What Did Happen In Vegas?Chapter 4 free porn video

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8:00 PM

Tom couldn't stand the pain any longer so he hit the call button and the nurse came and injected the painkiller into his IV. Tom was starting to drift off when he saw someone with a camera. It was someone he knew but not well but he couldn't recall why he knew this person. He tried to focus on the person and realized that he wasn't really there. It was an image floating in his head. Then he was asleep.

Lisa got in touch with the duty nurse at the admitting desk and told her who she was and said she needed to get some information about her husband and before she could say another word the nurse ask for his name.

"Tom Boyer."

Lisa was all set to argue to get the information she wanted when the nurse came back to the phone. "Let's see now. He was admitted through the emergency room at 12:30 AM Saturday. He was originally admitted as a John Doe because he had no ID on him. His current condition is stable. That's all I can tell you. You will need to talk to Dr. Jasper. He was the attending physician."

"In stable condition? He's still in the hospital?"

"Of course."

"I'll be right over."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Boyer but visiting hours are over. You'll have to wait till tomorrow after 8:00 AM. The doctor wouldn't be here tonight anyway. You can see him in the morning."

Lisa's head was spinning. Tom was in the hospital? Since 12:30 AM Saturday. If that's true how could someone have taken his picture Sunday evening at Applebee's. Lisa knew something was wrong but was too upset with the news of Tom's accident to think about anything else.

Lisa remembered that Tom had been riding his motorcycle Friday night and the roads were wet. He probably dumped his bike and banged himself up a little. Jerk. What was he doing riding that stupid bike anyway? She told herself that she would get this all sorted out in the morning. Lisa went to bed at 11:00 PM but she didn't sleep very well.

Tuesday April 29, 2003

6:00 AM

Lisa was up and showered at 6:00 AM and decided to go to her office at 6:30 to work for a while before going to the hospital After all how big a hurry should she be in when Tom hadn't made any attempt to let Lisa know where he was.

Lisa was sitting at her desk when Zack stuck his head in the door.

"How's Tom? I just got the message from the hospital. Apparently he has had a bad time of it," Zack said.

Lisa didn't want to look foolish so she just said, "I am going over at 8:00 to check on him."

Zack said, "Tell him I'll stop by later today to see him if he is up to having visitors."

Lisa asked, "When did you hear about his accident?"

"The hospital called and left a message for me yesterday. I called this morning and his doctor filled me in."

Trying to appear informed, Lisa said. "You talked to Dr. Jasper?"

"Dr. Jasper, that's right. Nice fellow. Well, just tell Tom not to worry about us we'll get by until he gets back to work."

When Zack left Lisa broke down and cried. Why had she been left out? Why had no one tried to contact her? She also knew this was partly her fault. She should have gone home Friday night like she originally planned. Then she would have been there when the police came.

8:15 AM

When Lisa walked into Tom's room the only thing she could see was Tom's head. A sheet covered the rest of his body. The first thing she noticed was that there wasn't a mark on his face and no bandages on his head. In a motorcycle accident that's what you expect to see. Tom didn't look to be all that bad off. The nurse was standing next to the bed and Tom was joking with her. Lisa heard him say. "What would I do with out you and your magic needle?"

When he saw Lisa he smiled at her and using a mock New York accent he said, "Hi, Lisa, how you doin?" Then he laughed.

"I guess a little better than you?"

Still smiling Tom said, "I'd say you are doing a lot better than me. Like on Friday night when I was here being put back together and you were God only knows where doing God only knows what. Was it worth it?"

The nurse came back into the room and heard a little of Tom's attack and she took Lisa aside.

"It's the pain killer talking. He won't even remember saying any of that in a couple of hours," she said and then she left the room.

Lisa was hurt and angry but she let it go. She wouldn't be able to talk to him while he was in that condition. The drugs would make conversation useless. She decided to leave instead and by the time she reached the door Tom was snoring.

Lisa sat in the hall and tried not to cry. As she was regaining her composure she heard someone say, "Dr. Jasper, have you got a second?"

Lisa looked up and saw the doctor talking to one of the floor nurses so she got up and moved close to them so she could get his attention when he was done talking to the nurse.

While she waited she suddenly remembered the message Tom had left on her cell phone. Now she realized that he might have thought at the time he was going to die. Typical male over-reaction to a little pain she thought.

Dr. Jasper finished answering the nurse's question and then he looked at Lisa and asked, "Are you waiting to talk to me?"

Lisa said, "Yes. I'm Tom Boyer's wife, Lisa, and I would like to know first of all why no one from the hospital tried to contact me regarding my husband's injuries."

Dr. Jasper said, "I'm sorry but we were told that the police tried to get in touch with you but were unable to locate you. When I talked to your husband on Sunday, I asked him who else I should call and he told me to just call Mr. Morgan. If I had known how to get in touch with you, I would have called."

Lisa said, "What can you tell me about his injuries?"

Dr. Jasper suggested he and Lisa go to the lounge and get a cup of coffee and then he would tell her everything."

Dr. Jasper got two cups of coffee and handed one to Lisa and then they sat down at an empty table.

"Mrs. Boyer, how much do you know about your husband's accident?"

"I don't know anything. I was away from home until last night when I got a message from the police that he had been in an accident and that's all I know."

Dr. Jasper said, "Well, if you were away you may not have heard about the accident over on 44th Avenue Friday night."

Lisa stiffened as she remembered the SUV burning in the middle of the road. But she didn't say anything.

"Basically what happened was that an SUV ran a stop sign and hit your husband's motorcycle broadside. Your husband was thrown nearly thirty-five yards through the air and he landed on an embankment, which was lucky for him because the bike was crushed under the SUV and destroyed in the fire."

That image made Lisa cringe.

"How bad are his injuries? Tom left me a voice mail message telling me he was dying and he was saying good-bye."

"What time did he call you?"

"I think it was about a quarter to twelve Friday night."

"That makes sense. He was in pretty rough shape. He lost a lot of blood and he was busted up pretty badly. If you got a message from him, why didn't you check with the police then?"

"I didn't hear the message until yesterday and I didn't know what it meant until now. How badly was he injured?"

"Your husband has two fractures on his left leg, his right ankle was badly sprained. His left arm is broken four inches below the elbow. He broke two ribs and one of them punctured his left lung. He also had multiple lacerations and abrasions. I had to read through the ER notes on him twice before we could figure out where to start on him once we had him in the OR. When they brought him in he was losing blood almost as fast as they could pump it into him. I have a copy of your husband's charts with me."

Dr. Jasper opened the brief case he was carrying and pulled out a folder and opened it. "Let's see, yes, here it is. He was given three units of blood and they were starting a forth but his BP was not responding and then at 1:05 AM Saturday morning your husband went into cardiac arrest."

"1:05 AM?" Lisa asked as she felt the now familiar cold chill run up her back.

"Yes, it was 1:05 AM. Dr. Raymond, the doctor who took care of your husband in the ER, made a note of the time because it happened just as he looked at his watch. Dr. Raymond had to defibrillate him twice to get his heart started again. He was gone for nearly two minutes and it was touch and go for the next twenty minutes. We came very close to losing him."

Lisa began to feel sick as she remembered what she was doing at exactly 1:05 Saturday morning. She wanted to cry but not in front of the doctor. She lost that battle as the tears started streaming down her face.

Dr. Jasper didn't understand the cause of Lisa's tears. He assumed it was the extent of her husband's injuries that made Lisa cry. Lisa's sadness was much deeper than that. When Tom had needed her most, when he was clinging to life by a thread she was about to let his best friend enter her. Tom was right; she may never be able to forgive herself. Tom may never forgive her either.

Lisa finally manage to say, "I had no idea his injuries were so bad. When I saw him he looked almost happy and with the sheet over him his injuries weren't obvious."

Dr. Jasper said, "His happiness is the result of the pain medication he was given. He is in a lot of pain but he resists asking the nurse for the pain medication because it leaves him so dopey. Luckily your husband was wearing a very good helmet. The helmet protected him during the initial impact with the SUV and again when he impacted on the ground. If the helmet hadn't held up the head injuries he would have sustained would probably have been fatal.

This gave Lisa one small bit of satisfaction. She had bought that helmet for Tom for his birthday. At least one thing she had done contributed to saving his life.

Lisa thanked Dr. Jasper and walked back to Tom's room and pulled a chair up next to his bed and sat watching Tom breath and wondered how this would all turn out in the end. Would she be able to get past what Tom had done and would he ever forgive her for what she had done. Lisa felt that the gravity of what she had done was magnified by what happened to Tom. If she hadn't gone out Friday to try and hurt him, Tom would not have followed her to Ben's and therefore would not have been in the accident. In Lisa's mind the driver of the SUV may have run a stop sign but the accident was her fault.

12:15 PM

Lisa had been sitting next to Tom's bed all morning. With nothing to do to keep herself occupied, she just kept rehashing the events of the last two weeks. Tom had cheated on her in Las Vegas and would not admit to it even though there were pictures showing him with the other woman. Then apparently they had gotten together in Denver and had been at Applebee's and then Tom took her to their house, all though the date of the Denver tryst was still in doubt. Whoever had sent Lisa the pictures must have gotten the date wrong but there was no doubt that it was that woman going into Lisa's house. Lisa didn't understand how Tom could have done that to her. Didn't he love her anymore?

Then Lisa thought about her own behavior. Maybe things would have worked out if she hadn't tried to make Tom jealous. One thing was certain, the accident would not have happened and Tom wouldn't be lying there covered in plaster and bandages.

Lisa was again replaying the events as though they were on videotape when Zack Morgan walked in.

"How is he?" Zack asked.

"He is in pretty bad shape. He has been asleep since shortly after I got here this morning. They have been giving him pretty heavy doses of pain killers and they knock him out."

"Lisa, why don't you take a break? Get yourself something to eat and drink. I'll sit here while your gone."

"Thanks, Zack, I am kind of hungry. I'll be back in a half hour."

"Take your time."

Lisa when down to the hospital cafeteria and had a bowl of soup and then stopped by the gift shop and picked up a couple of magazines.

When she returned to the room Dr. Jasper was explaining Tom's injuries to Zack.

"He actually died in the ER?" Zack asked.

"His heart did stop beating for a couple of minutes," Dr. Jasper said.

Hearing that again made Lisa feel faint but she managed to get to the chair she had been sitting in earlier without passing out.

"Good, you are back," Dr. Jasper said to Lisa. "I wanted to talk to you again before I went home. Your husband will probably be released from the hospital on Monday. I would recommend that you put him in a rehab center until the casts can be taken off. He is going to need around the clock care for a while."

"I want him at home. I'll take care of him," Lisa said firmly.

"Are you sure? You will have to feed and bathe him. Help him with his biological functions, keep track of his medications and control his pain medication. You won't get much rest."

"I'll hire a nurse to come in during the day and I'll be with him at night. He is my husband and I want to take care of him."

Lisa thought that by taking care of Tom that she could make up for her part in causing his injuries.

"In case you change your mind I have written down the names of a couple of good rehab centers in the area. He will need physical therapy when he gets the cast off his leg. I also need to tell you that your husbands treatment will be quite expensive," Dr. Jasper said.

Lisa put a mock smile on her face and said, "We have insurance and beside, I plan on suing the driver of the car that hit Tom. Let his insurance pay for Tom's treatment."

"Do you have any more questions for me before I leave?" Dr. Jasper asked.

"How long will Tom be in those casts?"

"We should be able to remove the cast on his arm in about four weeks. The cast on his leg will take at least six weeks. We won't know that for sure for a couple more weeks. The chest protection will probable come off when we remove the cast from his arm but he will have to wear a special vest to protect his injured ribs for a few weeks after that. I'll stop in tomorrow to see how your husband is doing."

When the doctor left Zack walked over to Lisa's chair and took her hand in his.

"Any help you need let me know. I owe Tom a lot. Tom is responsible for most of the business we have and without him this company would have been in serious trouble. Take the rest of the week off to be with him and take what time you need next week to get Tom settled at home. If you need any financial assistance let me know. I'll let people at the office know about Tom's condition. I am sure a lot of them will want to come visit him."

"Thanks, Zack. I appreciate the help."

"I'll stop by again tomorrow around lunchtime so you can go eat," Zack said as he headed out the door.

After Zack left Lisa settled into the chair and opened a magazine and began reading.

6:00 PM

Lisa had been waiting all day hoping that Tom would wake up lucid so that she could talk to him. When he finally did wake up, two of the salesmen that worked with him came in to visit. Tom visited with them as best he could and as soon as they left Brad came in.

Brad's presence made Lisa uncomfortable. She wanted to crawl away and hide while Brad talked to Tom.

By 7:30 Tom could not take the pain any longer so he rang for the nurse and within minutes he was drifting off to sleep. Lisa never got a chance to talk to Tom alone.

For the next few days it seemed that anytime Tom was awake and alert he had visitors. Lisa almost believed that people were coming to visit Tom for the sole purpose of keeping her from talking to him.

Monday May 5, 2003

10:00 AM

Tom's pain had lessened considerably by Monday morning and he was looking forward to getting out of the hospital and going home. What he wasn't looking forward to was being alone with Lisa. He knew that Lisa had insisted that she wanted to take care of him rather than put him in a rehab center and Tom appreciated that but it didn't make up for what she had done to him. It didn't matter what she thought he had done she should never have had sex with another man for revenge. Not if she wanted to save their marriage. It was obvious that Lisa was trying to make it up to him and even though he still loved her he didn't know if he would ever be able to forgive her.

Lisa wanted Tom at home but she was also uncomfortable about being alone with him. At some point they were going to have to talk but Lisa didn't know when she should do that. She didn't feel right about having such a painful conversation while Tom was still laid up in bed but she felt that putting it off might make things worse.

Shortly after ten o'clock two orderlies came and lifted Tom into a wheel chair and rolled him out to the hospital entrance. Then they lifted Tom into the mini van that Zack had loaned Lisa for the occasion. The wheel chair was then loaded into the back of the van.

Tom and Lisa didn't speak during the twenty-minute ride to the house. When they pulled into the driveway two off duty firemen were waiting to help get Tom into the house. Once they had Tom settled in bed, Mrs. Scott, the private duty nurse Lisa hired, came in and introduced herself.

While Mrs. Scott checked on Tom's bandages, Lisa made his lunch.

When the nurse left at five o'clock that evening Tom took two Darvocet as much to put himself to sleep to avoid being alone with Lisa as to reduced the pain he was feeling.

Tuesday May 6, 2003

7:00 AM

Lisa fixed Tom's breakfast and helped him eat. After taking the tray back downstairs Lisa helped Tom with his bedpan and cleaned him afterward.

While Tom appreciated what Lisa was doing for him, watching her clean him after using the bedpan was a little humiliating. It didn't bother him to have Mrs. Scott do that for him, after all she was a professional and it was part of her job but with Lisa it was different. Maybe if they weren't having their current difficulty he would have felt differently about it.

7:30 PM

That evening after dinner Tom did not take his pain pills. He decided that it was time that he and Lisa talked. When Lisa came in to take his tray Tom asked her to stay.

"I think it is time we talked," he said.

"Are you sure you're up to this?"

"Not much point in putting it off. It's not going to get any easier. Tom said and then continued with a laugh, "Besides if it gets too painful I can pop a couple of pills and check out."

"This isn't funny," Lisa scolded.

"You're right," Tom said. "Are you ready to tell me what you did? "

"I am if you are," she said. "This started with what you did in Vegas so why don't you tell me about that first."

"I guess we are at an impasse. I told you I didn't have an affair with that woman but you chose not to believe me."

Lisa had to hold herself back to keep from screaming at him.

"Then why don't you tell me what you did while you were in Vegas?"

"Okay. Each morning I went to the convention center and worked at the NTD booth. Whenever we met a potential customer I would invite them to come over to our suite at the hotel for drinks and to talk about how we could help their business. So I was either in the booth at the convention center or in our hotel suite everyday until around seven o'clock in the evening. After that I went back to my room and watched television or read."

Tom hated telling that same lie again but changing his story now would not help and besides he had promised that he wouldn't tell anyone what he had been doing at night while he was in Vegas.

"I'm supposed to believe that you stayed in your room at night in Las Vegas. That would be hard to believe even if I hadn't received those pictures," Lisa said.

"Have you ever stopped to consider that those pictures might not be real?"

"Now you want me to believe that those pictures are fake? How stupid do you think I am? I studied those pictures carefully. They are not fakes."

Same as What Did Happen in Vegas?
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Didi Se Liya B8217Day Gift 8211 Part II

By : Bajaj.Rahul25 Hello to all ISS Readers! Agar aapke paas pura time ho to meri real story ko pade otherwise apna time waste na kare Jin logo ne meri pichli story didi se liya b’day gift nahi padi mai unko apne bare me bata deta hu ki ye story meri aur meri badi behan Sonia ki hai Isase pahle ki mai next part of my pervious story start karu mai un sab behno aur bhabhiyo ka dhanayawad karta hu jinhone meri purani story ko bahut saraha. Mere pass bahut saare emails aaye aur bahut saari ladkiyo...

2 years ago
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Didi Ko Breed Karwaya Mom Say Mil Kar 8211 Part 1

Jab ghar main enter hoa to dhahka didi aye hoe thi , didi bed pay bhathe hoe apnay dono bazoo gothnoo pay rahkay apni motti motti or lumbe kali ankhoon say ansoo nikaal rahi thi or amma pass bhathi unhay chup karra rahi thi or bol rahi thi , bus chup kar jao ab jo karna hoga mujhay karna hoga . Tum parayshaan mat ho . Sab theek ho jay ga . Itnay main mian kamray main aya to bola kiya hoa sab theek to hai ? Amma boli kiya theek hona , tumharay jijja aik bacha to payda nahi kar sakta or es...

3 years ago
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Didi chudi boss ke sath

Hello! I am Vikky from Haridwar. I am 30 year old. We are three child’s of my parents.(me 30, my elder sister Varsha(35) working as a hr and my younger sister Payal(24) studying) the story is 10 years old.when my sister got married , her hubby was working in pvt company as manager so she got transfered in doon. Achanak mere jija ko company ki kisi training ke liye bombay jana pada for 2 months. Jiju requested my parents to send me to stay with sis. Main dehradoon dav mein padhta hun, aur...

1 year ago
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Ek baar phir guddi didi

Ek baar phir guddi didi Meri pyaari sexy guddi didi ki kahani aap sab pah hi chuke hain .ab main apko agey ki kahani bata hoon jab didi ko main shaadi ke kareeb paanch saal baad mila lyonki papa ka transfer ho gaya tha to hum bahar chale gaye they . Hua yoon ki main padhne ke liye mausi ke yahan aya graduation ka second year tha . Pat chala ki jija ji ka transfer ho gaya hai posting lucknow ho gayi hai. Mausi to bechaini se intezaar kar rahi thee . Akhir didi waapas aayi dekhta kya hoon ki jis...

1 year ago
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Didi Ka Doodh

Im Raju from Bombay meri big did jo muj se 5 sal bari thee…1 sal pehlay os ki shadi ho gai or shdi k 5 moth bad did ki apnay pati un bn ho gai is liye wo rooth k wapis hamaray ghar a gai….jb wo ai to pehlay b moto type means soft body or shadi k bad thoro oor moto or nikhri nkhri dikhai deti thee 1st day os ne mom ko btaya wo 4 moth ki pragnent hy ye bat me sath walay room me honay ki wja sun li os time muje itna pta tha pragnent means kal ko baby aye ga…….os k anay se dad mom pareshan rehnay...

3 years ago
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Chote ka baad bari didi ko choda

Chote ka baad bari didi ko choda story nomber 007 ap logo na mare pehli story prhi ho ge jis main maina apni ayesha didi ko choda tha. Ab ya story maree doosree didi jin ka name sadia hai, dakhna main bohat sexy magar halka sanwla rang tha. Age 28, figure 34c 26 34 , is waqt mare age 23 saal thee. Or is baar chutyaan guzarna ka leya ashee didi ki jagha un ki bahan saida a gae. Jin ko maina air port par sa recieve kar ka parents ka ghar sa ho kar apna flat par la aya, to dosto is bar ki story ap...

4 years ago
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Morning Harding Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part II

Dosto morning harding part 2 hai plz read first part 1 phir aap ko samj aye ge .ita soft story agar jalde hai muth marany ki to koi or read kar lay ,qukay mare stories ayse he hoti slow slow. Sorry friend didi nay lund pay kiss or thora sa mu main laynay kay bad didi to chali gaye bedroom say but mara to bura haal kar gaye mujay itna sakoon or itna maza a raha tha jab unho nay apni piyaray red color kay lips main mara lund liya tha or un kay mu he heat maray lund ko or be pagal kar gaye thi...

3 years ago
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Meri Pyari Pummy Didi 8211 Part I

Hi doston. Mera naam Ravi hai. Ye ek sacchi kahani hai jo ek mahine pehle ghatit hui. Is kahani me mai aap sab ko bataunga kaise maine apni badi behan ko pata kar uski mezi se choda aur apna banaya. Mujhe aasha hai aap sabko meri kahani bahut hi pasand aayegi. Sabhi pathakon se niwedan hai kahani padh k kripya apne wichar mujhe per zaroor prastut karein. Jaisa ki maine aapko bataya mera naam Ravi hai. Hamara char logon ka pariwar hai – Mummy, Papa, meri badi behan Pummy didi aur mai. Hum log...

2 years ago
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MERI MAA,MAI AUR DIDI By – Rahul. Mera naam rahul hai. Mere ghar mein char log hai, mere pitaji 42,meri maa 36, meri didi 22 aur meri age 18 saal ki hai. Meri maa bahut hi sexy aurat hai unka figure hai 34-30-36 unki coochiyan aur gaand dekhkar to kisi ke bhi lund se paani nikal jayega. Who aksar saadi pehanti thi mere pitaji ne hum ko paida karne ke baad apna family planning ka operation kar liya tha aur meri maa ki chudai bhi jyada nahi kar paate the shayad. Ek raat mere papa night shift...

3 years ago
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Didi Ka Jism Daba Ehsan Ke Niche

Hi, pornasaxena again brings u another didi story the idea was shared by the experienced writer prasha, with my modifications. And om wanted to be a hero in my story, so this story all goes for u 2 guys. Usdin bhi mai aur om college se uski car me laut rahe the, wo mere college ka dost tha, maine naya naya college join kiya tha, jab mai aur meri didi pehli bar mere admission ke liye gaye the, om ne hi hume principal se milwaya tha. Wo waha ke mla ka bhai hi nahi balki college students union ka...

3 years ago
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Baree didi

While driving on main highway, i am on driving seat with my didi, she was unconfirtable while sitting next to me. Didi kaya baat hai? Kuch nahi abhi or litnee door hai? Didi abhi to kam sa kam 5 ghanta lag sakta hayin, acha yahan pass koe rest house ya asee jagha? Didi tum paga ho gee ho, yahan beech rocks, kaya tum sapna dakh rahi ho yahan kon banaa ga rest house, preet (her name) didi huva kaya hai kuch to batao. Chotu mujha chee lagee hai baree zor sa, ha ha ha ha ha ha, to rok kar rakhoo 5...

3 years ago
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Lalach Buri Bala 8211 The Wild Didi

Hi, pornasaxena apke liye fir laye hai, ek dard bhara aah ..  Mazedar mfff .. . Desi kahani. Patience rakh ke padhiye ga. Spelling mistake ya grammar mistake ho maf kariyega. Ha pasand aye to email karna na bhuliyega .. 1 sal pehle ki baat hai, tab papa hyderabad ke ek wholesale dealer ke under kaam karte the. Aj wo yaha gurugram yani gurgaon me kam karte hain. Maa ke gujre kai sal hogaye the. Ghar me mai aur papa. Mai tab 11 vi ki exam ki taiyari kar raha tha. Didi ki shadi ko kariban 2 sal...

2 years ago
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Fasgayi Didi 8211 Part 4 8211 Seduction At Its Best

Hey . Pornasaxena again, your feedback has been so overwhelming, that  I  had to return. Keep mailing me .. Abtak apne padha, kaise meri tharki didi ko ek ek kar kai logo ne loota. Ayurved doctor jisne didi ko pichhli part me fasake choda, aur promise kiya ke wo kisiko nahi batayega is secret ko, akhir har bar ki tarah usne bhi iss promise ko tod diya. Age kya hua patience rakh ke padhiye. School reunion ki party me dosto me sharab ki barish ho rahi thi. Us bheed me ek dost ne aur dost ko dekh...

3 years ago
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Mai Aur Meri Pyari Didi 8211 Part I

I am vinod. 35 yrs old. My father died long back. In my family we are three people only. Me ,mother and my didi. Didi’s name is Anita .she got married three years back. But that didnt work out for her and she divorced her husband. It was mainly because of dowry and abuse related issue.she was not treated well in her husband’s home. So after trying to adjust for three years she finally quit. Filed for divorced an got it. Now she lives with us. She was well educated before her marriage too. She...

2 years ago
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Main Didi Or Khan Driver 8211 Part I

Mara naam Rajoo hai mare yah story kafie arsa phalhy ki jab mare age 19 thi… Maray ghar may main or mare bare didi Sonya mare 19 thi or unki age 23 thi jab parents nay unki shaadi kar di… Didi wasay he bhohat piyare thi or friendly be wo sab ki care karte thi or help be karte thi… Shaadi kay baad wo apnay susraal chali gaye or jab be wo ati to or be piyare dhakhte or unka jisam or sundar sundar lagta or main chore chore dhahkta rahta kay kitne piyare or sexy lag rahi hain. Kitna lucky hai jijju...

2 years ago
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Didi Ko Diya Mast Maja

Hi,friend’s kaise hain sab apne meri story ‘jab tutti meri behan ki seal’ read ki iske liye thanks per sabse jada main un frds ka dhanyavad karta hu jinho muje mail kiye or muje agli story likhne ke liye bola un frds ke kahne per hi main apni agli story likhne ja raha hu to dosto jessa ki ap jante hain ki mera name rahul hai or meri sweet nd sexy didi palvi hai ghar wale jab mere mama ji yaha dus din ke liye shadi main gye mene ussi din apni behan ki chut ki virgin chut ki seal todi hum dono...

2 years ago
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Didi Ka Balidaan Meri Promotion Ke Liye

Hi, dosto mai aj ek aur pornasaxena special lekar aya hun apke liye. Dheeraj rakh kar padhiyega. Best of fuck… Ooops luck. Ek sal pehle ki bat hai, iski sacchai apko padhte huye hi pata chal jayegi, bilkul jaisa hua tha waisa hi likhne ki kosish meri hogi, halaki story meri khudki nahi, par mai us insan ki jagah rehke apko bataungi. Bangalore me ek bahut bade firm me job karta tha, 2 sal hogaya tha, aur kuchh dost bhi hogaye the, usmese sabse acchha dost tha gopi d. Nam to ajeeb hai, par south...

4 years ago
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Dosto Ne Didi Ko Pataya

Hello friends, mera naam Rinku Sharma hai, mere ghar me mere mummy papa or meri meri badi behan rani hai M is waqt 12th me padhta hu or m 5:7 inch ka average dikhne wala ladka hu, Meri badi behan rani mujhse 2 saal badi hai wo dikhne me ek dum mast maal hai, wo ek dum gori or thodi c healty hai, uska figger 34-30-34 hai jiski wajha se jab wo jans top pehnti hai ya fir lagging pehnti hai to uski gand ek dum bahar ki tarf ubhri hui najar aati hai, jo bhi uske dekhta hai uska dhyan uski gand per...

3 years ago
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Palvi Didi Ki Tadap Hui Khatam

Hi, friend’s kaise hain ap sab apne meri pichli stories ko read kiya or muje mails kiye iske liye thanks apke jo mail humain milte hain unhain read kar main or meri didi ko bahut khushi hoti hai jisse hum apni stories ko agge badate hain to dosto ap plz stroy read kar humain mail jarur kare ab hum apni story ko agge badate hain to dosto jessa ki ap jante hain ki mera name rahul hai age 22 or meri sweet didi palvi age 24 figure 34 30 34 apko mene apni pahli stories main bataya tha ki humare ghar...

1 year ago
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Didi Ki Kunwari Chut Phadi

Hi, mera naam h mai 21 yr old hu or Delhi me rehta hu . Meri family me hum chhar logh h. Papa h or mom housewife h. Or mai student hu.Last i have one elder sister. Uski age 24 h .Abhi tak uski saadi nahi hui.Rang sanwla patli kamar normal size boobs or gaand halki bahar nikli hui h.Uska koi boy friend bhi nahi h .Kyuki wo saara din ghar par hi rehti h because hamari family me ladkiyo ko jada chhut nahi h bahar jane ki. Hamare ghar me sab ke alag alag kamre h .Papa or mom ek kamre me sote h jo...

4 years ago
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Finally Had Sex With Didi Part3

Hello friends, m Sameer apni story k third part k sath vapis hu. Jinhone meri story k pichle parts nai padey unse request hai ki pehle pichle parts zarur padle :- Finally Had Sex With Didi -Part2 Finally Had Sex With Didi. Lets come to the story without wasting any time. Jo pehli baar meri story padre hai unko apni didi k baare m batadu. Her name is Riya, age is 24 years, and height is 5’6″. Her measurements are 32D 28 36. Her boobs are perfectly round and very sexy but best part is her ass,...

1 year ago
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Kanchan Didi 8211 Part 2

Kanchan Didi – Part 2 Bhai ka pyaar Holi pe ye mujhe maayke chhodne aaye. Mummy ne mujhe is baar kum se kum ek maheene rukne ke liye kaha. Ek maheene bina chudai ke guzaarna to bara mushkil maaloom par raha tha. Jaane se ek raat pahle inhone mujhe poori raat choda. Maine bhi jee bhar ke chudwaya kyonki agla ek maheena to sookha hi jaane wala tha. Shaadi ke baad pehla moka tha jub main itne lumbe samay ke liye maayake rahne aai thi. Agle din ye waapas chale gaye. Jis din ye gaye usi din Vicky ka...

3 years ago
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Jungle Trip Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part II

Dosto part 2 jungle trip jo main phalhay part main pora na kar saka . aap ko phalha part i think acha nahi laga ho ga or jin ko acha laga yah bura phir be thanks aap nay mare story read ki .jasa kay main phalhi story main baata chuka hon kay ,wo junglee adami ka lora nechay ko os ki tango main latka hoa tha or kafie sara wet tha jes say lag raha tha kay near 8 inch to didi ki piyare gore little choot main gaya ho ga . or soch raha tha kay itna bara es ka lora or itna motta lund didi nay kasay...

2 years ago
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Apni Didi Ka Apna He Maza 8211 Part IV

Hello friends sorry for late story , I am really very sorry or un dosto ko be sorry jin logo ko main reply kafie arsay say nahi kar saka qukay mara email brothersisteryahoo wala block ho gaya tha , es liya nahi kar saka reply , so my new email , hai or es time main apni didi ka apna he maza part4 write kar raha hon jin dosto nay read kiya hoay hain baqi parts wo to jantay hain or jo first time read kar rahay hain wo phalhy baqi kay read kar lay apni didi ka apna he maza part 1, 2 , 3 .thanks ....

2 years ago
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Jungle Trip Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part I

Dosto kuch saal phalhy hum sab ghar walon nay jungle trip ka program banya . qu kay dad ka zayda dil karta tha jungle main kuch din rahnay ka or hum logo ka be dil karta tha , city main her time rush or shoor he shoor her taraf to kuch din mom or dad sakoon main rahna chhatay thay or wasay be collage ki chotiya ho gaye thi . dad kay friend forest kay baray officer thay to unho nay dad ko offer karwaye aap log chalay jay maray log aap ki care be karay gay , Or jungle ki saar b karwaya gay. dad...

2 years ago
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Apni Didi Ka Apna He Maza

Dosto aaj kal behan ko chodna bhohat easy hai agar koi chodnay ka dil ho ,or kuch time aap ki bad luck be ho jate hai ,very easy way kay aap behan ki baatay apnay online friends yah chatroom main kar saktay hain , yah apni behan ka mail id yah yahoo messenger or msn messenger or koi be messenger aap ki behan ka os ko add kar lu apnay kise or id say or os say achi achi mails send karo or kabhi erotic pics send karo . Or osay patany ki try kartay raho .agar aap ki behan ka thora sa be dil aap pay...

2 years ago
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kali didi ki kali chut

ek jaroori bat kahani churanewale bahut hain unake liye yeh batt plz apni sacchi kahaniya likhe nahi kisi ki kahni copy-paste kare agar sacha me aap iss ke chahnewale hain to plz asli kahaniya likhe jinhe padhkar sab readers ko maja aaye kyounki mujhe lagta hain ki kai kahaniya aisi hi churai hui hain maaf kijiye lekin plz apni sacchi kahaniya likhe To main ab kahani batata hu jo meri sacchi kahani hain kisi ki churai hui nahi hamare ghar main chacha chachi aur chacha ki ladki yani meri bahan...

2 years ago
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Didi Fasgayi 8211 Part 1 Dudhwala

‘plumber ravi aur didi’ me huye ghatna ke bad ravi ne didi ko promise kiya tha ki ye bat unke bich hi rahegi. Par sharab ke nashe me ravi ne ye bat ramesh dudhwale ko bata di. Dudhwala didi ke ghar dudh dene ata tha. Didi ne kai bar uske samne nighty ke button khule huye gayi thi, aur janbujh kar use tease karke maze li thi. Par dudh wala lalchata, fir dudh deke wapis ajata. Par ab, ravi ke muh se sari bate sunkar aur didi ke chut aur chucho ki tarif sunkar use yakin ho gaya ki jis chucho ki wo...

3 years ago
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Didi Ko Chudwaya Uncle Se

Hi firends mera naam puja hai m abhi 10th class me padti hu , mere ghar me mere alava mere mummy hi rehte hai , meri badi behan ka naam rahi hai or unki 1 saal pehle sadi ho chuki hai , unki age 23 saal hai . Or fig 34 28 36 hai or dikhne me bohot sundar hai . Jeans top me to didi bohot mast lagti hai . Mere papa ki kafi time pehle hi on duty accedent me deth ho gai thi jiski wajha se unki jagha meri mummy ko govt job mil gai thi , ye baat kuch din pehle ki hai jab mere didi ghar per aaye hue...

4 years ago
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East or west didi is best

Hi dosto mujha ap kee e-mail sa andaza huva ap na mare story bohat pasand ke hai ab doosree story share kar raha haoin. Un logo ka leya jinho na mare 1st story nahi parhi us ka leya mara introduction. Maan upper middle class sa hoain age 25 name sunny or mumbai ka reha vala haoin. Hum family maan 3 log hayin me mom age 52 dad age 60.father Gov sector maan job karta hayin or scale 20 kaa officer hayin or pasa itna hai ka hum log bohat khush hayin, matlab na zayada na kam. E-mail id maan ap ko...

2 years ago
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Didi Ke Kitanuo Ka Safaya

Mai pornasaxena akhir me apne bareme bataunga aur apni dusri stories ke list apko dunga, agar ye wali acchi lage to baki sare stories padhiye aur mere email id me feedback, aur advice v de… Alarm ki ghanti se meri nind khuli to utha aur school janeki tayari karne laga. Pas ke ghar se papa ke sath hamare pados ke raman dadu ki chai pe political baten chal rahi thi. Maine darwaze ko halka sa khola to dekha didi biscuit se bhare plate leke unke samne rakh rahi thi. Mummy to mama ke tabiyat kharab...

4 years ago
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Jawan Didi Aur Ajnabi Ladka

Hi friends, mera naam Vicky hai.aaj mai aap logo ke liye aisi kahani lekar kar aaya hu jo bikul sach hai.aaj mai aap logo ko ek chudai ki kahani sunane jaa raha hu.ye chudaai kisi aur ki nahi meri didi ki hai.meri didi ka naam priya singh hai meri didi dekhne me bahut sundar nahi hai par unhe dekh kar log akarshit ho jate hai.meri didi ka fig 32-30-32 hai.meri didi hamesha se hi ek modern ladki rahi hai unke kapde pahene ka bhi dangh hamesha fashionable raha hai.didi apne school time se hi...

4 years ago
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Fasgayi Didi 8211 Part 5

Hi, pornasaxena again with sensual story of didi and jiju. Dedicating this to my die hard fans who keep mailing me in appreciation. And not for sex chart. Raat ke 11 baje jiju ghar atehi jor se bag patak diye aur bina kuchh kahe khae aur sone gaye. Didi ko chinta huyi ke akhir wo itne pareshan kyu hai. To bahut manane ke bad pata chala ke unka promotion ruk gaya hai. Jiska karan hai, unke office me transfer hoke aya unke hi post ka ek aur banda, zaheer, sabko zee {z} ke nam se intro deta firta...

3 years ago
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Didi Ki Kahani

aaj mai apko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu wo kahani meri badi bahan ka unke premi ke sathh kiya gaya sex ki hai. sabse pahle mai apka parichay apni badi bahan se kara du. meri didi jiski umar athais saal hai, rang to thoda gora hai lekin itni sundar hai ki dekh ke koi bhi unke sath karne ko taiyar ho jaye. mere dono dost jinka name vikram hai. yeh kahani pichhale se pahle ki hai. mai apne bahan ke saath do room ke ek flate me rahata hu. Vikram jo ki didi ka premi hai sahar me yaha aya. usi din...

1 year ago
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Doodhwale Ne Sanchita Didi ko Choda 2

hi everyone i am sanjeev 19 yrs aged.aaj main apni story ki aage ki use portion ko le ke hazair hu jisee main apne pehle story mein adhoora chora tha.meri is story ka pura janne ke liye iska pehla part zaroor se padhe. so dosto main time waste kare bina seedha story par aata hu. so jasie hi didi uth ke nighty pehane lagi main apne room ki taraf bhaga aur bistar pe let gaya aur sone ka bahana karne laga.mere face door ki taraf hi tha aur main zara sa aankh khole hua tha.laghbag 5min ke baad...

3 years ago
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Didi Ko Driver Ne Choda

Hello dosto I am sunny or aap say kuch share karna chha raha hon . Dosto behano kay rang bohat hain . I mean jab koi be ourat kuch karna chhate ho to kar jati hai or apna husband ho ya bhai kese ko be aik mint main pagal bana dati hain . Mari story start hoti hai mare early age say . Qu kay ghar main sab say chhota tha or bare behan say bohat chhota tha . Mare porane yaadain or kuch feelings hain jo aap say share kar raha hon hope you enjoy . Chhota bhai I think sab say bare behan ka friend be...

4 years ago
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Didi Nay Bacha Liya Baba Say

Hello dosto I am sunny aik new story aapko suna raha hon . Story slow hai maine pore baat lihki hai . . Mare stories jhoti nahi hoti magar haan kuch na kuch marach masla dalna par jata hai . Kuch stories life main gozre hue baatain hain or kuch wo baatain hain jo maray reader,s male ya female share kartay hain un ki baat ko apni story or apna style se lihkta hon . Aaj ki story be kuch ayse hai . Or such par hai . Aaj tak logo se suna hai or dahka be hai . Behan ho ya maa ya biwi apne zaat kay...

4 years ago
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Ashu Didi Ko Pyaar Se Choda

Hello friends, mera naam hai vicky main 20 years ka hu or Punjab ka rehane wala hu ,mere ghar me papa mummy meri sisters ashu 24 or annu 22 . Ashu didi ka rang gora hai or figure 36 26 38 hai .Or annu didi bhi gori hai or figure 36 26 34 hai .Main abhi bsc 2nd year me annu didi ne bsc ki hai or wo noida job karti hai .Ashu didi ne btech kiya hai or wo 1 year ki training kar k ghar aayi thi ab main story per aata hu .Main ghar pahucha to dekha ashu didi aayi hai unhone white top or jeans pehni...

3 years ago
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Mera B8217Day Or Palvi Didi Ka Gift

By : Rahul.Palvi Didi or meri sanse tej chal rahi thi main 10 mins tak didi ke uper hi lata raha fir mene didi ko unke diye gift ke liye thanks kaha or mera lund beth chuka tha jab main khada huya to didi ki gand dekhi to gand ka hole khula tha jisse didi ki gand ander se najar aayi or mera lund ek dam laal tha didi 20 mins esse hi leti rahi or main bathroom main fresh ho kar aa gya didi ko esse leta dekh kar mera dil fir se didi ki chudai karne ko huya to dosto ye meri pichli story birthday...

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Fasgayi Didi 8211 Part 3 Ayurved

Fasgayi didi-2 ke bad dhobi ne didi ko promise kiya ke wo kisi ko is bare me nahi batayega. Par sala wo bhi plumber ravi, aur dudhwala jitna kamina nikla. Isbar usne yeh bat khud se bhi bade chutiye ko bataya. Aur fir jo huya …. Dr satish ek ayurvedic doctor hai jiska ek clinic hai didi ke area me, umar 33 sal, ht 5’3”, rang kala, patla sarir. Us area me as pas koi doctor nahi tha. To ayurveda doctor huye bhi uski acchi chalti thi us area me. Kai bar didi khud waha jiju ke acidity ke churan...

2 years ago
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Didi Ka Asli Roop Sex Me Duba Huya

Hello dosto namaskar mai rahul bihar ke chhote se jagah begusarai se belong karta hu…..Mai iss aur dk ka regular visitor hu……Maine ek story pahle bhi post kit hi aap logo ka bahut sara pyar mujhe mila mujhe kafi mail aaya tha…..Is bar bhi agar aapko meri story achhi lage …..Koi suggestion koi sikayat koi sujhaw ho….Ya apna pyar dene ke liye bhi kam se kam mujhe mail jarur kare mera mail id hai… To dosto mai apna kahani suru karne jar aha hu….Ye na to koi kalpanik kahani hai…Na puri tarah se sex...

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