MarianneChapter 2 free porn video

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Over the next few days, I rearranged my schedule so I could see more of Marianne. It only required a few changes like working out in the early morning and going to bed earlier when I could because of my study load. There were a few other changes also but nothing really major. This was why I was at the gym a week plus later when another stranger arrived.

I was working out on the free weights when the man walked in, but Marianne was still sitting down having just finished some leg exercises on one of the machines. This stranger was a very large individual standing at least 7’-0’’ tall and easily weighting close to 300 pounds. He walked right up to where Marianne was sitting, but apparently never noticed the huge amount of weight that she had on the machine.

“You fucked up my little brother and put him in the hospital. Now you’re going to pay for it,” he growled at her and lunged forward to grab her from where she was sitting, perhaps to pull her to her feet so he had her in a better position to hit her.

His intentions didn’t matter in the least for as fast as he moved, it was slow compared to Marianne’s reactions. She immediately grabbed both of his wrists and yanked him toward her from his now off balance position, and head butted him in the face breaking his nose and his cheek bones. At the same time her right foot came up into his crotch which was now in the perfect position thanks to him being moved forward when she pulled him toward her. Her right booted foot slammed into him, and we later learned that the blow had destroyed his testicles, and crushed his penis as well as fracturing the lower bones of his pelvis. The man collapsed to the floor as Marianne shoved him away from herself. The campus police were called this time along with an ambulance.

Marianne was sitting in the same position when the campus police plus the city police and the ambulance attendants arrived, as she hadn’t moved. There was a lot of confusion and many questions initially. It required four men to move the unconscious man onto the gurney. The police had taken his picture and fingerprints on arriving, but already knew who he was, and that he was wanted for other crimes before he was wheeled out to the waiting ambulance. They still had a lot of questions for Marianne and me, but Mac brought out the security recordings from the cameras that are required by the school’s insurance company and are always on in the gym when anyone is here in case of accidents or injuries. He had the police watch the entire encounter from four different angles in slow motion before they asked her any official questions.

During the viewing, I heard a number of expletives as well as things like, “did you see that?” and “play that part back again,” a number of times. Following seeing what had happened, there were still a few questions.

“We’ll need to impound those recordings as part of our investigation,” the detective in charge told Mac who handed the memory units over. I later learned that he had replaced the memory units that he had removed and had recorded everything that occurred in the gym following the removal of the original devices as a precaution.

The police took everyone’s’ name and address finishing with Marianne who was still sitting in the same place.

“One last question, Miss Riedasel, what is your home planet?” the detective asked her.

“Telchines,” she answered and several of the officers there turned pale.

“Telchines?” the detective asked to be sure that he had heard her correctly.

“Yes, do you need me to prove that?” she asked in a calm but resigned voice.

“Ah... ?” was the detective’s reply.

“Please move then so I can get up,” she asked, and then rose, walked over to the pile of free weights, and picked up the bar with the 800 pounds of weights on it and carried it over to the workout area, where she commenced to effortlessly do a series of lifts with the weights.

“That’s 800 pounds on that bar,” Mac told the detective, who turned more than a little pale again on watching her workout.

“Thank you, Miss Riedasel for your help. We just needed to be sure. It’s obvious that this was a case of self-defense, and we won’t be bothering you any further,” the detective finished, picked up the recordings, and he and the others departed. Marianne returned the weights to their place and went to take a shower and change clothes without saying anything.

“You better go with her, Will. She looks a bit upset to me,” Mac told me, and I hurried to shower and change so we could leave together. Mare was just coming out of the women’s locker room, as I emerged from the men’s.

“Buy you breakfast?” I asked as casually as possible, as we both turned toward the exit. It was a stupid question and an even worse opening line, as we all had our meals already paid for as a part of our tuition package, but it was the only thing that I could think of at the time, and she nodded in assent.

I was about to take her hand, as I normally would with any young woman that I was walking with, as we moved toward the cafeteria, when I remembered how violently she had objected to being touched without permission at the party and kept my hands to myself, for now anyway.

We had a quick breakfast and were on time for our first class, but there hadn’t really been any time to discuss what had happened in the gym. It didn’t appear that the story had gotten out on campus yet as no one had said anything to either of us yet about it. We had a half hour before our next class in another building, and as we walked toward it together, I looked over at her and asked, “Are you all right?”

“No,” she answered in a choked up voice. She turned toward me then, and I could see the tears on her face.

“Let’s sit down here for a couple of minutes,” I told her as there was an unoccupied bench just off the path near us. She collapsed onto the bench which groaned a little from her weight, and I sat beside her. She had her hands in her lap and was looking at her feet or the ground and crying quietly.

“I didn’t mean to hurt him, and I don’t want to be expelled,” she told me with a sob. “When he lunged at me, it was all reflex,” she finished with another sob. A light came on in my brain.

“You were picked on in school!” I said in a quiet but knowing voice.

“Yes,” she sniffled, “I was always the smallest one in my class, and the others picked on me. I learned to defend myself early. My aunt who wasn’t much bigger than I am now taught me how to defend myself as a young girl. Of course that was on Telchines where the others were as fast as I am and were built as I am just larger. What I did would have given one of them a bloody nose and some sore testicles, but that would have been all.

“Here everyone is so ... so fragile!” she exclaimed in disbelief. “I’m afraid to touch them as they might break. I always have to be so ... so careful,” she finished near tears again.

“Yes, I noticed the difference when I first arrived from Vespa II. Of course, it wasn’t as great a difference as what you have,” I told her and was silent for a few minute.

“Are you going to be all right?” I asked again, before adding, “You know that he would have hurt you if you hadn’t stopped him. Well, he would have tried anyway,” I amended.

“Thank you for pointing that out. Yes, I’ll be okay,” she said with another sniff, as she dried her eyes on her sleeve.

“About the party where all of this started, I only wanted to see what it was like here. I don’t usually go out drinking or anything like that on Telchines but wanted to see what it was like. I didn’t want to go alone however,” she told me.

“No, it’s never good to go out alone somewhere that you aren’t familiar with,” I agreed. We resumed our walk toward our next class following that, and we were just in time to get seated.

Following the last class of the day, we had dinner, and it was on the way back to our dorm that I raised the question.

“Did you understand what the professor was talking about in the last class?” I asked her.

“Sure, what’s the problem?” she asked in a cheerful voice.

“Maybe I’m dense, but I’m having a hard time with it. My folks are all in management, and things like that never came up in their discussions. Not that I’m saying it wasn’t a problem, but they never discussed it where I could hear them,” I told her. She just smiled.

“You want to come up to my room, and I’ll explain it to you. I saw all kinds of problems when I worked in the mines at home,” she told me, and that’s how I learned what room she was in. It turned out to be on the third floor of the building, and she hated it, she told me.

“We don’t have any buildings over two stories at home. You fall too fast over that height in our gravity,” she explained on the way to her room, when I had asked why.

“So you actually worked in the mines on Telchines?” I asked, as we approached her room.

“Yes, all of the kids do when they reach ten years standard. Everyone learns how to work in the mines even if they intend to do something else when they graduate from school. It’s just a matter of safety, since everyone has to be able to help if there is a collapse at one of the mines.

“Telchines has an abundance of heavy elements, which is part of the reason that we have such a high gravity. The entire planet is rich in precious metals, especially the heavier ones. There are some mines so hot that they have to be worked by robots because of the radiation. The miners guide the robots by remote control to do the things that men usually would in the mines. They need to work in heavily shielded buildings.

“We need to import a lot of our food, as many of the local plants are poisonous since they contain so many heavy metals, and even those Earth type plants modified to grow there can pick up too many heavy metals if grown in the wrong places,” she told me.

Mare, she had told me that was her nickname, was as good as she had promised and explained what the professor had been talking about and a bit more that evening. She also told me more about working in the mines.

“Because I was smaller than the others my age, they made me a ‘powder monkey’. I brought in the explosives when they were ready to blast. I worked with a guy who was taller than average, but a bit slow in the thinking department. We both worked for an old man who everybody in the area called ‘Gus’. I’m not sure if that was his real name or not, but that was what he was called. He had been the Chief Explosives Master at the local mines for years, as was his father before him. That may have been where he got the name, but I can’t say for sure.

“I learned a lot from Gus. He taught me a lot, more than even most of the older miners knew. He was the first one to tell me that I was sharp and quick on the uptake. He also said that anyone can pound rocks, but it took someone with brains and training to tell them where to start and when to continue, though they could usually figure out when to quit a vein,” she told me. I learned more about explosives from her over the course of our schooling than even some of our professors seemed to know.

“We needed to use the most powerful explosives available and plenty of it because of the high gravity on Telchines. You’ll need to use a bit more explosives on Vespa II than the Earth formulas call for,” she advised me during one of our classes when the subject of explosives came up. She never told any of the instructors or professors that they were wrong about something, but she would smile in a certain way so that the off-planet students knew that a correction factor for our planets was required. The professors never caught on, or if they did, they never said anything. We would also see the ‘rock miners’ as the asteroid miners were called, smile at some of the things that were said in class.

Mare and I saw a lot more of each other over the following weeks. We would work out together at the gym, eat together, and study together. Of course, we were in the same classes all of the time but now sat next to each other. The studying wasn’t always in one of our rooms, as CSM has a good number of study areas, and of course a large library. There were numerous computer terminals in these areas, and we could download the information that we needed to our personal data units which also had our books downloaded on them.

It was a couple of weeks after the last incident in the gym when Mare invited me up to her room on a Friday night, after we had finished our studies. This was a bit unusual, so I was wondering if there was a problem and what it could be? I soon found out.

We had removed out coats and thrown them on a chair when Mare had a question for me.

“Do you like me, Will?” she asked shyly in a quiet voice. I was a bit surprised by this.

“Of course I like you, Mare. You’re a very sweet young woman,” I answered.

“Do you like me enough to have sex with me?” she asked next, as she moved closer to me. Wow, that really surprised me. I knew that many of the students here at CSM had paired up or formed even larger liaisons of various kinds, even some of the other off-planet students, but I had not thought of Mare in a sexual manner before this.

“Yes,” I answered, “Are you interested in having sex?”

“Yes, I love sex. I have a ... lover for want of a better word on Telchines, and we made love often, but he is a long ways from here, and I still need sex,” she told me shyly before adding, “We will be married after I return to Telchines.”

“You aren’t worried about cheating on him while here?” I asked, as I felt that she might be feeling guilty. Those of my friends on Vespa II certainly would.

“No, I’m sure that he is having sex with someone else while I’m away. We are very liberal minded about sex before marriage, but once married, it is considered inappropriate to have sex with someone other than your mate,” she told me. I was quite surprised on hearing this, of course I knew very little about daily life on Telchines.

Still, I was somewhat surprised on hearing this as it was different from how sex was viewed and treated on Vespa II. Those from the families of the original settlers and those from well-to-do families were introduced to sex at the appropriate age by several visits to a professional that had been arranged by the head of their family. They were taught the various ways of having sex by those professionals, and they could arrange for further instructions or visits if they could afford it. One just wasn’t allowed to pick up anyone for sex, but there were liaisons allowed when one was engaged to be married to a suitable spouse. However, those visits to professionals were often continued after marriage by both partners. Children were not allowed to happen between customers and professionals. The rules for the lower classes on Vespa II were somewhat different and looser however. Because of all of this, it took me a short time to answer her.

“Things are a bit different on Vespa II,” I told her but continued, “Still I would like to have sex with you if it’s all right.”

Same as Marianne
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My first Fuck

This was long ago when I played cricket with my friends their was a girl next door watching and cheering me up all the time. She always smiled so pretty at me. One evening I was joking at her and made her laugh, and she seems very warmed to me. So i decide to go in and give her a kiss on the lips, she accepted the kiss. Then i slipped my tounge into her mouth, she seemed to enjoy this more, as i put my hands around her hips, we both stopped close to the beach and awaited till sun sets down....

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Development Part 3

 By Thursday morning, Ted had no doubts about seeing Michelle again. After yesterday afternoon’s exercise and her text message, he believed that this situation would continue until it burned out. He laughed to himself thinking that as hot as it had been, it could burn out pretty quickly.Throughout the morning his mind kept slipping away from the work in front of him. He continued to see images of the curvy Michelle watching him stroke his cock. That image would be replaced by one of her...

1 year ago
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Hot Curvy Wife And Husbands Interest Payment Part 4

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of the third part of the story. I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my stories. So let us continue from where I left. I was sitting naked in the hall, and all these men had some discussion with Daniel in our bedroom. I was wondering what they were discussing, and what else is on their filthy minds. The discussion went for about 15 minutes, and all of them came out. Ismail was having a cover in...

3 years ago
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She was thirteen and I was fourteen when we met, we were six months apart and in year nine. Being shy I admired her from a distance, noticing the way she walked, the words she spoke, the way she wrote and the way she didn't notice me at all. Almost nobody did. That is, until someone sat next to me at lunch, and I was glad he did. Josh was a couple of months older than Kristi and a couple younger than me, he was in many ways a middle man. He was very popular and openly gay, not to mention...

2 years ago
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Kellys Awakening Pt 1

Chapter 01: Hubby has a Secret This was my first ever attempt and based on a true life experience I had. Please feel free to comment, as I’d love to know what’s good and what’s not. For more than 25 years now I have had a very pleasant and privileged life with my husband and two children, in a nice small town in an even nicer large house. My husband’s work, being what it is, means I have not had to work my entire life, but I do like to help out in the community when possible, usually with the...

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Meet me in the Park

It was a hot day in summer, two weeks after holidays, Rachel was feeling alone at home, away from her beloved boyfriend, she met him just days before the summer break but it didn’t take her long before falling completely to him, especially physically. She was a shy girl, but knew that deep inside she liked the physical contact, this is why she wasn’t into phone talk and preferred the face to face approach. But because of that she couldn’t see him now because of this restraint.She missed him,...

1 year ago
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Sex With Office Security Lady 8211 Part 2 Fucked Sangeeta

Hello! this is Nik, I am back again with another real incident that happened between my office security lady and me in Pune. Thank You All! for the feedback on my previous stories. If you have not read them, please click on my username and head over to the other stories that I have published here. Do let me know what you think. I would love to get in touch. So, this is a real story of my sexcapades with the office security lady (Sangeeta – name changes of course). I do apologize for the long...

1 year ago
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CumBang Nia Nacci 07122019

It’s Nia’s nineteenth birthday and there’s only one thing she wants this year: nineteen loads. Her boyfriend has rounded up most of his frat brothers and even a few of his professors to help make her wish come true! You may ask yourself what is a gorgeous brunette doing in such a filthy situation when she could be out getting her nails done or climbing the corporate ladder, getting her bachelors or in her case, strutting the catwalk? The answer is simple: she’s about as dirty as they get. Being...

3 years ago
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Marina Makes My Maris Maiden 2


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Redwood Storm

Redwood Storm Irishmik60 It was back in the 70’s. Back when most reading this story weren’t even around. Not a glimpse in their parents imagination. I was living in California. A little town between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Just north of where Highway 1 and Pacific Coast Highway split. A little coastal community of fishermen, and artists, and of course the 2nd industry there, tourists. I lived on a small religious commune. That’s right, I was a single guy living on a commune full of Holy...

4 years ago
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Harder Mom SaidChapter 7

Sabrina was happy now that her son had lost his ability to dominate her. Actually, he had not really exercised domination at all. She still was not sure how it had happened, nor did she dwell on it anymore. Brian seemed just as happy too. When she thought about it, Sabrina knew she had not really enjoyed being humiliate and embarrassed by Brian in lewd ways. It had been simply the newness of it. The excitement she had felt was far greater than that fleeting need to be force into those...

1 year ago
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Maybe Mom Should Do It TooChapter 12

"The last time we were on the phone," Jenna continued. "Not when I called and asked you to meet me, but the time before that. I think you were turned on! I think you were jerking off! And you're turned on right now, aren't you?" Mike felt like a middle school boy whose mother caught him with a dirty picture. He turned several shades of red. He tried to deny what Jennifer had correctly observed; knowing any effort at cover-up was futile. And yet, he had to give it his best...

1 year ago
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Hot Sex With Suman Aunty

Hello all guys and gals hope you are doing well. Today I am going to share an incident which happened to me when I was just 24 years old it was my first sex experience and that too with one of my neighbour aunty. I like her very much I had fanatic about her and I masturbate 2 to 3 time in her name. She is 35y her name was Suman and body was 36D 28 34. I was staying with my parents and I’m doing job in MNC as a manager. I’m Rajesh (Name Change) from Mumbai 5.9” average body and cock 6” long and...

3 years ago
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Friends with benefits Part 1

Friends with benefits.Well this saying has a lot of connotations and it depends on how best it fits your relationship with your friends. Anyway, for purposes for this forum, mine was somewhat a friend in need is a friend in deed. I met my friend with benefits in Uni, we were pretty close in that I respected her enough for me to call her a sister, where we were so open with each other but I definitely never had any feelings for her. My family thought it was unnatiral for a female friend could...

1 year ago
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A Southern Belle Named Cissy

Jazz was extremly tired after a week long seminar in North Carolina. He was driving down a dark dirt road when suddenly he heard two loud pops. He pulled over to the side of the road and got out to check it out and seen he had not one, but two flat tire. Jazz started walking down the dark and deserted road and after about two or three miles a car came up from behind him. There was a gorgous red head woman about 30 years old driving, she rolled down her window and asked if he needed a lift. He...

3 years ago
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Jaq Invites Friend From Canada

 Before the pandemic began, Jaq decided to invite a friend from Lush to stay. We had been friends with Victor for a few years; he was always the perfect gentleman, and Jaq wanted us to meet him. Victor lived in Canada, a lengthy plane journey to the UK. Arrangements were made and Victor was going to visit us here in London. Victor would stay with us for three days before setting off to explore other areas of the country.Victor was due in to Heathrow airport at seven in the evening, and Jaq...

Strap-On Sex
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From this moment forward you are a Girl Part 2

From this moment on, you are a girl...part 2 -Seven Days Earlier- I pressed the button on the remote and the fucking machine came to fast that the dildo ramming into my ass hurt a LOT. I jerked forward in the restraints, my free wrist slamming into the bar. The shackle swung to the end of its hinges and bounced back, clicking into wrist inside. I was trapped! Her face registered shock and surprise at finding me in her living room, wearing her clothes,...

3 years ago
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Teacher Gets Trained part1

My wife Mary and I were young school teachers and finally had a summer off. We had met and fell in love in college and both taught High School courses in the same school district. The first three summers we had spent getting our Master's degrees and this summer was to be free for us to play. We had bought a used pickup truck with a camper on it and were doing some traveling around the western states. We camped in national forests for free and looked for remote places where the fishing might be...

2 years ago
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Plain JaneChapter 3

I was lying naked on a large double bed in a Gulfstream jet flying over North Africa, which was due to arrive at Nice Airport in an hour’s time. Claire was lying beside me, also naked, and we were both holding glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice which a nubile and gorgeous young black stewardess, who had spent most of the flight in bed with us enthusiastically licking both our pussies, had just given us. The last two weeks had been action-packed for me – I had been training for five...

1 year ago
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Simple accidents

The doorbell rings right at 3:05 in the afternoon. You put down your phone and walk to the door. Standing outside are the two people who you expected to see: Crystal and Maria. Both are short with black hair wearing Lululemon leggings and T-shirts. As for you, tall and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. You had had a crush on Crystal since grade 4. And Maria you had spent a summer with up in the British Columbian Okanagan. “Hey George!” Crystal said, a little too enthusiastically. “Hey, how are you...

1 year ago
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Bus Travel Or Sex Travel

Dear ALL, My name is Sankar, age 27. I am working in MNC company, Bangalore. This is a real story which happened 3 years ago. Finally I managed to buy some time to put it here. Hope you will like it… Let’s jump to the story…. :) My native is Madurai and it was a normal weekend. I usually reserve the seats whenever I go to my native. This time also I reserved the seat but fortunately hardly few people were there. And they were also scattered here and there except two couples. My eyes were...

2 years ago
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ComplicatedHer Side

My lover wrote a nice tribute about us called Complicated. I wanted to give my side of the story too. Although he summed it up well, I want him to hear my words too and let everyone know how I feel about this man.We met about three years ago. We were both looking for a FWB situation. Both missing something in our marriages. We thought it was sex at first that we were missing. Although that was the driving force that started this, we found out we were missing so much more in our lives. Us...

4 years ago
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Kathryn Chronicles When It Rains

Kathryn is a fascinating character. While she saved her virginity for marriage, that didn’t stop her from doing virtually anything else. She especially prided herself on her oral skills. I must confess that I must take her at her word, having never shared in that pleasure with her. At first we both work for an employer who forbade relationships between two people in the same location. Later, she was the person responsible for introducing me to my wife, so my loyalty to my wife and hers to her...

4 years ago
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Family Escapades 8211 Part 4 Slave To The Servants

Hi, I am Jai and this story which I am going to narrate is a real-life incident, which happened in my friends’ life. I have narrated it as he explained it to me. Just sit back, relax and enjoy while shagging your dick. I even gotta see some encounters after my friend explained this experience. It’s a long story and I will try to make it as interesting as possible. I am a good looking, 5’8 tall and have a 6-inch strong dick; I work out regularly which helps me go really long sessions on the bed....

3 years ago
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Oscar and IreneChapter 3

After two weeks of solid orgasmic ecstasy, the girls were due back. The house had to be cleaned and aired out. It smelled of sex, my pussy and their semen. Rob went back to his hotel. I think my pussy drained for days. One of them had put at least one or two loads of cum in me every day. Rob had been here eight months. The project was nearly over and he would be going back to The States. The night before he left was full of tears. We made love twice with him leaving me full of his cum. Rob...

3 years ago
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Nakul Seduces My Mom Devika

Hi guys, I am Raj, and I am from Delhi. I am 21 years old and live with my mom. I study in a college near my home. I was always a shy type of guy in college when it used to come to talk to girls at my college. I used to hang out with my college friends who used to stay in rented flats as they all were from different cities. My dad and mom are very broad-minded and modern people as we are quite rich. My mom is very pretty and has a well-maintained figure. She often goes to the gym and does...

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Sweet Embrace

It was funny, how things we never thought would happen, occur and leave us breathless and happy. Scarlett smiled looking back upon all the things, she and Drew went through and an emotion of pure love and longing swept through her, as she stared at the late noon sun from the kitchen windows. ‘Why are you smiling like an idiot?’ Drew murmured snaking his hands along her waist and gliding his nose across the bare skin of her neck. Automatically, she tilted her neck, so as to give him a better...

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