RoomersChapter 8 free porn video

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The bay window was calling me and I stood there with the first beer of the day and tried to think. Hell, my brain was hardly functioning. Chrissie had left late Sunday and I'd fallen into bed, slept like a dam' log for fourteen hours straight. I guess I only woke up because I was close to incontinence. That dealt with, I decided to hit the gym, think about Candice a little, ponder the idea of having two friends with privileges at the same time again. Sorta thing that can go both ways, and I sure didn't want it to turn into hard work.

Trouble was, Chrissie had been seven different kinds of fun, and I was real glad she'd decided to make the journey, but when she was getting ready to go, chattering about her job and all, I'd started thinking about Kelly again. I mean, Chrissie was nothing like her, but the clothes and the talk of dollars, and takeovers, and mergers, sorta brought all that time back to me. I was trying hard not to think about that when Candice came up the street, and smiled and waved as she saw me in the window. I made beckoning motions, went to open my door. When I'd settled her, given her a beer, she looked at me quizzically.

'Busy weekend, huh, Doug?' Crunch time. I nodded cheerfully, fingers and toes crossed tight. I for sure didn't want her to go prim on me.

'Friends stay in touch, Candice. Chrissie was a good part of my life for a while a coupla years back. She's moved on, I guess, but she wanted to visit, and it was real nice to see her.' She thought about that.

'Were you and she... ?' There was a soft click in my head: excellent. I put my hand up and she stopped.

'Candice, you need to remember what I said last week. I didn't say squat to Chrissie about you, nor about Ellen, and I guess she wouldn't be real happy if she thought I was talkin' about her to anyone else. Friends with privileges goes both ways, and if it don't then the friendship's fuckin' doomed and the privileges ain't worth shit. You don't understand that, then plain friends is all it can be.' I realized I'd sounded kinda firm and checked for offence. Didn't seem to be any and she was looking at me with a mixture of surprise and pleasure.

'I've finally found something that looks like a genuine principle, ' she said, 'and that's a relief. Part of me thought you said that stuff last week just because you want to get in my pants'.

'Shit, Candice, course I wanna get in your dam' pants, but not hurting you, nor letting other people get hurt, nor damaging friendships either. I done that a couple of times and I learnt my lesson.' She nodded and smiled, looked like she'd heard about the Second Coming. When those clicks are on form I say exactly what people want to hear. Course, it's mostly complete bullshit, but if Candice couldn't hack it, then there'd be problems with Ellen, and I sure didn't want that. Regular pussy is kinda necessary too. Candice swallowed, looked kinda apprehensive.

'It's not something I've done before, and it makes me a little nervous. Will you be upset if I take it at my own pace?' Easy to tell she didn't know much about guys. I wanted to pull her across the table and drill her good, but that wasn't a real option. Some girls woulda liked it, but not her.

'All the time you want, Candice, and then a bit more.' Click. 'Maybe you oughta talk to Ellen some, think it through. You got upset, wanted to leave the house, I'd feel kinda bad about that, and she had problems, we'd both be sorry.' Her shoulders relaxed some.

'You're serious about not hurting people, aren't you? Enlightened selfishness or something, I suppose. Whatever it is, it's reassuring.' She leaned over the table and took my hand, lifted it, and held it to her breast. The nipple was hard and I could feel her heart pounding. 'I think I've made my mind up though. As long as you remember it's a big step for a black dyke.'

'We're none of us ordinary.' I let my fingers drag across the tip of her nipple and she shivered then straightened up.

'Good point.' She blew me a kiss and left, and I heard her humming as she went upstairs, the way she did when she was pleased. I went back to the window, wondered if things mighta been different if I'd said that sort of stuff to Kelly before it all went sour. Candice was right, I thought. I sure don't like the idea of hurting people any more. Then I thought that maybe that was because I only wanted her on her terms. She was in the way of something I wanted real bad, then I'd probably be ready to shit all over her, like I done plenty of times before. Talent like mine, you gotta be careful what you wish for.

Course, the first thing had to happen after that night with Kelly was to get her the hell out of the apartment. Trustworthy Doug is one thing, live-in sex toy is another. Way too tiring. That weekend I sat her down in her armchair, gave her a scotch.

'Kelly, what you said the other day was right. It's time to move out. We wanna practice bein' friends with privileges you gotta have a home base. Livin' together is way too risky. I know you done it before, but I never tried, never even thought about it, tell the truth, and I'm not an impetuous guy.' She came sat on the couch, gave me a kiss.

'You're wise beyond your years, Doug.' I managed not to smile and she went on. 'I'm going to find an apartment and we can work at this together. Will you help me choose a car?' Didn't like the way she used the words 'work' and 'together'.

'What kinda car you got in mind?' She thought for a minute.

'I've always wanted a red one.'

Gee, that narrows the field down some.'

Shit, I was glad to have her outa the place, tell the truth. I never been one for waking up with the same person day after day. She was a real surprise though. Look at her, you'd say nice girl, poised, cultured, way upscale, but after dark, hell, the change was one hundred eighty fuckin' degrees. I mean, she liked to warm up some beforehand, romantic kissy-face and stuff, but second time round she was wetter than Seattle in winter and dirtier than a bucket of dogshit. Only woman I ever met who genuinely liked it in the ass, suggested it even, though if you mentioned it to her before or after she'd blush and change the subject. Not that we did that too much. Screwing about with lubricant and stuff, all those preparations, always seems kinda contrived to me. Still, I was like a kid in a toyshop for a while, exploring her and all. The best part about fresh pussy is the finding out. For a while there I almost wished she hadn't moved out quite so quick; didn't much enjoy paying all the rent myself either.

Annie knew straight away. Jeez, considering how much grass that woman used she was real sharp. Coupla weeks later I was lying on her bed, her nestled in the crook of my arm, the way she liked, when she reached down and tugged my cock.

'Workin' out a little more with this, ain't you Doug?' No point trying to bullshit her: tell the truth, I didn't really want to. I sometimes wonder what I'd have done if she ever got in the way of something the talent was working on. That would for sure have been a difficult call.

'Hell, Annie, how d'ya do it?' She yanked my dick again.

'How long we known each other, Doug? I like you a lot, and you like me some too, but I ain't ever gonna get between you and somethin' you want. Rather stand in front of a fuckin' bulldozer. That poor girl works with you, you're someplace where there's a helluva lot of money flyin' about, you're goin' to the gym real regular, and you only do that when you're workin' on something, and now you're screwin' her ass off: shit, I feel kinda sorry for her, tell the truth. She seemed pretty nice that time I visited. Gonna be good to come round to your apartment again though: nothin' wrong with a change of scenery.' She stretched against me and wriggled. 'You gonna lie there looking like a goddam codfish or are we gonna fuck?' Shit, no contest. She knew what I was and didn't care, and she fucked like a dream. I didn't mind her being just skin and bone either: hell, I kinda liked it by now. I scooped her up and set her on my chest, smelled the urgent scent rising from her.

'Top or bottom, you choose.' She laughed in that good way she had.

'You tryin' to turn my head?'

One thing led to another and we managed both: one of the advantages of light girls. What she'd said made me think some though and if the live one hadn't crossed my desk that week I might have thought again. McCarthy was right: smelling real money for the first time kinda focuses you. All the gym time and the brain time and the wanting were in synch and I was as sharp as I've ever been. Kinda frightening, looking back at it.

It looked good the minute I saw it. Fuckin' great click in my head. American Exchange, way undervalued, overextended, dumb but ambitious management, trying to expand in all directions at once, hurting for capital that the banks weren't gonna come up with. I worked up the figures, gave them to Kelly.

'The parts alone are worth thirty percent over book-value. Kelly. Buy it, break it, sell it, count the cash.' She ran an eye over what I'd done, talked to McCarthy that afternoon. Came out with a sparkle in her eye that made my heart-rate turn up a notch. Kept my head down though, got on with my chores. I hadn't been home ten minutes when she called.

'It's exactly the sort of thing Mr. McCarthy likes, and he loves being a white knight. He wants to... ' I cut her off. Click.

'You want my famous spaghetti mess and some wine while you tell me? Hadta leave the office in a hurry so the old biddies didn't see me huggin' you.'

'I'm going to shower first, just to save time.' The phone went dead and I smiled and went to fix the pasta. I had the table set up with candles and all by the time she arrived, wasn't surprised when she left half of it and stood up. She came round the table and kissed me hard enough for me to know that she was simmering already. She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt and the beginnings of a tan, and when she reached round and pulled the T-shirt over her head I blinked. No bra and pinky looking tits.

'You been sunbathin' topless, you shameless fuckin' Jezebel? She nodded and whipped the shorts down. Shit, no panties either; she did a twirl, then bent and pulled herself open, little ass-ring winking above a shiny swollen pussy.

'Bottomless too, and if you want me to tell you what Mr. McCarthy said, you're going to have to give me your considered opinion on progress so far.' I stood up and grabbed her, twisting her round and bending her over the table. Her sore breasts slipped over her half-finished plate and she squealed as the warm sauce spread over them, but I kept one hand on her neck while I pulled my sweats down with the other. Shit, I'd been hard since I served the fuckin' spaghetti, and I slid straight and fast and deep into her dripping pussy. Her hands flew out and clawed at the cloth and I felt a stab of worry in case the glassware got damaged. Better not to mention that though, so I took hold of her hips, heaved in again. The sauce spread over the table-cloth as I got my rhythm, and she began to respond, thrusting back against me, her breasts smearing the sticky mess around. She was completely ready and I could feel her beginning to tense, but a quickie wasn't the best move here. I kept it hard but slowed the tempo, the table shaking every time I drove into her.

'Now, please, right now... ' she muttered, then yelped and thrashed about some as I reached under her and pinched one tomato covered nipple. I scooped some sauce up on my fingertips and smeared it over her asshole and the yelping turned into a guttural moan of pleasure as she tried to force herself back. There ain't much you can do though, not when you're bent over a table with your tits covered in spaghetti sauce and a pretty fit guy reaming you from behind; I took no notice, kept right on pumping, taking her to the edge and no fuckin' further. The moaning turned to whimpering, and I pressed my thumb gently against her ring just to tip her a little. Shit, she came straight away, shaking under me like a plate of Jell-O, sauce everywhere as she tried to get more. I held her steady and when she'd quietened some I started again, feeling kinda mean, but enjoying myself just the same. Same slow trip, same pressure building, and I managed to hold myself till she was bucking and squirming again. Then I gave her ass another load of spaghetti sauce and pushed my thumb into it hard, twisting and rolling it round as I buried my cock in her one last time, cum flooding outa me in a warm wave, mixing with the sauce that had dribbled down her slit.

I swear her feet left the floor as she came the second time, and if I hadn't had my thumb hooked in her ass she might have escaped and scooted clear across the table. She was making noises like a locomotive and I held her firm, stayed rammed balls-deep inside her while she calmed. When she was still I lifted her, turning her round and holding her trembling body tight. That was another T-shirt gonna go to Goodwill, but small price to pay. I nuzzled her neck the way she liked, growled in her ear.

'The ass is tanned real well, but the tits are kinda red. You want I should clean them off?' Her arms tightened round me and she nibbled at my shoulder so I eased my sweats off from round my ankles, carried her through to the bathroom. Shower fun is always good, and sure enough, I got a thank-you BJ before we were through. There was a lot of hugging and squeezing and mumbling about how spontaneous I was, but I put up with that, and when we were stretched on the couch, her smooth body firm against mine, scotch on the table in front of us, I slid us back to the important stuff.

Hell, it sounded great. McCarthy was gonna take a position, build it, ride the shares up way carefully, making sure they didn't take off, express an interest to the dumb-ass management and then drop the hammer.

'About a year to payback, Doug, ' she said as she sipped scotch and stroked my cock with her free hand, 'and there'll be a nice bonus for you and me both. There's a hell of a lot of money in there waiting to be harvested, twenty million net maybe if it goes right. How did you spot it? Mr. McCarthy was impressed with that.' I shrugged, concentrated on her sore tits for a while, and it was another while before the conversation got coherent again. Then while she was panting and recovering I found out that she was gonna be the one handling the day to day stock purchases, controlling the rate. Step up for her too, she was real excited about it and it was all thanks to me. Bingo. The extra extra stuff I'd slipped into her program was finally gonna be useful. Clicks work in a mysterious way and they don't give a rat's ass for anyone except me.

Shit, remembering that time is kinda sweet and sour. Sweet for the excitement of making money, sweet for Kelly giving me everything she could think of, sweet for the time I spent with Annie relaxing and enjoying no questions and no strings screwing. Sour for the knowledge that I was using Kelly, sour for the tension that she'd suspect something before it was ready, sour for the amount of fuckin' gym time and brain-bending I had to to do, sour knowing that the hurt was gonna arrive. Sour didn't do anything to change my mind though, and the sweet was pretty goddam sweet.

The trigger in her program fed me the trades she was planning and it was easy to open a brokerage account and shadow them. I used what was left of McCarthy's thank you money, took it easy, never made like a big player, but I was able to buy when it slipped and sell on the bounce, and by Christmas I'd turned six thousand into sixty and was still going. Cautious Doug. Hell, I was still learning, but tailgating's an easy skill.

I got a little bolder in the spring, used the margin, upped the volume I was trading, and the sixty was a whisker over half a million when I pulled out and moved the money into government paper, closed my account. Here's a word of advice. Never hang in for the last cent. Eighty percent of a sure deal is always better than getting burned going for everything. Ask them dot com boys: a little less greed and a tad more bailing out woulda saved their sad asses. I knew Kelly'd reached the point where McCarthy was gonna hafta make his next move soon. Hell, he was happy. Her buying and selling and then buying back meant he had thirty million dollars worth of stock and it had cost him way less than half that. I stayed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, anxious to learn.

Annie knew something was happening. Hippies gotta strong sense of self-interest, I guess.

'Ya know what I like best?' she said one day. She was curled in the crook of my arm like always.

'Tell me what you like best, ' I said lazily. I was playing with her nipples, circling them with my fingers and they were reacting real positive.

'What I like best is when stuff's goin' good for you. Hell, you're always fun, but when you're feelin' good, you're way fun. Last few months have been fuckin' ace, Doug. Promise you'll warn me when it's gonna stop. There's a tiny part of you that ain't selfish, stops you bein' a real bastard, and I don't want you ta feel I won't be here when you hurt a bit. Hell, you heal quick enough, but a gal likes ta be needed.' I rolled over and pinned her, then slipped gently into her as she raised her legs and hips to meet me. She sighed happily and bit my neck hard as my cock stretched her.

'I'll take that as a yes, huh?'

Kelly was a different story. She was happy as a clam, excited about what she was doing, planning how to spend her bonus. Trouble was, she kept calling it "our bonus". Be careful when a woman starts saying that. It means there's all sorts of stuff going through her head, and none of it likely to make you feel good. She was getting kinda possessive too. Hell, not her fault I guess: she was the sorta person who likes the idea of being settled, being a couple, kinda like Judy was. I tried to slow her down some.

It was a Sunday afternoon in May and we were at her place. We'd been hot and energetic and dirty, and were laying on top of the covers letting the sweat dry on us. She tightened her arms round my neck, pressed herself against me.

'Confession time, Doug. I think I'm falling in love with you. From the moment you took over and helped me get over Carl actually. No-one's ever cared about me this way, and no-one's ever made love to me like you do, and I've never felt this way about anyone.' Well, fuck that.

'Shit, Kelly, it's less than a year. Love's a strong word to take on board.' She worried my ear gently. One thing about Kelly, she never left marks. Didn't much like the ones Annie left either, but had kept quiet about them so far.

'Just so as you know how I feel. This is my heart talking, and it's never talked this way before.' Romantic bullshit of course; trouble was, she was serious. She slithered down my body, and took my cock into her mouth, running her tongue over the head, coaxing me hard again. Shit, I could manage that. Made a note not to kiss her till she'd cleaned her teeth though. I'd been deep in her ass only twenty minutes before, but she didn't seem to care. Those well brought-up girls will surprise you every time.

Annie sure called it right when she said that people in love want more. Hell, seems to me love is wanting someone till you got every last ounce of them and they kinda disappear. Sure enough, Kelly began hinting about the time I spent with Annie and I had to start lying to her some, then tell Annie that I might be seeing a little less of her for a while. She smiled and pulled my ear.

'Happened before, Doug, and it'll happen again. I guess I know you pretty well by now. I been crazy in like with you since that day you sweet talked me into having a fuckin' pizza and you never done anything to make me change my mind, nor nothin' to make me love ya either, except that trip to Florida mebbe; I kinda liked that. You gonna do that thing with your tongue like I want you to?' God bless skinny little hippies.

Hell, I ain't telling it too well; even now I get a kinda hot flush when I look back, feel ashamed of myself. Not that it was illegal: I took real good care about that. Paid my taxes, cleaned up behind me, all the stuff I'd learned the past year.

What happened was, McCarthy got clever, decided to leak the fact he was interested in the company, ramp the shares a little more, sell out before he had to declare an interest. Kelly didn't like it, sailing too close to the wind, she said, but McCarthy had his eyes on getting everything. I guess Kelly argued with him some, but she did what she was told; didn't enjoy it though, and her performance in the sack tailed off some. She never had learned the trick of separating business and pleasure. She set up the strategy, her computer told mine, and I grinned, opened another brokerage account and piled in. McCarthy wanted greedy, then I'd take some fuckin' cream too. I bought big on the margin, sweated like a fool through a couple of little spikes and dips, sold out two days before McCarthy dumped his stake and sent the price through the floor. Another three hundred big ones for me. I reckoned that with the bonus at the end of the day, that'd take me into the six zeroes that I'd promised myself. So the wanting kinda faded away. Mission accomplished. When I'd closed the account I cancelled my gym membership too, just to show I wasn't a greedy guy. Nothing to do now except sit tight and then get out gracefully.

I wish. Too late to stop by then.

The real mistake was letting myself relax. I'd hated that whole part of the last year so fuckin' much, the pointless exercise, having to be careful the whole time, so I guess my wanting had been as much for a quiet life as a rich one. No goddam time to myself, no music, no reading except the fuckin' financial press. I counted the money in the bank and kicked back.

Kelly was purely loving when I told her I was tired. She scampered round being attentive and thoughtful, picked up some of my workload, acted real devoted. Spent a lot of time pointing out that this was what love was about, caring for each other through the hard times and all. Scared the shit outa me, tell the truth, started that little tickle of guilt as well, because what I really felt was fuckin' wonderful: no gym, reading what I wanted, marking time and no more at work. Good thing McCarthy was concentrating on the project and wasn't noticing much else. After a while she got worried though, started being extra caring. Made me even more uncomfortable.

Same as Roomers
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John lay on the bed deep in thought, he’d just made Jane and then Diana cum all over his balls, why wasn’t he fucking happy? He felt since he had come to Alison’s Mansion, that he had been drowning in cunt. Everywhere he turned there was cunt, Jane’s cunt, Diana’s cunt. Mabel’s cunt, and even Lady fucking Alison’s cunt. These last two fucks he hadn’t dared to come, in case he was grabbed by the next sexy fucker. Oh for the days when he only had Mabel to please, he had been happy, fucking...

2 years ago
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Wot Happened After I Kissed Me Str8 Mate

© 2012 Robbie WebbThe author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the...

1 year ago
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The Lodge

My name is Troy Reid and at 25, I had worked my way up to Forman and had saved quite a bit of money. Before starting high school, I wanted to be a mechanic. I work my way through high school and beyond with an apprenticeship at the local shop and two years after my apprenticeship, I earn my ASE truck master. I decided I wanted to see some of the country, so I loaded my camper and pick up and took off for Alaska. I found a good job at one of the trucking companies and worked there for almost a...

2 years ago
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My Boyfriend and I

I will start out by telling you all that I am 19 and my boyfriend it 20. We have been together for over a year. I am 5’5′ with long dark hair and bright blue eyes. He is about 5’7′, dark hair and he also has blue eyes. We are very intimate with each other every time we get the chance. One day, we had the house all to ourselves. Since this doesn’t happen very often, we both knew what this meant. We were going to have a long wonderful day filled with sex and romance. He had stayed with me the...

3 years ago
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Girl Scout Sucking Practice

"Now let's take a break for milk and cookies. After that we'll be having very special activities I know you're all going to enjoy." The girls bounced over to the refreshment table with their usual bubbly enthusiasm, and then found spots on the carpeted floor to sprawl out with their friends. The refreshments disappeared amid the chatter and giggles of a dozen vivacious girls. "OK everybody, finish up your milk and come sit in a circle around me. That's right, just sit...

3 years ago
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BloodstoneChapter 15

It was the night before the Royal Wedding and Queen Nathalie was working herself into a frenzy, rushing about and making sure that no detail had been forgotten or omitted. Luria watched her from where she sat upon Balor's lap in one of the padded chairs close to the fireplace. "I feel like I should be doing something," she said to him, feeling his arms tighten around her. "You are doing something," Balor teased. "You're making me happy." Luria narrowed her eyes at him. "You know...

2 years ago
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Princess Evelyn

You stared at the wall, tears falling from your face as the words that your father had said to you rung painfully in your mind. He had told you that if you did not find a good, rich and handsome suitor within two weeks, he would marry you off to either your brothers, your cousins, some fat old loaf from another Kingdom, or... himself. After your mother had died, he had created a Harem of beautiful women that fucked and served him like no woman ever had done before. You swallowed, hoping to the...

3 years ago
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The Madame

Karissa never thought that it would be their boss, Steven Tabb, who would get her back into Amy's pants. It had been her desire for months--ever since her first time doing the real work, that first time with her and Maxwell--to be with her again and Tabb had been nothing but an obstacle. He had forced their business deeper into secrecy, limited their schedules and quieted the sex that had been earning Karissa bigger cars and better apartments. But unlike Amy, Karissa wasn't in it for the money,...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 26 After All

This is it, the finale! Thank you so much to everybody who's reading this for sticking with me on this long weird journey. I couldn't have done it without knowing that there were people who cared. This story is for you. I hope I've given you the ending you've dreamed of. I love hearing from you guys, especially here at the end, so please let me know what you think! I've also got a discord link up on and you can check out my latest story...

4 years ago
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Mute Synopsis: I am now who I always wanted to be, thanks to science. [-][+][-] My name was Sebastian Hector Gifford III, eldest son of the Gifford Family. As the Heir to the Gifford Fortune, I was taught Business Administration/Management by my Tutor, Trenton Hawkes who allowed me to dress as the girl that I knew that I was with my parents approval. They were too busy with their own agendas to be parents, leaving me to be raised by the Gifford Estate Staff. I had two sisters and...

1 year ago
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Public Sex With Colleague

Introduction: Hey, I am Akshay here. I have a well-built body. In case you are wondering about how I look I kind of look like Milind Soman. I have been a regular visitor of this site from past years and you will find good content here to jerk off. Story: This happened in June of this year when I just completed my education. I started my job in a very renowned company which was in America. I have a very good package so whenever I had the chance to travel the country, I used to. As I am good...

4 years ago
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Ich bin der Karl 61 Jahre alt und erfolgricher Geschichts- und Deutschlehrer. Mein Job macht mir Spaß und ich habe einen guten Kontakt zu meinen Schüler/innen. Ich bin ein glücklicher Opa, habe eine liebe Frau und mein Sohn ist auch verheiratet. Meine Schwäche sind die wunderschönen jungen Schülerinnen. so hübsche junge Dinger in den sexy Klamotten. Eine echte Herausforderung für mich als unterfickten Mann mich zurück zu halten. Manche Luder merken es und nutzen mich auch aus. Tatsächlich...

2 years ago
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No Room in My Truck

It was a nice little Sunday afternoon, a "ladyfriend" of mine who I had known throughout junior and senior high school, had given me a call to go out for a nice Sunday drive and catch a movie. I drive a black, lifted 1975 Chevrolet Silverado that runs very good. I came roaring up to her small house on the very outskirts of town that was surrounded by woods. Pulling up the driveway, there she stood. Her name was Tate. She was a beautiful blonde haired blue-eyed woman. She was wearing a green...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Opera Singer

Lindsay walked into her lush house looking for her father. Lindsay was a beautiful girl, 18, 5 foot 4inches tall, with brown hair, and bright green eyes; she was in shape from running track, her long legs made her look taller than she was. She walked upstairs and found her father. "Hello, honey." "Hi dad." She smiled at her father. "You better start getting ready, we are going to see my new client sing tonight, you know the deal, wear something really nice." Lindsay started to walk to her room....

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Fuck my arse

I woke up, it was just another day that made me shake with anticipation. I knew I would be in for a good fucking that night, a really good fucking. I took my time with my makeup and hair, knowing that I had to look extra good. I chose a short dress, one that fall just under my arse. I felt myself getting wet just by knowing what would happen on the night that lay ahead. He sent me a message, making sure I would come on the night.   “Yeah, I’ll be there”, I confirmed, double checking my...

1 year ago
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Being Baited

Being BaitedBy: Londebaaz ChohanFor the last more or less 2 years, I had spent every evening at the local bar and club with my friends and without fail had brought a girl home with me for all night of fun and sex. To tell the truth, I am a recent university graduate, little over 27 at the prime of my age with perfect health and extra ordinary levels of testosterone; making me super horny, single with a male equipment to make 50% of men jealous and the rest 50% envy of my size, performance and...

2 years ago
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Im my Wifes Sissy

I was online when l came across an article about dogging, when my wife came home from work l brought up the subject and suggested we try one of the local carpark which apparently was a meeting place. First Jolie thought me mad, but when we were in bed she said may be if we went for a drink before going to the carpark, then decided we would try dogging the following Friday evening. Friday evening came l sat downstairs while Jolie dressed, l have to say she dressed to be noticed. Her top was...

3 years ago
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Bi Hubby Busted at Bookstore part 3 Night at the

Disclaimer: All events and persons in the following story are ficticious.End of part 2-My cock was hard again. She began sucking it as we 69'ed. She was thrusting her hips on my face. I heard her say, "Oh fuck I'm cumming." At the same moment she stuck my cock in her mouth and I came for the second time in five minutes. She continued to face fuck me with her crotch and kept sucking my jizz into her mouth. After a moment of post-orgasm bliss, my wife dismounted my head and turned to face...

2 years ago
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Controlling Bobbi Ch 03

If you haven’t read the previous two stories in this series, This will make more sense if you do. Thanks to those who took the time to make constructive comments and suggestions. Hopefully you will find this post a more suitable length. Bobbi: Fresh out of the shower, I was sitting in my robe eating my breakfast on Saturday morning, when it dawned on me that the feelings and experiences I had the night before, were exactly the kind of things that I felt when Joe had hypnotized me. Now it all...

2 years ago
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Condom break

Condom break.Don't know if this has happened to any of you, but here's my story.Another high school story.It was a Saturday and the guy I had been dating, parents were away for the weekend. I told my parents that I was meeting my friend at the mall to do some shopping, have lunch and watch a movie, before joining them at a family dinner. but this obviously was not the case.Well I was dropped off at the mall shortly after 9am, my boyfriend James was already there and waiting for me to arrive, so...

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L is for Lap Dance

"Damn honey, you look beautiful!" Sometimes hearing it, you still don't feel or believe it, though the compliment is well received. In this case however, Renee' did believe it as she stood looking at herself in the mirror. Tall, or at least tall for a woman, Renee' stood admiring her long shapely legs. The black skirt she was wearing short, short without being obscene, but definitely sexy. She had worn no panties, nor panty hose. She ran her fingers briefly through her short brown...

3 years ago
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A New Haunt

A New HauntT.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to please contact...

4 years ago
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Twisted and Torn Part 5

Chris, the married guy had his nipples licked, the massive hard cock sucked and his tight asshole rimmed by another guy a few minutes after he walked into the gay sauna for the first time. Another guy watched the action and hoped to join them as Chris was led into the dark shadows by his blonde cocksucker. Looking ahead, he felt exposed and self conscious as guys looked down at the hard cock outlined under the towel. His new friend seemed to be going somewhere specific as he followed slowly. By...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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My Sex Diary Part 2 Weekend with Kate

So... I was supposed to tell you about my actual first time, with someone other than myself, right? And I already told you who that was. My not-really-a-cousin. First off, let me clear some things out.We aren't really related. She is the daughter of my uncle's second wife. His first marriage didn't last long. I never even met his first wife. Fortunately he quickly found a replacement for her. His second wife had a daughter from her previous marriage. A really hot daughter... Her name is......

2 years ago
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The Red Light Club

After my encounter with Lance Graham, I found my way home and went to sleep. I awoke to the sound of Jen stumbling home at 6 A.M. She had been at a guy’s apartment up town in a three way. I was jealous, but recanted my story and, to my surprise, Jen flipped out. “You met Lance Graham? No! You fucked Lance Graham! Lucky slut!” She exclaimed. “Who is he?” I questioned. “Carly, how have you not heard of Lance Graham?” She stared at me for a moment, realizing I had no answer to her question....

1 year ago
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Vickies Venture Ch 03

Vickie’s Cell Phone rang and she answered it as soon as she could. That was her special phone, the one she used for her customers. In the last little while, she’d built up quite the nice little clientele, not including Lucinda herself. The reason was she prided herself on discretion, plus no matter what she had to do to achieve that goal, the customer was always left satisfied. ‘Hello, you’ve got Vickie. Oh, hello, how are you? I’m surprised to hear from you , but … oh no, I’m sorry, I can’t....

2 years ago
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Power Versus SubmissionChapter 4 A Reason for Everything

Saturday arrived too quickly for me. It was the first day back where Tahlia expected me to obey her rules and directions again, either that or risk her enforcing a clause in the contract she tricked me into signing with some film producers to make even more hardcore pornography. Submitting to Tahlia, the schoolgirl bully, was very definitely the lesser of two evils. I couldn’t sleep at all on Friday night as I considered the consequences of my actions to find myself in this position to begin...

1 year ago
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School Bathrooms

My name is Sammie and I go to a 5A high school in a large, suburban area east of Dallas. I have always known that I was gay, or, at least always thought about what I would like to do with some of the guys in my grade. There was always this one guy, Aj. Aj and I had gone to school together ever since he moved here in the fourth grade. He was tall, dark haired, nicely tanned, with a great smile. As for me: I'm tall and dark haired too, but I'm sort of shy. At the end of school last year the...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 20 Got Wood

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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My First Male rg with the girls

Girls mature sexually much quicker than boys, by a few years at least. I guess our hormones are out of the starting blocks, before the boys testicles have dropped.I am not advocating this is the norm for all girls, but one thing I had a naughty habit of doing, was pressing my crotch into an edge or riding something between my thighs.My clitoris, (See my photos) is not large nor are my labia, petite they say, like petals, delicate and sensual, point is, that for all the the abuse they received,...

4 years ago
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Bill and Juliet Beginnings

Wondering what had just happened and knowing that a line had been crossed between fantasy and reality, Bill folded the sheer pink and white panties and placed them in his dresser drawer. Bill always had a love for lingerie and his desire to see women in panties bordered on a secret fetish for the dainty lacey material. For as long as he could remember the thongs, bikini cut panties, crotchless, butterfly, boy shorts, tangas, briefs, string bikinis and tap panties of all colors excited...

2 years ago
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My Wife The Writer

Thanks goes out to my friend 'Techsan' for editing this story. Chapter 1 I looked in the study and there sat my wife of three years typing away. All her attention focused on her thoughts and transferred to the computer screen. You see, she was a writer. She wanted to become an author some day. Right now she was totally focused on writing short stories. We met a little over four years ago. I was in my forties and she was twenty at the time. I decided to go back to college at night and get...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 15 Cheater

The guilt hit me well before I got back to my house. I'd only felt this kind of guilt once before: the last time I'd cheated. And I was under no illusions that what I'd done was anything but cheating. Adrienne was my girlfriend. Cassidy was not. Having sex with Cassidy was cheating. Period. It didn't matter that I was pretty damn sure Adrienne was cheating on me. The sudden afternoon absences. The constant flirting with Jake. And besides, it was her nature. You can't tame a wild...

3 years ago
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My Next door Neighbor Part Two

My Next Door Neighbor Part TwoThe following Saturday I was extremely nervous and highly excited. I had spent all week thinking about taking Christine to the beach party. I kept hoping against hope that nothing would happen to keep us from going. When Saturday finally came the hours dragged by. I shaved probably three times, even though I really only needed to shave about once a week at that time in my life. Finally it was time. I was wearing a sport shirt and slacks. I walked next door and rang...

1 year ago
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Caught Masterbating she ass fucked me properly

Pat was my neighbor. She and her husband used to have me take care of their place when they went out of town. I was a senior in high school at the time, so yes, young, dumb and full of cum would just about describe my state of affairs.I would always say yes eagerly to those weeks when they were out of town because her husband had a rather large collection of playboy and penthouse magazines that I used to spread out and jerk off to. As I mentioned in one of my other stories Pat was an acquired...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed fiancee 2

That night after I got home I cried about what had happened I never dreamed I would do such a thing,I was also mad at my fiancee for putting me in that situation,however I was also angry with myself because I had enjoyed it never had I sucked a mans cock before,but this was a blackman and his huge cock touched me in places I had never been touched before.The next day which was friday was supposed to be Leons last day he was only supposed to help us for a week.My fiancee was supposed to be home...

2 years ago
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jackson and his dad 2nd part

next day jackson sit to the table thinking about last night when his father come down " good morning son , how are you doing " " am fine dad , dad can i ask you a question ? "" son i know , am sorry i don't know what happened to me "" well dad it's weird but i liked it " dad looked at jackson " well why don't we do it agian later this night ? "...later that day jackson was in the shower when his father enter " son is there any place for your old man ? " jackson's father was undress and join...

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My White boyvisit to the South

I was your average city girl. Never been to the south a day of my life nevertheless did I want to go. But I promised my Great aunt I’d come to visit her since I hadn’t seen her in more than 10 years since I was 9. I was the typical 19 year old. In college, studying, lots of tests and more studying. Definitely no time for niggaz. Hadn’t had a date since I was 17 as a matter of fact. I guess the benefit of visiting down South would be the peace and quiet time I would get to relax and get some...

3 years ago
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ChangesChapter 12

Jae slowly came too, hearing a soft whooshing sound and beeps. She tried to open her eyes but the lights were so bright. She felt like someone was sitting on her chest and she was having a hard time moving her leg. Where was she? What had happened? She was so confused. She let the sleep take her again. A few hours later, she tried to wake again, it was darker now or it seemed that way. Slowly she opened her eyes a little bit, then more and more. She looked around the room; there were flowers...

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The Governors Wicked Wife

The unlovely buildings of the Benton Correctional Facility squatted on the edge of the desert and within its electrified borders there dwelt a combustible mix of a thousand men. All of them had been found guilty of offences meriting serious time. It was no holiday camp. The governor of Benton, John Reynolds, lived in a secluded house in an affluent area twenty miles away. The grounds of the house were extensive and the governor was talking to his wife Marcia over lunch one weekend about the...

3 years ago
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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 7 An Unexpected Surprise

This is a continuation of the series "Memoirs of a Bisexual." I recommend reading chapters 1-6 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. The following is based on true events.I returned to school from Winter Break a few days before classes started. I always like to get there a few days before the start of a new quarter so I can learn where my new classes are and plan my route through campus. The University of Georgia is a big campus, so the more I know on the first day of...


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