Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 01
- 3 years ago
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They found Elspeth sitting up in bed, bare-breasted but not caring, looking dazed but definitely conscious, and radiantly happy. Laura ran up to her and grasped her hand. "Elspeth, are you all right?"
Elspeth appeared to have trouble focusing on this difficult question. She blinked. "Laura? So it was you earlier?"
"Yes, I was in here before but I didn't think you were awake."
"I was. I could hear you but I couldn't move or speak, I just felt so lovely all over. I thought you must have been an hallucination of some kind. How on earth did you get here, Laura? Are you one of the girls now?"
Laura uttered a wordless cry of horror at the very suggestion. "No, of course I'm not!" she declared. "I'm here to rescue you from this awful place. Get dressed and we'll leave now. Then I'll get the law on these people."
Elspeth laughed. "Laura, this isn't like you. Don't be silly. I don't need rescuing."
"Elspeth, you're not thinking straight. Look at you. You're eyes aren't focused, you're grinning like an idiot, can't you see what they've done to you?"
Elspeth really wanted nothing more than to sit back and savour the feelings of well-fucked satisfaction still washing over her, but it was obvious Laura would not leave her alone unless she pulled herself together and proved she knew what she was doing.
"Look, Laura," she said in a much firmer voice, "there's nothing wrong with me except I've had an amazing fuck. You don't know what it's like, I've got this lovely warm tingle all over my body and I feel so alive. It's wonderful, Laura, you've just no idea how wonderful."
"Not wonderful enough to lose your brain for."
"I haven't lost my brain."
"Maybe I'm the better judge of that."
Elspeth was beginning to get annoyed now. "Laura, why can't you just accept what I'm telling you?"
Laura's reply was evidently a quote — from where, I had no idea, but in all the circumstances it was brilliantly apt. "Scepticism," she said, "like chastity, should not be relinquished too readily."
After the merest pause for thought Elspeth retaliated in kind. "The body is an instrument, the mind its function, the witness and reward of its operation."
Even in these slightly unusual circumstances the teacher in Laura could not forbear to cheer. "Good quote," she slightly grudgingly acknowledged. "Who was it?"
"Same as yours," said Elspeth with a touch of smugness; "George Santayana."
"I didn't know," admitted Laura.
Elspeth was beginning to enjoy herself. It was not often she got the better of Laura in this sort of discussion. "The wisest mind has yet something to learn, " she said condescendingly.
Laura sounded crushed. "Santayana again," she said meekly.
I cut in. "Well, Laura, if we've established that Elspeth is still in possession of her brain, do you think she can be permitted to stay here if she wishes? Nice quotes, by the way," I felt obliged to add, since I admire learning and had been highly impressed by these exchanges.
"Fascinating," agreed Fran. "Who is this man George San—?"
Fran's inquiry got no further because at this point Connie erupted. The explosion had, in fact, been brewing for some time. Since Laura's arrival Connie had conceived a steadily growing dislike for this stuck-up, interfering woman to whom everyone was being so unaccountably polite, and all through the tour she had been looking for an opening that would allow her to air her views in her customary forthright manner. But now, so far from permitting this, the conversation had soared off to lofty intellectual heights from which she felt totally excluded. She was literally grinding her teeth in frustration and rage, and so far as she was concerned these expressions of approval from Fran and me were the last straw.
"Jeez-us fucking Christ!" she exclaimed. "I don't know why James plays along with you brainy types! It gets right on my tits. Fran, this is just like that bloody stupid argument you had with him, remember? What a waste of time that was! Let's just tell Madam Nosy-Parker here to piss off back where she came from so we can get back down and dirty with James."
Laura was not the woman to be deterred by this sort of interruption. "Thank you for that helpful intervention," she said disdainfully. "But I'm not going anywhere until I've got to the bottom of what's going on here."
"What's the big mystery?" demanded Connie. "We all fancy James like mad. So we fuck him. That's all there is to it. The only mystery is how people that are supposed to be brainy can make such hard work out of something that's so ... fucking ... simple!" (She pronounced the final three words with a rising intonation and very slowly, as if each were a sentence by itself.)
"It's not intelligence, Connie," I told her. "It's education."
"Is it?" said Connie, still fuming. "Well, if that's what it does for you I'm glad I ain't got it."
Laura was shocked. This statement went against everything she believed in. "That's a dreadful thing to say," she said.
Fran unexpectedly came to Connie's support. "No, Laura, she's got a point."
Laura turned on this new adversary. "You don't mean that. You seem like an educated person —"
"BA with Honours from St Andrews last summer," said Fran.
St Andrews University, Fran had once proudly told me, was chartered in 1413 by a bull of Pope Benedict XIII. This means it has been around long enough for even Cambridge to take notice of it. When Laura resumed it was evidently with a little more respect for Fran. "Well then," she asked, "are you saying you wish you hadn't had that education?"
"Well, no, of course not," conceded Fran, "but I've come to realise it sometimes makes me think too much and worry too much and lose sight of what really matters. Connie never does. You heard what she said: 'We all fancy James like mad. So we fuck him.' That's Connie for you. While people like you and me get involved in grand debates and analyse everything endlessly, she decides what she wants and just goes for it, and she's all the happier for it. And a better person, too," she added graciously.
Connie sounded genuinely touched. "Gee, thanks, Fran. You're okay yourself, especially now that James has, er —"
"Corrupted me a bit?" suggested Fran.
"Well, come on, Fran honey," urged Connie. "You gotta admit it needed doing."
I felt I was not entitled to all the credit. "Well, Connie, I think you gave the process a bit of a helping hand along the way," I said.
"Sure I did," agreed Connie. "It was fun."
"Well, I'm sure I'm very much obliged to the both of you," said Fran, getting embarrassed now. "But the point is, Laura," she went on, returning to the issue at hand, "when the serum first affected me I almost went out of my mind with desire for James. I wanted to marry him."
Wendy was startled. Neither Fran nor I had ever got round to telling her about this. "What, my husband? Fran, I'm surprised at you. You shameless hussy," she scolded with a smile.
"Don't worry," Fran assured her. "He was very loyal. We ended up having this preposterous argument Connie was talking about, but she's wrong. This isn't the same. I was already affected by the serum and I wanted and needed James more than anything, and there was no way he could persuade me otherwise. And believe me, he tried. But Laura's different. She's not under the influence yet. You're free to go, Laura. But," she added, "you're a fool if you do."
This final comment so appalled Laura that for a moment she struggled for utterance. "What do you mean?" she finally managed to ask.
"She's right, Laura," chimed in Elspeth. "You heard Fran's description of herself, how she thinks so much she doesn't know what she wants. That's you, too, isn't it, Laura, only much more so?"
Laura was horrified and confused by the unexpected turn the discussion had taken. It was supposed to be about whether Elspeth was going to be one of my girls, but somehow the focus had suddenly shifted onto Laura herself. "Er — no, that's not true, I, er —" she stammered.
"It is true," insisted Elspeth. "Remember what you once said to me about sex?"
This is what comes, thought Laura grimly, of inviting a favourite student to share a few drinks in the Senior Common Room. She and Elspeth had got rather drunk together a few months ago and she was aware that by the end of the evening her remarks had become less guarded than usual. She was also acutely conscious that control of the current discussion had slipped away from her and she tried desperately to assert herself. "That was a private conversation, Elspeth, don't you think we should leave it that way?"
"You said," persisted Elspeth, undeterred, "that sex was such a silly, messy, undignified business you couldn't see why anyone got excited about it."
"I —" Laura began but Elspeth rolled over her.
"You said you'd tried it with men, you'd tried it with women, but now you couldn't be bothered with it and you hadn't done it with anyone for over a year."
I was intrigued. "Really, Laura?" I said. "That's not the impression I got from your book."
"You've read my book?" asked Laura weakly. This conversation was not going at all according to plan. She desperately needed a respite to think.
"I have," I told her, "and it gave me the impression of a vivacious, outgoing, exciting young woman, the life and soul of Cambridge social life, and very confident and forthright about her sexuality, a bit of a man-eater if anything."
In the hall there was a fairly tense stand-off in progress. Wendy, hearing the whistle and grateful for any interruption, pulled the phone from her pocket. "Excuse me a moment, please, Dr Stone," she said, but the courtesy of these words was belied by the determined way she stood her ground and the fierce glare that wordlessly said, "Don't even think about using this diversion to get past me." Laura paused. Even she was not immune from the strange but universal rule that someone engaged...
"A birthday to remember" The rest of the day was spent as idyllically as I could have hoped. I wandered about the house and grounds, watching Gina's fucking class, or looking at the girls watching the porn (I felt little need to watch the actual porn films themselves, my life having turned into one), or simply enjoying the topsy-turvy world in which you first of all fuck a girl to unimagined levels of ecstasy and only later do you chat her up. Still something of a slave to societal norms...
XIX ‘An irresistible chemical assault’ Over the next several hours, with brief breaks only for food (once) and sex (twice), I was to learn more about human physiology and neurology than I had in the previous forty-nine years. I also learnt more about Uncle Albert than I had ever suspected before, more, indeed, than I wanted to know, for overall the picture that slowly emerged was not a pretty one. It became evident that Uncle Albert had devoted virtually his entire adult life to this...
‘Bloody selfish’ When I got back to my office I buzzed Fran and asked her to come and see me. She arrived promptly and shut the door. ‘I know what this is about,’ she said as she took a chair, ‘and you can save your breath. I’ve made up my mind, James, and nothing you could say will change it.’ Then she looked more closely at my face and her manner softened abruptly. ‘James, you poor darling, you look so upset. What’s the matter?’ ‘Fran,’ I said, too apprehensive and ashamed to look her in...
VIII ‘Any woman’ After a while I began to feel stronger and I wished I could go to Albert’s as I had been trying to do for the last few days. But I could hardly leave Kylie sexed-out on the front room floor so I pottered about the house for a bit, then, since she showed no signs of coming down after nearly an hour, I decided I might as well take the opportunity to catch up with a few jobs about the garden. ”Ello, James,’ said someone. ‘Sorry to ‘ear about yer uncle.’ It was Betty, Kylie’s...
Over the next several hours, with brief breaks only for food (once) and sex (twice), I was to learn more about human physiology and neurology than I had in the previous forty-nine years. I also learnt more about Uncle Albert than I had ever suspected before; more, indeed, than I wanted to know, for overall the picture that slowly emerged was not a pretty one. It became evident that Uncle Albert had devoted virtually his entire adult life to this project. The electronic record went back only...
XLII The teacher taught They found Elspeth sitting up in bed, bare-breasted but not caring, looking dazed but definitely conscious, and radiantly happy. Laura ran up to her and grasped her hand. ‘Elspeth, are you all right?’ Elspeth appeared to have trouble focusing on this difficult question. She blinked. ‘Laura? So it was you earlier?’ ‘Yes, I was in here before but I didn’t think you were awake.’ ‘I was. I could hear you but I couldn’t move or speak, I just felt so lovely all over. I...
All this was a year ago. Perhaps I can best wrap the story up by offering a series of incidents during the intervening twelve months that strike me as particularly interesting or significant (or sexy or amusing. Or, in one or two cases, grim). Last summer's birthday weekend was the turning point. Once all the girls were safely captured, and the decision had been taken to go wholesale into the sex business, everything seemed to fall into place. I was very strict about ensuring girls had...
XIII Off my chest The situation was surreal. Here we were, hurrying off to inaugurate a sexual relationship, yet we were sitting as far apart as the size of the cab would permit, staring angrily out of opposite windows without a word to each other. I was furious with Fran for having forced me to give way when all I wanted was for her own good, and I could see she was equally upset at my reluctance to give her what she wanted. But she was still eager, when we got to the flat she fumbled with...
XXIX ‘Any woman out there’ We went upstairs to the main bedroom. The girl was clearly coming out of it. She was breathing in long, deep, happy sighs and she turned her head when we entered the room. Her eyes, no longer glassy, sparkled as they fixed on me, apparently hardly noticing Wendy. I walked to the foot of the bed and stood there with my legs somewhat apart and my arms folded as I tried to assume a pose suggesting a confidence and mastery I was far from feeling. I looked at my...
The situation was surreal. Here we were, hurrying off to inaugurate a sexual relationship, yet we were sitting as far apart as the size of the cab would permit, staring angrily out of opposite windows without a word to each other. I was furious with Fran for having forced me to give way when all I wanted was for her own good, and I could see she was equally upset at my reluctance to give her what she wanted. But she was still eager; when we got to the flat she fumbled with the keys in her...
The end All this was a year ago. Perhaps I can best wrap the story up by offering a series of incidents during the intervening twelve months that strike me as particularly interesting or significant (or sexy or amusing. Or, in one or two cases, grim). * Last summer’s birthday weekend was the turning point. Once all the girls were safely captured, and the decision had been taken to go wholesale into the sex business, everything seemed to fall into place. I was very strict about ensuring girls...
III ‘Sorry to hear’ On the tube to work as I mulled confusedly over what was happening to me, I found myself thinking more respectfully of Uncle Albert. It seemed the old goat had known what he was doing after all. Apart from anything else, he had apparently saved my marriage. Clearly in FUCK he had devised some kind of sexual super-drug. I compared it with what I had heard and read about drugs such as Viagra, they had had remarkable results in many cases, but surely nothing to compare with...
On the tube to work as I mulled confusedly over what was happening to me, I found myself thinking more respectfully of Uncle Albert. It seemed the old goat had known what he was doing after all. Apart from anything else, he had apparently saved my marriage. Clearly in FUCK he had devised some kind of sexual super-drug. I compared it with what I had heard and read about drugs such as Viagra; they had had remarkable results in many cases, but surely nothing to compare with what Albert's...
Vidi, vici, veni I fumbled for my watch. ‘Christ! Is that the time?’ Gina, of course, was gazing ceilingward in glassy-eyed bliss and could not reply. I scrambled into my clothes and hailed a cab, and as it carried me to London Bridge Station I rang the client and gave some excuse for my lateness. This particular client was based in an inconveniently remote south-eastern suburb, the principal thing I remembered from my only previous visit was that there was evidently some kind of college in...
After work I hurried to meet Alicia. I was ten minutes early but she was already there. As I saw her, I felt a pang of conscience. She was so young, so pretty, so innocent, so wholly unaware of what was happening to her. And I, instead of looking after her and protecting her, was planning to take her home and fuck her and keep on fucking her to my cock's content. But, I reflected, it was pointless to think this way: my experience with Fran had shown that Uncle Albert's invention was not be...
XV ‘I was the first’ After work I hurried to meet Alicia. I was ten minutes early but she was already there. As I saw her, I felt a pang of conscience. She was so young, so pretty, so innocent, so wholly unaware of what was happening to her. And I, instead of looking after her and protecting her, was planning to take her home and fuck her and keep on fucking her to my cock’s content. But, I reflected, it was pointless to think this way: my experience with Fran had shown that Uncle Albert’s...
The weakness of the flesh Several hours of clearing up at Uncle Albert’s house brought me no real reward. It was arduous, unpleasant work on such a sultry day, and I felt terribly invasive going through the old boy’s things. The reflection that now they really belonged to me made me feel slightly less uncomfortable about it, but it did not make the work any easier. I decided to tackle one room at a time. So I started on a pile of old magazines at one end of the front room and took it from...
VII Girl next door The events of the day had stunned me. I had had no idea things might go this far. Not only had I just rendered worthless the marriage vows on which I had based my life for twenty years, not only had the sex been utterly out of this world, but to cap it all this sexy, vivacious young woman, her whole life before her, had just pledged herself unconditionally and with every appearance of desperate sincerity to a fat, bald, middle-aged married insurance manager. I thought long...
XVI ‘Just like Sue’ I allowed myself to fall asleep next to Alicia knowing that sexual desire would awaken me in the small hours. When it did, instead of turning for relief to the gorgeous and compliant little creature next to me I went to the main bedroom where Wendy was sleeping. She was my wife, after all, and had been wonderfully understanding and supportive all evening. There are wives in this world, I reflected, that might object if their husband brought home a big-titted...
Command performance By the time another fifteen minutes had passed with no more sign of life, I felt that some action was necessary. I still had things to do. But what about Connie? I could hardly leave her back at the college in a post-orgasmic trance and reeking of sex, nor for the same reason could I put her on a train for her home on the other side of London. Somewhere she had to be cleaned up and made presentable. I could think of nothing for it but to take her back to my place, with any...
XI The ‘M’ word I was now late for work, of course. Immediately I arrived I hurried to the gents for the wank of which my conversation with Alicia had left me sorely in need. As I made my way to my office a colleague mentioned that Fran had been looking for me. ‘Connie, too,’ someone added. I got to my desk and switched on the computer. Of course there was a vast stack of emails. I opened first the one from Brian about the board report. In it he congratulated Fran and me on a job thoroughly...
XXII ‘Everything you do’ ‘Well, James darling, I think even you are going to have your work cut out with this little lot.’ It was Wendy that said this. She, Alicia and I were sitting at the dining table at home, reviewing the day’s events and surveying the twenty-six notes, which I had carefully laid out in alphabetical order. (It must be the bureaucrat in me.) There seemed to be little doubt that all these girls were ‘primed’. If so, Albert’s theories suggested and experience demonstrated...
XXXI ‘Enough money to buy Estonia’ The following morning at the office I at last managed to clear some paperwork despite having to make time to receive confession from Fran and Connie. Fran had asked to see me about something ‘very important’, but when she arrived, with Connie in tow, she seemed extremely loth to get to the point. Not having much time to spend on this, I was about to order her to come out with it when Connie intervened. ‘Jeez, Fran, we’ll be here all day at this rate!...
XXXIX Starry skies It was an idyllic night, clear, still and moonless. The stars shone with an almost unnatural brilliance. In silence Fran and I walked into the darkness. I was desperate to speak of my new-found feelings for her but I felt unaccountably shy, like a lovestruck teenager. Unable to find the words I needed, I slackened my pace so that I fell slightly behind and could watch Fran walking in the starlight. There was something odd about her, I realised, I had never noticed before...
XXXIV ‘I don’t see what you expect me to do’ The next few days were dominated by preparations for my fiftieth birthday weekend. I telephoned all the girls I had primed and told them to present themselves at George’s house on Friday. They were to travel separately so as not to attract attention. Most of them did not have ready access to a car so they would be arriving by train at the nearest station, nearly four miles away, where I would arrange to have them met. (I did not want local cab...
IV ‘Don’t worry about it’ Of course, I knew nothing of this at the time. As I travelled home, I had plenty on my mind as I reflected on the day’s events. Connie’s ass-gymnastics had been spectacular, Fran’s reaction was lower-key (as indeed Fran was a far less demonstrative person than Connie) but the rapt, doe-eyed, goofy gaze had been so utterly uncharacteristic of her, and so similar to the look that Connie had given me, that they must have had a common cause. And now I came to think of...
Of course, I knew nothing of this at the time. As I travelled home, I had plenty on my mind as I reflected on the day's events. Connie's ass-gymnastics had been spectacular; Fran's reaction was lower-key (as indeed Fran was a far less demonstrative person than Connie) but the rapt, doe-eyed, goofy gaze had been so utterly uncharacteristic of her, and so similar to the look that Connie had given me, that they must have had a common cause. And now I came to think of it, I had noticed Wendy...
By the time another fifteen minutes had passed with no more sign of life, I felt that some action was necessary. I still had things to do. But what about Connie? I could hardly leave her back at the college in a post-orgasmic trance and reeking of sex; nor for the same reason could I put her on a train for her home on the other side of London. Somewhere she had to be cleaned up and made presentable. I could think of nothing for it but to take her back to my place; with any luck by the time we...
"Well, James darling, I think even you are going to have your work cut out with this little lot." It was Wendy that said this. She, Alicia and I were sitting at the dining table at home, reviewing the day's events and surveying the twenty-six notes, which I had carefully laid out in alphabetical order. (It must be the bureaucrat in me.) There seemed to be little doubt that all these girls were "primed". If so, Albert's theories suggested and experience demonstrated that they would not...
I fumbled for my watch. "Christ! Is that the time?" Gina, of course, was gazing ceilingward in glassy-eyed bliss and could not reply. I scrambled into my clothes and hailed a cab, and as it carried me to London Bridge Station I rang the client and gave some excuse for my lateness. This particular client was based in an inconveniently remote south-eastern suburb; the principal thing I remembered from my only previous visit was that there was evidently some kind of college in the area that...
The following morning at the office I at last managed to clear some paperwork despite having to make time to receive confession from Fran and Connie. Fran had asked to see me about something "very important"; but when she arrived, with Connie in tow, she seemed extremely loth to get to the point. Not having much time to spend on this, I was about to order her to come out with it when Connie intervened. "Jeez, Fran, we'll be here all day at this rate! James, what Fran's trying to tell...
It was an idyllic night, clear, still and moonless. The stars shone with an almost unnatural brilliance. In silence Fran and I walked into the darkness. I was desperate to speak of my new-found feelings for her but I felt unaccountably shy, like a lovestruck teenager. Unable to find the words I needed, I slackened my pace so that I fell slightly behind and could watch Fran walking in the starlight. There was something odd about her, I realised; I had never noticed before that she walked in...
We went upstairs to the main bedroom. The girl was clearly coming out of it. She was breathing in long, deep, happy sighs and she turned her head when we entered the room. Her eyes, no longer glassy, sparkled as they fixed on me, apparently hardly noticing Wendy. I walked to the foot of the bed and stood there with my legs somewhat apart and my arms folded as I tried to assume a pose suggesting a confidence and mastery I was far from feeling. I looked at my acquisition. She was lying on her...
XL ‘I have to see Miss Smith’ It was my birthday and I wanted to enjoy it. I had worked very hard the day before, and I felt entitled to reward myself. I was going to have a nice, easy, relaxing day fucking whom I chose when I chose, with no conveyer belt, no rotas, and no surprises. Things never work out as we plan them. I had slept in the main bedroom with Florence and Kylie, who had arrived the evening before and who both, I felt, needed my attention. Florence had evidently been obeying...
X ‘Nice top’ I wanted to get to the office early since there was bound to be a lot of work to catch up with, to say nothing of Connie and Fran, so instead of walking the mile to the station I caught the bus. This meant that I saw her before she saw me. There she was, standing outside the station, oblivious to the admiring glances she attracted from each passing male and peering anxiously at every possible approach route. I was shocked to recognise none other than my girlfriend from the...
XXXV The Female Future These two seductions caused me much concern. I had intended neither of them, but had been unable to avoid them even though I was well aware of what was happening. I knew that sooner or later, if this sort of thing went on, someone was bound to notice, and what then? I had nightmare visions of being emblazoned across the tabloid press, and I feared, too, that the civil authorities might take some action against me, although I hardly dared think what this might be. ...
XLV The ideal career The next morning for some inexplicable reason I felt quite sleepy and I stayed in bed (entertained by visitors, of course) until nearly eleven. Then I showered and asked Wendy to come and see me. This could, I thought, be a difficult discussion. Not a bit of it: never underestimate the power of FUCK. It turns the world upside down. Things that used to be easy, like taking a tube ride without seducing some gorgeous girl, get very tricky, and things that one would expect...
XX Walk this way I was stunned. I had not sipped the serum, I had quaffed it off. My initial reaction, one of powerless rage against Albert for not briefing me properly that night at the hospital, lasted only until I reflected that the man had been dying in agony and could hardly be blamed for failing to make his meaning entirely clear. No, the responsibility was mine, and it was for me to decide what to do about it. And first of all, of course, I had to negotiate the garden party. I had...
I was stunned. I had not sipped the serum; I had quaffed it off. My initial reaction, one of powerless rage against Albert for not briefing me properly that night at the hospital, lasted only until I reflected that the man had been dying in agony and could hardly be blamed for failing to make his meaning entirely clear. No; the responsibility was mine, and it was for me to decide what to do about it. And first of all, of course, I had to negotiate the garden party. I had made plans for this,...
To underscore her subordinate status Florence ate by herself in the kitchen. Then I ordered her into the dining room to clear away the remains of our meal. She was wearing her jeans and rugby shirt but of course had no bra since Wendy had not returned it. I watched how her unconstrained breasts filled the voluminous shirt; they did not project quite so far horizontally as in the bookshop but as she moved about we could all see how the overhang of the shirt, only loosely tucked into the jeans,...
These two seductions caused me much concern. I had intended neither of them, but had been unable to avoid them even though I was well aware of what was happening. I knew that sooner or later, if this sort of thing went on, someone was bound to notice, and what then? I had nightmare visions of being emblazoned across the tabloid press; and I feared, too, that the civil authorities might take some action against me, although I hardly dared think what this might be. Indeed, I thought, already...
Several hours of clearing up at Uncle Albert's house brought me no real reward. It was arduous, unpleasant work on such a sultry day, and I felt terribly invasive going through the old boy's things. The reflection that now they really belonged to me made me feel slightly less uncomfortable about it, but it did not make the work any easier. I decided to tackle one room at a time. So I started on a pile of old magazines at one end of the front room and took it from there. Most of them were...
I was now late for work, of course. Immediately I arrived I hurried to the gents for the wank of which my conversation with Alicia had left me sorely in need. As I made my way to my office a colleague mentioned that Fran had been looking for me. "Connie, too," someone added. I got to my desk and switched on the computer. Of course there was a vast stack of emails. I opened first the one from Brian about the board report. In it he congratulated Fran and me on a job thoroughly well done, so...
XXXVI James ‘Henry Ford’ Walker The previous evening — that is, the Thursday — instead of visiting Fran’s I had gone straight home from work to rendezvous with Wendy and Alicia. We had our stuff already packed (not that we needed much) and set off in high spirits for my weekend party at George’s. Kylie wanted to join us but was under strict orders not to miss the following day’s school, I consoled her with a nice fuck while Wendy and Alicia got ready. We reached George’s at about nine...
XXXVII ‘No! No!’ Some girls stood out, however. One was Tammy, whose cheesy name had led me to assume she was American, but who turned out to be English: from Billericay, of all places. She was a state-school girl who had got swept up in one of Oxbridge’s occasional (and unconvincing) efforts to demonstrate that it is not the preserve of the middle and upper classes but will take people from Essex council estates too. The girl had character, I must say, her overwhelming craving for me vied...
‘God’s gift’ ‘If you want a job done properly,’ I muttered to myself, ‘don’t give it to Connie.’ This was about half-past eleven the next morning, when I found myself in the back streets near Hanover Square, having just emerged from a meeting in a client’s office. It was one of the appointments I had asked Connie to rearrange while I was on compassionate leave, and the reason for my irritation was that she had done something I had specifically warned her against, namely arranging two external...
Shapeliness The next day was memorable chiefly for Yvonne. I had invited her to Fran’s flat at lunchtime. It seemed only a courtesy to mention this to Fran at work the next morning when I apologised for again failing to return her keys. She told me not to worry, she had assumed I meant to retain them and had had another set cut on the way to work. ‘So keep them,’ she smiled. ‘You’ll need them if you’re going to keep using my flat as a handy knocking shop. How many girls this time, darling?...
XXIV ‘Whatever you want’ Wasting no time I told the twins, who were disappointed but instantly compliant, to get dressed and catch a train back to Cambridge. They were a little consoled when I told them I should be glad to see them in London this coming Saturday. Then I rang Wendy and told her what I had decided and that I should be late home. After this there was nothing for it but to take the now naked Fran, Connie and Gabby to bed and fuck the daylights out of them. Then I returned to...
XXXIII ‘Clever. Very’ When I returned to the office next day after ‘lunch’ – actually a very enjoyable session with Gina and an adorably cute black girl professionally called Sable, short but very curvy with nice big pendulous tits, an excellent choice – I was greeted by the news that I had had three urgent messages from an Elspeth Smith. On checking my cellphone I found no fewer than five further messages from her. Plainly something serious was afoot. With great trepidation I went to my...
XXXII Operation Saturday Saturday was to be a big day. All week, I had been organising it like a military campaign. And the objectives of Operation Saturday were twofold: (a) to clear up Albert’s house, and (b) to get me laid as much as possible. The former task had been outstanding for over a fortnight now. At first I had procrastinated because it looked like such hard, dirty work, then the increasingly dramatic effects of FUCK had given me other things to worry about. But now, I was...
XVIII ‘l-a-d-i-e-s’ The next day, of course, Alicia was due to move in, so it was the last night Wendy would have me to herself and we made sure it was a good one. In the morning we shared an unhurried breakfast and she got ready to go and help Alicia with the move as promised, while I prepared to go to Uncle Albert’s. Just after Wendy had left, the phone rang. It was Fran. I could tell right away that she had recovered her poise after her astonishment the previous night. In fact, she...
XXXVIII ‘That’s it’ When I had finished eating I sat back and stared blankly in front of me. I wanted to shut my eyes but every time I tried it I saw that awful look on Nina’s face as she realised she was about to be raped — no, that last clause is a cowardly evasion, scratch it. I should have written as she realised I was about to rape her. Wendy was the first to break a very strained silence. ‘James, darling,’ she muttered softly, ‘there are three more girls waiting downstairs. Elspeth’s...
II Cooling off I quaffed the whole flask off in one go and regretted it instantly. The taste, which was as foul as the smell should have led me to expect, shocked me into the realisation that in a moment’s frustration and despair I had swallowed some rank concoction of unknown composition and potency. I half expected to collapse to the ground in agony like someone in a hackneyed Jekyll-and-Hyde transformation scene but, to my relief, I could sense no immediate ill effects beyond the memorably...
XIV ‘Ducks in a row’ The following morning, as the radio news was telling us that the hot fine weather would finally break today, Wendy and I discussed the situation again, and she offered me some advice. ‘Get organised, James. Get your ducks in a row. [An interesting choice of phrase.] You can’t just lurch from one unforeseen crisis to the next.’ It was a sound suggestion. On the way to work I thought about how to implement it. I was very clear that I wanted to sort out the women I had got...
XXVIII ‘We’ll have to get a whip’ Like the good and attentive wife she was, Wendy instantly recognised the symptoms. (Maybe they were not so hard to detect. I was standing there stark naked, red in the face and panting for air, a hand against the wall for support, with my dangling cock coated white with spunk dribbling in little gobbets on the floor.) ‘Hello, darling,’ she said brightly, ‘lovely to see you home so early. And how is young Kylie?’ I corrected her misapprehension. ‘Wendy,...
XLIII ‘An unusual birthday present’ As she heard my approach Laura stood up and faced the door with bated breath and an expression of fascinated terror on her face. But as I entered, she all but collapsed. All the air seemed to go out of her as if she had taken a haymaker in the midriff and with a kind of combined snort and chortle she sat down abruptly on the bed. I pulled up a chair and sat near her. Very red in the face, she was gasping for air and her eyes were watering, and she avoided...
XXIII Twins In fact they beat me to it. The following morning Vicky rang me at the office to tell me that she and Simone could not wait any longer to see me and were coming to London, they were already on the train and would reach Liverpool Street soon after midday. For a moment I was going to tell them to get off at the next stop and go straight back to Cambridge but then I reflected that this sudden visit was exactly the kind of unpredictable behaviour that so worried me. I decided I...