OVERCOME BY LUST I can t help myself
- 2 years ago
- 36
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Kyle's family was not quite as devout in their worship of The Lord as the Isaacson family, and did not actually attend church every single Sunday. They had pretty much degenerated to the point where they only attended on special days such as Easter and Christmas (and, truth be told, they had been prone to missing one or the other of those in recent years). What this meant was that Kyle was still sound asleep at 8:30 the next morning, the only day of the week he could linger in bed as long as he pleased.
The ringing of his cellular phone awakened him perhaps two hours sooner than he would have regained consciousness naturally. His eyes opened and his hand shot out from beneath the covers, groping across his nightstand, nearly knocking over his alarm clock before finally finding it. He pushed the "talk" button with his thumb without even bothering to look at the screen and see who was calling him.
"Yeah?" he grunted, unsure if he was even talking into the mouthpiece or not.
"Kyle?" whispered the voice of Samantha. "Oh, my God, the worst thing has happened."
This served to wake him up considerably. They had never had intercourse, so she could not be pregnant, so there was only one other possible worst thing she could be talking about. "Your parents found out about last night?" he asked slowly.
"My mom did," she whispered to him. "She knows everything."
A burst of adrenaline went shooting through his body. "Everything?" he squeaked. "You mean... everything?"
"Yes," she said. "She found a ripped button on my blouse when she was going through the laundry last night. And then... and then... she found... you know... a stain."
"I thought you cleaned it off with the ginger ale," he nearly accused.
"I did," she said, somewhat defensively. "But there was another one on the leg of my pantyhose. And there was... well... a smell to the pantyhose. The smell of lust, my mother called it."
"Holy shit," he said softly, adrenaline now flooding him. The last vestiges of sleep left like a rat from a sinking ship. "What did you tell her? Did you come up with something?"
She paused for a while, almost long enough for him to think the connection had been dropped. Finally, she said, "I told her the truth."
He couldn't believe his ears. She had told her the truth? The truth? Was she insane? Teenagers never told their parents the freaking truth! He was unsure how to even respond to her.
She seemed to sense this. "I'm sorry," she said. "I had to. She knew, Kyle. She knew!"
"Jesus, Sam..."
"Don't take the Lord's name in vain," she barked at him. "I had to confess my sins to her. It's the first step in repentance."
"Repentance? Holy Christ, Sam. You..."
"Stop taking the Lord's name in vain," she nearly yelled this time, tears in her voice. "You're only making it worse."
He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself, trying to figure out how to deal with a girl in the midst of religious mania. "Okay," he said at last. "So she knows. What did she do about it? Did she... you know... tell your father?"
"Not yet," Samantha said. "She said she hasn't decided on that yet. She said she has to pray on it first, to let the Heavenly Father guide her."
Kyle couldn't help but roll his eyes upward. Of all the girls in the world to hook up with, he had to pick the one from a family of religious whack jobs. "So while she's praying on it, what happens? Are you grounded? Did she forbid you from seeing me?"
"No, nothing like that yet," she said. "After she heard me tell what had happened she asked... you know... a bunch of questions."
"A bunch of questions?"
"To get... uh... the details about what we did."
"Jesus," Kyle whispered, letting his head slump down.
Samantha let his blasphemy pass this time.
"Anyway, after that, she told me she was going to pray on it and then sent me to bed. She hasn't said a thing to me yet this morning but I can tell something's strange about her. She's staying home from church today and she never does that. She told Dad she was feeling a little under the weather."
"Well, at least she hasn't told him yet," he offered weakly.
"Yeah... yet," she said. "Listen, I have to go now. We're gonna be leaving for church in a few minutes. I just wanted to let you know what happened."
"Okay," he said. "Thanks, Samantha. And no matter what happens, I still liked what we did last night."
She didn't return his sentiment. She simply told him goodbye and broke the connection.
He set his phone back down and lay back on the bed, his head reeling. "What a fuckin' mess," he said.
Twenty minutes later, he was still laying there, staring up at the ceiling, trying to come to grips with everything that had happened in the past twelve hours. What would Samantha's mother do? What would happen if she told Samantha's dad? What would happen if they told his parents? While their reaction would probably not be quite as extreme as the Isaacson's, his mom and dad would be considerably less than thrilled to find out their son was engaging in the precursors to pre-marital sex. And, since he was nineteen years old and in his sexual prime, the overriding thought that kept occurring to him was: had this incident destroyed his chances of ever having sex with Samantha?
Kyle was still a virgin himself. Though the girls had liked him back in high school, none had ever consented to do anything more than give him a few kisses, usually on the cheek. He was one of those boys they'd declared "too nice" to have sex with. They would keep their relationships on a friendship level with him while boffing every buffoon with a nice car and an impressive set of biceps. Samantha was his first real girlfriend, the first girl he had ever French kissed, the first whose breasts he had fondled, his number one prospect for finally shedding the stigma of virginity. He had come so close, had worked so hard to get to the point he had been at last night. Was it all destroyed now?
His cell phone began to ring again. He quickly snatched it up, looking at the display and saw it was showing Samantha's cell phone number. She was calling him back. Did she have good news or bad news? Was she breaking up with him as part of her repentance?
He pushed the button and put the phone to his ear. "Sam?" he said. "What happened? Did you stay home from church?"
"This is Mrs. Isaacson, Kyle," a steely voice replied. "I'm the one who stayed home from church."
Another burst of adrenaline went shooting through his body. Oh shit, he thought to himself. "Um... oh... uh... hi, uh... Mrs. Isaacson," he stammered. "How are... uh... how are you today?"
"My soul is in turmoil, Kyle," she told him.
Her soul was in freaking turmoil? Jesus! How was someone supposed to respond to that? "I'm uh... sorry to hear that, Mrs. Isaacson."
"You and I need to have a talk, Kyle," she said.
"A talk?" he said weakly. "Now? Um... about what?"
"You know what we need to talk about. I just finished looking through Samantha's call log on her phone. She called you this morning, about twenty minutes ago in fact. I'm sure she told you about the conversation she and I had last night."
"Oh, that," he said, his mind desperately trying to think of a way to get out of this conversation. "Well, uh, look... It's, you know, not as bad as you think."
"You led my daughter into sin," she said simply. "I need to talk to you about it. I want you to come over to my house, Kyle. We need to talk about this."
"Over to your house?" he squeaked. "I can't really do that right now. I have to..."
"I expect you here in the next thirty minutes," she said. "If you're not, I will be contacting the police."
"The police?"
"The police," she confirmed. "Have you forgotten that you are nineteen years old and that Samantha is seventeen? While you did not engage in actual intercourse with my daughter-thank the Heavenly Father for that-you did engage in a sex crime with a minor. I will have you arrested, and I will push and fight for the maximum penalty if you are not standing before me in the next thirty minutes. Do I make myself clear, Kyle?"
Holy shit! In all of his speculating about worst-case scenarios over the past twenty minutes, the possibility of police and legal involvement had not even crossed his mind. Would she really do that? Was what he had done really illegal? The answer to both of those questions, he feared, was yes. "Uh, yeah," he finally said. "You make yourself very clear, Mrs. Isaacson."
"Then I'll be seeing you soon?"
"Yes, I guess you will."
"Very well," she said. A second later, the connection broke.
Kyle took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. It didn't really work. Finally, he got out of bed and began to get dressed.
He pulled up in front of the Isaacson house twenty-three minutes later. As he walked up the front sidewalk, he felt like a man walking up the scaffolding to his execution. He stood before the doorway for a few moments, his finger poised over the doorbell button, afraid to ring it. Finally, figuring he might as well get this over with, he pushed it, hearing the faint chiming of Amazing Grace playing from inside.
The door opened and Mrs. Isaacson stood there, her expression stern. She was dressed as usual, in a calf-length skirt and a sleeved blouse. Today the skirt was black and the blouse was white. One difference that Kyle vaguely noted through his fear was that she was that she was not wearing pantyhose, something he had never seen her or Samantha do before. He noticed this only because the endlessly horny part of his mind-the part that apparently didn't even shut down when one was going to one's doom-liked the way her lower legs looked.
"Come in, Kyle," Mrs. Isaacson said, standing aside and allowing him entry.
"Thank you," he mumbled, more out of reflex than anything. He followed her in and she led him to the family room, a tastefully decorated portion of the house that contained fashionable furniture, a large screen television, and, of course, a leather-bound Book of Mormon on the coffee table.
"Have a seat," she said, pointing to the couch.
He did as asked and she sat down next to him, a respectable distance away. She continued to look at him, her expression now featureless. He remained silent, waiting for her to initiate the conversation.
"I must say," she said, "that I'm very disappointed in you, Kyle. Very disappointed."
He cast his eyes downward. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Isaacson," he told her. "I guess things... you know... got a little out of control last night."
Her gaze sharpened a little. "A little out of control?" she asked. "Is that what you call it? You take my daughter out after work and park in a dark place with her. You engage in forbidden sexuality with her there. You bring her home with her blouse ripped over her bosom, her body stinking of the smell of lust, and with a semen stain on her pantyhose. She then proceeds to lie to me with a straight face, telling me she went out with you to an ice cream parlor. Is that what you call a little out of control?"
"I'm sorry," he mumbled, unsure what else to say. What did this woman want from him?
"I like you, Kyle, I really do," she said. "That's why I fought so hard with my husband to permit Samantha to continue dating you. I thought you were a very nice boy from a good family and that, if things progressed that far, you would eventually make a good husband for her. Of course, that would only have happened if you'd agreed to become a member of the Mormon Church, but you seemed a moral enough person to respect that. Now, I'm not so sure about your morality. Is this how Baptists are raised?"
"No, Ma'am," he said, ashamed. "My parents raised me better than this. I sinned with Samantha last night and I know it."
Her eyes softened the tiniest bit. "I'm very glad to hear you say that," she said. "Are you sincere?"
He nodded, only partially lying to her. After all, he had been brought up in a religious family and he knew that what he had been pushing Samantha to do was wrong in the eyes of the Lord.
"I believe you," she said softly. "Are you prepared to redeem yourself in the eyes of your Heavenly Father? To atone for your sin?"
"Yes," he said. "I am."
She smiled a little, a smile that seemed just a little out of place on her face, although he could not quite put his finger on why.
"Okay then," she said. "The first step on the road to redemption is confession. I want you to tell me exactly what you and Samantha did last night, from beginning to end."
"You want me to... to... tell you?" he asked, his eyes widening.
"To confess," she said, scooting a little bit closer and turning her body more towards him. "I want to know what you did to lead my daughter into this temptation, and to know what she did to encourage it. Now remember, I've already heard the story from her. Don't lie to me."
He swallowed nervously. Just what the hell was going on here? She wanted to hear the details of their encounter? Why? Was it just so she could confirm what Samantha had told her? To see if there were any details she had left out?
"Mrs. Isaacson," he said. "I'm not sure I should. You know? I mean, what Samantha and I did was kind of private."
"What you did was a sin," she said sternly. "And confession is how you begin to absolve yourself. Now lets start with whose idea it was to go park behind the store instead of going to the ice cream parlor. Was it your idea?"
He sighed, feeling like a trapped animal. "Yes," he said. "I suggested it right after she got done calling you."
"And did she agree to go with you right away?"
He shook his head. "No, I had to kind of talk her into it."
"How did you do that?"
"You know? Just by talking?"
She scowled. "What did you say to her?"
Christ, this was getting deep. "Um. I told her that I really liked kissing her and that I wanted to do it some more."
"So you two had kissed in a passionate manner before?"
He nodded. "A couple of times."
"And you did this despite the fact that the handbook on dating I gave you at the start of your relationship with Samantha specifically forbids French kissing?"
He gulped. "Yes, Ma'am."
"And do you remember why it forbids this method of passionate kissing to those who are unmarried?"
"Yes, Ma'am. Because you might be overcome by lust." Despite his fear and shame, he was forced to congratulate himself for saying this with a straight face.
"That's right," she said, her expression softening again. "And is that what happened to you and Samantha?"
"That's what happened," he said. "We were overcome."
"When you were parked in the car and you were kissing her, sticking your tongue in her mouth, feeling her tongue in your mouth, what happened to your body?"
"To my body?" he asked.
She looked down at his crotch pointedly. "You know what I mean," she said.
He blushed scarlet. "Well, you know. The usual thing."
"The usual thing?" she said. "Are you trying to say that you got an erection?"
His blush deepened. "Yes, Ma'am," he said. "I guess I did."
"And once you were erect, you had the desire for release, did you not?"
"Um, yeah," he muttered. "I suppose I did."
"So what did you do next?" she asked.
"Well, we kissed some more," he said.
"And where were your hands during this time?"
"They were, um, on her waist, I think."
"Show me," she said.
He paused for a second. "Show you?"
"Come here, closer to me," she said. "I want you to put your hands on me where you put them on her."
Kyle wasn't sure he had heard her correctly. "Ma'am?" he said.
"Its okay," she said. "I'm sure my old, married body isn't going to tempt you into lust. I just want to see how you were touching her."
"Why?" he asked.
"Because I'm trying to understand how you led her into temptation," she said. "It will help me instruct her and my other daughters on how to avoid it in the future. Now come here please."
Reluctantly, he scooted forward, his mind trying to find sense in what she had said. When his legs were next to hers, he turned towards her. Awkwardly he reached out with trembling hands and placed them demurely on her waist, just above the hips. This was more or less where they'd been with Samantha the night before, although not with near the grip.
"I think you were probably holding her a little tighter than that, weren't you?" she asked.
"Yes, Ma'am," he agreed. He tightened up his grasp a bit, so he could feel her curves beneath her blouse. She was softer than Samantha, he found. Soft in a motherly way. Despite the strangeness and the adrenaline of the situation, he felt a burst of sexual arousal beginning. His penis stiffened up just the smallest bit, a little blood starting to fill it.
"And while you were kissing her," Mrs. Isaacson said, her voice a little softer now, "your upper body was pushed up against her, correct?"
"I suppose," he mumbled.
"Show me."
"You mean... do it?"
"Yes," she said, putting her hands up on his shoulders.
This was getting weirder by the second. Nevertheless, he leaned forward, pushing his upper body into hers. His face came to within inches of hers and he felt the push of her ample breasts against his chest. Her arms came around his back and her fingernails made a slight scratching on his skin. His penis was now definitely interested in what was going on. The blood began to fill it more rapidly. He tried to will it back down before it got big enough to notice but it was having none of that.
"You were touching each other inside the strike zone," Mrs. Isaacson whispered to his face. He felt her breath against his lips and nose. It smelled sweet. Like mint. "That, too, is specifically forbidden, is it not?"
"Yes," he answered, his voice not quite steady.
"Do you see why?" she asked. "Do you see how it incites lust? How it makes you long to do other things? To strive for release of your sexual energy in an inappropriate way?"
"Yes," he said again, squirming a little, trying to keep his penis from bulging out.
"You touched her leg next, didn't you?"
"Yeah, I guess I did."
"How did you get your hand there?"
"Well, I just put it there," he told her.
"Show me."
"You mean... ?"
"Show me," she repeated, her tongue now sliding out and licking across her upper lip for the briefest of instances.
What the hell was going on here? Surely not what he thought was going on here. While pondering that, he did as he was told. He brought his left hand down and set it on her knee, which was still covered by her skirt.
"Samantha said your hand came down on her bare knee," she said.
"Uh... well... it did," he said. "But uh... her dress was kind of... you know... pulled up a little."
"And who pulled it up?"
"Well... I did."
"Show me how you did it, Kyle. Don't go changing things."
He repeated his maneuver, performing it as he did the night before. His hand dropped to her leg below the hem of her skirt, near her upper shin. He then slid it slowly upward, his fingertips caressing her smooth flesh, the back of his hand pushing the skirt up her legs as it went. Kyle's breathing picked up a few notches as he did this, more so than it had when he'd done it to Samantha the night before. He was touching Mrs. Isaacson's bare flesh instead of her pantyhose. And she was a married woman nearly twice his age. His penis was now at full staff, standing proudly, bulging out of his pants in a most noticeable fashion.
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FetishDopey was licking my face as I woke up. For a moment I had no idea where I was. A second warm and furry body was snuggled against my back. "Wake up, handsome," Nurse Yardley cooed. "You have a special assignment today." Yes, I was still groggy. "You smell of dog," Nurse Yardley said in a faux British accent. Nurse Yardley talked like that all the time. "Tell the dogs to stay here and we shall take a shower. But first, turn your fanny towards me." Goofy whimpered as he retreated to...
Hii.. Mera name vaasu ha.. Meri age 20 ha.Mera luund 8inch lamba ha. Agar aap ko meri help chahiye to email Aap ko pura maja mile gaa..Kisi bhi woman,girl,aunty, sab ko sukh du gaa paka … Aaj ki khani mere or meri bhabi k bech hoye sex ki ha. … Mene un ko kese maa banaya… Ye story 2016 ki ha jab me college me tha . Us ki ek saal pehle hi mere bade bhaiya ki saadi hui thi…Mere bhaiya ka name sunil ha and bhabi ka name priya ha unki age 24 ha… Bhaiya dekhne me smart ha es liye bhabi bhi bhut...
Tuesday morning I was cuddled with Linda next to Keith and Holly as we all watched the Rose Parade. It was nice, and my dad came in a few times to watch the various floats and bands play. Keith and Holly were going to go over to her house and hang out for a bit, so when they left I spent a few minutes kissing Linda and holding her against me. She asked me what I wanted to do next, and I leered at her, then said I wanted to go shopping. “What for?” she asked. Well, I knew that Mandy’s...
The phone hadn’t stopped ringing all morning! I was in the middle of typing a pile of letters, when it rang for what seemed like the fiftieth time! Picking it up and answering, “Under-writer department, may I help you?” The party on the other end of the line spoke for about thirty seconds before I said another word. When I did finally speak, all I said was,” At 12:30 at the back of the office,” and then I hung up. At 12:25, I stuck my head into my boss’s office and told him I was going out to...
When they had fully calmed down they kissed, rolled apart and lay back looking totally contented and fulfilled. Mum was the first to speak and smiling she said, "Well, it must have been the audience or the forbidden aspect that got your Father so aroused but that was the best sex that we have enjoyed for a long time. We always enjoy ourselves but that was superlative - my orgasm was overwhelming. What was it like to watch - did it excite you both as well?" I was resting on my back, as I...
His side He woke first, the sunlight streaming through the lightweight curtains. He looked over at her sleeping still, her golden hair swirling around the pillow and across her perfect pair of tits and felt his already stiff and swollen cock ache with new desire. He reached carefully to pull back the sheet, fully exposing her body to her pussy level, being careful not to wake her, yet. He smiled looking at her pussy, seeing his dried cum from last night around the tops of her thighs. She...
BDSMI feel so stupid and disgusted right now.My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half, we met right after I graduated high school and he was 20 at the time. I was just starting community college and was proud to have my own apartment for the first time ever (I have also worked around 30 hours a week since starting college so I support myself). He was older than me, but struggling. I guess prior to meeting me he had been pretty into d**gs, but I have never seen him do them so I...
??????????? I always knew what I wanted. and that was all good and fine. I could yearn, but never feel. I bled with the need to endure what never left the back of my mind. I worked at a local used bookstore, and drove the old powdered blue mercedes that my well beloved aunt passed down to me. I didn't much like the colour, but not only did it have sentiment, It made me feel accomplished. I always enjoyed riding with her in it.? My car was decorated with empty cardboard coffee cups...
"Ya owe me twenty bucks," said the three hundred pound ball of dusty grimy fat ... she of the three clean spots. "Lessen' you want me to sic my daughter on ya." "What ma?" The mother ... bless her heart ... was svelte and slim compared to the 17 year old under Frank ... in the same bed. "Well, I can't pay you with you laying on my arm," I said ... thinkin, 'I hope my wife never finds out!' Tubby rolled over ... at least as far as she could, what with Frank and the 17 year old...
Hello readers this is my first story as it was my first ever encounter. So let me tell you about the people involved in my story the names are changed. Myself my name is Prashant I’m 23 year old, average built of height 5.8.Parents got separated 12 years ago. My father works at a bank. He never got married at that time as he thought another woman couldn’t have taken care of me as I grew up to and graduated some of my father’s relative asked him to marry as it is not good for him to be alone at...
IncestOBEDIENCE TRAINING ? "How was Dubai?" asked Benny Price, as Nora made herself comfortable in his living room. ? Nora grinned. She'd been dating Benny for three months, ever since she'd met him at a singles mixer for dominant women and submissive men at the PainCafe. After their initial dates, Nora had put Benny in a chastity device. She pointed out to him that if he really liked her a lot, then he could expect that she'd want some fidelity in their relationship. But then, after locking him up,...
Wyoming Territory, April, 1875 Cletus was suitably chastised for not telling Ellie that he would be out the extra night. Logic had nothing to do with it! Ellie was getting more and more possessive of Celtus' time, so that he was starting to find it difficult to make his rounds. Cletus felt that Ellie was acting less like the wife of an Indian warrior and more like the wife of a White shop keeper. Ellie would often cry as Cletus began his scouting sweep and nearly collapse with relief when...
As we approached the clearing, we could see them, the herd was sleeping in an open field. ‘Look Scott, there they are!’ said Calvin excitedly. ‘I see them,’ I sighed, ‘Do we really have to kill these ones too?’ ‘I’m telling you Scott, these things are vicious monsters! They leave bodies mutilated! The world doesn’t need creatures like that roaming free!’ groaned Calvin in frustration. ‘I suppose,’ I said, ‘But don’t you think killing every last one of them is going too far?’ There was a...
Annabel Redd is a sexy, perky, pretty, young red-head with green eyes, a trimmed bush, braces and 30E naturals. She becomes a sex-doll under JMac’s control. They get it on in enough amazing feats of fucking and sucking to fill a sex manual, including the seashell position. To do that flexible fuck, Annabel has to lay on her back and put her ankles behind her head. While Annabel is getting the ramrod in that position, she even sucks on her nipples. Laying back on top of JMac after getting...
xmoviesforyouOver the following days and weeks, neither Wendy nor I heard any news about Sandra – not from Sandra herself, nor from any second-hand source. We began to fear the worst. In the moments following Sandra's abduction, the two of us wandered aimlessly along the side of the road, too dazed by the awful turn of events to muster any coherent response. We were accosted by two more men, who herded us into another car and took us to Choi's office at once. Incredibly enough, Choi was holding the...
In this tale, he is dressed in the lace and silks of an 18th-century European diplomat, powdered perruque and all. (Yeah, he can afford such stuff.) He greets me at the door to his posh New York City high-rise apartment where he invites me into his master bedroom. I take a seat on the 4-poster bed. He pours me a glass of sherry. (Yeah, he's British, too.) I clink "cheers" with him and swallow it down. After three glasses, a flush runs to my cheeks. he kisses me and tells me to...
When I complete my Pre-Degree, I got my admission in one of the collages in Delhi for my degree course. We had a relative over there in (my uncle’s brother-in-law and family) Delhi but they are also little far away from the Collage. Traveling up and down morning and evening was a problem for me so all are decided to put me in a hostel near to the collage. All alternate weekends I used to go back to home and alternative week ends I used to go to the Uncle and Auntie’s place. Let us call them...
IncestI pushed my cock into Kasim Muhammad's asshole, and the big Black man squealed. I smacked his hairy Black ass and told him to shut the fuck up. Looking at us while fingering her pussy, Kasim's sexy wife, a chocolate-skinned Somali beauty named Khadija, winked at us. Clearly the Black woman was turned on by the sight of a well-endowed white male fucking her husband in the ass. I gripped Kasim's hips tightly and rammed my cock up his shit hole. I always wanted to try this, reverse the whole...
Sexy girlfriend Gizelle is ready to return the favor to her black lover Isiah for all his generosity, time and big black cock that he has given to her keeping her and her boyfriend satisfied. Today she was all about giving and making him feel like a king firstly with a bubble bath as she strokes his hard big cock with both hands but just needs to hop on it! Isiah finishes her wet hot tight pussy off on the bed burying his bbc as deep as it will go inside her tight pussy until she swallows every...
xmoviesforyouRachel was starting to feel sexy again, sprawling nude on the gym mats under the infra-red heat lamps, alongside her naked daughter and Natasha’s equally naked girlfriend Sara. It was good to see them so free. It was when she’d been their age that she’d made the mistakes that had cost her so much of her own freedom. She’d been so young and foolish, all those years ago: getting herself thrown out of school for having sex in a school corridor, and having a bit of weed found on her as well. Then...
Hey there, My name is Riham Rayeez(name changed), I am from Kerala and now working in Kuwait.I am just over 25. An average build guy. I had many experiences with girls but now would like to share one such real-life incident. Any girls who would like to contact me from Kuwait or Kerala (esp Kochi) please feel free to mail me at The queen of my story is Rizu she is studying in 12th standard. A girl with developing breast and body. She is fair, cute with a kiddish look.Her body figure maybe about...
Hii friends aaj main apko apni sachi kahani sunane ja rahi mera naam Poonam hai. Mai b.Com St. Xavier’s college Ranchi ki student hu. Meri height 5’4 hai aur meri age 20 years hai mera rang gora hai aankhein badi badi hai mere chuche 34′ ke hai aur mera figure dekh ke ache acheke kache fat jaate hai. Ye story hai 2 saal pehle ki jab mai inter 1st year mei thi mujhe ek sir padhane aate the wo sir mujhe bahut ache lagtethe main unki bahut respect karti thi. Mera ek bf tha main uske saath roj...
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the word "tushy". It’s pretty much the cleanest way to refer to what is widely considered to be the dirtiest part of the human body: the butt. If you were going to tell your grandma about a bloody hemorrhoid erupting on your asshole, you’d probably tell her your "tushy" has an "ouchy". It’s that kind of word. I think the general cleanliness of the word is why I think it’s so funny that Tushy.com specializes in such hardcore anal fuck movies.Don’t get me...
Premium Anal Porn SitesLately I had been feeling very sexual, all the time. It must be my time of life, I thought. In my forties, I thought, must be something pre-menopausal. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a slim, petite brunette, with a few crows-feet, but life in her hazel-green eyes. I had a career, I had a home. I also had a very active fantasy life. This was the first time I had tried to make the fantasy real. It couldn't hurt to go to lunch in a public place with this polite fellow, who wrote funny, sexy...
Straight SexThis story is about a 16 year old teenage girl and a middle aged man, who due to a slight mishap, found himself in an unplanned situation with the moral dilemma, should he or shouldn’t he? First off a little about myself, my name is John and I am retired and live in the south of England. I live in a detached house in a better part of the town and have done so for the past 30 years. 15 years ago my wife Carole and I were on holiday in Spain with our young daughter Sue, when a waiter at...
February 24, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Can you forgive me for being a complete ass?” I asked without waiting for a response. “Shut the door, please.” I nodded and shut the door, then sat down on her couch. “I am really sorry, Sweetheart,” I repeated. “I know. And I understand how visceral your feelings on these matters are, but for the most part, the system works pretty well.” “Please forgive me if I vehemently disagree,” I replied softly. “But even so, I should never have said what I...
Did you ever hear of the term “Helicopter Mother?” Well, Dara Johnson was exactly that. She basically would watch her son and know what he was doing every minute of the day. She was kind of overbearing with wanting to know the whereabouts of her son. When he was little, she’d take him to the park but instead of parallel playing with other children, she’d be right behind him like his shadow. She’d encourage him to make friends but would help him so he wouldn’t fail. She was always in the PTA...
Was this body the same body she'd been born in – the same body she brought into Chicago? Or, more recently, the same body she lived in when she first rang the doorbell of this villa? Lying in her bathtub Juliana Austin wondered who she was – or rather who she would end up being. Her right hand caressed her leg under the foamy surface of perfumed water. It travelled from the hollow of her knee around her thigh and up to her crotch, feeling the folds there – baby bare, swollen and tender to...
"This is the captain," the voice coming over the intercom seemed stressed "ladies and gentlemen we are about to arrive at the gate, when we do I would ask that you all remain in your seats, there seems to be an electrical issue and we will need to reset the system. When we do this it will black out the cabin for approximately one minute. There is no need to be alarmed, please remain in your seats until the lights come back on." The captain finished. Michael looked around the cabin,...
Since I was young, I had a by the name of of Jay grant. Great guy we did everything together when we were kids. When we got older we started going on double dates (18y), helping one another in high school so we could both go to college. our senior year we both agreed that dating would be trouble because school should come first. This was very hard for me because whenever we studied we did it over his house. Jay has an especially beautiful mom blond, tripple Ds', as tall as me. whenever we would...
First TimeAt the appointed hour that morning he made for the closed door, knocked and smiled to see that it pushed open a fraction as the catch gave. ‘Greetings,’ he said quietly and bowed before looking each way down the corridor, and sliding into her room, pushing the door gently closed, with a discrete click. ‘I am here for that breakfast you promised me.’ ‘Hola hombre,’ she responded calmly, as she sat on her bed, closing her kimono and watching him peer at her quizzically through the half-opened...
Henri was 72 years old and still loved to fuck. He loved fucking young girls. He took lots of Viagra and could fuck for hours. He had a nice big nine and a half inch cock and huge balls. He loved kinky sex and he usually picked up one of the street whores on 4th Avenue. He would bring them to his house and fuck with them all day long. Sometimes he would find a local girl on the internet that loved to fuck older men but it was easier to pick up a very young street whore. They were cheap and...
I slept like a log and woke at 7:30 and proceeded to the hotel facility to do my morning workout. All through it I debated in my mind if the events of the previous evening were going to be good or have me ostracized by my in-laws for the rest of my life. As you might remember I had started out to give my niece a massage for her sore neck. With the aid of some wine and beer this had progressed to me performing all out oral sex to the point where her second orgasm resulted in her passing into...