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I knew something was up as soon as we got home Monday and was afraid it was bad. Mom, Jane and Gail met us in the driveway and grabbed my hand along with Tina, Angie, and Kathy.

We asked what was wrong and felt relieved when They laughed. Jane said "words can't describe it. This is something you just have to see for yourselves."

When we got there I had to admit they were right. The children were all over the living room table. They were talking and drawing on large sheets of paper. This may not sound that strange, at least until you realized that only one of them had seen their first birthday and they used complete sentences.

Upon further examination the fact that they weren't scribbling would certainly astonish most people. It sure blew me away to see what appeared to be a set of blueprints drawn to scale. They took a break when they saw us, climbing down and screaming as they ran to us for kisses and hugs.

That didn't last long as they were eager to show us what they were doing. We were just as eager to find out. I knew what it looked like but Angie voiced it "is that a space ship?" she asked Paul.

He nodded seriously and said "yep! Not just any space ship though. It's a colony ship to go to another planet. The Gods said we'd need it so we thought we'd better get started now."

Yet another shock but this one needed some questions answered before we could satisfy our curiosity about the drawings. It turns out that more than one of the gods had been visiting with the children periodically.

Our children apologized for not being able to answer all of our questions but said that they were told that the gods would handle it. I certainly hoped it was soon.

As for the vessel, it was a colony ship of massive proportions that would require a construction facility be built in space to put together. I asked about how they intended to power it and Paul sheepishly said "that's Aaron's job. I got the ship and he got the drive. We're helping each other though. Actually, somebody else is supposed do the drive but he's supposed to help too. They told us not to tell who the other person was."

Angie hadn't said anything until now but she made Paul's day when she gave him a fierce hug and said she thought it was beautiful. Coming from her, that was quite a compliment.

We let them get back to work and went to the basement at our place for a conference. When everyone started talking at once I raised my hand and they all got quiet.

I probably looked as angry and confused as I felt when I addressed them. "I know we all want answers but we won't find them without help."

I closed my eyes and silently thought "Loki... Freyja... will you please help us understand what our children are becoming?" and when I opened them they were there.

Loki smiled and said "thank you Mathias, for not bellowing in anger as most mortals would have."

I sighed and told him "I wanted us to be able to speak with you. I'm sure there is an explanation and getting mad about the inevitable is pointless."

Freyja looked at Loki and quipped "he is intelligent" before turning to us and stating "most of what has occurred with your offspring is simple genetics. Matthias is probably the most intelligent mortal this world has ever seen. What he asked for upon his return will be passed on to all children he sires. The fact that in almost all cases the mother will certainly contribute a considerable gift as well insures that his get will produce what amounts to a new race of humans. To a slightly smaller degree this applies to all of you. After Mathias every mortal we assisted in their new beginning has a much larger use of their mental capabilities than they once possessed."

She looked at Tina and continued "except for you, my dear. You were so close to ideal in mental capacity there was no need. The children you bear Mathias will be amazing. I will let my companion continue from here."

At her nod, Loki spoke "thank you, dear one." Before turning to us "We asked you to return to save this world. That has not changed but it will only provide a temporary solution. Eventually this world will cease to sustain life and nothing can be done to prevent it. There are two tasks. First save this world for now and then save your species. I can tell you now that three hundred and twenty years from now the Earth's moon will move far enough away from the planet to allow its orbit to deteriorate. This will cause erratic and unpredictable climate changes. The resulting extreme weather conditions will preclude food production. In short, it will truly be Ragnorok. If a suitable planet can be found in time it might be possible to start anew. You must continue your species if it is to survive."

Kathy had been pracyically jumping up and down and finally couldn't wait any longer "please forgive me for interrupting but this would take generations. We could help begin the preparations but how would we insure the completion of this task? Also, what of my daughter Frieda? Her biological father was certainly no genius and neither am I. I also was not returned from the future, so how can it be that she seems so advanced?"

This made Loki chuckle before he answered "don't sell yourself short young lady. While it is true that Frieda's sire left much to be desired, his mother did not. We took the liberty of giving you as much help mentally as we did the others. We did this as soon as you agreed to join this mission because your task is the most important of all. Your daughter inherited every bit of this additional capacity. You might go as far as to say she is almost a clone of you. Also, you will be alive to see the completion of your work if you have the desire to do so. I'm afraid that the changes we have wrought in you make that entirely possible. That doesn't mean you cannot die but age will not take you unless you desire it to do so. With your combined talents you might be surprised at how swiftly you can proceed. Now if there is nothing else, I must go."

I stopped him with one more question "Aaron mentioned someone else was supposed to design the power source for the ship. Can you give us any idea who that might be?"

He took Tina and I by the hand and said "I already told you that your children will be amazing" as he faded away.

Everyone remained in stunned silence until Tina turned to me and stated "time to knock me up, big boy."

Everyone but me got a laugh out of that. I knew she was serious but then again, they probably did too. As soon as we were alone, she confirmed my belief by stating that she thought that she should graduate early and start college as soon as our child would allow her to do so. I would have been eager even if I hadn't known about the destiny our children were to attempt to fulfill.

We stopped to visit the youngsters before running the idea past our parents. The more questions we asked about the plans the more impressed we became.

Paul seemed a bit frustrated and Tina commented on it. He gave a sigh that would have sounded dejected if it had originated from an adult and said "I can't say" before donning a dazed expression for a moment. He quickly recovered and said "I can now! Boy, I'll be glad when we get more help. Too bad we have to wait for you and mommies Tina, Faith, and Rhonda to have more babies. We can't do some of the design until you do. At least mommy Connie is getting us some help soon."

When I recovered I asked why he was so anxious. Paul pointed at Tina and said "your babies have to do the drive system. Mommy Faith's has some really neat stuff to invent that makes things, and mommy Rhonda's is supposed to come up with what we're supposed to build the ships out of. Wes is the defense expert."

Tina was finally able to talk again and suggested that they might occupy the time by designing the facility where the ships would be built and figuring out where the labor to do it would be found.

I used the opportunity to bring up a major concern of mine. "Where are the crews and support people supposed to come from? With the ships you're laying out we'd need thousands for the crews and that's not counting the numbers we need for a colony."

Aaron decided to help Paul out on that one and said "Uncle Bryan and Aunt Paula could help us out there daddy, along with Aunt Lin and Uncle Adam. There are supposed to be people from California and a lot of other places too."

I was shaking my head when I noticed mom and dad trying to suppress their laughter in the kitchen doorway. When I asked what was so funny pop quipped "just thinking that we need a bigger house. Again!"

I looked at the others and asked if they could join my folks in the kitchen, explaining that I would be there shortly. Tina looked worried at my expression but seemed relieved when I kissed her and said it was nothing for her to be concerned about.

I ran back downstairs and whispered "changer? I hate to bother you again but I have a favor to ask of you if I may."

Loki immediately appeared and smiled as he said "what can I do for you Matthias? You sound worried."

I took a deep breath and asked "is there any way the changes you made to me can be made for my parents? I lost my father once already and at the time of my return, my mother was in bad shape. I don't think I could go through that again and remain sane."

He was still smiling as he replied "why not do it yourself? That healing ability of yours does more than you seem to be aware of. Because of your earlier healing of them they will already be immune to diseases common to growing old. All that remains are some minor changes which would effectively halt the aging process. You can't make someone younger, but they wouldn't grow older. Look for the knowledge in your mind and I think you will find it."

I was so overcome with relief that I actually hugged him before thinking that hugging a god might not be healthy. Of course Loki being who he was I found myself with my arms full of a very nude Ann-Margaret instead of a pissed off god. He laughed at my discomfort as he kissed me on the forehead and said "you're welcome. Do not hesitate to call on us. We have never found a frivolous reason for you doing so" before fading out.

I ran to the kitchen even faster than I had run to the basement. As soon as I arrived Tina started talking a mile a minute until I stopped her with a kiss. "Hold on babe" I explained "this can't wait."

As I related my conversation with the changer I was worried about the looks our parents were exchanging. They were silent for a minute after I was done before dad said "I think your mother and I need to discuss this first. It's a very big decision, you know. Something like this would be hard to explain and I for one don't want to become a lab experiment. I think we can let you know tomorrow. I wouldn't mind the additional mental capacity but the longevity requires some thought."

I just swallowed and nodded before forcing a smile and saying "now what was my lovely sister-wife just bursting to tell me?"

Mom was elected spokesperson and she said "we were discussing the future lack of space and logistical problems. Your father and I thought that if everyone planned on attending state, we might use the land in Hazard and build something out in the middle of the mountains. We already have the land and nosy neighbors are few and far between. Security would be easier for all the things you're up to and gossip about the way we live would be easier to contain."

When we asked if the cost would be a problem he cracked up "Matt, we're making money so fast that we had to open some off shore accounts. We've been buying the land you suggested as well just have to use some of it. Unfortunately, the buyers you told us would eventually want it have already been making offers at an unreal profit margin for us. I took the initiative of also buying land for future research and manufacturing facilities. We chose areas that would be hardest hit by the fact that coal and oil will be obsolete. We concentrated those in Appalachia as well as the gulf coast area. Construction has already started on the computer manufacturing complex in Hazard and we bought land in Kentucky, Wyoming, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania since it was so cheap."

I suggested that with what his grandchildren were working on there might be more land to consider. Desert property could be purchased for a song and would make an excellent choice for a spaceport.

He promised to look into it soon and suggested a meeting to discuss relocating before everyone started college, adding "you might want to call a meeting for everyone else on the island over Yule break to go over the new developments with them. I'm sure you'll find them helpful with technology, cash, and staffing. If a colony is actually started you won't want only people from North America. I believe we should at least begin with a diverse population even if it does eventually blend into one. I only hope that if it does come about there is only one government. War sucks and it would be easier for everyone to get along that way."

We heartily agreed and left to make the phone calls, some of which were overseas. I took care of those while Rhonda handled the locals and California. A meeting was set up for Monday (tomorrow), the following weekend, and over the holidays. Monday was for our group and next weekend was to clue our California people in. When we gave Sally some idea about what was up she couldn't wait any longer than that.

The girls and I headed home only to find we had company. It seems Sally wasn't the only impatient one because Gail, Angie, and Faith were waiting for us.

As soon as we hit the door Angie said "Paula, and Jackie will be here in a minute and we all want to know what's going on."

It looked like it would be a long night, and it was. It looked like I'd be a father again before a year was up. More than once it seems. Faith saw no reason to wait and Jackie didn't either.

Paula and Rhonda were both eager but reality got in the way. Paula said she was going to talk to her mother about finally cluing her dad in to our situation. He would have to know the whole story so he didn't totally freak.

I had a feeling it wouldn't be hard to convince him. He didn't know it but his wife had been following our investment advice too. He'd probably faint when he found out his family was worth over ten million instead of the two he thought they had.

He might be a bit more shocked when he found out about Bryan. I had no doubt that he would be the father.

Rhonda had baseball to think about and we decided it would be best to wait until between high school graduation and the beginning of college. When our little meeting broke up all the girls were ready for bed.

During a lull in the inevitable lovemaking that followed, Connie was snuggled up to me and said "I'm glad you got over your dislike of big boobs"

After the laughter died down we realized she was upset so I explained again. "Sweetie, now I know for sure that problem was caused by my first wife. She was all tits and no brains. Those horrible memories have been swept away by you and my other wives. It may be a cliché but it really is what's on the inside that counts."

Since none of us needed sleep we spent most of the evening talking about the future. I asked Rhonda to deliver the same question to her parents that I had asked ours.

She seemed to believe they'd agree quickly because of the frequent comments she heard them make about not looking forward to getting old.

I also told them that I was going to start volunteering at the local hospital. I wanted to begin by reading to the patients in the pediatric cancer ward. They quickly grasped my idea and the talking ended as I was attacked again by six gorgeous females.

I wasn't as enthusiastic. I remembered very clearly Loki's warning about not being able to help everyone. How bad would it suck when I encountered such a situation?

The plan was temporarily put on hold when Connie went into labor that evening. Everything went well and within three hours of our arrival at the hospital Wesley Charles Sussmann arrived right on schedule.

It was kind of scary at first. There was no crying at all and he looked at us with an expression that seemed to say "OK I'm here, now what?"

Connie and Wes only stayed for one day before being released and he was settled into our remodeled space. The three bedrooms had been changed to one and a nursery with a huge closet and a bathroom beyond imagining. The shower was big enough for twelve (possibly fifteen if you were as friendly as we were) and was a four-seater. They even included a bidet and a urinal.

Tina and Faith went with me after school Tuesday to see if they needed someone to do what we intended and were met with an enthusiastic yes!

We were each assigned a patient and grabbed some of the books we had brought. We had a wide variety and let Tina and Faith's patients choose first.

This had the advantage of letting me shake their hand for a quick scan. Tina was to read to an eleven year old girl named Martha. I was pleased to discover that she would probably make it without my help (I helped anyway She'd be going home soon).

Faith was assigned a fourteen year old boy named Jim. When he saw Faith his eyes lit up and a big smile appeared on his face. I liked him immediately, especially when his first words were "I must have died already, because I see an angel!"

Faith blushed and thanked him as I shook his hand and complimented him on his excellent taste in females. I stuttered once when the extent of his problem hit me. He had bone cancer and he had it bad. How in the name of Hel could he be so cheerful?

He looked at me strangely when I held onto his hand longer than I needed to. When I released it Faith saw my face and pulled me aside to ask what was up. I told her and she said loud enough for Jim to hear "you've got to tell him, there's no other way."

When we turned around he was frowning "tell me what, that I'm going to die? I've known that a long time. Are you going to wimp out like everybody else and leave me to do it alone?"

He got a "Hel no" in harmony and his smile came back.

"Good!" he enthusiastically said "got any sci-fi in there? I love to read but my damn hands shake because of the meds."

I sat down beside him and said "this sexy young thing will let you check out the books in a minute but I need to ask you if you can keep a secret first"

He actually laughed for a second until the pain hit and he groaned "that's rich! I won't need to keep it too long so I guess I can safely say I'll take it to my grave."

He looked pissed when I was done with my tale and snarled "that's not fucking funny, man. Get your weird asses out of my room before I call the nurse."

Faith took over and tried to calm him down "Jim, why not play along with us. What could it hurt if you do? It's not like you'll be any worse off or anything."

When he started to protest again she said "look, I'll make you a deal. Let us try and I'll lay a kiss on you that will make your hair stand up."

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Rosy Makes Me Cozy

I’m Nish (name changed), male, aged 28, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. After I posted couple of my experiences, I got a request from a Bangalore lady. We were speaking casually on Yahoo. I had an appointment on the same night, so I had to leave the chat, but asked her, if she was comfortable to speak over the phone. She did give her number and we spoke over phone till I reached the appointment place. Her name is Rosy, a very much jovial, cool and friendly person. We were in constant touch with each...

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Accidental AttractionChapter 5

Physiotherapy the next morning was not fun. Anita taught Reg how to use his crutches and then moved on to flexing his ankles. She also massaged them. She did this by having him sit on the side of the table while she sat on a chair in front of him and placed his foot between her ample breasts. "I lurve ankles," she growled at him and then laughed delightedly when he blushed. Finally she worked on his knee. That was the bit that was not fun. It hurt but she was careful not to overdo...

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Girlfriends aunt

I'm awakened by a text from my girlfriend who was already at work saying something about her aunt was going to stop by and pick up a pot thatshe had left after a family cookout a few weekends back. I'm all groggy and half ticked because this is one of the few days off I get and I'm awakened by nonsense pretty much.I respond with an ok, rolled over out of bed making my way to the bathroom with that morning wood bulging of course through my sweats when the door bell rings. I finish my business,...

3 years ago
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Sommertage II

Ein kleine GEWINNSPIEL: :-) --> Die Szenen aus der ERSTEN Geschichte waren alle wahr - bis auf eine! Okay, aus "dramaturgischen Gründen" (so "standfest" bin ich nicht wirklich) wurden die Szenen alle auf einen Tag zusammengeschrumpft. --> Die Szenen der ZWEITEN Geschichte sind alle erfunden - bis auf eine! Das sind alles Fantasien von mir und manche auch von meiner Frau. Super-Preisfrage: Welche Szene dieser zweiten Geschichte ist die echte (d.h. welcher Thread) ? :-) Jede gewünscht Antwort...

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My Hot Mommy Neigbhor

Hi to all Iss readers this is Nitin here mine English is poor but story is interesting. I’m 23 yrs of age n doing hardware n networking course the story is about my mom when I was of 18 yrs she is 47 now but nobody can say that she is more than 35.let me describe vital stats of my mom is 35c boobs 28 waist and 38 ass and fair color she is like a slut lusty figures and looks she has let me tell u that my father has a touring job and came home twice a year and cause of that my mom Is like sex...

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My Prince

As for me, I was taller than Connor but not by any means a tall guy. I had jet black hair and hazel eyes that I thought kind of resembled Connor's. I was skinny and I had just got my braces off so my teeth were pretty perfect which I though made me look more attractive. Alright so on with the story. I was in my room listening to my friends talk about whatever we talked about back then. I lived alone which most saw as a rare privilege but I was always lonely. Then one of the staff members...

4 years ago
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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 07

During the elevator ride down to my floor I thought about Tom’s offer to set up something special in Vegas. He had me intrigued and excited. I had been to Vegas many times when I was stripper and when I was working for the marketing company. I knew that it had its share of adult entertainment, strip clubs, sex clubs and legal prostitution just outside the city limits. It wasn’t called Sin City for nothing. Oh well, I was seeing a client in Vegas in a month or so. I made sure to save Tom’s card....

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Iravil Kathaliyai Avasaramaaga Oothen

Vanakam enathu peyar Abu, vayathu 27 enathu innum thirumanam aaga villai enathu uuril oru ilamaiyaana pennnai correct seithu matter adithukondu irukireen. Indru ungalidam avalai oothalile oru suvarasiyamaana sambavathai solgiren ithu enathu vaazhivil nadantha umbai sambavangal. Avalin peyar simren vayathu 20 paarka china penaga irupaal aanal avalin seigaigal appadi irukaathu. Aval kaamam meethu athigam aarvam kondaval ennai adikadi azhaithu sex seiyavendrum endru aasai paduvaal. Aval ithrku...

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23YearOld Girl Loses Virginity For Getting A Project

If I could turn back the clock and rewind this event then it would not exist anymore. But I can change neither the past nor this event. After the , I felt so guilty that I sometimes thought of killing myself for having done something which felt wrong. But it didn’t feel wrong at that time. I still ask myself these questions – Was it just out of lust and body wants? How could I ever let my body decide over my emotions? Did I love him more than just the body? I could not even reason to myself or...

1 year ago
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DetentionGirls Natalia Nix Sneaking Out

Stuck in a home for naughty girls with incredibly strict rules, Natalia Nix goes over the ropes with Tyler Steel, the daytime administrator. She decides to make a run for a night of freedom. She confirms her plan with her friend Mackenzie Mace, then goes into the closet to see what she can find. Spare bedsheets are just what Natalia needs to make a rope. She passes on dinner, then changes into some slutty clothes she snuck in. She makes her way to the roof and ties the bedsheets to a chair...

4 years ago
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Fan Li

Fan Li was a minister who lived in China from 516BC to 442BC and served under Gou Jian, King of Yue. He wrote a famous book called "Golden Rules of Business Success" which is still in publication to this day, 2500 years later. Little known though, is another book that he wrote just a few years before his death, an interesting tale steeped in legends near his hometown, of war and beautiful women, deception and eventual retirement. So, one non-fiction work, and another clearly a...

2 years ago
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My Bhabhi Is A Slut 8211 Part 2

Hi friends…. This is the part 2 of my earlier story my bhabhi is a slut- the beginning. Thanks for the response on my experience. Now coming to the story….. After the incident of my bhabhi with her friend. I saw that video and made sure that I should fuck her at any cost. I didn’t say about it to anybody and behaved normally with her. I thought of blackmailing her with the video. But the next day my brother returned from his trip from Bangalore. Then I thought to myself that this is not the...

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my cousin anna

well this happend to me a few years a go but i think i post it on here for you all to see a few years a go my cousin anna was liveing with us well i would joke a both her showing me her tits saying mom anna just flashed me but it was a joke i use to do that because she would allways dress in low cut shorts and late at night i could hear her useing her toys on her self from my room that made me horny and wanting her so i would listen to her and play with it till i cumed all over my bed well...

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Mum Caught Me

Mark laid back on his bed, cock in hand as he watched the adult video on his TV. The 14 yr olds mother would have a fit if she knew about the x rated tapes he hid in his room. It was almost six o'clock, Mum's usual time home from work and He knew he was taking a chance watching them. But he'd been so horny when he got home from school. He'd had an afternoon date with Sandra and she'd played little miss cockteaser again. If he didn't jerk off he'd burst. Mark was so wrapped up in his fantasy and...

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Night with Erika

Introduction: I spend a night with my friend Erika and get the unnexpected. It was a late night and I had just got home from practicing with his band. It was friday, I had nothing to do, like any normal friday night for me. It was 6:30 going to bed early was nothing new I would sometimes I would take naps that lasted 18 hours I called them short comasI took off his blue skinnies and his t- shirt and hopped into his bed as off couse I slipped my hands to rub his 6 inch cock completely shaved....

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Sky Sports Screws

"You'll never achieve anything with a degree in Media Studies and Broadcasting" The sound of your parents words still rang loudly in your eyes and had been ringing like that ever since you first announced to them that you were changing your University major from Business studies. They howled and wailed at you about never finding a decent job,that your head was still full of pointless dreams and wasn't it about time you grew up,you have ideas above your station young man. Yet you'd chosen to...

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Simply SaraChapter 5

Now it was morning - afternoon - and Sara shivered, thinking of the incredible night she had spent. She began to take stock of herself, now that it was over. She felt well. She wasn't particularly sore or injured in any way. Physically, she really felt better than usual. In fact, she felt great. She threw the covers off and went naked, first to the kitchen, starting coffee, and then to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her face, framed by the ferns and plants she grew in...

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A Roni B story LOUIEs TREAT

LOUIE GETS A GOOD LOOK Part One: THE MIRROR IMAGEI don’t know how many times I had caught my friend Lou looking down Roni’s blouse or up her skirt. In high school we were all on the swimming team and even at the beach we wore our team tank suits that were nothing more than flimsy nylon. When Roni walked out of the water, her hard nipples poked through the thin fabric like acorns under a cotton sheet. Louie would stare at her tits and his cock would get hard and show through his swimsuit.My dick...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 241

Say thanks to bobw40 for this one: ARROGANCE OF OLD AGE Yesterday morning I bought two six packs of beer on sale at the Liquor Store. I placed them on the front seat of the car and headed back home. ✧ ✧ ✧ I stopped at the service station where a drop-dead gorgeous, almost blonde was filling up her car at the next pump. ✧ ✧ ✧ It was very warm and she was wearing tight shorts and a light top which was wide open. She glanced at the beer, bent over and knocked on my passenger...

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13 The Julie Journals

***** Julie stopped for a moment to catch her breath and watching the people laughing and enjoying themselves as they chatted and drank. There must have been over a hundred people milling about, some enjoying the rare English sun, others trying to seek shade under the trees dotted about her large garden. Julie loved her annual get together as it gave her a chance to catch up with a lot of people she didn't see during the year. At the moment it was very pleasant and family orientated with...

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Dream MasterChapter 7

As I stepped through the doorway back into the glade, I felt both Jamie and Walter fall away from me. The rush of strength that had accompanied our merging ended when it did, and while I suddenly felt weak and tired, I knew it was returning to being just myself instead of the ... something more, that I had been moments before. It was only a shock because I wasn't expecting it. "That was awesome!" Jamie cried, then she staggered dizzily away for a few steps, almost falling before catching...

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Devilish cruelty

We watched it through and then went off to bed. We talked of the show and agreed that the plot had been rather stupid. Somehow though, we began talking of the kink the guy had towards girls. "I can't see any pleasure in hurting someone like that unless they wanted to be hurt," I commented. My wife was a little surprised and asked would I like hurting a girl if she wanted it. I felt a bit embarrassed at what I'd unthinkingly said. "Well, if someone wanted it," I mumbled. "Would you...

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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 8

We prepared for our next trip. The maps were studied and the cities picked out. We managed to get a rocket launcher for the truck that had no cannon. The rockets cost nearly four hundred thousand a pop so I was hesitant to use them. I only got them because I could trade directly for gold. We did have visual on the missiles so we could actually see what we were going to hit. With no aircraft, the weapon could not be used to its full potential. Some biker businessmen found three pilotless...

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Bend Me Shape Me Part 3

Bend me Shape me, number 3 by Vonya Lee The walk from the train station to Dan and Maria's condo is all uphill. I stop at the bottom of the staircase to catch my breath. I've never been this exhausted in my life. I'm spent. I don't know a soul around here and thank god for that. I don't want to see anyone right now. I doubt I'm capable of stringing together two coherent sentences. Pulling myself up the three flights of stairs takes all the strength I can muster. Opening the...

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The early morning light filled the hospital room, gently enveloping the three women standing guard over the man in the bed. He laid silently, his once muscular body now withered in pain, eaten from the inside out by cancer. A late-fortyish, petite brunette cradled the man’s hand next to her cheek. Her curly, shoulder length hair hid her pretty, tearstained face. Sitting beside her was a late-twenties version of the woman. On the other side of the bed was a thirtyish, tall attractive blonde,...

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 23 Saturday March 12 The Secrets Out

"But what has this got to do with Nathaniel Bristoll? I mean why do we have to be in this part of town? Why are Meredith and I dressed like this when it can only cause trouble, and what about if you can't handle it? And you still haven't told us about this whole business with Nathan, I mean Meredith is involved now. And don't forget we have to go to Armstrong's place tomorrow night and get fucked til we've got cum coming out of our ears." "Oh Anne," said Meredith with a lecherous...

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Life Best College Trip

Hi guys this is my first time I’m submitting a story… I’ve been a huge reader of Indian sex stories from long time this time I got lucky and wished to submit my story too… So it goes like this. I’m a Mumbai based college student of 21 yrs of age… From a reputable engineering college… With a good height of 5.11 feet tall….Six pack abs body and curvy muscles… And a 6 inch tool than can satisfy any woman to heaven…We here at engineering gets a trip every time just once in a year for 10 to 15 days...

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Effet Papillon Part 3

Effet Papillon Par Ness Coquine 3e partie. 5. Apr?s avoir joui en moi, Franck ne mit pas bien longtemps ? reprendre des forces. Il faut dire que Elodie n'avait pas tra?n?. A peine rentr?e, elle s'?tait vite chang?e dans quelque chose de plus confortable, un ensemble de lingerie tr?s ?chancr? qui ne cachait rien de sa superbe anatomie. Franck se jeta sur elle avec la m?me ardeur que celle qu'il avait manife...

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Disappearance at Bear Lake Vol 01

———————————————————————————– FOREWORD: ———————————————————————————– This is an epistolary horror story, in the tradition of Stephen King’s Carrie or Bram Stoker’s Dracula. It’s like the literary equivalent of a found-footage movie, I suppose. I’d understand if few readers felt it was a worth-while endeavour to wade through such an unusual mode of story-telling just to get their metaphorical rocks off, but, for those of you who are looking for a more elaborate and involved sort of story, I...

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Getting Back At My Wife Pt2

Both of us continued down this naughty spiral of dirty,naughty and always unprotected sex.She was also married but hated her husband and always told me I was far more superior to him in looks,brains and cock size which made me feel very good. I started feeling myself falling very deeply in love with her I mean she was gorgeous(to me)had an amazing pussy which I couldnt stay out of and was very thick in all the right places and at one point she could tell me to do anything(besides leave my...

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Young Guy Gang Banged In Moving Train

I am a fan of ISS. This story is about how I got in love with ! I am 22 years old, but people get surprised when they hear my age. They say that I look only like an 18-year-old as I am slim and I have no moustache or beard. This incident happened two years ago. It was a college trip to Manali. We were 24 of us. We booked a travel package from an online site. But as we live in south India, we had to go by train. So we booked tickets for 24 people. We got on the train in the morning. It was S7...

Gay Male
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A bad date

Chapter 1( comment at [email protected])  After another party with friends, Paul went home. It was going to be a calm evening because his younger brother Mike would be away. Paul was drunk enough and he just wanted to get to bed as soon as possible.  Entering the apartment, the man saw his brother still getting dressed. In fact, Mike was almost dressed except for his polished shoes. He wanted to look like Mr. Right in the eyes of his new girlfriend. Although she didn’t know that she wasn’t...

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