Brother-In-LawChapter 5 free porn video

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Three weeks can be an awfully long time in the North country, where the nights are six months long, and the only television comes in over the government channel, and listening to the radio is something reserved for those late-night hours, provided the antenna is up and there's no interference from the Northern Lights. But these particular three weeks crept by unusually slowly, as if they would never end, and Arnie grew restless and jumpy like a pent-up animal. Flo did her best to stay away from him, dodging his razor-edged temper as it grew sharper and sharper.

"Arnie, I sometimes wonder if you've got all the sense you're supposed to have," said Flo finally. "You've been grumbling and muttering around here for days, and I'm about to lose my mind putting up with you... I don't know what you're more worked up about, Ginny coming or that damn dog of yours Gus's bringing back from Old Crow."

"Don't call Novlik any of your names," snapped Arnie. "You know his name... Use it! He's goddamn important to me, Flo, and you know why."

Flo had been through this argument too many times to hold out any hope for winning. "Okay, okay. You don't have to tell me that whole story again. About how Novlik chewed through his harness and swam fifty yards in Telegraph Creek to pull you ashore when you and him went through the ice. I've heard it so many times I could recite it for you backwards if you'd like!"

Arnie stopped his restless pacing, the first time in nearly an hour. "Maybe you'd have liked it better if he'd just left me out there in that cold water, half-unconscious and all! Maybe you'd have liked that, huh?!"

Flo shook her head disgustedly. "Honestly, Arnie, sometimes you're just a little kid. You know I didn't even know you then. I was back in Montana when that happened. So how could it have made any difference to me one way or the other?"

"You know what I meant," grumbled Arnie. "And... and who else would have risked their life to save mine? Nobody, that's who! Novlik and I have been buddies a long time, and may be he's just a dog to you, but he's like a brother to me. And don't you forget it!"

Flo smiled and gave her husband a friendly peck on the cheek. "I'm sorry, honey. I guess you've got me a little worked up with all your worrying and pacing like a bitch in heat. Anyway, he's due back today, and you know Gus'll take good care of him coming from Old Crow. He'll feel a lot better after his trip to the vet, and so will you. Then maybe we can start making plans for Ginny's arrival... she's due in another week. You haven't forgotten, have you?"

Arnie looked her straight in the eye, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Don't be ridiculous, woman," he laughed, "I'm thinking about that sweet little pussy almost as much as I am about Novlik... I'm going down to the airstrip and wait for Gus. He oughta be here soon. I'll give him your best."

Flo gave him a playful squeeze, tugging affectionately at his cock through his heavy work pants. "Don't worry about that... I'll give him my best... My very best!"

It was dark again, and the temperature had plummeted twenty degrees since Arnie left for the slow trudge through a half mile of melting ice and snow to the airstrip on the edge of the village, and she could hear them coming before they passed the general store and post office. Novlik had a distinctive bark that she could pick out over that of any of the dozens of dogs in town. And it carried for miles through the still sub-Arctic night, booming from his huge hairy chest like a cannon's report as he bounced along happily, sliding here and there on the freshly frozen ice while Arnie ran wearily along behind.

In a few minutes, they were pounding on the front door, then bursting in like a couple of carefree kids, slinging slush and snow all over the floor as Novlik shook his heavy fur clean.

"No! Not here! Outside, Novlik, outside!" she shrieked.

Arnie only laughed, but at least stepped back onto the front steps to kick the ice from his boots. "Don't scold him, Flo. It'll melt... He's just happy to see you, that's all. Tell him you missed him, and give him a little pat on the head."

Flo obliged, knowing that to snub Arnie's dog would be a terrible mistake. Sometimes she wondered how she ranked in this household--whether she was around for Novlik's convenience, or him for hers.

"As soon as you get your wet things off, come on in the kitchen. I've got some steaks on the broiler right now."

"I hope you saved one for Novlik. He's probably awfully hungry after his adventure. Gus told me he hadn't eaten a thing since they picked him up last night at the Mountie Station."

"Mountie Station?" questioned Flo, "I thought he was at the vet's."

Arnie dropped his boots by the heater grill, and closed the hall door. "He was. But the vet had to leave rather unexpectedly, so he dropped him with the RCMP outfit in Old Crow, so he wouldn't have to leave him alone out at the kennel. Good old Gus, he had enough sense to ask around when he got there and the Doc's place was all closed up. One of the vet's neighbors told him where to find Novlik, and he went back into the village and picked him up. He said the Mounties hated to see him go... They don't have any dogs there since they switched to snowmobiles. Some of the old-timers said it was like the old days, having a malamute around again."

Florence was tempted to say the Mounties could have kept the beast, as far as she was concerned, but she thought better of it, and pulled another steak from the refrigerator for him.

Novlik immediately caught the scent of raw meat, and bounded into the kitchen like a charging lion, his thick furry tail wagging excitedly. Flo tossed it to him quickly, before he could jump up on her with his huge paws. She was still carrying a bruise on her side from the last time she'd fed him. It was no use complaining to Arnie about his dog's over enthusiastic friskiness; that dog could do no wrong in Arnie's eyes.

Novlik pranced into the back bedroom, the one he usually had all to himself, and contentedly began working on his two pound steak, pulling it apart with his sharp teeth, the bone crunching easily in his powerful jaws.

Arnie and Flo finished their dinner without another interruption, and settled in the living room afterward, the supper dishes still on the table.

"I told Gus to come right over," said Arnie, "I told him that hot cunt of yours needed some attention, and you'd picked him to do the job."

Flo nearly dropped her gin-and-tonic. "You what!? You didn't really say that did you? Well, did you?"

Arnie was nearly doubled with laughter. "Oh, baby, you should have seen the look on your face. I'd have given a hundred bucks to have a picture of that. You really fell for it, didn't you?"

"Well, it sounded like the kind of thing that twisted mind of yours would dream up," exclaimed Flo, "and besides, with you I never know when you're putting me on."

Arnie downed the last of his bourbon, and helped himself to another healthy slug from the bottle on the counter separating the living room from the kitchen. "I should have told him. It would be a whole lot simpler."

"Oh, no you don't, Arnie Dennison," threatened Flo, waving her fist in a gesture of mock defiance. "You stay out of it. All you have to do is lay the groundwork--the rest is up to me. It wouldn't be any fun your way. Getting there is half the fun."

Arnie looked at his wife, wondering how most men would feel about a woman like her; a woman who needs more than one man to keep her satisfied. Sometimes he wondered how many men Flo would have if they lived somewhere else, Los Angeles maybe. Just how many one-nighters would she give herself if there were hundreds of men around for the taking? It didn't really bother him, and that was what puzzled him most sometimes. He was supposed to be jealous and possessive about his woman, at least that was what he'd always been told. But with Flo, it was something different, something exciting, and most of all, completely open and honest. There wasn't any sneaking around in their marriage; everything was done right out in the daylight, with no lies, no excuses.

Of course, he'd never been the ideal devoted husband, either. When the opportunities were there, he'd never been one to turn down a little on the side. And he'd have done a lot more of it if running his company hadn't always taken so damn much of his time.

Flo was getting drunk now, he could always tell. He listened as her words began to blur a little around the edges, and her sentences occasionally took on extra verbs and adjectives. It never took much--Flo'd never been one to hold her liquor; two or three drinks, and she was under the table.

"You really think that good-looking Swede wants to get in your pants, huh?" he teased, ready for a little fun to keep the evening interesting. "What makes you think you've got anything he wants? You're not quite the little dish you used to be, ya know. Why should he mess around with an old woman like you."

"Old woman!" Arnie sensed he'd struck a tender nerve. "Who the hell's an old woman!? Why, I've got a better body than most girls ten years older than me..."

"You mean ten years younger, don't you, Baby?"

Flo thought it over a second. "Yeah... that's what I meant to say... Anyway, you know what I mean. Here, take a look at this... Is this the body of an old woman?"

She yanked her housedress over her head, and she was wearing nothing underneath, not even panties.

"Goddamn, woman. Is that the way you run around all day? No wonder you're always so horny, galavantin' around with no drawers on. Where's your pants, cunt? Ain't you got any?"

Flo left the dress where it fell, right in front of her on the floor. "Of course I've got some. For your information, Mr. Wise-ass, I was getting ready to take a bath when you and that furry brother of yours came in. That's why I don't have any underwear on, all right?"

"Furry brother, huh? You calling me a son-of-a-bitch?" asked Arnie, staring her right in the face as though he meant it.

"Baby, if the shoe fits, wear it," laughed Flo, lifting her large, firm tits with both hands and aiming them tauntingly in Arnie's direction. "Hey, here comes your brother now. Here, boy! Come see the other SOB! Here, boy!"

Novlik took his cue like a veteran, and bounded into the living room at full speed, barking loudly as he cleared the length of the room in three huge leaps.

"No, Novlik! Don't jump! Don't..." but it was too late. Flo had forgotten her hard-learned lesson; that was, never to call the enormous animal unless she was prepared to be knocked for a spin. He slammed into her chest with his tremendous furry paws and sent her sprawling onto the bearskin in front of the fire, arms and legs flying in every direction, and Novlik--all one- hundred-and-fifty pounds of him--right on top of her.

"That's what you get, stupid," roared Arnie, tears of laughter running down his cheeks. "That'll teach you to lay off the booze for a while?"

Flo was futilely struggling to shove the heavy mass of still damp fur off her, cursing the animal at the top of her lungs, "Get off me, you goddamn hippopotamus! Get the hell off!"

"Now, now, Florence," said Arnie with a trace of derision, "you know you shouldn't talk like that around Novlik. He's not used to foul-mouthed broads. Talk nice to him, and he'll do what you tell him."

"Talk nice, my ass!" bellowed Flo, still pinned under the hairy behemoth. "I'll kill him if he doesn't get off me!"

"Here, Novlik... Sit! Over here, fella." Novlik instantly obeyed, stepping right in the middle of Flo's chest as he trotted over to his master's side.

"Shit! That damn beast of yours will be the death of me yet," muttered Flo, brushing the mud off her skin and looking for any broken bones. "How come you don't teach him no manners if he's gonna live in the house like people?"

"He just likes you, sweetheart, that's all... Isn't that right, Novlik?" The huge dog barked twice--loudly--and the echoing roar seemed to fill the whole house. "See, cunt, what'd I tell you? He's just a man, like all the rest. He knows a bitch in heat when he sees one."

Novlik left his post and sauntered over to Flo, nuzzling her bare leg affectionately with his cold, wet nose.

Flo grudgingly gave the animal a quick pat, and the enormous dog promptly rolled over on his back, his fluffy tail swishing wildly, and his long, pink tongue trailing from his panting mouth.

"See, I told you he likes you. He wants you to rub his belly."

Flo stroked the downy flesh of his underbelly, and as if on signal, his huge, bright red penis began to swell and poke from its furry sheath.

"You've sure got the knack, all right," laughed Arnie, finishing his third bourbon. "Even the dogs know about that gaping, hot cunt of yours. Give him a little hand job there, sweetie, that's all he wants. Why, he ain't been around no girl dogs in weeks."

Flo pulled her hand away from his belly. "You shut up, Arnie! I don't need to sit here and listen to that kind of talk from you!"

Arnie's smile suddenly melted away, and his eyes seemed almost to grow a shade darker--and twice as cold. "You'll take any kind of talk I want to give to you, bitch, and don't you forget it! And you'll do what I say... unless you know somebody else who'd put up with your crap! I was only kidding you, cunt, but now I mean it. You're always bragging about how good you are with men. Let's see what you can do with Novlik!"

"You're crazy! You're completely off your nut, you know that!?" answered Flo. "I'm not about to satisfy no dog... for you or anybody else!"

Arnie slowly stood up, put his drink down, and quietly pulled his three-inch leather belt from his belt loops, then doubled it and dragged it lingeringly across the palm of his left hand. Flo felt her skin break out in a million goose bumps as she remembered the last time that hot strap had left bloody blisters across her backside--the time she'd stayed overnight with that geologist from Chicago without telling Arnie where she was. She knew he meant business, that he'd use that frightening thing on her again if she riled him.

"Okay, Arnie... You win, I'll do it." She dropped to her knees and placed her hand gently on the big dog's heaving belly.

Arnie chuckled as the soft full cheeks of her buttocks faced him and he could make out the narrow hairline slit of her pink open pussy nestled between the ivory columns of her smooth thighs, her fleshy lips pouting as if they were angry.

"You're always one step ahead of me, aren't you bitch?" he said, stepping out of his pants and settling to his knees right behind her. His prick snapped up instantly, already hard and eager. He laughed menacingly, then, "All right, boy! Get ready for a real treat! Tonight you're getting a real human bitch!"

The pink furry skin of the dog's belly lay exposed to her, and with it, the long shaft of his prick. And at the base of his sex, his huge nearly-black testicles like furry golf balls. She took it all in, slowly realizing what her husband had dreamed up for her.

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brother In Laws Whore pt1

Christie sat on the couch, her eyes barely looking at the scenes before her on the screen. But she didn't lose a stroke as her hand pumped the dildo in and out of her pussy. The guy on the screen held the woman's hair in his hand. She let go of the dildo and snatched the remote. Turning up the volume, she closed her eyes. "Now Bitch, you're gonna do exactly what I tell you to do. Otherwise, your husband will find out just how much of a nasty slut you really are."Those were the words she loved...

2 years ago
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brother In Laws Whore pt1

Christie sat on the couch, her eyes barely looking at the scenes before her on the screen. But she didn't lose a stroke as her hand pumped the dildo in and out of her pussy. The guy on the screen held the woman's hair in his hand. She let go of the dildo and snatched the remote. Turning up the volume, she closed her eyes. "Now Bitch, you're gonna do exactly what I tell you to do. Otherwise, your husband will find out just how much of a nasty slut you really are."Those were the words she loved...

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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 2

All week, her thoughts were of her brother having fucked her. Other guys had fucked her before, but never like the way her brother had last Thursday. It was something special. It was more than just sex. It was pure desire between siblings. So, it was definitely safe to say she was happy it was Thursday again. It had been a long week. A long week filled with emotions that she had never had, emotions that her brother had given her. She never knew that having sex with her brother would have filled...

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Brother Helping Brother

Jeremy and Jackson were a year apart as close as many twins. They had very similar looks, both six foot even and about a hundred and eighty pounds. Jeremy was thirty-one, while Jackson was thirty. They were both married but to very different types of girls. Jeremy was married to Macy, who was one year younger than Jeremy. She had dark hair and dark features, tall at five feet nine with big tits to match her frame. Jackson is married to Anna, a twenty-five-year-old redhead. She is small and...

Straight Sex
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Brother Of The Bride Ch 04

Note : This story is completely fictional! Once we arrived to the church, I felt calmer as I saw Nick there waiting for me beaming. I rushed over to him to hold him as everyone else was scattered around trying to listen for directions. I stood very close to Nick as Eric narrowed his eyes at me. We went through the directions as they were given. Eric was standing up with one of my old friends Rose from high school. I saw them talking and Eric seemed to be flirting with her madly. I felt a twinge...

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rother In-law With Benefitsby Mannydcamp ([email protected])***A cute story about a wife and young brother in-law that get way too close. (F/m-teen, exh, ped, rom, inc, 1st, adultery)***A special thanks to Brad who now attends the University of Minnesota for making this amazing evening come to life.My story I guess starts when I met my husband and his brother Brad. At the age of 12 Brad was 13 years our junior. During the two years my husband and I dated I got to know brad quite well. He...

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brother AND sisterJACK AND JANIE

Jack parked his bicycle on the back porch of the house he shared with his sister, Janie, after spending most of the evening working on a term paper at the campus library.After two years of junior college, Jack was getting the hang of life at a big university. But the work was a lot more than he'd experienced at junior college, and that hadn't left much time for a social life. Still, he was looking forward to kicking back with a cold beer and a hot doobie with his sister, who was a year ahead of...

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This story goes back to when my wife Sarah and son Rick and daughter Christina and I visited my immediate family back in 1981. At that time as I,d lived in North London for ten years my k**s had yet to meet any of my relatives so it was a great mini family reunion held in western Washington State at my Aunt,s house before we travelled back to my parent,s place in eastern Washington. Once I,d acclimatised myself I couldn,t wait to try so,e trout fishing in the tiny stream Mill Creek that flowed...

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brother O brother A Gay Taboo Story

brother O’ brotherBy: Londebaaz [Chohan]Hello, all the readers. I am going to share with you a very recent experience I had with a Cuban boy; I fucked him over the last weekend. I am not going to burden you with the details of how I got him but only want to share with you his short story, how he discovered his elder brother being a cocksucker and a bottom boy too. I think it would be better if you heard the story from Alexandro Persilla (Alex) in his words and I hope you enjoy it as much as I...

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Brother and Sister

Introduction: Michelle, a cute brunette, has some struggles between her brother which ends in a sexual ending. My name is Michelle. I was the usual teenage brunette. As you have probably heard, some girls do not have quiet so high of a sex drive, but others have extremely high sex drives. I was one of those girls who was constantly horny, trying to find new ways to satisfy my needs. I grew up in a family of three: My mother, my brother, and me. I am two years older than my brother is. Growing...

4 years ago
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Brother Fucks Sister Before Her Marriage

My name is Manu, 19 years old, studying in Bsc first year. My sister Charu is 23 years old and is getting married next week. Charu is a sex bomb, 5 feet 2 inches, small woman but with big tits and a round ass. Her hair is cut like a boy’s. If she had small tits, you would think she was a boy. I have seen my friends stare with lust at my sister. I confess that I too lust after her. Since she is my sister, it is a sin for me to lust after her but what can I do if my sister is as sexy as Charu...

2 years ago
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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 3

As she lied there in bed, she started thinking of the past two weeks that lead to things she never thought in her life would happen. She never thought that she would ever be in a sexual relationship with her own brother, but she was and she was thoroughly enjoying it. It had been the best two weeks of her life. She was looking forward to more time with him. And, tomorrow morning when she woke up, was Thursday.He began thinking about his sister more often as he tried to fall asleep just down the...

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brother in law responds to our craigslist add

The following is a true story retold to the best of my recollection.My hubby Charles and I, Lynlee had been in an open marriage for a few years at this point. I would say over 4 years now. I'd had sex with probably 10-12 other men at this point and had numerous hookups with my father in law.Hubby and I loved using Craigslist to find new men. We could always be so specific in our ad, about what we were looking for or what particular fetish or fantasy we wanted to fulfill. During sex hubby and i...

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Brother and Sister finally become close

Gary was a simple guy, 18 years old, and just finished high school. Gary had received a new Chevy Suburban for his graduation, and now he was a free man. Gary was 5 foot 11 inches, and had a nice build, nothing exciting, but he had a certain swagger. Gary was the life of parties in his school, and everyone knew it. No one could drank him under the table, or hold in hits of weed as long as Gary could. Kaylie was his younger 16 year old sister. Kaylie was a drop dead gorgeous girl. Kaylie...

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brother and sister part 10

What was that all about Tammy i dident do any thing to deserv that. Tammy stands there for a minet looking at her littel brother. What did u do she asked. Its not what u did it what ur frind did last night. well what did he do devin asked his sister well we went up to my room hafter our date last night and we started macking out and and tuching each outher and i grabed his cock and he grabed my pussy an started rubing me so i took his cock out of his pants and put it on my lips...

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Brother and Sister0

I grew up in a family of three: My mother, my brother, and me. I am two years older than my brother is. Growing up, he was the usual pain in the ass. The main thing he did to me was pull pranks on me. For example, one day I found a pair of panties in my drawer with a tick spot of lotion in the middle. At first, it freaked me out until I knew it was fake. Despite the imitation of semen, it still pissed me off that he would even think of a thing such as that. I told my mother numerous...

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Brother Sister Photo Session

Brother Sister Photo Session It all started one day when my brother-in-law asked me if my wife would consider posing nude for him. Hell yes she would, but I told him that I would ask her. I knew that my wife was practically in love with her little brother. She told me about a time that she spent the weekend at her parent’s house sleeping on the couch and he had taken a picture of her with her legs spread and no panties on. He thought that she was sleeping but in reality she was...

4 years ago
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Brother And Sister Stay Together 8211 Part 1

My name is Surbhi & I am 25 year old. My live with my family which has elder brother rishi, his wife & my mom. My brother is 5 years older, my bhabhi is beautiful lady, 2 year older than me. We all are working in a job except my mom. My rishi and bhabhi are college friends and are very much in love. We live in a 3 bed room rented apartment.Bhabhi is a good friend and we all live lovingly together. My brother treated me as any brother treats their little sister. Rishi & bhabhi got married last...

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brother And sister MAY I

Long, lean fingers trailed across my neck as beads of sweat began to run down my back. My thighs began to tense up in preparation for the explosion of tingles that would start at my swollen clit and spread through my body. My little pink nipples stretched out further begging for his lips to find them. As I looked down a body, sinewy yet thick, began to form. Blue eyes that had flecks of steal grey looked back at me before narrowing as a moan of satisfaction passed his lips. The face began to...

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brother Brad

I deliberately tried on my newest, skimpiest, string bikini in front of the full length mirror in my bedroom that hot Saturday morning in June, leaving the door to my room completely open, knowing that my brother Brad would have to see me modeling on his way to the shower at the end of the hall. He was just 18 at the time, I was 21, and back from college graduation. I was living at home and looking for a permanent job. Brad had his usual summer job at the beach as a lifeguard.There were just...

2 years ago
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Brother Quenched My Thirst

I am Lusy, mother of a young girl. Got married to Amar in the year 2003.He is very handsome with an athletic body. He is presently working as an area manager in a medicine company. At the time of my marriage he was a medicine representative. Now, I am 31 and he is 37. He loves me very much and ready to do everything for my shake. He is a good hubby. After fifteen days of our marriage, he again concentrated on his profession. He used to come home after 9 PM with a great fatigue. We take our...

1 year ago
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Brother his 7inch dick 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! About a mouth after the bed room encounter with hem and his friends all I came thank about is his 7inch dick be tween my lags . But our stepmother is being more of a bitch than I was, and she going off to work and I'm going to fuck my brother. Two hours after she's left I put a see thou blouse and a tight skirt whet into the kitchen waited for brother to come in . when he did. I leaned over put my ass out rub aguste he to see what he wound do. He...

1 year ago
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Brother Of The Bride Ch 01

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was 22 at the time I was getting married. Yes 22 is young to get married, but I was truly in love. I'd been dating Nick since I was 16. We were high school sweethearts and now he'd already graduated college and wanted to marry me since he'd gotten a rad job with his father in the car industry. My parents were gorgeous man. He was only a year older than me and stood about 5'11" with short dark hair and honey colored hazel eyes. He was always a...

3 years ago
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My brothers house Donald Dentley 2017 When my twin brother goes on holiday I go to house sit for him. He has a fantastic house but I’m not going to describe that. It’s the garden that is important for this story. The place is situated halfway along a farm road. So pretty isolated. There is a another house almost opposite. Although he has a very small front yard the back garden is enormous and is surrounded by tall beach hedges. This means that the house, and especially the rear garden, are very...

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{I love every one that reads this story:} ;}. =]. =/ My name is Jake, I was 14 when I had sex with my 16 year old brother Matt who is 5'5,has brown hair and eyes,well toned body, and good at sports. Me on the other hand I'm 5'1,long jet black hair,sliver eyes(every boy in school loved my eyes),perfect pale skin and kinda goth. One day I was in my room on my bed reading a book without my shirt and pants because it was summer and hot as hell. When I was...

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Brotherhod Is Forever part 1

I was in the weight room at the sports complex on campus when I felt an insistent tap on my left shoulder. I turned to see who was tapping on me and there stood two guys, my Sister’s boyfriend Ryan, and one of his frat brothers, both of them dressed in suits and ties with their hair carefully combed – not like the sweaty mess I was at the moment. “Sigma Tau Sigma,” Ryan said, in a formal tone, “accept, or decline.” Joining a fraternity, I’d learned in my first year of college, was about more...

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Brotherly love

Brotherly Love My parents were much older than my friends parents. They had both been married and had kids before they met and had me. My half brother, Dan, is 15 years older than me. He lived with us for a while, when i was 10 and he 25. He taught me how to give blow jobs then. He would come in to my room at night to molest me, he tried to penetrate me a few times but thankfully i was too tight down there and he gave up. At 15 my parents were killed in a car accident. The night is happened...

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Brother and Sister

Allison is older my sister – being 23, six years older than me, a natural blonde, about 5ft4 in stocking feet. She has blue eyes, a cute nose, and really pretty lips. 32C-23-33! I'm 17, a natural blond as well, 5ft9 with blue eyes. My name is Terrance, but everybody calls me Terry. While the family lives in Casper, Wyoming, she goes to school, three hours away, at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley Colorado. Besides being beautiful, she's very smart and is about to get her...

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