TandraChapter 87 free porn video

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There was a large crowd at the station when we got back. Being a public figure now, I had to wave at the crowd and tell them what they wanted to hear.

We brought our booty on board and stored most of it. Lazarus sent over some of his probes while some military types did their own investigations.

Captain Radi had not been frightened off. She checked her ship for damage and then examined what we had brought back. The lances were just short of 300 metres long and 3.6 metres in diameter at their widest. The crystals were like a telescope with the distance between held in vacuum. The power to the crystals was much higher than we would normally use. The arrays of crystals were not much different though. The most interesting aspect to me was the method used to apply power.

Their basic structure was little different from our own weapons. We had long ago folded the structure to a much more convenient package. Using the power conductors as a guide, it looked like they used at least half again as much power but the effect was amplified many times.

Each ring in the array boosted the power and each ring of crystals was slightly different from the one before. It didn't take long to see that they were each twisting the energy to move through all of the dimensions. The fourth ring seemed to be the same structure that I used when going through a shield and represented time.

Lazarus pointed out, "My Emperor. The casing of the weapon is slightly different from ours. There seem to be extremely small crystals embedded in the ceramic. The ceramic though is much thinner than what we use and judging from your difficulty in cutting it through the shield; it must be two and a half times more effective than ours."

"Thanks Lazarus. See what you can find that will power each of the crystals."

We disassembled the other lances and compared them minutely to the first one. Lazarus and the other Tandra did not find any differences, but I found a few in the crystalline structure. Perhaps a heterodyning effect took place where the beams converged. The higher level of interaction could be what allowed the energy to flow through my new shield.

I apprised Lazarus of the rest of the data I found and he passed it all back to Mom. I examined the missile crystals next. Again much more power went to the crystal than I would normally expect. The crystal was the only basic difference. The distortions in the pattern of the crystal gave me a few ideas to explore in my own efforts to understand the crystals.

Lazarus took some of the missiles and copied their construction. I took a few of the crystals and worked on them to be even better than those used by the strangers. Perhaps if we threw them back, we would find out how good they were against their own shields.

Captain Shingle had just received the orders from Mom. He smiled widely and his exec looked up at the mirth he felt in his captain's mind.

"Exec, recall our escorts. Place them so we can rendezvous as we travel." This was not seen as too odd by the second in command. "Take us to Falm 6 at your best speed." This though startled the young man.

"Waa... ? Ah... yes sir. Recall escorts and proceed to Falm 6 at our best speed." The ships got their orders and in most cases they proceeded quickly out of the system. They would complete the link up in a few hours. At that time the dozen ships would fan out to protect their small group.

"What are our orders, Sir?"

This should be discussed privately, but the crew would soon know anyway. The presentation of the information should be given with a little fanfare though. On a private channel Charlie said, "We are going to Tandra, on the other side of the galaxy."

"What!" Slipped out, and Paul clamped his mind tight as his captain was doing. "Why? We have only gone to our next-door neighbour so far. Now we are going to cross the galaxy?"

"The Emperor knows we are the fastest ships he has. I just found out that Mom in the tug is going too. She has been given a very serious upgrade and will be towing or pushing us to get us to go even faster. The Emperor wants all the children taken off the home world matter transmitter and transported to a safe place."

The Captain made his announcement to the crew and that of the escorts after getting some additional information from Mom. "The Emperor commanded us to sail to the former location of the Tandra home planet and recover the children still in stasis. Mom has warned him of an incursion in that area of space involving a new type of ship. The Emperor has specifically gone to reinforce the station and to see what he can find out about the invaders." The talk continued with some of the background and then he turned the announcement over to his exec.

Each of the escorts were given general orders and some of the equipment really tested for the first time at the top speed. Some Humans and Tandra got on the couches and closed their eyes to concentrate. The predictor crystals were supposed to be good but they would be even better with some biological assistance.

Charlie Shingle sat in his chair and interfaced with Hans using the full extent of his capabilities. The systems seemed to fly by. The recent upgrades to their compensator and computer enabled their ship to travel a bit over eight thousand light years per day. The ship made a few minor corrections as it travelled to miss debris in space. Casting his mind to navigation, he saw that the predictor crystals were indeed working well with the people in that department.

The engines were working hard to assist in propelling the mighty carrier. It was the AI though with its connection to the upper universe that did most of the work.

Hans was transmitting back all the images and data he could in this undertaking. Mom would transmit a portion of them to the Earth population when she felt the time was right. That time though might be many years in the future because of the way the Humans failed to accept the Alliance.

A short time later the sensors showed the escorts taking their assigned positions. The dozen craft were mostly cruisers and smaller but one destroyer took the point position. The escort craft were even capable of more speed. The Terra's Pride was no slouch but simply had too much mass to move.

The watch ended and Captain completed his log entries before assigning the watch to another officer. With a last look around the bridge, he walked the short distance to his suite. When he walked through the portal Amney quickly got to her feet and approached her captain. "Why are we going to Tandra? Are my people in danger?"

"Cadet Amney. Is that the way to greet your captain? Last I heard you had not taken the throne. Perhaps you could be moved down to Engineering or Weapons, where you may have some time to ponder your ways." The girl was not now a cadet because of her major infraction, but the term at least might give her the incentive to try harder.

"I am sorry sir. I didn't know what came over me." She hung her head a bit, but still expected the answers.

"Get my robe, please. I will be taking a shower."

"But... Yes sir. Right away, sir."

The captain had a little bit of a chuckle at the girl's expense. She still showed little remorse for the reasons that she first came here. She was still the former Empress' child in many ways. The duty to the Emperor was another thing. The girl needed to be shaken from her imaginary perch and shown that she was not an eagle but a person much like the rest of the crew.

He stepped out of the enclosure when he finished his shower. The water was whisked from his skin as if removed by a vacuum. This chilled him a little and he gave an involuntary shiver. Amney was ready to hand him the long robe. Captain Shingle glanced aside at the projector that served as a mirror instead. He walked closer and then remembered that he could just enlarge the area he was inspecting. The chin started to show just a bit of hair just below the skin. He felt that it would soon be time to renew his treatment to restrict hair growth.

Turning sideways when he did not need to brought other parts of his skin into view. The waistline was still very trim as were the abdominal muscles. He flexed his biceps and saw that perhaps he had to find some time for the gym. The hair on his head was in disarray though. He concentrated for a split second and a comb dropped from the air just above followed by a small towel. He wrapped the towel around the neck like a silk cravat. A small rain fell on his hair as he rubbed it with his fingers. The water stopped at his command. He used the towel to partially dry his hair, then the comb did its work.

The figure looking back at him was still young. An idle thought crossed his mind about a way to look a little older to fit in with the duties of captain. He saw Amney still holding his robe when he turned back. It was disconcerting to have a servant, particularly one that had to remain idle as she waited for him to finish some of his grooming. He took the robe and slipped it on. Amney for some reason tried to help. She got very close as her hands took the clothing and pushed it as high as she could to clear her captain's shoulders.

"Thank you Amney. My exec will be dining with us tonight. What have you picked for our meal?" The captain said, as he tied the knot in the front of the robe.

The girl finally came to her senses. She had been looking at the equipment that set the captain apart from her. She had seen the Emperor's very large phallus. The one she just saw was much smaller but quite a bit larger than any male Tandra. For a second she shivered thinking what it would be like to experience pleasure from such an instrument. She said, "Sorry sir. My mind was elsewhere."

"That is fine cadet but you have to pay attention when a superior officer addresses you. I could have given you orders that could be very important. If you day-dream while being spoken to then you would be much like one of the children. One day you will have to grow up and take on adult responsibilities."

Captain Shingle looked at the small Tandra girl, and saw that she was about the size of a eight year old Human girl. It was difficult to remember that she was the equivalent of fourteen and a half Earth years old. The girl was very intelligent but still acted emotionally as if she were really an eight year old child. "I said that my exec was coming over for our meal. I wished to find out what was being prepared."

"Oh,... I did some research and decided to have a consommé followed by some boiled potatoes. A meat dish called a burger would be followed by some string beans." She waited to hear her captain compliment her but heard instead.

"The dishes do not complement. Let me show you." Charlie pictured the boiled potatoes and described the bland taste and consistency. Next he pictured the burger patty. This was fairly tasty but lacked accompaniment from other varieties of food. The beans were last. They, like the burger, needed other food to accompany them. He described the boiled potatoes with butter, gravy or sauce on them. The burger was shown in a sandwich or covered with gravy on a plate. He showed her other vegetables that she could utilize to make the meal more satisfying.

In the closed off section of his mind, he knew the Tandra were still getting used to Earth type foods. The consommé was fine, but again was mainly water when the body wanted more substance. He also knew that the girl did not do very much investigating in all her free time.

"I am sorry sir. I will consult some other Humans before recommending another meal."

"That is a good idea. You should also eat a bit of that food to see what it is like. If you do not try something then you will not learn."

Taylar was upset when she heard that Terra's Pride was leaving the space outside the system. She was even more worried about her youngest child going into a war zone with only a Human/Tandra crew. Ingrid was beside her when the news came in. The tall Human said, "Taylar, I see Amney as my child too. I want her safe with us, but I also want her to learn. It must be fairly safe if our husband is asking for them."

Taylar let slip all the times his family were together when they were either killed or almost so. Ingrid saw this and had no way of refuting it for it was all true. All she could say was, "Henry has changed since the last time somebody was hurt. Sometimes I am afraid of what he can do if he put his mind to it. He can work his way into an enemy computer without the use of anything other than his mind. I saw in Bassinda's mind how he casually took two planets and flung them together as if playing with children's toys. His ability to harness the energy from the other universe and propel a ship hundreds of times faster than even a dimensional tap can is something akin to godlike. He can do many other things but keeps them hidden from us. He thinks that we will fear him or treat him differently."

Taylar was shaking a bit and Ingrid put her arms around her sister/wife. Taylar hugged the woman back. Having Ingrid fulfill the duties of a metsu made Taylar feel very happy that she had joined this family. The duties of an Empress were sometimes too hectic to handle. Now she felt like she was falling apart because her daughter was going into possible danger.

Ingrid held the woman tightly to her and seemed to know most of what was bothering the woman. Their common husband was away most of the time and usually in danger. Her family was broken up with each member now doing an important job. Taylar had to organize the Thonas war when she was Empress and now had much less work to do. Finally, her youngest daughter was leaving and possibly going where so much danger was.

The natives of Defren had quieted down after reinstatement of the complete set of Tandra laws. They now, more than ever, were a part of the Empire rather than just an isolated system. There was a meeting in an hour and perhaps there was some time before that to bring Taylar around.

Ingrid steered Taylar into the other room where they would be more comfortable. When in position she undid the clasps on the Tandra woman's clothing and let it fall to the floor. Ingrid's soon followed before Taylar was even aware of what was happening.

Ingrid laid the smaller woman on the bed and kissed the woman's lips in a tender way with both her hands cradling her head.

Taylar weakly moved and said, "We don't have time."


Taylar did and was actually happy to have been ordered to do so. "Yes my Metsu."

Ingrid continued her duties to her family and Taylar was breathing in deep rapid breaths. The first orgasm made her flex her back and forced her pelvis far off the bed as a scream left her mouth. When she finally relaxed, she came to her senses and opened her eyes to her Metsu. She felt a little better and wanted to get up and return the favour but she was held in place instead. Her questing mind told her that Ingrid too was worked up and needed some relief.

Ingrid could see that Taylar was feeling a bit better but there was much more improvement possible. When Taylar tried to get up to please her Metsu, Ingrid said, "Get up my beautiful Suna. I want to mount you."

Taylar was now very happy. For some reason her people had never used a phallus. Now that she had experienced it, she did not want to be without it. For some reason if it was used by a Tandra on another Tandra it was not as erotic. When a Human used it though, it was many times more exciting. As soon as Ingrid's hands left her she scampered off the bed then crawled back on in the position that would be the most comfortable for her Metsu.

Ingrid gave her commands and the long device nicknamed 'Henry Jr.' fell into her hand. She activated the controls with her mind and a lubricant came out of each end and small holes in the side. It took only a few seconds to work it into her body and activate the band about her waist.

Looking down at her wife, she saw the child-like woman patiently awaiting whatever Ingrid wanted to do to her. The back cheeks had separated and it was easy to see the six angry red nubs around the anus and one much hanging down around her vagina. Ingrid knew that Taylar needed to be pleased by her male husband and the only way with him gone was to do this herself.

Ingrid moved closer and Taylar did not move or even look for she was in a servile position and would take whatever she was given. The phallus swayed from one side to another as she approached the beautiful and trusting Tandra woman. Her hands caressed the cheeks and Ingrid could not resist running the fingers of one hand up the woman's crease. Taylar moaned at the touch and strained to remain still. She was surprised when the dildo entered her. She thought lips and fingers would help her forget her problems.

"Think of our husband as he slides carefully into you. If you were not yet pregnant I would make you so now." After a groan from Taylar she said, "You belong to our family and to our husband. He will take you as I do now."

Ingrid did her best to imitate how her husband thrust into his wives. The pace and stroke alternated as he looked into his wife's mind to see how she felt. He always tried to give his best, except when he tortured them until the final orgasm was too much to take. This was what Ingrid strove to emulate.

She pounded Taylar's rear openings for forty minutes. The final time was too much for the Tandra woman. She collapsed unconscious on the bed. Ingrid pulled the device from her wife and shivered in the after-effects of her own orgasm. She threw the device into the air and it disappeared.

Ingrid bent over the small woman and picked her up in her arms. Taylar groaned and put an arm around her metsu. Ingrid walked into the cleanser and washed her suna. In a few moments, Taylar started to come around enough to help herself. Before she started though she reached up and pulled her metsu to her for a Human type kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too, Taylar. Our family has lots of love, and this is what makes us strong."

A few moments later they made it to the meeting. Most could see that Taylar as quite happy for some reason.

The information from the invader's ships was transmitted to the group of AIs for processing. There was enough information to show that a very advanced encryption mechanism was being used. The language was tentatively guessed at, but the AIs had no similar languages in their memories. The shape and construction of the ship were strange. The small probes came back with little snippets of information. The ship appeared to have an oxygen and argon environment. The gravitational pull was half again that of Earth. The internal structure could not be determined, but the broken ends of the ship showed a structure similar internally to the ceramic used by the Tandra.

I had finished with the preliminary examinations. Lazarus, the other AIs and I worked on some of the components. We figured that I could duplicate the weapons now and did so. The discharges were the same as what I saw through the link. I studied the individual rings again with a thought toward improvements I could make with the crystals. We made new units with my improved designs. It took a few more hours to get the weapons to work as they did before. I spent more hours 'tuning' the improved crystals to do as I expected. Three sets of crystals had to be removed because the focal length had increased so much. The design now was twenty percent greater range than our last model and used the same power as before. The effect of the weapon though was much more dramatic.

Taking the distance in the first attack as an baseline, we easily surpassed that mark by a factor of five using the same energy input level. The weapon could now accept nearly nine times the energy input of the original. I was happy to see that all these figures because we had access to much more power now. The range at full power had increased by a factor just shy of twenty-three times. The power used was at the borderline; any more would burn out the lenses. The crystalline pattern had to be individually altered based upon the purity of the crystals. It remained to be seen how effective they would be against the newcomer's shields.

The computer in each of the missiles was quite simple. A small processor seemed to have some control over the odd crystal that made the shield. The original units would still work better than our own missiles but again we knew nothing of the effect against our visitor's shields.

These weapons had to be tested though and there was only one way.

Same as Tandra
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For his pleasure, she cums (Part 3) Sunday Morning "For what it's worth, it's a really shitty idea!", he exclaims over the phone, "But ok, fine let's see what good we can get out of it. I'm not happy with the way they're doing it though..." His company have been having problems with a piece of technology they had in production for months, and after a software update by the vendor there were random crashes, misbehaving functionality and a general crappy experience for the company's clients. For...

1 year ago
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Private Avery Christy The Spy Who Fucked Me

Today marks the debut of Avery Christy, an incredible blonde that has come to Private Gold, House on Naughty Street for her first ever scene on www.private.com and after spying on all her neighbours during their sexual adventures it’s time for one of her own. Watch this petite beauty take advantage of photographer Danny Mounten as she takes him to the bedroom for a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before putting her sexy figure to work and going on enjoying a spectacular fuck that has her moaning and...

3 years ago
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Do It Yourself or get some help

I also knew all the students and middle-aged men that worked there. Or I thought I did. One day, on a random weekday evening, there was a new face. A face that one would expect in an urban clothes store or a Starbucks in an artsy city, not here. It was a girl, which was somewhat of a surprise. This one had dead straight, black hair, running from the top of her head all the way down to her lower back. The skinniest of arms and the tiniest of hands. At least seven rings in each ear, one in her...

3 years ago
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John BillionairePart 2 The Media

Last night's blowjob had been alright. Nicole was enthusiastic, but clearly she was a novice. I spent half the time trying to avoid her teeth. And when I came, despite my warning, she choked and wasn't able to swallow anything. But if at first you don't succeed... And so I awoke this morning to find Nicole's head bobbing up and down my morning wood. She smiled around my cock and then went back to focusing on me. For some reason... she was a LOT better this time around. No teeth, great...

1 year ago
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Rebecca and Marilyn A Lesbian Tale

Rebecca and Marilyn (A Lesbian Tale)From the 27th floor window of her office, Rebecca looked out over the city. She could even see the airport and the bridge. She was having a slack day. Her rushes were seasonal. Fashion was like that, at least her part of fashion. It was nearly lunch time and she was hungry. As Regional Director, she was top dog in the branch. She could come and go as she pleased. She was mid-forties, an attractive brunette and single, which in that industry meant lesbian. She...

1 year ago
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Unexpected bootycall

Jill removes Jay’s pants and T’s .Jay holds her neck firmly pushing his lips hungrily against hers. Chapter 1Its a warm day in Harare.Jay a web designer has just finished a job he was doing at a client and decides to go to the Central Park to get some air.Meanwhile Jill a student is in the park after her classes and is waiting for her boyfriend who seems he is not coming anytime soon.Jay finds a place to sit on a bench which Jill was occupying.JAY: Hey booJILL:Hi how are you?JAY: Im good...

Sex With Stranger
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A Domestic Discipline Arrangement

Maureen and Chris Mills were a long time married couple, she was aged sixty and he was fifty-seven, and they had an ongoing sex life.They would sometimes incorporate spanking in their lovemaking as they both enjoyed giving and receiving.They also had in a cupboard a cane but that was only used for disciplinary reasons and not as foreplay.The cane had been used as discipline on both the Mills' son and daughter until their late teens and since the children moved out it had been retained as an...

2 years ago
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A Spectacle of Agony

Chapter 1: The Tour        From the outside, the building looks innocent enough.  The wealthy merchant Armando wonders if he has found the right place to fulfill the dark desires he is ready to pay well for.  He had half expected to hear screams of agony emanating from within, or at least for the place to look more sinister.  But appearances can be deceiving.        Armando speaks the password he was assigned into the crack in the door.  The small wooden door opens, leading to two large stone...

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Forbidden Surrender

She knew she shouldn't be here. There was someone waiting on her athome that loved her and she loved in return. She wondered why his lovewasn't enough. Why she couldn't be happy with the tender way he loved her.Why she yearned for a Master's touch. They were happy, or at least hethought. How could he understand the cravings she felt to be d****d over aman's knee, to feel the warm fire of heat that a spanking gave her. Or howbeing suspended and flogged made her feel more desire than she...

3 years ago
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A surprise at the neighbors part 1

On a cold Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago my husband Paul and I were lying in bed, naked and rubbing our bodies together to keep ourselves warm when there was a knock at the front door. Paul turned to me and said, “run along, I can’t go like this”, then lifted the covers to show his cock was hard. I laughed and told him that it had better still be like that when I get back. I grabbed one of his t-shirts and slipped it on as I walked down stairs.“Good morning Rebecca” I greeted as I...

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Sex and Seinfeld

Chapter 1 Okay, you read the title and thought, 'What the hell can this be about Jerry Seinfeld and sex?' Right?' Well, it does and I'll get to that in a minute. It all is about Jack and me so let me start with us. My name is Marisa and I'm fourteen. I have long, shiny, light brown hair almost to my waist, brown eyes, I'm nicely-shaped, slender but in the last two years my boobs have developed really nicely. When I was younger I looked like a stick in a two-piece swimsuit, now I look...

1 year ago
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Skeletons in my Closet part 20

Skeletons in my closet chapter 20 Princess comes out to play That night when it was time for bed. Keith was true to his word as he would have no fun with either of us. We even had to shower alone. When bedtime came he got Megan her pills. She told him she didn’t need them she was relaxed. Keith looked at her until she took them. I was not for sure if she had or faked taking them. He then sent Megan to her room kissing her cheek telling her not to even think of sleepwalking. He walked me to...

3 years ago
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Bad SeedChapter 3

"Are you sure you won't come to dinner with me?" she asked. "Not if I'm going to get this information you wanted," he replied. "Besides, I have a feeling that outfit is intended for someone besides me." She was stunning in a tight evening gown with lots of cleavage and slits up the sides which showed all of her still gorgeous legs. "I may be late and... uh... I may not be alone." "OK," he said with a tired resignation. He had learned to accept Renee's sexual appetite but...

3 years ago
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How we want a BBC Chapter 4

After we had our first meeting with D, my wife was glowing and horny all the time. We fucked more than we usually did. She would set my alarm 30 mins ahead in the morning just so she could wake up and crawl on for a ride before work. She would surprise me at lunch and show up to take me out to lunch - just so she could suck me off. She would wait for me to get home from work and would be lying on the bed with her big fat dildo just pounding away at her swollen pussy. We would spend most of the...

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Fantasy Come Nightmare

Fantasy Come Nightmare I walked in my flat where I lived alone, I took off my fleece and workboots and put them in the cupboard. I stepped into the bathroom where I stripped out of my filthy work clothes and got in the shower. I washed away all of the dust and muck I'd collected from a hard day on the construction site before I got out the razor and shaved away the hair from my legs, chest and armpits. This was a regular thing so it was more like stubble than regular hair. I got...

1 year ago
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Indian Aunty Chudi Canada Main

Sab say pehlay to mafi chahta hoon main story ko achi tarha say nehi explain kar paoun ga kyun key eh meri pehli story hai is liye, Hi today I’m going to tell a real incident of my life which happened when I was in high school. First let me introduce myself I live and Canada Toronto I’m athletic person with some muscles built. My height is 5 fee stand 8 inches and I have good stamina in everything including sex So let’s come to the story this happened with me when I was in grade 10 I used to go...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 59

It took Hailey a moment to get her bearings when the morning sun came streaming through the windows and hit her face on Monday morning. It was the first time she’d stayed in Phil’s old room. But the arm draped across her was familiar and she knew as long as Phil was there things were OK. “I forgot to close the curtains,” she heard him grumble. “I can do it,” Hailey offered. “You’d give old man Schumaker a thrill if you closed them in your present attire,” Phil said. “Hell, the old perv...

2 years ago
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Moni slutwife

Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to about her...

1 year ago
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Italian Builders

Introduction: One of my first stories. My daughter is dating an Italian guy, and I figured Id make a story about him. He thinks its hilarious that hes famous now. Please post constructive criticism for me please. Thanks, and enjoy! The summer that year was hot, hot enough for Val to roll down the windows of the old truck. There were three of them, Val, Benny, and Nico. They were all Italian and single, and were fairly good looking. Val was muscular, with salt-and-pepper hair, in his mid...

3 years ago
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First time gay fuck

Luke and I had always got on well. Sharing a mutual dislike of a girl we had both dated, but who had cheated on us both meant we had a sympathy for each other’s situation. We soon found we liked the same things though,and it was really easy for us to have a laugh together. This is the story of one time we met for a drink, which had an end neither of us would ever have imagined. It was summer, and we hadn’t seen each other for a while. We met up at a bar nearby and started having a few drinks. I...

Gay Male
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Family Fuck Fest

Note : This story is completely fictional! Word from the Author: Well, it's my first attempt to write bi insest family stories. So let me know what you think, all feedback and suggestions will be read and answered. This is FICTION!!! My name is Laurie MacIntosh. I'm a normal 18 year old boy, I have a wealth of video games collect and read comic books and baseball cards. I'm a master on my hockey team at school and I love horror movies. I also love a good blowjob in morning when I wake up. But...

4 years ago
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Meri Maa Ek Rand

Is kahani me sabhi logon ke name aur place badle ha. Bas meri mummy aur maami ka name same hai. So here we start. Main Mohit, abhi 20 saal ka hun. Aur maine aur meri maa ne milke bahut karname kiye hai, jo aapke same hai. Meri maa ka naam Manju hai, age 40. Figure 34-28-34, jisse dekh ke bachan se hi pagal hun. Sawla rang Priyanka Chopra ki tarah, ek dam sexy. Meri gali ke kitne mard meri maa ke piche hai me bata nahi sakta. Main jab 18 saal ka tha tab maine ek baar mom ko chudte hue dekha....

1 year ago
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Youve Got to Pay the Price

The demon appeared in the middle of the pentagram, coughing. “It worked! The spell worked!  I summoned a demon!” I said.  I looked at the short guy in the middle of the pentagram.  It looked like a small version of a middle-aged man, a little bit like my astrology teacher.  His skin was regular skin color, not red, and he was dressed in ordinary robes.“You are a demon, aren’t you?” I asked.He coughed again.  “And what were you expecting to pop up in the middle of a pentagram?  An elephant? ...

2 years ago
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Fucked Cousin Sister Apeksha

Hello, Kumar here, with another true incident happened to me a few years ago. I’m 28years, working in mnc, from Karachi. With good looks and a nice 8inch long and thick dick. Let’s come to the story, during my matriculation I used to go to my maternal’s for vacation, my mama has two daughters. Elder one is apeksha, 1 year elder than me. She has got big bouncy boobs and glass figure, nicely shaped thighs, fair in colour. Due to small house, we(children) sleep in same room but on different...

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Crushing the Last of his Ego

He stared at the clock in kitchen watching the second hand revolve and thinking about the importance of every second. Mistress was sleeping soundly while david prepared Her breakfast: strawberries, a cheese and mushroom omelet, freshly squeezed orange juice, toast, and coffee. She had trained him to put the food on the table exactly ten minutes after her alarm went off, and the timing could be tricky. Start cooking too early and the hot items would get cold, but start too late and Mistress...

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Personally, I like some porno. That is to say I like porno that panders to my fantasies. I don’t like porno that involves activities I wouldn’t want to do or have done to me. I don’t wear high heeled shoes and net stockings when I have sex and I don’t get off on men ejaculating on my face and breasts, so I don’t watch porno with those things. I don’t do gang bangs so I don’t watch porno of that type. And so on. I’ve done a few unofficial sex videos with a few boyfriends and girlfriends. None...

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27 November 2006Chapter 3

The assistant coach, Carl Benson, came out to the bench for his clipboard, noticed Dan shooting pucks, and stopped a moment to watch. After four shots pinged off the posts and in the net, he hurried back to the office. “Frank, you’ve got to come and see this!” He said grabbing, the speed gun used to register the speed of a slap shot. Frank followed him out to the bench. Frank and Carl watched Dan, as bang, bang, bang, each shot off either post and in the net. Carl trained the speed gun on...

2 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 17 Negative Official Notice

The departure of Freya brought peace to Ishtar. Janice continued to lead rehearsals of the musical. We now had a complete show that lasted just over seventy minutes. It was almost ready, and we were becoming increasingly worried that the secret would be revealed. Janice insisted that conversations about our work be kept to the Concubine's Refuge to prevent accidentally revealing our plans. The citizens seemed rather distracted though. James and Yvette seemed to spend hours in the command...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 622 Shradha Ko De Gaya Yaade Apni

Narrated by Amit Shradha ko apne Angrezi shabd kafi the mujhe pagal karne ke liye aur ye woh bhi jaanti thi. Main uth kar khada apne lund ko pakad uski phaili jangho ke beech gaya. Woh mujhe uksati hui boli: Spread me, Amit. Mere neeche ki honto ko phaila dalo aaj, please! Main apne ek hath se uski ek tang pakada aur dusre se apne lund ko uski choot par lagakar andar de mara. Mere andar bhi itni aag thi use chodne ki ki main beraham ban baitha. Lund uski geeli choot ki diwaaro...

3 years ago
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My Raincoat Passion

*********************************************************************** This story is for a reader who nearly always leaves a comment....and ALWAYS asks me for a PVC raincoat story......well here it is! Joking aside thank you to all the people who have left kind comments, it spurs me to write! ************************************************************************ So, my passion started in my teens a time when I was all hormones and horny all the time. Our babysitter at the time...

1 year ago
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FilthyTaboo Harley King Is My New Black StepDaddy Packin8217

Awkward as hell! And I’m not just talking about how my new stepdaughter thought I was breaking into her house. She hadn’t seen her stepmother’s new man – me, Jonathan Jordan – but that’s neither here nor there. The conversation after gets even more uncomfortable! I guess Harley King had a bone to pick with her new stepmom who seemed to frown on her past dating choices – lots of black guys! Yeah, that’s me too. Then she wants to know if I’m...

4 years ago
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The Cabin chapter III

When I awoke the next morning sun was shining in through the windows, bathing my golden hair in its rays. I got up quickly, but careful not to wake my lovers. The nice weather made me think that we would soon have to leave the cabin and my taste of life as a girl would be over. Regretting this, I was determined to make the best of my morning with them. I went to the bathroom and once again treated my body with the uttermost care, leaving it soft and shiny. Tip-toeing back into the bedroom, I...

3 years ago
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Living with daddy

PART ONE : INTRODUCTIONSix months ago, my mother passed away. She was all that I had in this world and I was devastated. I kept living in her boyfriends house where we had been but even that was not going to last forever. I was sixteen and the state said that I was to go live with the closest blood relative that I had over the age of twenty five. That sucked even worse because I was hoping to go live with Aaron, my older brother but he was only twenty three. I asked if I could stay with my...

2 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 8 Looking around

They had quickly worked out a way to operate in the small bathroom when they both had to get going in the morning. Anne, being shorter, stood next to the sink, Mary behind her, when they were combing and brushing hair, cleaning teeth and such. Their naked bodies touched pleasantly. Anne raised an arm and began palpating her breast. "I really like my breasts. They're my best feature." "Oh, yes. Forget about the face, the abs, the buns. Definitely the boobs." Mary waved the drier around,...

1 year ago
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Is my wife cuckolding me

I guess my story starts 2 years ago when my wife, Rebecca, got a 3 day part time job for a company based in London. It was a wonderful opportunity for her and it was an exciting time for both of us. However, we live about 100 miles away from London which made it very difficult for her to take the job, but eventually she negotiated a deal where she could work 1 day at home which meant that, to save her a long, difficult and early commute, she would spend 1 night a week in London in a hotel. She...

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