Lisa s Dream Come True
- 3 years ago
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Thank you, everyone who has managed to reach this final chapter! Behold, the completion of the Dominion saga!
It was the snap heard around the world.
Augusta had been destroyed, crushed when Dominion’s castle fell apart, and then again due to the fiery mushroom cloud in the outskirts that Sirius caused and the mountain-sized moon that Dominion had dropped nearby. Shahti, Eric, and Eva had all narrowly avoided being pulverized. It was by some miracle, combined with a great amount of skill and telekinesis, that they were able to survive without serious injury. There was nothing but bodies and rubble as far as the eye could see. The air was unbearably hot and smoky, and the sky overhead was filled with dust and had a reddish hue.
The three warriors were scattered across the wasteland, but they were not alone. Awaiting them were their enemies.
“You were a skilled adversary. You’ve earned my respect,” said Blight.
“But unfortunately, the time has come to end this,” Adam added.
“And the Master has given us permission to teach you the true meaning of despair,” Ishtar cackled.
Shahti, Eric, and Eva raised their guard, afraid of what was about to happen, but no stance could have prepared them for the next stage of their battles. The three spawn began to expand and transform, doubling in size each second as they took on monstrous appearances. The four-legged crab, the fire-breathing basilisk, and the bone-encrusted goliath, they rose out of the sea of destruction and towered over their enemies. However, it was about to get even worse.
Across the globe, the Sect of Silver were doing their best to spread the Nexus Strain as far as possible, leading armies of freed slaves from one prison to another, but upon Dominion snapping his fingers, the world itself began to tremble, and every concentration camp was wiped off the face of the earth by violent upheavals. Everyone at first thought they were volcanic eruptions, but rather than magma and soot, these chasms were spewing jets of liquid darkness that rained down onto the landscape and burned with black flames.
Black tendrils began reaching out of the geysers and snatching people up, then dragging them into the darkness for assimilation. Sect warriors and freed slaves, they all fired spirit blasts at the darkness, but the light was snuffed out, and any tentacles they managed to destroy would just multiply like hydra heads. People began running away, but they couldn’t escape the horror. Colossal black slugs, shedding liquid death, were spawned from the darkness and moved out in all directions to collect those attempting to flee. Even Augusta and concentration camps that hadn’t been taken over were experiencing this nightmare.
Screams of terror filled the Nexus Strain, with hundreds of thousands of lives being snuffed out every minute.
“What the hell did you do?!” Sirius roared.
“I awakened Scourge. For the last twenty years, he’s been spread across the globe, existing deep underground as a network linking all of the bases together. In my prisons, where the air is rank with suffering, poltergeists are quick to form, and they, as well as a sizeable percentage of the soul harvest, are fed to him. For twenty years, he’s been absorbing all of that power, waiting for me to give the order to awaken and harvest all of mankind. Now he’s free to go out and begin feeding as he sees fit. Scourge has the ability to split himself into pieces, each one able to act independently or work as a hive mind, and they’re all supercharged but always hungry.
You people seem to have a way to share your power with everyone you come into contact with, it’s quite impressive, but your reservoir of power is going to start running dry pretty soon.”
“You’ll die long before that!” Sirius roared as he charged.
He sent his fist rocketing towards Dominion’s face, but his father blocked the attack with several tentacles growing out of his back.
“Be a sport and grab Daddy another beer, will you?” Dominion taunted.
“Sure, drink up!” Sirius opened his hand and unleashed a spirit blast, putting almost all of his power into it. The ray of light enveloped Dominion and pushed him into the sky with his tentacles being incinerated. Sirius took off after him and they continued exchanging blows high above the landscape.
Up in the clouds, Sirius spun around and let loose a rapid-fire flurry of kicks, but Dominion used more tentacles to block, and with that opening, he held out his hand behind him. The black clouds, engorged with power from the battle, crackled and roared with hissing streams of electricity. The undulating light gathered together in Dominion’s palm and he hurled it at Sirius. No time to dodge, Sirius caught the lightning with one hand and used his spirit energy to guide it through his body across the surface of his skin. Other than a nasty turn going from one hand to the other, he managed to discharge it without suffering any major damage.
In reply, he punched the air with all of the strength in his body. Imitating his father, he used the resulting shockwave to cause spontaneous combustion in the atmosphere, sending a tidal wave of fire surging towards Dominion. He teleported to dodge, but having seen that trick several times already, Sirius spun around and kicked him as he reappeared behind him. The blow ripped off Dominion’s jaw, but without missing a beat, he generated several stinger-tipped tentacles from the wound and stabbed Sirius throughout the chest and limbs.
Despite the fact that he was spitting up blood, Sirius released a roar of fury and aimed his hands at Dominion. A beam of energy was fired, a planet-killer blast of Sirius’s own, enveloping Dominion at point-blank range and shooting up into space before detonating into an explosion that lit up the entire hemisphere. Dominion burst out, his body stripped of flesh and smoldering, and kicked Sirius in the side of the head, knocking him across the sky. As his body regenerated, Dominion grew the wings he had gained from the second Guardian. From the bone feathers, millions of dense spirit blasts began shooting out with Dominion guiding them towards Sirius.
Sirius, having healed from his stab wounds, faced the oncoming barrage. Godlike, that was the speed he used, as with masterful skill, he deflected the spirit blasts with swings of his limbs. It was just like training at the Sect of Silver, when he and the other disciples would be shot at with arrows, though as Dominion increased the output, more and more blasts began slipping through his guard, each one gouging a hole in his flesh.
They were coming from all angles and his defense was slipping. He had to get out. He clapped his hands together and roared in exertion, as from his runes, millions of spirit blasts shot out and intercepted the oncoming wave. Sirius took advantage of that brief reprieve and summoned one of the Grandmaster’s wings, but rather than his back, it grew out of the palm of his hand. The wing fully stretched for six feet and became rigid, with the tissue hardening from the infusion of spirit energy and the telekinetic field wrapped around it. Sirius gripped the base, having armed himself with a sword.
When Dominion’s barrage returned, he swung the sword and launched an omnidirectional wave of energy that swept aside the oncoming assault. He then rocketed over to Dominion, who had summoned his own sword made of Dead Matter. The two blades met with a crack that threatened to tear open the sky. They swung at each other with mad bloodlust, every collision sending down bolts of energy that ripped across the surface of the earth.
“That rage, it feels good, doesn’t it? You wish to destroy everything, to overwhelm anything! Any enemy that stands in your way must be cut down, any force that seeks to hold you down must be broken, and any limit you meet must be surpassed! It is the drive for supremacy that has propelled mankind through history!”
“You’re nothing by a miserable old bastard, stealing people’s happiness because you’re too broken to feel any for yourself! Have you ever even stopped to think about all of the pain and suffering you’ve forced the people of this world to experience?”
“Why would I waste even a single neuron on such a ludicrous thought?”
“Because you’re a human being!”
“That’s funny, I thought I was a monster. Are you trying to save me? Trying to give me some hope of redemption? Trying to make me feel regret or remorse so that I can turn my life around?”
“No, I’m trying to end your madness because it’s pissing me off!”
They separated and Sirius swung his sword in an uppercut motion. A blade of solidified spirit energy extended from the sword and reached down, piercing the surface of the earth. As Sirius brought up his sword, the blade ripped through the planet’s crust, and upon breaking free, unleashed an apocalyptic debris field of bedrock and magma shooting up into the sky at Dominion, like he kicked a pile of dirt into his face to blind him, but on a near-terrestrial scale. The blast sent rubble all the way up into space and was large enough to be seen from several states away.
From within the dust cloud, Dominion swung his sword and released a field of energy in all directions. It didn’t have any effect on actual matter, but it hit Sirius with enough force to almost peel off his aura. What’s more, the air had suddenly become super-cooled, close to Absolute Zero. The volcanic eruption caused by Sirius’s attack had instantly scabbed over. It was the same ability Fenrir had!
Dominion charged across the frozen sky at Sirius and the two locked blades once more. This time, Dominion was pushing Sirius back with his rapid-fire attacks, until the two of them flew out over the ocean. Dominion released another pulse, freezing the sea for over a hundred miles in all directions, all the way down to the ocean floor, past the continental shelf.
Dominion spun around to increase the power of his swing, but rather than striking with his sword, he grew several tentacles out of the small of his back and slammed them into Sirius, knocking him out of the sky. He crashed into the frozen wasteland, riddling it with cracks and sending up jagged mountains of ice skyward.
Sirius got to his feet and began swinging his sword with mad fury, launching blades of highly-compressed energy towards Dominion. Dominion closed in, swooping from side to side to dodge, and swung at Sirius’s neck. Sirius blocked and waved his arm. A jutting iceberg around him was instantly melted, and with telekinesis, Sirius gathered the water together and fired it as a jet with enough force to cut through solid steel. The jet washed over Dominion, but seconds later, something burst out of the water near Sirius, a shapeless Eldritch abomination of black flesh with tentacles, claws, and bloodshot eyes. One of its lamprey-like mouths closed around Sirius’s arm, and though he pulled it out before the limb could be lost, most of the skin between his runes was ripped away.
Dominion charged, attacking with the massive abomination growing from his back like a tail. Sirius, upon healing his wounds, managed to sever it with his sword and locked blades with Dominion, but then knocked him back with a full-powered headbutt.
‘Grandmaster, we need to get back to Augusta. I can sense Eva and the others are at the end of their ropes.’
‘No, we need to kill Dominion here and now!’
‘I’ll kill Dominion, you go save them!’
‘If we separate, you won’t have the strength to beat him!’
‘I’ll find a way! Go!’
‘It’s too reckless! Their lives are not worth the fate of the world!’
An explosion of light erupted from Sirius’s back as the Grandmaster was forcefully expelled. Up in the sky over the battlefield, he returned to his physical form. “I hope you know what you’re doing,” he said before flapping his wings and taking off towards Augusta.
“My prize!” Dominion cackled.
Dominion took to the air to chase after him, but was immediately knocked out of the sky by Sirius, the two of them crashing back down with Sirius beating him with hundreds of punches. “You’re not going anywhere, I’m still not done with you!”
Shahti was hurling bolts of energy at Blight with all the strength she could gather, but what had originally been able to sever limbs was now just leaving paper cuts on his exterior. Having taken his crab form, he marched across the battlefield while raining dark blasts upon her. Every step he took shook the ground and challenged her balance, and the blasts he was firing were too powerful for her to deflect. Even worse, giant black slugs were swarming out of the geyser of darkness in the center of Augusta. She was forced to run from both them and Blight.
Her attacks were having no effect, she couldn’t defend herself, and the enemy numbers were increasing each second. It was truly the direst of situations. Then, a familiar voice echoed in her mind.
‘Everyone, duck for cover!’
She could sense the Grandmaster approaching from the east. He was alone, no longer sealed within Sirius. What was going on? She didn’t bother wondering and simply climbed under the biggest slab of concrete she could find. On the other side of the city, Eric and Eva, likewise overwhelmed, did the same. The Grandmaster flew over battlefield, dwarfing the spawn in even their enlarged forms, and set loose a mighty firestorm from his throat. White flames washed over the battlefield, and while it was nothing compared to the long-range attacks of the other Guardians, it did incinerate many of the Scourge slugs and set the monstrous behemoths on fire.
He then landed by the geyser of darkness and unleashed another fire blast, trying to burn it away like an oil spill. “I’ll do what I can to stem the flow of this evil, but you’ll have to finish your fights without me!”
True, the Scourge slugs had been taken care of, but it was still a bad situation for the sect warriors. However, Shahti had a plan. From one of the inner pockets of her robe, she took out a scroll and sprinted towards Blight. Seeing her approach, he began raining blasts down on her, but even though he could control their trajectory, he still failed to hit her. She reached his front right leg, wider than a subway tunnel, and rolled the scroll across it, and it stuck on with its adhesive back like a length of duct tape. The scroll was full of Dead Rune equations written in ink mixed with arquerite. She touched it with her right hand and supplied a pulse of energy to activate it. That next moment, screaming torrents of dark power were erupting from the scroll like jets of fire from a rocket.
Blight staggered, feeling his power draining. It was something that Shahti had come up with after the fight with Fenrir and had been holding onto in case she managed to get close to Dominion. The scrolls had the same effect of regular silver and arquerite, acting as a conductor of spirit energy. However, the equations used drew power from whatever they were applied to with a vacuum-like force. It was like a mechanical pump, and when Shahti activated it, she gave it power to function.
She then sprinted to the leg behind it, though it was quite a distance away and Blight was aware of the damage. He continued firing blasts, this time from his underside. They were smaller than the others, due to the sudden power imbalance that Blight was now experiencing. Shahti began swinging her urumi above her head and projecting a defensive field. The weaker blasts were deflected and she managed to arrive at the back-right leg. The next scroll was applied and Blight shuddered as he bled out power.
He released a deep roar that echoed across the battlefield. In response, Scourge slugs, those that had survived the Grandmaster’s attack, swarmed in to assist. They closed in around Shahti as she tried to make her way to the back-left leg, but with swings of her urumi, she slashed at any that got close and leaped over them to avoid coming into contact with the toxic sludge pouring off their bodies. She reached the third leg and applied the scroll. One more leg to go.
Blight was struggling to stand, on the verge of being unable to maintain his current form. He couldn’t let her reach his last leg. He began stomping and swinging it like a wild animal caught in a snare, doing everything he could to keep it out of her reach. Shahti launched her strongest spirit blast at the back of his knee, momentarily crippling the leg and letting her get close enough to apply the fourth scroll.
Immediately, Blight’s enlarged body disintegrated, no longer able to sustain itself, leaving only his regular form now falling towards the earth. Shahti aimed her right hand at him and fired a finishing blast, but in midair, he spun around and deflected it with his sword. Now that he had shed his enlarged form, he was no longer affected by the scrolls and his energy was regenerating. She had to finish him off while she was still stronger than him!
Shahti launched herself towards him and lunged with her sword once more coiled into a drill. He tried to block with his saber, but she shot a preemptive energy blast that snapped it. They collided in the air, Shahti blasting a massive hole in his chest and unleashing all her spirit energy into him. Blight began to crumble into ash, his consciousness severed from Dominion’s control and now breaking apart.
With the last of his strength, he twisted his wrist and there was a loud snap.
Shahti fell to the ground, but failed to stick the landing. She buckled over, blood pouring from her mouth and chest. When she collided with Blight, he stabbed her in the heart with his broken saber. Her chest cavity was filling with blood and she struggled to heal the wound, but her heart couldn’t function while the blade was still inside. She tried to pull out with her fingers, but Blight’s final act had been to snap the blade off the handle, leaving only a centimeter of exposed steel sticking out of the wound, not enough for her to grab onto. One last effort, she tried to remove the blade with telekinesis. It shook and began to slowly retract, but time wasn’t on her side. Her thoughts went dark, her brain no longer receiving oxygen now that her heart had stopped.
She collapsed, releasing her final breath in the form of a bloody cough.
Eric was struggling in his fight with Adam. Unlike Shahti, he didn’t have any trump cards to whip out. All he could do was dodge Adam’s stomps and shield himself from the explosions when he’d fire down a spirit blast. He tried firing blasts of his own, but at most, they’d just chip his boney exoskeleton. Considering that his opponent was over a hundred feet taller than him, his struggle was understandable. He had an idea of how he might win. The problem was that it was nothing less than an act of desperation.
‘There is a limit to the amount of power you can draw from the Nexus Strain,’ he remembered the Grandmaster telling him. ‘The soul is indestructible, but if more power is forced through than it can handle, the body will suffer the damage.’
“But what about Sirius and Dominion?” he asked.
‘Sirius is no ordinary human, you know that, and Dominion is able to go beyond his limits because of all the souls he’s devoured. He can use them to bear the strain while his body evolves into a stronger vessel.’
“Your running around is bothering me,” said Adam, shaking him from his thoughts. “Where is all of that vigor from earlier? Either face me man to man or die with dignity.”
He couldn’t run away from Adam, he couldn’t expect help from anyone else, and he couldn’t allow Adam to go off and tip the scales in anyone else’s fight. He had to deal with him here and now.
Eric swallowed the lump in his throat and stepped out from behind the mountain of rubble he had been using as cover. He walked out into the open and stared up at Adam while assuming a fighting stance.
“There you are. A worthy opponent to the very end. I will remember the fight you have given me until the end of time. Let us finish this.” Adam then pulled back his fist and launched it down at Eric like a meteor.
“Hijiri, if you can hear me, please give me all the help you can,” Eric whispered.
Adam’s fist landed on top of him, shaking the landscape and opening up a massive crater, but the dust was immediately blown away by an explosion of spirit energy. At the bottom of the crater was Eric, holding back Adam’s fist with his own. He was venting more power than ever before, so much so that the energy shooting out of his runes was creating an audible scream. All of the veins under his skin were pushed up to the surface and his muscles were quivering as they struggled to hold themselves together.
“What in the world?” Adam exclaimed.
Eric stepped out from under the fist and then launched himself at Adam like a stone from a catapult. He punched Adam square in the chest, sending ripples throughout his body that shattered his entire exoskeleton. “Ora!” he grunted as veins across the surface of his body began spurting blood.
Adam was knocked onto his back and Eric landed on top of him. Without missing a beat, he unleashed a hellish barrage of punches, each faster and more powerful than should have been humanly possible. Every impact was an Argata strike, unleashing more power than he ever could have conjured before gaining the Nexus Strain. Adam gagged in pain, unable to move as Eric carved out a crater in his chest with his punches. The power injected into him, it was like acid, burning him inside and out and robbing him of strength.
In desperation, he swung at Eric to try and squash him like a bug, but Eric turned and knocked his hand back with a single punch, unleashing enough force to break every bone down to Adam’s elbow. He turned back to Adam’s chest and continued hammering him. His speed and strength just kept on increasing, but at a price. He had gone blind due to all of the blood vessels in his eyes rupturing at once. He was also splattering blood in all directions as his skin appeared to be melting. His body was putting out so much heat that a pillar of steam was wafting from him and his hair and clothes were catching fire.
Finally, he raised both fists and delivered his final double punch, unleashing all of the power in his body into Adam. The force of the blow shook the entire area, and all of Adam’s limbs exploded from the shockwave moving through his flesh. Adam was too damaged to move a single muscle. He couldn’t even heal himself. His flow of energy had been so badly crippled that he could lie there until the end of time and never recover at all.
But Eric was no better. He was kneeling in the crater he had carved into Adam’s chest. Just a minute ago, he had been the epitome of physical stature, as buff as a professional body-builder. Now, he looked like a half-cremated corpse. His muscles had been completely destroyed, leaving just a thin layer of tissue clinging to his skeleton. He had lost more than half of his blood and his organs were barely functioning. Adam had been defeated, but he had failed to deal a finishing blow that would destroy him.
“We’ll ... call this a draw,” Adam whispered.
“Agreed,” Eric replied, before falling over and succumbing to his injuries.
Eva was doing her best against Ishtar’s released form, but the gap between them she had struggled to close had reopened like a stitched wound. Ishtar was keeping her at a distance, either by breathing jets of fire or swinging her tail. Even when she managed to get close and attack with her sword, the quivering of Ishtar’s serpent-like body made it impossible to inflict any deep damage. If her sword didn’t simply bounce off Ishtar’s scales, it would just break the skin and then be forced out.
Even worse, Eva was starting to hit the wall. She had done her best to power herself only with spiritual energy, but her physical stamina was still in the red. She had to finish this battle soon, but she was running out of options. From behind a pile of rubble, she watched Ishtar’s movements. Her surface was almost shimmering, undulating, except for one spot, the top of her skull. It was the only weakness that she could think off. The problem would be reaching it.
Eva picked up several rocks and then came out from behind her cover. She ran towards Ishtar while throwing them with telekinetic enhancement. They smashed against Ishtar’s face, failing to wound her, but at least distracting her long enough for Eva to reach the middle of her body and leap onto her back. She ran up Ishtar’s spine while using telekinesis to keep her latched on like a spider. As she ran, she dragged her sword up Ishtar’s, channeling Sirius’s power into the wound she was creating.
She reached the head, jumped into the air, and with all of her strength, plunged her sword into the stop of Ishtar’s skull. If not for her energy running along the length of the blade, Eva’s sword would have shattered, but while it managed to hold together, it only went in six inches, not even reaching Ishtar’s brain. Eva immediately tried to channel her power through the blade and send it into Ishtar, but the she-beast swung her head with a shriek. Eva couldn’t hold on and was thrown off, the end of her sword breaking off in the process and left lodged in Ishtar’s skull.
She managed to protect herself before she hit the ground, but it didn’t change how exhausted she was. She crawled across the ground towards her sword, desperate and hopeless. Not only had she failed, but her broken weapon was a testament to her failure and her worsening situation. She retrieved her sword and saw her face in its reflection. She looked just as tired as she felt. Wait a second, reflection!
With new hope inside her, Eva got up and looked around for any kind of remaining structure. She saw a huge piece of bedrock from Dominion’s fortress with a tunnel carved inside. It was perfect. She turned back to Ishtar and shot her in the face with a spirit blast.
“Come and get me, you ugly bitch!”
She then took off, running towards the tunnel as fast as she could. Ishtar tried to blast her with fire, but she made it inside without a single hair singed. She moved down the tunnel until she reached an intersection, then laid her sword on the ground and covered it with sand. The giant stone structure shook as Ishtar tried to force her head into the tunnel.
“Too big, huh? I doubt Dominion is into fat girls!”
Ishtar roared in fury and released her strongest fire blast. Eva ducked into the adjoining tunnel of the intersection and wrapped herself with a protective shield as a wave of fire surged past her location. Once it was done, Eva retrieved her sword, though she had to protect her hand due to how hot the handle was. Once it had cooled, she continued on through the tunnel, soon finding a way out. She returned the outside and saw Ishtar releasing another breath of fire. Eva climbed up onto the small mountain and looked down at Ishtar.
“Up here, you dumb cunt!”
Ishtar looked up and Eva pounced on her. She buried her sword into Ishtar’s throat and carved her way down her neck, opening her up like a zipper. As soon as the blade went in, all of the tissue around the wound exploded, severing Ishtar’s head, and as Eva dropped further down the line, the explosions ran through her entire body, splattering guts and viscera across the battlefield.
Eva stepped down onto the ground and gave a sigh of relief. Nearby, the giant serpent head, now all that remained, disintegrated, revealing Ishtar back in her original form, though much of her body was covered in burns.
“How ... I don’t understand. How could a lowly human defeat me?”
“If it makes you feel better, I didn’t defeat you. You defeated yourself. See?” She held out her sword, the blade coated in a layer of glass. When Eva ducked into the tunnel, she covered her sword in sand so that when Ishtar would try to smoke her out, it would melt into glass, turning her sword into an arquerite mirror.
“A mirror? You have to be kidding.”
“You have a lot of power, but even you can’t stand having that power turned back against you.”
“You clever bitch. But while you may have beaten me, your boyfriend is doomed. Your allies around the world are getting wiped out, and without the fourth Guardian sealed within him, what can he hope to do against Lord Dominion?”
Eva looked over to the Grandmaster, fighting with fire and talons against Scourge’s tentacles. Ishtar was right. Not only was Sirius much weaker without the Grandmaster, but the Grandmaster himself was totally exposed. She had to do what she could to help him, to keep him safe until Sirius could arrive! Eva took off, not even bothering to kill Ishtar. She was already out of the fight. All that mattered now was keeping the Grandmaster safe.
Sirius was doing everything he could to keep Dominion from escaping, but having seen the fourth Guardian, he refused to halt his pursuit. Sirius was projecting a field that kept him from teleporting, but as far as technique, that was the best he could do. Now fighting alone, he was struggling to control his energy. He had no idea the Grandmaster had been doing so much to help him.
Regardless, he chased down Dominion with beast-like ferocity, beating him senseless and putting all of his strength into every attack. The Nexus Strain was getting weaker and weaker as Scourge waged his Final Solution on mankind, but by continuing to push himself beyond his limits, Sirius could raise his own power with each punch stronger than the last.
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VoyeurI'd been feeling really good lately, sort-of on cloud 9. There's something about getting laid well and often that really makes a guy feel alive, y'know? Anyhow, I was hanging out in the living room playing some video games and listening to music, having a good old time, when I heard my Mom come in from the Garage and from the sound of it she was carrying some plastic bags. That meant she'd been to the store, and that meant maybe she had some potato chips or something – I'd looked for some...
Feisty and fun, our 22 year old, 4-foot-11 tiny Latina spinner Camilla comes off as a sweet gir, but gets dirty when “between the sheets”. We knew she was going to work out just fine when she told us she made private videos for people she met on the Interwebs. Obviously she’s ready for the big leagues now! When she’s not making her private videos, she likes to masturbate every day or fuck her girlfriend (!), so Camilla is just the kind of girl we like here! As usual,...
xmoviesforyouMy neighbor behind our house has two male dogs. We have an alley between a row of four houses that everyone uses to get from one area of the neighborhood to the other. I use it often to go to the store. All the times I've passed by the alley the neighbor's dogs have always come up to the fence barking. They are separated by another fence and I have never seen them together in the same part of the yard. Both are medium sized dogs although the brown one is a bit smaller than the black one....
Sydney Leathers stops by her friend’s house to get her opinion on what she should wear for her date, but her friend isn’t home. But guess who is??? That’s right — her friend’s boyfriend, Mike! And the trouble begins. He offers Sydney their bedroom to go ahead and try on whatever she wants to try on, but when Sydney needs a man’s eye to see which of her lingerie is sexiest, she summons him to the bedroom. Mike doesn’t quite know how to act, what with his wife’s friend nearly naked in their...
xmoviesforyouCould it happen?Spending most of the year away from your Wife is trying, but knowing when you will be seeing her again is welcome. I enjoy BDSM and my Wife occasionally indulges me. This is a fantasy I have started having, Enjoy.Two months before my next trip to my Wife’s she calls. We update on all the little things that have happened and then she asks do you want a spanking when you get here? My response was a definite always. How do you want it? I replied naked, bound and totally exposed....
My name is Lucy Scarlet, I just turned 21 and still live with Mom. Dad up and left when I was 16 without any real explanation. Although, both my parents are Furries, and somewhere, somehow, a new race of real bipedal, humanoid animal people started showing up. I'm not entirely sure if they came from space or from some untouched part of the world, or whether they were made from science. Anyway, Dad, I think, actually met one of these Furry people and ran off with her. I don't know if there was a...
Incest“Huff, huff, a~ah...” A male voice was drifting from a cracked bedroom door. “Ngh, huh, huh, uh...” The male voice was grunting, huffing, even straining a little bit. Aside from his voice, there was just quiet. It appeared to be mid-morning, with sunlight coming in from the eastern side of the ranch-style home. The bedroom was on the eastern side, and a stream of sunlight was peeking from the bedroom door that was left ajar. In the hallway in front of the door, lay the family dog Duke,...
The girls slept contentedly and were awakened by Ellie's mother. It was Saturday, and they went shopping at the mall, spending a great deal of time at Victoria's Secret, but not buying anything there. The sensual garments they touched and held against themselves only served to whet their sexual appetites for later that afternoon. Their plan was to tell their parents they were headed back to the mall around four and to the movies afterward. They promised to be home by ten or ten-thirty the...
Mistakes are subject to be sorry and forgiven . Mera nam ferhan butt hai height 5feet 8inch hai or mera tool 7inch lamba hai 2.5 inch mot a hai. DOSTO YE AJ SE 3 SAL PEHLE KE BAT HAI JUB MAI 19 SAL KA THA OR LAHORE MAI ENGINEERING KE TALEEM HASEL KER RARA THA OR MAI APNE KHALA KE GHAR REH Raha THA q k mera taluq pakistan ke punjab ke ik city okara ke ik dehat se hai.mery khalo ik priveet mill mai kam kerty thy is ley un ke deuty kabi kabi rate ko b hoti the.khala k serf 1 hai beta tha jo serf 2...
Elaine watched as Gary refolded the contract and slipped it into his jacket pocket. She’d confirmed it was the same one, signed it, and barely said a prayer before it was gone. The ink wasn’t even dry. She shivered. Gary turned to her and slowly smiled. “I should say something profound, shouldn’t I?” Elaine nodded. “Y… Yes.” “In a minute.” Reaching behind her head, he slid his fingers into her silky hair and said, “I want to kiss you first.” Elaine’s scalp prickled....
Reader-Before reading, be aware this story is unique. * * * * * I parked my Jetta into a classy hotel and registered with the clerk. Finally, I got my key and ran down the hall to catch the elevator. ‘What floor?’ I heard a familiar voice asked. ‘3.’ I noticed the stranger already had pushed it. Turning around in curiosity, I saw the body that belonged to the voice. It was Julia Stiles. Julia was aware that I was glancing at her, so she said, ‘Hi’ she smiled, 10. Her smile I’m Julia,’...
Adventures in Babysitting By: Malissa and Gang Tommy Moore, was a bit of a loner all his life, no close friends other than the girls he went to school with. But he never dated any of them. Now as a senior in High School he was on the honor roll list. His mother was a bit concerned though, he seemed to not have any life outside of school. Of course she had her hopes, as he would often go to Laura's house for the girls study group, three or four girls he went to school with who needed...
Carla sighed in frustration as she scanned the packed nightclub. He just was not here, she growled silently. Every man she looked at did not attract her in the least, too skinny, too heavy, too blond, too redheaded. Not that she had any problem with the later; she was just in the mood for a dark haired lover tonight. Weaving her way through the mass of undulating bodies as they danced, drawing angry or jealous stares from the women, ogling drools from the men, Carla ignored them all. She was...
Introduction: All of these stories have been written by someone else who deserves the credit for being a Readers Best Choice Award Winner Ive been happily married for nine years to a voluptuous 32 year old Italian girl. We have two small children. Amanda has incredibly smooth olive skin and big soft tits that are fairly firm for their size. She also has a full round butt! Her lips are soft and full, and her brown bedroom eyes will give anyone a instant hard on! I was surfing the web one day...
Introduction: Go to a hotel & live out a fantasy I see you from across the room. I see you watching me. I think in my mind how horny I am and how long it has been. You havent had a man eat you out in such a long time. You love being eaten, licked and played with. You think of a hot tongue licking your wet pussy. How good that feels on your pussy. You miss it. You wonder if this man watching you is thinking of eating your pussy. If he is a real man he should love to eat pussy. Im in the bar at...
I met my wife in 1989 and we were married 2 years later. Since the day I met her,I gave up my sexual encounters with men and focused on her. We have a great relationship and a beautiful daughter who is on her way to college. Two weeks ago my wife went away on a business trip to San Diego and my daughter went to Arizona to spend time with the grandparents before she left for school. I never gave up my passion for lingerie and kept most of my things from early on and still bought new ones to...
CrossdressingDamon Dice knows that his stepsister Mackenzie Moss has a slutty side, but he never dreamed that she would turn that lusty attention on him. He overhears her talking to a friend about the Fuck Your Step Brother Challenge and how she’s going to complete it. At least he knows it’s coming when Mackenzie corners him in the living room and starts teasing him with her juicy little titties and ripe ass! Damon is no fool, so when Mackenzie bends over doggy style he goes ahead and sticks it...
xmoviesforyou( All writers are encouraged to add their own paths and branches to the story. Please note that i am not good at spelling and i have never written a story until now, without further ado, please enjoy the story. ) The man awoke, in his bed.. his tired and drowsy eyes open, Ripping apart the yellow crust which surrounds his very eyelids. His vision rests upon the roof of their comfy little abode, with a annoyed grunt the man sits up and gets out of their bed. Their albeit small room has 1 window,...
Mr. Chalmers and Bea were sitting in the living room talking to Mr. Parsons when Mrs. Parsons and I got back from the club, at around six. All three of them had drinks in their hand. Dinner was at six thirty, Gerta told us, then she went and made a drink for Mrs. Parsons. I was glad to see Bea. I knew she was leaving the next day, and I wanted to have a chance to tell her goodbye before she left. "So, Kenny, how's that fancy school you're going to? Bunny says there are no girls allowed...
It had to be in the closet, but it was so packed with junk it’d take a week to just get to the bottom of it. ‘Great,’ he said out loud, ‘I’m never going to find it in time.’ After removing armfuls of junk, he finally found his squash racket, but in the darkness and cold, a sliver of light from the adjoining room shone through. He thought about it for a second, what was on the other side of the wall? Eureka! He realised with a smile creeping along his face, it was the women’s shower room. He...
i was always curious about eating pussy, i mean i can suck a dick dry so i knew i could devour a fat pussy, if giving the opportunity. that day came when i met this cute as thick chocolate woman. we have been talking on the phone for awhile and we finally met we i invited her to my place one evening. i was a little tired and fell asleep when she was using my computer. i was half woke and i got up and looked and she was standing before naked. i knew then i was gonna suck the hell out of that...
Email: I live in Kerala. I am currently working in Kochi. I commute by train every day and it takes like 1 hour for my journey on one side. I was a virgin until recently and what made me lose my virginity is what I would like to tell you. Work is boring usually. It gets late at night occasionally. 4 months back, In July rainy day it was around 7:30 at night I left work. I rushed to the railway station but missed the train by a fraction of a minute. Apparently, there was a railway line...
I was awake early the next morning, and felt good. The two girls were still laying side by side, and both were asleep. I rolled out, and headed for the shower. I had just about finished when I heard someone come into the bathroom. The windows to the shower stall were steamed up, so I could not see who it was. I heard the sounds of her relieving her bladder, then a soft knock on the shower door. I said, "Yes." I heard Sarah ask, "Room for two in there?" I just asked, "You...
The next day, Janet awoke refreshed. She walked into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. While the coffee brewed, she cooked herself breakfast. After eating, she showered, dressed, and headed over to her friend Veronica's house to pick her up for a trip they had planned a week ago. It would be Janet's first outing at her friend's new lakeside cabin. Maybe she'd find a way to make the weekend interesting.Janet pulled up in front of Veronica's house and honked the horn. Veronica poked her...
LesbianHi, this is Rina. This happened to me just 2 months back. I am a lady of 34 years , married. In our house there stays a guy with his wife on rented basis. His name is Abhishek. He is of around 27 years. I had good friendship with his wife Priya. She comes to our house some times. Abhishek is not so good looking but charming. One Friday Priya called me for dinner with my husband. But my husband was late that night so only I went. Priya was busy in kitchen. So I sat with Abhishek. We discussed...
Cassie is once more drawn to the pit, but she turns away despite the urgent whispers which rise from within. She cannot understand what they say, but she somehow divines their meaning: she needs to practice. She has more important, if reluctant, business to conduct tonight. She confronts the veil to her mother's mind and steps through. The gray pall is absent, as she is not interested in her mother's memories. Instead, she wishes to delve into Dorothy's dreams. Here is the only place...
I started today with a petite sunbeam calling for me to creep out of bed and greet the day. As I pulled the blankets back I could sense the rush of cool air across my body. I quickly made my way to the living room to turn the heat up a few degrees; then proceeded into the kitchen to start my morning ritual with a cup of coffee and a seat at my computer. Upon checking my e-mails I came across a message from my secret lover asking for me to convene at noon in our usual place. I quickly felt...
Wife LoversOur guild capacity is 100 and when we do gathering, usually 20-30 people turn up but because we gather in a big group, Normally those that I name will stick together. We were in a restaurant and Jenn was the friendliest among all of them. She greeted me warmly with a hug before introducing me to all of them real life. Lee's group already knew each other as they play another game with Jenn before this. So I'm like the new guy. There weren't many girls in the gathering, Jenn the only...
Kathy stood by the front door of Cox Shoe Store waiting for the last few customers of the day leave. It was almost five o’clock and she had a lot to do before Mark picked her up to go to the movies, but as luck would have, at five to five another customer walked through the door. Kathy groaned to herself, “Why me?!?” She looked to see if either of the other salesgirls were free, but no such luck, they were both still showing shoes to the two ladies still seated in the try on...
Desirée rolled her sparkling eyes up to the handsome face of her sweetheart Mark. When they had decided to announce their engagement it had been a surprise for everyone, including her parents, though she had known that they could only approve. They liked Mark, loved Mark, and they had been overjoyed that their only daughter had found such a fine young man to marry. Desirée had really been in no hurry to get married. Her education in music had been more important to her in...
For decades, the Minotaur has fed on seven virgins of each sex yearly, ravaging their bodies with his powerful loins before they die... Then came the hero Theseus who is said to have slain the Minotaur. Monsters are not so easily banished however, and nine years after the slaying of the beast, it was resurrected by a mage to serve the New Empire. It was placed in a new labyrinth, no longer allowing methods other than your own sense of direction by a powerful magic. This new labyrinth stretches...
Fantasyhis big dick began to fuck my mouth faster, and his fingers flicked my clit faster as well, he spat on my pussy and pushed 2 fingers deep inside me, i moaned in pleasure and pain. He fingered me softly at first telling me how tight my pussy was, my cunt was dripping wet, and his fingers found a steady rhythm pushing in and out of me, his fingers were touching my inner hot spot, and i pushed them deeper into me, i told him to fuck me faster and faster, and i could feel myself getting close to...
Sharon and I met on an adult website catering to people who want to explore sexual liaisons with likeminded individuals of the opposite sex . It was just a few weeks ago that I glanced upon her profile which had a very sensual picture of her posing naked in a sensual pose in her shower. The lines of her body caught my eyes. She is slender, sensually !! Her pose in that profile picture is perhaps the most arousing but not of the vulgar type. It has poise, it has class and it has a compellingly...
Cheating WifesIt was early in the morning. My best guess was around four. John rolled over. He cuddled up closer to me, wrapping his arms around me, and pulling me close. I could feel his hard cock, he had it pressed against my ass. His hands caressed my breasts. I knew what he wanted. He wanted me to wake up and fuck before work. I was wanting sex too. Afterall, it had been weeks since we had any action. I wanted to sleep even more though. I was going to just act like I was in a deep sleep until he gave...
ReluctanceOn the way back to the ranch Will stopped at one of the small streams, he thought he better wash himself off some. Will was young but he was pretty smart, he could smell Maria's musk on his fingers and he figured on his manhood also. He figured it wouldn't be good for him if Becky smelled that also. He took a small piece of lye soap from his saddleback and just washed the areas that needed it. He was looking forward to a nice bath with Becky later on. He rode up to the barn and unsaddled...
NEW YORK SWITCH CHAPTER 5 I had been my masters pet for just over 2 years now. If he knew that my mind was that of a former male, he never let on or even let slip that he knew. That was both good and bad. Good in that he had no reason to doubt or punish me, and bad in that my life as his captive submissive would never end. He did care for me, kept me on birth control pills to prevent pregnancy, had a doctor come to give me a check up every 2 to 3 months. Deep down I craved the...
Momma ConnieA Short Story by Dave ***** Dave’s sexual content disclaimers:The following material is an original erotic fictional story, intended exclusively for an adult audience. If you are not of legal age to view such material, please exit now, thanks. Graphic language and detailed descriptions for all aspects of various sexual situations and encounters are central to this story, from beginning to end. The content within may be considered taboo and therefore offensive to some readers....
Jessica’s Excitement in Paradise It had been 2 weeks since Jessica and her parents had checked into the luxury hotel isolated on an island in the South Pacific. Initially it had been exiting seeing the glassy blue water, lush green rainforest and white gold sands and exploring the hotel. But as it stood now she was bored. They were amongst only a few guests staying at the hotel with it being a new eco-resort it was yet to be put on the map and could currently only house four or five parties in...
Sweet blonde adorable Lilly Bell has her hot moist bushy pussy marinading in her juices for birthday boy Michael’s cock when he gets home. Michael follows the sweet scent of her pussy nectar finding her waiting for him in her heels for Michael to worship her hot furry pussy with his mouth, tongue and throbbing cock. Lilly drops to her knees sucking his cock balls deep and then hopping on top for a hard ride before going back and forth licking up her juices off his cock until Michael...
xmoviesforyouMODERN MARRIAGE – IMPREGNATION RESORT -2MANDATORY BREEDINGThrough all of this I inadvertently was touching myself. Then with the most of tactfulness, Janeda guided us through many naked bodies to our room.Our suite was a spacious one. Through the French double doors we could see the distinct blue of the Caribbean. The center of the room was occupied by an enormous four post bed. To the side was an OB/GYN pelvic examination table with calf and ankle stirrup supports as to keep woman’s legs...
*Ding-dong* The cry of the doorbell rang throughout Sarah's house. Her head immediately perked up and a smile began to spread across her face. She sprang up from her living room couch and ran to answer the door. She was a short but well-built girl with dirty-blonde hair, 38E tits, and a nice ass to compliment the rest of her attitude. Tonight she is dressed in a gray tank-top with black and white pattered yoga pants. Sarah was sure to wear her tightest pair of yoga pants tonight. Sarah's...
FantasyI’m a cuckold, yeah, it might sound wierd and honestly I didnt see it coming. I’m married to Sandra, a 36 year old teacher, blonde with a fantastic body. I’m a sales rep. 41 years old and still fit. Two years ago we found out that we couldnt have c***dren, the normal way. At first it was dissapointing, my very low sperm count and her lack of healthy eggs was what the tests came up with. Since I had saved some money that eventually was to finance k**s studies, I decided to spend some of that on...
Me? Oh yes, a little bit of an introduction would probably help a little. I am Jason Grant, a 17 year old "would-be" game designer. I'm studying but hardly, really. I am trying to battle school, which in RPG terms stands at like 20 levels less than I, but I am unarmed. In other words, lately shit just keeps fucking up. I have short black hair and brown eyes, and stand about 5'6. I would be taller but - a whole lotta coffee can indeed prevent you from growing too tall. Thanks a lot,...
On the way Jeremy turned up Stravinsky’s ‘Rite of Spring’ up full blast and I sat back quietly and allowed the events of the last hour to sink in. Strangely I didn’t feel as guilty as I expected to be. I had just been unfaithful to my husband on our wedding anniversary and yet I was feeling so alive. I had just done things to a man which even a street hardened hooker would have blanched at and yet it didn’t feel as though it was me who did it.Having parked the car we made our way to the theatre...
CheatingImogen Dyer obliged, bending forward and pushing her breasts forward, turning sideways to the bright lights. She was topless, wearing a baby blue thong. She shook her brunette tresses and smiled as the camera clicked away. She puckered her lips for a few shots, then closed her eyes and lightly stroked her nipple. "Great, great," the photographer Mark Wilkinson said. "That should wrap it up. Your turn, Emma." Petite blonde Emma Wagstaff was standing off to the side. She smiled and slid...
Cogsworth (John) and a Vaultwomen (Vivian)John: miss vivian how are you today?Vivian: Well, I'm doing quite well, and yourself John: well, i'm well other than a problem i am having with one of my systems, it seems to be overloaded, but i can't figure a way to reset it.Vivian: hmm... well, I'm pretty... Handy... myself, perhaps I can help you out? *I joke, offering assistance*John: if you wouldn't mind i would be ever so thankful! *hoving towards you in the empty dinner my systems menu opens for...
I had chosen a long black satin nightdress. It was straight with a slit at one side, thin shoulder straps and lace at the bust and hem. It felt so sexy in my fingers as I delighted in its feel before putting it on – so smooth and cool. Then I raised it above my head and let the full length drop over my body, almost shivering with pleasure as the cool silky material caressed my flesh from my shoulders to my ankles. I smoothed it across my chest and stomach and luxuriated in its sexy feel against...
As the TV station went to commercial, Jordan turned to Gwen to commiserate. That’s when she saw how pale Gwen had become as she clutched the back of a folding chair with trembling hands. ‘Gwen!’ cried Jordan as she rushed to her friend and gently held her in her arms. ‘Sit down. Charlie, get some water. Relax, Gwen. We both know how smart and tough Steve is. Don’t give up hope. Never give up on him!’ ‘I’ve been trying to stay positive. I really have, but they’ve got Steve pinned down in some...
I know that Americans don’t ‘get’ the English sport of cricket – but then, a lot of English people don’t really understand the game either, or at least they don’t understand its interest and pleasure. That goes especially for women, because – like football – it always used to be seen as a man’s sport. But that has been changing for a while now, and, as with golf and football, the women’s game is slowly developing a following. Why am I telling you this? Well, I have enjoyed playing...
New Student=s Second Day Part 4 By Victor Lavay & J.F. They found Tongue Use 103 on the second floor, again the room is full of new students, k**s their own age who look excited and nervous. At the front was the teacher Miss Likensgud, and older stern faced woman who some would have called beautiful in her younger days, and her two assistants, one boy one girl, Sandra towed Magan to a seat at the back and then settled down with the others to watch… her hand ‘accidentally’ resting on Magan’s...