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They'd been watching for almost an hour now. APCs continued to shuttle tank crewmen from one landing ship to another and tanks continued to come down the ramp where they would drive to a staging position and await assignment to a prepared position on the perimeter. Meanwhile the bulldozers continued to work like mad, preparing those hull-down positions.

"No way in hell anything is gonna get in that perimeter," Lisa observed. "We could throw every tank in Eden at them and they'd throw them all back in ten minutes."

"Yep," agreed Lon. "And there's too many of them for us to start sniping with our own ATs. We'd hit three or four of them — maybe — and then they'd rake us with eighty-millimeter fire. There's not enough cover or even concealment out here to protect us and the nearest place we can bring down a Hummingbird without having it plastered is six klicks back."

"We'll have to pound them on the march," Horishito said.

"But we won't have as much time to do it in," Jefferson pointed out. "They're only a hundred and twenty klicks from the city and only seventy-five from the gap."

"We're gonna have to work twice as hard," Lisa said. "So will the Mosquito crews."

"You got that shit right," Lon said. "If we don't slow them down somehow they're gonna get to the gap before our reinforcements get there. If the gap falls without the ACRs inflicting heavy casualties on them the 2nd Infantry might not be able to hold — especially if the reinforcements aren't there yet either."

They all pondered that thought worriedly, none liking this sudden debut of what appeared to be sensible thinking on the part of the WestHems.

"Our whole doctrine depends on slowing them down," Jefferson said. "There has to be a way to do it."

"Nothing that we're gonna be able to do," Lon said. "We're stuck out here observing and reporting. And what we're observing and reporting is bad news."

The news became worse a few minutes later. It was Lisa — whose sector of responsibility included the middle portion of the landing zone — who spotted it first. She saw flares of heat from one of the ships. Her trained eyes grew wide as she saw that the ship in question was a hover-carrier and that the flares of heat were caused by excess interior atmosphere being vented out due to the opening of many doors on the side of the ship.

"Shit on me," she said. "Sarge, take a look at ship two-seven — the hover carrier. They just opened every goddamn door on the side."

"The launch doors?" Lon asked, alarmed. He quickly reduced the zoom on his goggles and began panning in the direction where the ship designated as twenty-seven was located.

"The launch doors," Lisa confirmed. "And now I'm getting heat flare from inside almost all of them. They're sending hovers out! An assload of them."

The discipline instilled in the special forces members prevented the rest of the team from abandoning their areas of observational responsibility to take a look at what Lisa was reporting. For this reason Corporal Spunkmaster — one of the recent replacements for the two casualties from phase one — was the next to make an observation.

"I'm getting the same thing from landing ship one-eight," he said. "That's the other hover-carrier. Multiple doors opening and heat flare of engines from inside."

"Jesus Christ, sarge," Jefferson said. "You think they picked up a transmission from us or from one of the other teams?"

"If they know where we're at we're fuckin' toast," said Horishito, a hint of fear in his voice. "There ain't nowhere for us to hide out here!"

"Everyone chill," Lon said as he finally managed to zoom in and see what Lisa had reported. "If they knew we were out here they'd hit us with their arty first. This looks like... like an air strike."

"An air strike?" Horishito said. "But they haven't set up a forward refuel point. How are they gonna... oh shit," he said, as the ramifications of his words suddenly struck him.

"Holy shit," Lon said. "Now we know why they landed so far forward. They won't need a fucking forward refuel point from here. Eden is within their range!"

"The 250s," Lisa said. "That has to be what they're going after! The 250s and maybe the air launch facilities for the Mosquitoes and the Hummingbirds!"

"Shit," Lon said. "Why the fuck didn't someone think of this?"

The hovers began to emerge from their ship, easing out on flares of bright heat and then rising into the air and drifting outward. In only twenty seconds more than thirty of them had launched from each ship. They began to form up some two hundred meters above their ships.

"Jefferson," Lon said, "send off a priority report about this. Hovers assembling above the LZ in large numbers. Prepare for air strike. Will report more when they move out."

"Right, sarge," he said, turning on his communications gear and quickly setting up the message. Before he was even done transcribing it the entire compliment of hovers had launched and assembled.

"What's our count?" Lon asked.

"Sixty-three of them," Horishito said.

"That's my count too," Lisa confirmed. "All of them attack hovers."

As a unit, the formation of hovers turned and began to move to the east, accelerating as they went, but descending and staying less than one hundred meters above the ground. Before they were out of sight it was clear that they'd accelerated to their top Martian speed of one hundred and seventy kilometers per hour.

"Send the next message," Lon told Jefferson. "Six-three attack hovers moving east from the LZ at one-seven-zero, altitude one-zero-zero."

"Sending it," Jefferson reported. "I hope there's someone up there to hit them."

There was someone up there — three different flights of Mosquitoes circling and awaiting further instructions — but all of them were running low on fuel. Brian and Matt's flight of two were the closest and they'd just sent off an encrypted message to flight command letting them know they would need to head in for refuel in the next ten minutes. They had been awaiting their reply when the emergency action message came over the radio frequency.

"Fuck me," Matt said as he listened to the message. "Boss, did you hear that shit?"

"I caught some of it," Brian said. "Repeat it."

"Six-three attack hovers have just launched from the Eden LZ. They're heading east at one-zero-zero meters AGL, moving maximum speed. All units move to intercept if possible."

"Sixty-three of them?" Brian said. "Shit. I was hoping I'd heard wrong." He looked down at his fuel gauge and clicked his lips a few times.

"They gotta be going after the 250s," Matt said. "If they get through they'll kill them!"

"Get us an intercept course right now!" Brian told him. "We need to drop as many as we can!"

"Boss, we got the fuel to do that? If we go turnin' and burnin' while we're on low we might not make it back to the base."

"We need to try," Brian said. "If we have to ditch before we get back then we have to ditch. Now get me that fucking course and then open up a channel to our wing."

Matt didn't hesitate for an instant. "Right, boss," he said, flipping over to the navigation screen. "Plotting it now."

"If we find them fast, hit hard, and identify their path for the rest of the Mosquitoes we should be able to pull back and make it to base." He shook his head a little. "Should be."

"Right," Matt said, his fingers flying over his screen, trying to intersect their current position with an imaginary line where sixty-three hovers moving one hundred and seventy klicks an hour would be at the time they got in the vicinity. "Broad fuckin' daylight," he said. "It'll be harder to pin them down from a distance. And if we get too high they'll be able to engage us."

"We need to find them," Brian said. "That's the most important thing. Get me some kind of a course so I can get moving!"

Matt's course plotting was far from complete but he knew at least the basics. "Turn to one-seven-two. Prelim look has an intersection of them and us in about six minutes."

"Doing it," Brian said. "And get the wing on the line. Fuck radio silence. This is an emergency."

That was a simple flip of a switch. "You're hot," Matt told him and then bent over his plot again, barely noticing the sharp turn of the aircraft to the right.

Their wing had already followed them through the turn and accelerated to maximum right alongside them. Brian keyed his mic and told them what they were doing.

"Brian, the fuel's gonna be awfully fuckin' tight here," said Collins, one of the recently trained pilots.

"No shit," Brian told him. "You head back to base if you don't wanna risk it. You're well within doctrine and I won't think any less of you. But I'm going after those fuckers and if we have to ditch on the way back that's the breaks."

There was a slight hesitation and then Collins said, "I'm with you. Lead the way."

"My sis is working on it now," Brian told him.

They flew on in silence for another fifty-two seconds. Finally Matt came up with an official estimated plot. He found it wasn't all that different than his instinctive guess. "Turn left to one-seven-four," he said. "If they follow their course and speed from the LZ as reported and if the time is right that will put us out over the valley right in front of them."

"Got it," Brian said, making the adjustment. "And ship it to the wing and to air command."

"Already done, boss," Matt said. "They're reporting all of the other flights are moving in as well. Their positions and courses are coming up on our screen now."

"Fuckin' aye," Brian said. "Get those cannons charged up. I want us to hit fast when we find them. Hit any of them you can."

"Right," Matt said.

They reached the intercept point exactly on time. The two aircraft shot out over the valley and then turned sharply to the west. They saw nothing but emptiness below them.

"Where the fuck are they?" Brian asked, his enhanced eyes looking for something, anything that resembled heat in the infrared spectrum.

"They're not exactly here," Matt said. "They're either in front of us or behind us. So they're either going faster or slower than we thought."

"Which is it though?" Brian asked. "Are they in front of us or behind?"

"How about we split up?" Matt suggested. "We go east and Collins goes west? That way one of us should come up on them."

"With only half the firepower," Brian said. "And they might be winding their way through the mountains instead of following the valley. If they're doing that neither one of us will find them."

"So what do we do?" Matt asked.

"We don't have much time. We need to climb and look down from above."

"Climb? Are you crazy, boss? If we go up high and they spot us they'll pot us out of the sky!"

"I want to do it," Brian said. "I think it's important enough to risk our asses for. If you object, tell me now and we'll keep searching low."

"Fuck," Matt muttered. "You're determined to kill my ass, ain't you?"

Brian grinned. "You want to live forever or something?"

"Naw," Matt said. "It would be boring. Let's do it."

"I knew I liked you for a reason," Brian said. He flipped over to the wing channel again. "Collins," he said. "We're going high and we're gonna find these fuckers. Circle right here and we'll vector you in."

"Brian, you can't do that!" Collins shot back. "They'll shoot you down if you're caught up high!"

"We'll spot and drop," Brian said. "We made our decision in here. You just do what you're told."

"Brian, this is against standing orders!" Collins said. "You know that!"

"I must've been absent the day they told us that order," Brian said. "Start circling and get ready to move in."

"Brian..." Collins started.

"Do it!" Brian said. "We're going up." He pushed forward on his throttle and pulled back on the stick. The aircraft began to climb, streaking into the pink Martian sky, the hillsides and the valleys dwindling quickly below them, the altimeter blurring with altitude it rarely showed.

"Nothing yet," Matt said, terrified as he watched them pass through a thousand meters and continue upward. Even if they did manage to not get shot down they had just burned up a good portion of their precious fuel climbing up here. The chances of making it back to the base were looking slimmer and slimmer.

"They're out there somewhere," Brian said. "The instant you see them, get a position and we're diving back down."

"Right, boss," Matt said, looking out in all directions, his head swiveling like a radar dish.

It was when they got to thirty-two hundred meters above the ground that he spotted something. "I got a heat blur!" he said. "Moving fast. Now two, now three! It's them! The rear elements of the strike. They're in the mountains north of the valley. Locking position now."

"Hurry it up!" Brian said, leveling off and preparing to dive. "If we can see them they can see us. Out of sixty-three of them one of them must be looking!"

Matt quickly marked the position on the map, got their speed and course, and then told the computer to coordinate it and give him a longitude and latitude. This only took three seconds to accomplish. It took another two for him to broadcast the position of the hovers to command so it could be forwarded to every other unit in the field. It was only five seconds but it was too much.

They never saw it coming. Eight of the hover gunners below had spotted their heat signature and six of them locked on and fired their anti-aircraft lasers. Five of them hit right on the hottest spot — just forward of the rocket outlets. The laser energy burned into their engine, searing through the hydrogen and oxygen delivery system and the main combustion chamber. A tremendous explosion resulted, blowing the aircraft into pieces. The computer controlled ejection system sensed the fatal injury to the aircraft the instant the first laser hit and automatically ejected the two crew members in less than a tenth of a second but even this was not quite fast enough. The aircraft had not been designed to absorb so much damage at one time.

For Matt it all happened in an instant. There was a bright flash, a loud noise, and he felt himself jolted harshly and spun backwards through flame and smoke. He felt a sharp, agonizing pain lance into his backside, right where his buttocks rested against his seat. There was a brief loss of consciousness and then he was looking at the ground far below and feeling a thrum of rocket power from beneath. Ahead of him he saw their aircraft falling to the ground in pieces, falling faster than he was. It took him a moment to realize where he was and what had happened. It was the pain that brought him back, the pain in his left ass cheek. It felt like he was on fire.

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Finding HomeChapter 10

The alarm goes off. We get up, and have a fun shower together before getting dressed. We meet Dad in the main room just before breakfast arrives at seven forty-five. Over breakfast we discuss a number of things. I start with, “El, I wish to see your work one day, leave me the address so I can pop over when I get time. I also need to see a summary of what you can do, to see how that fits in with my needs now, and in the future.” She smiles in reply. Sharon promises to spend time working on...

2 years ago
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A Different Kind of Haircut

TomWe had been friends with Mike and his wife Susan since our days in university. When Zoe, their daughter, was born, they asked us to be her godparents. Over the years, we watched her develop into a beautiful young woman.Mike has been my barber for the last twenty years, and on April 1st, when I went for a haircut, he surprised me. He informed me he was retiring at the end of the month. His daughter would take over, but he reassured me that I'd be well taken care of.I asked him if she was...

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Sex With A Couple In Train

Hi, once I was supposed to go to chandigarh, as I was not having much work here in hyd I took a train route to chandigarh via delhi, I cud get 1st class ticket only in sampark kranthi to delhi. Train starts at 8 am, I got berth in a 4 berth place, once I got in, after few mins a cpl along with a small kid of 4 years came and occupied the remaining 3 berths, once the train started we introduced ourselves, his name is vikas & his wife’s name is madhavi, they were also coming to chandigarh for...

1 year ago
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Divine Perversion

He watched the couple embrace passionately against the unyielding surface of her front door. It was the end of the second date, and yet the two were sucking each other’s tongues down their throats as if their lives depended upon the decadence of their lover’s mouth. The woman had her arms wrapped tightly around the taller man’s neck, and he had her ass cupped in his hands. He was kneading the plumpness, as he grinded her center roughly against his with mindless relish. A hand came around to...

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The Beginning 8

“That was amazing, Alex,” Desiree said. It had taken a long time to convince her to do this, as Desiree was a very prideful woman. This was the fourth time now, and she was finally starting to get into it. Alex had always had a fantasy of another guy fucking her, however, and finally it was going to happen. Desiree would have never allowed it though, which was why she was blindfolded. Alex had been dropping subtle hints to his neighbor, Michael, about how sometimes he leaves his wife...

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I Dream of Demie 16 Eudora

--- I Dream of Demie 16 - Eudora (MF, MFF, anal, bi, caution, cons, inc, magic, oral, f-solo) by Krosis of the Collective --- Demie didn't come back for a full week. Kate was quite glad for the attention, though I was getting a bit tired of ass fucking. Gets your dick covered in shit, y'know? Had to shower every time. Demie stood in the apartment entryway as the door closed behind her, arms crossed. She looked at me, still seeming pissed. Knock knock! Annoyed at the interruption, she...

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Bad Dreams

The sound of her bedroom door opening awakened her. She had no idea of how long she'd slept, and she struggled to fully wake up. She hadn't drawn the bedroom curtains completely, and in the faint light of the street lamps she saw her son Mark standing in the doorway, wearing pyjama bottoms — all he ever wore in bed. 'What is it, dear? Bad dreams again? Come into bed, then — Mum will help chase them away!' She threw back the bedclothes to let him climb in with her, and then pulled...

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The University

The new semester was starting. It was a time of new beginnings for you in a lot of ways. You had recently broken up with your girlfriend about 2 weeks before school started again. Your relationship was on the rocks for awhile so it didn't come as much surprise, but it did come with the usual negative emotions that come with such a thing. But you were excited. You were in your second to last year of college and were having arguably the best time of your life. Your roommate was your best friend...

4 years ago
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wet mom

My mom had me was just 18, at least that's what she told me. Actually I knew that 18 was when she got pregnant with me but hadn't ever married the guy. He was only a year older than she was. She must have really loved him because she wouldn't go out with any guys. She did have a girl friend as I was growing up and sometimes she would sleep over with my mom when I was younger. My mom never admitted to being bi but a couple of times I came home from school earlier than expected and caught them...

3 years ago
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Hot Fuck With Booby Sister 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, I am Raj back with a next part of “Hot Fuck With Booby Sister”. Thanks for your replies and feedback. Here goes what happened after fucking sister in store room. Next day my BIL and his family along with Preethi left to Bangalore and my parents left to some relative’s house. I and my sister know that they will back only in evening. My sister went to kitchen to prepare something. I was reading news paper in hall. I finished reading news paper, but she was still in kitchen in her...

2 years ago
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Ashley IIChapter 3

“Are you ready to try this last address?” Ed asked, as we finished eating and were finishing our soft drinks. “Sure. Let’s drive over there and see if this guy is still there,” I told him, as we collected our trash from the meal, put it in the provided trash receptacle, and left. We checked our weapons before we started out again. I had my trusty pump shotgun and a pistol. Ed had brought his double barreled shotgun, and a pistol - a .45 Colt automatic. The address that we had for Mark...

4 years ago
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Sex AheadChapter 3

There was no doubt about it, Jamie Henderson had special privileges. If anyone could have seen what he was doing at that moment, they would have agreed that no other eighteen-year-old boy could have gotten away with such a thing like that. But that might not have been quite true. In fact, there may have been quite a few teenage boys doing the same thing. But anyway, he did have special privileges. That was evident when he crawled into bed with his mother, lifted up her nightie and put his...

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SeniorChapter 19 The photo shoot

Chase called me early on Sunday morning, wanting to meet with me. He said he had some ideas about our business venture that he wanted to bounce off of me. I invited him to come to my apartment, and from the impression he gave me, that had been his intention. Victor called, wanting to know if there had been a decision on the Omaha building. I told him it was up in the air. "Don't worry, we'll find a job for you next summer," I said. "We didn't finish cleaning your apartment...

2 years ago
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Sex on Department Store

My boyfriend and I were in a big department store. I saw this really nice dress and decided I would try it on. As I put the dress on, I called out to my boyfriend to ask him if the dress looked nice on me.We were feeling rather horny from the night before but had fallen asleep then.My boyfriend asked me to turn around so he could check my ass out in the black and white dress, and as I did he bent me over so I was facing the curtain-like door and holding it at each side to stop people from...

3 years ago
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Growing Up

Growing Up By Cassandra Mortan 1992 "Hey, baby. Everything ok. How's my boy?" "He's perfect, just like yesterday. He'll be perfecter tomorrow." "I bought him something today!" "You did?" "Yeah. We were eating lunch across from the toy store. I bought him a football." "He's three months old, silly." "You never can start training too early. The boy needs to learn to hit." "Yeah. Then, when his knees explode, we'll have a very...

2 years ago
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Three More Logs For The Fire

“Ha! I told you mine were bigger!” Annabelle bragged.I pouted. The three of us stood in front of our new cabin’s mirror with our shirts off, three massive pairs of breasts all lined up side-by-side. I shouldn’t have been surprised she’d won this little competition, I knew she had the biggest breasts of course, but I was hoping my nipples might have edged hers out. Upon closer inspection, they didn’t. To my left, Cassandra just scowled; her breasts were generous, but still not quite in mine or...

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A Fantasy Fulfilled part 1

A Fantasy Fulfilled Hi, my name is Nicole and this is the Story of how i fulfilled one of my husband greatest fantasies. Let me go ahead and give you some details so you can have a better mental image through the whole story. I'm Nicole I am 25 years old, I am in great shape ( 5'3 about 115 lbs ), i have brown hair and hazel eyes. My husband's name is Gabe he is 28 , he has a really nice body ( 6'2 and around 213 lbs solid muscle ), he has short brown hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes in...

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Dirty in London

I’d not seen Lorna since I’d fucked her with my Dad a few months ago but we had been texting (lots of filth) and having a bit of phone sex. We’d also sent a few photos so I had plenty of images of her big tits and her cunt in various states of arousal and she had photos of my dick from every angle imaginable. She was my mate’s mum and my Dad was fucking her on the side. We’d explored quite a few of our fantasies while we’d had phone sex and since it was coming up to Christmas we decided to...

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Community TooChapter 12

Susan's turn: I am an engineer. Mom and Dad both have college degrees, both in business, but I have an engineering degree. They were proud of me. They were proud of my husband who was in the receiving line ahead of me to get HIS degree. Getting a degree is not the news that made their decade, though. That would be my positive pregnancy test. Mine? No, OURS! I stopped taking the Pill a couple of cycles ago. It was NOT a unilateral decision. I know all sorts of stories about accidental...

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Husband8217s Sickness

Ritika,ek hardworking woman,jo apne sath sath apne pati ka bhi bojh uthati hai (including financially).Prakash uska pati jo ki mentally sick hai.Recession ke time uska naukri chale gaye,aab iss umer mei (at the age of above thirty) use koi naukri bhi nehi mila,frustration mei uska mansik santulan kho baitha.Ritika pahele housewife the pad aab use ghar chalane ke liye choti moti naukri karne lage. Pati ka treatment,ghar-bar aab sab use hei dekhne padte hai.Un dono ke 8 saal pahele shadi hue...

1 year ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 11

Bethany and I soaked up the sun after Mark ran off to play volleyball for a while. We lay next to each other with our pinkies linked and sometimes she’d squeeze my finger. Eventually we got sweaty and decided to go swim for a bit. As soon as we hit the cold surf, we splashed each other and squealed as we waded in deeper. Once we got about up to our necks Bethany swam over to me and grabbed on. We were in the trough of a wave and invisible from the shore, when she gave me a salty kiss. I...

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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 13

Sunday proved to be very interesting at Fran's house. Melanie (Mel), Fran's doctor, was a former dorm mate and casual sex partner. When Carson talked her through the plan, she was enthusiastic, but had a great many questions. When she ran out of questions, she insisted it be tried out on someone besides Fran first. To no ones surprise, Carson volunteered. They decide just to do his elbow as a test, in case they ran into a problem. They also did not want to use up too much of the supply of...

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Biharian Ki Chudai

Hi I am Amit and live in East Delhi, mera ghar vaise to modi nagar mai hai lekin nakuri ke karan delhi mai hi rahata hu , jaha mai rahata hu , wahi paros mai teen char bhiari majdoor rahete hai , jisme se do shadi sudha hai aur do old sabji wale, dono ki biwiya sunder thi aur gathila gora slim badan, maan karta tha ki abhi jaakar chood do. Un dono ki height karib 5.5” dono ki figure thi 32/28/32 aur dosri ki 32/28/34 unke naam the ujjala aur poonam. Mai kai dino se soch raha tha, ki kisi tarha...

4 years ago
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The Champion of Beauty

I stood in the city of Araxia, the capital of the Lands of Water, my silver plate armor starting to get warm on this hot summer day. I could feel my long red hair start to get stuck to my face. I was on my way to the temple of Myra, the Goddess of Beauty. I had just finished a quest to rid the town of a goblin infestation and needed to get my next mission. On my way, I had noticed a few odd things. The first was a young girl ducking into an alley, who seemed to be being followed by a couple of...

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Officer Dan responding to a call from Angela (a police dispatcher), saw them in front of the alley, congregating again. Jesus, these hookers are like cockroaches; you just can't get rid of them he thought to himself as he turned on the red & blue lights of his patrol car.Dan thought about calling it in, but decided against it; he wasn't very well liked by his fellow cops these days. Nothing good would come from mentioning this to dispatch.Officer Rosita, his former partner had just been...

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Accident in the rain

It was a stormy night, with torrential rain, thunder and lightening, not the normal late summer weather, but because of the unusually high temperatures this week, this storm had been predicted. She was the angel that you read about in stories, the gorgeous woman who only appears in other peoples fantasies. Standing at my front door looking forlorn and a little dishevelled, she was still a vision of loveliness. Her hair was dripping, and her mascara was running. She was soaking wet...

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Changed Ch 03

This is the continuation of the ‘Changed’ story, I recommend that you read chapter One and Two first. This is a work of fiction and all the characters and events are fictional. If you are under the age of 18 or are in an area that prohibits erotic fiction then leave now. This story depicts lesbian sex and mind control, if that’s not your thing then leave now. You’ve been warned… I woke up the next morning before Julia and sneaked quietly into the bathroom so as not to wake her. I looked back...

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Beautiful sweet young Andrea comes to me

I can't believe I'm writing about this. In fact it's hard to believe it even happened. Let me take you back, briefly, to the beginning of this adventure. There is a well known chain restaurant near where I live that I go to often. It's attached to one of the larger hotels and they get a lot of walk in's from the hotel side. I prefer to sit in the bar area and because of that I've gotten to know several of the female bartenders reasonably well, in a customer/waitress sort of way. I guess I'm...

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