RetreadsChapter 26 free porn video

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I knew something was up as soon as we got home Monday and was afraid it was bad. Mom, Jane and Gail met us in the driveway and grabbed my hand along with Tina, Angie, and Kathy.

We asked what was wrong and felt relieved when They laughed. Jane said "words can't describe it. This is something you just have to see for yourselves."

When we got there I had to admit they were right. The children were all over the living room table. They were talking and drawing on large sheets of paper. This may not sound that strange, at least until you realized that only one of them had seen their first birthday and they used complete sentences.

Upon further examination the fact that they weren't scribbling would certainly astonish most people. It sure blew me away to see what appeared to be a set of blueprints drawn to scale. They took a break when they saw us, climbing down and screaming as they ran to us for kisses and hugs.

That didn't last long as they were eager to show us what they were doing. We were just as eager to find out. I knew what it looked like but Angie voiced it "is that a space ship?" she asked Paul.

He nodded seriously and said "yep! Not just any space ship though. It's a colony ship to go to another planet. The Gods said we'd need it so we thought we'd better get started now."

Yet another shock but this one needed some questions answered before we could satisfy our curiosity about the drawings. It turns out that more than one of the gods had been visiting with the children periodically.

Our children apologized for not being able to answer all of our questions but said that they were told that the gods would handle it. I certainly hoped it was soon.

As for the vessel, it was a colony ship of massive proportions that would require a construction facility be built in space to put together. I asked about how they intended to power it and Paul sheepishly said "that's Aaron's job. I got the ship and he got the drive. We're helping each other though. Actually, somebody else is supposed do the drive but he's supposed to help too. They told us not to tell who the other person was."

Angie hadn't said anything until now but she made Paul's day when she gave him a fierce hug and said she thought it was beautiful. Coming from her, that was quite a compliment.

We let them get back to work and went to the basement at our place for a conference. When everyone started talking at once I raised my hand and they all got quiet.

I probably looked as angry and confused as I felt when I addressed them. "I know we all want answers but we won't find them without help."

I closed my eyes and silently thought "Loki... Freyja... will you please help us understand what our children are becoming?" and when I opened them they were there.

Loki smiled and said "thank you Mathias, for not bellowing in anger as most mortals would have."

I sighed and told him "I wanted us to be able to speak with you. I'm sure there is an explanation and getting mad about the inevitable is pointless."

Freyja looked at Loki and quipped "he is intelligent" before turning to us and stating "most of what has occurred with your offspring is simple genetics. Matthias is probably the most intelligent mortal this world has ever seen. What he asked for upon his return will be passed on to all children he sires. The fact that in almost all cases the mother will certainly contribute a considerable gift as well insures that his get will produce what amounts to a new race of humans. To a slightly smaller degree this applies to all of you. After Mathias every mortal we assisted in their new beginning has a much larger use of their mental capabilities than they once possessed."

She looked at Tina and continued "except for you, my dear. You were so close to ideal in mental capacity there was no need. The children you bear Mathias will be amazing. I will let my companion continue from here."

At her nod, Loki spoke "thank you, dear one." Before turning to us "We asked you to return to save this world. That has not changed but it will only provide a temporary solution. Eventually this world will cease to sustain life and nothing can be done to prevent it. There are two tasks. First save this world for now and then save your species. I can tell you now that three hundred and twenty years from now the Earth's moon will move far enough away from the planet to allow its orbit to deteriorate. This will cause erratic and unpredictable climate changes. The resulting extreme weather conditions will preclude food production. In short, it will truly be Ragnorok. If a suitable planet can be found in time it might be possible to start anew. You must continue your species if it is to survive."

Kathy had been pracyically jumping up and down and finally couldn't wait any longer "please forgive me for interrupting but this would take generations. We could help begin the preparations but how would we insure the completion of this task? Also, what of my daughter Frieda? Her biological father was certainly no genius and neither am I. I also was not returned from the future, so how can it be that she seems so advanced?"

This made Loki chuckle before he answered "don't sell yourself short young lady. While it is true that Frieda's sire left much to be desired, his mother did not. We took the liberty of giving you as much help mentally as we did the others. We did this as soon as you agreed to join this mission because your task is the most important of all. Your daughter inherited every bit of this additional capacity. You might go as far as to say she is almost a clone of you. Also, you will be alive to see the completion of your work if you have the desire to do so. I'm afraid that the changes we have wrought in you make that entirely possible. That doesn't mean you cannot die but age will not take you unless you desire it to do so. With your combined talents you might be surprised at how swiftly you can proceed. Now if there is nothing else, I must go."

I stopped him with one more question "Aaron mentioned someone else was supposed to design the power source for the ship. Can you give us any idea who that might be?"

He took Tina and I by the hand and said "I already told you that your children will be amazing" as he faded away.

Everyone remained in stunned silence until Tina turned to me and stated "time to knock me up, big boy."

Everyone but me got a laugh out of that. I knew she was serious but then again, they probably did too. As soon as we were alone, she confirmed my belief by stating that she thought that she should graduate early and start college as soon as our child would allow her to do so. I would have been eager even if I hadn't known about the destiny our children were to attempt to fulfill.

We stopped to visit the youngsters before running the idea past our parents. The more questions we asked about the plans the more impressed we became.

Paul seemed a bit frustrated and Tina commented on it. He gave a sigh that would have sounded dejected if it had originated from an adult and said "I can't say" before donning a dazed expression for a moment. He quickly recovered and said "I can now! Boy, I'll be glad when we get more help. Too bad we have to wait for you and mommies Tina, Faith, and Rhonda to have more babies. We can't do some of the design until you do. At least mommy Connie is getting us some help soon."

When I recovered I asked why he was so anxious. Paul pointed at Tina and said "your babies have to do the drive system. Mommy Faith's has some really neat stuff to invent that makes things, and mommy Rhonda's is supposed to come up with what we're supposed to build the ships out of. Wes is the defense expert."

Tina was finally able to talk again and suggested that they might occupy the time by designing the facility where the ships would be built and figuring out where the labor to do it would be found.

I used the opportunity to bring up a major concern of mine. "Where are the crews and support people supposed to come from? With the ships you're laying out we'd need thousands for the crews and that's not counting the numbers we need for a colony."

Aaron decided to help Paul out on that one and said "Uncle Bryan and Aunt Paula could help us out there daddy, along with Aunt Lin and Uncle Adam. There are supposed to be people from California and a lot of other places too."

I was shaking my head when I noticed mom and dad trying to suppress their laughter in the kitchen doorway. When I asked what was so funny pop quipped "just thinking that we need a bigger house. Again!"

I looked at the others and asked if they could join my folks in the kitchen, explaining that I would be there shortly. Tina looked worried at my expression but seemed relieved when I kissed her and said it was nothing for her to be concerned about.

I ran back downstairs and whispered "changer? I hate to bother you again but I have a favor to ask of you if I may."

Loki immediately appeared and smiled as he said "what can I do for you Matthias? You sound worried."

I took a deep breath and asked "is there any way the changes you made to me can be made for my parents? I lost my father once already and at the time of my return, my mother was in bad shape. I don't think I could go through that again and remain sane."

He was still smiling as he replied "why not do it yourself? That healing ability of yours does more than you seem to be aware of. Because of your earlier healing of them they will already be immune to diseases common to growing old. All that remains are some minor changes which would effectively halt the aging process. You can't make someone younger, but they wouldn't grow older. Look for the knowledge in your mind and I think you will find it."

I was so overcome with relief that I actually hugged him before thinking that hugging a god might not be healthy. Of course Loki being who he was I found myself with my arms full of a very nude Ann-Margaret instead of a pissed off god. He laughed at my discomfort as he kissed me on the forehead and said "you're welcome. Do not hesitate to call on us. We have never found a frivolous reason for you doing so" before fading out.

I ran to the kitchen even faster than I had run to the basement. As soon as I arrived Tina started talking a mile a minute until I stopped her with a kiss. "Hold on babe" I explained "this can't wait."

As I related my conversation with the changer I was worried about the looks our parents were exchanging. They were silent for a minute after I was done before dad said "I think your mother and I need to discuss this first. It's a very big decision, you know. Something like this would be hard to explain and I for one don't want to become a lab experiment. I think we can let you know tomorrow. I wouldn't mind the additional mental capacity but the longevity requires some thought."

I just swallowed and nodded before forcing a smile and saying "now what was my lovely sister-wife just bursting to tell me?"

Mom was elected spokesperson and she said "we were discussing the future lack of space and logistical problems. Your father and I thought that if everyone planned on attending state, we might use the land in Hazard and build something out in the middle of the mountains. We already have the land and nosy neighbors are few and far between. Security would be easier for all the things you're up to and gossip about the way we live would be easier to contain."

When we asked if the cost would be a problem he cracked up "Matt, we're making money so fast that we had to open some off shore accounts. We've been buying the land you suggested as well just have to use some of it. Unfortunately, the buyers you told us would eventually want it have already been making offers at an unreal profit margin for us. I took the initiative of also buying land for future research and manufacturing facilities. We chose areas that would be hardest hit by the fact that coal and oil will be obsolete. We concentrated those in Appalachia as well as the gulf coast area. Construction has already started on the computer manufacturing complex in Hazard and we bought land in Kentucky, Wyoming, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania since it was so cheap."

I suggested that with what his grandchildren were working on there might be more land to consider. Desert property could be purchased for a song and would make an excellent choice for a spaceport.

He promised to look into it soon and suggested a meeting to discuss relocating before everyone started college, adding "you might want to call a meeting for everyone else on the island over Yule break to go over the new developments with them. I'm sure you'll find them helpful with technology, cash, and staffing. If a colony is actually started you won't want only people from North America. I believe we should at least begin with a diverse population even if it does eventually blend into one. I only hope that if it does come about there is only one government. War sucks and it would be easier for everyone to get along that way."

We heartily agreed and left to make the phone calls, some of which were overseas. I took care of those while Rhonda handled the locals and California. A meeting was set up for Monday (tomorrow), the following weekend, and over the holidays. Monday was for our group and next weekend was to clue our California people in. When we gave Sally some idea about what was up she couldn't wait any longer than that.

The girls and I headed home only to find we had company. It seems Sally wasn't the only impatient one because Gail, Angie, and Faith were waiting for us.

As soon as we hit the door Angie said "Paula, and Jackie will be here in a minute and we all want to know what's going on."

It looked like it would be a long night, and it was. It looked like I'd be a father again before a year was up. More than once it seems. Faith saw no reason to wait and Jackie didn't either.

Paula and Rhonda were both eager but reality got in the way. Paula said she was going to talk to her mother about finally cluing her dad in to our situation. He would have to know the whole story so he didn't totally freak.

I had a feeling it wouldn't be hard to convince him. He didn't know it but his wife had been following our investment advice too. He'd probably faint when he found out his family was worth over ten million instead of the two he thought they had.

He might be a bit more shocked when he found out about Bryan. I had no doubt that he would be the father.

Rhonda had baseball to think about and we decided it would be best to wait until between high school graduation and the beginning of college. When our little meeting broke up all the girls were ready for bed.

During a lull in the inevitable lovemaking that followed, Connie was snuggled up to me and said "I'm glad you got over your dislike of big boobs"

After the laughter died down we realized she was upset so I explained again. "Sweetie, now I know for sure that problem was caused by my first wife. She was all tits and no brains. Those horrible memories have been swept away by you and my other wives. It may be a cliché but it really is what's on the inside that counts."

Since none of us needed sleep we spent most of the evening talking about the future. I asked Rhonda to deliver the same question to her parents that I had asked ours.

She seemed to believe they'd agree quickly because of the frequent comments she heard them make about not looking forward to getting old.

I also told them that I was going to start volunteering at the local hospital. I wanted to begin by reading to the patients in the pediatric cancer ward. They quickly grasped my idea and the talking ended as I was attacked again by six gorgeous females.

I wasn't as enthusiastic. I remembered very clearly Loki's warning about not being able to help everyone. How bad would it suck when I encountered such a situation?

The plan was temporarily put on hold when Connie went into labor that evening. Everything went well and within three hours of our arrival at the hospital Wesley Charles Sussmann arrived right on schedule.

It was kind of scary at first. There was no crying at all and he looked at us with an expression that seemed to say "OK I'm here, now what?"

Connie and Wes only stayed for one day before being released and he was settled into our remodeled space. The three bedrooms had been changed to one and a nursery with a huge closet and a bathroom beyond imagining. The shower was big enough for twelve (possibly fifteen if you were as friendly as we were) and was a four-seater. They even included a bidet and a urinal.

Tina and Faith went with me after school Tuesday to see if they needed someone to do what we intended and were met with an enthusiastic yes!

We were each assigned a patient and grabbed some of the books we had brought. We had a wide variety and let Tina and Faith's patients choose first.

This had the advantage of letting me shake their hand for a quick scan. Tina was to read to an eleven year old girl named Martha. I was pleased to discover that she would probably make it without my help (I helped anyway She'd be going home soon).

Faith was assigned a fourteen year old boy named Jim. When he saw Faith his eyes lit up and a big smile appeared on his face. I liked him immediately, especially when his first words were "I must have died already, because I see an angel!"

Faith blushed and thanked him as I shook his hand and complimented him on his excellent taste in females. I stuttered once when the extent of his problem hit me. He had bone cancer and he had it bad. How in the name of Hel could he be so cheerful?

He looked at me strangely when I held onto his hand longer than I needed to. When I released it Faith saw my face and pulled me aside to ask what was up. I told her and she said loud enough for Jim to hear "you've got to tell him, there's no other way."

When we turned around he was frowning "tell me what, that I'm going to die? I've known that a long time. Are you going to wimp out like everybody else and leave me to do it alone?"

He got a "Hel no" in harmony and his smile came back.

"Good!" he enthusiastically said "got any sci-fi in there? I love to read but my damn hands shake because of the meds."

I sat down beside him and said "this sexy young thing will let you check out the books in a minute but I need to ask you if you can keep a secret first"

He actually laughed for a second until the pain hit and he groaned "that's rich! I won't need to keep it too long so I guess I can safely say I'll take it to my grave."

He looked pissed when I was done with my tale and snarled "that's not fucking funny, man. Get your weird asses out of my room before I call the nurse."

Faith took over and tried to calm him down "Jim, why not play along with us. What could it hurt if you do? It's not like you'll be any worse off or anything."

When he started to protest again she said "look, I'll make you a deal. Let us try and I'll lay a kiss on you that will make your hair stand up."

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Lessons in Love

This is an excerpt from a story which I wrote called ‘A Stranger At The Well’. The story is a fairy tale, set in another time and place. Rachel is not a modern day character. She is eighteen, but naive and ingenuous, having been raised in isolation before she meets Donald, a more worldly and experienced person, who falls in love with her and marries her in a private ceremony on her small farm. Donald could not help wondering how much Rachel understood about the part of marriage that took place...

2 years ago
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LoveHerFeet Scarlett Mae My Tinder Date

My parents were out of town so I was home alone. While browsing on Tinder I got a message from this guy. He looked hot from his pictures and he was cute through our texts so since I’m always horny I figured just why not? So I invited him over. While waiting for him, I changed into a sexy deep red lingerie. He arrived soon after changing. He stepped in the doorway and after some quick small talk, we started making out. It was so hot knowing that he is just some hot stranger. Before I knew it, he...

3 years ago
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Sacred Seedings

Brenda is a natural “high priestess”. She is a “Substantial Figure” in body and personality. Quite beautiful with dark brown eyes, full lips, more than 6 ft tall, long blond hair, a very full but shapely figure with a firm bosom equal to two average women. She exudes a strong but warm personality. It was discovered at puberty that she had congenitally absent fallopian tubes. She still had menstrual periods and a high libido. Realizing that she could not possibly get pregnant turned her loose,...

4 years ago
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Sheetal Makes Me Bang Her Daughter

Hello readers. This is Rohan again. I am going to tell you more about my sex life with my maid Sheetal. Sheetal is a 45 year old woman. She is chubby and has dark skin tone. Sheetal has got long black hair. It feels like heaven to hold her hair when she gives blowjobs. She has got large hanging boobs. She always wears saree which feels great to remove from a woman’s body and have sex with her. She is a sex goddess when it comes to taking virginity. She took my virginity and had sex with me...

1 year ago
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Father and daughter

Note :This story is completely fictional! My is very much like her mother. She dresses sexy like her mom and she loves to tease like her mom. Amny times we have been out driving about and my wife and my daughter would flash truckers or let someone see up a skirt when getting in or out of the car. All this would do nothing but get me extremely excited. The sight of my hot looking wife and my sexy teenage daughter flashing and teasing was a huge turn on. At home we were all very open about nudity...

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Something New Something Red

Samantha stood with her nose pressed against the wall and with her hands placed firmly above her head. She could hear several voices behind her and knew that they belonged to friends of Janet.Samantha and Janet had met several weeks earlier. Samantha was twenty-one-years-old and was at a party when thirty-four-year-old Janet arrived. They started chatting to each other and although there was quite an age gap between them they decided to meet up the following weekend. That meeting ended with...

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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 10

CHUCK - Tuesday DAY 9 part # 1 We were enjoying our hotel breakfast when I turned to speak to John. "Please make sure that Steve doesn't over stretch himself after I leave," I told him. "That's totally unnecessary,." Steve protested, "I'm fine today." Unfortunately, he winced slightly as he turned; the girls saw this and ganged up on him, insisting that he certainly wasn't fine yet... He had to accept their ruling... We decided to go get the Citation from McCarran and fly it...

3 years ago
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My first clumsy man on man experience

Finally I am sitting down to continue the story of my sexual exploration. It has been almost two years since Mandy and I had a roll with Jay. Jay and I kept in contact and exchanged mails occasionally. We haven’t had another threesome with Mandy again. We have however managed to hook up and continue my bisexual discovery. Here’s the continuation of the story (it follows on from my other true story “I just popped out for some smokes”)  After Jay’s departure we lay cuddled up next to each...

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Diary of How I Became a Gay Sex Slave chapter 4

I don't hear from Darren for another week. Then I get a package in the mail. There is a 9” dildo, not too thick, and a plane ticket, for Friday, August 5th. There is a return ticket for Monday, August 22nd. That would be two weeks, 16 nights to be exact. No way I can do that. In the same package is another envelope, inside are two pictures of me, surrounded by black cocks. There is also a note, telling me to excerise my ass muscles with the dildo, to make them stronger and...

4 years ago
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Well That Backfired1

My brother is shy. Shyness is endearing up to a point, but at eighteen years old, it goes from cute, to pathetic. You think he’d get out of his fucking shell by now, but nope; Tom is still the awkward, apprehensive boy he’s been his entire life. He’ll be heading off to college soon, and if he doesn’t open up, the best years of his life are going to be spent jerking it in a dorm. He’s a sweet kid, (listen to me patronizing him; he’s a year older than me for fuck’s sake!), but sweetness doesn’t...

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Fun With Mature Aunt Part 2

Hi friends, this is sandy back again with the continuation of the story fun with mature aunt – part 1 .I know it’s been so late to post my story so sorry for the inconvenience . Thank you for the responses for the last story and I would appreciate more feedbacks about my story whether it is good or bad it is always acceptable. Any ladies or girls need anything can contact me and your privacy is mine and contact me at Now coming to the story for those who don’t know me I am sandy from...

4 years ago
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Lustful Threesome 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone. A big Hi for all the fantastic people in this Indian sex stories website. Myself Rahul and I live in the Pub Capital of India yeah!!! You guessed it right Bangalore. After being a passive member from last 3 years, here I am writing my true incident for you to enjoy. Comments / Critics please welcome. Pass on your message, which would help me improve. Coming to this story, since part of Bangalore, Pub hopping is the norm of the day and I am also bitten by this bug and from the...

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Passage to IndiaChapter 5

Finally, the Montague sisters were safely home in the land of their ancestors. The long sea voyage had its ups and downs and had been fraught with conflicts and stresses that impacted Faith, Hope and Charity in different ways. The sight of the high white chalk cliffs brought no sense of memory to any of them because they had been born in a far-away place in an ornate palace dedicated to the pleasure of the ruling masters. Their only remaining parent had expired shortly after their birth and...

4 years ago
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A Solution for Disobedient Boys 2

John and Sylvia have Billy ready for the bus that will take him to the academy and Billy have already decided he doesn't want to go. Now, though they told them they don't need to send him with clothes they are sending him with a few articles of clothing because they didn't tell him what kind of facility it is. John was outside at the curb with Billy and Billy said, "I won't get into any more trouble I promise." John said, "Billy this is good for you and it is tough for us but...

2 years ago
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French Lessons

Thanks go to Anne Baker for the French help and editing. French Lessons - by Couture (c)2002 After I'd finished my morning laps in the pool, I dried off, walked inside, tossed my towel on the arm of the sofa and proceeded to make myself a healthy shake. Sophie, the maid, walked in tisking to herself and eyeing me dubiously, as she picked up my towel, "?a alors, il ne ramasse jamais, celui-la," she muttered in her heavily accented voice. I used to wonder what she was saying. ...

2 years ago
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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 3 Good Vibrations

Webber walked up the path that led to the entrance of the Krell barracks, her tablet computer clutched tightly to her chest as her heeled shoes clicked on the artificial stone, passing beneath the palm trees and decorative ferns while loitering Krell turned to watch her with curious eyes. She didn’t wear the heels for show, they were not flashy or sexy, merely in order to gain a crucial inch so that her taller colleagues might take her more seriously. At five feet and four inches she was so...

3 years ago
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Drinking On The Job

It was a typical day at the office for Ann, a 50-something married brunette. Paperwork and more paperwork! The only thing that was making her day a little less boring were the glances she was getting from one of her male colleagues that occupied the office next to hers. Every time she walked past him she could feel his eyes burning into her crotch and she knew he craved what lay beneath her skirt and knickers. Ann had fucked this colleague before but despite both swearing they would never...

3 years ago
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I have become my wife’s slut. I crave cock in my ass and filling me up all day.   I daydream about what my wife will do to me when I get home. I am desperate for the time to come when I leave the office for home and my wife’s coke buried deep in my ass. I have become her whore. I just love her cock inside of my ass. I have been feeling a new sensation lately. Maybe I had it from before and was not paying attention and maybe it just started providing me bigger and better orgasm. I have...

Love Stories
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Valentine8217s Day Activities

This story is about Valentine’s day activities when I was in Chennai for my MBA. I was staying at an apartment with a local family. The apartment was a 3 BHK, but I stayed in one room, and other rooms were used by the family members. The family consisted of a husband, wife, and son. The husband was an engineer and would come to the house only for sleep and go abroad for many months. The wife, Shruti, was a homemaker and would pamper me with all kinds of dishes. Their son was a year younger than...

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The Summer Job Ill Never Forget Part 3

As dawn broke across the rolling hills, I awoke with Lori lying on top of me. I don’t know how many times we fucked. Lori seemed to be insatiable after being without sex for so long. I remembered that when we finished that last time, she laid her head on my chest and told me how good it felt to have a man again. We both soon succumbed to sleep a short time thereafter. I knew that she desperately wanted sex and I was more than happy to spend the night satisfying her every need. ...

2 years ago
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The Professional Whore 8211 Part 4 The Fountain On Her Cleavage

Disclaimer: This is a completely fictional story and a creation of my imagination. Any similarity to anyone alive or dead is purely coincidental. If you enjoy this story, if it made you wet or hard, if it made your insides tingle, leave me feedback. Your feedbacks fuel my imagination. . – TH(the author) Aaron loved what he saw. Her deep valley and perfect round bosom made him drool. Jenny cupped his face. His recently shaved beard pricked her soft palm. She ran her hand beside his ears and...

1 year ago
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After the Camping Trip

After the camping trip I would visit Susan (my teachers wife) a couple times a week. I'd get out of school early when my teacher was still in school and I'd go to his house to find his sexy wife waiting for me. When I go there its always the highlight of my week. I'd get a incredible blowjob and a tight cunt to fuck all afternoon long. We would fuck all around her house in every position and doing everything possible. My favorite place we fucked though was on her dining room table. One...

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Sisters Fiery Lust 1

“Have you looked in the laundry room? That’s the only place that I can think that they would be.” She heard her sister stop in front of her door. Time ticked slowly by as she waited for Becca to walk away, and finally, after an eternity, she did. Cassie sighed with relief, and settled back down onto her small twin bed. Smiling at her small ruse, she grabbed the shorts Becca had been looking for, and inhaled their smell deeply, rubbing her small cunt at the same time. She had been using the cum...

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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 12 The Detour

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Wednesday, June 22nd, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Eugene, OR I was thrilled to see Eugene, Oregon still stood. Many of the small towns that lined I-5 had been gutted years ago. I shuddered to think how many people were butchered by the Holy Liberation Army. It marched somewhere ahead of us. We saw evidence of their large campsites. They didn't seem to be hunting us, but marching with purpose. "They're marching fast," Chase had noted two days ago....

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Some Kind of HeroChapter 21

The doorway opening in the basement wall broke Cooper and I out of whatever state we'd been in and suddenly everything returned to normal. Well, except for their being a door to nowhere in the wall. "Enter," Bud said dramatically. "Its dark," Cooper pointed out. "There was a flashlight in the utility room," I offered, remembering seeing it sitting on a shelf by the fuse panel while we'd been in there with Bobby yesterday. I walked back and grabbed it, realizing it was one of those...

5 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 21

The Suburban took us north at way beyond the speed limit, and I could just spot two more keeping pace, protecting us. We turned toward the Gulf, and pretty soon our driver pulled inside the garage of a three story, beachfront estate that looked like Frank Lloyd Wright could have designed it. A glance was all I got because as quickly as we pulled in, the door went down behind us. Catherine looked at us and said, "We found this home for sale, and bought it using funds that were ... let's...

3 years ago
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A Late Night In The Office

A Late Night in the Office Hardtimes69 She sat on the floor on the plush carpet when he turned her, nuzzling her neck, his breath warm, and his mouth even warmer as he kissed her skin. ‘You want it, don’t you?’ he murmured in her ear, his hands sliding down over her breasts, her hips and thighs as he rubbed his crotch against her tight ass. She whimpered, her head falling back to rest on his shoulder. ‘Please…’ she whispered, shivering as his warm hands played with the hem on her sundress and...

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Doing it all OverChapter 16

Saturday, the 28th of July 1984. Dad and I dressed in our suits and climbed into the car for the trip to Blessed Sacrament church. Mom stayed behind, her official reason being that someone had to stay with Tracy. This was only an excuse and everyone knew it. Tracy's cast had been removed and she was now able to hobble around on the braces that had been installed. She was starting physical therapy the following Monday and would no longer need an ambulance to take her places. Tracy would have...

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Saga of Sam JonesChapter 4

Buddy was on his feet. "I'll start. Remember I hadn't been married very long and I had a beautiful wife I was leaving behind. There were two young kids who were just getting used to me being a father to them and we were getting along great. But some of the family was worried about Samson and Son of Grey Goose, who have never been very far from home. Judy was among those who had concerns. I promised Judy that if I went, I would never leave her side again. Bear witness what I'm saying and...

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3 Days of Watching my Wife Fuck

3 Days of Watching my Wife Fuck - Must ReadWatching several twenty-one year old men alternate fucking your beautiful thirty-seven year old wife over the course of three days and nights, might be enough to send most men to a mental institution. Up until last year, I would have been one of them. But I have learned that no one really knows how they might feel or how they would react until they are there, especially when a cosmically perfect set of circumstances falls into place.Ever since our...

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Monica becomes a SUB I Beginning

I’m a fairly normal 17 year old boy. I’ve been told that I’m not hard to look at and being on the swim team has kept me in great shape. I do the normal things like play video games with friends, hang out at the mall, chase girls, and watch porn on the computer. I’ve found that I have more than one fetish but more often than not I fantasize about dominant-submissive scenarios with me being the Dom. Those are the type of videos I tend to seek out on the Internet. I’ve had several girlfriends...

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The Day i met Amy the cum Queen

back in 2007 i was lucky enough to meet Amy, a super hot babe of 26, with big red lips & a thick mass of long blonde curly hair she was a small girl, just five feet tall, & very slim with large tits for her size, with big long nipples that stood up proud & perky..... Amy was the perfect girl friend, a total babe & a total slut! with a fetish for dressing up & role play & old men ! i first meet her in a sex shop in the next town to where i lived. i was in the shop one...

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