- 3 years ago
- 29
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On the road to San Antonio, Erika sat in the front passenger seat of Mama Mable’s Cadillac watching the expansive Texas landscape flash by. The radio played the latest country hits as she stared absently at the billboards dotting the interstate. It had been about 11 AM when she and Mable set out to do some shopping in the “big city,” but after only about 30 minutes of conversation, predominately pertaining to gardening, shopping plans, and Erika’s family in Japan, long silences began to echo in the Caddy.
“Erika,” Mable interjected after a particularly lengthy silence, “Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”
Erika wasn’t exactly sure where she was going to go with her “personal question,” but she was game. The events of the previous night and the seriousness of her request had piqued her interest. “Sure, no problem,” she replied.
“I know that you and Charlie are in an odd situation right now, living so far apart and all,” she began. “But have you guys talked about family plans?”
Not exactly sure what Mable was asking, Erika’s brow furrowed. “What kind of family plans?”
“Well, dear, you guys have been married for a few years now, so I was wondering if you were thinking about starting a family anytime soon. I guess that’s a typical mother-in-law type question, isn’t it,” she laughed. “Sorry if it puts you on the spot.”
Erika smiled, realizing that it was indeed a typical mother-in-law question. “To be honest, we’ve been so busy with work and school, that we really haven’t even considered starting a family at the moment. I guess we’ll have to talk about it more once things settle down and Charlie and I are living together again,” she replied.
“I know how it is, dear,” Mable sympathized. “Your father-in-law and I lived apart for awhile while he was in the military, and I have to say it was one of the most difficult times for me. I mean, at that time, there was no e-mail and Skype and all this technology we have today. Phone calls were hit and miss and sooo expensive. Compared with that, you guys have it easy now, I think,” she laughed. “But you know what, I guess all that technology doesn’t make a cold bed any warmer, does it now, dear?”
A little surprised by Mabel’s innuendo, Erika decided to pursue the topic. “No, it sure doesn’t. But Charlie and I have been able to enjoy some intimate time using video chat, so it helps a little in that way.”
“Oh girl! I wish they had had that when Papa Bob was overseas!” Mable exclaimed, excited by the news. “I’m sure we would have enjoyed a lot of long-distance intimate time,” she said with a wink and a laugh. “I probably shouldn’t be telling you, dear, but as it was, Bob’s letters were usually pretty spicy, if you know what I mean.”
“Really?” replied Erika feigning disbelief. She instantly recalled the sounds she had heard coming from beyond the wall last night and knew full well the spiciness that Mama Mable and Papa Bob were capable of. “How about you? Did you send him your own spicy letters?” she probed.
A blush came over Mable’s cheeks as she piloted the Caddy down the highway. “I sure did, sweetie. But I guess you could tell by the color of my cheeks now, can’t you,” she replied with a smile.
“It’s funny, but Charlie blushes the same way. I guess he got that from you,” commented Erika.
Mable laughed. “Weelll, let me tell you, dear, at that time women didn’t use sexy talk much. It just wasn’t considered lady-like to use language like the men did. But Papa Bob’s letters really put a fire in me, if you know what I mean,” she said with a wink. “ I felt compelled to return the favor. I was scared of how he would react at first, but in his next letters, he told me how my letters really warmed him up, too. Actually, just writing those letters was a great experience in itself,” said Mable turning up the A/C. “I’m feeling kinda warm just remembering,” she said with a laugh and a deepening blush.
“Don’t worry, I know what you mean,” responded Erika trying to put her at ease. “Even though Charlie and I use video chat a lot, he still likes to send his own spicy letters ... you know, typical guy fantasies. It’s kind of cute to read what he he’s thinking or what he thinks is sexy, and like you said, they usually put a fire in me for the rest of the day ... or longer,” Erika said with her own wink.
After a pregnant pause filled only with the twang of country music slide guitar, Mable spoke up. “You know, Erika, I always wished I had a daughter to share some girl-talk like this.,. to talk about boys and relationships and things, but I never got that chance. I hope you don’t mind discussing those things with me. I mean, with the cultural difference and the age difference and all, please let me know if certain subjects are off limits, dear.”
“Don’t worry, Mama Mable, my mother and I have girl-talk all the time, and believe me, nothing is off limits between us. She tells me about the ups and downs of her relationship with my father, and I tell her about the ups and downs that Charlie and I have. I hope we can talk the same way,” Erika suggested openly.
“Well then ... since we’re on the subject, dear, do you mind if we have a little girl talk about last night? I think we both know that things got pretty exciting, if you know what I mean,” explained Mable with a knowing smile.
“Yeah,” Erika laughed, “I know exactly what you mean. I was kind of wondering if I should just pretend that it didn’t happen.”
“Oh, it happened, dear. It definitely happened,” said Mable emphatically. “Soooo ... If you don’t mind me asking ... girl-to-girl, you know ... how was the happening for you?”
Erika was excited by the possibility that the question offered and felt a rush of blood to her own cheeks ... and other places. It had been a long time since she had talked about sex, mostly because she hadn’t been having any. And being that Mable was Charlie’s mother, she wondered how much detail she should share about her conjugal reunion with him last night and in what way. However, she quickly decided to throw caution to the wind and let the conversation flow where it may.
“Well, to be honest, I think Charlie and I owe a lot of what happened last night to you and Papa Bob,” replied Erika matter-of-factly. “I mean, it sounded like you two had a fantastic time, if you don’t mind me saying.”
“Oh, I have no problem with you saying, dear,” said Mable with a huge grin from ear to ear. “Just thinking about what Bob and I did last night ... whew!” she said fanning herself, almost unable to continue. “But I’ll have you know that half of our fun came after you two started enjoying yourselves. It sounded like our boy gave you a good night, too, if you don’t mind me saying.”
“Actually, I was telling Charlie this morning that my mom and dad were pretty sexually active when I was growing up, so it wasn’t strange for me to hear them enjoying themselves very often. Last night kind of reminded me of that. Personally, I think it’s great that you guys are still active that way. I mean, it’s sad that so many older couples aren’t.”
“You’ve got that right dear,” Mable replied. “Bob and I have some friends who either can’t or chose not to have sex with their spouse. It’s a shame, really. I’m so glad that Bob and I can still go at it and enjoy it at our age. I couldn’t imagine life without it.”
“Well, it sounded like you got plenty last night,” Erika giggled.
“I sure did, darling! I sure did,” sighed Mable dreamily. “I’m proud to say that Papa Bob really knows how to satisfy me ... in more ways than one. Truth be told,” said Mable lowering her voice as if they were in the presence of other people, “early in our marriage Papa Bob had a problem with finishing too soon. He would only be able to last a couple of minutes, and then ‘boom,’ he was done. It was so frustrating, but for the longest time, I didn’t say anything.”
“Really?! He seemed to last a long time last night. Charlie and I were both pretty impressed.”
“Well, dear, I have to confess that his performance now is due to the training that I gave him back when we were first married,” explained Mable with a hint of pride. “Actually, once I got married, my mother and I started talking pretty openly about sex, too, and she told me that she had the same problem with my father. She told me that men need to practice stopping their orgasm. It’s really hard for them, of course,” she said with a smile and a wink, “but after awhile, they can control themselves pretty well, and us womenfolk ... well, we can enjoy the pleasure we deserve,” said Mable with a devilish grin.
“Well, from what we heard last night, it sounded like your training was a success.”
“Oh, definitely! Let me tell you, even at his age Papa Bob can go for a long time ... especially when he’s using his little blue pills. When he’s hot and bothered, the next morning, I’m really feeling it,” explained Mable with a hand across her crotch, giggling like a school girl.
“Like today?” asked Erika with a big smile.
“Most certainly like today, darling!” shot back Mabel with a big laugh. “Let me tell you, my legs have been a bit wobbly all morning.” She relished the fact that her husband, even at his age, could leave her in this condition, and she was anxious to hear if her son’s performance measured up. “And how about you, dear? It sounded like you got a workout, too. Did my boy show you a good time?”
Erika felt a sense of excitement at being able to share her sexual experiences with Charlie with his own mother. As she thought about the narrative she would tell, a growing moistness found its way into the folds of her labia. “Well, if you heard as much as I think you did, you know that we had a really good time,” she began excitedly. “After hearing you a Papa Bob enjoying yourselves, Charlie got really excited, and that’s how everything got started on our side of the wall.”
“I guess we were pretty loud last night, weren’t we. We’re just so used to being alone that we just didn’t think about it.”
“Don’t worry, Mama Mable. Like I said, I grew up listening to those kinds of sounds from my parents, so it’s nothing new to me. Actually, I remember my mother was always very vocal during sex, so I think it just shows that you’re relaxed and feeling uninhibited,” explained Erika. “I’m sure we were pretty loud last night, too.”
At that moment Mable vividly recalled hearing her daughter-in-law begging to have her hungry cunt fed by her son during their romp last night. Another rush of blood filled her body and a fresh wave of honey spilled from her pot. “Yes, now that you mention it, darling, I guess we all had a lot to say last night,” she admitted with a deepening blush. “Well, I don’t know about you, dear,” continued Mable, “but when I’m enjoying myself, I just can’t keep my mouth shut. It’s like I become a different person, and the language just pours out.”
“Believe me, I know what you mean,” replied Erika. “Sex with Charlie makes me feel the same way. And since we hadn’t been together in so long, I guess last night was more exciting ... and vocal ... than usual.”
“Good for you, darling!” said Mable encouragingly. “You deserved it.”
“To be honest, Mama Mable, I felt like I needed it!” confessed Erika. “I’ve been going crazy this past year from lack of it, I think.”
“Oh, I remember what going without that was like when Bob was away for long spells,” reminisced Mable. “I used to walk around all day like a cat in heat.”
“Exactly!” said Erika emphatically.
“To be honest, dear, it got to the point where I was taking care of myself twice a day or more,” explained Mable with a grin and a wink, “but it still wasn’t enough. I told my girlfriend about my frenzied condition, and she suggested I try a “marital aid.”
“Really?” replied Erika with piqued interest. “What kind?”
“A dildo,” Mable confessed in a whisper. “After she suggested it, I thought long and hard about it ... pardon the pun (wink). I was really burning up inside, but I felt that if I used something like that, I would somehow be breaking my wedding vows to Bobby.”
“So what did you do?”
“Well, I picked up a pen and wrote Bobby a letter telling him how I was feeling and what my friend suggested. I wanted to see how he felt about it.”
“And what did he say?”
“Oh dear, he was all for it! He thought it was so hot that I was thinking about getting one and said he had no problem with me satisfying myself that way. In fact, he told me that he would fantasize about me using it for the rest of the time he was away. He only had one condition.”
“What was that?”
“He asked that I write letters telling him exactly how I was using it,” Mable confided with a deepening blush of her cheeks. “Let me tell you, darling, that really put the spark in me! I rushed out the next day and asked my friend where I could get one. She gave me a sex toy catalog she had, and I took that thing home and I studied it. Of course, in those days, the selection was pretty limited, but when it was all said and done, I was the proud owner of two of the finest dildos in town!”
“Two!?” exclaimed Erika a bit shocked
“Well of course, dear,” began Mable playfully, “After pouring over the catalog, I just couldn’t decide which to get! Should I settle for a slim, white, studded five-incher, or should I go with a thick, ribbed, black eight-incher? It’s every woman’s dilemma, now isn’t it?” she laughed.
Erika laughed loudly, too. “Yeah, you’re right! You’re right!”
“Damn straight!” said Mable with emphasis. “Well let me tell you, girl, those two weeks waiting for my precious twins dragged on. But they finally came ... and then I finally came ... the whole day!” Mable giggled unstoppably.
“Oh that’s great!” shrieked Erika and the car roared with laughter.
When she finally caught her breath, Mable continued. “Well, I didn’t want to be greedy, so I tested out the little guy first. Darling ... I was so wet in anticipation, it just pushed through the cobwebs and eased right in. Let me tell you, having something nice and hard in there sliding around after such a long absence pushed buttons I had almost forgotten I had (wink, wink). I used that little guy to have at least three good orgasms, before I decided to give his big brother a try.”
“Nice! And how was that one?” inquired Erika with a growing huskiness in her voice.
“Well, even though that first one loosened my old girl up a bit, I still remember I had to go slow and use a firm hand to get the second one all the way in. Once I did, though, let me tell you darling, I felt completely full! It was wonderful! And since it was about the same size as Bobby’s I could just close my eyes and imagine it was him in there turning me inside out. I can’t even remember how many orgasms I had the rest of that afternoon and evening.”
“Wow ... so Papa Bob is that ... big?” said Erika admiringly, “That’s pretty impressive.”
“Well, maybe a little less, dear, but pretty close,” confessed Mable. “How about Charlie, dear?” she continued, seeing a chance to satisfy a long-held curiosity. “I thought he’d be pretty close to that as well. To be honest, though, I haven’t seen his penis since he was a little boy, and I remember it was so tiny then,” she giggled, approximating his former length with her thumb and forefinger.
“Well, you’ll be happy to know that that he’s grown a lot since then,” Erika explained, making her own hand gestures to approximate his current length and girth. “It’s about like this now.”
“Really? Still not as big as his daddy, then,” responded Mable with a hint of disappointment.
Erika, sensing her mother-in-law’s feeling, replied, “Yeah, he’s probably more like your little twin, but he really knows how to use what he’s got. To be honest, before I met Charlie, I had a lover with a big one ... maybe bigger than Papa Bob’s ... but I have to say that sex with Charlie is much more satisfying.”
“Do tell,” encouraged Mable, curious to hear more intimate details about her offspring’s sexual prowess.
“Well, for one thing,” began Erika, “with my previous lover, I had to take things so slowly each time because of his size, that it was hard to relax and it enjoy it. The main thing, though, was that he was often too impatient and rough in bed, so I ended up feeling more pain than pleasure,” she explained. “But with Charlie, he’s such a gentleman that he is always concerned about how I’m feeling when we’re being intimate. And because of his smaller size, even when he’s very forceful ... like last night ... I don’t feel any discomfort at all ... it’s all pleasure!”
“Well, from what I heard last night, dear, he definitely ended up tapping your little girl pretty well,’ commented Mable as she recalled the sound of slapping flesh and the grunts of animalistic pleasure of two people in the throws of a hot fuck.
“You can say that again,” replied Erika, smiling and giving her crotch a quick rub. “I’m feeling pretty sore myself this morning. But it’s a good kind of soreness (wink).”
“I know exactly what you mean,” Mable chuckled and felt a sense of pride knowing that her son could satisfy his wife so well ... just like his Dad.
“Another thing is,” continued Erika, dropping her voice in an intimate tone, “I really enjoy pleasing Charlie with my mouth, so his size makes it easy for me to take the whole thing in ... That was impossible with the other guy I dated.”
The mental image of her son being fellated by the woman sitting next to her sent a shiver down Mable’s spine and sent another flood of wetness to her loins. She craved more detail. “Ohh, I bet he does enjoy that, dear,” her voice growing slightly more husky. “Last night, it sounded like he also enjoyed the attention you paid to his other two friends down there.”
“Oh, you heard that?” said Erika somewhat surprised. “Yeah, it gets him really hot when I play with them, too. But I’m sure Papa Bob is the same, right?”
Mable’s brow furrowed a bit before replying. “Actually,” she began, “you might be surprised to know, dear, that as much as I love Papa Bob, I stopping performing oral sex on him after our first few dates.”
“Really?!” said Erika feigning surprise. Although she had heard that from Charlie earlier that morning, she didn’t think it was true. “Do you mind me asking why not?” she inquired.
Mable was silent for a moment or two deliberating how much to share with her daughter-in-law about her sex life. Finally, with her gaze past the Caddy’s hood to the horizon, she said, “Well, I’ll tell you, dear ... but you have to promise that it stays between us.”
“Sure. No problem,” Erika assured her.
“The truth is, darling, that I had a very bad experience with a former lover ... a lover who happens to be one Bob’s best friends.”
Erika’s face showed her surprised at Mable’s admission.
“I dated him before I started dating Bob. And he was actually the guy who took my cherry.”
Erika’s facial countenance morphed from surprised to puzzled. “I’m sorry, Mama Mable, ‘took your cherry?’”
Remembering that her daughter-in-law wasn’t a native speaker of English, rephrased herself. “Sorry, darling. It means he was the first boy I had sex with,” she explained. “Anyway, he seemed like such a doll at first ... very gentlemanly and sweet. But after a just a few dates he started trying to get into my pants. I was a virgin and planned on saving myself until I was married because that was the ideal back then. But one night, we were out in his car and we were kissing and getting very horny, and I thought I would just let him touch my boobs a bit, but things moved too quickly. and before I knew it, we were both naked. Let me tell you, I literally gasped when I saw the size of his penis! He told me to touch it. I did, but pretty soon he was forcing me to suck it, and as I was doing that, he came very suddenly in my mouth. After that, every time we were together, he made me suck him. It was so big that I couldn’t fit it all in my mouth, but he would keep pushing and pushing. Sometimes I couldn’t breathe.”
“I know what you mean,” sympathized Erika. “My old boyfriend was the same way.”
“And then when he was ready to cum,” continued Mable, “he would jam it down my throat even more and make me swallow ... It was awful, dear.” Her voice quivered a bit as she recalled the unpleasant memory. “After I broke up with him, I swore I’d never go down on another man,” she concluded.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Mama Mable, I had no idea,” apologized Erika. She felt bad for bringing up the subject with her mother-in-law.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, darling, It’s ancient history ... But what is it with guys and their cocks!” Mable finally exclaimed with frustration. “It seems the bigger they are, the worse they think they can treat us.”
Erika nodded her head in agreement.
“Well, dear, at least we were able to finally find two men who can give us all the happiness and pleasure we can handle,” said Mable, a smile returning to her face.
“Yes, we’re definitely lucky with the two we got,” agreed Erika.
A mile or two passed with the roar of road noise replacing the excited conversation and laughter that had previously echoed in the Caddy. Both women were lost in internal thought, reflecting on what had been said and revealed over the span of a few minutes. Finally, a Willie Nelson classic was interrupted when Erika got up the courage to pursue the last topic a little more.
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Author’s Note: Any resemblance to any Administration living or dead is strictly coincidental. Part 16 The Vice President of the United States looked across the conference table at the Attorney General. He let the A.G. stew in his own juices for awhile. Somewhere there was a leak. He hated leaks. Someone was going to get his balls cut off. Finally he spoke. “Bill, we can’t have this. It’s an election year. How did that little Adkins bitch get hold of my...
Our ambush had produced a light carriage, piled high with chests and boxes, and containing a British captain of Marines and his charming, young wife, all frills and ribbons, teary-eyed and wobble-chinned after a loud, rough trip to our hilly place of encampment. We had shot down their two outriders and then killed the driver when he produced a horse pistol. The big, bluff Marine sputtered and swore as we trussed him up, and all of us ogled and gawked at his lovely bride who hung to his arm...
At the age of 17 I began dating a 22 year old guy. I was no virgin when I met John at a party. We had a one night stand that turned into us going out and having sex every chance we could. He shared an apartment with two other guys and slept on a fold out couch in the living room. We fucked on that couch every night I could sneak out to be with him. John would often get my high and fuck me silly. I also knew that his friends would secretly watch us fucking. At 17, I was a hot number. I was...
Straight Sex“Hey, Jim,” Lia greeted me as I got in from work. “How was your day?” “The kind that makes you glad to come home,” I answered, slightly worn around the edges from one of those tedious Wednesdays where nothing very interesting happens, but you still have to be there to do it. “You?” I asked as I took off my jacket. “Very good,” Lia answered, smiling as I turned and found she had removed her jumper. “Wow. My day just improved a lot, but no blouse? No bra? Isn’t that itchy?” “Might be. I...
Slim and sweet, Alex Blake is an absolute treat to watch as she struts towards her napping boyfriend Lucas Frost. Dressed in just a bra and thong, she’s a luscious surprise to wake up to as she runs her hands up his stiffie and crawls up Lucas’s body. When she leans forward to indulge in a slow and sensual kiss, Lucas takes the opportunity to relieve her of her bra so he can sample the delight of her full boobs. Although she enjoys her lover’s touch, Alex is eager to kiss her...
xmoviesforyouDaniella let her fingers crumple into her lover’s hair. She was possessed by a new kind of exhilaration. For a moment she clutched and caressed him, then she drew back his head and placed a kiss on his forehead. “The first thing you need to learn is patience,” she said. She trailed fingers through his dark hair, enjoying its thickness as she sat astride this powerful constrained man. You’re my plaything now. Hard part’s over. Got you where I want you—now we have all the time in the world.She...
BDSMI quickly made friends in the area through coworkers and what not. I was single and managed to get women pretty easily, I was 6 ft, 170, pretty cut and not too broad. I was invited to a friend’s super bowl party and was happy to go. There was about 25 people total at the party, my friend John was hosting it. John was recently married and a few people there were couples and singles. John ordered subs, had a ton of beers and wings. I was having a great time before the game even started. ...
“It’s still weird, being in the White House, fucking the President of the United States on her own bed, no less!” I chuckled as I reamed Nancy but good in her private quarters. “Yes, well, think of it this way ... I beat that OTHER Nancy who wanted to be President and now never will, since she had to resign the Speakership to make way for me. I’m gonna love being the Leader of the Free World and the first female POTUS! You have to admit, I’m a lot better looking than most Presidents! Imagine...
Hyper-curvaceous Romi Rain splashes her huge jugs in the pool. Markus Dupree fucks her throat aggressively, making her gag and drool on his throbbing rod. She squeezes her big boobs together for a titty fuck. Markus licks her asshole in a nasty rim job, and he slides his big cock inside her juicy twat. Romi spreads her ass cheeks, and he porks her up the ass. The dirty girl gives an ass-to-mouth blowjob. Romi’s body spasms as she cums on his thick prick. See expansive anal gaping. Romi...
xmoviesforyouHi everyone, I am Raj age 21 from Pune. I am here to share one of the best experiences of my life. I was studying in a college near my home. My friends in college had girlfriends but I was not that lucky. But, one day my life was about to change. I had a friend in college whose name was Ketan. Ketan was a good friend of mine. I knew his family very well. One day, he came to me and invited me to her sister Naina’s marriage. Naina was 26 years old and was very nice to me. My friend’s sister was...
( Naturally, you should read "Jerk" before reading this part 2. It picks up exactly where that story left off ) Tim closed the door and turned to see her already pulling off her top, releasing her gorgeous tits. “Same deal as before?” Part of him wanted to accept the deal immediately, but he hesitated as he walked toward the couch, trying to summon up the courage to ask for more. She must have sensed what he was thinking, because her eyebrows arched and she put her hands on her hips. Her...
First TimeAfter my husband practically ****d me after watching me seduce our 17 year old neighbor who is also our new pool buy, I could not wait to see the young teen. It wasn’t until Monday afternoon that I had my first chance to talk to Otto. I told him what happened when Jerry got home and how he sexually attacked me because he was so turned on by my seduction of him and the blowjob. Then I told Otto that Jerry wanted me to have sex with him the next time he comes to clean the pool and that he will...
Daydreaming by Boredsitting There is no plot. I know. Don't judge me. It's just my musing on the process of becoming someone/something else. The racy story online continued to dwell within my sleepy mind. The lights have been turned out, and two layers of winter blankets overlay a smooth, creamy feeling sheet encasing me on my overly-large bed. A vertical beam of feint light leisurely eases itself across my wall from an unfortunate gap in the curtains. The winter's chill...
“Cabbage,” yelled Sirvaughn Poe as he pulled in the brown-skinned slim dude into a hug.“Hey baby,” giggled the effeminate host. “How was your day?”“It was good, baby! A nigga cain’t complain you know.”“I’m glad it was good.”“How was yours?”“It went pretty well. Thanks!”“I see you got dat booty out fuh ah nigga tah-night.”“Oh yeah. Do you like this outfit,” Cabbage inquired referring to the pink lace midriff top he was wearing along with the pink and purple jockstrap.“Hell yeah! A nigga love dat...
OK this is the second part of my true story. I was going to leave it at two parts, but I think there's enough to make it three parts, now!I think I'd best point out that beyond the (I'm told) common early sexual experiences most straight men have as youngsters, with other men of their age, I'd not had any experience of men. You won't, of course, get many straight men who admit to this. But I'm not like most men.However, this early experience was enough to leave me curious as to what it would...
(Author’s note: this is an early version of a much longer erotic novel. It’s been through a lot of edits, but I really like some of the early versions that got canned. I hope you don’t mind me reproducing them here. Of all the stories I’ve written – which is a lot! – Caitlin is one of my favourite creations, and I’m always looking to giver her greater exposure, as are the men (and women) in her life! You can follow her continued adventures in the different versions of the story called ‘Strange...
A little after my first visit to the gloryholes I was still hungry for some more new stuff, so I decided to do a little web browsing and stumbled into a "gay sauna". I didn't quite know what was it about, but since the great surprise I got at the gloryholes, I decided not to read about it and just go.At the entrance a small booth with a guy charging for the ticket. I paid and received a bracelet with a key, he told it was for the lockers and also handed me a towel.I went in and first thing I...
The doorbell rang at eight o'clock the following morning. Both were having breakfast. Wendy was dressed but Tim was in his dressing gown. "Who on earth can that be?" asked Tim. Wendy shrugged and went to answer it. A woman in a trouser suit and a cameraman were standing there. "Good morning," said the woman before Wendy could speak. "I'm Pippa Williams from the Herald. I'd like to speak to Mr Richards about the attempted jewel robbery yesterday." "Well, you're much too early,"...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I had just fucked for the second time in 2 hours; my dick was hanging limp as I collapsed on the bed next to N. She rolled over and began to snuggle with her head on my chest and her arm across my belly. That was fantastic, she said. I'd forgotten how good a young cock could fuck. I stretched and looked at my watch. It was 5:30 on a Friday afternoon. I certainly didn't need to see any of the other women I was fucking. Not tonight. Beside, I decided...
IncestYoung Susie Jamison's eyes were closed and her chin was raised so that the stringing spray from the shower hit her in the face and ran off her long blonde hair. The gum-drop nipples on her luscious young breasts were hard as gravel, and her right hand, with the small cake of soap still in it, was buried between her long legs and rubbing up and down her seething slit. She knew she was close. Her left hand was on the wall, supporting her as she ducked her head, leaned forward and neared her...
Hello all of you. I am Bhavna. I guess all of you have read of my slutty experiences and even that I am married. Last time when I wrote I said that I am a loyal wife and will never cheat to my husband but it will be not wrong if I say I am a filthy slut who loves to be screwed by strangers. I was happily living with my husband. He is not very good at sex but quite satisfying. I had no more intentions of doing any more slutty acts like I did in my past. We are living in an apartment in a...
The months seem to pass quickly for Audra. The intelligence that she had collected from the rebel leader, Leah, had proved useful. Many raids were conducted and slowly the Scourge’s breeding ranks overflowed. She had also gained the trust of the queen, yet she still hadn’t been made a stalker. She was told that she was, but Audra couldn’t do that which Saige or any of the other stalkers could—control a red fungus skin of her own. The only thing she seemed able to do is control the chasers and...
March 18 You probably can't believe I'm still writing this. The truth is, I can hardly believe it myself. I certainly thought long and hard about it, but finally decided that since the whole thing's all out in the open anyway that there wasn't much reason to stop writing about it. And you might find this hard to fathom but I feel like I have a certain kind of relationship with you; a relationship that I want to honor. You might wonder at my sanity, but there you have it. It certainly was...
Molly Smith was excited! She was about to start her freshman year of college, and she couldn't wait to get started! Ever since she was a junior in high school, she had been filling out applications, taking the SATs and visiting campuses. When her preferred school sent her an acceptance letter, she was delighted.Molly loved school and learning interesting new things. She began pouring over the college catalog which outlined degree requirements and described the course content of classes in...
College SexThe doors to the throne room were guarded, again, by huge armored Gnathar wielding mace-axes. The monotony of seeing the same guards everywhere almost relegated them to the status of furniture in the mind of Jonar. And he used the concept of huge in his own mind relatively, as none of them came up to even his chin in height. They were everywhere, their visored countenances' silent promises of violence made empty by the commonplace nature of the threat. Jonar simply stopped noticing them and...
My wife and I have been married 7 and a half years now. We were married 4 years when this took place. I'm sure many guys have thought about this but I actually did it. The most erotic part of this story is the fact that she still , to this day has no idea what really happened. Good thing too. We have talked about a threesome many times before, but she says she would never have the nerve ( even drunk ) She does like to play games though. We aren't into any crazy shit or any bondage or...
Sissy Patti – My Toy, My Lover, Ch 2Renamed From - My Little Toy Sissy-boiBy CDJackieI went to the living room, turned on some music then kicked back in my recliner as I waited for her. After our little session in the bedroom I was naked except for my bra so I decided to take that off too since it felt a little restrictive. And I really didn’t need it anyway since my 38C tits sit so well on my frame with just a hint of a droop, but I like that because it gives them just that little bit of...
When I got summer holidays, and my preschool where I taught, was closed for 1.5 months. I usually spent my holidays on tour. But this time, my parents called me at home. I belonged to a village. I packed my luggage and caught the train of early morning. Around 7pm I reached my village station after five years. Bholu came to pick me. He was younger than me and my best pal too. He called me LD (Laila Didi). His father was working in our bricks factory.In the midway, he stopped for smoking. He lit...
I still remember how it all happened. It was one ofthe moments I will always remember for the rest of my life, nothing could take this memory away. I still remember every single detail as if it was still fresh in my mind. I was a local writer for a paper in a small city town in southern Washington. Nothing big ever really happened, so there was never really anything to write about. So needless to say my boss sent me to some small southern town all the way out in Georgia. Yes, you heard me...
Erotic FictionThe following new character appears in this chapter: Thomas J. Perkins Vice President of the United States, second in Command of the Anti-Magic League, 5’-11’’ tall, 200 pounds, 45 years old, dark brown hair, hazel eyes Later that evening, following supper, and after the television had been turned off, and the rest of the household was preparing for bed, Thad and I were the only two left sitting in the parlor. “Just who is this first fellow you are going after?” Thad asked leaning...
You survived girl. Those were quite the loads of cum that you took and you took’em both like a champ. Now it’s not too often we bring girl’s back for a third or even a fourth scene so you know a girl’s pretty special if she dings the bell 5 times and today is a ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! It’s Evelyn Payne the cutie that allowed us to take all her firsts on camera and then decided to take the major leap head first off the high dive. She might have tested the porn pool waters out with...
xmoviesforyouI wake up at 8 a.m. on a Saturday in October. I sit up in bed wearing nothing but a pair of pink Victoria’s Secret panties. I reach over and turn off my alarm and get out of bed and look into the mirror, inspecting myself, admiring my 17 year old body. My 5’4 107 lbs. frame, my messy long black hair, tan body, and perky 30C size tits. The perfect body of an athlete like myself. I decide to start my day like every other, with a shower. So I grab my hip length robe, which is downright tiny. It...
*** Part 2 A few days had passed since I was taken advantage of on video by jake and his friends and had to return to college. As I walked the campus so many guys were staring at me and more precisely at my breast. I looked down as I walked as I felt ashamed and I knew they had all seen the video. I ran into jake and his friends as I was walking and he blocked my way. We need to talk to you bitch come to the boys toilet with us now. There were a few guys there when we went in and vince closed...
Group SexI woke up looking into the smiling face of a pretty redhead. Sunlight was streaming through the curtains of her bedroom. "Good morning, Irene," she said, and she kissed me on my nose. I smiled back and slowly remembered my adventures of yesterday. When I moved my legs it dawned on me that I was still fully dressed. I even had my high heeled boots on. My skimpy black dress was pulled up and revealed the tops of nude holdup stockings. The front zipper of Gabrielle's leather dress was open and...
CrossdressingThe best way to explain my relationship I have with my wife is to explain how I became a slave to my wife. My wife is 5'2 and 115 pounds and has a nice curvy figure. Basically she looks damn hot. I am 6' and 185 with an athletic swimmers build. Not to sound conceded, but I consider myself fairly nice looking man.My wife and I married when I was 21 and she was 19, everyone said we were to young but we're in love and we're both ready. It is now been 10 years since we married and are still very...