ReconnectingChapter 10 free porn video

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On the road to San Antonio, Erika sat in the front passenger seat of Mama Mable’s Cadillac watching the expansive Texas landscape flash by. The radio played the latest country hits as she stared absently at the billboards dotting the interstate. It had been about 11 AM when she and Mable set out to do some shopping in the “big city,” but after only about 30 minutes of conversation, predominately pertaining to gardening, shopping plans, and Erika’s family in Japan, long silences began to echo in the Caddy.

“Erika,” Mable interjected after a particularly lengthy silence, “Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

Erika wasn’t exactly sure where she was going to go with her “personal question,” but she was game. The events of the previous night and the seriousness of her request had piqued her interest. “Sure, no problem,” she replied.

“I know that you and Charlie are in an odd situation right now, living so far apart and all,” she began. “But have you guys talked about family plans?”

Not exactly sure what Mable was asking, Erika’s brow furrowed. “What kind of family plans?”

“Well, dear, you guys have been married for a few years now, so I was wondering if you were thinking about starting a family anytime soon. I guess that’s a typical mother-in-law type question, isn’t it,” she laughed. “Sorry if it puts you on the spot.”

Erika smiled, realizing that it was indeed a typical mother-in-law question. “To be honest, we’ve been so busy with work and school, that we really haven’t even considered starting a family at the moment. I guess we’ll have to talk about it more once things settle down and Charlie and I are living together again,” she replied.

“I know how it is, dear,” Mable sympathized. “Your father-in-law and I lived apart for awhile while he was in the military, and I have to say it was one of the most difficult times for me. I mean, at that time, there was no e-mail and Skype and all this technology we have today. Phone calls were hit and miss and sooo expensive. Compared with that, you guys have it easy now, I think,” she laughed. “But you know what, I guess all that technology doesn’t make a cold bed any warmer, does it now, dear?”

A little surprised by Mabel’s innuendo, Erika decided to pursue the topic. “No, it sure doesn’t. But Charlie and I have been able to enjoy some intimate time using video chat, so it helps a little in that way.”

“Oh girl! I wish they had had that when Papa Bob was overseas!” Mable exclaimed, excited by the news. “I’m sure we would have enjoyed a lot of long-distance intimate time,” she said with a wink and a laugh. “I probably shouldn’t be telling you, dear, but as it was, Bob’s letters were usually pretty spicy, if you know what I mean.”

“Really?” replied Erika feigning disbelief. She instantly recalled the sounds she had heard coming from beyond the wall last night and knew full well the spiciness that Mama Mable and Papa Bob were capable of. “How about you? Did you send him your own spicy letters?” she probed.

A blush came over Mable’s cheeks as she piloted the Caddy down the highway. “I sure did, sweetie. But I guess you could tell by the color of my cheeks now, can’t you,” she replied with a smile.

“It’s funny, but Charlie blushes the same way. I guess he got that from you,” commented Erika.

Mable laughed. “Weelll, let me tell you, dear, at that time women didn’t use sexy talk much. It just wasn’t considered lady-like to use language like the men did. But Papa Bob’s letters really put a fire in me, if you know what I mean,” she said with a wink. “ I felt compelled to return the favor. I was scared of how he would react at first, but in his next letters, he told me how my letters really warmed him up, too. Actually, just writing those letters was a great experience in itself,” said Mable turning up the A/C. “I’m feeling kinda warm just remembering,” she said with a laugh and a deepening blush.

“Don’t worry, I know what you mean,” responded Erika trying to put her at ease. “Even though Charlie and I use video chat a lot, he still likes to send his own spicy letters ... you know, typical guy fantasies. It’s kind of cute to read what he he’s thinking or what he thinks is sexy, and like you said, they usually put a fire in me for the rest of the day ... or longer,” Erika said with her own wink.

After a pregnant pause filled only with the twang of country music slide guitar, Mable spoke up. “You know, Erika, I always wished I had a daughter to share some girl-talk like this.,. to talk about boys and relationships and things, but I never got that chance. I hope you don’t mind discussing those things with me. I mean, with the cultural difference and the age difference and all, please let me know if certain subjects are off limits, dear.”

“Don’t worry, Mama Mable, my mother and I have girl-talk all the time, and believe me, nothing is off limits between us. She tells me about the ups and downs of her relationship with my father, and I tell her about the ups and downs that Charlie and I have. I hope we can talk the same way,” Erika suggested openly.

“Well then ... since we’re on the subject, dear, do you mind if we have a little girl talk about last night? I think we both know that things got pretty exciting, if you know what I mean,” explained Mable with a knowing smile.

“Yeah,” Erika laughed, “I know exactly what you mean. I was kind of wondering if I should just pretend that it didn’t happen.”

“Oh, it happened, dear. It definitely happened,” said Mable emphatically. “Soooo ... If you don’t mind me asking ... girl-to-girl, you know ... how was the happening for you?”

Erika was excited by the possibility that the question offered and felt a rush of blood to her own cheeks ... and other places. It had been a long time since she had talked about sex, mostly because she hadn’t been having any. And being that Mable was Charlie’s mother, she wondered how much detail she should share about her conjugal reunion with him last night and in what way. However, she quickly decided to throw caution to the wind and let the conversation flow where it may.

“Well, to be honest, I think Charlie and I owe a lot of what happened last night to you and Papa Bob,” replied Erika matter-of-factly. “I mean, it sounded like you two had a fantastic time, if you don’t mind me saying.”

“Oh, I have no problem with you saying, dear,” said Mable with a huge grin from ear to ear. “Just thinking about what Bob and I did last night ... whew!” she said fanning herself, almost unable to continue. “But I’ll have you know that half of our fun came after you two started enjoying yourselves. It sounded like our boy gave you a good night, too, if you don’t mind me saying.”

“Actually, I was telling Charlie this morning that my mom and dad were pretty sexually active when I was growing up, so it wasn’t strange for me to hear them enjoying themselves very often. Last night kind of reminded me of that. Personally, I think it’s great that you guys are still active that way. I mean, it’s sad that so many older couples aren’t.”

“You’ve got that right dear,” Mable replied. “Bob and I have some friends who either can’t or chose not to have sex with their spouse. It’s a shame, really. I’m so glad that Bob and I can still go at it and enjoy it at our age. I couldn’t imagine life without it.”

“Well, it sounded like you got plenty last night,” Erika giggled.

“I sure did, darling! I sure did,” sighed Mable dreamily. “I’m proud to say that Papa Bob really knows how to satisfy me ... in more ways than one. Truth be told,” said Mable lowering her voice as if they were in the presence of other people, “early in our marriage Papa Bob had a problem with finishing too soon. He would only be able to last a couple of minutes, and then ‘boom,’ he was done. It was so frustrating, but for the longest time, I didn’t say anything.”

“Really?! He seemed to last a long time last night. Charlie and I were both pretty impressed.”

“Well, dear, I have to confess that his performance now is due to the training that I gave him back when we were first married,” explained Mable with a hint of pride. “Actually, once I got married, my mother and I started talking pretty openly about sex, too, and she told me that she had the same problem with my father. She told me that men need to practice stopping their orgasm. It’s really hard for them, of course,” she said with a smile and a wink, “but after awhile, they can control themselves pretty well, and us womenfolk ... well, we can enjoy the pleasure we deserve,” said Mable with a devilish grin.

“Well, from what we heard last night, it sounded like your training was a success.”

“Oh, definitely! Let me tell you, even at his age Papa Bob can go for a long time ... especially when he’s using his little blue pills. When he’s hot and bothered, the next morning, I’m really feeling it,” explained Mable with a hand across her crotch, giggling like a school girl.

“Like today?” asked Erika with a big smile.

“Most certainly like today, darling!” shot back Mabel with a big laugh. “Let me tell you, my legs have been a bit wobbly all morning.” She relished the fact that her husband, even at his age, could leave her in this condition, and she was anxious to hear if her son’s performance measured up. “And how about you, dear? It sounded like you got a workout, too. Did my boy show you a good time?”

Erika felt a sense of excitement at being able to share her sexual experiences with Charlie with his own mother. As she thought about the narrative she would tell, a growing moistness found its way into the folds of her labia. “Well, if you heard as much as I think you did, you know that we had a really good time,” she began excitedly. “After hearing you a Papa Bob enjoying yourselves, Charlie got really excited, and that’s how everything got started on our side of the wall.”

“I guess we were pretty loud last night, weren’t we. We’re just so used to being alone that we just didn’t think about it.”

“Don’t worry, Mama Mable. Like I said, I grew up listening to those kinds of sounds from my parents, so it’s nothing new to me. Actually, I remember my mother was always very vocal during sex, so I think it just shows that you’re relaxed and feeling uninhibited,” explained Erika. “I’m sure we were pretty loud last night, too.”

At that moment Mable vividly recalled hearing her daughter-in-law begging to have her hungry cunt fed by her son during their romp last night. Another rush of blood filled her body and a fresh wave of honey spilled from her pot. “Yes, now that you mention it, darling, I guess we all had a lot to say last night,” she admitted with a deepening blush. “Well, I don’t know about you, dear,” continued Mable, “but when I’m enjoying myself, I just can’t keep my mouth shut. It’s like I become a different person, and the language just pours out.”

“Believe me, I know what you mean,” replied Erika. “Sex with Charlie makes me feel the same way. And since we hadn’t been together in so long, I guess last night was more exciting ... and vocal ... than usual.”

“Good for you, darling!” said Mable encouragingly. “You deserved it.”

“To be honest, Mama Mable, I felt like I needed it!” confessed Erika. “I’ve been going crazy this past year from lack of it, I think.”

“Oh, I remember what going without that was like when Bob was away for long spells,” reminisced Mable. “I used to walk around all day like a cat in heat.”

“Exactly!” said Erika emphatically.

“To be honest, dear, it got to the point where I was taking care of myself twice a day or more,” explained Mable with a grin and a wink, “but it still wasn’t enough. I told my girlfriend about my frenzied condition, and she suggested I try a “marital aid.”

“Really?” replied Erika with piqued interest. “What kind?”

“A dildo,” Mable confessed in a whisper. “After she suggested it, I thought long and hard about it ... pardon the pun (wink). I was really burning up inside, but I felt that if I used something like that, I would somehow be breaking my wedding vows to Bobby.”

“So what did you do?”

“Well, I picked up a pen and wrote Bobby a letter telling him how I was feeling and what my friend suggested. I wanted to see how he felt about it.”

“And what did he say?”

“Oh dear, he was all for it! He thought it was so hot that I was thinking about getting one and said he had no problem with me satisfying myself that way. In fact, he told me that he would fantasize about me using it for the rest of the time he was away. He only had one condition.”

“What was that?”

“He asked that I write letters telling him exactly how I was using it,” Mable confided with a deepening blush of her cheeks. “Let me tell you, darling, that really put the spark in me! I rushed out the next day and asked my friend where I could get one. She gave me a sex toy catalog she had, and I took that thing home and I studied it. Of course, in those days, the selection was pretty limited, but when it was all said and done, I was the proud owner of two of the finest dildos in town!”

“Two!?” exclaimed Erika a bit shocked

“Well of course, dear,” began Mable playfully, “After pouring over the catalog, I just couldn’t decide which to get! Should I settle for a slim, white, studded five-incher, or should I go with a thick, ribbed, black eight-incher? It’s every woman’s dilemma, now isn’t it?” she laughed.

Erika laughed loudly, too. “Yeah, you’re right! You’re right!”

“Damn straight!” said Mable with emphasis. “Well let me tell you, girl, those two weeks waiting for my precious twins dragged on. But they finally came ... and then I finally came ... the whole day!” Mable giggled unstoppably.

“Oh that’s great!” shrieked Erika and the car roared with laughter.

When she finally caught her breath, Mable continued. “Well, I didn’t want to be greedy, so I tested out the little guy first. Darling ... I was so wet in anticipation, it just pushed through the cobwebs and eased right in. Let me tell you, having something nice and hard in there sliding around after such a long absence pushed buttons I had almost forgotten I had (wink, wink). I used that little guy to have at least three good orgasms, before I decided to give his big brother a try.”

“Nice! And how was that one?” inquired Erika with a growing huskiness in her voice.

“Well, even though that first one loosened my old girl up a bit, I still remember I had to go slow and use a firm hand to get the second one all the way in. Once I did, though, let me tell you darling, I felt completely full! It was wonderful! And since it was about the same size as Bobby’s I could just close my eyes and imagine it was him in there turning me inside out. I can’t even remember how many orgasms I had the rest of that afternoon and evening.”

“Wow ... so Papa Bob is that ... big?” said Erika admiringly, “That’s pretty impressive.”

“Well, maybe a little less, dear, but pretty close,” confessed Mable. “How about Charlie, dear?” she continued, seeing a chance to satisfy a long-held curiosity. “I thought he’d be pretty close to that as well. To be honest, though, I haven’t seen his penis since he was a little boy, and I remember it was so tiny then,” she giggled, approximating his former length with her thumb and forefinger.

“Well, you’ll be happy to know that that he’s grown a lot since then,” Erika explained, making her own hand gestures to approximate his current length and girth. “It’s about like this now.”

“Really? Still not as big as his daddy, then,” responded Mable with a hint of disappointment.

Erika, sensing her mother-in-law’s feeling, replied, “Yeah, he’s probably more like your little twin, but he really knows how to use what he’s got. To be honest, before I met Charlie, I had a lover with a big one ... maybe bigger than Papa Bob’s ... but I have to say that sex with Charlie is much more satisfying.”

“Do tell,” encouraged Mable, curious to hear more intimate details about her offspring’s sexual prowess.

“Well, for one thing,” began Erika, “with my previous lover, I had to take things so slowly each time because of his size, that it was hard to relax and it enjoy it. The main thing, though, was that he was often too impatient and rough in bed, so I ended up feeling more pain than pleasure,” she explained. “But with Charlie, he’s such a gentleman that he is always concerned about how I’m feeling when we’re being intimate. And because of his smaller size, even when he’s very forceful ... like last night ... I don’t feel any discomfort at all ... it’s all pleasure!”

“Well, from what I heard last night, dear, he definitely ended up tapping your little girl pretty well,’ commented Mable as she recalled the sound of slapping flesh and the grunts of animalistic pleasure of two people in the throws of a hot fuck.

“You can say that again,” replied Erika, smiling and giving her crotch a quick rub. “I’m feeling pretty sore myself this morning. But it’s a good kind of soreness (wink).”

“I know exactly what you mean,” Mable chuckled and felt a sense of pride knowing that her son could satisfy his wife so well ... just like his Dad.

“Another thing is,” continued Erika, dropping her voice in an intimate tone, “I really enjoy pleasing Charlie with my mouth, so his size makes it easy for me to take the whole thing in ... That was impossible with the other guy I dated.”

The mental image of her son being fellated by the woman sitting next to her sent a shiver down Mable’s spine and sent another flood of wetness to her loins. She craved more detail. “Ohh, I bet he does enjoy that, dear,” her voice growing slightly more husky. “Last night, it sounded like he also enjoyed the attention you paid to his other two friends down there.”

“Oh, you heard that?” said Erika somewhat surprised. “Yeah, it gets him really hot when I play with them, too. But I’m sure Papa Bob is the same, right?”

Mable’s brow furrowed a bit before replying. “Actually,” she began, “you might be surprised to know, dear, that as much as I love Papa Bob, I stopping performing oral sex on him after our first few dates.”

“Really?!” said Erika feigning surprise. Although she had heard that from Charlie earlier that morning, she didn’t think it was true. “Do you mind me asking why not?” she inquired.

Mable was silent for a moment or two deliberating how much to share with her daughter-in-law about her sex life. Finally, with her gaze past the Caddy’s hood to the horizon, she said, “Well, I’ll tell you, dear ... but you have to promise that it stays between us.”

“Sure. No problem,” Erika assured her.

“The truth is, darling, that I had a very bad experience with a former lover ... a lover who happens to be one Bob’s best friends.”

Erika’s face showed her surprised at Mable’s admission.

“I dated him before I started dating Bob. And he was actually the guy who took my cherry.”

Erika’s facial countenance morphed from surprised to puzzled. “I’m sorry, Mama Mable, ‘took your cherry?’”

Remembering that her daughter-in-law wasn’t a native speaker of English, rephrased herself. “Sorry, darling. It means he was the first boy I had sex with,” she explained. “Anyway, he seemed like such a doll at first ... very gentlemanly and sweet. But after a just a few dates he started trying to get into my pants. I was a virgin and planned on saving myself until I was married because that was the ideal back then. But one night, we were out in his car and we were kissing and getting very horny, and I thought I would just let him touch my boobs a bit, but things moved too quickly. and before I knew it, we were both naked. Let me tell you, I literally gasped when I saw the size of his penis! He told me to touch it. I did, but pretty soon he was forcing me to suck it, and as I was doing that, he came very suddenly in my mouth. After that, every time we were together, he made me suck him. It was so big that I couldn’t fit it all in my mouth, but he would keep pushing and pushing. Sometimes I couldn’t breathe.”

“I know what you mean,” sympathized Erika. “My old boyfriend was the same way.”

“And then when he was ready to cum,” continued Mable, “he would jam it down my throat even more and make me swallow ... It was awful, dear.” Her voice quivered a bit as she recalled the unpleasant memory. “After I broke up with him, I swore I’d never go down on another man,” she concluded.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Mama Mable, I had no idea,” apologized Erika. She felt bad for bringing up the subject with her mother-in-law.

“Oh, don’t worry about it, darling, It’s ancient history ... But what is it with guys and their cocks!” Mable finally exclaimed with frustration. “It seems the bigger they are, the worse they think they can treat us.”

Erika nodded her head in agreement.

“Well, dear, at least we were able to finally find two men who can give us all the happiness and pleasure we can handle,” said Mable, a smile returning to her face.

“Yes, we’re definitely lucky with the two we got,” agreed Erika.

A mile or two passed with the roar of road noise replacing the excited conversation and laughter that had previously echoed in the Caddy. Both women were lost in internal thought, reflecting on what had been said and revealed over the span of a few minutes. Finally, a Willie Nelson classic was interrupted when Erika got up the courage to pursue the last topic a little more.

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It was during one of these intense interludes when I noticed my step-daughter standing in a shadow just on the edge of the camera’s view. She was concealed by the dark but I could make out her profile against the wall she was standing by as she looked across the room, over her mother’s back at the monitor that had my image. Sherry was so busy with her fingers between her legs she didn't notice her girl behind her but I knew what JoAnne was seeing; a close up of my hand slow stroking my...

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I want you to do this my love

My name is Christine and I’m in love with John, who is thirty years older than me. I’m twenty one and he is fifty one. We recently moved in together and so far it has been great. We're both very sexual and enjoy doing all sorts of sexual things. We actually met at a sex addict meeting. I’m a nymphomaniac. I think he was just there cruising the place, looking for women to shoot porno films. But, I really have had quite a time with being a nympho. I always want sex and sometimes just have it...

2 years ago
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LA FunChapter 40

The world was foggy this morning. At least my head was foggy. The previous day had been so full of everything that I didn't think I could handle another day like that. Knowing that I needed to wake up, I moved from the bed, slipping from under the clutching Willy and over the top of Katie, who reached up and pulled my head down for a kiss. I put my workout clothes on and went to the basement to use the gym. I had finished stretching, just started the treadmill, and turned the TV on when...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 4 The Monsters Lusts

Acolyte Sophia – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare My heart beat with excitement as we crossed the Merchant's Bridge over the Melkith River that flowed through the sprawling city of Shesax. Behind us, the Lone Mountain thrust up like a rock spire to pierce the fluffy, white clouds drifting across the sun. Ahead, the sun rose, shining golden light in our eyes. The Merchant's Bridge connected with the K'holene Highway, the great merchant road that led to the mining city of K'hol. I had ridden...

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Last chance to stray

Jon and I were best friends all through our youth. Inseparable.But times change. After university we made new lives in different cities. We both had long-term girlfriends and busy schedules so didn't talk much or even email.We'd still see each other at holidays though, when we visited our folks in the old home town.When we got together it was like we're picking up from a conversation five minutes ago. He called one day a few months ago to tell me he was getting married and asking if I'd be his...

1 year ago
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Private Renata Fox Horny Teen Enjoys Anal

In Private Specials, Maids on Duty Renata Fox’s parents have gone away on vacation leaving this promiscuous teen all home alone and she sure knows how to make the most of the opportunity… Renata slips into her kinky maid lingerie and entices in the unsuspecting maintenance guy before the fucking begins right away as she bends over and takes it hard from behind. Then enjoy this redheaded teen in action as she gets a mouthful of cock with a nice sloppy blowjob before offering up her tight little...

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Two friend lesiban fun Story about two friends.They are piumi and nadee. they are lives in colombo and going to famous collages.Their story start from collage.they are good friend since they were little.and they went to same collage for studies.they were in love since little as friends.but after they grown as teenagers they fell in love each other as not friends as lesbians.but they don't try anything to do because they were very shy girls.One day at a...

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Breaking Entering Ch5 The continuation of

The conclusion to Chapter 4... Again, I hold copyright, blah, blah, blah...---------------------------------------------------------I was barely aware of my surroundings after a few minutes. Jewan's way of fucking took total control over me, and my thoughts. I craved more of his cock when it was in me, and lusted for it when not. At the moment, my knees were parted high and wide, allowing Jewan full access to my bikini-trimmed pussy, and he was taking full advantage. My satin skirt was lifted...

3 years ago
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Interracial threesome with Lisa

It's mid afternoon and I'm browsing through xhamster when I receive a message of Lisa asking me to meet her again. She told me that James was busy and he couldn't make it tonight. I replied telling her that didn't matter and asked her when, she said she wanted to meet up that same day :) It's 8pm when I arrive at Lisa's house and the first thing I see is James's car on the drive. She said he wasn't going to be here, but I'm not complaining. We had arranged to meet up for 7pm but I was held up...

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Venturing Again With Rajjo

Hi this is Prash again. I hope you liked my first story It was an amazing experience having an adventure with someone other than my wife. Though I love her very much, our life styles and my polygamous nature resulted to the wonderful experience with women. Rajjo and I had sex for the first time in an unplanned scenario. Though we knew we were going to get intimate at the movie theater never had we expected that we...

2 years ago
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A pretty, young girl suddenly runs into Master K's office looking as terrified as can be. Master K is casually sitting at his mahogany desk while handling some paperwork as she catches his attention and begins to explain her circumstances."Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me, please?” she says. "It’s just that I think I'm being followed by somebody and I really need to hide somewhere. Could you help me?”Master K, now somewhat concerned for the girl's safety, asks, "what do you...

Office Sex
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The Librarian Part 4

Along with having a comfortable bed, Sloane had an equally comfortable couch. I know because that's where we slept last night. We never made it up to her room. When Sloane got on her knees in the parking lot of my dorm and told me she wasn't done with me or my dick, I couldn't say yes fast enough. This time I made sure to bring clothes for the next day. As soon as we got back to her house we were all over each other. We made love in the kitchen and made love on Sloane's dining room table. We...

4 years ago
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Dream of a threesome

I come home from work in to your room to find a short dark haired girl roughly our age undressing outside the bathroom door. As she finishes exposing her naked body you emerge from the bathroom ROM completely gorgeously naked and kiss the mystery as you move her hands to caress your tits. You gently push down on her shoulders until she's on her knees and you gently hold her head as she licks you tight pussy. While she's running her tongue between the lips of your pussy you kiss me and begin to...

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Hyley Winters Hyley8217s Husband Lets Her Play While Away

When pretty blonde wife Hyley and her new boyfriend Nathan woke up in bed this morning Nathan was very impressed on how hard she rode his cock as well as sucked it too and asked where her husband was to thank him. She let him him know he was off to work so Nathan thought it would be a good idea to head out. But Hyley let him know her husband requested he stay and play with her some more and that he would be eternally grateful knowing his wife got her pink pussy stretched and fucked hard and...

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Sit on my face

It was another boring summer day for Jason at his grocery store job.He hated working here, and would quit in a heartbeat - if it weren't for Kelsey.Kelsey was a beautiful red headed girl only a couple years older than him. She was shorter, and athletic, but possessed a very large pair of breasts, and her ass was rather plump and full for a girl her age.She would often flirt with him while they worked together stocking shelves or moving freight in the back of the store. But she didn't realize...

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My first lucky threesome

It was a Saturday night and after a long hot day at work, I decided to go to the local pub/hotel for a well-deserved drink. It was a busy night with wedding guests mulling around before the evening disco got in to full swing after a big wedding from that afternoon. Holding on to my pint, I headed outside in to the beer garden to see if any mates were about, it was as busy out there as inside and very little space left to sit. I spotted a table with a lone woman, her dress telling me that she...

4 years ago
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Summer Experiment Chapter 25

Summer Experiment Chapter 25 By the time Friday night rolled around, Frankie was feeling pretty good about herself. She was felling closer than ever to Mary. They had talked and talked and each time she unburdened herself, Frankie felt a little better and a lot wiser. Mary was helping her get a handle on her emotions, which seemed to be taking her on a roller coaster ride. Frankie admitted to herself that she had blundered through the past couple of weeks, making a mess of...

3 years ago
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AlifChapter 6

Ana was gradually becoming accustomed to her new life in the big city. It no longer seemed the overpoweringly threatening place as it did on her first arrival. The city of Blad was still a great mystery on the whole but she felt fairly confident of the geography of the Jadid Quarter where she had been provided with a flat, and she knew all she needed to get to work in the city centre. The bus stop was only yards from the main entrance to the block of flats and benefited from a shelter which,...

2 years ago
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The gift of a video camera caused a bored housewife to release an obsession in her. Now the trick was….to get the shot that she became obsessed with…... Chad….___sister Jodi and I should have never gotten a video camera for our mom’s Donna’s birthday. Little did we know she would get obsessed with it. We showed her how to work it, figuring she would just take videos of family stuff. It started out that way, then I saw her taking a secret video of my sister undressing thru her not fully closed...

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The Stag Night Part 3

The Stag Night - Part 3 - Lap dancing and beyond I stood at the top of the stairs and took a deep breath. If I take this step, my life will change for ever, I knew that, the question is did I want it to? I placed my hand on the banister rail, my painted nails shining in the light of the overhead bulb and slowly placed my foot on the step down, taking care with each step, so as not to trip in my heels I minced my way down. My heels clicked on the wooden steps and the sound gave me...

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The Intern Ch04

The Intern. Ch.04.When I pulled into the drive and stopped the car Yvonne immediately got out and stood waiting for me next to the car. I was in no rush so took my time in following her. I walked slowly round to her side and looked her up and down. She looked back at me uncertainly. The sun was starting to get low on the horizon and it painted the world in warm hues of red and orange. “Strip,” I ordered her. She stared at me open-mouthed. She was beginning to annoy me with her hesitations and I...

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Hooking up with the Neighbor

The other day I was out mowing the lawn. I am in my mid forties and in good shape. I could see my neighbor Thomas down the street shooting hoops. He is just out of high school about 5' 10" and a lean Latino. I finished the lawn and he came over and asked me if I wanted to play hoops. I had played hoops. catch, four square in the neighborhood with the k**s for years. So, I did not think anything of it.We were playing for about 20 minutes and Thomas said he was getting hot and he took his shirt...

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Weekend at GrandmasChapter 15

School was out for a few days, so we drove to Shreveport and caught a flight to New Orleans, and from there to Las Vegas. Mom hadn't been too specific about what was going to happen, only that I would enjoy it, legally. Rick and Krys didn't come with us. Rick had a job and couldn't get away, and Krys said she wasn't interested. That suggested that this trip had to do with sex. She still wasn't into social sex. She loved the Sybian at Grandma's; me, I could take or leave it. I'd tried...

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Boss Er Cheley Ar Amar Maa

Hello friends aj ami apnader amar maa key amar boss er chele ki bhabey chudlo sei ghotonar sonabo Ami je office e job kori seta akta multinational company sekhaney ami senior project manager,bhalo salary pai hay kaj er chap achey office e amar bhalo sunam achey as a good employee Ta jai hok asol golpey asajak,amader company akta khub boro contact pai er seta within deadline ses korey prochur profit korey to sei anondey boss akta party throw korey,as a senior project manager ami o sekhaney...

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Mei Ling One Year Later

Mei Ling - One year later by B Pink To understand this it would be advisable to read the other Mei Ling chapters before reading After Mei Ling and her sisters returned to Japan I lived in the basement apartment that was all she left me with. She had taken and sold my own home, my business and had cleared all my bank accounts. In fact my previous life seemed to have vanished, it was as if Paul Parkins had never existed. I was now Lucy Parkins, a teenage girl with a limited...

4 years ago
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Forced By My Girlfriends Lover 3

Forced By My Girlfriend's Lover 3 By Huggyone "No, please Master Mike, I can't bear to do that. I promise to be a good sissy for you, and service every sexual whim you desire, but please don't make me clean you off after that." Mike grabbed roughly at my ear and pulled me, on my knees, until my face was an inch from his wet tool. "You can clean this for me later Pussy Boy, but right now Mistress Kelly looks like she could do with your services." Kelly had slumped...

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KinksChapter 13

The morning of the wedding dawned. I was scared, excited, a little horny, and incredibly nervous. I had spent the previous night wearing Sandra’s knickers. It was possible that I would not see them again after today, despite what Mrs Clarke had told me. I started to get dressed for the wedding just before eleven. I carefully showered, shaved, brushed my teeth and all that sort of thing. I put on the knickers I had chosen, then sat on the bed, unmoving, just staring at my suit. I was still...

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A very good view 2 P Very good these videos, very thanks for who have loaded them, also at me is happened a very good view like in these videos, in the car, with my nice sister,...

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Henry Versus The Horror

++This is a short story written for a variety of reasons. It’s kind of a kid’s story, I know, but I think that some here may like it despite being slightly saccharine. We all have to face our fears eventually as we grow up. We all have our own personal fears, and we all face them in our own ways. Either way, this is just a fun little adventure story that was written a year or so ago that I decided to go ahead and share. I hope that some of you get a kick out of it. No laundry was harmed in the...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 47 Truth and Consequences

November – Year 2 Bosco had decided against going to pick up the visitors himself. The members of the Tyler, TX Club agreed that they would meet as soon as they could and about midnight the rental car pulled up to the bar and three men got out. They looked like many of the men in the bar on any given night. They were the leaders of The Club of Brothers in Texas. Bosco was sitting at a table against the side wall and some of his members led the visitors to his table. He stood and shook hands...

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Joy and Bear Part I Ms Betty Teaches and Takes the Guys

When Joy had turned 17 and started her senior year of high school, she was allowed to start dating officially, as long as she kept her grades up, and she did. We were all seniors in high school. Joy and I started going out together that fall and seeing much more of each other. She was tall and mostly slender with just a little bit of a round tummy, long raven hair and the prettiest hazel eyes I could stare into. She had 36 C breast, legs with the sexiest curves, and the perfect round butt...

1 year ago
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Marks Job Humiliation

Mark`s Job Humiliation.Well Im happy you like my undies Mark typed in his google window to an online Mistress friend he had been chatting with for the past few weeks. Love hearing about a man in lacy panties and garter belts was the reply that popped up. The two had been chatting while Mark was at work at his desk. Mark had a corner desk in a shared office of a successful modeling agency that allowed him to squander company time with online fun. The three women he shared the office were none...

1 year ago
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The StrangerChapter 2

Outside, the rain was still coming down in sheets as the wind slammed against the cabin. The gods were enraged and were unleashing their fury on the little cabin. With storm raging outside and Bobby felt like he and his mother were cut off from the world. Bobby felt a strange detachment as he faced new passions that had been born on this tempestuous day. The almost deafening sound of the rain beating down on the roof made rational thought almost impossible. The sound, so loud and invasive...

2 years ago
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If Your Ever Did Believe

This story is about Stevie Nicks and KeithRichards. Its written from the perspective of Stevie Nicks. It takes place in 1976, when the famous Fleetwood Mac record “Rumours” was being made. It was also when the relationships in the band started to fall apart. Stevie had broken up with fellow band mate Lindsey Buckingham just 3 weeks ago. Meanwhile in England, Keith Richards decided to go to California to make his first solo single “Run Rudolph Run”. He was in a relationship with Anita...

Love Stories
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This is a true story that I need to share and has completely change my sex life. I've been married to my loving husband for 20yrs and have been totally faithful. we have a good sex life and are both in our mid forties, both in good shape we also have a fifteen year old daughter.I like dressing sexy for my husband and love him fingering me until I cum. We have often talked about me getting fuck by someone else and allow it really turns me on I have never had the courage or the intention. My...

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Mirror Mirror

She walked into the lounge, the curtains had a two-foot gap between them, she assumed Jimmy had stepped out after Mike had come up to bed to have a roll-up, she wondered idly if he still smoked his wacky-backy occasionally. She turned on the picture lights which included a spotlight over the fireplace and the ornate mirror above.Standing in front of the fireplace, only a hint of warmth emanating from the ashes within the grate, she lifted down an empty wine glass, a red tide mark designating it...

3 years ago
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Pretty Petite Stephany

She was really very attractive and even though she didn’t feel that way, her innocence was alluring, and that sexy smile, made me smile too. I had been attracted to her since I first saw her and her outgoing personality was probably the main reason, and now that she was in my class, I was even more attracted to her. She had a sexy look and a really friendly demeanor, but I really needed to be careful. Like I said, Stephany was dark skinned, which was very attractive to me but it was obvious...

2 years ago
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The Block Party

Every summer my neighborhood has a huge block party. The k**s run amuck and the adults get totally wasted. There is always plenty of food and it is fun to watch the bikinis and see people get drunk. This summer was different as I was now a man. I had hit puberty and was sporting hair on my balls and could shot a good load of thick hot cum when I masterbated. I was ready to fuck. The party got started and I ditched mom and dad to find a girl hoping to get my first taste of pussy. There were...

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Susan and Jason Naked In SchoolChapter 13 Friday 2

SUSAN We were on our to phys-ed when Jay caught an RR: they wanted to feel his not so little cock. Before this week I would have never understood, but I get where this girl is coming from. He let her fondle him. The gal who did this was a little chubby but Jay seemed to enjoy her touch. She certainly seemed to enjoy it, especially at how hard she made him. She thanked him profusely then went on her way. Poor Jay was left rock hard even after his performance in biology class where we peered...

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Gratification Through SelfstimulationChapter 3

Azelia’s erection has not totally shrunk by the time she gets on the rail for school. She is still totally horny with an almost electric charge in her body. The morning jog was so exciting that with that high from it, she fucked Zelena thoroughly enough. But still, that didn’t even quench her thirst. Her erection is keeping itself know as it forms a nice bulge between her legs. The girl tries her best to ignore it, hoping it will go away before she gets to school. She even sits at the very...

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