Josh Takes Mom to College
- 4 years ago
- 24
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Josh fell back into his routine of riding to each danger point ahead of the stagecoach and watching until it had passed. He went about four weeks before anything interesting happened. He felt that his arm had healed and he was back in the condition he had enjoyed prior to the accident. It was less than a month until his wedding, but he resolved not to make the mistake of day-dreaming about that. He had bought a wedding ring for the ceremony and had arranged to borrow a suit from John Randall; all of his preparations were complete.
He was riding toward DP3 when he saw a riderless horse off to his left, toward the road. He immediately, but cautiously, swung toward the animal to investigate. When he got close, he noticed blood on the saddle, so he became even more cautious. The horse had wandered some, but he was able to follow its tracks to a corpse lying next to the road.
It was the body of a man and he had been shot very recently, from the looks of the blood. From the apparent condition of the body, it had been robbed after the man was dead. The man's gun and gun belt were missing and his pockets were turned inside-out. There were boot tracks around the body, but they were indistinct in the sand.
Josh bent over to examine them more closely just as a shot rang out. The bullet clipped his hat as it sped by. Josh jumped to one side and rolled against some brush, pulling a pistol as he did so. He looked around and thought he saw some smoke to his right. After worming his way farther into the brush, Josh looked more carefully at the tracks he had been examining and saw a faint trail leading in the direction of the smoke.
Josh had a choice: he could run or he could stalk. Josh was the type who never ran from anything if he could avoid it, so he began to stalk his attacker. He crept toward the attacker's assumed location, using his elbows and toes to drag himself along. He wanted to present as small a target as possible while he was moving, so he never rose to his hands and knees. Progress was slower this way, but it was less likely to get him shot.
As Josh approached his prey, he kept a sharp lookout for any sign of color. A colorful shirt or neckerchief would be a sure sign of a human, who had to be his enemy. Josh never wore any but drab colors just for this reason, but many men had the need to exhibit themselves in colorful clothes.
It turned out to be the flash of sunlight off a spur that gave his opponent away. Josh caught a glimpse of the flash as the other man moved, possibly from nervousness. Whatever the cause, the man was located, now. Josh moved in for the kill.
Josh wished he had his carbine, but the range was short enough that the Schofield revolver was accurate enough for this job. The other man was only about 10 yards away and well on his way to shaking hands with the devil. Using both hands to steady his aim, Josh lined up on the man's chest and squeezed the trigger. The smoke hid the man from Josh's sight momentarily, but not long enough to make any real difference. The .45 slug plowed into the man's ribcage and through his lung and heart, coming to rest in the other lung.
Though he was certain that his enemy was dead, Josh didn't take any chances. He approached, ever alert for a trick, and he had to be aware of a possible partner for the dead man. Josh kept shifting his gaze from side to side, just in case there was another villain lying in wait for him. He reached the new corpse and poked it with his gun barrel, even though experience told him that the man was as dead as anyone ever gets.
Now satisfied that the man was dead, Josh rolled him over to make it easier to check his pockets. Just a few coins, mostly Mexican, and nothing else. The man didn't look Mexican, but many Anglos spent a lot of time in Mexico, particularly if they were wanted by the law. He gathered up the two horses and tied the two bodies across the horse belonging to the first dead man.
Mounting his own horse, Josh began to search for the remaining horse; he could not bring himself to abandon a horse that could be tied to a tree and not able to leave for food or water. After only a short search, Josh found the other horse tied to a tree. He moved the second dead man to this horse to equalize the load between the two horses, and turned back toward Smithville.
Josh stopped off at the marshal's office when he got back to town and told the marshal what had happened. The marshal didn't recognize the second dead man, but he thought that the first corpse was a bounty hunter he had seen around town from time to time. This was enough to make the marshal curious and he promised to look through the stack of wanted posters to see if he could match any with the dead man.
At the marshal's request, Josh dropped the two bodies off at the mortician's place of business and took the two horses to one of the town's livery stables. There he sold the horses and tack and then stopped by the stage line's office to check in with his boss, John Randall. He told his story, again, and left for his boarding house.
Alice, his future wife, met him with a big hug and kiss as he rode up to the boarding house. "Only 18 days until our wedding! I can hardly wait!" she exclaimed as she held onto Josh.
Josh told her of his little adventure that day and her only reaction, other than to say that she was happy that he was not hurt, was to comment that a perfectly good hat had been damaged. He agreed that it was a shame, but what could he do?
The next 17 days were uneventful and the big day was upon him. Josh bathed and dressed in the borrowed suit and went to the local church. The wedding had been scheduled for Sunday afternoon, since that was the only day of the week that Josh was not working. Alice had made herself a new dress for the wedding and was there with Mrs. James, who would substitute for her family. John Randall was the best man and the wedding went off without a hitch before the entire congregation, who waited around to congratulate the couple and wish them well.
Mrs. James had arranged to move them into a larger bedroom which she had fixed up for two people. They would continue to live at the boarding house and Alice would continue to work there, at least for the present. They spent the night in their new bedroom, since Josh had to be at work the next morning.
No robberies were attempted during the next week, so Josh had a relatively easy time while on patrol. This was really appreciated by Josh, since he wasn't getting much sleep at night. It was a good thing that Mrs. James had found them a relatively noiseless bed; otherwise, the other residents of the boarding house would not have gotten much sleep, either. Josh did hope that Alice's enthusiasm would wind down a little pretty soon, because she was wearing him out.
Josh had reached DP3 and was waiting for the stagecoach when he saw some activity on the far side of the road. Four men were dragging a tree limb into the road where there was no room for the coach to get around it. The coach would be forced to stop and the road would have to be cleared before it could continue.
Josh drew his Henry from its boot and rode to a location near the presumed ambush. The four men saw him coming and started shooting at him well before he was in effective range of their pistols. Nevertheless, a flying bullet is potentially lethal, no matter how inaccurately it is directed, so Josh was forced to take cover. He rode to some rocks and jumped behind them while levering the first round into his Henry.
The four bandits had the good sense to take cover, themselves, and there was an exchange of fire lasting about 5 minutes. Both sides were too well protected for the other side to take effective aim, so the situation was at a stalemate.
The stagecoach arrived at this time and was forced to stop by the barricade. Sam, the guard, fired his shotgun at the bandits and this got their immediate attention. Joe, the driver, used his Winchester, too. This was enough to discourage the bandits who started pulling out. Joe got a clear shot at one of the bandits and hit him in the back. The man fell and did not get up, though there was no way to tell whether or not he was dead. Sam had reloaded his shotgun by this time, so he fired a shot into the prone bandit; he was dead now, for sure!
The remaining bandits ran to their horses, mounted, and rode away. Josh threw a lasso around the tree limb and used his horse to pull it out of the way. Joe and Sam waved as they drove off and Josh went to find the dead man's horse and to take care of the corpse.
Josh delivered the corpse to the relay station and got his receipt. He realized that he still had time to get to DP5 before the coach, so he went there. He didn't expect any trouble there, but he was paid to cover it, so he went.
Damn! There was a barricade and three bandits waiting. Josh rode into the brush and looped around to get behind the bandits. He rode as close as he thought was safe and dismounted. Moving quickly, he got close to the bandits and started shooting with his pistols. The range was only about 15 yards and the bandits had no idea he was there. Even though they had their pistols in their hands, they didn't get off a shot at Josh before he cut them down. He was as good a shot with his left hand as he was with his right, so that, by the time he had emptied both pistols, 10 shots, the three bandits were dead.
Josh reloaded and pulled the limb out of the way just as the coach was coming up to him. He waved the coach on through and proceeded to gather up the horses and the corpses. The nearest relay station was toward Smithville, so he rode toward that one and got his receipts for the three corpses. The office was closed by the time he got to Smithville, so he just went home to Alice.
At the rate he was collecting bandit bounties, they might actually have enough money for their own home pretty soon; they could get a very nice adobe house and furnish it for $500. That night, Josh and Alice discussed the possibility of them buying their own home and Alice was ecstatic. Josh didn't get any rest that night, either!
The next day, Josh wound up in Smithville before the office closed, so he was able to claim his bounty for the four bandits. When the stagecoach arrived and the excitement this always caused had died down, he gave Joe and Sam the $50 bounty for the bandit they had killed. They were impressed and thanked Josh profusely, since they had not expected him to do that.
Things were quiet for the next two weeks, and then Josh had his first Indian trouble. Custer's defeat at The Little Big Horn had stirred up the Indians all over the western half of the continent, so Josh had been expecting some sort of Indian trouble, he just didn't know when or where. He had approached DP3 from the DP2 side and was attacked by a band of 10 or 12 Indians just as he started toward his usual observation post.
There was a lot of loud whooping along with the shooting as the Indians started chasing Josh back toward DP2. Josh knew that the only way he would get shot is by pure bad luck as long as everybody was riding as fast as they could. He also knew that his chance of hitting an Indian was no better, so the only sure way of escape was to lead the Indians into one of the quicksand pits he had spotted.
Josh was sixteen a years old boy. His father was pouring concrete steps. Josh accidentally stepped in the wet concrete.His father cursed and punched him in the mouth."That will teach you to ruin my work you little queer!" said his father."Fuck you - you perverted bastard!" shouted Josh.Josh stomped in the wet mud and made a mess out of it and ran off. He walked down the country road crying, Fuck his father. He would never go back home. A car came down the road and stopped. "What is the...
IncestJosh had found a good route from Smithville to the first danger point out of Santa Rosa. He arrived in plenty of time get set up in his observation post. He was able to get there so early and easily because, in a straight line, Santa Rosa and Smithville were a little less than 15 miles apart, even though they were 20 miles apart by the stagecoach route. Josh could get to "DP5" from Smithville in about 3 hours without overstraining his horse and he didn't have to be there before 10:00...
"Josh, we've hit the jackpot!" John Randall practically shouted as Josh came in the door. "What do you mean, John? I have no idea what you're talkin' about." "You know about the gold strike up north of Santa Rosa, don't you? They've got a tent "city" set up and runnin' an' the miners' association wants us to extend our line up there an' carry out the gold for them. They're offerin' a pretty penny to us if we'll take the job. I agreed to it, but you have to be willin' to...
Several more dry runs gave everybody the confidence they needed to believe in themselves. All three guards were sure that they could handle any foreseeable attack and Josh agreed with them. They were ready for their first run to Rio del Oro. The relay stations had been supplied with the needed mule teams for the gold coach and Beanpole had been able to familiarize himself with the danger points between Rio del Oro and Santa Rosa. It had been decided that, temporarily, Randall and Murdoch...
Josh’s Beginning AdventureJosh was 59 and no longer married or involved with anyone. So he often looked at porn on the internet and began getting on cam showing his little cock. In the past he had been embarrassed by the small size only 5 inches when hard. However, he found that many loved to see it and would often give very nice comments saying it was a great looking cock. This would always get him hard. He loved it when a lot of others were watching him and he would often cum for...
"Damn it, Josh Murdoch, pay attention! Ever since Alice announced that she was going to have a baby, half the time, you've wandered around in a daze," Josh muttered to himself as he rode up to his lookout position on DP1. At least, he still had a job. When John Randall announced that he was expanding his stagecoach line, Josh thought that the route might change enough to make his job unnecessary. John had assured Josh that he would have a job as long as he wanted one was just not enough...
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R.J. lay on top of Josh for several minutes, slowly grinding his hips. His hard cock was buried deep in his old friend but new lover's ass. He pushed his lean upper body upward and looking down thrilled to see his entire length was inside. R.J. slowly withdrew his now 8" cock until he saw the rim of his pulsing head. He paused for a moment, he loved the sight of his cock in this tight asshole. Josh was on fire writhing and moaning in extreme pleasure. R.J. began to pump his hips slowly forward...
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Chapter 2 At first they just stood looking at each other. It was very steamy in the shower, and the drops were splashing down them. Josh reached for a bar of soap and began massaging his pubic area. As the soap began to cover his taught balls he slowly began to caress them. His cock was inflamed beyond belief. R.J. followed suit and was soon moaning in ecstasy as he copied Josh stroke for stroke. They were carried up in a fantasy that they were watching themselves masturbate, but it all...
Gay MaleEvery day I think about this one guy Id always like to get it on with. As a guy, I found it hard to find the courage to tell him my feelings and I wasn't even sure if he was gay or not. That's when it happened. I was at school in 7th form, it was the last week of school ever I was thrilled. I was in another accounting, (another boring class I wasn't interested in) on the plus side however he was in that class. His name was Josh. He sat a couple of desks behind me and one seat to the right. I...
GayCHAPTER 1 The same homes they had lived in since birth, right next door to each other. The same school, church, classes, and the same shyness around girls. Now at 17 and just at the brink of hormonal combustion, they both shared a crush on the same girl. Steffie was just drop dead gorgeous, from the moment she moved to town in their junior year, they were both hopelessly hooked. It was not a completely unfamiliar triangle. But, in reality Steffie was not interested in either as a potential...
Gay Malemy names josh an 18 year old gay about 6 feet tall and a decent 4 pack light blue eyes and medium length brown hair usually spiked. i had a fiend i liked quite a bit eldin was his name he was such a pretty boy he was tall tan and had nice features: dimples on his cheeks lovely green eyes he was a blonde who drove me insane! i have been hanging out with him since we were 16. i came to a conclusion that he too was either bi or gay. iv been waiting for the right time to tell him how i felt and i...
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InterracialChapter 2 At first they just stood looking at each other. It was very steamy in the shower, and the drops were splashing down them. Josh reached for a bar of soap and began massaging his pubic area. As the soap began to cover his taught balls he slowly began to caress them. His cock was inflamed beyond belief. R.J. followed suit and was soon moaning in ecstasy as he copied Josh stroke for stroke. They were carried up in a fantasy that they were watching themselves masturbate, but it all...
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R.J. lay on top of Josh for several minutes, slowly grinding his hips. His hard cock was buried deep in his old friend but new lover’s ass. He pushed his lean upper body upward and looking down thrilled to see his entire length was inside. R.J. slowly withdrew his now 8′ cock until he saw the rim of his pulsing head. He paused for a moment, he loved the sight of his cock in this tight asshole. Josh was on fire writhing and moaning in extreme pleasure. R.J. began to pump his hips slowly forward...
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EroticDISCLAIMER: There's not a lot of erotica this time around. This chapter is meant more to flesh out the characters, but there's a small bit in there, don't worry. There will be more to the story, I assure you, so for those of you who enjoy my stories, there is definitely more to come.*Writing is hard. Living, while tough in itself, is nothing compared to writing, especially something as difficult as this. It's been two months since my sister, the love of my life, the only woman who I could ever...
IncestI have been going to school with my friend Joshs since sixth grade, but it was not until the ninth grade that he became my best friend. His father, Jim, was Pilipino and had come over some twenty years ago while in the military. After significant financial success, his father had married a cute Rhode Island blonde woman named Ellen and settled down to make a family. I had always noticed Joshs mother in middle school because all the upperclassmen would make crude jokes about what they would love...
My name is Josh, six foot four and weighing in at two hundred and eighty pounds. I am a big guy and did not have trouble getting girls even though I was not as handsome as most and the really pretty ones usually went for the more handsome, financially secure guys. This was never a problem as I was screwing regularly with the girls telling their girlfriends about my huge cock and most of them wanted to try it at least once. I am blessed with a ten inch fat cock measuring nine inches in girth......
The TestAs he got out of the Uber, Joshua was nervous but yet excited. Several weeks after answering a private message on his favorite porn site, the day was finally here. It had started simply enough with posting a few anonymous pictures of himself cross dressing and a video of him riding his favorite dildo. Joshua's profile said he was looking to be a first time gay bottom and possibly a sub. He had posted the message to his profile while he was really horny and had forgotten about it after...
“Joshua, I think we should go for a swim,” said Michael. “Yeah that would definitely cool us off,” replied Joshua. “I’m sweating so much.” Joshua and Michael walked down the path they were on and found an opening through the bushes that led to the river. They started taking off their boots and wool pants. They pulled off their long sleeve shirts and were left standing in their underwear. Their bodies were glistening in the sun from the sweat that rolled down their bodies. “Whoa...
CHAPTER 1 The same homes they had lived in since birth, right next door to each other. The same school, church, classes, and the same shyness around girls. Now at 17 and just at the brink of hormonal combustion, they both shared a crush on the same girl. Steffie was just drop dead gorgeous, from the moment she moved to town in their junior year, they were both hopelessly hooked. It was not a completely unfamiliar triangle. But, in reality Steffie was not interested in either as a potential...
This story is about an uncle of mine, His name was Josh. He was a horny bastard with a 10 inch cock. He fucked everyone regardless of who they were. He just needed a whole to stick his cock inside. I must say he fucked good, so good that even if he forced someone they would end up liking it. He was a tall 6ft 6 hunky man. He had brown hair and a beard. He was a distant uncle of mine, He was married, had two kids, one daughter and a son. Now he was decent man until he had an accident which...
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It never bothered me that my wife's youngest brother was gay. I thought it was cool he has a crush on me. Ashley would tease me about it. We hadn't been dating long. "Joshy is so nervous around you. It's so weird." She sounded as amused by the idea as I was." He has never made it weird." I smiled to myself. "I'm gonna ask him..." "Roue, No! You would not?" She slides under the sheet with me and lays her head on my chest. "I'm gonna make him tell me he wants my cock." She giggles as I pull...
Joshua looked over the flyer for his new school. It was a nightmare. The whole curriculum was based around athletics and outdoor activities. It was designed for future Olympians and college athletes. From everything he could see, it wouldn't challenge him intellectually, and it would be humiliating to be surrounded by mega-jocks, all of whom would be bigger and stronger than him. He glanced jealously at the flyer his twin sister was examining. It advertised the giant library, literary...
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If anyone asked Josh Barnes at the age of ten what it was like to have a sister three years old than he, he would’ve uttered two words. ‘It sucked.’ But by the time he got to fifteen, his reply may have been a little different. His older sister Mia was a popular girl with many girl friends of the same age, and the Barnes large family home with the large swimming pool was often a popular place to be in the hot summer months. Parents Benjamin and Maria always made their children’s friends...
Nearly 8 hours of filming and finally his part was done. Dawson's Creek star Joshua Jackson was beat and couldn't wait to get home. He waved goodbye to his fellow cast members and left from the closed set. A strange woman about 18 stood at his car staring at him. "Oh, no, not another fanatic." he thought to himself. "Is this you car?" the blonde beauty asked. "Yes, why?" She smiled and moved in front of him. "Let's just say, I need a ride."
I looked out the train window at the blur of green landscape as it passed. Going to stay with grandma had always been one of my fondest memories as a k**, the train ride just the beginning to a wonderful summer spent with her on her farm in northern Connecticut. Just me and her, lazing away the days and enjoying each other"s company. For seven straight years from the time I was seven years old to f******n I stayed with her, and for those summers we were inseparable.From the ages of sixteen to...
I had a crush on him and he didn't know it.We're both in our third year of high school.I knew him for years,and always liked him.The girls liked him.He was 5'9",135 lbs.,brown hair and brown eyes,average build,cute as all hell.Me,5'8",160 lbs.,football build.We had participated in sports together for a long time. I wanted him real bad,but had no chances,until one summer day.I was house sitting for some neighbors down the street.He was down the street with some other friends until his ride...
GayOne day a young woman had just started playing her round of golf when she suffered a bee sting. Her pain was so intense that she decided to return to the clubhouse for help and to complain. Her golf pro saw her come into the clubhouse and asked, ‘Why are you back in so early? What’s wrong?’ ‘I was stung by a bee’, she said. ‘Where?’, he asked. ‘Between the first and second hole’, she replied. He nodded knowingly and said... ‘Then your feet were too far apart.’ “How To Stop Nail...
I am Brinda with subsequent happenings. You read that in sasural my elder sister inlaw. Rashmi confessed about her slutness in Mumbai. She was very much impressed by me my massage & lesbian techniques. She told me everything about her. In two nights and day in between I fondled three cocks but none could penetrate me. Our driver Raghav was my last man that night . I myself wanted to fuck with him but he acted hastily. He fondled my nude body and he discharged under effect of my hand & blow job....
IncestHi i am Sonia.apne aage bhi meri story padi hogi.aur kujh ne mail bhi kara uske liye thanks.main hamesha real story hi likhti hoon.meri ek badi bahen hai jiski shaadi huyi ko 2 saal huye hain.ek din hamare ghar ke sabhi log raat ko kisi party me chale gaye.jana to mujhe bhi tha lekin uske agle din mera exam tha to maine padayi karni thi to ja naa saki.karib raat ke 9 baje raat ko door par bell baji to maine dekha ke saamne akele jiju khade the.wo ander aaye to bataya ke ke wo isi raste se kisi...
Lily pulled another costume off of the rack and held it up to herself. "What do you think about this one?""Geezus!" exclaimed Veronica, her best friend. "I thought you were going for sexy, not out and out skank!"Looking over the frilly french maid outfit that was more white lace than black silk and wouldn't cover more than the bare necessities (if that) Lily shrugged. "At this point I'm looking for whatever will get me noticed by Paul. This would be perfect for being Yvette from the movie...
So I'm licking the goo out of her snatch and she tells me she wants me to fuck her bisexual. Cousin. I said I will do it but you are fucking him too! She agreed we set a plan in motion to seduce the young man and she said fuck just tell him we want to fuck! As suspected he arrived. Promptly and came inside he was a tall 20 year old with longer brown hair and brown skin he came in and I met him at the door he jumped on my back and I piggy backed him into the bedroom and dropped him on. The bed....
No. Yes, there it was again. It was a car. Non-descript, probably a rental, my mind automatically catalogued this. Beside it, waving her arms frantically, was a beautiful woman obviously, short sleeve low cut blouse and very short shorts. As I got closer, I could see she was youngish, twenty nine something, sunglasses, clearly overheated. I saw the exasperated look on her face as I passed her, remembering that she had passed me, obviously speeding. Serves her right, I started to think, then...
I wished I had casual clothes with me, but I didn't. We got dressed in record time. I took one last look around the hotel room."Jean-Luc, this was a really sweet thing to do for me," I said."Entirely self-serving," he said. "Come on."He drove fast. When we got to my neighborhood I was about to give him directions to my house when I realized he was driving me to Heather and Evan's. I had left my car there.He gave me a good-bye kiss."I'd like to go out with you again," he said. "I'll get your...
THE GOOD HUBBYKimmie Holland & Meeah Mackenzie***One***Even though he knew it probably meant the end, he nearly sobbed in relief when he heard the sound of Wendy’s heels on the stairs leading up to the attic bedroom. He’d felt so horribly alone lying there on the bed, naked, the dull pain growing in his belly. Dying. Dying—it seemed so hard to believe. He’d managed to turn over onto his right side, his knees partially drawn up, and he was panting lightly. He saw his wife standing at the head of...
The Canal is a No Wake zone, our escort couldn't steam any faster than five knots. We had to stay in front and back into the locks. That way our stern was about a foot from the fully closed gates. Wendy was at the helm. 965 feet long 110 feet wide and drawing 39.5 feet is the maximum size to traverse the canal. Doing a little trigonometry the kids figured out that our escort was about 710 feet by 106 and probably drew 30 feet. Close enough. "Daddy, our Jane's Fighting Ships 1924, ...
Note: This is the last chapter BlackIrish was able to edit for me. Monday September 7 Today was Labor Day, so I didn’t have anything I had to do. Tami had been shocked by my revelation last night that I was no longer in love with her, and for the first time in my life she didn’t have anything to say. She’d just left me so I could get back to sleep. When I woke up, I went downstairs looking for my uncle. He and I had to have a talk. I found Aunt Bonnie. “You want some...
Chapter OneThe week has gone by so fast. It has been another good week at work. I have been able to organize Rachel’s office. It’s Saturday and Rachel is due back from her business trip today. Mark, Rachel’s husband and submissive, is asleep beside me in my bed. I have been left in charge of his care while she’s been gone. It has given me the opportunity to work my Domme skills that Rachel has been mentoring me on. Except for the first night, he has gone to bed with a very sore backside. Rachel...
Beep… sucked it hard her soft body… Beep… over his so wonderful skin to skin. Beep!!! Jonathan woke with a start sitting straight up. He wasn’t the only one. His member stood at full attention ten inches. Standing like a flagpole he slowly started to jerk it away. After his pleasant morning his thought more about his dream that night god Sarah incredible. His girl friend of 5 months and he was already having dreams about her. Almost every night for a week now. 5.7 130 lbs. toned as an...
On my first day home for the summer from law school, my aunts informed me I was escorting them to an open house being held by the Parkers, our new next-door neighbors. I would have much preferred to sleep because I hadn't done a lot of it lately, but my not-so-discreet protestations were summarily ignored. So, at six p.m. on Friday evening, I was dressed in charcoal gray slacks, blue blazer, white, button-down shirt, and a silk Brooks Brothers tie. My stubble had been banished. My black...
After Burt ended his call, I was out the door heading to the store to get a paper to see for myself if what he had told me on the phone was true. Finding the story I discovered the facts and rumors of my exploits were well known in school as Julie, Rachael, Sierra as well as the other girls on the softball team all contributed. Julie of course knew or suspected the most, as she spent a lot more time with me than any other girl, including Sierra. That was only the beginning of my problems, as...
‘For God’s sake, Lenny, you should be off book by now.’ Eleanor Ingram was directing a play I’d written. I was standing in the wings watching the cast slowly destroy it despite Eleanor’s best efforts. With a sigh I turned away and poured myself a huge glass of red wine. ‘Drinking your way through a crisis?’ This was Emily Tibbett. Emily is the leading lady. She played the part of a ruthless, driven politician and could have been type cast. In fact she had been type cast. I’d written the part...
Lesbian(I have published this story on first. I am not the owner of every chapters, it's specified at the begining of chapters. If you see some of your work in it and you dont want it to be in, message me and I will delete it a soon as a receive the mail.) You are a boy, 18 years old. Your name is Tim and you have a wonderfull girlfriend, enveryone arround you are jalous about her. She is the perfect girl, angel face, slim with perky and perfect breast and ass. But a morning she is...
Fetish14th July 2004 "Morning Jean," I called out as I entered yesterday. "Good morning, Derek. Thank you for coming again. You really were such a help yesterday. I washed your lab coat but I'm afraid it hasn't come out too clean." "Thanks Jean. It's only an old one that I won't use in the lab any more." I...