Boston Strong
- 2 years ago
- 21
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She sat there, shocked so badly she couldn't even cry. He really was gone. She looked over at Bill.
"Is it really over?"
"I'm afraid so. For what it's worth, there was a couple of times when I thought you two would make it."
"But why? I've grown up, changed into a better person, didn't he see that?"
"Yes he did. He once told me how proud he was of how you matured, and the way you took to family down here."
"Then why?"
Bill sighed. What he was about to tell her would be painful, but if he got her to understand maybe it would bring her some peace.
"First, let me say he still loves you, he was serious when he told you that. But Gwen, look at it from his side. You were the world to him. YOU were his validation that he had transcended his dark past, that he was a good person worthy of happiness. The fact that you chose him gave him an enormous amount of pride."
"Then, when you started slighting him, acting embarrassed to be in his company, his perfect world starting cracking. When you cheated, it destroyed him. He told me in his solo session that he was proof 'no one gets above their raisin'', an expression meaning that when things get bad one reverts back to their upbringing. What he did when he caught you and that man together shocked him to his core. In one second, the world he had worked so hard to create was gone."
"In his youth, trust was everything. You know what he did, so he had to have people around him he could absolutely depend on. A violation of trust could have very dire consequences. So he learned to be very careful who he let in, for fear of being betrayed."
"You betrayed him, in his mind, in the worst possible way. I know we've talked about it several times but could never get you to understand."
"Sign the papers, Gwen, give him some peace."
Then the tears came. She wept for Hardy, for herself, for the future she no longer had with him. In the end she signed the papers and left them with Bill.
She did what any young girl does when faced with traumatic events. She ran home to daddy.
Greg comforted her as best he could, sad that her marriage hopes finally died. She stayed two weeks, visiting old friends who welcomed her back with open arms. She was experienced enough now to wonder if they were really glad to see her. Not one had called of visited during what they called her 'exile'. They seemed vapid and shallow to her now.
She couldn't bear to live in her townhouse, too many bad memories, so she took a suite in a five star hotel. The more people catered to her the more irritated she became.
Finally realizing all her true friends were back in Alabama she told her dad she was taking a little vacation before she went 'home'. He understood, realizing his hope of her taking over the firm was probably gone, but glad she was finding her own happiness.
The idea came to her while she was transferring items from her old purse to a new designer handbag she had purchased in a fit of boredom.
A card fell out, Capt. Anne Burnside, U.S. Army.
She called, and to her surprise, she answered on the second ring.
"Anne? This is Gwen Wil ... I Mean Canaday. Remember me?"
She could hear the smile in her voice when she spoke.
"I always remember beautiful blonds I sleep with. How are you?"
"Divorced. Lonely. Distracted. I need a vacation, and some companionship with someone not associated with my old life. Can you get some time off? I'd love to go somewhere warm, with white sand beaches and clear blue water. Please come, my treat."
"Define companionship."
"Whatever comes. I don't have anyone to answer to but me any longer. I'm not leading you on here. Expect everything and nothing, and you won't be disappointed."
"Well, what an intriguing offer. Let me call you back this afternoon. When would be better for you?"
"I'm not working right now so anytime soon is fine."
Anne hung the phone up. It was an attractive offer. She did a little checking and found that though the divorce hadn't been officially filed, it was signed off on. Due some leave time, she decided to go for it.
After a few calls, they decided to leave the next Wednesday for four days. Gwen wouldn't tell her the destination, wanting to surprise her.
Anne wanted to know what flight they would be on, and was shocked when Gwen told her it would be a private jet, and gave her the time and runway.
"Did I mention I was a trust fund baby? Don't worry about a thing, this is all on me."
She was suitably impressed with the jet, but blown away by Gwen. A new hairstyle, a much shorter skirt, four inch heels. They kissed as friends.
After she had settled in she asked where they were going.
"Oh, just a little resort in the islands I used to go when I was single."
The place was beautiful, everything a tropical paradise should be. The suite was impressive, two bedrooms, top of the line everything.
"What's first on the agenda?"
"Gwen grinned.
"Shopping! I need a few new bathing suits, and we need some really sexy clothes. We'll knock'em dead in the lounge tonight!"
The resort had several upscale shops, and with money being no object, they spent with abandon.
Anne got her first surprise when they looked over bathing suits.
"Where are the tops?"
The salesgirl and Gwen smiled.
"Honey, these beaches are topless or nude. No one wears a full suit, but if you're embarrassed, I sure they could find you something."
They picked out several thongs apiece, so small they may as well have been nude. Anne told Gwen she needed razors if she was going to go out with them on. She just smiled, and after hitting the shops and picking up a few dresses and lingerie, they spent the day at the spa, being waxed, massaged, and pampered. Anne decided being rich was not a bad thing.
Even in a place catering to beautiful people, heads turned when the tall blonde and petite redhead entered the restaurant. They ate well, vowing to spend time in the gym the next morning.
They danced with abandon later, rubbing their partners into a frenzy, and even danced together a few times. Anne felt the heat between them.
Gwen was drinking hard, so Anne backed off to keep an eye on her. There were a lot of disappointed men when they went back to the suite alone.
She undressed a very drunk Gwen and got her into bed. She looked at her sleeping, stroking her hair. Gwen was still very devastated over the end of her marriage, she had to wonder if she really wanted this weekend.
Whispering "Everything and nothing", she slipped her clothes off and snuggled into Gwen, who immediately spooned into her.
Sometime before daylight she felt her leave the bed, answering the call of nature. When she returned, she slid back the sheets and just stood looking. Anne wriggled and spoke.
"Come back to bed, honey. I'm cold."
Gwen slipped in and Anne immediately spooned into her. She was almost asleep when she felt Gwen slowly fondle her breasts. He nipples immediately hardened and she pushed her hand onto them, firmly.
"That feels so good, baby, keep going."
Gwen stiffened, she had thought Anne had gone back to sleep, then slowly massaged her breasts, stroking the rock hard nipples. Anne rolled over.
"Know what's better than fingers? Lips."
Gwen felt her tongue gently circle her nipple before latching on, sucking with urgency and passion. Her hand slipped between them, fondling her smooth skin. Her lips were puffy with desire, and a small amount of liquid seeped down her thigh.
"Ooh, it looks like someone is ready for some loving. Let me do you first, baby, teach you how good a woman's touch can feel."
She raised up, locking her lips onto Gwen. Soon they were kissing passionately, rolling tongues with abandon. Breaking off, Anne kissed her slowly down he body, savoring the feeling. Both nipples got a full working over, leaving them distended and sensitive. Her fingers had been lightly caressing her, sliding over her clit, slipping inside for a few seconds now and then. Gwen was moaning, and when her lips finally made contact with her clit, rolling it roughly, she exploded, gripping her hair tightly.
Anne never stopped, using her tongue and fingers very effectively, until Gwen begged and pulled her up.
"No more, I'm so sensitive now if you blew on it I'd probably pass out. Thank you, thank you, I never knew it could be so good."
They lay for a moment, then Anne felt her lips on her left nipple.
"You don't have to, you know", she said quietly, stroking her hair.
Gwen raised up and looked her in the eye.
"I don't have to, I want to. Anyone who can give me that much pleasure deserves a reward. It's been a year since anyone besides myself has touched me. You're a perfect fit for post divorce sex. Beautiful, caring, and most importantly, not a man. Now give me some direction, I'm new at this."
Anne did give her directions, more with motions and touch than verbally. For someone new at it, she did a really good job.
They finally dozed off in each others' arms just before daylight.
Gwen woke with a start, holding Anne in her arms.
Was last night a mistake? Why did she feel like she was cheating?
No, damn it! He threw her away. She was free now, she could do what she wanted with who she wanted.
She found herself crying softly, and Anne woke to tears on her shoulder. Turning, she embraced Gwen as the crying became sobbing. She held her, whispering words of comfort in her ears. When she finally subsided she asked.
"Feeling regret for last night?"
"No, not at all. It's just for the first time, I know it's really over. I'm single now, it shouldn't matter who I choose to sleep with, but I just feel so guilty."
"Baby, baby, It's understandable. It wasn't your choice to be single. I know you still love him. But it's all right, you'll get on with your life, even find love again. You're young, beautiful, and apparently filthy rich. Give it some time."
"I know you're right, it just doesn't feel like it right now. Thank you for being with me. Feel like breakfast?"
They showered, ordered breakfast in. Then they talked.
"How did last night make you feel?" Anne couldn't help but ask.
"Fulfilled. Happy. You were my first woman, you know. I never would have thought it would be so intense."
Anne cooed happily "Oh honey, it just gets better. I'm gonna show you so much, if you'll let me."
"If it gets any better, I don't think I could stand it. Ready to hit the beach?"
When they reached the beach and got situated, Anne slipped off her robe, twirling around for her benefit.
"Do you like it?"
"It makes me want to have sex right here on the beach, does that answer your question?"
"Come on babe, show me yours."
Gwen hesitated and felt foolish. Before Hardy, she was never self conscious, preferring nude beaches when she vacationed. She quickly slipped off the robe.
"Oops! Forgot to put it on. Oh well."
"Show off!" Anne giggled, sliding the thong down her legs. It took her awhile to get used to, all the bronzed bodies of both sexes stimulated them no end.
Gwen noticed her hardened nipples.
"Now that I go both ways, it's like looking at a sexual buffet. Isn't that blond stunning?"
"She is. And so is she, and him, and him, and her, and, oh my."
Her eyes were riveted to a light skinned black man, muscled, hairless everywhere, shining with oil, and very, very well endowed.
Gwen snickered.
"If you want him, go get him, we're here as friends, remember? Just use protection, we don't need a gift that keeps on giving."
Anne squirted some lotion in her hand.
"No, I want to be with you right now. Maybe later we can share him. Now, roll over so I can lotion you up. We won't have any fun if you're sunburned."
They lotioned each other, missing nothing. It drew a few admirers. They introduced themselves, flirting lightly. Promised a dance or two at the club.
Gwen would relax for awhile, then tighten up remembering. She wished Hardy would have come with her just once, she would have loved flaunting him, knowing he was hers alone.
For the next two days, they dined, sunbathed, danced, made love.
The last night they had a group around them. They had made plenty of friends and she was finally relaxed.
Stopping to sip her drink, she saw Anne dancing, grinding actually, with the black man she had been admiring. She looked over at their table and whispered in his ear. The whiteness of his smile showed all the way across the darkened room. Holding his hand, Anne brought him over.
"Last night, lover. Let's make some memories."
Agreeing to nothing, Gwen followed them to their suite. They were both naked before the door opened.
Anne dragged him to the bedroom, stroking his erection. Gwen arrived just in time to see her swallow as much of his cock as she could, bobbing furiously. Looking up, she removed her mouth long enough to speak.
"Come on over here and help me get him off quick so he'll last for us next time, then while he recovers we'll give him a show."
Gwen dropped her dress to the floor, and walked over, wearing the briefest of thongs. She dropped to her knees and Anne aimed his cock in her direction. Suddenly she had a vision of Hardy.
She shrieked and ran from the room. Anne left him throbbing and followed her into the other bedroom.
"I'm sorry, Anne, I just can't do it. It would feel like the final betrayal, and I just can't."
Anne wisely soothed her, cuddling her to her breast.
"I understand, baby. But sooner or later, you're going to have to admit it's over. I'll send him back to his room and put you to bed."
Gwen took her hand.
"Don't. I know you've been wanting him since you saw him. I want to sleep alone tonight. Go, enjoy. We'll talk in the morning. Make him remember you for the rest of your life."
Bending down to kiss her deeply, Anne left with a parting shot.
"You're a complicated woman, Gwen Canaday. I hope someday I find someone I can love like you loved him. Goodnight."
As Gwen lay there tossing and turning, listening to the sounds of unbridled passion from the bedroom next door, she mentally corrected Anne.
"It's love, Anne, not loved."
The flight back to Savannah was quiet for awhile, until Gwen started teasing her about the night before.
"You must have destroyed that poor man. He practically crawled out the door this morning. You hot little bitch, you."
Anne brightened.
"Don't you know it. It's a good thing you didn't join us last night, he might have had a heart attack. I bet he hurts when he takes a leak for awhile."
They both giggled before Anne turned serious.
"What are you going to do now?"
"Go back to Birmingham, resume my life. Stop and smile at the memories I made this weekend. Thank you, Anne."
"I should and do thank you. This was the best adventure I've ever been on. The best resort, the best sex, the best everything. I could get used to this. If you ever want a kept bitch on the side, keep me in mind. I could be very submissive for the right woman."
She was laughing as she said it, but in her heart she hoped it sparked an idea. She found herself in the most unusual situation of her life. She was in love with two people, and they were husband and wife. She was sure being a wife to both of them would be heaven. Putting away her daydreams she asked Gwen a favor.
"If you and Hardy ever get back together, keep our little adventure a secret. Most men are uncomfortable if they know their woman is attracted to both sexes. It's hard enough to keep the male predators at bay, adding females to the mix is sometimes too much for them to handle."
Gwen reflected.
"You're right. and I'm not attracted to women. I'm attracted to you. And, I'm not ashamed of what we did. Best, though, if he never knows."
"You know, not to give you false hope, but I know four couples who have divorced and remarried. If you want him, find a way to chase him. Show him the new you that took so much to build. Go slow, let him get used to you being around, and gradually move in. You've got an advantage, you know him better than anyone alive."
Gwen reflected on that while the jet left Savannah, formulating a plan, vowing if this didn't work she would never try again.
She went back to her little apartment. Soon she would go house shopping, but right now she wanted the comfort of the familiar. She visited Aunt Daisy a lot, helping her with family research while Marcus was in school. She spent almost every Saturday with Joshua and Hildy, carefully not mentioning Hardy. They understood, but occasionally his name would pop up.
Once she overheard the female cousins talking about Hardy and some woman named Bonnie.
"How does he do it? First he marries a rich Yankee, now he's dating a state senator. What does he have that makes successful women swoon for him?"
Gwen almost swooned herself, when she picked up a copy of the Sunday paper and saw the woman pictured in the paper at a fundraiser, Hardy standing at her side.
"Local girl and now esteemed State Senator Bonnie Parker will be hosting a fundraiser for educational endowments in two weeks at the Country Club. Dinner, dancing, and a silent auction will be featured. Only twelve hundred tickets are available, so purchase them this week, before they're all gone."
There was no mention of Hardy.
She made sure she had two of the best seats in the house, dressed to the nines, with a date. He was the new a.d.a. brought in to replace her. Paul took her aside when she went to visit Karen and offered her a job.
"What about the new guy?"
"He's on probation, I can already tell he won't work out. He's, to put it politely, a pussy. Defense lawyers are running over him faster than fat people rushing a free buffet table. I couldn't get you to tutor him, could I?"
She was bored and it seemed like a good idea. She became an unpaid 'consultant'. It didn't take her long to agree with Paul. He was a pussy. She held it as long as she could, dragged him into an interview room, and ate him up.
"Grow some damn balls, Jerry, or you'll never make it past probation! These aren't nice people, they're mostly scum of the earth, and would rape and kill their momma if the payoff was worth it. Most are past rehabilitation, and it's your job to keep them off the street and away from decent people. Grow the fuck up and do your job! Otherwise, I hear real estate lawyers make a decent living."
She stomped out of the room and slammed the door. Paul was standing in the hall smiling.
"Still think you wouldn't make a good district attorney? Think about it, I plan on retiring at the end of my term, and the field would be wide open. The Escobar case would still be fresh in people's mind, and you're still a hero for standing up to the drug lords and getting him behind bars. Gotta go."
He walked off, whistling.
She stopped by Jerrys' cubicle the next day.
"Jerry, I need a date Saturday. Dress in your best suit, get a haircut, and be waiting at seven. I'll pick you up. And Jerry, it doesn't mean anything, I just need a body for a few hours.
You don't have a chance in hell of getting lucky, but the exposure would do you good in the community. You're not bad looking, and it may attract a few ladies. Don't disappoint me."
He never got to say a word before she was gone.
Karen was in the office when she came in and barely held it together until she left. She exploded in laughter.
"Guess she told you. Better not disappoint her, her balls are a lot larger than yours. Here's a heads up. She's doing this because her ex husband is escorting the guest of honor, and she's still hung up on him. Be careful, he's one big mean sonofabitch, and he still has feelings for her."
He rolled his eyes.
"Oh boy, I can't wait. This is going to be a date from hell. Think I can get out of it?"
"Not in the least, you're just arm candy. Smile, be attentive, stay in the background, and everything will be fine. Behave, and she might not make you get your own way home. Have fun."
She was still laughing when she sat back down.
Karen talked to Paul, and he got two pair of tickets, for him, his wife, Karen, and her husband, saying he wouldn't miss this show for anything.
Gwen made absolutely sure she was perfect. She had Jerry wait until the dinner was about to begin before entering, sweeping in just after everyone was seated, and passing the table of honor as she was directed to her table.
He was there, with one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. This was a state senator?
She had her hand on his arm, laughing quietly at something just said. He looked up and their eyes locked. Time seemed to slow down, and she stumbled slightly. Then they were by them and being seated. It was a miserable evening.
She had a direct line of sight, and watched as she obviously flirted with him.
"Bitch, why don't you just mount him on the table and fuck him in front of us." She thought as her hand clenched her wine glass so hard it cracked.
Paul, Karen, and spouses were seated with her, and there was a minor scene as they checked her hand and replaced her glass. Hardy looked over, frowning slightly. Once again their eyes met and he raised his glass in salute. She refused to acknowledge him.
"Well, aren't you Miss Mature this evening" said Karen, in a warning tone.
"You wanted to be here, so behave. Making a scene won't make his memories of you any better."
The advice calmed her. She made polite small talk, speaking to people at other tables, people she knew professionally. Aunt Daisy was there, attended by Marcus. People were so used to seeing them together it was almost expected. They raised their glasses in recognition, and she smiled brightly.
The dinner out of the way, they sat through the
inevitable round of speeches. The keynote speaker, one Bonnie Parker, made an impassioned plea for her charity.
"Thank you for coming out tonight and supporting my cause. Everyone here is a professional in one field or another, think what your life would have been like without your education. Would you be as fulfilled? Would your family enjoy the same standard of living they have now? Knowledge is power. Take my escort this evening. By his own admission he came up hard, but he pulled himself together, got an education, and went on to be a lawyer with nationally recognized accomplishments.
He had the good fortune to have a benefactor who funded his cause, getting justice for the poor and less fortunate. Not bad for a good ol' boy from Limestone County."
"There must be more Hardy Wilkes in the world, let's help them achieve their dream. Now, the dancing is about to start. Enjoy the evening, bid on the items donated to our cause."
She left the podium to thunderous applause, stopping to shake hands and exchange greetings with well wishers. Hardy stood and held her chair, earning him a kiss on the cheek. Gwen smouldered.
It was a very nice combo, playing old classics, waltzes, fox trots, and an occasional Latin piece.
Gwen was an excellent dancer, and her card was full. She saw Hardy from time to time, once with Aunt Daisy for a sedate waltz, once with Karen for an uptempo number. She never failed to understand how a man so large could be so graceful. But, most of his dances were taken by the esteemed senator. Gwen almost missed a step the first time she saw them dance.
Then, during a break, she found herself in front of Hardy. He smiled and took her hand.
"How are you, Gwen?"
Stifling her inclination to say she was miserable, she told him she was fine.
"Good, I'm glad to see you back. Do you intend to stay here?"
"Yes, I have family I'm fond of, and to be honest, New England winters no longer have an appeal to me."
"Good. I'm sure I'll see you, time to time."
He was about to leave, when his date appeared.
"Hardy, who is this lovely creature. Should I be watching you a bit closer?"
She said it in a soft teasing voice, unaware of who Gwen was.
"Bonnie, please let me introduce you to Miss Gwen..."
He almost said Wilkes but corrected himself.
"Canaday, of the Boston Canadays. Her dad is my boss."
She her hand out.
"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. Do you know Hardy well?"
Gwen shook, smirking at Hardy, who was suddenly looking uncomfortable.
"Oh, Hardy and I go way back. In fact, I can safely say no one has spent more time with him than I, until recently."
"Really? You and I should talk. I'll tell you about his wild youth, and you can tell me about his sedate maturity. It should be fun."
She fished a card out of her purse.
"I'll be in town a few more days, political stuff you know. Call me at your leisure."
Before she could reply, her handlers hustled her off to do more glad handing.
Hardy gave her a small smile and followed her.
Karen came up.
"Cover your claws, dear. She and Hardy were kids together. There's history there you know nothing about. I don't think there's any romance there, at least on his part. She seems to like him a lot more than I remember, though."
The band started, and everyone resumed dancing. She ran into J.T., Will Robb, and his wife Myrtle, and she danced with both the sheriff and the judge.
It was the last set, and she could see Hardy talking to the band leader, slipping something into the palm of his hand. He stepped in front of a microphone.
"Ladies and gentlemen, it's almost time to call it a night. Give yourselves a round of applause for your support of this cause. We're going to do a few more, but by special request we're going to do this number now. All you lovers, married and single, here's your chance to shine."
"Ladies and gentlemen, the tango."
A quiet came over the crowd, and Hardy appeared at her side.
"Would you allow me this dance, Gwen?"
He held out her hand and she followed, not trusting her voice.
They had taken dance lessons together just after they married. He said as much as he enjoyed watching her move, this was one particular dance he wanted her to share with none other. They had practiced it for hours, and danced it every chance they got.
A few couples joined them, but soon dropped out. She was dipped, twirled, dragged. They spun away and into each other in almost perfect movements, as though bound by invisible strings. The band leader had been doing this for a long time, knew the impact of the dance, and signaled his group to keep playing. They were on the floor almost eight minutes before the music ended, and their bodies twined together for the last time.
She was dipped, dangling in his arms like a feather. He righted her, kissed her cheek, and strode from the floor. The cheers and applause went on for several minutes as she stood alone, savoring the moment.
Karen rescued her.
"Damn girl, that was hot! It was like watching you make love with your clothes on, right there on the dance floor. It'll be awhile before anyone forgets this fundraiser."
She sat in an exhausted daze while the band finished up. Then went to the ladies room to fix her appearance. She was washing her face when Bonnie came out of a stall.
"Miss Canaday, your dance was beautiful. I've never seen such a physical expression of love. Hardy finally told me who you were. Dad told me he had been married, but I got the impression it was a local girl. I really would like to talk to you. You have my card, call."
She never called.
She was in such a good mood she took Jerry home.
Aunt Daisy helped her find a house close to hers, needless to say in a very old, upscale part of town. Huge lot, five bedroom throwback to the old South, complete with columns and a balcony facing a circular driveway. There was a three bedroom bungalow converted from the stables, and a housekeeper and a maintenance man living there.
They had taken care of the house and grounds for fifteen years, and Gwen felt no need to replace them. It was a little spooky at first, rattling round late at night, but she came to ignore it.
It didn't stay empty long, she inherited a daughter.
Maybe daughter wasn't the right word, she was only fourteen years younger, but definitely baby sister. And she filled a deep void in her life, she gave her someone to love.
Hildy called her out of the blue.
"Gwen Marie, How are you?"
She had lived in the South long enough to know, when both your given names were used, you had either screwed up, done something particularly outstanding, or someone needed a favor. If they used all three names, you were in deep shit.
"Fine, Aunt Hildy. You?"
"I'm tolerable. How you like living in that big old house by yourself?"
"It gets a little lonely sometimes, but I'm getting used to it."
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Mel stood outside the house with her arms around Stephen. It was a bittersweet moment, an odd mixture of regret and anticipation. She was leaving him behind to begin a new adventure. She kissed him goodbye. “I’m going to miss you,” Stephen said. “I’m going to miss you,” Mel said. “I think you’ll like the program at UCLA,” Stephen said. “I think you’ll enjoy law school and work,” Mel said. She knew that she was trying to draw out this parting as long as possible. Now that the time to...
She stepped of the train, tired, miserable after a two day ride. The heat and humidity hit her like a physical slap. "Who the hell would voluntarily live here?" she thought as she dragged her cases behind her. No one offered to help. "So much for the vaunted Southern hospitality you hear about in books and movies. Maybe Hardy put the word out through the redneck grapevine." Thinking his name caused her a brief flash of pain. Yes, damn it, what happened was her fault, but he should...
Hardy woke with a start, trying to understand why he felt so happy. Then Gwen stirred and snaked a hand over his chest, hugging him lightly. "Good morning, my love. Did you sleep as well as I did? I have to tell you, it's the best nights' sleep I've had in over three years." He caressed her hair lightly. "Like a rock, you wore me out. In my defense, I'm still not quite up to my old self." She moved languidly over his body, rubbing every inch of skin she could into to...
I had just finished my undergraduate degree in psychology, and was about to pursue a Master’s degree in criminology, but I hadn’t yet decided which university I wanted to attend. My final plan was to enlist with the RCMP, but as a young woman who barely hit 5 foot 6, I knew that the only way to get accepted was by having a lot to offer. My grades were excellent, and I had been offered entrance to several programs. I was undecided between Ottawa University and McGill in Montreal. The program at...
A Kinky CuckqueanVeronica sighed as she saw that Jasmine had once again taken the lead. This had turned (pun intended) into a much more challenging competition than she'd anticipated. To avoid trailing hopelessly she would likely need at least one more turn before her workday ended today, as she was attending a friend's game night tonight and the odds of seducing a turn while she was there were miniscule.Score at 2:32 PM on Saturday:Scorecard:Jasmine: 4Carol: 3Crystal: 3Portia: 3Veronica: 3The...
HIT & LICKCrystal dropped her groceries off at home, put them away and headed back out to buy a new outfit, a tradition she began when she started turning straight girls. That said, she wasn't sure she could afford a new outfit for every turn she would likely have to make this week if she was going to win this competition.While shopping, and doing a little flirting, but nothing to add to her turn total, she saw Portia and Veronica score turns to tie the score up five ways at three, and then...
A Girl Guide's SisJasmine woke up at one thirty in the afternoon after a wild kinky night at the bar where she had scored three back-to-back-to-back turns and handily taken the lead.She glanced at her phone and saw she was still in first place, although the scoreboard had been updated and she was no longer there alone.Scoreboard:Carol: 3Jasmine: 3Crystal: 2Portia: 2Veronica: 2Jasmine texted Carol, surprised to see who she was tied with: You scored two today?Carol responded back immediately:...
A Friend of Amy'sAmy couldn't believe what she had done today... she'd let a woman m***** her in public; to force her to eat her first pussy (well okay, strongly encouraged her, and once she was on her knees with that fragrant wet pussy in her face she hadn't needed much further encouragement), also in public; and then she'd allowed herself to get pounded by a strap-on in a changing room until she had the most intense orgasm of her life.In her mind she replayed the surreal encounter over and...
A Former StudentScore at 12:12 PM on Saturday:Scorecard:Carol: 3Jasmine: 3Crystal: 2Portia: 2Veronica: 2Crystal's phone vibrated as she stood perusing vegetables. She pulled it out and said, a little too loud for a public place, "Fuck!"The black professor got a couple of looks, but she didn't care... no, she was perturbed. The contest was a fun idea, and she figured she could win, given the number of coeds that sauntered into her office on a daily basis. Yet, the other ladies were really going...
A Fateful BirthdayCarol sighed as she drove to the beach and her phone binged. She saw that she was now all alone in last place. After achieving the second turn of the contest and briefly being tied for first place, she now saw herself in dead last. She knew her daughter Rose, who was a clear dominant, having been her mother's Mistress since she turned eighteen, would be livid if:A) She knew about the contest.B) Her mother lost the contest.Carol's four friends in the contest were all natural...
A Fateful BirthdayCarol sighed as she drove to the beach and her phone binged. She saw that she was now all alone in last place. After achieving the second turn of the contest and briefly being tied for first place, she now saw herself in dead last. She knew her daughter Rose, who was a clear dominant, having been her mother's Mistress since she turned eighteen, would be livid if:A) She knew about the contest.B) Her mother lost the contest.Carol's four friends in the contest were all natural...
A Fashionable CutiePortia awoke to the news that she was tied for last place with the submissive Carol. This didn't please her at all. That said, the casting agent was attending a movie gala that night which should open the door to many turn possibilities. But if Jasmine could get three turns in just a few hours, she was going to be tough to beat.Deciding she needed something sexy for the gala, both a dress and something for underneath the dress, she worked out, had breakfast and headed to the...
A Edible WaitressCrystal had been stuck in a boring faculty banquet that night and sighed multiple times as she saw texts showing up on her phone announcing (well, actually bragging) that Veronica got her second turn and then Jasmine got into the game with a turn. She couldn't dare attempt a seduction of other faculty members, the male faculty members' wives, or the honoured guests and thus was helpless to do anything but sit there nursing her cold cup of tea and watch her competitors' scores...
After enjoying an orgasm that took longer to achieve than usual since the drunk redhead who had been munching ineptly between her legs had definitely not been a natural lesbian, Jasmine returned to the club ready for her next conquest.The redheaded, Lori, mortified by what she had done, had fled the club to race home, terrified at the prospect of facing her friends after participating in such a spectacle... especially Amanda, who had actually caught her in the act of getting fucked by a woman!...
Mrs. Jasmine JonesJasmine couldn't believe she was already in last place. It didn't surprise her that Veronica already had two turns; but Christ, even Carol had a turn already and she was a submissive for the most part.But between an afternoon meeting and dinner with the in-laws, the opportunity to get in the game hadn't happened yet.So Jasmine headed to her favourite club on a mission. To turn at least one, maybe more, young college girls tonight. She had turned many girls at this club and...
A Dominated ThiefFor a couple of hours, Veronica was swamped as the store got crazy busy.When she did check her phone once things died down, she saw that Portia, Veronica and Crystal each had got on the scoreboard. She was surprised that Jasmine wasn't on the scoreboard yet.Veronica was about to go for supper when Lorraine, one of her employees, came to her and said, "We have a thief.""In the act or already caught?" Veronica asked."Already caught," Lorraine said."How old is she?" Veronica...
Professor Crystal WatsonProfessor Crystal Watson returned to her usual Friday office hours, having no afternoon classes. She had office time Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, although she rarely had students come on Friday, which was why she had Friday hours. College rules required three hours of office time per week, so this arrangement met the requirements even though she didn't usually have to deal with students.Crystal was at her desk marking papers when she saw that three of her friends...
Ms. Portia JamesPortia was horny and excited. The idea of a 'turning contest', a term she had come up with, was super exciting. She knew it would be a challenge to win, Veronica and Jasmine both being amazing seductresses and Crystal couldn't be ignored either. Carol, on the other hand, was a submissive and not a real threat.Yet, Portia was casting for an upcoming movie starring Matt Damon when she got the update that Veronica had a turn already.A couple of the actresses Portia had met so far...
Amy was walking down the street, texting on her phone.Mrs. Veronica Stone was returning from lunch walking in the opposite direction, a coffee in her hand. As she saw the young nubile teen, in a plaid skirt, white blouse and pantyhose, she instantly knew her first target.Mrs. Stone and four other married best friends had made a bet at lunch just fifteen minutes ago. How many teens, college girls or women could they seduce in one week? The winner would get the other four women's daughters for a...
A Kismet EncounterFate.Crystal preferred the word kismet: meaning destiny, fate.After her double turn teen score that gave her the lead she was riding a high, and even before she had a chance to become concerned about when the next turn would occur, a turn literally popped up right in front of her... KISMET!A little thirsty after her playtime with the two teens, she stopped a few blocks from home at a Starbucks to get a chilled latte.Crystal had been standing in line for a minute or two and...
The bell had sounded over an hour before, signally the end of the last period as Lauren Davis, head of the Social Studies Department, walked down the empty halls of Winslow High. The slender twenty something blond was carrying on an animated discussion with Marilyn Sudor, another of the teachers. The two had been friends almost since the day they had both started at the school, and Lauren often turned to Marilyn for advice. “I really don’t know what I’m going to do with Harvey,” Lauren said as...
“I ran a campaign based on the promise that I would eliminate corruption in government,” Richard O’Toole said. He was a handsome man. The slight smattering of gray hair at his temples gave him a distinguished appearance. Not a single hair was out of place. He wore a nice tailored suit that spoke of money. His shoes were polished to a bright shine. “I read about your campaign,” Magus replied. “I was less than overwhelmed by your promises.” Richard ignored the snide comment about his campaign...
Magus clicked his pen in staccato bursts while waiting for his visitor to reply. The pen produced a very irritating sound that appeared to distract the young man. Getting tired of waiting for an answer, Magus said, “If you cannot afford my fee, I must ask that you leave.” “I’m sorry. I just don’t have ten dollars,” the young man said. He did his best to look miserable in the hope that Magus would let him pay for his services at a later date. One glance at Magus let him know that it wasn’t...
The attractive woman glided through the door to the offices of Solutions Incorporated as if she were on roller skates. Every gesture she made was the epitome of grace. Her clothes were obviously expensive designer brands and of the highest quality. Despite the fact that her clothes were of a conservative business cut, she looked sexier than most women in lingerie. She carried a small stylish purse that attracted attention only because it didn’t attract attention. Seated at the receptionist’s...
The two women entered the offices of Solutions Incorporated one behind the other. They were an interesting study in contrasts. The leading woman was graceful, elegant, sophisticated, and stunningly beautiful. The second woman was solid, blunt, earthy, and exceptionally plain. The second woman was studying the first woman like she was an unusual specimen at the zoo. Claudia frowned on seeing the two women. Magus had no appointments that day and he didn’t like clients to just show up at the...
“Stephen!” Stephen walked into Magus’ office and asked, “What do you want?” “I need you to run things until I return,” Magus said. “What?” Stephen asked looking around wildly. Magus said, “I have a little errand that requires my attention, and I need you to run things while I’m gone.” “I’ve got class later this afternoon,” Stephen said. The last thing he wanted was to be in charge. “I’ll be back before then.” “Cathy is waiting for me back at the house.” Magus said, “She can come...
Claudia held out her hand admiring the rather substantial diamond affixed to the band of gold on her finger. Denisa had been quite correct in how Phil would react to a special cheerleading session. It was amazing what a short cheerleader outfit could do to a man when the woman inside it wasn’t wearing panties. So what if it wasn’t the most romantic proposal in the world. He had followed through with the ring. The door opened and a smallish woman with a limp walked into the reception area....
Magus was wearing dark sunglasses that were designed to distort his vision. He found that it made it a whole lot easier to deal with an attractive woman. He asked, “Do you have a passport?” “Of course, I have spent every season on the French Riviera since I was four,” Daphne said. She batted her eyelashes at him and thrust her chest forward. “Do you like to travel to exotic locations?” Magus asked. He licked his lips. “I’ve been all over the world. Last year, I went to Hong Kong, Paris,...
Stephen sat down in the chair heavily. Looking over at Magus, he asked, “Why did I take twenty-one hours this semester?” “So that you can get your degree in three years,” Magus answered. “That’s right,” Stephen said. “Are you signed up for your summer classes?” Magus asked. “Yes. Nine hours,” Stephen answered. It was going to be a busy summer taking three courses on the shortened summer schedule. “Excellent,” Magus said. “The final examinations nearly killed me,” Stephen said. He was so...
Magus shouted, “Claudia!” There was no answer. Magus hit his forehead with the palm of his hand about the same time that Stephen shouted, “She’s on her honeymoon.” “I keep forgetting that she’s on her honeymoon,” Magus mumbled. “Titus!” “What?” Stephen yelled. “You get the next client!” Magus yelled. “Okay!” Stephen yelled. A portly man walked into Stephen’s office. The top of his head was completely bald, but he had full hair around the sides. He sat down and folded his hands across...
Professor Sigmond had just finished taking roll. He was an older man in his early sixties and quite severe looking (he had a nose in the shape of a tomahawk). Even though this was only the second class of the summer session, he had already demonstrated that he would not tolerate any nonsense from the students. He looked down at his roll sheet and asked, “Mr. Osfeld, why do you think Marie Antoinette was so hated?” Without the least bit of hesitation, Stephen answered, “I don’t know.” “What...
Irene was seated at her desk doing absolutely nothing. She was kind of puzzled as to why they needed a receptionist. It seemed to her that she spent most of her time just staring off into space. The telephone had only rung about four times that week. They hardly ever had anyone come into the office. In a way, she felt that she was being overpaid. Of course, she wasn’t going to complain about that. This job was allowing her to escape from her abusive husband. “Stephen!” Magus shouted. Irene...
Mel looked up from her notes and said, “Professor Sigmond wants us to write a paper on whether or not Waterloo really represented Napoleon’s downfall. What position should I take?” “There are only three positions you can take. Yes it did or no it didn’t or it depends,” Stephen answered. “I want to say that it did, but I think that is too obvious,” Mel said. “What major events before Waterloo occurred might have represented Napoleon’s downfall?” Stephen asked. “Well, there was the Russian...
“Magus!” Irene shouted. “What?” Magus shouted. “Nothing.” Irene shouted. Magus shook his head and muttered, “That woman has a set of lungs on her and she has discovered that she likes using them.” “Magus!” Irene shouted. “What?” Magus shouted. “There’s a woman to see you!” Irene shouted. “Does she have an appointment?” Magus shouted knowing that he didn’t have any appointments for that day. “She says she doesn’t need one!” Irene shouted. “Who is she?” Magus shouted. “Stephen’s...
Stephen dropped the huge report on Magus’ desk. He said, “Here it is.” “I can say one thing about it. It is thick,” Magus said eyeing the stack of papers. “Yes, it is.” Magus asked, “Why are you giving it to me?” “You said you wanted it,” Stephen said. “What is it?” Magus asked. Stephen answered, “It is my homework paper.” Magus said, “For which class?” “History,” Stephen said. “It is my report on a proper approach to understanding history.” “I wanted to read that,” Magus said...
“I am very unhappy.” “About?” Magus asked looking at the giant man sitting slumped down in the office chair. “Everything,” Nestor said. He sighed dejectedly. Magus said, “When was the last time you were happy?” “When I was in college,” Nestor said. Just thinking about his college days brought a smile to his face and he sat up straighter. “Did you go to a lot of parties?” Magus asked. “No. I don’t like parties. I liked going to classes,” Nestor said. Magus asked, “What was your...
The first thing that Nestor did upon accepting the job at Solutions Incorporated was to quit his job at the Department of Motor Vehicles. After minutes of agonizing debate about how to best give notice, he chose to go with the short and sweet version, “I quit.” He did try to sound regretful, but the ear to ear grin and little victory dance probably undermined any appearance of sorrow at leaving he attempted. It didn’t matter to him that he looked a lot like a Russian dancing bear when doing...
Everyone was seated around the large conference table in the offices of Paladin Incorporated. Once he was sure that he had everyone’s attention, Magus said, “All management books that I’ve ever read agree that teams need periodic status meetings. Since I’m the best management type with whom I’ve ever had the pleasure of working, I now call to order our annual status meeting.” “I thought status meetings were supposed to be held weekly,” Poindexter said. He had a class on software project...
Irene asked, “What are you looking at?” Stephen answered, “You are wearing makeup.” “Yes, I am,” Irene replied. “Did you change your hair?” Stephen asked. “Yes, I did,” Irene answered. Stephen said, “I’ve never seen that dress before.” “It’s new,” Irene said. “Claudia and I went shopping last weekend.” “Irene is in love,” Stephen said pronouncing love more like ‘luuuv.’ Magus stepped out of his office and said, “Wonderful powers of deduction, Titus. Do you care to guess the identity...
Claudia entered the office pushing a stroller. Irene looked over at the stroller and cooed, “Isn’t she cute.” “Thank you,” Claudia said with the kind of pride in her child that only a mother can achieve. Magus came out of his office and looked in the stroller. He frowned and shook his head in dismay. He said, “She’s a Gerber baby.” “That’s a bad thing?” Claudia asked. “She’s going to grow up to be a beautiful woman. You know how I feel about that,” Magus said. Shaking his head, he said,...
Gesturing to one of his office chairs, Magus said, “Please have a seat, Calvin Dorfman.” “Hello, Magus,” Calvin said. He sat down and looked at Magus wondering why he had been asked to come into the office. “I’ve been working on your problem,” Magus said. Surprised, Calvin said, “I figured you had given up on it.” It seemed to Magus that everyone expected instant answers to complex problems. Trivial problems were easy to answer quickly, but a hard problem took time to solve. He said, “I...
The dining room table was set with place settings for six when Stephen sat down and looked across the table at Jake. Nestor was doing something in the living room while Cathy and Mel were in the kitchen working to put together a fancy meal. Noticing that Jake looked a little depressed, Stephen asked, “What’s up Jake?” Jake answered, “I have girl trouble.” “Is there a problem with Cathy?” Stephen asked looking in the direction of the kitchen. He thought things were going well with...
As is common in a wedding, the groom is usually nervous about making a lifelong commitment to another person. It is traditional for the best man and the groomsmen to calm the nerves of the groom through the expedient measure of making bad jokes or recalling embarrassing moments of the past. Neither Magus nor Oscar, Leland’s father, were big on tradition and took upon themselves the task of calming the nerves of the groom. The best man and groomsmen stood around listening in disbelief to the...
Titus had just finished telling Magus about what he had discovered in solving the problem given to him by a middle-aged man visiting from Russia. It had started out simple enough with a missing persons report. He had opened a whole can of worms trying to find out what had happened. In the process, he had discovered an international white slavery ring in which attractive women were bought and sold like cattle. He asked, “What do you think?” “I think you’ve done a good job,” Magus said. He...
With the end of the semester just around the corner, all of the college students in the area were under significant stress. The worst hit by that time of the year were the students about to graduate. On top of worrying about final exams, research papers, and homework, there was the matter of uncertain futures looming on the horizon. Those who were seeking employment and were without offers were desperate for anything to solve their employment problems. They were terrified that they would have...
Looking worried, Stephen stopped at the front door of the house. He turned to Nestor and said, “Hagar, can you check out things in the house before I go in?” “Are you expecting a problem?” Nestor asked with a grin. “Yes,” Stephen said. He had several theories for what was happening, but no evidence sufficient to select one theory over another. Of course, the worst one was that Magus told her the key to getting him to propose. The problem with that theory was that it wasn’t very...
Titus sat back in his chair staring at the wall on which was projected his notes concerning his next appointment. There was absolutely nothing in those notes that gave him a clue regarding the problem being brought to him. If there was a person who defined moderation, then Charlie Black was it. He couldn’t imagine a more boring life. He pushed the button on his desk to lower the desktop and turn off the projector. “Titus!” Irene shouted. “What?” Titus shouted. “You’re appointment is here!”...
Magus looked around the conference room. Titus, seated next to him, was busy reading the report that the oceanographers had submitted. Calvin Dorfman sat at the end of the table looking seriously depressed. Dr. Donaldson, one of the lead scientists in this effort, sat beside Calvin shifting nervously in his chair. Leland Bowne, representing the Department of Agriculture, was reading the summary page of the report wondering how he was going to tell his superiors about the contents of...
The woman entered the room on crutches; her right foot in a cast. She struggled for a moment to juggle crutches and purse while taking a seat. She had raccoon eyes that bore witness to a recent beating. With an expression of desperation on her face, she looked across the desk at Titus hoping he could help her. "Before we begin, there is the matter of payment. The first solution is ten dollars and a favor. We add a zero to the price for each subsequent solution," Titus said. The woman...
Julia looked at the two men who had just entered the office. They were wearing dark suits with polished shoes. They each had a bulge where they would carry a firearm in a shoulder holster. One of the men said, “Have I ever told you how much I hate Titus?” “Only a dozen times,” the other man said. “For months the wife has been after me to take her to the opera. Every time I turned around she was jabbering about this opera versus that opera. Finally, I cave in and get tickets to The Magic...
Look at this, the ones from my story Beautiful Betty, who made the biggest stink about attending, are the first ones here. Do you believe it? ‘Hey, Betty, you look very beautiful, as always. Davis, thank you for coming, it’s nice to see you.’ ‘Take your dirty paws off my woman, Freddie, or I’ll deck you and stomp you to death, you hack!.’ ‘Listen here, Davis, I have my wireless keyboard with me and I can write you out of the next scene if you give me any shit. Matter of fact, if you don’t...