Games 2 Niki and Amber Host a PartyChapter 2 Truth And Dare begins
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Smiling she patted Jeremy’s arm, “Ok, truth ... Whose was the last pussy you ever touched ... and who was the last person you ever kissed...”
Chuck looked around the room before answering, “Well, the last pussy I ever touched was at the last party ... and you mostly all know the answer to that ... it was Niki. As for kissing, well, I admit that I did kiss someone here tonite, out on the balcony ... leaning into Amber, he bumped her “Amber...”
Hearing that Chuck had kissed Amber, Niki was only mildly miffed, it was hard to be mad when you were stnding in a room letting 8 people ogle your body. Also, they were NOT going steady, though she was pretty sure he was still interested ... it just seems that he’s interested in Amber too ... which ... after their the way she kissed back ... might be ... fun?
“Since you like looking at my breasts so much, I dare you to ask every girl you ‘want’ to, if you can see her breasts. If she says yes, she will show you, but you have to pay by taking off a piece of clothing, or, heaven forbid you went that far, pay a forfeit if you are naked.:
“Oh, as additional incentive, Niki will have to do as many as you do ... and pay the same cost/forfeit.”
He looks at Niki “Sorry Niki ... but I’m gonna ask more than 1 person “ he looked to Cheyenne “let’s see em” he was pretty sure she would be happy to show them. Which she was, sitting forward and pulling her bra up, letting her perky tits out for a few seconds before slipping back in. Then he turned to Rachel and May as he started to take his shirt off since Cheyenne had shown him already. Would you two like to give a little flash?
Rachel smiles, curious, knowing that if they both say yes, he will likely be naked. “Oh ... heck, why not ... May ... you too ... I dare you girl...” she said as she raised her shirt, showing off the fact that she was NOT wearing a bra ... her not small breasts springing free as she held her shirt up for a moment or two
May, shaking her head, but never one to argue with Rachel had to lift up her shirt keeping it there with her chin, as she first tried to pull her tight bra over her chest, before swearing a bit, and reaching back to unhook it ... making it easy to slide up and over her full C cups ... her nipples hard and pointed in the cool air. Sliding her shirt back down, she thought about re-hooking her bra, ... but decided to wait ... who knows how long before she’d be without it again.
They both raised their tops and Chuck’s mind immediately exclaimed to himself ‘goodness they had some cute tits’. He stood up and started to understand button his jeans, then stopped to take his shoes and socks off “I’m gonna count that as 1 ok” before he finished removing his jeans. He wasn’t wearing loose boxers though, he had on some snug boxer briefs which left little to the imagination for everyone at the party. Then he sat back down beside Amber. He hoped she wasn’t upset that he didn’t ask her but he had a feeling her time would be very soon. His cock was bulging down his right boxer leg, the side she was on.
Amber sat next to the nearly naked Chuck, almost choking on her barely repressed desire, as her panty clad bottom warmed with his nearness, and the partial nudity that was becoming more and more common around the room. She could see he was excited, and she placed her hand on her thigh near his, letting the back of her hand just brush the outside of his thigh.
Niki, totally turned on, as she had watched the whole time Chuck did his thing, and knew that she would be naked and doing forfeits very soon. Standing, she went, and stood in front of Cheyenne.
Without even waiting to be asked, Cheyenne again lifted her bra, and raised her eyebrow at Niki. Watching Cheyenne’s exposed breasts, Niki reached behind her back, and removed her last item of clothing. Her hard nipples, so long confined, sprang free from her small but firm breasts, and she rubbed them briefly as she turned, damped thighed, to look at Amber and Chuck sitting close to each other, his hard cock obvious within his shorts. She was well away of just how long, hard, and well developed his cock was, and while she was not in a hurry, she longed to see it, and touch it, again.
Turning to Rachel and May, sitting together on the oversized chair, she was not sure if she wanted them to flash or not, though she was convinced they would ... especially Rachel ... she seemed quite intent on getting her fill of naked girl.
Moving to stand naked next to their chair, everyone behind her could see her firm cheeks, flexing slowly as she stood shifting from foot to foot nervously. “Um ... Rachel, and May I guess ... would you show me your breasts please?” She asked.
As they both nodded, she felt a pit open in her stomach, but immediately was also thrilled ... being made to do things was so ... bad ... and so ... good...
“Yes, yes, and I know your forfeit too, naked girl...” Rachel said as she raised her shirt again, leaving it up for a longer few seconds, a tad more comfortable doing this a second time.
May followed suit, showing off her full breasts just as easily, her shirt held up along with her already loosened bra.
Niki waited, nervous, as they showed themselves, before Rachel said...”My forfeit” she started, looking at May as if to ensure she was working on hers...”Since you seem to have gotten so worked up ... why don’t you go to each boy ... and, using just your hand, reach inside their shorts and tell us if they are hard ... we want to know if 0, 1, 2 or 3 of them are ... hard...”
Looking around, just in case someone thought the forfeit was too harsh, Rachel was not surprised to see noone complaining ... not having full disclosure of the previous game, she at least was pretty sure it gone this far at least, so she did not expect much resistance.
Niki blushed, looking around to see if anyone was complaining, and, honestly not expecting anything, moved first to Chuck. Reaching down, looking at his eyes the whole time, she slid her small hand inside the waistband of his short, and felt around for his shaft, not finding it at first, as it was tucked down along his leg.
Looking down, she saw the nature of the problem, and, looked back up at him, as if asking permission.
Pulling the waistband out a bit farther with her other hand, she fished around, deeper inside of his shorts, until she could pull his cock up against his pubis. Not wanting to start something she’d probably have to repeat with both other boys, she quickly stopped, letting it snap back shut, and said “Well, 1 is for sure...” she said, cheeks flaming a bit as she looked at Amber sitting so close to Chuck and his barely covered hard cock.
Turning to Cyndi and Ben sitting on the next couch, she felt her thighs slide against each other damp, and realized that she was really starting to moisten up ... her pussy swelling with her own juices.
Amber, wide eyed at the escalation, but very interested and turned on, nodded, twice as she sat there enjoying everything that was going on. She felt her own body reacting to everything as well, and she knew that she was going to have her hand, and more, on his cock before too much longer ... or she would run screaming down the hall.
Leaning over, she saw Ben undo the snap of his jeans for her, and she smiled, sliding her hand inside, under his shorts, finding his thicker, stubbier cock, hard and waiting immediately. “UM... 2...” she said quickly, giving it a quick grab as she stood back up, smiling at Cyndi who only smirked as she put her own hand in his lap.
Stepping over to where Jeremy waited, sitting by Cheyenne, she blinked as she saw Cheyenne idly stroking the front of Jeremy’s shorts, clearly showing that he was not ... flaccid. Moving more assuredly, she knelt down, and reaching with both hands to undo his fly, she gasped a little as she saw the head of his long thin cock peeking out over the top of his underwear. Wanting to be fair though, and frankly, too revved up to care too much, she slid her hand inside the flap, and grasped his long shaft briefly, but firmly, before pulling back, and stating “3 ... as if anyone doubted...”
Cyndi started to rub on Ben’s cock after Niki had tested it, even slipping her hand under as secretly as she could
May watched as Niki came back to them, saying “Well, maybe she should check the girls then too? “ she said meekly, looking at Rachel for approval, blushing the whole time. ‘You ... slut!” Rachel teased her...”You just want her to feel you up!” May sat there ... not saying anything, just waiting for Niki to comply ... or not.
Niki was in no condition to argue, her body was wreaking havoc on her mind, and she quickly moved closer to May, beckoning her to stand up. Unlike boys with cocks that liked to stand up ... reaching under a sitting girl, still clothed, was not the easiest thing ... so Niki hoped they’d all cooperate, make this much quicker.
Smiling as shy little May stood there, biting her lip, she slid her hand up her thigh, and under her pleated skirt, reaching her panties, and running a couple fingers over the fabric. Pulling the fabric to the side, she looked up into May’s eyes as she slid a finger into her slick lips and smiled. “Well, that’s 1...”
Pulling her hand out, letting May’s panties close behind her, she was vaguely aware of Rachel standing next to her, as May sat back down. In fact, Cyndi and Cheyenne had also stood up, eager to make this as easy as possible. Only Amber still sat, next to Chuck, waiting, possibly, for a spot to open up.
Looking up at Rachel’s watching face for a moment, Niki unsnapped her jeans, and, slid her hand inside, not surprised to not find any underwear. Pulling the flaps a bit farther apart, she got her hand down far enough to feel a slick wetness over a hairless pair of lips. Keeping that knowledge to herself, she again smiled, pulling back and snapping her jeans back “Make that... 2 ... two wet girls... :”
Cheyenne had wanted to attack Niki’s exposed sex at the last party, and never got a chance to, so as the slim girl made her way over to her, she felt her body respond in advance of her digital probing.
Cheyenne’s terry shorts were actually sort of easy to reach into, and as Niki’s fingers slid down past her soft curls, she at first thought she was NOT wet, but as she reached the bottom, and curled her finger slightly, she suddenly felt her whole hand coated with a splash of pent up juices. Blushing a bit at just how wet her friend was, Niki smiled, retrieving her hand and moving onto Cyndi.
“Oh ... yes... 3 in a row...” she said, as she saw that Cyndi’s jeans were already unsnapped, but still need to be slid open a bit. As she worked, she knelt there on the floor, well aware of how she must look, naked, and going around feeling everyone’s bare genitals. Reaching a hand inside of Cyndi’s very wispy panties, careful to not snag them, she noticed immediately that the horny Cyndi was very wet, as expected. “We are consistent are we not,... 4!”
As everyone returned to their seats, Niki moved back over to her seat, and the waiting Amber seated next to Chuck. Amber was only in panties, and could probably just stay there, so as she started to rise, Niki shook her head and moved forward.
Uncertain, Amber complied, watching as Niki’s kneeling form moved up between her knees, spreading them as she knelt before her. Looking down, Niki could see that Amber’s panties were quite damp. “I don’t think we need to wonder about #5 ... I can see from here that she is wet ... but ... if that’s the forfeit...” she said, watching as Amber nodded, she took her hands, running them up each of Amber’s thighs, and, pulling the gusset to one side, slid a finger across the suddenly exposed, pink, wet lips. Quickly covering the girl back up she smiled, horny as hell, and said ‘Five it is...”
Cyndi called out...”There’s one more girl ... you need to check everyone ... and turn so everyone can see...”
Niki stood, flushed, on edge, as she reached between her legs, slowly turning in a circle, drawing a finger through her exposed slit, feeling every pair of eyes on her as she checked the last of the 9 players. Keeping her finger inside of her as she completed the circuit, before finally drawing her finger away, a line of viscous fluid strung out between her finger and her sex as she announced, “Six in a row ... quite ... wet ... girls...”
Seeing Amber’s cunt up close like that was the best thing that had happened tonight, thought Chuck, it was just as he had imagined it would be, His cock throbbed in his shorts so much that both Niki and Amber could see it moving.
Once Niki completed her dare, Chucked leaned over and picked up a normal die. “A girl... 5, thats um ... Niki!”
Chuck thought a moment before asking his question, “So, for truth, well Kiki, or Niki if you insist, how do you feel right now, being the only one completely naked, having just touched everyone else in the room in a most intimate manner?”
Niki had sat back down, but, indian style, her cunt on display if anyone bothered to look. As Chuck called her by both names, she had felt her pussy release another small wave of fluid, and her nipples pulse as if someone had pinched them.
“Ungg ... you know ... I’m so turned on ... I’m drenched ... I feel so alive ... and so desirable, ... and so ... naughty ... everyone is looking at me ... and it just makes me hotter...” she answered, shifting a bit about on the carpet as she thought about her answer.
“OK, well, rather than just give you a dare, I want you to dare yourself ... push yourself, dare yourself to do something that shows all of us your true, naughty, desires...” Chuck feel silent, the group gasping a bit at the audacity of the creative dare. Who knows what Niki might force herself to try.
Niki thought, it was such a wide opened dare, she could just climb on top of Chuck, and take his cock out and fuck him while everyone watched ... but that somehow seemed to not push it, to not, as he said, show off her true side ... everyone knew that already ... well, maybe not how willing she was.
She thought about attacking Amber, or May’s pussy, and it was very tempting ... and that would have won her choice, except she remembered that other thing she had said last time and never acted on...
“Um ... can Jeremy and Ben get in the middle of the long couch with Cyndi and Cheyenne on the outside?” she said, a bit diffident, waiting as they moved ... actually, only Cheynne and Jeremy had to swap places...
Moving forward, and kneeling between Jeremy’s legs, she could feel her backside, prominently exposed to Rachel and May, and ‘mostly’ exposed to Amber and Chuck, spread out a bit as she leaned forward, and again opened Jeremy’s shorts, pulling his shorts down over his cock and balls, and beginning to stroke him, kneeling there naked and aroused while everyone watched.
Once she had her hand around his cock, she moved over a tad, and tried to unsnap Ben’s jeans again. Sensing what she was going to do, Cyndi helped, wide eyed, as the little slut went to grab onto two cocks at the same time. Working on his jeans feverishly, Ben helped to quickly spring his cock free, not caring that people were watching as Niki’s hand quickly began to stroke his cock as well.
“I want to be watched as everyone sees how turned on I get when I’m naked in front of them ... especially when they are not ... and am made to play with people’s bodies ... not just one ... but two ... or even three...” she said, glancing at Cyndi, or Cheyenne, and wriggling her backside at the other 4 watchers...
With that, she lowered her head, and as her left hand stroked Ben’s thick cock, her mouth slid over the top of Jeremy’s cock, and showed everyone just how horny she was, and how far she would go to prove it. She was giving head to a boy, and everyone knew that she liked Chuck most of all.
Amber looked at Chuck, wondering if he was pissed, or turned on, as they all watched little Niki suck on a penis while surrounded by her roommates, her neighbors, and her friends.
After about a minute, Niki stopped, slipping her mouth of Jeremy’s cock with a little plop, and moved over to Ben’s lap, opening her mouth much wider, as she slid his thicker wider cock into her eager little mouth. Her hand free, she reached next to Ben, sliding her hand up along Cyndi’s leg, wondering if she would stop her this time.
Sucking on her second cock of the night, Niki was on fire as she felt her hand slide up Cyndi’s jeans, reaching to rub hard against her sex hidden deep within the fabric.
Cyndi was content to let Niki play ... she was in no hurry, and enjoyed watching her friend act so slutty ... she whispered to Ben, “You can fuck her if you want ... but you better not call her any sweet names ... she’s only to be called slut by you ... or I will make her stop ... now...”
Ben nodded, unable to argue with Cyndi under the best of times, and this was not one of his better thinking times. “Yes ... of course ... she’s a good cock sucking slut though...”
“Niki ... see ... Ben agrees ... you are good little slut, kneeling there naked for us ... Hurry up, I want to see what you have someone do ... you have such a naughty mind!”
Pulling on Niki’s hand against her crotch, Cyndi groaned a bit, feeling a bit of pleasure as she teased her friend, knowing that the words were only what she wanted to hear.
With a final deep dive over his thick cock, Niki sat up, lips glistening, as she turned to look at Chuck and Amber, knowing for certain who she wanted to dare ... but realizing that she’d have to play by the rules...
Chuck’s cock was more than just throbbing, it was trembling in anticipation. He wanted to ravage Niki and Amber both, maybe even some of the new girls too, but Niki and Amber most. A small wet spot formed where his tip was from the precum he was already leaking. His hand in Amber’s lap slid up to her panties where he softly rubbed her
Cyndi’s pussy was drenched, buried within her jeans, as Niki had stroked and pushed against her sex with her hand, whilst keeping her mouth over Ben’s cock ... and her other slutty hand on Jeremy’s longer, thinner shaft. She had suspected that Niki had unplumbed depths, and had started this whole dare game out with the marked intent of finding out just how crazy she would get, and she flushed, realizing it was every bit as good as she hoped. As Niki’s mouth popped off of Ben’s cock, the thick head glistening with her saliva, she pressed Niki’s hand against her crotch firmly before letting her sit all the way back.
Amber had been watching the bare ass of her roommate move back and forth while she worked to satisfy first one, then another of the boys, even teasing Cyndi. Turning to Chuck, she looked at him wide-eyed, saying “I had no idea ... she’s ... wow ... i mean ... this is pretty ... wild...”.
As Niki moved to go sit back down, leaving the two boys to button back up on their own, she grabbed the dice and started shaking it in her hand.
“As she tossed the dice she said “This time, I don’t care if its a boy or a girl ... so rolling this 20 sider ... and 7...” looking at the sheet, she smiled, it was Amber.
“Ok ... Amber ... Dare -- Have the person on your right, and then on your left, remove one item of your clothing.” she said looking at her roommate as she sat on the couch sans shorts. “They get to touch or kiss anything uncovered, unless you let them choose the item, rather than yourself”.
Amber could feel herself get a bit nervous, realizing that she would doing much more than simply watching from the safety of her couch. Pressing a hand down on Chuck’s thigh as she stood up, she turned to Rachel, and said “You can ... um take my shirt...”.
May, quite jealous, watched as Rachel stood, and moved behind Amber, lifting up on the bottom of her multilayered blouse. Slowly sliding it up ... up over her bra and then over her shoulders and head, she leaned in, kissing her now bare shoulder, as her hands dropped the shirt to the floor, and then reached up, cupping her exposed bra cups as she hugged her from behind.
After about thirty seconds, she kissed Amber’s shoulder again, and stepped away, returning to sit by May, taking her hand and placing it between her own thighs.
Amber, flushed, looked down at her naked roommate as she turned, ready to have Chuck take the next item off. “Ok ... um ... my bra I guess...” she said, waiting for him to stand, his excitement still obvious through his one item of clothing still remaining.
He happily stood, his huge cock tenting as he did showing everyone what he had stored away for later. Unhooking her bra, he then spun her around and licked her hard, pink nipples. The tip of his tongue flipping over them slowly before he started to eagerly suck on them, making his cock twitch and throb some more.
Catching her breath, and ignoring the hot stares from everyone, Amber moved to get one of the regular die, preparing to roll it.
Cyndi stopped Amber’s roll. “Wait ... we all know Niki’s going to do every dare ... so ... just skip it if it rolls for her ... and if your dare for your chosen victim is not what you want for Miss Naked Niki here ... pick anything you want ... You said you wanted to be watched while you did nasty things to people Niki ... so here’s your chance.” Cyndi’s voice had interrupted Amber’s tossing of the die, as she laid back, half onto Ben’s lap with her leg up and a hand between her, still, jean clad thighs, obviously pressing against herself as she felt the need. “Oh ... if she’s not busy doing a dare ... don’t you think she should be touching herself ... you know ... keeping ready ... just in case?”
Cheyenne giggled, nodding, and even May piped up, “Ooooh ... that’s perfect ... yes ... I think she should...”
Niki only nodded, her mind already wondering what Amber was going to cook up, she had a certain look in her eye when she glanced at Niki’s kneeling form.
Amber rolled...”For the boys ... a 2! Sheesh Chuck ... you shoulda been a 2 ... but that’s ok, I will have Niki make sure you are not lonely” Turning to Ben, she said “Ok ... get up, leave Cyndi alone for a moment ... you’ll be back ... do’t’ worry ... Girls...”she said, pointing to Rachel and May...” go take Ben and Jeremy’s place ... Jeremy, move away as well ... come sit where I was next to Chuck ... don’t worry ... you’ll like it...”
“Why do you let him lick you like that? And why don’t you have no clothes on?” A soft male voice came from the other side of the privacy fence as Niki turned, startled, unaware that anyone had been anywhere nearby. Niki looked around startled, petting Shadow’s eager head as he continued to lick along her bare thighs, his tongue touching, teasing, tasting every bit of her skin. She could feel his tongue dart in between her thighs, tasting her sex, making her twitch. She quieted her moan of...
Niki fidgeted all through English, and again through History, as her revved up sex drive was met head on by the trials and tribulations of daily school life. Roach sensed something was up, but having little leverage on those two teachers, he satisfied himself with some subtle teasing, and reminding Niki that he was looking forward to Biology and another show. When she had returned from lunch, looking flushed, he had noted that another button had come undone, though she kept her arms mostly...
Niki looked over at the bowl, and seeing the pieces of grilled cheese, worked her way over and took a big bite, chewing carefully before sitting back up and slowly stroking her brother’s shaft. “Oh, I have another note, um, Biology class. And I will need to be picked up late tomorrow, Mr. Jacobs gave me detention for some reason.”. Licking his shaft a couple times before getting back down and biting off some more sandwich, she felt a sudden tension in the air as Max stopped...
Laughing a bit, pausing as if she was considering it, Niki left the room, her slow walk seeming to indicate she was indifferent to her naked state. Returning a minute later, recently washed of Chuck’s residue, Niki looked around and tried to decide who she wanted to dare. Settling on Jeremy, victim of the last instigator, she turned, saying “Ok Jeremy, since you seem to have been quiet lately, what do you think? Truth or Dare hmm?” She stood there, naked as the day she was born, aching a bit...
Chuck lay down beside Niki and whispered in her ear while gently rubbing her pink aching opening “I hope you had fun Kiki ... because I’m gonna use you like this for as long as I can. Kiki is going to get addicted to this cock, and maybe I’ll even share you with my friends” Laying there, replete, Niki felt Chuck settle down beside her. And as he spoke, she could feel the dampened fires within her fire up again, driving her crazy with renewed desire. “What ... um ... yes ... sure ... anything...
Consensus was raised that one of the boys should go, most of them pointing to Chuck, or Jeremy. “I’ll go” Chuck says. “So. Um, Ben, Truth or Dare?” “Truth!” “Mmm ok.” He hadn’t expected Ben to pick ‘Truth’ so he had to think for a moment. “Ok. Are you hard right now”. Chuck figured since Cyndi did the guys a favor basically, getting Cheyenne and Niki to show off their bodies, he would try and return the gift, getting the girls a peek at one of the boys Ben looked at him oddly, “No. I’m...
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One day I was talking to me friend Enzos Niki and brought the subject up. Enzos Niki had never read such a story before. Since we were at my house, I got the magazine out and let her read it. She didn’t get as turned on as I did, but said that she’d like to watch someone get fucked by a dog. I told Enzos Niki the story made me very, very horny. She said that she doubted that she could get horny enough to do it with an animal. I told her that it made me very horny and that I...
The next days passed with some semblance of normality. Niki recovered from our misguided anal adventure and she had a whirlwind week of study prep and soccer practice. I had stumbled onto some consulting work for an old friend and hardly had any free time. Our nightly foot massages resumed and life was good. Niki had spoken with Heather midweek and reported that her grandma was not doing well and her mom still didn’t know what was going to happen. It was Friday evening and I was making...
Niki was shocked! It just wasn’t possible…was it? Her mind was spinning in endless circles as she looked at the two blue lines in front of her. PREGNANT?!!! How can I be pregnant?! Niki sat down on the edge of her bed and continued to stare at the test strip in front of her. Her mind wandered back to the past, back to when everything in her life had changed… Two Years ago Niki was furious! She could barely fight back the tears and surging emotions that were welling inside...
The last week passed in a whirlwind of finals for Niki while I moped around the house trying not to dwell on the future. We managed to squeeze in a few love-making sessions in the evenings which was a great stress reliever for both of us. It was Friday evening, Niki’s last day of school, and we had just finished some celebration sex when a call came in from Heather. It was a bit nerve-wracking since we were both naked in Niki’s bed as she answered her cell. Would Heather be able to tell...
Here is another story for the ladies who are into K9s. It is about Yvette and her girl friend, Niki who had been together a couple of years. They find out that there is more to being pleasured than another woman’s tongue when they bring home Enzo , a big black Lab. Niki catches Yvette as she is letting the big doggie lick her. Instead of being mad with her, she pitches right in and helps her out. What turns from a good licking goes to hot fucking as both of them learn all about being...
Niki was 20 years old. Her long wavy brown hair gently cascaded down her back. Her deep blue eyes made men melt at the sight of them. Her fair skin was so soft and her slappy firm breasts even made her dads cock hard. Niki had been left alone for the weekend while her parents travelled to New York for a city break. Niki had been alone before and never felt afraid. Especially when she had her beautiful big Dalmatian crossed with Great Dane, Enzo, to protect her. It was a sunny morning in early...
Unfortunately, this lust for youth meant that all my adult relationships with women were doomed. While I’ve had plenty of age-appropriate interactions, they’ve never lasted. It was difficult for these women to meet my requirements of youthful vitality, smooth, soft, wrinkle-free skin, perky breasts, tight pussies, and the innocence I so longed for. It was not their fault, my standards were impossibly high. Invariably, these relationships would fall apart the moment my paramour caught me...
Secret Panel - NikiNiki was bent over a pillow on the floor. She was naked with her skinny legs spread wide. Niki was holding her firm butt cheeks open… waiting for her lover. Where was he? Why was he delaying their fun? Her tiny ass hole was pulsing with hunger. She couldn’t wait! Niki heard a faint noise. Thank goodness… it was finally pleasure time!---Niki lived in a NYC apartment building. There were six large apartments on his floor. One day she was looking for something in her...
Nothing much happened the rest of the day but during that evening’s TV session our nightly foot massage varied from its normal pattern. As usual, Niki joined me for TV time already dressed for bed. Tonight’s attire was a feminine little negligee I hadn’t seen before. It was white with little pink bows and very short. As she walked, I could see the bottom of her ass cheeks and flashes of her panty-covered pussy. “Is that a new nightie? Don’t think you’ve worn that before?” “Nah, it’s a few...
I'm usually not given to voyeurism, but this time I couldn't help myself. Niki, my eighteen-year-old god daughter, had left her bedroom door open, and there I was, standing in the hallway outside watching her put on her nightie. The thin material of the night gown had tangled in her hair and was bunched up, covering her face. Concentrating on trying to separate hair and gown and unaware of my presence, she was oblivious to the scene she presented. And a delightful scene it was. Even though I...
I want to thank everyone for the feedback and the suggestions. I’m truly glad that you’re enjoying this story. With that said, here is part Last. Again, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it! 4/13/2013. Niki and Olivia “I've missed you Daddy!” I hugged her back as tightly as I dared, I didn't want to crush the little thing, and I said, “I've missed you too, little one! But do you want to know a secret?” She looked at me and nodded her head, a slight look of conspiratorial...
I had moved to a new area to start a new job and did not know anyone the property was larger than I wanted and difficult to protect. A couple I met from work called Karl and Niki his second wife and younger than himself he was 40’s and she a twenty three year old suggested I get a dog for safety and protection, I decided I would go to the pound to see what they had that might be suitable. I met a keeper who told me they had the very dog for me Enzo a 2 year old boxer with loads of energy,...
Enzo’s Niki is a gorgeous young girl. One day, she sat in front of her computer to read her new e-mails. There was one with an attachment by a friend of her. He told her it was some surprise for her to read. She opened the attachment and began to read. It was a story about a lesbian couple on a horse trip to a lake in the forest – an erotic story that was obvious. But soon she realized it was not an ordinary story. At the lake, the two girls had sex with the horse. Enzo’s...
Continuation from - Keeping lookout while Niki had a pee..............................I got to work the next day, and was sitting in the canteen, having my coffee before I started work. A hand touched my shoulder, and then Niki sat down opposite me.“That was fun last night,” she said, “I found it a real turn on. My pussy was wet all night.”“Have to to it again then.” I said, and was answered by a big smile on Niki’s face.“Did you like my panties ?” she asked.“Sure did, had a good wank while I...
Jeremy Israel’s head seemed to bounce off of his pillow as he hastily switched off his blaring alarm clock. As he groggily hobbled his way towards the shower outside of his bedroom in the basement of his slit level home, he had many thoughts racing through his mind. The most vivid of those thoughts; however, was one of his best friends little sister. He and his best friend, Chad Davis, always alternated driving to school each day and Chad’s little sister always rode along. This morning was...
First TimeI had been for a drink after work down the local pub from where I worked. There was a few of us there, and it had been a long week. We all had been working hard in the office, and just needed to chill out a little. At the end of the night, I said my goodbyes, and said that I needed to get home.One of the women I worked with, Niki, asked that if I was walking, could she walk with me. She didn’t live that far from me, and needed to clear her head a little. She had drunk a little too many glasses...
my secound story, continuation of the last story. this is the next most memorable time with niki... read the last story to get caught up (if you want)first story: was a sunny Saterday morning and I thought while the weather was sunny I would go out to the beach and try to get a tan. so I threw on my pink bikini with a tanktop and short jean shorts over it and...
For the next few weeks my man constantly teased me. “Is this what you baby?,” he would ask as he showed me MMF and FFM pics on his computer. Thick, hung men, with bodies to die for. And gorgeous women with wonderful bodies. After a while the pics of butchy, flat chested lesbians were having the most appeal for me, as well as much younger women, ‘baby dolls’, as my man called them. The thought of two full on lesbians pleasuring me instead of bi-sex women I had in the past was now very...
For the next few weeks my man constantly teased me. “Is this what you baby?,” he would ask as he showed me MMF and FFM pics on his computer. Thick, hung men, with bodies to die for. And gorgeous women with wonderful bodies. After a while the pics of butchy, flat chested lesbians were having the most appeal for me, as well as much younger women, ‘baby dolls’, as my man called them. The thought of two full on lesbians pleasuring me instead of bi-sex women I had in the past was now very...
Enzos Niki Saso was riding the city bus home from work. She had graduated the year before and was still undecided about college. She was a very attractive young woman with long wavy blonde hair. She watched the world through eyes that were sky blue and hidden behind copper framed glasses. The bus was about half full of riders of various ages. It had been a long day and she was tired and the motion of the bus relaxed her. She caught herself dozing every now and then she changed position in the...
Hello friends, I’m devil (name changed of all the characters in this story for privacy reason.) Age 23, I’m from gadchiroli, Maharashtra near Nagpur city. Me ek life enjoy karne wala ladka hu. José sirf enjoy karne ke naye naye bahane dhundne ka shouk he. Me bahot hi bakbakiya type ka banda hu. So, story start krte he, mera ek friend that jiski haal hi me shaadi hui thi(bhag kar). Me usko Milne subah due baje gaya. Mene dekha ki uske room pe do ladkiya thi. Ek ekdum goori maal toh dusri kaali...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
I sat up and ran a hand through my straight black hair. I was a bit confused about why Amber was even here? I worked as a part time nurse at the local high school. I shared it with another nurse but today was her off day. Amber had come into my office complaining about being sick. I had examined her and found no reason for her to even be there. I shook my head as I spoke to her about this, "You seem perfectly fine to me. I can't seem to find anything wrong. Are you ok? Is there something else...
Lesbian“I hereby give myself over to chronic masturba- tion,” I announced to myself. My words were chopped up in the ceiling fan and then fell dead in the silent flat. Traveling alone to Cairns, Australia was excit- ing in one way. I mean there is the barrier reef and islands and topless beaches. But in other ways, such as at nine at night and being in a place where there were strict blue laws, well it was not so exciting. But laying in bed and lubing my prick with baby oil was...
This situation evolved a few years ago when I taunted my man by telling him I would love to have sex with another man while he watched. “Can you handle that baby?” “Fine by me baby as long as there is no fucking. Oral sex and outer sex only. That leaves lots of options for your sexual pleasure, and mine. You are mine to fuck exclusively. Though another man watching me fucking you would be a huge turn on. Are we on the same page baby?“ “Yes we are. Let’s make it happen. Can you organise a...
This situation evolved a few years ago when I taunted my man by telling him I would love to have sex with another man while he watched. “Can you handle that baby?” “Fine by me baby as long as there is no fucking. Oral sex and outer sex only. That leaves lots of options for your sexual pleasure, and mine. You are mine to fuck exclusively. Though another man watching me fucking you would be a huge turn on. Are we on the same page baby?“ “Yes we are. Let’s make it happen. Can you organise a...
It’s Niki. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a short, blond-haired, blue-eyed housewife. I’m not very busty, but my 34A-22-34 firm, fit body seems to be pleasing to the guys who get to see it. I love showing off, and I especially love being the object of atten- tion. I have taken on many guys at a time, and I love to be totally filled with cock! This past weekend I had a very interesting time, and I thought I’d share it with you. As most of you...
"And Dickie the Explorer makes it to the top of the hill, and does his victory dance." Eric said playfully. She giggled again, her tummy shuddering as her little vagina got all squishy in anticipation of the special games that daddy played with her when mommy wasn't home. Dickie the Explorer was one of Amber's favorite new games, and it made her feel so hot, and excited when daddy would "explore" her naked little body with his big, hard thingy. She loved how warm, and hard it was, but...
Hi, my name is Niki and I’m a dog slut. I let dogs have sex with me and I enjoy it! I like nothing better then to lay down on my back and let a dog hammer my bitch hole mouth with his mighty dog penis. I love a big, nasty, slimy, red, hot, throbbing, dog dicks in my mouth. I am a dog whore and I love it! I love dicks and their dicks are so nice and fat and juicy. They’re nice and hard and I love to suck on them. I can suck dog dick all day long and hardly a day goes by I...
My names Niki. It was the summer of 73 I was twenty two, size ten and a good figure, in my second year teaching. My husband still a student was working all hours that god sent in the summer holidays. We ran a beat up convertible, which he was slowly restoring, to pristine glory. I was free all day having great fun racing round with the hood down all over the town. At weekends he made regular visits to a car breakers yards in search of prized components and I often went with him. They seemed to...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Mr. Jacob W. Watson, known to one and all as Jake, walked with his usual energy through the parking lot to the plant. He was 35 and though he was popular, Jake would not win any beauty contests! He was 'medium'. Medium height 5' 10, hair medium brown, eyes medium brown, body not slim but not overweight. Today he was even wearing a brown suit! Jake was VP in charge of manufacturing at Schimdt tool and die company. The plant was the second...
Amber’s Story The hair on the back of Amber’s neck stood tall. She sensed something or someone more than feel it really. Amber turned hastily her dark eyes peering through the night. Something, no someone moved in the shadows behind her. She was sure of it. Amber strained her senses in the night air to hear anything, to see anything, to calm her nerves if nothing more, NOTHING. Yet she knew it, somehow she knew it? someone WAS following her. And this was not the first time either. ...
Thanks to Steve Zink he helped enormously by super editing as always! Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Mr. Jacob W. Watson, known to one and all as Jake, walked with his usual energy through the parking lot to the plant. He was 35 and though he was popular, Jake would not win any beauty contests! He was 'medium'. Medium height 5' 10, hair medium brown, eyes brown, not slim but not overweight. Today he was even wearing a brown suit! Jake was VP in charge of...
Amber and Sinndy Make it HurtThe air was crisp and chilly enough to perk the largest fattest nipples. Amber and Sinndy smiled devilishly to each other as Amber pulled away in the 1993 Suburban. The back seats had been ripped from their lodges in the floor to make room for Eric, the luscious blonde grungy beauty they'd seen at the TSOL punk show. He had been smiling at them as they sparked the joint out on the lawn right before TSOL came onstage. He approached them, and left smiling, high, and...
Part 2 After only being together a month, it didn’t seem like it should be so hard to say good-bye at the airport, after all, it was only going to be for three weeks…but it was hard…terribly hard, for both of them. Bill had tears in his eyes when he took her in his arms and kissed her good-bye. Amber, trying to put on a brave face, forced a smile and gently wiped them away. “I’ll be back, darling,” she said. Amber looked into his teary eyes and knew she had to tell him; he...
Introduction: The last chapter about eternal love For those who were kind enough to read my story, Bill and Amber, but were disappointed in the conclusion, I have added a fourth chapter. It can probably stand alone, however, if you havent read the first three chapters I believe this will make more sense to you if you do. I hope you will enjoy the story, and as always, your feedback is welcome. Thank you. Now, the fourth and final chapter. Bill and Amber The reunion It was so warm and...
I hope you will enjoy the story, and as always, your feedback is welcome. Thank you. Now, the fourth and final chapter. Bill and Amber The reunion It was so warm and peaceful. A bright light shown through the clouds and seemed to bathe his whole body with a quiet calm. He had never felt so safe, so relaxed. He could hear a voice coming from far off in the distance, it seemed to be calling to him. He could see the image of a man approaching, but it was so far away it was hard to...
Introduction: Spin-off from Picture perfect Bill and Amber Amber could tell something was wrong the minute Bill walked through the door. He flopped down in his comfy easy chair and looked at Amber, his wife of nine years. Bill, whats wrong? she asked. He had a blank stare in his eyes. Gary and Judy are getting divorced, he said. A combination of shock and guilt washed over Amber. What? No thats not possible. I know, it doesnt seem like it could happen, but Gary caught her in a motel...
Begger's Stories Sunday, April 13, 2008 Amber Chapters 1-7 This was the first teasing and denial story I wrote several years ago (2004ish) for It contains a lot of ballbusting and teasing, chastity and female dominance. A lot of the inspiration to write came from one of my favorite OD writers, Peter, who should be linked to somewhere on this site. Anyway, enjoy my first work and let me know what you think. "Amber" by Begger It was Friday, I had been waiting for today for...
Amber could tell something was wrong the minute Bill walked through the door. He flopped down in his comfy easy chair and looked at Amber, his wife of nine years. “Bill, what’s wrong?” she asked. He had a blank stare in his eyes. “Gary and Judy are getting divorced,” he said. A combination of shock and guilt washed over Amber. “What? No that’s not possible.” “I know, it doesn’t seem like it could happen, but Gary caught her in a motel room fucking another guy, I just...
STUCK IN AMBER (Complete and final!) by P326R1 Copyright 2021 Disclaimer: This story is a complete and total work of fiction. Don't worry. None of it's true. It's all made up. It's absolutely definitely not based 100% on the actual people, places, and events from my life. CHAPTER 1: I SEE DEAD PEOPLE My wife Emily and I have an extremely beautiful friend named Amber. She works as a waitress at a restaurant we frequent. One evening, we're having dinner when a crazy guy...
I heard a knock on the door. It was Amber. I propped myself up on my elbow and rubbed my eyes. She ran in and jumped on the bed with me. She started to kiss me and she grabbed my morning wood. I slept in the spare bedroom between Amber’s and her parents’ room. I kissed her back then pushed her away frightened, “What are you doing? Your parents…” She cut me off mid sentence, “My parents went to the mall. I told them you and I were going to Kelly’s to play soccer and to keep the...
( A Les Lumens Story ) Amber absently toyed with a lock of her strawberry blonde hair as she watched the streets pass by outside the bus window. Her stop was fast approaching, and she was psyched to finally spend some time in her new apartment. She still couldn’t believe that Rachel had conned her parents into renting it for them and moving their things. No more parents rules, and no more dorm rules. They were free to live the college life to its full extent now. With only a block or two left...
( A Les Lumens Story ) Amber absently toyed with a lock of her strawberry blonde hair as she watched the streets pass by outside the bus window. Her stop was fast approaching, and she was psyched to finally spend some time in her new apartment. She still couldn’t believe that Rachel had conned her parents into renting it for them and moving their things. No more parents rules, and no more dorm rules. They were free to live the college life to its full extent now. With only a block or two left...
SupernaturalHung Like a Horse Every summer, our family took a trip to visit our relatives on their farm. It was a trip that my sister and I looked forward to every year. For two weeks, we basically had the run of the land with little or no supervision. We got to explore all of the barns, watch the a****ls, and swim in the creek that flowed through the pasture. Usually there were other visiting k**s to play with as well.This year, my cousin Amber was visiting from New York City. It was her first trip out...
STUCK IN AMBER (complete) Copyright P326R1, 2019 CHAPTER 1: HOW IT STARTED My wife Emily and I have an extremely beautiful friend named Amber. She works as a waitress at a restaurant we frequent. One evening, we're having dinner when a crazy guy walks in with a gun and just starts shooting up the place! He's yelling a bunch of stuff that no one can hear over the deafening pop of what looks like a 9mm. I have no idea what this guy's problem is, but he seems intent on...
Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Edits by SteveZ Thanks again to the editor without a peer Steve Zink Part 4 Jake gulped. This was way beyond awkward! She had to talk to Bob pretending to be Amber and not make any mistakes, yet at the same time remember she was at work and the real Amber might pop in at any time and not like what was said. Feeling like a cat trying to ice skate, Jake answered. "Hello, darling." (That was safe enough) "Hello yourself, sexy!" said...
"Single White Female - 14. Newark, DE Bi-curious. Looking for an understanding lesbian or bi-woman to help me explore the world of female sexuality. Not looking for a relationship as of yet, just a little fun." When she had posted that add on a girl chat room/meeting site last week, she really didn't expect to get any serious answers. In fact, most if the hundred or so answers had been from men. The latest one, still in her in box, was typical of the lot. "Yo sexy...
We were sitting at the table idling time after eating an early afternoon lunch. The day was cloudy, gray and wet, a typical spring day in Seattle. It was a Saturday and my wife's best friend and I were keeping each other company while we waited for my wife to come home from a conference in San Antonio. Amber was clinking the plates together, putting them in a pile on a corner of the table when my cell chirped, it was Chloe, my wife. “My connection in Denver has been canceled, the damn...