A Stitch In TimeChapter 4 free porn video

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In one sense, every day is the first day of the rest of your life. December 26, 2006, though, was a little bit more. Christmas was over, and I woke up to find myself in the same room, in the same body, and in the same life in which I'd found myself the day before. All of which were three years older than they were when I'd gone to bed on December 24.

My first thought as I woke up, stretched, and sat up in bed, was that if Mom were still alive, she'd reinstate spanking just to make sure my room never looked like this again. And I would have agreed with her; it was disgusting. So laundry was still high on my list of priorities. Since it was only seven o'clock, however, I figured I'd better wait a bit to start that project. Instead, I tiptoed down to the kitchen, where Dad and my older brother Dave were drinking coffee and reading the paper, Dad the sports section and Dave the business news.

"Morning," I said cheerfully.

"Huh," Dave grunted.

Dad just looked over at me.

"Say, Dave," I tried again, pouring myself a cup of coffee, "thanks for the subscription."

He nodded, still without so much as a glance at me.

"So wadda you doin' today?" Dad asked me.

"I dunno," I shrugged.

"You're not gonna lift, are you?" his eyes narrowed. "You don't need that shit at this point."

"Yeah," I agreed. Okay, no lifting.

"Yeah, wouldn't want to strain the golden arm," Dave muttered.

"I don't remember your brother givin' you shit when you were playin, '" Dad said pointedly.

"Yeah, I know," Dave sighed and finally looked at me. "Sorry, little bro. Thanks for the gift card."

"Sure," I said.

God only knew which store I'd gotten him a gift card from.

"Actually," I turned back to Dad, "I still need to do some laundry."

"Tiff'll be up soon," Dad said. "Let her do it."

"Maybe he doesn't want his clothes to end up all the same color," Dave blurted out.

I watched Dad tense up, to the point where I could see the blood throbbing in his neck. Dave also realized he'd gone too far.

"Hey, sorry, Dad," he said, pushing himself back from the table. "It's been a tense week."

"Things rough at the Seven-Eleven?" Dad growled. "I think the Wal-Mart's hiring."

Dave bit back his own snappy comeback, put his dishes in the sink and left. Dad watched him go, and then turned to me.

"I swear one day I'm just gonna chuck his ass outta here," he said. He left for work himself a few minutes later, and Jeanne appeared a few minutes after that.

"Morning," I said. I figured the third time might be the charm as she sleepily walked around the kitchen to get herself a bowl of cereal.

"What do you want?" she demanded. Apparently I was mistaken.

"Sorry," I said, holding up my hand. What was it with this family?

"Look," she paused with an open milk bottle in her hand. "Christmas was special. Nice, even. But you don't have to pretend we're friends any more."

She said it with such savagery that the part of me that wanted to protest — to whine "we're not friends any more?" — found itself without a voice. Instead, I simply asked if she thought that anyone would mind if I started a load of laundry.

She looked at me with a smirk.

"Queen Tiffy and Princess Jill?" she scoffed. "They could sleep through a fire. When did you get so domestic?"

"No underwear," I said, putting a quick end to that discussion. "Do you know if the school's open today?"

"I thought all you jocks had your own key to the weight room," she spat.

"I meant the office," I said quietly.

"Oh," she said. "I dunno. I guess. Why?"

"I was, uh, thinkin' about changing some classes," I told her.

"Why?" she asked suspiciously.

"I dunno," I shrugged. "I see Dave and I think, suppose I get hurt. You know, what would I do then? I mean, no offense to the guy, but that's not really where I wanna see myself."

"What is it with you?" Jeanne asked as she sat down at the table.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you high?" she asked.

I just laughed. She shook her head, and we settled down to eat in silence. From my standpoint, the less I said about anything at this point, the less trouble I could get into.

I did my laundry, and around ten o'clock, with Tiffany and Jill still dead to the world, I hiked the two miles between my house and the high school. The front door was open, although the office itself held the only signs of life. Fortunately, it hadn't changed much. When you entered the office, you still came face-to-face with a counter, the first barrier between us, students, and them, the school's administration. Behind the counter were two desks, one normally occupied by Mrs. Carter, the other by Mrs. Waters. Together, the story went, they ran the school, occasionally dragging Mr. Linwood out of his principal's office to make announcements before they locked him back inside the office.

Today, though, there was only one young lady sitting at one of the desks, a Ms. Carter, if the sign on her desk was right. She was much nicer looking than either Mrs. Carter or Mrs. Waters had been, and if I lingered a few minutes at the counter before clearing my throat to attract her attention, well, who could blame me? Tall, slender, her auburn hair pulled back into a somewhat severe-looking bun, she sat there studying her computer screen with a pair of reading glasses perched on the tip of her nose, seemingly oblivious to the rest of the world.

"Did you want something, Mr. Sterling, or were you just going to stand there all and wait for someone to announce your visit?"

She still hadn't looked at me yet, although apparently I'd been wrong about the obliviousness.

"I, uh, I was thinking about changing my class schedule," I stammered.

She raised an eyebrow and cocked her head at me.

"I'm not sure we could make it any easier for you," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Maybe we could just assign you a room and your teachers could rotate in and out. Then we could have your lunch delivered as well."

She'd put a couple of air quotes around the word "teachers." Did I not have real teachers this year?


A boyish-looking man came hustling out of the principal's office, his hand extended. I eagerly grasped it, the first sign I'd seen yet that someone knew who I was and was happy to see me. Evidently the occupant of the principal's office had changed as well. This would be Tony Peterson, according to the fake-wood sign at the entrance.

"How was your holiday, um, sir?" I asked.

"Excellent, Trickster, excellent," he said. "And call me Pete. How about yours?"

"Fine, thank you, sir. Pete," I said, finally pulling my hand loose.

"Excellent," he smiled. "So what can we do for you?"

"Mr. Sterling thinks his courses next semester are too hard," Ms. Carter said scornfully.

"Actually," I said softly, "I don't believe I said that, ma'am. I simply said I had some thoughts about changing my class schedule."

"Well, let's see what we've got," 'Pete' said.

Ms. Carter had already pulled my schedule up and was holding it between her forefinger and thumb as if it would infect her. Pete snatched it from her hands, her message flying right over his head,

"First period," he read, "Principles of Government with Mr. Kennedy. That looks good."

Ms. Carter was shaking her head.

"Second period," he continued. "The second half of Mr. Anson's American History survey. Just between us, you might want to go to a few more classes this semester, Trick."

Ms. Carter rolled her eyes.

"And fourth period," he concluded, "English Self-study with Ms. Torianni."

After a few seconds of silence, it became clear that he'd finished reading.

"That's it?" I asked. "Three classes? All I have is three classes? What do I do in the afternoon?"

"Coach Torianni wanted that kept clear for scouts and practice," Pete winked at me. "I played a little ball in high school myself, you know, Trick. I know how important it is to make a good impression and keep in shape."

The phone rang just then, and Ms. Carter answered it and told Pete that it was Superintendent Frostman.

"Whoa, gotta take this," Pete gave me another wink. "Don't go away, Trick."

He bounded into the other room and closed the door behind him, but Ms. Carter and I could both hear the "Merry Christmas, sir!"

"So what is it you're unhappy with?" Ms. Carter turned her attention back to me.

I decided I needed to level with somebody, at least to a certain extent, and I'd concluded, based on nothing more than ninth-grade instinct, that Tony "Pete" Peterson might not be the best guy to start with. After all, he was a ballplayer, too, wink wink. I imagined him reacting the same way my father would have reacted if I'd told him I wanted a more challenging schedule.

"Can I ask you a question, ma'am?" I put as much sincerity into my voice as I could.

Ms. Carter blinked.

"Certainly," she said.

"Can I come sit at the desk?" I asked in a conspiratorial whisper.

I slipped around the counter to take the chair beside her desk after I got her nod.

"What would I have to do to get a 2.75?" I asked.

"You'd have to get B-minuses," she said, trying to figure out whether I was trying to trick her.

"No, I mean permanently," I said.

"You mean for a high-school average?" she asked, her eyebrows shooting into the wispy bangs that had come loose from her bun.

"Exactly," I smiled. "What would I have to get this semester?"

She hit some keys on her computer.

"You'd have to take five substantive courses," she said, "and average a 4.6. Then you'd end up with a 2.749 which would get rounded up to a 2.75."

I'm sure my face fell. If I got all A-pluses I could average only a 4.5.

"So it's impossible," I mumbled.

"Well, no," she said. "Not impossible. But given your academic record I'd have to say it was extremely unlikely."

"But I could do it?" I asked. "In theory?"

"If you took one honors course," she said. "And got A-pluses in everything."

She looked skeptical, and given what I'd learned up to this point — that it would take five A-pluses this semester just to get me close to a B-minus overall — she probably had good reason. But I saw an opening, and I wasn't about to let it close.

"So, like, what could I take?" I asked.

She pushed a few more buttons and printed out a schedule for me. First and second period were the same; third period was Honors English, fourth period was "The Physics of Astronomy," and fifth period was something called "People of the Book" a course labeled "REL 101."

"And other than astronomy lab on Wednesday afternoons," she said with a quiet seriousness, "this leaves all your afternoons free like Coach Torianni wanted."

"Huh," I looked at the paper. "Can I ask you another question?"

"Certainly, Mr. Sterling," she smiled at me. "I'm enjoying today very much so far."

"'Cause you think they really coddle athletes around here, don't you?" I asked.

She stared at me.

"Your mother thought that, too," I said. "I remember her talking with my mother once, about my older brother, when I was still in ninth grade and hangin' out here at the office waiting for a ride home. Any this English Self-study I have with Ms. Torianni — the coach's wife? — " she was nodding — "is... ?"

"Crap," she said with the ghost of a smile.

"So I can take all these courses?" I held up the list.


I looked at the principal's door, and then turned back to her.

"I would really like to go to the University of Virginia next year," I said. "And I was told they require a 2.75 average and a 1400 on the SATs for a baseball scholarship."

"You're serious," she looked at me, her eyes softening just a bit.

"I am," I nodded.

"You'll have to re-take the SATs, you know" she said.

"I figured," I nodded. "I guess I really didn't put a lot of effort into them, huh?"

"You got a 790," she said.

"On the reading?" I asked. I'd looked up the SAT scoring system when I got back home last night. Evidently there were now three of them: Reading, Math, and Critical Analysis. I was always better at reading. A 790 was pretty damn good.

"On all of them, Mr. Sterling," she said. "A 790 on all three of them together."

"Shit," I blurted out.

"That pretty much describes it, Mr. Sterling," she said.

I looked over to see a smile playing across her lips once again. I couldn't help but smiling myself, and pretty soon we were both laughing out loud. Finally, we quieted down and she waited for me to continue.

"I'm dead serious about this, Ms. Carter," I said. "I can take 'em again on the 27th of next month, right?"

"I'll sign you up, Mr. Sterling," she said. "As for these classes, the only prerequisite for the three new courses here is Introductory Physics, and you took that last year."

So I knew physics? Well, damn.

"So what's this course?" I pointed at the "People of the Book."

"The School Board wanted a religion class this year," she frowned.

"Who teaches it?" I asked her.

"Mrs. Jenkins," she said.

"Old Mrs. Jenk-?" I stopped myself.

"-kins," she finished with another smile. "Yes, Old Mrs. Jenkins. This is her last year, and she insisted on being allowed to teach this course. She was afraid that it would become just another Christian education class if somebody else got hold of it. You haven't had her for anything else, have you?"

She was frowning at her computer while I mumbled my answer.

"I'm sorry?" she asked.

"Sunday school," I finally said. "I had her for Sunday School."

"Perfect," Ms. Carter smiled. "Now it won't just be a class of evangelicals. You only have one problem left."

I raised an eyebrow.

"You have to get Mrs. Palmer's permission to take Honors English," she said, in a tone that suggested that that would require some sort of divine intervention.

"Mrs. Palmer likes me," I protested. "I got an A-plus from her last, er, in ninth grade. Uh, first semester"

Ms. Carter looked back at her computer as my voice trailed off.

"Yes, you did," she nodded. "And then a B second semester. And then a C last year, after your initial incomplete. As I remember, you turned in your final paper two weeks late, and got a C on it. Normally, the incomplete would have been replaced with a C-minus, one grade lower than your paper, but she talked Mr. Linwood into giving you the C. So you may have used up all your good will with Mrs. Palmer.

"Unfortunately," she continued, "she's on her winter cruise this week, and won't be back until next Monday. You really think you can talk her into this?"

"Honestly, I have no idea," I said. "It's worth a try though, huh?"

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NSFW Social

I love Reddit guys. I think you noticed that given the fact that I have reviewed so many NSFW subreddits out there, but I just can’t get enough. So, I went online and started digging for the next NSFW sub to review and show you. The subreddit I’m going to show you today is called /r/NSFW_Social and it’s pretty great in that it gives you some of the best pictures and gifs of some really hot girls who are showing off their nudes on social media. These girls just cannot be stopped, and they will...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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rich boys love 24

when i got to kyle house he asnwered the door and i walked in he asked if i was still into the rock band 3 days grace and i said i was so he put some of there music on and i started to relax and i started dancing kyle started dancing to and he grabbed hold of me and we started dancing together kyle was touching my front of my body 1 thing lead to another and me and kyle was kissing he took my hand and lead me to his bedroom i laid on his bed and we started kissing even more kyle started to...

3 years ago
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I Want an Asian Girl With Big Tits Chapter 2

Shopping and Showing Off Jim stretched as he opened his eyes. The sun was just beating through the bedroom window. He looked around and didn’t see either if his girls. They got in late last and went straight to bed. He had figured the girls would have still been asleep. He took a deep breath, that’s when the smell of breakfast hit his nose. Jim got up, not bothering to get dressed and walked into the kitchen. Passing through the living room Keiko was busy cleaning. Keiko noticed Jim and...

2 years ago
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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 10 Sea Salt and First Sight

The city of Seacroft was a maritime success story that should have made the people who lived there happier. There seemed to be a permanent chip on the shoulder of every citizen I met, and I wasn't sure why. Perhaps it was the isolation. For such a successful place, it seemed stuck out in the middle of nowhere, the single jewel in the thorny crown that was the Sparine Peninsula. I had settled into an uneasy truce with the local criminals and the local busybodies too. As long as I was able to...

2 years ago
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 14

It had started a month ago when a strange man had approached me explained that Janice was mind controlled and she would do whatever I wanted and she would enjoy it. We had meet in the back of a large van that had picked us both up and Janice gave me the best sex I had ever had. The man had promised Janice to me once a month for as long as I wanted! It was a month later and the van picked me up and drove me to meet Janice. She climbed into the back of the van and smiled at me, she seemed...

1 year ago
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Four Conversations

Four Conversations--------------------------------------------An ADULT tale writtenbyMiss Irene ClearmontCopyright ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2013---------------------------------------------Four Conversations---------------------------------------------First---------------------------------------------?Do you love me???Of course! Do you doubt it???Can you prove it???I thought that I did, every day.??How???What do you mean ?how?? I married you when you asked me, I work every day to give you the...

3 years ago
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After My Exams

Finally I was done.  I was free. Final exams were done and I wouldn’t have to return to university classes for an entire month.  The last week had been so stressful.  Between work and studying for finals and finishing my research paper I had only been getting 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night.  That also meant I had not had anywhere near enough time to have fun with my lover.  I was tired, emotional, and horny, but now I was free.   As I walked home from my last exam I just got more and more...

3 years ago
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Better Ch 07

Chapter 7 – Andrea For as many ways that Michael had a way of spoiling me in the lap of luxury when we’re together, I always thrilled and bowled over every time he pulled off the ‘little’ surprises and touches, like the plate of chocolate truffles and the bottle of Taittinger vintage brut. This was definitely going to be a black lace corset, stockings and heels kind of night. Michael had a glisten in his eye and a gleam in his smile as he came through the door with a medium-sized cardboard...

2 years ago
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Vigilantethe Beginning1Chapter 12

Every boy dreamed of playing soldier, and I was no exception. With my ability to time travel and universe jump, I could pick any time and place I wanted to play and barrel right in. With my TK armor on, there was no way I could be hurt, so even my mother could not object to me giving it a try. I was trying to find a good place to go and I was considering some of the possibilities. I figured that anything that I could imagine could be found somewhere/somewhen, so all I needed to do was to...

2 years ago
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Racquel The Wanted TeenPart 1

'Racquel, Rick's coming back from South Africa today and is coming over. Get him comfortable if I'm not back by then. Okay,darling?' Racquel's Dad,Shawn told her over breakfast. She just shrugged and continued eating her cornflakes. Rick had been Racquel's dad's best friend since college. He was white whilst Racquel's dad was black. Racquel was black herself and at 17 she had a killer body with firm C cup boobs and a really thick bubble butt. She had thick lips as well which she always kept...

2 years ago
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Tits Have Benefits

transgender – crossdressing – shemale – transformation – feminization So there I was walking up to the most gorgeous creature in the room, a beautiful woman with incredible tits and ass and beautiful long black hair. This was the woman of my dreams who despite being the person who I could most open up to, nevertheless had been unobtainable in my mind. I had been a shy retiring nerd who could never hope to win the affections of a beautiful woman, but now things had changed and now I felt...

1 year ago
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Harry Potter and the Coming of Age Ceremony

Harry Potter was lying snuggled in his four-poster bed in the Gryffindor boys' dormitory sound asleep, for once not dreaming of Lord Voldemort. Instead, his dreams were centered on Ginny Weasley, the younger sister of his best friend Ron, who was asleep in his own bed just across the dorm. In his dream he and Ginny were deep in an embrace. He could feel her firm breasts pressing against his chest as they kissed. Slowly his hands moved down her back and settled on her firm young ass. He felt...

2 years ago
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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part VIII

Lunch was relaxed and leisurely. Seafood, salad and sandwiches washed down with champagne. We looked over the screenshots taken a couple of times. Paulo suggested taking some of Sue and him fucking but she shook her head. “I would feel safer doing a movie and having the memory stick afterwards,” she told him.Paulo nodded his agreement to that and told us that he had done four so far with visiting couples and that two of them had left him with copies. “Sometimes I’ll view them over again and...

3 years ago
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Mom And Me Had Sex Adventures

Hi, I am encouraged by your kind feedbacks and hence I will continue sharing my experiences. Hope you will enjoy this sex story. My mom is a hot modern woman, who works in an MNC. I am a teenager, good at studies but a lot of perverse thoughts in my mind. Ever since I grew pubic hair and I figured out about birds and bees, I have been in constant state of arousal with my mom. She is confident, dresses up conservative but is a fun loving person who laughs off my every silly thing. Like I once...

1 year ago
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ImageFap Cuckold

Is this a joke, hombre? Do you fucking have a real girlfriend? Oh shit! I just remembered. You settled for the ugly BBW bitch on the Tinder dating app. Or could you be talking about your gay stud, faggot? Whatever shit it is, you just want a warm hole to nut in. Dumbass, I have seen it all in the pornosphere, but even if fetishes can get weird and kinky, cuckold is cringy. How lusty babes enjoy doing all shit with strangers as their boyfriends and husbands watch still amuses me.And how does a...

Cuckold Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 113

Adam hated the fact that he had a schedule for every facet of his life. Having one for school was enough. But he had one for almost every moment of his free time too. The last week of May ran into the first week of June and classes started in a couple of days. For the next 5 weeks, almost every second of Adam's waking life was accounted for. He had class every morning from 9-11 a.m. Then he planned to spend an hour at the library to make sure he was caught up on his class – and away from...

1 year ago
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It’s tough being a kinky motherfucker at BDSM streak, which is a pretty cool femdom BDSM tube. You can find free blowjob videos on tap at a million free porn tubes across the Internet, but put some handcuffs and a blindfold on the bitch and they suddenly want to charge you forty bucks a month just to watch. BDSMstreak has been serving BDSM clips to thirsty, broke freaks since 2011, and they’ve been doing it for free.That’s One Mean StreakBDSM Streak has got the standard look we’ve all come to...

Fetish Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Teacher Ko Choda Gand Maari Pregnent Kiya Unko

Hello dosto mera naam mayank hai mai 19 saal ka hoon mera lund 8 inch ka h or mai gurgaon se hu and jo yea story mere or meri teacher ke baare mai h please give me comments or feedbacks on my email id or story par aatey hai bina time khakahani us samay ka hai jab me12th after mera admission college me hua tabme meri college ki teacher ke ghar private tuition ke liye jata tha unaki age 38 hogi uanki do ladakiya thi. Ek meri age ki our ek meri se badi thi.Vo out of country thi. Unki height 5.8...

2 years ago
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A Fresh Start EpilogueChapter 9 The Next Generation

Fall 2015 The pressure continued piling up on Hillary through the fall. The seamiest item that came up was when a price list emerged of Presidential favors that could be sold in exchange for campaign contributions. For one amount you could spend a night in the Lincoln Bedroom. For another figure you could dine with the President for breakfast or lunch, and larger figures got you dinner, cocktail parties, and state dinners. There was a separate price list for Camp David. It was like renting a...

2 years ago
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My first SM Experience

It all started on vacation 2 years ago. I was 23 years old and my girlfriends convinced me to go on vacation for two weeks to the Island Ibiza. At that moment I was single cause my boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks before our plane took off to the sun. So, with no strings attached, me and 3 other girls went on vacation with only one mission : Have the time of our lives! On vacation our schedule for each day was always the same. Each day we got up around 10 am, we put on our bikini and went to...

2 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing 38 What Happiness Was

"Memory - all alone in the moonlight. I can smile at the old days, I was beautiful then. I remember the time I knew what happiness was. Let the memory live again." -- Andrew Lloyd Weber/"Cats" A Life Ever Changing #38 What Happiness Was By Angel Once again we were on our way back to Auntie Helen's house. I curled up on the seat and laid my head on Auntie Helen's lap and closed my eyes. A short while later they must have thought I was sleeping because they started talking and...

4 years ago
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Black Garters and White Cheeks

There is not much that I can remember of Miss Brooks' facial characteristics but when I think of her as I often do these days, I see her glorious backside bent over and framed by those exciting black garters and her translucent skin that will forever beckon me like a sensuous siren in the fog calling to me from the dangerous rocks. It never fails to arouse me from my dormant state of libido-barren loneliness whenever I imagine her heart-shaped bottom under my control and her deep blue eyes...

1 year ago
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Ambush at the CampChapter 10

We had all worn latex gloves, so we had little problem in cleaning up after ourselves. We did leave Ivanovitch in the shower where he had died because we wanted to shake up the rest of the Russian mafia. I hoped that my use of the GSh-18 to kill Ivanovitch would help to confuse the situation. The gun was not registered in the US, so I was sure that it could not be traced. I hoped that the cops would think that somebody in the Russian mafia had shot him. Possibly, that confusion would help us,...

3 years ago
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Late Night Interview of Journalist Intern

Maria peers into the mirror lazily. She dries her skin and pumps the lotion from the bottle, realizing it's running low and she will need more soon. She looks at the alarm clock next to the bed and realizes she is running late. She hurries, lathering on the lotion to her freshly shaved legs and her bare arms, before glancing back into the mirror before she goes to pick out something to wear. She knows she needs to show off her long legs—especially in a short dress. She hears me knock on the...

2 years ago
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TimewalkingChapter 2

She dried her tears and continued the conversation. "In this era, you are talking about becoming a mercenary soldier. Have you noticed that sword that some of the soldiers were carrying? It's called a khopesh. (The khopesh had a short straight section between the handle and a gently curved section which slightly resembled a crescent moon. The only part that was sharpened was the outside of the curved section and the point. The point was in line with the handle, so that a simple stabbing...

4 years ago
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No Vaccine For Death

Devil In The Machine 2: No Vaccine For Death by Cabinessence Hans Richstag looked at the cold concrete colored walls of his small apartment and felt like he was trapped in a tomb built for the living, with a modem as his only lifeline to the rest of humanity. The antiquated computer and its printer companion stood together on a table in the corner, the lone concessions to the fact that the world outside his window had gone forward without him. Every other space in the room...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Anya Olsen Worships Mandingo8217s Giant Big Black Cock

Anya Olsen can’t get enough BBC in this all out fuckfest with Mandingo! She’s quickly moving up the ranks as one of the hottest whores around. Anya is what dreams are made of, legs for days, perfect perky tits, and those bright blue eyes. What more could you want? She teases in her fuzzy white top and tiny blue panties as she’s anxiously waiting for Mandingo to show up. Anya’s giddy as she feels the size of Mandingo’s monster cock through his sweatpants,...


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