TandraChapter 84 free porn video

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"Yes, fun. Most things are worthwhile in the attaining, not just in the acquisition."

I looked at the beautiful woman before me. She had the knowledge of ruling an interstellar civilization over a period of a thousand years. But she was also a double-edged sword. "Do you think it is time for you to join me?"

She thought for a while. She had been smelling my scent and was within the range of my aura. As a woman, she wanted me badly. As an Empress, her commitment to the empire was holding her back. She had to decide whether I could be safely trusted to take care of her people.

I needed to show some trust. I had hurt no one while taking this station but this would not convince her. I blocked off in my mind those special secrets I had to keep, and the many ramifications of the crystalline structure. With Harriet watching out for my interests, I lowered the shield protecting my mind and let Taylar see what made me what I was.

She was very quick for a Tandra but she took her time. She looked deeply into my drives and goals. She was careful not to hurt me. It was common in some forms of combat for one to attempt harm to the other's mind. I thought of my family and all the commitments I had made since taking the Tandra cause to heart. I recalled how I treated the people and how I wished to be treated in return. But most importantly I showed her my plans for herself and her family. I could not falsify these thoughts, for they were all my current beliefs.

"You wish me to be one of your wives, and to bond to you! And you demand that I take a subservient position, too?"

"Yes I do. That is how I was raised, and it is perhaps the reason your males altered my ancestors. Your subservient position will be only to me, to the empire, and of course to the metsu of our family. I need your insight and knowledge to restore this empire. Surely you know of some inequalities that need to be addressed, that were not possible under the old regime?

"Your subservience is necessary to avoid the possibility of a civil war. You are an Empress to these people. You know there must be only one supreme leader."

I avoided discussing the act of bonding. It was a rare thing for an adult. Taylar would be changed irrevocably. She would look to me for guidance in some ways, and would always be concerned with my welfare. She would be much more attached than Roger was, for I would try to make her bonding very deep.

I stopped my mindspeech and let Taylar search. When she eventually pulled back I raised my shields. She needed twenty minutes to reach a decision. I remained silent so she would be sure that I had not influenced her decision. She raised her hand and a glass of cold fruit juice appeared in it; she took a few sips as she worked on her problem.

"I will do as you demand. I would normally demand my own assurances, but in a time of war I do not believe such promises could be guaranteed." She looked at me piteously, "Are you going to do it now?"

A Tandra smile came to my face and I said, "Only when you are ready." She smiled in return. I then suggested, "We could now begin to start a child."

In answer, she began to remove her clothes. To begin our new life together right, I stopped her, and did the honours myself. I kissed her exposed skin as each fold was opened. She did not like being seduced this way, for this was a job for a female, but when I got to one of her breasts she forgot the distinction and pulled my face tightly to her body.

I used the tractors to pull her hands back. When her body was raised I had more freedom to sample her flesh. She never had sex this way. I wanted her to see the benefits. She moaned and pleaded with me to go faster but I went more slowly, raising her perceptions; now every touch made her brain's pleasure centres throb. I mentally enhanced those same centres so even more stimulation was needed before she could cum.

When her clit came erect I sucked it into my mouth and laved it generously. Her body was frantic for an orgasm. She knew about lubricant. I used some on my fingers as I plumbed both her openings with a slow methodical approach, deliberately, to delay her orgasm. The small cusps around and inside of her openings were caressed in turn.

Taylar flexed her abdomen and cried for me to hurry. She was delirious while I continued what I was doing. Her family and guards entered the room to see if I was killing their Empress. I smiled and told them to gather around if they wished.

I moved Taylar's body so I could caress her breasts and manipulate her sex. Her knees were raised to her chest. She was open to the view of her guards and family. Her frantic gasps were heard by everyone. They could feel how she implored me to finish her.

Holding her at waist level I removed my controls and continued to suck her breasts. Her cries were so loud that I thought she would damage her larynx, yet I kept her conscious while she convulsed, and her abdomen painfully and uncontrollably contracted again and again.

When she finally collapsed, I held her in my arms, carried her to a bed and lowered her onto it.

While Taylar recovered I let the spectators know what we had discussed, and the decisions we had reached. The imperial family seemed to understand well those things that must be done to keep any empire stable. They were relieved that they would not be killed as was usual with their predecessors over the long history of the Tandra. They learned more of what the new alliance would be, and the parts I expected them to play in bringing it about.

I talked to each of the people present, even the bodyguards, of their future duties. When Taylar came back to me mentally, I asked, "Do you want to go on, or do you wish to rest first?" I read her confused mind, and lowered my face and kissed her breasts with the love and care a mother would give to her child. The controls went back on as I started to make love to her body. When she started to beg I slipped between her legs and slowly worked my way into her. I took my time, because in all her life she had never been opened this much. She groaned in want and urged me to be quicker. I had to restrain her many times, till I was seated all the way with her urethra buried in my pubic hair.

An orgasm broke through my controls, and I had a hard time holding her so neither of us would be hurt. When her conscious mind fled I sat on the bed with Taylar still impaled on me. She visibly shook from the effort she had put out, and I just pulled her tightly to me. Everybody was quiet as they waited for their mother, sister, and employer to awake. When she did, I started using the tractors to raise and lower her upon me. She whimpered, "oh, oh, oh," at each landing. I leaned back and caressed her small breasts and gently pinched her nipples. When the dam was going to break again, I released my hold instead.

The woman stayed unconscious for the next few hours and only came around to get more enjoyment and flee again, because she could not take the intense feelings coursing through her body. The last four times I unloaded myself into her and each time had to pinch an egg that she dropped. This was not her time to get pregnant.

Security and decorum had seriously suffered around the room. People were overcome with the profound feelings from Taylar's couplings. The imperial family had in the last hour settled hands and knees onto the floor to offer me their back ends. The feelings were so intense they could not resist and eventually they would turn on each other to relieve the stress. The bodyguards were better trained, but even they used their hands on each other and themselves.

I put the woman to bed, and sent the rest away to enjoy themselves. I climbed into bed beside my newest wife and knew this was something I was meant to do. I went to sleep with her spooned to me.

I woke three hours later with Taylar still curled in front of me. Her hand held my arm as if trying to keep me from leaving. She was still tired.

When Taylar had entered the matter transmitter station above the imperial planet, she knew very well that it might be the end of their planet. The Thonas were approaching in mass and the bulk of the Tandra population would likely perish.

Many years previously when the matter transmitter was rendered useless by interference, it seemed a useless object, but an enterprising group of Tandra had come up with a better way to hide the worthless matter transmitter as a refuge to protect many people. A lottery was held and the lucky ones got to board the station. It was flung into a realm where they hoped the Thonas could not follow.

The station now protected a diverse group. Many were important in various facets of Tandra life. Some were soldiers purposely put here to protect the refugees, when they eventually emerged from hiding. By far the largest group was the children who would need adult guidance.


"Yes my Emperor."

"The first thing I wish is to give you a name. You are Lazarus. Second, were other matter transmitter stations altered to hold refugees?"

"I do not know, my Emperor. My modifications were widely known, however."

"Thank you, Lazarus."

I was able to slip from Taylar's grip and get out of bed without her awakening. After a trip to the cleanser I put on new clothes and took the matter transmitter to Lazarus' hatch.Once back in the dimension maze, I looked at the area around the station and saw that it was no longer the odd gray shade it once was. I went up and down this area and happily found five more patches that looked similar. They could all harbour refugees. The regular matter transmitter stations, without benefit of the same shield that Lazarus had, could provide the same function but it was doubtful that they survived the stellar explosion. Many other Tandra system stars did survive but their planets were devastated.

My problem now was ethical. The Tandra, if any survived on the other stations, were safe where they were. They could be of immense help in getting the empire working and even if there were only a few million on each installation, they would certainly have a beneficial impact.

My quandary was whether or not, if released from the timeless dimensions, they would recognize Taylar as the legal and rightful representative of their race. It was touch-and-go taking even the imperial family now. It might have been much better if I had rescued the other five groups, and had left this one until the alliance was more secure. If I staged another rescue operation, it would be imperative to hold the imperial family very close to me.

I checked on the remainder of my new family. Amney, the youngest, was upset about her future and about me in particular. At the doorway to her room I asked, "Amney, may I come in?"

"I suppose you could. You have taken the empire from my mother. I don't know how you can do this to us. We were doing fine till you came."

I walked into the room and knelt close to the child.

"Amney, the empire was not doing fine. You and your family are here because the Thonas were able to get through all your defences and attack your capital system. This could not have happened if the Tandra were strong. To you, this appears to have happened yesterday, but it actually happened a very long time ago. Your people were angry at the Thonas and almost destroyed them, but they let some Thonas live. Now the Thonas have returned to haunt you. They are not as strong as they once were, but they are sufficiently strong to kill any opposition they find. We must band together and fight the Thonas. Humans are not strong enough, and neither are the other races. All we can do is join together, and this requires a strong leader."

"My mother can do that."

"To be very honest with you, your mother is strong. She could rule your empire when things were bad, but not now. I have killed more of our enemies already than your entire race has done. I did this without all the fleets and weapons your mother could draw upon."

The girl seemed to see what I was explaining. She bent over with her hands over her face to cry.

"Amney, I need you and your family to help me. There are too many enemies to disregard. You may be called on to command a warship, or to direct the struggle against our enemy from a planet. No matter what it is, you will be helping our Alliance and your race. Your mother and family will help. You will join a much bigger empire than you presently have here. You will find good positions that reflect your abilities. I cannot let anyone go to waste."

Amney continued to cry, but I peeked and saw that she would get over her problems. What concerned her most was the sudden loss of almost the entire Tandra empire. I left her and got up to look in on the others.

Gomma seemed to be taking the change in fortune the best, but inside he was probably more torn up. He never had a hope of ruling because of his gender. He was like Amney and found their family's fall from power and the loss of the empire as something he should have foreseen and acted against.

Gomma welcomed me into his room and offered refreshments. "No thanks, Gomma. I came to thank you again for what you and your race have done for mine."

"You are welcome, Henry Buchanan, or should I call you my Emperor?"

"Gomma, I must rule, and the people of every race need to see me as strong. But I am Henry to you, when with friends, and I am Emperor when we have need to impress others."

He knew this was a severe loosening of protocol. His sister and all his ancestors would never have allowed anyone hear their common names, outside immediate family. He brightened and said, "I like the sound of Henry."

"My mother and aunt liked it because it came down from our ancestors." I thought a moment, "Would you like to meet some of my family?"

We came upon Harriet in the large boat bay. For the first time in his life, Gomma was without his usual bodyguard and he felt a bit naked. "Harriet, this is Gomma. If you look into his qualifications you will see that he could be a captain, but he never got the opportunity because he was a male and a member of the imperial family."

Harriet said, "Hello, Gomma. I believe Henry is right. You are capable of that rank."

Gomma turned shy at the praise, but managed to say, "Thank you, Harriet. I have talked to many AIs before and some were in powerful computers, but I sense that you are much more intelligent."

"Yes, Gomma. Henry made me superior to any computer before, and recently he has upgraded many others. Some now are as capable as I and a few are beyond what the Tandra empire thought possible. The other machine intelligences think this advance is one result of your early Earth genetic project."

I voiced my own ideas. "Harriet, please accept Gomma as a captain. Then both of you can extend our security envelope and Gomma can become more familiar with you."

"I find that acceptable. Gomma, will you go on patrol for a while?"

His eyes almost glowed, "I certainly would. But first I must inform the Empress."

I interrupted, "Gomma, I am the Emperor. You are of age to make your own decisions. If you wish to go, then go. You cannot report higher than your Emperor."

"Thank you, my Emperor. With your leave, I will go now."

"Go safely, then. Your orders are to stay close, about a hundred light years. Be back here quickly if we need you."

He choked up about the distance. This represented almost seven hours of flight by the fastest ships made in his time. He then remembered what I said about how fast I could push the battleship and he smiled, thinking what he was about to discover for himself.

"As you command, my Emperor." I instructed Harriet that Gomma be taught to expand his horizons. He was an exceptional male and deserved a chance to prove himself.

Back in the imperial chambers I went through the roster of available adults. I wanted the station ships crewed in the best possible manner. I would soon leave and would take many refugees with me. Some of necessity would remain as a garrison to guard the remaining personnel until I could get more ships here to help. The imperial bodyguard was an elite unit. They could be reassigned to other units where their specialized training would benefit others.

The closest place to get some ships was in the monarchies. I had many ships sitting vacant there in need of good crews. The Thonas and Samutz in this region had not been dealt with. A few ships equipped with the new shield and weapons would resolve that matter. The refugees would see battles that we should win handily, bolstering their low morale.

Only forty percent of the refugees were adult. The great majority of them were in stasis. The station computer could handle them now that it had been improved.

Together with the battleship there were eighteen troop transports, six frigates, four heavy cruisers, and a few hundred smaller craft as an auxiliary fleet.

The station harboured another precious commodity. Two small ships held copies of all the information that the Tandra had accumulated over the ages. This was of untold value, containing all their scientific research and observations, and the imperial archives. I hoped these archives might reveal other crystal-producing areas, and I suspected also some Imperial dirty laundry that should not get out into the general population.

If the majority of the refugees remained in stasis, they could be evacuated much more efficiently. Before I left this station though, I wanted the adults to understand the change of leadership. Taylar would be slightly different soon and I wanted the announcement to be made before this happened.

I could feel her stirring. I was beside the bed when she awoke and looked at me with a wide smile, "I could see why you should be the head of the family. I have never experienced anything like that!"

"All part of the benefits of family life, Taylar. You may be surprised at our other family members, though. Human females are very passionate. They will surely draw out the animal passion that resides in all of us."

She shivered at the thought and looked at me seriously. "I am afraid I ovulated, perhaps more than once."

"You did, four times. I did not allow them to combine with my seed." Taylar wondered how I had done this. "I plan to have you as my wife. In time, you will have special children." I pictured what I had done with other wives, where the glowing egg had been selected which would grow into a superior child. No arbitrary egg would be good enough.

"How can you do this? Most of the things you have shown me are impossible. I see these things in your mind and I know them to be factual. You say you are the only Human able to do this, but what of our children?"

"I will groom our children for this and other abilities. With these abilities will come great responsibility to act on behalf of all sentient beings. All will be monitored, not by me, but as a task administered by our children as a group. They will even have authority over me."

Taylar was shocked at this admission. "But you will be the Emperor!"

"True, but we must have a responsible group ruling the empire, and guarding against aberrant behaviour of individuals within the group. I constantly watch for hints of megalomania in myself. Even the AIs assist me in this. Mom has her own problems, I think. This is good, perhaps, for it makes her fallible and less of a machine."

Taylar looked at me, wondering about my reasoning. She wanted computer intelligences to be simple machines, and her leader to be very sure of himself. A self-assured leader is much easier to follow.

Lazarus, at Mom's urging, awakened many adults out of stasis. This was far different from the other stasis installations. These people slept in a station that resided many ages in the timeless dimensional folds of space. For them, they awoke as if resting for only a few days in stasis.

Taylar was prepared by her servants for a meeting of the station population soon to be awoken. The AI and selected advisors assisted the speech writing. She was self-confident now, for she had addressed her people many times in the past. But this time her message would be something of an abdication.

Taylar transferred her command authority to me so I could work on the ship's computer and its systems. Taylar attended her duties, and I brought in Mom to help with mine. The ships were now mine. Missiles came from Mom, and we used Susan's old trick of a cord pulled from one computer to another where the tractors could not reach. We quickly moved all I needed.

The awakened Tandra went through an orientation session. Many were distraught to hear that their empire was almost extinct. The stronger ones assisted the less fortunate ones come to terms with reality.

I continued with the ships and it was easy to see that the adults would need more time before Taylar made her announcement. As a way of giving them hope, the dramatically improved ships were sent out to fight. This way at least the people would see some possibility of winning against the great odds against us.

Taylar began her speech eight hours after our first planned announcement. She explained what had changed in the empire. It was easy to feel how the adults were taking the news now that it came from their Empress' mouth. For a further half hour she talked about the current condition of the galaxy, as we knew it. She gave what statistics we knew about the probable strength and disposition of the hostile invaders. She painted a fairly bleak picture of our prospects.

She started to list the things I had done since meeting the Tandra such a short time ago. She distinctly said that she did not agree with all my methods. She did qualify it by admitting that I was not completely a Tandra, and thus subject to her laws at the time. She compared gains made versus losses until the enemy learned that somebody was actively opposing them. Again she stipulated that this war would not end soon and could well go against the Tandra.

"The only real hope we have is to join forces with these Humans and the new alliance, to present a united front against our enemies. The emperor of the alliance is here now. I with my advisors have concluded that even though his tactics are not ours, we should join with them to fight the Thonas and all their allies."

There were objections to this for many reasons but most of it boiled down to the fact that the Tandra supremacy had ended. They accessed the computer to get a clearer understanding, and eventually decided to think on the matter more. The word of the Empress was law but the people could still dissent. My only hope was that the people would eventually side with me once they saw how well the war could be handled with my methods.

After the general meeting, I was introduced to the bureaucrats and military personnel who ran the empire. I explained my position as eloquently as possible. Two hours later, after showing them our assets, they followed the computer's orders and formed crews for the available ships.

The ships were not quite ready and the Tandra caught a bit of excitement as they communicated with Gomma and Harriet. His speed and range were actively discussed, along with what he found. In the location where the far matter transmitter station should have been were literally millions of small communication drones that had somehow made it there since the empire's first collapse. A sampling asked for orders, while others asked for assistance. Harriet stored all the data and perhaps we could follow up on the drones' requests, even if we were a few million years late. Somewhere in that number would be a few sent from Sofas III.

Gomma had found a few ships that were damaged or empty. Some held the bodies of Tandra who had decided to stay rather than return to their colonies. I could make use of the ships but I did not like the idea of sweeping out the dust of long dead Tandra so that others could walk the corridors of the ships. The refugees themselves did not like this idea either.

With the Empress' orders the warships on the station now became mine. I needed little time to get them converted. They would gain all possible improvements except the highest speeds. This I held back, like the source of the centurion suits. One day the restriction on the ships would be removed after I gained more trust in their crews.

Mom had been working with my family to smooth the introduction of Taylar. Like my trips in the maze, Mom had fabricated a day to day existence that would allow me the freedom to do what was needed. We did not want the girls falling over themselves over an empress in their midst. I asked Taylar to remain incognito until a time came to reveal her former position.

The work load was heavy and the imperial family took lessons from the tutors to learn more about the warships and their systems. Taylar and I found a few moments for our selves. She went from being like a teenage girl discovering the great secret of sex, to a woman seriously worried that her body betrayed her at the least provocation. By the time we were ready to leave she was like a young wife happy to embark on a life's journey with a husband she loved. I could see, though, that the path we would take together might be very rocky.

Every able ship was re-checked and a crew dedicated to each. Many fighters and other small ships had been given danger predictor crystals and improved shields and missiles. They would remain with the garrison till the remaining youngest refugees were moved to a new and safer home.

We left with many children in stasis for this trip. Three quarters of a million refugees stayed behind on the station, waiting our return.

Gomma stayed with Harriet to provide advanced warning. The other small ships were not as fast but they were faster than anything the Tandra had ever seen. Our course would take us toward the monarchies I had visited not long ago. The large fleet of ships that had attacked us had to have come from many worlds. Some, I knew, were Thonas worlds.

Harriet could make 300 light years per hour by herself. The large ships under my command had been purposely limited to 100. This was seven times faster than the battleship could make, and could be sustained continuously. The crew that formerly worked to propel the ship now functioned as a navigation crew for we could punch through a star or a planet without harm to ourselves, but many innocent people would be killed in our negligence. The smaller ships giving us scout coverage got the best technology I had. They could go over 220 light years per hour, depending on their mass.

This trip was still much too long for me so I pushed the larger ships to match the speed of our escorts. Seven days later we arrived at the regions held by the Samutz and Thonas.

We were not an impressive fleet. The battleship was large but all the other ships were tiny in comparison. Months ago I had gathered sufficient information from the captured Thonas and Samutz ships to find their probable locations. A cluster of fourteen stars held six worlds that supported Thonas life. This group spanned less than ten light years.

"Why are you planning to attack the Samutz?" Taylar asked. "They have done nothing to us. The Samutz have committed a great many atrocities, but they need to be convinced not to attack us, not slaughtered the way you have been doing."

I looked at her in wonder. "How can you say that? You were committed to protecting all the citizens of the empire. The Samutz are much too numerous to be punished and sent on their way. Their numbers must be whittled down and the survivors placed where they cannot harm others. Your people did the same to the Thonas, but never went far enough. That is why more Tandra had to die, because of misplaced concern for a group of beings that cannot even think like you."

"The Thonas were quiet for thousands of years after a war. They caused no trouble during that time," she replied.

"During that time," I interrupted, "they gathered their strength and prepared for another war!"

Taylar was angry at my interjection, and at my disregard for her opinion. In fact, the Tandra had done very well for their selves until the last great war.

"You are going into a dangerous situation with many children and noncombatants. That tells me that you have little regard for their lives."

"You have been told about our weapons and about our defences. Your people suffered many defeats. The Thonas pushed into your home system and destroyed your star. This tells me that you have not fought the war wisely. Your military can fight well, but the politicians have been given command of tactics as if this were a huge board game. People have died needlessly, and I plan to keep as many of 'my' people alive as possible. If the Samutz and the Thonas must perish, so be it. I will not give the Thonas the same opportunities your people gave them all these years. I will exterminate every last one of them!"

Taylar was angry. She spun around and left. Now that she was no longer the person to direct a war, she felt helpless to the events that were happening.

Gomma and the lighter ships stayed in reserve as the six small frigates and a dozen fighters approached the first Thonas planet. The former elite imperial bodyguards captained each of these ships. We watched the action from the battleship. Twenty fortified satellites circled the planet in a defensive grid. Each outweighed our six frigates at least ten times. Four hostile battleships and a host of smaller ships were arrayed in defensive order. I could not guess the reason for this unusually strong defence, other than coincidence.

Same as Tandra
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Some people are walking disaster areas, so what would happen if a very together and successful man falls for a ditzy but sexy woman? Sparks fly between Mitch and Lisa in this romantic story. It is a slow build to hot sex in later chapters, with lots of clashes of personality and misunderstanding in-between. * Lisa sat in front of the wide bank of dials and buttons on the transmission desk, totally unaware of what to do. There were stacks of places to put the tapes in, and they had to be in...

3 years ago
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Graduation With Heather Owwh Part 3Chapter 5

To the right of the door was a sheet taped to the wall labeled “Ground Rules” “Any violation of the below will result in expulsion. Zero Tolerance. #1, No photography of any kind #2, No asking for names or other personal details #3, Nothing that will result in injury or permanent marks #4, Heather retains veto power over everything REPEAT: ZERO TOLERANCE” Heather had insisted that we answer the door, still naked of course. Jess and I held hands, looked at each as we took a breath and...

1 year ago
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Meeting in Chicago

You and I have had the most incredible online friendship I can ever imagine. With miles between us, it is quite apparent we will never meet. Much to my surprise, one day you e-mailed me that you are coming to Chicago to some convention in July. We both were very excited about you being 90 minutes away and the possibility of meeting. The date finally arrives. You arrive first in the morning and get settled in your hotel before attending meetings that afternoon. We meet at the restaurant in your...

1 year ago
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Solarium in Winter 3 of 3

For the first time in months, Jackie was staying home Sunday night. She needed to be alone. Sipping her beer, she pointed the remote at the television and turned the sound up. Cheers filled her apartment, over scored only by the announcers’ halting sentences. Cam had been a great fuck and the addition of his little girlfriend or whatever she was to him was interesting. Dramatic and sexy. But never had she felt more lonely than when she went home alone that night. She hadn’t wanted Cam to...

Love Stories
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Daddys little slut

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two, I was a freshman in high school and had just tried out for the junior varsity cheer-leading squad. I think i was the youngest one in the new recruits being only f******n but i really wanted to be a cheerleader so i worked hard to make sure i made the cut. After a long day of boring classes then cheerleader audition after school i was beat. I went home, took a nice hot shower and got dressed for bed. I think i ate dinner, but i was...

3 years ago
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Killer sex

Killer sex   Typical the last train of the tea time rush packed and I got to go to the end of the line, oh happy times. She thought as she moved trough the carriage doors and tried to find room to stand. Well at least I’m on my way home at last she thought as the train pulled into the next station; a tall black guy boarded the train behind her. Very tall slim in looses fitting sports bottoms and a t-shirt showed his well-developed chest off nicely.   If she had...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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School Transfer 2

School transfer PART TWO I followed Mr. Washington through the halls of the African American school for boys known as Jerome Jackson and I felt very conspicuous. All the boys at the school were black. I was white. They wore white button up long sleeve shirts and black kaki slacks. I had on a white short sleeve blouse with sewn in breast like padding and extremely tight kaki slacks that hugged my ass like bicycle shorts. They wore dress shoes; I had on what were basically high heel...

2 years ago
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Daddy Marks His Property Part 3

Shawna was in her zone. She worked at the outline of Stephie’s tat with remarkable precision. It had taken her only a half hour to sketch the outline and she had started to ink it in. Suddenly her phone rang, she picked it up and I said, ‘How’s it going, girls?’ ‘Oh, just fine, D. Stephie has been very cooperative and I’ve got a good start on getting the outline inked in. Another hour or so and I should have it finished. As I explained earlier, she should come back for the fill-in later...

3 years ago
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Monolith Chapter 5

Monolith Conscription The airlock hissed in preparation to opening, the sound woke Theo. She jerked up to a sitting position and looked around in the darkness. Her thoughts were a jumble, second after second they put themselves back into order. 'I'm still blind... I'm in a alien girl's body... I'm in a lab... I was asleep!' The last puzzle piece hit her hard. 'It's been more than a week since I've slept.' She thought. Theo closed her eye's and reveled in the memories of early...

3 years ago
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My summer of family fun

My parents had split a couple of years ago now and I seemed to be in the way of my mum and her new fella. So with my exams done and school over I was being shipped over to my dads and his new family in America for the summer. Even though he was a bit of a wanker, four months in the California sun sounded good to me. Not only that his new wife was a milf, fuck she was hot long blonde hair dark tanned skin legs to die for and shit them tits, ok they were paid for but her 34DD were worth every...

1 year ago
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AnimeCon Harem Pt 04

Outta luck after all, huh. Raven locks of hair swept down over one of the scene girl’s eyes, and Kelly blew that fringe of her bangs up with an annoyed puff of her lip. Fuck.She resentfully kicked at one of the discarded pamphlets littering the main lobby as she surveyed the aftermath of AnimeCon’s first day. The skylights had long since fallen dark and the tempestuous sea of convention attendees, once hundreds thick, had since dwindled down to bare dregs. Scattered groups still wandered about,...

2 years ago
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Strapons and Stepmom

Every summer after my parents got divorced until I was 18, I spent about 6 weeks or so with my dad in Florida. For the most part it was a refreshing change of pace from the rigid rules and closely monitored life I lived at my mom’s the rest of the year. My dad was not overly concerned with being a parent or with what I did when I was there, and I took full advantage of the situation. Adding to his lack of interest in most of my daily activities, he was and is a sex addict, and my stepmom was...

1 year ago
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Exciting Trip To Bombay

This incident happened to me when I was 23 and I and one of my friend decided to go to Bombay together. Her name is Pooja and is of the same age. We know each other since nice boobs & perfect thighs. We were good friends and use to share everything with each other. Till that time I had never ever thought of anything like sex with her. It was when we reached Bombay. She had to meet her boyfriend who was from Pune. I knew that she is going to spend the whole day with him, as they were to decide...

First Time
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Lunas RebellionChapter 2

It was a few weeks later that Luna pulled Harry and Hermione into an empty class room and made the statement that made grown men quake in fear. "Harry, we need to talk." Hermione couldn't help the giggles that burst forth from behind her hand as she stared at the look of absolute terror and fear that appeared upon Harry's face. Here was a boy who had climbed the back of a troll and stuck his wand up its nose in an attempt to save her without hesitation, and who had killed a massive...

1 year ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 21

Heather welcomed the slow return to lucidity which accompanied her waning hours at Laura Bendon's house every other Sunday evening. The jeans and shirt felt strange at first, as did the underwear beneath. In her twilight state between slavery and freedom, she felt lingering shame that she was not dressed as her Mistress would have liked. "Are you quite done?" came Laura's sharp voice at the door. Heather spun away from the mirror. Her eyes shimmered, and for a second time she almost...

2 years ago
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A naked teenager on her knees is surely the secret dream of many fathers, even if they wouldn’t admit to it. I am currently looking at one right now, more precisely my daughter Diana. Her eyes are closed, so I dare look at her small pointy breasts, and how her nipples are erect.I warn her when I’m about to come, but she keeps on sucking. That feels good, and not just physically. She flinches a bit when it happens, but she just swallows it and keeps going all the way.I’m not going to lie, it was...

1 year ago
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Blossoms Beginnings

Blossom had always been a ‘good girl’ doing everything her parents and professors had demanded of her. Perhaps that was the problem, she was always being ordered to do things and never asked. She grew used to obeying, and by her late teens, she knew no other course. Her college life was supposed to be a time of freedom for her. A release from the constraints of the strict obedience of her youth. This was not to be ... Her roommate sensed her submissive traits at once and turned Blossom into...

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Sinister Urge A Zombie Survival Story

The World has literally gone to Hell. The War on Terror escalated. Hundreds and thousands died day by day. No one knows who unleashed the Virus, but it spread across America in a matter of days. Who would have thought that the Arabs, or Russians, or CIA or whoever had it, would have found a "zombie" virus? Later, scientists would explain that the Virus works by activating the reptile brain by breaking down Adrenaline. It shuts off the higher functions, and as such bypasses the conscious mind....

2 years ago
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Little Sister2

It was late when Alan looked into his bathroom mirror. His black hair was sticking up, dripping with water from his recent shower. His brown eyes looked wide and awake. This is how he always felt around this time. He stood there in only a towel, thinking about his beautiful girl friend. He was twenty-one and happy. Whenever Angel came over, he tried to look his best. That's what she seemed to like the most about him. She was so fresh and lovely. Her long black hair shimmered in the moon...

3 years ago
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One Look

With a simple sultry look, she has you melting in your seat. She takes a step towards you, gripping the bottom of her shirt and staring into your eyes. You are glued to your seat, waiting for her. She rips the shirt off, freeing her breasts from the confines of the shirt. She takes one more step, and suddenly she’s close enough to taste. You reach up with one hand, grab her soft breast, and try to bring it to your mouth. She stops you, this is her play time. It is then you notice that the bulge...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Experience In Night Bus

Hello all, This is my first story so please bear with me. I am Rajesh. I am 21 now. This story happened a years ago, when I was 20. When I was traveling in a Omni bus from hyderabad to Pune. It was a night travel. I booked a window seat online, I boarded the bus on time. I saw my aunty in the same bus. She was really happy after seeing me. Somehow we changed seats and sat together. She s around late 40s. Might be 48. She looks bit old only. But her breast s really big. I used to see t through...

4 years ago
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Fisting My Young redz245

I told the young man we were to meet in a motel room. We both love meeting that way. There is something particularly sexy and forbidden to me about motels. I've always admitted a peculiar fetish for them. The fact that it’s neutral territory. No real life interruptions or distractions. The knowledge that untold numbers of other people have had sex in this same room. Not to mention that I don’t get stuck washing the towels and sheets. As I always have a supply of lube and toys at the ready,...

3 years ago
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The Country Club Chapter 2

Thursday Morning  As I drove to the course I thought about the events from yesterday on the course and last night. My thoughts soon turned to the dinner tonight at Irene's. Jodie had been very convincing in the bag room.Arriving at the course with forty minutes to spare, I went to the bag room to get Sue's clubs. Upon entering, there was Jodie making sure Irene's clubs were clean. Smiling, she asked if I needed more convincing about the dinner tonight then seductively licked her lips. I told...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Bad Day

The taxi pulled into the driveway of my house at four in the afternoon. It had already been a really long day and I still had hours of daylight left to suffer through. I had been up before dawn to catch a flight to Chicago. My flight was delayed an hour, which I found out when I arrived at the airport. So, I got to Chicago later than expected. I tried to use the extra time to review the pitch documents, only to have a woman stumble and spill coffee over the print outs. Ending that...

3 years ago
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Tempest of LiesChapter 25

Marris wiped his face with his hand and uttered a long sigh, then shook his head as if trying to dislodge the lingering grogginess. He had managed a bit more sleep in anticipation that his role in this sordid deal with Mandas would soon be over. He forced himself to straighten up as he stared into the mirror in the sanitary, running his hand over his freshly-shaven face. He rubbed the corners of his eyes to rid himself of the grainy vestiges of fitful slumber. At least he could manage to...

4 years ago
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The Witches Brew

It was desperation built up over three years of high school frustration that drove me to seek the advice, wisdom and magic of the woman. I was over my head in love with Marjorie Kim Salinas, she was the most beautiful, sexy girl in the whole world and I spent every waking moment thinking about her. She didn’t even know I existed; she hung out with the sports stars, the bad boys, she chased any hunk she saw. I was the quintessential nerd: 5’5, 122 lbs., thick glasses, elephantine ears, dull...

3 years ago
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UpgradeChapter 15 Mystery Brother Reese Gets Pregnant

Darby and I first found Jon with Pam and Mike with Trish in the living room. Jon was balls deep in Pam, and they were enjoying a hard fuck as Trish kissed her and played with Pam’s breasts while Mike fucked her from behind. Pam was on her back on the arm of the sofa, and that brought her pussy to just the right height for Jon to piston his cock into the gorgeous blonde who was my girlfriend. Darby whispered, “Wow,” next to me. “I’ve never watched someone else fucking except on the Internet....

2 years ago
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Uncle Jim

Lin was just getting home from a date and they were parked in front of the house kissing and petting. Her date was a young street boy who knew his way around and wanted to get her naked and fuck her. The more they kissed the more he began to touch her. He put his hand up her shirt and felt her tits. He then unsnapped her bra and began rubbing her tits. He tongue kissed her as he tweaked her nipples. He lifted her shirt and looked at her tits then began to kiss and suck a nipple. He told her...

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The Testament Of Jeremy Lord NorthamChapter 15

In mid-century, the tensions rose in America over the trade in human chattel, a criminal and ugly trade. Various provocateurs like John Brown committed acts to terrorize the slave holders and convince them to give up their human property. They responded by attacks against the more radical of the abolitionists. Battles raged in many of the territories. The two sides became more and more certain of their own moral superiority, reaching an almost religious certainty, which of course led to...

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Sam and AmyChapter 19

Amy stood by the side of the bed looking down on the battered, abused body of the woman she had been asked to save by her lover, Sam. Contrary to popular belief, converting a human to a vampire involved more than simply draining their blood and waiting for them to regain conscious to have them wake up a vampire. Amy would need to drain Roxanne, (that was her name wasn't it?), and share her own blood with Roxanne. This would change Roxanne into a vampire. This was not the ultimate goal...

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Wives Go Wild At The Cottage

Sometime in the following summer Melanie and I were invited up to Sue and Jake's cottage for the weekend. On the Saturday night, after a relaxing day on the dock drinking beer and barbecuing, Jake took us on a tour of the lake at sunset in his small speedboat. Jake drove, Sue sat next to him in the front and Melanie and I sat in the back. Everybody was dressed in shorts and tee-shirts. Jake cruised around the shoreline of the medium-size lake pointing out places of interest and the homes of...

Group Sex
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Spring Break Part 1

__________ It wasn’t exactly how I’d been dreaming I’d spend my spring break, but then again, it was better than anything else I had planned. Adjusting my nametag with “Lara Baines” spelled out in bold letters, I hurried after the group of students beginning the opening tour. The college I’d chosen to attend, crazily enough, was having a three day “college days” event and they had invited the local high school seniors to attend. The purpose was to get them familiar with the college, the...

1 year ago
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First trip to a sex cinema

Before I came out to the greater world my need of cock was satisfied by going to sex cinemas. It was an easy answer to a difficlut question, how or where can i see and touch cocks. In my early 20s I used to spend a fair amount of time in Germany, just short break holidays here and there. I had noticed that almost every town in the then West had some kind of "Sex KinO" in the town, larger cities having a good choice.Since I was not confident about going into any gay sex cinemas I used to go to...

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Deepfake Porn is a bit of a controversial subject these days, and it seems like everyone has a strong opinion about it. Celebrities and #MeToo warriors hate it, saying it violates the privacy of its alleged victims. Perverts, on the other hand, think it’s the greatest fucking thing since sliced bread. Hell, I’ll give up sandwiches for the rest of my life if it means seeing more photorealistic fakes of my favorite famous people getting fucked.DeepakePorn.net is almost exactly what you think it...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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Master of the SwampChapter 5

Erik rocked back and forth in his easy rocking chair while he smoked a cigar and overlooked the clearing in front of his house. The heat of summer started to make way for the storms of autumn. Several birds sang their songs, but other than that, it was surprisingly quiet. The lack of croaking frogs was yet another indicator that the seasons were changing. Three months had passed since Erik had fucked his daughter’s ass for the first time. She requested a repeat performance almost every week...

3 years ago
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Sharing Breakfast with Daddys Sausage

'One minute you are my little girl, and the next, wham bang, you're a hot woman'.I was sitting at the breakfast table, in the minimum of clothing, straight from my bed, and daddy, who held me transfixed, was speaking, and as he spoke, his cock grew before my eyes, rising and raising his t-shirt as it outgrew its length, and teasingly slid down its shaft as it thickened and rose.Daddy really was a big man, and my keen 20-20 vision, followed the thick venous veins pulsing with warm blood, along...

3 years ago
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Uncle Takes Over FamilyChapter 2

“I’m only doing this so my children will have a future,” Charlene had said, when they had first gone into the bedroom. “I’ve waited fifteen years to fuck your hot pussy again, so shut up and strip,” Russell had told his sister-in-law. He had watched as Charlene slowly took off her clothes while he had shed his own. Tears had been streaming down her face as Russell roughly threw her on the bed and climbed on top of her. He showed her no mercy as he rammed his hard cock into her pussy as hard...

2 years ago
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It had been a couple of months since his last visit and Harry Oyez was looking forward to this one with anticipation as he drove up and parked the car. He got out quickly and went up to the door and knocked. "Ah pet, nice to see you again," she greeted him warmly. "Here let me get a look at you. Strip!" Harry took everything off blushing ever so slightly when he was down to his wife's panties that MzSuga had told him to wear when they set up the meeting. "Here's a little cocktail...

3 years ago
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Angel HeavenChapter 5

Paul couldn't believe his luck. Less than a month ago he was a loner, working crazy hours, with no hope of ever meeting anyone, let alone the girl of his dreams. Today, with Dave at his side, he was standing in city hall waiting for his future bride to arrive. When she walked through the door Paul's heart skipped a beat. She looked truly beautiful in a form-fitting black dress and heels, carrying a small bouquet of flowers. Her mother was similarly dressed and, although she was over twenty...

1 year ago
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The Morning After

The Morning AfterA Victoria and Jacqueline StorybyRose WilderAuthor’s Comment: This story is the sequel to ?Punished on Valentine’s Day?. It might be helpful to read it first but it’s not necessary to understand this short piece. I hope you enjoy it, and please let me know what you think. Rose.Jacqueline opened her eyes to the early morning light. Victoria was lying almost on top of her, and she relished the feeling of complete trust it conveyed. Her right hand rested casually just beneath the...

1 year ago
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Tag Alina Instrument of RevengeChapter 7

"Alina, can I ask you something?" The 15-year-old girl was sitting at a lunch table with her best friend, Karen Matthews. It was Wednesday of the last week of the game and for once no one had grabbed her for a fuck during lunch period. Alina had considered skipping it anyway but had decided she missed seeing her friends. She'd been avoiding most of them since the Game had started: seeing them reminded her of her real life, the one she would be returning to soon, and that made her feel...

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yuvraj ka sex

Pyari sex yuvraj ke saath Author:yuvraj Editor:raaj Hiiiiii dosto mainISS site ka bahut bada fan hoon.main is site ke story ko regular padhta hoon.To phir maine socha kyon na main bhi ek story likhlu.main orissa ki berhampur main rehta hoon aur main aap sabhi ko mera first sex experience batane ja raha hoon aur ye mera fist stoy hai.so main aap sabhiko mere bare main batana ja raha hoon mera naam yuvraj hai ,mera age 22 hai,height 5’9” aur main ek gora 7″ 3.5c.m lund wala ladka hoon.ye story...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 41

Lunch was torture for Cindy. Her mistress kept her in a state of arousal so high that the other people at the table were clearly aroused as well, even if they weren't sure why. Amy was the only one who seemed to notice the interplay between the two. Her eyes were half lidded as she watched Cindy squirm from Tina's occasional touches and whispers. Cindy had the distinct impression that Amy knew something she did not. "When we get home tonight," whispered Tina, her light touch running...

2 years ago
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Fucking Girlfriend The Whole Day

Hi to all readers and this is my first story so sorry if something went wrong or you dont like and myself Ravi name changed 21 years old with a good height of 5.11 and with a good body structure as I was a athlete in my school days and a gym freak now. About my gf her name is Priya name changed with a figure of 34 28 35 slim and fair in color but not with a good height just 5.3 and now let’s begin with the story and this happened when I was studying in school Priya used to like me for 1 year...

3 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 7

Steve Monday As soon as everyone was eating breakfast this morning, I checked with Abe about the engine he had been working on for our entry into the light sport aircraft market. So far, the engine showed it was generating between 115 and 125 horsepower. This would put it in competition with the Rotax 914 or the Continental engine. We knew that the Rotax engine retailed for about thirty five grand and the Continental for around twenty, but Abe figured we could sell ours, fully certified,...

2 years ago
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Rekindling an Old Flame

© 2002 - 2003 As it sometimes happens after a death, my sister and I closed her big house and Barbara moved in with me. I am positive that I didn't have any thoughts of intimacy with my middle aged sister and if Barbara's had any thoughts, Barbara didn't give me any hint. Perhaps we should have considered the possibility, because the both of us had, had many years of good active sex with our now cold partners, but there was no indication that the old flames still flickered. Nothing...

4 years ago
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The Layover

When I got on the plane, I was in a rush, so I hurried to find my seat so I could stash my carry-on and just relax for a few minutes before the flight. I was on a business trip and had a 12 hour layover in another city before catching the connecting flight to NY. I dressed in business attire. Light beige skirt right above the knee with a matching jacket, along with a cream button up silk blouse and heels. Not too high but enough to look professional but comfortable. Underneath my clothes is...

2 years ago
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Thoughts Sensations and EmotionsChapter 14

Dad met me at the airport in Phoenix. Barbie was with him. I'd forgotten she'd planned to prepare dinner for him. Had my sudden, unexpected reappearance squelched any plans? According to their thoughts, apparently not. Barbie had a new boyfriend, an eighteen-year-old fry cook. Argh! Her thoughts weren't that complimentary about him: good-looking but smelled like stale grease and was dumber than a post. Verbally, she waxed eloquently about his many qualities. I suspected she'd done a...

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