary. “It would be so much more fun if he were here…do you think we ought to invite James so we can have a fun cock to play with? Or should it just be us girls this Saturday? “You know, every time...

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Playtime Chap VIII Lets Get Something Straight Between Us and Playtime Chap IX James Second Encounter The Dancing Girl

LET’S GET SOMETHING STRAIGHT BETWEEN US… The marrieds realize they both get off using “dirty words”. “ People treat others so mean by calling them an asshole, or a dick, or a cunt,” she said, using that last word for the first time in her life. “ “Bitch” and “whore” fall into that category, too.” Both felt those words should be compliments -- a sexy woman proud of her body, knowing how to use it, and being in charge. They decide it’s patriarchal, putting the woman down, when she...

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PlaytimeNote:This is a small chapter/idea that I deleted from the main novel (Four Bitches) for reasons of plot fluidity. Originally it was intended to be a second visit by Dolly to Madame?s tender loving care. However, I decided that a single episode for each husband was more consistent for the storyline. It may amuse the reader to see just a little more of Madame and her demented daughters?  Only a slight mention of this episode is now left in the main body of the novel as an afterthought. In...

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Timeless Atlantis Ch 02

His sweat and body odor mixed together into a foul smell that was repellant and made all the more so because I could not get away. He had pulled me up and had his back against a tree and his front guarded by my body. He pulled me around the tree, trying to see everywhere at once, wondering where the mysterious attacker would come at him next. I must have looked scared. I certainly felt it and the emotion was powerful enough that even now I get a cold shiver. We waited for what seemed an...

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Stuck with tidying the sports storage shed, Lewis moaned and grunted with anger as his mates ran back to the changing rooms to get changed and go home. The only upside was he was alone with miss crow, a young thin sports teacher that was extremely atractive. Miss crow was about 25, 5’3 and had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were DD her waist was thin while her hips were wide for her size. In contrast with Lewis he stood at 6’7 and his shoulders were wide and waist was thin. Even...

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Nighttime Cavern part 1

Chapter one It was nighttime, and I had just gotten back from swimming in the sea. It can’t really be called swimming, since I was just splashing around near the shore. Skinny dipping would be a good word for it though. Water dripped off my glorious wet naked body. I looked down at myself, seeing perky C- cups and an overall curvaceous body. I turned my head and looked at my voluptuous behind. My boyfriend was still at dinner, but he knew very well what I was doing. As I had told him, a dark...

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Nighttime Cavern part 1

Chapter one It was nighttime, and I had just gotten back from swimming in the sea. It can't really be called swimming, since I was just splashing around near the shore. Skinny dipping would be a good word for it though. Water dripped off my glorious wet naked body. I looked down at myself, seeing perky C- cups and an overall curvaceous body. I turned my head and looked at my voluptuous behind. My boyfriend was still at dinner, but he knew very well what I was doing. As I had told him, a dark...

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The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...

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A tall slender girl, she couldn't have been much over 18 or 19. Her faded blue hip hugger shorts showed off her narrow waist. Wide hips told me she was blossoming into a well-developed woman. I admired the long, slender legs and the curve of her thighs. I could just make out the crease that separated her butt cheeks from her legs in the frayed bottoms of her short shorts. Her shoes were the clunky-heeled strap-on things that girls wear these days with no socks. She did a quick skip and some...

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Last October at my sister’s 35th birthday dinner, my brother feels the need to inform the entire table of my old thumb-sucking habit. I was really surprised anyone remembered, but apparently the way I went about my little rituals, is strange and fun to bring up at inappropriate times. My family, especially my brother, enjoys watching me squirm and fidget because I am the only one left with secrets apparently. I sat across the table a bit embarrasses but struggled with the comments. I look to my...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 14

"Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!!" my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wife's passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so brought down and depressed. I stopped eating, stopped doing really anything until my daughter came back from her grandparents house one evening. She went...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 13

"Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!!" my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wife's passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so brought down and depressed. I stopped eating, stopped doing really anything until my daughter came back from her grandparents house one evening. She went...

5 years ago
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Bathtime with Daddy Part 12

"Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!!" my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wife's passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so brought down and depressed. I stopped eating, stopped doing really anything until my daughter came back from her grandparents house one evening. She went...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 11

"Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!!" my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wife's passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so brought down and depressed. I stopped eating, stopped doing really anything until my daughter came back from her grandparents house one evening. She went...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 10

"Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!!" my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wife's passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so brought down and depressed. I stopped eating, stopped doing really anything until my daughter came back from her grandparents house one evening. She went...

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Bathtime With Niece

"Bath time, Uncle Bob," she said brightly. "Um?" said Bob, looking up from his book. His niece was naked. "I said it was bath time. Come on. I have cheerleader tryouts tomorrow and I have to get up early so I can get there, warm up and practice my cheers. Tub or Shower?" she finished. "Well, since you're in such a hurry, I suppose it should be shower tonight," said her uncle, and he got up. He untied his robe and dropped it to the floor, leaving him just as naked as his...

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Timewalker pt 4 long 120 pgs

I didn’t divide it into 2 sections like I did the other parts, since nobody appreciated the extra efforts I took to shorten it anyway. The people who like my stories don’t care how long they are, as they simply download them and read them at their own leisure. In fact, the webmaster of this site once e-mailed me and told me that I was free to write stories of ANY file size (I could put the entire book into ONE file if I wanted). So stop your wimpy whining about the length, and just enjoy it!...

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Timewalker pt 3a long

The Adventures of Béla, the Vampire Girl Book 4: Time Walker Part 3a Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It had been almost a week since their daughter, Alicia, had left to return to D.C. The house didn’t seem empty, though. Little Nathan, Jake and Tabatha Hedron’s five-year-old son, completely filled it. Frank and Tanya loved having Nathan, their great-grandson, around. The youngster put them back on a schedule like normal, living people. What with starting school and...

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Timewalker pt 2b long

The Adventures of Béla, the Vampire Girl Book 4: Time Walker Part 2b Chapter 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “You ready?” Béla asked, calling upstairs to where Jake was. She sighed. He always made them late to the club. Jake appeared at the top of the stairs. “Sorry. I was talking to Frank about Jake and Tabatha.” “They find out anything?” Béla asked. She already knew they hadn’t. She could see it in Jake’s mind. “No,” he said. “Frank thinks that you should go over...

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Timewalker pt 2a long

The Adventures of Béla, the Vampire Girl Book 4: Time Walker Part 2a Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She was riding on his hard cock, another orgasm starting to explode between her thighs and up into her belly. Her eyes were closed, wanting nothing more than to live forever in the next orgasm, never having to face the awful realities she fled from in her ecstasy, wishing it all to be far behind her. Her orgasm exploded, devouring her alive… She was floating in space – her...

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Timewalker pt 1b

Book 4: Time Walker Part 1b Chapter 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tabatha watched while Lisa sat on the floor with Ethan. At the ripe old age of four, Lisa was only a year older than Tabatha’s son. But she wasn’t the same species. The vampire species evidently matured, at least physically, at around five years of age. Lisa looked (and acted) like a bratty fifteen-year-old girl. Tabatha had figured out how to get Béla’s daughter to behave while she babysat her. She’d bring Ethan with...

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Timewalker pt 1a

Book 4: Time Walker Part 1a Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I don’t care!” Tanya cried out. Frank held her tightly while she beat on his chest with her fists. “That’s my daughter in there!” She broke down again, weeping hysterically. She allowed Frank to hold her tightly while she sobbed. ‘This whole family has gone fucking nuts!’ Frank thought to himself, furious and upset and not knowing who to blame. His grandson’s new wife had collapsed while she was being...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 1

Introduction: What happens when daddy looks at his little girl in a whole new way at bathtime? ~This story is completly fictional and created from my imagination!!!~ Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!! my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wifes passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so...

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Bathtime with Daddy Part 1

Introduction: What happens when daddy looks at his little girl in a whole new way at bathtime? ~This story is completly fictional and created from my imagination!!!~ Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!! my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wifes passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so...

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